Bizmarkie Posted June 2, 2024 Posted June 2, 2024 The Coffee Shop “So, Colin, is this your first time doing something like this?” Karen asked the young man as he sat across from her and her husband at the local coffee shop. Sweating bullets, but trying not to show it, the nervous young man could only mutter a simple “Uh huh” as his eyes struggled to look anywhere except Karen’s calm, loving gaze. A month past his 18th birthday, Colin was finally a free young man, ready to start his freshman year at the Ohio State University, and his first mission upon unpacking his dorm room had been to finally reach out through the internet and find some other people in the world that shared his peculiar interest. He hadn’t expected to be so successful so quickly, and yet here he found himself, just a few days later, sitting across from a couple about the same age as his own mom and dad, who happened to be very interested in the same thing as him. “That’s okay, sweetheart. There’s no need to be embarrassed. You should feel better knowing that Mark and I are not at all new to this. We were so excited to hear from you, and we’ll take extra good care of you if you still want to come check out our house after this,” Karen reassured the boy as she looked him over. Mark sat to her left, quietly sipping his coffee as he observed the interaction with young Colin. After a brief moment of awkward silence, Mark spoke, attempting to break the ice. “So what do you plan on studying, Colin?” he asked, hoping a change in subject would help the boy come out of his shell a little more. “I’m in the Civil Engineering program right now, but I might want to do something a little closer to the architecture field,” Colin explained eagerly, happy to change the topic. Seeing the boy light up about his studies, Mark continued to pursue that topic, letting Colin tell them all about the projects he’d completed for each year’s high school science fair back home in Oklahoma. The boy was clearly bright, and he beamed whenever Mark or Karen would “oooh” and “ahh” as he shared more stories and facts picked up from his high school years. Now that Colin was feeling more comfortable, he began asking Mark and Karen about their work and how they met. The couple explained that Mark was a policy analyst for a local organization and Karen taught at the law school on campus. The pair had actually met during their freshman year at Ohio St and had been together ever since. As the time passed, they shared more and more about themselves, until Mark looked down at his watch and looked over to Karen, slightly surprised. “Honey, can you believe it’s 3:00pm already? Kickoff starts in thirty minutes!” Karen looked a bit startled herself, then smiled warmly and looked back over to Colin. “I know you’re new to campus, honey, but I hope you can appreciate what a big deal football is in this community. We need to get going soon if we want to be home in time for kickoff.” “Oh, totally. I’m a big football fan, too! I guess I got so caught up in chatting that I lost track of time,” he began explaining,”I’ll let you guys go so you can get home in –” Suddenly, Karen interrupted him,”Colin, you’re welcome to come home with us and watch the game if you’d like. You’re such an impressive young man and we’d love to get to know more about you.” Colin, completely abandoning the nervous persona from the beginning of their meetup, enthusiastically nodded,”Wow, that’s so kind of you! I’d love to watch the game with you!’ The trio began cleaning up their items from the table, but as Colin was reaching for his napkin, Karen gently set her hand on top of his, gaining his attention, and looked him in the eyes very sincerely. “Hun, I want you to know that we’re going to take good care of you, and if we do anything that you don’t like, or that makes you feel bad in any way, you can say ‘Banana’ and we’ll cut it out immediately. Okay?” Colin’s heart sunk to his stomach as he remembered why they’d met up in the first place, then his cheeks started to blush uncontrollably. They both knew about his little secret, and they were totally okay with it. The moment felt surreal, but as he regained his composure, he returned her look and said as sweetly as he could, “Yes, ma’am.” 22
Bizmarkie Posted June 3, 2024 Author Posted June 3, 2024 The Game “Wonderful!” Karen proclaimed to Colin, as Mark gathered all of the garbage from the table and walked it to the trash can. “Colin, honey, can you go try and use the potty before we leave? Mark can take you if you need any help.” The latter comment from Karen left Colin’s cheeks visibly red, as he reassured her he could take care of it on his own and hurriedly walked over to the men’s room to take care of his business. Standing at the urinal, he found himself sporting a partial erection. It seemed that Karen was playing a naughty little game with him and knew exactly which buttons to push to make him feel like a little boy. He could pretend to hate it all day, but deep down it was exactly what he was looking for, and it was really to be expected from all that he knew of Karen’s online persona. As he reflected on the classified ad he had responded to, he could practically reiterate it word-for-word: Are you an incoming OSU freshman? Do you miss your mommy and daddy? Some people just aren’t ready to grow up yet. If you’re new in town and think you might need a little extra help starting this next chapter of your life, reach out to us. We are a loving, caring OSU alumni couple eager to share new experiences with the right person. Something about the wording of their ad had resonated deeply with Colin. As a kid, he had always had some morbid curiosity about baby items. He was the type to wander off from his mother in the grocery store and linger in the baby needs aisle for reasons unbeknownst to him. He knew