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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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this is being made for @kasarberang Story Contest.



Chapter 1 i fucked up...


“Are you ready to meet her?” Julia asked her little 14-year-old sister.

“Im so excited!” Betty said happily as her birthday wish was about to come true.

“Tada!” Julia shouted as she opened the door to reveal, me.


But I think that’s a little too far ahead. Let’s rewind a bit to last week and the last day of school.

“Come on, do you realize how hard it was for me to jack his keys?” I asked my friends as we snuck out of the school and made our way to the high school parking lot.

“Are you sure this is a good idea? You’re stealing your brother’s car.” my friend told me

“Oh dont worry, this is going to be fun,” I tell them as I got into the car.

But my friends had second thoughts.

“Fine, ill do it myself,” I tell them drove off to do donuts on the football field. 

But what was supposed to be a harmless prank were I would do a few donuts before getting out and running away, wound up me flipping my brother’s car upside down and becoming stuck and unable to get out of the car.

The police came, I got probation and I was told I would need to pay for all the damages to the school and my brother’s car. Along with replacing a 4 thousand dollar computer, my brother was fixing for his college friend.

“Come on dad, you got to help me, theirs no way I can pay for all of this,” I tell my dad over the phone.

“Your 18, not my fault you consistent stupid stunts all over town makes it hard for you to find a job. It’s your problem. You fix it.” my dad tells me before hanging up. That last stunt was the last straw with him and he kicked me out and disowned me.

With no were left to go I was forced to move in with my older brother.

The two of us couldn’t be more different. He was a tall nerdy guy who never really went out or anything. I was two years younger than him and despite being very short, I was a party animal. Always getting into trouble and doing whatever I wanted.

“Fucking hell. How am I supposed to pay back all this debt?” I grumble. “Hey bro, you know any high paying jobs that need minimal work?”

Honestly, it was mostly just a joke but I did hope he could think of something for me to do.

“Actually I do,” he responded to my surprise. “Realy? What is it?”


“Hi, im Eric. my brother told me you were looking for some type of help?” I greeted myself.

“Yes. I was hoping to higher someone to be my little sister’s playmate.” Julia tells him with a smile.

Julia was 20 and was from a rich family. I mainly knew her from a lot of the college party’s I would sneak into. Supposedly her parents are constantly gone for some reason or another.

“So you want me to babysit her?” I asked a little confused.

“No, I want you to be her playmate. Keep her entertained and such.” Julia tells me.

“Well, that doesn’t sound too hard,” I tell her. “How much would the job be?”

Julia smiled as handed over a piece of paper. Highlighted was how much I would be making. And my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

“I would advise you to read it over carefully before signing. Just call me and let me know if you accept the job.” Julia tells me just before her watch beeps. “Oh, look at the time. Got to go meet up with the next person looking into the job.”

“Wait, hold up,” I tell her as I grab her hand to stop her. “I’ll take the job.”

“Please, I really think you should look over the contract first,” Julia tells me.

‘Oh, it will be fine.” I tell her. I would be a fool not to take this job.” I tell her as I look down at the paper and start signing my name.

I never noticed the sly smile on Julia’s face as I finished writing my name.

“So, when do I start?” I asked with a big smile on my face.


“You know, dumbasses like you really need to learn to read the fine print,” Julia tells me in a snarky attitude I had never seen before. 

I just stared dumbfounded at the outfit she had laid out for me.

“There is no way im wearing, that!” I shout.

“Why dont you take this time to actually read what you sighed yourself up for,” Julia tells me as she hands me a copy of the original contract. 

To sum it up briefly, I just sined my life to Julia for the next two months to be a live-in “playmate”. While I am staying here, I must ware what I am given and do as im told. Should I disobey, I will be punished by Julia in any way she sees fit. Should I quit or try to leave the job, I forfeit all money I would have made during my stay. I also would be charged a cancellation fee should I brake the contract. And, it wasn't a small amount.

“Well, us, I could sue you for tricking me into signing this!” I tell her nervously.

“But I recorded the who interview and you eagerly signing the contact,” Julia tells me with a grin. “But if you still want to that’s fine. Just hope you could afford a good lawyer, mine is just a phone call away.”

My eyes went wide as I realized just how screwed I was.

Julia stood up and slowly walked over to me with a sly grin on her face until she was standing right over me. 

“I suggest you put on your new outfit. Betty has been dying to meet you.”

Like that, I have left alone in a large room looking down at the outfit she was wanting me to ware.

I gulped and for just a moment wondered how much of my debt I could pay off if I sold my kidney? Most likely not enough to make a dent in the debt I would have if I broke the contract.

Reluctantly, I started striping and picked up the girly pink dress in front of me. Put on the matching pink socks and black mary jane shoes. 

Finally was the one piece I really didn't want to put on. 

“You better hurry, she's coming,” Julia tells me through the door.

I let out a big sigh as I layout the large diaper on the floor and oddly sat down on it. I had never put on a diaper before and it was much harder then I thought it would. 

“Are you ready to meet her?” Julia asked her little 14-year-old sister.

“Im so excited!” Betty said happily as her birthday wish was about to come true.

“Tada!” Julia shouted as she opened the door to reveal, me.

An 18-year-old boy sitting on the floor dressed as a sissy toddler. How much worse could this all get? Much, much worse...

“Awww, she’s so cute.” Betty sais as she comes over to pet me on the head while im still on the floor.

“Hey, knock it off,” I tell the kid as stand up.

Before im all the way up, I feel a hand yank me up and I feel 3 hard slaps to the back of my diaper. I didn’t really feel it, but it was a surprise.

“Dont you talk to your big sister that way,” Julia told me as she let go of my arm.

“Big sister?” I questioned.

“Ya, im the big sister while you're the baby sister,” Betty tells me.

