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For those that have a S/O & wear 24/7

For those with a S/O and Wear 24/7  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. How did you communicate your desire to wear 24/7 to your S/O?

    • I was already 24/7 when we became romantically involved
    • I asked them if they would support me wearing diapers 24/7
    • I told them that I would be wearing diapers 24/7 for a finite period
    • I told them I would be wearing diapers 24/7 forever
    • They told me I would be wearing diapers 24/7
    • They asked me to wear diapers 24/7
  2. 2. Has their been changed in the intimacy in your relationship after going 24/7?

    • No changes in intimacy levels
    • Intimacy improved after I started wearing 24/7
    • Intimacy got worse after I started wearing 24/7
    • My S/O no longer is intimate with me because I wear diapers 24/7
    • I am no longer intimate with my s/o because I am diapered 24/7
  3. 3. Does your S/O change your diapers

    • Yes
    • No

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It seems that I have a perpetual interest in returning to diapers 24/7. However there has always been a reason I have given myself not to. But my intrigue still exists on what that is like to be back in diapers full time.


if you are 24/7 and have a S/O, I’m curious on how you approached the topic of 24/7 and how your relationship has changed due to your permanently diapered status. So some questions :) 

How did you approach your return to diapers 24/7?

How has being diapered 24/7 changed your Sex life?

Does your S/O change your diapers?

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I made some selections in the above list, but, for the first category, regarding how I communicated this to my spouse, none of your options fit perfectly. I kind of just started wearing 24/7, and then slowly revealed my hand to her. I'll explain:

I'd been a DL as a kid up until my early teens, when my stepdad found my homemade diapers and waived them around while yelling at me in front of my family. After that, I took a 2+ decade hiatus from wearing or thinking about diapers, and I legitimately thought that "this" was in my past. Thus, when I met my spouse and we dated and got married, I never mentioned anything related to being a DL or AB - it wasn't relevant. Then one day my mom was going through some old photo albums, and she handed one to me to flip through, and in it was a picture of me in a diaper standing by the Christmas tree when I was maybe 6 or 7, and it all came "flooding back" (pun intended). I went out and bought some XL adolescent pull-ups within a couple of days, and then I started buying medical diapers and wearing them when I could. It took me a good long while to look this up online, but when I did, I was astounded to discover that there was other life on this planet - I'd thought I was alone. I discovered real, ABDL products, and they changed my life, but, I was treating everything related to this as a nuclear-level secret. 

Then, I stumbled upon Daily Diapers and created an account, and started reading people's stories, and in preparation for a period in the summer when I was going to have the house to myself for a few weeks, and wanted to try out living 24/7, I decided to spend a weekend at the end of March, 2019, in diapers. It felt so right to me that, come Monday, I figured I needed to see if I could also navigate weekdays while clandestinely clad in baby pants.. Monday became Tuesday became Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.. and all of a sudden, I'd spent a week in diapers, and I couldn't imagine going back. However, it was very complicated living like that, being married and wearing secret underwear. I knew that eventually I'd have to tell my wife, a prospect that was deeply stressful. I envisioned living in a van shortly after that conversation, which I guess would have made being in diapers convenient, given most vans don't have a washroom.  

I have to admit to being a bit disingenuous when I took the leap. I started by telling her that I was wearing them to bed out of concern for an incident that had occurred. And, indeed there had been an incident - but, one in 5 years, more or less. I leaned into that. She knew of my childhood history of being a prolific and accomplished bedwetter, because one of our kids followed that path as well, and my story sort of dovetailed a bit with another medical issue I had going on, so she accepted that I was now wearing protection to bed.

I kept the part about wearing diapers during the day in the shadows, starting out, but I started stretching out the definition of "overnight", getting ready for bed at ever earlier junctures in the evening, until I was openly wearing diapers not long after dinner most nights ("openly" to her, but not to the kids). I also started lingering in my diaper in the mornings (I work from home most days), until I was crinkling around the house at lunchtime some days. Printed products started getting interspersed among the white medical-looking diapers, because "they were on sale". 

Finally, a summer family trip overseas (the same one where I was to have the house to myself for a bit) forced my hand - I was going to join them eventually, and when I did, I'd be sharing a hotel room with my wife. So, I didn't say anything, I just started not being secretive about having a diaper on at any particular point in the day, when it was just her and I in the house. I didn't walk around with no pants on, but, if I had a diaper on and I needed to change from track pants into jeans, for example, to go run an errand, I didn't skulk about and do it like a burglar, anymore - I just changed in our bedroom like I always had, and if she was there, she was there. At some point, she got the picture, and here I am, almost four years later, still at it. 

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My partner had known (and occasionally participated) in my DL side since before we were married.

We drifted apart on that topic.  I wanted it more and more.  She wanted me to stop it.

Eventually something snapped and I told her that she couldn't have that kind of authority over me, I made no similar attempts to control her and that I was going 24/7 until such time as I didn't want to anymore.

That was more than 4 years ago.   I'm still waiting to hit the "didn't want to anymore" moment and by now, it might be too late anyway.   We are still together but it's not exactly been a marital tonic.

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Mine has known and accepted I'm a Little since ... probably a few weeks after we met. They're vanilla FTR...Sometimes play a Mommy role lifestyle-wise but need lots of guidance on the hows/whys.

But even still it was a bit scary to communicate "I don't want nor plan to be continent anymore". I'd been 24/7 and untraining for three months before I formally came forward with it. They weren't exactly surprised, but they still needed some time to think on it and come back to me. 

They ultimately were fine with it, because as they put it, they "saw how happy it had made me the past few months"...I guess in the end that's all that mattered, I feel lucky to have that kind of relationship. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/9/2023 at 9:50 PM, oznl said:

My partner had known (and occasionally participated) in my DL side since before we were married.

We drifted apart on that topic.  I wanted it more and more.  She wanted me to stop it.

Eventually something snapped and I told her that she couldn't have that kind of authority over me, I made no similar attempts to control her and that I was going 24/7 until such time as I didn't want to anymore.

That was more than 4 years ago.   I'm still waiting to hit the "didn't want to anymore" moment and by now, it might be too late anyway.   We are still together but it's not exactly been a marital tonic.

This sounds frighteningly similar to the response/approach taken here, on several other related issues as well.

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