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Hiking to a New Life (Chapter 43 posted 5-30-24)

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15 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

figure that if I'm going to get stuck there and my potty training taken away then it may as well be pancakes made with amazon milk, and not knowing what chocolate does to littles.

If I was there I'd be an Amazon, but maybe like in some stories breadtmilk does the same to Bigs? I'd "accidently" drink it while at a friend's house. Lol


17 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

salute!* I'm recovering from surgery and should be able to see without pain in a couple of weeks!

Yay I hope it went well and you recover nicely. 


17 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

I ever wind up in that dimension I will make absolutely, positively certain to never, under any circumstances, challenge a Big by telling them I'm not ticklish. I'm a little bit crazy, but that just seems like asking for it

I wouldn't do that in this dimension. I absolutely hate being tickled. Like I'll hit the person tickling me. And I'm very ticklish. 

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I love this chapter. Curious how bad all those Amazon sized Chocolate chip pancakes are going to effect him later on in the day. Also thought it was cute AF when he regret putting his hands on his chest when the changing table locked him down. As well as him getting hunted down by his new mommy after a diaper change.

I love how Amanda is trying to learn and have fun with her role as mommy, and is trying to ease him into his new little role. Like still letting him use the potty even when he hasn't had much success with it. Which even he admits is a little weird. Though I am curious, when we will get his next adventure outside of the house. Will he go to the labs to meet the scientists and get some embarrassing exams? Will he go to a park or a playground and see other littles and their bigs? Will we see him meet other friends and family members of Amanda?

Also curious how his morning wood will effect the story down the line. Can see Amanda worry or freak out a bit when she see him half asleep and all stiff. Especially if she not careful and cause him to have an accident during a change. Would be cute as hell to see an embarrassing little guy wake up realizing he just went off during a diaper change.

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7 hours ago, babygamerboy said:

Though I am curious, when we will get his next adventure outside of the house.

First of all, thank you for reading. I'll avoid spoilers as often as possible (i.e. some of your other questions) But I can assure you that you have not seen the last of Steve the Squirrel!

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3 hours ago, Kat5 said:

First of all, thank you for reading. I'll avoid spoilers as often as possible (i.e. some of your other questions) But I can assure you that you have not seen the last of Steve the Squirrel!

Don't worry about that. All my ramblings questions and ideas can be seen as just excited baby babble. Hehe

Though would Steve the Squirrel really be Steve? Or is it his neighbor Stan who just looks like him? Also will we get to see more Big Lovable Dogs? Maybe a trip to the Dog Park with Xerexs. I could see John be that baby/little swarmed by dogs and "licked to death". He hasn't done anything to produce a cute video in a day or two. Maybe we can see him end going "virial" on this dimension's YouTube/Twitter/etc or being this dimension's version "America's funniest home videos".

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1 hour ago, babygamerboy said:

going "virial" on this dimension's YouTube/Twitter/etc or being this dimension's version "America's funniest home videos".

That would be cute. And John would probably die of embarrassment if he knew lol

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4 hours ago, Guilend said:

That would be cute. And John would probably die of embarrassment if he knew lol

Oh I know. Especially if Amanda got the video without him noticing. Though I kind of don't see him on social media to begin with, so it only see him finding out when a Big makes a comment about him looking like the little that went viral feeding a squirrel. Or climbing their dog or eating strawberries and being a messy eater.

Hell I think I could see Mike helping by being silly with him. Plus in real life when you're playing with a baby/toddler, no one think too different of you by being extra silly or childish. I could see similar rules apply and I think Mike Amanda and maybe Kat would love to use that to their advantage. Plus could be useful with going against those who push using "hypnosis" and "surgery" on littles over easing them into their new positions in life.

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38 minutes ago, babygamerboy said:

Oh I know. Especially if Amanda got the video without him noticing. Though I kind of don't see him on social media to begin with, so it only see him finding out when a Big makes a comment about him looking like the little that went viral feeding a squirrel. Or climbing their dog or eating strawberries and being a messy eater.

Hell I think I could see Mike helping by being silly with him. Plus in real life when you're playing with a baby/toddler, no one think too different of you by being extra silly or childish. I could see similar rules apply and I think Mike Amanda and maybe Kat would love to use that to their advantage. Plus could be useful with going against those who push using "hypnosis" and "surgery" on littles over easing them into their new positions in life.

Tbh I don't see Amanda being on any social media herself, Kat on the other hand might. So maybe she'll post it with Amanda's consent.

I sure hope acting silly with a Little is acceptable, because of how Amanda acted when she showed that lady at the adoption agency the video might not have been exactly acceptable lol.

I do hope we see that lady again, the boss at the adoption agency. I would love to work for her, though I doubt I'd last 6 months before ending up over her knee lol.