“Baby? What are you talking about? Im no baby and im not a girl.” I tell the kid.

It was then I noticed Betty was actually taller than me. Which was unexpected. Ya, im short but this kid was taller than average. 

“Could have fooled us,” Julia commented as she rased up my dress and revealed my diaper.

I quickly pushed the dress back down and was blushing.

“I think someone needs to be reminded of the rules” Julia commented with a smile.

“Ya, the rules.” Better imitated her older sister.

Julia walked over to the contract and flipped a few pages.

“I’ll summarize it for you, but basically you are now Betty’s live-in baby sister. You are to play with her and do what she wants. If you backtalk to her or me, you will be punished. If you try to hurt her in any way you will be punished. You are not allowed to do anything inappropriate while in this home. You will be provided a living space and meals every day. Along with a new work uniform, you must wear, as you already know.” Julia tells me and smirks at my outfit. “Lastly, should you quit or do anything that could dangerously harm Betty, you will be fired and forfeit the right to all the money you would earn while staying here.”

I knew she had put me between a rock and a hard place. If what she said earlier, there is no way I could quit without causing far more problems then I already have. I just had to suck it up and play her stupid game for two months. Once that was over, I would have more than enough to pay back all my debt and even have enough left over to live a cushy life for a while.

‘So what are you?” Julia asked me.

“A, Baby sister,” I mumbled.

“Ya, you're my baby sister,” Betty shouted as she grabbed my arm. “Now let's go check out your new room.”

The kid forcibly drugged me out of the room and through a few hallways. Just how big was this house? Before I knew it I was in front of a bright pink door that had BABY written on the door.

“Here we are,” Betty tells me as she opened the door and nearly had my jaw drop. Inside the room was what looked like a huge nursery.

In the center of the room was a large crib that looked to be just my size. On the back wall was a strange-looking table with diapers surrounding it. Beside that was a rocking chair.

On one wall I could see a large toy box filled with toys and large stuffed animals surrounding it. On the other wall, I saw a large dresser next to a closet.

The one thing I wondered about however was something above the weird table. A large label saying WARNING right above a small hook.

“Come on, come and see what's inside,” Betty tells me as she drags me into the room.

I was sat in front of the toybox while Betty pulled out different toys to show me. 

“How is the new baby liking her new room?” Julia asked as she came in.

“She’s loving it,” Betty tells her while I roll my eyes. 

“Ya, really loving it,'' I say sarcastically while folding my arms.

“I think someone is a little cranky because they are hungry,” Julia says in a mock baby voice.

“Lunchtime,” Betty said happily as she grabs my hand again and yanks me up. 

What the hell was wrong with this kid? Despite being a teen she clearly acted far younger. 

When we got to the kitchen, I saw a high chair that I was taken to and told to sit in. I rolled my eyes again and did as I was told and sat in the oversized baby furnisher. Betty sat in the chair next to me while waiting for Julia to show up and make lunch.

While Betty had chicken nuggets and fries, I was given a bowl of green goop, a bowl of yellow goop, and a bowl with some type noodles in it. 

“You want to feed the baby?” Julia asked Betty.

“Yes,” Betty replied happily as she took a spoon and got some of the green goop.

“There is no way I'm eating that,” I tell Julia 

“Aww, don't be like that, it's good for you,” Julia tells me as Betty starts moving the spoon closer to me.

I just smack the spoon out of her hand.

“Agin, I'm not eating that,'' I tell them.

Suddenly Julia grabs my arm and before I even know what's going on it's tied to the side of the high chair. Then she does the same to the other. Effectively trapping me in place.

“Now this is just a warning. Be a good baby and eat your lunch or someone is going to be punished.” Julia tells me with a smile.

Despite the warm smile she was giving me, I suddenly had a cold rush down my spine. 

Betty grabbed a new spoon and tried again. This time, while I was reluctant, I opened my mouth and ate what I was given. 

The texter was awful, but the taste wasn't too bad. Either vegetable or fruity. I was then free to eat the blamed noodles with my hands.

“Such a good baby,” Betty tells me as she pats me on the head.

I grumble a bit before I am given a bottle of juice with a baby nipple on top. Of course, I would need to drink from a baby bottle. Fucking hell.

I let out a loud sigh before grabbing the bottle and started drinking it. Before I was even done I felt a slight twinge in my bladder. At first, I didn't think anything of it until I realized something. I'm forced to wear a diaper. Are they also going to make me use it?


Julia walked out of the kitchen for a moment as she got an important call.

“How is my baby girl doing today?” a man's voice sais.

“Very good Daddy,” Julia responds with a bright smile on her face. “Everything is going great. Betty is having fun with her new playmate.”

“That's great to hear baby girl.” Daddy tells Julia as a pleasant feeling runs down her body. “They haven't cared too much trouble with Betty right?”

“No Daddy, they are a little stubborn but they are behaving for now,” Julia tells Daddy.

“That's good. Make sure you train them right.” daddy tells her.

“I will daddy, I promise I'll teach her everything she needs to know,” Julia tells Daddy.

“I can't wait to meet her. Got to go, be a good girl for daddy, and teach her well.” Daddy tells Julia.

“I will daddy, love you,” Julia replies as she hangs up.

Another pleasant feeling rushes through her body as she lets out a girlish giggle. She peeks back into the kitchen and looks at Eric as he is looking at his diaper with a puzzled look. Julia bites her lip as she fantasizes what she was about to do to Eric to make him into the perfect little sissy for daddy.


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Come on, don’t do this now, you can hold it. I told myself as the urge to pee increased since lunchtime nearly 4 hours ago. 

If I had to guess, my bladder was half full right now. I could probably last till night time, but I really needed to find a way to sneak off to the bathroom as soon as posable.

