Elfy Posted November 12, 2023 Posted November 12, 2023 This story takes place in a world where women are significantly bigger and stronger than men Daniel is a workaholic who really needs a break. His life consists of nothing more than working for much longer than he should and then going home to scroll social media. So when he receives a letter from a cousin he had lost touch with saying they should catch up he is only too eager to agree. Emmy, however, isn't exactly the cousin he remembered her being. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on Patreon. For $10 you can see everything early AND 50 full length stories that can only be found on my Patreon page! The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my patrons and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my Patreon ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Cousin Emmy By Elfy Daniel tapped away on his keyboard. He hadn’t stopped in a long time, his eyes were practically glued to the screen as he wrote line after line of code. His eyes were sore but he couldn’t stop, he needed to keep going and meet his deadlines. Daniel enjoyed his work and when he got into the right frame of mind he could easily work non-stop for hour after hour. With a swipe of his hand Daniel brushed his hair out of his face. It was growing too long, that was what his mother always told him when she visited. He clicked save and looked away from the screen for the first time in hours. He had to blink a few times, every time his eyes closed he saw the code on the screen again. He knew it as the “Tetris Effect”, when you look at something happening for so long you can see it when you close your eyes, it was very disconcerting. He rubbed his eyes, he only had sight in the left one though he hadn’t let that stop him from doing anything. “What the…” Daniel realised his one good eye wasn’t going blind. It had got very dark indeed. He checked the clock on the corner of the screen to see it was late in the evening. He had worked long past quitting time. The office was empty. All the lights were off and so were the computers. Daniel was the last person to leave and his shift was meant to have finished hours ago. If he had any kind of social life he would’ve been upset but, in truth, no one would notice he had worked overtime. He lived alone and didn’t really have many friends, certainly not ones he often went out with. With the computer shut off Daniel picked up his things and left the office. He lived in the city and didn’t own a car, he didn’t mind walking and using public transport. It was good for the environment and his own fitness. He was a slim guy anyway but a little extra exercise never hurt anyone. It was already dark out and the wind had a slight chill to it that made Daniel pull his coat a little tighter to himself. He gave a wide berth to some teenagers that were loitering outside an electronics store. He always felt nervous when passing rowdy groups thanks to his diminutive 5’4” frame. He was very slight physically and that made him anxious about becoming a victim. Daniel hurried by and carried on home. He lived in an apartment halfway up a building. His programming for an independent video game company didn’t pay a great deal but living on his own meant he didn’t actually need much money, it wasn’t like he went out often after all. Daniel opened the front door of his place and walked inside. He flicked on the lights and walked through to the kitchen. It was late and he didn’t feel much like cooking, he warmed up some instant noodles and then dropped on his couch in front of the television. There wasn’t much on and Daniel ended up watching a random roller-skating competition on one of the niche sports’ channels. He had no interest in skating but he was essentially just killing time until he went to bed and then went to work again. This was his life. Working and then sitting around waiting to work again. With a sigh Daniel looked around. He was an introvert, he didn’t mind being home alone rather than out partying but at times like this he wouldn’t have minded having someone just to talk to a little bit. He had considered getting a pet before but it didn’t feel like he would be home enough to take care of them. For the next hour Daniel looked at social media on his phone whilst occasionally glancing up at the television. Most of the people on his friends list were either colleagues or family. There was nothing exciting going on. Daniel turned off the television and stretched. He walked into his hallway with the intention of visiting the bathroom before bed. He paused when he saw a letter on his doormat. If it had been there when he got home he hadn’t noticed it, and yet it felt like he would’ve seen it. He frowned, he rarely got letters that weren’t bills but he could see his name and address handwritten on it. Daniel picked the letter up and turned it over. There was no clues as to where it came from. He opened the door out in to the building’s hallway. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see but no one was there. The only movement was on the light on top of the elevator, one of the numbers was descending as it lowered down towards the ground. Closing the door Daniel started opening the envelope. He pulled the single piece of paper out and read the handwriting. “Hi Daniel, it’s been a long time!” The handwriting was very neat with all the letters curving into the next one perfectly, “You should come visit and catch up. I’m sure we have a lot to reminisce about. It would be a lot of fun to have you stay for a while. Your favourite cousin, Emmy.” The note ended with a return address as well as an e-mail. Daniel read the note a second time. He remembered Emmy well. She had been practically his best friend as a youth but once he had moved to the city they had lost touch. Daniel remembered getting into a lot of hijinks with Emmy, she was two years younger than he was but always seemed to be the one who took charge of their arrangements. She had been taller than he was to the point most strangers assumed she was the elder cousin, she seemed to enjoy that a lot. Daniel climbed into bed but placed the note on his bedside table. He would send a reply from work the next day. Going out to the countryside to revisit his youth and catch up with an old friend would be just the tonic to his stressed life. --- Daniel sat on the bus with his suitcase pulled up between his legs. He had woken up at the crack of dawn to get ready and head to the train station, then he switched to the bus to get him as close as possible to Emmy’s rather remote home. He felt excited but also anxious, social situations had been alien to him for a long time. When Daniel stepped off the bus with his suitcase he had to look around to try and work out where to go next. This wasn’t the town he had grown up in though it wasn’t far away, he had only been here a few times before and that had been many years ago. He pulled out the piece of paper with directions and then started walking down the street. After talking to Emmy through e-mail and deciding on a visit Daniel had gone to his boss to apply for time off. He was able to take quite a significant amount of time since he hadn’t used his holiday time that year. Daniel wasn’t planning to spend all his time off with Emmy, he didn’t want to impose, but he liked that there would be no rush on their catching up. Emmy had a spare room that she said was ready just for him. It took thirty minutes for Daniel to eventually end up on the right road. He had underestimated the distance and pulling his suitcase with him the whole way had left him out of breath. The buildings on this road had plenty of space between them and each seemed to be situated in its own sizable parcel of land. Daniel stopped in front of one of these isolated homes and checked his paper again. This was the right address but everything seemed to be a little odd. He couldn’t put his finger on it as he looked at the house from the road. He started walking down the long driveway. “What on Earth…” Daniel’s eyes widened the closer he got to the house. Everything about the house appeared normal at first glance. The white two-storey walls had regular windows and a front door on a porch, it looked like the carbon copy of thousands of other houses until Daniel walked up the large steps of the porch. The front door towered over him, the letterbox was at head height whilst the handle was even higher. The brass door knocker was out of reach even if Daniel had tried to jump for it. It had to be at least ten-feet off the ground. Daniel turned around and saw some wicker furniture on the corner of the porch. The two chairs, table and rocking chair looked gargantuan. If Daniel didn’t know better he would’ve thought he had shrunk to half his height. After another check that this was indeed the correct address Daniel knocked on the door. He heard a loud scraping and then footsteps coming to the door. He could feel the wooden boards under his feet vibrate with each booming step. Daniel instinctively took a step backwards as the door’s lock clicked and then swung open. Daniel had just one second to take in his cousin Emmy before she was right in front of him. “Daniel!” Emmy excitedly stepped forwards with a huge smile, “You haven’t changed a bit!” Daniel saw a woman in front of him that wasn’t just tall but a giant. Her arms reached around Daniel’s waist and before he knew it he was lifted into the air in a great big bear hug. He felt his cheeks reddening as he was held against his cousin’s chest, her voluptuous breasts threatened to engulf him. It was more than a little uncomfortable and awkward. “Mmm!” Was the only sound Daniel could make as he wondered if he was going to suffocate right there between his cousin’s boobs. “Oh, sorry. I sometimes forget my own strength!” Emmy loosened her grip. To Daniel’s embarrassment Emmy didn’t set him down on the floor. Instead, she shifted him to the side with remarkable ease so that he was sat on her hip. His arms and legs automatically wrapped around Emmy as she took his suitcase and carried it inside. Daniel felt embarrassment coursing through him along with questions as to how Emmy had got so big. He hadn’t even had a chance to say anything! Daniel was final set down in the living room as Emmy sat on the couch. Daniel was left stood in front of her feeling like a child sent to report to the Principal. He was finally able to take all of her in and he was astounded. Emmy was incredibly tall, he could only estimate but if she was shorter than eight feet tall he would’ve been extremely surprised. “How was your trip? Was it OK?” Emmy asked. Despite her size her voice was very light. Her shoulder-length golden hair bobbed slightly as she sat up straight. The apron she was wearing over her black dress bunched up and she had to pull it down. “It was fine.” Daniel replied quietly. Looking around the room Daniel could see the interior of the house was the same as the exterior. Everything was bigger than normal, the couches and armchairs were so tall he would struggle to clamber up on to the cushions, Even the windowsill was so high up he could’ve used it for chin-ups. He had never felt smaller as he looked round at the giant room. “Oh, where are my manners?” Emmy chuckled, “Let me help you up.” “Wha-… No I’m-” Daniel found himself being lifted again and this time deposited on the couch. He hadn’t been handled this much since he had been a baby, it seemed like Emmy had some real issues with personal boundaries. Much to Daniel’s embarrassment his legs hung over the edge of the seat without touching the ground. “So what have you been up to?” Emmy asked excitedly. She leaned back and turned sideways to face her new guest. Her breasts were very distracting as they pushed out towards Daniel. “Oh, you know… This and that.” Daniel muttered as he forced himself to look away. He had so many questions but Emmy wasn’t giving him a moment to say anything. Daniel wanted to ask Emmy what had happened to make her so incredibly tall and about her house. Did she have a genetic problem that kept her growing? Did she have this house custom made? Why wasn’t she a star basketball player? Were those boobs real!? “You have to give me more than that!” Emmy giggled and draped one of her long arms over Daniel’s shoulders, “Come on, we’ve got all the time in the world. Tell Aunty everything.” “Aunty?” Daniel replied with a frown. “Oh, silly me!” Emmy giggled again, “I’m so much bigger than you I forgot you aren’t one of my sister’s kids! Just a maternal instinct I suppose, you’re actually older than me by a couple of years, hard to believe, huh?” As Emmy laughed heartily Daniel forced a trepid smile across his face. If he could’ve done he would’ve excused himself from this bizarre house and run away because Emmy was acting very strangely. He didn’t like the very “hands on” approach she was taking to him, it wasn’t normal to just be picked up like this. “So what have you been up to?” Emmy said again. “I went to university.” Daniel looked away from Emmy as he shifted uncomfortably, “Studied video game design and then got a job at an independent company. I wor-” “Wow!” Emmy interrupted, “Impressive! I’m proud of you, what a clever boy!” Daniel blushed a little as he was praised in such a strange manner. He bit his lip as he felt his face flush with embarrassed heat. This had been a big mistake. His social isolation had pushed him into this meeting but he had never expected a situation like this. Despite his loneliness being alone at home seemed very attractive at this point. “Let me show you your room so you can get settled in.” Emmy said after a couple of seconds of uncomfortable silence. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cousin-emmy-part-92754660 5 1
Babytom948 Posted November 12, 2023 Posted November 12, 2023 Reminds me a little of another story,but nice to have a little mystery in this one.
mordand Posted November 12, 2023 Posted November 12, 2023 I love these kind of stories! Great start. I’m looking forward to what happens next 🙂
Elfy Posted November 19, 2023 Author Posted November 19, 2023 Daniel seems just too small to really be in Emmy's house. After struggling with the stairs Emmy helps him unpack. Then an embarrassing problem comes up... How does Daniel uses the toilet in a bathroom that was far too big for him? --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on Patreon. For $10 you can see everything early AND 50 full length stories that can only be found on my Patreon page! The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my patrons and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my Patreon ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Daniel scooted forwards on the couch and then dropped to the floor as Emmy stood up to her full and considerable height. Daniel took a couple of steps back in fear that Emmy would scoop him up again but she just took his luggage and motioned for him to follow. Daniel looked around at the house as he walked through and he was just absolutely mesmerised by how strange everything was. He felt so small as he saw such massive household items. There was a trash can in the corner of the living room that came up to his chest, an umbrella in a stand that was as tall as Daniel was. It was like a house at a fun fair or something, a place designed to be wrong and throw off your perception and yet it all seemed perfectly proportioned to the giant Emmy. Emmy lifted the suitcase up the stairs with ease but for Daniel it presented a very different level of challenge. The steps were each at knee height to him and it felt more like climbing a mountain than a staircase. He stood on the bottom step sizing up the challenge ahead as Emmy reached the landing. “Come on up.” Emmy said with a smile as if she didn’t recognise the problem, “Do you need me to carry you?” “I’m fine!” Daniel quickly replied before Emmy could come back down to get him. Emmy laughed and walked down the landing. Daniel turned his head to the front door and wondered if he should just leave. This was a weird and uncomfortable situation and the urge to run was strong. Emmy had his suitcase though and he had put his coat over the handle, without it he didn’t have his keys, wallet or anything. Daniel started negotiating the stairs as best as he could manage. He had to lift his leg high up to reach the next step, soon he was using his hands on the stairs above him to help pull himself up. It was exhausting to try and climb up like this and he could even feel himself sweating. He tried different techniques until eventually he ended up on his hands and knees essentially crawling up the stairs. He didn’t even want to think about trying to negotiate the descent. When Daniel finally reached the top of the stairs he crawled on to the landing to find Emmy towering above and looking down at him. She was smiling and had her eyebrows raised. Daniel felt embarrassed to be on his hands and knees like that so he quickly got back up and dusted himself down. “Do you need any help?” Emmy asked. “I’m fi-” Daniel started. “Come on.” Emmy took Daniel’s hand and started leading him down the hallway. Daniel had to practically jog to keep up with his cousin and he couldn’t take his eyes off Emmy’s hand. It was like a baseball mitt wrapped around his tiny hand. She wasn’t holding tight but he got the impression she could really squeeze him if she wanted to. “Here we are…” Emmy pushed open the door at the end of the hallway and pulled Daniel inside. It seemed to be a pretty standard spare bedroom except that everything was supersized just like the rest of the house. The bed was pushed against the wall underneath a window so high up Daniel could only see the sky. There was a desk against the far wall with a lamp on it and space for the laptop he had brought. Next to the door to the room there was a large wardrobe and a chest of drawers. Despite it being a regular bedroom the size made Daniel feel like he had entered a function hall of some kind, he estimated you could probably fit forty people in here without it even being a squeeze. “What do you think?” Emmy asked. “It looks fine.” Daniel answered honestly, “Just… everything is so big…” “Plenty of space for you to play in.” Emmy giggled. Daniel frowned and looked up at his giant cousin. He had no idea what she meant by “play” but she was already carrying his suitcase to the bed. She opened it up without even asking Daniel who bit his lip as she giggled again. She made an “aww” noise as she reached into the bag and pulled out something Daniel had decided to pack at the very last minute. “I can’t believe you still have Arthur!” Emmy looked at Daniel as she held up a brown teddy bear, “You used to carry this around everywhere!” It was true. As a young child Daniel was practically surgically attached to Arthur. It had been sitting in his closet for years now, he had only brought it as a fun conversation piece to reminisce about. He opened his mouth to say as much when Emmy started talking over him again. “I’ll leave this right here for you to cuddle up to.” Emmy placed the teddy bear on the bed next to the pillows. “Wait, I don’t-” Daniel timidly started. “Let’s get your clothes packed away.” Emmy started pulling clothes out of the suitcase and humming loudly preventing Daniel from saying anything. Daniel was blushing again. He hadn’t wanted Emmy to think he still slept with his childhood teddy bear but she seemed to have decided he did and that was that. He was so shocked and distracted he didn’t object as all his clothes and underwear was put away for him. Events had swept Daniel away, he didn’t seem to have any control over what was happening now. “Perfect.” Emmy said as she finished putting the clothes away, “And there’s plenty of room for more.” Daniel had followed Emmy back to the staircase before he realised what an odd comment it was. He didn’t get time to really even think about it before he was lifted back up and sat on Emmy’s hip as if he weighed nothing. “Y-You don’t have to carry me.” Daniel complained as he started to go red, “I can walk!” “I saw you crawling up the stairs.” Emmy said as she started walking down them, “We wouldn’t want you having an accident would we?” Daniel looked down and couldn’t help but silently agree that a staircase of this size would be a challenge to descend with any real dignity. As he was carried down the stairs he felt Emmy adjust her grip and as she did so her hand rubbed briefly between his legs. Daniel jumped but Emmy made no sign of noticing what had happened. He was set down on the floor in the living room where he finally took a seat opposite from Emmy. For the first time since Daniel arrived there appeared to be some normalcy. They started having a conversation about what life had been like for both of them. Daniel was able to finally ask about Emmy’s height though the response was rather dull. “I just didn’t stop growing.” Emmy laughed, “You know my parents are loaded. They had this place built just for me.” The two of them ended up talking right through to dinner time without any problems. When Emmy was out of the room preparing food Daniel was able to look around more though he didn’t get off his seat. He was starting to really need the bathroom. By the time he was squirming in his chair he knew he was going to have a problem. Emmy walked back in and Daniel slipped off his chair, the drop to the floor was more than he was expecting and he almost fell over. “Dinner will be ready in a minute if you want to come through to the dining room.” Emmy said with a wave. “That’s great…” Daniel bit his lip and shifted from one foot to the other. Thanks to the scale of everything and the question he was about to ask he felt like a child, “Could I use the bathroom?” “Oh, yes, I’ve thought about that.” Emmy put up a finger, “Wait right there.” Daniel was confused. He had expected to be told directions to the bathroom, he didn’t understand why he had to wait in the living room. He had been in the house for hours and he was getting increasingly desperate. From somewhere nearby Daniel heard some cardboard boxes being moved before Emmy returned. “I realised you would never be able to use my toilet.” Emmy said brightly, “Heck, you might even fall in and get flushed away by accident!” “So…” Daniel saw the non-descript box in Emmy’s hands and felt nervous. “I went out and bought something for you to use.” Emmy said. She placed the box on the floor and reached into it. Daniel watched as Emmy slowly raised her arms and lift out a bright red plastic potty. He didn’t immediately react, it was like his brain had briefly short-circuited. It slowly sunk in over the course of several silent seconds. Once Daniel realised what he was seeing he let out a short laugh. “You’re kidding, right?” Daniel said with a smile, “This is a joke?” “I know it’s not what you’re used to but it’s the easiest option.” Emmy said with a shrug, “I couldn’t let you use my toilet without being there with you…” Daniel’s face fell. The day had been a parade of strangeness from the moment he had got off the bus but this just took the cake. There was just no way Daniel could use a training potty no matter what the situation! “M-Maybe I should go…” Daniel finally said, “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this.” “Go?” Emmy repeated with a frown. Daniel walked past Emmy and out into the hallway. He put his shoes on even though bending over was only putting more pressure on his bladder. He heard his large cousin follow him out towards the front door. Daniel realised he didn’t have any of his things, they were all up in the room he was supposed to be staying in but right then he needed to get out of the house and collect his bearings. “There won’t be another bus until Monday.” Emmy said from behind Daniel, “We’re pretty out in the middle of nowhere here.” It was Friday. Daniel faintly remembered checking the public transport routes when planning his trip and now remembered Emmy was right. Regardless, he walked to the front door and reached up for the doorknob. He could only just reach it with his fingertips but he couldn’t get enough purchase to actually open the door. “You can’t keep me here…” Daniel muttered. He was addressing Emmy but didn’t have the nerve to actually speak up and be heard by her. “I… I thought we were going to catch up.” Emmy’s voice seemed to drip with disappointment, “I thought we were going to have some fun” Daniel’s hands fell to his side and he turned around to face Emmy who was leaning against the wall. She looked a little hurt that Daniel would try to leave. Daniel felt his heart ache a little as he looked at his cousin’s downcast face. He took a deep breath and started taking his shoes off again, he felt embarrassed for how he had behaved. Trying to run out like he had, he had been raised better than that. Emmy had tried to help him and he had thrown it back in her face. Sure there had been some odd behaviour but maybe he was blowing it all out of proportion. “I’m sorry…” Daniel said. His shoulders slumped and he looked down at the ground, “I’ll use your… alternative method.” Emmy’s whole demeanour changed almost immediately. She smiled widely as she walked forwards and wrapped Daniel in a hug again. Daniel felt her squeeze him and his need for the bathroom grew. When he was finally let go he felt the strong need to pee remained. He awkwardly shuffled his feet as Emmy fussed over him. “Well, I kind of need to use it…” Daniel’s face burned. “Oh, yes, of course!” Emmy nodded her large head and stepped back. Daniel had been ready to run away just a few seconds ago but now he slowly walked back down the hallway towards the living room. The training potty was sat in the middle of the floor. It was pretty big considering it was typically used for children. The bright red contrasted with the room around it. Daniel walked up to it feeling incredibly embarrassed. He wondered if he could stand in front of it and pee into it like a urinal but he was worried the urine would splash back out. He didn’t want to make a mess… “Maybe if I had some privacy it would help.” Daniel practically whispered as he turned to look at Emmy who was watching him from the doorway. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” Emmy chuckled, “Remember when we were curious…” “Alright, let’s not bring up ancient history!” Daniel quickly interrupted, “But still…” “Fine.” Emmy rolled her eyes as if Daniel was kicking up a fuss over nothing. Daniel was glad to watch Emmy turn and leave the doorway. He looked down at the potty again and sighed deeply. He didn’t want anyone to find out about this, it was insane that just a few hours ago he had arrived thinking this was going to be a normal social visit and now he was going to sit on a toddler potty in the middle of the living room to do his business. With one last look to make sure Emmy hadn’t come back he pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees and sat down. It felt incredibly strange to be sat in a living room like this with his pants around his knees. The potty was too low for him though it still seemed bigger than a normal toddler potty. His knees went up too far leaving him feeling like he was squatting rather than sitting. It took a little while for Daniel to be able to relax. His bladder was being very shy thanks to the unusual position. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he tried to imagine himself sitting on the toilet rather than the training potty. Daniel heard a splash as his bladder relaxed, the initial spurt turned into a stream. The hot liquid hit the front of the inside of the potty and pooled at the bottom. Daniel shivered a little. “Glad to see you’re getting used to it.” Emmy’s voice appeared out of nowhere. Daniel jumped and nearly toppled over off the potty. He grabbed the sides to stay upright but felt the pool of urine rolling back and forward like a big wave. He felt the tip of his penis submerge briefly. The worst part was that he still needed to pee and as he settled himself his bladder resumed emptying. “No need to look embarrassed.” Emmy said as she stepped back into the living room, “I bought it to be used after all.” Daniel didn’t think that was the point. He wanted a little privacy for what was a very private act, he had even requested it but Emmy ignored him. All he could do was continue to pee with his pants around his knees and his hands doing their best to cover up what the potty wasn’t. His face was as red as his training toilet but Emmy either didn’t notice or didn’t care. When Daniel finally finished he awkwardly stood up. He tried to keep himself covered as he pulled his underwear and pants back up. He looked down at the puddle of urine in the potty and felt a fresh dose of shame. “All finished?” Emmy asked as she walked further into the room, “Good boy. Come on, time for din-dins.” Daniel watched as Emmy picked up the potty and carried it to the kitchen. Daniel followed closely behind, he had the strange feeling that he should apologise despite not being left with a choice in the matter. The house around him was already much bigger than he was used to but he felt as if he was shrinking even more. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cousin-emmy-part-93166897 6 1