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29 minutes ago, Guilend said:

Tbh I don't see Amanda being on any social media herself, Kat on the other hand might. So maybe she'll post it with Amanda's consent.

I sure hope acting silly with a Little is acceptable, because of how Amanda acted when she showed that lady at the adoption agency the video might not have been exactly acceptable lol.

I do hope we see that lady again, the boss at the adoption agency. I would love to work for her, though I doubt I'd last 6 months before ending up over her knee lol.

True. I don't see Amanda herself being big in it, and Kat is serious in the city and all. However Mike might be the one who would have a social and not care about the stigma as seen with how he works and all. Plus the "silly daddy/uncle" troupe seems to be everywhere from the little backstory we got from Mike so far.

As for being silly with littles. I am pretty sure if you're not in a "professional caretaker or government job" you can be silly with them. To be fair, though their culture is all about being Pseudo-Mature and all. Isn't one of the biggest reason bigs get littles is to have an excuse to not act big and mature and have a socially acceptable reason hehe. (Outside their "over the top parental drive" and all.)

As for the Director. I can see her find an excuse or two to do a surprise check up on John. Cause she has to "personally" making sure he is being abused, not like she just curious on what the little guy is doing and the cute little ways he causing trouble and having fun now, and if she happens to be there and John ends up saying he making something for her like a drawing and all. As a "Mature Adult" she has to come back to accept said gift now. It would be "immature" not to head over and receive the gift from the little guy in person especially since he still shy around others especially crowds. If it just so happens to a place where she can let "her hair down" without worry. I am sure she will make the sacrifice, and who knows maybe she ask for some peppers or salsa and have to visit to pick it up regularly. But you know "that's just a theory". Hehe

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3 hours ago, Kat5 said:

Would you believe that Salsa is, for me, a minor plot point on its own?

Yes. Can see the salsa as well things like pickles, fresh vegetables, etc be a useful device to bring characters to Amanda and John or make them come to them, and if John just so happens to do something cute and embarrassing in front of everyone. Oh well, especially if he happens to get caught on video like he has been so far hehe

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18 minutes ago, babygamerboy said:

Yes. Can see the salsa as well things like pickles, fresh vegetables, etc be a useful device to bring characters to Amanda and John or make them come to them, and if John just so happens to do something cute and embarrassing in front of everyone. Oh well, especially if he happens to get caught on video like he has been so far hehe

Are you looking at my notes? *lays on top of her scratch pad* NOTHING TO SEE HERE! MOVE ALONG.

*points to the distance*

"Hey look, a distraction!"

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43 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

Hey look, a distraction!"

Sorry, saying distraction only works on immature Littles, however yelling look, a diapered Amazon that would work on me, nothing immature about that in any way.

43 minutes ago, Kat5 said:

Hey look, a distraction!"

Sorry, saying distraction only works on immature Littles, however yelling look, a diapered Amazon that would work on me, nothing immature about that in any way.

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1 hour ago, Guilend said:

Sorry, saying distraction only works on immature Littles

Well maybe I'm a little and it seemed like a perfectly functional distraction to me.

In fact I don't remember what we were talking about, so it obviously worked perfectly!

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Chapter Twenty Two


Amanda reached down and rubbed Johns back gently, trying to reassure him “Sweety, this is still really good. You got all the little specs and dots of the scales. And you haven’t even seen a picture of an Iguana since last night. I don’t know how you remembered all these details overnight.”


Finally he turned to look up at her. Poor thing looked so upset.


But … I pushed more on the inside instead of the outsides. It looks like a negative.” He was whining now.


Unable to resist, she scooped him up into a hug “Come on, let’s get you a distraction. Besides, I know one little man that promised to help me with lots of small measurements.”


He just nodded as she carried him out of the bedroom. She felt his entire body tense up for a moment and then go back to normal.


John… are you okay?” she asked softly.


Seemingly oblivious, he answered “Yeah… why?”


I just wanted to make sure.”


Placing her hand against his lower back, he seemed unaware of the feeling of bubbles churning in his abdomen.


Asking one last time, she lead him “Are you sure you’re up for helping me make pickles? It’s kind of boring.”


He simply nodded and answered “Yes! I want to do something, I want to help.”


Walking over to the kitchen counter she stood facing what she had sorted out. There were two chairs side by side facing the counter, and the two chairs with booster seats strapped to them were facing away with the backs up against the two in the middle. This gave John something to stand on to reach the counter, but he was surrounded on all sides so he couldn’t fall and get hurt.


She pulled one chair out a bit, stood John up and gave him a kiss on the forehead before sliding the chair back in place. Standing up on the chair, the counter only came up to about his belly button, so he seemed to have plenty of reach to do what he would need.


