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The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 20 - 5/30/2024)

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21-year-old Jillian Jenners is down on her luck and accepts her younger twin sister Jennifer's invitation to stay with her at her cozy three-bedroom apartment in Philadelphia. Having just finished college and earned her degree, Jillian is still jobless and desperate to find a new start in her life. When Jillian begins to have her nighttime accidents, she turns to diapers as a solution to her embarrassing problem. A new opportunity presents itself when Jillian discovers the world of streaming and begins to build a sizable following. When a "wardrobe malfunction" happens during one of her streams, it further boosts her fame in the streaming community. Does Jillian keep wearing diapers to please her fans, or does she stop altogether? And what part does her twin sister Jennifer have in this whole story? Find out in this original tale of discovery, acceptance, and, of course, diapers.

Foreward: The JJ Diaper Twins - How it all Started

Hi!  First of all, thank you very much for purchasing our book!  I am Jillian Jenners (but you knew that already!).  I am sure that you are all very much aware of me and my sister Jen.  Whether you stumbled across our YouTube channel, our Tiktok, found us on Instagram, our Facebook page, X (twitter), JustForFans, or happened to catch one of our many exciting Twitch streams, you all know us as the JJ Diaper Twins.  The two J’s consist of me, Jillian Jenners and of course my identical twin sister Jennifer Jenners.  We are basically diapered celebrities and have even caught attention of the mainstream media.

But how did it all start?  That is just what this book is going to tell you.  Consider this book as a biography of the lives of me and my twin sister getting our exciting start in the city of brotherly love: Philadelphia.  Home of those delicious cheesesteaks, tastykakes, and tomato pies.

My aim for this book is to very clearly tell all of you my story and how the JJ Diaper Twins even became a thing in the first place.

Now, I am sure that some of you will want to come and bother us with requests to be our caregivers.  Just to be up front, both I and Jen are already taken.  We will take no requests, but feel free to support us on our Crowdfunder (the very reason why this book exists) or buy our branded pacifiers, bottles, bibs, blankets, stuffys, and clothing made for every one of you JJ Littles.  We have footed sleepers, onesies, cute frilly dresses and skirts, shortalls, socks, changing mats, plastic pants, and even our very own line of diapers coming very soon! 

The JJ Cozy Crinklez (coming soon!) will be the comfiest, most absorbent diaper on the ABDL market.  We assure you that these diapers are able to handle the most destructive floods that you can unleash on them.  My sister and I agree that these diapers are the best ones that we have ever worn (and believe me, we have tried them all!).  Keep supporting us through your donations as each donation helps to keep the cost of these diapers affordable and competitive with the other brands.  We are working on getting proper supply channels so that you won’t be waiting too long for your next exciting order.  The JJ Nighty Nites are just a little more absorbent and can handle the heaviest of your overnight super soakings.  Jen and I have tried them a number of times before bed and we both agree that there has yet to be a leaky diaper. We are both excited to bring this new addition to our J&J Merchandise.

We are also working on a documentary and our first show on CuriosityStream, so be on the lookout for that.  Why CuriosityStream?  This platform will grant us greater freedom to tell our story to all of you JJ Littles, without the restrictions that YouTube would place on us.

Besides our current projects, I will get back to the most current project that we have just recently completed: this book.  Both Jen and I would like to thank you for all your help and support for without it, we wouldn’t be the JJ Diaper Twins that you know and love today.

Now, how will this book be structured?  To get the full story, both Jen and I have devoted sections to this book to each tell our own story of how this all started.  It’s a crazy story, but every bit of it is true.  My story will be told first in “Jillian’s Story” so I would recommend starting with that one.  Following that one will be “Jennifer’s Story” and everything there will be told from her point of view.

The next section of this book will contain a thank you message from my twin sister, so don’t forget to read that before you get to the table of contents!

This whole book has been a labor of love and we devote this book to every one of you who purchased it. 

So to all my JJ Littles out there, stay diapered!

Live full, laugh long, play strong!

Love You Always,

Jillian Jenners

July 21, 2028

Foreward: A Very Special Thankies to All of You!

Hi hi everyone!  I’m sure that you have all read my twin sister’s previous section.  Knowing (and trusting) that you have, you know that we are both very excited that you have picked up this book to hear the full story of how Jill and I became the JJ Diaper Twins that you know and love today.  So thankies very muchies for all your help and support!

Prior to my sister Jill’s meteoric rise to fame, I was a CPA working at one of the leading CPA firms in Philadelphia: Conway, Phillips, & Associates.  Prior to Jill’s fame, I provided her with a place to stay at my apartment.  You all know the rest of the story, but the purpose of this book is to fill in all of those details in between my sister’s anonymity and our now shared fame that is celebrated by all the JJ Littles.  I will be honest, everyone.  I at first was hesitant to follow in my sister’s footsteps.  Due to the stigma of this kind of lifestyle, I wasn’t at all comfortable to join my sister in all the facets of her lifestyle of infantilism.  But after seeing all the benefits that she reaped and seeing the endless stress and anxiety that came from the continual demands of my CPA firm, the initial experience that I had with diapers proved cathartic to me.  How did I go from my insistent reluctance to join my sister to combining with my sister to become one of the biggest names in the ABDL community?  That is the purpose of this book.  I will not reveal anymore, as you will have to read my side of the story (Jennifer’s Story) to get all of the replete details recounting the genesis of the protection that “changed” my life.  I will be honest again.  As a result of taking that padded red pill, it has cost me relationships that I will never be able to rekindle again.  But as a result, I have a wonderful and supportive community of the most caring and loving people that I have ever met.  At every meet and greet, you all have never ceased to amaze me with your kindness and support.

My sister has already detailed you on our future projects, so that redundancy will be avoided here.  Just know that we have both mutually discussed every project together and I (thanks to my stellar financial background) have reviewed everything financially before moving forward with each project.  Each project benefits all of you, and is FOR every one of you lovely littles.

As is this book that you are now holding.  Consider this miniature tome a passion project conceived by both I and my twin sister (who I love with all my heart) Jill.  We want to share with you the story on how we both became the JJ Diaper Twins.  How we can now wear our diapers proudly everyday and help out our ever-growing family of JJ Littles.  To satiate your curiosity, yes.  Both Jill and I are fully diaper dependent now with no sign of ever returning to urinary or fecal continence.  Also (as she already told you), we already both have wonderful caregivers that are sweet and wonderful to both of us.  With that knowledge in your possession, please refrain from making any solicitations to be our caregivers.  You are all a wonderful community and neither of us could’ve ever made it this far without all of you.  To address the needs of both Little and Caregiver alike, my sister and I are in the process of creating a network to match you JJ Littles to a wonderful caregiver that will care for all of your needs.  We want it to be a good system so we are taking our time on it.  Please be patient.  Whether you’re the little or the caregiver.  Please be patient.

Again I would like to say thankies very muchies to all of you!  The movement that my sister started has allowed me to discover and fully embrace my inner little.  A side of me that I prefer to keep mostly private, but for your sake show it every now and then.  Remember.  Littlespace is nothing to be ashamed of.  It is therapy for every one of us to escape from the overwhelming difficulties and challenges of everyday life.  Love every moment of that littlespace, but take care of those adult things that need to get done (ESPECIALLY if you don’t have a caregiver!)

Well, my sister and I need to get this final draft to the publisher so all of you can see our curious and interesting tale from full anonymity to full blown ABDL stardom.  It’s surprising, embarrassing, exciting, and rewarding.  This experience has taught me so much, and I hope that it will teach all of you as well.

I will close with the closing that both Jill and I use to close out our Twitch Streams that served as a foundation of Jill’s career:

Live full, laugh long, play strong!

Stay diapered, all you JJ Little besties!

Love You All Sincerely,

Jennifer Jenners

July 21, 2028


I. Jillian's Story


Chapter 1 : Down on my Luck

Hi!  I know that all of you already know who I am, but here it goes.

In case any of you just skipped the introduction or for some reason have not heard of me yet, I will tell you again.  My name is Jillian Marie Jenners.  And before you’re left wondering, yes.  The same Jillian Jenners that’s part of the Jenners Twins, or the nickname that’s more familiar in the community: the JJ Diaper Twins.  I’m the one “J” and my twin sister Jennifer is the other “J”.  We are identical twins, but we couldn’t be anymore different!  Yes, we shared the same egg and womb at birth, but that is where the similarities end.

And to address your comments on the tabloids and fake news, don’t believe any of the fake stories that the media conjures about us.  None of it is true (as I’m sure that all of you already know).  Their agenda is solely there to silence us and our cause.  A cause that they for some reason see as a threat to their agenda.  What?  Do they not want us to share the spotlight with the other celebrities?  It’s clear that the Hollywood Elites write all the rules of who stays and who goes in Hollywood and it’s very clear to them that a pair of ABDL twins are not allowed to have any of the spotlight as they want it all to themselves.  What gives them the audacity to try to silence or cancel emerging icons representing a cause that they don’t even understand?  They don’t want to, so they’ll make up fake stories to keep us from becoming stars.  Well you know what, Hollywood?  Your attempts are not working.  Our movement is stronger than ever, and it’s about to tear down the walls of your Elitest club of yours.  But anyway, I digress.

Now for the most intense burning question that any of you ever gave me.  And believe me.  I hear this one every time when I stream with my twin to this day: “How did you and Jenny become the JJ Diaper Twins?”  I get this question every single stream.  Every.  Single.  Stream.  Well, question no more my fellow JJ Little Besties!  I am about to tell you everything.  How my life was changed forever.  How my sister’s video game console launched my career.  How an embarrassing accident and mishap during a stream transformed my career.  All of you are responsible for making my career the success that it is, and I thank every one of you.  Now after I tell you everything, please help the mods in answering the question.  All of you will have the answer now, and you’ll be able to share it with every person that doesn’t know about this story yet.  So, you wanna know how Jillian Jenners (that’s ME!) went from a nobody to a big YouTuber and streaming celebrity?  Hang on to your diapys (and make sure it’s a fresh one) and listen to my story.  This is my humble beginning and I hope that it can inspire you from wherever you are to achieve your dreams and aim for the very best.

How did I get into wearing diapers in the first place?  To answer that question, we have to go all the way back to June of 2023.  Yes.  Five years to get to the very beginning.  I was a fresh college graduate from Cleveland State University while my twin sister chose Penn State to get her Master’s Degree in Accounting and earn her CPA.  Yes, we went to different schools.  As I said earlier, we may be identical but we couldn’t be more different!  It was only one month since I graduated.  But since my sister was in an accelerated program (that, and she used all her free time to take extra classes), she graduated one year ahead of me and went on to earn her CPA license.  She just celebrated her fourth month at Conway, Phillips, & Associates (one of the leading accounting firms in Philadelphia where she lives now).  What was I doing?  I was starving.  My emergency fund was starting to dry up.  My sister’s numerous scholarships (plus her firm paying for her Masters Degree while she interned there) got her a full ride through all of her college education.  On the other hand, I was sacked with debt from the Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Communication that was doing nothing for me at the time.  And my parents couldn’t help me with my schooling either since my sister and I came from a poor family.  I mean, $145,000 in college debt?  Everyone, all I did was cry that entire month after I graduated.  Failed interview after failed interview.  My grades were really good, but the market was competitive.  Who would hire me as a news anchor when so many other candidates had better qualifications than me?  Wasn’t the news station that I interned at in Cleveland good enough for all of you?  Well laugh it up, because my sister and I are making more than all of you now!  Five figures?  Try seven!  But seriously.  The economic times were really tough in 2023 (and they still are now in 2028).

After spending a solid month of dried-up job leads, failed interviews, and zero job offers, I drowned my sorrows with a pint of Mint Chocolate chip ice cream.  It was my guilty pleasure, but the refreshing mint at least tried to sweeten my rotten month of failed prospects.  I was crying in the kitchen halfway through my pity pint of minty goodness.

“You still crying, Jill pill?” My roommate Natasha asked me.

What else could I do?  Everything that I tried led to a dead end.  And now, I was about to run out of money…

“Yes, I’m still crying!” I told her.  “You would be too if you had over $100,000 in unpaid college debt and no job prospects…”

Natasha placed her hand on my shoulder.  I didn’t know why she did this, as it DEFINITELY didn’t make things any better.  “Jill?  I know that you’re going through a rough patch right now.  I know that I can’t do much to help you, but do you have anyone else that can help?”

I sighed as I repeated the question in my mind over and over.  “Well, I know that my parents can’t help me,” I told her matter-of-factly.  “I already told you that they’re poor.  My sister on the other hand is in Philly, rolling in money from her CPA job…”

“Just ask your sister!” Natasha told me.

I ignored her and dug up another generous scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream.  I shoved the heaping spoonful into my mouth in my futile attempt to numb the pain of my miserable existence.  Why did I ever go to school to be a news anchor?  Who would ever want to hear a loser like me?  Besides, most of the candidates that got the job were men.  So much for gender equality…

The explosion of sweet mintiness filled my mouth and I quickly swallowed it.  “My sister?” I said in a forlorn sigh.  “She’s got her own life now!  What would she want with me?”

That’s when I heard a knock at the door.

“Miss Jenners!” the voice boomed, sounding like a crotchety old lady.

It was the landlady.  My rent was due.  Aw shoot!  I thought I already paid it!  I KNOW I did last month!

“Your rent is due, miss!” the voice repeated.  “$950!  Do you have it?”

I opened the door and sighed.  “Mrs. Steinbeck, just one second…”

I woke up my cell phone and opened my banking app.  I checked the balance and my heart sank.  $20.89.  I only had $20.89 in my account!

“Well, I do have $20.89…” I told the landlady, my sheepish voice beginning to choke.

The landlady shook her head.  “Cash dear.  I need it all in cash.  You have until tomorrow night to give me the money.  Give me it or you will be evicted.  I will seize all your property as collateral and will return it once the rent is paid in full.  I WILL do this if you don’t have the rent tomorrow.  Do I make myself clear, Miss Jenners?”

“Crystal…” I choked.

The landlady slowly but firmly closed the door.  I then started crying again.

Natasha looked at me and sighed.  “Girl, I can give you $100, but I still need to pay for my half.”

I half smiled when I heard her say “girl”.  This was a Natashaism and her favorite word to use before beginning a sentence.  I guess it’s more common with her being from the Dallas-Fort Worth Area of Texas.  I have nothing against any of you Texans (your accent is AMAZING!).  It’s just that my accent is very boring compared to yours.  And Natasha’s accent was Texas Golden.

I grabbed my pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream (which was now starting to turn into a melty mess) and began to shovel the next melty mouthful.

Natasha opened her purse and pulled out five 20-dollar bills. She firmly placed the money in my hand and gestured me to place my spoon down.

“Set your ice cream down and look at me.” Natasha said firmly.  “Both eyes, Jill…”

I fixed my gaze on Natasha and ran my fingers through my brown hair.  Okay.  I’m staring at her.  What now?

“And stop playing with your hair!” she ordered.  “I need you to act like a proper lady.”

Proper?  Lady?  What is this, finishing school?  I let go of my hair and sighed, placing both hands to my side.  “Okay.  No nervous fidgets or stims.  What?”

Natasha smiled, happy that I have her undivided attention.  “Take the money.  You need it, girl…”

There she goes with that “girl”, again!  Even after a year of living with her, I’m still not quite used to it…

“Now,” Natasha continued.  “You told me that your sister is ‘rolling in money from her CPA job’…Why don’t you just ask her for help?  She’s your sister and I’m sure that she would love to help you if she knew that you were in need.  She seems like a pretty cool girl, too.  I saw you two at graduation…”

“Yeah,” I muttered.  “She visited me a month ago to watch me graduate.  At least my parents congratulated me over the phone…”

Natasha nodded.  “She seemed pretty nice, though.  You’re both twins, right?  You get along with her?”

I slowly nodded.  “Yeah.  We both grew up together!  Then we grew apart during college…”

“But she visited you!  Your sister actually cared enough to fly from Philadelphia all the way to Cleveland to watch you graduate.  Girl, don’t you think she still cares?”

I folded the $100 and stuffed it in my pocket of my grey jogging pants.  I then shoved another now liquidy spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my mouth.  “My sister only did that as a polite gesture,” I told her.  “If she really cared, wouldn’t she check in on me now and then?”

Before I could even finish saying the word “then”, my cell phone vibrated with the song “Shallow” playing.  (This song was both I and my sister’s favorite song in high school) The caller ID read “Jen” with a picture of her happily smiling below it.  At this moment, I totally lost it.  I began crying again. Knowing that my sister has heard me cry many times, I answered the phone.  “Hello?”

“Are you crying again?” Jen asked me.  “I just wanted to check in on you since it’s been a couple weeks now.  Now what’s wrong?  Why are you crying?”

I sighed.  “I thought that you didn’t care!  Didn’t you just visit me as a polite gesture?”

“Aw Jill…” she said in a voice that seemed to explode with sympathy.  “You know that my level of concern for you far exceeds what you may think it does.  Now I visited you last month because I love my twin sister and that’s what loving sisters are supposed to do.”

“Why didn’t mom and dad come to the graduation?” I asked her.

“Jill, we already discussed this.  They didn’t want to come to your graduation.  They didn’t come to mine either.  I offered to pay both times, but they refused my offer.  I don’t know what they have against either of us.  Despite that being the case, we have to love them back.  After all, they were the ones that raised us!”

I sighed. “I think it’s the money…We’ve always been poor…”

“But look at us, Jill!  We both have college degrees and I am now on my fourth month at an amazing accounting firm.”

“So you’re just going to gloat about your new job?  Jen, I thought you were going to check up on me!”

Natasha gasped and left the room.  I guess she wanted to give my sister and I some privacy.  Thanks I guess?

“Jill, I am not gloating.  I am very happy about the success that I achieved.  And I want you to be happy about your success too!  You graduated Magna Cum Laude from Cleveland State University!”

“Sis, you graduated Summa Cum Laude! A year ahead of me with a Masters that your cushy accounting firm paid for.  That same firm that you interned at!  And now you got a cushy job there!  Meanwhile, I am having failed interview after failed interview.  They are favoring men over me!  I guess an anchorMAN is better than an anchorwoman, huh?  I thought we were past all the sexist crap…Besides…”  I lost it again and burst into tears.

“Jill, you’re crying again!  What is pulling you into despair?”

“What is pulling me, Jen?  I’ll tell you!” I raised my voice.  “My landlord…um lady…knocked on the door and wanted the rent tonight.  I thought that I paid it!  But it looks like that I didn’t.  $950!  I checked my banking app.  All that I had was $20.89.  She didn’t want it.  She wanted it all in cash.  Now if I don’t give her the money tomorrow, she will evict me and seize all the belongings in my apartment.  She will only return them once I pay the rent in full.  So go back to your perfect life!”

“Perfect?  Jill, you have no idea of the tribulations that I experienced today.  Work was very stressful…”

“Work?  It must be a lot of stress to make all that money…”  I sarcastically retorted.

“You’re absolutely right Jill! It is!  Now, I had no idea of the financial turmoil that you’re going through.  And before you reiterate your crackpot sexist theory back to me, I have the perfect rebuttal.  On four out of the five local news channels that I perused, I saw women news anchors.  Not men, Jill.  Women!  You need to come out here, Jill.  The northeast is more progressive and liberal.  They don’t see any glass ceiling for us.  Plus, most of the CPA’s that I work with are women.  There are a few men in our group, though.”

“So, how do you propose I come out?” I whined.  “Earth to Jen!  I’m broke!  I have $145,000 in college debt and owe the landlady $950.  How do you expect me to come out there with a plane ticket to move to Philadelphia.  And the other problem would be a place to stay.  Now, where would I stay.”

“Jill, you would stay with me!  My apartment is a 3 bedroom.  I’m not using the other two rooms for anything.  They are still empty.  Okay.  Not quite.  Just a few of my extra belongings…I will take you in. You need to get out of Cleveland!”

I sighed as I looked at the Mint Chocolate chip ice cream.  “Just two more problems, Jen.  One: my rent.  And two: a plane ticket to Philadelphia?  Now my roommate had pity on me and gave me $100, but that’s not going to be enough for either expense.”

“Jill, just let me help you!  I will pay for your rent and your plane ticket.  I will buy a round trip ticket for me and a one-way ticket for you.  You’re going to get a job out here, Jilly Bean. I will be out tomorrow afternoon, with $950 to pay your landlady for another month.  Sound good?”

I was now crying my eyes out.  I never knew that my sister could be so loving and kind!  “Oh, thank you!” I joyfully weeped.  “You don’t know how much this means to me…”

“Oh, but I do Jill!” Jen told me.  “I’m your twin sister, remember?  We’re two halves of one whole.  I could feel that something was wrong with you tonight before I called you.  That’s a twin thing.  It’s like having a best friend, only waaaaaay better…See you tomorrow!  Love you!”

“Love you, too.” I told her.

The call ended and I wiped the rest of the remaining tears out of my eyes.  I then guzzled the rest of the thick and syrupy mint chocolate chip ice cream liquid and wiped off the sticky residue with my hands.

Natasha came out of her room and smiled.  “I heard some of the conversation but not all of it.  Now girl, look at me again…”

Well, I’m in a better mood now.  So okay…I looked at Natasha and stared at her.  “Yes Natasha?”

“I was right!” she told me.  “Your twin sister really does care about you and love you!  And she just proved it!”  She then proceeded to pat me on the shoulder.  “It looks like the good Lord is looking out for you…”

I shrugged my shoulders.  I guess he is…I dug into my jogging pants pocket and pulled out the $100.  “Do you need this back?  My sister is paying my rent tomorrow and taking me to Philadelphia to live with her.”

“Keep it!” Natasha pleaded.  “It’s the least that I can do in your situation.  Now, are you just going to have ice cream for dinner?  I can order us some food.  You don’t have to pay me.  I got this, girl…”

I nodded.  “Thanks Natasha.”

The rest of the evening was okay.  Natasha ordered a pizza with my favorite toppings.  They happened to be her favorites, too.  Either that, or she was just being nice.  A supreme pizza cooked to perfection.  We were both so hungry that we ate all but two slices.

As I was finishing my last slice, Natasha gave me that stare again, so I stared back.

“Jill,” she addressed me.  “Or Jillian?”

“Only my mom calls me that,” I sighed.  “Jill is fine…”

“Jill then…” Natasha continued.  “It was very nice having you as a roommate.  Granted we were busy and we didn’t see a lot of each other, but I wish you the best.  I have an interview in Columbus next week and if I get the job, I’m moving down to Columbus.  This apartment will be vacant again. You will have to sign a release and pay another fee to get out of your lease early.  I believe that our lease doesn’t come up until August.”

“I will just have my sister pay it,” I told her.  “I don’t want to take advantage of her, but I’m broke right now…Oh.  Good luck on that interview!  I hope you get it!”

Natasha smiled back at me.  “Thanks Jill Pill!”

“Ha…” I grinned.  “I can remember a few friends in high school calling me that…”

To those of you still following the story, not much more happened that evening.  I shed my t-shirt and jogging pants and slept in my bra and panties.  And I just…slept.  Yeah.  That’s it.  if you think you’re going to get more information than that reader, sorry.  This is my story, and I will spare some of the unnecessary details, like my snoring or anything else that you don’t need to know about.  You’re probably wondering “Jillian, when are you going to get to the diapers?”  Doncha worry, my little besties.  I will get to how I started wearing them very soon.  I just needed to get to my departure from Cleveland first.  I can actually remember sleeping really well that night.  I felt so happy that my sister really cared about me.  But finding a job was something that I really needed to do.  Now my sister TOLD me that female anchors were more common in Philadelphia.  I closed my eyes and fell asleep, hoping that she was right…


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Thanks!  For this one, I definitely wanted to explore the idea of what it would be like if ABDL influencers became famous.  And since I am a twin myself, I understand the connection that I have with my twin brother.

Chapter 2 on the way!  :)

Chapter 2 : Accidents Happen!

I hurry down the terminal of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, trying to keep up with my twin sister Jennifer. I could smell the hairspray and noted her attire: a white dress shirt with a black skirt suit that was “V”d right at her midsection. The black skirt suit and the white dress shirt above the “V” complemented each other well. That, and she had matching black leather shoes to complete the look. Her brown hair was down and it went down to her shoulders. My hair was just a little longer than hers. But getting back to her suit, just wow. I think that just her outfit cost at least a third of my rent!

And speaking of that, I’m sure you are all going to ask me. “Jillian, you’re at the airport. What about your sister picking you up, paying the rent, and all of that?” I guess that we can briefly go back, but remember. This is my story. We can touch on these details but let’s get to the good stuff already!

To briefly recap, my sister picks me up in a blue Ford Focus around 1:00 in the afternoon. It was a rental, since she drove from the airport. She brought a large luggage bag for me to fill with my belongings. I stuffed some clothes, my cheap laptop, and some toiletries. Jen told me that she had the rest at her apartment, and we could always buy more later.

I then say goodbye to my roommate Natasha and my sister takes me to the landlady’s office. I come in and give her the $950 for the month and tell her that I’m moving out before next month. She tells me that the early termination fee is $3,800, but only $1,900 if Natasha moves out early (since she would be paying the same fee). My twin nods, telling her that the fee would be no problem, and that it would be paid in 2-3 weeks, when we return to pick up all of my stuff.

With the rent all taken care of, my sister drives me to Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Having that said, we are now all caught up! (Yay!)

I hurry to keep up with my sister. I feel like I’m out of shape, as she is outdistancing me at just her normal pace!

“Jen, our flight is not until 5:30!” I finally shouted. “What’s the hurry?”

Jen nodded, and reduced her pace. “I’m sorry, Jill but that’s my normal pace! Would you like to try Pilates with me tomorrow morning? I do them almost everyday. I have seen amazing results on my body…”

I sigh, staring at my twin sister’s beautiful body. “I don’t exercise…”

“Well that explains everything then!” Jen told me. “The invitation is still open tomorrow morning for you to do Pilates with me, if you want to try it.”

I smile, as I gave it some thought. “Yeah. Sure…” I said. “How many things do we really get to do together anymore?”

“Wonderful!” Jen said as she smiled at me. “I will wake you up tomorrow morning and I’ll walk you through my routine.” She glanced around the airport. I’m guessing that she’s looking for a place to eat, as my stomach is now growling. Right on cue.

We both turned onto the B-wing. We checked my bag in that my sister brought for me, so I had just my purse as a carry-on item. Jen also had her purse. We approached the gate that had the non-stop flight to Philadelphia: gate B6. Nearby was a Subway, which really started to sound good.

Jen also saw the Subway and glanced at me. “Would you like to eat at Subway? Don’t worry about paying for it. I’m buying.”

I nodded, and put my $100 that Natasha gave me back in my front pocket. “Thanks sis…”

My twin sister smiled and nodded as we got in line.

I ordered an Italian BMT with extra mustard. My sister ordered a Veggie Delite as a salad, with light ranch dressing. I get my Coca Cola and my twin gets her water. We take our food, grab a table, and sit down.

I grin, and decide to ruthlessly critique my sister’s choice of food from Subway. “So, are you vegan?” I asked her.

Jen shook her head. “No. I just try to reduce the amount of meat that I eat. I usually have a little bit around dinnertime.”

“Fair enough!” I take a generous bite out of my Italian BMT and can taste the intense mustardy goodness between my teeth. “So, what about work? Aren’t you supposed to work today?”

“I took the day off, Jill.” She told me. “I have plenty of vacation days to use. It was no problem.”

I then thought about my fruitless job search again. “Are you sure that there are more woman anchors out there?”

I watched my sister nod very confidently. “I’m positive, Jilly Bean! While I was flying out, I did some research of job prospects for news anchors around Cleveland versus news anchors around Philadelphia. From the research, there are more woman anchors the further east you go. I’m so glad that I got you out of Cleveland. You are going to stay with me and you WILL find a job!”

I smiled when I heard “Jilly Bean”. “Jilly Bean…” I repeated with a smile. “It’s funny that you’re starting to call me that all of a sudden. I believe that the last time you called me that was when we were in elementary school.”

Jen gasped. “Has it really been that long?”

My smirk turned into laughter. “Yup! And I think I called you ‘Jenny Penny’!”

Jen finished swallowing a mouthful of her Veggie Delite salad and laughed. “You did! I remember! And you know what? The name fit me perfectly! I always loved math in school.”

“I didn’t” I argued. “I hated math. I still got good grades, but loved Science and English the best. I especially liked speech class…”

Jen nodded. “And for one of your speech projects, you were a news anchor!”

“Yeah!” I shouted. “That’s why I wanted to be an anchor! I was always good at speaking…”

We both laughed and continued talking. We finished our lunches and continued talking about later plans after I got back to Philadelphia with my sister. One idea that she had was to take me to this nice restaurant that she went to with her coworkers. I guess that’s fine. Just as long as I don’t have to pay for it. I’m broke, remember?

Before we knew it, it was time to board the non-stop Delta flight from Cleveland to Philadelphia. The departure time was at 5:30 PM with an arrival time of 6:50 PM in Philadelphia. We both boarded the flight and the plane took off.

Before I knew it, the plane made its landing in Philadelphia. From this point on, this city would be my new home, and hopefully where I can find a fresh start. Cleveland didn’t offer me that so I’m hoping that I can have more luck here. Besides, since we were so close to New York City, it seemed like we were in an endless city no matter which direction we were going. There was DC and Baltimore to the south and the Big Apple to the north. With that many people near Philly, I should be a shoo in for that anchor position!

My sister and I got off the plane and walked down the air-bridge leading to Terminal D of Philadelphia International Airport. No sooner than we left gate D5 that Jen’s phone started to ring. It played some music that sounded like it was from a video game.

“What song is that?” I asked my sister.

“Bob Omb Battlefield!” Jen shouted. “It’s Joey!”

“Bob Omb…what?” I said in confusion. “And who’s Joey?”

“My boyfriend!” Jen exclaimed with ecstasy. “Here. Let me get this…hello? Yeah. I just arrived at Philadelphia with my sister. Was there something that you needed, honey? Oh? Yeah. I want to spend some time with my sister for a while. We can do something special another night. So were you able to review all that for Apple? You did? Good. Apple is rife with financials, so we want to get every detail right for them…What? You found a mistake? Did you tell their finance department? You did? Good. Have I played any more video games? That’s a silly question. You know where I was all day. Helping my twin sister. Yeah. I told you about her. She’s kind of in a difficult position at this moment. No. It’s not a short time. My sister is going to live with me now. Yeah. It’s permanent. What? We can still go on dates and have our private time. You want to come and eat dinner with us? Okay. I’ll make it official then. You are cordially invited to dine with me and my twin sister at the Capital Grille! What? Play it later, Joey! Your video games can wait! What one is it? Tears of the Kingdom? Yeah. The sensible option would be to save it for later and have a delicious dinner with me and my sister. You’re going to do it? Good Joey! I love you. Get reservations for the three of us. The Capital Grille fills up pretty fast at dinner time so hurry. You’re getting them now? Thank you. My sister and I are going back home to drop off her things and get changed. Yes you need nice clothes! This is the Capital Grille, Joey! Not McDonald's! I need to let you go. I need to go with my sister to pick up her luggage at the baggage claim. Mario Karting? Yeah. We can play more this weekend! Call me back when you get the reservation! Love you too! XOXO!”

Now filled to the brim with impatience, I watched my sister end her phone call with her oh so wonderful boyfriend. Seriously sis, I don’t know how you did it. To be honest, I have never had a REAL date in my life. Just some ugly admirer that I didn’t like back. He was a Poindexter that only spoke nerdese. I think I look beautiful! Do I really just attract the losers? Now, if my sister could answer that video game question. “What is Bob Omb Battlefield?” I impatiently asked for the second time.

My twin sister looked back at me with a smile that was sweeter than an Oreo Cookie (the Double Stuf kind, of course!). “Oh! It’s a song from the video game Super Mario 64! There’s a level called Bob Omb Battlefield and it plays that song there.”

“Um, Jen?” I said, looking confused. “Since when were you into video games?”

“Jill, I started getting into video games when I met my boyfriend Joey. He loves them so we play all the time. At first I was doing it for his sake but I kind of like playing them now.”

I looked at her and sighed. My envy was greener than grass on a hot summer day. “So why did you invite your boyfriend to have dinner with us?”

Jen looked at me and sighed. “What is your problem, Jill? I love Joey and this is the kind of life that I have here in Philadelphia. Now I can tell that you have some feelings of jealousy toward my boyfriend. If you want to get a man, make yourself available, Jill. Get out. Join clubs. Go to bars. Meet people. I know that I’m your twin sister but I can’t do that for you. I can help you and support you but you need to find the relationships yourself, okay?”

I nodded and hugged my sister, as tears began flowing out of my eyes. “I just…want what you already have…A job…a boyfriend…and plenty of money..!” I then thought of my college debt. “Oh, and for my college debt to be paid off too!”

Jen hugged me back and turned my face toward hers. “You will get those things in due time, As a sister that loves you very much, I know you, Jill. You are a sweet and kind person. You have a lot of needs right now, but we’re going to work on them. You’re going to like my boyfriend. He’s a pretty neat guy. We’ll help you meet some new friends here, okay?”

“Thank you!” I tried to stop crying as we approached the baggage claim. My luggage bag just came out so we had to run towards it. Jen was just ahead of me so she grabbed it.

“Got it!” she shouted. “Let’s go home and I’ll show you my place.”

I followed my sister to an elevator that took us to the airport parking. We walked up to a white Mercedes-Benz and then stopped. I gave my sister a frown. “Um, Jen? Aren’t we going to your car?”

Jen got out the key fob and unlocked the luxury sedan. “This is my car, Jill. An AMG S 63 E Performance S-Class Mercedes-Benz with the full package. I just bought it brand new last month. Don’t worry. I still kept our old car…”

I opened the passenger door while Jen placed my luggage in the back seat. I freaked out at just how posh and luxurious the interior looked. Red leather on the seats. And various controls that did who knows what. I felt like I was in the cockpit of an airplane, not a car.

Jen sat down and buckled her seatbelt. “Buckle up, Jill!” She reminded me.

I buckled up and stared at my sister, my jaw still flat on the floor from taking in the interior of this spaceship…I mean, car. “Jen, this is amazing! How can you afford this?”

Jen turned toward me and smiled. “I just got a bonus last month. A little early, but they told me that I was doing a rather stellar job.”

I nodded and stared at my sister. Well, even if I was a news anchor, I would not be able to afford a car like that. Why I would have to work at a syndicated 24-hour cable news channel to afford a car like this!

My sister took us back home to her swanky apartment in downtown Philadelphia. It took almost a half hour for us to drive to her place from the airport.

Just as she was entering downtown Philadelphia, the Bob Omb Battlefield music played again. Joey again. Does he really need to call?

“Assistant, answer call!” Jen ordered. I then heard Joey’s voice for the first time.

“Hey baby!” Joey shouted. “Where are you?”

“Joey?” Jen said, sounding nervous. “I’m just entering downtown Philadelphia. The traffic’s very heavy….” Jen made a skillful maneuver, merging into the right exit just in time. That junction led to another highway, with various other downtown exits coming up.

“Well, I just wanted to let you know that I got the reservations for the Capital Grille.”

“You did?” Jen gasped. “Excellent! I’ll call you back when Jill and I get ready, okay?”

“Got it, babe. Reservations are for 8:45 for the three of us. I know it’s kind of late, but we have one more work day until the weekend, right?”

“You got it!” Jen said. “I’m just about home. Talk to you a little later! Love you, honey!”

“Love you too, JenJen…Bye…”

The call ended at 7:42 p.m. If the reservations were for 8:45, we only had an hour. “JenJen?” I said, teasing my twin sister.

Jen nodded. “Yes. You’ll understand that better when you have a boyfriend…”

Um, okay…I then thought of the reservation. “How are we going to get there in an hour?”

My twin sister didn’t look a bit worried about this. “Jill, I live right next to this restaurant. We’re so close that we can walk there! Why did you think I picked this one?”

I watched as my sister continued to show off her mad driving skills. We were now in downtown Philadelphia and she was turning onto the street where her apartment was.

“Jill, we are going to park in a nearby parking deck.” My sister told me. “Don’t worry. It’s attached to the apartment where I live. Metro City Apartments.”

A parking deck? Okay. I guess that’s how they do it here in the city. My sister drove her luxury ride into the parking deck and we kept going upward until we found a vacant spot.

“I have annual parking passes for both cars.” Jen explained to me. Each car has a sticker, which the parking deck reads to let us in. I just wanted to let you know.”

I nodded as she parked her Mercedes-Benz in a vacant spot.

I opened up the back passenger door and got out my luggage. I followed my sister as she locked the Mercedes-Benz and activated the car alarm.

Jen took me to some automatic doors, which led to a hallway where a set of four elevators were. We took the first one on our right and entered it. Jen pressed 22 on the panel. The elevator zoomed up to the 22nd floor.

The elevator doors opened and Jen guided me to the door to her 3-bedroom apartment.

“Twenty-two oh two…” Jen announced. “Home sweet home!”

Jen got out her cell phone and loaded a special app that managed the lock for her apartment. After she entered the password, the door unlocked. Amazing.

Jen opened the door and guided me into her humble abode. The great room had everything you needed: a living room, a kitchen, and a dining room all rolled into one. Two bedrooms were next to each other with a bathroom nearby. The third bedroom had the bathroom nearby it.

“3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms,” Jen announced. “1560 square feet.” She then pointed to one of the almost empty bedrooms and gestured me to come with her. I followed and entered with her.

Jen turned on the light switch. “You will be staying here. In the bedroom next to mine. It’s the second largest bedroom and you should have plenty of space in there. I got you a blow-up mattress, but don’t worry. I have every intention to buy you your very own bed. I sleep in a queen-sized bed and I want you to sleep in the same kind that I have. We will be looking at beds this weekend. Joey’s Mario Karting can wait…”

I glanced at the time. 8:03. We have about 40 more minutes!

My sister, also looking at the clock, nodded. “We need to get ready for the Capital Grille. Now Jill, this is a very fancy place so I’m going to have you wear one of my outfits. We’re both the same height so they should fit you.”

“I hope…” I said with a smirk. “I think I weigh a little more than you. I need to stop eating that ice cream…”

Jen nodded, as she quickly assembled an outfit that I had to wear to be allowed to eat at this fancy restaurant. It was a silky white gown that fit me okay. I felt weird wearing it since I’m not used to wearing fancy clothes.

“Um…” I said, glancing at my sister. “I’m dressed…”

Jen nodded, as she finished putting on a gown that looked similar to mine, only it was lavender. “It’s called an evening gown, Jill. It’s what we wear to special events like this.”

I laughed. “Since when is eating a special event? It’s just food!”

“But this is high society!” Jen explained. “The clothes that you had on before would not be allowed in a place like this. The people that eat at places like this are well to do and make very good wages.”

I sighed. “I don’t have a job, so why are you taking me here?”

“You’re my guest, so you can eat here!”

“But I’m moving here. I’m not just a guest. How much do these yuppies make?”

“Excuse me?” Jen said. “So am I a yuppie too? Jill, I am a CPA at a very nice CPA firm. I currently make $148,000 a year. Compared to everyone else that I have seen there, that is pretty low. Now, we need to get going! Your hair looks fine. Let’s just add this…” she got out some perfume and gently sprayed it on both of us.

We both left Metro City Apartments at 8:17. From what Jen’s phone told me, it was only going to take 10 minutes to get there. And with reservations being at 8:45, we would still have some time to spare.

Sure enough, the phone was right. 10 minutes later, I arrived with my twin sister at the Capital Grille. Just the exterior décor looked very fancy. I stood there very still, not wanting to break anything.

A couple minutes later, a man in a tuxedo glanced at my sister and hugged her.


It was Joey. Joey looked at me and smiled. “So you’re Jill? Your sister has told me a little bit about you.”

“Yup!” I shouted, trying to sound polite. “Things didn’t work out where I was in Cleveland, so my sister took me in.”

“Yeah! She told me that. But you know what that means. We have another player for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!”

“Joey!” Jen shouted. “My sister has never touched a video game before. Maybe if she’s interested, we can teach her how to play.”

Joey looked at me and smiled. I could tell just how fascinated he was with video games just by his facial expression. “So, do you think that video games is something that you would like to do with us? It’s a lot of fun. Me and my friends play a lot on the weekends. Especially Smash!” Joey then looked at both of us. “Well, I have two lovely ladies that will be having dinner with me tonight…But seriously. These reservations were really hard to get. Because of one cancellation, I was able to get us in.”

Jen nodded, as she held out her hand for Joey to take it. “8:32. Let’s see it we can get in early.”

Joey grabbed my sister’s hand, and I watched them romantically stroll forward towards the entrance of the restaurant. What a way to single me out and make me feel even more miserable. Am I just going to stay a single pringle? Why did I move in with my sister? All she’s doing is rubbing her relationship in my face!

When Joey just saw that I was tailing behind him, he sighed. “Hey,” he told me. “I know you’re new, but I have a lot of friends that I would like you to meet. I can see it, Jill. JenJen gave me the same face when I met her for the first time. That face of loneliness. Of course she didn’t ever want to admit it to me. I still saw it. So I pushed her out of her loneliness.”

“And I’m glad that you did!” Jen said, smiling. “You also got me out of my shell! Yes, I was lonely, but work has its place…”

“Indeed it does.” Joey said, as we entered the restaurant. “Now Jill…Getting back to my friends. Not all of them have a girlfriend, okay? There’s actually a few that are single. Are you single, Jill? You don’t have any boyfriends back in Cleveland, do you?”

I nervously laugh. “Of course not! I’m the kind of girl that scares boys away…”

Joey laughed. “I like your humor. Scared? All of my single friends would be strong enough to take on you. Now I don’t want you to feel left out tonight. Both JenJen and I will have our own alone time to do what we want together. This is your night, Jill. We’re here to help you, okay?”

I shyly nodded. “Yeah. Thanks…”

Jen looked back at him. “While she won’t tell you, I can say that she really appreciates what you’re doing for her.”

Bingo! Yeah. I’ll be honest. I feel a little out of place here in this fancy restaurant. Maybe if I felt more comfortable, I would want to talk more? But yeah. Joey has already proved his awesomeness to me. Now introduce me to your single friends. Please! I, Jillian Jenners would really appreciate it!

We presented ourselves to the hostess, who told us that our table would be ready in a few more minutes. Everyone in the Capital Grille was dressed up. All the women wore fancy gowns and all the men wore suit coats or tuxedos. What was this, a wedding? Nope. Just some fancypants place where you had to dress up to eat here! And for what it’s worth, the food better be good!

After a couple more minutes of waiting, our table was finally ready. To check for accuracy, I looked at my phone. 8:44. One minute early!

The hostess summoned a waiter, who also wore a suit. We followed him to our assigned table.

At the table, I was impressed. Three menus were all laid there, each in its own assigned spot. All of the silverware and napkins were laid in each spot. Talk about classy! Now I’m hungry! What sounds good?

“Good evening everyone.” The waiter announced in a snooty accent. “I am Darian, and I will be taking care of your table tonight. The specials that we have tonight include the following. We have the World-Class Surf and Turf. A fresh 10 ounce cut of Filet Mignon prepared your way with cipollini onions, wild mushrooms, and fig essence perfectly paired with pan-seared sea bass with miso butter. This dish is served on a gridded plate to ensure that there is no cross contamination between the meat and the fish. We are offering this delectable dish at 85 dollars. Our second special is the Tender Lobster Feast. You get our seared tenderloin with butter poached lobster tails and a hearty bowl of lobster bisque. We are offering this delicious dish at 80 dollars. Our final special is the Seafood Trio. With this wonderful selection, you get a slice of our sushi-grade seared sesame tuna, half a slice of pan-seared sea bass with miso butter, and half a slice of seared citrus glazed salmon with marcona almonds and brown butter. That’s two delectable slices of our three best seafood selections and we’re offering it tonight for 90 dollars. I will give you a few minutes to review those specials and the menu and will return for your orders. In the meantime, what would everyone like to drink tonight? If you are uncertain, we have San Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water if you won’t be drinking alcohol tonight. Also review our wines. I will return in a few minutes for everyone’s selection.”

Darian left and all I could do was gasp. Are you crazy? 90 dollars for a dinner? You could get almost 16 or 17 Big Macs for that! Well, my sister took me here and I don’t have to pay for it, so whatever…

Joey nodded as he already had in mind what he wanted to order. “I will be paying for everyone’s dinner tonight.” He announced. “Darian never asked, but I will tell him when he returns. So babe, I was thinking that you and I could split a wine tonight. Normally we get our own, but I’m going to give that honor to Jill tonight. So Jill, get whatever wine you want. Even the most expensive one.”

I smiled. “The most expensive one, huh? Well, I don’t drink a lot of wine, so I’m not going to do that.”

I glanced at the wines and made my decision. It’s going to be a red wine. How about Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast? And how about the World-Class Surf and Turf? That’ll be 200 dollars for just me!

Joey smiled as he glanced over at my sister. “I know that this is random, but what video game character do you see yourself as? I like to think that I am Tidus and you are Yuna.”

Jen frowned. “I don’t know those characters. I guess I see myself as Princess Peach? I don’t know a lot of video games like you…”

Joey smiled as he admired his tuxedo. “I haven’t worn this since we visited Amazon. Of course I got it dry-cleaned after the visit!”

Jen grinned, as she jabbed Joey in the tie. “You better have!” she said jokingly. She glanced at the menu. “Decide what you want!”

