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Mount Usher Reform School - Part 5 - 03/09/23

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Hi there, 

Long time silent follower and reader of the stories on this site. Had been thinking of writing a story of my own for a while now and the backtoschool competition gave me the motivation I needed.

I envision this as being the first part of a three or four part story so not all of the context is provided at the beginning however let me assure you that the characters mentioned are eighteen years of age and older. Further background to the school and its students will be explored in later instalments.

Hope you all enjoy!

Mount Usher Reform School


Jesse Wilson fidgeted as discreetly as she could at her desk. She desperately needed to use the bathroom and wanted nothing more than to run out of the lesson and relieve herself. However, students were not permitted to use the bathroom during class time at Mount Usher Reform School. Gently, shaking her right leg to distract from her ever-growing discomfort in her bladder and bowels Jesse contemplated her options. There was still thirty-five minutes left until the bell and she did not think she was going to be able to hold it until then so she had figured she had three choices.

First, she could try to get up and leave. The problem with this however was that the six Classroom Disciplinarians standing around the edges of the classroom were watching all of her classmates intensely, searching for any signs of misconduct, and if she tried anything she knew she would be down the back of the class over their knee before she could even open her mouth to plead her case. A spanking such as those delivered by the Disciplinarians was no small thing to endure and Jesse suspected, the way she was at the moment, it was likely it would result in her having an accident. No, she thought, there was no way she could leave without disaster ensuing. Even now, she had to be careful her less-than-full attention on the lesson did not give the Disciplinarians cause to punish her. Sparing a moment to focus on the board and what Ms. Smyth was saying she was glad at least that this emergency was occurring during Maths, which came easy to her, and she was confident would be able to answer any question without difficulty if called upon.

Returning to considering her problem Jesse thought that her second choice was to just attempt to hold it regardless and hope that she would be able to make it despite how badly she felt she needed to go. It was possible she thought that if she could just keep her mind off things she may manage to get through the rest of the class. The only problem with this of course was if she was wrong and soiled herself. Not only would she be humiliated in front of all her peers and the school staff, it would bring her to the attention of the sixth Classroom Disciplinarian the so called “Potty Patrolman”.

Toileting problems of any kind fell under the Potty Patrolman’s remit and once that happened it was an inevitable and demeaning return to fulltime diapers. In her one and a half years so far at Mount Usher it did not matter what reason or circumstance might have led to you having an accident – whether it was an illness, bedwetting, a prank, an oversight when wiping - the moment your school approved panties were any less than pristine at the 8am and 8pm inspections you were done for. Even now as Jesse feigned attention to the lesson she could see her friend and former roommate Hazel in the front or “Toddler” row with two other girls. A simple mishap with some orange juice and now she was strapped into a highchair styled chair, though at normal height, sucking a pacifier and wearing a onesie and thick diaper – the uniform for those at toddler level.

No, Jesse shook gently shook her head, she could not risk an accident of any kind, let alone a messy one, if she were to retain what little independence, she had at the Reform School. This she knew left her with a final but almost similarly inconceivable choice. Although, it was made clear to the girls that they were not allowed to leave to go to the bathroom during class and all requests to do so would be denied and ignored, if it was an emergency, they could ask to use the class potty. This was a bright yellow, child’s potty with a smiling clown face, sized for adults located in its own demarcated “Potty Zone”. The rules stated that it could be used during class up to three times in one week before you would be placed under the care of the Potty Patrolman. The only problem was that the Potty Zone was in full view of the staff and students since it consisted only of a small plinth to the side of the classroom, upon which the potty sat, and a named sign which hung on the wall behind it. The logic of the Potty Zone being that the student was not really missing class if they used it no matter how long they took since they could keep following the lesson even as they went.

Thinking it through Jesse knew what she had to do. Although it would certainly be mortifying for her, she was going to have to ask to use the classroom potty. It was rare enough that any of the girls took this option because of its nature, even just for peeing, so the fact Jesse was going to use it for both number one and two would be the talk of the school for a couple of days. However, she told herself that although no one was likely to completely forget the memory, at least she would not be moved down a level, and her experience would be overlooked once someone else had been embarrassed by the Reform School.

Waiting until Ms. Smyth came to a natural rest in her explanation, Jesse raised her hand. Despite the anxiety and dread she was feeling over what she had decided to inflict on herself she was glad she was mature enough to make the decision. Already it was clear that a few of her silent but deadly toots had attracted the attention of the Patrolman’s two aids who were sniffing about and looking in the direction of the Toddler and Pre-schooler rows.

After a few moments Ms. Smyth noticed Jesse’s hand and called on her.

Yes Ms. Wilson, do you have a question about the lesson?

No Miss” Jesse replied with only a slight tremble in her voice. “I wanted to ask if I may use the potty? It is an emergency”.

Hearing this, Jesse felt as though the classroom came to a complete halt and now everyone’s eyes and attention was focused solely on her. Her anxiety instantly went up a notch and she could feel her cheeks going red.

Really now” Ms. Smyth said grinning like a Cheshire cat and throwing knowing glances to the Classroom Disciplinarians and Patrolman’s Aids.  Well, I suppose …” she started and then paused as though considering things while Jesse waited in desperation “I suppose you may since it is not like you to try and waste class time, and since you stated it is urgent, if, you have been paying attention. Before you go tell me what is the answer to the following problem on the board?” she said pointing to a particular question.

Jesses looked at the problem. It read:

Solve for X: 3x+7=22

Thankfully it seemed easy enough to her.

Jesse replied “Em… the answer is X is equal to five Miss”.

Hearing her answer Ms. Smyth frowned for a moment making Jesse even more anxious and distressed. She was desperately trying not to fart or let anything out to prevent herself from embarrassing herself further than what was necessary. Eventually however Miss Smyth said

That is correct. How did you get the answer?

Rapidly, Jesse replied “To isolate X I subtracted seven from both sides. That left me with 3X is equal to fifteen, then I divided both sides by three to get X is equal to five.

Seeming satisfied then Ms. Smyth said “Yes, well done that is correct answer and solution. For those of you who are struggling… I am looking at you in particular Ms. Robinson” eyeing one particular girl in the second row “take note, as similar questions will be on the test on Friday”.

Now Jesse” she said motioning one of the Potty Aids “you can go and Mrs. King will help you. Everybody else begin working on problems three to fifteen in your textbooks. I do not need to remind you that the Disciplinarians will be watching to make sure no one is daydreaming or slacking off.”

Having heard Miss Smyth’s words every one of their classmates turned to their books and copies with an exaggerated fervour all determined not to be punished, however Jesse knew each of them would be attentively following her shameful performance in a few moments out of the corner of their eyes. After all she would have done the same. Who and how someone was punished or humiliated was top gossip among the students at Mount Usher.

Jesse waited until the old but fierce Mrs. King proffered her hand before standing, gently taking her hand in turn and allowing herself to be led to the Potty Zone. Instead, of taking the shortest path through the rows, Mrs. King brought her to the opposite side of the rectangular classroom, up the aisle to the top of the class and then finally back down the other side to her destination. Thankfully Jesse still had the presence of mind to watch out for other student’s feet up at the Toddler row who attempted to trip her in a bid to make her have an accident – misery loves company.

Mrs. King stood Jesse on the plinth in front of the potty and then began to undo her skirt which she removed after checking it and placing it to one side. She then pulled down Jesse’s underwear and had her step out of them so that she was naked from the waste down but for her shoes and ankle socks. Once she had fully inspected Jesse’s panties for any sign of accident, she placed them on top of the skirt and then taking Jesse’s hand once more directed her bottom down onto the potty – and not a moment too soon. Jesse had practically been doing the potty dance while Mrs. King was going through the proceedings.

Looking up at Mrs. King, the older woman finally said “alright Jesse try going to the potty like a big girl”. This was all the encouragement Jesse needed and having been given permission she proceeded to noisily empty her bowels and then bladder into the plastic container. A great squelching noise could be heard by all as her poo hit the bottom of the potty and then a loud hissing noise. Such was her relief that in spite of herself Jesses could not help but release a sigh as this happened.

It was only as she was letting out a final few small but very audible farts that seemed to resound within the hollow potty that Jesse began to feel embarrassment over what she had just done. At first, as she came back to herself, she became aware that she was half naked, sitting over her own filth, the smell of which was awful, and there was no toilet paper in sight for her to clean herself up. Then she realised that not only had Mrs. King been watching her the whole time but she could also see some grins from the Class Disciplinarians. Suddenly, she felt tremendously vulnerable and ashamed, and if she could have hidden somewhere, anywhere she would have done so. It was only that Mrs. King was still gently holding her hand that she was prevented from running out the door and sobbing.

Looking Jesse straight into her eyes which were beginning to look a bit lost as she receded into herself Mrs. King said

Well done, Jesse” as though she were congratulating a two-year-old who had just begun toilet training. “I bet that feels so much better having gotten that all out. Such a big girl making it to the potty on time!” Looking over to the Toddler and Pre-school rows before looking over to the teacher she said “There are a few potty pants who could take note here as well, isn’t that right Ms. Smyth. Ms. Wilson isn’t just good at maths, she’s also very good at using the potty, isn’t she?

She certainly is Mrs. King. That was very well done. Exactly what a big girl should do when she needs to use the toilet” replied Ms. Smyth once again with a large grin on her face. Turning to Hazel in the front row, she said “I bet you wish you could be a big girl like your friend Ms. Wilson here, don’t you Ms. Fisher? Instead of being a silly little toddler who does all her pee-pee and poo-poo in her pampers.”

Turning red at being singled out, Hazel squeaked behind her pacifier “Yeth, Mwis Swmyth”.

Well, maybe you’ll get there one day, but by the looks of your diaper not for a good long time yet. You have absolutely soaked it! You are quite the little super soaker aren’t you Ms. Fisher."

Looking very ashamed and on the verge of tears Hazel said again “Yeths, Mwis Swmyth”.

Although, it looked as though Ms. Smyth would keep berating poor Hazel or one of the other toddler girls, at her last comment, Jesse heard someone snigger from somewhere in one of the back rows which they quickly tried to turn into a cough. Unfortunately, for them once of the Classroom Disciplinarians caught them and dragged them up out of their desk by the wrist with an undignified yelp from the girl.

Even as she still sat on the potty, Jesse could see that it was Margaret Carter who had been caught and knew from her demeanour that it was probably a nervous laugh she had let out rather than a malicious one. However, now Margaret had caught Ms. Smyth’s ire.

Is there you find funny Ms. Carter about a girl Ms. Fisher’s age still going to the bathroom in her pants?” Ms. Smyth asked giving Margaret a death stare.

Jesse like all of the girls in the class knew that this was one of those questions with no right answer. If Margaret said yes then she would likely be given a lesson in empathy which could end in any manner of punishment. However, if she said no then she would be asked to explain why she was laughing and if she could not give a satisfactory answer be called a liar as well.

Knowing she was trapped Margaret replied “Sorry Miss, I didn’t mean to laugh but I couldn’t help it. Super soaker is what my mother calls my two-year-old brother as well.

So, you admit then” said Ms. Smyth “that you were laughing at Ms. Fisher”.

Yes, Ms Smyth” said Margaret hanging her head in shame.

And why did you try to conceal the truth by coughing?” asked Ms. Smyth

I, I didn’t mean to laugh at Ms. Fisher, I wasn’t trying to be mean Miss. It was just the word super soaker made me laugh so I tried to turn the laugh into a cough to hide it and also to try not to disrupt the class” Margaret replied hesitantly.