Okay John, are you ready to learn my super secret pickle recipe?”


Nodding enthusiastically, she could see him briefly grimace and hold his stomach for a moment. Okay, now he was starting to notice some discomfort, but he clearly didn’t think it was urgent.


Continuing on, she explained how she already made up a few gallons of brine. She put bowls full of ingredients in front of him.


Okay. Each one has a scoop in it, and I need one scoop of each, in every jar. Can you reach everything?” She watched curiously, and he had to stretch, but he seemed able to reach everything.


Okay. You tend to that, I’ll wash and trim the pickling cucumbers.” She smiled as he set to work.


She really did hate prepping dozens of jars and he seemed pretty happy. So she turned to the sink and set about cleaning the pickling cucumbers and trimming the tops off of them. Within ten minutes she had them all prepped and piled in neat little stacks on a platter. She had taken a few peeks over her shoulder, but honestly John seemed to be perfectly fine doing his task.


Turning and placing the platter on the counter, she looked at John. He was just standing there waiting with a smile.


With a look “Do you need any help?”


He had that smug lopsided grin “Nope. They’re all done.”


With a glance at each jar she smirked. “Well. You’re small, but you’re quick.”


He looked so proud of himself. And he really was pretty quick with the measuring. So she slid the platter over in the middle of the jars.


Okay, next is simple, I’m making half of these for bigs, and you're making half for littles. I’ll put hot peppers in half of these jars and you just start packing the cucumbers in as tightly as you can manage. Here, let me show you the first one.”


And with that, instead of picking the jar up like she usually would, she tilted it to one side and started grabbing cucumbers and sliding them in.


See, you have to find the last one or two that just fits. We need as little space left as possible.” she finished her explanation and he went straight to it.


Nodding in approval at how quick he seemed about these sorts of tasks, she slide half of the jars to one side and started grabbing Reaper peppers by the stem and putting two in each jar. By the time she was done and washing her hands, she turned back around to see that John was most of the way done but nowhere to be seen.


Stepping quickly around the counter she spotted him kneeling on the chair, holding his stomach and groaning.




Uhhhhh… Stomach … “


John, did you eat too much earlier?”


Nnn….” was all he managed.


Come on, let’s get you ..”


Groaning louder now, he held his stomach tightly and she saw his face suddenly go from pain to surprise. “Oh shi….”







John sat on the stool with his nose in the corner, and tears still running down his cheeks.


The last thirty minutes of his life replaying over and over in his minds eye.


He was feeling pretty good about things and helping one moment. And the next moment he was like he had a million gas bubbles in his stomach.


He was fine. And then he wasn’t. For him it was like a switch had been flipped. He went from feeling nothing from his insides to pain. And then the second he realized that he was already having an accident, he made a mistake.


He had been warned once, in a whisper, not to swear. But it just came out as he felt himself going. And it was bad. A mountain full of laxatives wouldn’t have held a candle to what came out of him. He had drank an entire bottle magnesium citrate once. This was worse and it seemed to be immediate.


And there, kneeling on the chair he had blurted out what came to mind at the time.


Then he heard the angry Mommy voice yell his name and honestly, he may have gone in his diaper some more. It was nearly impossible to tell.


The chair in front of him moved impossibly fast and suddenly he was airborne and looking directly into her eyes.


Young Man, we do not use that language here. I honestly hoped that I would never have to do this, but you’re about to get a spanking and a time out.”


He only managed to stammer out “Wh...what??” before she gave him a quick hug and whispered “I’m sorry, this is going to hurt Momma as much as it hurts you.”


The first spank caught him unaware, he had no idea what to expect.


The second spank he didn’t know what was worse: The spank, or the full diaper being slammed against him.


By the third spank he couldn’t figure out how it hurt through the padding. He was already crying.


By the fifth spank he didn’t care about the mess in his diaper, it was like his butt being hit by a giant robot. It shouldn’t have been possible for it to hurt this much!


And just like that … it was over. He was against her shoulder and she was rubbing his back gently.


Twisting to look up, he could see that she was crying too.


She turned his head back away so he couldn’t watch her cry as she carried him to the changing table.


Shhh…. Momma’s sorry” she whispered softly into his ear “You know not to swear. You’ve been so good about that, I thought you may not cross that line. We must never swear, do you understand?”


All he could manage was a nod.


Mercifully she placed him down on the table gently, lifting his hands up as she laid him on the table. He didn’t even dare complain as the straps wrapped themselves around his wrists, pulling them into the middle of the restraints.


He stared at the ceiling as he heard tapes being torn.


He tried to say something but then she opened a drawer and pulled out a pacifier.


No words right now. Open up.”


So, obediently, he opened his mouth and took the pacifier. And he laid there quietly, just sort of chewing on it while she scrubbed his tender bottom. She held up a bottle of some sort of cream.