that Karen could help him get to the core of that desire, and was ready to play this game with her and Mark to get there. Finishing up at the urinal, he let the last few drops dribble into his underwear; not enough to soak through his jeans, but certainly enough to leave him with a damp feeling as he zipped up his pants and washed his hands. Exiting the bathroom, he spied Karen and Mark near the entrance of the shop and met them as they made their departure. Mark and Karen's house was a modest but well kept craftsman just a fifteen minute walk from campus. As soon as they made their way inside, Mark kicked off his shoes, hurdled the couch in their living room, and began scrambling with some remotes on the coffee table until the TV began showing the kickoff of the football game. Following closely behind, Karen and Colin were soon sitting alongside Mark on the couch, cheering on their team as they obliterated the competition. Afternoon passed into evening and soon enough they were congratulating each other on another hard fought victory for their Alma Mater. Karen excused herself to the kitchen to throw together some dinner while the guys discussed their favorite plays from the game. Colin, happy to continue hanging out, was quite surprised when he took his seat at the dinner table and began comparing his plate to his hosts' dishes: Mark and Karen were cutting into lean pork chops, while his own plate contained a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (cut into four equal triangles) with a side salad and a juice box. Once again, he felt butterflies in his stomach as he was reminded of the subtle game Karen was playing with him. Deciding to lean into it, he happily feasted on his sandwich and went on as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Over dinner, Colin learned about Mark and Karen's family. The two had three daughters, all grown and living happily scattered across the globe. Their oldest, Michelle, was 26, working as a scientist in Australia. Then came the twins, Ashley and Eleanor, 24, who had moved out to LA as soon as they finished school to pursue acting and writing. Colin couldn't help but notice the mournful undertone in Karen's voice as she described her daughters’ exploits - it didn't sound like they made it back to Ohio much anymore. There seemed to be something more to the subtle sadness, though, but Colin couldn't quite pick up on what it might be. Regardless, he ‘Ooh’d’ and ‘Ahh’d’ like an excited little boy as she recounted fun stories from their family. By the time the group finished their meal, the sun was already setting. Glancing at the clock on the oven, Colin realized that it was already 8:30PM. Though he desperately wanted to stay with Mark and Karen, he was still wary of overstaying his welcome. However, his residence hall had a strict 9:00PM curfew, and if he didn't start walking home soon, he'd be locked out for the night. Reading the contemplative look on Colin's face, Mark spoke. “It's getting pretty late for you, huh kiddo?” The subtle addition of kiddo made Colin's stomach churn as he yearned for more. He wanted so badly to stay longer, but this seemed like a hint that it was time to go. “Uh, yeah, I should probably leave pretty soon before I get locked out of my dorm,” Colin announced, as he excused himself from the table and began walking towards his shoes and the front door. “You know, you're welcome to stay with us tonight, Colin,” Mark declared, “Heck, you should stay the whole weekend here! You're such a fun little guy and I think we'd have a good time together. Right, Karen?” “Oh my goodness, yes!” Karen beamed. “Plus, it's a little late for you to be walking home all by yourself. We've got a spare bedroom with your name on it, sweetie. I hope you'll stay.” Internally, Colin was overjoyed. He tried to play it cool as he responded, but the big smile on his face probably gave away how excited he was to spend more time with the couple. “That would be really nice!” Colin turned around to return but then froze in place. “But I didn't bring any clothes or a toothbrush!” He started beating himself mentally up for not planning better; how could he have known things would turn out so well? And here he was, blowing it because of a lack of preparation. “Oh, sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. We've got clothes for you and more toothbrushes than you could count on your fingers!” Karen smiled. “Come with me, I'll show you the spare bedroom.” And with that, Karen extended her hand out to Colin, which he graciously accepted, as she led him out of the front living area and down a hallway towards the rear of the house. 17
Dookey Posted June 6, 2024 Posted June 6, 2024 Enjoying where this story is going, hope it continues.
Bizmarkie Posted June 7, 2024 Author Posted June 7, 2024 Sweet Dreams They passed a few doors along the way down the hallway, hand-in-hand. “This one is the bathroom. This one is a closet - we have lots of comfy blankets and games and toys!” Karen explained to Colin. “Here's where Mark and I sleep,” she gestured towards a door at the end of the hallway, “and here's where you'll be sleeping.” She moved towards a door directly adjacent to her bedroom. Opening the white oak door, Colin was taken aback by the childish quality to the room. This looked more like a nursery or a toddler's bedroom than any kind of guest bedroom he'd ever seen. The room sported a full size bed, though it rose only a foot above the ground in this Montessori-style bed frame,with 10” rails going almost all the way around the bed. The comforter adorning the bed was a navy blue heavyweight blanket, with childish moon and star designs. Across from the bed sat a tall dresser with a lamp on top (of course the lampshade matched the star and moon design of the blanket) and next to it Colin noticed