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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first attempt at a story and I wanted to clarify one thing. This is at its core a transfem MTF transformation story. As a trans woman I have some experience with the feelings, emotions, and hurdles of this, but I absolutely do not have a cis woman's perspective on anything. There will be sex and body exploration moments, and as someone without a vagina I had to research what this is like. Hopefully it doesn't come across like some dumbass virgin wrote it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy ------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1: In Which She Makes a Wish Ryan stared in awe at the being hovering before him, a beautiful woman with long flowing chestnut colored hair held in a ponytail by a turquoise band, a matching bedlah top covering her chest, and gold bands around her wrists. Piercing blue eyes regarded the boy, a hint of a smile touching them. However the most notable thing in Ryan's estimation was that just below the navel her body ended and below that she was made of a lavender smoke that endlessly emanated from an ornate antique bottle, twisting and flowing in eddies and swirls that seemed to hypnotize him as he beheld the being before him. “Well met, Master,” intoned the strange ethereal woman. “I am known as Sisu the Giving, genie of the bottle. I give you my most humble thanks for freeing me. In return I shall grant you all your heart’s desires. May I ask the name of my Master?” Ryan stared slack-jawed. He had found the bottle in an antique shop tucked away in an alley that he’d never meant to go down in the first place. He’d bought it as a gift for his girlfriend’s birthday. Andrea loved antiques and Ryan had thought she’d love the bottle especially, but when he pulled out the stopper this was the very last thing he’d expected to happen. Finally after a moment of stunned silence he spoke to the genie before him. “I’m, uh, Ryan,” he said lamely. “You…you're really a genie? I mean, uh, obviously you must be, but…I didn't know genies were real.” “Indeed I am,” Sisu the Giving said. “Alas, my kind are rarer in this age. I can feel only three others of my kind left in this world. Many of us have passed to realms beyond, or shall never be found again and have wasted away. ‘Tis a great tragedy, but unfortunately not one that I may remedy, for my bond is to you, my Master. As he who has freed me I am bound to your eternal servitude. As they say, your wish is my command!” Sisu smiled brightly and twirled in midair as bright glittering sparks flew about her from her fingertips, painting her as the very picture of ethereal beauty. Ryan was awed by her, still hardly believing what was happening. “Wish? You mean you can really grant any wish I want?” he asked. “Of course, my Master! I shall grant anything you desire. Fame, fortune, love, anything you ask of me shall be yours!” Ryan paused, suddenly wary. “Hold on,” he said cautiously. “In stories genies aren't always so kind in granting wishes, there's always some kind of twist.” Sisu’s eyes twinkled as she regarded her new master. “Indeed,” she agreed. “Many of my kind have done these things. I, however, shall not warp your wish into some unfavorable or nefarious outcome. Your wish shall be granted perfectly and according to your true desire.” Ryan waited for a moment for Sisu to speak. “But…?” he prompted. Sisu smiled a wan and dry smile. “Of course,” she confessed, “a price must be paid. For everything you receive something from you shall be taken. This thing I will not tell you and you shall not know until it is gone, but I give you my solemn vow that neither you nor those you love shall come to harm, nor shall your wish be tainted.” Ryan considered this. If what Sisu was saying was true it wasn't as bad as the stories had said it would be. However, this could potentially be just as bad, especially if he didn't know what he'd have to give up. Still, the trade-off might be worth it in the end after his three wishes were through. Actually…wait a minute. “Wait,” he exclaimed as the thought occurred, “you haven't told me how many wishes I get!” “That is because there is no limit,” Sisu proclaimed. “I do not limit you to one, three, or even five as some of my brothers and sisters may have. You may decide yourself when the price becomes too high for you to ask for more.” Ryan paled slightly. These trades must be pretty serious if Sisu thought he would give up on his own accord. What would be the breaking point? What would be taken from him that would cause him to quit? And just because something wasn’t harmful doesn’t mean it couldn’t be bad. “That's…different,” he muttered uneasily. “Is there anything else I should know? Any more rules like no killing or no love?” “Nothing of that sort. Love is easy to manipulate, even if it can get a bit unpleasant. If you truly wish someone to die then it shall be done, but the price of ending a life shall be severe.” Sisu’s eyes turned steely and sharp. Ryan could see the weight of her words reflected in her expression as she spoke. “I would also caution against raising the dead,” the genie continued. “It can be done, but things tend to get…messy. Besides these, I give you one final warning.” The swirling smoke comprising Sisu's lower half suddenly shifted inward and formed into slender legs with a gold and turquoise pair of pants to match her bedlah top. Sisu touched down on the floor and took one quick stride to be face to face with Ryan for the first time. She stood at eye level just a few inches away and Ryan instinctively took a half step back. “What is done cannot be undone,” she warned, the severity shining in her eyes once more. “Neither wish nor sacrifice may be reversed. What you get and what you lose shall remain for all your life. Choose wisely.” With her warning completed Sisu floated back up into the air, taking a pose as if she were lounging on a chair, her head propped on her arm and her legs crossed, all trace of seriousness gone. Ryan swallowed nervously. “So, my Master,” she smiled. “What is your wish?” Ryan regarded the genie nervously. A pit had begun to form in his stomach as he weighed the choice before him. He could have anything he wanted. But was it worth the risk? What could he want so bad that it would be… He paused, and the pit grew deeper. Ever since the lavender smoke began pouring from that bottle a thought had played at the back of his mind, a thought that had grown stronger even as Ryan tried to shove it down, shove it back into the dark place of his mind where he kept it locked. Some days it stayed put, content to stay away, but it was always there, waiting, and on the nights when it broke free it consumed him and left him aching, sleepless, and hopelessly despairing. But now there was no avoiding it, and 27 years of repressing this feeling had finally taken its toll. It was free now, and the thought, that terrible ache, could be made real, and almost without even thinking Ryan spoke. “I…can you…” He hesitated. “Hm?” questioned Sisu, a curious look on her face. “What is it that troubles you, Master?” Ryan could hardly breathe, he felt like he was being choked. He forced himself to take a deep breath and count in his head until he was calmer. 1 and 1 is 2. 2 and 2 is 4. 4 and 4 is 8. “I wish…” he started. 8 and 8 is 16. 16 and 16 is 32. Sisu smiled, and unbeknownst to Ryan she used a tiny portion of her magic to loosen his tongue. She had a sneaking suspicion what his wish would be. It was not the first time she had seen this happen. “Speak, Master,” she intoned. Ryan counted 32 and 32 is 64, took a deep breath, let the pit fill his entire being, and spoke. “I wish I was a girl,” she commanded. Sisu did a midair somersault and landed in front of Ryan, her eyes glittering and her grin wide. Just as she’d suspected. "Your wish is my command, Mistress.” Smoke poured from the bottle, surrounding Sisu until she was no longer visible. At once the column of lavender haze drifted towards Ryan, enveloping her in a soft caress from head to toe. She shivered as she felt herself begin to change. Her short hair grew, lengthening to halfway down her back, light and smooth. Her shoulders and waist began to narrow at the same time as her hips began to widen. She suddenly felt very tight in her jeans and worried about them ripping as she felt her butt also begin to expand. She couldn't be too sure through the smoke but she could swear she felt herself shrinking. It was all too much. She could hardly breathe. It felt as though there was a heavy weight on her chest. She put her hand up and gasped, feeling the mounds beneath her shirt as her new breasts began to swell. She was suddenly very scared of how she hadn't specified anything about this, but there was nothing to be done now. Just as she was beginning to worry that they were going to get too big the swelling slowed and stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief, but tensed again as she heard Sisu’s voice in her ear. “Apologies, Mistress, this next part is going to be a bit invasive, but I need to be precise here. I promise I shall be gentle and make it nice for you.” The smoke receded from her head and feet, gathering at her crotch and moving into her pants. She squealed in fright as she felt her manhood begin to shrink, then let out a soft moan as she felt pleasure radiate from it. She shook and her knees buckled as she suddenly felt the greatest orgasm of her life rock her. Pure ecstasy radiated out from her crotch as she sat on hands and knees, unable to move as the genie continued her work. It came in waves in ways she had never felt before, reverberating through her whole body, shaking her to her core. As the bliss rolled over her she felt the genie moving deeper and deeper inside her new genitals. She could feel things inside her moving, being rearranged, transformed from her previous male organs to her new female ones. Soon the waves of pleasure subsided and she was left panting on the floor. Eventually she was dimly aware of the smoke coalescing in front of her as Sisu appeared again, looking proud and grinning from ear to ear. “I must say,” bragged the genie, “that this may be my greatest work in centuries.” Ryan looked up at Sisu, eyes wide, still catching her breath. “That…that was…” she panted in an unfamiliar high-pitched voice. “I’m really quite good,” the genie said, evidently very pleased. “Still, we're not quite done. There's one last finishing touch.” Ryan cocked her head to the side. What could possibly be left? Everything about her was fundamentally different now, even the world looked bigger. “What-” she started before Sisu knelt down, took her head by the chin, and kissed her firmly on the lips. Ryan's eyes went wide as suddenly thoughts, memories, and knowledge flashed in her mind. How to put on makeup, how to wear a bra, how to manage a period, everything one could ever need to know about being a woman was beamed directly into her head. At the same time Ryan felt something else leave her mind, some small piece of former knowledge taken. Was this the trade? Sisu broke the kiss after just two seconds, though to Ryan it had felt like an eternity. She wobbled slightly on hands and knees, then fully collapsed on her side, whimpering, the room spinning above her. Sisu drifted down to rest beside the poor girl and placed Ryan's head in her lap. The genie began to stroke Ryan’s hair and spoke softly to the new girl before her. “It is alright, Mistress. You have been through a lot. Just breathe and it will pass. Sixty…sixty-ffffff… Ryan's head was still swimming with the process and couldn't really focus properly on her numbers. But as her head began to clear she tried to focus on what was taken from her mind, something important, something she felt like she had all her life that was now missing, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't remember. “What was it?” she asked the genie unsteadily in her new higher, softer voice. “What did you take?” Sisu smiled down at Ryan. “Nothing too important. You'll find out soon enough.” Ryan blinked up at the genie. She was beautiful, and from here she looked almost motherly. As the last of the head fog cleared, Ryan sat up as straight as she could, if a bit unsteady, next to the attentive genie. Did Sisu get bigger? Or did… Ryan propped herself on the coffee table and slowly pulled herself up. Sisu stood and offered a helping hand which Ryan took as she took stock of everything. No, she wasn't imagining it, Sisu was taller than her, but only because Ryan was shorter. She had been at eye level with the genie before but now Ryan had lost at least eight or nine inches. Even her clothes hung weird and her jeans bunched up considerably around her ankles and under her heels. She'd have to have Andrea measure her when- “Andrea!” she squealed at the thought of her girlfriend. “What's she going to think seeing me like this?! I didn't even think about how she'd react! Sisu, change me back! She’s supposed to come over tonight!” Sisu gave a tsk tsk noise and wagged her finger at the girl. “Apologies, Mistress, but as you recall one of my rules was that wishes cannot be undone. I believe there's a delightful phrase in this time, ‘no take-backsies.’” Ryan groaned. Of course, stupid stupid Ryan, never thinking ahead. What was she going to do? “If I may, Mistress,” Sisu said, “I'd advise you to worry less about your girlfriend and more about yourself. You seem to be having some…difficulties?” Ryan looked up at the genie, still helping her stand, wondering what she was talking about, when she suddenly felt something very warm between her legs. She looked down and jumped back in alarm as she saw a growing wet stain around her crotch that was beginning to run down her legs, completely soaking the front of her too-tight jeans. It took a second for her to fully realize what was happening, but when she did she was utterly mortified. “What the fuck what the fuck!” She shrieked. She tried desperately to put her hands between her legs in an attempt to stop it, but to no avail. Under no control of her own she was wetting her pants and could not stop.
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Hey-lo, and welcome to another new story of mine (no, I have no shame in the use of this title). This is a dark spin on a babyfur story with real-world elements (with an evil member of Big Pharma being the Big Bad), so please pay attention to the content warnings on the tags. About critique, feel absolutely free to tell me what I'm doing wrong; in fact, I encourage it with all my heart! I want to publish this under my pseudo penname in books for AR/AB stuff, and in order to publish without mistakes and errors, I absolutely need to know what I've done wrong. If you can't find anything wrong, then tell me what you liked, please! These things make me a better writer. I'm not soft when it comes to critique, and I'll always listen to it. So, with all of that said, do enjoy~ - Chapter One: Jealousy, Rage, and a Gilded Cage - Archer Dove was furious. That…bitch had broken the heart of the wrong man! Charmaine Dryden, a.k.a., the bitch who broke his heart. A top FBI special agent along with him (with him holding seniority as a senior special agent), beautiful platinum-blonde hair in a bun, sky-blue eyes, a towering 6’5” without heels (he was still taller at 6’7”), huge hips, ass, and tits to match her size. He had asked her out. “Married to my job,” she said. “Not interested in dating,” she said. “I would like to remain friends only,” she said. Bullshit! No woman could resist his charm! Every single one of them fell for him the moment they saw him. But he didn’t want them. He wanted her. And she dismissed him. Rejected him. Publicly humiliated him. He was strong, masculine, handsome, a talented shot, amazing in the sheets, everything a woman could want! Why did she reject his advances? Was she threatened by him? Of course, in her twisted little mind, a supposed “independent woman” would be threatened by a strong man. The horror of having a man tell her what to do! Unlike that fucking cuck friend of hers, Veil. She probably fucking pegged him and took it up the ass from the higher-ups, probably a bit of both at the same time. Dove smirked through his anger. Speaking of pegs, he had a plan to destroy her foolish pride and knock her down a peg or two. He’d have her no matter what, one way or another. Humiliate her a bit, have her fail miserably at her assignment, get her fired. And he’d be there to save the day for her, and she’d respect his authority. All he had to do was get a fall guy, and Shadrach Veil fit perfectly, the nerdy little nobody, stuck playing his stupid D&D games on his computer on FBI business, while the real men fought on the front lines with their guns drawn. He hated everything about that fucking geek, from his oversized horn-rimmed glasses covering his mud-brown eyes and baggy clothes two sizes too big for a weaselly 5’3” frame (probably why he was a fucking cuckold), to his nasally voice and twice-broken nose, all the way to his long (to the length of feminine) brown hair and messy brown beard that could probably hide a bird’s nest in it. Yeah, he had absolutely no issues with throwing the blame on Veil with his plan. The computer expert had his…sordid little past that should’ve disqualified him from the FBI, anyway. Dove tried to get him fired once before, but failed. He would say publicly it wasn’t personal between them, but privately? It most certainly was. It had been simple to get Veil’s computer password; as a supervisory special agent in the FBI, Dove had that power and oversight. It had been done in such a way that nobody would even remember he asked. From there, it was simple to hack into the nerd’s computer while he was away on his hour-long self-defense classes that the FBI all but demanded he get after he had his ass saved by Charmaine for the third consecutive time in the field (what a pussy, having to get saved by a woman!), see where Charmaine was going, where she had gone undercover…and burn her. Dove smirked, his green eyes showing cruelty at his little game. Charmaine wanted to fuck with Big Pharma, the biggest pharmaceutical company out there: MVF, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Technically, the name was Belgian: Mensheid Voorop Farma, standing for “Humanity First Pharma”, but “MVF” simply rolled off the tongue easier for most Americans. It was worth multi-billions, which, to him, at least, was more money than anyone could ever know what to do with. They made new treatments for cancer, stem cell research, shit that got grants up the ass. She had gone undercover as a scientist, apparently had a big enough brain for it, and had somehow managed to worm her way into the middle rankings (probably by sleeping with someone). Why she did it didn’t concern him an iota and what they “supposedly” did concerned him even less; let the rest of the FBI deal with the embarrassment of trying to deal with the fallout from her and “Veil”. It had been a simple matter from there to call them - from Veil’s phone, of course; it had been no easy feat to steal it and have him think he lost it. The security guard, some woman with a Dutch name and South African dialect - he didn’t particularly recall or care - was quite intrigued by his description of Charmaine’s false identity down to its entirety. She got him talking to her boss, the CEO of the company, the founder, a shockingly young Belgian man by the name of Augustijn Van der Aart. From his voice, Van der Aart sounded like he was in his early forties. To be that young and rich…well, at least he wasn’t more handsome than Dove was. The CEO sounded very interested in his proof, seemed to believe him, but Dove refused payment. “Too easy to trace,” the FBI agent said. And the only payment he wanted was Charmaine getting what she deserved. And now, all that remained…was to wait. - Augustijn Van der Aart was not surprised to hear the news from the man named “Veil”; just the person he expected the news to be about. The founder of MVF had long since known that there was a mole somewhere fairly high in his organization; such was the case when one was into the things he was. He had not expected it to be the woman known as Catherine Darden. She was fairly high in sciences, and she had earned every bit of it. From everything he heard about her, this woman (whom he now knew to be Charmaine Dryden) seemed to be an ideal candidate to be promoted to the mid-levels: smart as a whip with a personality to match, an ideal aptitude for company work, driven - all things Van der Aart admired in a woman. However, he had no tolerance for moles (to him, they were not really much different than rats), no tolerance for the FBI being in his business - and thankfully, this FBI agent’s selfishness and pettiness (he could tell even from the phone that the man had probably been rejected by her, and to be honest, he could certainly see why; Veil seemed extraordinarily toxic.) gave him a perfect opportunity for his latest test run. Apparently, he had covered Dryden’s tracks from the FBI well. Nobody in the Bureau knew where she had gone specifically, just that she was deep undercover. He had looked up her familial records: both parents had died when she was young, an orphan without any siblings, not even a spouse. Perfect for his line of…specimens. Nobody to miss her, nobody who would give a shit if she disappeared. He had called up his chief security officer, Margaretha Roijakkers, and his head scientist, Deborah Leblanc, to his office to discuss the matter discreetly. His chief security officer was a white South African woman born in an upper-class family, a driven woman with a vicious cruel streak that unnerved even him…but she was undoubtedly, unquestionably loyal to him after he saved her from a very long imprisonment for mass murder and crimes against humanity in her home country, and for allowing her sadism to be unchecked and hidden from the law. His head scientist, a Belgian like himself, had made all of his dreams possible. She was driven, ambitious, and at the same time, cared less about the subjects than one would an ant they had stepped on. All the “volunteers” were mere statistics, mere stepping stones to her rise, and yet she was also loyal to him for giving her a job after science groups had spat on her…and because he indulged her perverted fantasies about her work - so long as she kept it to her work. He discussed things with both women, neither interrupting until he had finished discussing the situation. Then Roijakkers brushed a loose strand of short blonde hair out of eyes as blue as sapphires, yet dead like the many Black men she had murdered and buried. “So, how do you want to play this?” she asked. “I’ve looked at her file; she’s very quick with a gun and knife, and if we tip her off, we’re finished.” “Well, you stated it succinctly, Margarethe,” Van der Aart said, steepling his long fingers, his green eyes never leaving the desk of papers, his bald head gleaming in the light. “We can’t let her leave here, and we can’t tip her off. Deborah, is there room for another subject?” Leblanc’s blue eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she panted excitedly, her long blonde hair tickling her heaving chest. Roijakkers, for her part, looked annoyed at her colleague. “I could easily use another test subject!” the scientist said, her glasses askew. “And if the FBI finds out?” Roijakkers asked. “Then we’ve ruined our entire operation.” “The FBI doesn’t know she’s here at the moment,” he said calmly. “I expect Veil to turn on us again; if he’s turned on the FBI, he’ll turn on anyone. His cooperation is simple: to him, he wants her, and he thinks he can have her no matter what she thinks about him. But if we simply kill her or fire her, we risk having everything crumble. Making her disappear and paying off or blackmailing Veil? Definitely the best option - and our science works perfectly in that regard.” “I could have the formula ready by today!” Leblanc said. “Ooh, do give me the order, Sir, and I’ll have her in chains, ready for her dosage, oh, yes, I will!” “We’d have to keep her as a lab rat for the rest of her life, much like the others,” the South African said coldly, trying - and failing - to ignore her colleague all but orgasming out of ecstasy. “If she’s ever freed, she’ll talk, and people will listen.” Van der Aart smiled. It was not the warm, well-meaning smile that most were accustomed to seeing at work; the malice behind it was as deadly as a pit viper, unnerving even the psychopathic sadist that was his chief of security. “Then we see to it that she’s never able to talk again.” - Charmaine Dryden was preparing for another day at work undercover at MVF. The science team was nice for the most part (even if Dr. Leblanc was absolutely creepy as hell), work was fun and she was able to do it easily. Even the vast majority of security she saw was easygoing, even if the things the FBI had on the head of security painted her as the Devil in heels. She stretched her arms out, as sharply dressed as a scientist could be: lab coat, a white blouse, black slacks, and casual flats. Normally not her style (she wouldn’t be caught dead in a skirt, dress, or heels; that just wasn’t her), but that was okay. She was just eager to get the day started, especially with what she had seen yesterday after digging through MVF’s security camera files (with a huge amount of thanks to Shadrach for teaching her basic computer hacking skills). Many odd specimens, both human and animal. Small, probably children or around that age. It was very limited information, and she needed more info, needed to know what, exactly, she was dealing with, but what she did know was that the FBI - and Dove, in particular, much as she was extremely annoyed at his constant flirtation towards her - was right to send her on this mission: whatever MVF was doing couldn’t be good for humanity, as much as they proclaimed the origin of their own name to be. Then a voice blared on the intercom, obviously one of Van der Aart’s secretaries. “Can I request Miss Darden to the CEO’s office in terms of a promotion?” the pleasant feminine voice said. “Again, Miss Darden to the office of the CEO for a promotion.” The scientists crowded around Charmaine excitedly, some of them giving her fistbumps, others shaking her hand, and still others clapping her on the back, and for a moment, she truly regretted having to burn these men and women. Perhaps when this was all over, she’d try to convince the FBI to give them jobs somewhere - at least, those who were innocent of any crimes. She walked over to the elevator, feeling naked without a gun or knife on her. MVF had stringent policies about weapons, and even better detectors that could pick up the smallest trace of a weapon. If I need to, I can just get a weapon from a security guard? But they have no reason to suspect me, right? Nobody knows I’m FBI…right? Charmaine knew that it was a possibility that someone had caught her snooping around. A small possibility, but not too small to fully ignore; after all, mob families had given out promotions to lull targets into complacency before killing them. Just stick to the act. You are Catherine Darden, a normal scientist getting a promotion. Stick to the act, and you’ll be fine. She was used to acting; this was far from the first undercover mission she had undertaken. She was in the drama club in high school, and this wasn’t much different; all she had to do was get into character - and it was easy getting into character for this Michigan girl, born in Detroit’s tough streets (Fiskhorn, if one wanted to be specific), orphaned at a young age, doing everything to survive in the various foster homes. That was where Charmaine met Shadrach Veil. They had become inseparable, like siblings, even though they looked completely different and had different interests. They had both worked hard to become the people they were because nobody expected anything from them…and when she had been selected to the FBI (mainly because she was an expert sharpshooter in college marksmanship, but also because of her abilities as someone who could go into any role needed), she had insisted that they hire him as well, despite…his history. Charmaine was lost in thoughts as the elevator stopped at the top floor, the office of Augustijn Van der Aart. She opened the door nervously, seeing the man himself greet her with a warm smile. Then she felt the prick of something behind her neck and immediately collapsed, her muscles no longer supporting her, a whirlwind of nonsensical thoughts forming a cacophony in her brain before everything went completely black. - Hope y'all enjoyed~
Hello there, readers! I know, I know, I've already got a lot of projects going so far. But this one is part of an ongoing RP with IronTiger26, and it's a slow go, and I've currently got no new chapters finished yet. So I figured that this first chapter of this new project could help tide you over until then. I hope that you enjoy it! A Mother's Love (Chapter 1) by Panther Cub Pain. Pain was all Dante could focus on, throbbing from the back of his head, where he had been struck. Looking up from the altar he was chained to, he could vaguely see the cavern surrounding this strange temple he had been abducted to. His memories after heading to his car, just two days from retirement, the chained-down Chicago chief of police looked balefully at the thirty purple-robed cultists. In the dim light of the burning torches, Dante could barely make out some of the closer ones. There appeared to be a mix of humans and anthros of several different species. They were chanting in a strange language, surrounding the altar and the carved circle with the intricate looping symbols. He couldn't get a good look at said altar due to the chains and collar firmly holding him in a prostrated position. Then something happened that he had not been expecting, not that he had expected any of this crap. The symbols all started to glow with a soft pink light, making Dante's breath catch in his throat. A low and deep hum started to buzz throughout the cavern, and the chanting cultists raised their voices, and started to chant faster. Then one approached Dante. He was gagged, so he couldn't speak, but he did struggle against his bindings when he saw the silver dagger pulled out from within the robes. It was a wolf, maybe grey fur visible in the pink light, a crazed smile on his muzzle, his eyes wild and focused solely on him. With a single thrust, the knife pierced his heart. Dante looked down at the blade as it was removed, the light brightening with a pink flash. And then all was dark. He felt cold, and then warm, as he flitted into and out of the darkness. His consciousness remained, and his life flashed before his eyes. As he tumbled through the darkness, he still felt warm, as well as a feeling of his perceived self being stretched and smooshed, over and over again. After what felt like an eternity, Dante landed, in a sitting position, with his eyes tightly shut. He waited a few moments before he opened his eyes, and was almost blinded by the bright and loud colors. Where before, he had been in a dimly lit cavern, he now found himself sitting on some kind of plastic bench in a bright and colorful hall. There were bright murals showing farms and smiling animals, forests, beaches, and the like. Before him was what appeared to be some kind of receptionist's desk. There were cobwebs about, and even a few cracks in the walls. Standing on shaky legs, Dante looked around. "H-hello?" he called out in a voice he hadn't heard in a long time. Instead of the rough and tired voice he had long since grown accustomed to, it instead reminded him of back when he was in high school. Looking down at himself, Dante became aware of two things. One, he was nude. The second, and most prominent, he was no longer human. He was covered in some kind of soft grey fur, except for his stomach, which was white. Rubbing his chest, Dante could see that his hands had become more paw-like, muck like his feet, both of which were also white instead of grey. Looking behind himself... he spied some kind of fluffy white cottontail. On a hunch, he reached up and felt that yes, his ears had traveled up on his head and elongated into two long grey ears. He didn't need to feel his pink button nose nor his buck teeth to know that he was a bunny. Although the full-length mirror right there in the hall confirmed it for him nonetheless. "This has got to be some kind of hallucination as my brain is dying," he said aloud, once again hearing a much younger voice. "And apparently my brain took me back to being a teenager as I lay here dying... I guess." Meanwhile, in a nearly vacant room not far from the newly made bunny, a figure turned in place, having heard noises from the main lobby. Curious, the large form silently opened the door, and began to stalk towards the reception desk area. "Hello?" Dante called out, getting up and covering his nudity with one paw, while approaching the desk. He looked around before looking through the desk drawers, having already noticed that while this was some kind of reception area, there were some doors in sight down the hall a bit, and presumably even more further back. He found a drawer of folders and some notebooks, pencils, and other office supplies, and even a tiny gold key. He picked it up and continued to rifle. The figure stopped for a brief moment at the voice, eyes widening slightly, before she slowly continued, and peeked their head around the corner. They stifled a gasp at the sight of the teen bunny, a smile starting to form on their face. They trudged forward, surprisingly silent, in spite of their large frame. As the nude rabbit reached for another drawer, he suddenly felt a large paw settle on his bare shoulder, and a sweet, if deep, voice piped up in the same instance. “Hello?” Dante jumped, getting some serious air, and whipped around, instinctively covering himself as best he could. He stood there, open-mouthed, staring at a large grizzly bear woman, wearing a frilly light pink dress with bows and a white apron. She had a wide, happy grin on her face that was radiating warmth, which helped to calm Dante down a little. "H-hello there!" he stammered, "I'm uh, s-sorry for intruding like this... and while so underdressed, b-but I just sorta... found myself here. Uhm... where is here, by the way?" The bear giggled, the deep voice offsetting the action a fair bit, but still appearing very friendly overall. “It’s quite alright, you aren’t the first one to find yourself here. And you’re currently in Loving Paws Daycare.” "A... a daycare..." Dante's eyes went wide. Dream or not, this being VERY bad. "Uh, I am s-so sorry, I swear I did not plan on being nude in a... in here!" Dante said, his voice cracking a bit. The bear just let out a single laugh, then gently patted his shoulder once. “Mister, it’s alright. Like I said, this isn’t the first time this happened. And there are only three people here at the moment.” Her jolly expression faded into a slightly sadder one. “We... haven’t had anyone else here for a while.” Dante wasn't sure why, but he felt a little sad at seeing how forlorn the bear looked. "W-well, I'm sure that business will pick up soon, uh... Miss... uh..." The bear perked up slightly, and tilted her head as she gave a little smile. “Oh, my bad, I forgot to introduce myself.” The well dressed bear held out a paw. “My name is Sarah. What’s your name, hmm?” "D-Dante," he said, feeling shy as he took her paw and gave it a shake. "Uhm, Miss Sarah, it is nice to meet you. Uhm, is there anyplace I can get some spare clothes?" Sarah nodded. “There is. But first...” She tightened her grip a bit. “Can you come with me, please? You need to be introduced first.” "B-but I'm not wearing anything!" Dante said, trying to pull back again... to find that the grip of the bear, while soft, was like iron. With a tug, he found himself scooped up in her arms, his head over her shoulder, her paw patting his nude furry behind while the other arm was securely holding his back. All soft, yet firm enough to keep him from moving. Securing her new charge in place, she softly spoke as she patted his rear. “I know, Dante. But you’ll find very quickly she won’t mind. In fact, I believe she will be happy to meet you, regardless of what you were in.” "She? Who are you? What is this place?! WHO ARE YOU TAKING ME TO SEE?!" Dante attempted to thrash and kick, but couldn't move from how securely he was held. Sarah didn’t reply, instead heading deeper into the daycare, until they reached a seemingly bland brown door. Smiling, she reached with a free paw to turn the knob. Dante tried to leap away, but one arm was sufficient enough to hold him to herself. The bear pushed the door open, a dim light shining out, and she stepped into the middle of the room, another figure in the corner, standing over a crib looking down at a plush. Sarah picked Dante off her shoulders. “Oh, Mother!” She said in a sing sing voice, catching the attention of the figure. “Lookie what I have!” The next thing Dante knew, he was twirled around, and his feet were on the floor, paws on his bare hips, keeping him in place. His head and eyes spinning, Dante took in the colorful room, and the very large figure standing in it. She was a rabbit like him, but with bright pink fur instead. She was wearing a frilly cream colored dress similar to Sarah's, complete with a pink apron that matched her fur color. There was a wave of warmth and love just radiating from her, seemingly directed right at him. Covering himself, he blushed. "H-hello, Ma'am... I presume that you are the owner o-of this facility?" The large rabbit stared at him for a few silent moments, and just before Dante could speak up... Her paws went to her cheeks, and a gasp escaped her lips. “Oh... my... GOSH!” In the literal blink of an eye, Dante suddenly found himself pressed against her chest, her arms wrapped around his bare body. “He’s adorable!” The rabbit practically cheered, her chin rubbing against the top of his head. Dante spluttered and tried to extricate from this soft and warm prison that was her grip... but found that he did not have the strength. "I-I think that there's been a mixup, Ma.am. I am Dante Christoph, Chief of Police for the Chicago Police Department. I'm n-not a child." The lagomorph stared at him for a few moments, before letting out a lighthearted giggle and leaning in, nuzzling her pink nose against his own. “Nonsense, silly. I know a little one when I see one. And you’re just the cutest thing I’ve seen in so long!” "H-hey! I demand that you set me down right now--MPH!" Dante was surprised to suddenly find something being popped into his mouth. It felt like some kind of rubbery bulb, and he quickly deduced that it was a pacifier. He started to feel indignant anger rise... before his body immediately relaxed. His jaw muscles seemed to move with a will of their own, and Dante realized that he was sucking on the offending object... but didn't have any strength to do anything about it. He couldn't even force himself to spit it out, his body completely betraying him. Despite the relaxation, he still felt humiliated to lay there, in this female giant's arms, being rocked gently back and forth. The giant bunny gently rocked the nude teen back and forth, putting one arm on his tummy and rubbing it in a circle. “There we go, sweetie pie... just lay those weary eyes to rest... I’m not going to hurt you, I promise...” This has to be a dream, Dante thought as he felt a warmth radiate from where she was rubbing him on his stomach. His ears twitched as he distinctly heard them speak, just as he was gently laid onto some kind of soft padded surface. The pink lagomorph lay him down on a padded table, continuing to rub his belly. Suddenly, her eyes widened. Looking over to the bear, she motioned with her head to come over, an excited smile on her face. Dante felt the rubbing stop, and cracked open an eye. He was still sucking what he now saw was a white and blue binky shield, before he spied the large bunny going to talk to the bear. Dream or not, Dante, admittedly sluggishly, started to roll over to hop down from the strange padded table. But before he could do so, a strap snaked out from the side of the table and snugly buckled over his stomach, securing him in place. He growled behind the binky, but the soft 'Nuk-Nuk-Nuk' sound and motion soothed him. Not even looking over at the new arrival as she heard the straps secure him back in place, the bunny excitedly spoke in a hushed tone. “Sarah, do you know what this means?” "Dare I hope, m'lady?" Sarah said, her own excitement growing. The owner nodded eagerly, her ears shaking with the motion. “If we’ve gotten a little one after all this time, then....” She trailed off, motioning to her assistant. "I just knew this day would come, m'lady! I shall go and begin restoring the nursery to its former glory! It will take some time, and I'll need to contact the others, but now that the babies have started to come again, all shall be made well once more!" The large woman grinned, her hands cupping under her chin in excitement. “Ohhh, I just can’t wait! It’s been so long since I had one! I’ll go get him something cute to wear right away!” She turned around, eager to begin. Sarah tittered and turned to leave, before spying on a dresser, something strange. It looked to be silver-ish, and some sort of mechanized device. "M'lady? What is this object? I have never seen one of its like here before?" The bunny turned her head, spotting a look of confusion in response to the item. Trodding over to the bear, she took it out of her hands, turning it over in her hands, looking over every inch of the device. “I... don’t know. What is this? Some kind of box?” "Is it possible that you chanced a look back into the mortal realm of little Dante's origin?" Upon hearing his name, Dante looked over, still suckling. The bunny looked up, nodding, before looking back at the item. “I did, yes, but I don’t see how this appeared because of-“ She was cut off when her finger hit a button, and a flash went off, staggering her for a second as the device began to make a whirring sound. “What was that?” She asked, rubbing her eyes. Despite everything, Dante couldn't refrain from a smile to appear around his binky, followed by a giggle. The owner then gave the smaller bunny a chiding look, before she shook her head with a small grin, turning back to the box. Blinking, she noticed a piece of paper sliding out of the device. Tilting her head, she took it out. “Hmm? What’s this?” After a few moments, the image clears, and shows her surprised face. Her eyes widened. “Oohhh, I get it...” Glancing back to the strapped down teen, she smiled, before handing the camera over to the bear. “Sarah, can you please hold this for a moment? I have an idea.” Sarah took the device, carefully holding it in her paws, nodding to the owner. The large rabbit turned back to the smaller one, striding to and stopping in front of the teen. “Okay, little one. Let’s get you dressed.” She said, reaching under the table. Dante's smile disappeared as quickly as it had come, and tried to struggle... his lack of strength in his limbs making that impossible. Unfolding a certain white object, she gave the former cop a reassuring look. “Just relax, honey. Mother will make sure you enjoy your time here.” "Notta babey!" Giggling, she lifted up the nude bunny’s legs. Turning her head to the bear, she asked. “Would you like to know why I asked you to hold that, Sarah?” Dante could only squirm and blush, with a little muffled whine. In response to the bear’s confused look, the bunny continued, not even looking at her new boy. “That little thing I called a camera. It captures pictures of moments, immortalizing them forever. And all you need to do is press that little button there.” She said, pointing at it with her ear. "Oooh, I see!" Sarah said. She looked through the lens of the camera, one which Dante recognized as being those old ones from back before everything was a phone and a camera, and his blush only deepened. "Ready when you are, m'lady!" Nodding, the pink lady pulled the padding up over the cop’s waist, securing the tapes on the plastic. Giving a smile, she patted the front of his diaper, and said. “Say... Dante’s first diapee!” Before pulling back and allowing the bear to lift the camera and get a clear shot of the padded teen. Dante squeaked and tried to shield his face with one paw, and his new padding with the other, neither of which was remotely successful for the blushing teen bunny. And with the second bright flash to occur in the nursery, Dante, his current attire, and his pose were captured on film for all of eternity, at an angle where one could see all of him laying on the table. “I got it, m’lady!” "Get wid of dat pictew! If anyone sees it, mah caweew wiw be wuined!" Dante said, feeling tears of frustration prickling the back of his eyes. "Oh my goodness, what a marvelous invention!" Sarah said, holding up the picture the camera spit out, once it cleared. It showed a certain mortified bunny boy, freshly diapered, trying to cover up his shame and his identity, both futilely. Sarah cooed at the image before handing it to the owner. "Agreed! It would seem that the children have been busy since we've been away. Oh, I just can't wait to learn more! But first! Sarah," The Nanny stood at attention upon hearing her own name. "Yes, m'lday?" "There's so much work to be done. I must attend to little Dante here. So please get started on fixing up the nursery... oh, and please let the other know that we are back in business!" Sarah's attentive demeanor broke into a wide grin. The bear Nanny saluted. "Yes, m'lady!" She then hurried off, tittering as she did so. The owner watched and held a pink paw to her mouth to stifle a giggle, before returning her attention to Dante. “Oh, sweetie...” The giant bunny said, the straps undoing themselves on their own as she leaned down to pick him up. Dante tried, and once more failed, to resist, and was picked up under his arms, before being pulled into a warm hug, his padded bottom being patted by one of her massive paws. The giant rabbit put her chin on the boy’s head, between his ears. Hugging him closely and rubbing his back, she whispered. “Dante... I promise, that picture won’t be shown to anybody outside this nursery. Mother won’t lie to you.” "Dis has ta be a dweam, wight?" Leaning the teen back, she held him as she cupped her hand on his cheek, looking him in his eyes. “Does this feel like one, honey?” She said, before leaning in and giving him a peck on his forehead. Something abut the kiss, it filled Dante with such love and warmth that he felt as though he were literally about to burst with it all. In that moment, he knew that he was not dreaming. He knew right then and there, that this was his new reality. Pulling away, she maneuvered Dante into a cradling position, and asked again, lightly tickling his stomach. “Well? Does it, sweetie?” The sensation dancing over his stomach made the bunny boy smile and giggle, before eventually letting out a squeal that made his voice break. He quickly snapped to attention when she stopped and looked surprised at his reaction, but shook his head. "No... dis is notta dweam..." After a few moments, the pink giantess smiled, setting him back on the table, this time on his feet. “Dante... I know this might be scary, but I promise. You’re safe here.” She gently grabbed him by his hands, and gave him a gentle smile. “Do you know who I am?” Dante just shook his head, unsure of how to proceed, and deciding on telling this... entity as little as possible. At least until he had gleaned more. He briefly looked down at his diaper. It fit his form perfectly, was white with blue trim, and had a yellow ducky on the back, with little yellow duckies on the front waistband. Giving a little giggle, she continued. “Dante... I am known to all as Mother.” She pet Dante between his ears. “But if you want to call me ‘Mom,’ ‘Mama’ or ‘Mommy’, I don’t mind that in the slightest.” "So is dis wike an adowpshun?" The entity, now known as Mother, nodded. “In the simplest of terms, yes. You’re my baby now, sweetie.” "B-but... I'm owder... well, owder dan dis, but dis is too big ta be a baby. I'm a teenagew now." She put a soft hand on his shoulder, and took out his pacifier. “Well, honey. Anyone who arrives here would normally be much smaller by now. But I think you’re so much cuter like this.” She replied, pulling him in and nuzzling against his cheek. Dante just can't describe the amount of sheer joy he could feel radiating from that touch of her cheek against his. He instinctively leaned into it, and found himself in her arms again, his head resting over her shoulder, her rubbing his back, and supporting him by his diapered bottom. "Am I really dead?" Blinking , Mother sighed, before putting him yet again into a cradle, sitting down on the table and looking down into his big eyes. “Dante... you aren’t dead. Your physical body has been destroyed, and as a result of the transformation, it has been forever lost, but you’re here, and you’re still alive. It’s...complicated, and I don’t want to overwhelm you, but trust Mother when she says you are not dead.” Dante frowns and nods, before starting at the sound of his stomach letting out a rumble. Letting out a soft laugh, Mother stood up and sat the teen down where she was just sitting. “But first, I can tell you’re probably hungry. Let’s get you something else to wear, then get my widdle man some num nums, hmm?” Dante rolled his eyes but nodded again. At least I'll get something to cover this stupid diaper, he thought before, while Mother's back was turned, giving an experimental tug on the tapes. He was surprised that they were fast in place and didn't budge not even the tiniest bit. He then tried to tug the diaper itself down, but it was completely stuck, as though it had been glued on. Mother, after fishing out a piece of clothing, turned to see Dante fiddling with his diaper. She shook her head with an amused smile, and said. “Oh, Dante, babies can’t take off their own diapees, you don’t wanna be nakie again, do you?” "Just seeing if I could. This is so embarrassing." He said, crossing his arms and, unknowingly, pouting adorably. The large bunny simply giggled in response, stepping over to the table and stopping behind her new baby. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Before long, you won’t even mind it.” "I doubt that," Dante said petulantly, turning to keep an eye on the being near them. "Why do I even have to wear this stupid thing? I know how to use the potty!" Dante blushed and clamped his paw-hands over his mouth. "I... uh... I meant to say potty.... no, not potty, potty!" Dante blushed crimson beneath his grey fur. He had been trying to say toilet, but it just kept coming out as potty. Just giving an amused smile, the entity reached down and softly pet the former cop between his ears. “Don’t worry, mommy knows what you’re trying to say. And you need to wear it, Dante. After all, you’re only a baby boy.” "B-but why can't I say it? And I'm not a baby! This body seems to be a teenager, maybe around 18 or 19. And I am fifty-seven years old! Notta baby!" Dante pouted again. Mother gave a soft smile, moving the head pets down to his back. “Well, sweetie. That’s one of the effects this realm can have. It limits it so you don’t have to keep using certain ‘grown up’ words. And like I said before, you were supposed to be smaller, remember?” "So mind control then? Well... poopy." Dante blushed again as that was not the word he was trying to say. “No, pumpkin. You’re still in full control besides that. It’s to help you get used to your new role here.” Finishing her impromptu back rub, she returned her attention to the clothing she picked out, unfolding it and holding it up in the air. “Now, arms up, honey. Then we can get you some num-nums.” "My new role?" Dante asked, stubbornly crossing his arms. "I can dress myself. And I'm not hungry." Dante's tummy took that moment to let out a loud rumble. Giggling, Mother replied. “You can’t fool mama, Dante.” Dante blushed and continued to sit there, with his arms crossed, deciding not to budge until she let him dress himself. After a few more moments of the teen refusing to raise up his arms, Mother eventually gave an ‘evil’ smile as an idea popped into her head. “You know, Dante...” She began, releasing the shirt, the cloth actually floating in the air. “... babies who don’t listen to their mommy usually get a visit from someone.” "Oh yeah? Who? Some kind of enforcer?" Dante said, trying to sound tough and puff out his chest. “Heh. No, but it is someone that all babies don’t want to visit them. Are you sure you won’t raise your arms for mama?” She said, giving him one last chance to change his mind. "I can dress myself. And I'm not a baby." Dante said, resolute. Mother just smiled, and said, leaning in. “That’s such a shame. They’re here now that you said it.” "Who?" Dante asked, starting to feel a little nervous. It was finally dawning on him that this is a powerful entity of some kind, and that for all he knew, he was about to face some sort of eldritch horror. Mother leaned in a bit more, until she took up most of his vision. Then, she whispered four words that caught Dante off guard. “... it’s the Tickle Monster.” And before Dante could react, her hands flew forward, aiming for his unprotected tummy. Dante's eyes went wide and he immediately began giggling. Try as he might to squirm away, it was futile. He had always hated his ticklishness, and now, it was being used against him in full force. Why, he even let out a squeal. The tickling was relentless. No matter where the bunny boy turned, those fingers kept at it, furiously rubbing against his soft belly. “I tried warning you, Dante. Now there’s only one way to make the Tickle Monster go away.” Mother said in a playful voice. "HAHAHAHA O-O-OKAY! Y-YOU CAN DRESS ME!" Dante breathlessly said in between laughter, now on his back, kicking his legs out of instinct, not that it did any good. Still tickling at him, though easing up slightly, Mother looked over at the shirt, as it levitated above the grey rabbit. “Okay, then. Arms up, Dante, then it’ll stop.” It took a few tries, due to his arms naturally trying to cover himself as a shield from the tickles, but Dante managed, still giggling now with his eyes watering, to sit up and raise up his arms. The moment his arms were in the best position, the shirt descended, slipping over his head and sliding his arms into their appropriate holes. And finally, Mother ceased the tickling when his ears poked through the big hole at the top, moving her hands to pull the shirt downward, the hem finally coming to a rest in front of his diapers tapes. “There we go, that wasn’t that hard, now was it?” She said, pulling her still giggling baby into a hug. "That was unfair and degrading!" Dante insisted, his giggles tapering off as he was in her soft and caring arms. He tried to hold onto his indignant anger, but found that she was making it hard. “Maybe...” She reached down and slid a single finger across his side. “But I don’t think you really minded all that much, with that smile you still have on your face.” Dante let out another giggle, and quickly tried to recover and look angry. Mother just gave a smile, before putting a hand on his bottom, and moving him into a cradle position. “Alright, that was fun. But let’s go get my hungry boy something to eat.” And with that, she began to move out of the nursery. Dante didn't like the crinkle from her supporting his bottom. He looked around, seeing some cobwebs in the hall, and even a hole in the floor... that was slowly shrinking? He shook his head before they entered a new room. Tiled floors, white walls, it was a kitchen. There were several short tables with short chairs... and then Dante saw the highchairs, which the being carrying him was heading straight for. Mother began to hum a little tune, moving Dante from a cradle to a position where she held him under his arms. She sat him down in a baby blue high chair, and buckled him in place, and finally set the table in place. "Notta baby," Dante insisted, pouting. “Sure you aren’t, pumpkin.” Mother replied, leaning in and nuzzling him again. “Now, is there anything you’d like to eat?” "Uhm... a chili dog?" Dante asked. Mother tilted her head, looking as if she was in thought. “I...do not know what that is, but I’ll look into it.” She pet him on the head again. “It might be a little bit longer than normal, but I’ll see if I can make one for you.” "So there's a limit to what you can know? Meaning that you're not omnipotent then?" Dante asked, ever the investigator. Mother nodded. “Well, it has been a very long time since I’ve been able to look into your world. So I do need to get my bearings again, but I’ll learn it in no time.” "So... you've observed my world before?" “Yes, dear. But that was a long time ago.” "How long?" Mother opened her mouth to respond, but stopped, putting a finger to her chin. As she did this, a bib began to float over to the pair. “I... honestly don’t know...” Dante filed this information away for later, until a blue cloth briefly obscured his field of vision. "H-hey, what is this?" Mother reached over, tying it around the teen’s neck before she replied. “It’s your bib, Dante.” Dante looked down at the blue bib with the yellow ducky on it, sensing a theme. "I don't need a bib, I'm not a baby." He said, reaching behind his neck to try and untie it, his hands repeatedly slipping over the knot, unable to get a grip. Shaking her head, she nuzzled him again. “Well, you never know, Dante. Better safe than sorry, right?” She stood up, then turned to the kitchen doors. “I’ll be back in a bit, sweetie. But here, a little something for you.” Opening a fridge on the other side, she opened a little canister full of strawberries, and a big, juicy one floated out and towards the teen. Dante, eyes wide, grabs it, and mumbles a thanks. He then mulls over taking a bite or not, before deciding to just go ahead. The flavor was so sweet and amazing, Dante finished it quickly, licking his fingers. It was then that he noticed the tiny gold key from earlier still tucked between his paw-fingers. Thinking at first about hiding it in his diaper, he discarded the thought and quickly opened his mouth, hiding it in front of his gums. No sooner did he hide the key, the kitchen doors opened up again, but instead of Mother, it was that same bear that he first ran into earlier. “Hi there, Dante!” She cheerfully greeted, stopping in front of the bunny and putting her smiling face a few feet away from his own. “Remember me?” "Uh... Sarah, I think?" The nanny, now identified as Sarah, nodded. “Uh-huh! Mother asked me to come out here and keep you company, get to know you some.” The bear pulled up a chair, and sat down not a few inches away from the high chair the teen was trapped in. "Oh... uh... okay... what do you want to know?" Dante leaned back in his seat, crinkling as he did so. Sarah shrugged, cupping her hands on her lap and softening her expression. “Well... why don’t you tell me about yourself some? I’m interested to hear what you were like before you arrived here.” "Uh... well, I was in my mid-fifties... I was human... and I was the chief of police for the Chicago Police Department." Sarah’s eyes widened at hearing his age, quickly hiding it with a nod. “Okay... I did have the suspicion you were human, going off how you were acting when you first arrived. And... police?” She tilted her head. “What’s that?” "Uh... well, there's rules and laws... and police, well, we make sure those laws are obeyed," Dante said, trying to think of how to explain what police are. “Oohhhh,” she said, nodding in understanding. “So you were a guard?” "W-well, you could say that... just a bit more modern, I suppose." Smiling, Sarah reached up and began to lightly brush a finger on his tummy. “Well... regardless of what you did there, I hope you have a happy time he-“ She suddenly cut herself off, an invisible ripple rushing throughout the daycare and into other parts of the realm. She just sat there, frozen like a statue as she processed what was running through her head now. The light brush against his tummy made Dante let out a giggle. But he stopped seeing what had come over Sarah. "A-are you okay?" She snapped out of it, staring at Dante for a few moments, before she put that same hand hand to her mouth. “Oh... you poor thing...” "Huh?" Before Dante could process what was happening, Sarah suddenly jumped up and pulled the teenage bunny into a hug as best she could. “Mother just looked into your world....I know everything you meant now...” "O-oh?" Dante said, his voice muffled against the bear's chest. He was hopeful that all this confusion about his age could be cleared up. Not changing her posture any, she began to rub her hand on the back of his head. “It’s okay, Dante... you don’t have to worry about doing any of that ever again while you’re here...” She said, her voice soothing as can be. "S-so then you know that I'm really an adult, and not a baby, right?" “Hmm?” Sarah pulled back, looking into his eyes, before letting out a chuckle. “Oh, Dante. What made you think we didn’t believe you?” "Uh... the diapers? The babying?" Sarah simply booped him on the nose. “Hehe. It doesn’t matter how old you may have been, Dante. You’re still a precious baby boy to us.” Dante crossed his arms and frowned... once more accidentally pouting adorably. After a few moments, a thought occurred to him, and he uncrossed his arms while looking at the bear nanny. "Wait a second. If your only frame of reference for my world was... to me, the ancient past, then why are stuff like the diapers and baby stuff all modern?" Sarah sat back down, but continued to pet Dante on the back of his head. “Well....Mother is capable of looking into the past, the present and the future. Though...” The nanny pointed at Dante’s diaper. “She has a bit of...tunnel vision, I believe the expression is.” Dante resumed pouting. "Of course... so that means that she's some kind of extremely powerful being, right? Does that make her a... goddess?" “In a manner of speaking, yes.” "... If this is a dream, then this is the craziest dream I've ever had..." “This isn’t a dream, Dante. Promise.” Sarah said, emphasizing it with another boop. The nose boop elicits another giggle from the grumpy teen bunny. Sarah patted the bunny’s back. “Don’t be grumpy, honey. I think I know what might make you feel a bit better.” "I went from Chief of Police to big baby for presumably all eternity, what could possibly make me feel better?" He asks, still grumpy. Leaning in, Sarah whispered. “How about I get one of those....TVs in the nursery? I’ll tell Mother about it, I’m sure she’d approve.” "... Okay... but, will I have to watch baby shows?" Sarah put on a thoughtful look, thinking for about a minute, before she replied. “Only if you either want to, or if you’re being punished. Something among those lines.” She let out a chuckle. “Though... all shows are baby shows here, considering who’ll be watching it.” Dante rolled his eyes, but still was amused by the joke. "'Kay... I guess maybe that's not too terrible..." “We won’t stop you from doing something if you enjoy it, Dante.” Sarah said, sincerely. “Just as long as it isn’t naughty, and you know you can handle it.” "... What is the definition of naughty here?" Sarah opened her mouth to reply, but she was cut off by the doors opening, and a certain aroma entering the room as Mother returned. “Okay, Dante! Your food is done!” Dante turned to see the giant pink bunny that apparently was a goddess of some kind. She was carrying a, in her giant paws, tiny plate with what appeared to be the most delicious chili dog he had ever seen. He couldn't quite place why, but the sight of it looked just so good. "... I-is that a chili dog?" He asked in semi-disbelief. She nodded, a big smile on her face as she put the plate on the high chair’s table. “Of course it is. You asked for one, didn’t you pumpkin?” "Uh-huh... it just looks so... perfect..." Without thinking, he reached for it, his tummy rumbling. Mother giggled, taking a seat next to Sarah. “Eat up, dearie. It’s all for you.” Acting almost out of instinct, Dante grabbed the chili dog and started to eat it, like he was a ravenous animal. The flavors exploded in his mouth, so rich and delicious, he couldn't believe it. When he was done, he was licking his very messy hand-paws, chili smeared on them, his bib, his chin, cheeks, all around his mouth, on his left eyebrow, and somehow on the tip of his left ear. He burped and let out a happy giggle, his hunger satiated in a way he had never felt before. The goddess couldn’t help but let out a coo at the sight of the ‘baby’ rabbit. Taking out a napkin she put in her pocket, she began to wipe off some of his mess as she asked. “Did mama’s widdle baby boy love his chilli dog? I made it as good as I could for you.” Dante tried to turn his head away, blushing, but he couldn't stop himself from nodding. "Uh-huh! It was the bestest!" He didn't notice what he had just said. Both of his caretakers did, though they didn’t let him know. “I’m so happy to hear that, sweetie.” Mother said, leaning in to nuzzle her little boy as Sarah took the plate away, setting it aside as she began to remove the table. Dante giggled and, out of some weird instinct, leaned into the nuzzle, his left paw still in his mouth, the residual chili sauce being sucked off of it. When that was gone, all but the thumb was removed, all without him even noticing. With the table out of the way, Mother picked Dante up, continuing the nuzzle until she put him back into a cradle position, the napkin wiping off the rest and his bib deposited itself next to the sink seemingly of its own accord. “Okay, Dante. You wanna go have some fun in your playpen before you go nini?” "Sawah said I can have a TV!" “Oh?” Sharing a glance with the bear, who gave a ‘I’ll explain in a minute’ type of expression, Mother returned to her suddenly excited charge, and replied. “Well, I don’t know what that is, but I trust your nanny if she says you can have one.” She reached down and lightly tickled him, before turning to the door. “Let’s get you back to the nursery, then we’ll see about it, okay?” Dante giggled and continued to suck his thumb as he laid there in Mother's arms, feeling content. As they headed back out into the hall, which was looking brighter and seemed to be freshly painted bright pastel colors, Dante started to regain his senses, although he still didn't notice the thumb in his mouth. "Wait... why did I get so etsited juft then?" Sarah giggled, reaching over and scratching his head between his ears. “You’re getting a TV soon, Dante. Remember?” "Well, yeah, but I wav actewn... kinda weiwd!" Dante then realized that he had been sucking his thumb, and quickly ripped it out to wipe on his shirt, blushing. Both of the caretakers let out a laugh, both simultaneously coddling the blushy bunny boy as they approached the nursery door. “Don’t worry, honey.” The goddess began. “That was just your inner child coming out. It’s normal.” "Wha? My inner child? Does that mean my mind is gunna... become erased or something?" Dante asked, worried. Unknowingly to all three, down the hall, a diminutive figure in the shadows rounded a corner and was approaching. Mother shook her head, gently rubbing her finger under his chin. “No, sweetie. You won’t have your mind erased or anything like that. Sometimes you’ll be your normal self, like you are now, and sometimes you’ll become the baby you always were on the inside. But eventually, you’ll reach a point where both of them are happening at the same time. Does that make more sense?” She asked, opening the door to the nursery, the tiny figure quickly but quietly dashing toward them. "... So... my mental state will shift between the two until they... even out and meet in the middle?" Dante asked, wracking his brain for the best way to phrase it. “Yes, that’s exactly it, Dante.” Sarah interjected, nodding in affirmation. It was then, with a squeak, that the figure leapt out of the shadows. It was a brown teddy bear, with a big grin on its face, its black button eyes quickly glowing green before immediately fading back to their black state. "Well as I live and... well, not really breathe... a new baby has arrived!" Came a feminine voice from the stuffed bear, with a distinctly southern accent. "Hi there little guy, wanna play?" Dante's eyes went wide in surprise. "Is that a talking teddy bear?" Both Mother and Sarah’s eyes were also wide, but they quickly returned to normal, the nanny actually leaning down and holding her arms out. “Fluffy! We haven’t seen you in so long! Come here, little buddy!” The teddy ran over and leapt into her arms. Sarah hugged the stuffed bear close. "And yup! We have a brand new baby! Isn't it so exciting?" "It shore is! What's the little guy's name?" "Dante!" Dante said, broken from his trance of amazement. He then resumed his pouting. "And I'm notta baby. I'm a big boy! ... I mean, a grown-up! GAH! I mean an adult!" “Sure you’re not, Dante.” Mother said, scratching him between his ears. “Fluffy, it’s so nice to see you again. It’s been so long.” She said, turning her head to the teddy. Fluffy giggled and held up a light blue pacifier. "I think that the baby is a little grumpy. Maybe his paci would help?" "I said I'm notta baby!" Ignoring the bunny’s protest, Mother gave a faux thoughtful look, and a small smile to the sentient stuffed animal. “That just might help, Fluffy, thank you.” "Heeeey! I don't wa--MPF!" Dante found the nipple of the paci popped into his mouth. Automatically, his mouth started to suckle the binky, and his body became much more relaxed. That still didn't stop him from grumbling and frowning. The much larger rabbit smiled, lightly tickling him on his tummy. “Don’t get upset, Dante. We’re already back at the nursery.” She said, opening the door to said room. Dante once more found himself giggling and even letting out a happy squeal, not once losing his binky or stopping the suckling. He looked around at the nursery, and saw how bright and loud its color scheme was. There were playpens, play areas, an indoor jungle-gym, a ball pit, long bookshelves and a set of couches and TV's, which Mother was making beeline right for. Humming a tune, Mother maneuvered Dante in her arms, before setting him on his padded butt on the carpet in front of the biggest TV. As she turned to the television, turning it on to find something to watch, Sarah shared a look with Fluffy, before stepping forward and putting the bear in Dante’s lap. “Here, Dante. Fluffy wants to get to know you.” Dante looked down at the animated bear suspiciously, but simply sat there with the bear in his lap. He was surprised to see channels flip by, giggling a little as Mother oohed and awwed at the technology. Stopping every now and again on different channels, including a news channel and a show that showed off tech, Mother couldn’t help herself and let out a little coo. “That’s so precious. You mortals have made so many cute toys and buildings.” "Dose are majew awchievewnts fow us!" Dante cutely lisped around his binky. Mother just smiled. “And it’s adorable, just like I said.” She turned her attention back to the tv, as she continued to search through the channels. Dante rolled his eyes... before they became laser focused on the show Mother stopped on. SassMe Street. He remembered about how much he loved watching this show when he was little. Unbeknownst to him, his mouth curled up in a smile, and he started to watch it with rapt attention. Mother looked to Dante, and seeing the excited look on his face made her heart warm up. She stepped away from the set, watching her baby as he began to bounce excitedly in place. Dante's mind was soon fully engrossed in the show. He happily followed along in counting and spelling and in speaking Spanish. Both the nanny and Mother watched as Dante became enraptured by the children’s show. They shared a look and nodded. This was far too cute to interrupt. They would put him down for a nap when the show was done. Dante giggled and clapped along when the puppets were finishing up, waving back to them as the show came to an end. He then let out a big yawn and hugged Fluffy close. Mother and Sarah shared a knowing smile and, turning off the TV, the giant bunny scooped the boy still hugging the plush into her arms. Cradling him, Mother followed Sarah out of the play area back out into the halls, which were now devoid of cobwebs and cracks, looking freshly painted. Mother rocked Dante while humming a soft tune. Reentering the room she had first met Dante in, Mother headed towards the baby blue crib. She lowered the boy into the crib, and gently pulled the soft blue fleece blanket up on him. She leaned down and planted a kiss on Dante and Fluffy's foreheads, before standing back up and starting the blue star mobile above the crib. It played a faint tune, and Mother stood there, just watching Dante hug Fluffy. "I will return after naptime. Until then, keep Dante safe and sound, okay Fluffy?" she quietly asked the teddy bear. Fluffy, with one arm free, simply saluted, bringing a giggle from Mother who, after giving Dante one more loving gaze, took her leave. There was so much about the mortal world that had changed that she had to learn about. Fluffy watched her go, the door closing behind the Mother. Once her footsteps faded, his button eyes started to glow green again. Fluffy, his smile now a sneer, wriggled free of Dante, and stood over the sleeping teen bunny baby, softly sucking on his binky and making a nuk-nuk-nuk sound. "Well now," they said, "you should learn to get good and comfortable, Dante. Because you're here forever and ever and ever, and when I get through with you, your brain will be just as full of mush as your diapers will be." Fluffy let out a chuckle before they started whispering into Dante's ears, which twitched. Dante slept, unknowingly listening, unaware of his diaper growing warm. I certainly hope that you liked the chapter! Please consider taking the time to leave a review or comment!
Another story I wrote awhile back. If you like evil mommies then here you go. "I love you." the young man said to the girl he sat next to on the bar counter. "You literally just meet me an hour ago Chris." She responded as she lit a cigarette. She was an angel in Chris's eyes. 5'10, long dark brown hair, hazel brown eyes, plump cherry red lips, brown skin, and a body that would make Harvey Milk reconsider. "I love Pizza and it only took one slice." He responded before downing his third shot of whiskey. When Moriah first walked in, he saw her from the entrance. She was wearing a navy blue cocktail dress and heels. His draw dropped when he saw her and his heart races when she smiled at him. He then died for a split second when she walked over to him and asked him his name. "Did you just compared me to a slice of pizza?" She said with a smile and her ever sultry voice. They had been talking about everything since her first hello. Chris was ready to go in for the kill and lock it down. "Pizza is delicious, just like you. And anyone who doesn't agree should be imprisoned." "You're a silly little boy, I like that. So cute." she giggled at Chris's joke. "Little boy? Nothing little about me Moriah." He responded by raising an eyebrow and grinning her way. "You can't even rent a car baby, now fuss with me and I'll call you baby all night long. I could just pinch those adorable cheeks of yours, both sets." Moriah reached out and grabbed one of his cheeks and pinched it. "Just a cute baby boy I got here." she teased "I'm a man, a real man." "Oh really? Then how about you come home with me and show me what a real man you are. Make me reconsider calling you a little baby boy." These were the words he'd been waiting for. She wanted him and he obviously wanted her. He did drop 40 dollars on the woman after all. She wasn't acting tipsy, but she had to be, 40 dollars in drinks would do that to you. "Let me call an Uber than." "No need, We can take my car. It's nothing special, a black '09 Toyota, but it gets me from A to B." She stood up from her stool and reached into her baby blue purse. She pulled out her car keys and walked ahead of Chris, leading him out of the bar and toward her car that was parked on the side of the building. She walked over to the driver's seat and waited for the tipsy Chris to his door. "Hurry up baby!" she raised her sultry voice with a little authority. She was smiling and still remaining playful. Chris put some pep in his step and walked over to the passenger seat. He stumbled a little, he wondered how Moriah manages to walk so gracefully in her condition. She unlocked the door and Chris hopped in. Moriah started the car and the two left the bar hiding toward Moriah's home. "So Chris, we gotta make a little stop." She said taking a right at a red light. "And what is this stop?" In Chris's head, he feared the worse. An ass whooping from 3 bulky guys with bats because no one wants to scratch up their knuckles. "Are you going to get me beat up? If so, Moriah, we can skip that part get straight to the robbing." Moriah chuckled and rolled her eyes. "So silly, I'm not that type of woman. Plus, I could never bring harm to that cute little baby face of yours." It was getting a little annoying, but Chris didn't say much about it. She thought he was cute, so why throw a fit over it? The two soon drove up a street corner with a moderately pretty woman in make-up leaning on a wall. She walked up to the car smoking a cigarette. "Hi, Miss..." She paused and looked over at Chris who didn't want to look her in the eye. Was Moriah about to buy a hooker? He wasn't going to say no to a threesome, but like hell, he would be paying for it. "And you to handsome. Two is going to be a 100$ extra." Moriah kept up her smiled and unlocked the back door. "Sure thing. You'll come back to my house with us right?" "Extra." She responded. "Okay." She turned to Chris. "Hop in the back with her." She asked politely but it was still a demand. Chris looked at her confused. He wasn't keen on being in the back seat with a hooker. Plus, he was fine where he was. "Listen, I-" "Shh!" She said placing a finger on her mouth. "Quiet now. To. The. Back. Don't make me throw you back there. I'll get the car seat while I'm at it." Chris grunted and stepped out of the car. He better get some ass out of this. This was embarrassing now." He got into the back seat and sat next to the prostitute who was still smoking her cigarette. He wasn't a fan of them, to be honest, but wouldn't complain. He looked over her clothing. Red crop top, red mini skirt, black heels, and a big leather purse. She looked at him and smiled. "So, wanna start now?" Before Chris could respond Moriah spoke up. "NO! Not yet. Just get to know each other. You'll be getting personal soon enough." She bit down on the side of her red bottom lip. Chris and the hooker talked. She eventually gave her name, Holiday, and then eventually admitted her real name. Her name was Pam, and when she said it Moriah laughed. "Pam? Kinda like pampers. That's cute." Chris glared at her. That condescending tone of hers. They continued talking, Pam explained her want to be an actress but a drug addiction ruin that and she backstabbed a dear friend. A blind New York lawyer. She's now just trying to get by while working as a server in a local diner. They eventually arrive in front of a larger than average size house sitting on a dark silent street. She stepped out of the car and pulled the door open for Pam and Chris. "Come on in darlings, I wanna have some fun. Lots and lots of cute fun." She said with her sultry soft voice. Chris and Pam followed Moriah into her home and the door shut behind them. "Welcome to my home. But this won't be where our fun begins. Not for now at the least." Moriah walked them into the back and up and into a dark room. "Chris baby, close that door for me. Chris did it and just thought if she's up to something she'd regret it. Now in the dark, Chris and Pam notice the scent of baby powder in the room. "Where are we?" Pam asked. "Lights." With one word the lights turned on to reveal a nursery meant for an adult. It was in pastel blue and the most babyish things were there. The room was spacious even with set up this oddball of a woman had. "This is where the magic happens." She winked at them. Chris noticed something, her outfit from before, it was gone. She wasn't naked, she was just wearing something else. The red mini had turned into a solid sky blue dress with an apron around her waist and white heels. "When did you change clothes?" Moriah laughed walked over to the empty crib and lowered its railing. "It's been empty for some time. Now I can finally have some fun." She then looked at Chris. "Wannabe be cute for me little boy?" "What the hell is this Moriah?" He asked in confusion. Chris looked around frantically, noticing the soft white carpet, the corner full of giant baby toys. The chest right next to it. There was a large light blue and yellow changing table across from the crib. It shelves held powder, wipes, and diapers. Chris only counted a couple. They were thick, and all had a different design on them. There was an odd cherry red lipstick on all of them. It was more like a brand. Each mark wasn't exactly in the same spot, just a general area. "Moriah, what the hell are you into?" Pam snickered. "She's an ABDL." "Is that a club sandwich." "Stop fucking with me. ABDL means Adult Baby Diaper Lover. A kink where someone gets off on being in a diaper and what could possibly come with it. It can get...weird." She then turned back to Moriah. "You looking for a Mommy? I can do that for you sweaty." "No. I'm the Mommy hear, and I'm the only one in charge." She walked towards Chris. "No Daddies either. Not in this nursery. So that makes you the-" Chris backed up before interrupting. "I came for sex, not this fucked up shit." Moriah frowned. "Well, that won't do? I drove you here for that reason. I won't have a baby to play with then." "You got Pam. Just pay her the 200 and you can get what? 2-3 hours." "Just about." Pam replied. Moriah was getting annoyed. "I'm interested in putting you in that crib. And Pamper too over there." She sneered at Pam. Pam shook at that, something about what she just said felt off. Pamper. Why pamper? "Know what? I need to get back to my pimp. He's going-" "Nonsense! You aren't anyone's girl." She said looking at Pam with an all too knowing look. "Just a free agent. No one to follow where you go or keep you safe." Pam was getting scared. She gripped her purse and thought about the gun in her purse. A little thing, but enough to fuck someone up. "Your starting to get weird." "I am weird." She stepped closer to the sex worker and reach out and grabbed her by the arm. Moriah pulled Pam close into her and pulled on her blonde hair yanking her head back. She then kissed Pam on her check. She left a cherry red lip mark on Pam's check. "There you go. You're going to feel very weird soon. Whatever you do, don't fight it. Let it just happen. Save you some trouble." "What. Did you poison me?" Pam felt it. The part of her check that was kissed by Moriah was vibrating, warm waves spreading out from it. She felt it, she was losing strength. Something was happening to her. Pam reached into her as she started to stumble. She grabbed the little pistol from her purse and aimed it at Moriah. "What the hell did you do to me?" Chris heart was pumping, ready to fight or run. His night was getting crazier than usual. He couldn't let Pam shoot Moriah. "Pam...Don't do anything brash." "Brash? She just poisoned me or something." The gun was feeling heavy in her right hand. It was tingling...and then her hand gained a plastic shine and turned white. She screamed and tried to pull the trigger and shoot Moriah, but her fingers had turned flat and weak. As it dropped from her hand, Pam grabbed her hand and look at it. She then screamed and looked towards Chris. "Help me." Chris watched on in terror and interest, he wanted to see exactly what was happening. "How?" Moriah walked up to Pam and grabbed her gun. "Dangerous thing. Imagine if my little had picked this up Pamper. And look at that." Moriah grabbed Pam's hand and caressed it with a smile. "Even your other hand is changing too! Be careful what you touch." Pam looked at her hands, both flaps traveling down her wrists. "Now those feet are going next. Ready? 3.." Moriah started counting with a grin on her face. She was enjoying it. "Wait what! Stop!" Pam screamed. 2..1...Gone." Her ankle and toes shriveled up into white thin plastic cloth in her heels. She fell over on her side hitting the soft carpet. Her feet then finally become flaps. "And its going to spread Pamper. You're going to be so cute for me." "Stop this. I don't even know what's going on. What are you doing? Just let me go!" Pam pleads. "Pamper you know exactly what I'm doing to you." Moriah went to get close to Pam's ear. "You're becoming the fixation. What's this little fetish without the most enjoyable part. The diaper." She moved away and laughed. "And I go all the way Pamper. Can't wait to get your cutesy self all done. Moriah reached for her clothes and pulled down Pam's skirt revealing she had no panties on. Pam cried. She was being violated. She had just told the most fucked up thing someone said they were going to do to her. Moriah then pulled off her tank top as Pam squirmed. She then felt her tormentors hands on her body, caressing her flesh. Grabbing her breast running her finger down Pam's tummy and to her groin. "STOP! Chris help me!" Chris watched. He felt like that all he could do is watch. "Moriah...stop this. Whatever it is." He wanted to watch, he had to see if what Moriah was doing was real. He had to stay and watch. "DO SOMETHING!" Pam shouted, tears running down her eyes. Her lower legs were transforming, her joints painlessly popping and bone becoming diaper. Her hands were tapes and flaps of white from the forearms down. Moriah glanced at Chris. "I know you wanna watch it. To see her crinkle away." Moriah had glided across her body, flicking at Pam's nipples. Pam bit down on her lip and protested. Moriah then slid to fingers into Pam's vagina. "Like that Pamper?" She whispered to Pam who squirmed under the force of Moriah's hand. Chris watched on. A part of him wanted to step forward. He couldn't think, maybe he didn't want Moriah's touch and do something like that to him. As Moriah's fingers caused Pam nothing but pleasure, she felt something changing in her. She then felt Moriah pull something string-like from her vagina with a sick grin. "What is that?" Moriah sighed and put it back into Pam's lips. "Just cotton strands." Pam felt her vagina changing from in deepest parts, her very cells were being overwritten with atoms of dry 'super absorbing polymer'(SAP). The SAP then started to spread into her blood and changing her flesh. Her groined turned slowly into the padding. Her thighs thin, crinkle, and turn into long tabs that laid dead on the floor. The transformation took her arms too, reducing them into nothing but flaps of diaper tabs. The diaper Pam was becoming had taken her limbs and already snatched her groin from her. It wanted more, and it would take much more. Pam could fill her shoulders turn, the bones changing into something else and the shape of her arms melt away. She knew they were becoming padding. The feeling of tingling started to act on her chest and neck. She could still feel Moriah's hands playing with her and leaning into her face. "Only a matter of time little diaper!" She then felt Moriah claw down her chest with her nails, causing white trails of ash to appear down her dry skin. "Should have lotion up more." Her nails then touched padding and continued to what was once her sex. "Your one hell of a bitch!" Pam responded with a raspy voice as she tried to spit at her only to find her mouth had dried to the point that barely if any came out. She felt the changing traveling up her stomach and hips. Replacing her organs with sap and padding. Her stomach slowly turned into quilted padding in the shapes of diamonds. "The prettiest bitch of them all." The skin of Pam's hips started to pinch and rode up her sides to what use to consider her arms. Suddenly blue elastic leak guards popped free from the pinched skin. Her legs had been reduced to flat strands of plastic tabs. Moriah with that persistent smile picked at the elastic with just her long nails. "So cute. I think you look much better this way. You're better off." Pam's breast were next to turn. They shifted from warm soft mounds of flesh to even softer padding under Moriah's other hand. Moriah then slapped it and forced it down into flat padding like her stomach. At the same time, her back had been covered in plastic and taken on a noticeable arch. Pam clench down her teeth in anger at the slap. It stung but it quickly vanished into nothing. Pam then felt Moriah do it once more to the other mound as she kept picking at her elastic. "FUCK YOU MORIAH! FUCK YOU CHR-" She quickly found her mouth covered with Moriah's hand. "Don't be like that. He can't help you. He's just a baby." She laughed and removed her hand. Pam's mouth had been stolen, turned into diaper padding. Like some rapidly spreading disease, it quickly covered her face. Her hair had started to meld with her back and neck, it to just becoming plastic. "Bye, bye Pam-per!" Chris's eyes were fixated on Pam. The madness of this. To watch an entire woman turned into a human-size diaper right before his fucking eyes. He remembered how Moriah referred to him as a baby. He knew he was next. Moriah was going to do something to him. She wanted him in that crib. Pam's face was now completely soft quilted padding. She felt a pull on her neck sucking her into her chest and was popping out of the top of her head. Even her ears were gone, she couldn't hear anything and barely feel. Bunched up elastic popped out of her head and shoulders as her head was sucked into her giant padded body until she was no more. Moriah then took her index finger and dragged in across Pam's new diaper body. She started at where her head had once been and dragged in down her chest, in gliding across the soft padding. She knew Pam could feel it, her humanity was somewhat there, and she knew how she exactly felt about it. Chris had seen enough. He kept trying to move his feet, trying with all his physical strength to move them from the nursery carpet. Like a miracle, a small but monuments one, Chris moved his foot then another and stepped back to the door. Moriah was still focused on the giant diaper before her. He slowly opened the door with his back towards it and once it was wide enough to open he slipped out and ran. Moriah glanced over as he left and looked back at her victim. "Fold." Removing her finger from her poor victim. Chris moved down the hallway and closed 20 feet in a matter of seconds. She was at the door and desperately tried to turn the nob. Pulling and twisting with all his might to no avail. He then kicked at it only to fall on his ass. Pam was now fully a giant adult diaper, motionless on the warm carpet floor. Her arms then started folding over themselves and over her padded chest, the exact process happen with her legs. The massive diaper then folded itself in half, creating a sweet-smelling gust of air. The red lip mark then reappeared on the diaper clashing with the crisp white diaper that was once Pam. "Damn. Okay, Chris, you gotta get out of here!" Chris dashed to the nearest window and tried to pull it open. He pulled up on it with on his strength, but as the door, it was too no avail. It was unlocked, yet it was like the house wouldn't let him leave, or rather escape. "Fuck." Moriah smiled and placed a hand on the diaper and rubbed the soft crinkly plastic. "Almost there. Now just shrink up to the proper size." Chris wasn't going to let himself get caught. He didn't have a plan, but he had a will. That gun of Pam's would be useful right now. Chris ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife out of a knife block. He wasn't going to face her, he'd play it smart and hide. Chris moved fast and ran upstairs, hoping he can possibly find a way out from there. Moriah watched as the large diaper started to shrink, losing mass right before her eyes. She'd seen it all before, so many times she'd lost count. Maybe once she felt some form of pity for the victims, but now she could only smile with glee down at the diapers she made. Pam was no different. Moriah thought she was giving her a better way out. Instead of dying on the streets from a client or drugs, she just became a cute diaper instead. Moriah grabbed the folded diaper and brought it to her nose. She took a whiff of its sweet scent. "Mmmmm. I can't wait to tape you on my little cutie." Then Moriah spoke up. "Baby! Where are you? It's time to get you diapered up!" She said in a warm, sultry, and inviting tone. She exited the nursery and slowly checked the downstairs humming a tune. Chris heard her and even a part of him wanted to walk to her or yell his location, he knew better. Whatever this woman could do, it was obviously magic. Something that couldn't exist, shouldn't exist, but it did. Science was turned on its head and a woman was turned into a giant diaper before his eyes. He just wished he could have saved her. But he was scared something would happen to him. Still humming, Moriah started walking up the steps of her house. Her heels clicking across the floor making each step sound more and more ominous. Chris slowly crept across the floor, entering the farthest room down the hallway. It was a bedroom, Moriah's bedroom. So much girly stuff he wanted to barf if it wasn't time to be serious. He turned around to exit but the heard her reach the top floor. "Baby! Are you up here? Is this hide and seek? I love playing these childish games. I guess you really want to be my little! I was getting worried." She said as she opens the nearby door leading into a storage closet. "Not in there...to bad you can't hide from me." She then laughed like she already had checkmated him. Chris moved quietly and went under Moriah's bed, slowly his breath and hoping