I see” said Ms. Smith. “Well even if that is the truth and you did not mean to offend Miss Fisher and disrupt my class, you have certainly done that, haven’t you…Haven’t You???

Yes, Ms Smith. I am sorry Hazel I did not mean to laugh” she said turning to a still mortified Hazel, before turning back to Ms. Smith. “I am sorry Ms Smith for interrupting your class and wasting precious learning time”.

Good. I accept your apology” said Ms. Smyth “and I am sure Hazel does as well. I am glad you recognised your fault and you did not need me to tell you to apologise. That shows maturity. However, because I will not tolerate bullying of any sort in my classroom, even by accident, Mr. Moore is going to give you a sound spanking during recess this morning to ensure you do not do so again, even accidentally, and even when it is funny that a big girl like Ms Fisher is a super soaker. Do you understand and accept your punishment?

Margaret having gone pale knowing that she would not be able to sit down for a week after being paddled by Mr. Moore, otherwise known as Classroom Disciplinarian Number 4, said “Yes Miss. I understand and accept. I’m very sorry”.

Good, and I’m sure you will be very sorry indeed missy during recess! You are lucky though that you accepted your punishment so maturely. Next time I catch you laughing at anyone in my class you are going to have your bathroom privileges revoked and then we will see how funny you think it is being a super soaker yourself.

The whole class having just witnessed this discourse never looked busier to Jesse just then, who was still sitting, half- naked on the potty.

Now where were we” said Ms. Smyth turning back to Jesse and Mrs. King. Checking her watch Ms. Smyth said “there are only just under twenty minutes left in the lesson Mrs. King after dealing with all that silliness. If you could finish helping our potty superstar with her business and bring her back to her seat so that she can continue with the lesson I would appreciate it.”

With that Ms. Smyth seemingly lost all interest in Jesse and began walking down the classroom rows, checking to see how much work the students had done so far. Jesse knew from experience that Ms. Smyth would find enough mistakes that there would be at least two or three spankings given out by the end of the lesson.

Still out of sorts and feeling very exposed when Mrs King asked her, more quietly this time, if she was finished Jesse could only nod her head in assent. After that, she gently manoeuvred Jesse up off the potty and turned her to the side before forcing her to bend over. Mrs. King then produced a packet of Huggies Baby Wipes as though by magic and began wiping Jesse’s dirty bottom and genitalia before Jesse could even think to protest and ask to do it herself. After each wipe had been used Mrs. King made a point of showing it to Jesse and whispering things like “so dirty” or “disgusting” before throwing them into the potty.

Once she had been cleaned to Mrs. Kings satisfaction, her school approved panties were then brought back and Jesse was asked to step into them. Mrs. King then drew them up Jesse’s legs pulling them up right to the top more tightly than necessary so that for a moment it almost seemed as though she were giving her a wedgie. She then had Jesse step into her skirt and tightened it for her, before patting her on the bum a couple of times and leading her all around the room and back to her chair.

It was only as Jesse sat down, momentarily relieved despite being thoroughly humiliated she had managed to avoid total long-term disaster, that she realised something was wrong. Her panties felt a little bit damp and sticky under her bum where she was sitting. Jesse hoped it was only residual dampness from the baby wipes but she feared Mrs. King had deliberately failed to wipe her completely so that when she pulled the panties back up so tightly, they would be stained.

Considering this new dilemma, Jesse looked on as the potty was being taken to be emptied by the other Potty Aid in the class. With the windows open and special air conditioner working overtime it would not be long until the potty smell would be gone from the classroom, unless of course one of the Toddler or Pre-school level students had a messy accident. If her soiled panties did not give off a potty smell, Jesse felt that it was possible this issue would go unnoticed until lunch when she could quickly swap her panties in her dorm room and wash her current pair by hand. However, she feared that for some reason Mrs. King was out to get her after what she had just done and she would make up some excuse for a panty inspection before then. Suddenly, it was looking all too likely to Jesse that all the indignities she had just put herself through may have been for nothing and there would be more to come soon.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

  • Like 11

Good start.  I can say I am very grateful I never had to attend a school like that. 
I will be looking forward to seeing more of this. 


Good start! maybe i found one of my favorites. i am always a fan of girls made to use a potty, and maybe potty training.

Hoping there wil be more


Unfortunately this is a work of fiction. I retired from State service in a prison for juvenile offenders, about two years ago. The prisoners have a thing called CRIPA. Which is Constitutional Rights for Incarcerated Persons Act.

You can get in trouble for looking at a prisoner cross-eyed, they have more rights now than the Correctional Officers. 

5 hours ago, Drownedinp said:

Unfortunately this is a work of fiction. I retired from State service in a prison for juvenile offenders, about two years ago. The prisoners have a thing called CRIPA. Wich is Constitutional Rights for Incarcerated Persons Act.

You can get in trouble for looking at a prisoner cross-eyed, they have more rights now than the Correctional Officers. 

Yup. I was a JCO and a CO in Texas. (Juvenile and Adult corrections officer) they think you did something and you're in trouble, more trouble then it's worth in my opinion. 

26 minutes ago, Guilend said:

Yup. I was a JCO and a CO in Texas. (Juvenile and Adult corrections officer) they think you did something and you're in trouble, more trouble then it's worth in my opinion. 

Why I'm retired now.


Thanks everybody for your kind comments. When I was writing this I never considered it from a corrections officer perspective having no experience in that area myself, though perhaps its a good thing as sometimes reality can stall or hinder pure fantasy.

Anyway here is part 2. Hope you enjoy it!

Part Two

When the bell signalling the end of Maths Class and the start of Recess rang, there were five students that had been found wanting by Ms. Smyth and handed over to the Classroom Disciplinarians along with Margaret for punishment. It was only down to Jesse’s natural ability and desire to prevent her soiled underwear from being exposed during a spanking that she found the motivation she needed to get her own work completed on time.

Not looking at any of the other students, as she filed out of the classroom and made her way to the lunchroom just a few doors down, she briefly reflected on the circumstances that had brought her to Mount Usher. When she had been little Jesse remembered hearing about the school almost as though it were a myth. A reform school where girls from wealthy families were sent if they failed their final secondary school exams or did not get accepted into college. No one in their family circle really knew anything substantial about it then, but the idea that there was a place where girls could be sent to entirely repeat secondary school again at the age of eighteen sounded like the most horrific punishment imaginable. Her mother of course used to threaten to send her there when she older if she did not do well in school as a way to incentivise her study and do her homework. This worked for a time and though her older sister Val swore that her friend’s older cousin had been sent there and returned home a special needs case, as Jesse got older, she came to consider it to be a cautionary tale. Something that no doubt had at its heart a cornel of truth but in reality, had been exaggerated by parents beyond all recognition to bring their unruly daughters back into line. It came then as total surprise to Jesse that when she failed her A-Levels, due to partying and disinterest, that was exactly where she was sent. All her father had said to her as the Disciplinary Intake Team forcefully collected her, one morning shortly after her exam results came out, was that she would be humiliated the same way she had brought humiliation on the family. Hearing the thuds of paddles landing on bare bottoms and frantic sobs escaping from Margaret and the others as she walked, Jesse knew that her father had been completely honest with her that day. Though she tried not to think about what that meant and how angry he must have been to knowingly send her here.

Entering the lunchroom, Jesse took her mandatory large cup of juice and midmorning snack, which today was a rice cake topped with cream cheese and a sliced tomato, from one of the Lunchroom Team. Looking around for a place to sit down she saw her friend Samantha motion that she had saved her a spot beside her at an empty table. Not looking forward to hearing her friend’s analysis of the morning’s embarrassing events but glad that someone was still willing to associate with her, Jesse went over to join her. She had little choice after all, Mrs. Taylor had checked her off for receiving her snack and now the Disciplinarians would closely monitor her to ensure she consumed all of it regardless of whether she liked the food or not.

Well,” said Samantha smiling, “that was a wild one. Are you okay?

What do you think?” replied Jesse morosely. “I never imagined a situation where I could ever bring myself to use that stupid thing, let alone like that. I feel so disgusted with myself.

Ah don’t worry about it. It was a bad one I’m not going to lie, but then that’s the goal of this place right, to humiliate and break us. We’ve all been there or will be there at some point. At least you didn’t have an accident. If you needed to go that badly, it was the best thing you could have done.” She said trying her best to comfort her friend. “I overheard a few of the girls joking about it on the way out of the classroom but I reckon that’ll die down quickly, it’s not like we haven’t seen a thousand scenes like it already. Try and focus on your work this afternoon to make sure you don’t get in trouble and put it out of your head”.

Thanks Sam” said Jesse feeling a bit better “you’re right, I’ll do my best. It just…” she began to whisper after looking around “I don’t think its over. I’m pretty sure Mrs. King didn’t wipe me properly before pulling my panties back up. I expect they’ll be stained and I’ll get an infraction at inspection tonight”.

Samantha looked instantly annoyed “that mean old crone. She did that to Brittany a while back as well. Didn’t wipe her at all so it looked like she had a small pee accident. They never play by the rules in this place! Still, you don’t have any other infractions yet this month, do you?

No, none…” Jesse replied before she noticed someone suddenly standing over her from behind. Looking up Jesse realised it was one of the Potty Aids and she had a look on her face as though she smelled something putrid.

If I am not mistaken there is a terrible potty smell lingering over here girls. Own up, which one of you went poopy in their knickers? I know that you are both big girls…” she said looking over both Samantha and Jesse “so you should be old enough to know when you have had an accident”.

Terrified by this rapid turn of events neither girl said anything both slightly shaking their heads and lost for words.

Neither of you hmmm…” she said looking them both directly in the eye in turn, seeming to take a perverse pleasure in their anxiety. “Well, there is no one else here and I definitely smell something, my nose has never been wrong in all my years at Mount Usher, so either someone is fibbing or they are too much of a baby to know when they have a stinky bottom… Last chance now…” she said raising her voice so that it cut across the entirety of the small lunchroom. “Which one of you big girls has done something even very little girls know better than to do in their pants? Hmmm?”

At that Jesse knew she had no choice other than to own up. It might not have been her fault that her underwear was stained but they undoubtedly must have been if this Potty Aid could smell them. As Jesse began to nervously reply she could already see Samantha edging away and making herself look as small as possible. Not that she blamed her. It seemed that Jesse was just a magnet for trouble today and there was no point in Samantha getting caught up in it as well.

I think its me Miss. I didn’t have an accident, I promise, but I don’t think Mrs. King fully wiped by bottom for me when I used the potty in class earlier. My panties felt a little bit dirty when I sat back down but since it was the end of the lesson, I haven’t had the chance to check them yet

Oh ho ho” laughed the Potty Aid haughtily. “If I had a pound for every time some silly little girl tried to blame the state of their dirty pants on someone else, I would have been able to retire long ago. Besides I do not believe that my good friend Mrs. King, who is very competent in her work, would ever be capable of such an error. More likely young lady you did not realise that you still had more to do on the potty, hmmm… and got up before you had gotten everything out. You had probably only sat back down again when something more slipped out while you were focusing on your work. I see it time and time again. Well let’s assess the damage shall we.”

The Potty Aid pulled the now shaking petite girl up out of her seat, ignoring her garbled protests and pushed her face into the table so that her rear was clearly on display. The rest of the lunchroom went still as this occurred as everyone who had not heard the previous interactions now took note of what was happening. No-one dared move even if they had not yet found a seat and the only sounds that could be heard was the ongoing spanking and sobbing carrying faintly from the classroom.

