Panther Cub Posted December 5, 2020 Posted December 5, 2020 Hello there, readers! I know, I know, I've already got a lot of projects going so far. But this one is part of an ongoing RP with IronTiger26, and it's a slow go, and I've currently got no new chapters finished yet. So I figured that this first chapter of this new project could help tide you over until then. I hope that you enjoy it! A Mother's Love (Chapter 1) by Panther Cub Pain. Pain was all Dante could focus on, throbbing from the back of his head, where he had been struck. Looking up from the altar he was chained to, he could vaguely see the cavern surrounding this strange temple he had been abducted to. His memories after heading to his car, just two days from retirement, the chained-down Chicago chief of police looked balefully at the thirty purple-robed cultists. In the dim light of the burning torches, Dante could barely make out some of the closer ones. There appeared to be a mix of humans and anthros of several different species. They were chanting in a strange language, surrounding the altar and the carved circle with the intricate looping symbols. He couldn't get a good look at said altar due to the chains and collar firmly holding him in a prostrated position. Then something happened that he had not been expecting, not that he had expected any of this crap. The symbols all started to glow with a soft pink light, making Dante's breath catch in his throat. A low and deep hum started to buzz throughout the cavern, and the chanting cultists raised their voices, and started to chant faster. Then one approached Dante. He was gagged, so he couldn't speak, but he did struggle against his bindings when he saw the silver dagger pulled out from within the robes. It was a wolf, maybe grey fur visible in the pink light, a crazed smile on his muzzle, his eyes wild and focused solely on him. With a single thrust, the knife pierced his heart. Dante looked down at the blade as it was removed, the light brightening with a pink flash. And then all was dark. He felt cold, and then warm, as he flitted into and out of the darkness. His consciousness remained, and his life flashed before his eyes. As he tumbled through the darkness, he still felt warm, as well as a feeling of his perceived self being stretched and smooshed, over and over again. After what felt like an eternity, Dante landed, in a sitting position, with his eyes tightly shut. He waited a few moments before he opened his eyes, and was almost blinded by the bright and loud colors. Where before, he had been in a dimly lit cavern, he now found himself sitting on some kind of plastic bench in a bright and colorful hall. There were bright murals showing farms and smiling animals, forests, beaches, and the like. Before him was what appeared to be some kind of receptionist's desk. There were cobwebs about, and even a few cracks in the walls. Standing on shaky legs, Dante looked around. "H-hello?" he called out in a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. Instead of the rough and tired voice he had long since grown accustomed to, it instead reminded him of back when he was in high school. Looking down at himself, Dante became aware of two things. One, he was nude. The second, and most prominent, he was no longer human. He was covered in some kind of soft grey fur, except for his stomach, which was white. Rubbing his chest, Dante could see that his hands had become more paw-like, muck like his feet, both of which were also white instead of grey. Looking behind himself... he spied some kind of fluffy white cottontail. On a hunch, he reached up and felt that yes, his ears had traveled up on his head and elongated into two long grey ears. He didn't need to feel his pink button nose nor his buck teeth to know that he was a bunny. Although the full-length mirror right there in the hall confirmed it for him nonetheless. "This has got to be some kind of hallucination as my brain is dying," he said aloud, once again hearing a much younger voice. "And apparently my brain took me back to being a teenager as I lay here dying... I guess." Meanwhile, in a nearly vacant room not far from the newly made bunny, a figure turned in place, having heard noises from the main lobby. Curious, the large form silently opened the door, and began to stalk towards the reception desk area. "Hello?" Dante called out, getting up and covering his nudity with one paw, while approaching the desk. He looked around before looking through the desk drawers, having already noticed that while this was some kind of reception area, there were some doors in sight down the hall a bit, and presumably even more further back. He found a drawer of folders and some notebooks, pencils, and other office supplies, and even a tiny gold key. He picked it up and continued to rifle. The figure stopped for a brief moment at the voice, eyes widening slightly, before she slowly continued, and peeked their head around the corner. They stifled a gasp at the sight of the teen bunny, a smile starting to form on their face. They trudged forward, surprisingly silent, in spite of their large frame. As the nude rabbit reached for another drawer, he suddenly felt a large paw settle on his bare shoulder, and a sweet, if deep, voice piped up in the same instance. “Hello?” Dante jumped, getting some serious air, and whipped around, instinctively covering himself as best he could. He stood there, open-mouthed, staring at a large grizzly bear woman, wearing a frilly light pink dress with bows and a white apron. She had a wide, happy grin on her face that was radiating warmth, which helped to calm Dante down a little. "H-hello there!" he stammered, "I'm uh, s-sorry for intruding like this... and while so underdressed, b-but I just sorta... found myself here. Uhm... where is here, by the way?" The bear giggled, the deep voice offsetting the action a fair bit, but still appearing very friendly overall. “It’s quite alright, you aren’t the first one to find yourself here. And you’re currently in Loving Paws Daycare.” "A... a daycare..." Dante's eyes went wide. Dream or not, this being VERY bad. "Uh, I am s-so sorry, I swear I did not plan on being nude in a... in here!" Dante said, his voice cracking a bit. The bear just let out a single laugh, then gently patted his shoulder once. “Mister, it’s alright. Like I said, this isn’t the first time this happened. And there are only three people here at the moment.” Her jolly expression faded into a slightly sadder one. “We... haven’t had anyone else here for a while.” Dante wasn't sure why, but he felt a little sad at seeing how forlorn the bear looked. "W-well, I'm sure that business will pick up soon, uh... Miss... uh..." The bear perked up slightly, and tilted her head as she gave a little smile. “Oh, my bad, I forgot to introduce myself.” The well dressed bear held out a paw. “My name is Sarah. What’s your name, hmm?” "D-Dante," he said, feeling shy as he took her paw and gave it a shake. "Uhm, Miss Sarah, it is nice to meet you. Uhm, is there anyplace I can get some spare clothes?" Sarah nodded. “There is. But first...” She tightened her grip a bit. “Can you come with me, please? You need to be introduced first.” "B-but I'm not wearing anything!" Dante said, trying to pull back again... to find that the grip of the bear, while soft, was like iron. With a tug, he found himself scooped up in her arms, his head over her shoulder, her paw patting his nude furry behind while the other arm was securely holding his back. All soft, yet firm enough to keep him from moving. Securing her new charge in place, she softly spoke as she patted his rear. “I know, Dante. But you’ll find very quickly she won’t mind. In fact, I believe she will be happy to meet you, regardless of what you were in.” "She? Who are you? What is this place?! WHO ARE YOU TAKING ME TO SEE?!" Dante attempted to thrash and kick, but couldn't move from how securely he was held. Sarah didn’t reply, instead heading deeper into the daycare, until they reached a seemingly bland brown door. Smiling, she reached with a free paw to turn the knob. Dante tried to leap away, but one arm was sufficient enough to hold him to herself. The bear pushed the door open, a dim light shining out, and she stepped into the middle of the room, another figure in the corner, standing over a crib looking down at a plush. Sarah picked Dante off her shoulders. “Oh, Mother!” She said in a sing sing voice, catching the attention of the figure. “Lookie what I have!” The next thing Dante knew, he was twirled around, and his feet were on the floor, paws on his bare hips, keeping him in place. His head and eyes spinning, Dante took in the colorful room, and the very large figure standing in it. She was a rabbit like him, but with bright pink fur instead. She was wearing a frilly cream colored dress similar to Sarah's, complete with a pink apron that matched her fur color. There was a wave of warmth and love just radiating from her, seemingly directed right at him. Covering himself, he blushed. "H-hello, Ma'am... I presume that you are the owner o-of this facility?" The large rabbit stared at him for a few silent moments, and just before Dante could speak up... Her paws went to her cheeks, and a gasp escaped her lips. “Oh... my... GOSH!” In the literal blink of an eye, Dante suddenly found himself pressed against her chest, her arms wrapped around his bare body. “He’s adorable!” The rabbit practically cheered, her chin rubbing against the top of his head. Dante spluttered and tried to extricate from this soft and warm prison that was her grip... but found that he did not have the strength. "I-I think that there's been a mixup, I am Dante Christoph, Chief of Police for the Chicago Police Department. I'm n-not a child." The lagomorph stared at him for a few moments, before letting out a lighthearted giggle and leaning in, nuzzling her pink nose against his own. “Nonsense, silly. I know a little one when I see one. And you’re just the cutest thing I’ve seen in so long!” "H-hey! I demand that you set me down right now--MPH!" Dante was surprised to suddenly find something being popped into his mouth. It felt like some kind of rubbery bulb, and he quickly deduced that it was a pacifier. He started to feel indignant anger rise... before his body immediately relaxed. His jaw muscles seemed to move with a will of their own, and Dante realized that he was sucking on the offending object... but didn't have any strength to do anything about it. He couldn't even force himself to spit it out, his body completely betraying him. Despite the relaxation, he still felt humiliated to lay there, in this female giant's arms, being rocked gently back and forth. The giant bunny gently rocked the nude teen back and forth, putting one arm on his tummy and rubbing it in a circle. “There we go, sweetie pie... just lay those weary eyes to rest... I’m not going to hurt you, I promise...” This has to be a dream, Dante thought as he felt a warmth radiate from where she was rubbing him on his stomach. His ears twitched as he distinctly heard them speak, just as he was gently laid onto some kind of soft padded surface. The pink lagomorph lay him down on a padded table, continuing to rub his belly. Suddenly, her eyes widened. Looking over to the bear, she motioned with her head to come over, an excited smile on her face. Dante felt the rubbing stop, and cracked open an eye. He was still sucking what he now saw was a white and blue binky shield, before he spied the large bunny going to talk to the bear. Dream or not, Dante, admittedly sluggishly, started to roll over to hop down from the strange padded table. But before he could do so, a strap snaked out from the side of the table and snugly buckled over his stomach, securing him in place. He growled behind the binky, but the soft 'Nuk-Nuk-Nuk' sound and motion soothed him. Not even looking over at the new arrival as she heard the straps secure him back in place, the bunny excitedly spoke in a hushed tone. “Sarah, do you know what this means?” "Dare I hope, m'lady?" Sarah said, her own excitement growing. The owner nodded eagerly, her ears shaking with the motion. “If we’ve gotten a little one after all this time, then....” She trailed off, motioning to her assistant. "I just knew this day would come, m'lady! I shall go and begin restoring the nursery to its former glory! It will take some time, and I'll need to contact the others, but now that the babies have started to come again, all shall be made well once more!" The large woman grinned, her hands cupping under her chin in excitement. “Ohhh, I just can’t wait! It’s been so long since I had one! I’ll go get him something cute to wear right away!” She turned around, eager to begin. Sarah tittered and turned to leave, before spying on a dresser, something strange. It looked to be silver-ish, and some sort of mechanized device. "M'lady? What is this object? I have never seen one of its like here before?" The bunny turned her head, spotting a look of confusion in response to the item. Trodding over to the bear, she took it out of her hands, turning it over in her hands, looking over every inch of the device. “I... don’t know. What is this? Some kind of box?” "Is it possible that you chanced a look back into the mortal realm of little Dante's origin?" Upon hearing his name, Dante looked over, still suckling. The bunny looked up, nodding, before looking back at the item. “I did, yes, but I don’t see how this appeared because of-“ She was cut off when her finger hit a button, and a flash went off, staggering her for a second as the device began to make a whirring sound. “What was that?” She asked, rubbing her eyes. Despite everything, Dante couldn't refrain from a smile to appear around his binky, followed by a giggle. The owner then gave the smaller bunny a chiding look, before she shook her head with a small grin, turning back to the box. Blinking, she noticed a piece of paper sliding out of the device. Tilting her head, she took it out. “Hmm? What’s this?” After a few moments, the image clears, and shows her surprised face. Her eyes widened. “Oohhh, I get it...” Glancing back to the strapped down teen, she smiled, before handing the camera over to the bear. “Sarah, can you please hold this for a moment? I have an idea.” Sarah took the device, carefully holding it in her paws, nodding to the owner. The large rabbit turned back to the smaller one, striding to and stopping in front of the teen. “Okay, little one. Let’s get you dressed.” She said, reaching under the table. Dante's smile disappeared as quickly as it had come, and tried to struggle... his lack of strength in his limbs making that impossible. Unfolding a certain white object, she gave the former cop a reassuring look. “Just relax, honey. Mother will make sure you enjoy your time here.” "Notta babey!" Giggling, she lifted up the nude bunny’s legs. Turning her head to the bear, she asked. “Would you like to know why I asked you to hold that, Sarah?” Dante could only squirm and blush, with a little muffled whine. In response to the bear’s confused look, the bunny continued, not even looking at her new boy. “That little thing I called a camera. It captures pictures of moments, immortalizing them forever. And all you need to do is press that little button there.” She said, pointing at it with her ear. "Oooh, I see!" Sarah said. She looked through the lens of the camera, one which Dante recognized as being those old ones from back before everything was a phone and a camera, and his blush only deepened. "Ready when you are, m'lady!" Nodding, the pink lady pulled the padding up over the cop’s waist, securing the tapes on the plastic. Giving a smile, she patted the front of his diaper, and said. “Say... Dante’s first diapee!” Before pulling back and allowing the bear to lift the camera and get a clear shot of the padded teen. Dante squeaked and tried to shield his face with one paw, and his new padding with the other, neither of which was remotely successful for the blushing teen bunny. And with the second bright flash to occur in the nursery, Dante, his current attire, and his pose were captured on film for all of eternity, at an angle where one could see all of him laying on the table. “I got it, m’lady!” "Get wid of dat pictew! If anyone sees it, mah caweew wiw be wuined!" Dante said, feeling tears of frustration prickling the back of his eyes. "Oh my goodness, what a marvelous invention!" Sarah said, holding up the picture the camera spit out, once it cleared. It showed a certain mortified bunny boy, freshly diapered, trying to cover up his shame and his identity, both futilely. Sarah cooed at the image before handing it to the owner. "Agreed! It would seem that the children have been busy since we've been away. Oh, I just can't wait to learn more! But first! Sarah," The Nanny stood at attention upon hearing her own name. "Yes, m'lday?" "There's so much work to be done. I must attend to little Dante here. So please get started on fixing up the nursery... oh, and please let the other know that we are back in business!" Sarah's attentive demeanor broke into a wide grin. The bear Nanny saluted. "Yes, m'lady!" She then hurried off, tittering as she did so. The owner watched and held a pink paw to her mouth to stifle a giggle, before returning her attention to Dante. “Oh, sweetie...” The giant bunny said, the straps undoing themselves on their own as she leaned down to pick him up. Dante tried, and once more failed, to resist, and was picked up under his arms, before being pulled into a warm hug, his padded bottom being patted by one of her massive paws. The giant rabbit put her chin on the boy’s head, between his ears. Hugging him closely and rubbing his back, she whispered. “Dante... I promise, that picture won’t be shown to anybody outside this nursery. Mother won’t lie to you.” "Dis has ta be a dweam, wight?" Leaning the teen back, she held him as she cupped her hand on his cheek, looking him in his eyes. “Does this feel like one, honey?” She said, before leaning in and giving him a peck on his forehead. Something abut the kiss, it filled Dante with such love and warmth that he felt as though he were literally about to burst with it all. In that moment, he knew that he was not dreaming. He knew right then and there, that this was his new reality. Pulling away, she maneuvered Dante into a cradling position, and asked again, lightly tickling his stomach. “Well? Does it, sweetie?” The sensation dancing over his stomach made the bunny boy smile and giggle, before eventually letting out a squeal that made his voice break. He quickly snapped to attention when she stopped and looked surprised at his reaction, but shook his head. "No... dis is notta dweam..." After a few moments, the pink giantess smiled, setting him back on the table, this time on his feet. “Dante... I know this might be scary, but I promise. You’re safe here.” She gently grabbed him by his hands, and gave him a gentle smile. “Do you know who I am?” Dante just shook his head, unsure of how to proceed, and deciding on telling this... entity as little as possible. At least until he had gleaned more. He briefly looked down at his diaper. It fit his form perfectly, was white with blue trim, and had a yellow ducky on the back, with little yellow duckies on the front waistband. Giving a little giggle, she continued. “Dante... I am known to all as Mother.” She pet Dante between his ears. “But if you want to call me ‘Mom,’ ‘Mama’ or ‘Mommy’, I don’t mind that in the slightest.” "So is dis wike an adowpshun?" The entity, now known as Mother, nodded. “In the simplest of terms, yes. You’re my baby now, sweetie.” "B-but... I'm owder... well, owder dan dis, but dis is too big ta be a baby. I'm a teenagew now." She put a soft hand on his shoulder, and took out his pacifier. “Well, honey. Anyone who arrives here would normally be much smaller by now. But I think you’re so much cuter like this.” She replied, pulling him in and nuzzling against his cheek. Dante just can't describe the amount of sheer joy he could feel radiating from that touch of her cheek against his. He instinctively leaned into it, and found himself in her arms again, his head resting over her shoulder, her rubbing his back, and supporting him by his diapered bottom. "Am I really dead?" Blinking , Mother sighed, before putting him yet again into a cradle, sitting down on the table and looking down into his big eyes. “Dante... you aren’t dead. Your physical body has been destroyed, and as a result of the transformation, it has been forever lost, but you’re here, and you’re still alive. It’s...complicated, and I don’t want to overwhelm you, but trust Mother when she says you are not dead.” Dante frowns and nods, before starting at the sound of his stomach letting out a rumble. Letting out a soft laugh, Mother stood up and sat the teen down where she was just sitting. “But first, I can tell you’re probably hungry. Let’s get you something else to wear, then get my widdle man some num nums, hmm?” Dante rolled his eyes but nodded again. At least I'll get something to cover this stupid diaper, he thought before, while Mother's back was turned, giving an experimental tug on the tapes. He was surprised that they were fast in place and didn't budge not even the tiniest bit. He then tried to tug the diaper itself down, but it was completely stuck, as though it had been glued on. Mother, after fishing out a piece of clothing, turned to see Dante fiddling with his diaper. She shook her head with an amused smile, and said. “Oh, Dante, babies can’t take off their own diapees, you don’t wanna be nakie again, do you?” "Just seeing if I could. This is so embarrassing." He said, crossing his arms and, unknowingly, pouting adorably. The large bunny simply giggled in response, stepping over to the table and stopping behind her new baby. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Before long, you won’t even mind it.” "I doubt that," Dante said petulantly, turning to keep an eye on the being near them. "Why do I even have to wear this stupid thing? I know how to use the potty!" Dante blushed and clamped his paw-hands over his mouth. "I... uh... I meant to say potty.... no, not potty, potty!" Dante blushed crimson beneath his grey fur. He had been trying to say toilet, but it just kept coming out as potty. Just giving an amused smile, the entity reached down and softly pet the former cop between his ears. “Don’t worry, mommy knows what you’re trying to say. And you need to wear it, Dante. After all, you’re only a baby boy.” "B-but why can't I say it? And I'm not a baby! This body seems to be a teenager, maybe around 18 or 19. And I am fifty-seven years old! Notta baby!" Dante pouted again. Mother gave a soft smile, moving the head pets down to his back. “Well, sweetie. That’s one of the effects this realm can have. It limits it so you don’t have to keep using certain ‘grown up’ words. And like I said before, you were supposed to be smaller, remember?” "So mind control then? Well... poopy." Dante blushed again as that was not the word he was trying to say. “No, pumpkin. You’re still in full control besides that. It’s to help you get used to your new role here.” Finishing her impromptu back rub, she returned her attention to the clothing she picked out, unfolding it and holding it up in the air. “Now, arms up, honey. Then we can get you some num-nums.” "My new role?" Dante asked, stubbornly crossing his arms. "I can dress myself. And I'm not hungry." Dante's tummy took that moment to let out a loud rumble. Giggling, Mother replied. “You can’t fool mama, Dante.” Dante blushed and continued to sit there, with his arms crossed, deciding not to budge until she let him dress himself. After a few more moments of the teen refusing to raise up his arms, Mother eventually gave an ‘evil’ smile as an idea popped into her head. “You know, Dante...” She began, releasing the shirt, the cloth actually floating in the air. “... babies who don’t listen to their mommy usually get a visit from someone.” "Oh yeah? Who? Some kind of enforcer?" Dante said, trying to sound tough and puff out his chest. “Heh. No, but it is someone that all babies don’t want to visit them. Are you sure you won’t raise your arms for mama?” She said, giving him one last chance to change his mind. "I can dress myself. And I'm not a baby." Dante said, resolute. Mother just smiled, and said, leaning in. “That’s such a shame. They’re here now that you said it.” "Who?" Dante asked, starting to feel a little nervous. It was finally dawning on him that this is a powerful entity of some kind, and that for all he knew, he was about to face some sort of eldritch horror. Mother leaned in a bit more, until she took up most of his vision. Then, she whispered four words that caught Dante off guard. “... it’s the Tickle Monster.” And before Dante could react, her hands flew forward, aiming for his unprotected tummy. Dante's eyes went wide and he immediately began giggling. Try as he might to squirm away, it was futile. He had always hated his ticklishness, and now, it was being used against him in full force. Why, he even let out a squeal. The tickling was relentless. No matter where the bunny boy turned, those fingers kept at it, furiously rubbing against his soft belly. “I tried warning you, Dante. Now there’s only one way to make the Tickle Monster go away.” Mother said in a playful voice. "HAHAHAHA O-O-OKAY! Y-YOU CAN DRESS ME!" Dante breathlessly said in between laughter, now on his back, kicking his legs out of instinct, not that it did any good. Still tickling at him, though easing up slightly, Mother looked over at the shirt, as it levitated above the grey rabbit. “Okay, then. Arms up, Dante, then it’ll stop.” It took a few tries, due to his arms naturally trying to cover himself as a shield from the tickles, but Dante managed, still giggling now with his eyes watering, to sit up and raise up his arms. The moment his arms were in the best position, the shirt descended, slipping over his head and sliding his arms into their appropriate holes. And finally, Mother ceased the tickling when his ears poked through the big hole at the top, moving her hands to pull the shirt downward, the hem finally coming to a rest in front of his diapers tapes. “There we go, that wasn’t that hard, now was it?” She said, pulling her still giggling baby into a hug. "That was unfair and degrading!" Dante insisted, his giggles tapering off as he was in her soft and caring arms. He tried to hold onto his indignant anger, but found that she was making it hard. “Maybe...” She reached down and slid a single finger across his side. “But I don’t think you really minded all that much, with that smile you still have on your face.” Dante let out another giggle, and quickly tried to recover and look angry. Mother just gave a smile, before putting a hand on his bottom, and moving him into a cradle position. “Alright, that was fun. But let’s go get my hungry boy something to eat.” And with that, she began to move out of the nursery. Dante didn't like the crinkle from her supporting his bottom. He looked around, seeing some cobwebs in the hall, and even a hole in the floor... that was slowly shrinking? He shook his head before they entered a new room. Tiled floors, white walls, it was a kitchen. There were several short tables with short chairs... and then Dante saw the highchairs, which the being carrying him was heading straight for. Mother began to hum a little tune, moving Dante from a cradle to a position where she held him under his arms. She sat him down in a baby blue high chair, and buckled him in place, and finally set the table in place. "Notta baby," Dante insisted, pouting. “Sure you aren’t, pumpkin.” Mother replied, leaning in and nuzzling him again. “Now, is there anything you’d like to eat?” "Uhm... a chili dog?" Dante asked. Mother tilted her head, looking as if she was in thought. “ not know what that is, but I’ll look into it.” She pet him on the head again. “It might be a little bit longer than normal, but I’ll see if I can make one for you.” "So there's a limit to what you can know? Meaning that you're not omnipotent then?" Dante asked, ever the investigator. Mother nodded. “Well, it has been a very long time since I’ve been able to look into your world. So I do need to get my bearings again, but I’ll learn it in no time.” "So... you've observed my world before?" “Yes, dear. But that was a long time ago.” "How long?" Mother opened her mouth to respond, but stopped, putting a finger to her chin. As she did this, a bib began to float over to the pair. “I... honestly don’t know...” Dante filed this information away for later, until a blue cloth briefly obscured his field of vision. "H-hey, what is this?" Mother reached over, tying it around the teen’s neck before she replied. “It’s your bib, Dante.” Dante looked down at the blue bib with the yellow ducky on it, sensing a theme. "I don't need a bib, I'm not a baby." He said, reaching behind his neck to try and untie it, his hands repeatedly slipping over the knot, unable to get a grip. Shaking her head, she nuzzled him again. “Well, you never know, Dante. Better safe than sorry, right?” She stood up, then turned to the kitchen doors. “I’ll be back in a bit, sweetie. But here, a little something for you.” Opening a fridge on the other side, she opened a little canister full of strawberries, and a big, juicy one floated out and towards the teen. Dante, eyes wide, grabs it, and mumbles a thanks. He then mulls over taking a bite or not, before deciding to just go ahead. The flavor was so sweet and amazing, Dante finished it quickly, licking his fingers. It was then that he noticed the tiny gold key from earlier still tucked between his paw-fingers. Thinking at first about hiding it in his diaper, he discarded the thought and quickly opened his mouth, hiding it in front of his gums. No sooner did he hide the key, the kitchen doors opened up again, but instead of Mother, it was that same bear that he first ran into earlier. “Hi there, Dante!” She cheerfully greeted, stopping in front of the bunny and putting her smiling face a few feet away from his own. “Remember me?” "Uh... Sarah, I think?" The nanny, now identified as Sarah, nodded. “Uh-huh! Mother asked me to come out here and keep you company, get to know you some.” The bear pulled up a chair, and sat down not a few inches away from the high chair the teen was trapped in. "Oh... uh... okay... what do you want to know?" Dante leaned back in his seat, crinkling as he did so. Sarah shrugged, cupping her hands on her lap and softening her expression. “Well... why don’t you tell me about yourself some? I’m interested to hear what you were like before you arrived here.” "Uh... well, I was in my mid-fifties... I was human... and I was the chief of police for the Chicago Police Department." Sarah’s eyes widened at hearing his age, quickly hiding it with a nod. “Okay... I did have the suspicion you were human, going off how you were acting when you first arrived. And... police?” She tilted her head. “What’s that?” "Uh... well, there's rules and laws... and police, well, we make sure those laws are obeyed," Dante said, trying to think of how to explain what police are. “Oohhhh,” she said, nodding in understanding. “So you were a guard?” "W-well, you could say that... just a bit more modern, I suppose." Smiling, Sarah reached up and began to lightly brush a finger on his tummy. “Well... regardless of what you did there, I hope you have a happy time he-“ She suddenly cut herself off, an invisible ripple rushing throughout the daycare and into other parts of the realm. She just sat there, frozen like a statue as she processed what was running through her head now. The light brush against his tummy made Dante let out a giggle. But he stopped seeing what had come over Sarah. "A-are you okay?" She snapped out of it, staring at Dante for a few moments, before she put that same hand hand to her mouth. “Oh... you poor thing...” "Huh?" Before Dante could process what was happening, Sarah suddenly jumped up and pulled the teenage bunny into a hug as best she could. “Mother just looked into your world....I know everything you meant now...” "O-oh?" Dante said, his voice muffled against the bear's chest. He was hopeful that all this confusion about his age could be cleared up. Not changing her posture any, she began to rub her hand on the back of his head. “It’s okay, Dante... you don’t have to worry about doing any of that ever again while you’re here...” She said, her voice soothing as can be. "S-so then you know that I'm really an adult, and not a baby, right?" “Hmm?” Sarah pulled back, looking into his eyes, before letting out a chuckle. “Oh, Dante. What made you think we didn’t believe you?” "Uh... the diapers? The babying?" Sarah simply booped him on the nose. “Hehe. It doesn’t matter how old you may have been, Dante. You’re still a precious baby boy to us.” Dante crossed his arms and frowned... once more accidentally pouting adorably. After a few moments, a thought occurred to him, and he uncrossed his arms while looking at the bear nanny. "Wait a second. If your only frame of reference for my world was... to me, the ancient past, then why are stuff like the diapers and baby stuff all modern?" Sarah sat back down, but continued to pet Dante on the back of his head. “Well....Mother is capable of looking into the past, the present and the future. Though...” The nanny pointed at Dante’s diaper. “She has a bit of...tunnel vision, I believe the expression is.” Dante resumed pouting. "Of course... so that means that she's some kind of extremely powerful being, right? Does that make her a... goddess?" “In a manner of speaking, yes.” "... If this is a dream, then this is the craziest dream I've ever had..." “This isn’t a dream, Dante. Promise.” Sarah said, emphasizing it with another boop. The nose boop elicits another giggle from the grumpy teen bunny. Sarah patted the bunny’s back. “Don’t be grumpy, honey. I think I know what might make you feel a bit better.” "I went from Chief of Police to big baby for presumably all eternity, what could possibly make me feel better?" He asks, still grumpy. Leaning in, Sarah whispered. “How about I get one of those....TVs in the nursery? I’ll tell Mother about it, I’m sure she’d approve.” "... Okay... but, will I have to watch baby shows?" Sarah put on a thoughtful look, thinking for about a minute, before she replied. “Only if you either want to, or if you’re being punished. Something among those lines.” She let out a chuckle. “Though... all shows are baby shows here, considering who’ll be watching it.” Dante rolled his eyes, but still was amused by the joke. "'Kay... I guess maybe that's not too terrible..." “We won’t stop you from doing something if you enjoy it, Dante.” Sarah said, sincerely. “Just as long as it isn’t naughty, and you know you can handle it.” "... What is the definition of naughty here?" Sarah opened her mouth to reply, but she was cut off by the doors opening, and a certain aroma entering the room as Mother returned. “Okay, Dante! Your food is done!” Dante turned to see the giant pink bunny that apparently was a goddess of some kind. She was carrying a, in her giant paws, tiny plate with what appeared to be the most delicious chili dog he had ever seen. He couldn't quite place why, but the sight of it looked just so good. "... I-is that a chili dog?" He asked in semi-disbelief. She nodded, a big smile on her face as she put the plate on the high chair’s table. “Of course it is. You asked for one, didn’t you pumpkin?” "Uh-huh... it just looks so... perfect..." Without thinking, he reached for it, his tummy rumbling. Mother giggled, taking a seat next to Sarah. “Eat up, dearie. It’s all for you.” Acting almost out of instinct, Dante grabbed the chili dog and started to eat it, like he was a ravenous animal. The flavors exploded in his mouth, so rich and delicious, he couldn't believe it. When he was done, he was licking his very messy hand-paws, chili smeared on them, his bib, his chin, cheeks, all around his mouth, on his left eyebrow, and somehow on the tip of his left ear. He burped and let out a happy giggle, his hunger satiated in a way he had never felt before. The goddess couldn’t help but let out a coo at the sight of the ‘baby’ rabbit. Taking out a napkin she put in her pocket, she began to wipe off some of his mess as she asked. “Did mama’s widdle baby boy love his chilli dog? I made it as good as I could for you.” Dante tried to turn his head away, blushing, but he couldn't stop himself from nodding. "Uh-huh! It was the bestest!" He didn't notice what he had just said. Both of his caretakers did, though they didn’t let him know. “I’m so happy to hear that, sweetie.” Mother said, leaning in to nuzzle her little boy as Sarah took the plate away, setting it aside as she began to remove the table. Dante giggled and, out of some weird instinct, leaned into the nuzzle, his left paw still in his mouth, the residual chili sauce being sucked off of it. When that was gone, all but the thumb was removed, all without him even noticing. With the table out of the way, Mother picked Dante up, continuing the nuzzle until she put him back into a cradle position, the napkin wiping off the rest and his bib deposited itself next to the sink seemingly of its own accord. “Okay, Dante. You wanna go have some fun in your playpen before you go nini?” "Sawah said I can have a TV!" “Oh?” Sharing a glance with the bear, who gave a ‘I’ll explain in a minute’ type of expression, Mother returned to her suddenly excited charge, and replied. “Well, I don’t know what that is, but I trust your nanny if she says you can have one.” She reached down and lightly tickled him, before turning to the door. “Let’s get you back to the nursery, then we’ll see about it, okay?” Dante giggled and continued to suck his thumb as he laid there in Mother's arms, feeling content. As they headed back out into the hall, which was looking brighter and seemed to be freshly painted bright pastel colors, Dante started to regain his senses, although he still didn't notice the thumb in his mouth. "Wait... why did I get so etsited juft then?" Sarah giggled, reaching over and scratching his head between his ears. “You’re getting a TV soon, Dante. Remember?” "Well, yeah, but I wav actewn... kinda weiwd!" Dante then realized that he had been sucking his thumb, and quickly ripped it out to wipe on his shirt, blushing. Both of the caretakers let out a laugh, both simultaneously coddling the blushy bunny boy as they approached the nursery door. “Don’t worry, honey.” The goddess began. “That was just your inner child coming out. It’s normal.” "Wha? My inner child? Does that mean my mind is gunna... become erased or something?" Dante asked, worried. Unknowingly to all three, down the hall, a diminutive figure in the shadows rounded a corner and was approaching. Mother shook her head, gently rubbing her finger under his chin. “No, sweetie. You won’t have your mind erased or anything like that. Sometimes you’ll be your normal self, like you are now, and sometimes you’ll become the baby you always were on the inside. But eventually, you’ll reach a point where both of them are happening at the same time. Does that make more sense?” She asked, opening the door to the nursery, the tiny figure quickly but quietly dashing toward them. "... So... my mental state will shift between the two until they... even out and meet in the middle?" Dante asked, wracking his brain for the best way to phrase it. “Yes, that’s exactly it, Dante.” Sarah interjected, nodding in affirmation. It was then, with a squeak, that the figure leapt out of the shadows. It was a brown teddy bear, with a big grin on its face, its black button eyes quickly glowing green before immediately fading back to their black state. "Well as I live and... well, not really breathe... a new baby has arrived!" Came a feminine voice from the stuffed bear, with a distinctly southern accent. "Hi there little guy, wanna play?" Dante's eyes went wide in surprise. "Is that a talking teddy bear?" Both Mother and Sarah’s eyes were also wide, but they quickly returned to normal, the nanny actually leaning down and holding her arms out. “Fluffy! We haven’t seen you in so long! Come here, little buddy!” The teddy ran over and leapt into her arms. Sarah hugged the stuffed bear close. "And yup! We have a brand new baby! Isn't it so exciting?" "It shore is! What's the little guy's name?" "Dante!" Dante said, broken from his trance of amazement. He then resumed his pouting. "And I'm notta baby. I'm a big boy! ... I mean, a grown-up! GAH! I mean an adult!" “Sure you’re not, Dante.” Mother said, scratching him between his ears. “Fluffy, it’s so nice to see you again. It’s been so long.” She said, turning her head to the teddy. Fluffy giggled and held up a light blue pacifier. "I think that the baby is a little grumpy. Maybe his paci would help?" "I said I'm notta baby!" Ignoring the bunny’s protest, Mother gave a faux thoughtful look, and a small smile to the sentient stuffed animal. “That just might help, Fluffy, thank you.” "Heeeey! I don't wa--MPF!" Dante found the nipple of the paci popped into his mouth. Automatically, his mouth started to suckle the binky, and his body became much more relaxed. That still didn't stop him from grumbling and frowning. The much larger rabbit smiled, lightly tickling him on his tummy. “Don’t get upset, Dante. We’re already back at the nursery.” She said, opening the door to said room. Dante once more found himself giggling and even letting out a happy squeal, not once losing his binky or stopping the suckling. He looked around at the nursery, and saw how bright and loud its color scheme was. There were playpens, play areas, an indoor jungle-gym, a ball pit, long bookshelves and a set of couches and TV's, which Mother was making beeline right for. Humming a tune, Mother maneuvered Dante in her arms, before setting him on his padded butt on the carpet in front of the biggest TV. As she turned to the television, turning it on to find something to watch, Sarah shared a look with Fluffy, before stepping forward and putting the bear in Dante’s lap. “Here, Dante. Fluffy wants to get to know you.” Dante looked down at the animated bear suspiciously, but simply sat there with the bear in his lap. He was surprised to see channels flip by, giggling a little as Mother oohed and awwed at the technology. Stopping every now and again on different channels, including a news channel and a show that showed off tech, Mother couldn’t help herself and let out a little coo. “That’s so precious. You mortals have made so many cute toys and buildings.” "Dose are majew awchievewnts fow us!" Dante cutely lisped around his binky. Mother just smiled. “And it’s adorable, just like I said.” She turned her attention back to the tv, as she continued to search through the channels. Dante rolled his eyes... before they became laser focused on the show Mother stopped on. SassMe Street. He remembered about how much he loved watching this show when he was little. Unbeknownst to him, his mouth curled up in a smile, and he started to watch it with rapt attention. Mother looked to Dante, and seeing the excited look on his face made her heart warm up. She stepped away from the set, watching her baby as he began to bounce excitedly in place. Dante's mind was soon fully engrossed in the show. He happily followed along in counting and spelling and in speaking Spanish. Both the nanny and Mother watched as Dante became enraptured by the children’s show. They shared a look and nodded. This was far too cute to interrupt. They would put him down for a nap when the show was done. Dante giggled and clapped along when the puppets were finishing up, waving back to them as the show came to an end. He then let out a big yawn and hugged Fluffy close. Mother and Sarah shared a knowing smile and, turning off the TV, the giant bunny scooped the boy still hugging the plush into her arms. Cradling him, Mother followed Sarah out of the play area back out into the halls, which were now devoid of cobwebs and cracks, looking freshly painted. Mother rocked Dante while humming a soft tune. Reentering the room she had first met Dante in, Mother headed towards the baby blue crib. She lowered the boy into the crib, and gently pulled the soft blue fleece blanket up on him. She leaned down and planted a kiss on Dante and Fluffy's foreheads, before standing back up and starting the blue star mobile above the crib. It played a faint tune, and Mother stood there, just watching Dante hug Fluffy. "I will return after naptime. Until then, keep Dante safe and sound, okay Fluffy?" she quietly asked the teddy bear. Fluffy, with one arm free, simply saluted, bringing a giggle from Mother who, after giving Dante one more loving gaze, took her leave. There was so much about the mortal world that had changed that she had to learn about. Fluffy watched her go, the door closing behind the Mother. Once her footsteps faded, his button eyes started to glow green again. Fluffy, his smile now a sneer, wriggled free of Dante, and stood over the sleeping teen bunny baby, softly sucking on his binky and making a nuk-nuk-nuk sound. "Well now," they said, "you should learn to get good and comfortable, Dante. Because you're here forever and ever and ever, and when I get through with you, your brain will be just as full of mush as your diapers will be." Fluffy let out a chuckle before they started whispering into Dante's ears, which twitched. Dante slept, unknowingly listening, unaware of his diaper growing warm. I certainly hope that you liked the chapter! Please consider taking the time to leave a review or comment! 1
Kaleros Posted December 5, 2020 Posted December 5, 2020 Interesting start. I wonder how Dante got to this place.