Elfy Posted November 26, 2023 Author Posted November 26, 2023 After the embarrassing trip to the bathroom Daniel head back downstairs for dinner. If he thought his day was going to get less strange he was in for a surprise. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on Patreon. For $10 you can see everything early AND 50 full length stories that can only be found on my Patreon page! The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my patrons and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my Patreon ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Daniel stood by the large table awkwardly as Emmy took the potty over and emptied it into the kitchen sink. She filled the sink with warm water and submerged the toddler toilet to clean it. She washed her hands and then carried the two plates of food to the table. There were four chairs around the circular table and Emmy put the food down in front of two chairs that were next to each other. “It’ll be nice not eating alone for a change.” Emmy chuckled, “I’m not very sociable and not many guys want to date a taller woman… Well, not this much taller at least.” Daniel offered a nervous sympathetic smile. Emmy sat down on one of the chairs and used her foot to push the seat next to her backwards. Daniel cautiously walked forwards and looked at the seat with trepidation. It was much higher than he was used to and he almost had to pull himself up on to the padded seat. It was far from dignified but Daniel finally sat down with his legs swinging underneath him. The next problem was how much higher the table was from here. He had to lift his arms above his shoulders to even reach the edge. He could feel Emmy watching him as he struggled and wondered just how silly he must look. “Are you alright?” Emmy asked pleasantly as if she couldn’t clearly see Daniel’s struggles. “Uh huh.” Daniel grunted. Daniel shifted on to his knees to lift him a little higher. He could at least reach his plate now but it was still a stretch and Daniel was worried he was going to fall off his chair. He picked up his fork and stuck it in a sausage, he was biting his lip but even the forks were bigger than at home. He had to use both his hands on it due to the weight. The bottom of the sausage hit the bottom of the plate and fell off the fork, it landed on the table where it rolled to the edge and then fell all the way to the floor. Daniel winced and looked cautiously to see if Emmy had noticed. She was looking at him with pursed lips, Daniel couldn’t help but duck his head feeling like he was about to get told off. It was so difficult to remember Emmy was younger than him and not an aunt or friend of his mother. She was his cousin, his younger cousin at that! “You’re making quite the mess.” Emmy said as she put down her cutlery. “Sorry…” Daniel muttered. “Let Aunty help.” Emmy said simply. Daniel was about to correct his cousin when he felt her hands on his side. She had leaned round the table to grab him under the armpits. Daniel exclaimed as he was suddenly lifted towards Emmy. He felt the hard bone of her leg underneath him as he was sat across her lap. He looked towards the table as the plate of food was pulled towards them. “You don’t have to-” Daniel started mumbling. “It’s no bother.” Emmy said, “It’s better to do this than to make a big mess.” Daniel didn’t think the sausage on the floor constituted a “big mess” but he was too embarrassed to argue. He found it hard to believe how easily Emmy manhandled him. He felt one of her large hands on his back keeping upright whilst the other picked up the fork. She pushed the fork into another bit of sausage and lifted it towards Daniel’s face. “Isn’t this much easier?” Emmy asked with a light tone, “No mess and no fuss. Open up!” Daniel didn’t want to comply with the embarrassing instruction. He turned his head away at the last second and ended up with the sausage pushed against his cheek. Emmy tutted as she pulled it away. Daniel looked up at his tall cousin pleadingly. “I can feed myself… I’m not a child…” Daniel complained sulkily. “I saw you trying to feed yourself just now.” Emmy guffawed, “Come on now, it’s perfectly fine to accept help when you need it.” Daniel saw Emmy lift the sausage up again. She bounced it up and down playfully a couple of times in front of his mouth. With reluctance Daniel finally opened his mouth and let Emmy feed him. He chewed the sausage and swallowed with some difficulty thanks to the shame that constricted his throat. “Good boy!” Emmy said happily, “You keep that up and you’ll get a nice reward!” Daniel didn’t know what Emmy meant but as her hand went down and briefly caressed his genitals he felt himself freeze in place. Just when he didn’t think he could get more embarrassed. Emmy was a beautiful woman for sure and her ample chest that was now right in front of Daniel’s face was enough to make any man drool but she was still his cousin! “Come on, there’s plenty more to eat.” Emmy said as she loaded up enough forkful of food. Daniel opened his mouth again as another mouthful of food was shovelled into his mouth. He chewed laboriously and swallowed again. The fork was huge and Emmy was fully loading it each time meaning it was hard for Daniel to chew it all. As a consequence some of the food fell down his front, a little sauce trickled out the side of his mouth. “We’ll need to get you a bib if you keep on like this.” Emmy laughed. Daniel looked over to the plate. The plate was, of course, much bigger than he was used to and it was piled high with food. Surely he couldn’t be expected to eat all of it. Emmy seemed to be giving no consideration to the fact that Daniel was only a little more than half her size! To Daniel’s dismay it seemed Emmy did want Daniel to eat everything. Food was pushed into his mouth almost as fast as he could swallow it. He had no idea how much food he had swallowed when he started feeling full but when he looked at the plate he saw there was still much more to come. He let out a groan. “I think I’m full…” Daniel said as he forced down another bite of, admittedly, very good food. “There’s only a little bit left.” Emmy said as she stabbed the fork into more of the food. Daniel forced his mouth open as more food came into his body. A fluffy lump of mashed potato fell out of his mouth and as he tried to stop it falling he smeared it against his shirt. He was getting increasingly sluggish. He didn’t know when it happened but he found himself leaning against Emmy, her breast becoming a pillow for his head. Daniel felt like his belly was going to burst. He looked down at his shirt to see it bulging out, the belly underneath groaning in complaint. He put his hands on the bulging stomach as he lazily leaned against Emmy. It felt like the digestion of such a vast quantity of food was taking all of his energy. “Just a few more mouthfuls.” Emmy cooed. Daniel swallowed down the last of the food and then panted. He hadn’t even been aware his body could fit this much food in it, his hunger had been sated long ago and now he felt certain he would never eat again. “Are you thirsty?” Emmy asked. Daniel was looking up and had his vision filled with Emmy’s large smiling face. He only groaned in response to the question but the young woman seemed to take that as a yes. As she reached on to the table Daniel closed his eyes again. His hands rubbed against his swollen belly and he let out a loud belch. “Sorry…” Daniel murmured. “That’s OK. Here you go. Drink this, it’ll help wash down all that yummy food.” Emmy said. Daniel reached out for a glass but only felt Emmy slapping his hands away. He didn’t protest but instead opened his mouth waiting for a glass to be tipped up into it. Instead he felt something soft and squishy push past his parted lips and rest on his tongue. Daniel’s eyes startled open despite his lethargy. A large clear plastic bottle was pushed against his face. He could feel Emmy’s arm holding his head up as he was leaned back a little. She smiled encouragingly as she held the infantile drinking vessel in place. “Mmm… No… Mmm…” Daniel tried to stop the childish feeling but his voice was muffled but the large latex teat. All that he accomplished was a squirt of milk as his tongue closed on the nipple. “It’s OK.” Emmy said with a warm smile, “This is just because you’re so tired. I couldn’t give you a glass or anything, you’d spill it everywhere!” The logic made sense to the tired and full Daniel but he still didn’t want to drink like a baby. He tried to tell Emmy he didn’t want this but it just left him spluttering on the milk. His belly was full to bursting and the milk was only making the situation worse. He finally gave up the resistance when he was unable to dislodge the bottle. Daniel felt like between his food and the bottle he had ingested twice his body weight. With how full he felt it was a miracle he hadn’t somehow burst open. His hands rubbed his tummy which was bulging quite dramatically, his shirt no longer seemed to cover the entirety of his belly. Even as he moaned from the fullness Emmy kept cooing and encouraging him to finish the milk. It was a relief for Daniel when he finally gave some tired sucks on the latex teat and felt nothing but air. As the bottle was pulled out of his mouth Daniel let out a groan. His hands clutched his tummy and he closed his eyes, he could feel everything churning inside him. “You’re looking tired.” Emmy said after she put the bottle down, “Time to go to bed?” Daniel didn’t have the energy to speak so he just nodded his head lazily. Sleep sounded amazing right then, time to digest everything that had happened both with the meal and everything around it. When Daniel had left the house that morning he certainly didn’t see this as the position he would be in when bed time rolled around. Emmy stood up. Daniel was cradled in her arms still as she started walking down the hallway and back to the stairs. The young man squirmed a little but his complaining was limited to a few low grunts. In truth Daniel was both so tired and full he wasn’t sure he would’ve been able to walk the journey himself, especially with the mountain range which was the stairs. “It’s been so great having you here.” Emmy said as she climbed the stairs, “I’ve been very lonely here, you know?” Daniel opened his eyes just enough to see the large smiling face looking down at him. He didn’t know what to say, he should’ve put a stop to all this weird stuff when it started, he should’ve left the house whether there were any trains to take him home or not. Emmy was an old friend but she was also acting very strangely. “But I think it’s been a great day.” Emmy said as she carried Daniel into the guest bedroom, “Everything I had hoped our reunion would be and more. I look forward to getting to know you again.” Daniel felt the soft mattress underneath him and it felt like heaven. He felt Emmy sitting him up so she could pull his shirt over his head, he didn’t want his cousin to undress him but he remained limp. When Emmy’s large hands went down to his pants Daniel finally found his voice. “I… can do it.” Daniel murmured quietly. His hands went down to his pants but they were lightly slapped away by Emmy. Daniel’s hands fell to his side and he let out a low whine as his pants were undone and pulled down his legs. He felt embarrassment flooding his system but Emmy showed no sign of slowing down, she continued the undressing as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Daniel’s underpants were pulled down his legs next and he felt the tall woman manipulate his legs to leave him completely nude. “You’ve been so good today.” Emmy said quietly, “You deserve a reward. Don’t you think?” The only thing going through Daniel’s mind was confusion. He didn’t understand why he was so tired, he had certainly eaten and drunk more than he was used to but surely that wasn’t the only thing explaining it. He hesitated to think Emmy might’ve drugged him. He dismissed the thought as soon as it came to him but he still remained limp and exhausted. He was only brought out of his introspection when he felt a massive hand on his dick. Daniel’s eyes widened as he watched Emmy smile. “So good…” Emmy repeated quietly as her hand tickled across Daniel’s penis. Daniel felt himself blushing. Despite his tired state he could feel himself becoming engorged. Emmy was beautiful and he wasn’t used to any kind of contact down there, it had been a while since he had last been alone with a woman, his work had consumed him. He closed his eyes as he let the feelings wash over him, he heard Emmy chuckle quietly. The bed was huge for Daniel and he felt the opposite end dip as Emmy sat on it. One of her hands continued to lightly brush against his stiffening cock whilst the other dipped lower. Daniel jumped as he felt a hand cup his balls gently. Emmy lifted them slightly as if appraising them, it felt amazing. “Do you like that?” Emmy whispered. As she spoke her long fingers wrapped around Daniel’s twitching tool, “You can stop it at any time. Just tell me you don’t want it, just a shake of the head and I’ll stop.” Daniel looked down at Emmy. He thought about stopping things simply because of how weird everything had gotten but after a couple of seconds he let his head drop against the pillow again. Any of the worries or concerns he had faded as he felt Emmy starting to rub her hand up and down his shaft. Daniel felt the rhythmic movements and relaxed into the pleasure. He felt one hand continuing to massage him as the other very softly tickled his sack. He hadn’t ever played with that area before and he was only now discovering that he loved it. Emmy’s pace stayed consistent and it wasn’t long until Daniel felt his pleasure peaking. As his breath became ragged and his hips started to move he felt something being placed over the head of his dick. “Wha-” Daniel started to mutter. He didn’t lift his head or open his eyes. “Don’t worry about it.” Emmy stated, “Just make your little milkies.” Daniel was too close to finishing to really listen to what Emmy was saying. He opened his eyes and looked down at his crotch, he had a second to see the plastic container Emmy was holding before he felt his balls clenching. He could feel them twitching in Emmy’s palm as he shot his load. He grunted as he felt himself spurting into whatever container Emmy had held up to his penis. “Good boy!” Emmy said happily as she milked the last drops of Daniel’s seed out of his balls. She didn’t seem satisfied until the last drops fell into the container. Daniel was too tired to really react. Now that he was spent his straining hips fell to the bed and he quickly became motionless. He looked out through half-open eyes as Emmy took the cylindrical container away from Daniel’s crotch and held it upright. She smiled as the sticky cum inside slowly slid down towards the bottom. “Goodnight Daniel.” Emmy said. Daniel watched the tall woman turn and leave the room. Daniel was only conscious for a few more seconds before sleep finally took him away. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cousin-emmy-part-93543107 3
Elfy Posted December 3, 2023 Author Posted December 3, 2023 Waking up, it doesn't take Daniel long to remember what happened the day before. He immediately wants to leave but Emmy has other plans. When he is left an embarrassing choice he tries to show that any special treatment is unneeded... Unfortunately it just gets him into even more trouble. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my patrons and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 (Patreon not recommended as my page could be taken down without warning at any time) --- Daniel slowly stirred back to consciousness. He felt sleep a difficult cover to throw off and his brain seemed determined to not to let him wake up. He slowly forced himself to roll over and had to shield his eyes from the light streaming in through the window. Everything felt so foggy, his mouth felt like it was full of cotton, and he was desperately thirsty. As Daniel turned away from the window he saw the size of the bed he was in and he remembered where he was. His memory felt foggy, his brain was reluctantly awake but seemed to refuse to click into gear. He saw a baby bottle next to his pillows and he frowned, he was so thirsty he wasn’t going to turn down a drink no matter how it was delivered to him. Daniel picked up the bottle and stuck the teat into his mouth. As he did so his memory suddenly clicked and he remembered laying across Emmy’s lap as she fed him the previous night. As he started drinking he felt his cheeks blaze with embarrassment. He was just so thirsty he didn’t care how he looked as long as he got some liquid into his system. He thirstily drank the bottle, sucking down the milk as fast as he could. It didn’t take many swallows for Daniel to notice that the milk tasted a little strange. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what was wrong as he continued to slurp up the milk, a small amount trickled out the corner of his mouth. Daniel pulled the bottle out of his mouth only when he had finished it. He dropped the plastic contained where he had found it and yawned. The strange aftertaste remained but now, as his brain belatedly woke up, he started remembering more of the day before. Like a movie playing in his head he recalled the feeding, he recalled being carried upstairs and then taken to the bedroom. He remembered being undressed and then… Daniel sat up and stared directly ahead through eyes that were threatening to pop out of his head. Everything that had happened the previous day annoyed him but having Emmy jerk him off at the end of it was the final straw. He remembered consenting to it, he remembered Emmy telling him to tell her if he didn’t want it. He was as angry at himself as he was at Emmy, this was a ridiculous situation to be in. He should never have agreed to stay after the first time he wanted to leave. As if sensing Daniel was now awake Emmy opened the bedroom door. She didn’t bother to knock and was smiling widely as she came in. The white robe she was wearing left the view of bare skin going down her chest almost showing the large breasts that sat on her large frame. “You have to knock!” Daniel said angrily. “This is my house.” Emmy chuckled as if the idea of Daniel having privacy was humorous. “You were out of line yesterday!” Daniel continued crossly. He wanted to stand up to Emmy but he was unable to leave his bed since he was naked under his covers. “Out of line?” Emmy replied innocently. “Feeding me, carrying me, undressing me… everything else.” Daniel was trying to keep his angry tone but as he thought about the orgasm he was given last night he found his voice faltering, “I’m not some baby for you to order around!” “I didn’t hear you complaining about any of it.” Emmy replied. Just like the previous day when Daniel had tried to open the front door Emmy’s face showed a mixture of hurt and betrayal. Daniel cursed his softness but he found himself instinctively feeling sorry for his younger cousin. “Maybe I should go.” Daniel sighed, “Maybe this was all a mistake…” “No, don’t be silly.” Emmy smiled again as she opened the drawers, “All friends have falling outs. No need for us to stop having fun.” Daniel privately wondered when the fun was so supposed to begin. He rubbed his eyes and started shifting himself towards the edge of the huge bed. He looked up at Emmy who was now going through his underwear. He reached out his hand and was going to say something but stopped himself, he knew it wouldn’t make any difference. Emmy seemed to find what she was looking for as she tossed clothes on to the bed. The underwear was first but the rest of the outfit followed shortly afterwards. There seemed no reason to make a big deal out of it. “I’ll wait for you downstairs.” Emmy said when she had finished selecting clothes for Daniel. “I kind of… Well, I need the bathroom.” Daniel said. “No problem, I’ll get you your potty.” Emmy replied sunnily. Daniel cringed. It wasn’t his potty! Anyone who wasn’t Emmy’s size would surely struggle to use the toilet in a house where everything was so big. This time felt even worse than the first one as he needed to do more than pee. He prayed he would get some privacy this time. Emmy returned with the training potty a minute later and set it in the middle of the floor. She nodded and smiled before leaving again. Daniel listened as she made her way downstairs. He only slid out and dropped to the floor when he heard Emmy walking around downstairs. He looked at the potty and felt anxious. It was weird enough to use it yesterday but when he needed to go number two… he just wasn’t sure he could do it. Daniel shook his head and walked to the exit of his room. He felt strange to be going out into the rest of the house naked but he wasn’t going far. He could see a door at the end of the landing half-open, it was clearly the bathroom. Daniel crept down the hallway and into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him but couldn’t reach up to engage the lock. That was fine, his target was behind him. The toilet was very big. The top of the bowl with the seat down was around nipple height on Daniel, the bowl itself had a massive circumference. Daniel took a deep breath. He put his hands on the seat and tried to lift himself up. It wasn’t easy but Daniel managed to clamber up and on to the edge of the seat. He panted slightly as he turned around. To say Daniel’s position was precarious was an understatement. He was perched on the edge of the toilet seat but to get himself over the bowl properly he had to push his way backwards. He felt ridiculous though he justified himself by thinking about how much more ridiculous it would be to use the potty again. Daniel managed to get over the bowl and although his position was awkward he was able to do his business. He sighed with a mixture of relief and victory. Once he was finished he cleaned up with some toilet paper that was mercifully nearby and looked around for the flush. He reached up behind him and had to strain to reach the handle. Once he had managed to get his fingers to the metal he had to give it some pressure to push it down. Try as he might he couldn’t quite get the leverage needed. “Come on…” Daniel muttered as he leaned back just a little further to try and give himself a better angle. Thinking he needed to give the handle one firm yank and be done with it Daniel put all his effort into pulling the handle. As he pulled down he heard the flush come to life but he was dangerously unbalanced. He tried to reach out and grab something but he toppled backwards, backside first, into the bowl. His arms and legs were left sticking up and out of the toilet leaving him helpless and trapped. “Help!” Daniel yelped. The situation was incredibly embarrassing but Daniel just couldn’t free himself. He could feel his butt getting wet and tried not to think about the sorts of things that happened in the toilet for fear of making himself nauseous. He wriggled desperately, he could grab the edge of the seat but there was just no way to pull himself up. “I… I need some help!” Daniel shouted louder this time. The embarrassment of being found like this gave way to fear as Daniel imagined a scenario where Emmy couldn’t hear him. How long might he be trapped in this very uncomfortable position laying back against the porcelain and losing the blood flow to his extremities. When he heard hurried footsteps on the stairs he felt a wave of relief before the embarrassment returned. Daniel heard Emmy check the bedroom before coming back on to the landing and pushing the door open. “What on Earth…” Emmy frowned and put her hands on her hips. “Can we save explanations for after you get me out?” Daniel offered as he felt his face burn. Emmy walked forwards and wrapped her large hands around Daniel’s wrists. With little effort she pulled Daniel out of the toilet and stood him in front of her. Daniel quickly grabbed a towel for his wet butt. “This is why you have a potty.” Emmy said with a shake of the head. Daniel hung his head and looked at the floor. He felt intensely embarrassed. He had tried to save himself from some humiliation but had only served to create another problem. He wished the tall woman would look away, Daniel could feel her gaze burning a hole through him. “Go and get dressed.” Emmy finally said with a sigh of exasperation. Daniel didn’t need a second offer to leave the scene of his crime. He covered himself up despite knowing Emmy had seen him naked and practically ran back into his bedroom. The bright red potty sat in the middle of the floor, empty and acting like an obelisk of his mistake. He walked past it and started pulling on the clothes Emmy had selected for him. When he started to leave he found Emmy stood in the doorway. “Come on.” Emmy said as she reached down and picked Daniel up. Daniel was sat on Emmy’s hip and carried down the stairs. He felt embarrassed but after remembering his struggle with the stairs before he supposed this was the safest way to do things. He didn’t know what to say after being found stuck in the toilet like he had been. What are you supposed to say to someone after they find you like that? Breakfast was sat on the table. Toast that had already been buttered and, worryingly, another baby bottle full of milk. Daniel noticed both plates were sat in front of the same chair and was unsurprised when Emmy sat down with Daniel on her lap. At the very least he was allowed to reach out and grab his own toast, a small victory amongst the embarrassments. As