And decide we did. Joey announced to Darian that he would be paying for the whole meal, and that he would be sharing a bottle of Chaleur Blanc from DeLille Cellars in Columbia Valley, Washington with Jen. They also got some San Pellegrino Sparkling Natural Mineral Water as they were only sharing a 750 milliliter bottle. For food, Joey ordered the Seafood Trio. My sister Jen ordered the Tender Lobster Feast. I then unloaded the $200 bomb: A World-Class Surf and Turf and a Walt brand Las Brisa red wine from the Sonoma Coast.

Darian wrote down all of our orders and nodded. “Very fine selections tonight. I will put these orders in and get them out to you as soon as possible.”

I looked at the clock. 9:12. “They better. Doesn’t this place close at 9:00?”

Jen nodded. “They do. But they lock the doors at 9:00. They still have to serve every table.”

I grinned. “I see. For $200, this better be really good…”

Joey laughed. “You’re going to like it, Jill…”

The rest of our meal went as follows. Our wines were served to us in five minutes and our dinner was served in another 15. At this point, everything started to blur. I think it was the wine…Amazing stuff it was! Raspberries! Plum! A robust flavor that burned my throat but I LOVED it! Really, I wish that they could’ve bought me another bottle! Everyone! Las Brisa is the best. Get it and see for yourself!

Wait…! My food tasted good…I think. The medium-rare Filet Mignon was perfect with the onions, mushrooms, and figs. The sea bass was AMAZING with the miso butter!

And did we have dessert? Having asked Jen while writing this, yes we did. My sister and I each got a Classic Crème Brulee (my sister ordered for me since I was out of it from the wine) and Joey got the Capital Grille Cheesecake.

The final bill came and Joey got out his credit card. I can’t remember what it was since I was drunk but I’m sure it was a lot. We left the restaurant and walked back to Metro City Apartments. I don’t even remember walking back to the apartment, but from what my sister told me, this is what happened.

Once back at her place, Jen guides me into my room that she showed me earlier. The mattress was all blown up with three layers of covers. Because I was so out of it, she helped me into my bed, gave me a hug, and told me goodnight.

From that total blackout that happened since I downed that red wine, I will now tell you what I remember next. I heard a loud noise. Then I heard crying. Then I realized what happened. The carpet was covered in red vomit. I threw up all over her floor. My sheets and pajamas that she lent me were sopping wet with pee. And I was curled up in a fetal position, crying my eyes out.

To all my JJ Littles out there: Accidents happen. But let me tell you, everyone.

This was only the beginning.

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 2 - 4/6/2024)

Thanks for the feedback!  For some reason, it posted twice.  I think it was because I was trying to leave a separate comment from the one I left this morning.  Instead, it merged the two.

Chapter 3 will be out tomorrow!

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 3 - 4/7/2024)

Chapter 3 : Me? In Diapers? No Way!

Now I know what you’re thinking, my JJ Besties.  “Jillian, that’s so unlike you to say that!  I thought that you liked diapers!”

I do now, my little fam.  But if you were to speak to the Jillian Jenners of five years ago, she would think that you were out of your mind.  The me of the past would not be caught dead in diapers.

Getting back to the story, I was just laying there in a fetal position, sobbing my eyes out.

The door to my room burst open and my twin sister stares at me in horror.

“Oh Jill!” she shouted.  “You puked all over the place and it’s all on the pajamas I lent you!” she paused as she saw that I did more than just throw up.  “And you peed yourself…” she glanced at the air mattress, which had a puddle of pee on the sheets.  “And you peed the bedding!”

My face became redder than a volcano when I realized what I just done.  “I’m sorry!” I screamed.  “I didn’t mean to!”

Jen carefully hugged me.  I’m sure that she didn’t want to get too much vomit or pee on herself.  “Jill…It’s okay.  You got drunk and you peed everything and threw up.  We’ll get you cleaned up, okay?”

I was still embarrassed and sad.  Why did I do this?  I can’t even remember peeing myself!  The last thing that I remembered was waking up to hear myself scream, throw up, and cry.  Now I have a huge headache and I feel a little dizzy.  “Uh…” I whimpered, my face becoming cold and clammy.  My sister Jen was fading out of my view.

“Jill!  Jill?  JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!!!!!!”

I woke up naked, feeling the blast of the shower head in my face.  My sister was standing next to me, cleaning everything off of me.  “Um…What are you doing?” I screamed.

Jen gave me a worried look.  “I’m taking care of you!  You blacked out and I had to drag you to the bathroom.  I then undressed you so I can clean you up…”

The red on my face returned.  I turned the shower off. “Well, please let me finish doing it myself.  I don’t feel that dizzy now.  But I have a huge headache…”

“It’s a hangover…” Jen told me.  “You should feel better by tonight…”

A hangover?  If this is what a hangover is, I never want to have one again!  I looked around for a clock.  “What time is it?” I asked my sister.

“4:17 in the morning.” She told me, sounding a little tired.

I sighed, when I remembered the promise that I made to my sister.  “Are we going to do Pilates?” I asked her.

“No!” she answered almost immediately.  “You’re hung over plus you made a mess and peed yourself.  I want you to get better this morning.  Okay Jill?”

“Stop saying that!” I shouted.  Really Jen!  Do you have to embarrass me even more?  “Babies pee themselves!  Not full grown women like me!”

Jen shook her head.  “But those greatly intoxicated do it too.  I’m sorry that we let you have a whole bottle of wine.  What you drank was basically five or six glasses worth.  No more wine for you, Jill.  Go back to your soda.”

“Gladly!” I shouted.  “I don’t really drink that much anyway…”

Jen looked at me, knowing that I looked very uncomfortable with her seeing me naked.  “I’ll finish letting you shower.  I’ll clean off the vomit on your air mattress and get you new bedding and new pajamas.  You didn’t pack a lot of underwear so I’ll let you wear some of mine.  Don’t worry about the carpeting.  I will call a steaming service and they will come in and clean it up.  I will make it late morning so you can sleep a little longer.  Sound good, Jill?”

I nodded, then stared down at my breasts.  “Will I have to wear your bras too?”

Jen nodded.  “For now.  I will want you to buy some of your own.”

“Of course!” I blurted. “I feel very weird wearing your bras.”

Jen nodded.  “I understand.  We do have the same breast size.  Know that the underwear is also temporary, too.  We will be getting your stuff in a couple weeks!”

I couldn’t wait.  “Okay!”  I said impatiently.  “I’m going to shower now!”

“Okay!”  Jen hurried out of the room and let me finish taking my shower.  I’m kind of relieved that I don’t have to do Pilates with her this morning.  I feel very groggy and tired from last night plus I have a huge headache.  But yeah…wearing my sister’s clothes is GOING to be temporary!  I think I’ll buy a couple bras today…

I finished cleaning myself and…do you mind?  I think I’ll skip this part.  Now wrapped in two towels after a warm and refreshing shower, I exited the bathroom and walked over to the bedroom.  The red wine vomit was mostly cleaned up, but the red stains on the carpet were everywhere.  Some new bedding was laid out, with a new pillow case on the pillow.  My sister was totally awesome in taking care of this.  I looked around, trying to figure out where my sister went.

Jen then popped her face inside my room.  I was sitting on my temporary bed, still wrapped in both towels.  “You’re done.  Did you have a nice shower?”

“Yes I did.” I told her plainly, hoping that she would get the hint to leave so I can sleep off this headache.  That’s when I winced in pain.  “Ohhhh…”

“You have a headache?” Jen asked me.  “Here.  I’ll get you some aspirin…”

Jen quickly left the room.  A couple minutes later, she was holding a couple aspirin with a tall plastic cup full of water.  “Take these for your headache.  You should feel a little better.” She glanced at the door, almost leaving.  She quickly pivoted 180 degrees.  “I’m going to do my Pilates in my room and get ready for work.  Once at work, I will call the steamers at 8:00 and will aim for a 10:00 appointment.  Just take it easy today and get rid of that hangover!  It should be gone by about dinnertime.  They usually last about 24 hours.”

24 hours?  I am SO not getting a hangover again.  Everyone, don’t drink too much!  Hangovers are the worst…

Jen glanced at me and smiled.  “Just take it easy.  Help yourself to whatever you want.  I work until 5:00 and will be back by 6:00.  This is mainly because I’m picking up dinner for us tonight.  I’ll call you later and we can discuss options.  Sleep well, Jill!  Get better!”  Jen hugs my toweled arms and leaves the room.

I close the door and put on all the new clothes that Jen laid out for me.  I could tell that her bras and panties were more expensive as I have never heard of these brands before.  Even the pajamas!  How much did this all cost?  Whatever…I got back in my blow-up mattress bed.  I took the two aspirin and drank the last of the glass of water.  About a half hour later, my headache subsided and I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door.  Who could that be?  I then remembered the last conversation that I had with my sister…The steamers!

I sprang out of “bed”.  As I approached the door to the apartment, I heard them.  “Squeaky Clean Steaming Service! Is this the right apartment?!”

“Be right there!” I shouted as I approached the door.

I opened the door and saw two men standing there, with all their steaming equipment behind them.

“Squeaky Clean Steaming Service!” the man announced, sounding a little professional.  “Randy Matthews.  Is this 2202?”

“Yup!” I nodded.  They don’t have to know that I was the one responsible for their visit.  I pointed to the room that I was staying.  “That one.  There’s red stains everywhere.”

Randy smiled.  “Must have been some party!  But that’s none of my business.  Our business is to clean it up.  Our steamers can get it out no problem!  I’m training Todd here today.  He’s just here to observe.  I already talked to a Jennifer earlier and this visit will go on her credit card.  We will process it when the job is done.”  He glanced at his trainee.  “This way, Todd.  Grab the steamer and follow me into this room…”

Todd, looking very loyal and dutiful, nodded.  “Right away, Randy!”  He grabbed the steamer and walked into the apartment with Randy.

I stayed out of their way, letting them take care of the mess.

To kill some time today, I had a bowl of Special K Red Berries for breakfast (honestly, I would’ve had Golden Grahams), a couple of microwaved scrambled eggs (where’s the sriracha, sis?), and a slice of buttered toast (not actually butter, but Country Crock margarine).  She had no orange juice, but did have a Keurig Coffee maker.  I popped in a Dark Roast K-Cup and used the Vanilla CoffeeMate in the fridge (c’mon sis!  Wrong flavor!  CRÈME brulee!)  My sister does indeed have different tastes than me so the breakfast was okay…

After the breakfast, I just played on my phone.  The battery was full, so I loaded my news app to stay up to date on the latest news.  If I was going to be a news anchor, I needed to know what all the top stories were.  After that, I noticed an unopened text message from a number I wasn’t familiar with.  The only thing familiar was the Philadelphia area code that my sister also had in her number (she changed numbers after getting her job four months ago).  Out of curiosity, I opened the text, and this is what it read:

Hey!  This is Joey!  You look a little drunk right now so your sister is ordering you dessert!  This is my number so that we can get to know each other more.  You seem like a very fun girl so I’m going to tell my other friends about you!  I’m going to tell the single ones first.  So don’t worry!  You’re going to make some really cool friends!  You may be single right now, but that’s not going to last very long!  I’m going to tell them how “scary” you are so they know what to expect.  Keep on the lookout!  We will definitely be gaming soon!  Can’t wait until the weekend!

I smiled after reading that.  “Joey,” I said.  “You just scored some massive awesome points!  Yes!  I look forward to meeting your single guy friends!  Send them here!”  I laughed when I thought about me being scary.  I guess I’m just shy around other guys?  I’m still new to this…I…never had a real date before…I added Joey’s number to my phone.  I put “Sis Boyfriend” in paranthesis after “Joey” as a reminder to myself that Joey is taken.  And what appropriate ringtone can I attach to Joey?  I know!  “Believer” by Imagine Dragons!  Make me a believer, Joey and rid me of my singleness with your single friends.

I then texted Joey back:

Hi Joey!  This is Jillian (in case you haven’t added my number yet).  I don’t even remember you sending this to me last night (time stamp reads 9:34 PM).  Was I really that drunk?  I guess I was since I feel very hung over this morning and don’t even remember you sending this to me.  Can you please introduce me to your single friends? (pleading face emoji)  Yeah, I’m scary (RAWR!) lol I will definitely try that gaming thing if it’s something that you and your friends really like to do.  Have fun at work, doing accounty stuff with my sis!  (smiling emoji)

I spent the rest of the morning checking my news feeds, keeping up to date on all the news going on around Philadelphia, the US, and the world.  While I was doing this, Randy from Squeaky Clean Steamers told me that they were finished and that my sister would be charged $150 on her credit card.  Moments later, my sister sent me a text, so I read it:

Squeaky Clean Steamers just charged $150 on my credit card.  They emailed me the invoice and my credit card company just sent me an email, indicating that this charge was made.  So how does the carpet look?  Did they do a good job, Jill?

I entered the room to still find it a little moist.  It smelled nice and I couldn’t find a trace of red stains anywhere!  I took a couple pictures with my cell phone and sent them back to my sister in another text.  My sister then texted me back:

EXCELLENT JILL!  They did a good job… (Happy Emoji)

After that, I was going to get on Amazon to order bras, but I realized that I was broke!  I’ll definitely want to get some more bras when I go shopping with my sister again.]  I was then hungry for lunch.  I opened the freezer and found only Lean Cuisines. (REALLY sis?  Where’s the pizza rolls?)  Disgusted, I pulled one out, which was the Protein Kick with Herb Roasted Chicken.  I heated it up and ate it.  Really sis!  How healthy can you get?  I’m starving here!

I finished my disappointing lunch and walk over to the living room.  I noticed a black box with two controllers sticking out of it.  It was blue on the one side and a orangish red on the other side.  I looked closer to see what this box was.  I then saw the logo, with the name below:  Nintendo Switch.  Wait.  Is this that video game thing that Joey and Jen were talking about?  How does it work?  “I wanna try it!”  I gushed, looking for a button to turn it on.  I press the button at the top and the entire TV turns on.  How do you control this thing?  I find a controller nearby.  So I use THIS to play the video game?

I start pressing buttons on the controller and it takes me to this home menu.  On the sidebar had all the latest news on the Nintendo Switch games.  Being the aspiring news anchor that I was, I checked out the short articles.  It mainly had to do with upcoming games or games I guessed were already out.  The most recent game it’s showing in the home menu is this Mario Kart 8 that Joey was talking about!  I glanced at the other games in the home menu:  Nintendo Entertainment System?  Super Nintendo Entertainment System?  Nintendo Switch Online?  What is that?  “I’ll look at that later…” I said with a smile.  “I’m going to play some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!”

Before I loaded the game, it gave me the option of which profile to use.  There were two profiles:  The first one was Jen, which had a picture of a dog beneath it.  The second one was Joey, which had a picture of some man with a green hat carrying a sword.  I chose Jen and booted up the game.

Over the next few hours, I learned how to play Mario Kart 8…kind of.  I learned the basic controls, so I was able to play somewhat decent.  I even came in 8th place once!  Yay!  I also liked the cloud course and the music course.  The one with the sweets was also fun.  So Joey plays this all the time?  He must have a lot of fun with it!

I was right in the middle of some “rainbow road” track when I heard the song “Shallow” blaring from my cell phone.  Jen!  I at least knew how to pause the game, so I paused it and answered the phone.  The time was 5:08 p.m.  (Was I really playing THAT long?  That’s at least four and a half hours!)  “Hello?”

“Hi Jill!  How are you feeling?  Did you sleep okay after I left?  Did you get over the hangover?”

I laugh as I anxiously stared at the screen.  I wanted to play more Mario Kart!  “Yes Jen.  I actually don’t have a headache anymore.”

“Good!  Are you ready for some more red wine?”

“NO!” I shouted.  “I don’t want anymore of that stuff!!!”

“I was only joking, sis!  I just wanted to let you know that I’m done with work now.  I don’t work on the weekends, so we’ll have a fun weekend together.  Can you believe it?  Your first weekend here in Philadelphia!”

“I know!”  My stomach then begins to growl.  “Um sis?  Can you please get some REAL food in the house?  Your stuff is WAY too healthy!”

“I’m sorry, Jill but you just moved here.  That is just what I eat.  I do like to cook on the weekends, but I mostly order out during the week.”

“And let me guess,” I smirked.  “You eat those disgusting Lean Cuisines when you’re too lazy to cook, right?”

“Jill, they’re not disgusting!  They may be for you, but I like them!  Now I’m picking up dinner for us both.  What would you like me to get?

I smiled, knowing what Philadelphia was famous for.  Their cheesesteaks!  I gotta have a cheesesteak!  “I wanna cheesesteak!” I shouted.

“A cheesesteak?  There are many places in Philly that have amazing cheesesteaks.  Since it’s the closest to my work, how about we get you a Belly Filler from Larry’s Steaks?  It’s a whopping two feet sandwich!  I guarantee you will have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.  Plus, it’s excellent for hangovers!  I’ll get the smaller one but I’ll get you a Belly Filler from Larry’s Steaks, okay?”

“Okay sis!” I grinned, my mouth almost watering from hearing about that cheesesteak.  Wow.  Just wow. A two-foot Philly cheesesteak sub?!  How am I going to eat all of that?!

I continued playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe until my sister got home.  She opened the apartment door, carrying two bags, with a laptop case dangling from her hand.

“I’m home!” My sister happily announced.  “I got you your Belly Filler, plus I decided to splurge tonight.  I got us both a slice of Marble New York Cheesecake from Termini Bros. Bakery.  Joey got this for me before and I LOVED it!  You’ll love it too!”

She got out some plates and laid the cheesesteaks on both of them.  The monsterous Belly Filler on my plate and the much smaller version on her plate.  Before I could even have a bite, she stopped me.

“Jill!” she told me.  “Let’s say the blessing!”

I sighed.  “We’re not at grandmas!”

But Jen smiled.  “I’m sorry, but when I’m with Joey, it’s really important to him.  And now, out of habit, I have to do it.  Please Jill?”

Well, Joey’s a pretty cool guy, so okay!  “Let’s do it…” I told her.  “…For Joey!”

We both said a brief blessing, thanking God for our food and all the things that he gave us.  I then had this warm feeling in my heart and suddenly thought of Natasha, my old roommate in Cleveland.  I remembered what she said.  “It looks like the good Lord is looking out for you…”  Well, my sister has been pretty nice with me and everything so far, so that’s something that I can be thankful for.

After that, I dug into my cheesesteak like I never ate anything in my life.  It was an amazing cheesesteak.  The cheese whiz was soooooo good and I was convinced that it was their own homemade recipe.  The steak was tender and juicy.  Perfect flavor.  After finishing about half of it, I was starting to get full.  Everyone.  If you’re out in Philly, go to Larry’s Steaks and get a Belly Filler!  It filled my belly and you WILL have leftovers!  I’m eating the rest of this for lunch tomorrow!  It has the Jillian Jenners seal of approval!  I didn’t want to eat anymore, since my sister still had some cheesecake for both of us!

I glanced at Jen, who ate all of her cheesesteak, since it was a much smaller one.  “I finished mine!” she said, teasing me.

“Of course you did!” I retorted.  “You cheated by getting a smaller one!”

Jen nodded.  “I didn’t want to fill my belly. Plus, Conway, Phillips, & Associates has a great cafeteria, and I’m having lunch there.  Not cheesesteak that I have to reheat.”  She glanced at the slices of Marble New York Cheesecake that she got for both of us.  They were generous slices, so I know that I will have leftovers of that, too.  “Are you ready, Jill?  We’re both going to eat our slices together!  If you keep going, I keep going.  We don’t stop until it’s gone.  Got it, Jill?”

I smiled as I stared at my twin sister.  “Challenge accepted.  YOU can’t stop if I keep going.  If you keep eating, I’ll keep eating.”

“Deal!” Jen said, giving me the most competitive face that I have seen in a while.  “Are you ready? Eat!”

We both took our forks and dug them into the rich marble cheesecake.  Each bite was delicious.  I joyously watched as my sister tried to keep up with me.  Surprisingly, she was, with no signs of slowing down.  Well, she did have an advantage in eating less cheesesteak!  I started to feel more and more full, as I ate more and more of it.  And I was only halfway through it…

But my sister kept eating more and more of her slice, so I had to keep going.  From what I saw, it didn’t even look like she was getting full.  Her smile grew as she successfully finished each mouthful.

I wasn’t about to be bested by Jen!  So I kept going.  Oh, was I feeling full now!  I only had a quarter now…

“Feeling like giving up?” Jen asked me as she effortlessly consumed another mouthful.

“No!” I shouted, with a mouthful of cheesecake.  I then swallowed it.  “If you keep going, I keep going!”

“Two more bites!” Jen victoriously shouted.

I quickly finished my mouthfuls to be at the same pace as her.

And just like that, we both consumed our last two mouthfuls of cheesecake in unison.  Second to last piece.  Last piece.  We both did it!

I then groaned loudly as my stomach really hurt!  “Oh!” I shouted.  “My stomach hurts!”

Jen nodded.  “Well, don’t overdo it!  We both did it, though.  We finished the cheesecake!”

I looked at her and nodded.  “I don’t feel sick to my stomach.  My stomach just aches…Good night!”

Jen hugged me before I left the room.  “We’re going to look at beds tomorrow after we have breakfast and get ready.  Hope you don’t have a cheesesteak and cheesecake hangover!”

“Ha ha…” I said sarcastically.  “Thanks for the awesome dinner though!  Good night!”

I looked at the clock.  7:22 p.m.  It still felt a little early to go to bed on a Friday night, but I felt tired.  As I was walking to my room, I noticed my sister picking up the controller. She turned back toward me.

“Did you play the Nintendo Switch today?” she asked me.

“Was that okay?” I asked her.  “I’m sorry that I didn’t ask.”

“It’s fine, Jill!” she told me.  “Just put it in sleep mode when you’re done playing.  I usually exit the game I’m playing and do that.  You don’t have to ask.  Enjoy it whenever you want!”

“Thanks,” I said as I approached the bathroom.  “Good night, Jen!”

“Good night, Jill!”

I brushed my teeth with a toothbrush.  I noticed the fancy electric toothbrush that my sister had.  How much is that?  Probably super expensive like everything else around here…I flossed, mouthwashed, and left the bathroom.

I entered my room and took the empty glass from my room.  I was about to fill the water up from the sink, but I heard a shout.

“Jill, don’t use that water!  It’s fine for bathing but not for drinking!  Use the water from the fridge!  It’s got a built-in water filter!”

I nodded at my sister and walked over to the fridge.  I pressed one button to make a few ice cubes spit out into my glass.  I pressed another button to spray a steady stream of water into my glass until it was full.  “Thanks.  Good night, Jen!”  I told her for the final time.

“Good night, Jill!” Jen told me for the final time.  “Sleep well!”

I nodded, as I closed the door to my room.  I got into the covers and laid down, resting my head on the comfortable pillow.  I can’t wait until we get a bed tomorrow.  I hope we find one.  In just minutes, I was fast asleep.

In just mere moments, it was morning once again.  Something felt wet for some reason.  I felt my pajamas.  Very wet…Oh no…

I glanced at the cup of water that I had last night.  The glass full of ice was now all melted into the cup as water.  I didn’t spill any water while in the bed…

I got out of the bed and glanced at the sheets.  They were sopping wet!  My pajamas were sopping wet…again!

I smelled myself and…yup.  It was the smell that I thought it was.  The smell of pee.  Why am I starting to pee myself all of a sudden? I didn’t have any wine!  At this, I just couldn’t take it anymore.  I started to cry…

My sister, who was awake now, opened the door.  “Jill, how did you sl— Oh no…”  She ran over to the bedding and lifted up the sopping wet sheets.  “Not again!  Jill, you did it again!  What did you drink last night?”

“Just some water!” I told her.

Jen then gave me a curious stare.  “Jill, you didn’t have any problem like this back at Cleveland, did you?”

I violently shook my head.  “Not a single incident!  I am dead serious, Jennifer.”

My sister nodded, believing me.  She knew that whenever I used her full name, I meant it.  “Well, we don’t know if it’s medical but it’s somehow starting to happen.”

My sister took care of the bedding once again and I got another shower.  She got me another outfit, which I put on.  It at least had jeans, so it didn’t feel like it was too fancy.

After Jen showered and got ready, Jen made us a delicious breakfast.  Actually a good breakfast this time!  We each had three strips of crispy bacon, two sausage links, and two scrambled eggs.  We had this hearty breakfast with two dark roasts brewed from the K-Cups she had.

After breakfast, Jen took me in her Mercedes-Benz to a store that sold nothing but beds.  She talked to a lot of people since she was trying to figure out the kind of bed that she ordered.  After finding out that she had to order it, that’s what she decided on.  I was going to get a queen-sized bed, and it was going to be delivered on Monday.  They would even assemble it right in my same bedroom!  I was ecstatic!  I couldn’t wait until Monday.

My jaw dropped when my sister told me the price that she paid for the bed.  “You got me a $2,000 bed?!” I freaked out.

Jen nodded.  “I told you, Jill!  I got you the same bed that I have!  You are going to sleep so comfortable when it arrives.  Don’t worry about paying me back or anything!  With you as my twin sister, I love you, and would do anything to help you.

I was still freaking out, but very happy.  She took us to McDonald’s on the way home for lunch.

After we got home from McDonald’s, Joey called and we all decided to have an afternoon of gaming.  Joey came over with three of his guy friends, who brought their controllers and a couple packs of soda.  One of them had a girlfriend named Trisha, who seemed to also enjoy gaming very much.  Trisha was with Bradley.  Bradley was managing a hedge fund that was actually making him more than what Joey was making as a CPA. Trisha helps Bradley manage the hedgefund, since she has an accounting background.  Bradley invested in startups that are now worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Joey then introduced me to the single guys.  The first one was Mark.  The second one was Gary.  Both of them had very good jobs.  Mark was a tech prodigy, who managed all the data analytics for Comcast.  He was so good at doing this that they kept promoting him, ultimately making him responsible for a large team that manages all of the data analytics for Comcast.  Gary had an accounting degree with two other certifications.  He was a year older than Joey, and he runs his own successful accounting business.  He manages a small team of people with a portfolio of over 2,000 people and various businesses in and around the Philadelphia metropolitan area.

So which of the two single guys did I like the most?  Mark was a little more quiet and reserved but made him the most unsuspecting when we played Mario Kart.  Gary, on the other hand, was more animated and very funny.  I seem to be getting better vibes when I looked at Gary and I think he even looked towards me once!

I watched them all play Super Mario Kart, until Joey got me in on the fun.  I played as the racer that I played with yesterday: Princess Peach.  Despite never getting first, I did manage to get 6th place once.  So yay for me!  Trisha was a little better than me and got 3rd a few times.  And I can’t believe it!  My twin sister had to show me up and get 2nd place once!  The guys mainly got 1st place just about every time.  Joey, Bradley, Mark, and Gary all took turns getting first place, since they were all equally good.

Our afternoon of Mario Kart turned into an evening of Mario Kart.  My sister ordered pizzas for everyone.  We settled on three pizzas because of how much the guys could eat.  One pepperoni, one Supreme, and one Meat Lovers (the guys ate the Meat Lovers, of course!)  Bradley did offer me one slice of Meat Lovers, which was very nice of him!  My other slice was my favorite (and also my sister’s!):  Supreme.

After 9:00, all the pizza was gone, and everyone was starting to get tired.  My sister didn’t have the space for everyone to sleep here, so we both politely kicked them all out.

“We’ll have fun another time!” My sister said, shooing them out after kissing Joey.

Joey turned back towards me before he left.

“Awesome session!” He told me.  “I have a secret to help you race better.  We’ll have to teach you that secret next time.”

“Come on!” Gary shouted, giving Joey a jab.  “Everyone knows that secret is drifting!  Drifters leave everyone else in the dust!”

“What a way to spoil it!” Joey said, laughing.  “Yeah.  It’s drifting.  We’ll teach you to drift next time.  Also, I know that this is not the best setting to get to know Mark or Gary.  Heck.  JenJen and I don’t use any of these nights for anything romantic.  This is friends’ night!”

“What do you mean?” Trisha chimed in, kissing Bradley.  “Bradley and I make every friend’s night a romantic night, right Bradley?”

“Right sweetie!” Bradley said, smiling.

“Everybody out!”  I shouted.

“Yeah!  Out!” My sister repeated.  “It was fun!  We’ll do it again, okay?”

“Okay!” Joey told her.  “We’re off!”

Joey, Bradley, Trisha, Mark, and Gary all left my sister’s apartment and closed the door.

My sister then jabbed me in the shoulder.  “Another round of Mario Kart?”

I playfully jabbed her back.  “No!” I shouted.  “I’m Mario Karted out.”

“I was kidding!” she said, as she gave me a hug.  “Do you see why I like to play these games now?  They’re fun, aren’t they?”

“Yeah,” I said, smiling.  “I get it.  We can all pretend to be racers and race around tracks all day.”

“Exactly! You were awesome as Peach!  I was awesome as Rosalina…”

I scratched my head.  “So those profile pictures…Yours is Isabelle and Joey’s is Link?  I learned that tonight since Trisha always raced as Isabelle and Joey preferred Link.”

Jen nodded.  “I usually control Isabelle but I didn’t want there to be two Isabelles.  I gave Trish a turn at that tonight…”

I nodded, as I gathered the other knowledge that I learned tonight.  Each character had their own special track.  Isabelle’s was from Animal Crossing (a game I’ll have to check out!) and Link’s is from Legend of Zelda (also another game to check out!)

I did my evening routine and brushed my teeth, flossed, and used mouthwash.  I grabbed my water cup and filled it up at the fridge with ice and water.  I said good night to my sister and hugged her.  She did the same.

I got into my bed and smiled, knowing that tomorrow was Sunday.  Just one more full day until I get my bed…

Tomorrow came rather quickly.  Aware of what happened yesterday morning, I quickly checked my pajamas and I was…once again wet!  No.  I wasn’t just wet.  I was sopping wet!  WHY OH WHY OH WHY?!!!!  I screamed out loud again and started to cry.

The door quickly opened and my sister stood there in disbelief.  “Jill!  You…peed yourself again!!!”  I could tell at this point that my sister didn’t want to deal with this, but at the same time I saw her loving and caring self take control instead.

“Oh Jill…” she said out loud.   “What am I going to do with you?  The bed is going to be delivered and assembled tomorrow!  If you keep peeing the sheets you will ruin the mattress!  We are getting a mattress protector today!  Jill, we are going to need this just in case you have anymore nighttime accidents…Just…Why is this happening?  You are certain that you were not a bedwetter back in Cleveland?!”

“Certain as I’ll ever be…Jennifer.” I told her.  “And if you don’t believe me, ask Natasha.  She gave me her number right before I left.”

“No,” she told me.  “I don’t need to do that.  I believe you.”

Our Sunday continued.  I got out of my pee-soaked pajamas once again and got a shower.  My sister got her shower in the other bathroom and we had a lazy breakfast.  We each had a bowl of Special K  Red Berries with 1% Milk (why isn’t it 2%?).  My sister then did all of our laundry, including all the sheets that I peed overnight. (The rest of the peed bedding was taken care of the same day it happened.)  It was a quieter day.  My sister read for a while and I checked the news.  We then decided to play a little more Mario Kart, but not as much as yesterday.  I had my leftover Belly Filler while my sister heated up a Lean Cuisine.

Nighttime came.  I brushed, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash.  I got my water from the fridge: ice and water.  I then drank it, said good night to my sister, and went to bed.

I closed my eyes, praying that I would not wet the bed this time…

I woke up around 4:30 in the morning.  Instinctually, I checked my pajamas.  To my surprise, they were dry!  Yes!  At last!

Psyche! They were just as sopping wet as the night before.

My sister too was hoping that it was just a phase.  She quietly opened the door.  “Jill!” she whispered.  “Do you want to do Pila—” She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.  “No no no no no no!  You’re sopping wet again!  WHY is this happening?”

That’s a good question Jen!  Why does my bladder suddenly decide to stop working at night?  I thought long and hard.  I never wet the bed before, but I did when I drank that red wine… “The red wine…” I said as I started whining.  “It’s the curse of the red wine!”

Jen sighed.  “I don’t know if it’s a curse….I don’t know what else it could be…Okay.  I’m not going to show you Pilates this morning.  But you have to take care of the bedding!  I don’t have time to do this!  I have to go to work!  Jill, they’re going to set up the bed today, sometime in the morning.  When I get done with work today, I am going to buy a mattress protector.  Your frequent bedwetting is making it a must now.  Also, you are not hung over today so I want you to apply for unemployment and look for a job.  If you’re going to stay at my apartment, you need to do this.  I want you to get a job sooner or later.  Make it your job to find a job today.  Okay?”

I nodded.  “Got it!  I will look for any open anchor position…”

“Good.  Now I’m going to do my Pilates in my room and get ready for work…”  Jen left the room and continued her routine.

I sighed as I wadded up my soaked bedding and pulled it off the blow-up mattress. 

Monday went by pretty quickly.   I took care of the bedding, washing it and drying it.  A little later, the bed arrived.  I moved the blowup mattress so they would set it up.  After they set up the bed, I then went through the process of applying for unemployment in the state of Pennsylvania.  Since I still had an Ohio Driver’s License, I couldn’t do all of the process.  When I looked up this process, I began the process of applying for a Pennsylvania Driver’s License instead.  I got out my required documents and took the other key that was hanging up.  My sister showed me where the old car was.  A 2012 Chevy Impala that my sister used during college and right before she bought the new Mercedes.  I took the key and started up the car.  To my surprise, there was a full tank of gas (Thanks sis! You think of everything!).  I drove my car to the BMV office and submitted the documents.  I took the vision test and passed it.  I then gave them my Ohio Driver’s License.  The whole process stopped when they wanted to see my proof of residence.  My sister forgot to add me as a co-lease to her apartment!  I texted her about this and she texted me back, telling me not to worry about it today and she would handle it after work.  I nodded and texted her the amount that I would need for the license fee.  They handed me my Ohio License back and told me to return when I had all the documents.

I returned to Jen’s apartment and tried to make myself productive by looking for a job.  I saw some jobs that involved working at different TV Stations, but no Anchor positions.

My sister entered the apartment, carrying a few packages.  “It’s the bedding that I ordered.  Same sheets that I have.”

I nodded.  “Very nice bed too!  It has leather!”

Jen nodded.  “Yes it does!  But if it’s going to stay nice, we’re going to put a mattress protector on it.  I bought this on the way home…” She got out a bag with a mattress protector. 

Great.  Since I’m such a bedwetter now, I’m going to need a mattress protector?

But Jen wasn’t done.  She got out a box of absorbant pads that could fit a mattress.  “That mattress protector will protect the mattress.  THESE are absorbent overlay pads that we will be putting over the fitted sheets so we won’t have to deal with wet bedding every night!  When we put your bed together, you WILL be sleeping on these pads every night or it’s back to the blowup mattress.  Got it, Jill?”

My face turned red.  “Got it Jen.”

Jen sighed when she was thinking about something else.  “We’re taking care of the bed tonight.  I got too busy to add you to the co-lease.  I will add you tomorrow so you can get your license.  Let’s get your bed put together!”

I nodded as I worked with Jen to get the new bedding on my bed.  We moved the bed to where Jen liked it in the room first.  After that, I helped Jen put the mattress protector on the bed.  The sheets came next.  Finally, I helped Jen put on the absorbent overlay pad over the whole fitted sheet.  My face reddened as I did this.  Since when did I become such a bedwetter?  “I feel like a baby…” I pouted.

Jen hugged me, trying to make me feel better.  “Oh, you’re not a baby, Jill.” She assured me.  “You just have a problem that we don’t understand yet.”

“Oh, I understand it.” I told her.  “It’s the curse of the red wine.”

“It’s NOT a curse!” Jen shouted.  “I don’t know why you keep doing it, but it’s not a curse!”

I sighed.  “Explain how I never wet the bed before that night…”

Jen shook her head.  “It’s coincidence!  Maybe you’re stressed out from moving here and not having a job yet.  It could be different things, but it’s not a curse…”

I finished getting ready for bed, completing my three-step brushing routine.  I then completed my water routine and drank my cup of icy water.  I got in my new leather queen-size bed and got underneath the covers.  I can’t believe that I have the same exact bed as my sister! Well, not quite.  My sister is not a bedwetter like I am so I need that absorbent overlay pad.  Maybe I can prove her wrong tonight and not wet my new bed for once?

“Please God…” I prayed.  “No wet pajamas…No wet bed…”

I fell asleep comfortably in my brand-new bed, hoping that I would wake up dry…

Tuesday arrived.  I woke up and checked my pajamas.  While the bed wasn’t wet, the area where I was laying was all gelled up…and my pajamas were sopping wet again!  Arrrrgh!!! I’m getting tired of peeing myself every freaking night!!!!

It was 4:30 once again.  My sister came in quietly.  I’m guessing that she’s going to ask me about joining her for Pilates again.  Nope!  Not gonna do it cause this girl just pissed herself again.  AGAIN!  I am so tired of this!  ARRRRGH!

My twin sister glanced at me and gave me that stare.  “Did you do it again, Jill?”

I sighed and gave her a frustrated look.  “Why don’t you lift up the sheets and find out!”

Jen lifted up my sheets and found the absorbent overlay pad all gelled up in the spot where I was sleeping.  She then saw my pee-soaked pajamas.  My pee-jamas.  “You did it again…And it looks like the pad did its job.  Jill, those are super absorbent polymers. It’s what they put in diapers to absorb a lot of fluid.  When the SAP powders get wet, they turn into a gel.  Large concentrations of this are made into a core, which wicks the moisture away from the skin.  I did a little research on this since your bedwetting is becoming a regular thing…Don’t make the bed this morning.  I will help you put a new absorbent overlay and dispose of the old one.  This is going to be a nightly thing until you stop wetting the bed.  Or…”

“Or what?” I asked with a frustrated sigh.

Jen shook her head.  “Just forget it.  I’m going to do my Pilates and get ready for work.  I will try to get the co-lease added at work.  They may ask you some questions so answer them.  You can then take care of your license.  Try to have a good day, okay?”

Jen left the room.  I could tell that she was a little more frustrated now.  I shrugged my shoulders and continued my Tuesday.

And continued it did.  Jen did add me to the co-lease, and I had to confirm some things on my end.  After that was done, I was able to get a document for my proof of residence.  This of course will be updated when I move out of Cleveland…

I went back to the BMV, with all the correct documents this time.  I gave them my Ohio Driver’s License.  I didn’t have to retake the vision test since I already passed it.  My sister gave me the license fee money last night, so I gave that to them.  After that, they gave me a temporary Pennsylvania Driver’s License until my official one came in the mail.  I made sure I had my favorite clothes on (I grabbed a couple shirts before I left Cleveland) for the Driver’s License picture.  The pose was perfect.  I left the BMV, actually feeling accomplished this time.  So yay!

After that, I continued the process for applying for Unemployment in Pennsylvania.  I entered the information for the temporary license and was able to process everything.  From there, I would have to wait until everything comes in the mail.  I set up everything that I could online. Within a few days, I could start the process.

The rest of the day consisted of looking for work.  Jen came home with some plastic bags.

“I got you some more pajamas!” she told me.  “Did you wash the ones that you peed today?”

“Yes…” I said with a sigh.  “Washed them and dried them.”

“Wear one of those new ones.” She told me.  “I’m just trying to help you, Jill…I have just one request tonight.  Can you try to drink a little less?  Maybe it will help.”

“Okay.” I told her.  “I will drink half a cup of water tonight.”

And that’s just what I did.  After changing the absorbent overlay and disposing the old one, I did both my routines, only I filled the water cup halfway with water.  I drank that cup and went to bed in my new bed again.

“Please don’t wet the bed…” I prayed.  “Please don’t wet the bed…”

Wednesday came and guess what happened?  If you guessed that I had dry pajamas then you guessed…WRONG!  I peed myself once again.  I don’t know how it keeps happening but I guess it’s something I have to live with now.  But whyyyy?  WHY?

It was 4:30 and my sister quietly entered my room. “Jill…” she whispered.  “Are you wet again?”

Frustrated, I got out of bed and pushed my pee-soaked self onto my sister.

“Jill!” she shouted. “Stop!”

“Well,” I smirked.  “You wanted to know if I was wet!  Well, of course I am ‘cause I’m Leaky Jill!”

Jen sighed.  “Okay!  I’ll tell you what I was going to say yesterday.  Jill, maybe if you wore diapers, you wouldn’t have to worry about all those accidents.”

I gave my twin sister a mortified look.  “No way!  Me?  In diapers?  No way!”

Jen then sighed.  “Well Jill, you really only have two options.  We can change this absorbent overlay pad with me every night and have you wake up in wet pajamas every morning.  Or, you could just wear diapers every night and wake up with dry pajamas every morning.  Jill, believe me, I have done a lot of research on this.  I was thinking of buying you diapers instead of the overlay pads, but I love you as a sister and I wanted it to be entirely your choice.  I am not going to force you to wear diapers but just know that those are the only two options that you have.”

At this, I didn’t even argue with my sister.  Instead, the floodgates opened and I started to cry.  “I…” I weeped.  “I…don’t want…to wear diapers….”

This for once made Jen cry.  “I don’t want you to either, Jill.” She weeped.  “But you know what?  My twin sister became a bedwetter!  What am I going to do about that, Jill?  I washed your laundry.  I got you some new clothes!  I got you those absorbent overlays.  I have yet to see a morning where you don’t wet the bed.  Think about it, Jill.  Just give it a couple more nights.  If you wake up wet a couple more mornings, just go and buy the diapers.  I feel like this is the best solution for you.  Yes, I don’t want my older twin sister to be wearing diapers but I can’t control that.  And you can’t control that either.  Just give it some thought, please Jill?”

I suddenly thought of Joey and gasped.  “Does Joey know about this?”

“Not a single detail, Jillian!” My twin sister declared, indicating that she too, is serious and means business.  “I love you too much to divulge such an embarrassing secret…”

I thought about what my sister told me and sighed.  “Fine.” I told her.  “Two more days and I’ll buy them!”

“Thank you, Jill.” Jen told me.  “I will do my Pilates and get ready.”

Jen left and I let her do that. 

Wednesday was uneventful.  I just looked for work.  Still no luck.  I changed the absorbent overlay with my sister.

Thursday came.  I was once again soaked!  Whatever.  At this point, I am not surprised waking up to soaked pajamas.

Like Wednesday, Thursday was uneventful.  I didn’t get a lot of texts from Joey.  Maybe he’s busy this week?

My sister and I then changed the absorbent overlay on my queen bed again.

“Jill,” Jen addressed me.

“What?” I asked her.

“Do you like waking up in wet pajamas every morning?”

This question made me a little annoyed.  “Of course not! Jen, how would YOU feel if you woke up wet every morning?”

Jen sighed.  “I would hate it! Just like you!  I would HATE it!  But unlike you, I would go and buy the diapers…”

I looked at her with a worried look.  “I don’t want to do it, Jen.  The last time that I wore diapers was when I was three years old…”

Jen nodded.  “Same here, Jill.  We both trained at the same age.  Just remember.  When you buy them, it’s only for at night, right?”

Only at night?  I don’t want to wear them at all!  “Well,” I told Jen.  “I’m going to keep praying. Maybe God will give me a miracle tonight…”

“And maybe he won’t, if what you’re asking for isn’t his will…” Jen answered.

A couple tears rolled down my eyes.  “Well I hope it is.  Good night, Jenny Penny!”

Jen smiled at her childhood nickname.  “Good night, Jilly Bean!”

I did both routines and filled up my water this time.  I got into bed and earnestly prayed that I wouldn’t wet the bed this time…

Friday came.  I moved around and…yup.  I felt it.  Pee everywhere.  Pee on my pajamas.  Even a little bit of pee on my hair!  Oh, I am SO tired of this!

With it being early,  my sister made her usual quiet entrance.   She quietly opened the door and looked at me matter-of-factly.  “Jill, you’re wet aren’t you?”

“What If I were to tell you that I’m try?” I told her, obviously bluffing.

“Then I would say that you’re a total liar!” she told me.  “Jill, I know you’re wet.” Jen lifted up the covers and then felt my sopping wet pajamas.  “Yup!  That’s all the evidence that I need!  Go and buy the diapers.  I am NOT changing another absorbent overlay with you.  Do you need money?”

I fiercely shook my head. “No!  I’m not buying them with your money.  I’m buying them with the $100 that Natasha gave me!”

Jen nodded. “Well, when you run out of that and your diapers, I will need to give you more money to buy more diapers.”

I shook my head again. “I am going to make my own money.  I’m not going to let you do that.”

“Okay Jill.” My sister said, agreeing with me.  “If you can make the money, then buy your own. Thank you for understanding.  Again, I don’t like seeing you going through this.  But think of this!  No more wet pajamas!  I’m doing my Pilates and getting ready.  I will go to work and will take you someplace special for dinner after I’m finished.  At least try to find a job today.  Okay?”

I nodded.  “Got it!”

I left my twin sister to her Pilates and getting ready.

After she left to go to work, I showered and got ready.  Well, this is it.  After seven days of bedwetting, I guess I’ll have to buy diapers now.  I wish there was a better way to handle this, but I think that my sister has a point here.  A wet diaper or wet pajamas.  I get in the 2012 Chevy Impala and leave the parking deck, on my way to the store to buy some diapers…

I load my Google Maps app and discover that there’s a Walgreens that’s right nearby.  Heck.  I could almost walk there!  But considering how embarrassing this whole thing is, I drove to the Walgreens that was only two city blocks north of Metro City Apartments.  I park my car, and…started to get really nervous.  What if someone sees me buying the diapers?  What would they say?  But nobody knows me in Philadelphia, so what’s the harm?

I lock my car and cautiously enter the store.  There’s a line at the pharmacy desk for prescriptions, but I’m not here for medication.  I wander through the various isles.  There’s toothpaste and toiletries and…okay.  Here it is.  Incontinence?