This is going to sting for just a moment, and then it’ll feel better, okay?”


He tried to respond by saying “Yeth Ma’-” but he as he got the first syllable out, the pacifier in his mouth inflated slightly.


She already had a glove on and was smearing the cream on him generously. And true to her words, it stung like fire for about a moment and then everything felt good down there. Strangely tingly, but good.


He was busy trying to gnaw a hole in the pacifier as she taped him into a fresh diaper.


And then, in nothing but a shirt and diaper, he was carried back into the living room. The stool, HIS step stool, was moved facing the very corner of the room and a little pad was placed on top of it.


Okay John. You’re going to spend fifteen minutes in time out. That pacifier will inflate if you try to talk. If you suck on it quietly, it will deflate. If you try to spit it out, it will inflate and your time starts over. Do you understand? Just nod.”


Mostly confused by all of this, he just nodded.


And so he was turned to face the corner, siting cross legged on the stool. Amanda held her phone around in front of him to show him the screen.


I want you to know I’m being completely honest with you. This is a fifteen minute timer. Your training pacy will beep when you are done. You just have to be good for fifteen minutes.” And with that she pressed a button and the timer started counting down.


He turned his head to look up at her, but the instant he moved his head, the pacifier inflated and vibrated once really hard. So he snapped his head back forward… the timer had restarted. Worse, it wasn’t moving.


From above him, he heard a whisper “You just have to suck on the pacy and it will start over.”


So … he sucked on the bulb in his mouth. At that moment he felt a strangely relaxing tingle in his mouth, and saw the timer start to count down again. He stopped sucking on the pacy and the counter kept going. Amanda walked away then.


And that was how he had spent the last twenty minutes.


He made it at least five minutes the first time. He had absentmindedly started to suck on the bulb at some point and when he noticed that it was pleasant he reached up with his hand to try and yank it out.


That had not worked. It just inflated and gave a warning beep. He even heard an alarm behind him from Amanda's phone. So he sucked on it again and It deflated.


And now, he had no idea how long he had been in the corner. It was just fifteen minutes, it shouldn’t be THIS hard to just sit still for fifteen minutes.


Mentally John decide that this may be worse than the spanks. At least his butt stopped hurting somewhere along the way. That stupid corner wasn’t moving.


He balled up his fists and he was about ready to just scream when the pacifier gave a cheerful little chime, completely deflated, and started to pulse in an oddly pleasant way. It felt … weirdly good.


Experimentally, he turned his head to look around behind him. The pacifier didn’t inflate.


Hoping that he was finally in the clear, he turned around on the stool.


Amanda was there on the floor, sitting cross legged behind him. She looked like she had cried a little, too. It was obvious that she had not moved or made a sound the entire time he was in time out. She took it with him.


She held her arms out, but didn’t make a move. If he wanted to be comforted, it would be his choice.


So carefully, John got up from his stool and waddled over to her and climbed halfway up her and she closed her arms around him in a hug. He was pulled up and cradled against her chest.


She spoke softly “I’m sorry that had to happen. I went light and only gave you half of the punishment because it was your first time swearing. Do you understand why that had to happen?”


John tried to think … ultimately he nodded.


Sweety, the punishment is over. After it chimes, you can speak. You just can’t take it out.”


He nodded and said “Yeth Ma’m.” Sure enough, it didn’t punish him.


He was hugged gently against a soft, warm, chest. “Do you understand why you got punished.”


He nodded again “I thwore”


She kissed him on the forehead and kept him squished against her chest affectionately. “I promise that I won’t punish you in any way unless I have to. Can you forgive me?”


He stopped to think about it. He was obviously a bit shell shocked, and he was really upset, but she had done nothing but love him so far. Just … that punishment had happened very abruptly. She wasn’t ‘mean’ about it, but …


She didn’t interrupt him while he thought his way through it. She held him very patiently, still to her chest. Ultimately, he nodded against her.


He could feel the tension leave her body as he nodded.


Do you want me to take the pacy out yet?”


He had to think about it harder than he wanted to. Something about that tingle … oh, he was still sucking on it. When had …


John reached up to grab it, but before he could touch the shield, Amanda had his hand between her thumb and forefinger. When he stopped moving it, she reached over and took the pacy out of his mouth for him.


Licking his lips for a moment, he admitted out loud “That feewth weiwd” and then stopped and worked his jaw before saying again, more deliberately “That feels weird.”


She nodded patiently “It’s just for training and corrections. I won’t make you use it outside of punishments unless you want it.”


Why would I want it?” He seemed confused.


She just shook her head “Did it hurt?”


He thought about it for a moment. “No.”


