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Other Hobbies

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besides diapers and the like i am sure some of you have some other unrelated interesting hobbies.

mine include

guns & shooting. i dont hunt, i dont have the patience for it. i own a shotgun (tactical) pistol grip pump with pistol grip forearm. i own a 10/22 rugger carbine, a lamma .45 sub compact and a buck mark .22 pistol.

playing guitar & drums. im not in a band, was in high school, but it is relaxing.

drinking booze. addiction/hobby,....whatever i used to brew beer before it became cheaper to just buy the stuff. i would like to learn how to make wine from a buddie's dad who makes the stuff but we have timing issues with our jobs.


STANDUP: i enjoy a good stand up show and comedieans. my favorites are dead: pryor, carlin, hedberg, kenison. WATCH OUT JIM GAFFIGAN!

COMEDIC WRITTINGS (not by stand up comedians though i enjoy their work): dave berry, tucker max, fran lebowitz, jetlag travel guides, maddox,...

COMIC STRIPS: get fuzzy, the perry bible fellowship, red meat, the city, nonsequitur,...

TV: family guy, OLD simpsons, drawn together, OLD SNL, OLDER madtv,

MOVIES heres a short list: caddy shack, young frankenstein, borat, airplane.

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My hobbies are quite few; I play the guitar, used to play in a black metal band, now I make my own songs. Hoping to get it recorded and released some sunny day! As I am studying philosophy( I know, not really a hobby, but anyway...), quite a few books on that subject is being read. Besides that, I watch mostly horrorfilms( sad thing that most of the films being peddled as horror these days is pure excrement, so often I just watch my old films over again, he, he) and drink beer. Yeah, that`s it, enough for me really. :beer:

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Not sure they are that interesting but my hobbies include :-

Music :- Love to listen to live music, and playing the piano. I can play through the entire Rocky Horror picture show with only about 100 mistakes ;)

Fishing :- My chill out time, a couple of rods and a few smokes and some times a fish aswell.

Ballet :- Not really a hobby, its more used as laughing theropy. Cant wait to get back to prancing about.

Jet ski :- A new hobby this year.

some others I do a few times a year include flying, Go karting and Moto X.

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Ah yes, truly the Rest of Our Lives.

Hobbies for myself are many and various.

Music: Just about everything. I especially love Rock and Alt. Rock, but am a vocalist personally and love good classical oratorio (e.g. Handel's Messiah), opera, and musical theatre.

Games: Variety. I love video games, especially RPG's and dungeon crawlers. Diablo II has long been at the top of my list of favorite games. I love to play RPG's (paper based ones) as its a great excuse to get together with friends and be wierd for awhile. I also love tabletop wargames (especially Warhammer 40k), its a great combination of tactics, painting, customization, and planning. You can basically do anything you want with your army.

Reading: SciFi, Fantasy, and Historical Fiction lover here.

Comics, especially WebComics: Time to plug my favorite comics here. Something Positive, XKCD, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Turn Signals on a Land Raider, 8-bit Theatre, Looking for Group, Penny Arcade, Order of the Stick

Outdoor: Hiking, Skiing, Camping

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I'm a video game player... Kingdom Hearts fan. I play Halo and Resistance and Guitar Hero and Brawl... I own all the next gen systems.

I also like electronics aside from the games... computers, phones, stuff like that.

I am taking a guitar class, but so far i cant play anything past Jingle Bells. Hopefully this will develop into a bigger hobby.

I am trying to read more, but i can't because of school and work and all. Time is short. I suppose i can add writing as a hobby though. Abby's not my only piece of work.


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Guest refridginator

I like to surf, skate(used to have a skateboard, replaced it with a sweet shortish longboard), play basketball with some ex coworkers, play guitar, i have a TON of video games and... i play them :P and occasionally, it goes down like "party hardy rock n roll, drink a fifth and smoke a bowl." but most of the time i'm not that social, i like to keep to myself and act the hermit that i might one day become... oh, and i just go out and swim sometimes too. :D

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