I timidly walk over to the aisle and begin glancing at the various different options.  I then see that there are different levels of absorbency.  Considering how much I pee at night, it’s got to be the maximum absorbency.  I don’t want anyone to think that I’m buying them for myself, so I get the Certainty unisex fitted briefs.  And the price is…wow.  Only $18.99 before tax!  Considering that I only need them at night, just a bag of 32 will last me a month.

Just as I was about to grab a bag of them, an old lady walks over to the aisle that I was in.  She sees me about to grab the bag!

“Volunteering?”  The old lady asked me.  “A non profit was just in here last week, and they bought some adult diapers to help the senior centers in Philadelphia.  Are you in their group?”

I played dumb and lied to her just to make it easier.  “Oh sure!” I nervously shouted, grabbing a bag of the Certainty Fitted Briefs.  “Now, I’m going to get these now…”

The old lady smiled.  “Such a nice young lady, helping the elderly community.  You really are something else.  Most young people these days are degenerates.  They could care less about the aging population…”

I politely nodded and hurried to the checkout, hoping and praying that no one else would notice me with the diapers.

When I was near the checkout, there were three people in front of me.  The first one was a woman with her little girl, who looked to be about two or three.  She was holding a large bag of Pampers size 5.  When she glanced at me holding the diapers, she gave me a look.

That’s when her little one decided to speak up.

“Mommy!” the girl shouted.  “Why is she buying diapers?”

My face grew beet red.  That brat!

The mother then smiled, and looked at her daughter.  “Honey,” she scolded her.  “That is her own business, and it’s not nice to ask those kinds of questions.”

But the big mouthed brat continued.  “Does she wear diapers mommy?”

The mother sighed and tried to quiet her down.

Then the little girl looked at me.  “Hi!” she said.  “Do you wear diapers?”

My face grew even more red with embarrassment.  “N-no!” I lied.  “These are for an old folks home!”

The mother smiled and looked at her daughter.  “See?  They’re not for her.  Now don’t ask anymore personal questions like that, honey.  It’s not nice!”  She then turned to me and apologized. “Sorry.  She’s like this with everyone…”

About 10 minutes later, the three in front of me were all checked out.  I was next.

I handed the diapers to a middle-aged female clerk, who scanned them and placed them in a bag.  She never pressed me at all on them!  She then asked me a question.  “Would you like to be a Walgreens rewards member?”

I shook my head.  “No.” I told her.  I just want out of this store!  The total came to $20.13.  I gave her two 20’s and she gave me the change back, with the receipt.  I put the receipt and the change in my pocket and quickly ran out of the store, holding my Certainty Unisex Adjustable Briefs.

I got into my car with the diapers and almost screamed.  I can’t believe I had to lie just to save myself dying from embarrassment!  Seriously, why was there an old lady there?  The little brat was even worse.  What business does she have asking me that at three years old?

I drive back to the parking deck and park my car.  I enter Metro City Apartments and go back to 2202.  My sister already had me download the app.  So I used the app to unlock her apartment.

I entered with the diapers, and take them to my room.  I look for work again, surprisingly finding one Anchor Position in the Washington, DC area.  I apply for it and call it a day.

I spend the rest of the day playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe until my sister comes home.  She enters and gives me the look.

“How was your day?” she asked me.

“Okay, I guess…” I mumbled.  “I almost died of embarrassment getting the diapers.  There was a little brat that ASKED me if I wore diapers!  All the while, the mother had a bag of Pampers Size 5 for her.  I should’ve told the brat, ‘You still wear them too, so what’s it to ya?’  And, I applied for an anchor job in the DC area…”

Jen smiled. “That’s good.  So you got the diapers?  That’s a great relief.  I know how embarrassing it is, but you will have no more wet pajamas!  Won’t that be great?  Now, I’m going to take you to dinner!”

And take me, she did.  Jen took me to a Chinese place that wasn’t too far from her apartment.  I got the General Tso’s Chicken with hot and sour soup and my sister got the Spicy Bean Curd with hot and sour soup.  We each had an egg roll to go with that, and a fortune cookie.

This Friday was much more chill than the one with the Philly Cheesecake challenge.  Tired, I wanted to just get off to bed already!

I did my routines again and grabbed my ice water.  My sister almost forgot to take off the old absorbent overlay, so I helped her with that.

Jen looked at me and smiled.  “Isn’t it great, not having to sleep on an absorbent mattress overlay?”

I nodded.  “It’s going to be great…”

Jen looked around.  “So, what did you get?”

I took the Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs out of the bag.  “It’s just these.  32 of them, so it should last a month.  I’ll let you know how it goes…”

My twin sister nodded, and gave me a hug.  “Good night, Jill!  Sweet dreams!”

“Same to you!” I told her.

Jen left the room and I closed the door.  I took off my pajama bottoms and underwear and tore open the plastic on the bag of diapers.  Man, are these paper thin!  I stretched one out and opened up the two wide tabs that covered the legs and waist on both sides.  I can’t believe it but it really looks like a diaper!  I become mortified and I cringe, as I lay down on it.  I fold the front forward and carefully fasten both of the wide hook and loop tabs onto the landing zone.  Well, there.  I’m diapered now so I will put my pajama bottoms back on.  I slide them back on and get into my queen-sized bed.  I guzzle my ice water, set down the cup, get in my covers, and fall asleep within minutes.

Saturday came.  This time I felt…dry?  But then I realized that my diaper was all swelled up with the pee that emptied overnight.  Wow.  My skin doesn’t feel wet, but my diaper was really sagging.  I got out of bed and felt the sag.  Yeahhh…This diaper is sagging a lot…

My sister opened the door to see how I was doing.  I smiled and pointed down at my diaper.  “Well,” I told her.  “No wet sheets, and no wet pajamas!”

My sister smiled.   “But that diaper is full, right?”

I nodded.  “And sagging…”

Despite my sagging diaper, I took my sister up on her invitation of Pilates.  After asking her about it, she kindly showed me her routine at last.  I wasn’t as good as her, but it wasn’t bad for my first try.

In the bathroom, I smiled as I wadded up the wet diaper and threw it away.  I may not have solved my bedwetting problem, but one thing is for certain.  I don’t have to worry about wet bedding or wet pajamas anymore.

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 4 - 4/8/2024)

Chapter 4 : A Date?!!!

Rather than just flat out tell you, you are just going to have to wait for me to get to that part of the story.  Don’t worry, my JJ Little besties.  Good things are worth waiting for.

After my shower, I noticed that my sister wasn’t out of the bathroom yet.  Out of curiosity, I approached the other bathroom.  I had my hair tied into a ponytail.  No braids.  Nothing special.  Just my hair in a hair tie.  I knocked on the door.

“Enter…” my sister said, granting me permission.

I noticed that my sister was all dressed, but she was working on her hair.  She was finishing braiding her hair into two dutch pigtails.  They both hung down the back of her head, making her look extra cute.  I could also smell the perfume that she already sprayed on herself.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked her, realizing that I already knew the answer.

Jen finished her braids and looked at me.  “What’s the occasion, Jill?  I’m going over to Joey’s house and we’re going to go on a date…”

I let out a sad sigh and looked at my sister.  “I know that Joey is awesome and everything, but do you have to go on a date today?”

Jen nodded.  “Yes Jill.  Since I picked you up, this has been the longest time since I have dated Joey.  Before I picked you up, we saw each other almost every night!  Well, we always see each other at work, but that’s different…”

What a way to make me feel miserable again, Jen!  What’s this about Joey introducing me to his friends?  I guess I’ll be all by my lonesome here today.  Thanks sis for not caring…

But my sister maintained her smile.  “Jill, I want you to do something productive while I’m gone.  You can have fun and play more video games, but just do something worthwhile, okay?”

I was almost in tears.  She has her boyfriend.  What about me?  “Okay,” I said, trying not to bawl my eyes out.  Oh, there goes a few tears!

But my sister just kept smiling.  “I’ll be back later…” she told me.  “Have fun!”

She grabbed her purse and made her way towards the exit of the apartment.  Yeah.  I’ll have fun.  Being here all by myself…Thanks AGAIN, sis!

About 20 minutes later, I heard the “Shallow” song playing again.  What does my sister want?!

“Yeah…” I said, sounding a little annoyed.

“Jill?  I just realized that we’re out of Special K Red Berries.  Do you think that you can go to the store and get some?  I know that you don’t like that cereal, but get something you like while you’re out!”

“I will!” I said, smiling.  I still had $79.87 after buying the diapers yesterday. So yeah!  I’ll get my cereal and her’s at the same time!

“Thanks Jill!” she told me.  “Have fun!”

I smirked when she told me that.  Since when is going on a trip to the grocery store FUN?  “I will…” I told her.  “Bye.”

I hung up and got my purse.  I got the key fob to the 2012 Chevy Impala and left the apartment.  I got to the parking deck and entered the car.  For being 11 years old, it still ran pretty well.  Jen really took good care of this car!  I put the directions in Google maps to the nearest grocery store, and it gave me Trader Joe’s on Arch Street.

The directions took me down 15th Street, around South Penn Square past the Philadelphia City Hall, turned onto East Penn Square, Juniper Street, and then finally onto Arch Street.  I parallel parked and got out.

I entered Trader Joes and grabbed a shopping cart.  Knowing what I wanted, I went right to the cereal aisle.  I saw my sister’s cereal and put three boxes into the cart.  More importantly, I saw my cereal, Golden Grahams.  I put three boxes of Golden Grahams into the cart.

“Buying some cereal?”  A voice called from behind me, which startled me.

When I saw who it was, I gasped.  Yeah, it’s him.  It’s Gary!  What is he doing here?  Does he need cereal too?  I saw him standing there with neatly combed hair, a clean shaven face, and a red short sleeve polo shirt with a pair of jeans.  I then smelled something that gave off a pleasant scent.  Is that…cologne?  I looked at him, both scared and flabbergasted.  I didn’t know what to say!  I was so shy…

“Nice cereal!” he said, looking inside my shopping cart.  “Golden Grahams?  I love Golden Grahams!  I’m down to my last box, and I like to have spares in the house…”

I nodded as I gazed into Gary’s beautiful eyes.  “S-spares?  Yeah!” My heart rate increased and my face grew red.  “I like…Golden Grahams…too….”

Gary looked at me and smiled.  “Hey.  I can tell that you’re a little uncomfortable.  So is this your tactic?  Are you going to scare me away after that?”

I laughed.  “Scare YOU away?  Who told you this?  Joey?”

Gary nodded.  “Yeah.  To be honest, I’m not that good with girls.  When I work with my clients, it’s different.  It’s strictly business.  But with someone like you, yeah.  It’s not always easy…”

I looked at Gary’s empty cart.  “Sooooo…Are you going to get some Golden Grahams too?”

Gary nodded.  “I like shopping at this Trader Joes!  I’ll get four boxes of Golden Grahams.  That should keep me plenty stocked…” He then fixed his gaze on me.  “J-Jill?”

“Yeah?” I said, my heart skipping a beat.

Gary grinned, and then continued speaking.  “Would you…like to…go on a date with me?  I would like to get to know you.  Plus, we can go to my place and I can show you my video games!  It seemed like you really enjoyed Mario Kart 8 Deluxe the other night!”

I nodded.  “Yeah!”

Gary offered his hand to mine.  “So Jill, do we have a date?”

My face grew red and I nodded.  “Yeah!  It’s a date Gary!”

Gary grinned, like he just won the lottery.  “Well, we can finish shopping, and then I’ll let you drop the groceries off at your sister’s apartment.

“My apartment too!”  I corrected him.  “My sister added me to the co-lease!”

“She did?”  He gasped.  “My mistake.  We’ll drop the groceries off at you and your sister’s…um…the Jenners Twins apartment!”

I continued shopping with Gary, and watched what he put in his cart.  He seemed to like a lot of the food that I did!  We each bought pizza rolls, 2% milk, and Sriracha.  I bought a few other odds and ends that I needed as well.  Gary bought a few desserts.  Some Little Debbie snacks and some glazed chocolate doughnuts in the bakery.  Then he did something at the checkout that freaked me out.  He PAID for my groceries!

“What?!”  I gasped.  “You’re buying them?”

Gary nodded.  “Sure Jill!  I’m treating my lady today.  I got this!”

Gary got out his credit card and swiped it.  He did this for my groceries and his.  Wow.  I never had a guy pay for my groceries before…

After that, I drove back to the parking deck, Gary following me.  Since he doesn’t usually park there, he did what he did last weekend and paid for his parking.  I didn’t have to because of the annual pass.  There were plenty of vacant spots so I pulled in one.  Gary pulled right next to me.

I glanced at Gary’s car.  It was a Black Lexus LS, and it looked expensive.

I walked up to Gary’s car and he rolled down the window.  “Yes?”

“So that car is a Lexus?” I asked him.

Gary nodded.  “Yup!  A Lexus LS Sedan with the full trim package!  Every option is on this thing.  I love it.  Well?  You can go in and take care of your groceries.”

I had a better idea.  “Um Gary?” I told him.  “That’s not being courteous to a lady…Would you like to help me with the groceries?”

Gary’s face grew red.  “Um, sorry.  Let me help you with that…”

I nodded as I glanced at Gary’s face.  He must not really date, so I’ll give him a pass.  I guess I’ve never dated either so we’re even.  I grabbed a few groceries and he grabbed the rest.  He followed me to Metro City Apartments and we took the elevator to the 22nd floor.  I got out the app on my cell phone and unlocked 2202 and we both entered.

I nodded and motioned him to wait by the door.  “I got this,” I told him.  “You don’t know where everything goes.  Having been with my sister for a week, I kind of know this.  I can put them away.”

Gary nodded, and let me put all the groceries away where they belong.  I put the six boxes of cereal in the cupboard.  I put the 2% milk in the fridge and I placed the Sriracha in another cupboard that had things for cooking.  I then acted like I had to go to the bathroom, so I entered my sister’s bathroom.

I really did have to go, so I went first.  After that, I sprayed some of my sister’s perfume on my face.  If Gary’s going to smell nice, I’m going to smell nice for him!  I wish I could’ve braided my hair.  I don’t want to keep him waiting, so I’ll save that for another time…

I walked over towards the entrance of the apartment, where Gary was waiting.  When he saw me with my keys, he shook his head.

“No Jill.” He told me.  “I’m driving you today.  I’m taking my date out for lunch and then back to my place.  How does that sound?”

I smiled.  “Sounds good, Gary!”

Gary offered me his hand and I grabbed it.  We both walked out of the apartment and back to the parking deck.  We entered his luxurious Lexus LS and I closed the door.  Wow.  It reminds me of my sister’s Mercedes-Benz…

Gary started up his car and the speakers blared a familiar song.  Is this…Muse?  “Muse!” I shouted.  “You listen to Muse too?”

Gary nodded.  “Yeah.  I also like Lo-Fi, video game soundtracks, and some dub-step.  How about some Taco Bell?  Do you like crunchwraps?”

I gasped.  I get those all the time!  “Yeah!” I shouted.  “I like your taste in food!”

Gary grinned.  “Yeah.  I eat this stuff all the time.  We’ll pick it up on the way home.”

And that is what we did.

Gary drove me out of downtown Philadelphia and out to a nice suburb called Devon.  We stopped at a Taco Bell at King of Prussia before entering Devon.  He got us each two crunchwraps with a couple of Cheesy Gordita Crunches in case we were hungry later.

He pulled down the street and entered the driveway.  Gary pressed a button and he pulled the car into the garage of his house.  Gary has a whole house?  And he has a yard, too!  This is a nice area.

Gary turned off the car and we looked at each other.  I could tell that I was going to enjoy my date with Gary today.  And from what I saw on Gary’s face, it looked like he was going to enjoy this day as well.

I helped Gary take all of his groceries into the house.  Along with all the groceries, he carried the Taco Bell that he ordered for all of us.  He put all of his groceries away and he got a couple plates out of the cupboard and we started eating our two crunchwraps.  We of course made sure that we didn’t forget the Fire and Diablo sauces.  Those crunchwraps were sooooo good and they really hit the spot!

“So…” Gary said, after letting out a light burp.

“So, uuuuurp?”  I said, laughing, imitating Gary’s burp.

This made Gary and I laugh even harder.

After recovering from the laughter, Gary grinned.  “So, would you like to play some retro video games?  I have a bunch of old ones that came out before we were even born!”

I gasped.  How old are these games?  I don’t know much about video games, so all this was still new to me.

Gary took a couple of cans of Mountain Dew out of the fridge and handed me one.  I LOVE Mountain Dew!  How much more similar can we be?  This keeps getting better and better…I happily grabbed the can of Mountain Dew and snapped the drink open.  I take a few sips of this awesome soda.  It was icy cold!

I followed Gary into the living room, where I saw an awesome TV with speakers and what looked like different video games in different wooden cabinets.

“This is my home entertainment system.” Gary explained to me.  “It has surround sound speakers and a lot of my older video game consoles are set up here.” Gary pointed to a video game console that was grey colored.  “That NES was my dad’s.  He gave it to me when I moved out.  Believe it or not, it still works!”

I smiled.  “So that old grey box plays video games?”

Gary nodded.  “Yup!  I love retro games and have played them a lot.  Believe it or not, this is all they had back then.  That, and Atari.  Plus the numerous other failed consoles that flooded the video game market in the 1980’s…”

I quietly nodded and watched Gary turn his big Ultra HD TV on.  He turned the channel to channel 3 and pressed the power button on the NES video game console.  I then saw the title screen and a black flash.  A title screen and a black flash.  “What’s wrong?” I said with a frown.

Gary pressed the power button and opened the hatch.  He pressed down on the big plastic thing and then pulled it out.  “You have to blow on it to make it work.  That’s what my dad used to tell me…”  Gary blew on the circuitry on the inside of the plastic thing and stuck it back inside the NES.  He pressed it in and pushed it down.  He then closed the hatch and pressed the power button.  The title screen was showing this time without the black flash!  “Super Mario Bros.?”  I said, gasping.  “The graphics look HORRIBLE compared to what I played last week!”

Gary laughed.  “Jill, this is what they had in the 1980’s.  They didn’t have the state-of-the-art graphics of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!  Consider earlier inventions.  Every single one had a humble beginning…”

I nodded.  “Fair enough.  So, how do I play?”

Gary gave me a controller that was attached by a cord to the NES.  “That directional pad lets you move left and right.  Pressing down on the pad will let you crouch.  Press B while moving left or right to run.  The A button lets you jump.  The start button lets you pause and unpause the game.  The select button is only used on the title screen, for selecting between 1 player or 2 players.  We will be playing a 2 player game.  You will be Mario, and I will be Luigi, okay?”

I nodded, feeling a little unsure of how to play this old video game.

Gary selected 2 players and gave me the controller.  “Press Start.” He told me.

I pressed start and I was in WORLD 1-1.  I pressed down on the right side of the directional pad.  I saw this little guy coming towards me.

“Jump!” Gary shouted.

It was too late.  Mario jumped into the air and fell off the screen.  “Oh no!” I shouted.  “Mario died!”

Gary grinned.  “But you still have 2 more lives.  Here.  I will show you what you need to do to dodge that goomba.”

“Goomba?” I said in confusion.

“It’s that creature that killed your Mario.” He said.  He took his controller and ran towards the goomba.  He then skillfully jumped over the goomba effortlessly.  To my surprise, he ran directly into the goomba!

“Why did you do that?”  I asked him.

“I want you to learn this game at your pace.” Gary told me.  “If I would have played at my full skill level, I would have beat this entire game before you could even get another turn.  Now, don’t forget to jump over the goomba!”

I tried again with Mario and began to jump over the goomba.  But instead of jumping over it, I jumped on it and flattened the goomba.  “I squished the goomba!” I said, smiling.

Gary then instructed me to hit the ? Block.  I did this and a mushroom came out.  I got the mushroom and my Mario doubled in size!  I then tried hitting the bricks. They shattered apart!  I continued through the level, finding these walking turtles that Gary called koopa troopas.  I then hit a ? Block and got a flower.  I collected the flower and my Mario changed to a light tan.  Gary told me to press B.  I was shooting fireballs! I then hit one of the bricks and got a star, which made my Mario flash!  Gary told me to run into the goombas and koopa troopas and they all died as I did this.  So as long as Mario is flashing, I can kill enemies?  Mario stopped flashing and I finished the level.  I ended up dying in WORLD 1-2.  I couldn’t make a jump and I fell off a cliff.

“Mario only has one life left!” I said frowning.

Gary nodded.  “Collect the coins!  100 of them will get you another life!”  Gary skillfully ran Luigi through the level, collecting everything, getting what he called the “fire flower” and the “Starman”.  Gary then progressed through 1-2 and died on purpose where I did.

We played Super Mario Bros. for a couple more hours.  I got a few Game Overs, but Gary was very patient with me.  He never exceeded the point I got to and let me practice.  I learned how to run and jump better and managed to get to 5-4 before I died.  At this, we finally decided to stop playing and take a break to eat the rest of our Taco Bell.

After finishing our Cheesy Gordita Crunches (With fire sauces of course! We were out of Diablo…), I just looked at Gary and he looked at me.  I got closer to him and gave him a hug.  “Is it okay…If I hug you?” I asked him.

Gary nodded.  “It’s fine, Jill.  I’ve never been hugged by a woman like this before.  Yeah, Joey tells me of all the fun times that he has with your sister, but having no girlfriend myself, I always felt left out…”

I smiled as my face was now near Gary’s.  “But now you have me…” I told him, feeling lovestruck.  Since I couldn’t resist, I gave him a tender kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks Jill…” He gave me a soft kiss back on the cheek.  “Hey.  Just to let you know, the clothes stay on.  I don’t want any sexual relations with you unless we get married, okay?”

I nodded.  “To be honest Gary, I don’t feel comfortable doing that right now.  I mean, I hardly know you!  I really like you,, but let’s keep getting to know each other, okay?”

Gary nodded.  “Okay!”  He glanced at the NES.  “It was really fun showing you how to play Super Mario Bros.  Now, if you want to play that on your own, you can.  Your sister has Nintendo Switch Online!  All you need to do is go to the Nintendo Entertainment System…”

I gasped.  “I remember seeing that on the home menu!”

“Yup!” Gary told me.  “If you select that, you will be able to pick from a library of NES games.  Don’t worry.  Every title will load the first time.  No blowing on the cartridge required!”

I laughed.  “Okay!  I’m going to have to get good to get past WORLD 5-4…”

Gary nodded.  “The virtual console version of NES games are a little easier, Jill.  You can press the ZL and ZR buttons.  These are the back two buttons on the Switch Pro Controller.  This will open the suspend menu and let you create a new save state or load an older one.  You can also rewind gameplay by pressing ZL while you’re playing!  This should greatly help you practice…”

I smiled.  “Wow!  I can REWIND gameplay?  So if I die, I can go back before I died?  Man!  That’s going to make things a LOT easier!  Thanks for the tip, Gary!”

“Anytime Jilly Jill!”

I smiled.  “Jilly Jill!  It’s okay! I like the cute nickname…”

Gary looked at his cellphone.  “6:45!  I start my stream in 15 minutes!”

I looked at him weird.  “What is a stream?”

Gary took me by the hand and guided me upstairs.  “Come up here and I’ll show you!”

I followed Gary upstairs to his bedroom, which had a nice computer set up with his Nintendo Switch nearby.  He had a laptop with a second monitor that was more than 30 inches!  I also saw his Nintendo Switch setting underneath the TV.

Gary turned on the lights to his room and showed me a website called Twitch.  “Jill, this is where I run my streaming channel called GaretheBear.  I have different emotes and incentives people can get if they subscribe to my channel!”

I smile.  This all sounds very awesome.  But I wanted to clarify something.  “Soooo…” I began.  “Does that mean that you get paid for people to watch you play video games?”

“Yeah!” He told me. “It doesn’t pay a lot.  I still run my accounting business during the week.  This is a side hustle.  A hobby…”

I nodded as I saw Gary getting his microphone and round thing set up near the microphone.  “What’s that?”

“That?” Gary said, pointing to the thing I asked about.  “That’s a pop filter.  It reduces noise so you don’t hear my breathing in the microphone.  It also keeps my microphone clean.  You’ll see when I get this started.  GaretheBear has 200 subscribers and just over 3,000 followers.  It’s very chill.  Only good vibes are allowed.  I don’t swear.  I try to keep it family friendly.  And above it all, my streaming community is awesome!  We chat on Discord after.  It’s a blast…”

I remained quiet as I saw Gary continue to set things up for his stream.  When 7:00 came, he clicked the broadcast button and loaded a video that kept repeating the same music.

“That’s my intro screen…” Gary told me.  “I keep it on that screen until I’m ready to go live.  I’m going to get some water, and we can get started.”

“Wait!” I shouted.  “What are you going to play?”

Gary grinned.  “What else?  The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!  That game has been out just over a month!  We usually talk for about 20 minutes and then we get started.  Sometimes it’s 30 minutes. It all depends on the conversation.  Now I’m going to get my water.  Be right back!”

I watched the loading screen and what looked like a chat room.  I’m guessing that all this chatting was Gary’s “audience”.  It reminded me of YouTube only this was live.

Moments later, Gary came back with his water.  “Do you want to be on the stream?” he asked me.  “You don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable.  You can just watch!”

I shook my head.  “I’ll just watch.”

And that’s just what I did.  For the next four hours, Gary did his GaretheBear stream.  He spent his first almost 40 minutes talking to his streaming “audience”.  I kept hearing video game music and graphics showing up, which Gary announced as either a new follower or a new Subscriber.  When Gary was actually playing Tears of the Kingdom, something happened that he called a “raid”.  What is that?  I’ll have to ask him when he’s done with the stream.  From this “raid”, I heard the follower and subscriber announcements for the next 10 minutes.  After that, everything died down.  Gary was just going around this large outside area, using a parachute a lot and freezing time every time he shot his bow in the air.  His skill was amazing.  I didn’t see him die once.  He listened to his chat whenever they suggested something useful for him.  Surprisingly, he didn’t take a break once!  He also entered these small buildings called “shrines” which looked a lot bigger on the inside.  They had puzzles, which looked a lot of fun.  He then collected these orbs at the end.  He collected at least eight of them during his stream, which he traded for a heart and something called a stamina vessel.

After four hours, he ended the stream and went off the air.

That’s when I look at him with my most important question.  “Gary,” I asked him.  “What’s a raid?”

Gary laughed.  “Oh, a raid?  A raid is where a bunch of followers and subs from another streamer goes to my stream and invades it.  They usually have a special message that the other streamer has prepared.  I didn’t do it this stream, but I usually have a countermeasures video used to welcome my fellow raiders.  Tonight was crazy.  I got 50 new subscribers from just that raid alone!  And another 100 followers!”  Gary got a few external hard drives, along with a adapter and gave them to me.  “Here.  If you want to start your own stream, I can help you with that.  I can come over tomorrow and we can set up your streaming channel.  How would you like that?  You get to choose the name!”

“Hmm…” I said grinning.  “I don’t have a name yet!  I’ll let you know when I do…”

Gary grinned and looked at the cell phone.  “I need to get you home!  I’ll come over tomorrow.  It will probably be the early afternoon, okay Jill!”

I nodded, as we made our way to Gary’s Lexus.  I entered it and Gary drove me home, with the adapter and the two external hard drives, which he told me each held 1 Terabyte.  We had a wonderful discussion on the way home regarding his stream tonight and the fun I had with Super Mario Bros.  I was starting to love video games and I wanted to learn everything about them.  More importantly, I loved Gary!  I can’t believe how much progress I made!  This morning, I was too shy to even talk to him!  Now, he can’t shut me up!  I romantically sighed as I happily stared at Gary.

About a half hour later, Gary was in downtown Philadelphia and he took me up to the parking deck.  As I got out of his car, Gary opened the door and kissed me good night.  I waved goodbye to him as I walked towards Metro City Apartments…

I opened the door to 2202 and saw that my twin sister Jen was already home.  She had the biggest smile on her face.

“So…” she said, looking at me.  “Did you have fun?”

I stared at my sister, dumbfounded.  “Wait…” I said, gasping.  “Did you set this up?”

My sister laughed. “Yes.  We did.  Both me and Joey.  Joey needed a way to set you and Gary up on a blind date.  Gary kind of knew about this plan already.  He just didn’t know when Joey was going to do this.  We all had this planned since the day after we ate with Joey at the Capital Grille the night before.  We decided on this Saturday, since Gary wanted to see you first last week before he decided to date you.  Did you have fun with Gary, Jill?”

I grinned.  “Did I have FUN?  Oh Jen, I had so much fun with him.  You will not believe how much we have in common!  Well, except for him knowing everything about video games.  We like the same food.  The same cereal and even the same fast food!”

Jen nodded.  “Yes.  That was something that Joey and I discussed regarding you.  Joey’s concern was that Gary’s taste in food was different than mine and his.  Since I knew how much you loved junk food, it made Gary a much easier option than Mark…”

I sighed when I heard the name Mark.  “Yeah.  I didn’t seem very drawn to Mark last week.  Gary was so funny today.  He had me laughing sooooooooo much…”

Jen grinned.  “Well, Joey and I had fun too today.  We did have a nice lunch at a café.  After that, I drove to his place and I watched him play Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.  I kept telling him where to go in the game, even though I had no idea what was going on.  It was fun.  Finally, he let me play for a little bit.  I wasn’t that good, so I gave it back to him.  I’m so glad that you had fun with Gary today…”

I looked at the clock.  12:15 a.m.!  “We should be going to bed…”

Jen nodded.  “We can do that after we change the…wait.  We don’t need to do that!  You bought those diapers!”

That’s when it hit me.  I had so much fun with Gary today that I totally forgot that I had to wear diapers to bed.  “Oh man…” I sighed.

Jen grinned.  “Well Jill, would you rather wake up with wet sheets and pajamas, or just a wet diaper?  And it’s really not all that wet for the most part, since the SAP powders gel up in the core and wick all the moisture away from your skin…”

I scowled.  “Enough.  I don’t need another science lesson on how diapers work.  Good night, Jen…”

Jen hugged me and nodded.  “Sorry about dwelling on the subject.  Just trying to help!  Good night, Jill…”

I did my routines and grabbed my cup of cold water.  Before I got into bed, I pulled off my pajama bottoms and underwear.  I then did my third routine that I hated the most: The diapering routine.  I diapered myself and pulled my pajama bottoms back up.  I drank my cup of cold water.  Minutes later, I fell asleep, romantically thinking about Gary…

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 5 - 4/9/2024)

Chapter 5 : They’re Not So Bad!

Before I share with you my trip back to Cleveland to move everything out of my apartment, this next part of the story is necessary for you to get a clear understanding of my love-hate relationship with diapers.  And I can tell you right now that it was more hate than love.  Sure, I didn’t have to worry about wet bedsheets or wet pajamas, but something was always wet!

And in waking up that Sunday morning, I knew right away.  It was another wet diaper.  Okay.  It wasn’t soaked or even leaking (we’ll get to that later).  It was very damp.  The coldness indicated that my bladder emptied right in the middle of the night.  I still couldn’t figure out why I started doing this.  Heck.  I was crying for a whole month after graduating in Cleveland and stressing out about failed job leads and I never wet the bed even once!  I think that it had to do with the wine.  Somehow, having that wine and getting drunk that ONE time has somehow permanently affected my bladder.  And now, my bladder thinks that it’s perfectly fine to just let go in the middle of the night while I’m sound asleep.  Well you know what, bladder?  I’m tired of it!  Diapers or not!  I’m tired of it!

Frustrated, I stood up in my wet diaper.  I heard a soft tap on the door.

“Jill? Are you up?”

It was my dear twin sister Jen, who sounded like all was well in the world.  Must be nice to have a perfectly functioning bladder!  “I’m up!” I shouted back, trying to hide my frustration.

The door opened and I saw my sister all nicely dressed up.  I could smell the perfume and saw the beautiful pink dress that she was wearing.  Her hair was done up in a nicely braided single ponytail that ran down the back of her neck.  It’s Sunday morning for crying out loud.  Is she going on another date with Joey?

“Jill,” my sister announced.  “I leave for church in an hour.  Joey is coming too.  Do you want to go to church with us?”

I sighed.  “Since when did you start going to church?”

Jen smiled.  “Since I have been dating Joey, Jill!  Church is very important to him, and I’m starting to see why.”

I nodded.  “That’s cool that you and him want to go, but I’m not going this week.”

I then heard a quiet sigh from Jen.  “Well, the invitation is open if you want to change your mind!”  Jen then looked at me and frowned.  “Jill, I see that something is bothering you this morning.  Can you tell me what it is?”

I sighed.  “How do you know?”

Jen laughed.  “Jill, you already know the answer.  We’re twins!  I can sense it like I did when you were back in Cleveland.  Don’t you remember?”

“It’s a twin thing…” we both managed to say in unison.

“See?” Jen said, pointing at me.  “The way that we both said that perfectly in sync.  It was like we were sharing the same brain at that moment…Now, what’s bothering you?  Is it the diapers again?”

I nodded, my face reddening.

“Oh Jill…” My sister said, sighing.  “I know that you don’t like to wear them at night.  But just try to get used to them.  I know that it’s not the best advice.  But I don’t know what else that I can say or do to help you with this…”

I pouted.  “Gary’s coming over today!  If he sees my room, he’ll see my diapers.  I need to hide them.”

Jen nodded.  “I see…That’s what is really bothering you!  I get it, Jill.  You really like Gary and you don’t want him to find out about your secret.  Just hide them in the empty closet!  Close the door and keep them there.  He has no business to go in there at all.  A lot of women have varying degrees of incontinence, so you’re not alone…”

I sighed.  “Yeah.  But we all have to deal with it every single day.  Now, can I go get a shower so I can get this soggy diaper off?”  My face reddened when I thought of the trash.  “What if he looks in the trash?  He’ll see all my wet diapers in there!”

Jen shook her head.  “No he won’t.  I will take the trash and hide it in my trunk.  When I finish having lunch with Joey after church, I will take care of the trash on the way home.  All he will see is a brand new trash bag.  Don’t worry, Jill.  Little sis has got your back!”

I laughed.  “Little by only two minutes!  Now, let me shower…”

Jen changed out the old trash in the bathroom with the new one.  I wadded up the wet diaper and I left it outside the bathroom for Jen to add it to the old trash.  I then took my shower, thinking of Gary coming over.  I don’t know if I want to stream right away.  Even if he sets my channel all up, I don’t know if I’m going to be comfortable.  I do appreciate how supportive my sister has been to me, though…

I took a quick shower and got out my last shirt that I packed on my trip to Philly.  For most of the days here, I have been wearing my sister’s clothes.  For a change, I wanted to wear one of my outfits, so I put on a graphic tee.  It was a cutish pink shirt that said “Princess” complete with a gold crown. With how nice my sister has been treating me, I guess I am a princess.  Now I just need to figure out how get my “tribute” paid to me…

My sister once again extended her invitation for me to come to church with her and Joey.  Once again, I declined.  Yeah.  It’s cool that Joey is going and my sister is going, but I don’t want to go.

While my sister was gone, I had breakfast and then played some more Nintendo Switch.  I hid the diapers in my closet before I started playing, just to be safe.  I loaded the NES game on the home menu and found Super Mario Bros.  I started a new game and played through the levels as Mario, using the save states and rewinding that Joey told me about.

It took me a few hours, but I finally got to WORLD 5-4.  I was just about to start it when I heard a knock on the door.

“Knock knock!”  It sounded like Gary’s voice.

I ran into the bathroom and gave a generous spray of perfume on my face.  I then ran over to the door and opened it.

Gary was standing there, with a few more things for me.  He was also holding a plastic bag with a box inside!

“Something smells wonderful…” Gary said, sniffing my face before finally landing a smack on my cheek.”

I smelled it too.  Gary had cologne on again.  I let the pleasant aroma fill my nostrils before I kissed him back, right on his cheek near his lips.  Ah, I missed!

Gary took notice of my graphic tee.  “So, how’s my ‘princess’ doing today?” he asked me.

I laughed.  “This princess is delighted to have her ‘prince’ visit!” I inspected the plastic bag with the box again.  “And you have a gift?”

Gary nodded.  “It’s for you.  Pull it out of the bag!”

I took the box out of the bag and I gasped.  “Oh. My. Gosh!” I shouted.  “You…You got me a Nintendo Switch?!”

Gary nodded.  “I love you, Jill.  I figured that you should have your own Switch.  Plus, you will want to if you’re streaming.  Now, do you have a TV?”

I shook my head.  “Just my sister’s in the living room.”

“How about a computer desk to set a laptop and a TV?”

I shook my head again.

“Then we’re going to go shopping!” Gary told me.  “Today, I’m going to buy you a TV, a computer desk, and a chair!  We may need to get the chair online, but I’ll be buying all of it for you!”

I smiled.  “Wow.  I really do feel like a princess now…”

Gary continued his awesome streak by taking me in his Lexus to the King of Prussia Mall.  Now that mall was HUGE!  There was over 400 stores and we spent the next couple hours shopping for the things that I needed.  For the TV and desk, they offered home delivery so we wouldn’t have to carry all that with us!

And my, was the food AMAZING!  On a total whim, Gary decided to just treat me to some seafood, so we ate at Legal Sea Foods.  We each got a bowl of the She-Crab Bisque, split a Legal’s Signature Crab Cake, got our own Stuffed Lobster Tails, with a side of Jasmine Rice and Sesame & Soy Roasted Broccoli.  I was blown away by how amazing the service was.  Our waiter was so professional and the seafood tasted so fresh!  And it was no wonder since their policy was to serve the seafood from the pier to the plate.  This worked well, as I have never had seafood this fresh.  To further surprise me, Gary ordered a baked Lobster Mac & Cheese for me as takeout for me to eat later!

While we waited for the bill to arrive, I sat with Gary and he ordered an awesome computer chair for me.  A Secretlab Titan Evo 2022 Plush Pink Gaming Chair.  From what Amazon said, it would be arriving tomorrow!  He would help me set it up after he finishes work tomorrow.  All the other things we bought today would be delivered tomorrow as well.

I smiled as Gary took me back to downtown Philadelphia with the best leftovers ever.  Baked freaking Lobster Mac & Cheese?!  This is going to be so good!  Considering how fresh the seafood is, I better eat it tonight!  Afterall, they used a whole Gulf of Maine lobster, Vermont cheddar, and bread crumbs to make it!

We returned to Metro City Apartments and knocked on 2202, since I knew at this point that Jen was home.

Jen opened the door and smiled when she saw Gary and I standing there.  She gasped when she smelled what I was holding.  “Is that lobster?”

“Uh huh!” I said, with the biggest smile on my face.

“I got her baked Lobster Mac & Cheese to take home!” Gary told her.  “Now, I’m going to set up Jill’s stream, since she doesn’t have all of that right now.  Depending on her laptop, I may just buy her a new one…We did buy a TV, a desk, and ordered a computer chair today.”

Jen nodded.  “Did you make sure that the desk would fit in that room?”

I nodded.  “Gary measured everything before we left.  It’s all gonna fit!”  I then turned to my sis and gushed.  “He took me to King of Prussia Mall!” I said in a melodious tone.

Jen beamed.  “King of Prussia?  Joey likes to take me there!  Was it Legal Sea Foods?”

“Yup!” Gary answered.  “Nothing but the best for my princess.”

Jen nodded.  “He also likes to get me things from Nordstrom.  Particularly the Silk Pajamas or the Eberjey organic cotton pajamas.”

Gary nodded.  “Duly noted!” He then turned to me.  “Do you need any more pajamas, Jill?”

I sighed.  “Are you nuts?  Those pajamas cost more than 100 bucks!  Besides, my sister just bought some new pajamas, which are definitely cheaper than Nordstrom!”

Gary smiled.  “You’re worth it, Jill!  If money is your issue, do not worry.  Everything that I spend on you has been carefully budgeted.  This is my job that I do every day, and I’m good at it.  Now, let’s get you set up.”

Gary entered my room and fired up my cheap laptop.  He laughed when he discovered how long it took to boot up.  “I’m going to order your computer tonight.” He told me.  “I have a client that happens to build computers for a living.  I’ll have him order you the best one for gaming.  Whether it’s PC or streaming, this one will get the job done.”

I shrugged my shoulders.  “Okay.  Just as long as he can get everything onto the new one!”

Gary nodded.  “It’s his business, Jill.  Transferring your files should be nothing.  Now, let’s get you set up, if your desktop will ever load…”

I laughed and we continued to wait.

When the desktop finally loaded, Gary opened Twitch and he helped me set up my Twitch Account.  We did all the setup that would make my account a streaming account.  This gave me extra features for streamers.  He walked me through the process of assigning moderators, but it went way over my head.  He also told me that I would need to have an intro screen and some different emotes designed.  In having a degree in communication, what I understood was that I needed a way to communicate with my audience.  I needed a communication plan, depending on how much they wanted to spend for a subscription.  After completing the basic setup, Gary offered to work out with me tomorrow.  I ended up saying yes because I didn’t want to let him down.  But when I told him that the gym was only for residents, he frowned.  Despite that, I’m going to work out, since I know that he’ll be working out!

Gary kissed me goodbye and he left the apartment.  I got the delicious baked Lobster Mac & Cheese out of the fridge and heated it in the microwave for a little while.  As I was starting to eat it, my sister walked by and smiled.

“Isn’t it fun, Jill?” she asked me.  “I can see how much happier you are, now that you have a relationship with Gary.  I’m so happy for you.  We both have someone special.  You, of course, but then Joey…”

I nodded, as I finished another satisfying mouthful of baked Lobster Mac & Cheese.  “Jen, you’re special to me, too!  But man!  Gary sure does know how to treat me…”

Jen laughed.  “Joey’s the same way.  Believe it or not, my tastes used to be similar to yours.  Cheaper clothes, cheaper food…But thanks to Joey, my tastes have changed…”

I nodded.  “Yeah.  I kind of felt like that today.  What if I get used to this stuff?”

“Then you will be like me, Jill.”  My twin sister grinned.  “A spoiled princess that enjoys getting what she wants.”

I gasped.  “So you see yourself as spoiled?”

Jen nodded.  “Sort of.  Joey has his reasons for the gifts that he gives me.  It’s all out of love, Jill…”

I finished my baked Lobster Mac & Cheese and made a mental note for Gary to take me to King of Prussia Mall again so we could eat there.

That night, I did my nighttime rituals and got ready for bed.  I hugged my sister goodnight and carried my cup of water into my room.  I removed my pajamas, diapered myself (I still HATE doing this!), and put my pajamas back on.  I fell asleep, grateful that Gary was in my life.

I woke up to my sister’s invitation for Pilates.  I felt my swelled-up diaper and sighed.  Since I enjoyed it on Friday, I went ahead and I did the Pilates routine with her again.  I wasn’t good at it but I didn’t care.

After my sister left for work, I looked at the calendar on my phone.  Since returning to Philadelphia, my sister scheduled another flight for us to go back to Cleveland to move all of my things to Philadelphia.  She would pay the early termination on my lease and would get a mover to move everything to Philly while we took a relaxing return flight back to my new home.

Over the weekend, Gary and I exchanged numbers, so I got a text from him.  I opened it and read it:

Are you working out?  I’m about to get on the treadmill!  Post before and after pics!  I then saw a picture of Gary taking a selfie in front of his treadmill.

I removed the wet diaper and put on my underwear with a t-shirt and some jogging pants.  I took the elevator down to the gym for Metro City Apartments.  I got on one of many vacant treadmills and took a quick selfie.  I sent it to Gary with a smiley face emoji and got on the treadmill.  I ended up only running for 15 minutes since I was out of breath at that point.  I took a selfie and sent it to Gary with the following text:

I am sooooo dead!  How do you do this all the time?  (frustrated emoji)

I took the elevator back up to 2202 and enter with the app.  As I was about to get into the shower, I got another text from Gary (complete with selfie).  I read it:

It looks like another thing we can work on! Just worked out for an hour.  5.6 miles!  (smiling emoji)

That day, all of the things came for my computer setup.  I told them to put everything in my room so they delivered it there.  The TV and the desk.  Amazon came a little later with the chair, so I asked them to put it in my room too.

I made sure to keep my wet diaper in my closet so that Gary wouldn’t see it when he came over.

Later on, Gary came over and we got everything out.  We set up the desk and the computer chair (which was a very nice computer chair!).  After that, we got out the 42 inch UHD TV and sat it on the desk with my cheap laptop.  We then opened up my new Nintendo Switch and hooked it up.  Gary also gave me a Pro Controller, so we opened it up and sat it up as well.  We went through the setup with the Switch since I never did it before.  It seemed pretty easy to do.

Gary then told me that he ordered my computer last night.  It would be a Lenovo Legion 7i Gen 7 Laptop with 64 gigabytes of RAM, a 12th Generation Intel Core i7 Processor, Windows 11 Home, an NVIDIA  GeForce 8 GB GDDR6, a 16” display, a super rapid charge battery, 2 terabytes of storage on a solid state drive, a fingerprint reader for security, and a screaming 2x2W Harman Super Linear Speaker System.  This was complete with all the ports that I needed to plug in everything for streaming.  I now had a total of three external hard drives.  The newest one that Gary gave me held 20 Terabytes!  With this, I should have plenty of room for streaming archives, if I wanted to save them. Gary recommended that I record my streams and upload the archive to YouTube.  When I asked to look at the price he spent on the new laptop, he showed me.  I freaked out.

“You spent more than $5,000 on a new laptop?!” I gasped.  “Did you really need to do that?”

Gary nodded.  “You will thank me later.  This is a very good laptop and you will be able to have good streams with this.  Plus, I have some extra microphones and pop filters that I will just give you.”