Since lunch ended, Betty has been dragging me all over the house just looking at different rooms. 

Fucking rich people and their big ass homes. 

“And this is Daddy’s room,” Betty tells me as she opens the door for me to look inside. 

It was an extra-large room that you would imagine any rich person to have. Besides making me envious that I couldn’t have such a fancy room, nothing remarkable could be said about it.

“How are you two little girls doing?” Julia asked as she came out of nowhere and surprised me.

“I’m not a little girl. I’m a big girl.” Betty tells her older sister. “She’s the little girl, she’s the baby.”

I roll my eyes again. What the hell was wrong with this kid? I’m half certain she’s the one who needs the diapers.

“That she is Betty, and as the baby, let’s check her.” Julia sais as she suddenly lids my skirt and cups the front of my diaper.

“Hey! I shout and push the skirt back down and shove her hand away.

“Looks like the baby is still clean.” Julia sais out loud.

“Of course I am!” I shout annoyed.

“Well, that won’t be too big a problem,” Julia comments with a smile that I felt uneasy from. “You girls enjoy exploring a bit more. I got dinner cooking right now.”

Huh? But it roughly 5:00 PM dose that means dinner will be done around 6-6:30? Why so early?

“Um, where should we go next?” Betty wondered out loud as she tried to think.

“Why not the bathroom?” I suggested. It was somewhere we hadn't been too and I could really use one right about now.

“That's a great idea!” Betty shouted and dragged me to the nearest bathroom to check out.

The bathroom in this house was much bigger then I imagined. With a tub that could even fit my tall ass brother.

“This is the tub, this is the sink, this is my toothbrush,” Betty was telling me as she pointed out all the different stuff. “And this is the potty. Don’t worry baby sis, one day you can use the potty.”

I just glared at the tall brat. Every part of my body wanting to smack her with everything I had. But instead, I took a quick breath and smiled.

“Hey, Betty, what’s that outside?” I asked and pointed out the door of the bathroom.

“Huh, whats what?” Betty asked as she walked right out of the bathroom before I shut the door and locked it. “Hey!”

I just started laughing behind the door with a big grin on my face. What a stupid kid. She was banging on the door and giggling the door handle while calling out baby.

I ignored her and walked over to the toilet.

“Finally,” I tell myself as I lift up my skirt and started to remove the tapes from the diaper

The diaper lightly fell to the floor as I lifted up the toilet seat.

However, before I could even go, the bathroom door swung open and an angry Julia marched her way in.

“Hey! Im trying to use the toilet!” I shout while trying to cover myself.

“Bad Baby!” Julia shouted before grabbing my arm.

Within a moment, she had slammed the toilet seat back down, sat on it, and yanked me over her lap with my bare butt mooning Betty.

Before I could even utter a single word, the sharp sting of a slap to my Butt made me yell out of pain! 

“You are a bad baby, you don’t lock yourself in a room,” Julia told me before smacking me again and making me yell again. “You are not ready for the big girl potty.”

Once again she smacked me.

“Nock it off you bitch!” I shout at her.

Betty let out a gasp.

“Such a potty mouth. Well, I have just the cure for that.” Julia tells me as I suddenly realize my mistake. “Betty, go get Mr.Love.”

Betty suddenly ran off as I got a very bad feeling.

“Just a few short hours and you are already being naughty.” Julia sais as she rubs my slightly red bottom.

I began to squirm a little as she continued to just rub my butt and I knew whatever was coming would be bad.

Soon I could hear feet running behind me as I tried to look back just as Betty was coming back into the bathroom. 

My eyes went wide as I saw the large wooden paddle with hearts on it get handed to Julia.

“Oh fuck no!” I screamed and struggled to get away, but Julia held a tight grip onto my arm.

“Oh, Mr.love is just going to love teaching you how to be a good baby girl.” Julia sais with a wicked smile.

With one loud smack, I screamed out in pain as tears were already forming in my eyes. As Julia removed Mr.love from my butt, a heart-shaped mark was left behind. Though Julia would make sure it wasn’t the only one.

Within moments she was spanking me hard with the wooden paddle. With every sharp blow to my reddening butt, I went from tearing up, to pleading for it to stop, to outright bawling my eyes out begging for it to stop. 

“Betty, take this into the baby’s room. You know where to put it.” Julia tells betty who nods and takes the paddle to the baby’s room.

As soon as Betty leaves Julia lifts me up and looks at my weak sniveling face as im trying my hardest to wipe away the tears and snot.

“I hope the baby has learned her lesson.” Julia sais as I nod in response. Not noticing her pick my diaper off the floor and tape it back onto me.

Before I could do anything, Julia suddenly picks me up and began carrying me out of the bathroom. My last look inside was of the toilet I just barely missed using.

I yelped in pain as Julia sat me in my highchair and strapped me in.

“Aww, but I wanted to play with the baby more.” Betty wined.

“Im sorry betty, but the baby is in time out. Maybe after diner if she is good.” Julia tells betty.

“Ok, im going to go watch tv,” Betty tells her older sister before running off somewhere.

Im forced to snivel and sit uncomfortably in the high chair while Julia cooks.

Even with the extra padding from the diaper my butt felt red hot and stung with even the slightest of movements. To make things worse, my bladder was filling more and more.

As dinner grew closer and closer I could only whimper as trying to hold my filling bladder was casing me to squirm, which made my butt hurt more and more. 

“Betty, dinner!” Julia called as she sat a plate of chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and a roll onto the table.

I on the other hand was given more plastic bowls. One with more green goop, one with mashed potatoes, and one with shredded up chicken.

This time while Betty ate her dinner, Julia was the one to spoon-feed me the mush before letting me eat the chicken with my hands.

As I was eating Julia noticed me squirming in my chair and using one hand to hold myself.