soon as the toast was finished Emmy picked up the bottle. Daniel waved his hands in front of his face to try and tell the tall woman he didn’t want to be fed but the bottle was pushed towards him anyway. “Stop being so fussy.” Emmy chided. “I’m not-” Daniel started but the latex teat was pushed past his lips. He reached out his hands to grab Emmy’s wrists but she was too strong for him. As Daniel tried to resist the urge to suck on the artificial nipple filling his mouth he glared at Emmy. This was too much and Daniel didn’t see any way to justify what his younger cousin was doing. He tried to squirm but only ended up more horizontal, the milk started to drip into his mouth whether he wanted to drink it or not. As he swallowed the sweet liquid he accidentally pressed his tongue to the teat causing more to spurt out. Before he knew what he was doing he was having to reflexively swallow as his mouth continued to fill. Daniel’s belly felt incredibly full. He remembered the previous evening and the huge meal he had consumed, this time it seemed to be nearly all liquid. When the bottle was finished Emmy pulled it away. As she focused on placing the bottle back on the table Daniel saw an opportunity, he was finally able to pull free and he dropped to the floor. “That is enough!” Daniel exclaimed crossly, “No more!” “Whatever do you mean?” Emmy asked politely. “All of this.” Daniel held his hands up, “This isn’t how you treat a friend!” “Don’t be silly.” Emmy rolled her eyes as if Daniel was being unreasonable, “Why don’t we go thro-” “No!” Daniel angrily started storming towards the front door. “Where are you going?” Emmy asked. She sounded exasperated rather than concerned. Daniel reached the front door and was once again met by a handle he couldn’t reach. He looked around and saw a trash can nearby. It was still much larger than Daniel was used to but he tipped it upside down and spilled the contents everywhere. He pushed the upturned can to the door and scrambled to climb on top of it. Success! Daniel could now reach the handle and he pulled it down. The door didn’t budge. Daniel yanked on the door a couple more times but still it didn’t move. His hands dropped to his side and he looked around at the door to try and work out why it wouldn’t open. At the top of the door, right up near the ceiling, there was a bolt that Daniel had no hope of ever reaching. “You can never be too careful.” Emmy said from the other end of the hallway, “You never know who might be trying to get in.” Daniel hung his head. He climbed down from the trash can and tried to convince himself he was overreacting. That what was happening wasn’t outlandish. He tried not to think about how he was effectively trapped in the house with his cousin. Emmy was smiling as she started walking down the hallway, it was very disconcerting. “Are you ready to come watch some television?” Emmy asked. Her voice seemed to betray no negative emotion. It was as if she hadn’t just watched her guest trying desperately to leave. Daniel, wondering exactly who his cousin was, looked down at the ground. Things had changed, in that moment he felt like a prisoner and with everything that had happened he had no idea what else to expect. He didn’t know if Emmy was dangerous. He didn’t even know if he wasn’t just overreacting. Could it not just be that Emmy was a little strange and lonely? Could it be that she was just very happy to have a guest? “I know you want to be good.” Emmy said as she walked down the hallway and stood in front of Daniel, “But I can’t have you shouting at me like you’ve been doing this morning.” Daniel looked up as Emmy rummaged through her pocket. Daniel kept looking down the hallway as Emmy walked around and behind him, he assumed she was checking the lock or cleaning up the mess from the trash. He was therefore caught by surprise when he saw something quickly descend past his vision. “Mmmm!” Daniel exclaimed as he felt something enter his mouth. Whatever it was had a strap that was now pulled against his cheeks and buckled behind his head. As Daniel spluttered and gasped his teeth bit down on to a strange rubber-like appendage coming from whatever had been pressed over his mouth. His hands went up to the plastic shield pressing against his lips but found the strap was attached tightly enough as to prevent him from being able to remove it. “Let me out!” Was what Daniel tried desperately to say but it was muffled and distorted. His tongue flicked against the latex in his mouth preventing him from properly enunciating. “You need to learn that shouting is wrong.” Emmy said as she slapped Daniel’s hands away from the buckle on the back of his head, “The sooner you calm down the sooner I will let you take your pacifier out.” The word “pacifier” made Daniel freeze. Suddenly everything made more sense, everything he could feel in his mouth, Emmy had essentially gagged him on a soother. With his hands slapped away from the buckle on the back of his head Daniel crossly stared up at Emmy. She smiled but didn’t take her eyes away from her guest. “Come on.” Emmy said as she patted Daniel on the back and pointed towards the living room, “We’ve got more catching up to do.” --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1097852 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/d3b66e92-cca6-48b7-9698-d9136d4b7a62 https://www.patreon.com/posts/cousin-emmy-part-93985967 5
Elfy Posted December 10, 2023 Author Posted December 10, 2023 Emmy is taking more and more control of the situation. Daniel feels quite helpless against tyhe his domineering cousin as things get weirder and weirder. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel didn’t know what he was expecting but after walking rather fretfully into the living room and sitting down things could almost pass for normal. Emmy kept up a one-sided conversation which didn’t require Daniel to interject. This was a good thing because Daniel was having enough trouble just making sure he didn’t drool everywhere. He couldn’t get used to the intruder in his mouth no matter how long it stayed there. “Are you ready to be good?” Emmy asked after ninety minutes of monologue. Daniel was taken aback. Daniel quickly nodded his head. His jaw was aching a little and despite his best efforts he was increasingly finding drool running down his chin. He was over the initial anger he had from earlier, he wasn’t happy by any means but he was ready to play along if it meant not being punished any further. “If I take that pacifier out are you going to shout again?” Emmy asked. Daniel’s vigorous nodding became an equally emphatic head shake. Emmy considered Daniel for a few moments and then stood up. She walked over to where Daniel was sat and reached behind his head. Daniel felt relief as the pacifier loosened and he was able to pull it out. As Emmy pulled out the pacifier Daniel saw a long, thin trail of drool connecting him to the teat. He eagerly wiped his mouth. “You know Aunty doesn’t like to punish you but you were getting a little out of control.” Emmy said as she stepped back. That wasn’t quite how Daniel remembered it. He remembered a little bit of shouting and then trying to leave but that was it. It seemed entirely appropriate for the situation. He started doubting himself a little bit. Maybe his memory of what happened was somehow wrong, maybe he hadn’t realised how obnoxious he was being. He had known Emmy since they were little children, despite everything he wasn’t really ready to accept that she might not be a good person. It was only after Emmy had turned and left the room that Daniel even realised she had referred to herself as “Aunty” again. “Let me get you a drink.” Emmy said as she took the pacifier away. Daniel’s legs were hanging over the side of the couch and he kicked them up into the air as he waited for Emmy to come back. When Emmy did finally come back Daniel was unsurprised to see a baby bottle of milk in her hands. He thought about complaining again but he was still getting used to a mouth without a pacifier in it, he didn’t want to give the giant woman a reason to shove it back in again. Emmy sat down next to Daniel on the couch. She patted her lap and smiled. Daniel brought his legs up so he was on all fours on top of the couch cushions. He really didn’t want to be fed again but he also didn’t want to upset his cousin and risk her wrath. “You know, I could…” Daniel started. A single raised eyebrow stopped Daniel from saying anything. His cheeks burned red as he complied with Emmy’s wishes and got closer to her. As soon as he was next to Emmy the tall woman scooped him up turned him over and laid him across her lap. Daniel had just a second to see the ceiling before the bottle was brought up to his face. He was soon sucking down milk again. Daniel wasn’t too thirsty though. His bottle with breakfast was still heavy in his belly and he soon wanted to stop drinking. He tried to push Emmy’s hands away but she held the bottle in place. A little milk spilled down the side of Daniel’s mouth but he was still forced to drink. He could see that the bottle was still nearly full. “It’s alright, it’s alright…” Emmy cooed maternally as if Daniel was just being fussy. “No… Ple-” Daniel spluttered around the teat of the bottle. With a groan Daniel continued to swallow the milk. He was getting sluggish again, he could feel all the milk splashing around in his belly. His hands went up from his side and cradled his bulging belly. He could feel that his shirt had pulled up over his belly, he felt as if he was expanding like a cartoon character. Daniel jumped as he felt Emmy’s hand suddenly cupping over his genitals. He whined a little around the bottle as the large hand rested against him. He tried thinking of the least sexy things imaginable, his current situation being one of them, but his body reacted predictably. His face was burning as he felt himself growing hard. Emmy seemed to notice as well because she started rubbing the front of his clothes directly over his straining erection. All Daniel could think about was not cumming in his pants as he reflexively sucked on the bottle. He tried to focus on the drinking and ignore the manipulation of his most sensitive area and yet it just demanded his attention. Daniel heard the sound of air coming through the latex nipple and sighed in relief. The milk was gone, he felt as full as he had ever been before. Despite everything he was grateful that Emmy had removed the hand from his now tenting crotch. When the bottle was finally pulled away he tried to sit up but found himself unable to. He scowled up at Emmy who put the bottle back on the table, she was acting oblivious to Daniel’s discomfort. He had no idea if she genuinely had no clue how uncomfortable Daniel was or whether she was just a good actor. Daniel could only sit on Emmy’s lap as his teased dick slowly shrunk back to normal. The day continued normally from then on. At dinner time Daniel was sat on Emmy’s lap just like the previous day. He had to endure being fed again but he stayed quiet just to get it over with faster. It felt like Emmy was trying to keep him full at all times though and after dinner he was ready to lay down for the night. Fortunately that seemed to be what Emmy planned on as she carried Daniel up the stairs and into the bedroom. It was amazing how quickly things could be normalised. Daniel was certainly not happy with being carried or fed and yet he was allowing it to happen. Then again it wasn’t like Daniel had much choice. He knew that trying to resist would result in Emmy getting mad and he had learnt that an angry Emmy meant bad things for him. “I… I need to use the potty before bed.” Daniel blushed as he muttered his request. “Of course.” Emmy replied. Daniel was placed on the floor with the potty still sitting in the centre of the room from that morning. He looked at Emmy hoping she would leave the room but she just waited expectantly. Daniel sighed and turned the potty around so at the very least he wasn’t face his tall cousin. “I’m not leaving the room after your exploration this morning. Besides, I’ve seen it all before…” Emmy giggled, “You boys and your modesty. So silly!” Daniel was reminded of the embarrassing previous evening. He still didn’t know what to think of Emmy masturbating him but like so many things it was better to keep his concerns quiet. He pulled his clothes down and briefly mooned Emmy as he sat down and tucked his private parts into the potty. It took a couple of seconds to relax before Daniel’s bladder released into the plastic bowl. Daniel shuddered as he heard the tinkle of urine splashing into the training potty. It was embarrassing but still preferable to getting stuck in the toilet. He just wished he could have some privacy, it seemed like Emmy wanted to be around him at all times. After all the milk he had drunk he was sure this wouldn’t be the last time he needed the potty that evening. “All finished?” Emmy said cheerily as Daniel finally stood up again, “What a good boy!” Daniel pulled his clothes back up and walked over to the bed. It was embarrassing but the only way he was going to get up and on to the high mattress was if Emmy helped him. With reluctance he lifted his arms as Emmy reached down and lifted him up, he was placed on the mattress and scurried underneath the covers as soon as he could. “Sweet dreams.” Emmy said. She leaned down and gave Daniel a kiss on the forehead before leaving. Daniel was left alone but he watched the door for several minutes as if expecting Emmy to come back at any moment. When it seemed she had left and gone downstairs Daniel finally relaxed a little bit and stripped off his clothes. In the dying light of what was still quite early evening Daniel could see the silhouette of his bulging belly. Daniel rolled over and after staring at the wall for a little while he finally fell asleep. He didn’t notice that his little teddy bear, Arthur, which had been sitting next to the pillows, had slipped down. The soft fur rubbed against his bare skin as his breathing softened and he fell into dreamland. --- Daniel’s eyes fluttered reluctantly open. The room was pitch black now. Daniel had no way of knowing how long he had been asleep but it seemed like the middle of the night, there was no other sounds from the rest of the house. He rolled over to face the rest of the room, he belatedly realised Arthur was now in his arms and as he turned over in bed he brought the bear with him. With a snort he let go of the bear and pushed it off the edge of the bed. As Daniel closed his eyes he suddenly realised what had woken him up in the first place. His hand went down to his lower belly, it hovered over his bladder which felt achingly full again thanks to all the milk he had drunk. He knew he would never be able to get back to sleep like this. Daniel sat up sleepily and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He hadn’t completely woken up which led to him forgetting just how high off the floor he was. He slipped forwards and then felt a lurch in his tummy as he didn’t immediately touch the floor. His arms flailed and he let out a sudden exclamation as he toppled over forwards and fell to the floor with a loud bump. Daniel laid still for a few seconds. He felt winded and his sudden fall had him confused about where he was and what was happening. He heard heavy footsteps on the floor and was just picking himself up when the bedroom door suddenly opened. He barely had time to cover up his privates before Emmy flicked on the light. “What happened!?” Emmy exclaimed in concern as she hurried across the room, “I heard a bang!” “I fell out of bed…” Daniel said with no small amount of embarrassment. “Fell out of…” Emmy looked to the bed and then hit herself in the forehead with her palm, “Of course! I’m sorry, I tried to prepare for your visit but I knew I’d forget something.” “Forgot something?” Daniel frowned but then shook his head, “I kind of need to use the po-… toilet.” Daniel hoped Emmy missed him nearly slipping up and talking about using the potty. Emmy moved out of the way but for some reason she stayed to watch as Daniel lowered himself on to the training device. Having done this several times Daniel found it scarily easy to relax and start peeing. He stood up as soon as he was finished and climbed back into bed. Emmy took the potty and left with a yawn. Daniel closed his eyes and quickly went back to sleep. He didn’t give Emmy another thought as unconsciousness slowly descended on him and sent him off to dreamland. When Daniel woke up the next morning he was facing the wall. He had gone to bed early so the sun was still only beginning to rise as he opened his eyes. He stretched in the spacious bed and rolled over to look into the room. He suddenly sat up feeling fully awake as he saw Emmy leaning against the wall next to the head of his bed. “Wha-” Daniel looked around as his brain suddenly woke up, “H-How long have you been standing there?” “Did you have a good sleep?” Emmy asked, she pointedly ignored Daniel’s question, “I already have your clothes ready.” Daniel dropped down from the bed. Unlike in the night he could see where the floor was and he dropped down safely. Before getting dressed Daniel walked over to use the potty yet again. As he peed into the plastic training toilet he realised there was more that wanted to come out. He looked up at Emmy nervously. Was he really expected to go number two in the potty? He already knew the answer… --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1104768 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/fa7d754c-38fe-412d-9d6f-ce8aba0705a1 3 1
parkintochter Posted December 10, 2023 Posted December 10, 2023 I wonder how he will end up in diapers. Will she just put him in diapers for bed to beginn with? Or will she deny him the potty some time so he wets himself? I hope so 1
Elfy Posted December 17, 2023 Author Posted December 17, 2023 Daniel finds it is easy to be clumsy when the house he is staying in is so large. After being embarrassed on Emmy's "alternative toilet" he is forced to further lower himself just to get around. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel’s face reddened as he started pushing down with his tummy muscles. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. Squatting on the floor of the bedroom on his potty with Emmy watching him, he was seriously about to defecate in the plastic training device. This felt like it would’ve been an impossible situation just a couple of days ago, now the potty was just the toilet he used. With a deep breath Daniel pushed down and started pooping. The log slipped out of him easily and splashed into the puddle of urine he had previously created. With the fullness in his bowels not abating he pushed again and felt a second turd drop into the potty. When he was finally done he looked up at Emmy who was positively beaming at him. “Could I get something to clean up with?” Daniel asked through the shame in his throat. The smell was quickly contaminating the air around him. “Sure, give me a minute…” Emmy said as she left the room. Daniel felt so embarrassed. He could imagine his colleagues asking how his vacation went, he certainly wouldn’t be able to tell them the truth. All he could do was remain on the stinky potty whilst waiting for Emmy to come back. Emmy soon returned but it wasn’t with a roll of toilet paper like he expected, instead she had a plastic packet in her hands. “What are those?” Daniel asked as his cousin came closer. “Some wipes to use.” Emmy replied with a shrug. As Emmy put the plastic container on the ground Daniel was able to see that they weren’t just “some wipes” but were actually baby wipes! “Can’t I ju-” Daniel was about to ask for toilet paper but Emmy was already walking out of the room and humming a tune. She stopped just as she disappeared around the doorway. “Once you’re done rinse the potty out and leave it in the bathroom. I’ll clean it after breakfast.” Emmy said before walking away. Daniel was left on his own. He was naked on a potty he had just used with some baby wipes left to clean himself up with. Yet again his thoughts went to leaving as soon as possible but the reality remained that unless he was let out of the house he was essentially stuck there. Trying to fight the panic and claustrophobia that being trapped in the house gave him he opened the wipes and got to work cleaning himself. It wasn’t as easy a task as he had hoped. Unlike on the toilet where he could lean forwards a little and clean himself the relative smallness of the potty made that impossible. In the end he had to drop on to his hands and knees and reach behind him. At least he was getting some privacy for this, he thought to himself as he finished the task. Once Daniel was finished he dropped the last used wipe into the potty he got dressed and then picked everything up without looking at it. He held everything at arm’s length but still felt a little nauseous to be doing this. He took the potty into the bathroom and looked at the sink, it was an understatement to suggest it was a little too tall for him. The previous morning’s accident was still fresh in his mind as he took the trash can and upturned it again. Today’s parkour attempt made the previous day look like child’s play. Daniel climbed on to the trash can and used that to get up to the edge of the bathtub. He looked down anxiously, if he slipped into the bath he would be stuck like a spider. Having to call for help because he was stuck in something two days in a row didn’t seem appealing. Daniel managed to lift the potty up and get up to the sink. He was feeling out of breath from his naked acrobatics. He turned his face away in disgust as he opened the faucet and filled the potty with water. He then lifted it and poured it sideways to empty it into the toilet. Against all the odds he had managed to clean out the potty successfully! With a strange pride Daniel dropped back down to the floor and put the potty down. He smiled as he looked down at his successful job and then started walking out the bathroom. He took a step and then turned his head just in time to walk straight into the edge of the door. “Argh!” Daniel exclaimed in pain as he stumbled back from the door. He felt for sure he would have a bruise from that. Just like when he fell out of bed in the night Daniel heard footsteps rapidly approaching. Emmy turned on to the landing to see Daniel clutching his head. “Oh my, what happened?” Emmy asked as she rushed over to Daniel and dropped to her knees. She wrapped Daniel in a hug. “I just… I walked into the door.” Daniel replied. He was engulfed in the hug, his hand forced against his head by Emmy’s significant chest. “You’re full of accidents aren’t you?” Emmy asked rhetorically, “You know, I think you should crawl around unless I’m carrying you.” Emmy finally released the cuddle. Daniel frowned, it took him a moment to really work out what his host was saying. After a few seconds he smiled and chuckled a little, Emmy’s face remained unchanged. “You’re joking, right?” Daniel finally said, “Tell me you’re joking.” “Why would I be joking?” Emmy smiled down at Daniel as if he just wasn’t getting the logic of what she was saying. “But… No, I simply won’t.” Daniel waved his hands out in front of him. “I’m just thinking of your safety.” Emmy said softly, “Look at the accidents you keep getting into.” That was unfair, Daniel thought, it wasn’t like these accidents were his fault after all. He fell into the toilet because using a potty was something toddlers did, not adults like him. He tried to forget the fact he was now using the potty anyway. He fell out of bed but that was just because it was unfamiliar to him, it wouldn’t happen again, especially since Emmy was putting the bars up. Sure, he had walked into the door but everyone did things like that now and again. “You can’t expect me to do that!” Daniel exclaimed. His face was flushing red. “Fine.” Emmy held her hands in the air, “It was just an idea. How about you go downstairs and watch some television whilst I start making the changes to your bed.” Daniel was actually shocked. He was adamant about not crawling around like a baby and yet he had expected Emmy to somehow talk him into it. It was a small victory but it was still very surprising. After a couple of seconds Daniel finally turned around and started walking down the landing towards the stairs, he kept expecting to be called back but Emmy remained quiet. Daniel reached the stairs and looked down uncertainly. The stairs were a lot longer than most he encountered and with the big steps it was actually a little daunting. He considered getting on his hands and knees and going down backwards but after Emmy’s suggestion of crawling he felt like he couldn’t do that. He had to do his best to go down normally. The steps were treacherous. Daniel had to hold on to the bannister with both hands and had to lean precariously forwards to make each step. He knew he must look silly so he concentrated on moving as fast as possible so that Emmy didn’t see him like this. She seemed to think he was just some kid who needed looking after and he had to show he was just as capable as she was. “Daniel!” Emmy’s voice was sudden and insistent. In the silence of the house it made Daniel jump. Daniel jumped and his grip slipped on the bannister just as he was moving a leg to take a step down. He teetered dangerously with eyes wide open, he tried to grab the safety railing again but it was out of reach of his flailing arms. He fell forwards and knew there was no way to catch himself. He closed his eyes as he fell down the stairs. There were a series of loud bangs. Daniel’s world turned upside down as he fell head over heels several times. His momentum meant he dropped all the way to the bottom of the stairs and slid a couple of feet away. He felt a little banged up but seemed to have escaped without any serious injuries. “Oh my goodness! Are you OK?” Emmy poked her head over the bannister at the top of the stairs and saw Daniel at the bottom, “Don’t move!” Daniel wanted to say he was fine but he did as he was told and remained still as Emmy hurried down the stairs. She carefully looked Daniel over with a worried look on her face. “Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” Emmy asked. “I’m fine.” Daniel said as he pushed himself into a sitting position. “What happened?” Emmy asked. “I was just going down the stairs and then you called my name and I lost my balance.” Daniel said. He couldn’t help but look at the tall woman accusingly. “I called your name?” Emmy repeated with a frown. She shook her head, “I was starting to get your bed’s rails ready. I didn’t say anything.” “I heard you!” Daniel exclaimed. He distinctly remembered her voice as being the reason he turned around. “I’m sorry but you’re mistaken.” Emmy stood up to her full and considerable height, “But that settles it. You are going to have to crawl around here. You’re too small and I don’t want you getting hurt.” Daniel scrunched up his mouth and frowned. He wasn’t too small, everything else here was just too big! It didn’t seem fair and just like every other time something happened here Daniel looked for a way to escape. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bolt on the door was still in place. No one was getting out that way. “I’m not crawling.” Daniel finally stated flatly as he turned to face Emmy. “I’m sorry, Daniel.” Emmy held up her hands as if to say she had no choice in the matter, “I can’t send you back home all broken and bruised.” Daniel perked up at the mention of home. He bit his bottom lip. Emmy didn’t talk about him leaving much, if he had been outside the situation and looking in he would’ve realised how strange that was but in the moment he just latched on to that word: Home. Part of Daniel was screaming to continue resisting and that to do anything else was crazy but the other part of him was saying to go along with Emmy’s crazy instructions and then just ghost her when he finally left. She would get sick of him being there soon, he was sure of that. The busses would be rolling through again from tomorrow as well. All he had to do was play nice. He already drank from bottles and used a potty, was crawling that much worse? With a sigh Daniel dropped forwards on to his hands and knees and started crawling towards the living room. His face was bright red as he scampered forwards with his butt in the air. “Good boy.” Emmy praised her guest. Daniel didn’t look back as he struggled up on to the couch and sat down. He took the remote control and switched on the television. He was watching the news and had the strangest feeling. Outside these windows there was a real world going on, it was easy to forget whilst stuck in this house. Daniel considered asking Emmy if they could go for a walk or something. On second thought he dismissed the idea, all of these embarrassing requirements were bad enough at home, he hated the thought of going out in public and being humiliated. As Daniel flicked through the channels that morning he heard banging from upstairs. He was grateful to have some time alone, at least nothing bad could happen whilst Emmy was distracted upstairs. He looked at the windows and saw they all had locks on them, it seemed they were very thick too. Sometimes this house felt more like a prison than a home. Daniel shuddered and tried to ignore the growing sense of foreboding. Around lunch time the banging upstairs stopped and Emmy came back down. She indicated that it was lunchtime which wasn’t coming a moment too soon for Daniel who was feeling very hungry after missing breakfast that morning. He slipped off the couch and took a couple of steps. “Ah, ah, ah.” Emmy waggled her finger and then pointed down to the floor. Daniel sighed with resignation as he slowly lowered himself down. He blushed tremendously as he started crawling on his hands and knees. It made everything around him seem even bigger and he had the horrible feeling that he was like a pet to his cousin. He tried to tell himself he was reading too much into everything but the side of his brain setting off alarm bells was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Daniel crawled all the way out to the dining room. He waited next to a chair until Emmy arrived and sat down, she reached over and picked Daniel up. Daniel’s legs kicked out as the hands unexpectedly held his sides and lifted him up to sit on his cousin’s lap. He didn’t try to protest, he was worried of what punishments he might receive if he was disobedient. “Just some simple stuff for lunch today. I’ve tired myself up setting up your bed.” Emmy chuckled. As she laughed her knees bounced up and down causing Daniel to bounce a little. He had to hold her arm to stop from toppling over. On the table were two bowls of soup but only one spoon. It seemed that Emmy feeding Daniel was now just expected, he was reasonably confident he wouldn’t feed himself again whilst he was here. He kicked himself for spilling his food on that first evening. The soup was very nice and Daniel slurped up each spoonful he was fed. He sighed as his food was finished and Emmy ate some of her own. Daniel could only remain on his cousin’s knee patiently. He was determined not to say anything unless he was spoken to for fear of being given the pacifier again. It was crazy how Daniel had been here for such a short period of time but Emmy had turned Daniel’s life upside down. So many that things that would’ve been unthinkable just days ago had now been almost normalised. Using potties, crawling being fed on Emmy’s lap... This all seemed like something a baby would do rather than an adult. Daniel tried not to think about it and soon he found himself reclined as one of the large baby bottles was lifted up. He let the latex teat enter his mouth and reflexively started drinking. He stared up at the ceiling and tried to stop himself comparing this treatment with the way a baby would be treated. He wasn’t a baby! He shouldn’t have to keep reminding himself of that fact! Daniel felt some milk run down his cheek just as he finished the bottle. His belly had swelled up yet again, he felt like a balloon that had been overfilled and was almost ready to burst. He gasped for air when the bottle was pulled away. “I need to check on something.” Emmy said as she gently lifted Daniel down to the ground, “Why don’t you crawl into the living room and wait for me.” Daniel didn’t need to be told twice. He flopped on to all fours and immediately heard his tummy rumble in complaint. Emmy walked out of the room as Daniel lethargically started crawling. He felt almost like a cow with the way his belly seemed to sway with each reluctant movement. In some ways he was glad he was expected to crawl because walking didn’t feel possible at the moment. Daniel went back into the living room. The television was still on as Daniel reached the couch, he started trying to climb up on to the soft seat but soon realised it would be impossible without throwing up the soup and milk. With a groan Daniel dropped back on to his butt. He leant against the bottom of the couch and let out a loud belch. He looked around the room, he spotted Emmy’s bag sitting on the floor next to the armchair. He did a sudden double-take. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1114932 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/842853a4-aa2c-4a83-b850-bc684018a735 5
wetdiaper55 Posted December 18, 2023 Posted December 18, 2023 Great start......I would like more please
Elfy Posted December 24, 2023 Author Posted December 24, 2023 Daniel spies a chance to escape the increasingly bizarre situation. Will it work? Or will things only get worse? --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- “A phone…” Daniel slapped himself on the forehead. Of course! How had he not thought of trying to use a phone? Come to think of it, he didn’t remember actually seeing Emmy’s phone or even a landline. Daniel flopped forwards and scampered across the floor. He saw his chance and didn’t feel like he could afford to miss it. When he reached the phone he pressed the button the side, he saw the screen light up asking for a four digit passcode. Daniel cursed loudly as he looked at the numbers on the screen. He let his head hang low and he closed his eyes. He considered putting the phone back and retreating to the couch but then a surge of frustration and anger made him change his mind. He couldn’t just give up, he had to at least try to unlock it. Daniel pressed four random numbers only to be inevitably told it was the wrong combination. He tried to think if there were four numbers that meant something to Emmy. He thought he remembered her birthday so tried that, it didn’t work. Daniel started feeling desperate and started putting in all sorts of random numbers. “Come on!” Daniel exclaimed in frustration as he shook the phone. After another minute of fruitless random guesses Daniel typed in “1234” and the phone unlocked. He stared at the screen for a second as if it was mocking him. After all the frustration and desperation Emmy hadn’t changed the default passcode. He took a few seconds before remembering that he was trying to make an escape. Daniel didn’t know who he should call. Should he call the police or would that be melodramatic? He wanted to leave but wasn’t being allowed to but it wasn’t like Emmy seemed like a bad person, just a bit odd. He could call his work or a friend but then what had happened here would become known to people who he really rather remain in the dark. With his heart beating twice as fast as usual Daniel touched the screen for the emergency services. He pressed two of the numbers and then hesitated over the third. He still felt like he would be wasting their time. He bit his lip as he repeatedly changed his mind about whether to go through with it... “What are you doing?” Emmy’s voice made Daniel jump. Daniel turned his head and saw Emmy standing in the doorway to the living room. Her arms were folded across her considerable chest and she was staring daggers towards Daniel who wilted under her glare. He dropped the phone back into Emmy’s bag. “I was just…” Daniel started. Emmy marched into the room and sat on the seat Daniel was in front of. She leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around Daniel’s middle. His limbs flailed a little as he was hoisted into the air and laid across Emmy’s lap. Normally she sat him on her knees but this time he was facing the floor with his cousin’s knees in his middle. Daniel squirmed and tried to pull himself away from Emmy but one hand against his back was enough to essentially hold him in place. It only became clear to Daniel what was about to happen when he suddenly felt his pants and underwear get yanked down. He froze up in shock as his mind flashbacked to being in this exact position when he had been a child. Before Daniel could prepare for what was about to happen he felt a sudden smack on the exposed skin of his butt. He let out a little yelp as Emmy’s hand went back and then spanked him again. This was more humiliating than the potty, the feeding and even the crawling; to be spanked like an infant made Daniel feel smaller than ever before. He could justify everything that had happened as being necessary when the house wasn’t meant for someone his size, but there was no reason for this other than punishment. “Please don’t!” Daniel begged as the third and fourth spanks stung his rear end. The embarrassment of being a grown man and having this happen to him outstripped the pain. “You. Do. Not. Use. Other. People’s. Things. Without. Permission!” Each one of Emmy’s loud words was punctuated by a fresh spank. Daniel was sure his rear end must be extremely red. He could feel the heat dancing across his skin each time Emmy pulled her hand away. He had never seen her like this, sure she had been cross at him before but this was something he didn’t think she would ever be capable of, she had been such a nice girl when she was younger. “I’ve tried being hospitable for you.” Emmy sighed sadly as her hand rested against Daniel’s butt, “Why must you make these things so difficult?” “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Daniel practically wailed. “I think maybe you need a nap.” Emmy said as she roughly pulled up Daniel’s underwear and clothing, “Maybe you won’t be so fussy afterwards.” Daniel couldn’t help but feel he was being treated like a small child as he was lifted with ease by his younger cousin. Emmy rested Daniel against her chest with one arm under his stinging butt and the other around his back holding him in place. Daniel was forced to essentially nestle between Emmy’s breasts as the tall woman stood up and moved towards the stairs. There was no way for Daniel to know what was coming. The spanking had shocked him to the core and he felt like his mind was paralysed as he was carried up the stairs. He winced with each step as his bruised bottom pressed into Emmy’s arm. He was taken into his bedroom but thanks to being carried as he was he had faced behind them the entire way. “Ah, yes, I hope these new bars prevent any further accidents as well.” Emmy said as she lowered Daniel to the ground. Daniel turned around and gasped at what he saw. His first instinct was to run away but, as if sensing his sudden discomfort, Emmy grabbed hold of his hand. He had expected a couple of low horizontal bars similar to a hospital bed. Something you would have on the top bunkbed for safety. What he saw in front of him was not what he pictured at all. “What do you think?” Emmy asked as if Daniel’s shock wasn’t apparent, “It was a lot of work.” “It’s… It’s a crib!” Daniel gasped. At least his attention had been taken from his stinging rear end. “Don’t be silly. It’s just your bed with a few extra bars.” Emmy pulled Daniel forwards and to the edge of the bed. It was a crib and nothing anyone said would change that reality. The bars were tall and vertical, there wasn’t much room between each one and they were around every side of the bed. The only side not currently caged in was the side facing the room. On this side the giant metal bars had swung open. Daniel was gently encouraged to move forwards with some little pushes in his back. Daniel couldn’t resist the prodding in his back for long. He stumbled forwards and climbed into his bed for the lack of other options. The first thing he noticed was the leather cuffs coming from all four corners of the mattress, and if that wasn’t alarming enough behind the bars at the head of the bed was what looked like an IV stand. Daniel suddenly got the claustrophobic feeling of being an animal in a cage. “I’m not staying in here!” Daniel gasped as he shimmied towards the edge of the bed. Before Daniel could reach the edge of the mattress the side of the crib clanged closed and clicked into place. Emmy stepped back as Daniel reached the bars a fraction too late. His hands grasped at the individual poles and tried to pull them, he had less than no effect. “Seriously, you need to calm down.” Emmy shook her head, “You’re overreacting.” “Let me out!” Daniel shouted anxiously, “I… I don’t like this!” “It’s for your own good.” Emmy said patiently like she was talking to a toddler, “We don’t want you falling out of bed again.” “I won’t!” Daniel rattled the bars in front of him. “Of course you won’t, silly.” Emmy chuckled, “The bars will stop that!” Daniel felt panicked and when he realised the bars were too strong for him to bend or break he started looking for alternative methods of escape. He was surrounded by the white metal poles. As he swivelled around he heard Emmy starting to leave the room. He suddenly didn’t want her to go at all, he was sure that if she left the room he would be well and truly stuck in here. “Come back!” Daniel called out pathetically. With no other option Daniel looked up to the horizontal bars on top of the vertical ones. Without a second thought he grabbed two of the poles and started climbing. The temporary crib sides were as big as everything else in this house and he had to shimmy quite some way. About halfway up and already struggling for grip he saw Emmy turn around. “Daniel!” Emmy sounded cross but Daniel couldn’t stop now. Daniel saw Emmy starting to walk back towards the bars and he tried to climb even faster. As he shimmied the sweat that had formed on his palms made his grip harder to maintain. As he looked out at Emmy and her stony expression his hand missed the bar and he teetered backwards. His arm spun a couple of times to try to balance himself but it was a lost cause. “Oof!” Daniel exclaimed as he landed flat on his back and winded himself. As Daniel wrapped his arm around his abdomen and tried to take some deep breaths he heard the side of the crib open. He felt Emmy taking his hand in hers and thought she was checking to see if he was hurt. “I’m OK.” Daniel gasped as he tried to recover. “Silly boy.” Emmy responded tartly. Daniel suddenly felt his hand held against the mattress and a leather cuff wrapped around it. His eyes shot wide open as he looked around and found his wrist cuffed to the bed, even as he was processing what was happening his other arm was being taken. Daniel tried to pull his arm away but Emmy’s grip was just too strong. He could only watch as his hand was fed through the restraint, he was struck by just how small his arm looked compared to Emmy’s. “W-What are you doing?” Daniel said with a little more force now that he had recovered his breath. “I didn’t think I’d need to use these.” Emmy shook her head in disappointment, “But you’re being a very bad boy. You could hurt yourself climbing on your crib like that!” Bad boy? Crib? Daniel had already thought his cousin was a little out there but now he thought she might genuinely be insane. He twisted his body to try and keep his legs out of Emmy’s reach but with his arms restrained there was little he could do. Emmy’s hand found one of his ankles on her third attempt and it was soon fed through one of the leather hoops. Daniel’s fourth and final limb was soon restrained in a similar way. “You don’t have to do all this!” Daniel felt his emotions bubbling over. What little control he had of the situation had evaporated in the last few minutes. “I clearly do since you tried to climb out of your crib just now.” Emmy stood back after she had finished tightening the final restraint. “I don’t need a crib!” Daniel yelled in frustration, “Stop treating me like a baby!” “A baby?” Emmy frowned, “Don’t be silly. I’d never do any of this to a baby.” Emmy turned around to leave. Daniel pulled as hard as he could on the restraints that held him down but none had any give in them. He tired himself out pulling, he was going to call out for help but he noticed that the side of the crib was still open. It seemed that Emmy would be coming back. He let his head flop back on the pillow and closed his eyes. He had no idea what to expect next. When Emmy came back a few minutes later it was with three new items. Firstly there was a package of baby wipes but Daniel barely gave them any attention because the other items scared him greatly. A clear bag full of a white liquid with a plastic hose coming out of the bottom and a pair of scissors. Daniel started breathing heavily as he wondered if he was about to become the victim of some crazed lunatic. He winced as Emmy stepped closer, she was still smiling as if this was all completely normal. She started to lower the scissors and Daniel could no longer watch, he turned away and held his breath. “Gosh, you’re being so dramatic.” Emmy chuckled. Daniel had half-expected the cutting implement to be buried into his body but instead it was lowered to his pants. Emmy slipped one of the blades under the clothing and started cutting. Daniel stared with wide eyes from Emmy to the scissors now cutting up his pants and then back at Emmy. “What are you doing?” Daniel tried to sound casual. He tried to sound like he wasn’t as worried as he was. “Well, you can’t sleep in your clothes can you?” Emmy asked hypothetically, “Don’t worry, we have plenty for you to wear here.” Daniel felt the blunt edge of the scissors glide up his pants leg. Soon the clothing became loose and Emmy cut the last strands to pull it away from Daniel’s body. Daniel’s underpants followed. Once again Daniel was exposed to his cousin who showed no sign of anything odd happening, her casual attitude to everything seemed to strangely calm Daniel a little. Daniel’s shirt was cut off his body leaving him naked. Emmy collected the shredded remnants of Daniel’s clothes and dropped them on the floor next to the bed. She was smiling as she looked down at Daniel. “L-Look, this is all… I mean, it’s been lovely to see you but…” Daniel really wished he had stayed at home, “Maybe it’s time I went home. I… I don’t want to be a burden.” “But we’ve only just started to have fun.” Emmy smiled. Daniel watched Emmy perch herself on the edge of the bed. She reached down between his legs and gently cupped his balls. Daniel bit his lip as she gently rolled her fingers and stroke his sack. It wasn’t long until he was letting out a moan of pleasure and he was embarrassed to see him growing hard despite everything. “You don’t want to leave.” Emmy said with a calm certainty. Her fingertips ran from Daniel’s balls up his lengthening shaft and back down again. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1120138 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/f5b327bf-d2f4-452a-bd7a-f97dedd0803e 4
Elfy Posted December 31, 2023 Author Posted December 31, 2023 Strapped into the bed Daniel is about to have the strangest "nap time" of his life... --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel knew it was the time to protest. It was time to tell his cousin that he really did want to leave and yet he bit his bottom lip, he shuddered as he felt the tingling sensations spreading out from his crotch. He sighed and couldn’t stop a small moan escaping past his lips. He had been so adamant in leaving and yet now his will to leave seemed to have evaporated. Emmy’s words and touch washed over and soothed him even though he was tied to his bed! “I bet you’re thirsty.” Emmy said after thirty seconds of light massaging, “Let me help with that.” Daniel was only able to watch as Emmy stood up and walked to the head of the bed. She took the bag of milk she had brought and hung it on the IV stand. She took the clear plastic tube and followed it to the other end with her hand. Daniel frowned as he saw a blue plastic oval with a hole in the middle. Coming off either side were two leather straps that looked remarkably like the ones securing his limbs. “I thought you might have some trouble adapting to your stay here.” Emmy said calmly, “That’s why I had some things ready to help you.” Daniel swallowed anxiously as Emmy fiddled with her setup. When she leaned down over Daniel’s head he was momentarily distracted as it almost seemed like her breasts were about to slip out, it was apparently all Emmy needed. Something passed Daniel’s lips before he could even register it, the strap was pulled against his face and as Emmy lifted his head off the pillow he felt the leather tighten until it squeezed. Daniel found a latex bulb not too unlike what he had experienced from his bottles not filling his mouth. He mumbled and tried to speak but couldn’t manage to make any noise that sounded even vaguely like language. “Shh, shh… It’s alright.” Emmy stroked Daniel’s hair back, “You just let Aunty Emmy take care of everything.” Daniel Heard Emmy call herself “aunty” again and it did little to ease his nerves. He watched and silently whimpered as Emmy released a clip that had held the clear tube closed. The white milk started travelling down the tube. It reached the pacifier and started slowly dripping on to Daniel’s tongue. The bound man swallowed automatically as the liquid filled his mouth. “Suck on your little paci for me, sweetie.” Emmy encouraged as she walked back down and sat on the edge of the mattress. Daniel wanted to resist as his cheeks went red with embarrassment. He had a moment of clarity where he took a mental step back to look at his situation. He was strapped to a bed by his giant of a cousin, he was naked and still embarrassingly erect, he had milk dripping through a pacifier into his mouth and his bed had bars on every side. It felt like such an alien situation he could hardly believe it wasn’t some nightmare. As the milk filled Daniel’s mouth he reflexively swallowed. When he did so he felt Emmy rub his crotch. He was so surprised that he inadvertently sucked on the teat and he simultaneously felt another rub on his penis. It didn’t take him long to work out that sucking the milk through the pacifier was rewarding him with stimulation. He guiltily sucked one more time and felt Emmy continue to fondle him. Daniel could feel his throbbing tool bouncing slightly in the air as it strained for further contact. He started sucking on the pacifier just to get the contact his body craved. He felt like he was a slave to the pleasure and he was willing to debase himself to get those feelings. As he sucked on the mouth-filling teat he simultaneously felt Emmy massaging his private areas. Daniel looked up at the ceiling with his red cheeks and tried to settle all the confusing thoughts that were leaving him feeling so muddled. The milk tasted great but having had lunch so recently it wasn’t long until Daniel felt full. Emmy seemed to be a master of knowing where his limits were and whenever he started bucking his hips she would slow down so that he was never able to push over the edge into orgasm. He moaned around the pacifier gag in frustration. Daniel felt like his belly was swelling up from how much milk he had taken in and he paused for a second to try and catch his breath. As soon as the audible sucking stopped so did the massaging of his privates. He moaned in frustration, with no hand on his penis it dropped against his belly and he could feel his excitement smearing on his skin. “Drink your milkies.” Emmy gently encouraged. Daniel was so full but his discomfort was battling with his sexual frustration. He felt humiliated but was compelled to start drawing the milk into his mouth again. He was breathing heavily through his nose as Emmy’s large hand took his sensitive organ and started rubbing it up and down again. Daniel closed his eyes and pushed through the fullness to swallow more of the sweet milk. It wasn’t long until he was bucking his hips. With Daniel squirming and sucking so intently on the tube in his mouth he didn’t notice when Emmy pulled out a small glass. Daniel could feel the sheets clinging to his sweaty body as he arched his back, he could feel the milk inside him sloshing around. Finally, just as he sucked on the teat and felt nothing but air coming through, Daniel was pushed over the edge. “Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!” Daniel mumbled around the pacifier. Daniel’s hips thrust up recklessly to meet Emmy’s hand. He felt his cock tense up and then it seemed to explode with pleasure. His penis twitched and pulsed as it fired out everything it had. Jet after jet of creamy man milk spurted out of his body and into the small container. “What a good boy.” Emmy praised her cousin, “Drinking all that yummy milk.” Daniel’s orgasm had been exceptionally powerful and he wasn’t really listening to what Emmy was saying. He felt the gag being undone and pulled away from his mouth. The area it had covered felt particularly sweaty but being able to open and close his mouth again was a godsend. His eyes were still closed as he felt the warm afterglow of his climax. The sound of rattling metal brought Daniel back to reality a couple of seconds later. His eyes snapped open as he heard the side of the crib get lifted and locked in position. He was still restrained and yet again pulled against the leather straps that held him down. As he stared over the top of the crib he saw Emmy looking down at him and smiling before turning away. “Have a nice nap.” Emmy said casually over her shoulder as she turned away. “No, no, no… Wait!” Daniel called out to her retreating back. It was no use. Emmy ignored Daniel’s shouting and closed the door behind her as she left. Daniel stared out through the bars of the crib that held him prisoner. He couldn’t believe the situation he was in but he was sure he wouldn’t be able to sleep. He was feeling very sluggish, he felt like he was at least eighty percent milk at this point. “Just… Stay calm.” Daniel told himself. His mind was racing as he took in the unusual and, frankly, crazy situation. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do but he knew panicking wouldn’t help. It was easier to say stay calm than to actually do it though. As the silence seemed to close around Daniel just like the bars he felt anxiety taking over his head. It was a horrible feeling to want to get up and run but be trapped like this. He let out a milky burp and let his head hit the pillow in hopelessness. It felt like his wrists and ankles had been rubbed raw. Daniel was obviously unable to fall asleep. He could only lay on the bed completely naked and stare up at the ceiling wishing he could move. He felt so confused and wondered what could possibly happen next. Every time he thought it couldn’t get worse it seemed to do just that. He had to face the fact that his cousin seemed to be completely out of her mind. He also had to contend with his excitable reactions to what she did. Daniel’s belly was so full and the milk seemed to churn away inside his stomach. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes before he felt the need for the bathroom growing. He was so full of liquid it wasn’t a surprise that his bladder was soon complaining. “Emmy?” Daniel called out into the silent room, “I need the potty…” There was no response. Daniel groaned in frustration and took a deep breath, he had no idea how long he was going to be kept in this makeshift toddler cage but he got the feeling it would be a while. He closed his eyes and tried to distract himself from the growing need in his bladder. It wasn’t easy to stay distracted when there was nothing going on around him and he was so anxious about his current situation. He tried picturing anything in his mind but he was invariably drawn back to where he was right then. The minutes passed in silence. Daniel had no idea how long he was in the crib but he was alternating between resigned listlessness and angry pulling against the restraints. Neither were getting him anywhere. He tried shouting for Emmy another couple of times but either she couldn’t hear him or she chose to ignore him completely. Daniel’s legs were trembling slightly as he looked down at his belly. The need for the bathroom had now grown to insane levels, he had never been as desperate as this before. He licked his lips and looked around anxiously. He had shouted for help but no one was coming, it might’ve been half an hour since Emmy left the room or it might’ve been hours, there was just no way to know. Daniel was having to clench his bladder as hard as he could manage. His dick was now pointing down between his legs but felt like it was about to burst. In his head Daniel could only imagine the non-stop dripping as his bladder filled up even more. He tried to remember whether it was possible for your bladder to just explode or not because if it could happen he was in trouble. Despite trying to turn his mind away all he could think about was using the toilet. Even the potty in the centre of the room looked good right about then. Daniel gasped as he felt a sudden leak from the end of his penis. He redoubled his efforts to clench his muscles shut and stemmed the flow. He let out a little puppy-like whine as he felt the liquid on the top of his legs soaking into the sheets. He was never going to be able to hold on forever but as he leaked a little bit it still came as a surprise to him. “Emmy?” Daniel whimpered as he felt his strained muscles giving up. Daniel closed his eyes and felt tears rolling down his cheeks as he finally lost the battle. He felt the most bizarre feeling of relief flooding through him as his bladder was finally able to drain. A sob escaped his lips as he felt the warm urine soaking into the sheets, the soaked areas spreading out and under his legs and butt. The only sounds in the room were Daniel’s quiet cries and the sound of liquid hitting the mattress. After holding on for so long it felt like it took an age for Daniel to fully empty it. When the pee finally dribbled to a stop it felt like half of the enormous bed was wet. The creeping wetness now spreading underneath him felt increasingly uncomfortable. He had thought being tied to the bed like this was bad enough but being tied down in his own urine was infinitely worse. He didn’t care what Emmy might do now, he was just desperate for her to come back to let him up again. When the door finally creaked open it caught Daniel by complete surprise. He jumped a little and felt the now cool sheets stick to his body. He must’ve drifted off at some point though because he was suddenly woken up by the door. He heard Emmy’s heavy footsteps come across the room to the bed. “Oh dear…” Emmy looked down at the clearly wet sheets, “Did we have a little accident?” --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1127009 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/545d358d-d466-4bce-b919-c3806e511c91 7
Elfy Posted January 7, 2024 Author Posted January 7, 2024 Having "wet the bed" Daniel is left alone to think about what he did. When he finally convinces his cousin to let him up he finds she won't leave him alone for a minute and has her own methods to make sure it doesn't happen again. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- “Accident!?” Daniel looked up wide angry eyes, “What did you expect to happen when you tie me down like this!?” “You really soaked through the sheets.” Emmy said as she reached through and patted the saturated mattress, “You should’ve told me if you needed the potty.” “I tried!” Daniel balled up his fists, “I called and you… It shouldn’t matter! I shouldn’t have been tied down regardless! Let me up!” Emmy clucked her tongue and shook her head. Daniel watched her with fury filling him. He was done with all the weird games, it was time for him to leave and never look back. He should call the police for what his crazed cousin was doing. Emmy’s casually dismissive attitude only made him angrier. It was like the red mist had descended on him. “You still seem grumpy.” Emmy finally said as she withdrew her hand. Though her words were soft her eyes seemed hard, “I’ll let you have a little more rest.” “No!” Daniel shouted, “You can’t… Let me up! I want to leave!” Despite Daniel’s shouting Emmy turned away and left the room. She closed the door behind her leaving Daniel trapped on the bed again. He threw his head back against the pillow and let out a loud yell of frustration. He was once again left alone with nothing but the silence and the wet sheets. He renewed his efforts to pull against the leather restraints but they were just as steadfast as always. The sheets grew cold and the skin that was constantly pressed against the wet patches started to get a little itchy. Time was passing slowly but it was clear that it was passing, the sun outside the window was beginning to set. To Daniel it felt like he had been laying in the same place for hours. The anger had gone, it had been drained from him the same way his bladder had been drained. The only thing Daniel wanted now was to be let up. The irrational part of his brain started to wonder if Emmy was going to leave him there forever. When the door finally opened again it wasn’t anger that washed over Daniel but relief. As Emmy walked across the room to the crib Daniel forced himself to remain silent. This time Emmy lowered the side of the crib before looking down at him. “Are we feeling better now?” Emmy asked with her patented smile. Daniel nodded his head. His pride, bruised and battered as it was, meant nothing compared to being let out of this damn bed. He just had to make sure he didn’t antagonize the tall woman, if she turned and walked out of the room again he thought he might go insane. She regarded him for a moment and Daniel tried to look as innocent as possible, he felt like she was looking straight into his brain to assess if he was going to be good. In the end it seemed she was happy with him. “You’ve had an accident.” Emmy looked down to the wet patch and then back up to Daniel, “Haven’t you?” Daniel was internally screaming that it wasn’t an accident. He wanted to yell and swear at Emmy for putting him in a position where all this happened but his need to get up trumped all. He kept his jaws almost painfully clenched and nodded his head. “Well, we can’t have that.” Emmy shook her head and put her hands on her hips, “I don’t want you piddling everywhere.” “I…” Daniel started before he could stop himself. He turned it into a cough and fell silent again. Finally, almost reluctantly, Emmy leaned over the mattress and started fiddling with the restraints. When the leather loosened and allowed Daniel some movement it felt like a blessed relief. He immediate started rubbing his wrists which were angrily red. Before he could work out what was coming next Emmy lifted him into the air again. He almost welcomed being carried since it meant he didn’t have to crawl or lay in his own piss. Daniel was carried out of his bedroom whilst still naked. He was sat down on the edge of the toilet, thankfully the toilet lid was down so there was no worries about falling in however the floor looked perilously far away so Daniel stayed where he was. Emmy started running the faucets in the tub. “I think you need a bath.” Emmy stated without looking round at Daniel. Whatever Daniel’s own thoughts she seemed to have no worries about her cousin fighting back, “Right now you smell like a urinal.” Daniel wished he could just have a bath. He didn’t need the running commentary on how he looked or smelled. He didn’t need nor want to be reminded of what had just ended. He looked down at the floor as he listened to the tub filling. It seemed everything he had yelled about wanting to leave had been ignored. He wasn’t surprised, he was starting to wonder if Emmy planned for him to leave at all. She couldn’t keep him here forever though, work would notice he was missing and surely the police would be alerted. “In you get…” Emmy’s voice surprised Daniel who had been lost in his thoughts. Daniel was lifted up and placed in the warm water. He waited for Emmy to get up and leave the room but she remained kneeling as she reached into the tub and swirled the water around a little. Daniel watched the large tub slowly fill until he was thoroughly submerged halfway between his belly button and nipples. “Lay back for me.” Emmy said softly. She didn’t wait for Daniel to follow her command. With one hand on his back and the other on his chest she started lowering him so he was laying back against the sloped side of the bath. “I can do this myself.” Daniel said as his cheeks went red. He hadn’t been bathed like this since he was a baby. Daniel splashed a little as he tried to remain sitting but Emmy was much too strong. He felt his bare butt sliding along the bottom of the tub and heard a squeaking noise as he sunk back. Part of him wondered if Emmy wasn’t just going to push him under and drown him. After everything that had happened it felt like a distinct possibility. His back touched the sloped wall of the bath and he let out a breath he hadn’t even been aware he was holding. Emmy didn’t bother to respond to Daniel. It seemed the frequency with which Emmy outright ignored him was increasing. Daniel wasn’t even surprised when she grabbed a washcloth and started rubbing it on Daniel’s chest. He could only look up at the ceiling cursing every moment as he was cleaned as if he couldn’t do it himself. One of Emmy’s large hands was on his shoulders at all time, despite her relaxed demeanor it seemed she was ready for him to start struggling at any moment. After everything that had happened over the last few hours Daniel was feeling tired out. He sighed in defeat as he let Emmy lather him up and rinse him off again. He was again taken by surprise when he was lifted out of the tub and placed on the bath mat. A gigantic towel was wrapped around him, it was so big he could’ve gotten lost in it. He was dried by Emmy and it was all he could do to remain upright as her enthusiastic drying threatened to knock him off balance. “Upsy-daisy.” Emmy said playfully as she lifted Daniel into her arms. Daniel felt like he hadn’t moved a muscle under his own control since that morning. He had been tied down, held down or carried around non-stop. This time he was taken back into the bedroom and sat on the floor. He looked up to see Emmy stripping the bed. It was only as the soaked sheet came off the mattress that he realised he had been lying on a plastic sheet. “A plastic sheet…” Daniel frowned. “It was just in case.” Emmy replied as she threw the soiled bed linen into a pile behind her, “It was a good job I put it down.” Daniel blushed but felt that familiar anger coming back. Not only had she put him in a position where wetting himself was an inevitability but she had actively planned for it. He looked towards the door but saw it had been closed. “Now… I can’t have you making a mess of my furniture.” Emmy said as she turned around and looked down at Daniel, “I’m not mad about your little accident but we have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Daniel remained quiet but in his head he was shouting that if she didn’t want him wetting the bed maybe she shouldn’t have tied him down to it! “With that in mind I have something that should help.” Emmy said as she turned towards the chest of drawers. As if he had a premonition Daniel suddenly realised where this was heading. He shook his head and climbed shakily to his feet. He looked at the potty against the far wall, the crib next to the window and knew what he was about to see. When his cousin turned around he saw that his worst fears had been realised. “No!” Daniel exclaimed despite fears of reprisals, “You can’t make me wear that!” Emmy looked at the large white disposable diaper in her hand and then back at Daniel. Her forehead creased as she frowned, it didn’t look to Daniel as if she was annoyed as much as she was perplexed. He could see her logic but she didn’t seem to understand that if she didn’t create the circumstances that led to him wetting the bed it wouldn’t happen. Maybe she did understand but she simply ignored it. “You wet the bed.” Emmy said simply, “People who wet the bed get diapers.” “But you-” Daniel started. He stopped when Emmy started advancing towards him. She was brandishing the disposable diaper like a weapon. Daniel turned on his heels and ran towards the door. He was still completely naked and realised he must look absurd as he reached up for the handle to the door. He could only get his fingertips to the metal as he heard the heavy footsteps right behind him. He whimpered as he felt Emmy’s hand on his shoulder. “Stop being naughty!” Emmy said as she steered Daniel away from the door, “I’m trying to do what’s best for you!” Daniel wanted desperately to pull himself free and escape but the door was out of his reach. He looked around as he slowly walked back to the bed as if it was a jail cell, there was just no other way to get out. “Are you going to be a good boy for Aunty Emmy?” Emmy asked as they reached the edge of the bed, “Or am I going to have to use the restraints again?” Daniel shuddered at the mention of restraints. After having his freedom back the last thing he wanted was to be strapped back down for who knows how long. One way or the other he was going to end up in the diaper Emmy was holding and his only choice was whether he wanted to be able to leave the bed afterwards. “I don’t want this…” Daniel muttered darkly as he sat on the edge of the huge mattress and laid back. “Of course not.” Emmy’s voice and face betrayed that she clearly thought Daniel secretly wanted it. As Daniel scooted back on the mattress he was yet again struck by a sudden clarity of how crazy everything had become. He was desperately trying to hold on to what remained of his dignity but he felt like his adulthood was being stripped away from him by the moment. He tried to resist but was powerless to escape this house or overpower his giantess of a cousin. Daniel didn’t get a chance to even settle before Emmy had grabbed both his ankles in one large hand. He looked down at his feet just as Emmy lifted them up into the air. He let out a yelp as his feet were rolled back over his head. His arms flailed as he was held in that position, he felt a papery tickling just above his butt. When his legs were lowered again it was on to a soft and fluffy surface. Daniel immediately winced, he brought his legs together, and suddenly the reality of the situation hit him again. “There has to be another way…” Daniel knew he sounded whiney. “Daniel…” Emmy looked down at him with clear warning. Daniel whined and mumbled but he didn’t know what else to say. He looked sideways at the restraints again and then opened his legs. He hated the look of victory that flashed across Emmy’s face as she took a plastic bottle of baby powder. A cloud of powder engulfed Daniel’s crotch, the smell so reminiscent of a nursery. Daniel had to cover his face as he felt the diaper getting raised between his legs. He could feel the humiliation turning his cheeks red as the plastic disposable was flattened over his crotch and lower tummy. In his mind he kept repeating the phrase “This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!” The sounds of tapes being ripped and then placed on the landing zone of the diaper confirmed that it really was happening. “Perfect.” Emmy said as she ran a hand over the smooth plastic surface. She pressed into the disposable causing all the trapped air to rush out, “Though there’s something missing…” As Emmy walked away from the bed and over to the chest of drawers Daniel sat up. He heard the diaper between his legs crinkle with each of his movements. The smooth white plastic surface seemed alien to him, as he looked down it felt like he was seeing someone else’s body. He reached down with a trembling hand and ran it along the plastic outer shell. “Stand up.” Emmy ordered Daniel. Daniel slid forwards and slipped on to the floor. He swayed slightly and had to grab the edge of the bed to keep himself upright. The diaper seemed bigger, bulkier and more noticeable than he ever thought possible. He was still looking down at his new underwear when Emmy came back over. She knelt down in front of Daniel, thanks to her size she blocked out everything that was happening. “Lift your foot up.” Emmy instructed. Daniel didn’t get a chance to comply before his ankle was grabbed by Emmy and his foot lifted. Daniel felt something being pulled over his foot. It felt strangely stiff, his foot was let go and went back to the floor. Emmy then lifted the other foot and threaded it through the same material. Daniel nearly fell over now and his hands went forward on to Emmy’s shoulders to keep himself upright. It was now that he realised that Emmy was pulling something up his bare legs. As his second foot dropped back to the floor Daniel felt the plastic material getting pulled up his legs. Whatever it was went all the way up and over his diaper. Finally he felt the top of the plastic pants getting pulled tight. “A wonderful fit.” Emmy said happily, “Just have to make sure it stays on…” Daniel heard a small metallic click before Emmy finally stood up. Daniel could finally see what had happened. Over the top of the diaper there was now a pair of clear plastic pants that pushed the diaper closer to the man’s crotch. What really drew Daniel’s eyes was the small chain running around the top of the plastic panties, a small padlock dangled from the front. “W-What is this?” Daniel asked anxiously as he reached down and touched the lock. “You won’t always need those, of course.” Emmy said as she stood back to watch Daniel investigate his new underwear, “It’s just to make sure you don’t take that diaper off.” --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1134404 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/8df3f6e9-f201-4c0a-bc0a-0bbd072f9d58 4
Elfy Posted January 14, 2024 Author Posted January 14, 2024 It's dinner time. Daniel has found himself falling further and further into his cousin's clutches. As he tries to rationalise all the madness that has happened he discovers exactly why he's been taped into a diaper. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel was still reeling from finding he was now locked into his diaper when he was lifted off the floor into Emmy’s arms. He felt one of her long arms wrap around his back and the other went to his butt. As he was forced to lean forwards on to Emmy’s chest he wondered if he should tell Emmy that the thought of taking his diaper off hadn’t crossed his mind. He doubted it would win him any brownie points. “You’ve been napping so long it’s practically dinner time.” Emmy said as she effortlessly carried Daniel down the stairs. Had it really been that long? Daniel looked out a window as they passed and the sky was definitely darkening with reds and purples replacing the blue. He had lost track of time in the crib for sure but he hadn’t realised that much time had been lost. It made him feel nervous, it started to feel like he wasn’t connected to the world outside any more. It was as if this house and all the craziness within it was a separate reality inhabited by just himself and Emmy. After having his belly filled so many times he didn’t feel at all hungry but he knew that once Emmy had decided something she wouldn’t be dissuaded. Instead of the dining room though he was taken into the living room. Being held against Emmy’s chest and looking over her shoulder meant he couldn’t see the room until he was set down on the ground. He turned around with the unfamiliar bulk between his legs and then gasped. He backed up until he hit Emmy who hadn’t moved. “This should keep you out of trouble.” Emmy said. Daniel was stunned into motionless silence as Emmy reached over the top of him and opened the gate to a large playpen. She must have set it up whilst he was trapped in the crib, the metal bars were painted red and were tall enough to prevent any possible escape for him. He didn’t think anything should surprise him but he was very wrong. “In you go.” Emmy said cheerily as she gave Daniel a little nudge in the back, “Remember to crawl. We don’t want you hurting yourself.” Instead of dropping on to all fours like Emmy wished Daniel backed up against her. He shook his head and before he knew what he was doing he was turning around and waddling towards the doorway. He felt his legs forced wide by the bulky diaper and plastic pants but he hurried as quickly as he could. He knew the front door was out of reach so he had to look elsewhere for escape. His rational mind had disappeared to be replaced by panic. Daniel ran out towards the dining room. He tripped over himself as he still struggled with the diaper and fell to the ground in a heap. There was a door to the backyard in front of him and he scurried forwards on all fours which, thanks to the diaper, was actually quicker than his infantile waddling. He reached the door and stood up to find the door handle predictably out of reach. With grunts of frustration Daniel jumped as much as he could but could do little more than tickle the underside of the metal handle. He knew his attempt to get out of the house was doomed when Emmy came walking up behind him. He slumped down until he was sitting on the floor, the new padding around his butt becoming an unwelcome pillow. Emmy didn’t say a word as she leaned down and scooped Daniel up again. In some ways it felt even worse than if she had chastised him. He was carried back through to the living room and this time placed in the large playpen. He watched forlornly as Emmy closed the gate behind her and then left the room without a word. The playpen was incredibly bare. There was nothing in there except a blanket, a pillow and his stuffed toy, Arthur. He was just getting used to the surroundings when Emmy came back into the living room and she was holding something very large in her hands. It looked like a thick towel of some kind that had been folded over many times. “Something for you to wear.” Emmy said as she opened the gate and stepped inside, “Stand up and put your arms above your head.” Daniel was trapped in a literal cage and the only exit was guarded by Emmy. With an embarrassed sigh he lifted his hands in preparation for being dressed by his younger cousin. He closed his eyes as Emmy stepped forwards and then felt the soft cloth of whatever she was carrying come down over his head. Daniel was lost in the soft baby blue fabric until it was pulled all the way down over his head. He then saw Emmy crouch down in front of him, she pulled part of the cloth around to the front but as she did so an unexpected mass filled the space between Daniel’s legs. It was clipped together before Emmy took a step back. “What the hell?” Daniel muttered. He tried to take a step but it was almost impossible and he found himself down on his hands and knees again. He looked up at Emmy for an explanation. “Isn’t it great?” Emmy said with a big smile, “It’s called a waddler. I noticed you were having trouble remembering to crawl so this will help you.” Daniel twisted around so he was sat on his diaper and looked down. With a start he realised what he was wearing looked just like a baby’s onesie. The worst part was undoubtedly the section between his legs, it wasn’t just the same elastic material but actually felt like a pillow. With the diaper underneath it he had to keep his legs very far apart. “I’ll prepare dinner.” Emmy said. She continued after a short pause, “Be good.” Daniel waited for Emmy to leave the room before he did anything. He waited for a minute until he could hear the sounds of cooking and then prodded the huge bulky mass between his legs. The padding had some give in it but it was also very stiff. He tried to climb to his feet but the onesie made it almost impossible. With a red face he crawled to the edge of the playpen and used the bars to pull himself upright. He wobbled as he let go and when he tried to take a single step he found himself back on his butt. Now sat in the playpen Daniel had a second to think about everything that had happened. He felt panic running through his system like cold water as he thought about his situation. Now sat on the floor in clothing that made him unable to walk, with a diaper that was locked on to him and surrounded by a playpen he didn’t know what could possibly be worse. He pulled Arthur to him and held him close to his chest. “At least I’m not restrained anymore...” Daniel muttered to himself bitterly. --- “Still dry?” Emmy sounded somewhat surprised. “Of course…” Daniel replied in annoyance, “Look, can we just stop this stu-” “Ah, ah, ah.” Emmy chided Daniel, “You know better than that. Come on, it’s dinner time.” Daniel watched as Emmy opened the gate of the playpen. He flopped on to his front and tried to bring his legs together, the waddler made it impossible, he was just about able to bring his knees close enough to lift him off the floor. Emmy smiled down at him and nodded towards the door. Daniel wanted to shout and swear. He wanted to refuse but he knew he couldn’t. Emmy held all the cards and all Daniel could do was play the game and hope for some kind of opening to escape or get help. He lifted his body on to his hands and knees and started crawling. His face flushed with heat as he childishly crawled towards the dining room. Emmy stood aside as Daniel went past, the size difference between them had never felt so pronounced. Once in the dining room Daniel was unsurprised to see only one chair at the table. It looked like Emmy was giving up even the pretence that Daniel might feed himself. Emmy stepped over Daniel