Pulling back Jesse’s skirt the Potty Aid began to tut and say “Oh my, looks like my nose was right as usual. That is a very big brown stain on your good school panties little girl. Much too big to be skid marks like you were suggesting. It looks like you aren’t just a potty pants but a very naughty fibber as well. You have a lot of apologies to make after this disgraceful act let me tell you. Oh yes, you are going to have to apologise to the school for dirtying the lovely clean white panties they gave you. You are going to have to apologise to the poor washing staff who are going to have to spend so long trying to get these panties clean again after you soiled them so thoroughly. Yes…” she said pausing to look over them again “these are almost as bad as what some of the very little girls here do in their nappies. I expect they’ll have to be washed with them! You are also going to apologise to Mrs. King for telling such awful stories about her. To be frank I am seething on her behalf that you would even dream of suggesting such a thing about such a kind and caring woman. You are going to apologise to your teacher for not informing her that you had an accident in your pants during class. And… lastly, you are going to apologise to me for not just owning up properly in the first place and making me waste my precious time having to check you like a big baby. Now say you are sorry this instant!

With her face still hovering over the table and her dirty panties on display for her whole class Jesse was too terrified and ashamed to even try to stand up for herself. She blurted out “I’m sorry.”

Sorry for what” replied the Potty Aid sternly.

For not telling you I had an accident in my panties and making you check me like a… like a baby” Jesse cried, bursting into tears at the last part.

Good girl,” said the Potty Aid. “You still have a long way to go to make up for being so bold but we’re going to have a conversation now with the Potty Patrolman who will help set everything right”.

The Potty Aid dropped Jesse’s skirt back down and then turning the girl around led her through the many students who had still yet to find a seat, before proceeding down the hall, and up the stairs to the Potty Patrolman’s Office. Initially Jesse’s body subconsciously tried to offer some token resistance as if it understood what her mind could not yet process, that their destination would be her ruin, but a few sharp smacks to the back of Jesse’s legs from the Potty Aid soon cut that out.

Much to Jesse’s dismay the Potty Patrolman was in when the Potty Aid knocked on his door and he did not hide his annoyance at having his break interrupted. When he had heard the Potty Aids version of events, he quickly picked up his phone and summoned Jesse’s year head Ms. Linton to his office as well as Ms. Smyth, Mrs. King, and a representative of the school’s cleaning staff who was on duty that morning. Jesse could only quietly sob as she waited for them to arrive. She was told to stop crying by the Potty Patrolman who insisted that he would give her something to really cry about in a few minutes but she could not help herself. She just kept thinking that this was it. After eighteen months of surviving with a reduced but at least somewhat independent status, in spite of all Mount Usher’s ridiculous rules, she was going to be forced to become the special needs case her sister had gossiped about so long ago. She had never known what she wanted to be. She never thought that she needed to know, and would have the freedom to figure it out one day. Even when that freedom was delayed because of Mount Usher, she had assured herself that when she got out and was able to go to college, she would still lead a wonderful life as she was always meant to. Now, though she could see herself being sat beside Hazel in the toddler uniform beginning her apprenticeship over the next three and a half years into full time babyhood. She was finished. She would never be anything now. Never know what might have been.

Right” said the Potty Patrolman, bringing Jesse out of her melancholy and making her aware that the other staff members had arrived. “From what my Potty Aid Ms. Greaves has informed me, this big baby here having been too little to wait until recess to go to the bathroom, asked to go to the potty during class time. Likely being embarrassed by having to perform such a childish act in front of all her classmates due to her own lack of foresight and planning, she did not spend long enough going and rushed off the potty before she was completely finished. The result of this silliness was that she had a small messy accident in her pants some time in the few minutes that were left before the end of her maths lesson. Instead of acting with maturity and notifying the staff of her predicament like anyone with a bit of common sense, Ms. Wilson then proceeded to act like a toddler and walk around and sit in her mess until Ms. Greaves became aware of it and called her out. Subsequently, I am ashamed to say Mrs. King, after all the kind support you I’m told that you gave her when helping her to use the potty in her moment of need, Ms. Wilson tried to shift the blame for her silly actions and made up a tale about you not wiping her properly. I have called you all here now so that Ms. Wilson can apologise to you all individually, after which, let me assure you, she will then be very thoroughly punished.

Oh my” Ms. Smyth quickly responded, that Cheshire cat grin appearing on her face once more. Turning to Jesse she said “I cannot believe it Mr. Clarke. Ms. Wilson has always been very well behaved in my class and until today has always acted as though she can be trusted to be a big girl. I refuse to believe that she would soil herself like a big baby in my class and then sit in it trying to hide it, silly enough to think that the staff would not quickly find out.” “Bend over” she commanded. “Out of respect for our time with one another so far and the person I thought you to be I will not be able to accept what our Potty Patrolman is telling me until I see this accident with my own two eyes.

When Jesse who at this point was almost totally lost in her own world again did not immediately move at her words, Ms. Greaves sat down in the chair in front of the Potty Patrolman’s desk and aggressively pulled Jesse over her lap. She then pulled up her skirt so that her panties were on display to everyone in the room and began to spank the back of Jesse’s legs again, saying “Do what you are told, you are in enough trouble already missy without being disobedient too”.

Well, Ms. Smyth, since you needed proof, there you have it,” said the Potty Patrolman with a knowing smile. “A silly girl with a very poopy behind. Though it speaks of your good character to want to give any child the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, in my experience it is never without good reason that a child is sent to Mount Usher and no matter how well-behaved or mature they may seem at first, their true nature is always eventually revealed.

I’m in shock Mr. Clarke. I’m truly shocked. Even seeing it I can scarcely believe what my eyes are telling me, but there can be no doubt about it. Little Ms. Wilson made a whoopsie-daisy in her pants and did not tell anyone. And to think I was only praising her earlier for her excellent potty skills” Ms Smyth replied feigning shock and shaking her head in mock disappointment. “Thinking about it, I’m so disgusted I’m not even sure I can deal with having such a dishonest baby in my class. I’ll really have to reflect on this”.

Nodding his head in agreement the Potty Patrolman said “Well that is your choice after all Ms. Smyth and if you do not feel as though you can trust Ms. Wilson to learn in your class anymore just let either myself or her year head Ms. Linton know and we will make alternative arrangements.”

He then continued on saying “Okay Ms. Greaves, you can let this potty pants back up”. When Jesse was standing and facing him again, he said “I want you to apologise to everyone here for making so much work for them through your babyish behaviour.”

Scared stiff and barely able to communicate at all Jesse blurted out apologies to everyone on the room in turn for pooping her pants and for being so silly to try and hide it. By this point even she was almost convinced that this was the truth.

Once this was done the Potty Patrolman thanked everyone for coming and let all but Ms. Linton and Ms. Greaves return to their break.

Now as to what is to be done with you to help you learn that this sort of behaviour is not acceptable here at Mount Usher and incentivise you not to do it again. To begin, since you have violated the school rules and had an accident in your pants you will be placed on Review Level for the next three months and accordingly have to wear the Review Uniform” the Potty Patrolman said matter of factly.

Hearing this Jesse let out a great heaving sob as all of her earlier fears seemed to be coming to pass which the Potty Patrolman ignored. He motioned to Ms. Greaves who then led Jesse over to a full-length mirror that sat towards the back of the room and began to get her changed by removing Jesse’s black shoes, dirty underwear, and skirt. Finding herself practically naked from the waste down for the second time that day Jesse watched as Ms. Linton then took over and began transforming her into a toddler. First, she started by taking some baby wipes and fully wiping her down this time. Then she had Jesse step into a large, adult-sized, disposable pull up that looked as thick as any diaper Jesse had ever seen, and was decorated with a childish animal print design. Ms. Linton then fitted her into an extremely short grey mini-skirt which only partially covered her pull-up leaving most of it on display. It was clear to Jesse that the purpose of this was to ensure that anyone who looked at her would be able to see what she was wearing straight away and easily confirm when she had an accident. Her school shoes were then replaced with a similar black pair but instead of being secured with a buckle they had Velcro straps. Lastly, although Jesse did not think it was part of the Review Uniform, Ms. Linton re-arranged her long shoulder length blond hair, which she usually wore freely, into two pig tails.

Once Ms. Linton had finished, the three staff members gathered behind Jesse looking her over, providing the girl with extra time to take in her new look. Staring at the pull-up, or rather her pull-up, the Velcro, and pig tails, she did not feel at that moment as though she were nearly twenty years of age. She looked like a parody of someone’s two-year-old sister who had just started potty training. Even though there were other students in her class and school who looked exactly like this and worse, she never fully appreciated how awful it felt to be dressed this way until she was placed among them. She did not know how she was going to face her friends and not die of shame.

Again, the Potty Patrolman spoke breaking Jesse from her horrific reverie. “Good” he said patting the back of Jesse’s pull-up. “This is much more suitable attire for someone still having accidents in their pants and struggling to hold it until it is time to go to the bathroom. You should count yourself lucky though that up to this your record has been impeccable. Since this is your first offence, I cannot reduce you to Pre-school or Toddler Level as someone who goes poopy in their pants really ought to be.

As you know at Review Level you are now directly under my care and essentially on potty probation until you can demonstrate for a sufficient length of time that you are no longer having toileting issues. As a student at Review Level for the next three months you will be assigned a regular Potty Aid to ensure that you are wearing the correct uniform, are using the toilet to a sufficient standard, and to facilitate more regular panty inspections throughout the day. Usually, your Potty Aid will check you publicly every two to three hours, and after each visit to the toilet, though the number of times you are inspected will be decided by the Potty Aid you are assigned. I will discuss this with staff following our meeting here and have your new Potty Aid assigned to you by lunch time this afternoon. You are now no longer permitted to visit the bathroom without your assigned Potty Aid or, in the event of an emergency an alternative Potty Aid, accompanying you. Attempting to visit the bathroom without a Potty Aid will result in severe punishment. Additionally, you will now will now attend the Review Lunchroom for recess and lunchtime breaks, and sit in the Review Row or third row in your classroom.

Finally, let me remind you that the expectation at Review Level is to prove your maturity by having no accidents. Therefore, should you have an accident at any time, your review period will reset back to three months meaning that you will be starting your probation over again. If, however you should have more than three accidents within a six-week period including those which may occur during the night you will fail your probation. Failing your potty probation will mean a reduction from Review to Pre-school Level which has its own separate rules. Do you understand this Ms. Wilson?”

Thinking of everything the Potty Patrolman had said Jesse spirits were falling lower and lower as the implications of being at Review Level really sank it. Again, it took practically everything she had to blurt out “Yes, I understand Sir”.

Very good” replied the Potty Patrolman. “Now as for the punishment for your infantile behaviour this afternoon.”

Having thought being reduced to Review Level was her punishment, Jesse's crying renewed as the Potty Patrolman continued to speak.

"For having an accident in your pants, you will be required to watch Mount Usher’s own potty training video series every night during your one-hour free period for the next two weeks. I expect this will refresh your memory about what you are supposed to do when you need to relieve yourself. Just so you are aware this will be a recurring punishment every time you have an accident. Next, for causing trouble for Ms. Greaves, one of the Disciplinary Team will find you after you have watched the training video this evening and take you to the punishment room for a thirty-minute spanking. After that, for lying, your mouth will be washed out with soap and you will be placed in the corner for an additional thirty minutes before being brought to the potty and sent to bed. If I hear about you causing any problems for the staff or kicking up a fuss during these punishments you do not even want to imagine what I have in store for you.  Understood?