I smiled.  “Aw.  Thanks Gary…”

To shift everything to fun, Gary ordered Nintendo Switch Online for me with the Expansion Pass, so I could play Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, and SEGA Mega Drive Games if I wanted to.  Plus, this gave me complete access to all of the DLC waves for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, including Wave 5 that will be releasing in July and Wave 6, which will be coming by the end of the year.  He gave me a few Nintendo Switch Games that he wasn’t playing at the moment.  And since he had an extra copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, he let me keep that one.

Gary and I spent the next hour just playing more Super Mario Bros.  I used the warp zones to get to WORLD 5 faster.  After getting to 6-4, it was time for Gary to go.

That night, Jen and I had Lean Cuisines for dinner.  My dessert was a Little Debbie’s Swiss Cake Roll that Gary gave me earlier.

Bedtime came again and I did my routines.  I hugged my sister good night and you get the idea.  I got my water cup and then diapered myself (AGAIN!).  I went to bed, feeling just a little better, due to all the new stuff from Gary.  I thought to myself:  Am I really going to start streaming?  I don’t know if I can do this…I thought about this and fell asleep.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all came in rapidfire succession.  I don’t know how to describe it, but it all felt different when I diapered myself that Wednesday night.  It should’ve felt the same, but I just felt more comfortable.  Yeah, it was paper thin but it got the job done.  I think it had to do with waking up just as it happened.

I woke up early Thursday morning to hear a strong hissing sound.  It was the sound of my bladder quickly emptying, and it felt so good.  The warm pee flooding into my diaper…I enjoyed every second of it.  And then, it stopped.  I guess my bladder was empty at that point.  I felt the gels forming as the warm pee was coming in contact with the SAP powder that my sister was talking about.  I guess this is why I don’t feel wet.  But I am feeling something else!  I pressed on my gelled-up diaper, feeling the warm sensation over me over and over.  My breathing go faster and faster and I happily moaned as I pleasured myself into my diaper.  Wow.  This is my first time ever doing this.  Is this what it’s going to feel like after I marry Gary?  I smiled, as I finished “having fun” with my diaper.

After this incident of experiencing a warm and wet diaper and having fun, I started to like diapers a little more.  They’re not so bad if I get to experience that every night.  As I woke up that morning and did Pilates with my twin sister, I felt sad.  For almost an entire day, I am going to be without a diaper.

Jen noticed my sadness and frowned.  “What’s wrong now, Jill?”

I smiled and shook my head.  “Nothing.”

But my twin would have nothing of it.  “Nothing huh?” Jen grinned.  “Then why are you smiling?”

I sighed.  “Fine.  Since we’re twins and I feel like I can tell you anything, I will tell you.  Please don’t tell anyone else, okay?”

Jen nodded.  “I won’t.  You’re my sister.  I wouldn’t tell anyone.  Even your deepest and darkest secrets…”

I pointed down at my diaper.  “You’re not going to believe this, but I’m actually sad that I have to wear underwear today.”

Jen gasped.  “What?  So are you telling me that you like your diapers now?  Jill, they’re for at night though…”

I nodded.  “I know that, but last night, I actually woke up when my bladder was emptying.  I felt the warm pee and it felt so good…”

Jen gave me a weird look.  “Felt good, Jill?  So you’re telling me that it feels good to pee yourself?  Isn’t that gross?”

I sighed.  “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you.  I know that it’s supposed to be gross, but I actually enjoyed it.”

Jen nodded.  “Okay.  So now you enjoy peeing in your diaper?  Alright.  It’s good that you enjoy it, but for me it’s still gross.”

I then felt my gelled-up part of my diaper and smiled.  “That’s not all, Jen.  I also played with it.  I pleasured myself in my diaper and it felt good.”

Jen gasped.  “So, you climaxed in your diaper?!  It’s okay, Jill.  I have done that a couple of times before when I was thinking about Joey.  Yeah.  Sexual experiences are supposed to feel good.  So I’m understanding why you want to wear them more.”

I nodded, and gave my twin sister a curious stare.  “You climaxed too?  Didn’t you have to change your underwear or bedding?”

Jen shook her head.  “Jill, I know how much of a mess that would make, so I did that in the shower.  Now I need to get ready for work.  I’m glad we would have this sisterly discussion.  Have a good day, Jill!”

I let my sister get ready and I got a shower before working out.

I was finally able to work out for a half hour.  I posted my updates to Gary.

Not much more went on that Thursday.  I looked for work a little bit.  I then played some more Super Mario Bros.  I just got to WORLD 7 before I decided to call it a day.

Dinner was more Lean Cuisines (which I’m starting to get used to, by the way).  Bedtime followed shortly after.

Before I started my routine, I closed the door and began the diapering process.  I laid out a diaper and sat on top of it.  I laid down and folded the front of the diaper over my frontal area.  I fastened both wide tabs onto the landing zone snugly.  I smiled, knowing that this was my favorite part of my bedtime.  I put my pajama bottoms back on and finished my night time routines.

As I was walking with my ice water, my twin sister noticed a faint crinkle sound coming from my pajamas.  She then gave me the look and smiled.  “So, you’re already wearing them, Jill?”

I smiled and nodded.  “Yup!  This is my favorite part of the night…”

Jen nodded.  “Okay.  Well, be ready tomorrow.  I may only work half a day so we can get to the airport a little early.  Don’t forget to pack enough diapers.  We’re staying at a hotel Friday night and Saturday night.”

I nodded.  “Of course I won’t forget!  I don’t want wet sheets or pajamas!”

Jen then gave me a hug.  “Good night, Jill…”

“Good night.”

The door closed and I guzzled my water.  I took off my pajama bottoms so I could sleep in just my t-shirt and diapered bottom.  The soft diaper felt good against the bedding as I crawled into bed.

I fell asleep rather quickly, but then woke up to that pleasant hissing sound again.  That warm pee soaking into my diaper.  It felt so good.

My fellow JJ Little Besties, I can now tell you with full confidence.  They’re not so bad!

I smiled, as I felt the warm pee as the rest of my bladder emptied into the diaper.  They’re really not that bad after all.

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 6 - 4/10/2024)

Chapter 6 : Goodbye Cleveland, for Good!

So we’re finally to the part of the story where we leave my old life behind.  So are we leaving Cleveland yet? Not quite, my JJ Little Besties.  This is my story, so enjoy the ride where I take you to the day of my flight back to Cleveland with my twin and lifelong best friend, Jen.

Jen and I were both at a small food court at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL).  We just picked up a quick lunch from Dunkin’, and I sank my teeth into my sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.  Jen got the same thing as me, which surprised me.  Maybe she wanted me to feel better about earlier?  I don’t know.

Earlier?  So what happened, Jillian?  Well, since you’re so nice about it, I’ll tell you.

Back about an hour ago, Jen and I arrive at the airport at around 12:30 PM.  Our flight was AAL1549.  A nonstop flight leaving Philadelphia International Airport at 3:00 PM and arriving at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at 4:34 PM.  Prior to checking in at our gate, we had to scan our carryon bags at the TSA checkpoint.  I had a luggage bag that I borrowed from Jen and my purse.  Jen had just a matching luggage bag and her purse.  I nervously smiled as we both got in line.

My sister Jen could sense the nervousness in my eyes.  She pat me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear.  “What’s wrong, Jill?  Are you worried that they’ll see your night time diapers in your luggage?

I nodded, my face now turning red.  “Yes. Can’t they respect my privacy?”

All my sister could do is smile at me and give me a hug.  But it really wasn’t helping in making me feel any less nervous…

Finally, it was my turn.  I got to the checkpoint and emptied all of my pockets.  Jen was wearing a dress so she didn’t have any pockets to empty.  All I had were a few bucks, some loose change, and some extra tissues.  I stuck all this in the tray and placed my carryon bag and purse on the conveyor.

As we walked past the conveyor, I stepped on a metal detector.  Nothing happened when I stepped on it so I was good to go.  I thought I was in the clear, until a TSA person walked up next to me.

The TSA person was a short woman who smiled at me.  She pointed at the picture that she saw when they looked at the contents of my bag.  “Are those diapers?”

My face grew red with embarrassment.  “They are!” I whispered back.  “What’s your business in humiliating me?”

But the TSA woman gave me an understanding smile.  “It’s okay, hun.  Your bag is not the first one I have seen of that.  It’s more common than you think.  Lots of women have that similar problem, including me dear…”

That was quite enough.  “Please stop,” I told her, my face about to explode.

But nothing phased the TSA woman, who was still as cool as a cucumber.  She smiled again and waved me through.  I hurriedly picked up my carryon bag and purse and took all my contents from the tray on the other side.  I stuffed the money and tissue back into my pockets and waited for my twin sister to pass over to where I was.

A moment later, Jen approached me with her carry on and purse and gave me a pat on the shoulder.  “I saw the whole thing,” she whispered.  ”Really Jill.  It’s really nothing to be ashamed of.  About 40% of women our age experience some form of incontinence.”

I scowled.  “That’s not helping, sis!  That means that 60% of women our age are fine.  That includes YOU…”

Jen sighed as we made our way past the checkpoint.

So what did we do with that extra time?  We walked around a few stores, but we didn’t buy anything.  After that, we got lunch at Dunkin’.

And that’s where we are now.  So where was I?  Aw yes.  I was biting into that sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich and my tastebuds exploded with that hot and delicious goodness.

Jen had a smile on her face and pointed to her sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich.  “I betcha that I can finish my breakfast sandwich before you!”

I laughed.  She hasn’t even taken a bite yet!  Challenge accepted!  I took another generous bite of my sandwich before she could even take her first one.  She was halfway through her breakfast sandwich by the time that I put the last piece in my mouth.  I chewed and then swallowed.  “I win!”

At that point, Jen had the rest of her sandwich in her mouth.  Her mouth was full of breakfast sandwich and a few moments later, she was finished eating hers. “Done with mine!”

I gave Jen a playful nudge.  “You should’ve waited until BEFORE I took my first bite if you wanted it to be fair!”

Jen gave me a smirk.  “I just wanted to see you smile, Jill.  Mission accomplished!”

After taking out the trash from our breakfast sandwiches, we put our purses around our shoulders and wheeled the carryon in one hand while we held our large Dunkin’ mocha espressos in our other hand.  The time was 2:37 PM.  Having already used the bathroom before eating at Dunkin’, I was good to go.

About 20 minutes later, we boarded our gate at A7.  It was an American Airlines flight instead of Delta, so that’s why the terminal was different.

I got to my seat with Jen and we placed our carry-ons in the overhead compartment while we kept our purses at our seats.  I guzzled down my mocha espresso, which was warm instead of steaming hot at this point.  But unlike me, Jen just casually sipped hers.

The plane took off and we were enroute to Cleveland.  It would take about an hour and a half to get there.  While the plane was flying, I just made small talk with my sister.  She talked about work while I talked about finding work.  And speaking of that, I would like to find something.  My sister wouldn’t let me pay for a single thing while at the airport.  She paid for my carryons and my Dunkin’ so far, and she’ll be paying for the hotel this weekend.

After almost an hour passed, I was struck with a horrible reminder of that espresso that I chugged down earlier.  I pressed both of my hands against my crotch.  Oh. My. Gosh.  I really have to pee!

I glanced at my sister Jen, who was still holding a partially full cup of her Dunkin’ espresso.  “Um…” I stammered, feeling very uncomfortable at this point.  “Jen?  Do you have to pee?”

Jen smiled, but then gave me a face that felt sorry for me when she saw me pressing my crotch again.  “Jill, you should know better than to drink an ENTIRE large coffee before a plane ride.  That’s 227 milligrams of caffeine that’s now in your pelvic region.  Now to answer your question, I DO have to go, but not as bad as you.  I can hold it until we get to Cleveland.  But it looks like you will have an accident at any moment.  You better hope that the bathroom is available!”

I nodded, and quickly unbuckled my seat.  Oh no…I pressed my hands to my crotch again as I entered the aisle.  As I was hurrying down the aisle, I saw a mother with a little daughter sitting in her lap.  Lucky kid!  If you have an accident, your mommy can just change you!  If I have an accident, I will seriously die of humiliation on this plane.

I hurry to the end of the plane, where I saw the bathroom.  To my disappointment, there was already one person waiting outside.  A young woman about 10 or 15 years older than me.  Oh, come on!  I’m seriously about to piss myself!

When the young woman saw me pressing on my crotch, she gasped.  “Oh dear…” She said, looking at me.  “You go first!  I have to go, but not THAT bad…”

I nervously smiled and thanked the woman. “Thank you!  Now, if the person inside could hurry up…”

Minute by minute passed, each one seeming like an eternity.  The pressure increased on my bladder, and I groaned as I felt the sharp pain in my pelvis.

Then…Oh my goodness!  What I dreadfully feared started to happen.  My body convulsed and my underwear was soaked in seconds.  A patch of pee began running down my pants and my legs as I began to cry.  “Oh no!  OH GOD NO!!!!!!”

The pee kept dripping down my legs until a puddle began forming on the floor.  The woman that was waiting for the toilet backed away from me.

“Um…” The somewhat older woman said.  “I’m very sorry.  I’ll get someone to clean this up…”

I nodded, as tears began running down my eyes, and the pee continued to run down my legs.  The puddle grew and grew, until I stopped going.

And right after that, wouldn’t you know it!  The bathroom door opened and a college-aged guy walked out.

“Oh…” he said gasping when he looked at me.  “Uh…I’m sorry!”

I shook my head and  waved my fist at him.  “Do you think SORRY is going to clean all this up?  Just look what you did!  You took SO LONG that I pissed myself!  I PISSED MYSELF!!!!”  After that, I began to sob uncontrollably.

This scared away the college aged guy, who hurried back to his seat.

Moments later, the slightly older woman was back with a flight attendant, who had at least four or five towels.  Everyone else had their eyes focused on me.

One younger woman looked toward me, almost crying.  “You poor thing!  Do you need some new clothes?  I have plenty of clothes in my carryon that can fit you.”

Another younger woman in the seat behind her nodded.  “I got a change of clothes too if you want some.  That’s gotta be very embarrassing…”

I was still in tears as the slightly older woman was helping the flight attendant sop up the puddle of pee that was near my feet.  It didn’t matter how many people were offering their change of clothes to me.  I was mortified.  I was traumatized.  And I was paralyzed.  I sat on the floor in my pee-soaked pants and shirt and continued sobbing uncontrollably.

The next thing that I noticed was a soft tap on my shoulders.  It was my sister, Jen.

“Jill?” She said with a gasp.  “I heard the commotion.  I saw the flight attendant and it was just as I feared.  Do you want my clothes, Jill?  I will get them for you right away!”

The slightly older woman (who definitely still had to pee) eyed my sister curiously.  “Are you her sister?”

Jen nodded.  “We’re identical twins.  To all of you kind people, thank you for trying to help my sister.  But I got this now, so we’re all good.  Do you want my change of clothes, Jill?”

I sadly nodded, still crying a little with the tears I had remaining.

A couple minutes later, Jen came back with a change of dry clothes: A pink pair of Victoria’s Secret underwear, a flashy expensive dress that her boyfriend bought (maybe Gary can get me something like this later), and a fresh bra.  She handed me a plastic bag to use to put my wet clothes in.

The slightly older woman kindly stepped aside and I entered the bathroom to change into the change of clothes that Jen gave me.

Once in the bathroom, I removed all the wet clothes and wiped off the remaining pee around my legs before I put on the change of clothes.  I put all the wet clothes in the plastic bag and started to put on the dry clothes.  Tucked in the pink underwear was an Always Ultra-thin pad (Thanks Jen.  I only have a purse that’s full of them!) I put those on and then my bra and…do you mind?  I will skip to the part where I’m already dressed in my sister’s dry clothes and…okay.  You can look now!

I exited the bathroom holding the plastic bag that was full of my wet clothes with my face as red as a tomato.  The slightly older woman looked at me and smiled.

“You have a very nice sister.” She told me.  “Don’t forget to thank her.”

I nodded.  “And…yeah.  Thank you for…cleaning up…my mess?”

She nodded.  “You are welcome.  Have fun in Cleveland!”

I nodded as the woman entered and closed the door.

As I walked back down the hallway, everyone glanced at me as if they knew who I was.  Yeah.  What a celebrity.  Everyone.  Feast your eyes on Jillian Jenners!  The woman who just pissed her pants!  Everyone.  Enough!  I hid my face and hurried back to my seat.

Once back at my seat, I was met with my twin sister’s caring embrace.  She took the plastic bag from me and placed it in the middle seat (fortunately, this wasn’t a full flight so the middle seat was empty.  She then whispered in my ear.  “Jill, wouldn’t it have been better if you wore one of your diapers?

I sighed and smiled.  Yeah. That is a nightly problem and it’s slowly becoming something that’s very enjoyable.  But peeing myself and publicly humiliating myself was not fun at all.  Had I been in a diaper, I could’ve contentedly just sat there, filling my pants while I watched my sister grow uncomfortable from drinking all that coffee.

About a half hour later, the plane was beginning its final descent into Cleveland.  At that point, I glanced at my sister, who had a very uncomfortable look on her face.  A few minutes later, the plane taxied down the runway and into the airbridge that led to the concourse.  When it was our turn to leave the plane, we got our carryons out of the overhead compartment and got our purses.  Jen stuffed my plastic bag of soaked clothes into her carryon and we left the plane and into the airbridge.

At this point, my sister was beginning to increase her pace past me.  “Hurry!” I shouted.  “Hurry down the airbridge!”

“It’s a passenger boarding bridge!” She corrected me as she began running with her luggage while doing the “I gotta go potty” dance.  Excuse me! I didn’t know that we had to use the correct name.  As we were hurrying down the “passenger boarding bridge”, I quickly googled airbridge and sure enough.  What my sister called it was the official industry name.  Well excuse me, miss smarty pants!  Well, if she doesn’t hurry, she’s going to be called miss wet pants!  Or dress, since she’s not wearing pants…

Just to cut to the chase, my sister was a lot luckier than me.  We exited gate C11.  She made it to a bathroom and I waited for her to finish.  After that, we left the airport with our luggage.

We found the rental place and got into our temporary car for the weekend:  A white 2019 Chrysler Pacifica.  Jen checked the mileage and took a picture of it with her cellphone.  She also took a picture of the fuel level and the range (which read 407 miles).

After leaving the rental place, we drove to the apartment complex near Cleveland State University.  It took about 15 minutes to get here from the airport, and we had not a moment to lose.  It was almost 5:00 PM, and the landlord’s office closes at 6:00 PM. 

We got to the office and found out that Natasha (my old roommate) already moved out.  The landlady told me that I only owed $1,900 for the early termination fee.  My sister hands her a credit card and she processes it.  After that, I just had to sign a few forms to finalize my termination.  From this point forward, I had an entire week to move all of my things out of the apartment, or those assets would be seized by the landlady.

Jen smiled, as we already had a game plan to take care of this.  A mover would meet us at the apartments tomorrow morning to move everything out.  They would then make the drive all the way to Philadelphia with all of the things and have everything dropped off at Jen’s (and now my) apartment by Monday afternoon.

We smiled and left the office.

And what’s next?  Are we leaving Cleveland yet?  Not yet, my JJ Little Besties.  First of all, the story continues with my sister driving me to the Hilton Garden Inn near the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.  That took another 15 minutes to get to the hotel.

My sister parked the white 2019 Chrysler Pacifica and I glanced at the hotel.  It was a nice seven story hotel with plenty of rooms (my sister had to chime in and tell me that it was 168).  We entered the hotel with our carryon luggage.

We checked in at the front desk and were each given our own room keys.  I glanced at the card to see what we got.

“Jill, we’re in room 522.”  Jen said, grinning.

I nodded and smiled.  “That’s almost towards the top…”

We took our luggage to the elevators and just found a door that opened.  We entered and my sister pressed “5”.  We got off on the 5th floor and wheeled our luggage down the hallway to room 522.

We found room 522 and I did the honors.  I slid my card into the slot and pulled it out. The light flashed and the door unlocked.  We entered the room to find two queen size beds, prepared just for us.  There was a desk, a refrigerator, plus a Keurig coffee maker.  All the standard amenities that you would find in a hotel room.

Since my sister and I were hungry, we took the elevator back down to the 1st floor and checked out the Garden Grille & Bar.  There was an ala-carte dinner, so we took advantage of that.  We each got a French dip and washed that down with a water.  We then bought some items from The Shop.  A couple ice cream sandwiches and a bottled water.  We took the desserts and water up to our room and called it a night.

Now for my favorite part!  I entered the bathroom and unzipped my carryon.  I removed my sister’s pink Victoria Secret underwear and used Always Ultra-Thin pad and got out a diaper.  I diapered myself and put on my night gown.  I zipped up my carryon and left the bathroom with it.

Jen then looked at me and smiled.  “All diapered, sis?”  She gave me a pat on my diapered bottom.

“Yup!” I said with a smile.  “Now, I’m going to enjoy my ice cream sandwich and brush my teeth…”

My sister just changed into her clothes quickly.  It didn’t matter that I was in the same room.  She quickly changed into her nightgown.  I still looked away to give her some privacy, though…

When Jen was in her night gown, she joined me in eating her sweet and savory snack.  She opened up her ice cream sandwich and ate it.

After that, we brushed our teeth, flossed, and used mouthwash.  I then grabbed my bottled water and got into my comfy queen size bed.  My sister opened the drawer and got out a Gideon Bible.  She read it for a while as my eyes started to become harder and harder to stay open.  Finally, they closed.

Then, like clockwork, I woke up right at 2:18 in the morning, in the middle of my bladder emptying.  This was the very reason why I wore these diapers to bed every night.  But man.  It felt so good to feel my bladder empty into my diaper like that.  To contrast my embarrassing accident on the plane, this was a much more pleasant experience.  I smiled, as I felt the SAP powders gelling up to form a warm, wet, and squishy diaper.  I squished around in it for a while and “played” in it.  When I got my fill, I fell asleep.  Tomorrow was moving day, so I wanted to be ready for that…

I woke up to hear the sound of my sister stretching.  It looks like she is doing her Pilates again.  I’m sure that she didn’t ask me this time since we’re on vacation, and she didn’t want to disturb my rest.  My eyes squinted and I fell back asleep.

I woke up again and felt that my diaper was now very soaked.  Did I wet it a little more in my sleep this morning?  It was 8:21 in the morning, and my sister was all showered and dressed, scrolling through something on her cell phone.

When Jen saw me sitting up with my eyes opened, she smiled.

“Good morning, Jill.” She said with a grin.  “Did you sleep well?  Are your bedsheets dry?”

I laughed and pointed at my groin area, where my sopping wet diaper was.  “The bedsheets are dry, but my diaper is soaking wet.  One more drop of pee and it will probably leak.”

Jen gasped.  “Then get out of that wet diaper and get a shower.  Also, you do not want to be in something wet like that for too long or you will get a rash.  I’m glad that you have dry sheets though…”

I went and got my shower and put on my clothes for the day.  I put on the Princess shirt that I wore on my date with Gary and my other pair of jeans, since I soaked my one pair on the plane.  That reminds me.  Where is that bag?  After getting out of the shower, I glanced at my sister.  “Where is that bag of soaked clothes?”

Jen nodded.  “That bag?  After my Pilates this morning, I went and got some breakfast in the lobby.  After that, I washed all of your soaked clothes.  Your shirt, your pants, and your underwear.  They are currently drying right now.”

I hugged my sister.  “Thank you, Jen.”  I then laughed and pointed at my hair.  “Do you think that you can braid my hair?”

Jen nodded.  “Sure Jill!  Do you want it to be the cute braids that I like to do when I go on my dates with Joey?”

I nodded.  “Heck!  If they’re good enough, I might have to use them for my dates with Gary…”

Jen laughed.  “Oh, Gary would LOVE them!  Yes, they look a little juvenile, but Joey always thinks that they cute!  All done, Jill!”

I looked in the mirror.  Wow!  These braids aren’t half bad!  I gave my thumbs up to Jen, which made her smile.

Jen then pointed to her cell phone.  “Jill, I was looking at different things that we could do together, now that you live with me full time.  With us being twins, how would you like to go to a twin convention?”

I gasped.  A TWIN convention?  “Wow!” I shouted.  “I didn’t know those things even existed!”

Jen gave me a playful smile.  “Oh, they do!  Look!”

Jen showed me the website of theTwins Days Festival.  “From my research, Jill, it looks like there is a city called Twinsburg, Ohio.  It was originally called Millsville and was first settled by Ethan Alling in 1817.  But in 1819, a pair of twins from Killingworth, Connecticut named Moses and Aaron Wilcox purchased 4,000 acres of land and sold tracts at low prices to attract other settlers.  They offered 6 acres of land for a public square and $20 to support the town’s first school under only one condition.”

I smiled.  “And what was that condition?”

Jen grinned.  “That the entire community change the name of the town from Millsville to Twinsburg.”

I gasped.  “It looks like they did that because it’s still Twinsburg to this day!”

“Yes!” my sister said in agreement.  “And even better than that, they decided to have a day dedicated to twins in 1976.  This became the first year of the Twins Days Festival, and it has grown every year since then.  This festival is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest gathering of Twins.  Twins from all over the world come to this event, Jill.  Do you wanna go?”

I nodded.  “Sign me up! I wanna do this Twins Days Festival thing!”

Jen went to the home page, where she saw the date for the event.  “Jill, this year’s Twins Days will be from August 4th to August 6th.  The theme is Shiver Me Twinbers!  I think that means that we have to dress up as pirates, or something related to that theme.  Hmm…What movies do we know that have females portraying pirates?”

The lightbulb went off in my head.  “Pirates of the Caribbean!  Wasn’t Elizabeth Swann a pirate?”

Jen nodded.  “Yeah.  I don’t know if I want to be Elizabeth Swann.  What about…yeah!  Peter Pan?  There’s a girl named Wendy Darling!”

“Yeah!” I shouted.  “So are we going to go as Wendy?”

Jen nodded.  “Don’t worry about the costume, Jill.  I will buy everything that we need to be Wendy.  Making costumes was something that I used to do a lot in high school, so this is going to be fun!”

I grinned.  “Won’t we need the right makeup?”

“Yes.  And the right hair color.  We will need to color our hair to look like her.  And Jill, we will need to watch all the Peter Pan movies every day, one week out from the event…”

I laughed.  “Don’t you think you’re taking this too far?”

“No!” Jen said defensively.  “If we’re going to be Wendy Darling, then we need to become her!  We need to get into character!”

I sighed.  “Okay.  I’ll get into character for your sake…So yeah.  Let’s sign up!”

Jen signed both me and her up for the 2023 Twins Days Festival.  From the confirmation email, it looks like we are the 1,254th set of twins to register.  We would be going on both Friday and Saturday, using Sunday as an extra day to spend in Twinsburg before coming back on Monday.  At the same time, she found a hotel for us to stay at in Twinsburg.  The Hilton Garden Inn!  Wow!  What a coincidence!  Twinsburg has a Hilton Garden Inn?  If it’s anything like this one in Cleveland, I know that we’re going to have an awesome hotel.  Jen made reservations for us to stay at the hotel from August 4th to August 7th.  That would be three nights at the hotel.

After Jen registered us for the Twins Days Festival and reserved our rooms, we went down to the lobby so that I could have my breakfast.  It was a continental breakfast and I had some Golden Grahams with a strawberry yogurt.  After the breakfast, I followed Jen out to the parking lot and we entered the white 2019 Chrysler Pacifica.

Jen drove me back to my apartment near Cleveland State University, where a moving van was there, ready to move everything to Philadelphia.  The time was 9:58 AM and we were scheduled to meet them at 10:00 AM.  So we were right on schedule.

Jen and I spent the next couple hours moving my things into the moving van.  When everything was moved in, Jen talked to the movers and shared her financial information with them, so that her credit card would be charged the day that they finish the move and drop all the boxes off inside Metro City Apartments in Philadelphia.

After that discussion, I said goodbye to my empty apartment and I entered the Pacifica with Jen.  We drove to the land lady’s office and dropped off the keys to the apartment.  It was now official.  All of my belongings were headed for Philadelphia so I can officially say goodbye to Cleveland.

But my sister and I didn’t say goodbye right away, as we would be getting on a flight back to Philadelphia tomorrow morning (we had a 10:00 AM flight to catch).  That means that we had the rest of the day to spend in Cleveland.

Jen then gave me the look in the car and smiled.  “Jill?  I know that it’s about a month away.   But would you like to go down and check out Twinsburg?  It’s only about a half hour away!  Besides, we have ALL DAY to spend around Cleveland before our flight takes off at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning…”

Now my sister has a point there.  How could I pass up such a wonderful opportunity?  “Let’s do it,” I told her.  “Let’s tour Twinsburg!”

And that was just what we did.  My sister drove the white 2019 Chrysler Pacifica to Twinsburg and we toured the city.  We drove by Twinsburg High School, which my sister pointed out would be the location where we would be having Friday activities.  Just thinking about this convention got me excited.

After we drove by the high school, we found the township square on Church Street and Ravenna Road.  All this was very neat to look at before the convention even started!

Jen looked at me and pointed around us.  “Jill!  From the Twins Days Festival Facebook group that I’m following, there is going to be a Double Take Parade on Saturday morning.  We would be lining up for the parade right here in the township square!  And with more than 1,000 sets of twins expected to be in the parade, it’s going to be a big one…”

I nodded and felt my stomach.  It was 1:22 PM.  Since having breakfast and moving everything out of my apartment, we still haven’t gotten anything to eat.  “Where should we go?”

“Let’s see…” Jen said, as she looked at her phone for places to eat nearby.  “Oh!  Jill!  They have a Sheetz!”

I shrugged my shoulders.  “What is a Sheetz?”

“Jill, it’s a gas station that has awesome food!  Sheetz was the first gas station that originated food that was made to order.  I used to eat there all the time when I went to school at Penn State!  It’s very good fast food and the quality is amazing!  The problem is that they don’t have any Sheetz near Philadelphia.  The nearest one is about 40 miles away…”

Well, that was an easy one!  Knowing that my sister couldn’t steer me wrong (she already proved that with that DELICIOUS Philly Cheesesteak!) I grinned.  “Why not?” I told her.  “Let’s go to Sheetz!  I have a different place that I ate at all the time when I went to Cleveland State University, but we’ll talk about that during lunch.”

My twin sister nodded and we got back in the Pacifica.  She drove it to the Sheetz on Aurora Road in Twinsburg.

Once inside, I saw there was no one to take our order, but a terminal that we used to take the order instead.

At my terminal, I placed my order.  I got a Big Moz with Boom Boom Sauce, Guacamole, Jalapeños, and Bacon.  My sister Jen peeked at my order from her terminal so that she could get the same thing as me.  Afterall, we were twins ordering lunch in Twinsburg so our orders had to match! And what appetizers did I get with that?  Having glanced at the various different options, I decided on the jalapeño popporz.  For my drink, I decided to go with frozen coffee and got a frozen caramel brownie mocha.  Jen smiled at me, as she finished up her order.

I placed my order and got a ticket to hand to the cashier.  I then went over to Jen’s terminal.  She was just finishing placing her order.  “Did you get the same thing?”

Jen nodded.  “Yup!”

Both Jen and I went over to the cashier with our tickets.  The female cashier scanned our tickets and Jen paid for both her order and mine.  The cashier gave Jen the change and handed her a receipt.

Just then, a pair of twins that looked about our age approached us.  They were women, and they were both dressed alike in orange summer dresses with blonde hair.

“Hi!” the twin on the left shouted.  “I’m Tina!”

“I’m Trisha!” the other twin shouted.  “Nice to meet you!  It’s always fun to see other twins around here.”

“Are you in the area?”  Tina asked me and Jen.  “Trisha and I live in Macedonia.”

“Macedonia?” Jen gasped.  “Isn’t that a country?”

“It is, but we don’t live there!” Tina shouted.  Both Tina and Trisha laughed.  “Macedonia is a city about 4 miles west of Twinsburg.  We’re actually hunting for apartments around Twinsburg…What brings you two here?”

Jen nodded.  “Oh!  My sister Jill used to attend college at Cleveland State University.”

I nodded.  “Yup!  We just finished moving all my stuff out of my apartment and decided to check Twinsburg out.”

Both Tina and Trisha smiled.  “It’s a nice place!” Tina told us.

“Yes!” Trisha told us.  “We both lived here our entire lives!”

“We went to high school here in Twinsburg and our family lives here too!” Tina said, grinning.  “Where are you and Jill moving to?”

Jen smiled.  “It’s Jill that we’re moving.  I live in Philadelphia and she has already moved in with me.  This trip is just to move her things to my apartment.”

Tina nodded and gasped.  “Philadelphia?  Both I and Trisha have boyfriends near Philly!  So why are you in Twinsburg?  Let me guess…You are checking it out before the festival next month?”

“Yes!” Both I and Jen said in unison.

At this, we all laughed at my and Jen’s perfect timing.

“Awesome!” Tina said, laughing.  “What you just did with Jill.  Trisha and I do that all the time!  So you’re going next month?  Did you get your hotel?

We both nodded.  “Hilton Garden Inn.” I told them.

Tina grinned.  “Nice!  If you’re staying there, I recommend eating at the Blue Canyon Kitchen & Tavern.  It’s a very nice restaurant and they have very good drinks…”

I shook my head when I heard the word “drinks”.

Jen looked at me and nodded.  “Um, Jill doesn’t do drinks.”

I nodded.  “Let’s just say that I recently had a bad experience with them…”

Trisha gasped.  “You did?  That’s too bad…”

Tina looked at both of us again.  “Are you both single?  Both of us found our boyfriends at the Twins Days Festival!”

Trisha nodded.  “Yeah!  They’re the ones that live near Philly!  They’re identical twins just like we are!”

Jen shook her head.  “Neither I nor Jill are single.  We both have boyfriends!”  After that, Jen’s face lit up.  “Jill and I are also identical twins!  So, how long have you been going to the Twins Days Festival?  It doesn’t look like it’s your first time…”

Tina and Trisha exchanged glances and nodded.  “Well, we both turned 23 in May.  This would be our 24th Twins Days Festival!”

Both I and Jen gasped.  “24th?” I shouted.  “Wait a second!”

“That would mean that you both attended Twins Days since you were babies!” Jen shouted in disbelief.

Tina nodded.  “It’s true.  Both of our parents have taken us every year since we were born.  We even got to be in the Royal Court a few years ago…”

That’s when I heard my order number being called.  Both I and Jen looked at Tina and Trisha and smiled.  “Are you having lunch here?” I asked them.  “We can keep talking, but Jen and I need to get our food.”

“Yup!” Tina nodded in agreement.  “Trisha and I still need to order ours…”

“We’re hungry!” they both shouted in unison.

I glanced at their perfectly matching clothes.  “Do you dress alike every day?”

Tina nodded.  “Yes!  All of our clothes always match!  Even our makeup!”

“And our underwear!” Trisha said, smirking.

“Talk to you in a few!” they shouted in unison again.

Both I and Jen were in awe as we went and got our Big Moz’s and Jalapeño Popporz, along with our frozen caramel brownie mochas.

Both Jen and I started to eat our food.  Minutes later, the twins that we just met sat next to me and Jen.  Tina sat next to me and Trisha sat next to Jen.  I’m guessing that Tina was the firstborn?  I know that’s the case with me.

“Firstborn?” I asked Tina.

Tina nodded.  “Yup!  You have to be the firstborn too, right?”

“Yup!” I said with a nod.

We all continued talking about the Twins Days Festival next month and exchanged our phone numbers and added each other on our Facebooks and Instagrams.  From the conversation, I learned that both Jen and I will need matching outfits for every single day that we’re there.  While it’s not required, they explained that most twins follow this rule.  And both Tina and Trisha were way ahead of us since they follow the rule every day.  And from what they told me, they both attended the same college, both got the same degree (Nursing), and have always lived together.  They both want to have a twin wedding with their twin boyfriends and all live in the same house.  And with their twin boyfriends both having medical degrees, they are truly the perfect match.

After Jen and I had our wonderful lunch with the Leeson Twins (I learned their last names from the long conversation) we said our goodbyes and left Sheetz Gas Station. I entered the white 2019 Chrysler Pacifica with Jen and we were both in awe.  It was 2:45, so we decided to head back to Cleveland and kill some more time.  We gawked and talked about the Twins Days Festival all the way back to Cleveland.  That was only one set of twins out of the more than 2,000 we would see next month.

To use up the rest of our day, Jen suggested that we check out the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in downtown Cleaveland, so we did that.  Within a couple hours, we walked through all the exhibits, and it was time for dinner.  We ate at a Wahlburgers, which was okay.  It was no Capital Grille, but the food was way cheaper.

After dinner, Jen drove me back to the Hilton Garden Inn, where we spent the rest of the day.  We got some snacks and took them up to room 522.  We ate them and laughed, after reflecting on the fun day that we had.

Just as we were finishing the snacks, Jen’s cellphone rang.  It was Tina.  She shared with us the good news.  Both Tina and Trisha found an apartment in Twinsburg.  Surprisingly, it was right near Aurora Road, so they didn’t have to drive too far to get to it.  The conversation was short.  We both congratulated our new twin friends and the conversation ended shortly after that.

I was tired, so I turned in early.  I entered the bathroom with my luggage and diapered myself again (I love this part!)  I then put my pajamas on and left the bathroom.

When I exited, my sister was already in her pajamas and was comfortably laying in her bed, reading more of the Gideon Bible.  I said good night to my sister and fell asleep.  It was a good day for both of us.

Now for the official moment that I say goodbye to Cleveland, my JJ Little Besties.  Both Jen and I got up at 7:00 AM and we both got ready.  We packed everything up and checked out just before 8:00 AM.  Jen took the car to a nearby gas station and filled it up until it matched the picture that she took earlier.   Jen used a credit card for the gas so she was able to match it perfectly.

After that, she returned the car to the rental place and we entered the airport with our luggage.  We went through the TSA with no problems and got to our gate, which was C9 this time.  It was 9:30 AM, so we got there a half hour early.

A half hour later, we boarded the plane.  This time, I learned from my mistake.  Both Jen and I agreed to not have any coffee until we got back to Philadelphia.

We got to our seats and the plane took off.

This time, everything was uneventful.  Really, it was.  Jen and I were kind of tired, so we kind of dozed off for half the flight.  And if you thought that I was going to pee my pants during this flight, nope!  I actually didn’t have to go at all, since I used the bathroom before I got on the flight.

About another hour later, the plane touched down in Philadelphia and it connected to the “passenger boarding bridge”.  When it got to Jen’s turn and mine, we took our luggage and got off the plane.  We exited the PBB and we left through gate A5.

From there, Jen took me back to her white Mercedes-Benz and she drove us all the way home to Metro City apartments.  She parked the car in the parking garage and we took our luggage to the elevators.  We went up to the 22nd floor and walked over to apartment 2202.  We entered and unpacked.

Gary then called me after I unpacked.  I told him that I was tired and didn’t want to hang out with him today.  We would hang out tomorrow for sure.

And that’s it, my JJ Little Besties.  That was my weekend trip back to Cleveland to get my luggage.  Where I was able to say Goodbye Cleveland, for good!

So what’s next in my journey?  With the Fourth of July being the very next week, it was just around the corner. 

That Sunday night I came back from Cleveland, I sighed as I laid in my bed, all comfortable in my diaper.  While it wasn’t wet yet, it was only a matter of time before the flood.  Before Jillian Jenners pees yet another diaper.  Since that red wine incident, my nighttime accidents have not stopped.  And for the first time ever, I was actually happy that this accident has begun to permanently change my life.  Because as I will find out later, it permanently changed my life for the better.

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 7 - 4/11/2024)

Chapter 7 : A Quiet Fourth of July…

Quiet? What?  Now I know what you’re thinking.  Jillian, why would you include a part of the story where you experience a busy holiday where nothing happens?  Well, my JJ Little Besties, I believe that you already know the answer to this.  Considering my drunken episode that triggered my nightly bedwetting, that embarrassing trip to Walgreens to buy the diapers, the search at the TSA checkpoint that almost made me hyperventilate, and my embarrassing airplane incident where I peed my pants, I think that you know where I am going here.  Oh no.  Jillian’s going to have another accident!  My JJ Little Fam, let me tell you.  You haven’t seen nothing yet.  The countless stories I have in this chapter and in the later ones will make that plane incident seem like a walk in the park.  Now about the title.  I may be lying to you just a little bit.  Yes, the Fourth of July that I had was quiet, but if I was to be totally honest, it was mostly quiet.  Mostly?  My JJ Little Besties, it’s time for a diaper check.  Are you dry?  If so, then keep reading.  But if you’re soaking wet, use this time to get yourself clean and into a new diapey.  Don’t worry. I will not go anywhere.  I, Miss Jillian will be here waiting and ready to continue with your bedtime story.  The story of how Miss Jillian Jenners continued to embarrass herself until she eventually found a job that granted her stardom.   All clean, changed and in a new pamp?  Very good, my JJ Littles.  Get yourself a tall bottle of milk and your pacie and let’s continue.

For those of you who are still dry and have not changed yet, let me assure you.  By the time you get through this next chapter, you are going to need a new diapey.  Anyway, let’s continue with the story.  Now where was I?

Ah yes.  With the weekend all over from traveling to Cleveland to get my things moved out of my old apartment, my new permanent home was now here with my twin sister Jen.  As I laid there that night, a very fun dream began to fill my mind.

To begin the dream, I was over at Gary’s house.  We were playing Super Mario Bros. on his old NES.  I was playing through WORLD 4-2 when I gasped.  I felt my pants and I realized that there was a bulge in my butt.  Oh my gosh.  I was over at Gary’s, and I was wearing a diaper!  Of course, it was one of those Certainty Fitted Briefs that I bought from Walgreens.

As I was finishing up WORLD 4-2, I suddenly had to pee very bad.  Rather than just telling Gary that I had to pee, I just went.  I smiled as I watched Mario glide down the flagpole and enter the house at the end of the level.

Gary gave me the look and nodded, as if he knew exactly what I was doing.

Before I could even play WORLD 4-3, Gary pressed the pause button on my controller.  He then gave me a pat on my diapered butt.

“Jilly Jill!” He said in a cooing voice.  “Does my little baby need a new diaper?”

I gasped, as I realized that Gary knew my secret.  “Um…” I said, as I continued to flood my diaper with more pee.  The SAP powders gelled up and my diaper began to sag and swell.

Gary smiled.  “Yes!  My baby Jilly does need a new diaper!  Come.  I will change your diaper and then we can continue playing!”

I gasped, as Gary led me into another room with a bed in it.  He got me to lay on the bed and he pulled down my pants.  He then undid the tabs on my soggy and wet diaper.  He took a couple of baby wipes and began to wipe my area.  You know where.  Basically, he wiped whatever part of my skin that got peed on.  Then he saw a red spot below my belly button.

“Oh no!” Gary gasped.  “My wittle Jilly Jill has a rashy rash!  Here, I got just the thing!”  He wiped some ointment on the rash and then got out a package of diapers.

To my shock, the diapers were a pack of Pampers Baby Dry.  Size 5?  Wait a second!

I looked at Gary and pouted.  “Gary, those diapers are too small!  They won’t fit me!”

At that, all my boyfriend could do was smile.  “No they’re not, Jilly Jill my baby!  They’re just right!”

Right after Gary said that I realized that I wasn’t laying on a bed anymore.  I was laying on…a changing table? What?  I then looked at my hands, and my feet.  Why does everything look so big all of a sudden?  And, Gary is starting to look a lot bigger too!  Oh no…

“What gowin on?” I said, realizing that my voice now sounded like a two-year-old’s.

But Gary put his finger to his lips, making the shhh sound.  “It’s alright, Jilly Jill baby.  Daddy Gary is almost done.  You’ll be in a fresh diaper in no time…”

My eyes began to fill with tears.  I can’t believe what is going on!  How am I now a two-year-old?!!!

Somehow, I still thought that I was my normal age, so I looked at Gary and pouted again.  “But it whoan fit!”

But Gary kept shushing me.  He opened up the diaper and powdered the core.  He laid me on it and powdered me.  He gently folded the diaper over my pelvic region and snugly fastened both tapes to the landing zone.   He then gave the crotch area a gentle pat.  “You silly Jilly Jill!  It fits perfect!  Now, if you stop crying, I’ll let you watch me finish Super Mario Bros. before your nap.”

I gasped.  My nap?  But I’m an adult!  I don’t need a nap!

My boyfriend saw me pouting and still in tears, so he took a flashy purple pacifier and stuck it in my mouth.  I smiled as I began suckling it. After that, Gary snaps up the crotch buttons on my pink onesie. He put my pink Geranimals shirt back on.  Gary then put my elastic jean pants back on and picked me up.  He carried me back into the living room and I watched him continue WORLD 4-3. Wait!  Wasn’t I playing 4-3?  I pouted again and began to reach for the controller.

Gary smiled as he saw me reach for the controller that I was supposed to have!  I mean, really?  I was just playing Super Mario Bros. and I somehow morphed into a toddler in the middle of a diaper change!  Don’t I get to finish playing?  “Ugh!!!” I said, making frustrated outbursts.

Gary paused the game and shook his head.  “Nah-uh!” he told me.  “Little Jilly is too little to play Super Mario Bros.!  But don’t worry, I’ll let you play when you get older!”

This made me angry.  I took the flashy purple pacifier out of my mouth and gave Gary another pouty face.  “No!”

Gary gave me a look of disapproval.  “What did you say?  Is that being a good baby?”

“No!” I shouted again, still shocked at how little my voice sounded.

Gary began to pick me up.  “Well, if you’re not going to be a good little girl, daddy Gary is going to put you down for a nap.  I think a nice nappy nap will make you feel better, Jilly Jill!”