Once we were done eating, Betty took her plate to the sink before running back over.

“Can the baby play now?” Betty asked excitedly.

“That depends on the baby,” Julia tells her before looking at me. “Are you going to be a good baby?”

“Y-Yes,” I tell her.

“Ok, then prove it?” Julia tells me as she smirks and sits back in her chair. “Show Betty what a good baby you can be.”

“H-how?” I asked confused. 

“Good babies use their diapers,” Julia tells me.

“Ya! Good babies use their diapers!” Betty mimicked.

“N-no, I can't, i.” I start to tell Julia but she cut me off.

“Betty, I think the baby might need another lesson with Mr.love,” Julia tells betty as my eyes go wide.

In just a moment, the two of them could hear a loud hissing sound coming from me as both girls took a peek under the highchair and got a good look at my diaper.

They watched as the diaper expanded and turned yellow as is absorbed everything.

I couldn’t help but let out a slight moan of relief as my full bladder emptied into the diaper.

“I think the baby is enjoying using her diaper.” Julia sais with a giggle as betty starts laughing too.

When it was all over, the sudden rush of shame hit me all at once.

Did I really just piss myself just now? Did I really just fill a baby diaper? Oh god, what is wrong with me?

As those thoughts rushed through my mind, Julia released me from the highchair and cupped the swelling pee filled diaper I was waring.

“Such a good girl.” Julia prased me. “And since you enjoyed it so much, you can stay in it while playing with Betty while I clean the kitchen.” 

I decided not to say anything back. Who knows what would happen if I did.

So as Betty took my hand, I slowly waddled along with her as my piss filled diaper swayed side to side. 


Julia took a small break from cleaning to go check on the girls. She peeked into the baby's room to see Betty having fun playing with the toys while Sissy looked discussed sitting in his own piss and half-heartedly moved around some toys.

Julia got out her phone and took a qwick pic. Then started texting Daddy.

Julia: Hi daddy, ^W^ just wanted to let you know things are going perfectly! Sissy needed to be introduced to mr.love, but everything else has goon great. Sissy even wet her diaper.

Daddy: that’s good to here. That’s just the first step.”

Julia: yep next step is a messy diaper. Then the real fun can begin.”

Daddy: dont break them too soon kitten, enjoy your fun. 

Julia: I will daddy, I will. ^W^ Love you.

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“Betty, its almost bedtime,” Julia said as she came into the baby’s room.

“Awww, is it 8:30 already?” Betty wined 

8:30? Is a teen really being forced to go to bed so early? During summer? I wondered but chose not to say anything. I didn’t want to give them any reason to paddle me again.

I looked up at the wall and saw the Mr.love paddle hanging on the small hook under the warning sign. 

“Its baby’s bedtime too huh!” Betty shouted as I looked between the two girls.  

Wait, I had to go to bed early too?

“Yes Betty, its babies bedtime too. Now let’s get you ready for bed.” Julia tells her as Betty gets up and runs off somewhere. Julia comes over and pickles me up with ease once more and carries me to the closet.

“What’s going on?” I asked curiously as I also wondered how she was picking me up. Was I really that light?

“Its time for a shower before bedtime.” Julia sais as she grabs some clothes for me along with a diaper. 

As we walked out of the room and down the hall I could hear a shower running and assumed it was Betty.

“Such a good girl,” Julia commented as we walked passed.

“Ya, I can see why she needed me as a playmate,” I say sarcastically.

“My sister is a little slow, so she doesn’t get out much to make friends,” Julia tells me. “My father is starting up a new company in London and has found a specialist who can help her. Until then, im making sure my sister has a fun experience for her last 2 months here.”

Well, that at least explained a lot, but why have someone act like a baby to be their playmate?

Julia brought me to another bathroom where she put me down and pulled my dress off. 

“Hey!” I shout and try to cover my diaper.

“Aww, its ok baby it’s just a shower,” Julia tells me as she moves my hands and removes the soaked diaper.

Before I even have a chance to cover-up Julia picks me up once more and puts me into a strange chair inside the bathtub.

“What the hell is this?” I asked as I was strapped in.

“Baby bath sceat.” Julia sais with a smile before taking off her shirt. 

My eyes go wide as this beautiful woman stripped right in front of me before getting into the tub and starting the shower.

I couldn’t help but stare as the water ran down her slender body. I was looking up at her as she bent forward with her but facing me and I got a good look at her.

She seemingly didn’t care that I was watching her lather herself up and watch the soap run down her body.

“I think the baby is a little excited.” Julia teased as she looked down at me. 

Sure enough, I had a raging hard-on. Part of me just wanted to start jacking it to her right then and there, but I knew how pathetic that would look right now.

“Dont worry, I can help with that,” Julia whispered as she nealed down with her legs wide open in front of me was water poured onto her back.

I was too stunned and horny to say anything back. I just couldn't help staring at her breast and vagina.

Julia was all smiles as she got more soap and began to wash me. Occasionally bruising my hard-on with her arm as she washed every other part of my body.

I was starting to get frustrated as I knew she was now just playing with me and edging me on. I wanted to scream for her to stop playing around.

Thankfully she seemingly read my mind as her soapy hand gripped my penis.

“AAAAWWWWW” I moaned as she began stroking me. 

“Oh, the baby girl likes that huh?” Julia sais as she plays with me.

I couldn’t respond as I stared at her soapy body and could feel like I could cum any second!

That’s when she suddenly stopped and grabbed the showerhead. Turning it to cold and blasting me with freezing water!

“Awwwwww!” I screamed from the sudden shock as Julia giggled at me.

“Now the baby is nice and clean.” Julia sais as she turns the water back on warm and worms me back up a bit before rinsing the soap off her body.

When I looked down at my once ranging hard-on, now only saw a small nub hiding from the cold. The fucking bitch just blue balled me.