Yes Sir” replied Jesse meekly, having been totally broken.

Excellent” said the Potty Patrolman. “Well in a few moments Ms. Greaves will accompany you to your locker so you can get your books, and then bring you to class to explain why you were delayed. However, I believe you did not have time to have anything to eat or drink during your break while we were getting all of this sorted out. Is that correct?

It is Sir” replied Jesse “Thank you but I’m not at all hungry”.

Nonsense.” said the Potty Patroller grinning. “You might not be hungry after all this unpleasantness but I cannot have you going back to class and being unable to concentrate later on because you didn’t eat anything.”

Moving over to his desk he opened a drawer and took out what looked to Jesse like an off-brand cereal bar and carton of juice. Forcing them into Jesse’s hands he said

Take these and have them on your way back to class. Ms. Greaves, you’ll make sure she finishes them before returning, won’t you?”

Ms. Greaves simply nodded to affirm.

Excellent. Well off you go Ms. Wilson. After this evening I hope you will have learnt your lesson and made up your mind to be a good girl. If not for me, then your father who I will be giving a full report to on these matters. So be good!”

With that the Potty Patrolman returned to his desk, presumably to get back to his own midmorning snack as Jesse was led out the door by Ms. Greaves. Seeing that Jesse had yet to begin consuming her food Ms. Greaves stopped her outside the door and took both the bar and juice from her. She then opened them for her and returned them, waiting until Jesse had started eating before continuing to walk. Jesse was in such a daze from all that had happened to her that morning, and unsettled by the unfamiliar swish of her legs rubbing off her pull-up as she walked, that she had almost finished her food before it even crossed her mind that it could be a new trap. She supposed time would tell whether it would be or not, but what was certain was that the rest of the day would be horrible regardless as she returned to class a Review Level student and had this evening’s punishments still to endure.

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  • Like 7
  • ZeroCoolio changed the title to Mount Usher Reform School - Part 2 - 16/08/23

When she was informed that she was going to be placed on the Review Level I figured it wasn’t going to be that bad but then I was wrong. I have little doubt the staff is going to be doing everything they can to get her to have more accidents in her pants. Then she has the nightly classes as well as the spanking. All I see in her future is becoming a helpless baby just like she had been told. At almost 20 she is an adult.  She should just leave.  Staying and completing the program and then having Daddy help her out with college doesn’t seem like it is a possibility so she may as well leave and make the best of things.  Even a like on the streets is a better alternative to becoming a helpless baby. 


❤️ love this story! Can wait for her back spin into submission to keep going! Hope her father gives feed back!


Thanks everybody for your comments. Here is part 3. Hope you all enjoy it!


Part Three

When Jesse was really back in secondary school and not this torturous mockery, her English teacher for her third year had been a student still completing his training. Upon discovering this she remembered that her class had taken every opportunity to misbehave and wind him up. Looking back on it now Jesse could not help but feel ashamed for tormenting a young man who had just been trying to do his best. However, at the time she thought it was cool, and she and friends had justified their behaviour by declaring it an age-old duty to “break in” new teachers. Consequently, she had learnt little of anything in that class, not that she believed that was any great loss at the time. However, as she was forced to return to class that day in Mount Usher in a review uniform, with her pull-up on full display, something that student teacher once said came into her mind, “the world does not move for us”. At the time, he had said it almost under his breath at the end of a particularly rowdy lesson and not knowing what it meant she had just thought that it was funny. Yet, after her geography teacher Mr. Keller had made a fuss over her being late and shook his head at having to put up with having “another big baby in his class” who he was convinced “would never be able to learn a thing”, much to her incredulity the lesson continued as normal.

Mr. Keller called on some of the girls to stand up and recite the capitals of increasingly obscure countries until Charlotte was unlucky enough to get one wrong and was seized by a Classroom Disciplinarian to receive the mandatory ‘six of the best’ caning punishment. Julie who was at Toddler Level and therefore without potty privileges farted loudly and filled her diaper, then after blushing bright red and starting to cry was taken away to be changed by a Potty Aid. The chapter that they finished yesterday was reviewed and they were assigned five pages in the workbook to complete. There she was answering short questions on population and migration while sitting in a goddamned pull-up, dressed like a stupid toddler, having been made an absolute show up twice that morning, and apart from a few surprised or nervous looks when she had initially entered the classroom no one cared.

Jesse was not a toddler, she knew that. She had not had an accident, surely her peers had to know that as well – they knew what this place was like. A great injustice had befallen her and yet the world still continued to turn uncaring of her plight.

Jesse went from feeling numb, to being absolutely disgusted and full of hate towards herself, before just becoming downright miserable. As she tried to force her way through the workbook tears came unbidden to her eyes and she began to quietly sob. She was not like the other girls in the class who wore pull-ups and diapers. She was supposed to make it through Mount Usher unscathed, like she always knew she would. She was aware that they had been forced into them through no fault of their own, just like she was now, and she did not think any less of them for it. However, she always thought they were to be the unlucky ones that had to endure such things while she was to be lucky and avoid them.

She tried to stifle her sobbing before she attracted any unwanted attention. Already one of the girls beside her was beginning to shoot her glances, and tried to console herself with the thought that she was only on Review-Level, that she was not done yet. However, as if her body knew this was a lie her tears just continued to flow more freely and her breaths became laboured and heaving until she was full out bawling.

As soon as this began Mrs. King was upon her almost immediately and after dragging her up from her chair proceeded to check her pull-up for accidents, sticking two of her fingers past the leak guards at the front and then pulling back the waist band at the back to try and see any messes. Discovering her to be clean however, Mrs. King frowned and, noting that Jesse did not seem to be experiencing any difficulty making it through her work, looked to Mr. Keller and said “apologies for the interruption Mr. Keller but I think after a lot of excitement this morning someone here is feeling a bit sorry for themselves.”

Then motioning for two of the Classroom Disciplinarians to come over to her she said “Don’t worry, I know just how to deal with this sort of behaviour”. After briskly whispering instructions to them the two Classroom Disciplinarians roughly carried Jesse to the back of the room. Following this, one of them slid her pull-up down to her ankles and after taking a seat pulled her over his knee. The second Classroom Disciplinarian then handed the first a paddle which he then used to spank Jesse until she was no longer crying or making any sort of noise. Once they were satisfied, that she would no longer interrupt the lesson, her pull-up was returned to its normal position and she was then carried back to her chair where she was sat down forcefully despite the throbbing coming from her fiery behind.

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The rest of the day passed in a bit of a blur for Jesse after that and if you asked her about her punishments later that evening all she could remember was that they were awful and she cried a lot. Thankfully she did not have another “accident” that day so she concluded that the food she had eaten from the Potty Patrolman was benign despite her suspicions.

However, a number of things really did change at Mount Usher for Jesse now that she was at Review Level. The first was the introduction of her new Potty Aid Ms. Turner into her life, who became her almost constant companion. Upon receiving her charge Ms. Turner immediately instituted a new potty schedule for her which mandated that Jesse relieve herself twelve times a day! Ms. Turner explained the frequency was to help her avoid accidents and get as much practice using the toilet while being supervised so that she could be confident going on her own without help in the future. Yet, this schedule felt excessive to Jesse who, having initially feared a schedule would limit her opportunities to go to the bathroom, was now required to go almost once an hour. Twelve times was far more frequently than she had ever gone in a single day previously and while she was still adjusting to this schedule there were times when she was brought to the toilet and could not make herself go. This soon became a problem for her as anytime she was unable to relieve herself on schedule it was counted as a potty-training failure and she was issued an infraction by Ms. Turner. Ten infractions were viewed the same as having a full-blown accident and since she could only get three of those in a six-week time period before she was reduced to Pre-school Level Jesse had to work really hard to ensure she needed to go so often. In the days and weeks that followed the implementation of the potty schedule Jesse did her best to drink as much as she could at meals and train herself to go even when she only needed to do a small amount to meet her current quota. Ms. Turner also promised her that she would be rewarded for going any additional times outside of her mandated twelve and she just had to ask any Potty Aid to bring her, but the possibility of her being able to go more than she had to now seemed ludicrous to Jesse.

Another change that happened was that Jesse was forced to move into her own room. This was bittersweet for her as while Jesse had always had her own room before coming to Mount Usher, she had grown to love her roommates and the comradery of living together. While of course she would have loved more privacy and personal space, to Jesse one of the few things that made life bearable in reform school was complaining to one another each evening about this mad place they had found themselves in. However, while her three roommates were outwardly very supportive when they found out Jesse was to be back in pull-ups for the next three months, she had also seen that they were worried. They were all aware what having someone coming and going in pull-ups could mean for how their room was perceived and how it might direct additional attention from the staff their way. Yet, Jesse believed since they were all close friends, they might have been able to endure it for her had her new rules for going to the bathroom not made this impossible.

Now that Jesse was back at Review Level as the Potty Patrolman had explained she was required to do her to do her business in full view of a Potty Aid. The only exception to this rule was at night when she was allowed to use her brand-new pink princess potty under her bed if she needed to go. Unfortunately, it seemed that no one had bothered to inform their wing’s matron about this, and the morning after the first night she had used it, had led to a full-fledged investigation into which student had wet their bed once Matron caught a whiff of ammonia in the air. The four girls had been frog-marched out the door, Julie and Tara still half asleep, lined up against the banisters in the hallway, and paddled until their bottoms were bright red and their legs were shaking. Although they had all protested through snot nosed blubbering and wails attempting to explain the smell, the Matron ignored them until Ms. Turner appeared, looking to discover why Jesse had not reported to her to be brought to the toilet that morning, and was able to enlighten the Matron as to what had occurred. After which Ms. Turner suggested that since Jesse’s excretions had caused so much trouble it might be best to move her to a room of her own, closer to Ms. Turner’s own room so she could better keep an eye on her. It was to Jesse’s supreme disappointment that not one of her friends spoke to gainsaid the idea even if she completely understood their position.

So it was that Jesse found herself in a small, single room, situated just outside the staff quarters, barely more than a corridor down from Ms. Turner’s own residence. Compared to her shared room, which Jesse always associated with energy and fun, this room with its grey walls and lack of windows felt quite a bit drearier to her. However, since it was a privilege to have her own room again Jesse had made up her mind to enjoy it as much as she could, her newfound privacy being the one upside to her new Review-Level status. That is until she tried to go to sleep the first night.

Initially, everything seemed normal except there seemed to a faint humming sound coming from the room’s air vent. At first, Jesse did not think much of it, simply assuming that it was just part of this room’s own unique character, however just as she was about to nod off the noise’s pitch seemed to change suddenly becoming whinier and more piercing. This jolted Jesse from her almost slumber and although she attempted to push her ears into her pillow and block it out, just as she was about to nod off again, the noise actually seemed to change once more. This time becoming lower more like a deep pulse that she could practically feel vibrating though her. And so, it went on, and on like this until morning, the noise varying every time Jesse was about to drift off preventing her from getting a wink of sleep and leaving her feeling exhausted and emotionally wrought-out. When she reported to Ms. Turner the next morning in accordance with her potty schedule she could scarcely hold herself back from launching into a tirade about the infuriating noise and demanding that the custodial staff look into it or failing that she be moved to another room. However, despite her tiredness Jesse had learnt the hard way in the past to avoid taking such an approach and only brought it up politely after she had finished their toilet routine. Yet, Ms. Turner claimed to know nothing about a noise and suggested that it was all in the girl’s head, possibly from being scared of sleeping on her own. This left Jesse with little choice other than to bear down and put up with it until it either stopped or she eventually got used to it.