a wooden chest. “Okay, pumpkin, why don't you have a seat on the rug and I'll help you get ready for bed,” Karen instructed Colin as she led him to the ground and let go of his hand. Sitting pretzel-legged on the rug, he looked down and noticed that it was the same educational town traffic play rug that he'd once had in his own bedroom so many years ago. Reveling in the nostalgia of all of the time he spent playing with toy cars and trains on his rug, Colin hardly noticed the items that Karen was busily gathering from the dresser. After opening and closing multiple drawers, Karen turned around to face Colin once again and gently set everything on the ground next to him. At the top of the small pile sat a tube of diaper rash ointment and baby wipes, resting on a large paper rectangle that one would be able to recognize from space as a diaper, with a pair of neatly folded cotton pajamas underneath. Colin audibly gasped as his mind started running a million miles an hour. Was Karen really about to put a diaper on him?? He liked being treated like a kid, but this seemed like a huge escalation from her subtle comments and gestures. Karen kneeled down in front of him and smiled so warmly that he forgot about all of his concerns for a brief second. “Arms up, honey,” she commanded. Colin's body went into autopilot and shot his arms into the air as he began attempting to emotionally process the moment. Karen, kind and gentle as ever, reached down towards his waist and began lifting the shirt off of his body. As she weaved his arms out of the sleeves, leaving him shirtless, she began ushering him to lay back onto the rug. Karen smiled warmly at Colin. He felt like finding the last missing piece to a puzzle. He was such a sweet, sensitive boy and had so much untapped potential. Karen was proud of her daughters, but girls have a way of being naturally talented. She ached for a son that she could nurture and grow. Boys had this special air of helplessness about themselves that she found adorable. When she and Mark had started family planning, she tested every old wives tale she had heard about conceiving boys, but had nonetheless always been gifted with a daughter. Looking down at Colin, she began to unbutton his khaki shorts. Colin snapped back into the present moment as he felt Karen begin to unbotton his shorts. He gazed at her supple hands unbuttoning his shorts, then shifted his view to the diaper in the middle of the pile next to him. It looked like a regular baby diaper, but so much bigger; a white cloth-blacked garment with pastel green trim and waistband and Winnie the Pooh designs. “Um, I actually don't wet the bed,” Colin whispered meekly to Karen. He didn't know why he said that, though, because he was so curious about what it would feel like to wear a diaper. Karen's hands paused as she looked up and made eye contact with Colin. “Honey, did you know that 1 in 4 boys, your age and younger, still wet the bed?” Karen asked. As a lawyer, Karen was expert at manipulating facts to advance her case. Sure, 1 in 4 boys his age and younger did wet the bed, but those numbers were skewed because they counted 100% of boys 0-4 and 5% or less in subsequent years. Nonetheless, she knew that it might take some convincing to help Colin realize that this might actually be what he was searching for all along. “And I know how different it must be sleeping in a bed you aren't used to. So let's wear a diaper tonight, just in case, and you can show me what a big boy you are in the morning?” Colin was surprised by how reasonable Karen made the whole arrangement sound. And, truth be told, a light bulb was starting to go off in his mind: he really liked Karen taking the lead and making choices for him, and being babied made him feel a warm and special feeling, even slightly arousing, that he wanted to chase. Surrendering to Karen's pleasant gaze, he simply nodded his head and laid back once more, looking up at the ceiling, and noticing for the first time that it was completely decorated in glow-in-the-dark stars, as Karen resumed unzipping his shorts. With an almost effortless shimmy, Karen navigated the shorts down Colin's smooth legs and off of each foot. She recalled Colin talking about his swim team and wondered how far he took his grooming. She moved back up to his waist and nonchalantly yoinked his blue and white briefs down and guided them off of his legs as well. Folding the briefs, she felt the dampness in the crotch area and re-examined it, noting the darker patch about the size of a half-dollar. “You are being such a good boy for me,”Karen cooed as Colin lay there, exposed and completely vulnerable. She reached over to her side and pulled out a few wipes. “Looks like you were a little bit late to the potty, kiddo,” Karen explained as she began wiping his crotch down. “That's okay, though. You're just a teenager. I know you're still figuring these things out.” Colin's emotions were at a fever pitch at this point. He was both scared to death and deeply exhilarated in a way he wasn't quite sure he'd ever felt before. There was also the fact that Karen was the first person aside from his immediate family or his doctor to see him naked, and to be touching him. Her touch was so much different - her warm hand making contact with his member as she wiped caused him to relax and completely open himself up to the moment. When he felt both of his feet get lifted, he relaxed his legs and allowed Karen to bend him at the knees and push his legs back, raising his bottom slightly off of the floor. Karen unceremoniously wedged a baby wipe between his cheeks and thoroughly wiped his bottom. Pulling back the first wipe, Karen noted the slight discoloration and opted to follow-up with a second wipe. “Tomorrow, I want you to let me know when you have to go potty and I'll help you