“No!” I shouted again.  At that point, I started to feel moisture in my diaper again.

“No!” I shouted out loud.  I was now in my queen size bed in my twin sister’s apartment again.  At this moment, I was still feeling a steady stream of pee flowing out of me and into my diaper.  It was like the muscles were in a continual state of relaxation.  This is how they felt every night since I had that red wine at the Capital Grille.

I then thought about that weird dream that I just had.  I cannot believe that my boyfriend was changing my diaper in that dream. And to make it even weirder, I regressed and became a two-year old.  The bed became a changing table and Gary wouldn’t let me finish playing because I was two now? Well, whatever the case, this is another entry for the diary.  I am never telling Gary about this dream and I hope he doesn’t find out about my diapers!

I smiled as I squished around my wet, soggy, and squishy diaper and fell asleep.

I woke up to a soft tap on my shoulder.  It was once again Pilates time.  Since I was in the mood, I took my sister up on the Pilates again.

As I began to do the Pilates routine with my sister, I began to explain my dream to her.

“What?” Jen said, gasping.  “He…changed you?”

“That’s what I said!” I said, laughing.

Jen gave me a smile.  “Well Jill.  It looks like you’re really enjoying this diaper thing.  So much that you’re starting to dream about it!  But regarding Gary, it’s okay.  It’s normal to have a dream about your date.  I’ve had a few dreams about Joey, and let’s just say that my underwear was not dry when I woke up…”

I smiled.  “Wet dream?”

Jen nodded, as she continued her Pilates routine.  “Yup!  That has only happened to me a couple times, and it was when I first met Joey.  The second time it happened, I was in mid-orgasm…”

I gasped. “Whoa!  TMI, Jen!”

Jen frowned.  “Hey! It’s no different than you sharing your weird dream about Gary!  Now Jill, when you woke up, were you wet?”

I nodded.  “It might have happened more than once.   Since the first time that I peed, he needed to change my diaper.  Then the dream started to get really weird after that…”

Jen did her final stretches as I kept up, repeating what she did.  “So, you turned into a baby?  I guess you could say that he really BABIED you, huh Jill?”  She gave me a jab in the very squishy part of my diaper.  “Jill?  I think that your diaper is getting very soggy.  Don’t you think that you should change it?  Also, you’re going to get a rash if you stay in a wet diaper for too long…”

I nodded.  “When Pilates are done, I’m getting a shower.”

Jen laughed as she did the final stretch of her Pilates routine.  “Pilates are done, Jill.  Get a shower!”

I laughed and hurried to the bathroom.  As I took my shower, I noticed a slight rash starting to form in the areas where I was squishing the diaper around.  Oh no.  I’m going to have to get some cream today

I finished the shower and I got dressed in my old clothing.  When the movers come later today with my things, I should have plenty of my other fun clothes.  I walked into the kitchen, where I saw my sister eating a quick bowl of Special K red berries before she left for work.

Jen gave me a stern look.  “Now Jill, I’m going to want you to look for work today.  Try to apply for one job.  One would be good.  Two would be really nice.  Land a nice anchor job and you’ll be able to start making money too.  Okay?”

I nodded, as I poured myself a bowl of the same cereal.  Having eaten the Special K enough, it really wasn’t all too bad…

Jen noticed that the box was almost gone. “Eat any more of that, and you’re buying the next box!” she teased me.  “I gotta go!  Find a job, and then you can play your Switch, alright?”

Having already poured the milk on my cereal, I took the first bite and nodded at my twin sister.  “Mmmkay Jwwn…”

“Hey!” Jen shouted.  “No talking with your mouth full!”

I swallowed the rest of my cereal and scowled.  “Well EXCUSE ME, Miss Manners!”

Jen sighed.  “Well at least I HAVE manners!  Anyway, when the movers come today, DON’T move any of the boxes!  We will work on that when I get home.  I will want to know where all of your things are going to be moved to, so we can work on that together.  And don’t worry about paying them.  It’s already been charged on my credit card!  Bye Jill!”

After filling my face with another delicious mouthful of Special K, I waved goodbye to my dear twin sister.  I then finished my cereal and brewed a dark roast K-Cup from the Keurig machine.  I opened up the News app and scrolled through my newsfeed while I sipped my coffee.  My taste buds exploded with the sweet taste of Crème Brulee mixed with the dark and robust flavor of the dark roast coffee.  I was…yeah.  I was totally experiencing a coffeegasm.  The piping hot sweet and bitter ecstasy touched every corner of my mouth before running down my throat.  I sighed as I felt the bitter aftertaste in my mouth.  A coffeegasm, indeed.

After I finished looking at the current events on my phone and finished that wonderful cup of coffee, I went back to my room and loaded the hunk of vaporware that was my laptop.   It took FOREVER to just load the desktop.  When it finally did, I hit the ground running and looked for work as my sister told me.

I spent the next three and a half hours looking for work.  And guess what, sis?  I found not one, not two, but THREE jobs!  All three of them were anchor jobs.  The first one was for a News Station in Manhattan.  The second one was for a News Station in Queens.  The third one was for a News Station in Baltimore.  Seriously.  Why couldn’t they just have an anchor position in Philadelphia?  That didn’t matter, as I spent the remaining half of my three and a half hours applying for all three jobs.  Sure, it’s a two hour commute each way, but it would totally be worth it!

After applying for those three jobs, I took a lunch break.  I entered the kitchen and had some Lean Cuisines. After having another one for lunch, I was starting to see why my sister liked them so much.  Could it be that I’m starting to get used to her food?  Am I becoming more twin-like?  More Jen-like?  Don’t worry, my JJ Little Besties.  I am still very different from my twin sister.  But in the area of food, I was starting to acquire my sister’s taste buds.  I frowned as I ate the last bit of my Lean Cuisine.  Is that all that’s in there?  I could almost have two of them!  I wanted to, but I didn’t.

For the next two and a half hours after lunch, I took my much-deserved break.  I fired up the Nintendo Switch in my room and saw the rich colors on my new Samsung 42-inch UHD Smart TV that Gary got for me (such a nice boyfriend!).  My JJ Little Ladies, if you ever get a boyfriend (or daddy), make sure he knows how to treat you right.  I got real lucky with Gary, as he made me feel like royalty.  Now that I have applied for three jobs, I am going to enjoy my new Nintendo Switch that my boyfriend also got for me.  I navigate the menu and loaded the Nintendo Entertainment System channel.  I resumed my savestate from WORLD 7 and continued.

And my!  WORLD 7 was tough!  It’s a good thing that I could rewind as I did this many times to get through the levels.  WORLD 7-4 was especially hard, as I had to figure out the correct path to get through it.  After being stuck on WORLD 7-4 for almost an hour, I finally figured it out and beat it.  I touched the axe and watched who Gary called Bowser fall into the lava pit.  I…win?  Wait.  There’s one more world…

WORLD 8 was really hard.  WORLD 8-1 had all these hard pits that I had to jump over.  I must have had to rewind 50 or more times before I got to the end of the level.  I jumped over all the pits and touched the flagpole to finish WORLD 8-1.  If that was the first level in that world, what would 8-2 be like?

What. The Heck.  WORLD 8-2 was a lot worse!  This cloud guy that Gary called Lakitu kept dropping these spinys, making it hard to get up the stairs.  I then had this spring and this gap area to get through.  After that, I had to dodge all of these bullets that were shot out of cannons.  I died to these the most.  But thanks to rewind, I could try it again and again and again!  After the bullets, I had ANOTHER pit to jump over.  After running and jumping, I finally got through it.  Now, let me guess.  Is WORLD 8-3 going to be even worse?

Well, my JJ Little Besties, the answer to that was yes!  WORLD 8-3 had all of these turtles that threw hammers at me that I had to dodge.  I think that Gary called them Hammer Brothers?  They were the worst, as all I had was little Mario until I found a mushroom.  I had Mario eat it and he became Super Mario.  I kept going through the hammer brothers until I killed them without losing my Super Mario.  I then found a fire flower.  Yay!  I’m fire Mario!  Knowing that I was now unstoppable, I dodged the bullet cannons (which I think Gary called Bullet Bills?) and ran, firing my fireballs as fast as I could.  Every hammer brother that I saw died to the fireball.  After that, I had to cross some hard pits to reach the flagpole.  After a few rewinds, I finally completed WORLD 8-3.  Now, what would the last level in WORLD 8 be like?

My JJ Little Bestie Fam, WORLD 8-4 was a total nightmare.  Before I started the level, I made a save state (Gary taught me how to do this the last time he was over) I kept running through the level, but it kept looping again and again.  I eventually ran out of time and died so I had to reload my save state.   Trying it again with fire Mario, I ran through the level and tried it many more times.  To spare you all the retries, I eventually ended up beating the level.  This is what I did on my successful attempt.  I ran through the level and took the second pipe.  On the next screen, I jumped over the beetles and koopa troopas and jumped on the pipe that was floating in the air (I had to find an invisible block to do this).   On the third screen, I dodged these flying fish that Gary called Cheep Cheeps and entered the third pipe.  To warn you, any incorrect pipe will take you back to the very beginning of the level.  This was the right one, as it took me to an underwater section. After swimming past the spinning fire and the jellyfish that Gary called bloopers, I entered the pipe that took me to the very last screen of the game.  I jumped over the hammer brother and dodged the fireball that jumped out of the lava pit.  I ran through Bowser on the bridge and ended up losing my fire Mario.  But I touched the axe, which made Bowser fall into the lava pit.  I then saw the princess that they kept saying was in another castle.  So it was this one? Yay!  I did it!  I beat Super Mario Bros.!  I took a picture of the victory and I sent it to Gary in a text message:

(Picture showing Mario standing next to the princess) Gary, I DID IT!  I BEAT SUPER MARIO BROS. FOR THE FIRST TIME!  *Smiling Emoji* *Joy Emoji*

Well, that was fun.  If I were to replay that game, it would be a lot easier the second time through…

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.  I opened it and sure enough, it was the movers that I remembered helping back in Cleveland.  They were both younger men and were holding boxes that were filled with my stuff.

“Where do you want this?” One of the movers asked me.

I looked around and sighed.  I didn’t want the living room to be hard to navigate so I had them move all the boxes into the spare bedroom.  After about an hour of them doing this, they were done moving everything in.  I thanked them and they left.

After they left, I texted my sister:

The movers just came.  I told them to move everything into the spare bedroom.  Good thing that I did, as the spare bedroom is pretty full with all the boxes of my stuff… *surprised emoji*

About a minute later, my sister texted me back:

Good call, Jill!  I’ll help you organize your stuff when I get home.  I will pick up dinner for us tonight.  Sound good?

I texted back:  Yup! *thumbs up emoji* *big toothy smile with eyes closed emoji*

After that, I was about to play some more of my Nintendo Switch when Gary texted me back.  I read the text that he sent me:

Congratulations Jill!  You just beat your first video game!  Now, try beating it WITHOUT rewinding or save states!  *rofl emoji* After that, you will be ready for Super Mario Bros. 2…  *smug face emoji*

I gasped.  WITHOUT save states or rewinding?  I, Jillian Jenners never turn down a good challenge!  “Challenge accepted!” I texted back, adding a toothy smile with eyes closed emoji and a heart emoji.

With my zeal now burning inside of me to meet Gary’s challenge, I reset the game and started a new Super Mario Bros. game from the beginning.  I breezed through the first two worlds without dying!  I died once in WORLD 3 (I missed one of the jumps over the pits and died) and once in WORLD 4 (that stupid Lakitu in WORLD 4-1!).  I started to die more in WORLD 5 and game overed in WORLD 5-2 to one of the hammer brothers.  Guess it’s time to start over!

I started my third game and blazed through the first two worlds again.  I completed WORLD 3 again, but I didn’t die this time.  Neither did I die in WORLD 4!

Now for WORLD 5.  Knowing where I died before, I took the hit and hurried through the hammer brother.  I then finished the level.  WORLD 5-3 was easy.  It was just a harder version of WORLD 1-3.  WORLD 5-4 was just a harder version of WORLD 2-4.  The long spinning fire almost got me, but I was able to dodge it just in time.  And, oh. My. Gosh.  Somehow, I didn’t get hit at all!

WORLD 6 was a little easier but WORLD 6-3 was a little more difficult.  I only died once here.  I got through WORLD 6-4 just barely.  I lost my fire Mario, but I beat the world!  And with 6 lives, I was ready for WORLD 7.

But before I could even start playing, I heard the “Shallow” ringtone on my phone.  I paused the game and answered it.  “Hello?”

“Hi Jill!  How does sushi sound tonight?  I’m getting us both my favorite rolls.  Have you had sushi before?”

What?  Sushi?  Isn’t that raw fish or something?  I sighed.  “I don’t know,” I told her.  “I’ve never had sushi before…”

“Then you’re in for a treat, Jill!  The sushi that I’m getting from this restaurant always uses fresh ingredients.  It will have a fishy and salty taste, but it’s great!  The ones that I’m getting will have different sauces on it.  It’s going to be amazing!  You’ll like it.  Trust me…”

I thought of my sister’s proven track record of all the delicious food that she has given me.  It is a flawless record so far and she has never steered me wrong.  “Sure!” I said with a smile.  “I can’t wait to try it!”

“There we go!  And I can’t wait to help sort those boxes with you!  We’ll do that after we have our sushi.  Sound good?”

“Yup!” I told her, my eyes focusing on my paused Super Mario Bros. game.  “See you in a bit!”

“Okay Jill!  I placed the sushi order and I’m leaving my work to pick it up!  Then I’ll be home!  Bye!”

I hung up my phone and went back to my Super Mario Bros. game.

WORLD 7 was a little hard without rewinding or save states.  But after I got through WORLD 7-1, the rest of WORLD 7 wasn’t so bad.  I only died three times!

Then came WORLD 8.  Believe it or not, I actually had a very easy time with this one.  Considering that I had to rewind the most on this world, it was just a matter of waiting in some sections.  I died once in WORLD 8-3, but I got both the mushroom and the fire flower again.  I completed the level and blazed through WORLD 8-4.  This was easy, since I practically memorized the path from all the failures in my first game…

I used my fire balls to kill the plant and the hammer brother.  I waited for the fire to jump out before making my move.  Then, I spammed my fireballs on Bowser until he died.  I did it!  I beat Super Mario Bros. without rewinding or save states!  And it only took me… *glances at phone* Two hours and three minutes!  I took another picture showing my fire Mario standing next to the princess and sent it to Gary with this message:

Beat Super Mario Bros. AGAIN without rewinding or save states!  Game overed once but did it after that!  Died five times on that attempt!  So THERE!  I’m ready for Super Mario Bros. 2… *smug emoji* *tongue sticking out emoji* *toothy grin with eyes closed emoji* *heart emoji* *kissy face emoji*

Right after I sent that text, I heard the door opening.  Jen was home with the food! After a rousing session of Super Mario Bros., it was now time to see what this sushi was all about…

Jen came in and I had sushi for the first time.  As she was setting the sushi on the table, she gave me the look.

“So, how was your day, Jill?  Did you look for work today?”

“Yes!” I told my twin sister matter-of-factly.  “I applied for THREE jobs today!  All anchor positions.  One in Manhattan, one in Queens, and one in Baltimore!”

“Excellent Jill!”  Jen said, now looking very happy.  “Well, I got my favorite sushi, plus the special since that was a new one.  I hope that you enjoy it!”

She got two different rolls for each of us from Kaiseki Philly.  The Flaming Lobster Roll and the Phillies Maki.  Jen stopped me from eating and we both said the blessing (I did this for Joey’s sake, but it kind of felt good inside…)  After that, we dug in.  The Flaming Lobster Roll was their special limited time roll, and it came with chopped lobster, spicy tuna, and cream cheese, topped with broiled shrimp along with spicy mayo, sriracha, eel sauce, and chef special sauce ending in a flame.  Now this one was very spicy, and I enjoyed it a lot.  And having never used chopsticks before, I was able to grab each piece no problem.  The combination of all the hot and spicy ingredients created an explosion in my mouth. 

And my sister got us both kinds of wasabi. She explained to me that most restaurants use fake wasabi (which is just horseradish, hot mustard, and vinegar mixed together).  With the real wasabi, she explained that this can only be found along the riverbanks in Japan, so it is very expensive if the restaurant supplies it.  The fake wasabi (or fausabi as my sister called it) was just horseradish and I didn’t like it very much.  I did like the real wasabi.  It had a very earth taste that was a little sweet.  It complimented the sushi perfectly! This makes me jealous of all the Japanese that get to experience real wasabi all the time…

The Phillies Maki was just two maki rolls of bluefin tuna and king salmon.  The king salmon ones had cream cheese and avocado and it was AMAZING with the real wasabi.  The pickled ginger was a wonderful palette cleanser between each roll.

My sister laughed as she watched me inhale the last of my sushi like it was going out of style.  “So, do you like it Jill?”

I nodded with a big grin on my face.  “You’ve done it again, Jen!  I don’t think there’s a single thing that you could recommend to me that I wouldn’t like.  It was delicious!  Can we get sushi again?  I’m hooked!”

Jen nodded.  “Certainly!  It’s a twin thing, Jill.  We’re certainly going to like the same foods!  Joey takes me there every now and then.  There are a couple of other places that have real wasabi if you don’t want that horseradish stuff…”

I nodded.  “It’s okay, but it’s just too strong.  I wish that we could grow wasabi here…”

“We can’t, Jill.  Wasabi is a very temperamental plant, and it will only grow in the ideal conditions.  Japan happens to have the perfect conditions to grow it…”

Just then, I got a text alert.  “I got a text!” I shouted.

Jen grinned.  “Is it Gary, Jill?”

I gave her the same grin.  “Yup!  My boyfriend!”

Jen beamed.  “I’m so happy for you, Jill!  I’m still glad that it worked out perfectly between the two of you…”

I read the text that he sent me:

Nice!  That was fast!  And with Fire Mario too?  Pretty lucky!  Now, I will want you to beat the game one more time.  I wanna watch you do it!  I’ll be over tomorrow.  I have a surprise!  *smiling emoji* *heart emoji* *kissy face emoji*

Jen glanced at the text that I just got from Gary.  “Nice Jill!  Gary’s always welcome here.  Just as Joey is.  Joey’s got a client to take to dinner tomorrow so no date night.  So, I’ll be around here.   I wonder what the surprise is, Jill?”

I grinned.  “It better not be diapers!”

Jen remembered the dream that I told her earlier and laughed.  “I highly doubt that it’s going to be that!  Now, are you ready to organize a couple boxes?”

I nodded and got up from the table.  We took care of our trash from dinner and entered the spare bedroom, which was full of stacked boxes that had all of my stuff from the apartments.

Over the next hour, we sorted boxes and found a few that had more of my clothes.  I eagerly grabbed those, and we took them into my room.

That’s when Jen gasped.  “Oh Jill!  I still need to buy you a dresser!  Don’t worry.  I bought all of my furniture brand new, so I should be able to find a matching dresser for you.  I’ll place the order tomorrow and they should be able to deliver it.  Okay?”

I nodded and we both made our way back to the spare bedroom.  We carried a few more boxes full of my clothes into my room until we got all of them.  After that, we exchanged glances.

“We got all of your clothes!” Jen told me.  “Wouldn’t you consider this a good place to stop?”

“Sure!” I told her.  “Let’s stop here!  All of my favorite shirts are finally with me now.  Let’s call it a night.”

And we did.  I did my usual routine to get ready for bed.  I closed the door to my room and took off my panties.  And…do you mind?  I’m about to diaper myself.  Okay.  I’m diapered.  You can look now. I put on my favorite pajamas that sat in my old Cleveland apartment for so long.  It was a Joyspun Women’s Short Sleeve T-Shirt and Joggers Pajama set from Walmart.  It was Ocean Breeze.  Man, how I missed these jammies!  I walked out of my room, hearing the soft crinkling sound as I got my water cup.  I filled it and brushed my teeth.  I then flossed and used mouthwash.

I then saw my sister in her pajamas.  They, of course, were the super fancy ones from Nordstrom.  Well, NORDSTROM doesn’t have Joyspun!  With that, my pajamas win.

Jen smiled when she looked at me.  “Nice pajamas, Jill!  Where did you get them?”

“Walmart…” I told her, smirking.  “16 dollars and 98 cents before tax.  Read ‘em and weep…”

Jen nodded.  “They actually look very nice!  I wouldn’t mind getting a pair myself.  I’ll tell Joey to make a trip to Walmart next time…”

I gave Jen a nervous smile.  “These are a size 12, which would DEFINITELY be too big on you.  You’re more of a size 10…”

“Bingo!” Jen said smiling.  “Just measured my waist yesterday.  Just short of 30 inches!  Well, size 10 it is!  Joey will have to get them next time he’s out…”  She glanced at me.  “Jill, I was thinking that when we go to Twins Days, our pajamas should match too!  Show me your other pajamas tomorrow and I can get a couple more pairs for that.  I need them for Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night…”

I smirked.  “So, are we going to have matching underwear too?  How about you wear a diaper to bed at night because I have to wear one!”

Jen gave me a playful jab right on the butt of my diaper.  “Jill!  I am NOT wearing a diaper to bed during Twins Days!”

I laughed.  “I was joking!  You wanted to match so why not go all the way?”

Jen grinned.  “Well, just the pajamas then.  As for what’s underneath, that is our business…”

I laughed again.  “Can you believe it?  The Leeson twins wear matching underwear!  From the look of Trisha’s face, it didn’t look like she was joking…”

Jen nodded.  “Well, as long as they don’t go to the bathroom in the same stall…I doubt they would take it THAT far…Well, good night, Jill!”

I gave my sister a goodnight hug and I went back in my room.

I did a quick count of my diapers before I went to bed.  There were 21 Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs left.  Knowing that I didn’t have to worry about wet panties, jammies, or bedding anymore, I guzzled down all my water and got into my bed.  I smiled as I thought of the “surprise” that Gary had for me tomorrow.  What could it be?  Well, my JJ Besties, you are about to find out…

I woke up the next morning with a soggy wet diaper as usual.  Before we get to the Pilates, a first happened with me that night.  Just before I fell asleep, I could feel my bladder begin to relax and release.  And then, it happened.  The sweet release of pee filling up my diaper and swelling it up again.  The super absorbent polymers all becoming a gel in the core so keep the pee moisture away from my skin.  The chemist who thought of this was a total genius.  Diapers are amazing, as I sure you’re all aware, my JJ Little Besties.  I did the Pilates and got ready as usual.

Now we’re going to hit the fast forward button, as many of the same things went on for Tuesday. 

Oh.  There was that same rash that I noticed when I took a shower, so I drove to Walgreens and looked for a rash cream that could do the job.  After doing some quick research on my phone, I found that Aquaphor was a good cream for rashes.  I bought a large tube of Aquaphor with the money that I still had leftover from my roommate.  Fortunately, there were no nosy old ladies or bratty three-year-olds that asked if I wore diapers this time.  It was a quick and easy purchase, as everyone was minding their own business this time.  I applied the Aquaphor on the rashy area and continued on with the rest of my day.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any other anchor jobs today after looking for three hours (I did see a few jobs at different news studios but none of them were anchors, plus I didn’t want to do weather!)  I had another Lean Cuisine for lunch (my favorite).  I didn’t want to upset Gary so I played another game on the NES virtual console.  What is this one?  The Legend of Zelda?  Who’s Zelda, and why is there a Legend about her?  I selected the game in the library, and it loaded.  I watched a short little animation that told a little story about the game.  So I have to find all the pieces of the Triforce?  And what’s all these items?  Will I find all of these in the game?  Well, it went back to the title screen so it’s time to start!

I started a new game and named myself Jill, of course.  At the beginning, I was controlling this green boy that was near what looked like a cave. What’s in that cave?  I decided to enter it.

Inside the cave was an old man.  “It’s dangerous to go alone!  Take this!” the old man told me.  He gave me a sword.  Nice!  The sword can shoot beams?

And from there, I just basically wandered the map for the next couple hours.  Some red and blue octopus things killed me a few times and I encountered a few different enemies.  I eventually got some money that I learned was rupees from that title animation.  I also got bombs from a couple enemies.  They didn’t do anything when I used them so maybe I’m supposed to hang on to them?  I’ll ask Gary later…

In the middle of my exploration with the boy wearing green (I guess his name is Link from the intro), I heard a knock on the door.  I opened it and found out it was the people from the furniture store.  Jen ordered me a dresser and they just so happened to have one.

“Where do you want it?” they asked me.

I smiled.  “That’s my dresser so it’s going to go in my room.  It’s this way.  I’ll show you…”

I helped them with the dresser, and I pointed to where my room was.  We carefully carried it in.  They insisted that I didn’t need to help them anymore, so I let go.  I showed them a spot where I wanted it.  My diapers were in the closet so I didn’t have to worry about them seeing them (plus, I knew that Gary was coming over later so I made sure that there were no traces of my diapers or the trash that was full of them.  I kept all of this in my closet.)  I moved a few boxes around and had them set my dresser there.  I carefully eyed the room, and it looked like a good spot to have the dresser.  After that, they left.

As I already told you, they came in the middle of my exploration, so I finished the rest of my two hours of exploration when I heard another knock on the door.  It was about 3:00 so I knew that it couldn’t be Jen.

I opened the door and smiled.  Sure enough, it was Gary!  He was holding what looked like my surprise…oh wow.  Is it?

“Is that my…” I gasped.

“Yup!” Gary told me.  “It’s your laptop that I ordered for you!  We’re going to set it up and you’re going to have a wonderful gaming machine!  I even have a cooling fan, so it won’t overheat!”

I smiled and we set up my Lenovo Legion.  In case you didn’t remember, my JJ Little Besties, here are the specs again for my wonderful new laptop.  It was a Lenovo Legion 7i Gen 7 Laptop with 64 gigabytes of RAM, a 12th Generation Intel Core i7 Processor, Windows 11 Home, an NVIDIA  GeForce 8 GB GDDR6, a 16” display, a super rapid charge battery, 2 terabytes of storage on a solid state drive, a fingerprint reader for security, and a screaming 2x2W Harman Super Linear Speaker System.  Plus, this was complete with all the ports that I needed to plug in everything for streaming.  And Gary bought a cooling fan so that none of it would overheat!

We plugged it all in and Gary used an HDMI cable to plug my laptop into my Samsung 42-inch UHD Smart TV.  This allowed my TV to double as a 42-inch monitor for my laptop.  We got everything set up and all my files transferred from my old laptop.  I was surprised at how fast this laptop was.  Everything loaded instantly.   This is going to make things a lot easier.  Especially looking for work…After we plugged everything in, I gave Gary a big hug.

“Oh, thank you Gary!” I said, with a big smile on my face.

Gary smiled.  “It’s the least that I can do for my princess…” He looked at me and grinned.  “That reminds me.  Are you ready to rescue Princess Toadstool?”

I nodded.  “Yup!  Isn’t that the one that Mario rescues?  But I thought her name was Princess Peach…”

Gary laughed.  “In Japan, her name was always Princess Peach.  But when they localized the game over here, they made it Princess Toadstool.  It wasn’t until Super Mario 64 that she was Princess Peach in the US…Now, let’s go rescue us a princess!”

Gary had me switch my input to Nintendo Switch (which my TV already had automatically detected).  I loaded the NES on Nintendo Switch online and I was on the map for the Legend of Zelda.

“Legend of Zelda?” Gary said, smiling.  “That’s a very good one, but we can play it another day.  So, you found the sword already?”

I nodded.  “And some rupees and bombs!  I didn’t want to enter any other buildings until I did some more exploring…”

Gary laughed.  “I’m going to help you with that game.  Don’t play any more of it until we get together again.  Okay?  Make a save state and exit this game.  Then select Super Mario Bros.  Don’t worry about player 2.  I have a pro controller with me.”

I nodded.  So, Gary is going to play as Luigi again?  I exited The Legend of Zelda and loaded Super Mario Bros.  I selected 2 player and we started playing.

It was my turn.  I smiled as I began to show off to Gary what I had learned.  I blazed through the first four worlds but died on WORLD 5-2 (stupid hammer brother!).

Gary smiled.  “That hammer brother is so annoying!  My turn!”

Gary played as Luigi and blazed through the first four worlds as I did.  He completed all the levels in WORLD 5, except WORLD 5-4.  He lost his fire power on the large spinning fire and died on another spinning fire ball later in the level.

“Ha!” I said, laughing.  “My turn!”

I got my revenge on the hammer brother and got all the way to WORLD 5-4.  Fortunately, I was fire Mario and I dodged the large spinning fire.  I also dodged all the spinning fires and even killed Bowser with my fireballs!  “Why do they turn into enemies when they die?” I asked Gary.

Gary smiled.  “I like to think that those are fake Bowsers.  The real Bowser cast a fake Bowser spell on each of those enemies.  That’s what I think, at least…”

I nodded.  “Makes sense…”

I continued through WORLD 6 and finished it with no trouble.  I even completed WORLD 7!  I was on fire!  Then I got to WORLD 8-1.  Except I missed the jump with the narrow gap!

“Nooooooo!!!!” I shouted.

Gary patted me on the shoulder and smiled.  “It’s okay.  You’re doing really well.  Now, my turn!”

Gary finished WORLD 5, and then 6 and 7.  But when he got to WORLD 8-4, he did something that I didn’t expect.  He fell in the lava pit at the very beginning!

“Oh no!” I shouted.  “You didn’t do that on purpose, did you?”

Gary shook his head.  “No!  I just didn’t get enough momentum.  Your turn.  Finish it off, Jill!”

I smiled, as I continued through Super Mario Bros.  I completed WORLD 8-1, and then 8-2 and 8-3.  Unlike Gary, I cleared the pit at the beginning and skillfully navigated the castle.  I even killed the plant (Gary chimed in, calling it a piranha plant) and the hammer brother.  I waited for the fireball (Gary called it a podoboo) to jump out of the lava pit before I jumped.  I then let Bowser have it.  None of his hammers or fireballs hit me, but all of my fireballs hit him.  I touched the axe and beat the game!

“See!” I told him.  “I beat it!”  I went over to Gary and gave him a kiss on the cheek.  Gary returned the favor and kissed me on the cheek.

“Good job…” Gary told me.  “Now, I need to finish this as little Luigi…”

I watched in awe as Gary completed the final castle as little Luigi.  Any enemy could kill him, but it didn’t.  When he got to Bowser, he had to dodge all his hammers and fireballs and run under him without taking a single hit.  He went for it and…he did it!  He touched the axe and put an end to Bowser.  We did it!

But before our session ended, Gary wanted me to play one more game…

“Why?” I asked, frowning.

Gary grinned.  “Oh, you’ll see.”

I easily breezed through WORLD 1-1 as before.  But when I got to WORLD 1-2, Gary stopped me at one part of the level towards the end.

“Stop!” Gary told me.  “Take that lift to the very top and get on top of the bricks.”

I did what Gary told me and I ran along the top of the bricks, past the pipe I was supposed to take to the end.  Instead, I saw three extra pipes and gasped.  “Welcome to the Warp Zone?”

“Yes!” Gary told me.  “Take the warp to WORLD 4.”

I took the warp and wow…I was already in WORLD 4!

This was another easy level.  I dodged the Lakitu (which was no issue anymore) and the spinies and ran to the end.

WORLD 4-2 was next.  Towards the beginning, Gary wanted me to stop again.

“Another warp zone?” I asked Gary.

Gary nodded.   “Yup!  This one’s a little trickier.  Hit that one block carefully…”

I did so and I saw a beanstalk go up past the top of the level.  I’m guessing that he wants me to climb this, so I did so.

I was in another screen that was outside.  I followed the level until I saw another three pipes.  “Welcome to the Warp Zone?  Wow!  WORLDS 6, 7, and 8?”

Gary nodded.  “You know what to do!”

“I’m going to 8!” I told him.

I took the Warp Zone again that was marked 8 and just like that, I warped from WORLD 4 to WORLD 8.

After that, I just blazed through all the levels without any trouble this time.  And just like that, I beat the entire game in under 10 minutes!  So, there are warps in the game?  That makes beating the game fast a lot easier!

After I beat the game, Gary had to get going.

“Thanks for showing me what you learned!” he told me.  “I knew that you didn’t cheat, but I wanted to see it for myself.  As for the Fourth of July, I will not be around here.  I will be with my family at their cottage.  Maybe you can come another year once we get to know each other a little better.  It’s just that I just met you, and I want them to know that I have a girlfriend first.  We will go on a couple dates this weekend before I leave on Sunday.  We’ll make it Friday and Saturday.  How does that sound?”

I nodded.  “Sounds good, Gare Bear!”

Gary smiled.  “Awesome name.  Sounds just like Gare the Bear!  Are you ready, JillianPlays?”

I nodded.  “I want to do my first stream after the Fourth.  I was thinking Thursday or Friday…”

Gary nodded.  “Awesome!  I will be back from my family by then.  I come back on Wednesday…See you Friday, Jill!”

I kissed Gary again and he kissed me back.  He left my room just as Jen was returning.  I could smell food.  It smelled like…yeah.  Chinese…again…I don’t mind Chinese at all!  Good ol’ General Tso’s chicken, some hot and sour soup, and a couple of egg rolls.  And with a couple of fortune cookies after that, both mine and Jen’s dinner was complete.  We both ate and I shared with her how Gary and I beat Super Mario Bros. together since I already beat it and he wanted to see me do it in front of him.  I also told her about my “surprise” (a new laptop, which she figured it was).  I then told her about Gary’s Fourth of July plans and our planned dates for Friday and Saturday.

Jen nodded.  “Joey is going to be with his family for the Fourth of July too, so it looks like it’s going to be a quiet Fourth of July for the both of us…”  Her face lit up.  “But we’ll make it fun!  We’ll do something fun together!” Jen gave me a warm, sisterly hug.  I kept the tight embrace and smiled.

“Are you and Joey going on dates before the Fourth of July?” I asked Jen.

Jen nodded.  “We’re doing that tomorrow and Thursday.  Joey leaves for Pittsburgh on Friday…”

I nodded.  “Gary leaves for Long Island on Sunday.  He told me about it while we were playing Super Mario Bros…His uncle is pretty wealthy and has a place in the Hamptons.  He invites the whole family over for the Fourth every year…”

Jen nodded.  “I think I heard that from Joey already.  Both him and Gary are really good friends…”

We finished our Chinese and took it easy for the rest of the evening.  I was all burned out on video games so I decided to go to bed early.  I diapered myself again (only 20 left now!) and put on my favorite pajamas again from last night.  I got my water, did my brushing routine, and said good night to my awesome twin sister.  I entered my room and guzzled down my water.

And just as I got into my bed and laid there, I began to relax my bladder.  And no sooner did it relax than I began to feel my diaper getting warm again.  Whoa.  It’s like my body is on autopilot.  Basically, when I put this diaper on, my body automatically feels like it’s okay to let go when I relax.  This is weird, as I normally don’t start peeing until I fall asleep, or when I’m already asleep.  Has my body already gotten used to wearing a diaper at night?  It’s like it knows that I’m wearing one now.  Well, this is starting to get exciting.  Just as it is for me, my JJ Little Besties.  Just two dates and a quiet Fourth of July.  What more could I ask for?  Just stay tuned, as things are about to get interesting as we head towards the weekend…

And do I even need to mention Wednesday here?  It’s basically a repeat of Tuesday.  Pilates, another fruitless job search, and some more gaming.  I decided to try playing some old Gameboy games on the Gameboy catalog through Nintendo Switch Online.  I went to Taco Bell for dinner, since my sister was having a date with Joey that night.

Thursday was the same.  More job hunting and no results.  I am guessing that all the job posters are taking the Fourth of July weekend off.  Like usual, I wet my diaper during the night.  I decided to play more Gameboy Games on Nintendo Switch Online.  Since I played Super Mario Land yesterday, I decided to try Kirby’s Dream Land today.  It was fun, and I beat the whole game in one sitting! I think that I saw another Kirby game for the NES.  Was it Kirby’s Adventure?  I’ll have to play that one next.  I’ll do that after I beat the hard mode on Kirby’s Dream Land.  Once again, my sister was dating Joey, so she wasn’t home for dinner.  I decided to have McDonald’s for dinner.  One Big Mac and a medium fry.  And let’s not forget the Coca Cola!

I got excited as I got ready for bed Thursday evening.  Tomorrow and Saturday would be my two dates with Gary.  And Gary has been texting me throughout the day with ideas for tomorrow’s date.  We would go to his house again and play some of his old video games.  He would show me Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels on Nintendo Switch Online (since the original Super Mario Bros. 2 was on the Famicom and hard to get a copy of).  I diapered myself again.  Only 18 diapers left until I had to buy some more.  I did my nighttime routine, guzzled my water, and went to bed.

As we get to the two dates, my JJ Little Besties, let me advise you.  There was a good date and there was a bad date.  Let’s start with the good date.

As I slept into Friday morning, my bladder automatically released like usual and I woke up in the middle of the night still feeling warm from all the pee soaking into my now swelled up diaper.  I smiled and fell back asleep, feeling little trickles as my bladder continued emptying.

I excitedly woke up Friday morning and did Pilates again with my sister.  By now, I was starting to get the routine down.

“So Jill, are you excited to go on your date with Joey today?” Jen asked me.

I nodded.  “Am I ever!”  Then I frowned about the job searching.  “Do I have to look for work today?”

Jen shook her head.  “It’s the Fourth of July weekend, Jill!  Take today and the weekend off.  You don’t have to look for anymore work until at least Thursday…”

“Okay…” I said with a smile.

And…Well, since I want to get to the part with Gary so bad, let’s fast forward.  I finished Pilates, took a shower, and got dressed.  I let my sister do my hair into cute braids, since she also had the Fourth of July weekend off.  She let me use her perfume, and I sprayed it on.

Then I heard the knock on the door.  There he was.  Gary.  I could smell his cologne.  I saw his awesome red T-shirt.  Knowing that I wouldn’t be driving, I left my keys at the apartment.  I entered his black Lexus LS and he took me to our favorite fast food place: Taco Bell.  Since it was still morning, we got some breakfast.

Gary took me to his house.  So what did we get from Taco Bell?  Gary ordered 4 AM Crunchwraps (two for each of us).  We would be eating them at Gary’s.

After we ate the crunchwraps, Gary took me upstairs and he showed me Super Mario Bros. 2.  But the title that it went by was “Lost Levels”. Wait!  Why were these levels lost?  Gary explained to me that Super Mario Bros. 2 was so hard for the west that they had to come up with a new Super Mario Bros. 2 for the US market.  From what Gary told me, they took a game called Doki Doki Panic and reskinned all of the old characters into Mario characters.  Wow!  That sounds awesome!  I will want to play this easy Super Mario Bros. 2 sometime!

But sadly, we were playing the harder version today.  Once again, I played as Mario and Gary played as Luigi.  This time, he gave me leeway as I knew all the controls from the first game.

I started WORLD 1-1.  Right off the bat, there was a mushroom that was hard for me to get. I hit one of the bricks and…No. Am I supposed to hit the mushroom over the gap using the brick?  I looked at Gary, who smiled and nodded.  Eventually, I freed the mushroom and got it.  I then saw another mushroom that looked different.  Is this another powerup?  I touched it and my Super Mario shrank.  What?  No fair!

“What was that?” I asked Gary.

“It’s a poison mushroom!” Gary told me.  “Whenever you see one of those, stay away from it!”

Well okay!  When you have a game where powerups can be enemies, you know that the game is going to be hard.  I completed WORLD 1-1 without any problems.

I then got to WORLD 1-2 and died on the first cliff.  I rewound it and tried again.

In speeding things up, Gary and I kept playing the Lost Levels (Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2).  We played until we both got through WORLD 4-4.  And man, were the levels difficult.  I rewound the emulator so many times.  And if this was only half of the game, what would the other half be like?

Gary then took me downstairs, and we took out Super Mario Bros. from last time.  He had me put in the gold cartridge which was the Legend of Zelda.  I smiled and began playing through it.  I got the sword as before and Gary just guided me in different places.  I entered caves and found out that they were shops where I could buy keys, a shield, or a candle.  Other shops sold other things, so I kept killing enemies and buying a cheap shield, since I discovered a secret shop that had a shield for only 90 rupees.  I then got the candle.  Gary told me not to buy the keys since they could be found in dungeons.

Over the next couple hours, I got through the first three dungeons.  Each one felt challenging since I wasn’t used to the gameplay.  But it was fun.

We took a quick lunch break and had some pizza rolls.

After lunch, Gary showed me some more games on the NES in the living room.  That’s when a random thought entered me.  Is Gary going to change my diaper?  Well, for one, I wasn’t wearing one so it was just a random thought.  Silly dream…I left my daydreaming and continued playing on the NES with Gary.

Gary showed me six more NES games.  We played River City Ransom, a little bit of Faxanadu, Kirby’s Adventure (since I told Gary that I beat this game.  We got through Vegetable Valley which was World 1), Wizards and Warriors III: Kuros: Visions of Power (why 3?  I’ll want to play the first two eventually…), Tetris, and Mike Tyson’s Punchout!

During the last game, I was able to eventually beat every single boxer, except for Mike Tyson.  I handed it to Gary and he beat Tyson on his second try!

When the last game was over, he took me back home.  It was now night and my first date was over. The second one was tomorrow.  I got ready for bed and diapered myself once again.  There were only 17 diapers left now.  Remember, my JJ Besties.  I told you that this was my good date.  So, what was the bad date like?  Well, let’s have Past Jill get her diaper wet again as she drifts off to sleep.  Now brace yourselves, my JJ Little Besties.  You are about to find out.

Saturday, July 1, 2023.  I wake up in my bed, with a gelled up and soaked diaper as usual.  Honestly.  I’m beginning to enjoy the feeling of waking up wet every new morning it happens.  Why did I ever hate it before?  Oh yeah!  It was because I was all sopping wet.  Peeing into a diaper just feels more pleasurable.  And as you will see later when you read on, my JJ Fam, soaking a diaper just makes me feel…small.  (For now, all you see is a Jillian Jenners that is starting to enjoy the experience of peeing her diaper more and more.)  What more can I say?  Everything is a repeat of yesterday.  I get all ready and my sister does a FANTASTIC job in braiding my hair to look like a cute little girl.  So, her boyfriend Joey likes her hair like that?  Well, Gary seemed to enjoy it very much yesterday.  Anyway, my sister applied a gentle spray of her perfume all over my neck, chin, and some areas around my face.  If Gary is going to smell my fragrance, I want him to be captivated by my beauty and my smell.

Anyway, I’ll cut to the part that all of you have been waiting for.  The bad date.  Is your diaper still dry?  It won’t be in a moment.  Brace yourself, my JJ Littles…

Gary picks me up about 45 minutes late.  His excuse?  He overslept, took a while in the bathroom, and had to shower.  I quieted him with a swift kiss on the cheek.  He ended his excuses, and our second date began.  Where was he going to take me?

About 30 minutes later, we were pulling into the enormous parking lot of the King of Prussia Mall.  Awesome.  This place again?  And I was wearing my Princess Tee again, so it was quite fitting being taken to a place like this.  I craned my neck forward and sniffed Gary’s neck, which had the wonderful scent of his cologne.  I did this so that I could get another kiss before we got out of the car.  He gave me his approval by kissing me back.

We spent the next four hours going around the mall.  All he did was buy things for me.  A couple dresses (he made sure they were my size), a couple pajama sets, and a new purse (Really Gary?  $375 on a purse?!)  All of this was at Nordstrom, of course.  I’m pretty sure that my sister Jen felt the same way when Joey was buying all these things for her.  Well, I know that they’re expensive but it’s something that I will just have to get used to.

Now Jill.  Weren’t you going to tell us how this is the bad date?  Well, keep your diapers on, my JJ Littles.  Show some patience, as I am just about to get to that.  Now, after we went to Nordstrom, Gary thought that it was a good idea to go to the Nordstrom Ebar Artisan Coffee.  Gary orders two 16-ounce mocha espressos, each with an extra shot of espresso.  I smile as I really enjoy drinking espressos.

But then I thought about the plane incident on the trip to Cleveland.  I surely don’t want this to happen again!  It shouldn’t, considering how many bathrooms this enormous mall has.  I’ll just let Gary know before I have to go too bad.

We both drink our espressos and we spend the next hour looking at three more stores.  That’s when Gary felt his stomach growling.

“Are you hungry, Jilly Jill?”

I nodded.  “Certainly, my Gare Bear!”

But coincidentally enough, that’s exactly when my pelvic region started to feel very uncomfortable.  I mean, REALLY REALLY uncomfortable.  Oh no…

“Gary,” I pleaded.  “Can we please get to a bathroom quickly?”

Gary saw me doing the “I have to go pee” dance and nodded.  “You have to pee? So do I.  Let’s go find a bathroom!”

We got to a set of bathrooms.  The men’s room didn’t look too bad.  The woman’s, however, was completely crowded.   I mean, there was a LINE just to use it!

“No!” I shouted.  “I’m about to piss my pants!”

Meanwhile, Gary was able to use the men’s room, no problem!  Must be nice for him!

Back at the line for the Woman’s room, I looked around to see if there were any other bathrooms nearby.  I saw four family bathrooms, but every one of them was occupied.  I also saw lines for those bathrooms, with mothers holding their infants and toddlers, impatiently waiting.  I’m guessing that all those kids needed diaper changes.  Must be nice to be them, sitting in a wet and soiled diaper instead of having to worry about your clothes getting all wet.

Gary left the bathroom looking very refreshed while I still looked like my bladder could explode at any minute.  He sighed, as he took my hand.

“Let’s go eat.” He told me.  “I’ll let you use the bathrooms there.”