she wouldn't find him. And if she did, she'd get a deep gash for it. He felt shame for being scared of this woman, but after what she did he'd be crazy not to try and kill her. Moriah checked each room and until she got to her own cracked open. "Hmmm. In here? I don't think I left my door open." Moriah entered the room, the diaper in hand. "Chris baby, where are you?" She walked past the bed the one she sought was under and to the closet. She opened it and yelled, "Got ya!" She founding that wasn't already there. It was a walk-in closet but she knew Chris didn't hide there. She looked around her room and then focused on her bed. Moriah walked over to her bed. "I just can't find him." Moriah said in defeat and the plopped her ass on the bed. "I just wonder where your hiding." Chris laid on his stomach as she attempted to hide from Moriah. He tensed up as she sat on her bed just above him. He looked over to see two white heels and two brown calves. He thought of attacking her this way, but he didn't want to hurt her. Not unless he was forced too. If he attacked her, what's stopping her from calling the cops. In the nursery downstairs a single bottle of baby power flew off the shelf and rolled out of the nursery. It was in no rush. Simply rolling down the hall. "Yes, Pam?" Chris hears her say over sudden crinkling. "What do you mean I'm not trying hard enough." Chris then wonders what going on. Was this woman talking to Pam? But she turned her into a diaper. Was she still there! "I know you wanna get worn and get wet but I just can't find baby." Chris shook his head, no way that was Pam's desires. "Check under the bed! I haven't thought of that!" Chris quickly crawled from out under the bed with his back turned from Moriah. "Got you!" He heard her shout as a hand grabbed his shoulder and Pam's diapered form is shoved into his face from behind form off Moriah's bed. He took a big breath before breaking free. He turned and slashed at her with the knife. Moriah didn't flinch as it came in contact with her face and turned into a gray plastic toy knife. She hopped off the bed with a smile. "Babies always want to play, at least let me get you dressed first." She said as she got close, backing Chris into a wall. "You smelt that diaper? It smells so great, doesn't it? Don't you want to smell nice? Be all cute? Once you're in a diaper you'll be the cutest thing ever, well even cuter than you are already." She giggled before grabbing at Chris's belt. The pulled at it with glee. Her touch caused the belt to unbuckle and it was pulled from out his belts loops. His pants then dropped and Moriah bent down and helped his feet out of them. Chris had a chance to stop her, but the scent of that diaper, it left him compliant. But he knew what was happening. "Out those feet go, won't be wearing these anytime soon." She tossed them beside the belt. She then looked at his underwear with a simper and slipped a finger in the elastic of his underwear. "This isn't right! Babies wear diapers, not..." She pulls on it and flicks it. " big boy undies. Chris was kinda freaking out. On one hand, a woman had her's inches his member. On the other hand, he was facing a woman who could alter reality at the tip on her fingers. He then felt a finger inserted back over his waistband and pulled his undies down and had him step out of them. She held them up and close to Chris's face. "No more of these. For now on..." She dropped them on the pants and held the diaper with both hands and squeezing it. "Diapers. Fluffy, thick, absorbent diapers. The cutest thing I can think of for you to wear!" In the nursery, a bottle of powder feel off the shelf and then started to roll across the carpet and out the nursery. Chris wanted to scream. He couldn't, he was helpless. He wanted to run. He wasn't her baby. Her diaper-wearing plaything. He started to shake and tried to move, escape like before. Chris quickly broke free and moved from for the door. Moriah grabbed him by his torso before he got anywhere and slammed him on her bed. It was soft, he wasn't hurt, but Moriah wanted to show she was in charge. He wasn't getting out of this. "You were going to leave without even giving your diaper a try? That's rude, imagine how hurt your pamper is." She pouted as she held up the folded diaper that was once Pam. "You're a monster!" You're just a cruel monster." He screamed at her. "I don't want to wear her." The baby powder rolled down the hall and to a sharp turn and hit the bottom of the stairs. It rolled back slightly and jumped on the first foot of the stair. It continued doing so, climbing the steps at a steady pace. Chris called her a monster. Called her cruel. Begged to not get diapered with Pam. Moriah loved being damned and for her baby's begging. Him not wanting it. Cursing her. It all made her want to diaper him more. To see him diapered up and all hers. Moriah unfolded the diaper open and let it hang open in Chris's face. She then picked at the large thick diaper. "It has nice elastic leak guards to keep the pee-pees you'll be doing from spilling out." She cooed as she picked at them with her nails. It was reminiscent of back when Pam was being transformed into a diaper, now she couldn't yell for help, or anything really. Chris's beautiful tormentor than ran her fingers on quilted padding. "And its so absorbent. You can fill it all you want...and you will fill this diaper." Moriah finished showing off the complete diaper and was ready to tape it on. The baby powder finally reached upstairs and rolled down the hall. It stopped in front of Moriah's bedroom and rolled inside across the carpet. Moriah proceeded to slide the diaper under his ass, but Chris tried to struggle. "Stop this little boy, if you won't wear this Pamper I got here, I'll have you meet the same fate as Pam." Moriah threatened as she lost her smile. Chris stopped his struggling and accepted his fate for now. "That's a good baby," she said with her smile returning. Moriah finished sliding the white thick crinkly diaper under her baby. She reached out her hand and the baby powder jumped into her hand. "Just in time." Chris's captor cooed as she gently applied the sweet-scented powder. Chris felt the cool powder on his skin and the soft pamper under his bottom. It felt so good, so comfy, so warm from what was left of Pam's body heat. "I can see it on your cute little face. You like that the powdering and the diaper right?" Moriah asked knowing what he was feeling." Chris blushed and turned away only to cause Moriah to giggle. "It's okay." She grabbed what was once Pam's head and brought it slowly over Chris's crouch. "Babies love diapers. It's only natural." She said as she reached and grabbed the large sticky tab that use to be an arm. She pulled the tape free and then repeated it on the other side. Moriah pressed down on the front of the diaper and down on Chris's crouch. With her the other hand, she fastens the sticky tap on the left to the head of the diaper. She then did the right side, biting her lip as she did with a smile. The diaper was snuggly taped on to Chris's waist, and he wanted to moan in pleasure at it feeling. The soft warm padding caressing his bottom and groin. Moriah stood up and looked at Chris is a proud smile. "How does that feel baby?" She asked knowing he was enjoying his padded prison, even if he didn't want to. Chris looked at her and blushed again. "I...I..." It was so warm and comfy, like a cloud hugging him. He was loving it. He felt free, protected, and loved. "I hate it...just take her off." Chris said unable to look Moriah in the eyes. He felt conflicted. Moriah rolled her eyes and lean into Chris's face, showing off the cleavage of her big brown breast. "Chris, don't be ashamed." Moriah poked his dry white diaper. "You like it on you. You like her on you. Pamper is warm and comfy, and I bet Pamper likes hugging you too." She then kissed him on his cheek. Chris touched his cheek thinking did she put that terrible spell on him? "Come on baby, let's go back down to your nursery." She then grabbed him by his diapered butt and wrapped her other arm around his back. She lifted Chris like a baby, and with a humming song with ease carried the adult out the room and down the steps. Chris was feeling even more insulted. He could feel her hand under his rear, squeezing the thick padding regularly. Moriah carried the diapered man into the large adult nursery. "Now you're gonna crawl for now on unless I say otherwise." She set him down and instantly he fell down to his knees and catching the rest of his weight with his arms. He was shocked, it wasn't even like he meant to do it, he just felt his legs complying with Moriah's order. "What is going on!" Chris finally shouted! "I can't wrap my head around this. Who are you? Why are you doing this? Making me some adult baby for your pleasure and turning some poor woman in a diaper!" Moriah wipes the hair out her face and kneels down to get eye level with her captive diapered boy. "I'm Momma, Momma Moriah and I thought you were just the cutest thing I've seen. So that's when I decided I just had to have you." Moriah then licked her lips. "And dressing you up like a baby is just even more fun. I got onesies and other clothing for you to dress up in. And then babies need their diapers to keep them dry or you'll just wet yourself." Moriah then touched Chris's diaper and drags two nails down the front. She then tapped on the diaper with them before speaking, moving closer to her baby's ear. "Beautiful women, cute innocent girls, they make some good diapers." Moriah then rubbed the diaper that had once been Pam. "But trashy hookers work well enough I guess." Chris looked on at her in amazement. This woman was out of her mind. He looked over at the diapers and simply thought how many? "You sick fuc-" Chris felt her hand quickly slap him across the face. "Ouch! Wha-" Moriah covered his mouth with her hand and squeezed his cheeks hard. "Curse words aren't what cute babies say. Its a real turn off to be honest. Do that too much and..." She squeezed the diaper with her other hand. "Crinkle crinkle. I want a cute baby, not some sailor kay?" She let his cheeks go. "But why make people into...diapers. How many have you killed? Moriah giggled. "Where to start with that one. I did just tell you why silly but maybe I can go in-depth. I like watching them crinkle and shift. Them freaking out as their limbs and body change before their eyes as they see themselves bleach and puff up. It's glorious, watching terrified crying girls freaking out as their end draws near and are replaced with my pampers." Moriah than looked over at the few diapers stacked under the changing table and gave that toothy grin again. "Just like those diapers over there. I'm getting hot just remembering this college girl I turned years ago. A Chinese national studying her, so trusting and so cute. She like Pam received my deep red kiss, as did any pamper with my lips on them. They were all once-" "Human!" Chris shouted in disgust! Moriah clicked her tongue to signal he had the correct answer. "And a couple of guys who pissed me off or bored me. Not like I can tell the difference. To be honest, I can't even keep count of how many pampers I made. It's like asking how many times you masturbated when you were twelve, get it? "Moriah...how can you live with your self when your killing people." Moriah rolled her eyes. "Boy, you will address me as Mom, Mommy, or if you wanna butter me up, Momma. "Momma.." He said begrudgingly. "Why?" Moriah smiled and tugged on the back of his diaper before she stood up. "I'm not really killing someone if they're turned into a diaper." Can't kill a diaper after all." Moriah than walked over to the closet door and pulled it wide open. She pulled out a onesie and showed it to Chris. "Like the color?" "What is that baby blue?" Chris said knowing he'd be wearing it. "Periwinkle actually my dear." She said correcting him. "Baby blue." He restated. Moriah giggled. She walked over to him and looked down on him with a smile that said she was in control. "Baby blue for a baby. Fitting now lift those arms up so I can slide this on." Chris crossed his arms and looked at her. He wanted to cover up and recover his dignity but he wouldn't let her do it. "I'll do it." Moriah's smile left her face and hung the onesie on the crib's railing and got on the floor. "You just don't get it. You a baby, my baby to do with as I please. I've been nice, but I can be mean." Moriah didn't seem threatening, but she was clearly annoyed. She was like a mother tired of a child's tantrum. She grabbed Chris by his arm and with a yank pulled him over to him and on to her lap. She placed a hand on his back and another hand on his diapered butt. He tried to struggle but she was plainly stronger than him. "Stop moving." She said sternly with a smack on the ass. The pain caused Chris to yelp. "Poor baby." She said with another smack on his diapered bottom once again causing him to wince in pain. She placed her hand on it and screwed it. "I get to feel that soft diaper I put you in while you take the sting of this beating. it's so smooth." She lifted her hand up again and struck it a few more times. Chris gritted his teeth, each strike from Moriah's hand felt like she was striking his bare bottom. He took it like a champ, barely moving and sucking up the pain. "All this because someone was so desperate to be a big boy, even though their a baby, and forgot their manners." She said as she leaned into his ear. "Now if the baby wants to put on their own onesie then fine...just say please." "Please! Please, Momma, Stop!" He cried. Fighting tears from flowing from his eyes. Moriah let go of her hold on Chris and he fell on the floor. He glanced up at her and quickly adverts his eyes. He felt embarrassed, and to be cowed in such away. Again, she made him feel so little. "Momma, can I please-" "Nope." She grabbed the onesie off the crib railing and began sliding it over his head. It was quick, Chris going along with it made so much easier. Moriah kneeled down and started doing the onesie's small little clamps. Chris didn't fight it. "Much better." She said as she looked him in the eyes. "No tears...hmm. A little soldier I got." She mentions. After getting dressed Moriah and her unwilling baby made their way into the kitchen. The kitchen was fairly simple but most distinguishing was the high chair sitting at the table. "Can I..." Chris said before Moriah stared at him. A sultry smile and lear that said 'No way in hell diaper butt.' She helped Chris into his highchair and she walked over to the cabinet. Moriah returned with a spoon, baby food, and a bib. Moriah took great pleasure in wrapping a bib around Chris's neck. "Now I going to let you feed yourself. Just don't mess up okay? Than Momma going to have to take over and you don't want that." "Not really." He responded as Moriah set the jar of food in front of him. It was rather large, big enough for an adult. "Is that apple sauce." Chris grunted and began to eat the apple sauce with Moriah standing close by. Chris tried to guide the food to his mouth but he ran into a couple of problems. The spoons weight was off, it was far too heavy for its size with weight being focused on the front end. It caused the food to fall from the spoon and smear his face, some landing on the bib. "Nope." In an instant he found his spoon taken from out his hands and being feed by Moriah. A smug smirk on her lips. "Can't let you do anything can I?" She said with satisfaction in seeing him fail. "Now open up." She cooed. Chris ate, he wanted to get this over with. The apple sauce was rather delicious to be honest. Maybe it was humiliating, but it was decent food. He was still a little tipsy, hopefully, if he sobers up completely he could get free. Then again that seemed unlikely. It might be best if he just played her game and waited for his chance to escape. Chris finished eating and was released from high chair prison. "What now." He asked while on his knees in front of his captor. "Well, I think I'm going to lat you to be and hopefully see how you treat that plain little pamper of yours." Moriah's smug smile still on her face. "Than I can get you a better diaper. Nice and fresh." Chris's stomach turned. Moriah than left the kitchen beckoning him with a finger. "Come." He followed her back to the nursery. She walked up the crib and lowered the railing of the prison. "Come on sweetie." Chris rolled his eyes and slowly crawled closer to her. "Do I really have to?" "I told you didn't I? I want that pampered butt in this crib. So we can fight about it and I drop your butt in here or you get to put yourself in. Take back a little pride." Chris crawled up to the crib and climbed into his baby prison. He felt a hand on his bottom as if Moriah was helping him in. He then watched it was as the railing was raised up and he was left trapped inside. He could try and claim out when Moriah left but he knew it would fail end in failure. Moriah stood above him with her arms resting on Chris's crib. "You know baby...I really do like you." She reached down and stroked Chris's face. "You're absolutely the cutest baby ever. And when you make that diaper sopping wet baby, you'll be even cuter." Moriah smiled sweetly, she meant what she said. The deviant woman grabbed him by the chin and pulled him close and planted a fat kiss on his cheek. "All mine." She said in a sultry tone. She then walked over to a drawer and pulled out a pacifier and walked back over to her baby. She placed it into her mouth and gave him another kiss. "Night." Moriah than left the nursery, turning off the light on the way out. The only light Chris had was the one from the nightlight plugged in the wall. The longer Chris laid, the more tired her became. His cot was soft and comfy. His diaper had a greater level of comfort like a thick cloud was hugging him tightly. He was actually relaxing believe it or not. He slowly drifted off to sleep. Chris found himself in a house. The walls cracked and on a sofa. He was sitting necked in front of a TV. At his side was Pam. She was naked as well. They both faced the static TV. Chris looked around to see nothing but pizza boxes and needles scattered across the floor. "What the hell is this." Pam looked back at Chris and smiled. "This is...was my life. It wasn't the best. Sucking dick. Fucking. All for just a little change. All just to burn it to get high." A tear ran down her face. "But then...I met Moriah." She smiled. Pam stood up. Her arms had turned into flaps just like before. "Moriah than gave me a release. That sweet release." Her torso had been reduced to padding in a blink of an eye. Her breast turned to padding and shrunk down almost instantly. "Being a diaper...It's so fun!" She said with an almost psychotic grin. Her back then bent along with her head until her face was forced to look downwards. "Chris...you don't know how good it is to be a pamper. To have your body shifted from flesh to soft rich padding." Pam's legs buckled and turned into flaps. She fell to the ground into a heap and turned over. She still had a smile on her face. "You're a diaper! That doesn't scare you? Are you fucking crazy? I'd rather be a human than a fucking diaper!" Chris stood up in a fit of rage. He almost kicked her. "So? I was a fucking whore! A worthless whore. Now I have a purpose. I get to tapped around your bottom and pumped full of piss and shit!" Her voice was raspy but she still seemed so content. This wasn't the Pam he knew. She was afraid before but now she was in ecstasy. "This isn't you!" "No this is me." She smiled boldly. She was shrinking. Her legs had disappeared and split. From the bottom down she looked like a diaper. She started crawling towards Chris. "Diaper. I'm a diaper. I'm nothing but that and I love it." Her face was turning into padding along with her neck. "I love Moriah and thank her for this gift." Pam jumped at Chris's torso, pushing him down and quickly tapping herself on. He was diapered again, yet he could still hear Pam. "Don't I fell great! You know I do." had being a diaper done this to her? Or was this truly how she felt? Chris tried to stand. As soon as she got around his waist, she felt the strength of his muscles deteriorate. He spread his legs out to keep his balance. "Damnit." He grabbed at Pam. "Get off me!" "Nope! That would mean I'm not being a good diaper and going against my beautiful mistress!" Chris fought and fought with it but Pam couldn't be removed. Chris fell to the floor. His legs were weak and tired. "Stop this Pam. I feel it. I have to pee bad. I've held it but I just can't." He told her thinking that would make her change her warped mind. "Do it. I've told you I'm a diaper. Wet me. Use me. Throw me away. I must taste your piss. I bet its divine. Once I'm full, Mistress Moriah can just roll my worthless padding up and drop me in the pail where I belong!" Chris gave finally gave in. He just couldn't anymore. He let lose into the thick padding that was Pam the diaper. She soaked it up as she slightly sagged and plastic crinkly skin went taut. Pam was happy. The bitter salty taste was orgasmic. Sweet without being sweet. The scent was overpowering, and only heightening the pathetic diaper's euphoria. The warmth almost covered her entire body. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The diaper screamed in delight. Chris felt the warmth of his diaper around his waist. He hated it but a part of him liked it. All of it. The wetting. The warmth. The diaper. And at the same time as Pam, Chris thought of being changed by Moriah. The wet mess being stripped away and balled up all to just be thrown out. Chris awoke from the dream. He felt his diaper around his waist. It was wet and pissy. What had happened in his dream had happened to him. It was wet and only a little cool, leaning more on the warmer side. His heart was racing. In the dream he liked it. He fucking liked it! He thought of Pam and looked down at his pamper covered in the onesie. It was really wet. He really did that to Pam! He was worried about it. Was she really enjoying being treated like that? Was she even still there now? Chris couldn't get the dream out his head. It was so fucked up and depraved. Only something that woman could think up, it could be that. Sadly he knew he liked it and how wrong and twisted that was. He felt like inch by inch he was coming over to Mamma's side. He fea1red becoming a happy and willing partner in her sick sexual fantasy. Chris laid back in his crib, mind racing as he repeatedly thought of his dream and his entire situation. He couldn't tell the time, but it was still dark out. He was scared to close his eyes and fall asleep, he feared to repeat that disgusting nightmare again. After awhile Chris started to doze off and was back to sleep. The nursery door swung open and the beautiful woman holding Chris captive in a crib walked in. She was wearing sunglasses, a white tank top, blue denim jacket, similar pants, and heels. Moriah walked over to the closet and pulled a blue bag out of it. It had some items in it, baby powder, wipes, and other supplies for changing diapers along with some snacks. She then pulled out a white shirt and blue shortalls with an image of stars at the center. It wasn't something Chris would think looked good, unfortunate for him, Moriah thought it was cute. With the bag over her shoulder, Moriah walked over to her captive and softly shook him awake. "Wake up baby." She said sweetly. Chris yawned awake and opened his eyes to the smiling witch leaning over the crib. For an instant, he thought she was gorgeous, but then remembered what she'd done to him. "You." he said coldly. "Baby! Morning! Time to get up." Moriah lowered the crib door and sat beside him as he laid in the crib. "Stay right there." Moriah's hands moved over Chris's diapered crotch and felt it. She then slid her fingers into his diaper and smiled at Chris. The then opened the onesies buttons with a swift movement and started poking at the sodden white diaper. "You're Wet." Chris glared at her. "Yeah...and?" "You wet your diaper." She said as she slid a little closer to Chris and leaned in. She placed her hand on the diaper and gripped it. "How did it feel? Wetting your little diaper?" Chris blushed as he grew more irritated. "Disgusting! I'm sitting in cold piss." "Than how about I change you real quick into a fresh one, hmm?" She proposed. "No! You can't! Don't do that to Pam!" Moriah laughed. "Pam's a diaper. And your diaper probably likes being pissed in. Whatever is left of that slut. Just imagine how good it feels for her when you piss into that thirsty padding? How good it feels for you to just use her up? How helpless you are but how much more powerful you in comparison to her?" She leaned closer to him and grab the pacifier beside him. "What are you talking about. There is nothing good about this." He continued to blush as she hit the nail on the mark. He felt the rubber nipple on his lips and didn't fight as she slid it in. He started sucking as Moriah held it in place for a moment. Moriah smiled. "We can keep that little diaper on, for now, it's still fine for now I guess. We can change it while we're out, I'm sure you have more to do in it Baby.
- 2 replies
- 1
- domme mommy
- diaper
- (and 8 more)
"4 years, you've evaded me, but I finally got you back!" A 17 year old woman with long black hair and glasses says while walking up to a large tank. Inside was a large bright pink velociraptor, unconscious and floating in a light blue liquid and covered in tubs and sensors. At the age of 13, the super genius Brittany had built herself a laboratory and her first major experiment was to make her very own dinosaur! Just like the ones she seen in the movies! So she created a Velociraptor, made it pink, and made it smart. A little too smart… "You ruined my dream of owning a pet dinosaur when you ran away. but now I'll make sure you can never escape me again," they say as the they walk over to a large computer. "Computer, activate project: Pink 2.0" : Affirmative, bioaugmentation in process… Error, the task can not be completed.: the computer tells its master. "What! What do you mean it can not be complete!” Brittany shouted at the computer. : It appears to be a bug in our system. Attempting to identify.: the computer tells them as it starts scanning itself. : Bug found. Receiving message: On the computer screen, a pixelated pink dinosaur appears. Pixel pink : Hello master, if you see this, you must have caught the real me. Don't worry. I planned ahead and bugged your computer to give my friends a chance to free me. Too bad you won't be able to stop me!: the computer bug sais before blowing a raspberry at Brittany. "No! Computer, stop the project!" Brittany screams. : warning, stopping the project after it has started will release the subject.: "Then what are we supposed to do! That things, friends, will free it any moment!" Brittany shouted as they began to worry about what would happen if the dinosaur got out again. : observation. To free the dinosaur, its friends must select the free dino option. However, by changing the code, we could change it to a poll with multiple options. So long as something other than the "Free Dino" option has more chosen, then the dinosaur will remain confined.: "I see. That might be our only choice for now. But what should the options be?" Brittany asked. : Suggestion, continuation of project: Pink2.0 through this method." "Perfect! That just makes my revenge sweeter! I'll make its friends decide its fate!" Brittany cackled. "Computer, continue the project!" : Affirmative. Project: Pink2.0 has been activated. Please select the sex of the subject.: Male, Female, Free the dino! Brittany watched as the votes from the dinosaurs frends started to come in. at first she was worried as some picked to free the dinosaur, but then even more started to pick other options. : Confirming. Choice 2, female has secured the most votes. Beginning sex alterations now.: The computer tells Brittany. Inside the light blue tank, strange liquid began to be injected and slowly turned the blue tank pink. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” The scientist hollered as they ran to the tank to watch what transpired. At first, nothing occurred, but then my dino penis began to shrink after a few moments. Pixel pink: “nooo! My little friend! what are you doing to it!: “say goodbye to you’re, now very, little friend.” Brittany says with glee. Soon my penis shrank even more until it was no bigger than a clit before a vagina appeared between my legs. Pixel pink: “I swear you will pay for that!” “You can't fully blame me, blame all your so-called “friends”. Brittany tells the computer bug before laughing again. Pixel pink: "Dont worry, im sure they will free me with the next one! And when they do, im going to eat you!" “Oh, such a big scary dinosaur. Why dont we shrink you down a bit,” Brittany tells the computer bug with a big grin. “Computer, start the next phase!” :affirmative. Adding size choices now.” Larger-7 feet tall. Same-6 feet tall Small-5 feet tall Smaller-4 feet tall Smallest-3 feet tall. Free the dino. Once agin the votes started pouring in. though this time the votes were all split nearly evenly. "Computer! Activate the shrink ray!" the shadow figure yelled excitedly. Right beside the tank, a small ray gun-like device rose and pointed itself at my unconscious body inside the tank before zapping me with purplish energy. Within moments my 6-foot-tall body began to shrink 2 feet! Pixel Pink: "noo! Im supost to be a big scary dinosar! "Oh, you won't have to worry about that much longer. Soon, you won't even be a dinosaur," Brittany tell the computer bug. Pixel Pink: "What?" "Computer! Ready the subject!" : Right away.: the computer responded as two mechanical arms reached inside the tank I was inside and held me in place as the liquid inside drained. With the liquid gone, the only thing keeping me sedated were the needles in my body. Once the liquid was fully drained, the tank lowered into the floor, and a long padded table replaced it. Pixel pink: what do you mean I won't be a dinosaur? Nothing in your program says anything about not being a dinosaur!" "That's because I wanted to do this personally." Brittany says while walking over to my dangling body with a syringe. "Say goodbye to pink the dino, and say hello, to Pink the human!" I was injected with the syringe before they took a few steps back. It was like magic. My body began to morph and change. My arms grew longer while my legs and feet shrank and straightened out. My tail shrank until it was no longer there, and my scales began to fall off. When all was done, I looked like a 4-foot-tall, bald, and naked ken doll. Pixel Pink: "you monster! What have you done to my perfect dino body?" "Oh, we're not done yet. We still need to make you perfect." Brittany tells them. "Computer, I think it's time to give our little girl her own breasts." "As you wish, please select the breast size." Flat, AA, A, B, C, free the dino Once agin, the votes were split, with the free the dino option nearly winning, but just in the nick of time a few picked a difrent option. From the ceiling, two large syringe's the size of large cans came down above my unconscious body with needles pointed at my chest. "Now, give her the breast she needs!" Brittany exclaimed merrily. Pixel pink: "no! I dont want breasts!" The needles quickly poked at my nipples, ready to fill them with a strange green liquid inside. Brittany gazed intently at the syringes, looking forward to seeing the new mounds of flesh on my new body grow. But, the needles were then retracted, and the syringes were rased back into the ceiling. "Computer, what is the meaning of this?" they asked, furious. "I thought breasts were chosen!" : they were. Her breast has been properly injected. Her breast size is now AA.: the computer told its master. Brittany ran over to the computer before smacking their face. "Those imbeciles were so close to giving my creation C cups, but instead, they left her practically flat!" they exclaimed before looking back at my body. Sure enough, my chest did look a little puffer, almost like my chest was stung by two bees. : Pixel pink: phew….: While it wasn't the most ideal, pixel pink was at least glad its friends didn't go overboard with a large chest. Even better, they noticed free the dino was tied for second! That means they aren't all perverts trying to feminize him! Brittany sighed. "Whatever, ill give her a stuffed bra or something if needed." they then looked at my head which was still balled from the transformation. "Computer, what hairstyles are there to choose from?" : options are as follows.: Short hair, shoulder-length, twin tails, ponytail, long hair, shot and wild, long and wild. Bald, free the dino. Pixel pink sighed at votes coming in and it was clear by a mile which was going to win. From behind my chair, a large machine rose from the ground. My body was lowered slightly before the chair moved closer to the device until my scalp was inside. The machine roared to life as soon as Brittany pressed a button. If I was awake, it would have felt like someone was itching my bald scalp. After a few minutes, there was a loud chime, and my chair began to pull me away from the machine. However, what followed was waist-long pink hair with black stripes. "Such pretty hair." Brittany says as they come over to feel my newly grown baby soft hair. Pixel pink: …at least it looks like my old scales and feathers…: "Computer, begin the stylization." Brittany tells it while stepping back. The machine then produced tendril arms that held a hairbrush, sizers, hair spray, and other hair trimming needs. After brushing my hair, sizers were brought over, and my hair was cut down to a more manageable shoulder length. Two mechanical hands then began to utilize my hair by bulling it slightly and tying my hair into twin tails on either side of my head before spraying them with hair spray. "Dont you just look so precious?" Brittany says while taking a nice long look at me. "ok, computer, begin the fin…." Brittany stops when they notice my mouth is slightly open and puts their thumb onto my chin. Pixel pink: what are you doing, pervert!: But they ignored the computer bug and opened my mouth wide to look inside. Inside was long sharp teeth. The only thing remaining of me being a dino. Pixel pink: ha! You could not change all of me into a human!: "Computer, add new dental option. Find random choices to change her teeth." Brittany tells the computer. In all honesty, they didn't mind the sharp teeth too much but realized it would probably be safer if I didn't have sharp teeth all around. : as you wish.: the computer replied. Pixel pink. : NO! You can't take away my dino teeth! Anything but that!: After the hairstylist machine descended, a new machine rose from my left. : starting pre-cleaning.: the machine said as more tendril hands appeared with dental equipment. My head was tilted back to show off all of my nice sharp dino teeth. The machine did a qwick scan of my mouth before processing some data. : she has not bruised in 4 years. two cavities were found: "Oh, that's not good. You know you should be brushing your teeth." Brittany said. Pixel pink: im a dinosaur with small arms! I can't brush my teeth, dumbass!: The machine went to work using its tools to scrub my teeth clean. However, it would take a while with how bad my teeth were. "How long do I have to wait until you're done?" Brittany asked its machine. :20 minutes and 15 seconds.: the robot tells its master. "Ok, then I will be back in a moment. I need to get a drink." Brittany says as they slip into the shadows of their lab. Not long after he left, one of the machine's tentacles got caught on the tube connected to my side. The same one that was keeping me asleep through this whole process. With just a slight movement, the tube was pulled, and the needle it was connected to slid out and fell to the floor. Pixel pink immediately noticed it and began thinking of a backup plan. If it could keep the ex-master distracted, it could give the real body a chance to wake up. But how to distract them? 20 minutes later, Brittany appeared from the shadows once more. Ready to continue the process. My teeth were practically glistening from how clean they were. "Begin the next step." Brittany tells their machine. Pixel pink: please dont do this!: But Brittany just grinned at the annoying computer bug's plead. The machine raised its ray beam and fired golden energy into my mouth. Slowly, my beautiful sharp dino teeth transformed into near-perfect human teeth. Pixel pink: noooo…" it cried out now that nearly every part of my body was no longer a big strong dino but a small cute human girl. "Finally! While she isn't the way I would have liked her, she is still near perfection!" Brittany exclaimed proudly at their handy work. "Now to start the final process. Computer, begin the mind alter…." Pixel pink: wait!: "Oh, upset that you and your little friends didn't save your real self?" Brittany gloated. "Well, too bad. you lost." Pixel pink: im not giving up yet, and you have forgotten one thing.: "And what is that?" Pixel pink: you have left me completely naked! You pervert! Before going any further, at least put some clothes on me!: Pixel pink didn't actually care about the clothes. But this could be the only distraction they can think of. Brittany thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, when I wake you up for your new life, it would probably be good to have you completely ready." Brittany says as they look at my sleeping body. "Computer, add clothing options. Pick out something cute for our little girl." : as you wish.: the computer responded before selecting outfit ideas. : maid outfit has been selected.: the computer announces. "That's just perfect! soon, you'll be my cute obedient little maid.” Pixel pink: a maid! I know it's cute, but come on, you perverts! I could have picked a dino hoodie!: My natural body was scanned before tendrils lifted me into the air to get my bust, waist, and hip measurements. While collecting the data, Pixel pink knew there was one thing it had to do. With the data collected, a few machines created the clothing. After a few moments, my arms were raised as the maid dress slipped over me. The outfit was cute with a short skirt and matching stockings. But instead of the standard black and white. Pixel pink made sure the colors used were Pink and brown. At least she would look more like her dino self… If it wasn't for the brown headband, it would be hard to tell that this was a maid's dress. "Oh, dont you look so cute." Brittany says as they get a good look at their creation. "Ok, computer, time to bring this to an end. Activate the final step! Alter her mind so that she will be completely obedient to me!" Pixel pink had to work fast. There had to be some way of stalking for time. : right away, beginning preparations for, error, error.: the computer says. "What!" Brittany shouts while turning to the computer, not noticing that their shout made my body start to twitch. "What error?" : New option has been added before mental conditioning can be done. Must complete this step before moving forward.: the computer tells them. "What new option?" : choice in underwear has been added.: Brittany shouted and cursed before looking at the computer bug. 'You think you can stop me by just adding more and more options, dont you?" Pixel pink: yes, the next one will be makeup. I just hope my friends dont make me look like a clown…: "Well, too bad for you, because this will be the last option you interfere with!" Brittany tells it with a smile. "You forget, I can still start it manually with no way for you to interfere." Pixel pink: you can't do that. It's cheating!: But Brittany just laughed and walked away to manually get the equipment needed and ready. This would be Pixel's last chance. Please, real body, wake up… : diaper has been chosen.: Pixel pink: yep. I knew those pervs would pick an obvious choice.: A few tendrils distended, holding a simple white diaper in their hand. They lifted my skirt and removed the pink and brown panties I was currently wearing. My legs were raised, and the white diaper was slid under me. Pixel pink: dont forget the baby powder.: The tendrils stopped for a moment before one retreated and came back with baby powder to sprinkle on me before securely taping the diaper. "Are you done over there?" Brittany asked while carrying a helmet-like device before looking at me. "Why is she wearing a diaper?" Pixel Pink: our friends are perverts." Brittany just shook her head in annoyance. "Doesn't matter. Once im done, ill just have her put her other underwear back on," they tell the computer bug as they walk over to my body with a big smile. "Now, little one, you will be mine!" Pixel pink: NO STOP!: They ignored the computer bug and were about to place the helmet onto my head. But they were stopped when my arm shot up and grabbed their arm. "W-what? How!?" Brittany screamed as they tried to have me let go, but I held with frightening strength. "I have just one question for you," I say as I open my eyes. My still bright pink dino eyes. "This is impossible. You are supost to still be asleep!" Brittany sais, still unable to get out of my grip. That's when they finally looked down at the floor and saw the needle pumping me full of sedatives was out. "What did you do to me? And what am I going to do to you?" I asked Brittany before pulling them into them closer! After a few moments and a slight struggle. "Oh wow! I can't believe you perverts turned me into a cute little girl!" I say as I look at myself in a mirror. "Didn't Pixel ask you all to free me?" Pixel pink: I did! But hardly anyone would listen!: "Well, I guess it's fine," I say as I twirl around to see my dress fly up a bit to get a peek at my diaper. "Im cute, so I dont mind it too much. Plus, if I can be turned into this, Im sure I can be turned back. Right Brittany." I look at the chair I was sleeping on not too long ago to see the cute 17-year-old girl with long black hair and glasses in a ripped-up lab coat strapped to it. Her muffled cries went nowhere. When I woke up, I used my dino strength to quickly get her into the chair before ripping off pieces of her lab coat to tie her to the chair and cover her mouth. I walked over and removed the gag from her mouth so she could speak. "Computer! Disable anything that would turn her back into a dinosaur!" Brittany shouted before I put the gag back into her mouth. : complete. Anything that could be used to turn Pink the dinosaur back will be permanently disabled for her.: the computer responds. "Now, why did you have to do that?" I asked but just watched as she had some triumphant look. "Computer, will you listen to any of my commands?" : negative. I am programmed to only respond to my owner or her family. You are not designated as either.: the computer responded. Brittany began laughing through her gag. Even if she was in a compromised position, she still felt that she had won by making it nearly impossible for me to turn back into a dinosaur. But her laughter started dying when she saw me smiling and looking at her. "Computer, didn't Brittany make me?" I asked. : correct, she made you four years ago.: "And right now, im human, right?" : correct: "Then shouldn't that make her my mommy? Im even wearing a diaper like a good baby girl." I say with a massive grin while looking at my "mommy," freaking out now. : processing… logic is sound. Pink the dinosaur, is Brittany's daughter. You can use me as you see fit.: "MMMMM! MMMM!" Brittany screamed to try to take back control, but it was useless. "computer, grant Pixel pink full access to your systems before shutting down," I tell the computer. : affirmative.: the computer responded before doing as I commanded. Pixel pink: Ya! Now im in control!: "Now then, mommy," I say as sickly sweetly as I can as I climb on top of the chair and sit in her lap to face her. She had a horrified look as she looked at my bright, happy face. "Let's play a little game. Im going to have my friends vote on what should happen to you. If you ask them nicely, they will just have you take responsibility for making me your little baby girl. Or they will vote to have you go through everything I just went through. Knowing some of them, they will make you as cute as me or a blond bimbo with huge mommy milkers." I tell her happily. The look of fear on her face was priceless. I removed the gag and let her finally speak. "P-please! Anything but that! I-ill be good, ill turn you back, I promise! No tricks." she pleaded with me. "Oh, im not worried about that. I'll find my own way back," I tell her sweetly. "I think ill enjoy some of the perks of looking like this. But im, not the one you should be pleading with. You have until im done with this diaper to ask my friends for help." While sitting on her lap, I began to pee into the diaper she helped put me into. "NO! Please! Ok, ill take responsibility! I dont want to be a baby or a bimbo! I'll take responsibility, ill take responca…." she pleaded before I put the gag back into her mouth. "So everyone, do you think she learned her lesson, or should we punish my new mommy?" I ask with a smile while enjoying the newly wet diaper I had. I watch as the votes come in. "Wow, I can't believe how split the poll is," I say while looking at the computer screen. "Can you believe it, mommy? So many people want you to take responsibility. "Mmmmm," Brittany mumbled behind her gag. Her body relaxed a bit after worrying about being transformed, just like she did to me. "But, even more of them want to see you punished," I tell her with a big grin. "MMMM!" Brittany yelled again and tried to get free but with no luck. "Pixel, how is everything else coming along," I asked my new computer. Pixel: the old computer program shut down most of the systems, but im slowly bringing them back online. The biggest problem is that the old computer made it nearly impossible to use most of them on you again.: "That's not a problem. I can handle being small and cute for a little bit. Im sure some of my fans will like it too. Especially if I show them a picture of how cute I look." I tell the computer. "Can anything be used on mommy here?" "MMMMM!!!!" Pixel: Yes, most should still work on her. But I think I found something else you can use.: "What?" I asked. Pixel: I found the device that made the syringe that turned you from a dinosaur into a human. It can also turn humans into other stuff.: I looked at Mommy with a big smirk as she suddenly felt tiny. She was whimpering in her chair at the thought of what I could do to her. "Can it be used now?" I asked. "No, it will take some time to set up. But I should be able to have everything ready for you soon." "Well then, everyone," I say while clapping my hands. "I guess that will be all for now. But I will return soon to give mommy the punishment she deserves." Mommy began bawling her eyes out. While I rolled my eyes. "You messed with the wrong dino, Mommy," I tell her. "Anyway, while im waiting for everything to be ready, im going to explore this lab a bit. Who knows what other cool things I can find here? But first, I want to find a camera…."