I was still shivering slightly as Julia turned off the water and got out to wrap herself in a towel. I had to wait for her to finish getting dressed to let me out and wrap me up in a towel to dry off. 

I was so cold I didn’t even fight back as she put me into another diaper and forced me to wear a bright pink footie pajama. At least it was warm.

She once again picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom.

“You know I can walk right?” I tell her annoyed.

“But babies love to be carried,” Julia tells me with an annoying smile. 

As Julia was walking Betty came running over in her own pink footie pajamas and squealed when she saw me in mine. 

“You look so cute! And we match!” Betty shouted happily.

“Yes baby sister wanted to be just like her big sister, isn’t that right baby?” Julia asked.

“Y-ya, sure,” I tell them rolling my eyes and hoping that would be good enough to please them.

“Well, good night baby, ill see you in the morning.” Betty sais as she rubes my head and runs off to her room to go to sleep.

“Why so early?” I ask.

“Girls like her need to be on a strict schedule,” Julia tells me. “Now its time for you to go to bed as well.”

“But it's only 9!” I shout. “I haven’t gone to bed that early since I was 8!” 

“And now your just a fussy baby, so its night, night time,” Julia tells me with her same smile on her face as she takes me into the nursery and puts me into the crib. “Good night baby, and no causing any problems.”

With that, Julia turned off the light and left the room, leaving only a small nightlight turned on.

I sit up in the crib and grumble to myself as I look around the room. Even with it being dark the small light was enough for me to see most of the room.

Was this going to be my life for the next 2 months? Forced to dress up like a baby girl and use a diaper?

I looked at the crib and saw the latches for it. I stood up in the oversized crip and looked at the little latch holding the side of the crib up. Nothing was stopping me from just pulling it and getting out of this crib. 

Nothing was stopping me from taking off these girly pajamas and taking off this ridiculous diaper. Nothing was stopping me from walking right out of this house and never looking back.

At least, nothing physically was holding me here. I let out a low grown as I remember the stupid contract I signed. Why didn’t I just read it? If I did I wouldn’t be in such an embarrassing situation. 

I look up at the paddle hanging on the wall and shudder when I think about how painful that spanking was. My butt still hurts from it!

To make today even worse, that bitch even blue balled me!

My thoughts then went back to Julia in the shower as she got all soapy and gave me a fantastic view of her body.

I looked down, and while it was a little hard to tell, I could see I had a hard-on just under my diaper. 

“Oh what the hell,” I tell myself as I lay down in the crib and unzip my onesie. 

I didn’t bother taking it or the diaper off and instead reached my hand into the diaper and griped my penis with one hand and began to stroke. 

It felt a little weird masturbating with a diaper on, but it wasn’t too bad. The fluffiness of the diaper felt a little nice as I stroked.

I could still remember the soap sliding down her toned body. The water dripping from her nipples. I was stroking even harder as I remembered her bending down in front of me as if toying with me and daring me to fuck her. Oh god, that hand job she gave me! I could almost imagine her opening her mouth and-

“Bad baby!” Julia shouted at the door as she turned on the light and causing me to jump and yank my hand out of my diaper.

She was standing at the doorway fuming with a baby bottle in her hand.

“Here I am bringing your bedtime bottle and I find you being inappropriate,” Julia tells me as she marches over to were Mr.love was hanging on the wall. “Looks like the baby needs to be taught how to behave.”

“T-that’s not fair!” I shout suddenly and worried as I see her stop just before she grabbed the paddle. “You blue balled me! It’s your falt im horny!”

I didn’t know why I shouted that, but it was true and I wasn’t going to be blamed for it!

“You heard the rules, you should know better.” Julia sais as she turns around to face me. “What if Betty had caught you? You broke the rules so you need to be punished.”

“But your the one who showed me your naked body and even gave me a hand job! Then you blue balled me! Why should I be punished because you seduced me?” I yelled hoping if I just kept it up I might at least avoid being spanked by that paddle.

Julia just stared at me angrily for a few moments before crossing her arms. 

“Fine then, I will admit it is partly my fault for this.” Julia sais before looking slightly down and seeing the bulge in my diaper. “Fine then, since it has come to this ill help you finish just this once. But afterward, you are not allowed to inappropriately touch yourself again while in this house.”

“Huh?” I replied dumbfounded by the situation. Did I just hear that?

Before I could even fully process what was said, Julia walked over and picked me up out of the crib. Carrying me over to the weird table I had seen earlier. She sat me down on it and pushed me down with one arm while her other reached into my diaper and grabbed my still erect penis.

Despite it feeling slightly wired still wearing the diaper, it still felt amazing. Her soft hands slowly stroking me as I hear the crinkly of the diaper. 

Up and down, up and down she stroked as I let out soft moans of pleasure.

“Is the baby girl enjoying this?” Julia asks with a slight smile on her face.

“Yes.” I moan, ignoring the baby girl part.

That’s when she stopped and pulled her hand out.

“Get on your knees with your head down,” Julia whispered into my ear seductively.

I didn’t have to think twice as I flipped myself over and did as I was told. Wondering just what she was about to do?

She once again reached into my diaper and started stroking me again, almost as if milking a cow. I had never masturbated in this way but it wasn't bad. I let out a loud moan as she started stroking harder. Almost as if I was mooing.

“Baby girl is liking this,” Julia commented as her other hand began to rub my diapered butt.

My hips began to move slightly as I could feel the need to cum once again! 


I yelped as I felt something swat my diapered butt. Looking back I could see Julia sill holding onto me while in her other hand she had Mr.love!

“You said I wouldn't be punished!” I shouted.

“No, I said I would help you finish, I never said you wouldn't be punished for being a naughty baby girl,” Julia said with her wicked smile coming back.