Panther Cub Posted December 5, 2020 Author Posted December 5, 2020 3 hours ago, Kaleros said: Interesting start. I wonder how Dante got to this place. Thank you! Hmm... I think that the folks in the purple robes and the one with the knife might have an idea...
Panther Cub Posted March 10, 2021 Author Posted March 10, 2021 Hey there, readers! PHEW! This was an especially long chapter for me and Iron to write, but write it we did! I know some of you are really wanting me to hurry up and update my other stories, and please know that I shall, it's just slow-going. The next story that I am working on, again, slowly, is Tracey's Story. Anyways, we both hope that you enjoy chapter 2 of A Mother's Love! None of it made sense. First, the Chief goes missing. And then, out of all the officers who were much more qualified and with way more seniority, Jefferies was appointed interim Chief, with it hinted that the position might become permanent. That didn't sit well with Detective Rebecca Alvarez. That's why she was currently in Jefferies' office, the 36-year-old arctic vixen having waited for the younger grey wolf to head out first. She had noticed him in the parking lot earlier that morning, him driving up in a brand new convertible. Not the kind of thing he could afford on his salary. Looking through his desk, the first few things she found were just mundane papers, a stick of gum... and a strange old-looking scroll of... taking a whiff, Rebecca came to the conclusion that it was parchment. Curious, she unrolled it, only to find a written language she didn't recognize, with what appeared to be Latin translations. But she only recognized a few snatches of Latin. What was odd was the prevalent use of the word Mother. There were also diagrams for what appeared to be some kind of ritual. Looking around more... she found a strange purple cloth, wrapped around something. Unwrapping it revealed some kind of ceremonial knife... with dried blood on it. A pit forming in her stomach, Rebecca next pulled out a green jump drive, and wasted no time in turning on the computer. On a hunch, she punched in Dante's password... Jefferies hadn't even bothered to change it, the lazy bastard. She inserted the drive and, after waiting a second, opened it up, finding numerous files. Including a video file. The name of the file made her blood run cold. It was titled "Solved the 'Dante' Problem". Clicking it, Rebecca was not prepared for what she was about to watch. The video showed the Chief himself, the side of his head bloody and bruised, coming to as he was chained to what looked like an altar. She watched as he came too and started to look around in confusion, giving his chains a quick tug. Then she watched as a group of people, humans and anthros alike, chanting in a strange language, the symbols around Dante starting to glow a bright pink. And then... Jefferies himself strode forward, a sickening smile on his muzzle before he... stabbed Dante in the heart. The pink light faded, and Dante slumped over, dead. The robed freaks cheered, and Rebecca, still reeling from watching her old mentor and friend die, was shocked to see a number of city officials, including Mayor Hartford herself! Looking in the other files, she found back and forth emails talking about making people sacrifices to some ancient and forgotten deity known as The Mother, in exchange for power from her "favor". Amazed at the brazenness of it all, she came to the conclusion that these... cultists were of the mentality that by sacrificing Dante, they were now untouchable. Letting out a snarl, Rebecca set out proving them wrong. She made copies of all the files and, right there, started to send them out in emails to various contacts of hers, including her ex-husband, the reporter, a friend in the FBI, and several other high ranking officers in other precincts who had been mentioned as possible sacrifices as well. It was only after she had sent the last email that the doorknob started to turn. "Yeah, you tell the commissioner that if he doesn't like it, then he and I can have a one-on-one conversation later!" Jefferies boisterously said as he started to enter. Rebecca logged out and stood up, determining to try and play this cool. The wolf entered and froze, a deep frown on his muzzle. "Detective Alvarez... what are you doing in my office?" Jefferies said, closing the door behind himself, locking it. "I came looking for you... to ask about..." Rebecca trailed off as she followed his gaze... to the purple cloth with the bloodied knife laying right there on the desk. Time seemed to stand still as they both looked up at one another... and then they both went to draw their guns. Jefferies was quicker, his hackles up, as Rebecca started at the barrel of his gun pointed right at her. "How much do you know?" he hissed, his voice filled with hatred. "I know that you are a piece of shit who joined a cult and murdered my friend," Rebecca spat out, thinking on her feet. She just had to keep him talking. He then smirked and slowly approached the desk. "It's more than some cult. We actually found an ancient being, a goddess, and thanks to Dante's brave sacrifice, we now have her favor. What that means, Alvarez, is that I get to do whatever I want, and in the end, I will always win. hence why I walked in on you before you could do anything to... damage my career and reputation." He then reached for the knife, which is when Rebecca stuck. He was close enough to grab his gun, which she did, the two of them wrestling, two shots popping off harmlessly into the ceiling. Rebecca, hearing shouts, felt a moment of triumph as she wrenched the gun out of his paw... just before he plunged the blade into her heart. The last images she saw before her vision faded to darkness was the door to the office being kicked open, officers entering with their guns drawn on a panicked Jefferies, who was still holding the blade in his paws. She smirked... and then she was gone... Or so the arctic vixen thought. She still felt conscious, but the pain was gone, feeling as though she were being stretched and smooshed repeatedly over and over again. Before finally, her eyes came into focus, as she landed on her rear on some kind of black and white tiled floor. Looking around, there appeared to be some clothing on hangers and a couple mannequins nearby. The good news was that the mannequins in question had clothing in her exact size. The bad news? They were each adjourned with symbols and characters that were absolutely embarrassing for an adult to wear. On one mannequin there was a bright yellow t-shirt. That wouldn't be so bad on its own, but planted proudly right in the center was the infamous Barry the dinosaur. Showing off that eternal smile he always wore. Rebecca winced when she noticed that the mannequin was also sporting a pair of pink shortalls. "Why are these kid clothes so big?" she wondered aloud, Looking at the other nearby clothing options, the arctic vixen let out a snort and undressed the mannequin before her. She even rolled her eyes as she took off the Poppets-themed panties as well. It took some adjusting, but she soon was no longer walking around nude. Noticing a mirror nearby, she looked herself over. Firstly, she was shocked at the teenage arctic vixen dressed like a four year old staring back at her. "What's going on?" she asked no one, before making her way around. In the low light, she spotted a light switch and turned it on, illuminating what appeared to be a giant store, with black and white tiles, aisles with shelves of goods. The place looked dusty with some cobwebs about, a few of the lights blinking overhead. She started to head down one aisle, noticing that the theme of the store was supplies and clothes for children... at least, very young children. Why, she suddenly realized that she was walking down a diaper aisle. Making a face, the vixen shook her head, turned to head back... and froze in place. At the end of the aisle, multiple mannequins, including the ones she just took her new clothes off of, were lined up and blocking the way she came. Now feeling a sense of unease, she began to back away and turn, only to realize that more mannequins were on the other end as well. Looking around, Rebecca had just decided on attempting to scale the shelves... when there was a fluttering of wings. It was so loud and numerous, she looked expecting to see a flock of birds. Instead, overhead, was a flock of diapers, flapping like birds, swooping in low and making her duck. Looking down, she was horrified to find some more diapers, tearing themselves out of the packages of diapers, instead of flying up, flopping out and inching forward like slugs. Broken out of her frozen state of shock, Rebecca started to run. She made it a few feet before she went tumbling onto her back. A little dazed, she looked down to find a diaper snugly wrapped around her ankles. Another one fluttered down, and secured her left paw like an iron shackle, and one of the slithering ones went to her right paw and secured it. Unable to do more than thrash ineffectively, she could only watch as a mannequin approached, carrying a tub of baby wipes and a canister of baby powder. The mannequin, a literally pale imitation of a raccoon, kneeled down in front of the struggling vixen, gently grabbing one of her legs. To Rebecca's horror, the fake animal reached up and undid the buttons of her new shortalls, and pulled them down and off of her, which was swiftly followed by the childish panties. And then it began to slowly part her legs as it began to wipe down her private area with the cold wipes, followed by the white sweet-scented powder being shaken down onto her. "Let me go! I'm not a damn baby!" If the plastic animal heard her, it gave no indication of it. Instead, it simply held out one of its arms, and one of the sentient diapers flew down and rested in the outstretched hand, going limp on contact. Not missing a beat, it raised up both of her legs, and slid the pamper under her bottom, slipping her tail through a hole in the back before finally taping it up and around her. The other diapers flew and slithered away, freeing the distressed vixen. She immediately reached down, looking at the diaper. The front had a cute chibi picture of a crow on it, and the waistband and the legs had light pink trim. With a growl, she yanked at the tabs... however, aside from some crinkling, that accomplished nothing. No matter how hard she tugged, the diaper wasn't budging, not even when she tried to slide it off! While she was struggling with her new padding, the mannequin stood back up, looking down at her almost as if it were feeling pride at having successfully diapered her. The sound of rolling wheels behind the sentient plastic snapped it out of whatever stupor it was in, and it quickly reached down, cupping it's arms under the distracted fox's arms and hoisting her up, causing her to dangle in its grip. Rebecca tried kicking and snapping and even scratching at it, but it was all for naught. Turning in place, the mannequin marched forward with its charge firmly in hand, and set her down in a seat. Rebecca had all of a second to realize what she was sitting in, but before she could get out of it, the mannequin snapped the belts together, and just like that, the vixen was stuck in a stroller. "I am a detective with the Chicago Police Department! Let me out of this thing, now!" "Now, now." A voice suddenly rang out through the aisle. "That's no way for a little one like you to behave." "Show yourself you meanie--MPH!" Rebecca found something rubbery being shoved into her mouth, silencing her. She tried to spit it out, but her jaw started working on its own, making her suck on it. At the very moment she did, her entire body relaxed. The source of the voice stepped into view, and Rebecca couldn’t believe her eyes. Standing there, right in front of her, was a sentient teddy bear that couldn’t have been bigger than her knees. It’s button eyes almost seemed to glow as it looked her up and down, before saying. "Mother is going to be so happy to have another baby around. And a baby girl, too." Rebecca groaned around her pink binky. "Notta baybee..." The stuffed bear just laughed. "Funny. That's what the other one keeps saying too. But he'll learn eventually. He's starting to act his age already." He said with a condescending pat to the vixen's head. "Poopie-head..." Ignoring that comment, Fluffy turned to the mannequin that padded her up. "Nice job. Now, help me get her to the nursery. We need to show Mother, quickly!" Rebecca growled and tried to struggle, but between the soothing binky and the ever-so soft and comfortable stroller, the vixen couldn't bring herself to struggle too much. Meanwhile, in Loving Paws Daycare... Dante was chewing a colorful, squishy block while sitting in his playpen, watching some cartoons through the mesh. Mother was looking at him quizzically, while Sarah entered while humming, holding a bottle of juice. "Sarah, do you think Dante seems to be acting a little... different?" Mother asked. As Sarah opened her mouth to respond, that's when the door burst open, and in came a pink stroller pushed by a mannequin, with Fluffy sitting on the handlebars. "Mother, I would like to introduce to you, your new baby girl!" And just like that, all but one pair of eyes went to the new arrival. Everyone was silent. The only sounds in the room coming from the television Dante was sat in front of. Rebecca blushed and squirmed in the stroller, her diaper crinkling audibly. The arctic vixen looked at the giant pink vixen, not knowing a person could be that large. The sentient stuffed bear shuffled over and slowly unbuckled the padded fox. Just in time for Mother to put her paws on her cheeks and practically squealed in delight. "Oh my gosh! She's so adorable!" Before Rebecca could react, the large pink woman zoomed over, scooped her out of her seat, and held her close against her chest, nuzzling the top of her head. "I have a baby girl now!" "I'm notta baby!" Rebecca said around her binky. This pink vixen smelled of talcum powder and chocolate chip cookies. She realized that, in the giant's arms, she might as well be a baby, at least in comparison to height. "Nonsense!" The bear nanny piped up, appearing at Mother's side and started rubbing a paw down the smaller fox's back. "Look at how precious you are! Not to mention those lovey clothes of yours." "Dat stupid ting forced me into dis outfit!" Rebecca pointed an accusatory finger at Fluffy. "Now put me down befow I get angwy!" Rebecca winced internally at how her voice lisped. Mother looked at the sentient stuffed animal in question, and put Rebecca in a cradling position, her hand under her padded rear, and her free hand on her hip. She gave a bemused smile. "Fluffy, did this little girl pick out an outfit she liked?" Fluffy, from where he was sitting on top of the stroller handle bars, gave a nod and a salute. "She sure did! Why, she even tried getting dressed all by herself. But, she needed some help, especially getting her diaper on." Rebecca growled and tried to leap out of Mother's arms and lunge at the stuffed bear... only to find that with one arm, Mother was keeping her securely cradled with very little effort. Both of the caretakers giggled at that. “Aww. Such a good baby girl.” Mother put a finger on Rebecca’s tummy. "What's your name, sweetie?" "Webecca. And I am NOWT a baby! Now, I won tew you again, put me down!" And just like last time, Mother promptly ignored her protests, lightly tickling the arctic vixen. "Aw, 'Becca. Don’t you wanna meet your new brother?" Rebecca had always been embarrassed by her ticklishness, always making her giggle and squeal in delight, much like she was doing just now in the pink vixens arms. Her binky fell from her mouth as she kicked and squirmed. Just before the pacifier hit the floor, Sarah caught it right out of the air, and held it as she moved in front of Mother, joining her as she cooed to the fox. The tickling tapered off, and so did Rebecca's giggles. She only barely registered her binky being attached to her shirt, before being set down in the playpen in front of the TV. She took note of her fellow occupant, a teenage bunny boy wearing a blue t-shirt with a matching blue diaper with a bright yellow ducky on the front. He seemed about eighteen or nineteen, had light grey fur with a white chin, neck, and belly. The last she saw when, as he turned to look at her, his shirt rode up a bit, exposing his white tummy. "Now play nice, you two. Dinner will be in a few minutes." Mother’s voice came from above. If the bunny heard her, he didn’t show it, as he was seemingly entranced by the television. Mother gave a concerned look, before going back over to Sarah, and started talking with her. Rebecca overheard the vixen's conversation with the bear dressed as a maid. "I'm starting to get worried. Dante is acting so different, and he didn't fight at all when I changed his diaper after his nap." She played it off as though she weren't listening, but her ears did perk up when she heard the name Dante. A sudden idea forming in her mind, she, adorably, scooted a little closer to the bunny boy and set a white paw on his shoulder. "Hey," she whispered, "have you seen anyone named Dante around? They might be a teenager, oh, and they're human." Dante turned around, his thumb in his mouth, pulling it out to look at the new girl. She did look really familiar, like Rebecca, his subordinate and friend. He giggled as he saw her big bushy tail and reached out to hug it. "Yeah! I'm Dante!" He cheered, hugging the fluffy tail. "Y-you're Dante?" The bunny nodded as he rubbed his face into her soft, warm tail. "Yup! That's my name!" He opened his eyes, looking up into the shocked arctic fox's own. "Who are you?" "D-Detective Rebecca Alvarez with the Chicago Police Department," Rebecca said hollowly. No... it couldn't be! The grizzled older man who was my mentor? Now a teenaged toddler? "Wow! That's so... so..." Dante started off excited, but he suddenly calmed down immensely, and his eyes seemed to become more clear. He blinked, then slowly started to blush as he looked at her, and his ears folded back. "... R-Rebecca?" He practically squeaked out, recognition plain as day both in his voice and on his face. "CHIEF!" Rebecca hugged him tight, her tail starting to wag and wiggle in Dante's grasp. "I thought... I mean, I saw the video." She said, tears in her eyes. The bunny boy blushed harder, but returned the hug. "I am... or... was." He explained. "When I... died... I woke up here." Rebecca's eyes went wide, and slowly released the hug. "So then... w-we really are dead? Then..." Rebecca blinked back tears and shook her head, looking at Dante with a determined glint in her eyes. "Whatever, it doesn't matter, look, we have got to find a way to escape! I'm not sure about the bear or the... well the giant. But that stuffed bear is up to something, and I don't like it!" "Well... she said I'm apparently not dead somehow. Our old bodies are gone, but we're still alive," Dante corrected, catching her attention. "But... it's complicated." He shook his head, before focusing. "But right. We need to find a way out of here. Something's making me act more and more like a toddler by the day, and it's taking me longer and longer to snap out of it." "Who said? The giant vixen? Who is she by the way?" Rebecca said, standing up, trying to get a grip on the mesh walls of the playpen, not able to get a grip. Dante was about to answer, standing up as well as he could, but stopped and gave her a confused look. "Vixen? She's a bunny." Rebecca stopped and paused and looked at him, her ears perked as she heard the voices of the two female caretakers returning. "The pink giant? But... hmm... maybe she can transform? Or maybe she just looks different depending on who's looking at her?" She saw the knowing smirk on Dante's muzzle. "Still love those sci-fi books, eh?" His ears twitching. Rebecca giggled a little. "How does it feel to wake up as a bunny boy, by the way?" Dante rolled his eyes. "It was weird enough waking up as a teenager again. But waking up covered in fur, with a pair of ears on the top of my head and an apparent need for diapers? Pretty dang weird, Rebecca." "Wait... what do you mean a need for diapers?" Rebecca said, pointing to her own, before grabbing it and tugging futilely at the tapes again. "Are they really gunna make us use these things?" "Yep." Dante didn't even hesitate to answer. "Same reason we're stuck in a daycare right now. I was stuck into a diaper pretty much right after I met Mother." "So what? We're just gunna spend eternity as big babies?" Rebecca asked, just before Mother and Sarah reentered. "Pretty much. I think that there's more to it than that, but...." He pointed to the door just as it opened. "You can ask her for the finer the details... well, the ones she isn't going to just chalk up as being 'grown-up' talk that we won't understand. Rebecca looked over and glared at the two entering, unaware her thumb was in her muzzle. At that moment, both Mother and Sarah reentered the room, making a beeline for the playpen. Mother picked up Dante, and Sarah picked up Rebecca. The pink entity looked into Dante's eyes, and seeing they were clear, tilted her head and asked. "How's my widdle boy doing?" "F-fine... but what did you do to me to make me act all... babyish? Is that what you want? For our minds to just melt away like that!" Dante asked, feeling indignant anger. Rebecca nodded along as she sucked on her thumb. The 'adults' looked at each other in surprise, then looked to Dante in concern. "Dante... I would never do that. Do you remember what I told you when you first arrived?" "Uh... it's still a little fuzzy, but getting clearer, actually..." Rebecca looked on, curious, a thought coming to her, but one she decided to keep to herself. Mother cradled Dante, gently rubbing the space between his ears. "How about we get you and your new sister something to eat, and we can keep talking, hmm?" "'Kay... but hey! I want answers!" Dante insisted, crossing his arms and pouting. Rebecca, panicking a little, looked over to see if his eyes had the glazed over look from before. To her relief and mild confusion his eyes were clear. But the Dante she knew was stoic and great at keeping his emotions in check. This version of him seemed a bit more... childish. Considering that he's now sporting a teenager's body, it would make sense that the chemical composition would be vastly different than his middle-aged self. Mother giggled, and Sarah couldn't help but give a little grin as she opened the door to the nursery, Rebecca in hand. "Maybe, when you're older." She booped his little pink nose. Rebecca found herself letting out a giggle at that and the sight of Dante getting his pink nose booped, prompting him to let out an adorable sneeze. His face of surprise before he resumed pouting was just too funny for her not to giggle, tail wagging. She stopped herself when she realized that her thumb was in her mouth. Okay... maybe he's not the only one. I'm now a teenager too... A giggle interrupted her