and sat on the only seat, she reached down and Daniel was soon lifted up and sat in her lap. He felt more embarrassed than ever. He heard the diaper taped around his waist crinkle as his body sunk slightly into the padding. Emmy bounced him a couple of times and chuckled. The food was already on the table. Daniel saw a plate with a delicious looking lasagne and felt his mouth watering but it didn’t take him long to realise his dinner was actually in the bowl next to the plate. It was the first time his meal was different from Emmy’s and he assumed that was not a good sign for him. “Ugh…” Daniel couldn’t hide his disgust when Emmy lifted up a spoon loaded with a thick viscous mush. “I’m sure it tastes better than it looks.” Emmy smiled as she blew on the spoon to cool the steaming food. “Why can’t I eat the same as you?” Daniel asked sulkily before scrunching up his face in disgust. “Just be a good boy for Aunty Emmy.” Emmy replied as the spoon came towards Daniel’s mouth. Daniel closed his mouth tightly. It didn’t smell very nice and he was sure it would taste just as bad. He knew he was defying Emmy by refusing to eat but he still couldn’t bring himself to voluntarily open his mouth and allow the food to come into contact with his taste buds. He closed his eyes as Emmy scowled down at him. Daniel felt Emmy’s arms moving and wondered if he was winning this battle of wills until he felt two fingers pinching his nose. Suddenly unable to breathe Daniel flailed until he was eventually forced to open his mouth to get some air. He was barely able to gasp and get some air before he felt the warm spoon pushing into his mouth. The utensil was upturned and the sloppy, lumpy food was poured over Daniel’s tongue. Daniel’s eyes opened wide as the foul tasting food seemed to cover every inch of his mouth. He swallowed it down just to try and get rid of the awful taste. He saw a bottle of milk on the table and, like a baby, reached out for it even though it was well out of reach. He could feel the slimy food go down his oesophagus. He made a disgusted face even as Emmy started to gather another spoonful of baby food. “It’s not that bad.” Emmy said as if Daniel was making a fuss over nothing. “Please…” Daniel coughed out as he reached for the bottle. He didn’t even care that it was for babies at this point, he just needed something to wash the taste away. “You can have your bottle after you finish your dinner.” Emmy said as she brought the spoon forwards. Daniel whimpered. He didn’t feel like he had a choice. He had to get rid of this horrid taste and the only way was the bottle of milk that waited just out of his grasp. With trembling lips he opened his mouth and soon felt the spoon pressing against his tongue. He swallowed as quickly as possible but it wasn’t enough to prevent another wave of revulsion washing over him. “What a good boy.” Emmy said as she dipped the food in the bowl again. Daniel was red in the face and knew this wasn’t going to end any time soon. He looked to the side to look at the bowl and moaned in resignation. Just like everything else the bowl was huge, there would be no respite from this meal any time soon. The third, fourth and fifth swallows were no easier than the first two. It felt like this bland but unappealing mush was all Daniel would be able to taste forever. Daniel was soon filling up but had to keep opening his mouth robotically. Soon the taste didn’t bother Daniel quite so much. With his taste buds covered in the food it became less foul as it went down into his rapidly filling belly. He hadn’t been that hungry when he started but Emmy didn’t seem to care, it seemed that as far as she was concerned he was going to eat all of his dinner no matter what. Daniel’s hands rested on his belly and he felt almost like a balloon with every mouthful of food pumping him up even further. He already knew that Emmy wasn’t going to be happy until he had finished the whole bowl. He could feel his tummy pre-emptively gurgling and growling in protest. One of the worst parts of this feeding was not knowing how much food was left in the bowl. Daniel slumped down a little more with each mouthful and he couldn’t see how much there was left. All he knew was that there was more coming as the spoon approached his mouth and tipped the mushy food in. He was practically horizontal after what he estimated was half the bowl with Emmy’s arm behind him holding his head up. After another of the countless mouthfuls of mushy food Daniel felt a sudden pressure on his bladder. His eyes went wide as he tried to work out why the need to go came on so suddenly. As he heard his bloated stomach groan he wondered if it was so full it was putting pressure on everything around it. He could picture his poor little bladder struggling to hold off the stomach which was full to bursting. As Daniel concentrated his thoughts inwards towards his bladder he robotically opened and closed his mouth every time the spoon was brought near him. He kept eating despite being well past full. With the meal still going Daniel eventually felt a small slip of his control and a small amount of pee squirted out. With the spoon in the bowl he had to take his chance. “Emmy, could I please you the potty?” Daniel asked through his embarrassment. He never thought he would be asking, practically begging, to use a little training potty. “Don’t be silly.” Emmy replied with a small chuckle as she took a bite from her own meal, “Why do you think you are wearing that diaper?” “I know but…” Daniel started. He couldn’t stop himself from sounding like a whiny toddler. As he spoke his hands went down to his crotch and he crossed his legs. “Enough.” Emmy said with a finality that scared Daniel, “Be a good boy for Aunty Emmy or you’ll get put back in your crib after dinner.” Daniel was still desperately trying to find the combination of words that would get through to Emmy when she started feeding him again. Daniel squirmed as much as he could but it wasn’t helping and more food was being shovelled into his mouth making his body even more desperate to relieve the pressure. Daniel held on for as long as he could but there was no winning this battle. The scraping of the bowl gave him some hope but as soon as the last of the food had been swallowed into his bulging stomach Emmy picked up the bottle. “Wai-” Daniel started. Daniel was cut-off by the latex nipple that pushed between his lips. As he started sucking down the liquid he felt his bladder finally slip beyond his control. He shuddered as he felt urine trickling down his penis, it burst out into the diaper causing him to gasp around the bottle he was sucking from. Once the dam was cracked there was no way to repair the damage. Daniel fought until the very end but there was never a way for him to win. He groaned as he was forced to swallow the milk and whilst that liquid poured into him another, much warmer, liquid poured out. The diapered man closed his eyes in resignation. Urine seemed to spray out of Daniel like a hose that had just been untangled. All the holding on Daniel had been doing resulted in a huge build-up of pressure and when he released it the urine pushed out of him with force. The piss splashed off the inside of his disposable and washed against him, the heat spreading out over Daniel’s crotch and padding. He had the irrational fear that his pee would go everywhere because he was so unused to the diaper taped between his legs. As Daniel realised the diaper was holding he relaxed a little bit. The hot urine was now hitting the padding and soaking in all over the disposable. Daniel could feel the warmth pressing against his skin, it felt like he had absolutely soaked his underwear by the time the stream came to an end. Daniel had been feeding from the bottle mindlessly whilst his concentration was focused on his diaper. He blushed as he heard air coming through the bottle. “What a hungry baby.” Emmy said as she pulled the teat out of Daniel’s mouth and placed it on the table. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1141906 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/d41cfe8c-bc17-4429-a3f1-cd0bec5f8310 8
Elfy Posted January 21, 2024 Author Posted January 21, 2024 Taken up to the nursery Daniel gets a little excited during his change. Not to worry, Emmy has just the cure for that... --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel turned his head away in embarrassment. He was basically being cradled like a baby in a wet diaper having been spoon fed mush and a bottle. How could he deny Emmy’s words when he felt so incredibly infantile? He remained silent in the hope that whatever was to come would be an improvement on what came before. Daniel jumped when he felt Emmy’s hand suddenly appear between his legs. He tried to squeeze his legs together but Emmy wouldn’t be dislodged. She poked and prodded the padding. Finally she laid her large palm against the plastic of the diaper and pressed the whole thing in. Daniel couldn’t meet her knowing smile. She could feel the warmth of his accident, she could feel the swollen padding and she knew everything that had happened. “Right, let’s go.” Emmy said as she stood up from her seat. Daniel was held on to and sat on the tall woman’s hip. “W-Where are we going?” Daniel asked fearfully. He had visions of Emmy carrying him out into public like this. “I would’ve thought you’d like your diaper changed.” Emmy said airily as they walked past the living room towards the stairs, “If you would prefer to play in your wet diaper I can plop you in the playpen and leave you for a little while.” What a choice to have, Daniel thought bitterly. He could feel the rivulets of urine running against his skin and tickling him slightly. Emmy seemed to already know Daniel’s answer as she carried him up the stairs without pausing. Daniel was humiliated at what had happened that day, he desperately wanted out of the house but it was feeling depressingly impossible. Daniel was soon back in his bedroom But found himself gasping at how it had changed yet again. He twisted his head from side to side and clung on to Emmy like she was a lifeboat. Whilst he had been trapped in the pen Emmy had clearly been doing some DIY. The far wall had been bare but now there was a long flat table there. Shelves underneath were filled with diapers, baby powder, lotion, baby wipes and pacifiers. The padded surface left him in no doubt of what it was used for. “W-What is this?” Daniel asked dumbly. He knew what it was but even despite everything it seemed impossible. “A changing table.” Emmy confirmed Daniel’s worst fears, “Much easier for me than doing it in your crib, oops, I mean bed, of course.” Daniel was too shocked to even react to this but the changing table, the barred bed, the feeding, the potty and the diapers. Daniel put his face in his hands as he was carried effortlessly to the table and sat on its edge. Emmy started undressing him with practiced ease until he was left wearing only his soggy padding. “You called me a baby…” Daniel suddenly said. It was like his brain was having to catch up to everything that had happened over the last hour. “Hmm?” Emmy didn’t really respond. Instead she prodded at the padding. The diaper didn’t crinkle as much now, the absorbent filling had swelled up and pulled the plastic shell taut. “Whilst you were fee-…” Daniel stopped himself as blush crept into his face, “During dinner. You called me a baby!” “I don’t think I did.” Emmy pursed her lips as she took the clothing Daniel had been wearing and piled it on the floor. “You did!” Daniel exclaimed, “I’m not a baby! Why did you call me that?” “Daniel, sweetie, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Emmy chuckled and shook her head, “I might understand why you feel like a baby with everything going on but I assure you that isn’t my intention.” Daniel’s mouth hung open. He was sure he had heard her call him a baby. Had he imagined it? “You… You called yourself my “aunty” as well.” Daniel frowned, “You’re my cousin!” “I think you must be confusing some things.” Emmy replied, “Why would I say that?” “I… I…” Daniel felt like his head was spinning. He was sure he had heard Emmy say these things but then he had been sure of a lot of things until recently. “Now just lay back so I can change that soggy diaper.” Emmy said with a smile. Daniel felt more confused than ever and the softly spoken instruction felt like something to grab on to. He slowly lowered himself against the padded table top, the vinyl covered padding was cold until his body heat warmed it up. He had barely flattened himself against the table before Emmy was between his legs and running her hand over the front of the padding. Daniel blushed harder as he felt his tall cousin pressing into the front of the diaper harder. The warm and wet padding moulded around Daniel’s penis which, to his embarrassment, was starting to twitch. The combination of the warm and soft padding on his sensitive glans and the recent past seemed to be making his body react. Daniel felt embarrassed but there was nothing he could do. “You’re doing this on purpose!” Daniel suddenly accused Emmy. “Hmm?” Emmy had that look on her face again. The one where she pretended she didn’t know what she was doing. Daniel closed his eyes in defeat. He could feel himself already hitting full mast inside his diaper, he didn’t want to be turned on at all but Emmy’s massaging hands were too skilled at kneading the swollen padding. The tapes came off the diaper and then Emmy took hold of the top of the diaper. Daniel couldn’t bear to look as he felt the wet padding getting pulled away from his crotch. His dick, twitching and erect sprang free and into the air. The cool air of the room didn’t do anything to shrink things. As if having his wet diaper changed wasn’t bad enough now Daniel had to put up with his unwanted excitement. “My, my… You were very wet weren’t you?” Emmy spoke as if Daniel was a child. It was obvious how wet he was, “And it looks like you enjoyed it…” Daniel groaned in embarrassment as Emmy pointed out his engorged cock. It only got worse when he felt her fingers lightly dancing across his skin. Yet again he was faced with the conundrum of being able to stop it but not doing so. “Lift up.” Emmy tapped the side of Daniel’s butt twice. Daniel lifted his rear end and heard the used diaper getting pulled out from underneath him. As he lowered himself down he glanced to the side and saw the diaper that had recently been removed. He could see the discoloured padding inside. He knew it had been inevitable with how much he was made to drink but it was still difficult to look out without imploding with shame. Emmy pulled out a fresh diaper from underneath the table and Daniel’s first instinct was to argue. He wanted to tell his tall cousin that this was silly and that he could use the toilet fine, even the potty would be an improvement. On the flipside Daniel knew exactly what the counter-argument would be. Nothing had changed in regards to why he had been put in diapers in the first place. Not to mention the fact that he had wet the diaper. It was hard to argue he shouldn’t wear them when he had already so thoroughly used one. Daniel felt another couple of taps on his side and he lifted his butt into the air again. When he lowered it back down he could feel the fluffiness of a fresh disposable diaper underneath him. His dick was still hard though it had wilted just a small bit. “Hmm, I have an idea for this.” Emmy said. Daniel had no idea what Emmy meant and watched with trepidation as she left the room without another word. Naked on the changing table with an open diaper underneath him Daniel yet again found his thoughts drifting to how on Earth he had got here. “Let’s give this a try…” Emmy said as she walked back into the room. Daniel didn’t see what she had in her hands but he jumped when he suddenly felt her moving his genitals side to side. He was about to ask what was happening when he felt some slip down the outside of his penis and also over his balls. It felt tight but not enough to be painful. “W-What are you doing?” Daniel asked nervously. He reached down with his hands and tried to sit up but Emmy’s much larger hands easily stopped him. “I’m nearly finished.” Emmy said. She sounded as if she was concentrating hard on something and as her hands returned to Daniel’s sensitive area he wasn’t keen to interrupt her, “Stay still now. You don’t want me to slip down here!” “What are you-… Hey! Ouch! That pinches!” Daniel tried not to move as he had been instructed but it was very difficult to stay still. Daniel could feel something tighten a little at the point where his sack hung down from his body. For a horrifying second he wondered if Emmy wasn’t trying to cut off the blood supply but she stopped long before that stage. It wasn’t painful or even uncomfortable but it certainly felt odd. The ring Daniel felt around the base of his penis was similarly tightened. In between the two he could feel something, it felt smooth and plastic but also much weightier than the rest of the additions. “There we go.” Emmy smiled, “Perfect.” Daniel saw Emmy stand back and smile. She brought up her phone and started to flick through some apps, Daniel wondered if she was going to take photographs and he started trying to cover himself up. Emmy caught his hand and put it back by his side. Daniel whined as she held the phone up, he closed his eyes expecting the flash of a camera at any second. Daniel was tensed and ready but what actually happened still took him by surprise. Emmy’s finger touched the screen of her phone and gently moved up towards the top of the device. Daniel instantly felt a vibrating feeling on the base of his penis and his testicles that made him gasp. His hands flew down between his legs as he sat up. “Take it off!” Daniel exclaimed. “Hmm, maybe you need a little more.” Emmy looked down on her phone and flicked upwards with her finger. Daniel reached out a hand and was about to complain when the vibrating suddenly grew in intensity. The vibrations seem to go straight into his nerves, pleasure started shooting through him, it was as if he was being masturbated from the inside and no amount of movement stopped the excitement, it was impossible to get away from. Daniel let out a moan as Emmy lowered him back down on the changing table. He was red in the face and his cheeks puffed out as the fresh diaper was pulled up and over his crotch. Emmy giggled, she had some difficulty flattening the diaper down thanks to Daniel’s dick which was rapidly engorging. Eventually the tapes were closed and the diaper was taped on. Inside the diaper the buzzing continued leaving Daniel writhing and panting. “Come on, let’s get you dressed for bed.” Emmy said as if nothing unusual was happening. Daniel’s mind was whirling. He was so distracted by the vibrations he didn’t even question that Emmy was apparently already putting him to bed. He was pulled up and then lifted on to the floor. He could hear his shallow breathing as his cock rubbed on the inside of his fresh diaper. He stepped into the plastic pants as if he was on automatic and then let Emmy lock it closed. “Having fun?” Emmy asked as she took Daniel’s hand and walked him towards the crib. Daniel was hunched over slightly and walking with his legs wide apart. The faint buzzing noise coming from inside Daniel’s diaper was the only sound except for his crinkle. He couldn’t prevent himself from moaning as he approached the bed. His genitals felt incredibly sensitive, the vibrator pressed against both the bottom of his penis and his balls simultaneously. “Have a nice long rest.” Emmy said as she lifted Daniel into the makeshift crib and lifted the side, “Be a good baby for Aunty Emmy.” Daniel turned his face towards his cousin. His eyes and mouth were wide open and he had some drool running down his chin. Somewhere in a distant part of his mind Daniel knew he should be calling Emmy out. She had just convinced him she had never used the words “baby” or “aunty” and now seemed like she openly mocking him with them… Or maybe Daniel was hearing things. He was so distracted by the inside of his diaper that he could’ve misheard things. “I… I…” Daniel tried to speak but found it difficult to form sentences. Emmy flashed Daniel a big smile and looked down at her phone. She flicked up on the screen again and Daniel immediately bent over and put his hands on the front of the plastic pants, he couldn’t stop a slutty moan falling from his lips. “Goodnight.” Emmy said simply. Daniel watched his younger cousin leave the room. As soon as the door closed he reached over to the lock and chain. It was tight against his body, there was no way he was going to be able to get rid of this vibrating device, he couldn’t even slip his fingers in. To Daniel’s embarrassment he felt an orgasm building before long. His dick was throbbing with need and Daniel was caught between wanting to rub the front of his plastic pants and not. It was becoming clear that whether he rubbed himself or not he was about to cum. Daniel leaned forwards against the vertical bars of the crib. He grabbed two of the poles and put his forehead against the ones in the middle and gasped as he felt the most peculiar sensation. He had never used any kind of sex toy and feeling his cock about to explode without being touched was wild. He resisted the urge to rub himself but he ended up thrusting into the air, his sensitive glans rubbed on the fluffy insides of his diaper until he couldn’t take it anymore. Daniel groaned in pleasure as he felt his dick twitching and then exploding. Daniel let out a long deep breath as his balls contracted and pushed his sticky goo out of his body and into the diaper. It was the strangest orgasm of his life. Entirely hands free and a very different feeling yet no less powerful. As Daniel came down from his orgasm he quickly realised something that made him freeze. The vibrator wasn’t stopping. Daniel sat back on his mattress and felt the buzzing continue to stimulate him. His dick ached as it shrunk a little but the buzzing was still insistent. “Emmy?” Daniel called out hesitantly. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1149374 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/3abd4b75-a966-4085-a93c-a72a0293407f 5
Elfy Posted January 28, 2024 Author Posted January 28, 2024 Locked helplessly in his crib there isn't a lot Daniel can do but endure what happens to him. He gets a rude awakening when Emmy has some unusual ideas about breakfast. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- There was no answer. Daniel whined again as he laid back on the pillow. The sun hadn’t set, it was still early and yet he was being left in his little baby cell. Daniel writhed on the bed with his hands down over his crotch, he was moaning non-stop and no matter how much he tried he just couldn’t stop thinking about what was going on in his diaper. It was impossible for him to distract himself. The vibrations on Daniel’s balls were driving him to distraction but after a few minutes he felt himself growing hard again. He whimpered as he twisted and tried to find a position that minimised the vibrating. It was impossible. Daniel’s dick soon grew erect and he was left panting despite the deep ache that his previous orgasm had left him with. He felt like a desperate teenager as he moved his hands down to his diaper again. He started rubbing the padding and humping into the air. It was soon that Daniel climaxed again, spurting into the folds of the padding. “Ugh…” Daniel grimaced as his orgasm finished and he flopped against the mattress with sweat beading on his skin. Then a miracle happened. Daniel was about to burst into tears when the vibrating suddenly stopped. He didn’t dare move for fear that he might set it off again but it stayed quiet. Slowly he sat up and rolled over. The vibrator remained dead. Daniel could only assume Emmy had turned it off using her phone but if that was the case how did she know he had just orgasmed for the second time, surely it was too much to be coincidence. Daniel looked around the room. Nothing seemed to have changed at first glance, everything seemed to be in the right place. It was only as Daniel looked at the shelves that peeked over the top of the crib that he realised something had indeed been altered. There were teddy bears up on the shelf, just another way for Emmy to make him feel small, Daniel supposed. But now he noticed a little red light shining between two of the teddy bears. He crawled to the other end of the mattress to get a closer look. His eyes shot wide open as he saw a little camera nestled between a brown teddy bear and a stuffed owl toy. Suddenly it made sense. Daniel sat back down and pushed himself back up to the end of the crib with the pillows. He swallowed as he laid back and stared at the ceiling. Every time he thought this couldn’t get creepier he was proven wrong. For now though he was just happy to be free of the vibrations. Daniel closed his eyes and decided that if he was going to be trapped in the crib he might as well do the only thing he could. He pulled the massive blanket over the top of him and tried to get to sleep despite the early hour. It was tough to fall asleep when he knew he was being watched but he must’ve drifted off eventually. His dreams full of his life before arriving at his cousin’s bizarre house. Daniel suddenly jerked awake. The room was now pitch black which only made the red light on the shelf all the clearer. It didn’t take him long to work out what had woken him up. His diaper was tight as his rock hard penis strained against the padding that was already marked from his first two orgasms. The vibrator was buzzing again. How long it had been going Daniel could only guess. He started tossing and turning, he was determined not to respond to the sensations, he could at least deny Emmy the satisfaction of enjoying what she was doing. He tried to lay still under the cover and act like nothing was happening, he managed it for a couple of seconds but the only thing that happened was an intensification of the feelings. Soon the noise of the vibrator was coming through the diaper. Daniel couldn’t stay still forever. He threw his cover back and looked down at his crotch, minutes were passing and he was only growing more frustrated. His resolve was weakened and soon he was moving his hips and thrusting into the diaper without even noticing it. As soon as he realised what was happening he felt his will to resist breaking down. With a sigh of desperation he placed his hands on the front of the padding to give himself even more friction. The longer Daniel went and the closer he got to finishing yet again the more he abandoned his inhibitions. He started wantonly thrusting himself against his hands and moaning until his orgasm came crashing down on him. His poor penis was sore but still it twitched and pumped into his padding. Daniel gasped and grimaced until the climax was over and he sprawled out on the bed again. Mercifully, the vibrator turned off. When the vibrations finished Daniel was able to relax and he suddenly noticed the fullness in his bladder. All the feedings and bottles were keeping him ultra-hydrated and now he desperately needed to relieve himself. His penis had rapidly shrunk back down to its regular size and now it twitched in a very different way. Daniel took a deep breath and held it. He felt a flush of shame heat up his face as he tried to imagine he was on the potty. A small spurt hit the inside of the padding before Daniel accidentally tensed up and cut the flow off. There was a small pain as his bladder complained but Daniel forced himself to relax yet again and this time he managed to stop from tensing. Feeling the flow of urine into his diaper made Daniel blush despite being all alone. At first he was hesitant but the more the diaper absorbed the more confidence he had in it. The hot urine ran down between his legs and forced the absorbent padding to expand as it soaked in. By the time his bladder had finished it was like his whole crotch and butt were being hugged by the warmth. Daniel couldn’t resist reaching down between his legs. The diaper felt so hot and when he prodded it he could feel how different it was to before it was used. The crinkliness had gone as the plastic was pulled taut by the weighted padding within. He sat back on the mattress and felt the sponge-like padding squeeze underneath him, piss was forced out and ran against his skin. He shivered as he laid back down on the mattress. He knew Emmy wasn’t going to be coming in until the morning so his only option was to try and sleep. When the door opened the next morning Daniel was already awake. He let his head roll to the side to see Emmy walk in looking bright and refreshed. It was a million miles from how Daniel felt, after his wetting in the night he had found it very hard to sleep. He shifted nervously under his blanket as his cousin came closer. “Good morning!” Emmy said happily. She walked up to the crib as if nothing unusual had happened. The side of the crib clattered to the floor and Daniel immediately sat up warily. Emmy reached forwards and even as Daniel tried to pull the cover up to keep himself hidden she started to prod and poke at him. It didn’t take long for Emmy to slip her hand under the cover. Daniel cringed as he felt the large hand press against his still warm padding. “What a wet little baby.” Emmy said with a smile. “Stop calling me a baby!” Daniel complained. He tried to move out of Emmy’s range but she quickly took hold of his wrist. “Let’s get you a fresh diaper.” Emmy spoke with the divine patience of a mother talking to a difficult child. “Just get me out of this thing… and take this vibrating stuff off me.” Daniel demanded sulkily before adding, “And don’t put me in another one!” “No need to be pouty.” Emmy said, “I have something just for pouty babies.” Daniel got out of the crib with the help of his younger cousin. He dropped on to his feet and felt his diaper sag below him. It hung low and pulled against the tapes, Daniel bit his bottom lip as he realised he had soaked himself even worse than he had thought. Daniel was so distracted by his disposable he didn’t realise that Emmy had reached into her pocket and produced a pacifier. The teething device was pushed against his mouth quite suddenly and he opened his mouth without thinking. The pacifier was quickly pushed in until the plastic mouth guard hit Daniel’s lips and bobbed backwards and forwards a couple of times. “You just keep that in for Aunty Emmy, OK?” Emmy said as she started pulling Daniel towards the changing table, “You don’t want to go over my knee after all…” Daniel was red in the cheeks as he was lifted up and laid back on the changing table. He clenched his fists to resist the urge to pluck the pacifier from his mouth and throw it across the room. He felt ridiculous like this but really needed to get this diaper off. Regardless of how much like a baby he felt sucking a pacifier and getting his diaper changed he really wanted to get out of the uncomfortable disposable and avoid a punishment. The tapes were loud as they were pulled off the landing zone. Cool air flooded in around Daniel’s genitals and he shivered slightly as the diaper was opened. He heard Emmy giggle as she held Daniel’s penis in her hand, her other hand went down and cradled his sack. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” Emmy asked knowingly. “No.” Daniel sulkily replied. He couldn’t see if any of his “fun” from the previous night was still visible against the inside of the diaper. To Daniel’s relief he felt the device that had been vibrating him to distraction getting taken off. He sighed as his genitals were released from the slight restraints and wet wipes were used to clean his skin. A fresh diaper was pulled out and unfolded, Daniel pouted around his pacifier for a second and wondered if he should speak up. He had been told to keep it in his mouth but he hadn’t been told he couldn’t speak… “No more diaperth!” Daniel said as he covered up his crotch. He cringed at his infantile lisp. “We’ve been through this.” Emmy said warningly. “I want to leave!” Daniel exclaimed. “That isn’t going to be possible.” Emmy replied as she placed the open diaper between Daniel’s legs. Daniel shivered as he heard the tone of Emmy’s voice. Her coldness made it clear this wasn’t up for debate. He was going to be a guest here until whenever Emmy decided to let him leave. He still felt frozen as his legs were gathered by one of Emmy’s giant hands and rolled back to slip the fresh diaper underneath him. When he was lowered Emmy was already starting to pull the front up and before he knew it he was taped into a new diaper. “I have to go home!” Daniel whined as he was lifted off the table and placed back on the floor, “I have work and-” “We’ll deal with that when the time comes.” Emmy said cryptically, “Right now you don’t need to work, you need to get dressed and fill your little tummy.” Daniel clenched his fists but Emmy was already pulling a new outfit out of the closet for him. Daniel knew it wouldn’t be good so he looked away as Emmy manipulated his limbs to go through the correct holes. He felt a shirt covering his chest but simultaneously a pair of shorts that seemed to lift the diaper up towards his body a little more. When Daniel finally got a chance to look at the mirror he felt his face turning as deeply red as his new outfit was. He had seen toddlers wearing clothes just like these before. All-in-one shortalls with a zip on the back ensuring he wouldn’t be able to easily undress himself. On the chest was embroidered the words “Little Potty Pants” with a big gold star beneath. Daniel cringed. “Come on, let’s go find some yummy breakfast.” Emmy said. Daniel noticed she hadn’t picked him up. There was once a time where that would be ideal but now it meant that he had to flop down on to his front and crawl. He resisted moving but when Emmy stood at the top of the stairs and looked back at him he knew he couldn’t stay in front of the mirror forever. With a sigh of resignation Daniel dropped down on to all fours. He tried to tell himself that Emmy was right, this was just safer. The problem was that when he saw his childish outfit, felt the thick diaper and crawled across the floor it was impossible to not feel like he was just a little baby. He shook his head as he crawled and pushed the thoughts to the back of his head. Emmy went down the stairs and Daniel twisted his body round so he was sat on the top step. After a moment of hesitation he dropped down off the first ledge and then sat on the edge of the next one. He had to repeat this process over and over again until he reached the bottom. He was sweating slightly from the effort and when Emmy leaned down to scoop him up he found himself feeling almost grateful. It didn’t feel all that unusual to be sat on Emmy’s hip now. Daniel had been carried like this so many times it almost felt normal. He realised how dangerous this kind of thinking was, the normalisation of things that should definitely remain abnormal. Daniel blushed for even thinking it was anything but awful. “I hope you’re hungry.” Emmy said as she carried Daniel through to the kitchen, “A nice big breakfast to fuel you for the day.” Daniel remained silent. He didn’t think there was anything he could say that would help him in this situation, he just had to keep waiting for a chance to get away. Being fed and carried wasn’t anything new, he could live with this until he found his chance. Patience was a virtue he was having to learn. With a jolt of fear Daniel felt a rumble deep in his belly. He hadn’t been able to use the toilet or his potty… Emmy leaned down to open the fridge door which forced Daniel to lean forwards and put his arms around her neck to stop himself falling to the floor. He heard Emmy moving some things around and then she stopped. “Hmm, we don’t have any milk.” Emmy said slowly. Daniel felt Emmy stand back up and now he was carried over to the kitchen table. He looked over to the window on the far side of the room and tried not to let the worry that he would never get out there consume him. Emmy had sat down in her usual seat and sat Daniel on her knee. When he turned back to look at Emmy he saw that she had unbuttoned her blouse. He nearly choked as he jumped and looked away. “W-What are you doing!?” Daniel exclaimed as he looked away. He tried to climb off Emmy’s lap but she was able to keep him in place with ease. “Well, I can’t let you starve can I?” Emmy said with a chuckle. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1156339 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/577427d0-dc25-4793-bff8-8482fb7994e7 5
Elfy Posted February 4, 2024 Author Posted February 4, 2024 It's feeding time for Daniel and he finds himself in the most humiliting position yet. Laying underneath Emmy's huge pendulous breasts. The situation doesn't become any easier when the massive amount of milk he injests causes his tummy to rumble ominously... --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. Just a couple of days ago I published a brand new story exclusive on my subscription sites! "Shrinking Lilies" is a story about a person who follows their girlfriend into a bizarre store and walks out a vastly different person in every way imaginable. It features physical regression, mental regression and, of course, diapers! You can find this story on either of the links below. The latest story in my large collection of stories exclusively for those who support my writing the most The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel didn’t know what to do. He could feel his whole body flushing with embarrassment. He didn’t know where to put his hands or where to look. He felt Emmy shifting his weight so he was laying back until he was almost horizontal. His head rested in the crook of her arm. Daniel was helplessly trapped and looking up as Emmy loomed above him. He saw her reach behind her back and a second later her bra loosened. “N-No, you do-” Daniel stuttered as he wriggled uncomfortably. He wished he could slip off Emmy’s lap but he was trapped. The loose bra slipped down Emmy’s arms and before Daniel could react he was left staring up at a fleshy orb that filled his vision. He was left stunned as the giant breasts blotted out the light from the ceiling like an eclipse. From his position he couldn’t even see Emmy’s face. “Time for breakfast, sweetie.” Emmy’s voice came down from somewhere above those fleshy globes, “Have a nice drink from Aunty.” Daniel was frozen in shock as he felt the arm underneath his head lifting him up towards the breast. He tried to twist his head away but it was hopeless. Soon his head was being held against Emmy’s boob and he could feel her pointy nipple pressing against his lips. He let out a moan as he tried to pull his blushing face away. “Come on.” Emmy cooed sweetly as if this was a normal thing to be doing to your cousin, “Open up for breakfast.” Daniel kept his mouth shut. He felt the arm behind his head pulling him closer until his whole face was engulfed by the skin of the breast. He couldn’t pull away and now he couldn’t even breathe. He imagined dying by suffocation on a breast, it would be so humiliating. He held his breath and squirmed desperately to try and get free. As he twisted he felt his tummy let him know he was overdue for his usual morning trip to the bathroom but that was the least of his problems. As Emmy continued to gently coo for Daniel to start nursing he was running out of air. He wouldn’t be able to hold out forever, his lungs were already complaining. He couldn’t pull his head away, he only had one option no matter how embarrassing it was to consider. With a moan of resignation Daniel opened his mouth and sucked in air. “That’s it.” Emmy stroked his hair as she released her grip enough for Daniel to breathe through his nose. Emmy’s nipple popped into Daniel’s mouth. The diapered young man gasped and his eyes flew open as Emmy’s teat rested on Daniel’s tongue. Daniel froze and didn’t know what to do. He breathed in deeply through his nose and could smell his cousin’s skin. He knew what Emmy wanted but he couldn’t start sucking, it just wasn’t right! “Let instinct take over.” Emmy said softly, “And have a lovely feed.” Daniel knew that he wasn’t going to be allowed out of this position until he did as he was told. He felt his stomach cramp a little and knew something bad was coming. He couldn’t communicate his need for the bathroom with this breast pressed right against his face. His only hope, and he realised it was a very slim one, was for him to get this over with so that he could go to the toilet. Daniel hesitated for a second before sealing his lips around the nipple in his mouth. He felt embarrassed and unsure of what exactly to do but eventually started treating the nipple as if it was his bottle. He started to suck on the breast like a hungry infant. “That’s it.” Emmy said softly. She chuckled quietly for a second, “Just like a baby.” Daniel winced but did as he was told. He briefly thought about how insane this all was before his senses were completely enveloped by a sweet tasting liquid on his tongue. His eyes widened and he tried yet again to pull himself away but he was helplessly outmatched in strength. He didn’t understand, he thought women only produced milk when they had a baby. The liquid dripping on Daniel’s tongue certainly wasn’t sweat, it could only be one thing. The more Daniel sucked the more milk seemed to get produced. He was hopelessly stuck and felt smaller than ever. It didn’t matter that Emmy was so much bigger than he was, it felt like she was normal sized and he was tiny as his head was pressed against her breast. Daniel was nursing like an infant and now that he was in a rhythm he just couldn’t stop. Every time he swallowed he squeezed the nipple that was invading his mouth causing more milk to squirt. He had to keep swallowing to keep up even as he felt the liquid filling his stomach and sloshing around. He was feeling full but he assumed there was a lot more milk to come judging from the size of his cousin’s breast. The more Daniel’s tummy expanded with milk the more the pressure on his bowels became impossible to ignore. The pressure was reaching horrendous levels and yet he was still suckling. It didn’t matter if there was a bathroom available for him or not, he knew he was seconds from disaster. Daniel tried to pull his head away but Emmy was much too strong as she cooed her quiet words of encouragement. A cramp hit Daniel and unlike the previous ones it didn’t pass after a few seconds. This one was grew and grew until his body was begging to let it out. It felt as if there was a brick trying to push it’s way out of his digestive system. “Mmm! Mmmmmmm!” Daniel tried to pull his head away again but Emmy just pulled him closer. Daniel felt tears leak out the corners of his eyes as he finally gave in. He pulled his knees up so he was in a sideways crouching position. His face was already red but now he could feel his temperature rising and sweat appearing on his brow. He tensed up as he pushed down and held his breath. Despite his body being so desperate to empty itself Daniel couldn’t immediately push out the mess. He still had a mental block at using the diaper. After one quick push he passed gas loudly, for just a second he paused his suckling mortified by embarrassment and shame. “Uh oh, I think little Daniel needs to make a surprise for Aunty Emmy.” Emmy said knowingly. Her spare hand went down and patted Daniel’s padded rear. Daniel didn’t think his situation could get worse but as he felt his cousin’s giant hand rest on the back of his diaper he realised she was going to feel everything. He couldn’t stop what was going to happen and as he pushed down again he grunted and finally felt his sphincter opening up. All of Daniel’s muscles tensed and he almost curled up into a little ball as his bowels started to empty. “There we go.” Emmy’s soft encouragement only made things worse for Daniel, “Let it all go.” Daniel couldn’t have defied Emmy even if he had clamped down again. He was too far gone. Daniel pushed down and felt a solid log sliding out of him. It hit the back of his diaper and paused for a second. He took a deep breath and pushed again. The back of the diaper crinkled slightly as it pushed out against Emmy’s hand. Daniel could feel the poop bend a little as he pushed it out until it was finally pinched off. The lump dropped into the diaper where it’s slimy stickiness warmed his skin. He was disgusted with himself but knew he wasn’t finished. Daniel was still sucking on Emmy’s breast on auto-pilot as he concentrated on what was happening in his diaper. He felt the muscles in his tummy squeeze and push. He grunted as he felt two softer poops drop out of his body and smear against the padding. The back of the diaper was bulging out, Emmy would be able to feel everything. Daniel let out a moan as he swallowed the milk filling his mouth. “Get it all out.” Emmy said as she gently rubbed the back of Daniel’s diaper. Daniel grunted again as soft waste was squeezed out of his body. It seemed to just go on and on as it filled the space between the diaper and his body. He farted again as a few more turds dropped out of him. Despite his humiliation Daniel felt a relief that he had got everything out of him. As he unclenched his muscles and unfurled from the ball he had been bent into his bladder let go and he let urine pour out over the poop that filled the rear of his diaper. “Good boy.” Emmy chuckled, “But breakfast isn’t over yet.” Daniel was panting slightly and his face was burning with shame. The effort of pooping himself had left him a little breathless, he could feel sweat on his face from the constant contact with Emmy’s boob. He cringed as he closed his lips around the nipple again and continued to drink. The knowledge that he was drinking directly from Emmy like a new born was humiliating and made him feel slightly nauseous, well, it was either the shame, his diaper or his increasingly full tummy that was making him a little sick. Daniel finally felt Emmy’s grip on his head relax slightly a couple of minutes later. He breathed deeply and felt a little of the creamy milk running down his chin. His hands were on his full belly but his mind was torn between the two embarrassing scenarios of having filled his pants and his feeding. If Daniel had thought it was all over he was sorely mistaken. As he continued to try to recover and allow his mind to catch up to all that had happened he was shifted around. He was too tired to really put up a complaint beyond grumbling but he loudly exclaimed as he felt his mushy rear getting pressed against Emmy’s knee. Daniel could feel the stinky mud in his diaper spreading over his skin as he was manhandled into laying across Emmy’s lap with his head in front of her other breast. “Please…” Daniel gasped. His hands went back to his belly which he already felt was bulging out. “Just a little more, baby.” Emmy said. Her voice was as sweet as the milk Daniel’s had been drinking from her. Daniel was shaking his head when he felt Emmy’s hand reach around and started pulling him closer. It was a repeat scenario of the first boob and Daniel was slowly forced face first into the fleshy orb that hung from Emmy’s chest. Knowing that fighting it was pointless and with the desperate need of a diaper change Daniel opened his mouth voluntarily and his tongue searched for the nipple. When he found Emmy’s teat he wrapped his lips around it and started flicking it with his tongue. In his haste to get things over with he grazed the skin with his teeth and felt Emmy pull back a little. “Careful, little one.” Emmy said with a small chuckle. Daniel’s instinct was to apologise but with a hand holding his face to the breast he couldn’t say a word. After thinking about it for a second he didn’t want to say sorry in any case, it wasn’t his choice to be doing this. Daniel was incredibly bloated but as he started sucking on the breast he felt the thick milk letting down into his mouth. He was rhythmically swallowing as the milk squirted into his mouth like a robot, he was on cruise control as he tried to switch his brain off and drift away from this embarrassing situation. A part of him thought it was odd that Emmy’s milk was so thick, he had always heard breast milk was thin but Emmy was anything but a normal woman. The room was practically silent except for Daniel’s sucking. The smell from his diaper was leaking out into the room now and despite desperately trying to deny that he was a baby he couldn’t deny feeling like that now. His tummy rumbled and gurgled as he kept drinking until he thought he might burst. With his belly bulging out obscenely Daniel finally felt himself getting separated from Emmy’s breast, almost as soon as his sweaty lips broke contact with his cousin’s skin he let out a milky burp. “You really were thirsty!” Emmy said with a smile. Her spare hand went down to Daniel’s stomach, “You emptied me out!” Daniel laid back with his head still supported by Emmy’s hand. He looked up at the ceiling feeling exhaustion weighing heavily upon him. For several minutes he was cradled by Emmy who stroked his hair and rubbed his belly. Daniel’s diaper felt like a swamp pressing up against his crotch but it was several minutes before he felt able to speak. “Need… change…” Daniel blushed as he made the embarrassing request but after the effort he had expended and with his tummy so full it was all he could manage to say the words. “Of course.” Emmy smiled, “Let’s get you a fresh diaper. We can’t have you going out in that stinky old one.” Daniel froze up. Surely he had misheard Emmy, surely she wouldn’t take him out like this. How could she when he was in such an embarrassing state? Daniel knew he shouldn’t complain because maybe it would actually give him a chance to escape, he could call out for help from the first person he saw. The fantasies that were suddenly flashing through Daniel’s mind were quickly forgotten about when Emmy stood up and shifted him into a more vertical position. He felt one of her arms around his back and another under his ass. Daniel tensed up as he felt himself sinking into the mess he had made and with every one of Emmy’s massive strides he felt himself sink a little deeper. The poop smeared all over any areas that hadn’t already been covered. When Daniel was laid down on the changing table it wasn’t a moment too soon. He felt like he would never be clean no matter how much he was wiped. As the diaper was opened up the smell inside was unleashed and Daniel’s eyes started to water. He glanced at Emmy but she didn’t seem even remotely fazed by what she was doing. “You made a big stinky one didn’t you?” Emmy said as she worked. It was pointless for Daniel to comment and he was so filled with shame he wasn’t certain he could verbalize anything anyway. He stayed quiet as his legs were lifted and he was methodically wiped clean inch by inch. It took several long minutes for Emmy to clean Daniel and all that time all he could do was lay there trying to imagine he was in any other situation. When Daniel finally felt cool air on his skin he knew the ordeal was nearly over. Emmy seemed to take extra time to clean his balls and even after he was sure he was clean he could feel her rubbing them. It was only as he was starting to get hard that she stopped. “It’s a good job we put you in these.” Emmy said as she pulled the used diaper out and started balling it up. “I could’ve used the toilet…” Daniel muttered. “Don’t be silly.” Emmy said with a soft chuckle and a small shake of the head, “That hasn’t been going well at all. This is just a lot safer.” Daniel grumbled but as Emmy pulled out a fresh diaper he had little choice but to quietly accept what was happening. The padding was unfolded on the table between Daniel’s legs and then slipped underneath him. Daniel was angry that this was happening but powerless to change anything. Even if he had the mental strength to challenge Emmy right then his full belly would’ve made it very hard. He was expecting the diaper to get pulled up but Emmy had other ideas, she reached up to a shelf above the changing table that was much higher than Daniel. She lowered a box which she placed on the padded edge of the table. “What’s that?” Daniel asked warily. “You’ll see.” Emmy said cheerily as she opened the top of the box. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1164703 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/e97892d3-f438-45db-834f-9fa987e896e9 If you want to read my brand new EXCLUSIVE subscriber only story "Shrinking Lilies" you can find it here: https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lrzonrfx22 https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1159567 The story contains both physical and mental regression, transformation and, of course, diapers! It joins the large library of exclusive stories only found on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages! 4
diaperguy85 Posted February 4, 2024 Posted February 4, 2024 Yea... that was pretty hot! Yay for giant milky boobs!! (Even if they are your cousin's lol) 1