I panic slightly and try to crawl away, but the sudden squeeze of my manhood quickly stopped that as I yelled!

“No, no baby. Were not done yet. You still need to finish.” Julia whispers in my ear as she started stroking me even faster!


I yelp again as the paddle hits me again! While the diaper offends the blows, my bottom still stung from the first one!

But that yelp soon becomes a moan once more as Julia moves faster and faster inside my diaper.

Every time I feel closer and closer to cumming, Julia spanks me with Mr.love, sending jolts of pain through my body followed by waves of pleasure as I get close to cumming once again.

“Is the baby about to cum?” Julia whispers to me as she is rubbing Mr.love on my diapered butt.

“Y-yes,” I moan. No longer thinking straight.

“Tell mommy just before you cum, or Mr.love will spank you without the diaper on,” Julia whispers as she starts moving as fast as posable!

“I-im cumming! Im cumming mommy!” I scream as Julia swats me one last time with Mr.love as hard as she could!

My body jolted up and unleashed a noise that could only be described as a mixture of pain and pleasure. My body spasming as I cum straight into my diaper.

Julia just happily watched as I cam for a good minute before collapsing backwards onto the table panting and exhausted.

“Did my baby girl have a fun time?” Julia asked as she rubbed the front of my diaper and smearing the cummy mess inside.

I didn’t even fuss as she took off the diaper and looked at the mess I had made in my diaper.

“Good girl.” Julia prased me as she handed me the bottle of milk she brought me earlier.

While I would have preferred a cup, I was too tired and thirsty to care as I began suckling on the bottle while Julia pulled out some baby wipes and began cleaning off my now deflated penis.

She then removed the cummy diaper and tossed it away before grabbing a new taper from under the table. Guess this was a changing table.

But she didn't tape it on just yet. Instead, she started looking for something else. Before I knew it, I could feel her doing something with my penis before I heard a faint Click.

“Huh?” I say as I stop suckling the bottle and look down at what she did. My eyes went wide and before I could even scream a large pacifier was shoved into my mouth!

She had locked me into a bright pink chastity!

“Shhhh,” Julia tells me as she pushes me back down onto the table. “This is to stop my baby girl from doing more naughty things again.”

I let out a muffled yell as she takes the new diaper onto me, locking even my chastity into a fluffy prison.

“Aww, dont be too sad baby girl, you did bring up a good point earlier.” Julia sais as she starts to zip up my onise back up and her face slowly coming closer to mine. “You have your needs, but the contract makes that hard on you. And mommy doesn’t want to get rid of Betty’s little playmate.”

I felt petrified as her face hovered above me, a wicked smile across her face as I stared straight into her eyes.

“The contract says you can’t do naughty things, but if my baby girl is good, when Betty goes to sleep, Mommy will be a little naughty for you. How does that sound? Would my baby girl like to cum again tomorrow?” 


Somewhere else a man’s phone vibrates.

He looks at it and taps the video.

“Bad baby!” someone shouts as they catch a little sissy playing inside their diapers.

The man slowly smiles as he watches the video. the video ending with a small key being tacked onto the wall right beside a large paddle.

“That’s a good baby girl.” the man sais with a smile as he puts his phone down and picks up a piece of paper labeled legal guardianship.  

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Daddy needs to be swirling a glass of brandy in his scenes.


meanwhile I shall swirl a full glass of sweet Beringer wine.  Wa hahaha.  Shadow villains.

6 hours ago, Eagle0769 said:

What a nice story but do you proof read it before you post it?

I wonder when Daddy will be coming home to teach sissy baby girl a few things of his own.

Uhh!  Proof reading is annoying if you are doing it late at night and just want to post your hard work.  ?

Pink always thinks of something or else he’ll make a poll of it.  LOL.


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14 hours ago, Pierry Louys said:

Oh my poor guy he doesn’t now how his life gonna change forever rsrs 

but we do. ^w^

9 hours ago, Eagle0769 said:

What a nice story but do you proof read it before you post it?

I wonder when Daddy will be coming home to teach sissy baby girl a few things of his own.

normaly i have someone proof read for me, but im trying to finish the chapters as fast as posable before the deadline for the contest. i do use grammerly to help me, but thire is only so much it can do on the free version.

Daddy will show up at the end. 

2 hours ago, Sparkle Dust said:

Daddy needs to be swirling a glass of brandy in his scenes.


meanwhile I shall swirl a full glass of sweet Beringer wine.  Wa hahaha.  Shadow villains.

Uhh!  Proof reading is annoying if you are doing it late at night and just want to post your hard work.  ?

Pink always thinks of something or else he’ll make a poll of it.  LOL.


lol Daddy is going to be fun to write when he shows up at the end. and yes, 

agin, i would proof read but i dont have much time with the deadline coming up.

i have something planed for Daddy. ^w^

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45 minutes ago, Babypants said:

Interesting tale, but you really should take Eagle0769's comment about proof reading to heart.  An idea is only as good as the effectiveness with which it is presented.

thank you, but as ive said, i normally do have someone proof read for me, but im also trying to finish as much of this story as posable before the contest deadline. once the contest ends i plan to have someone help me fix the story. i have about 11 days to finish about 3 or more chapters.

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17 hours ago, PinkTheDinosaur said:

but we do. ^w^

normaly i have someone proof read for me, but im trying to finish the chapters as fast as posable before the deadline for the contest. i do use grammerly to help me, but thire is only so much it can do on the free version.

Daddy will show up at the end. 

lol Daddy is going to be fun to write when he shows up at the end. and yes, 

agin, i would proof read but i dont have much time with the deadline coming up.

i have something planed for Daddy. ^w^

I would think that if this for a contest spelling and grammar would be part of it.