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Chapter 1 “Aww look like the little ones lost. Oh well, they can become the next lost ones in my game but now I need a new bunch. These past few haven't been as much fun. They end up giving up too quickly.” The lady gets an idea and snaps her fingers. She then pulls out a laptop laying it on her large table. It has character sheets on it that look in bad shape before they crumble to dust and blow away. She opened up a group chat on her favorite d&d website. There were 4 people chatting back and forth. She smiles as she read them the first one is from someone’s username ‘Beast’ “Hell ya, nat 20 bitch! I want to kill it as cool as possible!” The next person to respond was just called ‘GM’ “Ya ya...how the heck do you get so lucky at all my games…? You just break all my stories.” GM explained how Beast killed the large Minotaur with his large two-handed weapon. “Now Brick, can you roll a d20 for me? You did get knocked out after all.” This ‘Brick’ person rolls a d20 getting a 10 “Come on, my rolls are so bad! I swear this game is rigged!” The last person types just called ‘hunter’ replies to brick “Hehehe seriously? We've been playing these games with the same group for over a year now and you think it's rigged? Come on man take a chill pill.” Brick replies back “Ya ya...whatever.” Gm replies next “Ok brick is going to be out for a few days. You can move on and carry him or stay and rest. But we can do that tomorrow. I need a break. But has it really been a year already? And I still have yet to get to play a single game myself…” Beast replies “Well none of us know how to DM. But fine go to bed, he's probably got a bedtime! Sleep tight lol” Hunter replies “Damn it beast, can you be nice to our DM for once?! I got an idea! DM if you find a new DM we can all play a game how's that sound” Brick replies next “I'm in! That sounds like fun! I bet the DMs even better at this damn game than me anyways.” Beast just sends a rolling eye emoji “Ya sure whatever as long as I get to be the badass two-handed ax welder!” The DM replies “Really?! Deal! I'll look for a new DM tonight and get back to you all. I'll text you all later, bye!” DM has logged out, appears in the chat log. Then Hunter replies. “Heh, he's cute when he's happy. Later beast, later brick see you tomorrow!” Hunter has logged off. Brick replies. “Cute? What was cute about that? never heard him speak like that. Anyways see ya man.” Brick logs off and then so does beast. The lady at the table smirks. “Well, Natalie looks like you just found your next group. Now to figure out who this DM is.” Natalie gets to work looking up everything she can off his account and finds the name Laphin after hacking into his account. “Lapin heh cute name. Hmm, interesting he lives not too far away. What are the odds, guess I rolled a nat 20.” She writes down the address and begins to make an invite to a huge D&D game on her laptop. She quickly finished it and Put lapin's info on it and drove all the way to his place putting it in his mailbox. “Now we just play the waiting game~” Laphin is an 18-year-old boy about 4’5 he was quite short. He is a white tiger with glasses he has taped up. He stands up from his computer desk and sighs. “How am I going to find a DM? I'm so tired of DMing games, I want to play for once. I also don't want to let my friends down. Well, I know hunters, my friend, and maybe brick? I don't think beast likes anyone. I really need to get everyone's IRL name sometime.” He lays back on his bed and yawns and an older white tiger lady walks into his room. She looked like she was straight out of the wild west. She carried a gun on her hip and a cowgirl outfit. “Laphin? You're still awake? Get to bed now. Way past your bedtime!” Laphin takes off his glasses and covers up. “S-sorry mom!” Even though he was 18 his mom still treated him like a child. She leaves and he sighs laying on his side. “I bet no one else has to deal with this…what's worse is I get bullied all the time at school for it too. Glad it's my senior year, I can't wait to graduate.” Laphin drifts off to sleep, he sleeps great before suddenly he's woken up the next day. “Time to wake up, Laphin you got mail!” Lapin's mother throws him a letter and leaves. Laphin groans and rubs his eyes looking at the paper, unable to read it. He grabs his glasses and opens it up. “Why am I getting mail? Maybe I got into that nice school?” He begins to read it. “Are you big on Dungeons and dragons? Do you want to play a game for 100 thousand dollars for each person on your team?! Well, come join my challenge for your chance to win, remember teams must be of 4! Give me a call if interested if you need help paying to get your team together I'll help pay for a trip there and back! So come and join my world of Babulis!” Lapin was blown away. He jumped up on his bed and jumped off his bed making a loud thump as he quickly grabbed his phone. Suddenly his mother screams. “Laphin you better not be breaking anything in there!!” Laphin shiver “S-sorry mom! It was an accident!” He quickly messages his three friends telling them about the letter he got. His first message back was from Hunter. “Holy shit dude! This is awesome but it almost sounds too good to be true? You sure we can't trust this?” Next was brick “LET'S DO IT! I'm needing some money anyway. My rent is getting way too high.” And last was Beast to reply “100k?! Let's do this!! I'll beat this game with my eyes closed!” Laphin sighed, and it seemed only hunter wasn't sure. He messaged him back. “Come on, please don't let me be alone with beast and brick. I feel like we are the only two smart ones. But I'm sure we can win! As for safety, why would they spend so much money to get you here if it's a scam or something?” The wait was killer on Laphin before Hunter finally replied. “Heh, alright I'll come. But only if my trip over and back is paid. So you better get ahold of this person ok? I'm sure beast and brick can't afford a trip out there either. So you think you can handle that responsibility?” Laphin jumped up and down typing back “YES YES! Yay thank you, thank you!!” He messaged both beast and brick that he would make sure they had a way over as soon as he could then began to call the number on the mail he got. He held his finger over the call button nervously before taking a deep breath. He hit the call and it rang then someone picked up. “Hiya! This is Natalie! Are you calling about my D&D challenge? “ Laphin was awfully shy talking to real people, not on messages. So he talked quite quietly and softly. “Y-ya...and I got some fri-” Natalie giggles “No need to be shy, but you got some friends that need a trip over, correct?” Laphin was confused. “Ya but-” Natalie interrupts him again. “Wonderful! Just tell me their address and by next week we will start the game. I can't wait to have you all here! Don't forget to tell your family that the game might last a while so you need to be here at least a week. Maybe longer, don't worry about food, I have that covered!” Laphin was just so confused but excited “O-ok I'll get you their addresses” Natalie smirks “Can't wait to play, bye cutie~!” She hangs up and laphin just stares at his phone blushing and then smiles then his face goes pale. “Wait a week?! There's no way mom will let me do that… I’ll ask later I got a week I suppose.” He asks everyone for their addresses and sends it to this Natalie in a text. Suddenly Laphins mom calls him. “Laphin! Come and get your breakfast! What the heck are you still doing in your room??” He finishes up before He puts his phone down “Coming mom!” He then rushes to the kitchen and sits at the table and his mom sits some eggs and bacon in front of him. “Thanks, mom” He sighs and begins to think about how he can ask his mom if he can go play a game of D&D for a week or so. Then he remembered his mom was very greedy. “Oh, mom! You know these games of D&D, I play?” She sighs “Oh, these games that you play when you should be studying?” Laphin groans “I guess, but schools too easy! But that's not the p-” His mom interrupts “Laphin I don't care it’s still just a stupid game they cant make you money!” Laphin smirks “What if I told you I could make 100K from one game if I win?” His mom looked interested. “I'm listening…” Laphin then goes on to explain his chances at this game with his friends. “A week? Or more? Hmm.” They finished eating. “Hmm...Fine but if you win you will pay me some money you owe.” Laphin jumps up out of his chair and hugs his mom “Thank you, thank you! Anything! You can have it all for all I care, I just want to hang out with my friends!” His mom hugs back surprised and smiles. “I'm glad you made friends. I know it's hard with your size and all. And you just being a nerd” She laughs and Laphin blushes. “Mom!“ She pats his back. “Oh get over it Laphin you're still my little boy. But you better win this uhh game, your Christmas present might be on the line!” She laughs and he pouts. “That hardly seems fair...whatever so I can go?” She nods and he smiles. His mom gave him one last kiss on the head. Next, we head on over to Beasts place. There stood a tall black goat named Rie who wore a grey hoodie and jeans. He sets his phone down and heads to his room. He was 28 and lived alone, he smirks. “So I guess I'm meeting these nerds I play with. I'm sure hunter and DM are like these big nerds with glasses but brick acts differently. Don't even know each other's names and we are going to meet. Heh, 100k man so many things I could buy! Fuck my job I will quit as soon as I win!” Rie begins to pack clothing and stuff for next week who knows how long they will be gone. But otherwise, he has a fairly easy week till his trip. Next, let's check on Brick. Brick or Zev as he's known by is a half-goat he's got a goat tail, ears, and horns. He's a 23-year-old man who lives in a small apartment with a bunch of posters of girls. He's quite strong-looking and built well. He always wears a sleeveless shirt and shorts. He puts his phone down on his table. “100k huh? Heh, we will win this easily! Beast will kill an ill tank like normal, we are the best team! Well, and hunter he gets off a few lucky hits...ok maybe a lot whatever. So I'll be going far out next week. That's a shame. Hope mom and my little brother will be fine without me around. Probably won't even tell them so they don’t worry.” He heads to his kitchen to eat then begins to pack his bags. Next, we check on Hunter. They are in a large hoodie covering their body and some baggie pants they smile at their phone after sending their address. “Heh, Gm always acts so cute. He must be a little younger than the other two. Maybe a lot? Kinda hope he's at least 18. That would be fun.” They pull down their hoodie to reveal their long hair dyed purple and reddish-pink. She was a young girl about 26 her name was Zoe. she laid back on her bed. “Hopefully he's not underage….that would be awkward. He acts like he's 15 sometimes. Oh well, guess I'll find out next week. I'm kinda excited for everyone to meet me. I'm sure they think I'm a guy. Better off I'm sure brick and beast would have been hitting on me a lot if they knew.” She giggles. “But that's how I preferred it. I know if Beast or brick knew I was a girl I would never hear the end of it...gross there ok friends I guess, but I don't see myself with assholes like them. Well bricks less of a dick and just kinda...dumb heh” She fantasizes about their first time meeting. Now that everyone was on track all they had to do was wait to see each other next week. I know I'm excited too. Oh sorry, you know me, I'm Natalie and I'm going to be telling the rest of this story. I would let the others tell it but there...busy! Very very busy. WANT TO READ MORE I HAVE 2 MORE CHAPTER UP ON MY PATREON OR YOU CAN WAIT TILL ITS COMPLEATE BEFORE ANY MORE ARE POSTED HERE. I POST A NEW CHAPTER EVERY FRIDAY! ONLY $1 A MONTH https://www.patreon.com/Little_Rie
This is the first story I'll be posting here and I'm really excited to share what I've written! This is an ongoing story that looks at the intersection of identity, healing trauma, and regression through the lens of a newly awakened mage in a modern magical setting. - Vi Dark Rattle: Chapter 1 - Shadows (cw: gender dysphoria, familial trauma) Dark shadows draped the interior of a young mage’s cluttered studio apartment as the sun began to set. The mage lay motionless in bed, staring at the ceiling, wishing the night would come quicker. He held in his hands a strange object, resembling a ceremonial drum with a gourd tied around the stretched leather surface like a hybrid percussion stick and rattle. “You’re my ticket to a better life. Don’t disappoint me, or I will break you apart.” The mage whispered towards the relic in his hands. A small sound of beads moving slightly emanated from the device in response as a ray of sunlight spread across the bed from the sinking sun. The mage grinned wildly and began to speak once more. “The broker who sold you to me claims you are a spiritual tuner. I hope they’re right. I’ve been living in squalor with Jacob for almost a year now and I still haven’t had my awakening. I can perform parlor tricks at best.” The sound of rattling once again filled the room and the young mage began to shake with anger. “I’ve done everything Jacob has told me, I’ve severed the ties to my former life, I’ve moved into this shit apartment with him, and I’ve done all of his stupid rituals for nothing! I’m tired of it! I will become a modern practitioner of magic on my own terms, at my own pace! Fuck Jacob!” The rattling became stronger and a single thump of the drum responded to the last exclamation. It was then that the mage smiled wickedly and let out a cackle as his grasp on the relic tightened. “Yes! You understand! This is my journey and you will be the first tool of many I use to surpass Jacob and all the other snobbish mages that look down on me. Together we won’t hear another lecture of caution or of patience! Oh no, we’ll finally get the praise we deserve.” The rattling intensified and only stopped when footsteps in the hallway outside the apartment came to stop outside the door. With a quick jerk, the relic was shoved under the pillows beneath the mage, who then pretended to wake from a nap as his roommate entered the apartment. “Yo. You fall asleep while meditating again? Remember what I told you: focus is key.” Jacob said as he shut the door behind him and set down a handful of takeout bags on the crowded counter near the fridge. “And what gives with the dishes? I thought I asked you to clean them while I was at work?” “Jacob, I am not your maid. I’m here to learn what I need to and then move on with my journey as a mage.” “You might not be my maid, Andy, but you are my roommate until you learn to wield the power within you. And, since you’ve taken the longest out of anyone I've helped awaken to their powers, the least you could do to repay me for my trouble is to help out around the apartment.” Jacob retorted as he stuffed his takeout into the fridge. “You make it seem like I’ve done nothing to help you, Master. ” “Ew, cool it with that master and apprentice nonsense, this is the twenty-first century not some fake-ass fantasy novel. You’re my friend, not my apprentice. Now look, I got a date uptown and I plan to bring them back home for some good times. Can you promise me you’ll practice the incantations I taught you then find a place to crash tonight?” “Jacob, believe me, by the time you get back here with whatever poor soul you've stuck your talons into I will be long gone.” “Awesome. I’m off then, good luck studying!” Jacob replied after raising an eyebrow at Andy. Andy looked away and muttered an insult under his breath as Jacob sighed and gathered a few belongings into a bag. Andy watched Jacob as he pulled a small piece of chalk from his bag. With a flourish and a few words of power, he drew an outline of a rectangle into the air and in a flash it assumed the form of a door. Jacob smiled and waved goodbye to Andy who simply turned his head away, feigning indifference as Jacob opened the door and stepped into an alleyway in another part of the city. As the door shut behind Jacob, the chalk outline ceased, its glowing aura evaporating in a cloud of dust. Andy produced the relic from under his pillows and placed it flat on his bed before getting up to rummage through the fridge. “Ugh, what a slut. And it's just like Jacob to constantly think of himself and not get me anything! I bet he won’t mind if I take a few bites of his food, he can always conjure more.” Andy chuckled and began scarfing down the food within the small containers. Absorbed in this act of petty vengeance, Andy failed to notice the relic trembling softly as the last ray of light expired during the sun's disappearance from the sky. By the time the thumping noise was audible to Andy, it was already too late. “Hey, what are you doing? I didn’t command you to make noise!” Andy exclaimed through a mouth full of food. As he moved across the apartment to reach his bed, he realized something strange was happening. His foot struck a pile of books on the floor and he fell forward unto the ground, spewing food from his mouth and spilling the takeout container onto the floor. “Fuck!” exclaimed a voice that sounded very different than the one Andy was used to hearing. As the relic began to play a steady beat and the rattling became a vibration that echoed within Andy’s skull, he found it difficult to regain his composure and rise up from the floor. By the time Andy had gotten his feet under him, he realized the bed was almost the same height as himself. He reached out desperately towards the relic, his fingers just barely brushing the rattle as it shook and drummed against itself of its own accord, before he collapsed onto the floor. Visions of dancers in ceremonial garb from an age long past filled Andy’s mind as he writhed in pain, knocking over stacks of books and occult clutter across the apartment. The dancers marched around a blazing fire that seemed to reach up into the twilight sky and lick the strange twinkling stars that had appeared above him. Andy’s mind began to buckle under the weight of his vision and the sound of chanting in a foreign tongue permeated his thoughts. He cried out in pain, but the sound was closer to the screaming of a newly born infant. The stars overhead descended one-by-one into the fire, and Andy saw the body of a small toddler within the flames, being filled with the knowledge and power of the universe. He had just enough time to recognize that this was his awakening, before all conscious thought left his mind. In the middle of the floor, amidst a pile of messy clothing and scattered books lay the newly awakened mage. Their eyes fluttered open and darted around a now unfamiliar landscape. Their head felt as though it were aflame with thoughts that were too complex to understand. They attempted to stand but their body faltered under their effort almost immediately. When taking in their surroundings, the mage quickly realized something was horribly amiss, as they were no longer clothed and they seemed diminutive compared to their surroundings. With horror they held their fingers next to a nearby book and found the spine was bigger than they could hold with one hand. In an attempt to calm themselves they began moving their hands across their body, starting with their face which now had a layer of fat that had not existed just moments prior. A small tuft of hair arose from their scalp, but beyond that they had lost the rest of the hair on their head, including the full beard that had taken them months to grow. A plump roundness of the belly now protruded from beneath their upper torso, and chubby legs stuck out from under their body. With a sudden jerking motion they squished their stomach flat and stared in disbelief at what lay below. “Am I a girl now?” the mage attempted to say, but the words came out in a squished and garbled mess of mewling and gaggling. They explored several other utterances with mounting suspicion and disgust as they realized they could no longer speak coherently. With a sinking feeling, the mage determined that they had somehow become the young infant from their awakening vision. Once more they tried in vain to stand, falling back onto their butt just as soon as they lifted themselves off the ground. They let out a cry of shock and anguish, tears streaming down their uncharacteristically rosy cheeks. The sensations they felt now seemed incredibly vivid and more visceral. The rejuvenation of the body to match their spiritual form was too much to take and revulsion filled them as they realized the consequences of their forced transformation. As the moments passed, they grew more and more upset, their wailing becoming ear splitting and their discomfort growing. It was only when a long gaseous fart erupted from them that they were roused from their sorrow. The discomfort that was stirring within them was more than just disgust at their new form, but a sudden intense urge to vacate their bowels. The mage struggled to stand again, and fell forward onto their hands and knees. They desperately looked around for something to help them stand as they cursed their weak limbs. The mage’s eyes caught sight of the relic atop their bed that now loomed above them like a mountain. They needed to crane their neck all the way back to take in the immense size and shape of the bed, and despair filled them once more. The thought of climbing up to the relic seemed impossible, but they could think of no other way to attempt to undo the magic that had been woven into their body. Magic! That’s it! With a happy giggle that went undetected by the mage, they set to work locating a book of incantations amongst the scattered texts on the floor. The mounting sounds of indigestion shook their body and they quickly crawled over to a thick leather-bound book from the 13th century that contained a number of spells for the young mage to practice. The book had always been one of their favorites as an adult for its beautiful illustrations, a detail which they had kept a secret for fear of being accused of only enjoying the text for its pictures and not its esoteric contents. Upon opening the book the mage was left dumbstruck by the illustrations they now saw. The shapes and lines seemed to move across the pictures of mages conjuring spells and weaving reality. The colors shifted as though animated on the page in hues from unknowable spectra of vivid light. The young mage relished in delight at the discovery that their perception had become altered by their spiritual awakening, and they celebrated their ascension to true magical mastery with a set of adorable cooing noises. They patted the pictures with trusting enthusiasm as the colors and shapes bended to their touch. Only the sounds of their stomach’s imminent need to empty its contents across the floor brought them back to their senses. A wave of repulsion spread out from the mage’s inner sense of self. They questioned their body’s lack of self control and were jarringly brought back to the reality of their situation. If they did not quickly revert back to their previous body they would be utterly lost as their mind continued to regress. The image of them lying in their own shit in the apartment as an infant, when Jacob brought home his latest catch of the night, was too much for the young mage to handle. They would not allow themselves to be the laughing stock of the mage community for the rest of their life. Not after they had sacrificed so much in their journey towards enlightenment! They frantically turned their attention back towards the book to see what spells they could cast to counter or somehow reverse the magical effects of the relic, only to cry out in terror. They stared at the strange runes of the book, reduced to indecipherable blotches. They could not read words in this language any longer as their mind released its grip on rational thought and linear memory. However, simultaneous to this it was also expanding into understanding other abstract and impressionistic memories of their experience from their awakening into true mysticism. Runic symbols from ages long lost flooded their mage's mind like night stars alighting in the sky after the sun has set and before the moon appears to blot out the twilight. They remembered the lives of powerful mages whom they had never heard of prior to their awakening. They were losing the ability to do long division and more advanced mathematics for a wider mental vocabulary surrounding the way the seasons shift from Spring to Summer, a metaphor for their own rebirth that was not lost to them in that moment. Ideas for spells and rituals flooded their mind as the details of the past year became more and more difficult to recall. To center themselves they began the process of casting a spell that came to mind during their period of revelation. They attempted an incantation that they could still remember and awkwardly gestured with their tiny hands to mimic what they had been taught. To their surprise, the incantation finally worked for them and a streak of light materialized in the space between their hands. They willed the color to change and it shifted between brilliant warm hues. Burnt sienna gave way to a rich dark orange and the mage laughed with euphoria at having cast their first spell. The sound of their laughter caught them unguarded, as it pulled at memories lost to them since their early childhood. Brief flashes of their joy in manipulating conjuration and illusion magic as an infant enveloped their mind, and they were left awestruck as the colors of the spell before them flickered violently between different extremes of vermillion and deep sea blue. To their horror they realized that they had cast spells prior to this, as a young infant whose parents were absolutely contemptuous and terrified of their child’s gift. Despite being so young, they remembered long periods, sometimes entire days, when they were locked in their small bedroom in a misshapen crib. They would cast small enchantments and rudimentary spells to comfort themselves, but they were powerless to affect material change to their conditions. Their emotions swirled inside them with the intensity of a violent hurricane. They questioned why their parents could have been so negligent, and at what age they had begun unconsciously suppressing their abilities to receive the affection and love that their parents had starved them of. The streak of color that had been conjured before them evolved once more in hue and saturation to match their distress and formed a weightless blanket around them. A longing had finally been answered with comfort and warmth, and in that moment they briefly forgot the trauma they had endured and the journey they had taken to awaken to their inner truth. The spell allowed them to enter a state of relief, which had they been less distraught they would have been vehemently against. By the time they realized what they had done, there was no changing course. They felt their stomach lurch forward, and before they could physically react, their bowels exploded outwards. They let out a howl as matter poured from their body. In their rejuvenated form they felt a sensation of immense pleasure and satisfaction as their body moved to vacate its waste. However, mentally they were overwhelmingly upset and they tried to give voice to their frustration, but could only muster a yelp that caused drool to slip down the side of their chin. The shame and disgust within them was reflected in the magical blanket of light wrapped around them as it alternated between a jaundiced yellow and a vomitous green. It was then that a thin line of white pierced the air in front and above the mage whose tears were now causing ripples in the floating imagery around them. The resulting door that was carved out of the air allowed Jacob to return to the apartment, carried by a bulky bodied bear of a man. Jacob stroked the man’s chest and pulled at his exposed brown chest hair. Their hopes of time alone were unceremoniously dashed by recognition of a powerful stench. Jacob looked down to find the apartment in complete disarray. His takeout was left smeared across the kitchen counter and the laminate floor beneath it. Books were tossed about across every surface available, many left carelessly open and left together without purpose. An ivory and black jewel encrusted tribal drum with a small attached gourd rattle made a percussive beat that echoed around the room. And in the middle of it all was an infant crying out in despair atop a pile of soiled clothes. "Andy?!" Jacob gasped, slipping out of their midnight lover's arms to reach down to the infant mage and scoop them up into his hands. As Jacob picked the infant up, their minor prestidigitation of light evaporated, revealing their entire new form for both men to observe. "Or should I say… Annie?" A shrewd smile spreading across his face upon examining his roommate's new body. "You didn't tell me you had a tyke. I'm guessing you'd want me gone?" The gruff man behind Jacob remarked, producing chalk of his own. "Oh! Well, this is my daughter Annie! She's a new addition to my life, but I love her very much and she has just made me very proud actually! You wouldn't hold a single father responsible for the mess a talented baby can cause unsupervised—would you?" "Only if that single father agrees to never leave their little girl unattended again! I'm surprised though, Jacob. You never struck me as a parent." The infantile mage squirmed in the hands of their teacher and former roommate. They wanted to puke at the new name they had been given, and yet they felt something else behind their shame. They looked at Jacob with hatred behind tear stained eyes and tried to communicate with them, but only managed a small gurgle. "Don't you worry, Annie. I'm going to get you cleaned up and put you to bed while me and Alexander have some time together." "You still wanna go through with tonight?" "Annie here is a sweet little girl who is up way past her bedtime! With just a bit of magic, she'll be too busy playing poker with Merlin in her dreams to cause any more fuss." "Good. You know, to be honest, I didn't want to give you up to a certain little harlot." Alexander snickered. He then picked the infant mage up from Jacob's hands. The exchange happened so fast that the young mage was too shocked to protest. Jacob lifted a hand and a glowing aura encircled his hands and forehead. Small beads of glowing matter swirled into the air before Jacob as the books were rearranged and the entire room was transformed from a cramped bachelor pad in disarray to a gorgeous spacious apartment with adjoining rooms. With pools of pale fog, dimmed lights, and rose petals swirling around a bed of satin sheets visible in the newly conjured master bedroom, Jacob slowed the transformation spell down and looked to Alexander for approval. Alexander smiled at the sight of the bed and slowly repositioned the infant in his hands into a position on their back in midair, suspended from what seemed like invisible wires. With a quick flourish of his right hand, Alexander conjured a small garment into his grasp. The baby mage struggled against the firm hold of Alexander's magic to no avail as the older mage cleaned and diapered her. Within the mage's mind a battle of conflicting thoughts and sensations arose. Embarrassment and shame swirled against pure delight at being cleaned and wrapped in the smooth satin cloth. The sensation of the cloth tying itself around their body brought forth emotions that had long been forgotten in the mage's mind. Feelings of comfort, security, and love surged inside of them in a way that they had not felt since early childhood. The smooth material of the diaper made them cease their struggling and they absently stuck a thumb into their mouth without realizing they had done so. In their tender reflection a lost memory emerged of being called Annie during their prior infancy. As a young child, the mage's family members had always teased them with the name Annie until they grew into an older and much meaner child. The name originally came about during the period of time when they were still being brought to term, as their mother had insisted she would be giving birth to a girl and had chosen the name Annie for her child. Warm thoughts of being held in the womb and hearing the comforting sounds of their mother whispering the same name that Jacob and Alexander had begun calling them seemed to lull the mage into a trance where they simply laid back and allowed themselves to be overcome with happiness and bliss. New thoughts emerged as they remembered more and more of their early childhood. They had been bullied and called names for being too feminine as a little kid and while these thoughts had once brought intense shame and rage, they seemed to mean nothing to them now. In fact, given their current position, it was comical enough to cause them to giggle. Alexander noticed the infant’s mewling and smiled warmly down at the child. Alexander began tickling the toddler across their stomach and the young mage seemed absolutely delighted with the action. A small voice within them screamed in agony at the situation, but it was growing distant and beginning to recede, lost in the intensity of newfound comforting emotions. The mage found that they could accept that they were a girl now, perhaps even recognize that they were always meant to be a girl, but had been too terrified before to ever consider the possibility. Jacob had often asked them if they were living in their own deception and now it seemed to click in their awoken mind. Yet despite the gradual comfort of the name and change, the image of themselves being diapered was still too much to process fully. The voice that had screamed in defiance came back to the forefront of their mind and they began swinging their hands wildly against Alexander's tickling embrace. The motion was wasted as a deterrent, but the act brought their attention back to their surroundings. They realized that they had lost their opportunity to fight off the diapering, as the material was now snugly slipped into place around their waist. While Annie pawed in futility against the diaper wrapped firmly around their bottom, feeling the satin glide across her skin and begrudgingly releasing a coo of delight, Jacob orchestrated his magic towards the ever growing matter surrounding his hand. In a swift and graceful bow he completed the transformation spell by conjuring a bright pink crib with soft blankets, a mobile of stars and the moon, a teddy to match the crib, and a golden pacifier between his fingers. Seeing this, Alexander waved his hands around Annie and made an exaggerated gasp and exhale which coincided with an invisible force gently rocking Annie over and into their new crib. Jacob placed a hand over Annie and as soon as she opened her mouth to protest and inserted the golden pacifier into her mouth. Annie struggled to remove the pacifier but found herself unable to pry it free. Fighting against the urge to suckle and the exhausted weight under their eyes, Annie looked up towards the mobile and saw both Jacob and Alexander grinning above her. The blankets began to swirl and and swaddle Annie into a cocoon. Despite knowing she was stronger then the blankets, Annie's limbs felt heavier than lead. Alexander moved towards the rose covered bed in the other room, gliding a hand across Jacob's face as they departed from the crib. Jacob blew a kiss after him before turning his attention towards Annie. "Don't think I didn't see your little artifact on the bed. Using a crutch to awaken has consequences, as you are now aware of. If I had known you would be swayed by such folly I would have been more firm in my warnings, but now we are here. Your mind is likely going to change very much now, and you'll need more attention and guidance than you needed before. And don't worry little one, I won't tell a soul you shit yourself when you awakened, so long as someone continues to behave like a good little girl!" Jacob switched on the mobile as Annie tried to speak through their pacifier, to give some indication that they had retained their awareness through their rejuvenation but the pacifier in their mouth clamped their lips firmly around it. Annie watched through a narrow slit between the bars of her crib, as Jacob and Alexander began embracing each other in the doorway to the bedroom. As clothes began to be pulled off, the mages began inciting incantations, conjuring small lights and warmth to spread around their bodies as they entered a state of magical euphoria. They pair moved in synchronized motion into the bedroom and disappeared from Annie's view. She remembered how upset and revolted she had been when she discovered that Jacob was gay. Though as she reflected she began to realize that the emotions within herself were becoming clearer. The longing that existed within her for the power that Jacob could wield magically was not the only reason for their jealousy. The freedom Jacob had as an openly queer man was more sexual liberating then Annie had ever imagined would be possible, especially for herself. Annie's own attraction towards dating men had boiled rage and envy within her since the first string of hook ups that Jacob brought home in the time they had both lived together. Annie felt more tired then she could ever remember being as an adult. As she reached the edge of waking and sleeping, she heard Jacob's voice enter her head and whisper softly, "Rest well little one, you've a new life to live come the next dawn." Annie tried to say they were sorry for the multitude of aggressions and insincerity they had shown their caretaker, and that they felt horrible that they could ever have been so cruel to Jacob, but their thoughts were already drifting towards sleep. Jacob simply smiled from the bed beside his sleeping lover and let the connection between him and Annie cease. He closed his eyes and said in a soft voice, "I know Annie, you're forgiven. I'll tell you a thousand times over if I have to. I'll show you how wonderful this life can be with love and a bit of magic."
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Art used with permission from https://www.deviantart.com/hira-dontell/art/Kirlia-Gijinka-287251313 CH 1: The Stalker (day 1) Since I ran away from my village that was being attacked over 15 years ago I have been taking care of myself somewhat. Yes, I have been taking care of myself since I was 3. I mean I had some help, but for the most part, I never had a childhood. I have just been running away from these Pokemon. I'm not about to become one, I can't let the human race end with me. Well, maybe I should introduce myself fully. Hello, I'm Dakota, a human girl but I'm a tomboy. I have never been into anything girly. I almost consider myself a guy. And I probably look like one well unless you pull my pants down...Uhh anyways, Moving on! I have been able to scavenge for food quite well on my own. The last few days have been rough. There's someone following me. I got away a few times to nap a little but then I continue to run when I hear any kind of noise. I'm exhausted and haven't been able to search for food and I'm starving. I'm not going to last long but I just have to keep going. if not I'll become a Pokemon and worst of all I'll become their baby Pokemon. I know it's strange but somehow they are regressing us and making us their little pokemon. That's just disgusting. But I haven't heard anything or anyone following me in a while. Maybe I'll take a nap. I'll continue to update after a nap. I close my notebook and yawn. "Man... I wish I had a pillow... And a bed...hell I would be happy with a blanket" I lay my head down on the grass and leaves, my body is all gross and dirty, my hair is very long and very knotty. I fear for the day I have to comb it. I relax quickly, passing out asleep for an hour at least. It was so nice but then I heard what sounded like someone walking around. I quickly sat up and looked around. I didn't see anyone but I got up quickly. I just started to run and run and my biggest fear was just about to happen. I get to the end of the forest and peek out. It's a huge town with Pokemon I back up some. "N-no... T-This can't be happening. They have been pushing me to a huge town...i got to run somewhere else!" I lean against a tree to catch my breath. "I'll just turn around... And run back in before I'm seen." I turn around and bump into a very large Gardevoir. My breathing became heavy and I was so scared I couldn't even scream. I just started crying looking up at it. Most Gardevoir were girls but I didn't want to assume. I just started to run as fast as I could, I moved my legs as fast as they would go. This couldn't be happening not like this. While running I open my eyes to see I haven't moved at all. I was floating in the air. Psychic Pokemon are the worst… "L-let me go, please!! You can't take me! Kill me! Anything but what I know you're going to do to me!!" I look down and just cry as I float there. This was the end of my free life. I couldn't survive, the human race was going to end. Suddenly some arms go around me and hug me. "Finally I caught you!" The Gardevoir says kissing my cheek, this made me blush. I was so confused, I haven't felt this kinda embrace most of my life. "I've been chasing you for weeks. You are the cutest human girl! I wanted you all to myself" She giggled and it kinda made me very angry. "Well, for one I'm not a girl! So ha! Two you can't just have someone!" She gave me a stern look then smiles "you're not fooling anyone sweetie. Don't worry I'll help make you into a pretty girl. And then you will be my adorable little ralts. but you're kinda right I can't have you till the paperwork is sorted out." My heart sank hearing ralts. "R-ralts... b-but... I'm a human! And that's the baby evolution of you! you can't be serious lady!" She just nods as she walks into the city. I tried to stay away from her but I floated gently behind her like I was on a leash. I started to cry again. I was scared I couldn't handle this. someone would save me, right? "I don't want to be a pretty girl! I don't want to be a ralts! Please, ma'am! You have to let me go! you don't understand what you're doing!" She just keeps walking. "don't worry you will accept it sooner or later the medication will force you. But you won't change immediately into a ralts, not till you become more accustomed to being well, a toddler or a baby I suppose." Till I start to become accustomed to being her baby?! What does that mean she's not going to dress me up like a baby when I'm fucking 18 right!? That's just disgusting! Iblush just thinking about it. "But first I need to give my new baby girl a bath. She's such a dirty little girl always playing around and never giving time for self-care." She giggles. I blush and growl. "I'M NOT A LITTLE GIRL! I'M 18 YEARS OLD YOU FREAK OF NATURE! I CAN TAKE A BATH MYSELF I DON'T NEED HELP! YOU WEIRDO! BUT YOU KEEP CHASING ME NEVER GIVING ME TIME FOR MYSELF!" This gets the attention of a bunch of other Pokemon, they give me very scary looks as the Gardevoir stops and turns to look at me. She looks angry and holds her hand out. I shake, unable to even struggle. she touches my stomach and a small glow comes from her hand into my stomach. my eyes get big as I hold my stomach in pain and cry. It was like needles were just stabbed into my tummy. "W-what did you do to me?!" She goes back to walking. her tone changed from cheery to more serious. "A punishment." As she says that I uncontrollably start to piss down my leg. I blush insanely as all the Pokemon around laugh and call me a little baby girl. I could only cry in embarrassment. I wanted to die. I would rather die than this. I haven't had an accident since I was 5! She caused this! "T-that won't last forever right?!" She smiles "Nope, one time thing... for now anyway. can’t make promises later on when you lose control permanently." permanently? this can’t be real. I shake and just cry as we reach a huge house this must be her house. We walk inside and this place is giant. It's crazy. But who knows what she has in store for me next I know I just wanted some new pants and panties. But honestly, that's probably the least of my worries. For now anyway. Ch 2: A Bath And New Outfit I finally started to stop crying, as I'm taken to this gardevoirs bathroom. It was big and very nice, her whole house was like this. This must have been how humans lived before Pokemon took over. I wish we could go back. Suddenly I'm floating up into the air higher and pushed on my back. "H-hey what's going on?" She grabs my pants "I'm undressing you because you wet yourself, so you really need a bath." I blush and hold my pants from being pulled off. "No! Absolutely not!" She sighs and my hands move behind the back of my head and I shake. "W-what in the world?!" She giggles. "Psychic powers silly girl" My eyes got big as Gardevoir pulled off my pants and took off my shirt. I didn't own a bra so my boobs just hung there and she pulled off my wet panties and I lay there cold and naked and embarrassed. "GIVE ME MY CLOTHES BACK YOU CREEP!" Gardevoir goes over and starts some water in the bathtub ignoring me. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Me of all people. "Let me bathe myself! Please! This is ridiculous!" Suddenly I flip over to my stomach in the air and Gardevoir lays a few good slaps to my ass. I yelp in pain. "O-Oww..." I tear up. I was never strong but damn that hurt. She slowly sits me down in the water still holding on to me with her psychic powers. She grabbed some scissors and started to cut my hair. I'm freaking out but I also don't want to be hit again. She gets it a decent length. It wasn't that bad. I kinda liked it. But I wouldn't admit it to her. Then she put a ton of soap in my hair and just scrubbed like crazy. It was so relaxing I could barely move. I just put my weight against her as she cleaned my hair then moved down to my body. I wanted to jump away but I couldn't. I gulp as she gets all around my butt and private parts. It was so embarrassing and made me feel so small. She finishes and takes me out and puts a towel around me to dry me off. "A-are we done now... Can I go back to the forest now..." My hair felt amazing, my clean body felt amazing as well. I never felt so good, I could feel all the fatigue coming out and my body felt exhausted. I wanted to fall asleep but I was trying so hard to stay awake. Gardevoir takes me to what looks like a nursery. And lays me on a very comfortable table. My vision was blurry. I could barely figure out what she was doing to me. Before everything went black and I fell asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep but I finally woke up. I was so comfortable. What was I sleeping in? I look around me to see bars. This wakes me up as I sit up quickly and hear plasticity crinkle and I see I'm in a crib. "Just great..." I look down and blush. I'm in a pink onesie and under that's a big puffy diaper. "nope! Like hell no!" I quickly undo the onesie and rip off the diaper and throw it out of the crib and take off the onesie. "I would rather sit naked than in that! I can't believe this! What has my life became...a stupid baby for a stupid Pokemon..." I try to find a way out but even if I tried to climb out of here I would fall a great distance. Climbing was not my strong suit. I sigh, guess I'm not leaving anytime soon. I'm cold and naked, Maybe striping was a bad idea. I grabbed the covers and wrapped myself in it and sat there for an hour or so before Gardevoir walked back in. She looks down at the diaper on the ground then glares at me I shake as she picks me out of the crib with her psychic powers "Ahh! Hey! Stop!" I grip the covers around me close. "Young lady, why are you naked?" I glare back "Because. I'm. Not. A. Fucking. Baby." She flips me over on my stomach in the air. "HEY" but that's all I got out before she started to spank me over and over it seemed to go on forever. "20. now you listen to me young lady you are my baby girl and you will keep your clothes on, understand me!" I nod a lot and cry like crazy. "YES I'M A BABY, I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" Damn it! Stop breaking so easily, stop being a puss! She lays me on a table and pulls out a new diaper. I could feel myself shaking as she put it under me and put power on my crotch and pulled it over me Taping it up. It was so embarrassing being diapered like a baby. I'm an 18-year-old, not a baby. She picks me up in her arms and hugs me. "Mommy's sorry, But she's got to make sure you understand her rules. Now I would put clothes on you but... This will be another punishment for removing your clothes. If you want to be naked fine, you can stay in only a diaper." She smiles. I just sniff, but Iwant this stupid thing hidden. "B-but... People will see it..." She laughed. "So? Humans in our town all wear diapers till we make them our new babies." My eyes get big. "There's other humans here?!" She thinks for a moment then frowns "no, unfortunately not anymore we made them all into baby Pokemon. All they remember being is a Pokemon and that's all they will be for the rest of their new life. It could be worse we could have killed all you humans but we are giving you all a Chance to live with us. If you humans had a choice you would have killed us. We are much nicer than you humans." I look down I wanted to argue with that but she was right, we humans are selfish creatures that never think of another race like Pokemon we just treated them like pets and other use them for sex... We deserve this but I'm not giving up! I will escape. I just need to gain her trust first. But how… Ch 3: A Near Escape Gardevoir carries me into her huge ass front room. It's got a bunch of baby stuff and baby stuff sized for adults. It's creepy and it only makes it creeper that I'm in here with only a diaper on and a sore ass. I never felt so naked. I mean my clothes were never nice and ripped to shreds but at least they covered me for the most part. But I was also dirty it made me feel more... Covered. And I wasn't around anyone. She sits me on the couch and sits by me. "Alright, time for some rules little human." Gardevoir goes over in a cabinet and pulls out a needle and a small thing of something and puts it in the syringe. My eyes get big. Nope fuck this I'm leaving right now. I jump down from the crouch and just run for the door running out. I heard her scream something but I was far enough away. I could see other Pokemon. they would stare at me strangely, Probably don't see humans running off in a diaper but that was the least of my worries when I bump into a Hypno. "Ahh!! Excuse me!" I started to move but I got distracted by his moving coin. I couldn't move my body. I'm like a kid with a.d.d this is bad. I hear him say wet. Like hell I'm doing that then he says sleep and everything goes black. I'm so scared but soon I wake up. I groan as I wake up and open my eyes, I see Gardevoir standing above me with the syringe before I feel a string. "O-oww!" My eyes get big And I wake up completely and start breathing heavily "W-what was that?!" Gardevoir smiles this creepy smile. "This will slowly over time make you into my baby and a Pokemon. Even if you escape you will want to come back to mommy sooner or later." I looked horrified. This can't be, I was supposed to getaway! I start crying and Gardevoir hugs me. She doesn't deserve to hug me but I couldn't help but want to hug back some. "I know you're scared sweetheart but don't worry you will have a wonderful life I promise. And you will be well taken care of." As I hugged her back more I just needed something to comfort me. I cry into her for a while before I feel her fingers in front of my diaper and I quickly pull away smacking her hand that's freaking creepy. she just smiles. "How about we get you changed sweetie? You're a bit wet." I looked confused and touched the front of my diaper. It was soggy and cold. This can't be happening, how?! The Hypno! I actually did what he said... Hypnosis... I sigh. Even if I escape I'll be a Pokemon then even if I can get away I gotta get away from hypnos. Just my fucking luck. Gardevoir makes me levitate with her psychic powers and takes me to the changing room and lays me on a table and removes my diaper. And cleans me up. I'm blushing like crazy the whole time this is going on. I have to cover my face in shame. Then she puts a new diaper on me and she gives me a kiss on the cheek. Keeping me blushing. I feel really depressed. But there has got to be a way to fix it! There has to be. "... Why do you want to treat me like a baby... I'm 18... Not a baby even if you plan on making me a baby Pokemon just do it! Stop making me suffer through this!" Gardevoir hugs me and picks me up and I lay my head on her shoulder. This isn't fair, Pokemon have powers, Humans don't. She looks at me almost sweetly. "I don't know honestly, it's just how we were told to treat humans... And I always wanted a daughter without having to have my own kid." She runs her Hands through my hair. I barely remember my mom and dad but my mom used to do this to me as well. I cracked a smile before forcing it back down. "you're so pretty I couldn't help it. You looked like you needed a lot of help as well... I didn't want you to die out there. I wanted you to have a good life. And I know If it wasn't forced upon you, you wouldn't have done it." I hate to admit it but she's right... And I did need help... No! Stop! That's the medicine kicking in! She's trying to trick you, Dakota! "By the way, what's your name? We like to keep humans with their names. My name is Phyllis." I'm caught off guard. That was my mother's name... But I decided to tell her. "O-oh... I'm umm Dakota..." She smiles and kisses my cheek again. "Mommy's little girl, Dakota! That's so adorable! Yet so familiar?" She hugged me tight and lovingly, it was nice I never felt so loved. I smiled for the first time. But I shake my head. No! She's tricking you! "Oh hey, Dakota?" She takes me to the crib and floats me in, laying me down and covering me up. "How about you get some more sleep. You look exhausted, you're going to need it. You have a big day tomorrow. I got to get papers for you. You have to get an ID for your human baby then your Pokemon baby later after you change. I also have to tell you the rule and this time you won't run away" I shake, great I get to be put on display for other Pokemon to mock and laugh at. But this bed was so comfortable. And this pillow is so relaxing. The diaper was also pretty puffy making me feel safe and relaxed. This must be the medicine kicking in. But before I knew It I fell asleep. This was the best night's rest I have had in years. I didn't have anything to worry about anything, for the most part, Till tomorrow. But I'll worry about that then. Ch 4: Adopted I get woken up in the early morning with the feeling of cold hands going up my thighs and into my diaper, I jump back and scream "WHAT THE HELL?!" It was Phyllis. She just smiles at me. "Still dry, such a good girl! good job." I blush. Of fucking course I'm still dry... I'm not a bed-wetting baby... Phyllis floats me out of the crib with her psychic powers and stands me on the ground. She's a bit taller than me. I'm 5'7 but she was like 6 foot. Just another reason to feel small. And standing there in a diaper naked. "You need some cute clothes sweetie before we head out to do some stuff. Wouldn't want all the boys looking at your boobs now would we." She giggles and I blush. Head out? Oh right... She's going to like what, legally adopt me or something... Great... But maybe this is my time to escape? Phyllis opens a closet and there are a lot of girls clothes for big babies obviously... Why the fuck not... Just my luck. I sigh then look at the door. I could easily run away. Then my ass shoots with pain and I pucker. L-let's not... Phyllis pulls out a pink small dress that wouldn't even close to cover my diaper. "Eww... Hell no! I don't wear dresses!" Phyllis gives me this stern look and points to the floor in front of her. "Young lady, get your diaper butt over here unless you want a spanking." I gulped and looked down walking closer to her. She lifts my arms and puts the dress down over me, I blush. I have never been in a dress in my entire life and I absolutely hate it. This is going to be awful. Phyllis pulls out a strange thing and unfolds it. I could feel myself groan as I saw what it was. It was a large stroller but it had leg and arm tie-downs there was no escaping that. Fuck. My. Life. Phyllis floats me into the stroller. I try to fight it some but to no Advil, she straps me in and puts the arm straps on me and leg straps on me. I couldn't move even a little bit. It was so irritating and my diaper was right there for the whole world to see. "Aww, you are just so adorable!" Phyllis kissed my cheek and hugged me. "First we head to city hall to get papers on you. then we can stay out and get something to eat. Then after that, we will come home and go over the rules." I groan and lay my head against the stroller. At least it's comfortable. I guess… "ya ya... Whatever... Just you wait till I find a way to escape..." Phyllis just smiles. "Once you get these papers done you will have a chip in you so I will always know where you are." My eyes get big. "T-that's not fair! How am I supposed to escape?!" Phyllis smiles and sticks out her tongue. "Here's the fun part sweetie, you don't. But don't worry I'll take great care of you. Because I'm your mommy. And mommy's take care of their Littles ones." That hurt my brain and it made me remember that day… THE PAST I'm 3 and I'm sitting with my mom eating. We had a village hidden away in the forest when suddenly there's screaming. "POKEMON!!" someone in the village screams. There was mass panic. I remember shaking and hugging my mom crying. I remember her saying. "I want you to run... Run as fast as you can" I cried and screamed. "But why?! I want to stay with you, mommy!" She just smiled in the face of danger. "because I'm your mommy and mommy's take care of their little ones" And she pushed me out the door and I ran and ran and ran and I didn't look back. PRESENT Why does this damn Pokemon give me so many memories of my mom... It's scary, I want her to Die, it sounds so much like my mom. Phyllis starts pushing the stroller outside, that's really when all the embarrassment hits hard. My face goes bright red as we start to go through the town. Pokemon are staring at me and my diaper. They look at me like I'm some kinda fucking baby. It's so fucking creepy make it stop! We make it to a building that I get pushed into, It's pretty. These were probably human buildings before Pokemon took over. It's so much nicer than the huts I grew up in. We go up to a counter. And Phyllis asks the person at the desk. "Hello! I'm here with my new baby girl, Dakota. Are you free to do paperwork? I would like for her to be my daughter as soon as possible!" My eye twitches. "I would rather die... But we all don't get our wishes now do we..." I pouted against the stroller, unable to move anyways and the Pokemon at the counter was a Lopunny. They smile at me. "Well someone's a grumpy baby, isn't she. Do you need us to do other things to help the process along or would you rather form her yourself?" I get angrier. "STOP TREATING ME LIKE I HAVE NO CHOICE! FUCK ALL YOU!" Phyllis suddenly smacks my mouth and I tear up starting to cry. I'm not so weak. Why does such a small slap hurt so bad? "Keep your mouth shut young lady! Or next time I'll pull your diaper down in front of everyone and spank your butt!" I blush and look down crying "Sorry about her." The Lopunny smiles "It's ok, all humans have that problem at the beginning. But soon they will be Pokemon and adorable. Even though yours is already so cute" Phyllis smiles. "Thanks, so can we get the paperwork done?" The lopunny pulls out a bunch of papers for Phyllis to sign and then they take a picture of me. A God damn picture that's just fucking great. Me in a God damn diaper for everyone to see forever! They take my thumb print as well as other things before we finish. I'm so bored I feel asleep. But I'm also so hungry I hope we go out to eat soon. I mean! I can get my own damn food! Stupid stuff is messing up... My... Mind. As I fall into a deep sleep. Ch 5: Lunch And The Rules Phyllis was shaking me as we were being pushed out of the building. I was in such a deep sleep I drooled all over my arm. Gross, I wiped my face against the stroller then my face went pale and I woke up completely I had to pee. Very badly. "You need to wake up sweetie. Or you won't want to sleep tonight" She smiles as I squirm "I thought we would go get some lunch now. Let's see where to go" She thinks for a moment "Oh! I know, how about a nice restaurant I go to all the time?" She keeps pushing me in the stroller and I can see a porta-potty ahead. "Stop!" Phyllis stops and looks at me confused. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I shake my head. "No, I got to piss! You gotta let me out" Phyllis looks at the porta-potty then looks back at me and smiles and keeps walking. You fucking bitch. I swear to god if you say what I think you're going to say! I'm going to bite your head off! "Well, the rules are later but I'll give you a hint at rule number one. There's a reason I keep you in a diaper sweetie" I growl and shake with anger. "If I could get out of this stupid stroller I would strangle you and piss on your corpse!" We suddenly came to a dead stop and this was enough to scare the piss out of me seriously. I flooded that damn diaper. But that was the least of my worries right now. Phyllis gets in front of the stroller and glares at me while she undoes the straps. I shake and start to cry. "I-I wasn't serious! No! Let me go! Please, I'm sorry!" She picks me up with her psychic powers and bends me over with my butt pointed to her and I feel her hands pull the diaper down. I just scream and cry. I'm so scared I can't even talk. I struggle before I feel the smacks of her hand hit my ass. Over and over and over the pain was awful. I couldn't stop crying. She got to 50 and Finally stopped. She pulled up my diaper and flipped me around to Her. "Now are you going to say anything rude like that ever again!" She says with her finger in my face I shake my head and I don't know why I hold my arms out to her. I wanted a hug. I wanted comfort. I didn't care if I was in a wet diaper. I didn't care if I was acting like a baby. I didn't care about anything. Just needed comfort. Phyllis sighs and hugs me and I hugged her tightly and cried into her. "I'm sorry sweetie but I won't have you back taking me like that ever again. And I noticed you're wet." I blush well at least I'll be out of it. This is disgusting. "So I decided as a punishment. I'm not changing you till tonight" I looked disgusted "y-you can't be serious... That's disgusting... And what happens if I need to... You know...?" She pats my diaper butt. The sound was kinda relaxing, especially after all that pain. "well guess you will be sitting in it." Phyllis smiles and I cringe in disgust. That's the most disgusting thing I ever heard. I know I said it once but fuck. My. Life. Phyllis decided to carry me to the restaurant Instead of putting me back in my stroller. Bonus I guess but I could feel my diaper sagging. I hope no one else notices. Please God don't let anyone notice. We made it to this nice restaurant. I'm still blown away by buildings I have never been in any till the past day. We got taken to a table and I expected to be sat down in a chair as I Finally loosen my grip on Phyllis and I went to move a chair. "No, no. Sweetheart, that's for big girls don't worry I think the server will bring you your chair." My chair? What could... Oh my fucking God A HIGHCHAIR?! who the fuck makes them that big?! I grip on to Phyllis tight as she tries to put me in it. She gives me a small glare and I instantly let go. Holy shit she's so scary… "Good girl" She kisses my cheek and puts me in the highchair strapping me in like I'm going to fall out. I blush and groan as other Pokemon stare at me and other kids giggle. Most were second evolutions so teens I guess? Pokemon ages are confusing... Worst of all, I bet they used to be adult humans... That's even creeper… A Krookodile walks up to us and takes our order. "What can I get you good-looking? And the cute baby?" Phyllis giggles and smiles. I wish people wouldn't refer to me as a baby... My damn name is Dakota, not baby! "Oh, you and your flirting." The Krookodile smiles at Phyllis. "Sorry I can't help myself around you. Anyway, what do you two want?" Phyllis smiles. "Heh, you're crazy Ed. But cute maybe one day we can date but right now I got to care for this little one. And I'll take the normal. And get my baby some chicken nuggets" Ed laughs. "Yes ma'am!" He rushes off to complete the order. "Ed...?" I sat there thinking about his name. It sounds so familiar but why? Then it hit me, that was my dad's name! First I meant someone with my moms name trying to be my mom then I met someone with my dad's. This is so fucking weird. "Did you say, something sweetie?" Phyllis looks at me worried. "N-no... It's just umm... You have the same name as my mom... And that Krookodile has the same name as my dad... It's creepy..." Phyllis smiles. "That's cute Dakota. Your mom and dad must have been good people. What happened to them?" I looked down and felt uncomfortable talking to her about it. "I see, maybe one day we can talk about it?" I rub my arm "M-maybe... If I haven't forgotten it by then..." I tear up but wipe my eyes and pretend I'm not crying. Phyllis sighs she could see I was upset but she let me have my space. "Hey, how about we go over the rules while we are here?" I just nod I don't care about no stupid rules. "Ok! Rule number 1 you already found out! If you got to use the restroom that's why you got a diaper on." I blush and more Pokemon are looking at me. This is so embarrassing. Does she have to do this in public? "Rule number 2! You will from now on refer to me as mommy." I have that face of, not amused. "No" She glares at me. "What was that..." I sit up. "N-nothing!... M-mommy..." I blush insanely. And she smiles and pinches my cheek. "such a good girl! Ok rule number 3. You have to ask me to feed you or change you if I find out you did either of them yourself 50 spankings." Holy shit 50?! That's not fair... Whatever... I lean on the tray of the highchair against my arm just listening to her. "Rule number 4. Uhh no hmm..." She blushed, she was clearly too shy to talk about it. But what? I was more curious. "No what?" She takes a deep breath. "No... R-rubbing yourself... You know? You're a baby. Babies don't do naughty things..." I blush insanely. Seriously?! That's a rule?! Oh my fucking God! Not like this isn't stressful enough! "Ahem... Anyways rule 5 and the final rule. While you sleep you will have a stuffie. A pacifier and a mobile above you. This will get you more used to sleeping like mommy's little baby." I blush more like hell if she thinks I'm sleeping with a pacifier... Maybe a stuffie... It would be nice to hug something when I'm finding it hard to sleep. I shake my head. No! Stupid medicine! I know it's messing with my mind now! I just wish the damn food would hurry up. Just as I think that here it comes my food sat down in front of me and Phyllis has this Awesome looking steak with a baked potato. I look at mine all I got is some stupid dinosaur-looking nuggets with fries in cute shapes I guess? I sigh and just eat. I chow on them and finish everything. I haven't eaten in a long time. This was wonderful, I was licking the plate for more. Phyllis giggles at me and hands me her baked potato. "Here you can have this too. You look like you need it, you're a little underweight anyways." I don't even grab a spoon, I just eat the whole potato. It was incredible and I was so full. I laid against the highchair and I guess I fell asleep. But Phyllis will make sure I get home with her. She won't leave me here so no worries. But my hands and dress were kinda a messy from eating and wiping my hands on it. Ch 6: Diaper Rash I was being woken up by Phyllis, we were back at home. Phyllis was undoing me from the stroller and picked me up with psychic powers sitting me on the ground. I'm still kinda out of it, being tired. Why was I falling asleep so much lately? Was it the medicine? Probably, I know I hate it. I sigh. "Can you play in the front room while mommy does some chores?" I roll my eyes. I'm not about to call her "mommy" or mom or anything like that. "Ya ya... Whatever" I yawn and reach my hand down to scratch myself but my cold wet diaper blocks me from scratching myself. Why am I so itchy? I groaned as Phyllis walked to the kitchen. I stand up, I start to feel like I gotta pee again. I decided to find the bathroom. Phyllis doesn't have to know. I'm not about to use this damn thing again, maybe I can find a new one so Phyllis doesn't know. I smirk, I'm such a genius. You're probably wondering why I just don't just remove the diaper I tried that before, remember? Because... Phyllis's spankings hurt like hell that's why! I go into the nursery-like room and look around. I actually got time to just check the place out. This place would be awesome if I wasn't forced to live here or be a God damn baby... Or change into a Pokemon... That's super scary, all my life will change... I sigh and look down and then shake my head. Stop feeling so depressed! Is this really worse than losing your mom and dad?! No! Now stop being a fucking baby Dakota! I walk over to the changing table and pull out one of the diapers and throw it under my arm and look around and I find a box on a table. I open it and it's got a pacifier in it. I groan, I swear to god. This is the pacifier she expects me to suck on while I sleep... Like hell. I open the window and chuck it outside. I shut the window quietly and look at a toy box. I look in it and there's a bunch of baby toys. I roll my eyes. Jesus... She's super serious about this and I hate it. I walk out of the room and try to find the bathroom. Well, I say walk but these diapers are thick from my wetting. it's hard to walk in so I'm kinda waddling. I feel so embarrassed walking like this. Then at the end of the hall, I see it, a bathroom! I rush to it and check to see if Phyllis is there. Nope, hell ya I'm going to get away with this. I smirk and walk-in locking the door. I lean against the wall and rip the tapes off my... Err the diaper and throw it in the trash and cover it up with toilet paper to hide it. I sigh in relief and grab a few baby wipes that are kept in the bathroom. I wipe myself clean and I scratch my front for a while. It feels so good. Then I notice a red rash-like area and my face turns pale. I fucking got a diaper rash because of that bitch! That's disgusting! I unfold the new diaper and awkwardly put it on myself. This has to be the stupidest thing I have ever done. I get it on decently, not as good as Phyllis but it will work. I don't plan on wearing it long. Once night comes I'm removing it and that will be the time I sneak to the bathroom. Suddenly I curse quietly "Fuck..." I forgot to take my piss I was so worried about the rash and getting clean I forgot to pee! Fuck. My. Life. Let's just pull it down then pull them back up that will work right? I pull them down quite easily without taping it and I sit on the toilet. It takes a minute but I start to relieve myself. Ahh... Much better. Suddenly the door flies open and I scream covering myself. It was Phyllis and my face went pale. No no no no! I was so close she came over and grabbed my ear pulling me off the toilet. I was still going and I started peeing all over the diaper and floor. My shame quickly increases as I gulp. I'm so dead. "Breaking a rule huh?! That's it young lady! If you can't follow the rules, I'll fix it so you have no choice!" What is that supposed to mean?! She pulls me through the hall and back to the nursery. "Get on that changing table now!" I shake "Y-yes Ma'am!" She glares looking even madder. "Yes, what?!" My face blushes red. "Y-yes mommy!" My heart was racing. What's going to happen I get on the changing table having dribbled all over the floor. Phyllis gets In the closet and pulls out some containers with new diapers they had childish print. Oh god that's even more embarrassing, Kill me. She walks over and flips me over spanking me like crazy, I got over 50. I cried like a big baby. Then suddenly I felt something go up my butt and I scream and cry more shaking and hugging myself. She flips me around and grabs one of the new diapers and puts it on me with a lot of powder. As she taped it up she waved her hand over it and a lock appeared on the front. I was too busy crying to pay attention. "Alright" she pulls me up and I hug her and she hugs back "you have a laxative in you and this diaper can't be removed by anyone but me. So you will get used to them. You don't have a choice to understand me young lady." I nod wiping my eyes. I-i don't want to use it. It's so gross, this isn't fair. "Y-yes mommy... I'll be a good girl..." She smiles at me and sits me in the crib. "Good now you lay in your crib for a few hours till supper. And you can get changed hmm tomorrow. Enjoy your diaper rash. I was going to help you with that but you went and broke too many rules. `` She's holding a box with the pacifier in it. "I found this in the yard to, care to explain that? Hmm?" I shake my head and keep quiet. She pulls out the pacifier and plops it in my mouth. "This pacifier has an alarm on it, if you spit it out more than if you were sleeping and it fell out it will go off and tell me you spit it out. So take it out and that's 100 spankings. Understand!" I nod a lot and suck on it as she walks out shutting off the light. I hug myself and cry sucking on the pacifier. It was somewhat calming in a weird way. I hated it but it was better than 100 spankings from mo- uhh damn it! I mean Phyllis! Come on, it's only been a day! And you are finding it hard not to call her mommy! I groaned and just relaxed. I wasn't sleepy but it did give me time to relax and give me longer to think about what I did. I won't be doing that again. Ch 7: Laxative Accident I layed there in the crib so bored I was concentrating on sucking on the pacifier. I got to a nice motion. It honestly wasn't as bad as I expected. time flew by with it. My two hours are up and Phyllis walks in and smiles at me. "Well aren't you just adorable sucking on your pasi!" I blushed. I wanted to spit it at her but I kept it in my mouth. She takes me out of the crib luckily the laxatives haven't hit me yet or I just don't have anything in me to go. Heh lucky me. Phyllis sticks her fingers in my diaper and frowns. "You're dry?" She looked disappointed. It almost made me feel bad to see her upset like that. Why would that make her so upset? I shake my head whatever... Like I care. "How about we get you a new outfit?" I groan as she pulls out a white dress-like thing. It kinda reminds me of a kirlia? How it has the white dress-like thing on. She takes off my pink dress and puts it on me. I still hate dresses! But it covers my diaper slightly more... Not much more. She hugs me and carries me in her arms and we walk past a mirror and my eyes get wide and my mouth drops open and I drop my... Uhh the pacifier... And stare at myself my hair was green. I was in a diaper but my body was still human. I must be slowly changing into a Pokemon. I shake and hug mommy scared. I MEAN PHYLLIS! I look like a human kirlia... Fuck. My. Life. Phyllis grabs the pacifier and goes and cleans it off. She could tell it was an accident and didn't blame me and put it back in the box and in her pocket. Do Pokemon have pockets? Anyway, we head to the kitchen and she sits me in a large highchair. I groan as she puts me in. I hate these damn things. Then she goes and pulls out a few jars of... Something? I'm not sure what, I can't see the label. She sits in front of me and opens a jar and has a rubber spoon and puts some food on it and holds it to my mouth. "Open wide!" I blush. Are you fucking kidding me she's trying to feed me! Hell no! I turn my head to the side. "You know if you don't eat this you won't be fed till tomorrow." I keep my head like that till my stomach growls. How dare it betray me! But... It did smell pretty good. Suddenly the spoons pressed against my lips and some of the stuff got on them and I licked my lips. "A-apple sauce?" Phyllis smiles and nods looking so excited to feed me this made me smile. She took the chance to shove the apple sauce in my mouth and scoop it off and pull the spoon out. I eat the bite. It was so good, I gave up and just let her feed me. I think I ate like 10 cans of applesauce. It was fucking Awesome! Except the whole being fed part... Next she pulls out a baby bottle from the fridge and throws it in the microwave. It warms up and she tests it on her arm and smiles. She unstraps me and takes me to her couch. Laying me on my back against her legs. I look up at her and she has the bottle above me. I'm not about to do this. But I'm so full I can barely move. Suddenly without warning the nipples plopped into my mouth and I got the taste of warm milk. It was kinda nice. So I decided to take more. I sucked some and the warmth went to my stomach and warmed it all up. I gave up, I closed my eyes and just started sucking. I never felt more relaxed in my life. I'm not sure if I fell asleep or was awake the whole time I just remembered mommy pulling out my bottle. "All gone baby" Wait... Did I just say mommy and my bottle?! No! Come on Dakota! You're only making it harder on yourself. But I'm so relaxed and suddenly something hit me and brought me from the relaxing moment as I had to pee so bad then without warning I felt the warmth explode between my legs. N-no I can't be R-right?! The laxative... Right... Fuck. My. Life. I flooded the diaper. The warmth against me felt Gross but strangely safe. Then even worse right after I fart and I blush like crazy. I don't do that! Not without trying anyways?! Suddenly my face goes pale. T-that wasn't a fart... I was letting everything go in my diaper! EWW! the worst part is it's not solid. I feel so ashamed and upset I did that. I pull my face into Phyllis and cry. I know it's not my fault. It's the stupid laxatives! But I was so upset I couldn't help it. Not only that I felt sick sitting in this. Phyllis just smiles like normal and picks me. "Phew! Someone's a sticky girl!" She giggled and kissed me. "Don't cry little one. Babies use their diapers all the time. You can't help it one day you will be potty trained." I felt so small. That was the point it hit me. I'm not escaping from this place am I? I'm going to become a baby and fucking piss and poop myself till I grow back up as a Pokemon! I needed comfort. I threw my thumb into my mouth without thinking and just sucked. Phyllis took me to the changing table and got me cleaned up. It was gross I'll tell you that. After what felt like forever to get clean She put in a new diaper of the same Childish print and a psychic lock. She picked me up and laid me in the crib. Pulled my thumb from my mouth and put in the pacifier. She lays a Gardevoir plush beside me. I hug it and suck my pacifier. Being all clean, someone to sleep with and my pasi made sleep so much easier. I quickly fall asleep. What would tomorrow hold? Hopefully less diaper Changes. But I feel that's not going to happen. Ch 8: Early Morning (Day 2) I sleep like a rock. This is my first night sleeping in a real bed. Well... A baby crib but whatever it's still a bed I guess. It's so comfortable though I don't want to wake up. I'm even still sucking on the pacifier I was given. 100 spankings did not sound good to me. About 8 am I being lifted into the air by psychic powers I barely noticed and stayed asleep until I felt a kiss on my forehead. "Morning baby." It was Phyllis. I groaned and tried to sleep longer. Until I feel her hand go up my diaper it wakes me up quickly. "Oh no looks like the baby still has some of the laxatives in her and wet last night" This wakes me up even more as I spit up my pacifier as I go to talk. "What?!" I grabbed my crotch and it was cold and squishy. I blush like Crazy. I never had a night time accident. Even if I had a laxative! That's not fair or funny! Phyllis just smiles. "it's ok sweetie. Baby wet their diapers. Get used to it you will have to have them for a few years till your all grown up" That just gives me anxiety... Phyllis lays me on the changing table and cleans me up. It's still just as embarrassing and the cold baby wipe makes me jump every time. She gets a new one and puts it under me. And pulls out a bottle of something then she rubs it on my itchy spot. I let out a sigh of relief as the rash calms down. I completely forgot about that. Then she uses an excessive amount of baby powder. Then tapes it up on me. Honestly, I felt smaller not like just feeling but actually smaller Phyllis picks me up and takes me to a wall. "Can you stand up straight for mommy?" I roll my eyes but do that and she draws a line above my head on the wall and there's a height thing by it and she writes 5'6. "I think you got it wrong? I'm 5'7" She smiles and rubs my head. "Well, Congrats sweetie! You're on the first step to regressing!" My face goes pale. R-regressing?! Already, no! no! no! no! no! I already lost an inch "B-but I thought I became a baby Pokemon?!" She hugs me and I hug back for comfort. "Well, I'll explain everything. First you will start to regress to about teen around uhh 10 or so. Then the body begins to change a lot you will become a kiria for a while before completely regressing into a new born ralts" I shake like crazy. How can she say that so calmly!? That's awful! I don't want to! I begin to cry and she picks me up and sits in a rocking chair patting my diapered bottom to calm me down. It actually worked, I calmed down and just stayed cuddled up to her. My mom used to hold me like this. I miss my mommy… After a while she kisses me. "Are you ok now?" I shake my head. "No... But I guess I don't have a choice..." Phyllis frowns. "I'm sorry little one. But you will be happy soon I promise. Mommy will take good care of you and your new life will be perfect. Oh I know! After breakfast, how about I take you to the park for some fun?" Park? What's a park? I remember my mom telling me about them... We used to have places where kids could play even adults played with their pets. This did kinda excite me. Maybe it would be fun. "O-ok... Are parks fun?" She smiles and takes me to the kitchen and puts me in a you guessed it, highchair. "Yap lots of fun maybe you will make some friends I think friends would help you." Make some friends... With baby Pokemon?... Ya no thanks. "Uhh, Y-ya... Sure..." She pulls out some bottles like yesterday, yes more applesauce! she sits down and I open my mouth instantly and she giggles "Hungry?" Grrr shut up and give me my food! Is what I wanted to say but I prefer not to get spanked. Damn, she's training me like a dog...she just smiles and opens the jar and puts it in my mouth. I eat and swallow then cough and spit. "Eww?! What the hell was that?! That's not Apple sauce?!" She glares. "No, it wasn't. Now watch your mouth young lady or i'll get the soap! Now eat your veggies." Veggies I wanted to puke, it had to be carrots. I look at the side. Definitely carrots. I turn my head and Phyllis just stops. "Fine, don't eat it. But you won't get any apple sauce later either." You bitch! That's not fair! I growl and open my mouth looking back at her and I absolutely hate it. I spit some of it back out just unable to eat it, getting myself a mess. Phyllis sighs. "You really don't like it, do you?" I shake my head. She throws the rest away and opens a jar of applesauce. "Well, at least you tried. Thank you" She looked proud of me. This made me smile for once, I got a compliment Instead of being in trouble. It was nice. Next I quickly ate a few jars of applesauce and she put a bottle on my table. I was thirsty as hell so I grabbed it and drank. Apple Juice? Awesome! I drink on it as I watch Phyllis clean up the dishes and stuff. I finish my bottle. "it's gone. Can I get more?" She looks at me and grabs my bottle. "I'll get more for you to take to the park. you can have a drink there but I think you had enough" Aww... Not fair. My hands are now all sticky and my dress has orange carrot mush on it. It was gross. Phyllis takes me out of the highchair. "Goodness, you're a messy girl!" I blush. It's not my fault you fed me disgusting carrots... She takes off my dress and my chest also looks smaller. I'm like what 17? 16? Again... I hate it. I just turned 18 and now I get to regress Instead of age... She throws my dress in the dirty clothes and takes me to the bathroom. Maybe she's going to let me pee! I point to the toilet. She sighs. "No baby, you're not ready for potty training." I definitely felt the urge to pee coming on more and more. "B-but... M-mommy I really gotta go.." Hell ya, Dakota plays the cute and innocent card she has to fall for it. She sighs again and rubs my back. "No Dakota. But if you don't want to use your diapers I'll help. That's what mommies are for." As she rubbed my back I had to pee like crazy I was crossing my legs and squirmed "Wait no! Mommy please I don't want to, it's so gross! Please don't make me, I'll do anything!" She said nothing and it was too late. I started to piss myself, my diaper swelling up. I hide my face in Phyllis ashamed of myself. Even though I know she made me do it. She hugged me to comfort me and kissed me. "good girl! If you are too ashamed to ask mommy, she will help you." She puts me down and takes off my diaper leaving me standing there naked and starts some bath water. She puts me in, im blushing as she bathes me. "C-can't I give myself a bath..." She shakes her head "Nope. I can't trust you to clean yourself well enough" I mean... She's probably not wrong. I never really took a bath to get clean just to wash off dirt for the most part. She gets me all cleaned up and takes me out. She dries me off and takes me for a new diaper. She gets it on me and puts me in an outfit that looks again like a kiria outfit but it strapped around the diaper and kinda hid it. Like a onesie that buttons at the crotch Then she puts a headband in my hair and it's got big red horn things? The things on a kiria. My hair was already green now. I look in a mirror and I look like a human kiria. I was blown away. Well except for my crotch was puffy from the diaper. At least people will know what Pokemon I'll become. I sigh I just hope the park is fun and worth all this. Ch 9: The Park And The Cute Eevee Phyllis pulls out the stupid stroller and I groan. "Come on... I'm humiliated enough... Can't I just walk...? Please" She puts me in it and smiles "Nope! I can't have my little kiria running off now can I?" She giggles. Oh ha ha you're so fucking funny. I roll my eyes as she straps me in and puts a diaper bag on it and pushes me outside. I cross my arms pouting all the way there. Hey! I'm being treated like a baby. I have the right to pout! After what seems like forever we Finally make it to the park. There's a bunch of older Pokemon playing with younger Pokemon in diapers. They are also having fun. I bet they were humans... Poor people... I'll be joining them soon. I sigh as we stop. Phyllis takes me out of the stroller and sits me on the ground. A big puff of air came from my back side, I guess being what air was in my diaper? It was weird. And embarrassing, I got a few strange looks. I blushed. "Now how about you go around and make some Pokemon friends?" I roll my eyes and stand up. And mumble. "Anything to get away from you..." Thank God she didn't hear me. I basically waddle through the grass. Damn this new diaper's hard to walk in I feel stupid! Suddenly a little Eevee bumps into me knocking me over. The Eevee was white. I never saw a white Eevee. Was he shiny? He was also in a diaper and had a ball in his mouth. He quickly drops it. "Oh no. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean... Too?" He looks at me funny and I blush looking away thinking he's judging me. Not like this baby Pokemon has room to judge. He smiles. "You're pretty..." I blush more. And look at him. Am I being flirted with?! "And you're like 6..." He giggles. "Nu-uh! I just turned 5 the other day! I was 6!" I look at him confused. "So you're regressing...? Like me... Wait, so you were human?!" He nods "Mhm! And I still have all my memories! But I have so much fun being a Pokemon! I'm cute and fluffy. The worst part is Eevees only have 2 evolutions... So they can only evolve twice so all Eevee are considered baby's till they evolve. So I gotta wear diapers till I'm like 18..." I giggled. Oh my God he's so adorable...I grab him and he yelps. "You're so cute!" He blushes and looks confident "Me know! Oh we should date." I go pale and accidentally drop him; he falls and tears up. "O-owie..." He starts crying. And I quickly grab him. And hug him. "Oh no, I'm so sorry I just! Don't cry!" He instantly stops crying. And cuddles up to me. That little bitch did that on purpose... Perv... Suddenly he pushes me on my back. "Ahh! Hey!" He climbed on my chest and got in my face. Making me blush. And kisses me! The little fucker kissed me! I was so embarrassed I couldn't even talk. This isn't right! Even if I'm going to become a baby like him! I don't care how cute he is! "Oh ya! My names Dill!" My eyes get big. "Dill...?" He nods and I stare at him for a while. Oh my God! When I was 3 I had a crush on a cute little boy called Dill! "Well... I'm Dakota.." He smiles so big and runs circles on my chest. "Oh my God! You're from the hidden village right!?" I grab him and sit up on the ground and nod. "Dill... From the village the boy who wanted to become so strong to protect me..." He nods a lot and I tear up and hug him. I did make friends with an old friend. "I-I thought the medicine makes you forget everything?!" He smiles and kisses my cheek, making me blush. Just so you know he's always been like this. Kinda a perv... Well ok more then kinda but he's still cute... And nice to me. "I'm so happy to meet you again! And you're supposed to but I hear shiny Pokemon get to keep these memories! So in-case you're not shiny, let's make Pokemon friends! Or boyfriend and girlfriend when older!" I blush like crazy. Damn it he's only gotten cuter since he was a human. "Y-you still like me after I ran away from the village? After you protected me and got caught... And changed into this..." Dill nods. "Duh! I loved you then... I was too shy to say it but as soon as I saw you again I fell back in love!" I smile and nod kissing his head. Wait, too shy?! The little bitch used to kiss me on the cheek and pull off my pants just to see what panties I'm wearing! "I'll do it then... Once we are both... Uhh baby's again... At least it gives me reason to be happy now." Suddenly my nose cringes and Dill smells funny. You could tell something was wrong. He wouldn't look at me and he was trying to get away. "D-Dill did you...?" His eyes get big and blush a lot. "LOOK AT THE TIME GOT TO Go! LOVE YOU BYE!" He gets away from me and goes running calling for his "mommy", I smile. That's adorable. His diaper sagging. Yap he definitely had an accident. I guess at that age you can't control it... Just another thing to look forward to. But shiny Pokemon don't lose their memories? I wonder if I can tell if I'll be shiny? Probably not that's my luck… I watched Dill run-up to a jolteon and a sylveon. I watched curiously till they flipped him over and removed his diaper. I look away quickly, blushing. Oh my God! They just did that in public! That's so embarrassing! Poor Dill... I look back at Phyllis and she waves at me. I awkwardly wave back, turning back around rolling my eyes. Maybe I should talk to Dill? Or his "mom" and "dad"... He seems to enjoy being a baby which is weird... He was always such a manly man... I heard he only wore diapers till he Was like 1 and quickly got potty trained. Now here he is acting like a child and messing his diaper. It's kinda ironic in a way then again I'll probably be like that but worse. I get up and walk back to Dill after his diaper change. Maybe he can teach me how to have some fun with this awful curse. I walk up to Dill and the eeveelution I shyly wave and I could tell Dill was embarrassed probably hoping I didn't see him get a diaper change. Then This tall 5'6 girl around 17...maybe 16 by now who knows... Trying to be friendly with technically a 6-year-old... His "mom" and "dad" just smile at me like I'm some normal kid. "Oh, you must be Dill's new friend!" The mom said. "she's very cute Dill" She giggles. Me and him blush. And the dad smirks. "I'm sure my young man has a girlfriend." Dill screams blushing like crazy. "Daddy!" His dad laughs. He's really into this, even calls them by mom and dad. Dill looks up. "Come on Dakota! Let's play tag!" He tags me and runs quite fast, especially for a little guy in a diaper. Honestly it was the most adorable thing I Seen. "You're it!" He screams. He really wants to play tag? I haven't played a game since I was 3. I ran after him. It was quite hard in the diaper. It took me forever to even get close to him. He giggled and laughed and ran circles around me. I was so cute it got me tickled and I started to laugh which made him laugh more. Before too long I couldn't even stand. I fall onto the grass laying on my back laughing and tired. He lies to me. "I win!" I smiled. "I guess so... That's the first time I laughed since I changed. How can you be so chill with this happening to you? And why do you refer to the once that made you like this as "mom" and "dad"? " He looks at me and smiles. "Aww, I'm happy I could make you happy! And how can me be so chill... Hmm... Me like this! And that is my mommy and daddy?" I sigh. The medicine must have messed with him more than he thinks. "But what about your real mom and dad... Don't you feel like you're betraying them?" He looks confused. "... But Dakota, they were my real mommy and daddy! Apparently if you had parents before they forget stuff once they become Pokemon but their main goal is to find their original children! And give them their childhood back!" I look surprised. "Are you sure? That... Almost makes sense... I meant a man and woman with the same name as my mom and dad..." He giggles and smiles. "Dakota, that's your real mommy down there. I promise you! Also just have fun with your new life, enjoy getting back to your childhood! I hope it makes you as happy as it did me! And if you forget all human stuff I'll still love you..." He blushes. I also blush and smile and grab him and hug him. "I-I'll love you too... Please take good care of the Pokemon me once I change" He nods and kisses my cheek with a lick I giggle and sit him down. "That tickles" He also giggled. "stop! No more sad Dakota! Now only happy around me! Hehe." I laid back and held Dill close. "Ok, I promise..." We laid there for a while just relaxing before I heard Dill snoring. He's asleep, that's so cute. Then it hit me that I had to pee. But I couldn't wake him up. I just sigh. Why hold it...? I'm stuck like this, why not embrace it... I try to pee but nothing. I keep trying and finally after like 10 minutes of trying I start then it quickly stops coming for a moment before I relax again and start to wet my diaper. I go for what felt like a full minute and soak the diaper. I get really relaxed and end up falling asleep with Dill. Here I am sleeping with my old friend who's now a baby Pokemon in a wet diaper. And I'm slowly changing into a baby Pokemon. It has to be the weirdest thing ever but as long as I got Dill I think I can survive this. But could Dill have been lying about Phyllis being my real mom? Maybe I'll find out later. First... Nap. Ch 10: (Side Story) Dills Back Story Hello! My name is Dill! I'm a 5-year-old shiny Eevee, well for now... I will get younger slowly. Anyways this isn't about my story now this is about my past. Well if you have time I can tell you. Get ready to go back to the past! Whoosh, Whoosh! Heheheh! The past. I grew up in a small village in the forest hidden by trees, this was one of the last remaining human settlements. It's sad, humans are going extinct. When I was growing up I had to man up quickly from a baby. I was out of diapers before I was a year old. And I made myself look strong. But that's not who I wanted to be. I wanted to play like normal kids... I wanted to have fun. But I met a cute girl. Yes I know I'm only 3 and I'm already flirting. I was a crazy kid heh. I remember meeting her outside playing with her mom showing off a toy she made. She was so cute. I envied her even. But umm I would be lying if I wasn't a perv... The first thing I did when I met her was pants her. She screamed and blushed like crazy. I laughed to make it seem like I was doing it as a joke. But she had such adorable panties. Umm sorry! Anyways uhh. She pulled up her pants and stared at me messing with her hair. I was the first to speak up. "Hello! I'm Dill! And you're cute!" The girl blushed a lot covering her face. She's so cute I think I'm in love... Then she spoke up. "h-hi Dill.... I'm Dakota..." She said shyly. I reached over and kisses her cheek "We should get married!" She screamed and ran in her house. I laughed. Oh well I'll try again later. Dad needed me to do something... What was it thought? I remember hearing them talking. I walked out to find it then my mind went blank... I don't remember what happened but when I came too I was standing at the edge of town. It was like something took over me. "What was I doing...? Maybe I'll go say hi to Dakota! She's totally going to marry me!" I smiled big. I walked to her house and walked up to her window and I was blown away she was undressing and getting dressed. And in my perverted ways I just watched. Holy shit. I have never seen a girl undress before. Then she looked up and saw me and screamed before she closed her window. I pout some. Before I heard footsteps it was Dakota. I bet she's coming out to ask me out! Suddenly I get slapped pretty damn hard too. I nearly smirk and I tear up and give my best crying impression. Her mouth drops and she hugs me. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry Dill! I didn't mean to make You cry! You're just being a perv!" I smirk and hug her back, grabbing her butt and she blushes insanely looking at me. All I could do was smile at her. "I think I love you heh" I move in and peck her on the lips and Dakota passes out. Oh no... Uhh "M-misses Dakota mom!?" This tall adult walks out and sees me holding her up after she passes out. She comes over and grabs her. "what happened?" I blush and look down and shrug. The lady smiles at me. "You must be her Stalker, Dill?" I shake my head. "I am not a Stalker!" She pats my head. "My name is Phyllis. And I think you would be great with my daughter. After she met you she hasn't shut up about you." My eyes get big as I look up and I blush insanely. She giggles and takes Dakota to her room to lay down. A few days pass with not much going on. I remember going back to Dakota a lot to talk and hang out. I even stole some panties. And she's even so used to me just pulling her pants down. She just rolls her eyes at me. And calls me a perv. While Dakota was out playing with her mom I got called to help keep watch with my dad. He wanted me to be a watch out. I think I would be good at watching. While watching though my dad pushes me away and screams run before ringing a bell yelling. "POKÉMON!!" My eyes got big and I ran. I remembered Phyllis also pushing Dakota away telling her to run. I grab her hand and just run with her. "DON'T WORRY MA'AM! I'LL GET HER TO SAFETY! I'M SO SORRY!" I start crying just running pulling her along Dakota Screaming and crying. I felt awful. "MOMMY!!" But I knew I had to get away, we had to live. We could repopulate the world! Ya I know kids shouldn't know about that stuff but adults had to tell kids a lot younger about sex. In case of stuff like this. We ran for hours then I heard someone following us. I pushed her away. "Run! Live! Don't become one of them!" Dakota cries and clings on to me. I sigh. "Please run... I'll be fine... I love you..." She sniffs and nods "I love you too..." Then she runs off. I smile and start crying again. "Well, there goes my only girl that could stand my perverted ways..." I ran closer to the noise I could hear talking. "What was the name of that little boy that was hypnotized to show us the village?" "Uhh, Dill I think? Oh that way!" I went pale i-it's my fault... I led them here. I held my head low and cried and kept running making sure they followed me and off Dakota tracks. I was able to slip away. Lucky me. But did I deserve it… 15 years later. 2 weeks before Dakota got caught. I managed to avoid the Pokemon chasing me for almost 15 years. I'm 18 now. I miss Dakota. I hope she was able to survive on her own. I want to give up. But I can't, I have to find Dakota. I will find Dakota. Suddenly I heard a stick break. I go to run and I run quite fast but I can hear someone obviously faster charging me. Suddenly I got pushed to the ground and I felt my body get shocked. "AHHHH! Get off me!!" It was a jolteon. He paralyzed me. No! This isn't happening! I promised Dakota! And then I hear them talking. "heh Finally caught you! Time to take you home, you're our new little baby." B-baby?! No! I'm not your baby! "Get the hell off me! I'm not a fucking baby! I have to find my girlfriend!" The jolteon chuckles some "That's cute kid. But had fun chasing you down. my wife's going to be so happy to have a new baby around the house" I feel my body get shocked more and I pass out. I don't know how long I spent knocked out but I feel cold. I wake up to a sylveon in front of me. I couldn't move, my body wouldn't react to anything. I was terrified. Not only that, I was naked. The sylveon smiles at me and says. "Oh, you woke up early you get to watch me dress you!" I glare "Let me go, you freak!" I didn't blush from being naked. I'm not embarrassed to be naked. The sylveon glares at me and smacks my thigh with that ribbon thing. Fucking hard too I'm not a wimp but holy hell that hurt! "Oww!" She gives me this stern look "Now don't call your mother a freak! I think it's time I lay down your new rules while I give you your medicine." She pulls out a shot. I wanted to run, my face went pale. But my body won't move. "N-no... Please! I don't want to become a baby Pokemon!" After I get it out right in my arm it goes. All my hope. All my dreams were crushed in a second. I knew what this stuff was. My mom and dad explained it a lot. They say they knew the scientist that made it. Who knew it would be used on them other than me… "Rule 1 no potty mouth. Rule 2 you are a baby so you will wear diapers and use them if caught trying to use a toilet you will be punished." I blush like crazy a fucking diaper?! Hell no! I saw her pulling something out of a bag. It was a huge diaper and my heart sank. Come on body run!! She's fucking serious?! I thought I just became a Pokemon not having to wear diapers and be an adult baby! "Rule 3 you sleep in a crib with your pacifier and I'll be using laxative every night. We want to make sure to make your bladder weaker before you regress too far." I lost it. I got so angry. I didn't have to deal with this if I had a chance I could kick their asses! "HELL NO! FUCK YOU FUCK ALL YOU! LET ME GO! YOU ARE FUCKING MONSTERS!" Sylveon did not look happy, she had me flipped over and spanked Me. well more like wiped my ass with that ribbon like thing. It hurt like hell. I was not much of a Crier but she kept going and going to like 100. I broke about 50 and started crying. So this is how they break people, torcher! Well fuck them I won't break! "Now" she flips me over in my back and throws a diaper under my butt "Plan on cursing again?!" I don't know if it was me but she looked much scarier. My mom used to be super scary like that when she was mad. No, don't relate this monster to your mom Dill! But I sharked my head, still whimpering my ass hurts like crazy. But this crazy bitch is seriously going to diaper me...I watched her put powder on my crotch and pull the diaper over and she waves her paw over it and a lock appears. Huh? What's that? "Alright normally we start baby's off In a normal diaper but you are a lot of trouble young man so I gave you the locking diaper. You can't remove it. Only an adult Pokemon can." Bullshit! She has to be lying then I hear the jolteon come in. "How's our little boy doing?" Sylveon sighs. "Bad he's very grumpy I finished getting him diapered. Can you un-paralyze him, Hon?" He smiles. "Of course. But know young man, if you try to run you will not enjoy the outcome." He had a glare that could get through your skin. I don't know why but it was also like dad's glare. Very scary. I nod "Y-yes sir..." He looked upset. "Have you not got to the rule where he has to call us mommy and daddy." My face goes pale and she smiles. "Oh! That's where I was! That's the last rule!" They're serious… "No!" They both glare at me. Holy fuck... Scary. "I-I mean s-sorry mommy and daddy!" What the fuck Dill?! Is this the medicine?! But... It does remind me of back in the village when mom and dad got upset with me. I kinda oddly liked it... This diaper though had to go. I pulled and tugged but nothing. Fuck. She giggles at me and he laughs. I blush. "This is humiliating..." The jolteon smirks. "You will get used to it anyways, I find it good to tell the baby our real names. I'm Jake. And my beautiful wife is Jane." My eyes get big. the fuck... That's my mom and dad's name?! "Hey! That's my real mom's and dad's name! I suggest you get new names!" They look at each other and smile. And Jake looks at me. "So it is True! Wow, that's amazing... I didn't believe it till now. Ok so apparently adult Humans who are changed once grown up look for their children if they have any and make them their baby Pokemon But unfortunately we have no memory of it. There's a legend that says shiny Pokemon can keep all memories." My eyes get huge. "Y-you’re lieing... My mom and dad would never make me their baby again!" They frown and Jane hugs me. "Where not doing it to hurt you? We're doing it because we love you. And you lost your entire childhood... We want to give it back." That's exactly something my mom would say. I start crying and hug her. "M-mommy... You really are her!" She smiles and pats my back. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't but I'm sick of being a man... I'm sick of having to be the strong one. I'm sick of this life... I want to go back... And this is my chance... Right? "You don't have to be strong any more... Just accept it and grow back up. And I heard about your girlfriend. I'll make sure we find her one day. And if you find her, tell us and we will accept her no matter what. We will take care of you from now on." This is all I wanted. I didn't want to be this strong man! I wanted to be a kid back then I never got to be. But I got another chance... I think for a while. Before nodding. "Ok... I'll be your baby." I blush and smile and mom holds me with her ribbon thing and rocks me. This is so relaxing. I could get used to this heh. One week later. A week before Dakota was caught. So the week went by quickly. I accepted mommy and daddy as my real mommy and daddy and I know for certain they are! I'm also 10 years old now! Once I hit 10 my body hurt and I shrank a lot but I grew a bunch of white fur! But I still remember everything? I was an Eevee with white fur. Was I a shinny?! That makes sense why I still have my memory's. Yay! I haven't lost all control of my bladder yet except at night I wake up wet and sometimes uhh... Ya anyways. I don't think I could sleep without a pacifier anymore. I absolutely love being a baby and as for a Pokemon it's ok? It's kinda fun! Mom and dad took me to the park like every other day! It's a blast and now as a Pokemon I can run a lot faster! Mom and dad say I need to think about what I'll evolve into one day. Is it bad if I don't want to evolve? And just be with mommy and daddy. No more trying to be big. It's relaxing. It's definitely embarrassing to have accidents out of nowhere but I'm still being given laxatives at night... So if it's not all out by that night I'll have it the next morning. Sometimes while I'm playing I don't even notice. Till mom checks me. It's embarrassing...but I don't worry about it, mommy will make me feel all better.. I hate being changed publicly though I hope she doesn't do it in front of a girl I like one day… But this week wasn't very interesting let's continue on One day after Dakotas caught. I woke up early and my diaper was a mess. I look at myself. I was definitely smaller. Am I 5 now? I guess so? Yesterday I was like 6 hehe I'm losing age very slowly now but it's exciting! I giggle. And pull my pasi out. "Mommy? I'm up! Can me come out of my crib and get a diaper change?" I grab my toys and play, I put my pasi back in my mouth while I wait for my mom. Later mom walks in. "phew someone's stinky isn't he" I giggle "Mhm! Changey!" I hold my paws up and mommy takes me out of my crib and lays me on the changing table. I play with my stuffy and suck my pasi while I get changed. After the change mom puts me in a new one and picks me up and puts me on the ground and lays on her side on the ground. I get up on her and start drinking from her tits. Mommy's milk is good. I wasn't sure at first... It was really weird. But I started to enjoy it. Ya I haven't done this for a while... It was more awkward when I was human. I finished and smiled. "Thanks mommy! I was starving." She smiles and gets up. "I'm glad my baby's full. How about we head to the park?" My eyes lit up and I ran to my toy box and pulled out my favorite ball to play with in the park. "Mmm!" I have to hold it in my mouth. I mean I can grab it with my paws but I feel much cuter doing it this way mommy and daddy think so too! Mommy and daddy take me to the park. As I'm throwing my ball all around it flys one direction. "Ball! Come Back! " I chase after it. I bump into someone and look up and my eyes get big. She's hot... Look at that diaper. Her clothes...was this Dakota? It has to be. I felt words come out of my mouth. Without me thinking. "You're cute..." Seriously Dill?! That's all you could say?! Whatever. But you heard that part of the story, haven't you? Ya I'm sure you have. So there you have it. It wasn't that hard to make me act like a baby... I was happy to give up everything that made me. "manly"and just be a diaper using baby. It was more fun. And maybe I can talk Dakota into it too. She doesn't seem like she's having as much fun. But I'm sure I can change her in more than one way hehehehe. I know then we will be married! Anyways thanks for listening to my story bye bye! Ch 11: New Hair Color I woke up and I was hugging Dill closely. But we weren't on the ground, we were in a crib. But it wasn't my crib... this is definitely not my house either. Could Dills parents brought us to there home? My hair falls in my face. I miss my blond hair... I hate gr.. Wait? Blue hair? I swear to god my hair was green? Is something happening to me? I reach down and feel my diaper remembering I soaked it. Strange? It's dry? I blush. Oh my God someone changed me while I was asleep! But who?! I can hear talking from The other room. This is a small crib, I barely fit in it but I can also easily get out. I'm honestly surprised I fit. I get down and Dill is sucking on his paw. It was super cute. His diaper was also yellowed. I guess he had an accident. He's so care free... It got me Thinking. Why am I fighting this so hard? There's no point right? And Dill made me promise no more being sad around him. So that's what I'll do! I'll accept this... For the most part I don't have to like it. As I get closer to the door I can hear a familiar voice. It's mo- err Phyllis. She's talking to a man and a woman Pokemon. I guess Dills mom and dad? Thank God... That must mean mommy changed me... I smiled a little with a sigh of relife. That reminds me I got to find out. But how would she know? I need something only my mom would know. I think for a while then nod and open the door quietly and Phyllis looks straight at me and smiles. "Oh no, it looks like one of the little ones is awake. You sleep well dear? You and Dill seem to be awfully close already hehe. I even saw him kiss you." I blush and cover my face. "mommy... Stop, its embarrassing..." I didn't even mean to say it, it just came out. her eyes lit up and she ran over and kissed me all over my face making me giggle and blush. "S-stop!" She stops and smiles at me. "That's the first time you called me mommy without me having to force you. And did you just giggle? That's the first time I heard you laugh too!" She hugs me tight and I hug back. "but... You have blue hair now?" She looks at the eeveelutions with worry. And they smile at her and the mom speaks up. "don't worry about it, our little Dills the same way, she will be fine. And maybe this will keep them closer. Dills always found it hard to make friends and he seems so confident around her." The dad nods. I don't know their names. I should ask but I don't know if I should… "I agree and they probably both can reminisce about life... Before" I am even more confused. What are they talking about? Phyllis smiles and looks at me and can see the confusion in my face as she rubs her hand though my blue hair. "Looks like you're going to be a shiny sweetheart. You think you can live like this and keep all your memories?" I could feel my face light up with a big smile. "r-really! That's all I wanted! Yes!" I nod a lot looking super excited. Phyllis just holds me in her arms. "looks like someone shrank quite a bit? You must have started to accept this new life already haven't you?" I shrugged. Maybe when I was with Dill? "Maybe a little...? It makes Dill happy... And long ago when I was full human he was one of my close friends... Maybe kinda uhh... My crush...?" I blush and I think. I wonder how much smaller I have gotten? I know Phyllis looks really big now. But I honestly didn't feel differently. It was strange. "That's adorable! Well when you two are older you should get together! Err when you both become full baby's then become older? You two can grow up together and have a blast!" she looks at the eeveelutions "right? Are you OK with that?" They both nod and I smile. I get to be with Dill the rest of my life. And we get to remember each other. I just got to get into this little headspace Dills in. That's going to be weird and a pain. Oh I should probably tell them about Dill. "oh umm... Dills mom and dad? I think... He umm had an umm accident..." I blush and feel so bad for selling him out but he probably doesn't want to sleep in a wet diaper that's gross. They look at each other and laugh. The mom looks at me. "It's fine, let him sleep. He was so tired. Maybe you should go home too. You probably need to eat. Oh and just so you know, I was the one who changed you and Dill before laying you in the crib together" I blush insanely and cover my face. Oh my God! I was just getting used to Phyllis doing it but now people I barely know are just removing my damn diaper and cleaning me up without me knowing?! That's so embarrassing! Phyllis pulls out the stroller from a closet in their house and pats it. I look down. "tell Dill I said bye... I got to go..." They nod and I get in the stroller and get strapped in and Phyllis says bye and pushes me to the restaurant we went to yesterday. That had the guy with my dad's name. We go in and Ed comes right up and takes our order. "Hey Phyllis looking good today. As usual." She laughs and blushes and I see my chance. Ok, Dakota! Make this as cute as possible. I begin to blush just thinking before I blurt out. "Hia Ed! Mommy talks about you all the time! I heard mom mumble your name in her sleep!" I giggled at how adorable I sounded as I did it. I had the restaurant laughing and mommy was so embarrassed along with Ed I smiled proud of what I did and blushing being quite embarrassed. Ed looks at Phyllis. "R-really?" She shrugs and keeps blushing. Ed smiles and whispers something in her ear and she looks at him and Ed kisses mommy on the lips! Looks like I'll have a daddy in no time. He stops and just walks off to get the food ready. She was so embarrassed and flustered. "mommy? Do you like Ed? If so, he should be my daddy!" Phyllis covers my mouth as I embarrassed her more "shhh! If you are quiet the rest of the day about this I'll let you watch TV and play without me bothering you!" Why would I want that? I mean honestly, maybe it would give me time to try to get used to this little space I need to be in like Dill? I nod and she takes a sigh of relief removing her hand I couldn't help but smile and giggle great big. She smiles as well. "This is the happiest I have ever seen you? What happened between you and Dill?" I thought for a moment then decided to tell her the truth. "Dill told me that once adult humans become Pokemon they search out their original kids and make them Pokemon to give them back their childhood... He said his mom and dad were once his human mommy and daddy... And he said you were my human mommy..." Her eyes get big. "r-really? I didn't know that... That makes a lot of sense... But who was your human dad?" Ohhh this will be juicy hehe. "well... His name was Ed" Her jaw drops. "So you... You knew that whole time... That's why you tried to get us together right? Heh ok I'll give him a shot but he will become your daddy again if I continue with him. are you ok with that?" I nod a lot. That's so exciting! I'll have my mommy and daddy back and I'll be their little girl all over again! We get our food and we eat up. Mom gets Ed's number and we head home. I wonder where I'll go while there on a date? Oh! Maybe Dills! I hope I don't get a stupid babysitter... I can take care of myself.. Ch 12: Babysitter We make it home and mommy undoes me from this hellish stroller. I hate it, can't she like carry me? I sigh, Anyways, I'm getting off track. "Hey Dakota? Can you be a good girl and sit in your playpen and play while mommy goes and talks on the phone?" I wish she wouldn't talk down to me like that! I hate it! But I sigh. "ya sure..." She smiles and puts me in a playpen with her powers. I sit there and look up. Holy shit it's huge. I stand up, legs a little shaky remembering I haven't walked much all day. Man if I do that too much my legs will be very weak. I couldn't even look over the top of the play pen, it was so big. Fuck no way out. I look around in the play pen and find a bunch of toys and a TV remote. Ohhh TV! I never got to watch that! I didn't even realize mommy walked off to her room. I grabbed the remote and found it sitting in the playpen. I turned on the TV after I pressed every button. I gasp in shock as I Finally turn it on. I have never seen a real tv work. "yay!" I thought about what I did and blush. Man that was kinda childish wasn't it... Could be worse, I guess. Oh well I looked up and this cartoon was on. It was about some strange sponge that lived in the sea and had a friend that's an idiot and a starfish. It was great I lost complete track of time as I watched. After an episode a strange thing advertising a toy would come on then I would see toys with the cartoon I was watching. My mouth opens. "I wish I could get that!" Suddenly Phyllis walks up behind me. "get what sweetheart?" I blush oops... I shyly point at the TV and she smiles. "Ok how about I get that for you later." Mom was dressed up. Pokemon dress up? I shrug it off. "hey mommy? What's with the outfit?" She blushes and I smirk. Ohhh I see. "well... Ed asked me to go out after he's done with work... So I'm going to head out." Bingo! I smile. "Am I going to Dills? That would be fun!" She shakes her head. "Sorry sweetie, They are busy so I got you a babysitter." What?! A babysitter?! No! I want to go to Dills! "but! I want to go to Dills!" I think I was throwing a small tantrum. I throw the remote out of the playpen and it smashes into a lamp breaking it. "oopsie..." OK... A big tantrum... I think I just was in some little space for a while that knocked me out of it though. Phyllis glares at me. "DAKOTA!" I tear up. I didn't mean it was an accident. It wasn't me, it was another part of me! "I-I didn't mean to..." She takes a deep breath and sighs. "I don't have time to do this right now. But as soon as I get home you will be in big trouble. You better hope I hear a good report from the babysitter." I nod and wipe my eyes. "y-yes mommy..." Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Mommy opens the door and there stands a Roserade. "hello... Umm are you Miss Phyllis? I-im-" She was stopped by mom. "you're Mia, correct?" She shyly smiles and nods. "great! Thanks so much for coming. I gave you all the stuff over the phone. But I have to hurry and go. Dakotas in her playpen watching Sponge-Bob. thanks so much!" They both giggle. So what?! It's good... If it's a kids show it's a damn good one! I sigh as Mia walks in and looks in the playpen as mommy hurry's off. I blush as she looks down at me and smirks. "a little old for diapers are we" She laughs. I swear was that shy attitude a lie?! This fucking bitch! "you're just so cute!" I keep blushing trying to watch TV to take my mind off it. When vines pick me up and into her arms. And she just coos at me. she starts to remove my onesie dress thing and I blush and push her hands away. "stop! Leave me alone!" She glares at me. "I just got to tell your mommy you where a bad girl you won't sit for a week" My face goes pale after I broke the lamp. She won't believe a word out of me, not fair! I look down defeated. She removed the dress and held me in just my diaper. This is so embarrassing. My chest was small i barely had boobs anymore. I didn't notice till now she takes me to the nursery and stands me where mom put me to take my size. She marks it. "5 foot!" 5-5?! I lost a damn 7 inches in a day?! "That's so cute you must be almost 12 years old, such a cute human baby. How old did you used to be?" I blush looking down unable to do anything about this "1....18..." She Bursts up laughing and sees a pacifier on the table and grabs it, shoving it in my mouth. I so badly want to chuck it at her face and say fuck you! But I can't. "aww you're so adorable! Has mommy breastfeed you yet?" I turn a bright red and shake my head. She smirks. "want to be" I gulp and shake my head really quickly and she laughs "I'm joking! Hmm maybe later though hehe if you get grumpy I have permission to do so." I make a fist I'm going to punch her... I'm going to punch her... She puts her finger up my diaper. "Mmm!!!" She frowns. "The baby's still dry, that's a shame. I was hoping you might have an accident and I could post you all over pokegram!" The fucks a pokegram?! Suddenly a picture is taken of me, taking in mind I'm naked and only in a diaper! Sure I don't have fucking boobs anymore but holy fuck that's embarrassing! "and post!" She showed me a post of me standing In a diaper and a caption that said babysitting today isn't she adorable. I spit out my pacifier "Ahhh!! Delete that!!" I go to grab the phone and she pulls it from me quickly. I growl and she grabs my pacifier and pops it back in my mouth. "nope! If I'm going to babysit you I get cute pictures for free followers" She giggles and pats my head. You bitch. "Now your mommy said you already ate. Now we need something for you to do." While she was thinking it hit me I had to pee. I start to bounce up and down some and Mia smirks at me. "something wrong?" I shake my head quickly. But I started to hold the front of my diaper and crossed my legs. Suddenly vines go around me and tickle me like crazy. I kick and laugh like crazy. "no, stop please!!" But it was too late. I could feel the warmth filling my diaper as it yellowed and Mia was laughing like crazy at me all I could do was blush and start crying from embarrassment and shame. I hate this bitch. She smirks. "ya by the way I'm not paid enough to change diapers so have fun with that." I lost it. I made a fist and just punched her in the gut as hard as I could. She didn't even budge and smiled at me. "aww the baby thinks she's strong! So cute!" B-but I was strong, I was! I wine and begin to cry like crazy. My pacifier having already fallen out I feel Mia pick me up and cradle me in her arms. "uhh... Shit I didn't think you would cry. Come on." She rocks and shakes me gently and I still cry. My eyes are locked tight, that's until I felt something try to go in my mouth. I hope it's my pacifier or a bottle I need something to suck on to stop crying. I put my mouth over it and I got some amazing honey like milk. It was so good and warm and relaxing I drank and felt my diaper butt be patted. After a while I got full. I opened my eyes and pulled away. My face goes pale when I see I'm nursing off Mia. She had her flowers on her chest moved and I was being breastfeed. I hack and cough. It wasn't bad till i found out! She laughs "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad! Most babies love my milk? It's supposed to help relax them." I lick my lips and find more on there. It was good but oh my God kill me! That's so embarrassing! And stupid! "but... That's disgusting! I mean... I-it was relaxing and good but... You're a sick-o..." She just smiles. "it also helps constipated babies" I look confused, I'm not... Suddenly my eyes get big and I fart and in no time I start to fill my diaper with more than pee. I cover my face in shame. Oh my God the second time I ever used my diaper like that! Eww!! "good girl! Seems much easier!" She stands me on the ground. "stay there!" She took another picture of me with my gross diaper sagging. "Wow, that first picture already had 1000 likes!" Ahhh!! 1000 Pokemon like my naked body that's not what I want to fucking hear?! Suddenly Mia pushes me back and I fall on my butt feeling all the mush I wanted to throw up. I was so grossed out. What if it leaks out?! Disgusting?! "... Can't you at least change me now that you had your damn fun..." She thinks and shrugs. "nah! Like I said, not paid enough. Don't worry your mommy will be home in like a few hours." A few hours?! Like this?! No God! Please no! Suddenly sponge-Bob comes back on. I look up being distracted by it. Maybe this Will take my mind off it. Maybe… Ch 13: Little Time I was completely distracted. I didn't even care for my messy diaper anymore. I remember laughing at the TV. I would even get bored and play with two dolls I had. I don't know why but I liked pretending one was sponge-bob and the other was Patrick. I would play out an episode in my head and try to talk like them. I would giggle. I didn't want to quit playing so I ended up wetting myself again. But I didn't care. My diaper is so full at this point it might leak but I don't care I'm having a blast! i guess i just didn't want to remember Mia even would ask me questions and I would respond like I was 2. But I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop, I was happy. "God, you're a stinky baby. Hope your mom gets home soon." This knocks me out of my little space and I can smell myself again. I blush and poke my diaper. It was full. Disgusting! When did I do that?! I barely remember the past... Two hours!? Wait, how did 2 hours pass by so quickly?! That's when I heard the door open it was mommy. I could feel myself smile as she payed Mia and she left quickly. I got up but fell back over my legs where kinda numb from sitting like this. I felt everything squish in my diaper. "eww! M-mommy please can I get a change?!" She smiles and I blush. That's so embarrassing to have to ask. "of course sweetie... Phew... Did you not tell the babysitter you were messy..." I shake my head. She wouldn't believe me if I told her what she did. Mom sighs and picks me up, taking me to the changing table and cleaning me up. "dang Dakota you were about to explode. You should have told the babysitter I don't understand why you would want to sit in a dirty diaper so long." I cover my face, blushing and about to cry. She gets me cleaned and and rubs cream on my crotch and butt. Ahh... Soothing I didn't even notice I was getting a rash. I guess a few hours in a shitty diaper will do that. Just my luck. She gets me in a new diaper. "So what did mommy's little girl do today?" I get picked up and held in her arms I lay my face against her solder "well... I don't remember... I think I watched TV and played with toys but I barely remember it..." Mom smiles. "aww that's cute. So you went into little space?" I look at her kinda confused. "little space?" She nods "That's where you basically stop thinking and just act like the kid you are. Did the babysitter feed you?" I shiver and nod. "what did she give you then" I look down embarrassed like crazy. "umm... B-breast milk..." She giggles and hugs me. "Oh wow! Already back to being breastfeed? I wasn't sure if I should but now that I know you accept it I'll start it up." Fuck. My. Life. You couldn't just be quiet Dakota?! I don't want to be breastfeed! I mean it's good but ahh! I just lose control of my emotions and start crying. "Oh no, it looks like someone's cranky. Well Dakota I was going to tell you the date went well. And I'll definitely be going on more." I just keep crying when I felt the something like before go close to my mouth. Unfortunately for me sucking is the best way to calm down any more. I put my mouth over it and suck. I'm getting warm and sweet milk. Oh God I know exactly what this is. Unfortunately for me I kept going till I was full. I opened my eyes to see exactly what I feared. I was being breastfeed... But how was milk so filling? I felt like I just ate and I mean I'm stuffed. As mom put her shirt down. I was too full to argue I just hope it don't act like a laxative again... Mom started to rock me humming a familiar tune. It reminds me of when my mom would Hum me to sleep. Oh ya she was my mom... I enjoyed it before I fell asleep. My pacifier was plopped in my mouth. I happily accepted it and sucked on it. I heard some music start to play as I'm laid in the crib and my stuffy was layed in my arms. I hug it and quickly fall asleep. This was a quick day. Much faster than day one. Maybe it's because I actually had fun. And I actually have a friend. Which reminds me I wonder how Dill dealt with everything? I bet he was strong... And didn't give up easy. Ch 14: PlayDate (day 3) I woke up early in the morning from a sharp pain. And from a dream where I was sitting on the toilet about to pee. I have to go so badly! Then it hits me. Wait why am I holding it... Mommy won't let me use the bathroom anyways... I sigh and sit up in my crib. This was my crib when I was an adult. But now it's gotten so big... Or I got so small. I sat there taking deep breaths in and out to calm myself. I Finally started to wet a little but it was like my body stopped knowing I'm not supposed to do that. I kept trying though and after a while I Finally relaxed and I started to pee. The warmth of it filling my diaper and going down me and getting all over me. It's the first time I actually paid attention to it. The warmth kinda felt good. Was I really enjoying this? I'm such a weirdo... But who's going to mock me for it? This is my life now. I stood up holding myself up with the crib bars and looked down at my chubby legs and my chubby belly. "What the heck...?" I poke my fat. "I don't ever remember being chubby except when I was younger? Am I really getting that young? I wonder how long it took Dill to get to age 10? I have to be like... 11 now" I sigh. I miss being 18... I reach down and grab my pacifier that fell out of my mouth during my sleep and plop it on my mouth and I let go of the crib and fall on butt. My legs have also grown weaker from the lack of use... And maybe the medicine? I'm surprised I can still control my bladder... Then again I'm holding on to that really hard. I'm scared to lose that. As I suck my pacifier I begin to drift back off asleep leaning my head against the crib bars. A few hours later I got picked up. I groan and hug whoever it is. Wanting to stay asleep. "Come on sweetheart, it's time to wake up." It was mommy, I figured. Mommy put her fingers up the side of my diaper. I didn't flinch. But mommy was also giggling. "does your face hurt sweetie? Also looks like you had a accident how about we get you changed." She lays me on the changing table and I lay there still trying to sleep I really enjoy this stupid pacifier But why did she ask if my face hurt? But if I space out and just suck my pacifier I get so relaxed. And happy I feel my clothes get removed and my diaper was taken off and there was a knock on the door. But they must have let themselves in because I hear little footsteps around the house. "in here little one" I hear Phyllis call out. I ignore it as Phyllis wipes me clean and the door opens and the steps come in. "hia Phyllis hia Dakota!" That sounded like Dill. "oh no, did Dakota have an accident?" Phyllis nods at him and I open my eyes and look down and see Dill. I blush and look up but he's also giggling. I'm still completely naked and I blush insanely and just stare and fucking Dill of course is just siting there with a blush on his face and a perverted look looking at me. "M-mommy! He staring! And laughing!". She rolls her eyes. "oh you don't have anything to look at anyways your boobs are gone and I'm about to diaper you back up. Maybe the big mark on your face from the bars hehe" She gets me diapered back up,i then touch my face. Yap I had a big mark down my face. I sigh and look back at Dill. "umm... H-hi Dill" This is so embarrassing. I want to die! "hi cutie! Mommy and daddy had to go out and your mommy said I could stay here and play with you! And we could watch TV! And go outside! And and and!" I put my hand on my face. He even sounds like a little annoying kid. He really gets into this little head space so easily… "ok Dill I get it... Calm down heh." Mommy giggles and after getting me diapered she sits me on my butt still naked. "I'm not going to worry about dressing you if you Two are going to play." I covered my non existing chest, still embarrassed to be naked. And Dill smiles. "It's ok! Let's go play!" Dill runs off. "W-wait!" I try and stand and fall back down and pout. Mommy laughs at me and pats my head. "Hey, try crawling." I want to say fuck you so bad but I give in. I get on my hands and knees and crawl to Dill. He's brought over a ton of toys. Holy shit. I saw a Sponge-bob toy I saw in the ad the other day. I crawl to it, grabbing it and looking at it. Dill giggles "Do you like that one Dakota?" I blush and nod. "Then let's play that!" Dill grabs the Patrick one and we pretend to play out an episode. We both were deep into this little headspace. I forgot I was even close to an adult. I felt like a little baby. Having fun with a playmate. Before I remembered some Questions I wanted to ask Dill. "hey Dill? I bet this was super hard for you to accept... You were always such a strong guy and manly I bet you fought to the very end." Dill looked at the ground blushing and continued to play ignoring me. "Dill...?" Dill sighs and looks up at me. "a-actually... I was sick of being a man... Strong and all this... I wanted to be like you long ago... Carefree... And after I found out mommy and daddy were my real mommy and daddy... I just instantly got into this. They say I was the fastest to become a Pokemon and accepted it. But then again you must be secretly enjoying this. It took me a week to become 10... You have only been like this for like 3 days?" I blush. " n-no! I hate it, I want to be big... I don't know why I'm shrinking so quickly!" Dill smiles. "it's ok. There's no reason to hate it. We are with our mommy and daddy's again and we won't have to worry about them leaving us ever again..." I started crying. Dill was right. I quickly grab him and hug him. I think I scared him... I heard a hissing noise and Dills became bright red. This was my chance to embarrass him. "did you just pee pee Dill?" I said with a smirk I could see him blush like crazy. I pulled him back to feel his diaper, it was warm. "you did!" I giggle. "I-it was mommy's milk! The more I drink the more I can't control it. B-but it is good... " Oh ya... That's a thing and he was right it was good. Suddenly I get picked up from behind. "eep!" I hug Dill tight, not letting go. "oh sorry sweetie did I scare you? I was going to see if you were hungry." I blush as I was pissing myself with the same hissing noise and Dill smirks at me. And I nod. "how about you Dill?" He nods "mhm! But miss Phyllis! I have to tell you something." I glare at him. "No, I need to tell you something!" We glared at each other not like we hate each other. It was kinda fun, it was like little kids arguing. I didn't realize how cute it must have sounded. I go to talk but I'm interrupted by my face being pulled into mommy's chest. I felt myself blushing. I peek over and Dills in the same predicament. I look at him as I start to drink and he looks at me. We were both obviously embarrassed. But both breastfeeding off my mom I felt like it brought us closer. I grab his paw and hold it while we drink. I don't remember what happened after that. I think we fell asleep. It was just so relaxing. I remember moving my arms around to look for my stuffy. I remember hugging what I thought was it and felt my pacifier put in my mouth and out I was again. Ch 15: Discovering Little Space I remember waking up to my hand grabbing something squishy and cold and I heard a squeak. And felt squirming. I open my eyes to see I'm groping the front of Dills diaper and my face goes bright red and I pull away. Spitting out my pacifier "OH MY GOD I'M SORRY!" he's also blushing as he gets up on his 4 legs and shakes and smiles. Also having a pacifier close by he must have been using. "I-its ok..." I smile. "By the way your diapers wet..." He looks down and blushes. And moves close to my diaper and sticks his nose in my diaper sniffing and makes me Blush and I push him away. "hey! Pervert!" He smirks. "You're wet too." My eyes get big as I check myself. "I am?!" My face goes bright red. Dill gets up and licks my face. "hey it's ok! I do it all the time... Normally I have a laxative though... I don't think I did today... That's must mean I'm doing it on my own now" He sighs. Poor Dill I pet his head. Then stop. "S-sorry..." he gives me a cute look "Why did you stop? And sorry for what?" I look confused. "for petting you... I know you're not really a dog... Or cat Like Pokemon but I feel like I'm treat you like one... " He just smiles. "It's ok! I like it!" He puts his head under my hand and I smile and pet him and I swear he purrs. But I wasn't going to say anything. All I could do was giggle he was so adorable. I wish he could be this cute forever. But one day we will grow up and I'm sure Dill will be back to his old self. He looked so happy to be pet. After a while mommy walks in and smiles at us. "oh looks like you two are awake. You two fell asleep eating. So I laid you down you two were so cute cuddling together heh" me and Dill laughed awkwardly at each other blushing. Before looking at each other for a while before mom cuts in and pulls Dill out checking his diaper. "really wet. We Will do it one at a time." He blushes as he's taken to the changing table and gets his diaper removed. My eyes get big and I cover them, both of us embarrassed. I really had to pee again. I didn't want a wet diaper after being changed so I let it out. This went so easily. But I keep going and going. I started to worry it might overflow. I watched my diaper Grow and the cold being replaced by warm liquid was so calming. Before I knew it I was being picked up. Dill was sitting on the ground smiling up at me as I blushed. "phew. This little girls soaked. And it's fresh. How were you able to hold it all in there?" She laughs and teases, Dill also laughs. I hid my face in her embarrassed like crazy. She managed to lay me down and get me cleaned. I could feel that damn perv just staring at me from below the changing table. Luckily he's too low to see more than my thighs. I noticed my thighs turning a white color along with my body and some had blue on it like my hair. Was I at the point of becoming a Pokemon? Mommy gets me in a new diaper and sits me on my butt. "Looks like by tomorrow Dakota will be a full Pokemon! What do you think of that!" I was unsure then Dill spoke up. "She's still going to be cute! But congrats Dakota!" I smile. "t-thanks Dill..." Then I smile at mommy. "I can't wait to be a Pokemon.." That was a lie. Honestly I was scared. I wanted to cry. But Dill being around keeps me happy. Probably the only thing keeping me from going fully depressed. "ok you two have fun, mommy need to get some stuff done." Dill crawls into my arms as mom leaves the room. I hugged Dill and just started crying. I think he could tell I was scared. Dill whined feeling bad for me. "I-im scared Dill... I don't want to be a Pokemon.. I want to be human!" Dill licks my cheeks which makes me smile some. "Dakota... Don't cry. I promise being a Pokemon isn't that bad. Really it's not... You're almost done, the scariest part is almost over. I promise. Now I know what will take your mind off it!" Dill jumps off my lap and goes to the door "Follow me!" He runs to the back yard. We are allowed to be in the back yard because she's got a fence but if we wanted to go out the front mommy had to come. I crawl to the door and outside into the grass. The grass felt so weird along my naked body, well except my diaper obviously. I kinda liked it I think? I know Dill loves me crawling. It gets us basically face to face. Dills sitting in a sand pit molding sand. I crawl over and sit in the sand by him. "what are you doing?" He shrugs. "I'm going to make something, don't know what but I will!" He giggles and keeps going. "that sounded kinda childish..." He looks at me. "says the 11 year old sitting in a diaper in a sand pit" He laughs and I blush. He wasn't wrong but still. "well... Just tell me how do you have fun like that?" He sighs I could tell I was breaking his little space. And it was irritating him a little. "Just don't think that's your problem. Stop thinking and just do it, don't think about what you're doing, just blank out and do something." He went back to building it wasn't much but he looked so proud of himself. I decided to try. I try to blank out and think about like sponge-bob, It works I think. I smile and start packing stuff together to build a Sponge-bob. I remember building this Awesome Sponge-bob. It was incredible. Even Dill was impressed. I was so happy then mom came out breaking my little space. "you two ok?" I look at her and smile. "yes mommy" I look back at my creation and my eyes get big. Was it just a pile of sand?! But what happened to my Awesome Sponge-bob?! Wait... Was that just my imagination? Seriously... Wow, that's incredible what your mind can imagine. I wonder what else Dill can teach me. For someone who didn't have a childhood he sure is an amazing child hehe. I like going into this little space though. It's very relaxing and everything is 100 times more fun! Ch 16: Dills Secret and Deep Little Space "Ok I'm going to finish up you two stay in the backyard ok? And be careful we don't want you little ones being hurt." Mommy walks back inside and I look at Dill who's still just having a blast. "hey...? Dill? Not to break your umm fun but can I ask you a serious question? Like... No silliness..." Dill looks at me confused. "you ok?" I nod. "I'm fine... But I'm worried about you? How come you enjoy this so much...? Don't you want to be an adult?" He looks down and messes in the sand and just shrugs. "I know we talked about this before But, you used to be such a... Manly hunk! Now... Well you're childish... No offense I don't dislike you for that! I'm just... Worried about you... What happened when you were caught, did they hurt you or something? I know you said you accepted it easily but... Was there a reason?" He shakes his head and sighs. "nope... I remember I got chased by daddy and paralyzed by him then i was knocked out. I woke up to see my mommy. Me thinking I had to be strong and a tough man I yelled... Bad idea... Mom spanked my ass hard." I was kinda surprised by that. He's definitely out of his little space. And I never heard him curse. "they explained I was really their kid and I just... Believed them and gave up that quickly. Honestly I hate being an adult... I love being a kid! I can always have fun!" He smiles at me looking up "I hope you can have fun with me... But... Is it bad I don't want to grow back up" I looked confused. "What do You mean? You don't want to grow up? So you want to stay a baby and poop your diaper forever?!" He looks down, blushing and tearing up some and nods. I could feel my eyes get big and I definitely gave him that most judgmental look. He ran inside crying. "W-wait Dill!" I look down. I really upset him... I punch the sand and tear up. "i-im sorry Dill... Please don't run away, I need you... Please..." I hear mommy walk outside and say in a stern voice. "Dakota!! What happened to Dill?! Why's he crying?!" I burst into tears. "I'm sorry mommy!! He said he wanted to never grow up and I judged him. He felt like he could tell me and I judged him for it and made him cry." I bawled like crazy and held my arms up wanting mommy to pick me up and hug me. She did, she picked me up and I cried into her. "oh... Well maybe you need to go talk to him. Be there for him. If he wants to be like this, let him. Help him. You love him right? No matter what?" I sniff and nod. Mommy just smiles and kisses my head. "then go talk to him. Tell him how you feel." Mommy puts me down in the house and I crawl to Dill seeing him curled up in the corner of the nursery crying. I feel awful… "D-Dill...?" He screams at me. "GO AWAY! I HATE YOU" My heart shatters. I just stare at him and I start crying again. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to judge you. I bet that was so hard to tell me and I mock you for it I'm so so so so sorry! I know words will never help but I'll stick with your decision! I'll help take Care of you if I have to! If you still want to be a baby when your an adult fine! But... Can you only be one sometimes... I love you Dill... But if you're a baby forever we can't be together forever right?" But this only made Dill cry more. But he ran out and flopped on to my lap and he laid his head on my diaper. I wanted to call him a fucking perv... But damn it let him have his fun. "o-ok... We can play pretend when I'm older right? Pretend I'm a baby and stuff heh." He sniffs a lot, getting snot all over the diaper. Gross… "o-of course..." In my head I'm probably thinking more that's so fucking weird... But if I can make Dill happy he deserves it. Out of anyone, he deserves it. I pet Dill till he falls asleep. "mommy?" I try to whisper while he's asleep. Mommy walks on and smiles. "how about I lay him in the crib?" I smile and nod. "please. He needs some sleep... After the stress I put him through... Hey mommy? Can you help me get into umm... Little Space?" She smiles great big. "absolutely. Remember if you're too ashamed to do it I can help you do most stuff. I can show you what it will be like when you learn to control it." I looked confused but nodded. Hope It don't hurt. "ok?" Mommy grabbed my head and it felt like I was still there but my body wouldn't do anything I told it to do. Mommy picks me up and I start sucking my thumb. Why did I do that? Mommy grabs the toy box and takes it to the front room and sits it down and puts me down. I felt my diaper fill up as well. Ahhh! I don't do that on purpose?! What the heck?! I grab out a bunch of toys and watch as I can't figure out how to use most of them and babbling to myself. It was so embarrassing. But I think a part of me was having fun. I would giggle and play with a toy phone. It would say hello and I would respond with babble noise. It was so cute. I couldn't help but laugh at myself. Was this a true baby mind? It's so fun! Is this what Dill goes through? Or is this more advanced than him? Oh a block! I grab it and try to put the round one in the square hole. Hmm nope. Maybe if I hit it harder. Still nope. I grunt and throw it, getting mad I can't put the block in crossing my arm. Stupid blocks broken! I keep this up for hours. Before I realized at that moment before the Magic mommy did on me ended pretty quickly. T-that was all me. I did it! I achieved little Space and understood it more! This will make life much easier! Ch 17: Timeout It was getting quite late and Dill was still asleep. I was getting bored. I was hoping he would be awake. We don't get much time to hang out and he decides to spend it sleeping. I'm still in a wet diaper too embarrassed to tell mommy I'm wet. I wonder if Dill has an accident while he's asleep? I shake my head. Who cares?! Why would I wonder that?! That's weird... But at the same time I got more and more curious. I crawled to the nurcury and peaked in at Dill sleeping he was on his back a few legs in the air and twitching like he's trying to run or something it was so adorable! That's when I noticed he was wet. He did! I can't believe it! He probably hasn't even noticed. I bet it feels funny to wet without noticing. And embarrassing. Suddenly I feel a hand pull back the back of my diaper it too everything I had not to scream. It was mommy checking me. Oh my God these random diaper checks are so embarrassing and make you feel so small. "oh still clean" I knew I was but at the same time I was relieved. Then she checked the front and I felt my face grow bright red. "oh no baby had a oopsie" I cover my face as she picked me up "I-it was that little space I swear!" Mommy gives me a stern look. "Shhh you're going to wake Dill." Suddenly Dill groans and starts crying. Oh no why was Dill crying? Was he still upset!? "gosh dang it Dakota... I think you need a time out for waking up Dill." Mommy gets me changed and sits me in the crib and takes out the still crying Dill. She lays him down and changes him. As soon as the new diaper hits him he stops crying and I look even more confused. "Is little Dilly all better now!" Dill giggles and nods. "Maybe I should eat his paw!" Mommy grabs his paw pretending to eat on his paw and he would giggle and scream. What in the world? Maybe this is how Dill deals with sadness now he just becomes a... Baby? Mommy picks up Dill. "Dakota got to sit in her crib for 30 minutes for waking you up so till then you want to go play?" Dill smirks at me, the little bitch! And smiles happily. "ya! Play play!" They leave the room and leave me stuck in the damn crib! Not fair! I didn't mean to wake him! Why am I punished for it! I-i want to play with Dill.... Or mommy...I grab my pacifier and suck it to calm myself and grab my stuffie and play with it while I wait. I go into little space and imagine this cool world where my stuffies are in space! He fights aliens and shoots lasers! He's so cool. This made time fly by as mommy opens the door. "Are you ready to come out of time out?" This knocked me out of little space. I had all my toys in the crib all over the place. My pillows and covers were off the bed and my stuffie was on the ceiling fan stuck. My eyes get big at what I did and I shake. I'm in so much trouble. "Dakota! Young lady, what's with this mess?!" I look down and shrug. "I-I was having fun... And honestly I barely remember but it was fun...." She takes an irritated sigh and starts to Pick up everything. "I was going to tell you to say bye to Dill because he's leaving. But you clearly want a longer time out with no toys!" My eyes get big and I tear up dropping my pacifier from my mouth. "No, I'm sorry!" She gives me a stern look and takes me out fixing my bed, laying me in bed and covering me up. "time for bed! If I catch you playing I'll give you a longer time out. If you make an oopsie, tell me tomorrow I'm not changing you today." Mommy leaves and I burst up into tears. Mommy hates me! I'm a bad daughter! I keep crying. I plop my pacifier back in my mouth laying there. I'm not even sleepy. I don't go to bed this early. I just thought it was ok to always let out this little space but clearly not. Maybe I need to learn to control it some so I'm not a bad girl. I don't like time out. I want mommy to hug me and tell me I'm a good girl! As I layed there my body would hurt in random spots. I didn't know why but I took it as just being sad. But unknowing to me I was finishing my change. I was completely a kirlia. Still to regress farther to a ralts but this was the first step. I was Finally a Pokemon but I won't realize it till tomorrow Will Dill still love me? Will he still want to be my friend? Will I be able to make more friends? Will mommy and daddy get married? I hope so I hope all of them will happen. I layed there more as I slowly fell asleep. I hope mommy doesn't hate me forever... My anxiety was going crazy but the one thing I did know was this was my new life and there's no more going back and I don't regret it much at all. Ch 18: A Real Pokemon (day 4) I woke up the next day hugging my stuffie and sucking my pacifier. I look at my arms and they look small and thin. Suddenly my eyes get big and I look down at my body. This was it. I was a full blown kirlia. I was so scared. I was so out of it I didn't even notice I had wet my diaper. I was starting to have night time accidents. Before too long I'll have no control and lose the last thing that made me an adult. I keep looking at my body, just unable to say anything. Then I started crying. My pacifier fell out of my mouth and I cried and mommy came running in. "what's wrong sweetie?!" She came over and picked me up. I could see the excitement in her face. I could also read her mind. Not really... But you know I could hear her say. My baby's Finally a Pokemon! She hugged me and Rocked me. It was relaxing. "it's ok sweetie you just a kirlia now. You and Dill are so close to being baby's. Well Dill more. Then you. When he left I'm sure he regressed to about 3 or 2 years old. And you would be about... 9 years old!" I-im 9?! I miss being a big girl! I cried more into her. "I want to be a big girl again mommy!" She smiles. "don't worry one day you will be a big Gardevoir just like your mommy, how's that sound?" I sniff. "r-really...?" She nods. "yap and you get to be shiny so you will be extra adorable." I blush and smile, wiping my eyes. "thanks mommy..." I blush more. "I'm hungry..." Mommy smiles and lifts her shirt. I blush and just go in sucking on her. This might be weird but it is normally relaxing and makes me very full. I don't understand how milk is so filling but I won't complain. After my breakfast mommy puts me over my shoulder and pats my back. I let out a huge burp and blush like crazy and cover my mouth. "Oh my God! Excuse me!" Mommy laughs and kisses my cheek. "It's ok mommy was trying to burp you." Burp me?? But why? "o-oh...ok?" She keeps holding me cradle style and she grabs my pacifier and plops it in my mouth and lays me on the changing table. "Let's get that diaper changed shall we." I look confused. "buwt....me not wet?" I grab the front of the diaper and blush "wait how I get wet?!" Mommy starts to change me "Well you are a little girl, they have bed wetting accidents." At 9? I guess I don't understand. I was never much of a bed wetter... Well till now obviously. I sigh. As I get diapered and picked up. "don't I need clothes...?" Mommy shakes her head. "Pokemon don't wear clothes." I blush. I forgot about that! That's right though Dills always naked but he's got fur. I wonder how fur feels... It feels really nice when he cuddles up to me. I blush and shake my head. Oh my God! I can't believe I just thought that! Mommy takes me into the front room sitting me in a stroller and straps me in. I told my head and pull out my pacifier "where are we going...?" She just smiles "for a walk. I thought since you didn't get to say bye to Dill you could go show him how adorable you are." I blush. I hope he thinks I'm adorable. I put my pacifier back in my mouth as we get pushed along. Pokemon would stop us and coo at me calling me adorable and cute. oh my God it's so embarrassing, I keep my face covered and suck on my pacifier more just needing to calm down. We Finally make it to Dills thank God! Mom knocks "Come in!" A female voice says. Must be Dills mom. She pushes me in and I see both his mom and dad and they aww at me and coo and stuff I was so embarrassed. As Dill walks in. "what's with a-" I could see his eyes light up as he ran in circles. "Oh my God, Dakotas a Pokemon like me! Yay!" Dill was so happy mommy let's me out and puts me on the ground I crawl over to Dill and hug him taking through my pacifier "sowwy I not say bye yesterday..." He laughs and licks my Cheek making me giggle. "It's ok! Your mommy said you got in trouble, she said you went into little space! That means me and you can play as kids right?!" I giggle more and nod the pacifier really puts me in a little space already. Honestly all today i kinda been in a little space a little. I felt more childish. I'm not sure if I'm really childish or in a little space. If I'm with Dill I don't care though. Dill get out of my arm. "Follow me! We can go play with my toys!" I crawl following Dill to his nursery. "Have fun Dakota! And be good!" Mommy said. "you too Dill." Dills mom said. We both roll our eyes. And say at the same time. "yes mommy..." We look at each other and giggle. And start playing with big Lego's. They were big enough so Dill could use his mouth to pick them up and not swallow them. But we started building an Awesome city! It was amazing. In reality it probably looked really bad with a bunch of blocks stacked badly at that. We were finding it hard to get some blocks to go together. While we were playing I wet myself then I farted and messed in my diaper. But I was so deep in little space I didn't care. I knew mommy would fix it but I wanted to play. Dill didn't even seem to notice or care if I did. We played for like an hour before mommy came in. "phew! Someone made a mess" She laughs and Dill smiles. "wasn't me!" She looks at him. "mhm we will see" She grabs him and checks him and smiles. "lair." His eyes get big. "really?! I swore it was Dakota?!" She looks at me. "Are you messy Dakota?" I blush and keep playing. "nu uh..." She gives me a stern look. "Dakota..." I nod, she sighs. "ok I'll get you changed after Dill." I keep playing while Dill gets a diaper change. He gets put down and i get picked up and groan. "blockys!" Mommy lays me down on the table. "After you get cleaned Missy." I cross my arms and pout and I hear Dill just laughing like crazy then I blush a lot and come out of little space some. "I'm so sorry! I can't help it but you're just so cute! I love little you!" He smiles still gigging. I stick my tongue at him forgetting I had my pacifier in and it falls out. mommy finishes my diaper change and puts me down. "now you can play with "blockys"" she giggles and walks out "I can't believe I did that... I knew I was doing it too... I just let it happen. I wanted to play with blocks." Dill smirks and I grab my pacifier off the floor and put it in his mouth. "you know.. I don't want to hear it suck on that baby." I smirk and grab him and rock him. "aww my cute baby Dilly!" I make him blush a lot. It was cute. He wants to play baby. I'll play baby alright. "Let's play baby! You're the baby, I'm the mommy!" I laughed. I expected him to disagree but he nodded and cuddled into me. "otak mommy..." I blush. That little bitch just beat me at my own game. But hey maybe this will be fun? Ch 19: Playing Caretaker Dill layed in my arms just sucking on the pacifier and being super cute. But I didn't know how to take care of a baby. Even if Dill technically isn't a baby... I mean he's definitely really good at pretending. So maybe I pretend to be an adult? Umm... I really don't remember how to be an adult. Man this becoming a baby stuff is really messing me up. Dill looks at me taking through his pacifier "mommy? What do we do?" I blush at him calling me mommy its weird. "o-oh right umm does M-mommy little boy want to be pushed on the swing!" His eyes light up and nod a lot. I smile. He's so cute I give him a kiss on the cheek like mommy does to me and he blushes like Crazy and I giggle carrying him outside and putting him on one of them baby swings so he can't fall out. And I push him at a decent speed, not too slow and not too fast. He would laugh and clap. It made me so happy. It kinda felt like being a mommy! I think? What's it feel like to be a mommy? I guess like this hehe. We played on the swing for a while before. "da-err mommy... I don't feel good..." I stop the swing and take him out. "Wait, what's wrong drill?" Dill groans and cuddles up to me. "I don't know my-my tummy hurts..." I feel awful, I'm a terrible mommy! I tear up and start crying. And run inside. "MOMMY! DILLS SICK AND I MADE HIM SICK AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID!" Mommy comes over and takes Dill feeling his head. "Hmm... He's a bit warm. I would say he was getting a bit sick today and going outside and getting hot gave him a temp. And a stomach ache." Dill just cries a little, not feeling good obviously. "Don't blame mom...I-I mean Dakota! She was just playing with me." She smiles and looks at me. "Were you playing Baby with Dill?" I blush and nod. "Wow, it seems Dill really likes that and you. No reason to be embarrassed. He's basically a baby you might as well pretend to be a mommy while you can." Dill blushes and hides his face and so do I. "I'm going to go lay Dill down. He needs sleep." Dill grones. "but I'm not sleepy..." She gives him a stern look. "Do I need to go get you mom and dad Dill?" His eyes get big and shake his head. "n-no Dakota mommy..." She smiles and goes and lays him down. And I sigh. What am I supposed To do alone? I wipe the tears from my eyes. And my stomach starts to hurt as well. I felt like I had to fart normally I'm embarrassed to do it around people but I'm alone so I do. It wasn't a fart... My eyes get big I was so surprised I even wet myself at the same time. Ewww it's all runny! I start crying and mommy comes in. "Oh no, what's wrong sweetie?" I keep crying. "i-" I was cut off by mommy checking my diaper and she picked me up. "Oh I see. Did you kiss on Dill? You might be getting his sickness if so." I keep crying, it's gross and I just want change. Mommy grabs my diaper bag and lays me on a mat. She got a diaper out of it and took off my diaper and cleaned me up. I was Finally able to stop crying. Why does just messing my diaper make me want to cry... But I also know if I cry mommy comes and changes me quickly. She gets me put in a new diaper and smiles. "there all better!" I smile and she blows on my belly making me laugh like crazy. "no stop!" She did, then picked me up and hugged me. "I love you, Dakota... You know that? Your mommy's favorite little girl. But I was going to tell you me and Ed have been hitting it off well. Nothings decided but I thought about letting him take care of you for a few days. How does that sound?" My eyes light up. "R-really?! Yay! I get to stay with daddy!" Mommy blushed. "He's not your daddy yet..." I giggle and smiles "Ok mommy... Yet Hehehe" She blushes more. "that's not what I meant..." Suddenly Dills mom and dad walk in, his mom holding a box. She walks over to us and smiles. "Hey Dakota we know what Dill likes to do but later on it's likely he won't be able to... Or will he." What does Dill like to do? She means being a baby? Ya he definitely can't do that forever. Wait will he? I look confused and so does mommy. She opens the box to show a rock. "a... Rock?" She smiles. "not any rock an Everstone. For real Pokemon, it keeps them from evolving but in human Pokemon it has a habit of regressing them back to a baby." My eyes get big. "whoa! So Dill could be a baby again when he wants!" She nods. "yap it lasts one day so if you want him back to normal wait a day. I'll give this to you and Dill when you're older." I smile. "Thanks, Dills mommy!" She goes to close it but it falls out of the box. "oops!" Mommy grabs it. "I got it, don't worry." Suddenly mommy drops it and her eyes get big and her body begins to shrink. She becomes a kirlia like me then a ralts my mouth drops looking at my baby mommy. "W-what happened?" Mommy looks up at me. "Y-your a baby, mommy..." She screams and then starts crying. Oh no this is going to be a crazy day. I wonder if mommy will have to wear diapers. Oh! I bet daddy can take care of us both! Ch 20: Baby Mommy Mommy couldn't believe it, she was changed into a baby Pokemon again. But this did prove she used to be a human. Mommy's a cute baby. All I could do was giggle at her. "Don't laugh at me Dakota! I'm still your mommy" Dills mom comes over. "I'm so sorry this happened, Miss Phyllis... But tomorrow you should be fixed." She picks up the stone with the box and covers it up. "Let's put this away till it causes more problems. But Phyllis I hate to do this but" She picks up mommy and lays her on the mat I was on and I could not stop giggling knowing what was about to happen. Mommy's face went bright red. "W-wait I don't need d-diapers! I can still control that!" Dill's mom smiles at her. "sorry but I don't want a mess on my floor. This regressed you to a toddler so you do have those problems" She begins to diaper the little ralts mommy's a cute baby. "oh! Miss Dills mommy! Can I diaper mommy? I want to learn how!" I smile innocently. And she giggles as mommy blushes more. "Absolutely not! Tell her no..." Dills mom looks at me and hands the diaper to me. "ok best time to learn to diaper a baby. You might have to do this to Dill." I nod and put the diaper under mommy. I was technically older than her right now. It kinda felt like diapering my little sister. If I had one. Dills mom showed me exactly how to put her in a diaper and when I was done I patted the front. "there you go mommy! All diapered up!" She was so embarrassed she didn't even move her hands off her face. I just laughed and picked up baby mommy and held her in my arms. "She's like my baby sister!" Dills mom laughs "Oh really? Then since your moms unable to speak, do you know some place you can stay? I would let you here but you might get Dills sickness." I think for a bit then get a fun idea "Oh! Ed! Mr Ed from the restaurant!" She looked confused and mommy finally spoke up. "n-no! Definitely not oh my God!" Dills mom tilts her head then smirks. "ohhh that's the guy Phyllis has a crush on right? Imagine him taking care of his future wife and child." Mommy goes back to being so embarrassed she can't talk. She puts me in a stroller and mommy. It was a stroller that held two people. Dill's mom went to get my pacifier from Dill and gives it to me. "... I think mommy needs it more right now!" I plop my pacifier in mommy's mouth and she blushes and sucks. I could tell it was helping her relax. "aww mommy you're such a cute baby!" I giggle as we are pushed out of the house and off to Ed's we go. People would aww and coo at me like normal but they would also do it even more to mommy. She was so embarrassed I swear I heard her wet herself. But I don't think she noticed. I got curious and moved over and felt the front of her diaper and she let out a small scream and smacked my hand away. I giggle. "Mommy's wet!" She screams and covers her face. "DAKOTA! you're so grounded!" I frown. "that's not fair..." Dills mom sighs. "Come on Phyllis. She's just having fun and you really are wet. I'll see if Ed can get you changed once we reach his place." She was so embarrassed she started to cry. Her pacifier fell out of her mouth and she just cried "M-mommy...? Are you ok?" She kept crying. "I'm not a baby! I'm not wet! I'm not crying like a baby and Ed is not about to change me. This is a dream! It has to be!" We make it to Ed's and Dill's mom knocks on the door and Ed opens up and sees me. "well hey there kiddo! Who's this little one?" He takes mommy out and rocks her and grabs the pacifier putting it in mommy's mouth making her blush. I giggle. "That's umm my best friend! She's a new umm baby!" Mommy looked at me like thanks for not telling him who I am. Dills mom speaks up. "Would you mind watching these two today? It's a long story but I think Phyllis would really like it." Ed's eyes get big and nod. "absolutely! Anything to make Phyllis happy and honestly I have been wanting to take care of this little cutie!" He pinches my cheek and I blush. "daddy..." Mommy looks at me with big eyes and Ed laughs "I'm not Your daddy... Yet heh." Mommy blushes. "Ed!" He looks at mommy confused. "yes cutie?" She looks down. "umm... I-i need a change ya!" He laughs "aww, I see that miss soggy butt." She hides her face in Ed and takes the diaper bag off the stroller and waves bye to Dills mom so do I. We get inside and Ed looks at me. "while I'm changing butts you need it too?" I shake my head. "nope! See! I'm Dry!" As I point to my diaper. It was dry. "my, my such a big girl you are!" Ed pulls out the changing mat and lays mommy on it and changes her diaper. Mommy was like a tomato. It was great. And Cute. I have never seen her more embarrassed. Imagine daddy finds out its mommy. He would be so embarrassed as well hehe. I won't tell him though. I'll get grounded when she's normal... I might already be grounded... Oh well, today will be so worth it! Me and mommy get to play like we're sisters! And I get to be the big sister... Even if I still have to be in diapers. My stomach growls and so does mommy's. "Sounds like my Two babies are hungry. Hmm there's a few bottles in the diaper bag. I'm sure I can feed you this." Wait... Isn't that mommy's breast milk?! Oh no mommy's going to have to drink that. I giggle and smile. Yep, I'm so grounded after this! Ch 21: Daddy's House Daddy hands me a bottle. "I'm sure you can feed yourself but this little one is going to need help." I plop the bottle in my mouth sucking on it. I love mommy's milk but will mommy. "Now open up little one." Ed smiles at mommy and she looks away and Ed sighs and tickles her a little making mommy giggle he quickly puts the bottle in her mouth. "gotcha! Heheh" Mommy eyes got big and I could see she started sucking. I would say her baby body betrayed her and started drinking. But after a while she relaxed and laid there. I was surprised. I finished my bottle and I could feel the milk hit. I had to pee badly. But I'm getting so used to this I don't even hold it in, I just let it out. My body's so used to it. I don't think I could hold it in long if I wanted to. "thanks for the milk daddy!" I giggle and he sighs. "Please don't let your mother hear that... She would be so embarrassed." I could see mommy glare at me. Wonder how long I should be prepared to be grounded... A week? No a month? Or maybe she's planning on something worse... Probably make me wear diapers till I'm 18. Maybe make Dill take care of me by making me a baby when I get older. I sigh. oh well this will be worth it, I hope if not I'm going to make it heh. Mommy finishes the bottle and Ed takes it out mommy's kinda drowsy and lays her on his shoulder and burps her. She lets out a burp and covers her mouth. "E-excuse me..." Ed laughs "That's cute no need to say that. I was the one burping you after all. Now unfortunately I don't have any baby toys for you two to play with. But I can turn on cartoons for a while." Ed sits on the couch holding mommy and he turns on cartoons. It was sponge-bob, my eyes lit up and I quickly sat down and started singing with the intro theme. And laughing I would sing trying to get mommy to sing "Sponge Bob!" I point to mommy to finish. And she blushes and quietly says "square pants...?" I laugh and clap mommy laughs some too. we just watch cartoons for a few hours. Mommy falls asleep and I'm sitting on the edge of the couch just deep in the show. Then I suddenly scream when something happened "AHHHH" Mommy screams and just burst into tears crying. "Dakota!" Ed gives me that look of upset. I lower my head. "sorry..." Ed puts his fingers in mommy's diaper and she just keeps crying. I wonder if she's actually a baby right now? "she wet... How about you Dakota?" I keep my head lower. "I-I'm dry and a big girl!" Damn it why did I have to wet my diaper more while watching cartoons. Ed didn't look convinced he checked the back of my diaper. Thankfully I was clean. I don't plan to do that... Again. Then he puts his fingers up my diaper and I laughed "Ahh cold!" He smiles. "lair you're wet too, so much for being a big girl." I blush and Ed changes mommy first and she stops crying and she's pushed off to the side and Ed grabs me and lays me down to change me. Mommy lays on her back making baby noises and trying to put her foot in her mouth. Mommy must be a baby hehe. I put my thumb in my mouth as daddy. Oops I mean as Ed changes me. Cleans me up and puts a new diaper on me. "Hey Dakota? How about you play with your sister for a while while I make some lunch? I don't have any of that milk from before I'll have to make something real." Ed walks into the kitchen and my eyes get big. The milk! That has to be what's making us more baby like! It made mommy act her age and when I drink it I seem to act more my age! Mommy gets in a crawling position and grabs my hair. "Oww! Let go! That hurts!" Mommy laughs and pulls more. I cry "Mommy stop!! Daddy!!" Ed comes in quickly and grabs mommy and his eyes get big and look at me. "W-what did you just call her?" I sniff, wiping my eyes. "mommy..." My eyes get big and I cover my mouth. Oh no! I'm in so much trouble Ed looks at mommy who's giggling and grabbing for him. "what happened to her...?" I look down. "don't tell her I said so! I'll be grounded till I'm 18! But... She grabbed a everstone... Apparently Pokemon that used to be humans don't keep from evolving, they regress... And become baby's for a day." He takes a sigh of relief "So she will be fixed later, thank God... I can't believe I've been changing Phyllis diapers... But why's she acting like a baby." I poke at my diaper just to not have to look up. "uhh... I think you feed mommy her own milk..." He looked confused. "her... Own milk?" I nod and blush. "y-you know... Breast milk..." His eyes get big and blush some. "Oh my God... I feel like not only will you get in trouble so will I..." We both sigh. "but if she's in a baby mindset I can't have her being alone, she can't take care of herself. We will watch her till she's back to normal!" I smile and look up. "ok daddy! Maybe you can ask mommy to marry you after!" I make him blush and laugh. "I would like that I have had a crush on you mom for a long time and if her daughter doesn't have a problem with it I feel more confident. Thanks Dakota. I needed that. For now let's just have some fun while we can." So we did, we took care of mommy and daddy took care of me too. We had a blast doing a bunch of stuff. Even mommy had fun. She stayed in this baby mindset the whole time. We all laid down in daddy's bed. A bed with no bars! Yes! But... It's also scary... I might fall off... I hope not but mommy sleeps in front of daddy and I sleep in front of mommy and hugged her and she hugged daddy. Mommy should be normal in the morning. Wonder how she will take it… Ch: 22 Don't Make Mommy Mad (day 5) The next day I woke up being hugged by mommy and daddy's hugging mommy and mommy's a big adult again. As soon as she woke up where in so much trouble... And not only that, I think mommy's in a big diaper that is wet. It grew with her. I keep pretending to sleep before I hear it. Mommy's waking up. She groans and moves crinkling in the bed in her extra large diaper. She lets out a scream and jumps out of bed. I look over and she's blushing. "Why was I in bed with Ed?!" Oh no she hasn't even noticed the diaper... But Ed woke up. "oh morning Phyllis... You were a umm... Baby..." His eyes go down to her lower half and his eyes get big. She looks confused and also looks down and screams and runs off to the bathroom. "heheh..." he lets out a sigh "you awake Dakota?" I nod and sit up. "don't worry, I'll take all the blame. You just sit here ok?" I nod again and hug him quickly. "I love you daddy...." His eyes get big and smiles and rubs my head giving me a big hug. "I love you too squirt. And I'll get you changed after... Or your mom will." He leaves. Get me changed?? But I'm not... I grab the front of my diaper. "I am?! But I don't remember it! Wait..." Closer inspection of my body and I realized I'm not a kirlia anymore I'm a ralts! But if I'm a ralts that means I'm like a toddler... And... Have... No control over my bladder... I groan. I hope that's not right. Suddenly I hear a bunch of yelling. I wonder what's going on? I start to get up then I remember daddy telling me to stay. I don't want to be in trouble, I'll stay… Finally what feels like forever I hear mommy come in and she grabs me and hugs me. "Hey! You're Finally a ralts congrats! it also looks like you also had a accident" I blush and giggle. "yap!" What's the point in hating it? It will only make me depressed and acting like a kid makes me happy... for now. But mommy's acting like nothing happened. Mommy lays me down and changes me and keeps looking back looking for someone. Maybe daddy? "something wrong mommy?" She finishes and gives me a new diaper and holds me. "Ed come on hurry up" She smiles and looks at me like- my eyes get big when daddy walks around the corner, hes wearing nothing but a big adult sized diaper and he's blushing like crazy. I couldn't help but laugh "Daddy looks silly!" Mommy also laughs "I told you not to call him daddy Dakota. I think for now he's your big brother. This is what he gets for embarrassing me like that heh." Remind me not to embarrass mommy or i'll be in a diaper... Oh wait I giggle. What could mommy do to me to embarrass me more the I have already? Wait till I'm a adult and make me a big baby adult like daddy... Let's not. I suck my thumb getting hungry. Mommy smirks at him. "Now Ed, why don't you use that diaper." He blushes more. "n-no thanks..." She keeps smirking at him and walks up to him and puts her hand on his belly. "Then let me help you, little one." His eyes get big and he clearly starts messing and wetting his diaper. "eww tinky!" I said with my thumb in my mouth. Mommy had a strange look on her face. She pulled daddy in with his filled diaper and she lifted up part of her front to reveal her breasts. My eyes light up. "food!" I clinch on and start drinking. "Come on Ed you too." He was so red and embarrassed. He probably wanted to see mommy naked but not like this Ed got closer and was pushed into mommy's chest quickly and he started drinking. Mommy would let out strange noises. I think she was enjoying it. I finished and mommy put me on the ground. "how about you go watch cartoons?" Yes! I crawl to the front room and grab the TV remote and start watching TV. I heard strange noises from mommy and daddy's room. But I didn't care, I had cartoons. Hours pass and I have already without noticing wet and messed my diaper. It's so weird to not have control but it's less embarrassing because you can't control it. Finally mommy walks out smiling. "I think it's time we went home little one. But we will definitely have to come have more fun with daddy won't we" My eyes get big. "does that mean!" She smiles at me. "maybe, we will see" I got a glimpse of the bedroom daddy was laying on his back covered up asleep. Why was he asleep again? Something must have worn him out? I felt like I should know but I couldn't remember? Mommy puts me in a stroller and takes us outside. It was a nice walk home. Mommy walked nice and slow, she also looked tired. Way more relaxed than normal. We make it home and mommy takes me out of the dumb stroller and picks me up. "Looks like you're almost a full baby again sweetie. I'm so excited. But remind me to stay away from everstones... I prefer to be your mommy not your little sister heh. But I'm glad you had some fun... I can't believe you changed me though..." I giggle and smile and hug her. "it's ok mommy! It was just a game! I knew you were still my mommy but playing pretend is fun! You had a little fun right?" She smiled. "well... Ya I would be lying if I had none... But I had the most fun today with your daddy." I look confused. "What did you and daddy do?" She smirks. "Maybe I'll tell you when you're older." I pout and cross my arms. "not fair! You know I'm not going to be older for a long time!" She laughs "yap! You're going to be mommy's little girl... Even when you are grown up you will still be my little girl." She hugged me and kissed me. But this about ends the childhood part of my life. Well my adulthood back to babyhood part. Most of its just the same stuff over and over. It will get boring but I have some interesting stories about Dill and me all grown up! Heh let's say Dill has a umm condition and he's stuck in diapers. Poor guy maybe we should have some fun with the everstones with him as well. So much fun to be had as an adult! Let's just hope Dill don't get revenge. Anyways see you soon in "All grown up" Ch 23: All Grown UP So I just finished school and it was wonderful! I have never been to school but it was wonderful. I sat beside Dill all the time. Well till he got held back a year... Ya Dills now a grade under me so he's technically not out of school yet. He's not allowed to evolve till he graduates school. And he still had to walk around in that cute bulky diaper. Kids make fun of the small shiny eevee a lot but I was there to psychic them into a locker and lock it. Oh ya I forgot I'm a kirlia again! But once I get home I should evolve into a Gardevoir. I'm so excited and Dills says I'll look so hot heh. I want to move out so badly with him, get married and have some fun with him if you catch my drift. We all go home and Dill comes home with me. Mom and dad were on the couch making out. "gross! Get a room!" They stop and laugh at me. Oh ya forgot to say mom and dad got married. I think mom has a strange thing for diapers? I catch her putting dad in one before they... You know. I never told mom or dad I caught them. Because Dills totally the same. He's tried over and over to get me into a diaper again. I keep telling him no. I'll be his caretaker but God I'm not being an adult baby. "Oh by the way Dill ,do you mind staying the night? Me and Ed have some work to do somewhere else. All day and night." Dills nods. "I would love to stay the night! I just need to get some new diapers at home from mommy!" I blush. "you still call her mommy... Come on, Dill grow up." He smiles. "nah!" He turns around and shoves his diapered butt in the air at me. I smile and laugh. "stop!" Mom and dad laugh and get up. "ok, you two be good and don't forget your stuff Dill bye!" Mom kissed me and blushed a lot and suddenly evolved into a Gardevoir. Dill just looked at me and blushes as mom and dad leave. "... You're hot..." I sigh. "pervert..." He laughs and wiggles his padded bootie "yap! Now I'm imagining you in a diaper!" I growl and glare at him. "stop! don't ever again!" He laughs and opens the door. "I'll be back, got to go get stuff!" He winks at me and leaves. God freaking pervert! But honestly I wouldn't mind having some fun tonight... Hmm maybe I should play caretaker with Dill and we can have it slowly ‘evolve’. I smile at my own joke. Let's see how much Dill likes his pervertedness used against him. An hour passes and I decide to watch TV and Dill walks in with a bag of stuff, a diaper bag of course. I sigh. I would die of embarrassment with that stuff. "Honey, I'm home!" Dill giggles and walks in throwing the bag by me and jumps on my lap laying down. I smile and pet him. "Hey Dill?" He looks up and I get in his diaper bag and find his pacifier. He doesn't use it, he just likes to carry it in case we play. And I pull it out and plop it in his mouth. "I want to take care of a baby so you're going to be my baby." His eyes get big normally he has to ask and smirks through the pacifier "Is mommy baby hungry?" He nods and goes to his bag to pull out a bottle and I pull him back. "nah we don't need a bottle." He looked confused before I revealed my breast to him making us both blush but I pulled him in and let him drink from me. The way he was doing it was not how a kid would do it. Causing me to moan a little as he drank. Fuck me hes not holding back as he keep drinking I felt his diaper fill up. I felt The front of it and something else that was hard. I smirked, pulling him away. I rushed to the bedroom with him. I would tell you the rest but maybe you perverts should not worry about it. Later me and Dill were laying in bed, him without a diaper on. Covered up hugging. "I love you so much Dill" He smiles and kisses me. "I love you too. Want to see something cool I learned recently?" I sigh. "can we just relax...? I'm tired after that." I yawned and he got on me and looked at me in my eyes. I couldn't break eye contact, I hear him say "hypnosis" The little brat learned hypnosis?! How? Eevees can't learn that! I felt my vision blur. What's going to happen? I swear I'm going to hurt him if it's bad. Then I passed out. Hypnosis doesn't work exactly how it works on real Pokemon. On human Pokemon it's like a real hypnosis you can control the one it was used on. I almost don't want to wake up and find out what he's going to do or has done to me. Ch 24: Hypnosis And Embarrassment I woke up after falling asleep from something and hearing the all too familiar crinkle under my butt. I was in my diaper I felt the front still dry "daddy?" I didn't see daddy Dill anywhere? I wonder what he's doing? Also my chest kinda hurts like something made them dry? Weird. Suddenly daddy walks in. My daddy was a shiny eevee. I didn't understand why a Gardevoir had an eevee daddy that also wore diapers but it felt normal? Daddy smiles at me. "sleep well? Also, did daddy's little girl have an accident?" I don't know what happened. My body just lost control and I started to wet and mess myself then I started to cry then nod "mhm" He jumps in the bed with a diaper. "it's ok I'll get you all clean!" Daddy removes my diaper and cleans me up. He spent a long time making sure my front was clean and blushing. I didn't know why he was doing it but daddy was happy. That's all I knew, Daddy got me in a new diaper and got off the bed. "Come to the front room. I'll get you some lunch! I already ate." He goes to the front room and I stand up and quickly fall to my hands and knees. Oh ya I'm a baby duh I can't walk. I crawl to daddy who's on the couch and get on the couch laying my head on his lap and he puts a bottle in my mouth and I drink this strange tasting milk. But it did fill me up. How could milk fill me up? Whoa...de sha vu my head started to hurt. I see Dill and my eyes get big. Why is he feeling me though a bottle?! I push it away and lean up making a crinkle noise. "Dill! What the fuck!?" Dill looks down. "oh no... You weren't supposed to come out of it yet." My eyes get big as I look down and see I'm in a diaper. My face goes bright red. "What the fuck?! Oh my God! Wait?! What milk is that? It tastes.... Familiar... Kinda...?" He laughs awkwardly. "Y-yours..." I cough and hack. "You made me drink my own best milk!? Gross!" Suddenly the milk had its normal effect to go right through you. "I got to pee!" I get up quickly and Dill smiles. "Did daddy's little girl have an accident?" I glare at Dill. "I don't know what you did to me but fuck off!" That's when Inoticed I was wetting myself I look down and Dill laughs "it still works! Yes!" I glare at him . "You're in so much trouble, Dill..." Dill looks up. "you best be nice or I'll make you go outside" I glare at him. "You can't do shit!" He smiles. "Hey, Dakota! Want to go dance outside?" My body feels like it's under his control and I walk outside. I blush insanely and I make sure my wet diapers visible. I then begin dance and show it off. I want to die! This is so embarrassing! I started crying. "Dill, please! I'm sorry! I don't know what I did but please stop." He sighs and takes my hand back inside and I sit down and grab him and hug him. "I just wanted to show you the embarrassment I go through... You make it sound like I'm not embarrassed but I am...today was fun. But when you do that stuff in public, I want to cry like that... This is supposed to be private. You understand?" I nod I didn't understand I was doing that to him. He kisses me and we have a little fun while I'm in the wet diaper. He made it so sexy. Maybe I could like diapers... For sex anyways. Damn him having such strange kinks... Oh well I still love him. And he loves me and one day we will marry and have kids of our own but that's the future and I can't predict the future. It was fun telling you my story but I think this is the end of my story there is not much else to tell. But know I had fun. And so did Dill. I shut the book and rub my pregnant belly and lean against a shiny eevee also known as Dill. Where both are all grown up and ready for our child. I wonder what it will be. But this is the end of our story. It was weird and fun. But I would not change it for anything in the world. The end