out, alright?” she explained as she lowered him back down and guided his legs to bow open. Pulling the diaper open, Karen returned to Colin's feet and raised his bottom once more so that she could guide the diaper underneath him. Lowering him down onto the diaper, she began opening up the brand new tube of diaper rash ointment. The first thing that Colin noticed as he was lowered down was that the diaper was so much thicker than any underwear he had ever worn. He could feel the elastic waistband in the rear of the diaper touching almost the small of his back. He was also taken aback by how much softer the diaper felt on his butt than the cotton underwear he was accustomed to. Still looking up at the stars, Colin could feel himself begin to stiffen. Karen, admiring him, took a chance to stoke the fire, “Oh hey little guy! Looks like somebody just woke up!” she teased cheerily. Squeezing ointment out onto her fingers, she began massaging it into his pelvic area, making sure the get into all of the little nooks and crannies. On her next pass, she swiped a glob of the cream deep between his cheeks. Finally, using the remainder of the ointment in her hand, she gripped his little member and stroked it three times as she wiped off the rest onto her charge. Colin could do nothing more than close his eyes and grin, relaxing as much as he could while maintaining a beet red face. Before taking her hand away to wipe off, she tapped the tip of his manhood and resolved, “Let's put this toy away for the night.” After wiping her hand clean, Karen pulled up the front of the diaper past his belly button, making sure to point Colin down into the padding, and fastened the light green velcro tapes onto the landing zone, managing to cover up an Eeyore with one tape and a Tigger with another. “There, all done! You did such a good job, sweetie.”Karen heaped praise onto Colin. “Why don't you stand up and we'll get your jammies on?” Standing up, Colin recognized the snug fit of the diaper on his athletic frame. It contoured his body, though there was no mistaking the tremendous thick padding that fully encapsulated his private parts. Again, he thought about how remarkably soft and cool the padding felt. Karen was kneeling on the floor below him holding open his cotton pajama pants. He stepped in, one foot at a time, and allowed Karen to slide the pants up his legs and pull them snugly over his diaper. The waistband of his diaper ran inches above the waist of his pants, but that was to be expected for how large the diaper was. Next, Karen unfolded the matching cotton pajama shirt, Colin now realizing that this soft white pair of jammies, ‘Err, pajamas!’Colin corrected himself silently, was also Winnie the Pooh themed. ‘Did she get this specially made?’ Colin wondered, as he stuck his hands into the awaiting sleeves of the shirt Karen was holding out for him. Pulling the snug shirt down his stomach, Karen finally signalled her satisfaction and patted the crinkly, padded bottom of her little guy. “There! You're all set, buddy! Let's go brush your teeth and then we can say goodnight to Mark,” Karen explained, taking hold of Colin's hand and guiding him back to the hallway and into the bathroom. As he walked, Colin could feel his butt cheeks gliding frictionlessly. This completely novel sensation drove him into a deeper state of relaxation and excitement. It felt like he was extra alive - all of his senses were naked and sensitive. He felt surrounded by a sense of comfort and security. In the bathroom, Karen opened up a drawer and pulled out a new toothbrush, green with white dinosaur prints. Squeezing out some toothpaste onto the brush, Karen then handed the brush to Colin and let him begin brushing his teeth. As he looked at his teeth in the mirror, he was fully aware the Karen had taken a seat on the closed toilet and stayed to watch him. She smiled as he continued brushing. “Okay, hun, time to spit,” Karen turned on the water and allowed Colin to spit. Then, she guided him back to the kitchen, where Mark was just finishing up the dishes. “That looks like a bedtime boy if I've ever seen one!” Mark turned and admired Colin's dramatic transformation from just a while earlier. “Yes, he was such a good kiddo holding still for me and brushing the heck out of his teeth,” Karen beamed, “I'm gonna get him some water and tuck him in.” “Sounds like a plan,” Mark concurred, then walked over to Colin and wrapped him up in a big warm embrace, lifting him inches off the ground with little effort. Colin understood now why he was the only scholarship offensive lineman on his team back in college. Lowering him back down, Mark patted his butt and smiled, “Sweet dreams, kiddo. I hope you have a nice, deep sleep.” Colin could only smile and look at his toes, as Karen returned to him and led him back to the bedroom. “Goodnight, Mark!” she said on Colin's behalf. Back in the bedroom, Karen pulled back the comforter and top sheet on Colin's Montessori bed and motioned for him to climb in, to which he dutifully obeyed. Pulling the blanket up to his neck and tucking in the sides, Karen leaned down and kissed Colin on the forehead. “I know this was a big day, and you did such a good job. I'm so proud of you, honey. Now, you get some rest and I'll come wake you up in the morning.” Colin, falling ever deeper into a trance of both sleepiness and euphoria, looked to Karen's face and almost tearily smiled. “Thank you, Karen.” Colin felt so understood, so emotionally fulfilled, so loved. “You're welcome,” Karen smiled, knowingly and played with his hair for a few minutes. “Sweet dreams.” And as she quietly dimmed the lights and stepped out the door, Colin fell into a heavy, heavy slumber. 18
BabyGirlieJess Posted June 8, 2024 Posted June 8, 2024 This is beautiful and so cute. I’m jelly of this little boy!!