The effect of Jesse’s lack of sleep slowly made itself known after a few nights had gone by. She noticed herself gradually becoming moodier and more quickly frustrated as she struggled to find the energy to put up with everything she had to deal with each day. Although, she was growing accustomed to Ms. Turner taking her to do her business at all hours of the day, even on the class potty during lessons, one morning after another terrible night Jesse just snapped. Having been kept up half the night by that infuriating noise she had not been watching the time and ended up relieving herself on her princess potty about twenty minutes before she was due to report to Ms. Turner. Feeling drained and totally unable to go through the motions of another so called “potty training failure” Jesse decided to just lay on her bed until Ms. Turner came to find her and then tell her that she did not need to go.

When Ms. Turner did arrive looking quite put out, only to see Jesse lolling about on her bed, she quickly became annoyed. Then when Jesse informed her that she did not want to go to the bathroom because she had only just gone in her potty and did not need to go, Ms. Turner said in a very stern voice

Young Lady I am going to offer you one last opportunity to follow your potty schedule like a big girl. Just because you may think you do not need to go does not mean that you will not need to go in a few minutes. If you do not even try there will be severe consequences

Exhausted from so many practically sleepless nights of tossing and turning and upset that Ms. Turner was not listening to her as usual, before thinking it through Jesse shouted back


Ms. Turner far from looking stunned or cowed as Jesse might have expected instead took the outburst stoically and simply took her phone out. She then dialled a number and after a couple of moments said

Hi Ms. Linton… oh I’m fine, sorry to disturb you so early but I am at this very moment dealing with a very naughty little girl who is refusing to follow her potty schedule. Would you mind sending some Disciplinarians down to Ms. Wilson’s room please? Yes, thank you. Much appreciated. Bye, bye”.

Hearing this, Jesse’s heart started to pound in her chest and she felt extremely afraid. She opened her mouth and rapidly tried to apologise however Ms. Turner interrupted her.

No, no Ms. Wilson, it is much too late now for all that. I gave you a chance to behave and now you are going to learn what it is like for girls who are too immature to be allowed potty privileges

Following this the two waited in absolute stony silence, Ms. Turner glaring at a very worried Jesse the whole time, until two Disciplinarians arrived. On Ms. Turner’s instruction they grabbed Jesse and began removing all of her clothes until she was naked. One of them then put her over their lap and started spanking her bottom with a large wooden hairbrush that Ms. Turner had ready in her bag. Once Jesse was crying and her bottom stung painfully, she was removed from the Disciplinarian’s lap and laid faced down on her bed. Both Disciplinarians then took her hands and feet and secured them to the railings at the front and end of bed again using capable ties they took from pouches at their waist. Ms. Turner then took some Vaseline and a large rectal thermometer from her bag and after greasing the long glass rod slowly slipped it into the weeping girl’s bottom.

I have noticed lately” Ms Turner began “that you have looked a bit tired and I feel that you could be coming down with something. Not that this would excuse your wicked behaviour this morning, however I feel it is worth checking to see if I need to send you to the school nurse

Feeling the cold thermometer enter her Jesse felt violated to the very core of her being. Although her face was already red and puffy from all of her crying, she felt herself blush even more at the shame of being treated as though she were just an infant without a voice or say in her own life. These feelings were only prolonged as Ms. Turner left the thermometer in for a good two minutes before taking it out to check. She then said

Well, it says here that you seem to be a healthy 37°… but let’s double check to be sure.” After which Ms. Turner then slowly slid the thermometer back in to Jesse’s little bum hole once more, prompting Jesse to let out an involuntary groan.

Following the second check Ms. Turner then slowly cleaned the thermometer with an antiseptic wipe while Jesse lay prone on the bed and, after putting it away, removed a glass jar and a rubber glove from her bag. Taking two white bullet shaped capsules from the jar, and putting the glove on her right hand, she then approached Jesse and using two gloved fingers slowly worked them up the poor girl’s back passage. Being unable to move or turn her head around to see properly Jesse was quite alarmed by this as she did not know what was happening. Once Ms. Turner had finished her work she then discarded the glove and returned the jar to her bag before Jesse could see what was in it. She then instructed the Disciplinarians to free Jesse and began to help the still slowly sobbing and confused girl get ready for the day.

Ms. Turner said nothing more to Jesse as she led her to breakfast and then class that morning. Although, Jesse tried to apologise several times, Ms. Turner simply pretended not to hear her and continued her silent treatment. She did not even react when Jesse asked to be taken to the potty at her usual potty schedule times before breakfast and class, and she began to feel extremely anxious as she realised whatever medicine Ms. Turner had placed inside her was causing her to feel like she needed to poop really badly.

Jesse’s first class that morning was P.E. and the Review-Uniform was simply the school t-shirt and another mini-skirt with white ankle socks and Velcro runners. They were due to play volleyball and even though Jesse was practically trembling with the need to relieve herself no matter how many times she begged Ms. Turner she did not respond to her.

In a panic and unsure what to do, Jesse followed four other girls to one side of the court at the P.E. teacher’s direction. With the usual Classroom Disciplinarians moving to cover the edges of the court and to block the exit to the gym Jesse felt as though she could do nothing. Standing at the front of the court, with all her peers and the staff looking on, the whistle had only blown signalling the game to begin when a shaking Jesse bent over and loudly professed “Oh No!”.

With her pull-up on display everyone could see as Jesse very audibly filled her pull-up to the tune of her own groans and muffled farts. Her pull-up went from puffy at the back to suddenly very firm and full looking, before quickly overwhelmed as runny brown poo started to seep out the leak guards at the side and slowly drip down her legs onto her socks. This messy feat was then followed by a steady flow of urine as Jesse, caught up in the accident, lost control of her bladder as well which also soon overflowed from the pull up and end up on the gym floor.

The whole gym began to quiet as this occurred and the volleyball game came to a stop. Looking at herself and then fearfully around the room Jesse started to cry and just kept repeating “oh no, oh no, oh no” over and over.

It was only then as Jesse was stood awkwardly in place that Ms. Turner came over to her and looking down at the her with a mixed look of both disgust and triumph on her face said

Jesse Wilson! I cannot believe you just had another accident in your pants! And after you assuring me that you did not need to use the potty this morning. Well, I hope you’ve learnt now that when a Potty Aid reminds you to go, that you will do so without fuss. Tsk, tsk… you’ve absolutely destroyed your pull-up and shoes. You do not look like a big girl there now at all. You look like a silly little toddler. You cannot even move without more poo-poo leaking from your pants. It’s a wonder you were trusted with pull-ups and not nappies at all when I see you there looking so babyish

Sobbing even more loudly at Ms. Turner’s words, Jesse then let out a yelp as Ms. Turner suddenly grabbed her by the ear and led her over to her P.E. teacher Ms. Durcan. Speaking to Jesse again, Ms. Turner said

Apologise now to Ms. Durcan here for being such a silly baby, Ms. Wilson, and then to your classmates. P.E. will have to be cancelled now so the gym can be cleaned

Quickly looking up at Ms. Durcan Jesse bellowed “I’M SORRY” in between sobs. Ms. Turner then still dragging her by the ear turned her around to face all of her horrified classmates and then repeated her apology to them.

All of the students were then marched back to class, some of them grumbling about P.E. being cancelled because Jesse had to be such a baby, as they went. Once back in class, instead of cleaning Jesse up, Ms. Turner dragged her over to the corner at the top of the classroom where she was left standing over a disposable absorbent pad, her face tucked into the wall. Jesse was left here for the rest of the morning while she occasionally added more to her ruined pull up and the floor as she continued to expel everything that was inside her. As different teachers came and went, they all had comments about the big baby standing in the corner which Ms. Turner was only too happy to answer.

What is that big potty pants doing in my class” Mr. Kelleher asked to no-one in particular upon entering the classroom.

Well, Mr Kelleher” replied Ms. Turner “I’m afraid this stinky baby told me she did not need to use the potty this morning before dirtying herself and most of the gym floor during P.E. this morning, so she is being given time to reflect on what happens to little girls who are too silly to let grown ups take them to the potty when they obviously need to go

Another teacher Ms. Cunningham simply took one look at Jesse, rubbed the back of her pull-up so that the girl could feel the cold mess that was sitting there anew, and then carried on with her lesson as though there was nothing odd about the scene.

It was only at lunchtime that Ms. Turner wrapped a towel around a shell-shocked Jesse and led her to the school baths where she thoroughly but tenderly washed the girl from head to toe. She then led her back to her bedroom, only stopping along the way to pick up some supplies. Here she put Jesse over her lap and gave her another bare bottom spanking all the while whispering gently

There, there. It’s just over with. Now you will know never to test me when I ask you to do something. Won’t I? Yes, that’s right.”

Once Jesse’s bottom was bright red again Ms. Turner then proceeded to diaper Jesse on her bed. Although Jesse no longer had the will or energy to fight this, once Ms. Turner had finished powdering her and wrapping her up nice and tight in the disposable she said

Today will count as one of your accidents at Review-Level. You will now spend the rest of the day in bed without food or potty privileges as the remainder of your punishment. However, provided that you behave tomorrow these will be returned to you and your potty probation will begin from scratch.”

After that Ms. Turner then had Jesse step into a turquoise footed sleeper which she then zipped up at the back, and tucked Jesse into bed, before turning off the lights and leaving the room.

After another horrible day at Mount Usher despite the foreignness of the diaper and sleeper she was wearing Jesse soon fell into a deep slumber. For the first time in several nights the noise which had plagued her was silent.

  • Like 8
  • ZeroCoolio changed the title to Mount Usher Reform School - Part 3 - 25/08/23

Just thinking of such a place scares me. I would be giving as much effort to escape as if I were in a prisoner of war camp. It seems that there is no possible way she can comply with their demands but then that would appear to be their ultimate objective. 
fantastic chapter though and I am looking forward to reading more. 

  • Like 2

So to watch as she slowly decents from review to pre-school and pre-school to toddler. I look forward to more!


Thanks CDfm and Diaperingdaddy. Really appreciate you taking the time to comment.


Here is part four. Hope everyone enjoys it. 

Part Four

Jesse woke up the following morning feeling more refreshed than she had in ages. However, just as began to move herself out of bed she was reminded of the diaper she was wearing and what was worse there was a warm, weight to it between her legs. Stuck in the sleeper Ms. Turner had put her in last night Jesse could not visually confirm that she had wet herself during the night, but lifting and squishing the diaper with her hand, it seemed to her as though she must have. Frantically sniffing the air, like she had seen some of the Potty Aids do when checking others, she thought she could also detect a very faint potty smell though it was hard for her to say for certain since she had been breathing in the same air for the last sixteen hours.

When Ms. Turner arrived a short time later, she seemed to have no difficulty in discerning the well-used state of Jesse’s diaper merely glancing at the bulge showing through her sleeper. She immediately declared that naughty little Jesse needed her soggy nappy changed straight away after what must have been a very busy night in bed. Yesterday’s events still fresh in her mind and her bottom still quite sore Jesse did not respond to Ms. Turner’s words and simply went along with her without offering any resistance.