thoughts. "Would you like this back until we get to the kitchen?" Sarah asked, holding out a familiar sight. The very same binky she spat out earlier. "NO! That's for babies and I'm notta baby, so there!" Rebecca said, incensed, crossing her arms and pouting just like Dante was, all the while, the blue and pink high chairs were growing ever closer. Sarah smiled, putting the binky back in its place. "Okay, fussy. You take your binky whenever you like, okay?" She said, finally reaching the chairs. "Not gunna happen, now put me down!" "Hehe. As you wish." Sarah replied, sitting Rebecca down in the pink chair, and immediately strapping her in. Mother did the same with Dante, but with much less fuss. "What the? HEY! What's the big idea putting us in high chairs?! This is degrading!" Rebecca tugged and bit at her straps, with no effect. "It's to keep both you and Dante safe and sound, of course. And from making too much of a mess. Now can you please tell me," Sarah leaned in closer. "what's your favorite food, sweetie?" "We're adults! We know how to eat!" Rebecca snarked, resuming pouting, before thinking it over. "Spicy BBQ chicken sandwich..." Rebecca said suddenly, not sure why she did. Dante giggled making the pouty vixen turn to him. "Sorry, it's just that your pouty face is silly," he said. Rebecca's rebuttal was to stick her tongue out at the bunny boy, prompting him to do the same. They continued to make faces at one another, until Mother reentered, carrying two plates of food. Rebecca and Dante both froze and stared at the sight of the two plates. Dante's was a cheeseburger and fries, with a bottle of chocolate milk. Rebecca's a plate of her requested spicy BBQ chicken sandwich, with a pink bottle of strawberry milk. Both plates of food seemed normal... yet, they also seemed to shine with the light of pure deliciousness, and both Dante and Rebecca could feel themselves salivating a little. Neither one noticed Sarah quickly bibbing them, their eyes solely on their plates of food set on the trays before them, their bottles in a special cup holder. Both the vixen and the bunny seemed to hold back a little, and then dug right in. The first bite into her sandwich, Rebecca's tastebuds lit up in pure flavor. The absolute epitome of the perfect taste of spicy chicken, the lettuce crisp and brimming with its own taste, each bite more delicious than the last. From how Dante was attacking his own burger and fries, it was a meal of equal caliber. Neither one was aware of the messes they were making around their mouths and down their bibs. Rebecca was completely oblivious as she began to wet her diaper, her tail instead wagging as she licked her fingers, her sandwich now all gone. With a giggle, she reached forward and grabbed her bottle, popping it into her mouth, instantly suckling down the delicious creamy-strawberry taste flowing over her tongue. Dante was doing the same with his own bottle, his mind blown by the pure milk-chocolate flavor he himself was tasting. Looking the two over, Mother let out a squeal of delight. "Oh my goodness, this is just too precious!" She said, whipping up the camera and snapping a quick picture. Letting the picture eject, she waved it a little until it finished developing. "Shall I make a copy so they both get one in their baby books, Ma'am?" Sarah asked, letting out an involuntary coo at the sight of the picture, showing the two food-splattered teens in equally messy bibs, sitting in their high chairs, happily sucking their bottles. "What a wonderful idea, Sarah. You do that, and I'll start cleaning up these messy eaters, oh yes I will!" she said, beginning the babytalk as she passed by Dante and Rebecca, lightly petting their heads, bringing forth two sets of giggles in between the nuk-nuk-nuk sounds of them nursing their bottles. Sarah took her leave, a big grin on her face, while Mother wet a washcloth in the kitchen sink, and set about wiping down her babies. Rebecca finished her bottle, still in a mostly happy full-tummy-daze. Having her bib removed and wiped with a wash cloth made her whine a little in protest, until she let out a loud belch, feeling much more satisfied. Mother did the same for Dante, while he nursed his bottle, giggling since it apparently tickled. "Honestly, I don't know how you keep getting food on the ends of your ears, little mister," Mother happily said, wiping the said ear tips clean of some bits of cheese. Once that was finished, she let Dante continue to finish his bottle while she removed the tray and unbuckled Rebecca. "Now let's check and see if little 'Becca needs a change." Mother said, picking Rebecca up and resting the vixen's head on her shoulder. She pulled out the back of Rebecca's diaper to inspect, much to the former detective's annoyance. "I may be dressed like a baby, but I'm potty-trained!" she insisted with a pout. "Hmmm, so far still clean," Mother said, giving Rebecca a nuzzle in response. She then checked around the leg gathers, making the girl in her arms freeze in shock. "Uh-oh, someone's wet." Mother said, rubbing Rebecca's back while walking her out of the kitchen. "Dante, I'll come and get you once I have your sister all sorted." Mother said over her shoulder and walking back into the play room. There was a padded table just outside the kitchen, which Rebecca soon found herself laid down on, whimpering as the strap was pulled across her tummy. "Oh, don't worry, sweetie," Mother said encouragingly while reaching beneath to grab the necessary supplies, "we'll have you in a fresh diaper soon enough." Rebecca tried to wriggle, but her full tummy made her largely sluggish. Soon, she looked on in horror as a fresh diaper with pink trim and stars on it, a canister of baby powder, and a tub of wipes were all laid out next to her. "I don't wear diapers!" Rebecca insisted, tearing up a little. Mother looked at her confused, before undoing the strap and scooping her baby up into her arms, giving her a rock. "Oh, honey. I know that this is a big transition for you and your brother, but know that I will always be here for you. Now, I'm sure a fresh diaper will have you feeling as right as rain." Mother smiled and nuzzled the arctic vixen in her arms and laying her right back down. Rebecca whined and sniffled a little, but didn't resist as the tapes of her diaper were peeled open. She jumped a little after her legs were lifted and she could feel the cool wipes. Mother was gentle and thorough and made quick work of cleaning her. With one hand, Mother balled up the wipes in the used diaper, disposing of it in the nearby diaper pail. The new diaper was fluffed out, unfolded, and slid underneath Rebecca's unturned bottom. After a dusting with the baby powder, her legs were lowered, followed by another dusting. The front of the diaper was pulled up and snugly taped in place, with Mother checking the leg gathers. Rebecca had composed herself and simply frowned with her arms crossed. She opened her muzzle to complain, when Mother surprised her by leaning down and blowing a raspberry on her snow white tummy. Instantaneously, Rebecca broke out in a fit of squeals and giggles, trying to squirm away and inadvertently squirming right back into Mother's loving arms, who cuddled her close. It was then that Sarah exited the kitchen, Dante on her hip. It was actually quite an odd sight to Rebecca, seeing the teen bunny boy who was only maybe two feet shorter than the bear nanny, held on her hip like the toddler he was dressed as. He was pouting like she had been, the reason why quickly forthcoming. "Dante's diaper was just a little damp, so I don't think he needs a diaper change just yet." Sarah announced, making Dante blush some more. Mother nodded in approval, the two heading down the hall, now the walls painted bright pastel colors, with happy murals on them, the soft blue carpet lining it looking new and freshly vacuumed. In the air was now the scent of baby powder, baked cookies, and lavender. Entering through a doorway with some baby gates going across the bottom that automatically opened to allow Mother and Sarah passage, Rebecca and Dante's eyes both went wide. They had just entered a playroom, with bright painted walls with a massive mural depicting a wooded forest with a creek running through it that Dante could have sworn appeared to be actually flowing. The soft green carpet beneath his feet had toys strewn just about everywhere. Dante was even surprised to find a modern flat screen tv with a GameSystem Y hooked up to it. The toys were a mix of soft plushies, plastic action figures and dolls, wooden blocks, and so many more. "Here you go, sweeties," Mother said after Rebecca and Dante were sat down on the carpet, given headpats, "I just finished refurnishing the playroom here for your very first playtime!" Mother then whipped out her camera and took a couple of pictures of the surprised teens. "Now, Nanny Sarah and I will let you two have some unsupervised playtime, to help you both get to know one another. If you need anything, just call out and she or I will be right along, okay sweeties?" Mother asked, waving the two pictures, no doubt bound for their two baby books. "Uh... sure!" Dante said, excitedly, he and Rebecca shared a discreet nod as Mother and Sarah took their leave, the baby gate closing behind them. Waiting for their footsteps to fade, Dante got up and walked over to the gate, crinkling as he did so. It came up to just over his head, and reached up to see if he could scale them. The moment he tried, however, the baby gate suddenly stretched up, just out of his reach. When, frowning, Dante put his arm down, the gate shrank back, only to stretch up higher again when Dante tried to quickly grab the top. "I'm guessing that we won't be escaping this way," he said drily as he turned to regard Rebecca. "Agreed... okay, so, assuming that this isn't all some dream or hallucination as my brain dies, and I'm starting to suspect it's not, then we need to find a way to escape this place." The snowy white vixen said, getting to her feet and, with a slight waddle, walking around the perimeter of the playroom. "Rebecca... how did you get here?" Dante asked, already guessing the answer. "I-I... died... I was stabbed... by Jefferies... and then I ended up here..." "Jefferies?! That little suck-up?!" Dante asked, surprised and outraged. For the next few minutes, he explained how he had ended up in this strange realm, and Rebecca explained all of what happened after he had been stabbed. Dante was surprised to find that a week had passed since his apparent murder. "But, at least as everything went dark for me, they had that little weasel dead to rights. And knowing him, he'll crack the first chance he gets," Rebecca said with a wry smirk. Dante nodded. "I hate that you had to get caught up in all of this, but that at least is a little silver lining." He said. "But now we have to find a way back... if that's even possible..." Rebecca said, her ears laying flat on her head as she plopped down next to a pile of stuffed animals, unknowingly grabbing a plush skunk and hugging it. Dante looked back to the door, his big ears perked up and listening. Satisfied he wasn't hearing any incoming footsteps or breathing, he reached into his mouth and, from up against his gums, was the tiny golden key. "I think it is, and I think THIS might have something to do with it. I found it shortly after I arrived." "Huh? Do you know what it's for?" Rebecca asked, looking over the gold key. "Not yet, but I figure if we can discreetly search for any tiny locks." "Neither of you is going anywhere," came a familiar high-pitched voice that made the two freeze and look around. They both jumped, both unknowingly wetting a little as Fluffy popped out of the pile of plushies. He brushed himself off and looked at them with his beady little black button eyes. "Before either of you gets any funny ideas, know that you are here forever," Fluffy said, trying and failing to snatch the gold key, which Dante quickly took back from Rebecca and stuffed back in his mouth, between his lips and gums. With a huff, Fluffy instead marched to stand before the baby gate and stare at the two teens who towered over him even while sitting down. "What do you mean, forever? What actually IS this place?" Dante demanded. "This place, Mother's Realm, is a self-contained universe, created and controlled by Mother herself! Long ago, she was worshipped, rightfully so, by Mortals, until she was cut off from the Mortal Realm. Being able to mother and care for her little ones and being remembered is what gives Mother existence. Slowly, her Realm started to fall into disrepair, as you yourself saw, Dante, when you first arrived. Mother knew that if no more babies arrived, she would fade away entirely, as would Sarah and me and all of this Realm! They, sadly, accepted this fate with quiet dignity... but not me. I was created to protect this Realm and those within it. And then, you showed up, Dante. It was as though a breath of new life was blown into the Realm and into us. I'm not sure if you can go back, but by my authority I will not let you find out either way. You will BOTH stay here, let your new Mommy take care of you and be her babies FOREVER!" Fluffy emphasized this by making his button eyes glow bright green. "Oh yeah, pipsqueak?" Dante asked, stepping forward and leaning over the bear, only Rebecca aware of the baby gate opening, her tail tucking itself between her legs. "And how are YOU going to stop us?" Fluffy giggled and smiled. "By helping you remember how to be a Good Boy," Fluffy said. Dante seemed confused, before his eyes too started to glow green. His little cottontail flagged up a bit, and he promptly filled his diaper. The green dissipating, Dante's eyes instead filled with tears as he suddenly lost his balance and landed on his padded bottom with a slight squish, instantly balling his eyes out. Fluffy was standing there, looking smug, until he heard a throat being cleared behind him. Slowly, the teddy bear turned around to see Mother standing there, glaring down at him. "What. Have. You. Done?!" she asked, her pink hands balled into fists. Fluffy gulped and looked up at the large pink goddess. "I-I was helping maintain the Realm?" Fluffy offered, before Sarah came in and scooped him up. "Ma'am, I think I shall go and see to fixing Fluffy," Sarah offered with a bow, hurrying away when Mother gave her a silent nod. "NOOOOOO! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" Fluffy called out, to which Sarah calmly responded. "You aren't technically alive, Fluffy." "... Well, I was right then!" And with that, the two were gone around the corner and down the hall. Dante was down to sniffles, with Rebecca hugging him close, both looking up at Mother defensively. The anger that was on her face quickly softened into one of sadness and concern as she knelt down to them. She held her arms open to them and, after a few moments of hesitation, Rebecca and Dante both slowly crawled into her embrace. "I'm so sorry for how Fluffy acted," she said, hugging them both, "I hadn't thought that the decomposition had affected his... I think you call it 'programming', but apparently it has. He used to love playing with the babies and was made to be a friend and a guardian to THEM. I'm sure Sarah will have him fixed and all better soon though." Mother said this, picking the two up and walking out of the playroom, taking them back into the room Dante's crib was in. She laid Dante down on the changing table, while Rebecca, still clutching her plush skunk, was sat down on the table at his feet. "So there were others, before us?" Rebecca asked. Mother nodded and hummed a little as she reached under and grabbed the appropriate supplies. "Where did they go?" "Well... I don't know how to put it precisely in words you can understand... but, basically, Mommy was tricked by someone she trusted. They convinced me that my babies were all in danger if they remained here, so I had to... send them away..." Mother said, a silent tear running down her cheek, which both Dante and Rebecca noticed. "Send them away where?" Dante asked, still humiliated and hating the feeling of his icky messy diaper wanting to know more about this being and this strange place... and also feeling a little sad for the giant pink rabbit. "Well, I know that you mortals have a theory called the multiverse theory. This is actually very accurate to how reality is. I sent all of my babies out to worlds in the multiverse where I knew they would be safe... and weakened, my connection to existence outside my own Realm was severed by the one who had tricked me. Shortly afterwards, I found a taunting message revealing the truth... I only took solace in knowing that all of my babies were safe and, like I overheard Fluffy say, I accepted my fate..." "And now that you have us... your power is returning," Rebecca stated flatly. "In a way, yes. My heart, while still missing all of my other babies, has been healed by both of your arrivals. You and your baby brother both!" Mother smiled as she said this, the giant pink vixen giving Rebecca a nuzzle that brought a smile to both of their muzzles. "So... can we ever return to the Mortal Realm?" Dante asked, making Mother pause. She tilted her head to the side and seemed to consider it, her large ears twitching. "I think so, sweetie. But, you won't be able to stay long. You are of my Realm now, and it will pull you back to it, well, at least until things are back in full swing here, with more brothers and sisters for you two to play with and for me to care for." Mother continued the change happily humming while Rebecca and Dante both looked aghast. "You mean having more people ritualistically murdered so they can spend the rest of eternity as big babies?!" Rebecca asked, her hackles raised. Mother looked at her confused. "'Becca, what are you talking about? My babies all want to be here and be looked after by me," she said, finishing powdering Dante up and taping up a much thicker blue ducky diaper around his waist. She wasted no time in swapping them to change Rebecca. "I'm talking about the cultists that kidnapped and stabbed Dante with a ritualistic knife, and then killed me when I discovered the truth!" Rebecca said, not bothering to resist as she was changed into a third diaper, this one as thick as Dante's and with pink butterflies on it. Mother froze after she taped up the diaper and stepped back, looking to the two. "What?! N-no! There's not supposed to be any ritual sacrifices! The only ritual that helps guide someone directly here is only to be used for the sick and dying or the elderly who are moments away from escaping their mortal shells!" Mother then leaned in close to the freshly changed duo and looked frantically between them. "You mean to tell me th-that someone's been perverting my love for my blessing and... murdering people?!" Silent tears were freely running down Mother's cheeks, and both Dante and Rebecca felt a pain in their chests for the entity. Mother wiped her eyes and scooped them both up, hugging them tight, which they returned, only with some minor reluctance. "S-so you had no clue that that's how we got here?" Dante asked. "Of course not, baby," Mother said, laying them both down in the crib. She pulled a soft blue blanket up to their chins, giving them both kisses on their foreheads. "But I'm so sorry that this happened. Don't worry, though, I'm going to fix this." "You mean you can give us our old lives and bodies back?" Rebecca asked, excited, sitting up. Mother looked at her sadly and shook her head, a gentle paw pushing the vixen back down and tucking them in. "No, honey, I'm afraid that that cannot be undone. I will see to it that those who did this you both will be punished for it, that much I can do. Well, that and undo the programming Fluffy did to poor Dante here. So, an early naptime is in order for you two cuties. I should be back before you both wake up, but if not, Sarah will still be here for you." Before either could ask any further questions, Mother pulled from her pocket a pink and blue pair of binkies, popping them into their mouths. Instantly, both relaxed and started to suck on their binkies. Mother then began to sing, in a language neither understood, but yet somehow sounded deeply familiar to them. With their eyelids drooping, Dante's eyes flashed green briefly, before the green light faded, going out for good. Soon, the two were snoring and sucking their pacifiers as Mother's voice tapered off. She smiled sadly down at her babies, feeling such remorse that this could have ever happened. She exited the nursery, almost bumping into Sarah, who was holding what appeared to be a freshly laundered Fluffy in her arms. "Oh! Ma'am! I found the problem with Fluffy! It was a quick fix! After a couple of tests, I can confirm that Fluffy is back to his good old self." The bear said proudly, holding up the teddy bear in question. "I'm so sorry, Mother," Fluffy said, his high-pitched voice sounding contrite. "It's alright, Fluffy," Mother said, patting his head, "Nothing I couldn't fix. Sarah, I'll be making a quick trip to the Mortal Realm. I shouldn't take too long, I just have to deal with a small problem I just became aware of. Please keep an eye on the babies while I'm away." "O-oh! Of course, Ma'am," Sarah said with a slight curtsey, surprised. "I cannot wait to visit myself and see how things have changed so much since I was there last." Mother smiled at that. "When not out on business, I plan on visiting often, and picking up some souvenirs!" Mother said with an excited giggle. She gave Fluffy and Sarah one more smile, before heading down the hall and around a corner that hadn't been there a moment ago. Sarah cooed quietly as she entered Dante and Rebecca's room, still excited for when it will be more than just their room. She looked at them sleeping soundly in the crib cuddling each other, their pacifiers bobbing in their mouths. She set Fluffy down in between them, and patted him on the head. Fluffy looked between the two, his eyes glowing once more after Sarah left, but now with a warm soft gold instead of the previous sinister green. He was about to see about exiting the crib and see to his usual security rounds, when a paw grabbed him by the leg. Shocked, he let out a squeak as he was pulled in between Dante and Rebecca. Both asleep, and hugging him. His eyes glowed gold again, and his stitched-on-mouth turned up in a smile. And there you have it folks! Please feel free to leave a review, as it really does brighten one's day. 1
BabySofia Posted March 10, 2021 Posted March 10, 2021 Well this is different... Curious to see where you go with it from here! The writing is definitely solid, and it's interesting! But first, Tracy's Story <nudge> <poke> ? 1
Panther Cub Posted March 10, 2021 Author Posted March 10, 2021 4 hours ago, BabySofia said: Well this is different... Curious to see where you go with it from here! The writing is definitely solid, and it's interesting! But first, Tracy's Story <nudge> <poke> ? Blushes Thank you! O.O GAH! I know! I swear that I AM working on it, it's just been slow-going!