Bizmarkie Posted June 9, 2024 Author Posted June 9, 2024 Morning Ritual Colin was urged awake sometime in the middle of the night. It took a few moments for him to collect his bearings and recall the eventful evening he'd had. He vaguely remembered the diaper, but was very soon reminded of it as he rolled over onto his stomach, the padding encasing his private parts in a cloud of warmth and bulk. Colin had been woken up by his bladder signaling to him how full it was. It occurred to him that, since Karen had diapered him immediately after dinner, he had never had a chance to go potty before he fell asleep. Now, at God knows what hour, it was interrupting one of the deepest sleeps of his short adulthood to beg for him to pee. He briefly thought about getting up to find the bathroom. Maybe he could just untape the diaper and pee in the toilet? But then he thought about the devious and exciting game that he was playing with Mark and Karen. ‘She wants me to wet my diaper,’ Colin thought to himself. And honestly, it would be so much nicer to just go potty while he was laying there and then easily relax back into sleep, he convinced himself. On his belly, frog legged and face buried in his pillow, Colin gripped his comforter and aggressively relaxed his bladder. It took some measure of actual focus and work, but soon he could feel a trickle form into his thirsty padding, which evolved into a steady stream. Colin felt more relaxed than he could ever remember, snuggling deeper into his blankets as he began to soak his diaper. When he finished, he could feel that the bulk between his thighs had significantly expanded, and a slight movement of his pelvis would return the squishy warmth of the expended SAP. As quickly as he was awoken, Colin fell back to sleep, feeling relaxed, comfortable, and secure. Around 9am, the door to the spare bedroom opened and Karen quietly made her way in. Before her lay a boy practically dead to the world, ever after so many hours of rest. She kneeled down next to him and gently ran her fingers through his hair for about a minute, before brushing his cheek and finally rousing her sleeping cub. “Good morning, Mr. Man!” she beamed, clearly well-rested, too, despite having been up for hours at this point. “How did you sleep?” she asked as she began pulling back the comforter, enough to rub his back in a rhythmic pattern. Colin groggily answered, “Uh, I think I slept really well. This mattress is so comfortable. Where did you get it from?” Colin asked. “Oh, good, hun! I'm happy to hear that. It's one of those online memory foam mattresses. Mark heard about it on a podcast and did a lot of research to figure out the best one. He's never one to underthink a decision!” she laughed. “Now, how about some breakfast. Mark should be just about finished cooking, so we should get it while it's hot.” Karen helped Colin up from the bed and walked him directly to the kitchen table, completely ignoring the waddle due to his fully saturated diaper. In the kitchen, Mark was manning the stove, tending to a small pot and two frying pans at once. “Just in time!” he announced, turning off the burners and opening a cabinet nearby. Turning around with two plates and a bowl, Mark faced them and addressed Colin. “Good morning, kiddo! You look like you slept well!” He smiled, then set the plates down next to the stove. “Why don't you guys sit down and I'll bring your breakfast over.” Karen pulled out a chair at the head of the table for Colin and pushed him in towards the table after he sat down. Colin could feel a distinct squish as he sat down. He was getting pleasantly acquainted with the feeling of a wet diaper at this point. Karen's decision not to call attention to his padding emboldened him to own it and operate as he usually would, though he still hoped Mark wouldn't ask about his diaper, as he wasn't ready to talk about those feelings yet. Walking over to the table, Mark set down a plate in front of Karen and another plate next to her. It looked like they both had some scrambled eggs with bacon and avocado toast on them. Colin thought that looked pretty yummy. He was surprised, however, when Mark sat a bowl of oatmeal down in front of Colin instead. The oatmeal looked creamy, with plenty of chunks of freshly cut fruit in it and some chia seeds. Mark had clearly spent a lot of time finely chopping all of this fruit and cooking the oatmeal. He dug his spoon in and brought some to his mouth, quickly identifying this as the most flavorful oatmeal he'd had before. This was on an entirely different level than the packets his mom used to get from the grocery store. “Mmmm, Mark, you're a really good cook! This tastes really good,” Colin praised, causing Mark to light up and smile. “Ah, thank you,” replied Mark, “I just like to throw things together and see if I can make them taste good.” “Oh, you're too humble, darling” Karen chastised, “You have a real talent and we're fortunate to have you cook for us.” Colin was really surprised by how open and loving Mark and Karen were. It wasn't like he came from a broken home or anything, but his parents were definitely not outwardly affectionate types. Even though he wasn't used to it, he really liked the vibe that they put out. He felt like he could really be himself and be praised for it. He felt the returning urge to pee come from his bladder and decided to let out a few squirts into his diaper while he dug into the hearty oatmeal. Over breakfast, the three of them talked about what they wanted to do for the day. Mark had suggested they hang out in the backyard and enjoy the exceptional weather that the day was due to bring. “In the Midwest, we don't take sunny days for granted,” Mark had argued. Karen seemed concerned about Colin having enough entertainment, and began rattling off ideas aloud about things Colin could do outside. “We have a set of magnifying glasses - those could be cool! Or I bet I could find a few jump ropes! I know the girls left a bunch of soccer balls in the garage,” she recalled. Mark and Colin giggled between themselves about how animated she was getting over activities. They settled on making a trip out to the garage after breakfast to look for a Frisbee. When Colin finished the last bite of his oatmeal, Karen brought his bowl to the sink and called upon him to come with her back to the room to get dressed for the day. Colin pushed out his chair and stood up from the table, bulging diaper on full display for Mark, even through his pajamas, and began waddling back to the bedroom. Inside, Karen was