Needing to have her diaper change because she had potty-ed in it was a new experience for Jesse and far blushier she thought than when Ms. Turner watched her relieve herself or helped her to clean up. She felt just like a little toddler as Ms. Turner unzipped her footed sleeper and had her step out of it. This left her diaper exposed and she was finally able to witness how yellowed and bulging it had become which only reinforced her sense of babyishness. Then the worst part came when Ms. Turner unfolded a portable changing mat from her bag and spread it out on the bed after which she gently led Jesse over to it and gently guided her down onto it. There she waited, silently mortified, while Ms. Turner searched through her bag for the supplies she needed. Jesse was painfully aware then that her accident was on display to anyone who entered at that time and there was no hiding it. She was at that moment no different to any diapered baby waiting for a grown-up to clean them up.

Jesse also felt that Ms. Turner seemed to take her sweet time in finding what she needed, and she did not impart in any way that she was under any time constraints. This was so different to when she took Jesse to the toilet or potty. Normally, when Jesse reported for her scheduled potty times Ms. Turner was all go, as though she were practically racing to avoid having Jesse go to the toilet in her pants. She would also be hyper vigilant as she watched Jesse relieve herself seeking any sign that Jesse could be messing the process up. Now though, it seemed like whether she took ten minutes or ten hours to change Jesse’s bottom it was of no import. Realising this Jesse felt even more little as she begrudgingly had to admit to herself that Ms. Turner’s attitude was correct given the current circumstances. The damage to her pants had been done. Rushing was not going to make her diaper dry again. The time for possible intervention had past and now the only thing that could be done was to take measures to rectify the situation. Yet Jesse found herself missing the intervention and felt like an absolute failure as she waited to be changed. She only hoped that Ms. Turner saw things differently to herself and would remember her promise to restore Jesse’s potty privileges today.

See little Jesse” cooed Ms. Turner in a sing-song voice as she finally began to change Jesse’s soggy pampers. “This is what happens when little girls decide not to follow their potty schedule like big girls. They end up with lots of poo-poos and wee-wees in their pants. Who’s soaked their nappy for Ms. Turner?” she sang sticking face right in front of Jenny’s own and shaking it from side to side. “Huh, huh? Who’s soaked their nappy for Ms. Turner. Tell me, tell me…

Face blushing bright red and feeling thoroughly humiliated Jesse quietly admitted “Me, Ms. Turner”.

Oh” replied Ms. Turner with a look of mischief on her face “who is me? I don’t know any little girls by that name. I only look after Ms. Wilson, perhaps I should stop changing this strange person in front of me at once and go looking for my own charge, hmmm?

No Ms. Turner” replied Jesse. “I am Ms. Wilson” giving the Potty Aid what she wanted. “You don’t need to find anyone else. I soaked my nappy for you. Please change me. My bum is all wet”.

Ooohhhh! There you are Ms. Wilson. I must be getting silly in my old age. For a second there I didn’t recognise you and I thought I had a different girl in front of me.” Ms. Wilson replied with a cheeky grin. “That’s okay then. And since you asked so politely of course I’ll finish changing your very full pee-pee nappy. I imagine that isn’t comfortable at all, is it?

No Ms. Wilson it isn’t” said Jenny dying of shame.

No, I bet it isn’t at all, at all. Well don’t fret pet. I’ll get this wet nappy out from under you now. That’s right, lift up… And once I’ve gotten your little bum-bum wiped nice and clean, we’ll get you into a nice clean pull-up for today. How does that sound?”

Great Ms. Wilson. Thank you, thank you” replied Jesse feeling genuinely relieved that she would not be kept in nappies.

That’s good Ms. Wilson. I’m glad you’ve decided you are ready to be a big girl again and seem to have realised what a privilege it is to be able to have me to take you to the potty, but… just remember… any acting up in future will see you not just back on this changing mat, but a proper changing table alongside all the other little Toddler-Level girls. Do we understand one another?” Ms. Turner asked fixing Jesse with a stern glare.

Jesse gulped and said “Yes Ms. Turner I understand. I’ll be on my best behaviour”.

Good” replied Ms. Turner then quickly and without giving any hint that she would begin doing so began blowing raspberries on Jesse’s tummy until Jesse was howling with laughter despite herself. Then when she had finished, she said

Let’s get my good girl dressed for the day” before taking a pull-up from her bag and holding it out, motioned for Jesse to step into it.

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Vowing that she would never go through the humiliations of the past few days as a result of her own behaviour, Jesse did her best to be appear a model student at Mount Usher in the months that followed. It helped that after a couple of weeks she simply became so used to her Review Uniform and having Ms. Turner publicly check her and bring her to the toilet all the time that she was no longer bothered by it. The Potty-Training Videos she had been made watch in the first few weeks also helped in this regard as rather than being a childish cartoon as she had feared, they turned out to be a series of professional talks delivered by a nurse practitioner for people who were new to incontinence and dealing with it for the first time. So, although they were terribly embarrassing to have to watch, if she could forget how everything had started, it made it seem as though the reform school was trying to help her in some way rather than belittle her. One thing that stuck in her mind from the videos was that a small proportion of girls her age really did suffer from incontinence and wearing protection was nothing to be ashamed of, and with so many girls wearing similar undergarments around her it was hard to fight this logic. Of course, Jesse did still get spanked in class from time to time for making mistakes in her work or whatever other excuse the teachers could come up with, but none of her punishments ever as severe as when Ms. King set her up and when she snapped at Ms. Turner.

Unfortunately, after she had shit herself so profoundly during volleyball the girls not at Pre-school or Toddler Level completely distanced themselves from her, and although Jesse hated it, she was viewed by her classmates as one of the babies. It did not help her status that about two weeks after her first bedwetting incident, which had been overlooked because she had been without potty privileges at the time, repeated itself. That infernal noise in her bedroom came back again and would only stop irregularly so that Jesse could only get a good night’s sleep perhaps every third or fourth night. Of course, this made everything more difficult for her as she had to go about her days like a zombie. However, the main problem was now that she was going to the potty twelve times a day, she found that she needed to wake up at night to go more frequently as well, and when she was able to relax into a good night’s sleep, this simply did not happen and she would keep sleeping even as she peed.

The first time this happened Ms. Turner pretended to act so disappointed that Jesse had failed to keep her bed dry and made a big fuss of calling the Matron to show her what she had done. Then of course it had happened again a few nights later and suddenly Jesse was called back in front of the Potty Patrolman to be demoted to Pre-school Level. In some ways, even though it cemented her classmate’s opinion of her as one of the babies in her class, it came as a relief, as in many ways the rules at Pre-school Level were similar to those at Review Level just more forgiving.

The Potty Patrolman explained to her that since she had proven she had a problem with going to the bathroom in her pants she would need to be kept in protection at all times. At night this meant diapers, which she was expected to use, as she was informed that she still did not have permission to use the toilet on her own and they would be removing her pink princess potty. During the day, she was permitted to continue using pull-ups and adhering to her potty schedule under Ms. Turners supervision. However, the Pre-school Uniform differed from the Review Uniform as she was now expected to have a few accidents throughout the day and so instead of a mini-skirt she had to wear a pair of transparent pull-on plastic pants over her pull-up to make it easier for Potty Aids to see if she needed a change and to help better contain her accidents. Additionally, at Pre-school Level Jesse was now permitted to have up to ten accidents a week in her pants during the day and bedwetting did not count as an accident at all since it was expected, and they did not want her worrying over something she had no control over while she was asleep.

At first Jesse was not too concerned about daytime accidents as barring the few that she had been forced to have she had never legitimately had an accident of her own accord. However, then Jesse experienced meals in the Pre-school Canteen and Lunchroom. Initially, she had been somewhat excited about these as she had been on her own in the Review Rooms and felt desperate for company after having no meaningful interaction outside of class or activities with anyone except Ms. Turner. And while it was wonderful to reacquaint herself with the three other Pre-schoolers, Jesse then discovered why she would see so many of them squirming in their chairs between their scheduled potty breaks in class and having accidents. For instance, breakfast was Metamucil porridge sweetened with molasses and topped with either prunes, cranberries, or flax and chia seeds and two portions of fruit from a choice of watermelon, apples, or pears. They also had to drink a cup tea from a choice of Dandelion, Hibiscus or Juniper Berry, and a full pint-sized beaker of water. Then once they had finished everything, they had to report to the canteen staff to accept their morning dose of castor oil which they were told would “help keep them healthy”.

Jesse’s potty schedule had been amended slightly by Ms. Turner once she became a Pre-schooler and instead of being brought to the toilet after getting changed in the morning, she would not be brought until immediately after breakfast. This left a time of around two hours, the longest in the whole day, before Jesse’s next potty break at ten o’clock. Unfortunately, being brought immediately after breakfast meant her tummy did not have time to process what she had just eaten, and it would not be until a few minutes into class when she would begin to feel an intense and rapidly growing need to go. Of course, Jesse was allowed to ask Ms. Turner for additional potty breaks, but for some reason Ms. Turner’s attentions always seemed to be elsewhere during this time, and Jesse never seemed to be able to catch the other Potty Aids eyes. Thus, every morning Jesse would have to wage an internal war, similar to the one that originally gotten her into this mess, alongside all the other Pre-schoolers to desperately prevent herself from wetting or dirtying herself. It did not help that the Toddlers in front of were allowed to fill their nappies at will and Jesse felt she would be doing well some days until she heard a hissing sound coming from Hazel or a loud squelch making her need to go that much worse.

Jesse, was ashamed to admit, she only managed to go a little over a week as a Pre-schooler without having an accident under these conditions. She was sitting in class feeling as desperate as ever as she sat through history class that morning when Bethany who was sitting beside her suddenly tensed up and let out a choked sob. Jesse then heard a squishing sound and instantly got a powerful smell of something awful. If you asked her later, Jesse would not have been able to tell you why she did what she did next, but seeing Bethany mess herself seemed to prompt her to do the same. As if acting in sympathy with Bethany Jesse found herself involuntarily letting go and filling her pull-up too. A soft, hot mass rushed from her bottom only to be caught in her pull-up which painfully forced her to sit up higher in her chair. This was then followed by an aching rush of urine which seemed to Jesse to go on forever and a few drops even leaked out of her pull-up but were thankfully caught by her plastic pants. The sense of panicked, helplessness she endured as her body enacted what she most desperately seeking to avoid was so powerful as to be practically indescribable.

Neither Jesse or Bethany were able to concentrate on their work with a fresh load in their pants and though Jesse did not start crying, she could not bring herself to draw Ms. Turner or anyone else’s attention to her plight, even though she supposed they must surely all be aware of it. In keeping with the actions of the other Potty Aids, Ms. Turner left Jesse stew in misery and her very full pull-ups for a good half-hour before she deigned to intervene in the most humiliating way possible

Addressing Mrs. King during a lull in the lesson Ms. Turner began sniffing and said “I think we have a stinky baby in the classroom Mrs. King.

This of course incited Mrs. King to begin sniffing as well before replying “You know I think you are right Ms. Turner; I do smell something rather akin to a dirty nappy wafting around the room. I can only hope that it is one of our Toddler girls who has soiled themselves and not one of our big girls in the classroom.

Following this both Potty Aids embarked on a pantomime scavenger hunt as they sniffed around the room pretending to search for the source of the smell. Approaching the front row first, they pulled up each of the Toddlers in turn, checking them, and then pronounced them either damp or clean before sitting them down hard on their seats. They then made their way to the Pre-school row where after checking Lindsay and Heidi and making their way to Jesse and Bethany both women said at the same time “Oh I’ve found it” then turned to look at each other as though in shock.

Two big girls with poo-poo in their pull-ups Ms. Turner, I can’t believe it, can you?” Mrs. King said. “They are supposed to be in the Pre-school row to help learn good habits from one another, not get worse!