Panther Cub Posted May 5, 2021 Author Posted May 5, 2021 The comic inspired by the story written by myself and IronTiger26, A Mother's Love, is finally here! Presenting A Mother's Love: The Comic! It was a commission done by the wonderful and wonderfully talented PaddedUlf! (To which they get another MAJOR thanks!) (There's some differences for the comic, as there usually is from source material(s) to comic book/graphic novel format. Mostly minor things. Also gunna take this moment to point out that Dante is physically 18, and chronologically 57. There's still not going to be any sexual moments, but it just made PaddedUlf more comfortable to point that out, so no biggie.) We hope that you enjoy it as much as the current story!
Panther Cub Posted May 6, 2021 Author Posted May 6, 2021 26 minutes ago, Pierry Louys said: You gonna post the comic here? Yes, in addition to the new chapters!
Pierry Louys Posted May 7, 2021 Posted May 7, 2021 Happy to hear this ! The comic is already finished? Or posted somewhere like furraffinit ?
Panther Cub Posted May 7, 2021 Author Posted May 7, 2021 4 hours ago, Pierry Louys said: Happy to hear this ! The comic is already finished? Or posted somewhere like furraffinit ? Nope, not finished. And yep, posted to FA. I go by the same name there too.
Panther Cub Posted June 28, 2021 Author Posted June 28, 2021 Hello there, readers! I am so excited to bring to you chapter 3! This story is just so much fun to think up and build on! Once again, I gotta thank IronTiger for their contributions! And, of course, I gotta thank you, the readers, for taking the time to give my story a read. I hope you enjoy it! A Mother's Love (Chapter 3) by Panther Cub "Breaking news out of Chicago," said the snow leopardess news anchor, Tabitha Tundra, sitting behind the news desk just before the live video footage was shown. "A number of high ranking officials have recently been indicted in the disappearance of Chief of Police, Dante Christoph, and the assault and disappearance of Detective Rebecca Alvarez. While charges will also include racketeering, this breaking story of corruption and conspiracy gets even stranger, as all those involved apparently were involved with a cult. Before her sudden disappearance, Detective Alvarez obtained a number of incriminating documents and even video depicting the ritualistic sacrifice of the Chief of Police, and emailed all of it to the press." The live video feed was showing many different people, human and anthro alike, being led out of City Hall in cuffs. Some looked nervous and outright terrified, while others appeared to be calm and collected, a few even sporting confident smirks. "Stacy Miller is on the scene." The image briefly switched to a red panda woman in a red pantsuit, before the camera swung back to the nearby marching line of arrested individuals. "You have no idea what you're doing," Judge Hawthorne said, a rotund old caucasian human man in a navy blue suit with matching tie said to the officers leading him down the steps. "We are protected." "Please tell me that you got that on camera!" the voice of Stacy was barely audible, but it was there, as well as her clear tone of excitement. "We have Mother's favor!" This was screamed by the Assistant District Attorney, a twenty-something eagle-lady, thrashing against her captors. "And she shall make you all pay!" The camera then started shaking and there were shouting voices and a few screams, before the camera swung onto the street. Standing there stood Mother, three times as tall as the tallest person nearby. Some of the prisoners started to blubber, while others cheered, a few falling to their knees. "Mother!" Judge Hawthorne confidently strode forward. "We ask that you punish these heathens for daring to defy us and, therefore, YOUR will!" The pink entity, that appeared as a different anthro species to different individuals, glared down at the disgraced judge, whose smirk began to falter. "You dare ask ME for a favor after what you have done?!" she said, her voice, while loud enough to carry, was composed and sounded stern and very displeased. "And you dare to call others heathens after you have perverted my message and my love?! I am VERY displeased with you, Terrance! In ALL of you who participated in harming my children!" Hawthorne, now bereft of any of his previous swagger, stood looking at the giant pink rat (in his eyes at least) in the soft white sweater and jeans, who stood there with her arms crossed. "B-but, we were following the ritual!" "You followed a LIE! At no point is ANYONE to be ritualistically sacrificed in my name! And now, having shown yourselves for what you truly are, the time for your punishment has come!" Hawthorne, and more than a few of his fellow arrested cultists, looked around at the officers, some of whom were still staring in awe at the appearance of a literal goddess, while a few had their guns drawn. Hawthorne opened his mouth to speak, but instead let out a squeak. He doubled over in apparent pain, as his fellow cultists also did the same, some letting out shrieks. They all began to shrink, their clothes quickly pooling around them, growing younger, while the human ones started also growing fur or feathers or scales. Soon, there were around fifteen screaming and crying infants, none old enough to walk or, seemingly, capable of talking. "For the love of all that is holy, tell me you got all that on camera!" The picture swung to Stacy, who was looking a combination of terrified and excited. "C'mon, Larry!!" The picture jiggled as the cameraperson followed the red panda down the steps and approached, with hesitation, Mother. Stacy looked up at the giant pink red panda, who was looking forlorn as she cupped her fluffy cheeks in her darker pink paws. "Excuse me, uhm, Mother?" Stacy asked, catching the entity's attention. "Oh? Hello there, sweetie. Do you need a hand with something?" she asked, kneeling down a little to be closer to Stacy's level. The sternness was gone from her voice, instead sounding like her usual caring and chipper. Back the way Stacy had come, officials were scrambling to pick up the squaling babies and make sense of what had happened. "Uh... are you... are you the entity known as 'Mother' that the cultists worshipped and sacrificed to?" Stacy, while terrified, forced the question out, holding out her mic for Mother to speak into. Mother looked at her sadly and nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. However, I never asked anyone to harm anybody. I was so disappointed when Dante and Rebecca told me what happened to them." "Wait... do you mean the former Chief of Police, Dante Christoph and Detective Rebecca Alvarez? Their bodies were never found, with camera footage and witness testimony claiming that they disappeared in a pink ball of light! Are you saying that they are still alive?!" Stacy was practically salivating over all the different journalism awards she was going to win. "Well, when someone comes to my realm, it's not exactly death. More like their body is reformed. I'm not really sure how else to explain it so that you mortals can understand," Mother said, looking down at the microphone and poking it. She then looked up at Stacy with a warm smile. "Is this your favorite toy, sweetie?" "U-uh, it's a tool of my job," Stacy said, blushing a little. She was about to ask another question when Mother, noticing the camera, leaned forward and began to examine it closely, giving viewers a close up of different giant pink anthro faces. Mother backed away and giggled. "My goodness! All the interesting little toys you've all been making..." Mother tried, and failed, to hold in an excited SQUEA. "They're all so cute! And inventive! I can't tell you all how proud I am of you for how far you've come since I was last here!" "U-uh, on behalf of us mortals... thank you... but are you saying that you've been here before?" Stacy asked, nervous about how sideways this interview was starting to go, and trying to get it back on track. "Absolutely. Not sure how long ago it was, but once I'm fully reconnected to your world, I'll have a much better idea!" Mother then paused and looked to her wrist, where a pink watch appeared. "Oh goodness! I need to get back home! Dante and Rebecca should be waking up from their nap soon, and I'd hate for them to wake up without me there!" "B-but!" Stacy sputtered, before receiving a pat on her head. "Don't worry, honey, I'll be back, I promise. How about in a week I'll come back and you and your friends can ask me some more questions, okay?" Mother asked, leaning over the now slightly intimidated reporter. "O-oh, well, I suppose that that could work, as I'm sure you can guess, a lot of our viewers have a lot of questions--" Stacy was silenced by something being pushed between her lips. Mother then pulled her into a hug and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Alright, one week it is! I'll send my envoy in a few days to help iron out some of the details. Now, you be a good girl while I'm gone, and I'll bring you back a present, okay, hun?" Stacy, now blushing bright red on camera, a yellow binky in her muzzle, nodded. Mother hugged her one more time, before letting go, standing up, and waving bye. She then disappeared in a shower of sparks, all pink, just as some of the formerly frozen police officers ran up, some having been shouting for Mother to put her hands up, all of them ignored. Stacy then turned to the camera and, still blushing, unaware of the binky still in her mouth, addressed it. "I am Stacy Miller," she lisped, before realizing what was in her mouth and spitting it out. "Uh... thank you, Stacy," Tabitha said as the news feed cut back to the studio. "Folks, I'm not entirely sure of what we just witnessed... but it appears that some... powerful entity has made contact with our world... and will be sitting down with us for an interview here in the studio..." The TV blared in the cheap motel room, the occupant oblivious to what was being broadcast, the shower running while a male voice drifted out, singing bits and pieces to the new song he was working on. After a few minutes, the water cut off, and out stepped Eric Simmimura. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist, and was using a second one to dry his short black hair, with the bright blue tips. He was just starting to notice the TV showing a giant pink skunk lady on it, when there was a knock at his door. Snapping his attention to the door, he walked over and peered through the peephole, and smiled. He unlatched the door and opened it. "Carl!" he said to his friend and the bass player of their punk-rock band Dyer Wulf. "Hey man, what's happening?" Eric asked, letting the shorter, leaner man inside. Once the door was shut, Carl seemed to find his voice. "Uhm... you said that we would use MY song tonight?" Carl brushed aside his long blonde locks out of his eyes and frowned at Eric, who simply sheepishly shrugged and held up his hands. "Sorry, man, we just got caught up in the moment. Plus, I've been really wanting to bust out that other song I wrote, y'know?" Eric said, not sounding truly sorry. "Kinda like how I've been feeling about MY songs?" Carl huffed, slipping both of his arms behind his back, his expression becoming a glare. Eric rolled his eyes and casually brushed past. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Look, Carl, next time, okay?" Eric placated as he started to walk past the TV towards the bathroom. "Yeah... next time, just like you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that," Carl said, turning and following Eric, who stopped, rolled his eyes, and just looked up to the ceiling, shaking his head. "Point taken. So next gig for sure. Cross my heart and hope to die and all that, okay?" Eric offered, without even turning around. "Yeah... my sentiments exactly, dude," Carl said, a coldness creeping into his voice. Eric was about to turn and ask what Cal meant, when he felt an impact to his back, all the air being punched out of his lungs. He let out a gasping, wet breath, as his knees started to buckle. Falling to the floor, he looked up at a grim, sallow-face Carl, who was holding some kind of stone knife that was glowing with a pink light from some etchings down the side, slick with a dark red liquid. "You disappear, and become an indie-punk burnout as far as everyone else is concerned. And I take over. It's my time to shine, Eric," Carl said, his face breaking out into a wide grin as, when Eric reached for him, wetly coughing, the young man on the floor became surrounded in a ball of pink light that immediately vanished without a sound. Carl went to the bathroom and grabbed a fistful of toilet paper to clean the blade, flushing the used paper when finished. It was as he was briskly walking towards the door he saw an image on the TV that made him freeze. "Uncle Terry?" Carl Hawthorne asked, a note of worry creeping into his voice, and a coldness tickling its way down his spine. The news was replaying the footage over and again, explaining the events that had happened minutes ago. Carl began to breathe heavily as he watched the giant pink weasel lady punishing his fellow followers. "Th-that's... not right..." he let out in a breath laced with despair and sheer terror. Looking around the room, as though looking for Eric to reappear, or for the pink weasel to, Carl ran to the door, threw it open, and then bolted out the room and down the stairs. * * * Eric lost all sense of time. After the pink flash, all was darkness for him. He felt his entire body become warm, and then be compressed and expanded, stretched and pulled and smooshed. This happened repeatedly, over and over, before it stopped, and Eric, now feeling better, took some unsteady breaths. He felt itchy all over and started to scratch himself, tentatively getting to his feet. "Carl?! You b... you b... you BIG MEANIE-HEAD!" he yelled out, taking some wobbly steps forward. Looking around, there seemed to be some trees off in the distance... but they seemed odd. Strangely... flat. And instead of grass, the green beneath his feet was a soft carpet. "So this is some kind of... okay those are toys, so some kind of playroom." Eric stated, spotting a door away in the distance. It was as he looked at his feet again that Eric froze. His feet, before pale and hairless and definitely human, were now more... paw-like, and covered in a dark black fur. Looking himself over, he realized he had a big bushy tail, also black... but with a large white stripe going up the middle. The white matched his belly. His hands were paws as well, and he used them to feel his face. His ears, now flatter and pointed, rested atop his head. Spying a mirror, Eric rushed to it and confirmed his fears. He was now a skunk, with an extra tuft of white fur atop his head, and a bright pink tiny nose. Not being an expert judge of anthros, Eric still figured that the skunk looking back at them in the mirror was in their late teens. And, most distressing to him in the moment was something else. "I'm... a girl? B-but... no, I'm a boy!" Eric wiped away some angry indignant tears from his bright green eyes. "CARL! YOU PIECE OF POOPY!" Wiping their eyes, the skunkette froze at the sound of the doorknob being turned. Without thinking, Eric spotted a pile of plushies, some as big as they were. Just before the door opened, Eric leapt into the pile and froze, peeking out. Coming through the door was a large brown bear woman wearing a pink t-shirt, jean shorts, and a white apron. "Hello?" Sarah called out, looking around confused. "Ariel, is that you? Now that the Realm has reconnected to the Mortal Realm, I had figured that you would still be out in the playground?" Not seeing this Ariel, the bear looked around, still confused, entering proper and shutting the door behind herself. "I know I heard a voice in here? Honey, it's okay to come out, you've got a new brother and sister to meet after all... unless... OH! Is there maybe a new, possibly scared, little one here, maybe playing hide and seek?" Sarah asked, now sounding playful. Eric stayed perfectly still as the bear moved about the room, looking around. Sarah stopped and examined one of the walls, reaching out and touching it. "Goodness! Already the playroom is almost back to its full operation! Oh, I just can't wait for little Dante and 'Becca to have so much fun playing in here... hmm, if there's any more babies abound, perhaps I should see about constructing a little play town, huh?" Sarah said, spinning on her heel and stopping, staring straight at the plush pile Eric was in. His stomach was a hard ball of ice inside as Sarah walked towards it. "Now, if I was a scared little one in a new place, and I decided to hide in the playroom, what's one place that would make for an excellent hiding spot? Why, in a pile of stuffed new friends!" Without warning, she bent over the pile and her arms shot forward inside. Eric let out a surprise squeak as they wrapped around them, pulling the scared skunk out of the pile and hugging them close to her chest. "There you are! Oh, look, you even found yourself a little friend!" Sarah excitedly said, giving Eric a nuzzle. "Huh?" Eric wondered, realizing that while they were being securely cradled in the bear's arms, there was a grey plush bunny with a white chin, tummy, and cottontail, securely cradled in their own arms. "Uhm... h-hi... I think that there's been a mistake." "I'll say, cutiepie!" Sarah said, giving Eric a nuzzle. "We can't have a pretty little girl like you running around naked!" Sarah then turned and headed towards a wardrobe and some kind of padded table that Eric could have sworn hadn't been there before. "W-wait! I'm not a little kit! I'm not even a skunk! I'm a human! And I'm a boy!" Eric protested as they were laid on the changing table, the belt snugly being brought across their tummy. They struggled, weakly, against it, unable to open the buckle. They opened their mouth to protest, but found some kind of rubber bulb shoved in. It was a pacifier with a purple shield. Eric frowned, intending to spit it out and curse out the bear... but instead instantly relaxed, their mouth starting to automatically suckle the binky. "There we go, all nice and relaxed," Sarah said, starting to hum as she reached under the table, pulling up a diaper with purple around the waistband and leg gathers, and a purple butterfly on the front and back. Next came a canister of baby powder, and a tub of baby wipes. Eric was powerless to resist as Sarah set about wiping down their diaper area, before lifting up their legs and sliding the unfolded diaper underneath them. "Now, I know that this must be all so confusing and scary, honey, but please don't worry. Your body has changed to match your innermost self! Hence the change in species, age, and even that little extra." Sarah said this with a wink as she started to apply powder to Eric's front, and then bottom. Undoing the strap, Sarah taped up the diaper, and rolled the skunkette over to do the tape above the hole for Eric's tail. "There! All nice and secure! Now, let's get you a pretty new outfit, and then you can meet your new brother and sister!" Sarah scooped the still relaxed Eric, who whined and hugged their bunny closer, into her arms and turned to the opened wardrobe. With a free hand, Sarah rummaged around in it for a second, before pulling out an outfit that, despite the binky, made Eric tense up. Eric was looking at a bright lavender skirt-all