already working through some drawers at the dresser, clearly putting together an outfit for the day. Colin thought about how it was kind of nice to not have to worry about picking out clothes for himself. He wondered what kinds of clothes Mark and Karen had that would fit him, since Mark was easily three times his size and all of their kids were girls. Turning back towards Colin, Karen set down another pile, this time with a pair of athletic shorts, a white T shirt, and… cotton training underwear with construction equipment designs. Colin was surprised not only by the childishness of the undergarment itself but also by the fact that it looked to be exactly his size. “Okay, honey, you can lie down on the rug and I'll help you get ready, “ she said. Colin did as he was told and laid down on the rug. Shifting his gaze away from Karen's eyes and focusing on the star - studded ceiling. She immediately got to work, pulling down his pajama bottoms over his warm and squishy diaper. Again, Karen made no acknowledgement of it as she untaped the diaper, allowing it to fall forward from his crotch with a thud, and began wiping him clean. Satisfied with her work, she reached for Colin's hand and helped him stand up, naked from the waist down, with his long-sleeve Winnie the Pooh pajama shirt on. “Why don't we go sit on the potty before we put your undies on for the day?” Karen suggested, and they headed to the bathroom, Karen leading the way and Colin following close behind, hoping nobody would see him at this moment. Having made it to the bathroom, Karen opened the lid of the toilet and motioned for Colin to come sit down. As he sat down, he came to understand that he was unlikely to get any privacy, with Karen standing at the door and watching him intently. He resolved to just keep playing the part, enjoying his new lowered status, and released the rest of his morning bladder volume into the bowl with a soft trickling sound. “Way to go, kiddo!” Karen cheered in a proud but slightly condescending tone. Back in the bedroom, Karen held out the training undies for Colin to step into and pulled them up to his waist for him. After helping him with shorts and shirt, she directed Colin to go to the living room while she stayed back to pick up the pajamas and dispose of his nighttime diaper. Mark was waiting for him in the living room, standing in front of the couch, open-mouthed, watching a highlight on SportsCenter. Noticing Colin's entrance, he reached down and grabbed the remote. “You look ready to play! I ought to change into something more active, too.” Mark fiddled with the remote some more until the Disney app was pulled up on the TV. “Here, why don't you sit on the couch and watch some TV while Karen and I get ready,” Mark said, scrolling through a few shows and selecting the most recent episode of Bluey. Mark set the remote back down as Colin took a seat and then headed off down the hallway to his bedroom. 18
Bizmarkie Posted June 13, 2024 Author Posted June 13, 2024 Let's Play Ball After they got dressed, Mark and Karen returned to the living room, finding Colin completely engrossed in the final minute of his Bluey cartoon. As the credits ran across the screen, Mark walked up to the coffee table and reached for the remote, turning off the TV and snapping Colin back to reality. “Alright, kiddo, time to go outside and play,” Mark instructed. Colin eagerly hopped off of the couch, noting how he could feel the extra thickness of the training underwear as he moved. He wondered if their outline showed how thick they were through his shorts as they walked together to the garage. Inside, they navigated around Mark and Karen's minivan, easily 10 years old but surprisingly well kept up, to the spare stall where they kept about a half-dozen tubs of outdoor toys and sports equipment. As he rifled through the tubs, Colin wondered if there wasn't a sport their daughters hadn't played. And then a spark went off in his mind and he turned around to ask Mark a question. “Do you guys have a football?” Mark looked at Colin, genuinely surprised for a second, and then smiled brightly and answered. “You know what? I think I do! I've got a game ball from one of our season-openers back when I played for Ohio State. Would you want to throw it around with me? “ “Of course!” Colin was excited. Ever the active kid, you could find him throwing the ball around with his friends on any given night back home in Oklahoma; the last time he'd gotten to play ball with his friends was at one of their graduation parties over a month ago. While Mark back-tracked to the bedroom to look for his prized football, Karen and Collin stepped out of a door in the back of the garage and into their backyard. Considering how close they lived to the hustling and bustling university, this backyard was especially large and shockingly secluded. Thick, tall plants and shrubs lined the solid wooden fence walls of this almost ¼ acre yard. Though their house was modest in size, this type of backyard made it clear to Colin that Mark and Karen were pretty affluent. ‘What does a policy analyst even do?’ Colin wondered, and made a mental note to ask Mark about it later. Colin wandered around the yard for a while as he waited for Mark to find his ball, admiring each of the plants. Karen made quick work of uncovering some patio furniture nearby on a wooden deck built against the house and sat down to read a book she had brought out. Eventually Mark came out holding his ball triumphantly, and hollered to Colin, “Go Long!” before winding up and throwing the football hard across the yard. Colin, in an impressive show of athleticism, sprinted toward the back of the yard to successfully catch the ball before stumbling and falling into the grass. He got back up, still holding the ball, dusted himself off, and turned to smile at Mark. “I caught it!” Colin beamed. Mark and Karen hooted and cheered. Taking a few steps back, Colin drew his arm back and lobbed the football back towards Mark. It sailed with a nice spiral through the air, but began sinking way too soon and landed a few feet in front of Mark. “Nice job, kid!” Mark commented. He picked up the ball, then wound up and chucked it back. He felt revitalized, standing there in the yard and playing catch with the young man. Football had always held such an important place in his heart; from the time that he and Karen started getting serious, he had imagined one day teaching his own son everything that he had learned about the sport, but alas, it seemed that fate had different plans for