I know Mrs. King” replied Ms. Turner tutting quietly and shaking her head. “I try so hard to ensure Ms. Wilson makes it to the bathroom to do all of her pee-pees and poopys and yet even when I am standing in the class practically beside her, she still manages to do everything in her pants like a big baby. Just look at this” she said pointing to the heavily sagging yellow and brown tinged pull-up on a still standing Jesse’s bottom. “At this rate it won’t be long before they are both demoted to Toddler Level if they are having these kinds of accidents during the day.”

You’re right Ms. Turner. Bethany here is certainly not far from it. And to think neither girl said a word about it. It’s disgraceful! We would not have known were it not for your clever nose. Where would we be without it?

Oh, we would be alright” replied a modest looking Ms. Turner “But no doubt these two little things would have terrible nappy rashes.

After a chuckle at this Mrs. King then turned to Bethany and said “Well Bethany what do you have to say for yourself? Did you know you had an accident in your pants? Did you? You must have been able to smell that you had, it positively reeks! Well…

Bethany seemed absolutely lost to Jesse and the poor girl was bawling more than ever. Jesse remembered that she had always seemed like such a neat and stylish girl before her demotion to Pre-school Level so it must have gone against her very being to reduced to someone who wore visibly stained and smelly pull-ups. It seemed it was all Bethany could do was nod her head in agreement and whimper a barely audible “Yes…” However, this was not enough for Mrs. King who immediately replied

What was that? Stop your whinging and speak up girl. Did you knowingly have a number two accident in your pants and then sit in it?

Heaving and in-between sobs Bethany yelled “YES!”.

Oh, that’s a very bad sign Mrs. King” said Ms. Turner “If she had an accident in her pull-ups and did not say anything it makes me think that maybe she LIKES going in her pants. MAYBE, it wasn’t an accident at all. It could be our little Ms. Collins has gotten entirely too comfortable with her protection. Like she doesn’t know that it is not supposed to be used

IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! I DO KNOW!” cried Bethany, just shy of stamping her foot.

Well, you certainly don’t act as though you do little girl” replied Ms. Turner haughtily. “But a good paddling before and after you are changed for talking back will help remind you of that. And as for you Ms. Wilson…” she said turning to Jesse. “You assured me that when you pooped yourself on the volleyball court it was a one-time thing. Now what do I see? A bedwetter who has become a repeat offender for messing their pants within the span of a couple of weeks. You are much to big for this carry on. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Hearing Ms. Turner reveal that she become a bedwetter to her entire class made Jesse want the ground to swallow her up she was so embarrassed. Of course, she was standing in front of them all with her full pull-up on display but they did not need to know about her bedwetting as well. It was at this point that Jesse who had remained pretty stoic up until this point broke down sobbing as well and she allowed Ms. Turner to take her and begin leading her to the changing table at the back of the room.

I’m sorry Mr. Finnerty for taking them from their learning”, Ms. Turner said to Jesse’s teacher “but I’m afraid we have two girls who were not big enough to hold their potty, and ended up making a big mess of themselves. Myself and Mrs. King will have to change them as the back so they do not continue to stink up the whole class for everyone”.

So it was that Jesse found herself being openly changed like a baby in her classroom while Bethany was handed off to one of the Classroom Disciplinarians for her pre-change paddling. Jesse was lifted up onto the table and sat down hard so that her mess squished under her and she could feel the bits of sediment within it. Her plastic pants were pulled down with Ms. Turner making comments that she would probably need to switch to snapping pants to make changes easier. Then her pull-up was torn open at the sides and Ms. Turner took her time cleaning her with baby wipes while one or two of her classmates snuck glances back at her to watch, giggling under their breaths, and Jesse thought she even heard someone whisper “baby”. Jesse was then powdered by Ms. Turner and had a new pull-up drawn up her legs and new plastic pants before she was led back to her seat reeking of baby powder. Jesse had stopped crying at that point and while she knew she was forever a baby to the class now she took solace in the fact that she had managed to avoid a paddling unlike Bethany.

Unfortunately, a week after the events of Jesse’s first classroom change, Bethany, who seemed to have been completely broken, was demoted to Toddler Level. Jesse herself began to have occasional accidents, both wet and messy, during this time of the day like the other Pre-School girls and trips to the classroom changing table became all too normal for her. It was only the generous ten accident a week rule and her stringent efforts to remain under the limit that enabled Jesse to avoid sharing a similar fate to Bethany for now.

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  • Like 9
  • ZeroCoolio changed the title to Mount Usher Reform School - Part 4 - 31/08/23

Great chapter! I would love to hear more about Bethany and her demise to toddler hood. Would love to have a dm conversation about how to expand on that! Love where this is heading. Look for ward to seeing how things are for a toddler. Where they stay. How thry interact, how they sleep what happens when they are naughty? 


Thanks Diaperingdaddy I would be open to a dm conversation though I may need to have a spin-off story for Bethany as here is the Part 5 and I am hoping to finish Jesse's story off for the time being with one final part after this.

Thank you to everybody else for reading and liking the story so far. Hope you all enjoy.


Part Five

Jesse awoke one morning to the familiar feeling of Ms. Turner changing her soggy overnight diaper. It had been nearly five months since she had been demoted to Pre-schooler Level and while she was mostly pleased, she had not fallen any further in that time, some days she really felt as though it hardly mattered.

As Ms. Turner continued through the motions of opening her nighttime onesie, untapping her diaper and wiping her, Jesse recalled that it had only taken about three months for her to end up like this - a consistent bedwetter no different to any little baby or toddler. She could barely remember what it was like to wake up dry now while simultaneously she was all too aware that any time she went to sleep, her bladder seemed to just let loose and open up the floodgates. This new disposition caused her to have several accidents in class, when tired from that dreadful noise that still occasionally plagued her some nights in her bedroom, she would fall asleep for a few moments before quickly rousing herself only to realise she had soaked her pull-up.

Jesse’s friend group had also undergone a dramatic shift. Nearly all the girls she hung out or interacted with were Pre-schooler or Toddlers. Big girls like her once friend and confidant Samantha could not afford to risk associating with the class babies and for the most part unless she did something terrible to embarrass herself, they hardly took any notice of her. This meant that the apart from the grown-ups, the people who surrounded her all wore and openly used their pull-ups or diapers, and Jesse no longer felt any self-consciousness wearing her Pre-schooler Uniform. She had also nearly become de-sensitised to the constant potty smells that accompanied her throughout the day and witnessing someone else having an accident and being changed by a Potty Aid or experiencing that herself was practically nothing to her now.

Yes, thought Jesse as Ms. Turner powdered her and drew a pull-up up her legs, the only meaningful difference between herself and the Toddlers now was that she still had to endure the anxiety and admonishments over having accidents in her pants whereas they could just go freely without care or worry. Thankfully, Jesse was no longer afraid of this happening, because even though part of her knew it would not be good for her long term to spend her remaining three years at Mount Usher in round-the-clock diapers, with the accidents from her daytime bedwetting and more recent changes to her Potty Schedule now that they had entered the Summer Term, she was on the verge of being demoted to Toddler Level. Whereas once ten daytime accidents a week seemed like an impossibility to her, now that they were spending more time outdoors doing field activities and sport, Ms. Turner had claimed it was only feasible to bring her to the potty eight times a day instead of her usual twelve. The timings of these had also been altered so that now she was immediately changed in the morning and brought to the toilet then had to go three hours until being brought to the toilet again. This would mean that she would have an accident every day during this time as after being forced to use the bathroom so frequently for so long she could now barely make it more than two hours without having to relieve herself. For a while, Jesse had tried to avoid these accidents by begging Ms. Turner to bring a potty with them when they went out to the school grounds in the morning but Ms. Turner refused point blank, claiming that it would not be practical having to carry a full potty back afterwards to be emptied, so Jesse would just have to try harder to be a big girl. Looking over at her potty chart with Ms. Turner so diligently updated for her each day, Jesse could see that the last three weeks she had only avoided being reduced to Toddler Level by a single accident and she had made her peace with the fact that she was going to be demoted again sooner or later.

Standing Jesse up and having her step into her plastic pants before dressing her for the day, Ms. Turner having seen Jesse looking over at her potty chart said

You know young lady; bedwetting aside, it is a great shame that despite my best efforts your potty training declined so rapidly these past few months. Seven accidents already this week and it is only Friday! I would view it as my own personal failure had I not watched you grow more and more comfortable in your pull-ups, and I suspect most of these so-called “accidents” of yours are the result of you wanting deep-down to be treated like a baby. Well, this morning I have decided that I am going to take you on a tour of Nursery, where those at Toddler Level reside, so you truly know what it would mean to be demoted again. That way, I’ll know if I do not see you working harder to avoid having accidents every single day, it was not me who is to be blamed, but you for choosing to behave like an infant.”

Hearing this Jesse internally sighed. More nonsense and gaslighting. Why was her bedwetting being overlooked as though this were perfectly normal? She had never had a wet night past the age of seven before she came to Mount Usher but for some reason it was fine now. Yet her daytime accidents were to be taken as a sign she wanted to be in diapers when she had already explained it was that damn diet and schedule she was forced to adhere to. If she had not learnt by now to absolutely comply with Ms. Turner without protest unless she wanted to receive awful punishments, she might have said something. As it was, Jesse simply remained quiet and allowed Ms. Turner to put her hair into pigtails.

The tour of the Nursery was worse than Jesse had anticipated but still not enough for her feel any less resigned to her inevitable fate. A white sterile corridor led to several rooms with childish wallpaper housing adult sized cots, a playroom filled with toys, a naughty chair, changing tables, and a canteen with groups of locking highchairs. Unless a miracle happened and the Mount Usher staff were to stop pushing her down this road, as soon as she had ten accidents one week her uniform would be swapped for a pacifier, onesie, diaper, and baby booties. She would have her own crib and mobile in a room with four other girls where she saw that they had their temperature checked rectally during their morning changes. She would be fed a diet of pureed food during the day and could expect to look forward to a bottle of formula each night. And during their limited amounts of free time when they were not expected to be doing their copious amounts of homework or studying during their regular schoolyear, she would be in the Playroom colouring or messing about with toys suited to children of preschool age. It would be an awful experience with very limited freedoms for her next three years and yet Jesse promised herself she would endure it as best she could and persevere. Once she got out of this place, she would recover what she lost and though it might take some additional time she would get her life back on track. She just needed to be strong.

A few days after she was brought on the tour of the Nursery, Jesse was unexpectedly called to the Principal’s Office one morning. Already feeling the growing urge to pee during that time, it took everything Jesse had to avoid dribbling into her pull-ups from fear as Ms. Turner led her there. Although Jesse was panicking and wracking her head to think of what she might have done wrong as they walked, once there she knew instantly from Principal McLoughlin’s demeanour that she had not been called there to be punished. Once Ms. Linton had arrived as well, Principal McLoughlin took Jesses hands and looking straight into her eyes, softly said

I am terribly sorry Jesse, but I have to give you some very bad news. Unfortunately, your mother and sister were involved in a plane crash while taking a flight on your father’s private jet and have both passed away. I know this will be very hard for you to hear, but if it is some small consolation, I am told that they both died instantly in the crash and were unlikely to have felt any pain. It is an awful tragedy…” he finished awkwardly shaking his head in sympathy.