with a yellow shirt on it underneath. Despite Eric's clumsy attempts at struggling, the yellow shirt with a daisy on the front was slipped over their head and arms, followed by the skirt-all. Eric tried to undo the buttons and when that failed, tried to pull it all off... also finding that quite impossible. With a huff, they gave up, suckled their binky, pouted, while hugging their new bunny. "Perfect! Oh your mommy is just going to gush over how precious you are when she returns! But first, let's go get your brother and sister up from their nap! I'll bet that they'll be so excited to have a new sister to play with!" Sarah said, snapping her fingers, making the wardrobe and changing table disappear in a puff of smoke, and then head out the door to the brightly-lit halls, which were well maintained and freshly painted in murals. The walls just outside the playroom had a pirate theme. Eric briefly noticed this before they entered another door to a large white room, with a blue crib in the center. Inside were two sleeping figures... that Eric quickly realized were as big as him. One was an arctic vixen, and the other a grey and white bunny, not noticing that the bunny boy looked just like their new plush friend. Before Sarah could walk them any closer, another door just appeared, and in stepped the largest... and pinkest skunk Eric had ever seen. Sarah smiled and gave a quick one-handed curtsey. "Hello, Ma'am!" she said quietly. "I take it that your smiting was most successful? You'll be pleased to know that while you were away, Dante and Rebecca have been sleeping soundly, with no further glitches from Fluffy. Also, we have another new arrival!" Eric grumbled around their binky as they were presented like a gift. The skunk had been nodding along, smiling, staring at the crib in excitement, her ears perking up and turning in their direction when Sarah had mentioned the 'new arrival'. Mother turned her head, her paws flying to her cheeks, and she let out a quiet coo. "Oh my goodness! She's just adorable!" Eric was quickly swept up into her arms and bounced, hugged, and cuddled. "Welcome home, sweet pea!" Eric struggled and tried to kick, but only found themselves nuzzled and showered in kisses. "Notta baybee!" They lisped out. Mother chuckled and rested the skunkette's head on her shoulder. "Another baby so soon," she said, making Eric grumble in protest. "Do you think that this one was a convert?" She asked Sarah. "It's hard to say, Ma'am," the large brown bear said with a shrug. "She seemed scared when I found her. But it is logical to assume that being disconnected from us for so long, that even a recent convert would be unsure and terrified to find that your Realm is real." "True," Mother said, gently patting Eric's padded bottom. She pulled them away a bit, still cradled in her arms, gently rocking and humming. "How about it, sweetie? Have you heard of me before?" Eric looked up at her puzzled, and whined, shaking their head no. Mother frowned, a single tear running down the side of her muzzle. "Then... I take it that... someone... hurt you to send you here?" Eric nodded, feeling a pain in their chest at the sight of tears in Mother's eyes. Silently, out of instinct, they leaned forward and wrapped their smaller arms around her neck in a hug. Mother sniffed and smiled, returning the hug. "Oh, honey. What's been done cannot be undone, but please know that you will be loved and cared for, always. I'll personally make sure that this becomes your home, as much as it will be for your siblings." Mother wiped her eyes, and kissed Eric on their forehead. She removed the binky, letting it fall, since it was clipped onto the skirt-all by a lavender ribbon. "Now, what's your name, honey-skunky?" "Jessica," Eric said, their eyes growing wide. "Huh? That's not my name! It's Jessica! NO! I'm not a girl! I'm a boy, and my name is Jessica!" Eric/Jessica, now the one with tears in her eyes, looked up in confusion at Mother. "Oh, honey," Mother said, hugging the skunkette, "when you come to the realm, you become your truest self. Maybe there was a part of you that you were not entirely aware of? Or just not willing to acknowledge?" "N-no! That's not possible!" She cried, leaning into Mother's shoulder and sobbing. Mother looked to Sarah who nodded and checked on the two sleeping babies in the crib, while Mother resumed humming and rocking the newly minted Jessica. After a few minutes of crying, which turned into sniffles, Jessica looked up at Mother and pouted. "I'm s'posed to be a rock star! Not a big baby girl!" "Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetie. But maybe we can work something out? As the connection between our Realm and the Mortal Realm grows stronger, maybe we can take little vacations there from time to time? Then you can bring all of your pretty star-rocks back here and take them back over to show off to everyone? How does that sound?" Jessica looked up at Mother with a half-lidded stare. "You don't know what a rock star is, do you?" Mother looked a little flustered at that and blushed. "W-well... do you collect rocks from space?" A pair of giggles drew their attention to the crib. Sitting up and rubbing their eyes was Dante and Rebecca. Rebecca let out a yawn, still hugging Fluffy to her chest, and smiled, half of her fur mussed up with bed-fur. Dante was sucking on a bottle of juice that he pulled out, with a small burp, and chuckled a little. "She doesn't know a whole lot about our modern world," he said, before the nipple of the bottle found its way back between his lips, and he resumed nursing the liquid inside. "Apparently," Jessica said. Mother, still blushing a little, puffed out her cheeks a bit and tried to look stern. "Hey now, I've been away for... I think maybe ten thousand years! I'll have to double-check!" Rebecca and Dante were outright laughing and, despite their misgivings about the situation, so did Jessica. Mother let out a breath and rolled her eyes. "Alright, fine, I'll admit that I may be a little behind the times. But I'll learn more as I reconnect! For now though, I think I smell quite the ripey diapey." That silenced the three, except for Jessica who was looking at the two in the crib. "Wow, no wonder you guys are in diapers," she snickered, before letting out an EEP! Mother had lifted up the back of her skirt and pulled out the waistband of her diaper. "Well, it's not our little skunk-butt just yet," she said, then checking for wetness, much to Jessica's further embarrassment. Now it was Dante and Rebecca's turn to snicker. "And you're a little wet, but this diaper can handle much more, so you're good for right now, cutie," she said, giving a beet-red Jessica one more kiss on the forehead, before passing her off to an awaiting Sarah. Mother then knelt over the crib and scooped up the two, three if Fluffy, still being hugged by Rebecca, counted. Expertly, she checked both the fox and the vixen. "Well goodness, two fully loaded diapers! Aww, that must've been from the solid foods I fed you as a special treat. Well, don't worry, we'll switch you two to babyfood and formula for a while." "Aww, come on!" Rebecca whimpered, hating the mushy feeling at the back of her diaper and wanting it fixed as soon as possible. "Hehe, served you two babies right!" Jessica said as Sarah carried her out of the room. Jessica stuck her tongue out at them before the door closed, making Dante and Rebecca roll their eyes. "Oh great, so we're gunna be stuck with someone THAT childish?" Dante lamented after he had finished his bottle, right before Mother burped him. He was set down with a squish at the end of the changing table while Mother saw to Rebecca first. "Like we're ones to talk," she said, the tapes to her diaper ripped open. "Now, now," Mother softly chided, reaching for the changing supplies as she lifted up 'Becca's legs. "Be nice to your new sister. She just arrived, after all." Dante pouted. "Maybe... but she doesn't have to be mean about it, especially since she's in diapers too." His thumb found its way into his mouth, and the bunny boy sat there, suckling, forgetting all about his messy diaper while Rebecca was wiped. "You're not really gunna make us eat babyfood, right?" the arctic vixen queried. The deity simply nodded, grabbing the fox's pacifier and holding it to her mouth. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but grown up food can upset your tummies. That’s why both of you are so messy." Rebecca whined... but accepted the binky, feeling soothed instantly. She couldn't resist a giggle as the baby powder wafted up to her nose, tickling it, and making her sneeze. "It's not fair. We're adults, not babies," Dante lisped around his thumb. An idea striking him, he turned and looked up at Mother, making the saddest puppy eyes he could make. "Can we pwease eat solid foods?" He felt ashamed of himself for trying it, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Awwwww!" Mother couldn't help herself but let out a coo. Taping up Rebecca's pawper, she set the vixen down, and proceeded to pick up her bunny boy, holding him close. "How about this, honey? Every now and again you can choose to have some grown up food as a snack. Some dinner on occasion if you've been a good boy. How does that sound, hmm?" Dante, blushing, especially as he felt the seat of his diaper once again and was reminded of its current state, thought it over. "And include any special occasions and you got a deal." He said with a blush. "Deal," The goddess said with a kind smile, placing her baby on the table, outstretching her pinky finger not a foot away from him. Rolling his eyes, Dante used his free paw to complete the pinky promise. He was then laid onto the changing table, his diaper opened. As Dante received his diaper change, Mother began to softly hum a nursery rhyme. The sound of her voice alone as she did so helped Dante relax, not fidgeting in the slightest as she wiped up his mess, even giggling as his sister had when the powder came drizzling down on his waist. Dante, sucking his thumb, looked up at Mother. He still had a little blush on his face, but he smiled up at her. Okay... she doesn't seem to be some kind of evil ancient goddess... I'll give her that... he thought, letting out a squeal he had no idea he was capable of when she leaned down to blow raspberries on his exposed tummy. Mother smiled at that sound. The adorable, happy squeals like what Dante gave off warmed her heart. Giving a giggle of her own, she relented and pulled away as she taped up Dante's diaper. She picked both of the babies up and cradled them in her arms. "There we go, nice and clean. Ready to get to know your new sister?" Dante rolled his eyes and nodded, finding his head resting on Mother's shoulder, while Rebecca was doing the same. At some point, Fluffy had gotten away, and appeared to be straightening his plush fur out before walking away. The two found themselves in the TV room where Jessica sat in the playpen, watching some Limping Deceased. The skunk in question was in a beanbag chair, eyes glued to the surprisingly massive flat screen with a smile. Just from a quick glance, you would see a group of animals on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs, a large wolf clad in a leather jacket and red scarf holding a bat towering over all of them. Rebecca and Dante, freshly changed and deposited into the giant, to them, playpen, looked at one another, before receiving gentle pats to their padded bottoms. With noticeable waddles, they made their way over to the skunkette, who was sucking on her yellow binky. "H-hey," the bunny boy said, suddenly feeling inexplicably shy, trying to tug his shirt down over his diaper more. "I'm Dante." "And I'm Rebecca," the vixen said, pulling out her own binky, unknowingly smiling a little at the sight of the green ribbon it was attached to clipped to her own shirt, before letting it drop and looking back at the diapered teenaged skunk before her. The skunk looked over to the pair. And gave a smirk. "Oh, hey. You babies got a diaper change after all. I guess that's better than you two stinkin' up the joint." "Yeah, as you will too, in the near future," Dante said with a frown. "And we're not babies. Mother and Sarah just treat us, you included in that 'us' statement, like babies." The punky-skunky pouted, crossing her arms. "Yeah, right. Unless you can actually prove it, I'm not buying it." She shifted in place, the plush bunny that she hid right behind her sliding down the bean bag chair. "... I'm Jes-" She started, silently fuming for a minute before letting out a huff. "I’m... Jessica." "Well, Jessica, welcome to our new home for the time being. Where we will all be babied and coddled and all that wonderful stuff," Rebecca snarkily said, taking a crinkly seat next to the beanbag chair. "Yeah, and if it's proof you want, how about that damp padding wrapped around your waist?" Dante said with a shrug, taking a seat on Jessica's other side. "So, how old were you before you became a teenager?" The skunk shot the rabbit a look, crossing her legs with a blush as she replied. "...25. Turning 26 in a couple weeks." "Well, you look like you're goin' on nineteen in a couple weeks now... I know the feeling. I was fifty seven," Dante said, thumb inserting itself back in his mouth. Jessica stared wide eyed. "... Oh yeah? And how about her?" She pointed a thumb at the fox. "Thirty-six," Rebecca said, playing with her tail. "I was a detective with the Chicago Police Department... Dante there was the Chief of Police." "That was until I got ritualistically sacrificed by a cult," Dante said, with a grumpy grumble. "And I got killed when I found out the truth," chimed in a forlorn-sounding Rebecca. "... Hold on a minute," Jessica said. She looked back and forth between the two. "Were you guys stabbed by a weird looking knife?" Dante and Rebecca both froze. "Made of stone?" Dante asked. "With runes on the side that glowed with a pink light?" Rebecca questioned. Jessie said nothing, just slowly nodding with a look of growing horror. "I take it that that's how someone punched your clock?" Dante asked, unaware of how silly a scrawny teen bunny boy in a sailor shirt and blue ducky diaper asking that sounded. Matter of fact, if not for the reality of the situation, Jessica probably would have burst out laughing. "... Yeah… Carl…" she quietly said. "... My band mate... my... friend..." Dante frowned. "I'm sorry... it was a whole group of them for me... and there were more than a few faces I recognized... some I even trusted..." "... I'm ... I'm sorry," The skunk genuinely apologized. At some point she grabbed the plush rabbit, holding it close. "Me too..." Dante said, wiping at his eyes and letting out a sniff, collecting himself. "But... yeah... so now we're stuck here... in this strange Realm... being treated like babies or toddlers..." Jessie almost shrunk as a realization popped into her head. "... You two got off lucky compared to me." "How so?" Rebecca asked, her ears perked up. Jessie blushed, curling up a bit. The only sound being from the television, but it did nothing to distract any of the three. "... I'm supposed to be a boy..." "... Makes about as much sense as anything else that's happened, like how I used to be a human." Dante reached out a paw and gently placed it on Jessica's shoulder. "... We gotta bust outta here," Jessica stated, firmly, leaning forward. "About that," Dante started, taking a moment to look around and ensure that Mother, Sarah, nor Fluffy were anywhere nearby. Not seeing them, Dante looked over and spotted a plush dragon with blue scales. There was a pouch with a button on its tummy, which Dante quickly opened. He pulled something out of it and set the plush back down. He waddled back over to the two girls and held up the golden key, now as long as his middle finger. It had a soft glow to it. "I found this when I first arrived here. I found it in a desk in reception before Nanny Sarah found me and took me to meet Mommy," he said, blushing as he referred to Mother as Mommy. He shot Jessica a sour look as she snickered at him, but continued. "Anyway, it was really tiny, like maybe one inch in size when I first found it, but it's been getting bigger. I'm not entirely certain how to get out of this place, but I think that this key is... well... the key." "Okay, so we escape and return to the realm of the living or whatever, and maybe regain our old bodies and everything... how do we keep her from coming for us and dragging us all back here?" Jessica asked. "I don't know yet, that's why we gotta keep our wits about us and learn as much as we can," Dante said. Jessica rolled her eyes at that. "Wow... so in other words, you don't have a plan," she said, sounding irritated. "It's a work in progress!" Dante said, defensively. "Sounds like the best that your baby brain could come up with," Jessica snarkily said. Dante blushed at that. "I said, it's a work in progress! And I don't have a baby brain, you do!" Jessica stood up and looked Dante in the eyes. "No, you have a baby brain, because you're a baby!" "Nu-uh! YOU'RE a baby!" Dante said. Rebecca rolled her eyes as she watched the two devolve into a shoving match. Spying an opportunity, she claimed the beanbag chair for herself. She recalled back when Dante was her chief, how he would often, with much more articulate wording, get into verbal shoving matches whenever he had to play city politics. As the bunny boy and the skunkette were now rolling around trying to pin one another, she spotted the plush bunny and a bottle of chocolate milk. Smiling, the arctic vixen grabbed both, cuddling the cute bunny in one arm, and using the other to hold the bottle as she started to nurse on it, watching the show. She looked out of the corner of her eye and saw Jessica, proudly sitting on Dante's head as Dante struggled underneath her padded rear, while she was holding and inspecting the key. Once more, Rebecca rolled her eyes, and continued to nurse her bottle, enjoying the chocolate goodness. Oh boy, she thought to herself, this is gunna be interesting. As she sat there, Rebecca reflected on how in the time she and Dante had been here, however long that had been already, they had both seemed to lapse into childish habits from time to time, without realizing it. They never seemed to lose any of their memories, as far as they could tell. They would just obsess over a toy or maybe get sad and cry whenever Mother or Sarah would leave the room. As Rebecca pondered this, whilst Dante now had Jessica in a headlock, all three were unaware of a pair of eyes watching them from a darkened hallway. The eyes were glowing a bright green, before the figure in the shadows darted back down the dark hall at the sounds of soft footsteps. The footsteps approaching belonged to Fluffy, who rubbed his little plush chin as he stared down the hall. He could have sworn he had heard someone jogging, but wasn't detecting any lifeforms like the babies. After a few seconds, the animated teddy bear shrugged, and started to head off towards the playpen, spying Mother approaching the babies. And there you have it, folks! Please consider leaving a comment or review, as they really are quite the pick-me-up for writers and artists alike. Seriously, they just make my day! 3
Panther Cub Posted July 8, 2021 Author Posted July 8, 2021 YAY! My commission from BabyStar is finished! If you're on FurAffinity, you can check it out via the link below too!