him with his many wonderful daughters. Now, this delayed gratification tasted ever more sweet. After a while of throwing the ball around, both men were dripping in sweat and breathing heavily. Gathering in the shade under a tree in the yard, Mark threw an arm around Colin's shoulder and began giving him some constructive feedback, highlighting some of his more impressive catches and detailing how he could adjust his stance to get more distance out of the ball when he throws. Colin focused on Mark as if he were his entire world, absorbing each compliment and critique with absolute seriousness. Soon, Karen, having excused herself inside at some point during their playtime, returned outside with a pitcher of ice cold sweet tea and a few cups. After downing two cups in quick succession, Colin felt a familiar twinge in the bladder. Feeling especially boyish, he immediately darted one hand down to his crotch to hold himself, then wandered right next to Karen and whispered, “Um, Karen? I have to go potty.” Karen, looking down and noticing that Colin was already halfway towards doing the potty dance, smiled politely and grabbed his free hand. “I can see that, kiddo! Let's hurry on in and get you on the potty.” And with that, she directed Colin inside the house and into the bathroom. Lifting up the toilet seat cover, Karen turned back around to the waiting boy and, in one swift motion, pulled both his athletic shorts and training undies all the way down to his ankles. Helping him step out of them, she then steered him by the hips and landed his bottom onto the awaiting toilet seat. While he sat tinkling into the toilet, Karen picked up the shorts and undies combo and began inspecting the inner crotch area for dryness. “A bit sweaty, but you did a good job making it to the potty on time. Way to go bud!” Karen congratulated, which only served to make Colin blush. Colin stopped his bladder just shy of being completely empty, clenching harder than usual to preserve a few drops of urine. It was such a trip to be here, in this warm home, with these really cool people, being treated like a barely-potty-trained little boy. He could have never predicted it, but this was exactly what he needed. This felt like such a great opportunity to explore some of his deeper curiosities. Colin had resolved after his morning diaper change that he would do his very best to live up to Karen's expectations, hoping to have as much fun toying with her and Mark as they were with him. After joyfully announcing ‘All done!’ to the world, Colin allowed Karen to redress his lower portion and lead him back outside. Mark had pulled out the lawnmower and was pouring some gasoline in the tank as they returned. “It was a ton of fun playing with you, squirt, but it's time for me to take care of some yard work,” Mark explained, much to Colin's disappointment. Karen, looking on and picking up on his sadness like a Doberman getting a whif of steak, touched Colin's should and attempted to cheer him up. “Aw, but you were having such a good time! Oh well. You know what else we have that might be fun?” Karen asked the boy, then slowly gestured over towards a large, tarp-covered patch near the back of the yard, “A sandbox! Could be the perfect spot for an aspiring civil engineer to begin planning out his ideal city…” she wondered aloud, watching as the joy returned to Colin's face. Colin hadn't touched or even thought about a sandbox in nearly a decade, but the mention of it got him genuinely excited. As Karen pulled away the large green tarp, she revealed an immaculately kept, 12x12 pit of white sand. Folding the tarp, she walked off to the garage for a few moments before returning with a pale and some shovels, as well as a few molds in the form of various buildings. “Here ya go, kiddo! Let's see what you come up with,” Karen said, then walked back to the patio to resume reading her book. At about the same time, Colin heard the lawnmower come to life and watched as Mark began to walk the mower around their enormous yard. In his solitude, Colin quickly got to work, planning out a main street and paving short tributaries off of it, penciling in notes in the sand with his fingers about which buildings would go where. He also took this opportunity to dribble out those last few drops of pee he'd been saving into his training underwear. Slyly looking down, he confirmed that, although he could feel a passing moment of dampness, nothing had managed to show through his shorts. He continued on playing, beginning to pack the sand molds so that he could construct his city. After about an hour, whilst he was working on the mayor's mansion, Colin felt a grumble in his stomach. It seemed that his morning oatmeal had begun to work it's magic, his body letting him know that he had a very short while before he'd need to be sitting on the potty again. Colin was left with a dilemma: he knew that when he asked to go potty, Karen would likely stick around to watch him, but he felt especially shy and bashful about going number two in front of her, even though she had changed his diaper merely hours ago. On the other hand, this oatmeal freight train was steaming ahead, and if he didn't do something soon, it would find it's way out into his training undies. Colin silently deliberated his choices, passing a little bit of gas to try and buy himself more time. Finally, he settled on finding Karen to go potty, though when he looked up and over towards the patio, she was nowhere to be found. Mark, though, had just finished mowing the lawn and was walking the mower to the garage nearby. Colin stood up and walked over to Mark, coming up behind his massive frame and tugging on one of his shirt sleeves. “Um, Mark, I have to go potty,” Colin told him. Mark pondered for about a second and then replied to Colin, “Okay, sport. Do you think you can hold it for a second while I put the lawnmower away?” “Uh huh,” Colin answered, though, truth be told, he had already waited until it was almost an emergency, and he sort of wondered how much longer his body would allow him to go. Mark disappeared with the lawnmower into the garage, while Colin stood there, waiting. He managed to pass a little bit more gas, easing the pressure once more, though it was short-lived. Colin started doing the potty dance again, this time holding a hand over his bottom and pushing his training undies between his cheeks, making himself look like a toddler about to poop his pants. Mark returned to Colin, scooped him up in his arms, and began carrying him inside to the bathroom. Colin