Well, if we ever go in public and you think you need help keeping calm, that pacy is an option if you want it. It won’t punish you unless you say a bad word, and it should just feel nice to use if you need it. Again, outside of punishments it’s your choice which pacy we bring in public. Okay?” She had tried to explain it calmly, but he felt like he was missing the point or something.


So he just nodded, thinking about how it had at least been strangely pleasant.


Okay. Do you feel like finishing the pickles, or do you want me to finish it?”


He nodded enthusiastically all of a sudden “I want to finish!”


She smiled at her industrious little “Okay, and do you want your coffee milk now … or is your tummy up for it?”


Still nodding, he admitted “Oh, anything coffee is good. I would very much like coffee, please.”


Without letting go of him for even a moment, she stood up and walked over to the kitchen and very slowly lowered him back onto his makeshift platform of chairs. She didn’t let go of him until he was standing on his own, like she was worried he was going to fall.


She seemed to think about it got a moment and she spun one of the chairs around so that it was facing him and held up a finger whispering “don’t move yet”


With what seemed like only eight or nine steps, she was back to the corner of the room and returning and placing the stool by there chair. With a look, he could see that he now had a platform to stand on and a gap that he could climb down, albeit with some effort.


Patting him on the head as he figured out her intention, she went to the fridge and got out a bottle.


Now are you SURE that your tummy can handle this right now?” she asked him firmly.


He nodded along “I’ve been drinking coffee for years, I think I can handle it.”


She placed it on the counter in front of him “Okay, I just wanted to make sure. You didn’t seem to notice the churning I felt in your stomach earlier. You’re not allergic to chocolate, are you?”


He just shook his head looking across the back of the chair up at her “No way, I’ve been having chocolate in my dimension since I was a kid.”


He could see her holding up a hand defensively “I’m not insinuating anything, I just want to find out what you can and cannot eat. I’m responsible for you and I want you healthy.”


John picked up the bottle and took one experimental suck of the coffee milk. Which quickly turned into him sitting down in the chair and drinking half of it in one go. By the time he could pry himself away from the bottle he was smiling kind of goofily. Whatever he was upset about earlier was a problem for later as he stood back up and slid the bottle onto the counter. A bit milk addled, he took in his surroundings.


Mom was on the other side of the counter stuffing cucumbers into jars, but her hand was too big to fit inside the jar. So, chuckling happily to himself, John reached to tilt jars by the rim and start sliding cucumbers in. For once he had the advantage, his hand fit into the jar.


Where Mom had gaps in the jars that had the spicy peppers in them, he managed to make his all nice neat little stacks. When he was done he even went back and exchanged some cucumbers to make them look super neatly organized.


When he was satisfied that all of his jars looked picture perfect he looked up to see Mom putting her phone down while grinning.


Looking at her grin, he asked “What?”


Now she was laughing “You look SO serious and look at that: they don’t come that neatly organized at the grocery store!”


Smiling at making Amanda proud, he asked “Okay, so now what?”


Well now I want you to put the date on each lid, and put your initials real small at the bottom below that.” came the explanation as a small stack of flat inner lids over to him and laid a small (to her) marker next to it.


He picked up the marker and asked “Ummm… what’s the date today?”


So she took one lid and with a quick motion wrote out three two digit numbers, and then made a dash at the very bottom and wrote a little “-J.T.” before sliding it back to him.


He squinted “What’s the J.T.?”


Sweety … that’s you.”


It took him a moment “Ohhhhhh”


She smirked “You forgot that you’re adopted, didn’t you?”


He just nodded.


With a dismissive wave of her hand, she simply willed it away “Don’t worry, it takes time to get used to things like that. Now you label those lids, I’ll fill ALL these jars with boiling hot brine, and then we’re going to check the mail to see if your surprises came in yet!”


I got more surprises?” he couldn’t help but sound just a bit excited.




He tried to pry a bit “What is it?”


Her smile only got bigger as she turned around and started to ladle hot liquid from a pot on the stove into her own jars full of soon to be pickles.


By the time he was done labeling all of his lids, Amanda had most of the jars full of boiling hot liquid, and was using some sort of a tool to hold it while she tightened the lid quickly and then place them on a towel on the counter.


So John leaned on the counter and drank the rest of his coffee milk while he watched her work quickly and efficiently.


When she was done she turned off the stove and washed her hands in the sink.


Smiling over at him, she declared “Okay! now it’s time to wash your hands and check the mail. Do you want to head outside with me to check it?”


Yeth!” was all he could muster around the nipple of the bottle in his mouth as he finished it.


So up he was scooped and a chair was pulled around to the sink. She turned the water onto a warm setting and waited patiently for him to finish before attacking him with a towel and then ‘letting’ him escape.