It took Jesse a moment to process his words and her first thought was that he must be lying to her. Though she had initially been annoyed with her mother and sister for not standing up to her father and allowing him to just send her away to Mount Usher, she still loved them dearly. It was not possible for them to be dead. Her mother was still young, only in her early fifties, and Val, her sister, she knew from letter, had only begun her first internship having just finished college. It was impossible for them to be gone. Not on top of everything she was going through here. How would she survive without them after she got out of Mount Usher? Her father was so distant and now she would be alone with him or more likely just alone somewhere. “The world does not move for us” she knew that now. It had no ear for her wishes and yet while she had never been properly religious in that moment as tears began falling from her eyes Jesse sent out a silent plea to the universe that this was some horrible ploy on the part of Mount Usher to hurt her even more than they already had.

After permitting Jesse a few minutes to come to terms with what he had just told her while Ms. Turner and Ms. Linton comforted the crying young woman Principal McLoughlin continued

Although we do not normally allow students to leave for any reason once they have started at Mount Usher, your father has requested that you be allowed to attend the funeral. Since Mr. Wilson is such a huge benefactor of our fine institution we agreed to this request as a one off. In order to arrive at the funeral on time which is to be held tomorrow, Jesse, Ms. Turner will accompany you to your room and help you to pack an overnight bag for your trip. Then, this afternoon you along with either Ms. Turner or another Potty aid and two Disciplinarians will take a helicopter down from the mountain and over to the island’s runway. From there you will be flown back home and brought to the funeral, removal, and burial ceremonies the following the day before being returned to the airport to make your way back to Mount Usher. Unfortunately, you will be unable to attend the wake given the rapidity to which your father has organised everything, however there is nothing we can do about that.

Now. I know you are very upset and this is a lot to process but I want to make it very clear that, as I have already told you, this trip is being granted to as a favour to your father and on compassionate grounds. So, should you get it into your head to do anything silly like try and escape or hide from the Mount Usher staff while you are away you will be quickly caught and severely punished. I am told you are very nearly one of our Toddler Level students. You may think that because of this there is little else the school is able to punish you with, however let me assure you that you are wrong. We have a special Montessori School at Mount Usher for girls who are too silly or stupid to attend regular lessons and unlike the big girls who finish their time here being offered a place in college, girls at this level end up with nothing. Do you understand what I am saying? I will receive a report on your behaviour once you get back and if I hear that it was anything less than exemplary you will find yourself among the Montessori students.

Jesse, still lost in grief, barely listened as Principal McLoughlin made his threats and just simply nodded her head. She knew it was unlikely that she would have been able to escape and even if she could she knew she would not last very long without money or outside support.

Good” said Principal McLoughlin. “The last thing I want to tell you is that after reviewing your file and learning of the deplorable state of your potty-training skills of late. I have decided that given the circumstances and the eventfulness of the trip, you shall wear the Toddler Level Uniform during your time away from the school. I can see from you that you did not even realise that you wet your pull-up in the last few minutes and I think to avoid your father any embarrassment it would be best if you were put back into nappies. Provided I get a good report you will remain at Pre-school Level and will have the associated privileges returned to you once you return to the school. Ms. Turner will help get you properly attired in a few minutes, but I do not want you giving her any hassle. Understood?

Jesse just silently shook her head in assent again but inside she wanted to scream. How could they ask her to return home dressed as a baby? How could she see her mother and sister for the last time in such a shameful condition. It was only her fear that if she made any kind of a fuss, she would not be allowed to go to the funeral that prevented Jesse from lashing out. Though once Principal McLoughlin had pointed it out, she did realise that she had an accident, Jesse thought this probably occurred after she had initially learnt the dreadful news and might have happened to anyone. She did not feel as though it was fair or necessary for her to have to wear full-on diapers, when discrete pull-ups would suffice and act as a safeguard in case her weakened bladder acted up. A weakened bladder which the school caused in the first place.

Still once Principal Mcloughlin dismissed her, Jesse obediently followed Ms. Turner back to her bedroom and allowed herself to be changed out of her soggy pull-up and into one of her nighttime diapers and then re-dressed into a white onesie and a pair of navy blue shortalls. Not expecting the latter Jesse was grateful to have something to properly conceal her diaper even if the outline of it could still be made out by anyone who suspected what she was wearing. Jesse’s white socks and Velcro trainers were left as they were and so were her pig tails, however Ms. Turner did clip a pink adult sized pacifier to her shortalls before popping it into her mouth. None of Jesse’s clothes she noted were black and she felt as though she were dressed as an oblivious toddler who was too young to know anything of grief or loss.

Jesse sat on the end of her bed while Ms. Turner packed her overnight bag for her before being brought to the Pre-schooler Common Room where she sat in front of the T.V. feeling sad and depressed. Eventually Ms. Turner declared it time to go and she escorted Jesse to an area of the school which she had not been back to since her first day and led up to the helipad on the roof. Mrs. King was waiting for her there with two Disciplinarians just as Principal McLoughlin had promised as it seemed that Ms. Turner had opted not to accompany her on the trip. One of the Disciplinarians took her overnight bag from Ms. Turner and stowed it on the waiting helicopter which allowed Ms. Turner to say her goodbyes and wish her luck. Mrs. King then led Jesse onto the helicopter and had her take a seat in what looked like an adult sized car seat in which Jesse was strapped in securely. Before Mrs. King took her own seat, which unlike her Jesse’s seemed perfectly normal, she took a special tool from her pocket and used it to lock Jesse’s straps in place so that she was unable to remove them on her own. She also found a stuffed elephant to give Jesse which she was told was for comfort and a soft baby book with a few pictures which she supposed was to keep her entertained.

From her elevated position, in what Jesse thought could only be called a booster seat, she was able to see out the window of the helicopter as it took off and journeyed from Mount Usher to the plane runway. Looking out over the island from so high up she could see why she had never heard of anyone escaping from the school. Apart from the school itself there was very little infrastructure on the island, most of it seeming to be sheer rock or forested areas covered in dense underbrush. Though Jesse could see a long meandering road that led from the docks to the school there did not seem to be anyone apart from the school staff and students living on the place, and she considered that even if someone did manage to escape the school grounds they would have nowhere to go or anyone to help them.

Jesse was ashamed to admit that even though the trip from the helicopter to the runway was reasonably short, the castor oil she had been forced to consume at breakfast made itself known about ten minutes into the journey and despite herself within fifteen she was in a full nappy. Still feeling the weight of her loss, Jesse’s emotions were all over the place and she could not help but start crying again as she was forced to poop herself. Although she had messed herself several times now in the past few months, doing so in a booster seat, the noise of the act drowned out by the helicopter rotors, provided her with a completely new set of sensations. Though thankfully her poopy was soft due to the castor oil and did not hurt too much to push out while firmly fixed in her booster seat, the tightness of the seat’s straps however forced the mess up to the very edge of her diaper at the back and also all over the front groin at the front. Additionally, Jesse could not help but let out a gush of wee following her poopy and because of the pressure on her diaper from both her onesie and the booster straps a few drops leaked out causing her to feel a little bit cold and sticky on the inside of her right leg.

Crying, sucking on her pacifier, holding the stuffed elephant close to her chest, and kicking her legs in the air in a bid to make her slick, stinky backside more comfortable, Jesse did not notice that Mrs. King had watched her entire accident unfold and was smiling at her. The look on Mrs. Kings face one of pure satisfaction as though suggesting she now had Jesse completely where she wanted her and all was right with the world.

About twenty-five minutes after they had taken off, the helicopter landed again. Instead of being unlocked and removed from the booster seat and potentially even changed as Jesse had hoped, she was startled to find the two Disciplinarians unlatch it from the helicopter, and together carry it down and over to the airplane with her still in it. She was then carried into the tiny airplane and secured to one of the plane’s seats with Mrs. King following behind keeping an eye on her.

The plane took off a short time later and thankfully about an hour after take-off when Jesse was feeling properly disgusting Mrs. King took her out of the booster seat and changed her across two empty seats. While she was changing her, Mrs. King gave Jesse no sense that she had an adult in front of her, conducting herself as though Jesse was a real baby by cooing at her, tickling her and whispering things like “who’s a stinky baby, huh? Who’s a stinky, stinky baby? Who did a big poopy in their nappy? Who did, who did? You did! That’s right, you made a very poopy nappy for Mrs. King to change, didn’t you, and now she’s going to make it all better. Let’s get you smelling all nice and clean again. Just like a little girl should, huh.”

The diaper she changed Jesse into seemed even thicker than her usual nighttime diapers and looked extremely juvenile with their pastel colours and pictures of diapered animals. Jesse would not have been surprised if the design was actually based on actual baby’s diapers. She was also put in a dry onesie which was pink and had a floral design on the front. Although her shortalls seemed to have dried Mrs. King decided to leave them off until they were close to landing to make checking Jesse in her booster seat easier.

Unsure of how long the plane ride was going to take and exhausted from the excitement of the morning it was not long after her change and she was back in her booster seat that Jesse drifted off to sleep to the gentle suckling of her pacifier. The next time Jesse opened her eyes it seemed that they were just about to land. Shifting around to sit up a little bit more Jesse became aware that her diaper was quite warm and swollen between her legs and she realised that she must have bedwet as usual. She then noticed her pacifier hanging from its clip as it must have fallen from her mouth as she slept and her tongue suddenly felt dry and in need of a drink. Thankfully Mrs. King must have anticipated this and there was a sippy cup of water in its holder on the fold out table on the back of the seat in front of her, along with a few small snacks including a bag of apple slices and a packet of Graham crackers. Jesse ate and drank all of these as the plane landed at the airport.

As the two Disciplinarians carried Jesse in her booster seat down the steps from the plane, her onesie still one display, she realised she recognised the airport as Farnborough in England. Although Jesse could see a few other planes around, Farnborough was a private airport and she was so relieved that there did not seem to be any other passengers about. Additionally, since it was a private flight, they were able to avoid going through customs and airport security and Jesse was carried straight into a black limousine avoiding any potential humiliation for the moment.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 


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  • ZeroCoolio changed the title to Mount Usher Reform School - Part 5 - 03/09/23

Great new chapters.  They actually came so quickly I didn’t even have a chance to get to the first one before the second one was released. 
On one hand it seems like Jesse has accepted her fate and is completely willing to run into that rabbit hole. She realizes it’s futile to resist the diapers that are ultimately going to be hers in the very near future. Then on the other hand there might still have be some fight left in her.  This trip away from the school might be that golden opportunity to escape.  I think she knows she has no future with being with dad even if she successfully completes the school. So the threats of being further demoted are baseless. She has nothing more to loose except maybe a few years and more of her potty training and control. I would love to see her at least try and escape. Maybe she can get some assistance from old friends. 
At any rate I am looking forward to reading more. 


I like the story, but sometimes you seem to write it pretty rushed and summarize things instead of writing out. The whole potty training thing had a hugh potential for me, but was written too short in the background for me

10 hours ago, parkintochter said:

I like the story, but sometimes you seem to write it pretty rushed and summarize things instead of writing out. The whole potty training thing had a hugh potential for me, but was written too short in the background for me

That happens some times in new authors. It is a very well thought out existence. My guess that we will hear more about a day in the life there.


When I first started teaching they opened my eyes to the parts that you think, even visualize but till you try to put it into words that thought remains a thought. 

Keep writing your on a great path. Think of the people think of the place think of the thing they are doing. Think of who what when where why and how. This day in age if I did not like the way it was laying on paper I may even seak ai for inspiration. Then apply your own flavor. 


Love the premise and the whole set up I look forward to more and future works.


If not we will take a collection and send you to mount Usher.



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