felt so secure in Mark's arms, his own wrapped around Mark's neck and head resting in his shoulder as he got a view of everything they were walking away from. They passed Karen in the kitchen, working on lunch, as they sped down the hall and into the bathroom. There, Mark lowered Colin back onto the ground and yoinked his pants and underwear off, allowing him to jump onto the toilet. As he sat there, looking at the floor, Colin began grunting and pushing, feeling the warm, large mass quickly empty out of him, making a splash into bowl of the toilet. He quickly followed it up with a slow dribble of pee, feeling very relieved to have made it to the toilet. Relief blended in with emmasculation, as Colin remembered that Mark was standing right next to him, and looked up to find him inspecting his boyish undies. Mark made eye contact with Colin, then flipped his underwear inside out so that Colin could see the fresh brown racing stripe that he had created. “So close, kiddo,” Mark lamented, shaking his head and turning to call into the kitchen. “Hey, Karen. Colin didn't quite make it to the potty in time. Can you grab me a fresh pair of undies?” Then, Mark turned back to Colin. “Why don't you stand up and bend over the tub so I can clean up your booty?” Colin could only comply, as he stood up from the toilet, red-faced, and turned to bend over, bracing his hands on the edge of the bathtub. 18
Bizmarkie Posted June 22, 2024 Author Posted June 22, 2024 Pushing Buttons Karen made her way into the bathroom just as Mark was finishing wiping Colin clean. In her hand was another pair of cotton training undies, this time white and decorated with various sport balls. “What happened, kiddo?” Karen asked somberly as Colin turned around. The atmosphere was a little more charged than it had ever been before; it was a raw, emotional moment for Colin, and it needed to be handled very carefully. “Um, I guess I was playing in the sandbox and I waited until it was an emergency to go potty,” Colin bashfully explained. He seemed to be on the verge of tears. “Oh, honey,” Karen set the undies on the counter and walked over to embrace Colin, who was presently wearing only a shirt. He eagerly accepted it, promptly burying his face into Karen's chest as she held him. “I don't know a single teenager with a perfect potty record. Do you, Mark?” Karen asked Mark, who was on his way out of the bathroom with Colin's soiled underwear. “I can't say I do. Hey, do you know where the stain remover is? I want to try and get the poop out of these before we wash them.” He held up Colin's soiled underwear for her to see. “Laundry closet, honey. Next to the dryer sheets I think.” Karen continued to hold Colin tightly as he calmed down. After a fews moments, she loosened up her grip, allowing Colin to lean back and make eye contact with her. “You are so special. How are you doing?” Her words cut straight through the moment as she looked down at him with love and concern. “Um, it's a lot to think about,” Colin avoided the question as he looked slightly past her and focused instead on some minute detail on the towel bar. Karen moved her hand up to his cheek and caressed it lightly, drawing his gaze right back to her. As she read his face, her concern shifted to a playful smile and she leaned in to whisper something in his ear. “It's okay if you really like it. I won't tell anyone - it can be our secret. And, truth be told, I really like it too.” All words left Colin's mind for a second as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. But then his body betrayed him in the worst possible way as his completely exposed lower half suddenly sprang to life. “I think we better get your undies on before you have another accident,” Karen teased him with a wicked smile as she grabbed the training underpants and held them open for him to step into, also placing her at eye level with his now slightly-less-little buddy. Colin stepped in and allowed Karen to pull them up his legs and right over his now raging erection. It had been a few days now since he had handled his usual business with himself, and the pent up emotions he had been experiencing lately needed release. Karen was knowingly ignoring his obvious excitement as she found his shorts on the floor and helped him get dressed. “Why don't you wash your hands while I go grab something,” Karen instructed as she turned and walked out of the bathroom. “Remember to wash for two full ABCs.” Colin was slightly taken aback by his first whiff of privacy in this bathroom. He pumped some soap into his hands and began washing them. “A, B, C, D, E, F, G,” He sang aloud, though only loud enough for himself to hear. His erection was beginning to die down and his emotions were shifting to more of a regressed state of mind. Again, he felt relaxed and more confident in himself. “Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, “ Colin sang as Karen returned to the bathroom. She smiled and joined him to finish, “Now I know my A, B, Cs. Next time won't you sing with me?” Colin looked down and noticed she was holding something in her hand. “Whats that?” he asked. “Oh, this?” Karen held up the device. “This is a potty button. I want you to push it every time you go potty. That starts a timer that will remind you when it's time to go potty again. How cool is that?” Colin looked at the button in her hand. It looked like it came from a baby game show: a pastel green button, about the size of his fist. He reached out and pushed it, curiosity beating out his usually cautious demeanor. The button clicked. “Good work! We'll just leave this here and when we hear it go off, I'll bring you back to the potty. Now let's go eat some lunch.” Karen set the button on the bathroom counter and grabbed Colin's hand to walk out. 15
Mary Moon Posted July 9, 2024 Posted July 9, 2024 This story is very cute, Mark and Karen look adorable.
erik_hamburg Posted July 9, 2024 Posted July 9, 2024 I am really enjoying this story. It is well written with a nice plot. Please don’t rush into actions though. Take your time to develop the characters. Maybe add a change of perspective? Keep up the good work
Mary Moon Posted July 9, 2024 Posted July 9, 2024 I hope this story stays so sweet and cute, some stories started out good, then they turned purple and sadistic and I had to abandon them because I'm very impressionable and sensitive
123456ee Posted July 22, 2024 Posted July 22, 2024 just wondering when there might be an update amazing story by the way!
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