Okay, you head to your room, and in the bottom drawer I want you to go grab some shorts or pants. It’s only an hour or so until lunch and you’re still running around in a shirt and diaper.”


For no particular reason, until Mom pointed it out, he hadn’t really noticed that he wasn’t wearing anything over his diaper. It had been such an active morning that he just didn’t think about being in only a shirt. So he scurried to the bedroom and went over to the new dresser.


It took both hands to grab it and pull the bottom drawer open, but he grabbed the first pair of blue shorts he saw out and shoved it closed with his hip.


Sitting down on his chair at his desk, he threaded his feet through the leg holes and hopped up, pulling the shorts up over his diaper clad butt as he went toward the door.


By the time he made it to the door, Mom was already at the door with the gate open. He was through the door and one pace away from the stairs when he heard a “WAIT!”


So close.


He turned and looked up “Yesssss?”




So he flopped down on the edge of the porch as she walked around in front of the it holding his shoes again.


She looked at him with a squint “Socks?”


Don’t need them.”


He could tell from the look on her face that he was on the verge of being sent back inside for socks until she just sighed and put his shoes on his bare feet.


No sooner than she had the shoes tied was he sliding off the side of the porch and marching over toward Xerxes who was waiting by the gate, his ballistic tail whipping the grass into submission.


Mom was there behind him and she stared down Xerxes and said “Stay. I’m not chasing you down today.”


The dog whined, but didn’t dash out of the gate as she opened it and let the two of them out.


For the first time, John got a good look around the house. It had slate gray siding that just barely stood out against the woods in the background. And there was a long driveway leading off into the woods with a horseshoe drive.


Hey, Mom?” John shook his head. Had he just called her Mom? When did he start that?


Greeted with a big smile, she asked “Yes sweety?”


He hesitated “Umm… can we get some more acorns for me to give to Steve?”


With a nod she answered “We can grab a few while we’re on the way back from the mail box.” and she held out her hand.


He shook his head for a moment, trying to figure out when he’d internally started calling her Mom. But ultimately he reached out and took the hand. Together they walked a few hundred feet down the driveway to the mail box. With all the walking and hiking he’d been doing before the last couple of days, it felt good to be back outside and walking again. He often felt restless when he had to sit still for any amount of time.


When they made it to the mailbox he was somehow still surprised that it was out of his reach. You would think not much would surprise him anymore.


Reaching into the mail box, Amanda pulled out a large box, a small box, and a handful of envelopes all held together with a big rubber band.


Well, well!” she exclaimed “It looks like your surprise came in.”


John tried to nod excitedly but for some reason his stomach started turning sideways. As he clutched his stomach, he complained out loud “It’s not fair, I don’t have any food left in … me…”


Leaning down, Amanda asked “Sweety … is the coffee milk already going through you?”


He barely panted out a “Yes Mommy” before shaking his head and taking a deep breath as the cramps stopped.


Huh. Okay, that passed.” he observed out loud.


Ummm… let’s just grab a couple of acorns for Steve and head back to the house, okay?” Mom asked, gently rubbing his back with her free hand.


All he could manage was a nod as he started to slowly walk back toward the house. Halfway there as they walked near an oak tree, John veered off just a few feet toward some acorns.


As be bent down to pick it up, however, he yelped as his stomach cramped up, and then gasped as he erupted hot liquid. The coffee milk had indeed gone through him like a flood.


And there to comfort him was Mom… John shook his head. There to comfort him was Amanda. She had her hand on his lower back, gently rubbing it from top toward the bottom.


Sweety?” She asked patiently.


Yeah.” Was all that John mustered.


Take my hand, we’ll get you changed.”


Stubbornly, he reached down and picked up the acorn before reaching and taking her hand.


It was not a pleasant waddle back to the house. It was not pleasant at all.


When they made it to the gate, of course Xerxes was there jumping as high as he could over and over again to peek over the top of the wooden fence. There was a dog head over the top. Then there was not. Then there was a dog head again. Then there was not. If he weren’t so preoccupied with his pants he would have been giggling like mad a the sight.


As Amanda opened the gate, Xerxes stick his head through it and started licking Johns face as he was lead toward the porch.


I think he knows you’re sad.”


He was trying not to sulk, but it was impossible not to “It’s not fair. I didn’t even have any food left in me.”


Amanda reached down to untie and remove his shoes while he sulked. To her credit she didn’t even react to the smell of him in the slightest.


Come on.” she said as she stood up “I guarantee that what we just got in the mail will help you to cheer up.”


He waddled awkwardly in behind her. Every step was somehow worse than the last, but not as bad as it either. Finally when she was close enough to slide the boxes onto the counter, she spun around and scooped him up into her arms.


Mercifully, she carried him the rest of the way to the changing table. There was no will to argue left in him as his back hit the table and his wrists hit the straps.