I nodded, as I fought back tears.  I didn’t want to piss myself again.  I really didn’t.

A few minutes later, we were approaching Legal Seafood.  My favorite place.  Hopefully, I could get in and use the bathroom in time…

We entered Legal Seafood, and before we could even ask where the bathrooms were, I felt something very wet gushing out of me.  I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Then, I saw the puddle on the floor again.  “Oh no!” I cried.  “NO!!!!!”

Everybody’s faces filled with shock as they saw a 21-year-old woman piss her pants.  One guy that looked a little younger than Gary had the nerve to look me straight in the eye and tease me.

“Hey missy!” the rude jerk shouted.  “You know that there are places called bathrooms to do that…”

Gary, who was in shock from my accident, was now fuming.   He looked at the jerk and pointed his finger at him.  “Hey!  Cut it out!  She was just about to use the bathroom, you jerk!  Don’t you insult my girl like that!”

I appreciate Gary standing up for me like that, but everyone was just staring at me now.  With me being done peeing for a couple minutes now, I just couldn’t take it anymore.  I burst into tears and ran out of the restaurant, bawling my eyes out.

Gary followed me.  “Wait Jill!”

My consoling boyfriend approached me and whispered right into my ear.  “That has to be very embarrassing.  Let’s get some underwear and get you into one of those new outfits.  I’ll then take you to the car…”

I slowly nodded my head, still sobbing a little bit.

We went right to Victoria’s Secret.  I didn’t want to embarrass myself with my pee-soaked clothes, so I gave Gary my underwear size and he bought me some new panties.  Three new pairs of pink Victoria Secret underwear.

After that, we went back to Nordstrom so I could change into my new clothes in a fitting room.  I did this and he took me right back to the black Lexus LS.  I got into the front passenger side and Gary got into the driver’s side.

We closed our doors and Gary gave me an understanding look.

“Jill,” Gary told me.  “I want you to know that you’re not the only one with that problem.  I grew up with my younger sister who wet the bed until she was nine years old.  Now before you interrupt me, she even had accidents during the daytime like that.  Now Jill, do you want to wear protection?”

I gave Gary an embarrassed smile.  “They’re called diapers, Gary.  Diapers…”

Gary nodded.  “Protection, diapers…I just wanted to use a word that you were comfortable with.  Now do you want to wear protection?  We can go right to a pharmacy.”

I shook my head.  “I don’t think that will be necessary.”

Gary frowned.  “Well Jill, I just don’t want to see you get embarrassed like that again.  It has to be a very hard thing to deal with.  My sister dealt with it, so I understand.  Can I ask you another question?”

I sighed.  “Yes.  What is your question?”

Gary scratched his head.  “Jill, do you wear protection…ur…diapers when you go to bed?”

I looked away from Gary and nodded.  “Yes.” I said quietly.

Gary nodded.  “Oh.  Well, has this been something that you have been dealing with for a long time?”

I shook my head.  “No. Not at all!  I’ve only been dealing with this for about a month.  Now, you’re not going to believe this…”

Gary grinned.  “Try me. “

I gulped but mustered up the courage to tell my boyfriend.  “Okay.  Well, you were not with Joey or Jen that night that I first came to Philadelphia, so I’ll fill you in.  My sister Jen wanted to treat me by taking me to a very fancy restaurant called the Capital Grille.  So I agreed.  We met Joey there, who got the reservations for the three of us.  We got seated and we placed our orders.  Joey offered to buy me a bottle of wine.  Not being one who ever drinks alcohol, I order one of their red wines with my dinner.  I drink that wine and have my dinner.  I then got very very drunk, and the rest of the night became a blur to me.  The next thing I remember, I woke up, covered in vomit and pee at my sister’s apartment.  I had a very bad hangover the next day.  But since that night, I have been pissing myself every single night.  Not on purpose.  It’s like I can’t control my peeing while I’m sleeping.  And after waking up to wet bed sheets for the next week, I ended up buying some diapers.  I didn’t want to, but now I have to wear them every night.  Weird, huh?”

Gary just smiled and hugged me.  “It is kind of strange, but the fact is that you need some kind of protection.  Just know, Jill, that I am not going to think any less of you because of your nighttime incontinence.  Yes, it’s strange how it happened but now you need them.  Should you consider using daytime protection?  Maybe just when you go on dates with me.  I really don’t want you to have another embarrassing accident like that.  Okay?”

I nodded and scratched my head.  “I will think about it.  For the remainder of the date, I just want to be in my Victoria’s Secret panties, okay?”

Gary gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.  “Okay.” He then gave me a troubled look.

“What’s wrong, Gary?”

“Well Jill,” my boyfriend told me.  “You may be off the hook, but I’m not.  I know one of your secrets.  And to make it fair, I will share with you one of mine.  I am high functioning on the Autistic Spectrum.”

I gasped.  “Autism?  You don’t even look like you’re autistic, Gary…”

Gary nodded.  “You’re thinking of low functioning autism, Jill.  High functioning means that I am very intelligent and can take care of myself.  But it also means that I can often miss social cues, and I become very obsessed about my routines.  I am hyperfocused when I place my attention on anything.  Video games, buying clothing, food, you…”

I smiled.  “Gary, you are the most wonderful man that I have ever met.  Autism or not, that doesn’t matter to me.  All that means to me is that you have shown me something that you have overcome.  Because really.  I didn’t know that you had autism at all…”

Gary laughed.  “You could have it too, Jill!  Girls can have autism too, but they’re very good at masking their behavior.  Because of that, a lot of them are misdiagnosed.  See?  You’re stimming by playing with your hair…”

I let go of my hair and gave Gary a nervous smile.  “Who knows?  Maybe that’s why we’re drawn together!  I know that I obsess over some things sometimes.  But it’s usually stuff like makeup, what I should wear, and my hair style.  Oh, and don’t get me started on shoes…”

Gary looked at his watch and felt his stomach growl again.  “If you’re not comfortable coming into Legal Seafood, I’ll place an order and our food to go.  We can then eat it at your apartment.  We don’t have to tell your sister about your accident.  We’ll just say that you’re tired…”

I glanced at my new clothes and shook my head.  “No.  She’ll notice my new clothes.  We have to tell the truth, Gary.”

Gary nodded, and left the car to go back into King of Prussia Mall to order our dinner from Legal Seafood.  If you’re wondering what we got, it was the same thing as the first date.

Gary took me home with the dinner and we ate it there.  Jen was sitting in the living room, playing some games on the Nintendo Switch.

When we finished our dinner, Gary gave me a kiss and he said goodnight.  He had to leave early since he had to pack to go see his family for the Fourth of July in a couple days.

I told my twin sister about the embarrassing accident and she hugged me.

“Oh Jill,” she told me.  “It’s just like the airplane…”

I sighed.  “That, and that stupid mall doesn’t have enough bathrooms for everyone.  That’s the reason why I peed my pants again.  And when I was about to get to one at the restaurant, it was too late…”

Jen hugged me again.  “Well, let’s hope that it doesn’t happen again.  I know that you need diapers every night.  But let’s hope that it doesn’t become something that you need 24/7.”

Let’s hope?  By the time that I finished typing the previous sentence, I noticed that my diaper was getting wet.  Past Jill, it gets much worse.  If you thought that having a normal accident was bad, try having an accident when you’re right in the middle of a diaper change.  I seriously have to cover myself in a new diaper now sometimes to avoid the new pee and poop coming out of me since I literally have no control of my bladder or bowels anymore.  Anyway, where was I?  I finished talking to my twin sister about another accident that was beyond my control.  I then did the diapering process (something that Gary now knows about) and put myself in my next nighttime diaper.  A Certainty unisex fitted brief.  And…wow.  Only 16 diapers are left.  I have already used half of them.  Imagine how much more I would go through if I used them in the daytime!

I did my nighttime routine, got in my bed, and fell asleep. My body would give the bladder the all clear once again and the pee floodgates would open, flowing into the padded core over the SAP powders and gelling up, giving me the satisfying squishy feeling in the middle of the night.

So, my JJ Little Besties, that was the bad date.  So, what’s left?  Don’t worry, everyone.  I have saved the very best for last.  Consider the bad date the opening show.  Now for the real fireworks, we will need to go to the Fourth of July.  The day that was (mostly) quiet…

The next two days was fairly quiet.  Surprisingly, there were no daytime accidents.  With me being home all day with my sister, I was always nearby a bathroom.  My sister and I played a lot of Nintendo Switch games and she took me to some restaurants at night.  Besides that, we just ate the healthy food that she had around the house.  The nighttime accidents remained, with me using up two more diapers.  It was the night before the Fourth of July, and only 14 diapers remained…

I woke up on the Fourth to another soggy diaper.  As I sat up, I felt another rush of pee flow out of me, further soaking the diaper I had on.  It’s a good thing that I wear diapers to bed now, or I would be waking up in wet bed sheets and pajamas.  Instead, I wake up with a gelled up squishy diaper that I play with when I’m in the mood.  I do not miss waking up in soaked pj’s and underwear.  I hated that.

So, how was the Fourth of July different?  How was it different besides the usual breakfast of Special K red berries and the cup of dark roast Keurig coffee that we had in the morning?  Well, my sister had an idea of taking me downtown to enjoy the Fourth of July in Philadelphia. There was going to be a free concert before the fireworks that was only less than a mile away from the apartment.  I was very excited.  However, due to the large amounts of traffic, my sister decided not to drive.  We each took a backpack for the day with our purses and left the apartment at around 10 in the morning.  And man, was it hot!  It was already 80 degrees when we walked out into the sweltering heat of the morning of Independence Day.

As Jen and I walked towards the parkway, I saw some food vendors off the road and towards some nearby parks.  This is where my sister and I stopped for lunch.  We found a small vendor that sold Philly Cheesesteaks.  They were pretty good, but not quite as good as the ones that my sister got me the first time.

After lunch, I really had to pee.  Fortunately, we were right near a porta-potty.  To my relief, the sign read vacant.  I hurried inside and pulled my orange skirt down with my underwear.  Whew!  I began peeing just as I sat down.

Now Jill?  Where’s the moment that you were telling us about?  I’m getting there.  The Philly Cheesesteak was only the first of the foods that my sister and I ate.  Over the next few hours, we ate funnel cakes, another espresso, bubble tea, fried pickles, onion rings, and some dippin dots.

A little later, a bad thunderstorm entered the area.  We were told to evacuate the area, so my sister and I took cover until the storm lifted.  Because of this, the concert was cancelled.  Just before 8:00 at night, My sister found out on X (Twitter) that the concert was going to continue as planned and the show would start at 8:30, instead of 7:00 as originally scheduled.

Just as we were walking towards the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, I felt some gurgling in my pelvic area and heard a bubbly sounding bowel movement.  Oh…man.  I don’t just have to crap, but I have to crap really bad!  I then felt pressure in my crotch.  And I have to pee…too?  Oh no…

My sister spotted a set of bathroom stalls nearby.

“Over here, Jill!” My sister directed me.

I followed my sister only to notice that there was a line for every single set of stalls!  No!  This is EXACTLY how I had my last accident!  No stinking bathrooms available!

I felt another strong bowel movement, as the load inside of me felt more and more uncomfortable.  I stood there, feeling the pressure becoming more and more unbearable.

Jen looked at me and gasped.  “Jill…You need to get to a bathroom!” My sister glanced around at some people in line. “Could anyone please let me and my sister go through? She needs to go bad!”

“So do I!” An older man shouted, just two people away from a porta-potty.  “I’ve been waiting for the last 15 minutes.  I’m sorry, but she’s going to have to wait, too…”

I panicked, as I felt the third bowel movement work its way through, but with no release.  I heard the gargling and slushing in my pelvic region.  The bowels were moving, and I did everything I could to hold everything in.  My face grew red and I began to sweat.  Then, another bowel movement happened.

And…I just couldn’t hold it anymore.  This was it.  The fireworks that you were all waiting for.  The fireworks that began to go off in my pants.  Before I knew what was happening, I broke wind, causing a pile of mess to come flooding into my underwear.  Then, it gushed out.  The diarrhea.  The brown pee totally soaked my underwear and skirt.

But sadly, I wasn’t done.  Since I still had to pee, I couldn’t hold it anymore, so the flood of pee further soaked my underwear, causing a nice puddle of pee and diarrhea to drip on the grass below me.

At the moment that I realized what just happened, my face grew redder than a tomato and I burst into tears.  Forget the stupid concert.  Now, thousands of people get to witness the Great Jillian Jenners: the woman who not only crapped her pants but pissed them too.  I was so done.

Not caring about who saw me, I made a sprint back to Metro City apartments, since it was only 0.7 miles away, according to Google Maps.  I’m sure that a lot of people were in shock and disgust as I ran back to the apartment.

When I was only one block away, I could smell the stench growing worse and worse.  I could hear myself bawling my eyes out and screaming in tears.  This was the worst humiliation ever and I just wanted to get out of here.

It wasn’t until I entered the apartment that my twin sister finally caught up with me.

“Jill!” Jen said, with a few tears in her eyes.  “I am so sorry!”

I sighed.  “What do you have to be sorry about?  I did it, not you.”

“Well I’m sorry that you have to be embarrassed!”

I ignored my sister’s words as they were not helping me at this point.

I got up to Apartment 2202 and I took off all my stained clothes.  I took a long shower and then went back to my room.  Instead of dressing up for the concert, I diapered myself and put my pajamas on.  I didn’t want to go out to the concert now.  Heck.  I didn’t even want to see the fireworks!  I already experienced the fireworks, and they were not so fun for me.  Nobody liked my fireworks and I humiliated myself so bad that I almost died.

Just as I was about to get into my bed, my sister knocked on the door.

“Jill, the fireworks are being broadcast on a live stream!  Do you want to see them?”

“No!” I shouted.  “I already saw MY fireworks.  Go ahead and enjoy yours for me.”

“Okay!  I will do that, Jill…”

I got in my bed and tried to calm myself from the small amount of humiliation that I still felt inside of me.  At this point, peeing myself in Legal Seafood was nothing compared to the ridicule that I had to experience running home.  Running home with underwear loaded with crap and soaked in diarrhea and pee.  I just wanted to die.  Now JJ Besties, if this triggers you, stop reading this instant and get the help that you need.  These were only my thoughts of just how miserable I felt.  Anyway, I just wanted to stop.  I just wanted to sleep.  I finally calmed myself as I noticed my bladder beginning to slowly release.  I could barely feel myself beginning to slowly soak my diaper. With that, I fell asleep, hoping and praying that I would never have to experience another day like that again.

And that was the quiet Fourth of July that I was talking about.  It was mostly quiet because of the “fireworks”, but became quiet after that, due to the strict curfews in Philadelphia concerning noise during the Fourth of July.  That, and I was on the 22nd floor so the noise was more dispersed.  As I fell asleep, I smiled, thinking about starting my stream very soon.

And you know what, my JJ Little Besties?  I think I may start my stream tomorrow.  Okay.  Not tomorrow, but Thursday.  Just two days after the Fourth.

And that was just what I did. Prepare yourselves, my JJ Littles.  This will be the very first time that I have ever done a stream.  And quite fortunately enough, it would surely not be my last.

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2 minutes ago, warpiper said:

Yo, this story is fantastic! You're so amazing!

Thanks!  With me being a twin myself, I have always wanted to write a story utilizing the ABDL theme.  Of course I have never experienced any incontinence issues like Jill, so not all the experiences reflect mine in real life.  I have been to Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, so there's some truth in that part.

The next part will be up tomorrow!

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 8 - 4/12/2024)

Chapter 8 : My First Stream!

This is it, my JJ Little Diaper Babies.  The very first stream of JillianPlays.  Excited?  Well, don’t be.  If you were to see this very first stream, it’s really nothing to write home about.  While a lot of you are used to seeing an audience of 50-60,000, the actual audience was…drum roll please…a sizable audience of just…two.  And these numbers do not even include me, the broadcaster.

But before we get to the “wonderful and exciting stream that started it all”, we need to hit fast forward from where we last left off.

When I woke up that Wednesday after the Fourth, I felt a little bit better.  Yes, I humiliated myself the night before, but it’s a new day.  And to greet the new day with me, my twin sister Jen entered the room and gave me a big hug.  When she did this, I just couldn’t hold in the tears anymore, so I cried my eyes out.

My sister remained in her embrace, trying to calm and console me from the night before.  “There there Jill…” she told me.  “It’s going to be alright.  Just…stop.  Please stop.  You’re…doing it to me now.  Now I’M crying!  Oh Jill!!!!”  I watched as a stream of tears began to come out of my sister’s eyes.  “It will…get…better, Jill.  Take the rest of the week off…before you look for work…*sniff*.  I want you to be healthy…*sniff *sniff* “

I held Jen in a sisterly embrace as I wanted her to stop crying.  I then realized that my diaper was totally soaked, and I needed to get a shower.  So, I excused myself and got a shower.  My sister nodded as I got up and left my room to clean up.

And…yeah.  Wednesday was just another chill day.  I really didn’t feel like doing much, so I didn’t.  I just ate and sat in my room all day, looking at some occasional texts from Gary, updating me on his Fourth of July and how it went.

And before I knew it, it was Wednesday night.  I diapered myself once again (12 diapers left!  I’m going to need to buy some more soon…), did my nighttime routine of hygiene, hugged my sister Jen goodnight, and went to bed.

Now for the day that you’re probably all waiting for.  The day that I did my stream.  Considering that I wanted the same schedule every day that I streamed, I decided to start my stream at 3:00, since most people coming home from work could catch my stream that way.

Now my sister Jen had already left her house since Joey was back home.  She was going to be spending the rest of the day there, and come back home later.

Gary too, was on his way to my apartment since he came home yesterday.  Even though he knew about my wearing diapers now, I still felt self-conscious about them around Gary.  I had everything in my closet, including all of my trash.

About seven minutes after 1:00, I heard a knock on the door.  I opened it and it was Gary.  As he walked in, I noticed that he was carrying two bags…from Walgreens?  He…he…he didn’t…My face turned red with embarrassment.

Gary looked at me with a face that reflected respect.  “Jill,” he told me.  “I got you a couple of things that you need.  I know how expensive they are, so I wanted to help you out.  Do you wear medium?”

I shyly nodded.  “Y-yes…”

Gary placed the two bags in my hands.  “Here.  Go and take care of these.  I’m not going to watch you do this.  It’s the least I can do…”

I blushed and smiled at the same time and looked at Gary.  “Um…” I stammered.  “Thanks…Gary…”

Gary understandingly nodded.  “Jill, I already told you.  My younger sister had to deal with this every single day.  She was very self-conscious about it so we never made a big deal about it in my family.  So, I get it.  Take care of those and return when you’re ready, okay?”

I nodded and entered my room with the diapers that Gary got for me.

I closed the door and took the sacks out of the bag.  I gasped, my jaw hitting the floor.  They were the same Certainty unisex fitted briefs that I bought for myself before!  With each of them containing 32, that gave me 64 more diapers.  And to include the 12 that I had left, that gave me a total of 76 diapers.  So much for buying more diapers since my boyfriend already took care of that.  I opened the closet and placed both sacks inside, along with the Walgreens bags.  I then closed the closet door.  I then exited the room again.

My patient boyfriend stood there as I returned from my embarrassing errand.  He then gave me a serious look.  “Jill,” he addressed me like it was a life-or-death situation.  “I know that you’re not going to like this, but I want you to promise me something…”

My stomach sank, as I knew what Gary was going to make me promise.  “What is that…Gary?”

Gary continued looking seriously and arched his face closer to me.  “Jill, I want you to promise me that you will be wearing diapers the next time that we go on a date.  I don’t want you to ever be embarrassed like that again.  Take some extra ones with you and you can change in the bathroom.  Don’t worry about the trash.  Just take it to my car and I will take care of it.  They will just think that you’re using the bathroom, okay?”

I nodded, my face now growing red again.  I thought about sharing my weird dream with Gary, but I just didn’t feel comfortable sharing that with him yet.  “Yes Gary….I don’t want to be embarrassed like that.  Every date, I will wear protection for you, and for everyone else’s sake that doesn’t know about my secret….Now, can we get ready for my first stream?  It starts in about 1 hour and 45 minutes…”

Gary nodded, and we both entered my room.  He got out his laptop from his laptop bag that he was also carrying and powered it up.  “Jill, take a look at this…”

I glanced at Gary’s screen, and I saw the Discord website that Gary showed me the other day.  He showed me a Discord that he set up just for JillianPlays (my Twitch channel!).  He made me the administrator and he showed me how to make him just a moderator on my laptop.

After Gary showed me that, we talked a little bit about the Fourth of July.

Gary looked at me with concern.  “What happened, Jill?  After that night of the Fourth, I didn’t hear anything from you all Wednesday and even this morning!”

I sighed, and shared with him my most embarrassing Fourth of July evening ever.  You have already heard it in its entirety so it doesn’t bear repeating here.  It’s literally everything that I mentioned in the previous chapter.

Upon sharing this, Gary hugged me.  “Jill…” he said, gasping.  “Now I’m glad that I got you them.  It looks like your accidents are starting to become more frequent…But let’s drop all this.  We need to get ready for the stream.  Now, what game do you want to play?”

My face lit up.  “Super Mario Bros.!” I shouted.  “I want to start with an easy game that I know how to play.  I can add others in the future.”

Gary nodded.  “Good idea, Jill!  Now, I’m going to get onto my GaretheBear account.  I will wait until you go live before I subscribe to you.  Now remember.  Twitch gives you default follower and subscriber emotes to use if you don’t have any customs.  Now, I helped you make a follower alert and subscriber alert, so you should be all set for the stream.  Are you ready, Jill?”

I smiled, looking a little nervous.  “I think I am…”

Gary grinned.  “Don’t worry.  I was like that when I first started GaretheBear.  Just pretend you’re going on television.  That’s what you want to do for a living, right?”

I nodded.  “Right!  This is my broadcast!”  My confidence increased as I remembered occasionally serving as a co-anchor during my internship at Cleveland State University.  When I did this, I was in the zone.  I was fully confident and I sounded very polished and professional.  Yeah.  I guess I don’t feel that nervous now…

It was now 2:30. One half hour remained before my first stream began…

So, here we go, my JJ Little bestie Fam.  3:00 came around and the clicked the “Go Live” button for the very first time.  For the “Starting Soon” screen, I had a remixed version of the song “Caramelldansen” playing.  To accompany the song, a GIF of two stick figures dancing were displayed.  In bold white font, the words “Starting Soon” were displayed.

During this time, I went with Gary to get my drinks ready.  A can of Mountain Dew and a plastic water bottle filled with ice water.  After getting my drinks, I rushed off to the bathroom.  I had to go, but not as bad as when I was on the embarrassing flight to Cleveland.

I returned with my drinks to find Gary at his laptop.  I grinned and pointed at the drinks that he was holding.  “Did you go to the bathroom?”

Gary nodded.  “I used the other bathroom while you were going.  It’s 3:06!  We’re ready to go!”

I took a deep breath and selected the scene that showed the webcam.  Gary already tested the webcam the day that I got my computer so it was displayed properly.  I saw the red live indicator on my end, which I remembered seeing when Gary went live on his channel as GaretheBear.

“Hey everyone!” I shouted.  “I am JillianPlays and welcome to my very first stream!  I have never done one of these before, so please bare with me…”

I paused, and checked the chat window.  When I looked at the attendees, there were three others besides me, the broadcaster:  JennyPenny2001 (nice Twitch name, sis), JtheCalcugamer (Gary whispered to me that this was Joey), and, of course, GaretheBear.  So yeah, my JJ Littles.  I actually lied to you when I said that it was just me and Gary.  My sister, her boyfriend, and Gary were all there to watch me stream on my very first day.  Of course my sister was at Joey’s house, but was tuning in there.  I watched the chat:

JennyPenny2001:  You’re doing great, sis!  I’m so proud of you!

GaretheBear:  Wonderful job, Jillian!  Now, let’s play something!

JtheCalcugamer:  Can’t wait to see what you’re going to play!  Both Jenny and I are rooting for you… *pogchamp emote*  *GaretheBearCheer emote*

Right after that, I heard the soundbyte music clip from Imagine Dragons.  The soundclip that played was “You know I’ll follow you!”  GaretheBear just followed me!  I then heard the level completion music from Super Mario Bros. and I glanced at the chat screen. Garethebear subscribed to JillianPlays at tier level 1!  My first sub!  Yay!

After that, I heard the “You know I’ll follow you!” two more times.  One was from JennyPenny2001.  The other was from JtheCalcugamer.

“JennyPenny2001 and JtheCalcugamer!” I shouted.  “Thank you both for the follow!  I really freaking appreciate it!  Three follows in the first couple minutes and one subscriber.  You all are awesome.”

Then I heard the Super Mario Bros. level completion music again.  GaretheBear just gifted two tier 1 subs to the community!  Since JennyPenny2001 and JtheCalcugamer were not subscribed, they both received those subs.  Yay!  Three subs now!

I looked at the time.  3:17. Since I didn’t have anything else to talk about, I decided to start gaming.  Prior to starting, Gary showed me about categories.  Since my category was on Just Chatting, I changed it to Super Mario Bros. and included the stream title: “Starting my first stream with my first NES game!”  As I switched to my Switch input, I sized the webcam and sized it smoothly into the upper left corner.  I then placed the chat screen right below it, making sure it was sized to the same width as the webcam screen.  I also wanted to make sure that it didn’t cover up my gameplay too much.  I then checked the chat:

JtheCalcugamer:  Nice!  A classic!

JennyPenny2001:  Super Mario Bros.?  Calc showed me this and I could never finish it.  I died in World 4 and never finished it!  *LUL emote*

GaretheBear:  Ah…Good ol’ Super Mario Bros.!  I LOVE this one!  Dad showed me this one when I was very young.  Played through it until the very end.  Very nice classic to start with!

“It is!” I said with a smile as I loaded the Nintendo Entertainment System channel on the Nintendo Switch Menu.  I selected Super Mario Bros.  and started.  “We are going to start with a game that I am very familiar with playing.  This is Super Mario Bros.  It was released in 1985 and one of the first platforming games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, or the Famicom in Japan.  For all of you watching me today, I am going to complete all 8 Worlds WITHOUT rewinding or using Save States.  And having recently learned about warping, I will not use any warps.  Who’s ready to watch me tear this game apart?”  I glanced at the chat:

GaretheBear:  Go JillianPlays!

JennyPenny2001:  You can do it, sis!

JtheCalcugamer:  Go Jillian!  Jenny and I know that you can do it!

And with that, I started my very first game.  I pressed the start button and began.

At this point, nothing eventful has happened so far.  At least not until I got to WORLD 1-4.

Just as I passed the second fire chain and was about to go through the third fire chain, I backed up and checked the chat:

Glytter:  You’re playing Super Mario Bros.?  Wow!  I can remember playing that on my mom and dad’s old NES with my older sister and older brother growing up!  I can remember playing this when I wasn’t coloring in my coloring book!  *TinyTrishGiggle emote*

I paused the game and smiled.  “Glytter!” I shouted.  “Welcome to the stream!  I am JillianPlays.  I hope that you are having a wonderful day today!”  I unpaused the game and continued through the castle.

I casually watched the chat in the background:

JennyPenny2001:  Welcome to the stream, Glytter!

GaretheBear:  It seems like you know a lot about this game already, Glytter!  Welcome!

Glytter:  JillianPlays, is this your first time playing?  Between me, my sister, and my brother, I have seen this game get beat numerous times.  I can distinctly remember my dad beating this game a couple of times when I was very young…

I skillfully roasted the fake Bowser with my fire Mario and finished WORLD 1-4.  “Actually Glytter, the answer is no.” I told them.  “I have just beat this game recently without rewinding or save states.  I chose this game as it is a wonderful way to open my first stream ever…”  The chat then continued:

Glytter:  First…stream…EVER?!!!!  *TinyTrishGasp emote*

I nodded.  “That’s what I said.  Despite my hardships with all the rewinds, I find this to be a very fun game to play.  I at first was just very put off by the super outdated graphics.  But after some encouragement from a friend and some research, I realize what an important game this was in shaping the future of the Super Mario Bros. franchise…”

I talked on, as I continued through WORLD 2-1 and WORLD 2-2.  When I got to WORLD 2-3, I heard the “You know I’ll follow you!” from Imagine Dragons again.  “Glytter!” I shouted.  “Thank you very much for the follow!  I truly appreciate it!”  Glytter, of course, was very quite to respond:

Glytter:  You’re welcome!  And awesome follow alert! I LOVE Imagine Dragons!

Glytter:  Are these your follower emotes?  Very default and kind of basic.  If you ever need any help designing any new ones, I would be more than happy to help!

I nodded and gasped, as I approached the flag for WORLD 2-3.  “You DESIGN emotes?  Have you done this before?”  I started WORLD 3-1 as I waited for Glytter’s response, which came in a couple of seconds:

Glytter:  Yes Jillian.  I’ve done this a couple times.  You see, I don’t like to follow the super popular Twitch Streamers.   I like to find the newest and smallest ones.  If this is your first stream, then it looks like I hit the jackpot!

GaretheBear:  Indeed you have, Glytter!  We enjoy having you around.  Now, I’m a somewhat established streamer that has a more established following, and I don’t think I have ever seen you in one of my streams.

Glytter:  Let’s see, GaretheBear.  How many followers do you have?  You have…3,000?  That’s a little too big for me.  I like the streams to be much smaller…

GaretheBear:  I still average an audience of around 40-45.  Do you just prefer an audience of 10 or less?  I’m not against that at all, Glytter.  Whatever makes you happy, just go for it!

Glytter:  One of my friends has an audience of about 15.  Her largest audience was around 20 once…

I continued through Super Mario Bros. with my reflection on the gameplay and how much fun it was to play through it for the first time.  I noticed that while JennyPenny2001 (Jen), JtheCalcugamer (Joey), and GaretheBear (Gary) was just watching now, Glytter just kept chattering.  I had nothing against their wonderful comments.  I just wasn’t used to this with streaming quite yet.  Glytter had something to say with every stretch of the level that I played.

I was now on WORLD 4-4, and the one-sided chat with Glytter continued:

Glytter:  Wow!  4-4!  Well, you’ve played this one before, so you already know that it’s a maze.

Glytter:  Yeah.  I kind of know everything about this game.  For someone like me, it’s kind of hard to forget considering that I have a photographic memory.

GaretheBear:  No way!  Photographic memory?

Glytter:  Yes.  It can be annoying at times, but I’m kind of used to it.  I basically remember every detail about my life.  And this may sound weird…I remember the day that I was born…

JennyPenny2001:  Really?  Are these real memories or false ones that you thought that you remembered?

Glytter:  They are indeed real!  I have described vivid details to my mom.  Of course, since I slept most of the time at first, I can’t really describe those ones.  Like, when I first learned to walk, I can remember every detail of that day.  I could tell mom what shirt she was wearing and exactly what she told me.  And although she was shocked, she agreed.

JennyPenny2001:  Okay…I just looked this up.  Do you have superior autobiographical memory?  There are only 60 people in the entire world that can remember that much!

Glytter:  Well, they missed me!  I can remember what it felt like to be taken home from the hospital on the very first day of my life.  I really don’t have any words to describe it.  It was just…feelings and senses…

JennyPenny2001:  Well, that’s really impressive, Glytter.  It must be interesting to remember everything…

Glytter:  Well, I’m kind of used to it now.  It would come in handy if I ever wanted to write a book someday…Wow!  Jill just finished 4-4!

JtheCalcugamer:  That’s pretty neat, Glytter.  Being able to remember everything must be helpful in your day to day, right?

Glytter:  It can be!  If someone gives me a set of instructions, I don’t forget a single detail!  And if you read off a shopping list, I wouldn’t need to write it down!

I smiled, and I quickly leafed through the chat.  “Wow!  A photographic memory?  Well, you could help me with some things since my memory is not really that good sometimes!  Anyway, WORLD 5-2 is the level with the stupid hammer brother.  So, my fellow audience, let’s see if I can dodge it.  Just then, Glytter’s two cents was added:

Glytter:  5-2?  Yeah.  I hate that hammer brother!  No matter who was playing, I, my younger sister, and my younger brother always died to that hammer brother!  If we were lucky, we would be able to get past him and get to the next level.  Of course, I’m much better at the game now so it’s not that bad…

I fortunately dodged the hammer brother and turned back to shoot him with a fireball from my Fire Mario.  “That was for all of you!” I told them.  “And for you, Glytter!  For all the times in your childhood when you, your sister, and brother had to die to that hammer brother.  Well, the joke is on him now!  I killed the other three hammer brothers in the level and finished WORLD 5-2.  Just after I finished it, I heard the level clear music again.  What?  I just finished the level!  I then glanced at the chat and gasped.  “Glytter!  Thank you for subscribing at tier level 1!  Enjoy the emotes!”  As I entered WORLD 5-3, I saw Glytter’s response:

Glytter:  Jillian, or can I call you Jill?  You have a wonderful voice!  I like the way that you describe everything as you go through the level.  It’s like you’re announcing everything like it’s an important news item.  You have earned the sub.  But I noticed that you don’t have a tier 2 or tier 3 yet.  I also noticed that the emotes for tier 1 are just more default emotes.  Can we talk after the stream?  I would like to help with the emotes!

I nodded as I finished up WORLD 5-3.  I proceed to finish the rest of the game, while Glytter quite frequently added their comments.

When I got to WORLD 8-4, I kept my Fire Mario and killed Bowser.  “We did it!” I shouted.  “First stream ever and I beat Super Mario Bros. for all of you.  That calls for a Mountain Dew!”  I cracked open the can and chugged a Mountain Dew in front of my audience of still four.

I glanced at the clock and sipped some water to wash down the sugary Mountain Dew.  It’s 4:06.  Only five hours left in the stream…

I exited the game, which showed the library of NES games for Nintendo Switch Online.  “So, what do you want me to tackle next?”  I looked at the responses in the chat:

GaretheBear:  Lost Levels (Super Mario Bros. 2 JP)!  *pogchamp emote*

JennyPenny2001:  Lost Levels?

JtheCalcugamer:  I could go for some Lost Levels!

Glytter:  Are you sure about this, Jillian?  The Lost Levels are pretty hard.  Maybe you should try the easier Super Mario Bros. 2?

I shook my head and vetoed Glytter’s decision.  “Sorry Glytter, you are in the minority.” I sighed. “Lost Levels it is!  But here are the rules, my JillianPlays fam.  Since I am totally horrible at this game, I will be using rewinds and Save States.  Maybe I will do it without someday.  But just bare with me for now, okay?”  I saw a series of okays from the chat and began playing the Lost Levels.

I spent the next hour slowing plowing through the first four worlds.  They were still very hard.  As hard as I could remember playing with Gary.  Glytter didn’t have much to say about the Lost Levels, since she never played all of them.

As I began WORLD 5-1, I noticed that all that Mountain Dew that I drank started to catch up with me.  I had to pee!  I was going to finish this level and then take a bathroom break.  Having never done this level before, it was rather annoying.  First of all, I had to dodge four buzzy beetles.  I then had to kill numerous piranha plants in narrow pipes.  Three of these piranha plants were poking out of pipes over cliffs!  I had to pick each one off before moving forward.  So, several rewinds later, I managed to do this.  I then had to dodge a poorly placed bullet bill just in time.  I walked up the stairs where I thought it was the ending.  But I was…WRONG!  The wind started to blow and I had to run and jump from ledge to ledge over three cliffs (this took a few more rewinds).  I really had to pee at this point!  I then had to dodge another bullet bill and kill an upside down piranha plant and a right-side up piranha plant sticking out of pipes that were opposite each other (one was on the ceiling and the other was facing up on the ground right below it.  After that, I had to kill four more piranha plants sticking out of floor pipes and keep running and running until I reached another cliff.  I jumped over it and found a bottom of a cliff that was a dead end…or was it?  Looking more uncomfortable, I found two invisible blocks and reached the top of the cliff and crossed the top of it until I jumped over another pipe and found the goal flag.  I hit the goal and pressed the home button on my Pro Controller.  “Everyone,” I addressed my stream audience.  “I really really have to pee.  I’m going to use the little girl’s room, and we will continue with WORLD 5-2 when I get back.  Okay? I’ll be right back!”

I got up from my seat and Gary looked up and nodded.  “I hope you make it this time, Jill!”

I kept hurrying outside my room and ran towards the bathroom.  I opened the door and closed it behind me.  My pressure on my bladder was intense at this point…  “Please God…” I prayed.

I felt a few drops beginning to drip into my underwear as I pulled my pants down.  I sat on the toilet and heard the rush of pee enter the toilet.  Phew!  I didn’t quite make it but it wasn’t as bad as last time!

About a minute later, I was done peeing.  I finished up and flushed the toilet.  I washed my hands and returned to my room.  I sat down at my desk and I checked out the chat:

GaretheBear:  Okay Jill!

JennyPenny2001:  Hurry Jill!

JtheCalcugamer:  We saw you drink that Mountain Dew like a pro earlier.  Hurry to the bathroom, but take your time after that!

Glytter:  Uh-oh!  I hope that you make it, Jill!

Glytter:  Did she make it?  I hope that she did!  *TinyTrishHopeful emote*

Glytter:  This is not bad for a first stream.  I really like Jill’s personality!  I would like to start designing her emotes, but I need her permission first.

JennyPenny2001:  Do you?  I’m her sister!  Do you want me to ask her?

Glytter:  I can ask her!  I want to talk to her after stream.  Is there a Discord?

GaretheBear:  There IS a Discord for JillianPlays.  The link can be found here [Discord Link] Or, you could just type the command !discord and it will give you the link.

Glytter:  Thanks!  Just clicked on the link and joined the Discord.  I’m going to be lurking now, but still watching.  I’ll be back in a bit…

JillianPlays:  Yes chat!  I did make it to the bathroom!  *pogchamp emote*

Well, that’s all that they really need to know, as I could still feel a slight dampness from those few drops of pee on my underwear that didn’t quite make it into the toilet.  After finishing my response to the chat, I continued the game, starting on WORLD 5-2.  About an hour later, I was on WORLD 8.  Man, were these levels hard!  Even with the rewind, they were really hard. I made another save state and continued.  I went down a pipe, swam through an underwater area, and found a Warp Zone that took me to World…5?  What?!  A warp zone that took you backwards?  How mean can this game be?  I reloaded my save state to restart WORLD 8-1 and took another path to the end of the level.

WORLD 8-2 was tricky.  I kept ending up at the beginning of the level and the wind was annoying.  Eventually, I saw a red koopa paratroopa floating up and down underneath a brick.  I hit the brick and found a beanstalk!  I climbed it up and it took me to the clouds.  This was also where I found the goal of the level!

WORLD 8-3 was a level in the clouds, with some tricky jumps.  After numerous rewinds, I finished it.  That only left one level.  WORLD 8-4.

WORLD 8-4 took a while.  But after I figured out where to go, I found the real Bowser, and killed him with my fireball.  I then saw Princess Toadstool again.

“We did it!” I told the chat.  “The Lost Levels is beat!  For me, it’s the very first time that I have done this!  Now let’s…”

I watched as the screen changed to WORLD 9-1.  Try to do it in one game?  “One game?” I said with a frown.  I then read the chat.

GaretheBear:  One game is one life.  The translation is not very good.

I paused the game as I felt my stomach growling.  “Well, with it being 6:22, we are overdue for a 20 minute break!  Use this break to stretch, eat, and do whatever you need!  We will be back at 6:42!”

I changed to the “We will be right back screen” and added a 20-minute timer so that the audience could see the time remaining until I return to the stream.

Gary and I used this time to stretch and have some pizza rolls that I had in the freezer.  We made about 20 for each of us and we helped ourselves to the hot, savory, pizza-filled goodness.

Gary looked at me and smiled.  “So far, you’re doing pretty well!”

I ate one of my last five pizza rolls and smiled.  “Thanks Gary!  I’m really having fun with the games and the chat.”

“And Glytter!” Gary added.  “What do you think of Glytter, Jill?”

I smiled when Gary brought up that fun user that always had something to say.  There was something different about this user.  Was Glytter a male or a female?  I need to find that out after the break!  “I like Glytter!” I told Gary.  “I don’t know whether Glytter is a he or a she, but we will find that out.  With how often Glytter talks, I want Glytter to be one of my mods.”

Gary nodded and finished his last pizza roll.  “Good call, Jill!  Now, you just have World 9 to play through for the Lost Levels.  There are Worlds A-D, but to unlock them, you need to beat the game 8 times!  Then you need to hold A on the controller and press start on the controller.  If done right, you will start World A!  I think you should at least start The Legend of Zelda after this.  Just start a new game for the stream.”

I nodded.  “Got it!”  I then thought of Worlds A-D.  “Would I be beating this before tomorrow and then start from those Worlds?”

Gary nodded.  “That would make the most sense, instead of making your viewers watch you beat the game 8 times.  Now it would be easier with warps, but that’s still very tedious…”

I glanced at the time and gasped.  “6:40!  We got two minutes!  We’ll finish World 9 and I’ll take a quick bathroom break.  I don’t have to go that bad this time.  Then we’ll start The Legend of Zelda…”

Gary nodded, as I slammed the last pizza roll into my mouth.  We both entered my room as the last minute was counting down.

After it counted down to zero, I changed inputs back to the webcam and the Nintendo Switch.

“Welcome back!” I told my audience, which was still four.  “Are you all ready for WORLD 9?”  I saw yeah’s in the chat.

I played through all of WORLD 9.  It didn’t really take too long, but it was quite weird.  The first two levels were underwater.  The third level was a castle level.  The final level was underwater, with a pattern of coins that I had no clue what it meant.  “What does this mean?” I said with a frown.  I checked the chat.

GaretheBear:  It’s supposed to mean “Arigato!” That’s Japanese for “Thank You!”

Athecalcugamer:  Yeah.  Arigato is Japanese for Thank You.  What they’re basically saying is “Thank you for playing this game”.

Glytter:  What they said!  I don’t know any Japanese.  But wow!  Congratulations for completing this game!

I smiled when I heard this.  “But I’m NOT finished!” I told my chat.  See the title screen?  For each time that I beat the game, I get a new star!  But I need to beat the game eight times to unlock four more worlds!  Now, I’m not going to do this on stream. I will beat the game seven more times off stream and will show you the last four worlds next time.  For the last two hours, I am up for suggestions on what to play next!  I checked the chat:

GaretheBear:  How about The Legend of Zelda?

JtheCalcugamer:  That’s a good one!  Legend of Zelda!

JennyPenny2001:  Legend of Zelda!

Glytter:  Legend of Zelda!  My older sister and I played it a couple of times, but my older brother played it the most!

I glanced at the chat with a puzzled look on my face.  “Glytter,” I addressed the mysterious user.  “I’m actually very curious, but are you male or female?”  Within seconds, I saw Glytter’s reply:

Glytter:  Jill, I am female!  Two X chromosomes!  Been female since the day that God made me!

I smiled when I saw this.  So this Glytter is female?  That makes so much sense now.  That is so cool!  Another girl gamer to talk about gaming!  And yeah.  I am DEFINITELY making Glytter a mod.  I’ll discuss it with her on Discord after stream…  I glanced back at the chat.  “Well, the votes are in and The Legend of Zelda wins by a landslide!”

I exited The Lost Levels and loaded The Legend of Zelda.  “The Legend of Zelda was a game before our time.  It was first released in 1986 on the Famicom Disk System.  A year later, it was released in 1987 on the Nintendo Entertainment System.  It was one of the first open world action adventure game of its kind, and the franchise still survives to this day, with the most recent entry being Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.  Everyone, this is my first ever Legend of Zelda game.  I have no idea what I’m doing so I am going to be getting a lot of help from my friend GaretheBear.  He knows the game and will be helping me when I’m stuck.  So are we ready to get started?  Then let’s go and begin The Legend of Zelda!”

I started a game and named myself Jill in the second file.  I got the sword just like before and spent the remaining two hours going through the first three dungeons.  And that was it.  My first ever JillianPlays stream was coming to an end.

Before I clicked on the red “End Stream” button, I wanted to say my goodbyes to my audience that was still four.  “Thank you all very much for supporting me on my very first stream!  I enjoyed playing through Super Mario Bros., The Lost Levels, and starting on The Legend of Zelda!  I will finish The Lost Levels tomorrow and continue on The Legend of Zelda.  And, who knows?  We’ll get to the easier Super Mario Bros. 2 soon enough!  So to all of you, farewell my JillianPlays fam!  This is JillianPlays saying peace out!  Bye everyone!”  I clicked the “End Stream” button and just like that, my first stream was officially done.

So, my JJ Little Baby Besties, if you thought that you would be seeing thousands of people on the first stream, you thought wrong.  I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but yeah.  My first stream had just my boyfriend, my twin sister, her boyfriend, and a new girl user named Glytter.

So you may think that this chapter is over since the stream is over, but not quite, my JJ Little Fam.  We still need to address my conversation with Glytter.

With the stream over, I went over to Discord.  To my surprise, I already saw a Private Message from Glytter.  I looked at her first message and we began the exchange back and forth:

Glytter:  Hi Jill!

JillianPlays: Hi Glytter!  I just finished the stream so I can talk to you now.  How are you doing?

Glytter:  Great!  I’m actually very tired so we’ll want to make this quick.

JillianPlays:  Oh, we will! I’m pretty tired myself.  I just have a couple of questions.

Glytter:  Certainly Jill!  I would be more than happy to answer them!

JillianPlays.  First of all, how old are you?  I am 21 years old and will be 22 in August.

Glytter:  22?  Is that all?  Jill, I am actually 23 years old.  So, just a little bit older than you.

JillianPlays:  That’s a relief.  I’m trying to keep the demographic about 18 and up, but with a cozy vibe.  No swearing, as I know that’s not good for building an audience.