Elfy Posted February 11, 2024 Author Posted February 11, 2024 Following his diaper change Daniel is presented with a new problem as Emmy decides he needs a special "treat". Is it a treat though? Or is it just a way to break Daniel down... --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Daniel knew it wouldn’t be good. He turned his head away in despair at the situation, he couldn’t believe he was going to be taken out like this. It didn’t make sense though, surely Emmy knew that he would start shouting for help as soon as he saw someone. If she was stupid enough to not realise that Daniel wasn’t going to bring it up for her. Daniel suddenly felt something clipping around the base of his balls. It felt just like the last time and he was unsurprised to see the vibrating ring had been placed around him again. He let out a little whine, he remembered the forced orgasms well, he was still sore from it! “Now I’ll just do this…” Emmy said as she pulled out her phone. With a flick of Emmy’s finger the vibrator buzzed to life and Daniel jumped. He writhed on the padded tabletop but Emmy’s long arms stopped him from rolling off, he couldn’t even reach down with his hands as Emmy simply slapped them away as if they were annoying flies. “Please…” Daniel whined. Daniel couldn’t help but moan as he reacted to the pleasurable sensations. He couldn’t help himself as he lifted his hips off the diaper. His dick started to rapidly thicken and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He whined as he rapidly grew to full length, the vibrations in the base of his penis and around his balls driving him maddeningly towards pleasure. “Excellent.” Emmy said happily as she watched Daniel’s twitching member, “You’re doing so well for me.” Daniel didn’t know why the praise for something he couldn’t control seemed to turn him on even more but he couldn’t deny the way his crotch tingled or the way he moaned. He wanted to pull himself away from the vibrations and yet he couldn’t, no matter which way he twisted or turned the buzzing continued. Daniel was so lost in his own mind he didn’t pay any attention to the sound of the box opening again. “We just slip this on here and…” Emmy sounded like she was concentrating as Daniel felt the strangest feeling on his cock, “Voila!” “W-What are you doing?” Daniel gasped in between waves of pleasure. Daniel moved to sit up and look down but as he did so he nearly passed out as every nerve in his extremely sensitive penis lit up with pleasure. He wasn’t able to avoid moaning like a whore as he laid his head back down. “It’s just a little toy.” Emmy giggled, “Just for you.” Daniel lifted his head a lot more carefully and saw pink plastic enveloping his dick. On the inside he could feel the strangest sensations, it felt like there were little ridges and rubber teeth each of which rubbed against his sexual organ producing the strangest yet most pleasurable sensations. The vibrator caused the rubber device to move making the excitement almost continuous. After just a minute of laying on the table and having the feelings reach a crescendo Daniel let out an almighty groan and felt himself cum. He could feel his cock twitching and pulsing as he shot his load into the sex toy. Predictably, there was no let-up in the vibrations. “Well, I’m glad to see this is working.” Emmy said, “And don’t worry, this pocket pussy has a built in reservoir for all your sticky surprises.” That wasn’t what was on Daniel’s mind as he felt the front of the diaper get lifted up over the sex toys that continued to tease him. The tapes were fastened and Daniel was lifted off the table. He staggered unsteadily with his feet wide apart. He could barely even think as Emmy went to get him some clothes. The excitement coming from Daniel’s crotch blocked out all over thoughts. “What do you think of this?” Emmy asked as she turned around and held up a potential outfit. Daniel looked up. His mouth was hanging open and he was hunched over forwards slightly as the vibrations continued. If anything the diaper had made the problem worse, the padding seemed to cause the sensations to spread out even more and with the sex toy on his dick constantly tantalising him Daniel was barely able to think straight. “Guh…” Daniel grunted. He wasn’t able to form words as he looked up and saw Emmy holding a dark blue all-in-one with pictures of dogs dressed up as astronauts and little space ships and rockets. It would cover him from shoulder to toe and appeared to zip up in the back. It was just like the other outfits Daniel had been dressed in since he had arrived, entirely unsuitable for an adult. “Can you walk over here?” Emmy asked patiently as if talking to a small child. The small part of Daniel’s brain that knew he needed to act like an adult saw this as a chance. He wasn’t being told to crawl, he was being given the opportunity to walk. Drool rolled out of the side of his mouth as he put one foot in front of the other. He wobbled unsteadily and felt sure the vibrating in his diaper became more intense. As he took another step he felt his rock hard tool moving up and down inside the pocket pussy, every small bump and ridge sending excitement through his nerves like lightning. Daniel’s steps were like an unsteady toddler’s. He held his arms out and nearly fell over as he slowly waddled across the room. By the time he reached Emmy his aching balls felt like they needed to release again, he desperately resisted the urge. Daniel put his hands on the crouching Emmy’s shoulders. He lifted his trembling legs and put them in to the all-in-one. He was wordless but let out an involuntary moan as the clothing was pulled up, Emmy’s hand rubbed over his crotch deliberately. The clothing was zipped up and Daniel could look down to see himself completely encased in the infantile clothing. “Ooh, you are drooling, baby.” Emmy said as she looked at Daniel’s face, “Here, take this.” Daniel saw a pacifier get produced. He clamped his mouth shut but his resistance was weak. Emmy reached down and rubbed her hand over the diaper and Daniel started moaning again. This time he was pushed over the edge and for the second time in quick succession he felt himself cumming into the pocket pussy. The pacifier was shoved between his open lips. “We can’t have you staggering around like that either.” Emmy said, “Don’t worry, I’m prepared for this.” Daniel barely heard what his cousin was saying as his cock twitched and shot in his diaper. The orgasm ended and yet the never-ending vibrating continued. He felt like his heads, both the one in his diaper and the one on top of his neck, were scrambled. He was starting to see why Emmy was so sure he wouldn’t speak to anyone, it felt like every neuron had been rerouted to pleasure even as his poor tired dick ached. He sucked absent-mindedly on the pacifier which seemed to have an unusual taste to it. Daniel was lifted up and sat on Emmy’s hip as she started carrying him downstairs. This hardly helped the problem going on in his diaper, with his crotch rubbing against Emmy’s side with each step. Daniel groaned and leaned into Emmy as he tried to ignore his diaper area, his hands became fists as he grabbed on to the taller woman’s clothes. At the bottom of the stairs Daniel was put down and with shaky legs he sat down on the lowest step. He chewed on the pacifier as he tried to maintain control over himself, he didn’t look up as Emmy walked away and for a full minute. Daniel spent the whole time trying to stop himself from pawing at his diaper, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to bring himself to another orgasm or if he desperately wanted to get the toys off him. “Here we go. This should mean we can get around easier.” Emmy said as she walked down the hallway. Daniel was just starting to look up when Emmy reached down and placed her hands underneath Daniel’s arms. She lifted Daniel up and turned him away from her, Daniel kicked out his legs as he was manhandled with seemingly no trouble whatsoever. He looked down to see that Emmy was wearing some kind of harness and the knowledge of what was happening came too late to stop it. His legs were lowered through holes in the bottom of the harness and when Emmy let Daniel go he simply slipped into a position. “Mmm wah goon.” Daniel tried to speak but as he did so he realised his mouth was numb. The pacifier that had been between his lips tumbled down until Emmy caught it. “Ah, I see your medicine has kicked in. It’s just a little something to help you be a good boy that I put on your pacifier.” Emmy said, “Keep you paci in, good boy.” Daniel couldn’t feel his tongue and everything felt numb, he couldn’t seem to make his mouth work the way he wanted. He tried speaking again but all that came out was useless babble. He could only watch as Emmy tied a ribbon to the pacifier and then clipped it to the front of his clothes. He was in shock, Emmy must’ve given him some kind of numbing gel or something. “Right, I think we’re all ready.” Emmy said brightly as she picked up her bag. Daniel felt the buzzing in his diaper intensify. As the door opened and the duo stepped outside he wondered if his cousin had her finger on her phone to turn up the intensity of the sex toy. He could feel his dick moving up and down inside the ridged toy and despite everything his body reacted predictably. The sun was shining that day and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Daniel couldn’t quite believe he was outside again, he had started to suspect this would never happen but has his legs dangled uselessly Emmy started walking out towards the road. Daniel’s head was forced back against Emmy’s chest, her two enormous breasts acting like neck cushions and forcing Daniel’s head upright. It was hard for Daniel to know what to concentrate on. He had two huge breasts against the sides of his head, the sex toy and vibrator continuing more insistently than ever, his mouth was numb and he was suspended against Emmy’s chest. He was overwhelmed by everything that was happening and it felt like his brain was threatening to short-circuit. Emmy was humming happily as she walked down the road without a care in the world. Daniel was like an overgrown toddler attached to her chest but it wasn’t long before he was entirely distracted by his diaper again. Emmy’s long strides were pushing his body this way and that, each small movement was making him moan around the pacifier he was absentmindedly chewing on. “It’s a bit of a walk but we’ll make it in no time.” Emmy said cheerily. Daniel could barely concentrate. Along the long empty road away from Emmy’s house there wasn’t a person or vehicle to be seen. It was only after fifteen minutes of Emmy’s long strides that they turned a corner towards a small strip mall. Daniel groaned as he saw people walking around ahead, he was torn between wanting someone to free him and utter humiliation at his situation. Daniel shuddered as he was essentially forced to thrust in and out of the pocket pussy that was wrapped around his penis. He was sore from his recent orgasms but that didn’t seem to stop another one building. As Emmy took them closer to the crowds of people Daniel wondered what would happen, surely someone would help him out. “How are you feeling?” Emmy asked Daniel quietly as they approached the shops, “Do you need me to turn up your toy.” Daniel rapidly shook his head which just seemed to push him deeper between Emmy’s breasts. He mumbled and tried to make himself understood, he was desperate to convey that he wanted less vibrations rather than more! Despite Daniel’s almost silent protest he watched as Emmy took her phone out and held it up in front of the pair of them. Daniel saw her swiping up and immediately felt the sex toy respond. The orgasm that had been bubbling under the surface burst out and shocked Daniel as he leaned forwards as much as possible and tensed his muscles. He could feel the sticky fluid squirt out of him and into the toy as he gasped. The pacifier tumbled from his lips again only for Emmy to casually reach around and push it back between his lips. Daniel slumped in the harness. He felt exhausted and yet he wasn’t even moving. With the vibrating not stopping Daniel found himself zoning out for a few seconds, when he suddenly came back to his senses and he was reminded of where he was he saw that they were amongst other people. He looked around expecting people to be staring, to be talking about the strange sight and maybe even to help him. “It’s busy today.” Emmy said, “That’s no problem, I only have a few things to pick up.” People were certainly staring. Daniel looked around through eyes left hazy from his successive orgasms and saw that people were looking but not saying anything. It was as if having a twenty-three year old man strapped to a harness on a giantess of a woman was only slightly unusual. Daniel wanted to reach out and get someone to help him but between the vibrations and numbness he wasn’t able to make himself understood at all. He realised he looked just like an overgrown baby to these people. Daniel could feel the heat of shame warming his face. As they passed a shop window he looked into it and saw a reflection of himself, he was as red as imagined. Despite this sight being unusual enough to get a few stares no one seemed to want to come up and ask what was happening, most just turned away and continued with their business. The vibrations were continuing and Daniel was desperately trying to flail his arms and legs to either free himself or get Emmy’s attention. He failed on both accounts as Emmy walked along the row of stores. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1172292 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/898e3a75-5693-4385-8e73-aeda46236b63 6
Elfy Posted February 18, 2024 Author Posted February 18, 2024 In which Daniel is taken shopping for supplies, uses his diaper reapetedly in a way he couldn't imagine and realises just what is in those bottles he's been drinking. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on one of my subscription sites. There has been a lot of upheaval recently with Patreon purging a lot of ABDL content so I have tried to diversify a little so that I can continue to bring everyone stories. For just a $5 pledge on any of these you can see updates a week early and for $10 you can see all of my 50+ EXCLUSIVE stories only available to subscribers. The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my subscribers and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my subscription sites ❤️ https://subscribestar.adult/elfy https://reamstories.com/elfy --- Emmy walked into a pharmacy after ducking down to make sure she didn’t hit her head on the doorframe. Daniel gasped as the bending motion stimulated his diaper area, the soreness was becoming a real problem but despite that his dick was reluctantly swelling again. He didn’t feel like he had anything left to give. “We just need to get a few things for you.” Emmy said. She spoke like a mother talking to their baby, talking just to fill silence and not expecting any kind of response. Daniel’s arms and legs swung uselessly in the air as Emmy picked up a basket from just inside the sliding door and began walking down the aisles. Daniel was desperate to distract himself from what was happening in his diaper and he silently watched what his cousin was picking up with increasing alarm. “Wipes… powder… ooh, we need some bags for the diaper pail.” Emmy said as she slowly walked down the aisle and placed these items in her basket. Daniel could only watch with a growing sense of dread. This very much didn’t seem like it was meant as a short-term thing. He was alarmed but as drool dripped from the pacifier he couldn’t do anything to either escape or help himself. As he was relentlessly pleasured he was nothing but a spectator to his future. “And, of course, we’ll need plenty of diapers.” Emmy said as she faced the wall that had shelves filled with diapers from floor to ceiling. Emmy placed one pack of diapers that appeared to be the same brand as the one Daniel was wearing into the cart. She paused for a second and then took a second packet as well. Daniel groaned as the vibrator seemed to pick up again, his junk felt bruised but was still reacting despite him wishing it wouldn’t. He saw the two packs of diapers in the basket and now knew for certain that Emmy wasn’t going to let him leave. If he was truly just visiting his cousin for a short trip she wouldn’t need this many. Daniel’s heart hammered and he felt as if he were hyperventilating. Emmy now walked over to the counter where an older woman was standing behind a cash register. She smiled at Emmy as the latter put her items on the counter to be rung up. Daniel couldn’t understand why this woman wasn’t making a big deal about him. Regardless, he saw this as maybe his best chance to escape. Without another moment of hesitation he spat out the pacifier, it fell and bounced at the end of the ribbon slightly. “Ewp ee!” Daniel tried his absolute hardest to get his mouth to work, “Ee ewp!” Daniel stared at the cashier trying to desperately make her understand what he knew was incomprehensible gibberish. The woman in front of him gave a confused half-smile. Daniel knew he had failed as he felt Emmy shifting slightly, quite suddenly he felt the vibrations around his balls skyrocket. Daniel moaned helplessly and as Emmy shoved his pacifier back into his mouth he came yet again. With a grimace of pain he felt a very small amount of semen pulse out of his cock and drip into the little reservoir at the end of the toy wrapped around his dick. As Daniel leaned forwards and bucked his hips Emmy reached around and picked up the pacifier and slipped it back into Daniel’s mouth. “You’ll have to excuse the little one.” Emmy said with a sigh. The woman behind the counter slowly nodded her head with the uncomprehending smile remaining etched on to her face. She finished ringing up the items and took Emmy’s card when it came to paying. Daniel wanted to cry as the vibrations mercifully relented a little. He was quite sure that after this he would never want to cum again. With everything bagged up Emmy turned around causing Daniels limbs to sway in the air. He was just limp and exhausted as they left the store. Daniel knew for certain now that if he couldn’t escape this crazy woman he would never get to go home again. Emmy walked back out into the sun and Daniel blushed red as he looked around and saw that most people were staring his way again. He looked down and tried to pretend he really was a baby because then this wouldn’t be half as embarrassing as it was for him right then. He was almost grateful to Emmy when she started striding away from the strip mall and back towards her house. It occurred to Daniel that Emmy was probably not all that fazed by stares, she probably got them a lot thanks to her height. Daniel was covered in sweat as they walked home. The heat, the humiliation, the exertions of constant orgasms; it had all coalesced to exhaust Daniel who felt utterly defeated in that moment. He would never be able to escape Emmy if he couldn’t regain some strength. He needed to rest before he tried anything. “I think you’ve had enough fun with your toy.” Emmy said as they neared her large house. Finally Daniel could feel the vibrations taper off and then die completely. After the multiple orgasms it was a godsend to finally have the incessant stimulation stop. Relaxing brought a whole different problem though and as he no longer worried about orgasms his brain refocused to concentrate on his overfull bladder. Daniel barely tried to hold back as his body told him it needed to release. He shivered as he felt a very different warm liquid pour out of him than had been happening on the “walk.” It shot into the pocket pussy and, finding nowhere to go, poured backwards to escape the plastic and enter the disposable. He could feel the urine gushing out of him and swirling around the tightly-taped confines of his padding. The material absorbed everything and expanded as it filled with his pee. He could barely repress a relaxed shudder when the stream trickled to a halt. He had thoroughly soaked himself. Daniel wasn’t sure if Emmy knew what he had done but she reached around with both her hands and cupped the harness underneath Daniel’s crotch. Daniel tried shaking his head but pinned between the large breasts as he was he didn’t have a lot of movement. “Your hair tickles me when you do that!” Emmy giggled. Daniel pouted darkly behind his pacifier. As if not content to just humiliate him Emmy seemed to want to make sure he knew she was having a great time. At least they were nearly back within the privacy of the house. As soon as the door closed Daniel let out a deep breath. He felt Emmy fiddling with something before he was slowly lowered to the floor. Knowing the rules he immediately dropped on to his hands and knees. He hated how compliant he was but as the door was closed he knew biding his time was his only option. He turned over and sat on the warm padding around his butt. He almost gasped at what he saw. “I’m just going to make you a bottle and then I’ll put you down for your nap.” Emmy said as she carefully went around Daniel and down the corridor. Daniel could hardly dare to believe what he was seeing. At the top of the front door the bolt that had foiled his earlier escape attempt remained unlocked. His pulse quickened as he realised his chance may have arrived. He was sorely tempted to lunge for the door and try to get out right then and there but he had to be patient. He would have more time to get away at night. Daniel was shocked as she was scooped up from behind. Emmy sat Daniel on her hip as she started up the stairs. It was all Daniel could do to not stare at the chance for freedom and risk alerting Emmy to her mistake. He sucked on his pacifier and heard the loud noise that caused Emmy to smile at him. The pair went into the bedroom and straight to the changing table. Daniel was laid down and stared up at the ceiling as Emmy started pulling out a new diaper, he didn’t care how humiliating this was because his thoughts were already focusing on a plan for that night. The front of Daniel’s diaper came down revealing the sex toys inside still buzzing away at a low level. “I think you can get one more release.” Emmy said as she prodded the pink plastic that wrapped around Daniel’s manhood. “No…” Daniel moaned around the mouth-filling teat of his pacifier but it was already too late. Daniel closed his eyes as he felt the vibrations growing in intensity again. There was almost no pleasure now as his aching penis slowly grew, it was a pathetic effort as the tired organ could only achieve a small proportion of it’s usual hardness. “Such a good boy.” Emmy said quietly as she watched in fascination. Even without the diaper the toys were doing their jobs and every small movement rubbed Daniel’s sensitive skin against the ridged inside of the plastic pocket pussy. It was impossible to lay still with the vibrations on his testicles so he was in a state of constant stimulation. Daniel writhed on the table with little grunts and gasps around the soother that he was biting down on. When Daniel opened his eyes he saw Emmy watching him as if fascinated by what she was seeing. She was leaning on the edge of the table and watching Daniel’s straining private parts like a curious spectator at some event. Daniel didn’t want to perform for her but he didn’t have a lot of choice in the matter as he continued to twist and turn. The vibrations seemed to pulse through Daniel’s skin and went straight down to his core. “Ma… ma…” Daniel was trying to say “make it stop” but the numbing and pleasure cut his words short. “Silly baby, I’m not your mommy.” Emmy paused with the widest Cheshire cat grin on her face as she leaned in closer, “I’m your big sister.” Daniel was too distracted to even be shocked. He wasn’t even sure if he was surprised by what Emmy said, in his mind she had gone completely crazy. His hips were bucking around on the table as he felt compelled to thrust into the fake vagina. He had no desire to orgasm again but he was going to do it regardless, he could feel the pressure building in the base of his dick. Daniel moaned desperately as his poor cock started painfully twitching. He could only wince and move his hands down to the plastic toys as he spurted a final watery load into the reservoir inside the toy. It was with relief that he felt the vibrations slowly die away. He stopped moving and laid flat against the padded surface as sweat beaded on his skin. He had nothing left to offer as Emmy patted him on the head. “What a good baby.” Emmy said softly, “Making so many milkies for me.” Daniel just closed his eyes and looked away as he breathed hard. It was a profound relief to feel Emmy’s long fingers finally unlocking the toys and pulling them off him. He didn’t want to look down at his crotch, it felt bruised and battered as if someone had repeatedly been kicking him there. If he had looked down he would’ve seen Emmy taking a baby bottle from the shelf and opening the pocket pussy to let the cum inside drip into it. Daniel jumped when cold baby wipes were pressed against his skin. He winced and whined as they wiped his aching genitals. Emmy cooed softly to him as he grimaced. His legs were lifted so that his rear could be quickly wiped and then the diaper was pulled away. Daniel’s legs were held in the air as a fresh diaper was slipped underneath him, he didn’t complain and just wanted this over with so he could rest. The trip out had drained him in more ways than one. “Alright, baby, not long and you can have a nice little nap.” Emmy said as if sensing her cousin’s tiredness. “Not a baby…” Daniel muttered but he didn’t even open his eyes as he did so. The new diaper was pulled up between Daniel’s legs and taped closed. Having his junk free inside the diaper felt strange after having toys locked on them for so long. He was lifted up once the diaper was taped on and carried across the room to the crib. He was laid down gently and looked up at Emmy with sleepy eyes. “I’ll fill your bottle.” Emmy said as she ruffled Daniel’s hair. It said a lot about how tired Daniel was that the side of the crib was left down when Emmy left the room but he didn’t try to get out. He wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere anyway as the bedroom door was closed. Emmy was back a minute later with a bottle full of milk. “Come over here for your milkies.” Emmy said as she sat on the edge of the mattress. When Daniel didn’t move Emmy scooped him up and laid him across her lap. The pacifier was plucked out from between his lips and the tip of the bottle immediately replaced it. Daniel reflexively sucked, his memories of previous bottles and meal times meant he didn’t want to resist and spend even longer in these embarrassing positions than he had to. The milk had a distinctly strange taste to it. He frowned wondering if it was going sour or something but he had tasted out of date milk before and it wasn’t like this. As he suckled on the bottle and swallowed the milk he tried to place what was wrong his mind turned back to what Emmy had said. “Come over here for your milkies.” Daniel stopped sucking on the bottle as his eyes widened with dawning realisation. Emmy had used the word “milkies” before, in fact she had used it only minutes before when Daniel had been on the changing table helplessly cumming into the pocket pussy. She had used it to refer to his semen… A look of revulsion came across Daniel’s face as the source of the strange taste became clear to him. He tried to pull his head away from the bottle but Emmy’s grip was too strong and the latex teat remained firmly between Daniel’s lips. He could do nothing to stop Emmy from feeding him this bottle no matter what was in it and after a minute of fruitless fighting he ran out of energy and started quietly suckling on the bottle again. Daniel wasn’t given any reprieve until he had drunk the last few drops of milk. The bottle was big so, as well as the knowledge that he had swallowed his own ejaculate, he felt completely full d gross. He was grateful when Emmy placed him back down in the crib and raised the side. The pacifier which had only recently left his mouth was pressed back between his lips. “Have a nice nap.” Emmy said softly, “You’ve been a good boy.” Daniel’s eyelids were heavy but he battled to stay conscious. He wanted to scheme and plan for his breakout attempt but he was so tired. After a couple of minutes of almost drifting off he could no longer fight back against the sleep that was clouding his mind. He gave up and fell into a deep sleep. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my subscription pages: https://subscribestar.adult/posts/1179951 https://reamstories.com/page/lpjgftb4y2/story/lplyuiwxy1/chapter/993794e4-a495-41fe-8035-bb102675aaf2 4
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