Amanda’s so far always neutral face during diaper changes actually broke a little for the first time. It wasn’t much, but he could see her eyebrows go up a little as she opened up the diaper and used the front to scrape most of it off of him.


He couldn't help but ask “Is it bad?”


She shook her head as she wiped him “No just .. foamy. That coffee milk … are you SURE you still want to drink coffee?”


I’ve lost a lot since coming here, I’m not giving up coffee.” he said in a very determined tone.


Amanda simply nodded “I can understand that. But maybe we can better time you drinking it so that you don’t spent your entire day on a changing table?”


Gods he wanted to be upset. He wanted to be mad. All John wanted at that moment was to just be willing to yell.


But he couldn’t. It was too absurd.


So John laughed.


At first he could see her looking confused, but by the time he was clean and in a fresh diaper, Amanda was laughing with him. She scooped him up and just left his shorts on the changing table, carrying him away in just a shirt and diaper again.


Okay Mister Giggles. Let’s get you your surprise.”


Heh. This is just so du…” He stopped as his body tensed up on its own.


Amanda stared at him in disbelief as he slammed his eyes shut and made a face.


A moment later he passed gas and they stayed there staring at one another.


Now they both burst into laughter together.


Finally she had him on the couch with her and the boxes in front of him, they were still laughing as she tore the side off of the smallest box.


First of all.” She was trying to keep a serious expression, but failing. “You are not getting any more coffee milk until tomorrow.”


For his part, he managed to stop laughing long enough to answer “I think that’s fair.”


Pulling out the contents of the box, she found a small wristband in a dark blue color, and a single piece of paper with printed instructions. After carefully reading through the single page of instructions, she got her phone and scanned the QR code on the inside of the wrist band.


Okay, John. I need you to pay attention. Are you with me?”


He simply nodded, watching her intently.


So she explained “This is a very special wrist band. It is extremely difficult to cut. It has GPS, and in an emergency a microphone and a speaker that I can use my phone to talk to you with. If you get lost in the woods, I can find you in moments. And more importantly, if you ever get separated from me in public, no one can try to take you.”


He looked pretty dubious about the implications of this as he asked “Are umm… is there…. Is it likely that someone will try to … kidnap me?”


She shook her head “It’s not likely but let’s just say that you are unique among littles in my world. Now, I see you doing everything with your left hand. Do you want this on your left wrist? We can swap it later if you change your mind.”


With a shrug, John held out his left hand. She wrapped it around his wrist and the moment the ends met they made a sound. It wasn’t a click, but it was a strange sound, like static electricity.


Okay, give that a good solid tug.” she instructed him.


So … he pulled on it. It didn’t budge. In fact it felt like it was flexible, but at the same time made of steel. So he looked for the spot where the ends met. Only, try as he might to spin it around, there was no connection.


Umm… I can’t take this off.” he said while pulling on it some more.


Don’t worry, I can take it off, but no one else can. Just seeing that on you will deter most anyone that might try to do anything hurtful to you.”


Okay … so what is the other box?” he asked cautiously, noting that the other box was a good deal larger.


Oh, this little thing? This is your job.” she said with a smile while popping the larger box open.


I have a job?” he tried not to sound too enthusiastic, but honestly he was.


Well, remember Miss Kassia asking questions about the research group?”


He nodded along “I do…”


Well!” Amanda exclaimed as she pulled out of the box … a tablet. “Your job is to just do puzzles that the research group will use to track your cognitive abilities! They want to study how being in this dimension affects you over time.”


That’s it?” he looked at the tablet like it was a snake.


That’s it!” She seemed so positive and cheerful.


I’m not very good at puzzles.”


You don’t have to be! There are no wrong answers. You just do your best for an hour. You can play them longer if you want to, as long as you don’t spend TOO much time on it.”


And I just do puzzles?” he asked, reached out for the tablet.


There will be other games as well.”


Turning the tablet over in his hands, he was genuinely surprised to learn that it weighed very little. He couldn’t see a button anywhere on it. Or even a port to charge it.


So how do I turn it on?” he asked.


Just put your finger right … here. And then when it pops up, say your name. Remember that your last name is Taylor now.”


So he did exactly that. The screen popped up immediately showing a bright blue Mandelbrot on the screen, with the text ‘Please state your name’


So he said clearly “John Taylor”


Voice recognition configured. Loading selections’


He looked up to Amanda “And how will this help other rift littles like me?”


It’s simple, They just track your height and weight and just find out if what you’re good at changes over time. No poking or prodding and you just play some games. I agreed to this because it may help others that come after you. Plus I don’t have a TV, so this way you have something to do on rainy days.”


He just nodded along as as few icons started showing up on the screen.


You do that and I’m going to get you something to drink and then start something in the oven for dinner. What would you like to drink?”