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Hello! This will be my first post on this board! A friend of mine who is a regular suggested that an on-going story I have been working on might be a good fit for here, so I figured I would post the parts that I have so far. I hope you like it! Lily didn’t see the point of Math class. Well, not all Math classes universally, she didn’t feel remotely qualified to make such a sweeping claim. Somewhere out there could be a future Robert Oppenheimer or Mileva Maric who is seeing their first isosceles triangle and furiously scribbling in their notebook the first figures in a formula that will completely change the way humanity views the laws of reality, and that will ultimately carry us to the stars and all of the wonders contained therein—but that person was not Lily. And that class was not Mister Shigeki’s Intro to Differential Equations. Oh well. At least he was nice to look at, even if his accent was unexpected. She had always thought Scottish brogues were supposed to be sexy, but his just felt frustrating. Then again, the gods don’t give with both hands.As she began dissecting why that idiom doesn’t translate to polytheistic beliefs, a nub of pink chalk bounced off her forehead. Mister Shigeki had hit her right between the eyes from across the room, and now stood leaning against Marissa Adam’s desk in the front row. His beard was perfectly manicured to compliment his jawline, and the smirk on his face betrayed his frustration. “Miss Celeste. I don’t suppose you can tell me the answer to the question on the board?” Lily blinked several times as she processed his request. Her eyes darted to the question on the board and she sighed. There weren’t even any numbers in it, just random letters representing imaginary ones. “You know what Mister Shigeki? I really can’t. But it’s my fault, I thought this was going to be a Math class. If I realized this was linguistics I would have brought my other notebook.” She punctuated the last word by picking up the little red notebook and tapping it on her desk for affect. A murmur of exasperated snickers rustled amongst her classmates and Mister Shigeki rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “If you don’t plan on paying attention, why don’t you just go home early?”Lily raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to teach me?”“You can’t teach someone who doesn’t want to be taught. I have fifty minutes three times a week to teach a first year Math class to a room of students, the majority of whom do not care. If you decide that you want to get caught up, my office hours are always open. But I don’t need you setting precedent for people day-dreaming and getting away with it.” He paused. “Although I suppose half of the room only shows up to ogle you while you’re staring off into the void. Blood flushed to Lily’s cheeks, but the rest of the class was busy either grumbling indignantly of stifling laughter. She blacked out for a moment, and the next thing she knew she was standing outside the door to the Math room with her backpack slung over one shoulder. She started down the hallway to the stairs, feeling extremely self-conscious about how short her skirt was. She threw the front door of the STEM building open with both hands and galloped out into the sun, her ballet flats clicking on the pavement as she did. Lily hated everything about the STEM building, how stiflingly warm it was, how the third and fourth years seemed to linger everywhere like Gollum looking for a fish—she prided herself on how quickly she could get out of it. After such a mildly embarrassing experience she needed to not be around anyone, let alone leering engineering students. Thankfully the University campus was built alongside a dense greenbelt, and she made for the trees. While the edge of the trees was a popular hang-out spot for students, walking just ten minutes into the scratchy underbrush and decomposing autumn leaves virtually guaranteed her solitude. To her, the smell damp detritus was comforting.She kept walking until she couldn’t see any sign of the campus through the woods before finally leaning against a tree. Lily carefully lowered herself down onto one of its roots and took a deep breath. She thought back to what Mister Shigeki said. She didn’t want to be there. That was about all she did know. Halfway into her first semester of University and she still had no idea what she wanted to study, as well as having befriended a paltry two people: Marissa Adams from the Math class after she lent the other girl a pencil on the first day prior to moving to the back of the classroom; and Lily’s assigned roommate, Annie.Realistically, Annie was the only reason she had not dropped out yet. She actually felt like she could trust the other girl. Annie was in her second year and she had the confidence to show it. She had her whole daily schedule planned out, which fit into a weekly schedule, which fit into a monthly schedule, which fit into her five year plan. She colour-coded everything too, and prepared her meals in advance. She prepared her meals in advance! Lily didn’t even feel like an adult most days, and next to Annie she felt like a gods damned toddler.A noise nearby drew Lily’s attention. It sounded like a rabid housecat, then a desperate squeaking. She got to her feet and slowly slunk towards it, holding her bag in front of her as a shield. She peered around a tree into a clearly. A white rabbit with little purple wings was slowly backing up into a tree trunk, having been cornered by some kind of black lynx. The winged rabbit looked injured and terrified. The wildcat coiled as if it was about to pounce, and before she could so much as think Lily broke from cover and hurled her bag at it and prayed the weight of her Math book would be enough to scare the creature off. The bag struck with a heavy thud that knocked the cat off its paws and Lily shouted at it as she moved towards the rabbit. She still didn’t know what prompted her to act. She had never heard of a winged rabbit, so it was probably an endangered species and she couldn’t have extinction on her conscience. Her eyes went from the rabbit to the lynx and she froze. It had three eyes. Three red, angry eyes. And maybe it was because she was closer to it, but it seemed a lot bigger now. Panther big. Lily imposed herself between the ever-growing cat and the injured rabbit, wishing she still had her shield-backpack to maybe buy her thirty seconds more of life.“You are the one I’ve been looking for.”“Wha—“The voice was coming from inside her head, and despite the danger of her present situation it filled her with courage. A brilliant light erupted from the rabbit and she turned her head just in time to see it leap towards her. At the same time the enormous wildcat pounced at her. As the rabbit made contact she was enveloped by light and an invisible force erupted forth from her body and the wildcat was blasted away from her like a shot from a cannon.In her mind Lily saw a pink crystal star encapsulated by a green gem. She saw the star inside her own chest, in her heart, and felt power flow out from it and into her, transforming her. The light faded and Lily was left in the clearing. Her skirt and blouse had been transformed into low-cut tutu-like uniform with a bright purple blow emblazoned on her chest, with matching bows now tied into her hair. Her ballet flats had similarly been changed into knee-high boots, her knee socks had become pale pink thigh highs, and elbow-length frilly gloves had manifested on her arms. A weighty scepter with a pink star atop it was in her hand. But in all of this, the part of her outfit Lily noticed first was what had appeared between her legs: an impossibly large pink diaper, complete with bows and frills that matched the rest of her outfit. The padding was so thick that it descended to halfway down her thighs, and the frills of her new skirt did nothing to hide it. But she had no time to question the ensemble as an enraged yowl from across the clearing reminded her of her predicament. The wildcat pounced again, but this time she reacted faster—faster than she ever thought possible. Lily hopped aside and the three-eyed beast buried its claws into the tree roots in the spot she had stood a moment before. Moving on instinct more than anything else, she thrust her star scepter towards the beast and pink and green light erupted from it. The cat yowled again, but this time in pain as it was thrown into a tree trunk. It hit with a crack and it slumped to the forest floor.Lily stood her ground, not dropping her guard for a moment as she watched the cat’s furious red eyes. It blinked at her as it breathed slowly. Then its form began to change, the heavy black fur seeming to fade away into smoke. All that was left were the three glowing eyes, and then they were gone too. Lily sighed. Then she re-examined her new outfit. What the Hell was going on? And how was she supposed to get back to residence? *** Lily pinched the baby fat of her bicep. Ow. She pressed the bramble of a bush of fuchsia flowers against the inside of her thigh.Ow.She bit down on her tongue until tears welled in her eyes.Oooooooow.Okay. She was now reasonably certain she was not dreaming. Though the only other possibility was that she had lost her mind. Maybe the cat had pounced on her and was actually in the process of disemboweling her as it snapped her tiny neck and everything after the point of impact was an elaborate fantasy her mind had created to cope with the agony. Maybe she stepped on a hidden pressure plate on the forest floor that released a hallucinogenic gas that was developed by the government and she was actually rolling around on the forest floor tripping out like those kids in the DARE not to do drugs after school specials. Drugs seemed like the more likely option, because despite nearly dying a handful of minutes ago and being stuck in the most embarrassing outfit she could possibly imagine, she could not remember ever feeling better in her life.And oh yes, she was stuck. Once the shock of fighting (killing?) a wildcat the size of a small car faded, that was the first thing she tried. Everything was stuck in place, from the headband and ribbons, to the gloves and stockings, to the impossibly skimpy dress, to the diaper that hung almost to her knees. It wasn’t like any of it restricted her at all, beyond needing to waddle whenever she took a step. But the especially weird part of it was that even though she had next to no desire to go anywhere dressed this way. . . She also didn’t exactly have any desire to take it off. These clothes felt good. Safe. Like she was powerful.No amount of powerful-feeling ridiculous outfits were enough to give her any desire to stay in the woods once it got dark out. At night the University’s heavy metal club were known to go out into the forest to drink and blast music and those were the last group of people she wanted to run into. She squeezed her star scepter in both hands as if praying for courage and started in the direction of the campus. At least if she peed herself in fear she was properly equipped for it.Lily’s heart skipped a beat at the thought and she pushed it from her mind. There would be time to figure out whatever she was feeling once she was back in her room. Then maybe she could figure out how to change. Her first problem was making it to the safety of residence, which was located at roughly the opposite side of the campus.The walk to the edge of the forest was surprisingly quick. She had expected her padded predicament to slow her considerably, but the exaggerated sway of her hips didn’t appear to have any such effect. She even found herself smiling, and skipping once the underbrush thinned. The air had an enticingly sweet scent to it, probably from the fuchsia flower bushes coiled amongst the trees. Were they always there? For all of the time Lily had spent in the forest, she could not recall ever seeing them before. She considered stopping to examine them for a moment. . . Then glanced down at her frilly dress and bulging pink diaper and decided it was better to come back later. She was close enough to the edge of the forest that she had to be conscious of running into students sunning themselves between classes. She could make out the concrete of the STEM building through thinning trunks, and the forms of people moving. Classes must have just let out, which meant in a few minutes people would either be off to their next class or in the cafeteria for dinner. This was perfect. If she just waited for that to quiet down she could stealth her way clear across the quad and slip inside before anyone noticed her brightly-coloured ensemble. Just watch and wait. Watch and wait.Watch and wait.She blinked. As her eyes opened she realized how heavy her lids felt. Maybe waiting for a few more hours was a good thing. People less likely to see her in the dark. She could take a nap. The adrenaline was probably wearing off. Her body needed to rest and recover. Lily felt her body begin to sway gently. She could sit down. Just had to keep watching and waiting. Watching and waiting.Keeping her eyes forwards, she squatted down and let her padded rear touch down on a fallen log. She blinked again. Her head nodded forward once, twice, three times. One of the fuchsia flowers was between her boots. She hadn’t noticed it before just now, but it must have been there. Flowers don’t move on their own. Their vines don’t coil around your ankles and travel up your legs and—Lily leapt up from the log and to her amazement flew twenty feet vertically. She flailed her arms and legs in her surprise and managed to snag the branch of a yellow spruce. Lily hung there, one hand on the tree and the other gripping her scepter so hard it trembled. She looked below. The flower was still there, its vines coiled around the log and immobile.No waiting. She wanted out of these woods. Lily swayed her legs back and forth and on an upswing released the branch, sailing forward. She stuck the landing with only a slight stumble and transitioned into a nervous jog towards the edge of the woods. The moving forms through the trees had tapered off. Now was her best shot. As she approached the edge she picked up speed as much as she was willing with her waddle and bolted out onto campus. She made for the shadow of the STEM building and crouched low the way she did when she was playing hide-and-seek tag as a child. If someone looked out the window of one of the nearby buildings for more than a moment they would certainly see her, so she kept moving. She hugged the corner as she rounded it and the campus quad lay before her. It was empty, which is better than she possibly could have hoped. Taking a deep breath she broke out in a sprint diagonally across the field, aiming her trajectory so that the fountain in the centre could shield her from the greatest possible number of windows. As long as no one saw her face, no one would have any reason to suspect her. She passed the fountain, and the glass library, and the English and the art buildings. She crossed the road separating them from the residence and used the enormous and ancient trees that dotted the grass as cover as she skirted past the cafeteria. She could hear people nearby, possibly arriving late or finishing early or just wandering amongst the maze-like grey residence buildings, but it didn’t matter because she was almost home-free. She could see the door to her building, and she forced herself to contain a squeal of delight. She reached out to pull the door open and—She didn’t have her key. She froze on the spot, petrified by the realization. Her key had been in her backpack. Her backpack was still in the clearing, if it was intact at all. Lily had made it all this way only to be locked out. The voices were getting closer. Her legs trembled. Her throat felt tight, like she was on the verge of tears. Her reputation on campus was about to go from lazy smartass to diaper girl.The front door opened under someone else’s power. Annie stood in the threshold, one arm leaning against the metal from and the other propping the door open. She looked Lily up and down and raised an eyebrow.“So I see you finally found your Catalyst. Come on, get in here before anyone sees you.” She stepped back to allow Lily in.What? *** Lily had never been so happy to see her shitty cramped residence room. The hallways and stairwells leading up to their room had been mercifully empty, and Annie had not so much as snickered at her predicament before whisking her in.Lily dove straight for the covers of her bed and rolled herself into a comfortable little burrito. For a moment she hoped that she could forget that she was trapped in an enormous pink diaper, though that did not end up being the case. Annie locked their door and then went to sit next to Lily. She placed a comforting arm around her friend and began to stroke Lily’s cheek. Lily flinched, but then allowed it to happen. She realized that she had been running on adrenaline and not much else since the fight in the woods, and now she was too exhausted to even stand. She opened her mouth to speak but the words felt like mush.“Hush now, baby. Er, sorry,” Annie said, then shook her head with a chuckle. “I can only answer a few of your questions, but I will help however I can.”Confusion prodded at Lily’s mind, but she nodded and waited for Annie to continue.“Okay. The short version is that you are a magical girl.”“What. You mean like Sailor Moon?” “Yes! Sort of. These powers work differently, and there isn’t some team uniform.” “How do you know any of this?”“Well, because I’m one too.” Annie half-smiled and tilted her head to one side.Lily’s brow furrowed and she looked from Annie’s face to her waist.“Wah— No, I don’t have a diaper when I transform. That’s just you, at least I think it is.”“Well why do I look like an enormous child then!” Frustration tinged Lily’s voice.“Calm down, it’s okay,” Annie stroked Lily’s cheek. Lily’s eyes were still wet with tears on the verge of falling. “Okay. There are a few of us all over the world, at least as far as we can tell. We all have different powers and costumes, and generally we’re pretty spread out but occasionally we team up. As near as we have figured out, all of our powers were awakened when we came in contact with an unnatural animal.”“Unnatural like a dragon?”“For one of us, yeah. Mine was a snake with ram horns.” Annie used her hands to mimic curled horns on the side of her head for descriptive effect. “What was yours?”“A—A bunny. With wings.”“I’ll add that to our google doc.”“There’s a google doc? You started all of this organization stuff, didn’t you.”Annie suppressed a blush. “Maybe. We needed to organize to maximize our effectiveness! None of us even know what we’re fighting, just monsters that seem to prey on humans. Someone needs to start piecing it together so we can start to win.”“Alright, alright fine. But why can’t I change back? And, not to sound like a broken record, why am I wearing a diaper?”Annie sighed and took Lily’s hands in hers. “You can't change back because you didn't kill whatever you were fighting.”“The Hell I didn’t! I knocked that giant pussycat against a tree and it didn’t get up!”“Did it fade away like smoke?”“Yeah.”“Yeah. You didn’t kill it. You have to deliver a finishing blow. It’s still in the area, and it’s going to prey on the vulnerable to regain its power.”A cold shiver ran down Lily’s spine. It was still out there. “I have to go stop it.”Now Annie laughed. “No, you need to stay here and rest. You’re weak from your transformation and you don’t know how to use your power yet. I’m going to go finish it off.”Lily opened her mouth to argue, then closed it. Annie made sense. She knew how this stuff worked, so it was better to leave it to her.“Good. As for why you’re wearing a diaper: when we all came into contact with our animal, our Catalyst, they didn’t give us these powers. They just unlocked our potential. As near as we can figure, that’s why we all look different.”“So that means—““—that your potential is related to your youth or innocence or—““—or I’m a giant baby.”The girls let silence hang over them. Annie hugged her friend in what she hoped was comforting. For Lily it was impossible for it not to come off as being babied.Annie stood up. “Look, I’m going to go track down the monster. We’re going to get you turned back, and then we’re going to figure this out. Whatever is going on here, you aren’t alone, Lily. You’re part of a team now.” She offered a smile, then folded her hands over her breasts and closed her eyes. Green light enveloped her in a flash. When it cleared her tank top and short shorts had been replaced by a green bodysuit that looked like it had the same texture as a lizard’s scales. The suit completely covered her chest and neck, and formed a cowl with a set of horns that pushed back her red hair. She had thigh-high heeled boots, elbow-length gloves, and a domino mask. On her hip were a set of twin curved short swords.Lily was simultaneously in awe and painfully jealous. Annie looked like she had stepped straight out of a comic book. She was right, Lily would be no help in hunting down that monster. Annie shot her a wink and skipped to their window, pushing it open with one hand. “We’ll get you fixed up in no time, sweetie. Get some rest, I’ll grab you something to eat on my way back.” And with that she slid out into the night.Lily curled up on her mattress, still cocooned in her sheets. Sleep was a good idea. Just stay here and rest until Annie gets back. Just rest. Just rest. Just rest. On some level Lily became aware that the voice telling her to rest was not her own. In fact, it was the same one she had heard at the edge of the forest. She made to sit up but couldn’t. She couldn’t move anything. Panic began to set in and she tried to struggle, but something had coiled around her body and restricted her movements. She could feel it writhing around her arms and legs, beneath her dress and in her diaper.“Wha—“One of the magenta flowers from the woods came into view in front of her. How had it followed her? Did it stow away? The flower took up her entire field of vision, and the centre of it began to ripple like a mirage. Lily tried to turn away but it followed her every move, and the longer she looked at it the less she wanted to fight it. Everything was fine. No need to scream. This was fine. Just sleep. *** Despite the situation, Annie couldn’t stop herself from smiling. The evening air was growing colder and bit softly at her exposed cheeks as she descended from their shared window. She landed on one knee, then leapt with extraordinary power and grace back into the air. She had orchestrated being Lily’s roommate when her serpent eyes identified the magical potential she held. Annie had been piecing together documents on these Magical Girls since her own awakening and had done her best to establish a support network. She also took it upon herself to ensure potential candidates had a guardian until they found their Catalyst, and these measures had both helped their numbers to swell and kept young girls safe from the corruptive power of their enemies (whoever they were).Annie made contact with the side of one of the residence buildings and immediately bounced off, then ricocheted again and again from building to building. It was still light enough that she had to be quick and quiet, and stick to the periphery of people’s vision as she hunted to the creature. Lily’s reaction, to go with her and help hunt, was an admirable one. But she was tired, exhausted, and had only just acquired her new powers, to say nothing of her unorthodox outfit. Annie didn’t have time to babysit tonight.She gripped the edge of the campus observatory’s domed roof and vaulted onto it; it was the highest point that gave her a clear view of the surrounding area, and a clear view was what she needed to hunt. Annie closed her eyes and focused on the power deep within her. It was coiled around her heart, binding her while protecting her. It was a snake constricting her so tightly that it was impossible to discern where one began and the other ended. The snake opened its eyes and so did Annie, and now they saw the world as one predator. Colours of mundane objects, of buildings and students, were a muted grey. The tainted trail of the creature that Lily had fought was magnified to an unnatural vibrancy. Annie looked towards the woods, to where the cat had entered the campus and to the clearing where Lily had fought it. The trail had a brilliant green aura to it that shone through the trees. There was another glowing colour too, but this one seemed to be spread at random throughout the forest; pink lines woven throughout the underbrush like a hastily-woven web. Annie squinted and her view magnified and zoomed in on one of the neon pink strands. They looked like . . . Vines? With bulbs or flowers. Were they a new weapon? Annie had never seen them before. She would have to examine them more closely after the hunt, and inform the others to beware of strange plant life. A flash of green at the far end of the woods caught her eye. The creature must have reformed, and it was moving fast around the outer edge of campus. Annie took a running leap off the rooftop and aimed to intercept the beast if it stayed on its current trajectory. It was dark enough now that she didn’t need to do this quiet anymore, but the beasts were more powerful at night. She had to stop this now, before it found a staff member or student to feed on.She landed on the ground a dozen stories below in a forward roll and immediately transitioned into sprinting, her heels clicking on the pavement in such rapid succession that any casual observer would see a blur of green and red and hear a constant, steady noise. In the span of a blink she was in the woods, and in the span of another she had closed in on the panther-like creature. Annie drew her blades and wove through the trees to come in low from its flank. With one blade in a fore grip, she jabbed it between the beast’s ribs with enough force to take its paws off the forest floor. Then in a smooth spin she flipped the other blade into a reverse grip and aimed a vertical cut at its meaty neck. The speed of her attack, combined with the speed she had been travelling, was more than enough to part the beast’s head from its shoulders. There were a pair of thuds, one light and the other much heavier as its now two parts landed several yards away, in the direction it had been running. Annie alternated spinning her knives in each hand as she strode over to the beast’s three-eyed head. It still snarled at her despite what would have been a lethal wound to any normal animal. With clinical precision, Annie sunk the tip of her knife into its third eye. It shrieked as rays of light erupted from every orifice and it imploded in the spot. Annie checked over her shoulder just in time to see the beast’s body fade out as if it were sketch being erased by a frustrated artist. That was easier than she had expected. She turned and walked in the direction of vines she had seen before. At this rate she would be finished here before Lily even woke up. *** Lily felt like she was floating. Everything was heavy, as if her perceptions were moving through water. Warm fluid swaddled her, filled her nostrils and covered her eyes. It embraced her inside and out. She didn’t know how she got here, or even where “here” was for that matter. She could see, but she could only see nothingness. Deep down part of her knew this wasn’t real, or it was but that she was really still in her dorm room. Whatever this place was, it was very real, just not in the way her bed or the campus or the trees or Annie were. Annie had gone somewhere. Would she be able to find Lily? Was Lily findable? She became aware of a ripple passing through the fluid that suspended her. The fluid reoriented her in the direction of the source. Something formless, like the void that surrounded her while simultaneously being much deeper. The formlessness shifted almost imperceptibly, then it began to move. It accelerated faster and faster; Lily could feel the velocity tearing at her, and yet she also didn’t move. She screamed but there was no sound, or maybe there was a cacophony all around her and it all became the same thing as the pressure grew to be unbearable—Light burst forth from her chest and formed a field around her. Lily could see colour, and the weight all around her receded. The void rumbled again like angry thunder and then it too was gone and Lily was lying in her bed.The vines of the magenta flower still bound her tightly, and its petals formed a tight mask around her face. She screamed and an omni-direction energy blast burst forth from her, forcibly stretching the vines and the flower squealed like a wounded animal. It released her and slithered away from the bed like a cephalopod on the ocean floor. Lily threw back her blanket. Her Star Scepter appeared in her hand and she fired a series of blasts, but the flower skittered them. It seemed to flatten itself out and slip through an air vent.Lily sat on the edge of her bed, stock-still and arm still outstretched. Slowly, she forced herself to take deep breaths. Her heartrate slowed. It was gone. Maybe she wasn’t safe (she was still transformed afterall), but she was safe-er. It was dark out her window. How long had that thing had her trapped? Annie should have been back by now, right?Annie had gone out to hunt the creature she had failed to kill. The last time Lily had seen the creature was in the woods. The woods were full of those flowers. Annie might not know about them, or if she did she didn’t mention. If they trapped her out there then she could be in serious trouble.Lily gripped her knee until her knuckles trembled, then stood up. She examined her outfit: elbow length gloves and stockings, uncomfortably short and low-cut baby-dress, ribbons and ruffles all over, and a comically large diaper that she could not hope to conceal. Annie carried herself like someone who knew what she was doing—heck, apparently she was the most organized Magical Girl on the planet! She probably knew all about the flowers. And if she already knew about them then Lily would being risking social suicide for nothing. She closed her eyes, then walked out into the hallway. Her best bet was to start where she had last seen the creature. *** With the exception of a handful of late-night study groups and some intoxicated individuals near the campus pub, the campus was relatively deserted. Lily considered that one of her first real turns of good fortune all day. Though, she supposed the ease with which she was able to move in her transformed state could also be counted as lucky. If you had told her yesterday that she would be faster and more poised than ever before while wearing high heels and an impossibly thick diaper she probably would have laughed politely, then backed away slowly and made a note to avoid you in the future. Then again, she wouldn’t have believed very much about what had happened to her today. In fact the only thing that made a strange amount of sense was that Anna was a superhero. Something about the way she had carried herself in the brief time that Lily knew her just had a certain nobility, righteousness even in the mundane. Anna’s fastidiousness and reliability was such that Lily was already second guessing going after her roommate at all. She had not even left the shadow of her residence building, and truthfully was huddled behind one of the exterior bushes. Even if Anna didn’t know about the flower, surely she could handle it. She seemed beyond ready to handle the beast that had nearly killed Lily in a straight fight, and while the flower had posed a threat when Lily was asleep it didn’t seem particularly dangerous once she awoke. Though, the feeling of the vines crawling all over her, of the flower’s hypnotic stare—Lily shivered and shifted her weight from foot to foot. No, she couldn’t let her fear control her, whether it was fear of being attacked or fear of being seen. Anna wasn’t the only superhero now, and it was time for Lily to do her part. She inhaled deeply, held her breath, and exhaled. Then she tensed her legs and leapt forward with all her strength, flying several stories up and into the air. Her breath caught in her lungs for a moment in surprise at her own strength, but there was no time for that now, since she still had to stick the landing. Her toe set down ever so lightly on the lawn and she kicked off again, into the air and covering ground faster than she could have ever imagined. She held her breath for an instant as she saw she would land within eyesight of a group of drunk college bros out for air and she fought to keep the redness from her face. She leapt again, and if any of them had seen her she was gone before she heard the reaction.In a fraction of the time that her absolutely terrifying run home in the afternoon had taken she reached the edge of the woods and was barely even winded, though the next problem quickly became apparent: she could not see in the dark. But she wasn’t worried now, as if something brave and sure deep within her knew what to do. Not really knowing what she was doing, Lily raised her wand up like a torch and a soft pink light emanated forth from its star and as the light washed over her she became absolutely sure that she had chosen correctly. She started off in the direction that she had seen the flowers in earlier that day, trusting the light of her scepter to guide her. And it wasn’t long before she found exactly what she had been worried of: a tightly wound mass of green vines and pink flower, approximately the size of a person. The curved knives Anna had carried lay nearby in the underbrush, forgotten and evidently useless.“Anna—“ Lily cried out and started forward, but her voice and momentum died as quickly as they began as she found those same vines tangle her ankles and wrap around her mouth. One of the flower slithered over her shoulder, and trembled as if in satisfaction. Had the one from the residence building hitched a ride on her? Her cry was muffled, and she struggled in vain as it reasserted it’s earlier control over her, it’s hypnotic center taking up her entire field of view. She felt the inky void calling out for her, comforting. It missed her and wanted her back. Someone in it wanted her back.She wouldn’t go so easily. An omni-directional wave of magical energy burst forth from her chest and ripped the flower away with a piteous squeal. Lily scrambled upright leveled her scepter at the flower nearest where Anna’s face would be and fired. The kinetic blast ripped it away from the mass of vines and revealed Anna’s still-dazed face. Momentarily surprised at the effectiveness of own attack, Lily continued with a flurry of at the heads of the various flowers trapping her friend.“Anna!”Lily’s roommate blinked at the sound of her own name and seemed to come to, quickly tearing the weakened vines away before retrieving her blades. She dashed towards Lily and the two stood back to back.“I told you to wait in the room.”“Bet you’re glad that I didn’t.”“My ass and I are both very grateful for your poor listening skills, but perhaps we can continue this later.” The flowers, though still injured form Lily’s assault, had abandoned any semblance of camouflage and now moved like enormous knotted spiders to surround the two. “I’m not in great shape right now, so I don’t suppose you have a plan?”“More of a hunch.” Lily seized Anna around the hips with one arm, aimed her scepter towards the ground, and fired. The blast lifted both women into the air like a rocket, launching them clear of the trees just as the flowers were about to close in. She angled the stream of energy to carry them away from the forest and back to the relative safety of the campus. They landed in a twisted heap of limbs, sore but safe.As the two extricated themselves from around each other, Lily helped Anna to her feet. “So I think I need to know a little more about this whole magical girl thing.” *** The two exhausted magical girls made their way back across campus, hopefully for the final time that day. Lily still carried a fragment of her earlier anxiety at being seen, but it was much diminished. Perhaps it was because of the terrifying battles with an eldritch blackness on another plane of existence she had experienced twice now today, but she suspected that having her arm around Annie was also a big factor. Something about her friend being there was comforting. Even if her friend seemed the worse for wear.Annie’s eyes were distant, unfocused. The speed and power with which she had moved earlier that night was also diminished. She barely focused on where they were going, instead letting Lily lead her. How could she have let herself be captured so easily? She knew how to fight these monsters and how to smell a trap. How did flowers get the drop on her? And why could she not shake this feeling; it was like the vines were still present, still tangled around her limbs. She felt some weighty darkness pulling at her, something that she had never known before and yet that felt uncomfortably familiar. The night air gave her a sense of unease that she simply could not shake.Despite their physical state, they made it home together without incident. This time Lily was especially cautious of being followed, as she was not about to let the same flower trap her as easily again. Back in the safety of their room, they slumped to the floor, leaning against each other for support in the process. Lily still gripped her scepter so tightly that her knuckles trembled, but the fight was over. At least for now.“Annie. Annie,” Lily stroked her roommate’s hand gently.“Mmm.”“Annie.”“I’m okay, I’m here.”“What is going on?” Lily placed special emphasis on each word, letting their significance impress itself.“We’re magical girls—““Not that part, I got that.” She gestured at the way the two of them were dressed, from Annie’s latex-like catsuit and horned cowl, to Lily’s enormous pink diaper and uncomfortably short dress. “What were those things? Where did they take us?”Annie blinked slowly as if she did not understand the question.“Annie. . . You felt it, right? When the flower trapped me it. . . Brought me somewhere. I felt something.”Annie said nothing.“I’m not crazy, right? That happened, right?” The agitation in her voice was audible.Annie still said nothing.Lily put her hands on her friend’s shoulders and turned her so that their eyes met. “Annie!”Annie gripped Lily’s wrists firmly. “I’m here.”Lily recoiled slightly, but allowed herself a slight smirk as she felt her friend returning."So?”“I don’t know what that was. I don’t remember.” She shifted into a more comfortable sitting position. “Each one of us have different strengths and weaknesses. If whatever those things did was magical— I’m highly vulnerable to magic attacks. I think if you were able to break out it means that—““—It means that I’m not.”“Right. Which means you could be the best person for fighting whatever that thing you sensed was.”The bottom of Lily’s stomach fell out and the emptiness in her gut chilled her. How could she possibly face that thing again? Annie stroked her friend’s cheek as she had earlier that night. “Don’t worry, hun. That doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. You’re part of a team now.”Lily could feel her friend’s words. They warmed her heart, and the complicated font of emotions within her caused her to tear up. “Okay. One more question?”Annie wiped the tears from Lily’s face with her finger. “Yeah?”“How do we change back?” *** Lily yawned and stretched her arms above her. She blinked groggily and grunted as she felt the stiffness in her neck. Why was she sitting up? She had fallen asleep in front of their bedroom door, in the same place that she and Annie had slumped over yesterday when—Holy shit was it real?“Annie!” Her voice came out in a sleepy rasp. She sprung to her feet and immediately regretted it as the stiffness in her neck blossomed into a cramp.“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Annie called over from the far side of the room. She was seated at her desk across the room with her computer open. Two mugs, one shaped as Winnie the Pooh and the other with a My Little Pony logo on it sat next her, steam coiling off of them. “Coffee?” Lily took one of the two mugs and sipped from it—strong black coffee—and let her eyes linger on Annie for a moment longer than usual. The green catsuit was gone. She was dressed in her pajama pants and a white t-shirt, the set she wore every Thursday night. She checked herself too. She was wearing the enormous pink sweatshirt that she slept in every night. Most importantly was what she was not wearing: a diaper. She opened her mouth to vocalize the thought perched on her tongue.“So—““Yes. Yes it’s real. Everything. The monster, the flowers, the bunny, the magic. . .”“The costume?”“The costume.”Lily sighed and leaned against the desk as she gripped the mug in both hands to leach off its warmth. She felt Annie grasp her thigh reassuringly.“I know this seems like a lot right now. I mean, it is a lot.” Annie jiggled the high-end mouse hooked up to her computer to bring the screen to life and opened a file titled ‘Crystal Magic.’ “I’ve seen several first transformations, and it’s never easy. Lord knows mine wasn’t.”“What, did you used to have a giant diaper too?” Lily spat the words. She knew she would regret the venom behind them later. But while she was glad to have her friend here for this, there was a very small, very nasty part of her that resented her roommate.Annie tilted her head in recognition of Lily’s point. “No, that was a first for me.”“Oh good, I’m special.”“But you are special,” she said as she grasped Lily’s hand. “Each of us is. We all went through our own struggle when we met our Catalyst. You remember how fast I can more, right?”Lily paused. “Yeah,” she said sulkily.“The first time I changed, I couldn’t control it. I was completely disjointed from space and time as you recognize it. It was—Invigorating, to say the least.” Annie’s eyes took on a far-off look, one that equally reflected fascination and pain.“Oh. . . How long did that last?”“Three days.” She put special emphasis on each syllable. The two girls let the weight of the words fill the room for a time. Lily tried to imagine her own experience lasting that long. The terror at every new predicament, but also at the power that filled her up unlike anything else she had ever known. “I’m sorry.” Lily looked Annie in the eye for the first time since the night before. “I didn’t know. I’m just—““Scared?”Lily sighed. “Yeah. I’m scared. Not even just the monsters and the plants and whatever that. . . Blackness was. I’m scared about what this means for me. What does this say about me?”Annie smirked. “It means you’re a hero. Anything else is just a side dish.” She then opened a blank document with shocking speed and formatted its margins with minute precision. She titled it ‘Lily Celeste,” and her fingers flashed across the keyboard as she filled it in. “We’ll have to think of codename for you soon. Hey, you don’t have any classes today, right?”“Yeeeah, why?”“Because you have class now.” Annie drained her still-hot coffee in a series of gulps, wiped her mouth, and got to her feet. “Get dressed.” She paused. “And don’t wear anything you like.” *** Lily shivered in the dawn chill. She wrapped her hoody more tightly around herself and leaned against the wall next to the front door of their building, just on the edge of where the light fell. The hoody was two sizes too big, a “boyfriend hoody” according to some, but she didn’t feel right calling it that as she had never actually had one (a boyfriend, that is), not unless you counted high school mistakes that ended before they even began. She hoped that it and the two pairs of leggings she had layered would be enough. Training meant physical activity after all, and that meant they would be moving around. Probably. The expired packet of instant oatmeal she had foraged from the common room sat like a brick in her stomach. Maybe the sad, grey paste could have been appetizing if she had more than a shoddy microwave and tap water available to prepare it, but she did not and thus it was quite bad. Lily already regretted eating it at all. But the cafeteria wasn’t open this early, and neither she nor Annie had been to get groceries for the past few days. She had meant to after Math class, on the day when her whole world went crazy and she fought hypno hydrangeas and a fairytale monster while wearing a giant pink diaper. Ever since all that she hadn’t felt much like going outside. Not alone at the very least.Lily examined her own body. She ran a hand across her thigh. It was the same thigh it had been last week, the same as it had been for as long as she could remember. And yet not the same. It felt different. Her whole body felt did.At that moment Annie bounced down the stairs, a duffle bag slung over one shoulder.“Ready to go?”Lily dropped her hand with a start and did her best to make it look like she had not just been feeling herself up. “Yup, so ready. Just lead the way. I am very, very ready.”Annie gave her a look somewhere between maternal care and condescension. She held out her hand as if she wanted Lily to take it, which she did. Then with a flourish of her other hand Annie summoned one of the two curved blades Lily had seen her use before. There was a blur of motion and light and the air itself opened into a narrow slit, like Annie had made a gash in space itself and the guts of the universe were about to be laid bare. Annie winked at Lily then stepped through, pulling Lily with her.Lily was a petrified by panic and wonder and she was certain that for a moment her heart stopped and the breath froze in her lungs and then the apartment was gone and Lily was standing next to Annie, still clutching her roommate’s hand and standing in a meadow that she had never seen before.Annie tossed the blade and it did a neat spin in the air before vanishing. She coughed once and glanced at their still-clasped hands.“Do you mind?”Lily released her death-grip and the motion broke her form her stupor. “What just happened!”“We warped,” Annie said as she set about unpacking her duffle bag. She extracted a stack of clay disks and a small pneumatic device with a slit on one side and a plastic cylinder on top that looked roughly the same diameter as the discs. “Well warp, teleport, instant transmission, whatever term you like really. Most of us have some ability that serves a similar purpose, but it kind of varies depending on the specific powers.”Through the haze of the day of her first transformation Lily remembered Annie mentioning others. She wondered for a moment where they were and when she would meet any them.“But we can talk about my powers later. Right now we’re going to focus on yours.” Annie loaded the disks into the cylinder and clicked a switch on its side. The device breathed to life. “Let’s see how your aim is.” She pulled a remote control from her pocket and clicked a button on it. The device revved and one of the clay disks shot out up into the air—And kept going off into the horizon.Annie glanced at Lily from the corner of her eye. “You were supposed to shoot it.”“Shoot it with what? I don’t even know how to transform.”“Ah! That’s an excellent point. Okay. We should go over some basics.” Annie pulled out a well-loved notebook with the words ‘CM BASICS’ written on it in careful calligraphy. She opened it to a page and held the book up to Lily. There were a series of graphs and numbers, some of which she could recognize from sight but others so complicated that even trying to process them made her head hurt. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna go slowly,” Annie said. She pointed to the first graph, one that Lily could understand. It was a scatterplot. “This graph represents a hypothetical two dimensional reality. Those two dimensions are the two axes of the graph,” Annie said, indicating it with her finger. She pointed to the one next to it. “And this one represents our three dimensional reality. It has a third axis, so the same data we had represented on the previous graph is going to look different by virtue of adding that in.” Sure enough, upon closer inspection the two graphs did contain the same information. The new metric of measurement took the handful of datapoints and cast them adrift from what had been their point of origin.Annie pointed at the final graph, the one that made Lily’s brain hurt to look at. “And this graph represents a reality that has four dimensions. It changes that same data even more, so that it is virtually unrecognizable from before.” Lily tried yet again just to process the thing she was looking at, but looking at it longer brought the graph from merely painful to totally confounding. She couldn’t even imagine a way to sensibly present it in three dimensional space.Lily closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples. “Okay, I guess I’m following you. But I don’t see what this has to do with me.”“Well, you remember how I called that animal you touched your Catalyst? It created a reaction in you with components that already existed, and it was specific to you. As far as I know, the catalyst of one magical girl could not activate another. The one thing that we all have in common, though, is that we all appear to be pieces of a fourth dimensional reality.” Annie paused to let her words sink in. “Your Catalyst reintroduced your fourth axis. From the moment you touched it you have been transformed, changed into your true form. Even right now you are transformed.”Lily blinked several times, then looked down at her body in confusion. Same hoody and leggings she remembered putting on this morning.Annie rubbed her chin with one hand. “I’ll try to break this down even more. You know those shows like Power Rangers or Sailor Moon where they have a transformation sequence every episode?”Lily nodded.“We don’t have that. Our physical form just changes when we use our powers. And when we don’t use them we appear, at least to most people, as we would in this three dimensional reality. We appear the same way we did before we changed.”“I still don’t really get it,” Lily said deliberately. “But I think I get the important part? There’s no ‘Morphin Time.’”“Yes.”“But how do we turn back?” Lily paused for a beat. “Well not turn back but you know.” She gestured around her hips.“The short and horribly unhelpful answer is practice,” Annie said with a shrug. “You just have to figure out what works for you.”Lily sighed in frustration. “Alright, fine. But this all seems pretty. . . High-concept for basics.”“Ah,” Annie stammered. She blushed and looked intently at a spot on the ground. “I don’t get many chances to share my theories with anyone. I guess I just got excited.”Lily stared at her for a long, unbroken second. Then she burst out laughing, so hard that tears formed in her eyes and her abs ached, so hard that she felt like she might pee, which honestly would be the perfect thing to happen since apparently she was a big old magical baby at heart. This was the first moment in the entire time she had known Annie that the veneer of fastidious perfection slipped. Annie was just as confused and alone as Lily was. And at some point Annie started laughing too, until the two girls were exhausted, sweating, and slumped against each other on the dry grass. The two sat in silence, enjoying the emotional release of everything they had both been through over the past few days. Lily looked out into the sky, and the smile that lingered on her lips began to fade slightly.“So if I’m understanding your theory,” Lily said. “I’m always transformed. But when I use my powers that becomes, uh, apparent.”Annie nodded vigorously, pleased that Lily had followed her explanation.“So I’m actually always wearing a diaper.”Annie stopped nodding and squeezed her eyes shut as if Lily had just hit on something she hoped would go unnoticed. “Yeah. According to my theory, at least. That is your true form, or at least as close to your true for as can be conveyed in three dimensional space.”Lily felt around her hips again, searching for any sign of the padding. “Are you okay?” Annie asked hesitantly.“Yeah. Honestly the part that scares me is how okay with it I am. It’s like, I never would have described myself as being uncomfortable in my skin before. But then I experienced that change and I can’t imagine wanting to go back to how I was.”Annie’s eyes sparkled. “I felt the same way about my change.”“I mean obviously it’s still going to take some getting used to but. . . I think I can do this.”“Yeah,” Annie said, squeezing Lily’s hand in her own. “I’m pretty sure you can.”Pieces of another reality. Lily had always felt like she didn’t really fit in, like she was one small fragment of a mosaic that was not meant to be, a piece of coloured glass whose hue and texture clashed with those that surrounded it. But she had decided long ago everyone probably felt that way, that disillusionment was standard. It was the only way she had found to survive. But now, apparently, there really was more to that feeling. She belonged to a space and a time and an existence beyond the one she had always known and that thought filled her with equal parts warmth and sheer terror. And that terror caused a thought to percolate in her.“So those monsters from before,” she said. “They must be from the same reality as we are.”Bewilderment crossed Annie’s face. “I suppose it’s possible. I haven’t had the chance to study them.”“Wait, you mean you didn’t immediately catch one and dissect it?” Lily nudged her in the ribs.“I guess I got caught up in the whole ‘fight evil’ thing. I mean it’s not every day you find out you’re a superhero.”“Okay, well. When I started walking through the woods, I didn’t see any of those flowers. Maybe I’m just kinda dumb—don’t say anything—but if we go by your theory—““—Then you only started seeing them when they became apparent in this reality,” Annie’s eyes lit up. “Lily you’re brilliant. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. If we’re pieces of another reality then it stands to reason that there could be other pieces too.”“If we can figure out what they’re doing and why they’re here—““—then we can figure out where all of this is coming from. Including us.” Annie looked ready to explode from pure elation. She sprung to her feet and offered a hand to help Lily up. “But first we’re going to get some use out of this launcher. Do you have any idea how upset the phys. Ed. Department gets when I take this thing?”“Annie—you stole it?” Lily’s brow knit together and her mouth gaped, the face of someone who had never stolen anything since she had been punished in elementary school for taking Macey Johnson’s eraser because it was shaped like an ice cream cone. Annie raised an eyebrow at her.“What? Did you think they were going to let me sign it out for magical girl practice?” ***
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