Glytter:  It isn’t.  I’m glad that you’re choosing not to swear on your stream!  Now, I’m too tired to work on them tonight but I would like to work on your emotes.

JillianPlays:  Yeah.  I saw your comment in the chat.  You can go ahead and make whatever emotes you want of me.  Just try to make them look like me, okay?

Glytter:  Oh, that will be easy. It’s kind of what I do.

JillianPlays:  What job do you have?

Glytter:  I commission various different artwork on DeviantArt.  But that’s not all I do.  Don’t worry about the emotes.  I will do them all for free.  Consider it a service as me contributing to your channel.  So what do you do for a living, Jill?

JillianPlays:  First, I want to hear what else you do.

Glytter:  Well, art is the first thing that I have a passion for. The second thing is fashion.  I like to design cute little outfits that mothers can buy for their little ones.  I have gotten so good at it that I made it into a full blown business on Etsy.  I sew five outfits a day and 10 on the weekends.  That’s 55 outfits that I sell a week to upper class mothers that want their cute little ones in quality clothing.  Now, what do you do?

JillianPlays:  I am actually trying to figure that one out.  I have been applying for anchor jobs since I want to be a news anchor.

Glytter:  I knew it!  The way that you announced everything today sounded so much like a news anchor!

JillianPlays:  Did I sound THAT obvious?  Anyway, I’m trying to find a job in that.  Now, you said that you were tired, but I have one more request.

Glytter:  And what is that, Jill?

JillianPlays:  You were wonderful in the chat today!  How would you like to be one of my mods?

Glytter:  I would be more than happy to, Jill!  I already know what to do, since I’m a mod for TinyTrish.  She’s a little channel that has only 300 followers.  She’s the friend that I mentioned that had an average audience of 15.  Not much to moderate, but I know what to do if there’s trouble.  I’m guessing that you want me to be mod on Discord as well.  I can do that…

JillianPlays:  Thanks Glytter!  Now, we both need to go to bed, so I’ll let you go!  Good night, Glytter!

Glytter:  Good night, Jill!

Now you’re probably wondering, my JJ Besties.  Where is Gary?  Did you ever say goodbye to him?  Well, let’s hit rewind as I talked to Glytter AFTER Gary left!

At the very moment that my stream ended, Gary gave me a big hug.

“You did it, Jill!” Gary shouted.  “Your very first stream!”

I smiled at Gary and smiled.  “I really did.  That was fun!  I could see myself doing this every weekday!”

After that, Gary kissed me goodbye and I began my talk with Glytter.  So yeah.  That was all that happened.

I entered my room and diapered myself again (75 diapers left, thanks to my awesome boyfriend Gary!).  I then  put my Ocean Breeze Joyspun Women’s Short Sleeve T-Shirt and Joggers Pajama set from Walmart on and did my routine before going to bed.  I guzzled my water and laid in my bed, smiling.

As I began to relax again, my bladder began to slowly release.  I felt the warm pee beginning to slowly fill my diaper.  I then thought of the stream today.  That trip to the bathroom was way too close.  How about I just prevent that by wearing diapers during my streams?  I will still allow breaks for my audience, but I will use that break to change into a new diaper.  I’m actually starting to like that idea the more that I think about it.

So with my first stream done, I begin to think of how I could use my extra diapers to help me avoid embarrassment and for convenience during my future streams.  But little did I know how that would backfire so bad.  But before we get to that story, my JJ Little Besties,  it is time that my sister and I pay another visit to Twinsburg, Ohio for the Twins Days Festival.  And with it now being less than a month away, the countdown began for Jen and I.  Just 29 days remained until the Twins Days Festival, and Jen and I could hardly wait.

And at the same time, I could hardly wait to do my second stream tomorrow on Friday…

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13 hours ago, warpiper said:

So good! This is such a treat!

Thanks!  As an update, I'm going to work on Chapter 9 tomorrow.  I actually started this story in October of last year, but do plan on making more consistent progress on it.  I especially want to get Chapter 9 and 10 done, considering what's in store!  😀

On another side note, I just wrote the first chapter of a brand new story so maybe I'll post that in the future...

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11 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Looking forward to her new friend making her lots of cute outfits to play in! 🙂

Stay tuned!  I already have in mind with what's going to happen in the chapters to come.  Now, I'm going to get started on the next chapter.  I'll see where I am by tonight... 😀

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 9A - 4/15/2024)

Chapter 9 : A Twin Festival?

Welcome back, my JJ Little Baby Besties.  Did you have a nice nap?  Or did you sleep well through the night?  Or are you just about to get all cozy for another bedtime story?  If you need a fresh diapey, don’t worry.  I, Miss Jillian, your temporary mommy for the duration of this detailed account of the progression of my diapered life, will patiently wait for you while you get out of that wet and/or messy diapey.  In a fresh diapey now?  Good baby.  Mommy Jill will continue with her story now.

Where we last left off, I officially began my first ever JillianPlays stream on Twitch.  Despite how fun the turnout was, it was a whole lot of fun.  Now I want you to hang on to your diapeys, because I’m going to hit the fast forward button.  We are now 28 days into the future.

I was in my twin sister Jen’s room, where we were both putting on our Wendy Darling costumes.  A blue short sleeved night gown with a blue bow that we each wore in our hair.  We each needed to get our hair cut short to match the same length as her’s.  With my sister being super crazy about the details, we even had our hair dyed to match the same golden-brown color.  From where the bow was tied, seven strands of hair hung behind it, each strand rolled into a perfect curl.  The costumes were perfect, and from all the Wendy cosplays that I saw online, I would have to say that ours was the best.

It was Thursday evening when we had our third and final costume rehearsal.  Both Jen and I would get into our Wendy costumes and style each other’s hair, and then watch the animated Peter Pan one more time.  And with it being the 12th time that we have seen the movie together, I could almost recite every line of the movie by heart.  We would watch the movie, and we would then go off to bed.

Everything was ready to go for the next day.  Our luggage bags sat in the living room, all fully packed.  The plane tickets sat on the kitchen table, along with a detailed itinerary that my sister printed out.  Jen also drew out $1,000, so we each had $500 for spending money.  All that remained was watching the Disney classic one more time before going off to bed.

As Jen was about to play the Peter Pan Blu-Ray (we couldn’t stream it on Disney Plus because they removed the movie for stupid woke reasons), she gave me a quizzical look.  “Um, Jill?” she asked me with a worried look that conveyed a deep level of concern.  “Can you use the bathroom before we start?”

Now there was a reason why Jen’s request was so urgent.  The last time that we watched Peter Pan (which was just four days ago), I forgot to use the bathroom.  In the middle of the movie, I felt my pants getting all warm and moist.  Before I knew it, the couch cushion that I was sitting on was soaked in a puddle of pee, which was quickly soaking into the fabric of the cushion.  With that, my twin sister paused the movie and had me go take a shower and clean up.  While I did this, she began wiping down the cushion.  She then sprayed the cushion with stain remover and sat it out to dry.  Since that incident that evening, my sister made it clear.  I was going to be wearing a diaper for the rest of the movie.  And it was a good thing that I did.  Towards the end of the movie, I had a much smaller accident, which was barely enough for me to even detect that there was any dampness at all in my diaper.

So at my sister’s request to use the bathroom before we started the movie, I gave her an embarrassed nod as I hurried to the bathroom.  I had to pee, but just not really bad.  I sat down on the toilet and after about 15 seconds of peeing, my bladder was empty again.

After I washed my hands and left the bathroom as I let them air dry, I returned to the living room and sat down in the dark living room, where only the faint glow coming from the UHD TV could be seen.  Jen started the movie and began watching Peter Pan for the 12th time.

Now wait a second!  I can tell what you are thinking.  Mommy Jillian, what happened during those 28 days that you skipped?  If it concerns you, my JJ Diapered fam, not to worry.  Mommy Jill has prepared the perfect summary of all the key things that have transpired for the last 28 days.  So pop in that pacie and enjoy this wonderful recap.

For day two of the stream, it was pretty much more of the same.  I didn’t get any new followers or subscribers but I had the same audience.  GaretheBear, JtheCalcugamer, JennyPenny2001, and Glytter all watched me finish Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels) and complete three more dungeons in The Legend of Zelda.  From my close call with the bathroom yesterday, I decided to wear diapers during my streams.  During my first break, I changed into a new diaper before returning to my bedroom.  With this new schedule, I was now fully diapered for the rest of the day after starting my streams.

But this also meant that I was going through a lot more diapers.  With the diapers originally intended for nighttime use, I was now using them out of convenience for my streams, before changing into my nightly one for bedtime.  Having done the math, I was now going through 19 diapers per week.  Getting back to the stream, Glytter didn’t quite have my emotes done, but promised that they would be finished by Monday.

Sure enough, Monday came and the emotes were finished as promised.  While my emote library could hold a maximum of 35 emotes and 5 animated slots, Glytter managed to complete five emotes to start me off.  These emotes included JillianHopeful, JillianYAY, JillianHug, JillianCry, and JillianVictory.  Each emote portrayed a cartoon image of me portraying the expression based on the emote’s name.  For next week’s batch of new emotes, Glytter promised me my first animated emote.  After streams, I spent some time trying to figure out what subs to categorize each emote in for my emote library. 

With me wearing diapers a lot more often, it has become increasingly more difficult to control the function of my bladder.  On Sundays and all during the week before my streams, I could only hold in my bladder for about an hour before I had an accident, so trips to the bathroom were a lot more frequent.  After an embarrassing trip to 7-Eleven for Slurpee Day, both Jen and I agreed.  From that point on, I would need to wear diapers in public, making long dresses or baggy jeans a must to hide my diaper. 

The Infamous 7-11 accident happened on a day that Jen decided to work from home.  She took a break for us to get our Slurpees and spend an hour at King of Prussia mall.  Jen and I had to use the bathroom before we started to look around for clothes at different stores.  Before we could even enter the bathroom, I couldn’t hold it anymore.  From all that I drank from the Slurpee, I felt my pants getting warm as the pee ran down my legs and formed a puddle right outside the bathrooms.  To avoid any further embarrassment from all who saw this act, Jen quickly took me into a family bathroom (More privacy! Thank goodness!) and had me wait there while she bought me a new panty, a new pair of pants, and a new graphic tee.  About 25 minutes later, she came back with my new clothes and a plastic bag where she stuffed in all the clothes that I pissed on.  But that didn’t help my self-esteem.  For the rest of the trip home, I was crying my eyes out while my sister glanced at me with compassion.  From her facial expression, I knew that she wanted to hug me, but she couldn’t because she was driving me home.

During the next four weekends, Gary took me out on dates every Saturday. I kept my promise with him to stay diapered while we were dating.  During the first weekend, Gary bought me three more bags of Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs.  That’s 96 more diapers now.  During the four weeks of my July dates with Gary, I only managed to make it to the toilet two times.  Both of those times were at his house, but I have found over the past month that my ability to control my bladder was getting much worse.

While we’re on the topic of bladder control, I noticed something even worse going on.  During a lot of my streams, I get so focused on my game that I end up peeing my diaper without even knowing.  I couldn’t tell you any instance when the accident actually happened.  All I know is that I always have to check my diaper during the breaks and I found that it is soaked every time.  At this point, I considered trying to re-potty train myself, but I dismissed the thought for now, as Twins Days was growing ever closer with each day.

One thing that I can be grateful for is that my bowels were still functioning properly.  During my new shift to wearing diapers more often, all of my poops are still in the toilet.

So what about searching for a job?  At that point in my Twitch career, Twitch just wasn’t paying the bills. All during the days, my first job was to find a job.  Every week, I submitted new applications for anchor positions around Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, and the large metro area surrounding New York City.  And during that whole month, I wasn’t scheduled for a single interview.  So while I did my first job, my fun Twitch job continued after work hours.

And how was my “second” job going?  Over the whole month, I managed to play most of the classic Nintendo games that would be recommended to someone who has never played video games before.  After completing around 20 games, I started playing some Switch games that my sister had in her catalogue.  I fell in love with Animal Crossing: New Horizons and dedicated an hour of my stream to the game every day.  I can see why my sister loves the character Isabelle so much.  She’s such an adorable dog.  While I was having fun, my Twitch career was still a no-go.  11 new followers during my second week.  12 new followers during my third week.  Eight new followers during my fourth week.  And 0 new followers during this week.  Altogether, I only had 15 subscribers during my first month, and they were all Tier 1, since this was the only option, and I didn’t have Tier 2 and Tier 3 emotes available yet.  And I made a whopping $37.43 for July.  Strike that.  During week four, someone donated 10,000 bits to my channel.  Since Twitch keeps 50% of all earned bits, that’s another 50 bucks.  I better get that day job. 

During those weeks, I started to get to know Glytter more, and she gave me 15 more emotes and 3 animated emotes.  This gave me a total of 20 out of 35 emotes and 3 out of 5 animated emotes.  The 15 additional slots included JillianIceCream, JillianRage, Jillian100 (me holding a yellow 100), JillianLOL,  JillianHangry, JillianSmile, JillianMario (an animated me wearing a Mario hat), JillianGasp, JillianNO (me closing my eyes in defeat), JillianFriendship (me looking forward with open arms), JillianAnchor (me dressed up like a news anchor), JillianSnack (me holding a dorito), JillianSip (me holding my mouth to a can of Mountain Dew), JillianTaco (me holding a taco), and JillianSecret (Me holding a golden key).  The three animated emotes included JillianPOP (a looping animation of me opening my mouth showing a wide and exaggerated circle), JillianDance (a looping animation of me shaking my waist back and forth with my eyes closed), and JillianCheer (a looping animation of me alternating my two hands up and down dressed up as a cheerleader).  Nobody had any access to these new emotes, as I was still trying to determine what Sub Tiers to assign each of the emotes to.  This would be figured out after Jen and I come back from the Twins Days Festival.

And after yesterday’s stream, Glytter finally gave me her cellphone number and I exchanged mine with her as well.  Among one of the things that that Glytter has revealed to me, her real name is Alyssa Glynnda Evans.  From her middle name, I can see where “Glytter” came from.  Since we have exchanged numbers, I have not received a call from Glytter yet.

For my job search today (August 3rd), I came across an open anchor position right in downtown Philadelphia.  When I googled the location, I just couldn’t believe it.  The news station was only eight city blocks north of Metro City Apartments (AKA home of the Jenners Twins).  I could almost walk to this job as this was less than a mile away.  It was CBS Philadelphia, and they were looking for an evening news anchor.  I made no hesitation in applying for this job.  I emailed my polished résumé with my best credentials: Cover letter, references, letters of recommendation, and work samples from my internship in Cleveland.  I then crossed my fingers, hoping that I could get this job.

And with that, there’s really not much more to say about what happened over the last month, besides Jen and I getting ready for the Twins Days Festival.  All the matching outfits that we bought and the Wendy costume that my sister has been working so hard on.  And not to mention all the numerous evenings that we spent watching Peter Pan (which would be late at night before bed on stream nights).  This morning, I packed everything that I would need for Twins Days.  Since I probably needed more diapers than just the ones that I wore at night, I would be needing a separate luggage bag just to hold all of my diapers.  Fortunately, Jen had an extra luggage bag for me to use.  Having done the math, I would be needing at least 3-4 diapers per day for this trip.  That would be Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, when we were coming back to Philadelphia.  To be safe, I packed 16 diapers just in case I had any additional accidents.

When I was about to pack some of my panties in my clothes luggage, Jen gave me a funny look.

“Jill,” she said, picking up one of my Victoria Secret panties.  “Are you really going to be wearing underwear there?  With you mostly wearing diapers there, I really don’t think this is a good idea.  What if you have another accident?”

I grabbed the panty from my sister and put it back in the bag. I then blushed.  “It’s just an afterthought.  If I have just one accident, I promise that I’ll be wearing diapers the rest of the time there!”

Jen sighed.  “Okay.  I really don’t want you to humiliate yourself there, but I can’t stop you.  Just know that you are going to wear a diaper on the airplane!”

I laughed at my sister’s recommendation.  “Duh…” I could still freshly remember the embarrassing accident that I had while flying to Cleveland more than a month ago.

For my clothes bags, I packed five outfits.  I would be wearing the sixth one tomorrow morning, when my sister and I went to the airport.  All of them were different colored crop tops with different colored knee-length skirts.  My sister and I decided on this, since I needed a skirt long enough to hide my diaper.

For pajamas, my sister bought a Joyspun Women’s Short Sleeve T-Shirt and Joggers Pajama set from Walmart that matched mine.  We each had two sets of the same pajamas to save on luggage.  To further save on luggage, I had my sister pack all my bras with her bras.  She will also be packing both of the costumes but held off since she wanted to do one more costume rehearsal with the movie.  She also packed a couple of swimsuits in case that we had time to use the pool.  I likely wouldn’t use the pool, since I didn’t want to risk accidentally peeing in it.  So altogether, between our clothes and toiletries, Jen had two suitcases with a large backpack purse for carryon and I had two suitcases with a large backpack purse for carryon (that Gary just bought me on our last July date.  Thanks Gary!).  Jen had all my bras, pajamas, swimsuit, and Twins Days Festival costume for Saturday. 

My backpack purse had all the normal cosmetics, plus four diapers (a day’s worth).  Jen advised me to pack baby powder less than 12 ounces for carryon, or the powder could be confiscated by TSA.  To meet TSA guidelines, I packed a 5-ounce container of Caldesene Baby Corn Starch powder with a small pack of wipes.  Substances like creams were also not allowed by the TSA, so I couldn’t have anything like Aquaphor or Desitin unless it was in a checked luggage bag.  The larger pack of wipes, along with my Aquaphor and larger container of baby powder was in my checked luggage with all of my other diapers. 

So, my JJ Little Besties, was that a good enough recap for you?  You’re welcome.  With all of the recap and preparations that I mentioned, we can now finally return to the present, where Jen and I were watching Peter Pan for the 12th time.

Jen and I watched the entire movie.  I had to pee again but was fortunately able to hold it this time.  After the movie was over, I hurried to the bathroom to pee.  I then went to my room to get ready for bed.  I diapered myself again (now very much used to it at this point) and put a T-shirt on over my bra and pajama bottoms.  Thanks to Gary keeping me plenty stocked, I had 95 diapers left (74 if you count all the diapers that I packed, including the one I will be wearing to the airport tomorrow morning).  My diaper rustled against the cotton fabric in my pajama bottoms.  I heard the loud crinkling as I quietly paced outside my room, my diaper being louder than my gentle steps.

I entered my sister’s bathroom where I saw my sister in just her bra and pajama bottoms.  She immediately turned her face as the loud crinkle of my diaper announced my arrival.  Jen smiled and patted my pajama bottoms to hear the soft pat from my diaper.  I gave her a grimace.

She then gave me a hug. “Sorry Jill.  Just messing with you.  It’s a love pat!  We’re twins.  We’re best friends.  It’s the best friendship anyone could have.  And we get to celebrate it tomorrow.  Aren’t you excited?”

I nodded.  “I am.  I just wanted to say goodnight.”

Jen held up an electric toothbrush that had a glob of toothpaste on it.  “Good night, Jilly Bean!”

I tapped my finger on my sister’s nose and smiled. “Good night, Jenny Penny!”

Jen brushed her teeth, and I left her bedroom.

I then entered my bedroom and shut off the lights. I then got underneath the covers of my queen size bed.  I closed my eyes and smiled, looking forward to the start of Twins Days Festival tomorrow…

I awoke to a very loud alarm at 4:50 in the morning.  From what Jen told me yesterday, Gary would be riding with Joey and taking us to the airport at 5:50 AM sharp, since our flight departs at 8:20 AM at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), and it is recommended that we get to the airport two hours before our flight departs.

Full of excitement with what this day has to offer, I quickly got up and made my bed.  I then entered the bathroom and took a quick shower.  I wrapped a towel around my waist and around my breasts and went back into my bedroom.  Instead of putting on my panties, I grabbed the diaper that I had sitting on the floor the night before and powdered it before diapering myself.  It felt strange putting on a diaper in the morning instead of my panties that I was so used to wearing after getting ready in the morning.  I put on my bra and then the clothes that both Jen and I agreed upon for this day:  a white crop top, a black knee-length skirt, a pair of Champion white low-cut socks, and a pair of Grey New Balance 993 Sneakers.

I left my room and waited for my sister to finish showering and dressing up.  About a minute later, I saw Jen walking out of her bedroom wearing the same exact outfit as me.

“Good morning, Jill.” My sister Jen said with a smile.  She then gave me a teasing stare.  “Oh Jill!  You’re dressed in the same outfit as me?”

I understood the joke immediately and humored her.  “But you’re wearing the same outfit as me!  Even our shoes and socks match!”  I felt around the butt of my skirt to feel the soft padding of my diaper and gave it a soft pat.  “Wait.  Are you wearing a diaper too?”  I walked over and patted my sister in the behind, but all I felt was cotton.  There was no padding.

“Not exactly, Jill!” Jen grinned.  She gave me a playful shove and laughed.  “I don’t need to wear a diaper under my skirt.  Everything that is visible is supposed to match.”

I nodded and glanced down at my bust.  “Are you wearing the same bra as me?”

“Nope!” Jen said with a laugh.  “Our bras are underneath our crop tops.  Everything visible, you silly goose.”

I then shot Jen a double take.  “Wait!  Could we be…twins?”

Now Jen was having a riot.  Her smile widened as her eyes conveyed a look of sarcasm.  “Oh, I don’t know Jill!  Us?  Twins?  It doesn’t seem very likely.”

That did it.  Our cheeks both reddened as we burst into laughter.

“You better watch out,” I warned my sister, still laughing.  “You’re not wearing a diaper.”

This made Jen laugh even harder.

“Jill…” Jen said, her eyes starting to water from all the laughter.  “I have never peed myself from laughing too hard…”

Our fit of laughter was interrupted when I heard two knocks on the apartment door.  We both shouted the names of our boyfriends at exactly the same time.

“Gary!” I shouted.

“Joey!” Jen shouted.

“They’re here!” we both shouted at the same time.

We both grabbed the handle of the door at the same time and opened the door.

I glanced at Gary and saw him darting his eyes back and forth.

“Wait!” Gary said with a smile.  “Which one is Jill?”

Joey sighed.  “You’re right! I can’t tell who Jen is!”

We both gave playful jabs to our boyfriends.

“Gary…” I said with a smile.  “Come on.  You know I’m Jen.”

“Then I got the wrong one!” Gary said, maintaining the smirk on his face.  He then began to laugh and dropped the act.  “Jill, you look nice…”

“What about me?” Jen asked in a tone that indicated that she was obviously joking.

Joey gave both Jen and I a look of approval.  “You both look very nice.  Just like twins!”

Jen nodded and looked at her cell phone.  “5:32. We got about 15 minutes!”

During the next five minutes, both my sister and I finished doing each other’s hair.  We each had our hair French braided into two short pigtails.  Both Gary and Joey gave us the thumbs up when our hair styles perfectly matched.

With 10 minutes left, we all walked over to the table, and each grabbed a luggage bag.  Both Jen and I each put our backpack purses on, and Jen grabbed the plane tickets and the itinerary before we all exited the apartment.

On our way down to the parking deck, Gary tapped my backpack purse, which just so happened to be the exact same one as Jen’s.  “What do you think?  Do you think it will come in handy?”  He leaned down and whispered into my ear.  Jill, I know how much more frequent your accidents are becoming.  I figured that this would make it a lot easier to handle them.  Plus, your bag matches your sister’s!

Joey caught notice of Gary glancing at my backpack purse.  “Wow!  A matching purse! Who could’ve planned something like that?”  Joey winked his eye at Gary, who winked back.

“Thanks.” Gary said to Joey, giving him a fist bump.

We made our way to Joey’s car.  I looked at it and gasped.  “Another Mercedes?”

Joey nodded.  “Not just any Mercedes.  A white Mercedes-Maybach GLS SUV.  Got it in May as an early birthday gift from my father.”

My jaw dropped.  “Is your dad loaded?  I know that Gary’s uncle is…”

Joey and Jen exchanged glances.  Joey then looked back at me.  “In a way he is.  But it wasn’t his own money.”

“Then whose money is it?”

“Inheritance.” Both Joey and Jen said at exactly the same time.

Joey nodded.  “My grandfather was wealthy, and he sadly passed away in April.  Compared to what he inherited, this toy is just pocket change.  Plus, it’s not his own money.  He would never buy something that expensive with his own money.  It was a very special early birthday gift given to me right after my grandfather’s passing…”

“And at the same dealership.” Jen added.  “We both got our cars on the same day.”

The conversation continued as we packed everything into the Maybach.  Joey and Gary got in the front of the SUV, while Jen and I rode in the back.

As the SUV made its way down Eastbound I-76, I gasped.

Jen gave me the look and glanced down at my skirt.  “Is there something wrong, Jill?”  She gently whispered into my ear.  Did you have an accident?”

I shook my head.

Gary looked back at me.  “Maybe she forgot something back at the apartment.  Should we turn back?”

All eyes were now on me.  Neither answer was correct.  I came to the realization that I forgot to tell Jen about the job that I applied for yesterday.  My anxious face became a smile.  “Jen,” I announced.  “I forgot to tell you that I applied for a job yesterday.”

Jen nodded.  “A job?  I’m listening, Jill…”

I beamed, as I continued explaining the job in detail.  “It was for an evening news anchor for CBS Philadelphia.”

Jen’s jaw dropped.  “CBS Philadelphia?!  Jill!  That studio is right downtown!  You wouldn’t even have to drive there!”

Joey smiled, sharing the same excitement that was clearly visible in Jen’s eyes.   He then glanced at me.  “That’s great to hear! So, when’s the interview?”

I frowned.  “I just applied for the position yesterday.  I wasn’t scheduled for an interview yet!”

“Okay.” Joey said.  “That’s skill good news.  I’ll be praying that things go in your favor!”

Jen placed her two hands on my arm.  “That is such good news, Jill!  I will definitely be praying…”

Gary nodded.  “Yeah.  We all hope you get it!”

After giving them the good news about the interview, the conversation died out to just a quiet discussion between Joey and Gary.  Most of the discussion had to do with the latest video games and their plans for the weekend after dropping us off at the airport.

The faint and quiet hum of the car made me fall asleep a couple times.  Jen was kind enough to let me nod off instead of jolting me back awake.

Finally, something forced me awake.  Joey was getting off at the exit that went to Philadelphia International Airport.  Exit 347A.

The route continued down PA-291.  We crossed the George C. Platt Memorial bridge.

A couple minutes later, we were at the airport.  We all got out of the Maybach.  Both Joey and Gary helped Jen and I with our luggage and we walked in towards Airport Terminal A.

I hugged Gary and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I kissed Gary back and smiled.

“Take plenty of pictures!” Gary said with a smile.  “I hope that you find your new purse to be helpful!”

I smiled, wishing that I could just remain in Gary’s embrace forever.  “I will!  Both Jen and I will!”

Meanwhile, my sister was enjoying her last moments with Joey before saying goodbye to him.  By her timing, it looked like we both finished our goodbyes at the same time.

The white Mercedes-Maybach GLS SUV drove off, leaving both me and Jen outside the entrance to Terminal A at Philadelphia International Airport.  We both smiled as our twin adventure was about to begin.

We both walked to the American Airlines kiosk to check in our four bags of luggage.  I gave the woman clerk my two bags and Jen provided her with her two bags.  While Jen was paying for the four bags by credit card, I glanced at the boarding pass that Jen gave me.  Our flight was AAL1557.  A nonstop flight leaving Philadelphia International Airport at 8:20 AM and arriving at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at 9:58 AM.   The plane that we would be riding in for this flight is an Embraer ERJ-175 jet, and I would be sitting in Seat 16F in the Main Cabin.  Jen would be sitting in Seat 16D, right next to me.  Since I am wearing a diaper, both Jen and I agreed that it would make more sense to have her sit in the aisle seat so it would give her easy access to the bathroom in the back of the plane more than seven rows back.

A gentle nudge on my shoulders was an indication from Jen that she was finished paying for the checked bags.  We both walked towards the TSA checkpoint, backpack purses on our backs.  Despite it being just 6:18 in the morning, the line was still pretty busy for a Friday morning.  About half of the people in line were dressed in business attire.  The other half had a few elderly people, with a few young families with their children.  One of them was a mother that was wheeling their little baby girl in a stroller.  The girl looked totally out of it, wrapped in a blanket as the line slowly inched forward.

After waiting in the line for almost a half hour, it was both Jen and I’s turn to go through the TSA checkpoint.  A different woman that I didn’t recognize was pointing to a tray.  Since I was wearing a skirt, all of my belongings were in my backpack purse.  They then had me set my backpack purse on the conveyor belt, while I walked to the other side. My sister Jen did the same thing with her belongings.  To my relief, the woman never made a single question about the contents of my belongings in my backpack purse.  The belongings that I had in the smaller pouch of my backpack purse included my phone, my wallet, and a couple of stray retractable pens, and sticky notes incase I wanted to think of any other game ideas for my streaming channel during our more than an hour and a half trip to Cleveland.  I grabbed my backpack purse when it came through the other side of the conveyor.  A few seconds later, Jen picked up her backpack purse.  We walked forward into Terminal A.

I looked at my clock again.  It was 6:54 AM.  I let out a small yawn, as I still felt tired from waking up so early in the morning.

As we walked through the terminal looking for our gate, we received a lot of looks from different people around the airport.  Airport staff and various passengers all giving us positive remarks of how fascinating we were.  They found it fascinating to see a pair of twins both dressed in exactly the same outfit from head to toe and carrying the same purses on our backs.  A number of them have asked us what the occasion was to which we gave the same response:  “We’re going to the Twins Days Festival in Twinsburg, Ohio.”  This usually resulted in a few quick exchanges before we had to bid them farewell.

Jen and I found the gate where our flight would be taking off.  A4. We sat down in some nearby chairs and talked about Twins Days for the next hour.  During this time, we both got a group text from Tina and Trisha, the twins that we met in Twinsburg about a month ago.  They mentioned that they were with their boyfriends and that they couldn’t pick us up (This was not an issue since my sister already had another rental).  They told us that registration began at 2:00 at Twinsburg High School and to look for them.

At around 7:46, I felt a loud rumble in my stomach.  I turned my face to my sister and groaned. “I’m hangry.” I told her.  “Are you?”

Just then, I heard a growl come from Jen’s stomach.  “Yes Jill.  I’m a little hungry myself.  Why don’t we get some breakfast at Dunkin’?”

I nodded, as a feeling of delight came over my face.  “Let’s get the sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich again and see who can finish it first!”

Jen gave me what I could interpret to be a competitive smile and nodded.  “You’re on!  I let you have the last round but you’re going down this time!”

Both Jen and I got in the short line at Dunkin’ and waited for a few minutes.  The people behind us and in front of us also gave us positive remarks on the way we were dressed.  A young man in glasses with his wife, who also wore glasses wanted a quick picture with us, so we took it.  The one lone middle-aged woman behind us volunteered to take the picture.  We thanked them and continued forward in the line.

Both Jen and I got a sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich and our Dunkin’ mocha espressos.  I made mine a large and Jen almost got a medium, but I talked her into a large.  My rule for the weekend was that we order exactly the same thing.

We took our food and drinks back to a set of seats near gate A4.  The competition began, both of us holding our sandwiches in our hands.  After the count of three, it began.  We both ate our sandwiches, taking very generous bites.  Jen seemed to be swallowing her food a little faster so I picked up my pace.  But it was too late.  As I was beginning to take my second to last bite, Jen placed the last bite in her mouth.  She swallowed the sandwich just as I put the last bite in my mouth.  She opened her mouth wide with an “ahhh’, indicating that there wasn’t a single piece of food left to chew.

“I win!” Jen said, smiling.

I swallowed my last bite of breakfast sandwich and gave her a sigh of defeat.  “You win this round,” I told her, giving her my most competitive face.

But it was all in fun.  Both Jen and I laughed, and then glanced at our mocha espressos.  We flipped the lids on the hot coffees and began sipping.  I winced as I felt the sting on my tongue from the coffee.  Still too hot.

About 5 minutes later, our flight began boarding.  When it got to our turn, both Jen and I boarded the plane.

We walked through the passenger boarding bridge and got onto the airplane.  As we walked down the aisle, I saw a few babies already sitting in their mother’s laps.  I glanced at both my coffee that I was holding and my knee-length skirt, knowing that I shared something in common with the babies that were sitting there.  When I sit down and drink my coffee, I am going to fill my pants, while I watch my twin sister squirm and hurry to a bathroom.

Both Jen and I found 16D and 16F.  I made myself comfortable in my window seat, hearing a noticeable crinkle as I sat down.

Jen’s eyes darted towards me and she smiled, as I could only guess that she heard the same sound that I did.  She glanced at me and whispered.  No accidents this time…”

I nodded and tested the temperature of the coffee again.  It was slightly hotter than warm, so I began gulping down the rest of my mocha espresso.  I could taste the chocolatey syrup as I got to the bottom of the cup.

Jen, on the other hand, took careful sips from her cup while I kept tapping my empty cup to rub it in.  “Jill, I know what you are trying to do.  If I drink this entire cup before we take off, I am going to have to pee so bad.  You don’t want to see me have an accident, do you?” She gave me a playful face that indicated that she was only joking with me.

About 10 minutes later, the plane began taxiing away from the gates and awaited its turn in the queue for the runway that it would be taking off from.  A few minutes later, the plane began picking up speed.  Faster and faster it went, before it defeated the laws of gravity. My ears started to pop as the altitude continued to increase.

About 20 minutes later, I was hit with a very sharp sensation in my bladder.  There was no way that I could hold it in for an hour this time.  From my last bladder failure, I could only hold it in for 40 minutes now.

With it just being 30 minutes, I could feel an intense warmth in my diaper as it began to swell and expand between my legs.  After about 25 seconds, it was over.  I grinned, now sitting in a very warm, wet, and squishy diaper.

With the kind of face that Jen saw from me, she knew exactly what just happened.  She whispered to me again.  “I hope that doesn’t happen again or you may have a leak.”  She then pointed to her coffee, which looked to be two-thirds full.

I slouched a little, feeling the squishiness in my diaper.  From my past experience with wearing diapers more often for the past month, I knew that my diaper could still hold at least another small wetting or two.

My sister began looking at her cellphone while I got out my portable earbuds and began playing a playlist on Spotify.  I listened to a few Muse songs.  In the middle of the last song, I could feel my diaper getting warm once again.  But it was only for a few seconds.

Over the next hour, my bladder automatically operated itself on autopilot.  It made several small trickles, which still wasn’t enough for the diaper to leak.

I then glanced at my sister, who I noticed had an uncomfortable look on her face.  She was starting to squirm and from the faded outline of her cup, it looked like she had only finished about three quarters of her coffee.

She unbuckled her seatbelt, from which I could only draw one conclusion.  She was not going to be able to make it to the bathroom after we landed.  It had to be now, or I would be seeing my twin sister piss herself.

The urgency filled my sister’s face as she leapt up from her seat and made a swift pace towards the back of the plane.

A look of concern came over my face.  Is Jen going to make it?  Will she be having an accident?

A couple minutes later, my sister returned to her seat.  From what I saw, she was completely dry.  There were no stains of pee running down the legs of her skirt.  Meanwhile, I felt another brief period of warmth in my diaper.  At this point, I didn’t know if it was a good idea for me to wear panties to Twinsburg High School.  Was it worth the risk to see numerous sets of twins all stare at me while I piss myself?

Within the next 10 minutes, the plane began its final descent onto the runway of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.  The plane touched down smoothly and began decelerating before it taxied towards the various passenger boarding bridges that connected to the gates.

As the plane was finishing its connection to the bridge, I reached under my skirt and felt my diaper.  It was very soaked at this point.  I just knew that the bathroom was the first place that I would be stopping at after I got off the plane.

We both stood up and awaited our turn to get off the plane.  Jen showed me her coffee, which had just a couple sips left.  She sipped the remaining lukewarm drops and resealed the top.

After walking down the passenger boarding bridge, we exited through gate C8.  From just walking from the plane to the gate, I felt a heavy sag in my diaper.  I glanced at my sister, and she knew exactly what I wanted without me saying a word.

“I kind of have to go, too.” Jen told me.  “Let’s use the bathroom.”

We entered the women’s bathroom, and I found a handicap stall that happened to be vacant.  I entered and locked the stall. I then placed my backpack purse on the floor. I unzipped the main pouch and pulled out a plastic bag.  I reached underneath my skirt and undid my diaper.  I wadded it up and stuffed it in the plastic bag.  I got out some baby wipes and began wiping the dried pee off myself.  I got out a new diaper and unfolded it.  I sat it above the toilet and sprinkled some Caldesene Baby Corn Starch powder on it.  I then sprinkled a little in my hands and began rubbing it around my diaper area.  I pressed the diaper against the wall and my butt against the diaper and proceeded to diaper myself while standing up.  Having done this a few times at the mall on my dates with Gary, I was starting to get good at this.  I tied up the plastic bag and zipped it back inside my backpack purse.

After the diaper change, I washed my hands and dried them off with paper towels.  My sister, who was already done, was standing outside of the bathroom, waiting.

We then went to the baggage claim and found our luggage bags.  I checked the cell phone.  It was now 11:17 AM.  It would still be a little more than two hours before registration began at Twinsburg High School.

We left the airport with our bags and found the same rental place as before.  The car that we ended up with was not a Chrysler Pacifica this time, but a red Toyota Camry SE.  Jen checked the mileage and took a picture of it with her cellphone.  She also took a picture of the fuel level and the range (which read 412 miles).

We placed our four checked bags into the trunk and sat our backpack purses in the back seat.  Jen got in the car and drove away from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE).  We took Eastbound I-480 for about half an hour before getting off on Exit 36 for East Aurora Road.  After turning onto the road, the hotel was at the very next intersection.  Jen turned the Camry onto Wilcox Drive and we drove down the road, which led to the Hilton Garden Inn.  She found a good parking spot and we got out of the car.

Jen and I unloaded the trunk, and we took our luggage into the hotel.  As we neared the entrance, I could see a few sets of twins all standing outside and having casual conversations.

Once in the lobby, the check in line wasn’t too long. Just a couple of sets of twins in front of us.

It was now 12:06 PM.  I glanced at the set of twins standing in front of us.  They were two petite Asian women, that stood a little shorter than us.

“Hi!” I said with a smile.  “I’m Jill.”

“And I’m Jen.” My sister added.  “What are your names?”

The first one pointed to herself and smiled.  “I’m Libby.”

“I’m Lucy.” The second twin answered.  “Is this your first time?”

We both nodded.

“It’s our third time.” Libby told us.  “You are going to just love it.  Registration is at the high school.  You know how to get there, right?”

Both my sister and I smirked.

“Yes.” Jen told her.  “Both Jill and I were here a month ago to help her move out of her apartment in Cleveland.  We had some extra time to kill so we decided to visit Twinsburg…”

At this point, it was now Libby and Lucy’s turn to check in.  Libby turned around and smiled.  “See you both at the high school!”

After Libby and Lucy finished checking in, Jen had us checked in.  The receptionist gave Jen two room keys.  Jen gave one of them to me.  When I looked at the sleeve, I saw that we would be staying in room 506.

We wheeled both of our luggage bags behind us and entered the elevator that was nearby.  I pressed the 5 button and the elevator door closed.  From the way that the elevator moved, I could tell that it was pretty old and clunky.  It was nothing like the brand-new elevator that was at Metro City Apartments back in Philadelphia.

The elevator door opened, and we both walked down the hallway to find our room.  We found room 506 and Jen used her card key against the reader.  The light flashed and the door unlocked.

We entered the room to find two nice queen-sized beds, prepared just for us.  There was a desk, a refrigerator, plus a Keurig coffee maker.  All the standard amenities that you would find in a hotel room.

I looked at my cell phone and frowned.  12:21 PM.  We still had another hour and a half.

Within the next 45 minutes, I settled into my room.  I unpacked a few of my outfits and put them in the drawers provided in the room.  For the Wendy Darling costume, Jen hung both of our costumes on hangers in the closet.  I got out my cell phone and let it charge for about a half hour.  My twin sister Jen, too, had a lot of her things all organized where she wanted them.

After that half hour, I pulled open the drawer and grabbed one of my two panties that I brought with me.  Jen gave me a frown as if to say that I shouldn’t be putting them on as I would risk embarrassment at the high school.

I pulled my cell phone off its charger and placed it in my right hand.  I then walked towards the bathroom with the panties in one hand and cell phone in the other.

Jen looked back at me, shaking her head.  “Jill, you are going to have an accident if you put those panties on.  I am not saying this to be mean, but you have had a terrible track record within the last few weeks.  And the worst of that track record was within the last week.  I am only looking out for you, and I don’t want you to embarrass yourself.”

I shook my head and I continued towards the bathroom with my panties.  “Just let me wear them.  If I have an accident, then I will wear my diapers for the rest of the festival.”

Jen gave me a reluctant nod.  “Go ahead then.  I don’t know when the accident will happen, but I know that it will happen.  Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” She picked up the other pair of panties out of the drawer.  She looked at them and laughed.  “And I don’t know why you packed two.  You will not even be using it.”

I proceeded into the bathroom and closed the door.  Before I removed my diaper, I sat my cell phone and panties on the floor and lifted a little bit of my skirt above my waist to check the wetness indicator on my diaper.  It was halfway between yellow and blue.  I removed both tabs of my diaper and let it fall to my feet.  I sat on the toilet and my cell phone began to vibrate against the tiled floor.  I checked the caller ID.  It was Glytter.

As I reached down to pick up my phone, I could hear a few trickles of pee beginning to enter the toilet without any conscious effort.  That accident in the toilet was not considered “peeing”, as I made no effort to concentrate and focus my bladder muscles on releasing the pee into the toilet.  It happened without my prompting.  I swiped the answer button and put it on speaker.  “Hello?”

“Hi Jill!  It’s Glytter!”

“Is that really you?  I thought you had a daughter answer the phone.”

I could hear laughter on the other end.  “No Jill.  I already told you.  I’m a dwarf, so my voice sounds very high-pitched.”

I gasped in disbelief upon hearing the tiny voice speaking to me.  “Like a child’s?”

“Yes Jill.  I have had to live with my dwarfism my entire life.  I just wanted to call you to see if you have settled into your room.  Are you enjoying it in Twinsburg?”

I heard a few more trickles of pee come out of the toilet without my prompting.  “Yes.  My sister and I will be registering at the high school at 2:00.  We’ll keep you updated on all the details.”  I looked at the diaper that was laying on the floor.  Despite me getting to know Glytter a little more, she still doesn’t know about me wearing diapers and the recent issues that I have been experiencing with my worsening bladder control over the past month.

“Sounds good, Jill.  I have a few more ideas for additional emotes, but I will not be sending them to you until you have more of an audience.  I’m guessing that you’ll be sorting all the emotes for all the sub tiers in your emote library when you get back?”

I nodded.  “Yes.  It’s definitely my plan to do that after the Twins Days Festival.”  I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and another burst of pee came flooding out, followed by just occasional drops.

“Okay.  I’ll let you go so that you can enjoy Twins Days with your twin sister.  Have fun!”

I nodded. “I will!”

“Bye Jill!”

“Bye Glytter!”

I hung up, and checked between my legs to see if I was still peeing.  With no drops, I stood up from the toilet and wiped myself with a few squares of toilet paper.  I then grabbed the panties.  I pulled them up through my legs and past my ankles until they were snugly around my waist.  I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.  I checked the time.  12:59 PM.  One hour left.

About 25 minutes later, Jen suggested that both her and I go to the high school early.  So far, my panties felt dry.  I don’t know what my bladder problem was, but I couldn’t concentrate or focus my bladder muscles during that moment on the toilet.  Either I’m able to hold it right now or I don’t have any urge to pee at the moment.  We both grabbed our room keys with our backpack purses and left the room.

We left the hotel in a red Toyota Camry and drove down Aurora Road to the high school.  Having been to Twinsburg a month ago, we knew where we were going.  We took the shortcut through the Twin Hills Highway and then a left onto Ravenna Road.  When we got to the high school, we turned left onto the Joshua T. Miktarian Memorial Parkway.  We pulled into the parking lot and park our car.

We got out and grabbed our backpack purses.  Just as we were leaving the car, we saw a white Toyota Camry XLE parking in a spot next to us.  I kept walking forward when I heard my sister shouting.  “Jill!  Look!”

I turned around and I saw two guys standing in front of their car, taking selfies.  They both wore red sunglasses and were dressed in red tank tops with red tennis shoes with laces and one Velcro strap at the bottom.

I nodded.  “Let’s just get in line.  We’ll see them soon enough.”

We both walked towards the high school to discover that it doesn’t open until registration begins at 2:00.  Despite that being the case, a line was starting to form outside the entrance. We got into the line and waited.

Moments later, the red tank topped twins got into the line behind us.

One of the two twins wore a gold cross necklace and was holding a red composition notebook.  He glanced at me and gave his greeting.  “Hi.  I’m Kenneth.”

“I’m Randy.” the other twin said.

“What are your names?” Kenneth asked.

I smiled.  “I’m Jill!”

“I’m Jen.” My sister added.

“Where are you from?” Kenneth asked us.

“Philadelphia.” We both said at the same time.

Kenneth opened his composition notebook and wrote down the information that we gave him.

I gave Kenneth a curious glance.  “Where are you two from?”

Kenneth grinned.  “Cascade.  It’s near Grand Rapids, Michigan.”  He then gave us a curious glance.  “Identical or Fraternal?”

“Identical.” Both Jen and I said at the same time.

“We’re fraternal.” Kenneth told us.