He didn’t even have to think about it before answering “I’d like some more milk, please.”


You already had milk. How about some juice.” she asked.


He sighed “I guess that will be fine.”


Now he stopped as she looked at him differently “John. Sweety. How do you like the milk here?”


He smiled now “It’s really good! It’s like … heavy cream, but with like vanilla and honey. It’s sweet, but like … I dunno, rich? It’s really REALLY good for some reason.”


She just nodded “Well, maybe we’ll get you some really fresh milk sooner rather than later. Just … let’s get you some juice for now.”


Okay!” he responded while he tapped the first icon that loaded.


Almost instantly the screen switched over to a simple game with two starting points and two ending points, one was red and the other was blue.The instructions simply read ‘Complete the pipes’ so he just tried touching one starting point and drawing a line to the ending point. As he moved his finger it drew a little blue pipe. So he connected the red one after that and it just gave a little chime.


Level complete’ it read as it moved to the next challenge.


A sippy cup was sat down next to him and he took a couple of big refreshing pulls of sweet and slightly tangy juice before hitting the continue button. This time they thought they were being sneaky because once he drew one line, the game wouldn’t let him cross the first pipe. He had to sneak the pipe around behind the first one to make it reach its destination.


And the third level it added an obstacle shaped like a little cartoon doodle of a fire hydrant. The instructions read ‘Connect the fire hydrant in the blue loop’ so that’s what he did.


Between levels, John tried to move around to get comfortable. He wound up leaning back against the arm of the couch for a couple of levels. Then he wound up with the tablet on the arm of the couch. Then he wound up laying on top of Xerxes with his arms and legs splayed out over him. Xerxes patiently watched his finger moving around the screen, but did not move to interrupt him.


Finally he wound up stealing the blankie off of the couch to pile up and put between his knees to hold the tablet up while he used Xerxes as furry bean bag to rest against.


Without realizing it, he had played the simple pipe game for two and a half hours and was starting to yawn. With only one eye open he made it another level, but it took him quite a while. As it loaded the next level, he hadn’t considered that he had three pipes and several obstacles on the screen. It just kept adding complexity as slowly as possible.


No, John wasn’t aware of any of that, because he was sleeping with his back against his warm furry companion. Someone had pulled the blankie over him and slipped his stuffie under one arm and a pacifier in his mouth.

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  • Kat5 changed the title to Hiking to a new Life (Chapter 22 posted 12-7-23)

Sounds like someone put in the wrong chocolate when making the pancakes. Would be cute to see how Amanda's innocence towards how some little products and food are actually use and how they could affect John. Especially when no one tells her and see thinks it normal or part of the changes.

Hopefully she doesn't get any of the naughty stuff some of the big companies make for "littles". Know in some "DD" stories some brands and products are less for the littles comfort and more for the bigs amusement. Can see Amanda have grab those special diaper lotions used to get littles all pent up and fussy and not know it's from the lotion and thinking it something wrong with her little one. Causing a awkward diaper changes or even doctors appointment. Also could see it as a great excuse to head to the labs to get him check out for problems before finding out she grab the "Viagra baby lotion". Which causes some embarrassing hard times for John. Especially during diaper changes and bath time.

I could see Amanda and John "red faced and wanting to die" as the doctor, the scientists, or one of Amanda's friends explains she unknowingly gave her little guy something for "pleasure purposes" and basically gave him a forced "jump start" down there causing his "little brain" to try and take over everytime she use it. Hell could see the Director trying to hold in laughter knowing she didn't know while being stern on her but find even her "innocence" adorable.

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3 minutes ago, babygamerboy said:

Sounds like someone put in the wrong chocolate when making the pancakes

It's slightly worse than you think. She wanted them to be extra special for her little guy. So she said she made them with milk.

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I hope she never has to spank him in public if she's going to cry like that. I don't think the other Amazons would think to highly over her lol

Just now, Kat5 said:

It's slightly worse than you think. She wanted them to be extra special for her little guy. So she said she made them with milk.

Yeah. I'm guessing her breastmilk

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5 hours ago, Kat5 said:

It's slightly worse than you think. She wanted them to be extra special for her little guy. So she said she made them with milk.

Now I am curious when she start giving him bottles of chocolate milk and strawberry milk if he get the same effects from his breakfast. Or any other foods that needs milk in recipes  

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This came at a perfect time for me tonight.  I just finished my 12 hour shift and needed something to really relax.  Loving the story.  While John was pretty harshly punished, you can tell Amanda truly loves him.  
I am looking forward to seeing much more of this. 
I just saw that apparently I failed to actually post this last night. 

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  • Kat5 changed the title to Hiking to a New Life (Chapter 43 posted 5-30-24)

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