Panther Cub Posted July 25, 2021 Author Posted July 25, 2021 Page 2 of the comic is now up on my FurAffinity account!
Panther Cub Posted August 11, 2021 Author Posted August 11, 2021 Quick update, I just posted page 3 of the comic to my FA page!
Moon3ye Posted August 24, 2021 Posted August 24, 2021 Oh god this is good and entertaining I need more of this. And the knife for the day I die. I would rather take that as my afterlife than if there was nothing at all or even really heaven and hell from the various religions. 1
Panther Cub Posted August 24, 2021 Author Posted August 24, 2021 6 hours ago, Moon3ye said: Oh god this is good and entertaining I need more of this. And the knife for the day I die. I would rather take that as my afterlife than if there was nothing at all or even really heaven and hell from the various religions. Blush Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoy the story so far! And yeah, Mother's Realm just seems so warm and inviting! (Especially now that she's back in action!)
Panther Cub Posted May 12, 2022 Author Posted May 12, 2022 4 hours ago, diaperkid1989 said: Just dont piss her off lol. Hehehehehehe, true
littleDlife Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 Wow I'm surprised I missed this story, sad that its been so long since the last update. Can only pray for more parts to come 1
Panther Cub Posted May 12, 2022 Author Posted May 12, 2022 1 hour ago, littleDlife said: Wow I'm surprised I missed this story, sad that its been so long since the last update. Can only pray for more parts to come I'm working on chapter 4 right now! It's a little slow-going, but it IS going!
littleDlife Posted May 13, 2022 Posted May 13, 2022 19 hours ago, Panther Cub said: I'm working on chapter 4 right now! It's a little slow-going, but it IS going! YAAAY!!! when the next chapter comes out I will give you elbow rubs as a reward! 1
Panther Cub Posted May 13, 2022 Author Posted May 13, 2022 3 hours ago, littleDlife said: YAAAY!!! when the next chapter comes out I will give you elbow rubs as a reward! YAY! Right now though I am uploading the next chapter of Mother's Little Magicians!
Panther Cub Posted May 22, 2022 Author Posted May 22, 2022 Phew! Finally! It took a little bit, but finally, here is chapter 4, ready for reading! A Mother's Love (Chapter 4) by Panther Cub Carl panted as he ran. He still couldn't believe it. The ancient texts and manuscripts, all the carvings and ancient tomes. They had all pointed to Mother being some great eldritch deity that when freed from her prison, would subjugate the entire world. Those that worshipped and worked to free her would live like Kings and Queens, while all the rest, not driven insane, would become slaves, doing their bidding. And on top of that, she didn't even have a single tentacle! Carl stopped and caught his breath. He looked around the dismal dark stone walls, terrified that Mother would be coming for him next. Shortly after he had sacrificed Eric and seen the news footage, he had been on the run. Not just from Mother, but also the law. There was no way, if they had gotten his uncle and the other cultists, that they wouldn't also find evidence implicating himself. Thankfully, he had managed to break into his uncle's manor and get to his secret safe in the study. He knew the combination and took the documents from inside, along with some cash. He memorized the location of the crypt and how to enter before he burned the papers. Hopefully, even if someone knew what he was going to try and do, they wouldn't be able to find out the location, at least not before it was too late. In the 1920's, their organization had learned of an ancient tomb discovered by some archaeologists that matched the description of another ancient entity. One that was said to be the polar opposite of Mother. Father. Where Mother brought chaos and death, Father would bring order and life. Viewing this as a threat to their deity and themselves, they murdered everyone at the dig site, and made it look like locals were responsible. They then stole everything from inside the tomb, of which there was little other than some ancient tomes, and the crypt. It was transported all in secret, with only the top members of the cult knowing the location. The lanky human found the solid steel vault door with the advanced mechanical combination lock, and quickly spun in the code. There was an audible click, and he was able to swing open the vault door, creaking loudly and requiring a lot of effort to move. That was when he saw it, the crypt. It was a simple gray stone slab, twenty feet long and ten feet high. In the center of the side facing the vault door, was an intricate carving that looked vaguely like a spider web, which pulsated a soft blue light. Carl slowly approached, his fear growing, as he remembered the ritual for unsealing the crypt and awakening Father. Carl began to recite the incantations in the ancient tongue, the words making his head hurt as he traced the dark runes in the air with a sacrificial stone dagger. The carving started to glow brighter and brighter, with the slab making a grinding, cracking sound. Carl then steeled himself, standing before it, and with a swift swipe, cut a large gash in his right hand, pressing it to the carving. A spiderweb of cracks started to break out all along the slab, before it shattered completely, revealing a bright blue light, as an impossibly deep voice roared. "Yes! YES! Father, I, your humble servant, release you! Go forth and subjugate this world! Go forth and eradicate Mother!" Carl said, falling to his knees in supplication as the light began to take on a massive figure. but then the roar started to change. It started to sound more and more like a deep voice yawning. The light took on a solid form, and soon towering over him was a stretching, yawning, blue glowing anthro weasel, wearing light blue pajamas and scratching his back while rubbing the back of his head. "Ten thousand will give you such a crick in the neck!" the large weasel said, massaging the back of his neck. Then he looked down at the stunned Carl and smiled. "Well hi there, little guy, were you the one to let Daddy out of his box?" he asked, bending down to look at Carl better. "B-but... this doesn't make any sense!" Carl said with tears in his eyes. He wondered how this could be possible! This one wasn't an eldritch abomination either. "Wait... are you hurt? Oh, little guy, you got yourself a booboo? Musta got cut on a chunk of the slab when it broke up. Don't worry, Daddy will make it all better," Father said in a soothing voice, reaching for Carl. Carl shrieked and scooted back, but was quickly picked up and cradled in the giant's arms. He was rocked a little back and forth as Father leaned down a bit and kissed his bloody hand. Carl felt a warmth in his palm, and the pain quickly subsided. Looking at his hand, there wasn't a scratch or any blood. "Oh good, I can sense that my Darling is connected to the world. Finding her will be easy," Father said, nuzzling Carl in his side. "But first, we need to get you dressed!" He snapped his finger, and right next to him a large, hovering diaper bag appeared, bright blue, and significantly larger than a regular diaper bag. "Once we get you all squared away, I will have just one more thing to take care of, and then we can got to Mommy! She is just going to love cuddling with you!" Carl struggled and squirmed as he felt his belt being unbuckled. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" his voice cried out, echoing throughout the catacombs that had been dug into the mountain where the crypt had been hidden away. Back in Mother's Realm... Dante waddled forward, looking about in amazement as he suckled his binky. All around him was a forest. Waddling up to one of the trees, his extra thick night-time diaper making his steps much more pronounced, he touched one. Pressing his fingers into the soft bark, the tree almost felt like a slightly more solid foam substance. The grass beneath his feet felt soft, like carpeting. The ceiling that appeared miles above was a bright sky blue, the painted clouds on it slowly moving across. Stepping out of the forest and onto a hill, he saw the little stream running nearby, heading down the hill and towards what looked like a town, the buildings all colorful pastels. Far off into the distance, seven or eight miles off, was the far wall of the playroom. "This place is huge!" Dante said, turning to face Jessie and Rebecca, also both in thicker night diapers, before he lost his balance and fell on his greatly padded posterior with a grunt, making a soft squish as he did so. "I'll say," Jessie said, hugging her bunny plushie, that was dressed in a similar sky-blue footed sleeper as Dante was. 'Becca was wearing a pink one, and she was wearing a bright orange one. Like 'Becca's, hers had a short skirt attachment around the waist. "This room has definitely gotten bigger." "Do you think there's anybody in that town?" the arctic vixen asked, grunting a little as she felt some internal pressure build up, before suddenly dissipating. She just knew it had gone right into her Pawpers. "It's quite amazing, isn't it children?" A soft voice came from behind them. All three babies looked back and saw Sarah standing there, giving a gentle smile. "The daycare is getting bigger. Just like how it used to be." "But, this room has got to be a few miles wide! And why are all the trees soft?" Dante asked. "This is the playroom, Dante. The trees are all soft so you don't accidentally hurt yourselves," Sarah explained, walking up next to a tree. "But in case you and your siblings ever wanted to play pretend," she knocked on the false wood, a wooden sound coming from it, "it'll sound just like the real thing!" "What if we wanna play 'Let's All Go Back to Our Real Lives'?" Jessie asked in a snarky voice. She got a friendly chuckle and a head-pat for her trouble, making the skunk girl pout. Dante rolled his eyes, although he agreed with Jessie. Yesterday had been one of pure humiliation. Not only were they all fed, again in high chairs, but without the hypnotic effects of Fluffy, Dante was well aware that he was being given a bath, alongside his two new 'sisters', both of whom were just as humiliated as he was. Then they were re-diapered in the thick night diapers they all now wore, and their sleepers, and placed in a giant crib for the 'night'. Suffice to say, he was ready to get back to his old life. Sarah, unaware of what was currently going on in Dante's head, looked over all three of them. "Well, I can tell you three need a diaper change. Let's get you into some new ones, then you can go play for a little while. Okay?" All three made blushing faces of disgust, but none of them argued against the idea of a change. With quick and gentle dexterity, the giant bear woman scooped all three into her arms, happily carrying them towards the nearest wall. They entered a clearing where there was a closet door built into the landscape wall, which looked like part of a 2-dimensional mountain range, a changing table and a toy chest right next to closet doors. In no time at all, Sarah laid them down one after the other and gave them each an expert change, cleaning them thoroughly and sufficiently powdering before applying a new thick pawp. Rebecca and then Jessie sat next to Dante, in their thinner yet still very thick diapers, smiling blue and green butterflies decorating them all. The girls were covering their chests blushing while Dante sat with his arms crossed, pouting and blushing himself. Sarah had dumped all three diapers into a colorful pail before opening up the closet doors. She rummaged through the closet some, taking out three different sets of clothing, minus some pants. Turning around, she held up her right paw, holding something in it. It was a cowboy hat that she then plopped down on Dante's head. Dante groaned at the brown cowboy hat sitting on his head and took it off, before his new gigantic nanny quickly started to dress him in the rest of the outfit. It was a pair of cowboy boots (that were super soft like fluffy slippers on the inside), a blue shirt, a red bandana tied around his neck, and his hat placed right back atop his head. His diaper was still on full display in all its infantile glory. He watched as Jessie, helpless to stop it, tried in vain to wrestle away from the onslaught of being dressed, but it was to no avail. Soon, she was sporting a similar outfit, although her bandana and cowgirl hat were pink, with a matching bow tied around the tip of her bushy black and white tail. 'Becca didn't fuss as she was dressed, even giggling as the nanny tickled her sides a little, slipping a yellow sundress over her head. The hemline ended up covering up only the top half of her diaper. Then a brown vest was put on her, along with her own boots, a green bandana, and a hat like Jessie's, with a bright yellow bow on the tip of her big bushy tail. Sarah giggled, taking out the camera from her pocket and placing it on the change table, before walking over to the toy box. Opening it and digging through it some, she pulled out three surprisingly realistic looking guns, though the bright logo on the sides quickly told the babies what they actually were. "Mother's Brand Baby-Safe Paintball Guns?" Dante read on the side of the gun Nanny gave to him, now buckling holsters onto them. "OOOH! So we get to shoot each other?" Jessie asked, not waiting for an answer as she turned and fired at Dante, her gun just making a 'click'. Dante scowled at the skunk, whom he had woken up, snuggling her tail... well, snuggling and drooling a little around his binky. Jessie had not been pleased, despite still hugging her bunny plush. "Not yet, sweetie," Sarah said, reaching down and tickling Jessie under her chin, making her let out a high girlish squeal, which she quickly blushed harder after doing. "There's boxes of ammo scattered throughout the area. After you've each finished your morning babas, I'll carry you all to three separate starting points. The game is to be the last one standing and claim the prize!" Nanny Sarah said with a giggle. "Any questions?" 'Becca hesitantly raised her paw. "Why are we doing this, Nanny?" "Well, playtime is important for little ones to develop mobility as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills," the big bear said simply, getting three sets of half-lidded stares looking right back at her. "And, it's also for fun!" "But won't Mommy," Jessie made a sour face, unable to refer to the giant pink skunk as anything other than Mommy or Mama, "be upset we're playing something so... violent?" "Not at all!" Sarah said, waving a dismissive paw. "She's the one who came up with this game. When she was last looking upon your old realm, she just fell in love with so many inventions! She especially loved paintballs and paintball guns! So she made her own, only getting hit with one of these paintballs won't sting." "... Mommy's weird," 'Becca said, making Dante and Jessie nod in unison. "What's the prize?" Dante asked? "That's a secret!" Nanny giggled. The three groaned as they were scooped up and carried through the forest to the town. Looking at it, it looked like some kind of blend between a daycare play area and a wild-west town. All of the buildings were painted with bright colors, many favoring soft yellows and blues and pinks. There were stuffed-horse-drawn carriages that were designed similar to strollers. The saloon itself had a big sign above it showing a cartoon baby bottle, the liquid inside painted silver, with the text of the name written in multicolored baby block letters. "The Silver Baba?" Jessie read aloud. Coming out of the swinging saloon doors was what sounded like the cliched wild west saloon piano happily playing what the female skunk recognized was a fast version of Wheels on the Bus. They were set down in front of the double doors, their padded bottoms given loving pats. Waddling forward, Dante pushed open the swinging doors. Inside were numerous tables with high chairs circling them, more high chairs up at the bar. Over in the corner was a player piano that was automatically playing out the tune. The three walked up to the bar, to find Fluffy holding an empty bottle, polishing it with a washcloth. He was dressed in a while long-sleeved shirt and a horizontal red and black striped vest, a white waist apron, a black bowtie, and a fake mustache. "Howdy there, pardners," Fluffy said, giving them a wave. "Pull up a seat and I'll get you guys the usual." "We're all new here," 'Becca said, climbing up into one of the chairs, the buckles and tray automatically safely securing her into place. Hesitantly, Dante and Jessica followed suit. "We haven't been here long enough to have a 'usual'." "Well, considering what's on the menu for you three from here on out is the same thing for breakfast, not counting special occasions, you have a usual now. It's a choice between a big baba of formula, or a baba of juice with a bowl of oatmeal that shall be fed to you," Fluffy said simply, continuing to polish the bottle. "Fine, I'll have the formula," Dante said, blushing as he said it, Jessie and 'Becca also ordered the same. "Three babas of your favorite baby formula, coming right up!" Fluffy said, hopping down from the bar and rummaging around underneath. Climbing back up a stepstool, he carried up three large baby bottles, setting them in front of the trio. "Drink up you three, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after all." There was a collective sight, and Dante, then Jessie, and finally 'Becca, each grabbed their bottles, sticking the nipples into their mouths. The moment that the formula touched their tongues, they couldn't stop sucking. Just as they each felt their tummies fill, they simultaneously slam their empty bottles onto the bar counter, all unable to stop loud belches. "Ah, now that's the sound of some satisfied customers," Fluffy said, polishing a new empty bottle, smiling his stitched-on smile. "Now that your cute little tummies are full, it's probably just about time for your little treasure hunt. Happy trails!" Fluffy said as all three high chairs unbuckled the harnesses and trays, allowing their occupants to safely climb down. The three toddled back out the saloon doors to find Nanny Sarah, now dressed in jeans and a sweater, wearing a brown leather duster and a glinting sheriff's badge. "Well howdy, you three," she said, tipping her own ten-gallon hat at them. "It's time. I'll take you and drop you all off at your starting points. You'll each be given a map and two canteens. One with some water, and one with some apple juice, when you get thirsty, and a compass. You'll know when the game has started when you hear the clock tower chime," she said, pointing to the large soft-looking stone tower with the four-sided clock in the town square, mechanical whirring and ticking coming from it. "After that, it's everyone for themselves, understood." Dante, Jessie, and 'Becca nodded, making Sarah smile. "I'm just so happy to have some little ones to look after again!" she squealed, scooping all three up and rapidly teleporting to three different locations. Dante saw 'Becca being set down on her padded bottom up in some rocky mountains, and Jessie being set down next to a creek, before he suddenly found he was left alone in the middle of the woods. He let out a quick whimper and slipped his thumb between his lips. Then he realized what he was doing and shook his head. He spotted a brown leather satchel hanging from a nearby low-hanging tree branch. He grabbed it and looked inside. He found and opened the hand-drawn map, the compass, the two canteens, as well as three spare diapers, a tub of wipes, and a canister of baby powder. He rolled his eyes and just slung it over his shoulder. Checking the map, he found an X with the words Starting Point written right next to it. He spied a little to the southwest a dot marked Supply Crate. Nodding, he checked the compass and got his bearings, and began to head in the direction of the supply crate. Okay, just play along for now, and keep an eye for a way back home, he thought to himself. He came to the entrance to a mine, with the supply crate sitting right in front of the entrance. Touching it, there was tinkling in the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel that, when it ended, the top of the wooden crate swung open. Inside, Dante found a satchel that he found was filled with blue paintballs, quickly loading up his six-shooter. Elsewhere, 'Becca was making her way down the rocky mountains. A couple times she slipped and fell, but what appeared to be a hard jagged surface proved to be soft and cushiony like a pillow. An idea forming in the arctic vixen's mind, she looked out over a ledge. Seeing all of the boulders and rocks, she held her breath, and jumped. She bounced on the way down, letting