Jen then smiled.  “That’s surprising!  You two don’t look fraternal!  Might I ask you, Kenneth.  What will you be doing with this information?”

Kenneth grinned.  “I will be including this information in a future blog.  I already did this for last year.  I’m trying to meet as many twins as possible.  I got 161 last year.  I’m trying to break that record for 2023!”

Jen grinned.  “Well, I hope that you do!  Can you give me the website to your blog so that I can look up that post?”

Kenneth nodded.  “It’s www.kenscoolblog.com.   Go to August 2022 and you should find it.

Jen got her phone out of her backpack purse and typed in the site.  She found the blog and glanced at it.  “This is pretty neat!  I see.  So, you’re going to have an index of every twin that you met at the end of the post…”

Kenneth nodded. “Yes.  Nice talking to you two!”

I smiled.  “Same here!”

“Hope you meet lots of twins!” Jen added.  “Wait…What number are we?”

“Seven.” Kenneth answered.  “I already met six sets of twins yesterday…”

I gasped.  “Wow.  You came down early…”

We continued chatting until another set of twins got in line behind them.  We continued forward and waited for the high school to open while feeling the heat of the sunny day.

Finally, at around 2:03, the doors to the high school opened.  We all filed in and followed the line through the main hall towards the auditorium.  Once inside, we saw a bunch of other sets of twins as we made our way towards the front stage.

At the front stage, we went to the pre-registration line and got our name tags. We both wrote our names down on the name tags, with Jen reminding me to write Twin A next to my name.  Jen wrote Twin B next to her name.  On the reverse side of our name tags, I saw our registration number: 1254.  The name tags could be worn like a lanyard so we put them on so that other twins could identify us.

After leaving the auditorium, both Jen and I took it all in.  There were twins everywhere of all ages in the cafeteria.  The youngest twins had parents carrying them around or wheeling them in strollers.  All twins under the age of 18 were accompanied by a parent or responsible guardian.  Besides that, no other parents were there, as this event was not open to the public.

We then saw a stout set of male twins standing there with big enthusiastic smiles near a cafeteria table.

“Hi!” They both shouted in unison.  “Welcome to Twins Days!”

I glanced at the jovial duo and smiled.  “Who are you two?”

“I’m Steven!” The first one shouted.

“And I’m Stanley!” the second one shouted.

Steven looked at us two.  “I don’t think that I’ve seen you two here before.  What are your names?”

“I’m Jill!” I told Steven.

“And I’m Jen!” my sister told him.  “You two seem like you’re enjoying it!  It’s our first time!  Is this your first time?”

The two exchanged glances and laughed.  “Oh no no no!” Steven shouted.

“It’s our 29th time!” They both shouted in unison.

Both of our jaws dropped open.

“29th?” Jen gasped.  “Then do you know Tina and Trisha?  It’s their 24th time!”

They both nodded.  “Yup!” Steven shouted.  “We’ve known them for quite a few years.”

I smiled. “How old are you two?”

“31!” they both shouted.

That’s when I felt a tap behind me.


I turned around and saw that it was Tina.  Trisha was standing right next to her.  Both twins were in yellow summer dresses.

Trisha glanced at Jen and smiled.  “Jen!”

“Hey Tina and Trisha!” Steven and Stanley shouted in unison.

“Nice outfits!” Steven shouted.  “Are you two going to win another look-alike contest?”

Both twins exchanged glances and nodded.

“Yup!” Trisha said with a grin.  “We’re also going to be in the talent show!”

“So are we!” Stanley said, grinning.  “But our costume for tomorrow is a secret!”

At that moment, both Kenneth and Randy were in the cafeteria.  Kenneth got out his red composition notebook and began interviewing more twins, including Steven and Stanley.

“So, you two are from Chicago?” Kenneth asked him.

They both nodded.

“And how many times have you been attending Twins Days?” Kenneth asked Steve.

“It’s our 29th time!” they both shouted.

Kenneth smiled.  “It’s our third time.”

After the interview, Kenneth wanted to get pictures of us with Steven and Stanley and Tina and Trisha.  We both stood there and got all the pictures with everyone’s phone, including mine and Jen’s.

After that, Kenneth interviewed Tina and Trisha.  After the interview, both twins took us aside.

Tina smiled.  “How would you like to eat at the Blue Canyon Kitchen & Tavern for an early dinner?”

Both Jen and I nodded.

“We already have reservations!” Jen told her.  “They’re early as well.”

Just then, I saw a few drops of pee trickle to the floor.  My heart sank.  I looked up at my skirt. The trickles of pee continued.  That’s when I felt the pee running down my legs and onto the cafeteria floor.  Great.  I just pissed myself again!

Both Tina and Trisha glanced at me and gasped.  All the nearby twins who saw the accident were surprised.

A set of girl twins that looked a little younger than Jen and I were shocked.  “That’s too bad!” one of them shouted.  “We’re going to clean it all up, okay?

Tina then hugged me.  “Jill, I’m very sorry.”

Trisha nodded.  “If it makes you feel better Jill, I actually had to use a Poise pad the other day.  I’m a very heavy sleeper, but I’m dry most of the time.  It’s really nothing to be ashamed of.  Incontinence is more common than you think with us women.  About 40% of us will experience some kind of incontinence.”

A set of middle-aged female twins nodded.  “Just wait until you have a bunch of children!” one of them smiled.

I sighed, as none of this was helping.  My panties were soaked.  My skirt was fine just as long as I didn’t sit down on it.

Jen then looked at both of them.  “Excuse me.  I need to talk to my sister alone for a moment…”

Both twins nodded, as Jen jerked me by the hand.

As my twin sister pulled me towards the bathroom, her eyes began to well up with tears.  By the time that we entered the woman’s bathroom, she was bawling.  She took me into a handicap bathroom stall and closed the door.

“Jill!” she said with a loud sob.  “I warned you!  You wanted to wear your ‘big girl’ panties, but I’m afraid that you can’t wear them anymore.  You embarrassed yourself in front of all of them!  Is it worth it, Jill?”

I pulled down my soaked panties and let them slide down my ankles and legs until they hit the floor in a wet squish.  “You tell me, Jen!  What the hell is wrong with me?  I had a nice dinner with you and your boyfriend on my first night in Philadelphia.  You treated me to wine and I get drunk.  Since that night, I have not stopped pissing myself.  I pissed the bed over and over and then needed diapers at night.  Then my bladder issues get worse and worse.  So, is it worth it, Jill?  Putting on these panties just to try to be normal?  Since that first night Jen, my bladder is all fucked up.  So, you tell me if it’s worth it!”

Jen continued crying while I began to give up hope of ever being a normal woman again.  Babies wear diapers, not 21-year-old women.  So, I guess I’m a baby now.  Time for Baby Jill to put on another diaper…

After a few moments, my sister started to hug me, with still a few tears coming out of her eyes.   “I love you Jill…” she wept.  “I don’t know why you ever started to have accidents like this, but I don’t want this for you.  I don’t want this for anyone.  I just want you to be normal.  But do you know what, Jill?  None of us really have a choice as to what happens to us and why.  All we get to decide is how to handle the situations and circumstances that we deal with every day.  Now, are you going to resist the change in your life, or are you going to except the new changes as they are?”  She glanced at the diaper that I was taking out of the backpack purse.  “If I could, Jill, I would want to take on the hardship that you are struggling with.  All of it.  Every trial.  Every tribulation.  Every embarrassing accident that you have experienced.  Just so my Jillian doesn’t have to suffer like this anymore.  Just give me the padding.  Just give me the protection.  Just give me the diapers and take all the incontinence away from my sister.  Please…”

She wiped a few more tears out of her eyes.  I was finished wiping with baby wipes and powdering my new diaper so I held the diaper against the wall and pressed my behind against it, diapering myself while standing up.  “But you know what, Jill?  It’s not my cross to bear.  It’s yours.  Think about that.  Are you just going to throw your cross on the ground or are you going to carry it? Please carry it.”

I nodded and pulled my skirt back down to cover my diaper.  My sister took one of my plastic bags out of my backpack purse and placed the soaked panties inside it.  She then zipped the plastic bag in her backpack purse and gave me another hug.  “Come on, Jill.  Tina and Trisha are waiting…”

I exited the bathroom with my twin sister to see both Tina and Trisha waiting outside the bathroom.  They both hugged and I just stared at them for a while.  There were no words.  Just two girls who deeply cared about me.  After a few minutes of silence, I started crying. They both patted me on the back.

“It will be okay, Jill.” Tina told me.  “How about we go back to your hotel?  We’ll have a nice dinner at the Blue Canyon Kitchen & Tavern, okay?”

Trisha nodded.  “Don’t worry about that puddle.  They cleaned up the mess, Jill…”

They cleaned up the mess…Those words kept repeating in my mind as the four of us left the high school.  It was my mess, but they cleaned it.  There was no laughing.  There was no shaming.  They all genuinely cared.  It must be a thing that all twins have…

I was still lost in my thoughts as my sister drove me back to the Hilton Garden Inn.  It was 2:56, so there was still one hour to kill before the 4:00 reservation.

An hour passed and we met both Tina and Trisha at the Blue Canyon Kitchen & Tavern.  We added them to the reservation, so we had a party of four.

Coincidentally, I saw Kenneth and Randy both entering the restaurant with what looked like their parents.  I’m guessing that the parents wanted to come along for the festivities tomorrow…

We entered the restaurant, and a hostess seated us.  We then made our orders.  Both Jen and I got the Lobster Cannelloni and a bowl of Lobster Bisque.  We both shared a chocolate bomb.  What made this dinner even funnier was that Tina and Trisha both ordered the same things as us.

When given the option for drinks, I loudly refused.  I had a glass of water with my dinner instead.  After the dinner, both Tina and Trisha followed us in their car to the hotel and we took them up to our room.

After we were all in the room, Trisha looked at me immediately.  “So, did you have something to change into besides the panties?  You’re wearing protection, aren’t you?”

I nodded and lifted my skirt.  Sure enough, there was a yellow patch in the crotch area and the wetness indicator was almost blue.  “Before you even ask Trisha, they’re Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs from Walgreens.”

Trisha nodded.  “I also didn’t want to tell you this at the high school.  Those Poise Pads that I mentioned?  I just bought some for this weekend, just in case.  My last accident was about three months ago…”

Jen nodded.  “Where do you two live now?  You said that you were moving to Twinsburg…”

They both nodded.  “We live on Twin Hills Highway.” Tina told her.  “You know, that road that cuts through Aurora all the way to Ravenna.”

“We went that way!” Jen gasped.

“Then you passed our house!” Trisha said with a smile.

We all talked for about an hour.  Trisha shared a few more of her accident stories with me, trying to make me feel better.  But from that lengthy conversation, she gave me one good bit of advice.  “You gotta own it, Jill.” She told me.  “Don’t let it own you.”

After an hour of conversation, they both exchanged glances.

“We’re going back to the high school.” She told us.  “We’re going to find a lot of good twin friends for you to meet, okay?”

Jen gasped.  “How are we going to find you?  What is your costume going to be?”

Tina pointed to her name tag.  “One, we will be wearing our name tags.”

“And two, we will be dressing up as Tinkerbell!”  Trisha added.  “What are you two going to be?”

“Wendy!” We both shouted.

Tina laughed.  “We both have Peter Pan costumes? This friendship was totally meant to be!”

“Totes!” Trisha said with a grin.

“See you tomorrow!” They both shouted in unison.

Both Tina and Trisha left our room, leaving Jen and me to relax.  I changed into my diaper for the evening and both Jen and I put on our matching Ocean Breeze Joyspun Women’s Short Sleeve T-Shirt and Joggers Pajama set and smiled.  It was not every day that we wore matching pajamas but for this Twins Days Festival, we would be.  We both took selfies to treasure the moment and I made a post about it on Instagram.

After that, I was tired.  I brushed my teeth and got into my queen-sized bed.  The big day was tomorrow so I needed to make sure that I got plenty of rest.  Both Tina and Trisha told us about the Double Take Parade that would be taking place tomorrow morning at 9:00.  Our hotel offered a complimentary breakfast for all the twins staying at the Hilton Garden Inn, so we want to get up early enough to take advantage of that.  Despite the embarrassment that I experienced for day one, I knew that tomorrow was going to be a good day.


Being very tired, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

While I was sleeping, I had a very strange dream.  I woke up, thinking that I was awake, but I was wearing a blue nightgown and felt a bow in my hair.  I then saw a shadow from what looked like a flying boy.  A tiny fairy was flying around near the shadowed boy that still didn’t make himself known.  And that’s when the realization hit me.  I was Wendy Darling from Peter Pan, which meant that I was in London.

The other Darling children were still sleeping, and Peter wanted to take me for a fly.  I couldn’t fly until Peter gave me some pixie dust from Tinker Bell.  Full of pixie dust, I flew out of the window holding Peter’s hand and he took me to Neverland.

Right after Peter took me to Neverland, he morphed into my boyfriend Gary.  He told me to lay down so that he could change my diaper.  At this point, my diaper was really soaked.  Just as he was about to grab and peel back the tabs, I woke up.

Before I could even sit up, I felt an intense need to pee.  About a couple seconds later, my bladder released and I felt an intense warmth in my diaper.  But the stream was coming out so fast that the pee began to leak out the sides and soak my pajama bottoms.  A large patch of pee began to expand beneath me on the fitted sheet.  I glanced at the alarm clock in the hotel room.  3:07 AM.  I still had another three hours to sleep…

I got out of bed and used the flashlight on my cell phone to grab another set of pajamas.  While my pajama pants were totally soaked, a little bit of the shirt was also wet.

As I grabbed my backpack purse and spare pajamas, my sister stirred in her bed.  Relieved that she didn’t wake up, I quietly sauntered towards the bathroom.  I changed into a new diaper and new pajamas and left the bathroom.

I felt the fitted sheet to determine where the pee patch ended and slept on the dry side of my bed, careful not to roll onto the area that I pissed on.

Did I say that I slept?  For the next three hours, I didn’t really sleep that well.

My sister woke up to glance at the evidence of my accident on the floor.  My pajama pants and shirt were piled on the floor.  She looked up at me with a frown.  “Oh Jill…Did you have an accident?”

I nodded, pulling back the covers of my queen-sized bed to show the large patch of pee towards the middle of the fitted sheet.

Jen then gave me a curious stare.  “You didn’t wear the other panties, did you?”

I shook my head.  “No.  My panties are still in the drawer.  I peed my diaper so hard last night that it leaked out both sides.  I had to change into a new one.”

Jen got out of her bed and gave me a hug.  “It will be okay, Jill.  Let’s get ready and get our costumes on!”

I sighed and got out of bed.  My sister let me go first.  I took off my slightly damp diaper and took a shower.  After the shower, I put on a new diaper and got into my Wendy Darling costume.  I opened the checked bag that had extra diapers in it and stuffed five diapers into my backpack purse.  From the trip to Philadelphia, I used up all four of my diapers in my purse, including the fifth one that I wore the morning of the flight to Cleveland.  With the five that I took from the checked baggage, I only had 10 diapers left.  I also took the Aquaphor from the checked bag and placed it in my purse in case I had any rashes to deal with later on.  I also swapped the Caldesene Baby Corn Starch powder for the larger Johnson & Johnson baby powder, since I only wanted to use the smaller powder for traveling.  I did the same with the baby wipes, as I needed more than a few if I was going to be out all day.

With my backpack purse that doubled as my diaper bag all ready to go, I waited for my sister to get out of the shower.  Moments later, the bathroom door opened, and she dressed herself in her Wendy costume.

We then stood by the bathroom and curled each other’s hair, letting all seven curls droop behind our necks.  Jen carefully tied the bow in my hair to keep all the curls together and I did the same for her hair.  We put on our black flats and finished our faces with some makeup.  When we were done, I was convinced that we were both Wendy Darling.

“Are ya ready?” My sister said, beginning to practice her British accent.

“I surely am!” I answered as Wendy Darling.  “We need ta find Peter!”

I glanced at my cell phone.  6:48 AM.  100% battery.  We zipped our room keys in the smaller pouches of our backpack purses and put on our purses before grabbing our cell phones.  We exited the hotel room and began gracefully walking down the hallway.

We took the elevator downstairs and went to the ballroom where breakfast was being served.

I could not believe my eyes.  All the tables in the hallway near the ballroom entrance were full of food warmers, each with a different breakfast item.  Bacon, Sausage, Pancakes, Eggs, Potatoes.  Fresh fruit sat on another table, along with some fruit pastries.  Strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, honeydew, and raspberries.

Feeling very hungry, I grabbed an empty plate and began piling three strips of bacon, two sausages, three mini pancakes, a couple scoops of eggs, and one large scoop of potatoes.  I drizzled syrup on my pancakes, added Tabasco sauce to my eggs, and squirted ketchup on my potatoes before I entered the ballroom where a bunch of empty round tables sat.

My sister was right behind me with a similar plate, and we found a empty table towards the center of the room.  As we ate our food, we saw Kenneth and Randy again from yesterday, carrying their plates of food into the ballroom.  I grimaced, hoping that they didn’t see my embarrassing accident at the high school yesterday.  Instead of sitting next to us, they sat next to a pair of Hispanic female twins.

After Jen and I ate our food, we made a smaller plate with one scoop of fruit and one fruit pastry.  After eating the second plate, we poured some cups of coffee to go and left the ballroom.

The time was now 7:43 AM.  From what I heard from Tina and Trisha, a shuttle was supposed to take us from the hotel to the lineup area for the Twins Days Double Take Parade.  This shuttle was leaving at 8:00 AM, so we had about 20 minutes left.

After 20 minutes, I saw Kenneth and Randy again, only they were dressed up like Captain Jack Sparrow.  Before I could glance at them any longer, Jen was yanking me by the hand, which prompted me to turn around and hurry with her towards the bus that was about to take off.

We got on the bus, and the Jack Sparrow twins got on the bus a couple of minutes later.  Within five minutes, we were at the parade lineup site.  It was 8:12 when Jen and I got off the bus.  The parade was in about 50 minutes.

I was amazed as I walked all around to see twins of all ages each dressed in unique costumes that all reflected the theme of Twins Days for the 2023 year:  Shiver Me TWINbers!  There were twin pirates everywhere.  There was twin Captain Hooks, twin Spongebobs, twin mermaids, twin crocodiles, twin treasure chests, and various other costumes that reflected this year’s theme.  For the next hour, both Jen and I talked to various twins around the parade lineup.

While I couldn’t even tell that I was wet at all, I was sure that I had a small wetting or two at this point.

The parade started at around 9:00 AM and the line slowly inched forward onto the street from the Twinsburg town square, towards Ravenna Road.  It took about 45 minutes to get from the town square to the festival grounds past the high school.  About halfway through the parade, I could feel a churning in my abdomen.  The result of drinking that cup of coffee before getting on the bus from the hotel.  While I was able to hold in my bowel movements, I was not so fortunate with my bladder.  Immediately, I felt my diaper get warm and begin to expand and swell between my legs.  Even though I was slowly walking with my sister, I was soaking my diaper without any conscious effort.  Fortunately, the warmness stopped, and I continued waddling down the parade route.

When my sister saw my awkward gait, words were not needed as she immediately knew what had just happened.  She approached my ears, trying to speak as softly as possible.  When you get to the grounds, find the nearest port-a-potty ASAP…

I nodded, as I knew how soggy the diaper felt between my legs.  It was very smart that I chose to pack five diapers, as I was already about to change into the first one.

The parade route gradually passed an elevated stage area, where all of the members of the Twins Days Royal Court sat.  Some announcer with a microphone was speaking to passersby in an elevated booth, asking questions to various twins and trying to keep things entertaining. Questions included where are you from, who traveled the furthest, and similar questions.

After we passed that area, we were coming up to the high school and passed it.  The parade route ended at the RB Chamberlin Middle School.  We turned on the road leading into the school, which led to the festival grounds behind it.

We walked to the registration area.  Since we were already registered, they strapped plastic bracelets around our wrists, which allowed us to walk the festival grounds all day.

In feeling the soggy diaper around my legs, I desperately needed to get to the nearest port-a-potty.  I felt another bowel movement and closed my two cheeks together to prevent myself from messing my diaper.

Both Jen and I continued forward towards a road that led back to the high school.  Just past this road was the entrance to the festival gates.  With our bracelets, the staff working at the gates let us right in, while non-twins had to pay the admission price to enter the festival.

Jen immediately pointed out a row of about 20 port-a-potties.  The ones furthest down were handicapped, so I found the first vacant handicap port-a-potty and entered it.

Just as I entered it, I could no longer hold in the massive load that was about to be released.  I felt the back of my diaper begin to fill with a warm gooey mass which I tried not to press against the wall as this would smear the poop from the diaper onto my skin.  After the load finished, I had my work cut out for me.

I took off my black flats and socks and lifted up my blue Wendy nightgown so that it was out of the way.  I carefully removed my diaper and held it. I saw a few drops of poop hit the floor of the port-a-potty.  I quickly grabbed some toilet paper to stop the messy flow.  I unzipped my backpack purse and got out a pack of Pampers Aqua Pure Baby Wipes.  I alternated between the baby wipes and the toilet paper to get everything cleaned up.  I disposed the wipes into the port-a-potty with the toilet paper.  For good measure, I squirted a couple globs of Aquaphor on my fingers and rubbed it all over my diaper area.  I then powdered a new diaper and rubbed some additional powder into my skin to prevent chafing for later.  Finally, I diapered myself while standing up and carefully made adjustments to my diaper to maximize comfort before I pulled the folds of my nightgown back down below my waist.  I carefully put my socks and black flats back on and exited the port-a-potty.  I used the nearby soap and hand washing station that they had outside of the port-a-potty’s and found my twin sister Jen standing nearby.

Although my twin sister wasn’t my mother, her face gave off what I could only interpret to be something resembling a motherly instinct.  “Are you good, Jen?”

I nodded but realized that I had the dirty diaper inside my purse in a plastic bag.  The other used diapers were thrown away in the trash in our room before leaving.  I gestured my hand, pointing at my purse.  My sister nodded and pointed at a nearby trash bin.

Not caring who saw me at this point, I unzipped my purse and tossed the plastic bag containing my soiled diaper in the trash bin.  The twins nearby didn’t really say anything about what I was throwing away.  I could only guess that they thought that it was none of their fucking business.

Now in the festival grounds, Jen smiled as she held out her cell phone.

“I took a few pictures of other twins while you were in the port-a-potty.” She said, as she began showing me all of the pictures. “Tina and Trisha also texted us and wanted us to meet them by the food stalls just ahead.”

I smiled and nodded.  “Are we having lunch with them?”

Jen nodded.  “Yes Jill. They also have a few more sets of twin friends to introduce us to later.”

But before we did that, I noticed different pin boards depicting different maps where twins could pin where they’re from.  I wanted to do this with my sister, along with the Twins Days Mirror.

We did the pins first. We looked for the map of the United States and placed our one pin on Philadelphia.

The Twins Days Mirror took longer since there was a line for it. After about 10 minutes, it was our turn to stand on either side of the illusory mirror and attempted to make perfect poses of our twin reflection.  We both pressed our right hand forward and made a silly face while another person took our pictures with our cell phones.  After the silly face, we did two more poses. We did our best Wendy pose before doing a double hi-five for our last pose, trying really hard to match each other’s facial expression.

After we finished the mirror, we continued forward through the festival grounds and turned left, which led to a few food stalls.  Near the Gyro vendor, I saw a pair of Tinker Bells that smiled when we made eye contact.

“Tina!” We both shouted.  “Trisha!”

Our twin friends hugged us.

“How about we all get a Gyro?” Tina suggested.  “Both Trisha and I have tried all the food from the vendors from over the years, and the Gyros are pretty decent.”

Trisha pointed to a Dippin’ Dots vendor ahead.  “And let’s get some Dippin’ Dots for dessert!”

“I love Gyros…” I said with a grin.

Jen gave me a playful jab.  “Jill, you love virtually every food!”

My sister was not wrong about that.  When it came to food, I was a real critic.  Besides news, makeup, and video games, food was another strong passion that I would definitely classify as a hobby.

The four of us all bought Gyros with a bottled water to wash it down.  We found a set of picnic tables just to the left of the Dippin’ Dots vendor and sat down.  We ate our Gyros and enjoyed each other’s company.

While I was in the middle of eating my Gyro, Trisha tapped my shoulder.  She glanced around to ensure that no one else was nearby.  “Jill, it happened again last night.  After three months of being dry, I soaked another Poise Pad last night.”

Even though Trisha was my new friend, I still felt self-conscious about others knowing about my bladder issues.  My face reddened and my diaper felt a little warm again.  At this point, I can’t remember the last time that I peed in the toilet on purpose.  “And what am I supposed to say about that, Trisha?”

“You’re supposed to say that you own it, Jill.” Trisha told me.  “That accident happened to me unexpectedly last night.  But do you know what, Jill?  I owned it.  Trust me.  You will feel a lot better when you stand up and own it.”

Tina nodded.  “She’s right.  If it’s something that you can’t control, there’s no point in fretting about it.  Don’t let it dictate what kind of day you will have.  Just learn to wear your incontinence with confidence.”

I casually nodded as I finished my Gyro.  “Thanks Tina and Trisha.”

We all finished our Gyros and got Dippin’ Dots for dessert.  Both Jen and I got a Chocolate Mega Size and Tina and Trisha got a Cookies and Cream Mega Size.  Psyche!  They both also ended up getting chocolate.

After the Dippin’ Dots, the four of us walked towards the amphitheater for the contests and got in line to see how we would place.  Considering how pleased the judges looked, we were all invited to the final line on stage to be judged on our costumes in front of an audience of twins and other onlookers.

When I heard the results, I was shocked.  Both Jen and I got third place for our Wendy Darling costumes.  A set of twins that were mermaids got second place.  And the first place went to Tina and Trisha for their Tinker Bell costumes.  And considering the detail that they put into the costume, I can see how they got first.  Their costumes lit up and their wings looked so much like the ones that I saw in the movie.  Their lime green leotard dresses were cut at the perfect length at the hips and their wings hung perfectly behind their backs.  Their golden blonde hair was parted over their right eye with their hair in a messy bun behind it.  Their eye liner and lipstick matched Tinker Bell to a tee.  They even had lime green slippers with white puffs that matched their dresses.  And that was only the costume.  They even had a magic wand and pixie dust as props.  Having seen this movie literally a dozen times, I can say that this was the best Tinker Bell that I have ever seen.

We all walked off the stage and got into the photo area for everyone to take pictures of the first, second, and third place contestants.  Both Jen and I gave our Wendy poses for all the cell phones that snapped pictures of us.

After the pictures were done, we stepped off the stage of the photo area and took selfies of each other.

Tina and Trisha then introduced us to a few other twin friends before retreating to a tent near the food vendors to prepare for the talent show.  A lot of the twin friends that we met were dressed up as pirates, and we followed them into the mainstage tent to watch the talent show.

The talent show, overall, was very entertaining.  The acts that I loved the most included one from Steven and Stanley and a wonderful performance from Tina and Trisha.  We found ourselves sitting next to their twin boyfriends, so we had a good conversation with them.

Steven and Stanley sang a popular song from Toy Story.  Tina and Trisha sang a medley of different songs, concluding with “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.  I was blown away with just how talented their singing voices were.

With Tina and Trisha being the last act, we got up and left the tent.

My attention was interrupted by Jen, who pointed to the souvenir stand, which was very close to the tent that we exited.

“Jill,” she said.  “Let’s get a Twins Days t-shirt!”

We each got a T-shirt displaying this year’s theme on it, and also bought a pair of red sunglasses that looked very similar to the ones that Kenneth and Randy were wearing.

After we bought the souvenirs, we found Tina and Trisha standing next to us again.

“They’re going to take the picture at 3:30,” Tina told me, pointing to the football field ahead of us.

“I love the picture!” Trisha added.  All the twins get into the shot and a set of twins on cherry pickers will be taking the shot.  Make sure you are within the marked boundary if you want to be in the shot.  And don’t be late!”

The time was now 2:42, and I was so distracted and having so much fun that I suddenly realized how wet my diaper was.  I saw a nearby set of port-a-potty’s and glanced at Jen, pointing to the port-a-potty’s.

Jen nodded and followed me.

“I actually have to go too.” My sister told me.  “It’s probably best to do it now before the picture.”

I found another handicap port-a-potty and entered it.  Since this was only a wet diaper, it didn’t take too long for me to wipe, cream, powder, and change into a new one.  With just three diapers left in my purse, I placed the wet diaper into the plastic bag.  The smell wouldn’t be that noticeable so I decided to wait to throw it away later.

After I got out of the bathroom, I followed Jen with Tina and Trisha to the football field to take the big picture at 3:30.  Both Tina and Trisha’s twin boyfriends, who were dressed up as Peter Pan, stood next to them.  When Jen and I shared that we live in Philadelphia, their eyes lit up.  From our conversation, I learned their names.  Robert and Ronnie.

“We will definitely have to hang out sometime!” Robert said with a grin.  “We live about 15 miles from Philly.”

I nodded and noticed that they were about to take the picture.  At precisely 3:30, the picture was taken.

After the picture, I wanted to go back to the food vendors with Jen.

I gave Jen a pleading smile.  “Can we go back to the vendors?  I would like to split a funnel cake with you.”

“Why certainly Jill!” Jen acquiesced.  “I would be more than delighted!”

We said goodbye to Tina and Trisha and walked back to the vendors.  We ordered a funnel cake with powdered sugar and chocolate drizzle and split it in half.  Well, we tore it since we didn’t have any sharp knife to cut it with.  After finishing the funnel cake, we had sticky powdered sugar and chocolate syrup all over our hands.  We laughed, making our way to the hand wash station near the port-a-potty’s.  We washed the powdered sugar and chocolate syrup off our hands and made our way back to the festival gate.

I got a call from Tina, and I answered it.

“Hi!” I answered.

“Hey Jill!  How would you and Jen like to have dinner at Sushi En with Robert and Ronnie?”

“Tell her it’s okay!” Jen shouted.

“It’s okay!” I shouted.

“Okay!  Meet us at the festival gate.  We’ll drive you there.  Don’t worry about our boyfriends.  They drove over here in their rental.  See you in a few!”

I hung up and walked with my twin sister out of the festival gate.

Within a couple of minutes, I saw both Tina and Trisha sitting there with their boyfriends.  Seeing them so happy really made me miss Gary.  Gary owes me a date when I get back to Philadelphia…

A golf cart arrived at the end of the road, waiting to take new passengers back to the high school parking lot.  Both Jen and I were about to walk past a set of female twins when we stopped.  When they saw that we knew them, they gave us approval to cut them and join our friends.

When we saw that only the four of us could fit on one cart, the boyfriends gave us permission to go on ahead, as they would catch the next golf cart.  We all hung on, and the golf cart sped down the Joshua T. Miktarian Memorial Parkway towards the high school.  About two minutes later, we were at the parking lot to the high school that Jen and I were at yesterday.  We got off and walked towards the parking lot.

Tina showed us the way to their car, which was a white 2019 Chevy Malibu.  I got into the back with Jen, while Trisha rode shotgun with Tina.  Just as we were leaving, we saw the golf cart carrying Robert and Ronnie on it.

They took us all the way to Sushi En, which was right across the street from the Hilton Garden Inn.

Tina reserved a table for six while we waited for the other twins to arrive.

Once they got there, we all ordered our food.  Both Jen and I split a vegetable tempura and we each got a Hot Mama roll and a Drunken Tiger roll.  Tina, Trisha, and their boyfriends all got different appetizers and rolls.

For dessert, both Jen and I got the mochi ice cream.  Two strawberry mochi balls and two chocolate mochi balls.  But it wasn’t just the mochi that made it good.  It was topped with whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate and strawberry syrup.  It was both rich and delicious, making me experience what I could only describe as a foodgasm.  Or dessertgasm in this case.

When I came off the high of my dessertgasm, Trisha got my attention.

“Jill and Jen.” Trisha said.  “Would you two like to go to the Bertram Inn?  All of us, including a bunch of friends are going.  Since you and Jen are first timers, just know that the Bertram is THE place to go if you want to party.”

This made my twin sister sigh.  “I don’t think we can do that.” Jen told her.  “Both Jill and I want to see the fireworks tonight.  If we go to the Bertram after that, it will be too late.”

Tina nodded.  “Okay Jill.  We’ll drive both of you back to the hotel.”

We paid for our dinners and left the restaurant with Tina and Trisha.

Once back at the hotel, Tina and Trisha said goodbye to us.

“It was fun spending the day with you two!” Tina told us.

“And let’s not forget last night!” Trisha added.  “We’ll see you two tomorrow for Sunday!”

The white Chevy Malibu drove off.  Both Jen and I entered the hotel.

Jen did a quick load of laundry, washing our Wendy Costumes, my soaked panties, and my wet pajamas from last night.  With it being 5:17, there were still about 4 hours before the fireworks began at 9:30.

While Jen was doing this, I changed into a new diaper, along with a black crop top and a navy-blue knee-length skirt.  Jen matched the same outfit, and we spent a little bit of time relaxing in the room while the laundry finished washing and drying.  I checked my bed and found brand new bedding on it.  This was a relief, as I didn’t want to sleep on my dried piss tonight.

After the laundry dried, Jen took care of all the clothes.  It was 6:47, so we decided to head down to the lobby.  There weren’t a lot of people down there, so we headed back to Twinsburg High School.

Jen parked the red Toyota Camry, and someone took us back to the festival grounds on a golf cart. Once there, we went back through the front gate.

We spent the next few hours talking to twins while we enjoyed the bands playing from the mainstage tent.

At 9:30, the fireworks happened. Both Jen and I saw them, and they were beautiful.

With me not sleeping that well, I felt very tired at this point.  I walked with my sister back to the parking lot.  The golf carts were not in service, so we had to walk the entire half mile stretch back to the high school.

Once back at the Hilton Garden Inn, I was ready to collapse.  I changed into my nighttime diaper and freshly washed pajamas and checked my purse for tomorrow.  I had just one diaper left so I ended up not using all five of them. I took it out to use for tomorrow morning and added another five for Sunday.  Only six diapers left for this trip…

I brushed my teeth, flossed, and rinsed with mouthwash.  I got into my bed, and I fell asleep within a couple minutes.

I woke up to feel a soft tap on my shoulder.

“Jill?  Would you like to go for a swim with me?”

I sat up and checked the cell phone.   6:34 AM.   I then checked the bedding.  While the bedding was indeed dry this time, my diaper was completely soaked.  But on a positive note, I did “sleep like a baby”.

I reluctantly agreed to my sister’s early morning fitness regimen.  Considering how she sharply disapproved of me wearing my panties now, I was surprised that she would actually invite me to swim in the swimming pool, despite the potential risk of me accidentally peeing in the swimming pool during our swim due to my inability to control my bladder.  She was already in her athletic two-piece swimsuit, waiting for me to put mine on.  It was a Royal Blue Mohiass Bikini Set.

Wasting no time, I undressed in front of my sister and tore off my wet diaper.  I pulled open the drawer and put on my two-piece swimsuit, which also matched my twin sister’s.

We took the elevator down to the pool and began our swim.  To my relief, both Jen and I were the only ones in the swimming pool.

As I jumped into the pool, I could feel the cold water around my skin.  Just then, I felt something warm in the water.  I swam forward, and Jen swam behind me, by the warm spot that I left behind.

Jen looked at me and sighed.  “Jill, you just peed in the pool.”

I sighed in embarrassment.  “Again Jen, I think it has been about two or three weeks since I have consciously peed on the toilet.  Yes, there has been times that I peed on the toilet, but it was without any conscious effort and exertion of any of my muscles.”

Jen nodded as she looked at me with concern.  “Jill, I think that you should see a doctor about your bladder issue.  Over the past month, your continence has gotten worse.  Your more frequent use of diapers during the day has exacerbated the problem.  It is done so to the point where I don’t think your bladder muscles can hold in any pee anymore.”

I shook my head.  “On the airplane, I was able to hold in my bladder for 30 minutes.”

Jen nodded.  “That’s only 30 minutes!  What I want you to do is to start timing how long you can hold your bladder.  Try some Kegel exercises.  It might help in strengthening your bladder muscles.”

As I swam past her, I could feel the warmth once again.

Jen, who was right next to me, felt the warmth and sighed.  “Jill, you just did it again.  Get out of the pool and go change into a diaper.  I thought that we could have a nice swim without this being a problem, but I thought wrong…”

I got out of the pool and my sister joined me.  We got upstairs and I got ready.  I took my shower and changed into a new diaper.  We both put on an orange crop top with a white knee-length skirt.

For Sunday, it was pretty much less busy than Saturday, in terms of activity.  We had breakfast in the ballroom again.  We saw the same Hispanic twins eating breakfast in the ballroom as yesterday.  Both Jen and I introduced ourselves and I found out that their names were Diana and Lorena.  They were both from Tucson, Arizona.

Jen and I had a lighter version of the delicious plate that I had yesterday.  After the breakfast, my twin sister took me to the high school for the last day of the Twins Days Festival.  The golf cart took us down the half-mile stretch to the festival grounds.

Although chapel was scheduled for 9:00, we arrived 20 minutes early.  We once again saw Tina and Trisha there.  I was surprised to see them both there, considering that they were at the Bertram last night.  I could see both of them yawning and squinting their eyes.

To summarize, chapel was pretty good.  The message had to do with carrying our own cross and taking responsibility for circumstances that we couldn’t control.  This freaked me out as this was the same exact thing that Jen told me Friday in the high school bathroom.  How did she know to tell me this?  This really got me thinking about her faith and what it really meant to her.  After all, Joey introduced it to her, and she seems to really be running with it.  There is some truth there.  I will definitely think about the message that Pastor John spoke to us this morning.

After chapel, we took a bunch of pictures with the other twins that attended.

We then went to the research tent and answered a few surveys in exchange for free stuff.  For one survey, we got some lotions.  For another survey, we got a $30 Gift Card.  After the surveys, we just walked around the festival grounds and talked to some more twins for a few hours.

We then got a text from Tina and Trisha to come to the amphitheater for another contest.  They were in the lookalike contest, wearing their green summer dresses.

Both Jen and I went to the amphitheater to watch the contest.  Once again, both Tina and Trisha got first place.

After I took their first-place picture, Tina smiled at us again.  “How would you like to go bowling with us?”

“Yeah!” Trisha agreed.  “It’s a lot of fun!  Every year on Sunday night, Roseland Lanes opens the entire bowling alley for all of the remaining twins to bowl privately.  You’re welcome to come if you want!”

I could not pass up the offer, and neither could Jen.

We both sadly left the festival grounds one last time and took the golf cart back to the high school.  As I saw the festival grounds fading out of view, I frowned.  Twins Days Festival was coming to an end.  Pretty soon, it would be back to the grind at Philadelphia again.

Jen placed her arms on my shoulder.  “There there, Jill.  There’s always next year.  We’re going to register again.  I had so much fun here that I want to come every year with you from now on…”

That made me feel a little bit better.  We got to our red Toyota Camry.  Jen drove us to Roseland Lanes, where we met Tina and Trisha there.  Leagues were being organized so bowling didn’t start yet.

Both Jen and I were put into a league with Tina and Trisha.  Bowling started at 7:00 and we played Ninepin and alternated lanes for each frame. After bowling for a couple hours and getting a few strikes, both Jen and I called it a night.

We drove back to the Hilton Garden Inn for our very last night.  Feeling tired again, I did my nighttime routine in getting ready for bed.  For the whole day, I only used three diapers.  I put on my fourth diaper with my pajama set and fell asleep.

I woke up at 8:00 AM sharp.  With the flight back to Philadelphia being at 12:30 PM, both Jen and I had to get back to the airport by 10:00 AM.  Both Joey and Gary would be waiting at the airport at 2:00 to pick us up.

Within the next hour, both I and my twin sister Jen got ourselves ready.  We packed everything after our shower and Jen made sure that all the souvenirs went back in my diaper suitcase.  Since the suitcase only had two diapers left (I restocked my purse with five more diapers), it was almost empty.  I also traded all my wipes and powders.  I also put my Aquaphor back in the checked bag to comply with the TSA guidelines.  The creams that we got from the survey would’ve also have been confiscated if they were not in a checked bag.

We checked out at around 9:16 AM and left the hotel.  We stopped at Sheetz and ordered breakfast to go.  We both got a sausage, egg, and cheese, breakfast burrito and some Hashbrownz and ranch dressing.  We got water since we would be getting the coffee at the airport.

Jen drove to the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport while I ate my breakfast.  After she gassed up and dropped off the rental, we took all our luggage out and entered the airport.

We checked in our four checked bags again and Jen paid for them with her credit card.  After that, Jen took her bag of Sheetz and ate her breakfast while we waited in line at the TSA checkpoint.  With it being 20 minutes before we were checked through, that was more than enough time for her to finish her breakfast.

I looked at my return flight boarding pass.  Our flight was AAL1538.  A nonstop flight leaving Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at 12:30 PM and arriving at Philadelphia International Airport at 2:08 PM.

Once again, the TSA was no issue.  Just one bag through the conveyor belt.  After both Jen and I grabbed our backpack purses, we made our way towards our gate.  We found our gate, which was C7 this time.

At 11:50, we both got our Dunkin’ Coffee.  Two large mocha espressos.  I only had one small wetting this morning so I knew that I could make it through the flight no problem.

Boarding started at 12:10. Both Jen and I got onto the plane.  We got 19D and 19F this time, so we were a little bit closer to the bathroom, if Jen needed to use it or if I needed to change my diaper before landing.

About two minutes before takeoff, I found the temperature of my coffee cool enough to chug, so I chugged the whole coffee in a few gulps.  Jen, on the other hand, took careful sips.

About 20 minutes later, I had my first accident in my diaper.  The second more intense accident came in another 30 minutes.  At that point, I got up and entered the bathroom.  I changed into a new diaper and returned to my seat.  I was just in time for Jen to get up and use the bathroom.  About 45 minutes later, the plane began its descent into Philadelphia and made a perfect touchdown on the runway.  About 10 minutes later, it taxied all the way to the passenger boarding bridge.

And five minutes later, it was time for Jen and me to get off the plane.  I switched my phone off airplane mode and noticed that I had one missed text message from Glytter.  As we walked off the plane, I texted her back.  She wanted to know if I was on my way home, and I told her that I just arrived in Philadelphia.

Both Gary and Joey were waiting for us when we got off the plane.  I hugged Gary and we kissed each other on the cheeks.

We went over to the baggage claim and we all grabbed a checked luggage bag before leaving the airport.

This time, Gary’s Black Lexus LS sedan was parked, and he opened up his trunk for us to put in all of the luggage.  With everything loaded, I piled in the back seat with Jen while Joey rode shotgun with Gary.

On the way back home, both Jen and I shared our adventures in Twinsburg.  All the pictures that we took and all the new friends that we made.  Both Gary and Joey only had a little time to explain what they did, which was work and play video games during the weekend.

Once in the parking deck, both Gary and Joey helped us carry our luggage all the way back to the apartment.  Once inside Apartment 2202 (Home sweet home), both Joey and Gary had to get back to work, since it was a Monday, and both Jen and I needed to rest from the long weekend.

I spent the rest of the day unpacking and thinking about tomorrow when I got a phone call.  The caller ID read CBS Philadelphia.  I could feel my diaper getting warm.  I swiped the answer button and put it on speaker.  “Hello?”

“Is this Jillian Jenners?”

“Yes.  Hello.  How are you doing on this fine afternoon?”

“Wonderful.  This is Melinda Thompson.  I work in the HR Department for CBS Philadelphia.  Having reviewed your résumé and all your credentials, we want to set up an interview with you at your earliest convenience.  Would you be able to come into the studio tomorrow at 1:00?”

My heart skipped a beat.  “1:00 works perfect for me.  Thank you very much for your time.”

“And I in turn want to thank you for your time, Miss Jenners.  You have a wonderful afternoon.  Bye.”

I hung up the phone, and my twin sister screamed in excitement.  “Congratulations Jill!  You got an interview!  You have one day to prepare for it.  I hope that you get this job!”

A few tears rolled down my eyes.  “I hope that I get it too, Jen!”

“You’ve wanted this so bad, Jill!” Jen said, almost crying.  “I will be praying that you get this job!  Now, let’s calm down after the long weekend.  We both had a lot of fun…”

I spent the rest of the day unpacking everything and getting ready for tomorrow.  I announced on my JillianPlays channel on Twitch that today’s stream would be cancelled since I just got back from Twins Days.  Glytter already knew this, so giving the news to her wasn’t necessary.

It was now bedtime once again.  And you all know what that means, my JJ Little Bestie Babies.  With my twin sister Jen and I having just returned from Twinsburg, I was totally unaware of what was about to happen.

Do you remember how I said that I wanted to use the diapers for convenience and to avoid embarrassment in streams?  Well, that happened to backfire in the worst possible way.  If you thought that my past embarrassing episodes were bad, just wait until you hear what happens next.  You better get a fresh diaper for this one, or there’s going to be a leak.  This is going to be the embarrassment to end all embarrassments.

I had no idea that it was actually coming to me.  Little did I know that my most embarrassing day of my life was just about to happen…

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 9 - 4/16/2024)
13 hours ago, warpiper said:

I'm just loving this story! It's so refreshing and wholesome!

I'm so glad that you're enjoying it so much! 😄 I'm working on a new project right now, but I should be able to get the next chapter done in the next day or two.  Expect the next chapter to be shorter.  Somewhere in the 3,000-5,000 word range...

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Chapter 10 is taking longer than I thought.  I have most of it finished.  Look for a new update on the progress tomorrow (or today, since it's so late...)!

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 20 - 5/30/2024)

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