Your proof reader is not doing a good job for you. Please check it over before you

hand it in. There are 7 mistakes in you last post.

I like this story and want it to be a winner.

Waiting for your next chapter. ?

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4 hours ago, Eagle0769 said:

I would think that if this for a contest spelling and grammar would be part of it.

Your proof reader is not doing a good job for you. Please check it over before you

hand it in. There are 7 mistakes in you last post.

I like this story and want it to be a winner.

Waiting for your next chapter. ?

agin, im working on a 20 day time crunch to write roughly 5 or 6 chapter story. (i have about 11 days to write 2 or 3 more chapters.)  my beta reader dose it on their own time and could take 1-5 days to be looked over. time i dont have to wait to post the story. i do plan on having the story fixed once its done but for now i beleave the story is fine even with a few mistakes. 

1 hour ago, Sparkle Dust said:

please stop bugging Pink about proofreading!

thank you. ^w^

35 minutes ago, Star Baby said:

I second that this is to good of a story to nitpick 

lol thank you. but some nitpicking can be good. ^w^

23 minutes ago, Eagle0769 said:

Yes Ok I’ll stop bugging Pink about proof reading I like the story too but it’s for a contest only trying to help him/her win. 

i appreciate it. :)

  • Thanks 1
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4 hours ago, Eagle0769 said:

I would think that if this for a contest spelling and grammar would be part of it.

Your proof reader is not doing a good job for you. Please check it over before you

hand it in. There are 7 mistakes in you last post.

I like this story and want it to be a winner.

Waiting for your next chapter. ?

As the one running the contest grammar is not a factor, the only factors are "readability" (a story can have horrible spelling/grammar and be very readable) and my personal enjoyment of the story.

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2 hours ago, kasarberang said:

As the one running the contest grammar is not a factor, the only factors are "readability" (a story can have horrible spelling/grammar and be very readable) and my personal enjoyment of the story.

Ok thank you for correcting me. The story is very good. 

Can't wait for the next chapter. 

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“What’s wrong baby?” Betty asked me the next morning as she saw me slightly squirming in my highchair. Beads of sweat rolling down my face and the large pacifier still in my mouth.

I wanted to scream out so much! Scream for Julia to pull it out! To tell her I will use my diaper! But Julia was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and told me to not cause a scene and to be good, but with how full I felt, that was extremely hard!


Just one hour ago, I awoke to Julia unzipping my onise and placing her hand onto my diaper.

“MHHHPH!” I shout with the pacifier still in my mouth as I was woken up.

I dont even remember what happened after Julia made me cum and then traped my little friend in a cage.

“Looks like the baby girl is still all clean.” Julia sais slightly disappointed. “That’s no good. Baby’s should be waking up at least wet.”

“Mwh?” I mumbled confusedly. Why would I wake up wet? And what does she mean at least?

“Ok baby girl, time to wet your diapy,” Julia says in a babyish voice and a smile.

“Mwo.” I tell her as I shake my head. There was no reason I needed to wet myself. 

“Well, that’s too bad.” Julia sais with her smile still on her face. That smile gave me a chill.

Julia had me stand up and stripped me of the worm onesie and leaving me in just a diaper and pacifier. She returned a moment later with a cute pink dress and a pink skirt that barely covered the diaper.

“Ok baby, time for the fun part,” Julia tells me as she picks me up and takes me to the changing table.

Fun part? Is she going to make me cum again this early in the morning?

As soon as she had me on she forced my arms up and slipped straps onto my arms.

“Mha?” I mumbled confused as I tugged my arms but couldn’t move them at all.

But that wasn’t all as she also tied my legs and stopped me from moving. She then lifted two poles that the leg straps were attached to that lifted my legs into the air.

What is she doing? I wondered as she left the room for a minute and left me hanging. When she returned she had what looked like a large syringe without the needle. When she came back over to me she removed the diaper and looked at me with her smile.

“Since baby refuses to use her diaper, mommy needs to help encourage her baby to use them,” Julia tells me.

Before I could give a reaction, I feel something poke my butt.

“MHHHHAAA!” I scream in the pacifier as something goes inside!

My head bolts up and looks past the bulky pink cage and see the syringe sticking in my ass! What the hell is going on!?

Julia looks me in the eyes as she starts pushing the plunger in. her smile growing bigger and bigger as I thrashed about screaming my muffled screams. The mixture of oatmeal, mashed potatoes, and bananas being pushed right into my ass.

It felt like I was shiting in reverse! Tears were in my eyes as my belly was being filled in reverse.

“Aww, dont cry baby, I know what will make any girl happy,” Julia tells me as she finished filling me with mush. “All girls love jewelry.”

She then held up a butt plug with a pink jewel on the end. no matter how much I thrashed around, Julia pulled out the syringe and shove the butt plug inside.

Next, she put the diaper back on nice and snug. 

“MRRRR!” I muffled as I felt like I needed to take the biggest shit of my life! But even if I wanted to use the diaper, the plug kept it all in.

“There we go, now then, why dont we go have breakfast?” Julia asked as she took off my leg restaurants and put purple mittens on my hands before letting my arms go.

Instantly I tried to rip off the diaper and pull the plug out, I didn’t care if I shat all over the floor. I just needed this stuff out of me! But despite my clawing at the diaper, the mittens prevented me from getting any form of grip on the tabs to pull them off. 

“Baby’s awake!” Betty shouts as she comes into the room and sees me on the changing table.

“Yep, but she is a little cranky right now,” Julia told her as I was still desperately clawing at the diaper. “She might just want some breakfast.”

I was to busy cramping from the pain in my bowels I couldn’t stop Julia from picking me up and taking me to the kitchen where I was locked into the highchair and unable to do anything but wait.