out a giggle each time she did. "This is like a trampoline!" she said, laughing in excitement. Soon, she landed on her bottom again at the foot of the mountain. Sitting in some scarce soft carpet grass, she pulled out her own map and saw that she was really close to her own supply crate. She got up and waddled in that direction. When she stopped and pulled out the canteen of apple juice, she was a little surprised to find, when she unscrewed the cap, to see a rubber nipple from a baby bottle poking out. Shrugging, she stuck it in, and drank down some of the heavenly juice. "Everything to eat or drink here just tastes so good!" she said, her tail wagging. She screwed the cap off and headed to the spot where the crate was, just before the trees at the base of the mountain. Inside her crate, 'Becca found some pink paintballs in her satchel. She wasted no time loading up her own gun. "This is gunna be fun!" she said, her tail wagging faster now, crinkling a little thanks to her diaper. Dante had slowly made his way back to the town, now sucking on a binky after finding it in another ammo crate, along with some more ammo. He carefully walked along the ghost town which, despite how colorful and bright it was, he still felt a little uneasy about. He got the impression that he was being watched. Unbeknownst to the bunny boy, there were a pair of green glowing eyes watching from the shadows under a stagecoach. Dante went from building to building, his police training kicking in as he waddled along, being cautious. His eyes widened when he came to the bank, which was a bright happy yellow building with a large pink and yellow plastic vault door that was currently wide open. There was some white molding on it that read Chocolate Coin Vault. Then he froze. Sticking out around the vault door was Jessie's black and white bushy tail, with the pink bow tied on the end. He ran to the vault and turned the corner, firing off two paint pellets... into a big stuffed skunk. "Huh?" Dante wondered, before it clicked in his head. A trap! He leapt to his right out of instinct and hid behind the vault door, just as three pink pellets splattered on it, right where he had been standing! Jessie popped out of the trash can she had been hiding in, a plastic purple bin, ducking down behind the counter. "Can't believe that you fell for that, diaper-butt!" she giggled, her tail briefly hiking up just as she let out an involuntary grunt. "You still didn't manage to hit me," Dante called back, peeking around the vault. A pink paintball took his cowboy hat off his head, forcing him to duck back behind it. "Almost gotcha that time!" "You still didn't though!" Jessie growled, feeling frustrated, and also starting to feel the mess she had just made in her diaper. Not wanting to lose to the bunny boy, the skunk girl started to quietly crawl along the front of the counter, hoping to flank him on the other side. She froze when, above her, she heard a click. She turned and sat down, completely forgetting the state of her padding, to see Dante standing on the counter, pointing down at her with his gun. "Game over, Jessie," he said, his finger on the trigger, slowly squeezing it. There was a pop, and a splatter of yellow paint appeared on Dante's chest. He looked down in confusion before he and Jessie both turned to see 'Becca, standing in the doorway, sucking on her yellow binky, carrying two pistols. "I win," the arctic vixen said, firing another paintball that struck Jessie. After a few seconds, the clock tower chimed three times, and the three trudges outside, with Jessie waddling a bit and unaware of why. Out in the town square stood Mother and Nanny. Mother cooed at the trio, scooping them both up into her arms. "Did my little babies have fun? Did they? I think they diiiiiiiid," she said as she happily nuzzled them. Her nose wrinkled a little as she nuzzled Jessie, before she smiled in contentment. "Goodness! That went faster than I was expecting," Nanny Sarah said. "I'll have to work on the game to make it last longer." "Well, it's perfect timing in this case! We needed to start getting the babies ready for our little trip," Mother said, walking out of the town with all three in her arms. "A trip? Where are we going?" Dante asked. "What about my prize?" 'Becca came 'Becca's question. "Here you are, sweetie!" Mother handed Rebecca a brown satchel as big as the vixen's head. She opened it to find that it was full of golden chocolate coins. Her tail began to wag as she reached in and started to dig in. "And as for our trip," Mother said, quickly reaching the door to the playroom, Dante and Jessie realizing that Mother can walk a LOT faster than they can, apparently. "We're going to the Mortal Realm!" "We are?!" Dante and Jessie and Rebecca all asked in unison, with Rebecca's snowy white muzzle stained with some of the milk chocolatey-goodness. "Are you gunna let us go back to being adults?" Dante asked, hopeful. "No, sweetie. That can't happen, I'm afraid. You and your sisters are now just as much a part of my Realm as I and Nanny and Fluffy are. Don't worry though, that doesn't mean we can't visit from time to time. Why, after a while, I think I might be able to arrange it so that you can take little field trips by yourselves in the future. But for now, we need to get you three all ready for your debut." It was then that the three realized that they were in the bathroom, and that Nanny was filling the tub with warm water and sweet-smelling bubbles. "Wh-what debut?" Jessie asked, nervously as Nanny took her from Mother and laid her down onto a changing mat unrolled next to the tub. "Why, the interview, my little princess!" Mother said simply, as she started to undress Dante and Rebecca, both of whom were sporting soggy diapers. "What interview?!" Dante demanded. * * * "I am Stacy Miller," said the red panda reporter from the news desk she was sitting behind, as she was addressing the studio camera, "and tonight we have a special guest. Last week, the world was shocked not only by the revelation of rampant corruption within the Chicago Police Department as well as city hall, by a cult no less; but also by the appearance of a literal deity. As footage of the entity known only as Mother had spread to all corners of the globe, sparking religious and scientific debates, the world was changed. Here with us in the studio tonight is the entity in question, Mother." Stacy then turned to her left to look at the giant glowing pink red panda in her white sundress waving to the camera. "Thank you for coming, Mother." "Thank you for having me, sweetheart," Mother said, turning to address Stacy. She stopped and frowned. She licked her thumb and reached over, using it to gently but firmly start wiping a sputtering Stacy's face. "No need to fuss, sweetie, you just had something on your face. There we go," Mother dsaid with a proud smile. Stacy discreetly checked her hand mirror to find that all of the make up she was put on was wiped clean off. After last week's minort embarrassment, and her having already had a hard time in the industry being taken seriously, what with looking younger than she was at age twenty eight, she had put on some extra to try and look more mature. She quickly composed herself and pressed on with the interview. "Thank you, Mother. Now, back when you first appeared, you transformed all of the government officials who had been worshiping you in secret, into toddlers and infants, changing all those that were human into anthros, correct?" "That's right!" "Even though they had been faithfully serving you?" "Actually, they hadn't. I'm not sure where they got the ridiculous idea that I wanted anyone being sacrificed in my name. The very ritual they used was a perversion of an ancient ritual used to help a willing dying individual pass from this realm straight to mine." "I see, so that is why you felt it necessary to punish them?" Stacy asked, receiving a pat on the head. She could hear Dave the cameraman snicker, and blushed. "What a smart girl you are!" Mother praised. "My Realm has always been a choice for mortals to go." "So then, you are confirming that there is an afterlife?" Stacy asked in wonder. "Well, of course. Not that someone needs to shed their mortal coil to end up there. I would like to take this opportunity to announce to the entire world that I shall be opening up my own daycares all over the world! If a mortal is interested in visiting my Realm, they can come to any one of them and see for themselves what it's all about! They will be able to leave whenever they want, or stay indefinitely if they so choose." "And will all who enter these daycares become babies?" Mother giggled at that. "To me, all mortals are babies or toddlers, actually. And no, how young someone's physical age becomes depends entirely on who they are on the inside. The oldest any mortal can physically be in my Realm is nineteen." "Why nineteen?" Stacy couldn't believe that any of this was really happening, and she had to pinch herself a couple times just to make sure that she wasn't actually dreaming. "Because when a mortal enters my realm, their appearance reflects who they are on the inside, blended together. Their truest selves, if you will. Basically, they are a blend of their inner child, their inner 'adult'," she said this part making air quotes, "their inner animal, and even their gender identity." "Can we have an example?" "You can have three!" Mother said. She turned to look over her shoulder, and out walked the also massive Nanny, carrying the struggling and blushing Dante, Rebecca, and Jessie. The girls were wearing white with blue trim sailor dresses with hats with blue bows on them. Dante was just wearing a white sailor shirt with the same blue trim and a hat without the blue bow on it. She first passed the blushing arctic vixen, whose cheeks were practically crimson from embarrassment, to Mother, who cradled her in her arms, smiling down tenderly at her, before presenting her to the cameras. "This is Rebecca. She was in her thirties before she arrived, and she was the same species and physical sex she is now. A cute little princess!" "Wait! Is that detective Rebecca Alvarez?" Stacy asked, shocked. An image of the detective back at her original age was shown to the viewers at home on their TV's, right next to the close-up image of the embarrassed vixen's face for comparison. "The one and the same! She's such a sweetie, even if she is a little Pawper-packer!" Mother said happily. "Mommy!" 'Becca squeaked out, getting a kiss on her forehead, before she was passed back to Nanny, and Dante was placed in Mother's arms. "This is my little Dante! When he was sent to us, he was human and middle-aged." "So that means you must be..." Stacy trailed off as she addressed the sour-faced bunny boy. "I am Dante Cristoph! The Chief of Police for the city of Chicago. I have served on the force for over thirty years. If my sister and nieces are hearing this, please know that I am fine, and I am trying to work out a way to come back," he stated calmly with a hint of authority to his voice. Mother nuzzled him, her nose making him start to giggle. She kissed him on the forehead as well, before she swapped him for Jessie. The skunk girl was frowning, but steeling herself. "Now this is Jessica, and she's undergone a bigger transformation than her brother and sister. Originally, the name she had been given as a mortal was Eric Simmimura and a human man--" Jessica cut Mother off and hopped up to stand on Mother's lap. "And I am the lead singer of the punk-rock band, Dyer Wulf! Trevor, Noah, Rachel, I'm working out a deal with Mommy here, but get ready, because Dyer Wulf will resume its tour across the country!" Mother couldn't stop her cooing as she scooped Jessie back up into her arms and rocked her a bit. She pulled out a bottle and once the nipple got close to Jessie's mouth, the skunk instinctively latched on, nursing the sweet juice inside. She smiled as she grabbed hold of her baba, and let herself be transferred back into Nanny's arms. "And are these three the only babies you have at the moment?" Stacy asked. She then let out a squeak of surprise as she was picked up and sat down on Mother's lap. Mother then began to bounce the reporter, making her let out an involuntary giggle. "To be honest, I feel that all mortals are my children. But for the time being, only 'Becca, Dante, and Jessie are in my Realm with me. But thankfully, that's going to change." Mother then turned to address the camera while she slipped a yellow binky between Stacy's lips. She automatically started to suck on it, feeling a warm sense of calm spread through her as she was still being bounced on Mother's lap. "To everyone out there, whether you are sick or elderly, young and perfectly healthy, if you desire an eternal second childhood, you need only to call out to me and I shall hear you. The world has changed so much, and so I must change with it. No longer will I only accept those that are close to shedding their mortal vessels. From now on, anyone who wishes to join their siblings in my Realm may do so. But, a word of warning. Unless you are entering through one of my Daycares, there will be no returning to your old lives. As I was just explaining to my babies earlier, once you enter my Realm proper, you become just as much a part of it as I am. So please, do not make this decision lightly. With that said, we can absolutely work out some kind of field trip visitation system." Everyone in the newsroom was stunned, as were viewers all over the world who had tuned in to watch. The world, and Stacy, were further shocked when Mother stopped bouncing the red panda, shifted her a little, and pulled out the back of her skirt and panties, inspecting her like a baby. "All clean back here," she said, before shifting her again and checking to see if she was wet. "And dry! What a good girl!" She rubbed her nose against Stacy's, making her giggle some more. The interview continued a little more, with Mother cradling Stacy and gently rocking her to sleep. She kissed the top of her head before laying her down on the news desk, Nanny having pulled out a pillow to put under the napping red panda's head. She then turned to address the cameras once more. "Alright, Mommy has to go, but don't worry, sweeties, Mommy's here now and she will make everything all better." She blew a kiss to the cameras and then followed Sarah backstage, to a bright pink door that popped open of its own accord. Inside was the Realm hallway and, when it was closed behind them, he recognized it as the door by the reception area. Dante's eyes went wide as he saw that this door had a keyhole on the inside. Could it be? he wondered, realizing he may have just found the door the golden key might unlock. The door was shut, cutting off the mortal realm. As Nanny started to walk them down the hall, there were six loud Pops. The group turned to see six anthros, all sitting in the reception area, covering themselves, looking around in wonder. "Did it work?" a teenage alligator boy asked with a southern drawl to his voice. He looked at his green scaled hands. A nearby raccoon girl, also a teenager, covered herself with her tail, blushing as she walked over to a mirror. "Oh wow! I'm young again!" she said in excitement. The other four, two chameleons (one a teenager as well and the other looked to be ten by Dante's guess), a teen wolf boy, and a zebra girl toddler. "Goodness me," the toddler girl said, covering herself with one of the new pillows that were set in a haphazard pile for apparent newcomers. "It seems that it did indeed work. We're all in a better place now, dearies." * * * It was sometime later, after the confusion had subsided, that Dante, Jessie, and 'Becca could sneak off. While Mother and Nanny and even Fluffy were occupied with the new arrivals, quickly getting them dressed and now feeding them in their new high chairs, the first three were standing in front of the door, having snuck out of the playroom, which had shockingly gotten even bigger since they were in it last. Rebecca was acting as lookout while Dante, sitting on Jessie's shoulders, was reaching forward with the glowing golden key, now also larger. "Hurry up, stink-butt!" Jessie whispered up to Dante. "I'm trying, if you would just hold still! Also, you're one to talk, skunk-butt," he hissed back. "I'm not the one who just now decided to fill his diaper while someone was giving them a piggyback ride!" Rebecca rolled her eyes as the two had started bickering again. "What're talki--oh," Dante blushed as he became aware of the smell coming from him. "Sorry. But, I almost got it!" The key slipped into the keyhole. Excitedly, Dante turned it, hearing a satisfied click. He then grabbed the large knob, and started to turn it. Jessie stepped back as the door swung open, and all three of them froze. Standing on the other side was a giant blue glowing bunny, fox, skunk, depending on which of the three was looking at him. In his arms was a teenaged weasel boy in a black shirt wearing a white diaper with black trim. "Oh! Hi there, kiddos! I'm Father, but you can call me Dadd--" Dante and Jessie grabbed the door and slammed it shut in his face. Dante was quick to re-lock it, before he, Jessie, and 'Becca were all scooped up from behind and cuddled in a set of strong blue arms, with the weasel boy pouting next to them, a black binky bobbing in his muzzle. "I'm just so happy to see this place again! And to have some more babies to take care of!" "Dante? 'Becca? Jessie? Where are you?" Mother called as she walked down the hall. She froze when she saw Father, who smiled warmly at her and approached, presenting the babies to her, which she quickly took, even the weasel boy, who whimpered a bit and squirmed in her arms. "So you've returned, Father," she said coolly. He looked sheepish and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry it took me so long, darling," he said, "I got stuck for a few... thousand years." "That makes two of us," Mother responded icily. "So, have you at least had time to reflect on what you did wrong?" He nodded solemnly. "I did, dearest, and I think I fixed everything." Her eyes narrowed. "What did you do this time?" her voice sounded exasperated to the babies who, aside from the weasel, had never heard her sound anything other than happy or cooing at them in babytalk. He looked confused. "I... finished what I started?" he said, now sounding unsure. "You did what?!" Mother demanded. It was then that a nearby new wall-mounted TV turned on. "Breaking news. Reports are confirming that all across the globe, a blue light passed by, enveloping every human as it traveled, transforming them into different species of anthros," said the snow leopardess at the news desk. "Already, there have been reports of riots and looting, and there is speculation that this was the doing of the entity interviewed just a little while ago, here at Channel 8, known as Mother. Officials are asking the public to please keep calm, as--" the TV was then turned off by Mother who had made a remote appear in her hand. It dissipated as she turned to regard the blue glowing entity before her, who was looking sheepish. "I thought you would be happy," he said. "The whole point of any of this is free will. You turning half of the world's population into anthropomorphic animal people without even asking them first is what made me so upset to begin with!" Dante and the others listened with rapt attention. There had been plenty of speculation as to why no anthros had appeared in any fossil records until a bit over ten thousand years ago, when suddenly, they had just appeared all over the world. When archaeologists had made this discovery, it had caused quite the stir, especially amongst the anthro-hating groups out there. "... Whoops," Father said, uncomfortably rubbing the back of his head again. "I'm sorry, darling." Mother sighed and rubbed her temples, but smiled at him. "What's done is done and, unfortunately, cannot be undone." he smiled at that, looking hopeful. "But you are sleeping on the couch tonight, mister." Mother then passed him Dante and the weasel boy. "You're also on diaper duty." "Yes, my love," he said, looking at her with a dopey grin. She smiled, and the two leaned in and shared a kiss. "I've missed you." "And I have missed you, beloved. Now, we have even more little ones to care for right now, and I expect plenty more will be on their way soon." With that, the two walked off, while a pair of glowing green eyes watched from a nearby vent, a low growl coming from it. And there we have it, folks! I certainly hope that you enjoyed the new chapter! Please feel free to leave a comment or review! 1
littleDlife Posted May 23, 2022 Posted May 23, 2022 Wooow I love ittttt, that door scene was perfect. this story is amaziiing!!! 1
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