“Now be a good baby,” Julia tells me. She didn't even need to threaten me with some type of punishment. “Oh, and for my cute little sister, I got you a little present.”

Julia handed betty what looked like a fidget cube. But as she looked back at me I could see from the look in her eye that it was somehow actually meant for me.

Betty squealed as she started to fiddle with it.

My eyes went wide as I bit down on the pacifier to stop me from screaming.

“What’s wrong baby?” Betty asked me as she saw me slightly squirming in my highchair. Beads of sweat rolling down my face.

I wanted to scream out so much! Scream for Julia to pull it out! To tell her I will use my diaper! To beg her not to toy with me like this!

Betty just shrugged and went back to her 6 sided fidget toy.

On the front, it had an on/off switch. Once turned on, I could feel but butt plug begin to vibrate! She grew bored of that one quickly but left it flipped on.

Next was a little weel she could turn. With every turn, it felt like something was growing inside my mouth. Back and forth. With no way to spit the pacifier out.

Once she was done with that part of the toy she moved onto the set of little buttons. 3 of them would click when pressed. With each click, she turned on one of 3 mini vibrators that were attached to the chastity cage Julia put on me. One mini vibrator on either side of my balls and one just under them. The vibrations sent shivers down my spine with every press.

My dick was being aroused by the vibrations but it had nowhere to grow and was starting to get painful!

Thankfully one side of the cube was blank so betty moved on to the 5th side. One with 3 little gears she could spin.

With every turn of the 3 gears, one of 3 sections from the shaft of the cage turned in the direction she was turning the gears. Around and around they turned as tears were starting to stream out of my eyes. Partly from the pain, and partly from the aroused frustration I was feeling.

Finally, Betty got to the last part of the toy. Another circle she can move around and around. And inside my diaper, the head of the cage began to spin around and around.

“Mraaaaa!” I shouted through my pacifier as I hit the top of my high chair food tray.

“I think the baby is really hungry!” Betty called out to her sister. Blissfully unaware of what she was doing to me.

“Dont worry baby, num nums will be their soon,” Julia shouted back without needing to turn around.

With that, Betty went back to her toy and my frustrated torment. Going back and forth between fidget sections and even playing with more than one.

The buzzing tingly feelings of pleaser, pain, and frustrations were a roller coaster of emotions and feelings all building and building

“MWWWWAAAAAA” I scream out as my body spasms and the front of my diaper gets sticky.

“Looks like the baby just had some fun.” Julia sais as she sits food on the table.

“Huh?” Betty said confused. “How did she have fun?”

“She was just enjoying her diapers,” Julia tells her as she takes Betty’s toy and gives her a plat of breakfast.

“Yum.” betty sais as she starts eating.

Julia then turns to me, exhausted and panting slightly. With one hand she twists the front of the pacifier and deflates it enough to take out of my mouth with a line of drool following.

Instead of any food, she places a bottle into my mouth. Being too exhausted to do anything, I start drinking it right away.

I drink about ¾ of it before I just can't drink anymore. Thankfully Julia takes the bottle out and just lets me sit a moment to rest after everything that has happened.

Even I could barely wrap my head around what just happened. 

As soon as Betty was done she rushed her plat of food to the sink before running back to the highchair.

“Can the baby play now?” Betty asked practically bouncing as a child would. 

“Sure.” Julia sais as she lifts me out of the highchair and stands me right in front of Betty with her hand down the back of my diaper. “Betty, why dont you give the baby a nice big hug.”


“Oh no,” I mumble as I feel Julia’s and retract out of the diaper and quickly hide the butt plug in her hand from Betty's sight.

With the speed of a little demon, Betty squatted down, wrapped her arms around my waist, and picked me up while squeezing with all her might.

“GWAAAAAAAA!” I shout as a large mass is forced out of my bowels and caught in the waiting diaper. 

“Im sorry!” betty yelled worried as she dropped me to the floor. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.

Despite having a lot of it forced out of me from that hug, it felt like my body was forcing it out of me non stop. 

Julia smiled as she watched my diaper grow bigger and bigger as she was glad she put the thicker diapers on me. By the time I was done relieving myself, the diaper was sagging so much it could fall off me at any moment. 

My body couldn’t move, just release a low moaning sound. Whether it was for pain or pleaser of release, even I dont know.

Betty just stared at me scared and worried that she might have done something wrong but Julia reassured her I was fine. Just a little tired still and probably just needed to sleep a little longer. She told Betty to go play a moment while she dealt with me.

As soon as Betty was gon, Julia lifted me again with my head on her shoulder. One arm under my legs and the other patting the massive load in my diaper.

“Such a good baby girl. Using her diaper as she needs too.” Julia sais before whispering into my ear, “mommy rewards baby girls with full diapers.”

Excision finally takes over as I pass out right thair as mommy is carrying me out of the kitchen and back to the nursery.


Messages from Julia to daddy.

Baby girl: Daddy, I the baby finally had her first stinky today!

Daddy: oh? How was it? Did she fuss?

Baby girl: she didn’t want to at first, so I had to convince her to go. ^w^

Daddy: how did that turn out?

Baby girl: (sent a photo of my laying in my crib while still wearing the massive diaper and some plastic panties to prevent leaks.)

Daddy: such an adorable baby. :)


Message from Pink.
Hi. hope you all are liking the story. I just wanted to let you all know that the next chapter will be the last chapter for this story. I had always planned on making this story short. Roughly 5 to 6 chapters. While it is a concept that could have many more chapters to it of all the things Julia and Betty could do to Sissy, I dont want to make this into a very long story. I already have enough long stories as is. 

But I did want to say that while the next chapter is the end of the story, I do have one last chapter to write after that. A crossover one-shot with “Baby care class.” another one of my femdom stories that I think you all would like if you liked this one.  I hope you all stick around to read it. ^w^

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