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Enema poops

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I’m not going to lie. I have avoided them for so long but due to constipation I went for it. And holy balls it felt good to realease it all in one go! I really wish I did this last month where I had a 2 parter poop. Who else enjoys it? And any tips for big poopies for my next time

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The last time I had an enema was in 2002, when I had my appendix out:  They gave me an enema because they wanted me to have a BM, after like 2 weeks:  They stuck the thing in, and I could have KILLED the hospital, because I was still dealing with a fistula (hole) in my side where the drain was located due to an colostomy.  They put me in the bathroom, and I was in AGONY - I felt like DYING right there in the bathroom.  Came out so FAST that it felt like my insides were ON FIRE. and it felt like my stitches were RIPPING out:  WORST pain I've EVER had in my LIFE - after the Glycerin  had gone, I was in pain:  I wanted to reach in, grab the suppository and RIP it out of my body.  A FULL DIAPER would have been preferred to having this horrid experience - at least my body would not be hurting so bad that I could not stand to sit on the potty........I needed to release, but HOLY *******, I HURT so BAD!!!

I was glad when back in bed and I had to have pain meds after that, I couldn't control the flow, and if there was a time I felt like a helpless infant, this was it - I had NO CONTROL at ALL!

If it were NOT for the PAIN I could have dealt with it, but a grown man reduced to WEEPING:  It wiped me OUT :(

Hopefully, you have a better experience than I did!


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I have done two 2 liter enemas everyday many years ago, my medication dries out my insides so badly, nothing moves it turns to stone.

I stumbled upon information on the net, made my first piece of enema equipment out of a 2 liter soda bottle and some plastic hose back in 06.

I would not stop doing them for any amount of money, I was prone to constipation my whole life if I knew more about enemas back in the day when I was young I would have started then.


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11 hours ago, beallucanb said:

I have done two 2 liter enemas everyday many years ago, my medication dries out my insides so badly, nothing moves it turns to stone.

I stumbled upon information on the net, made my first piece of enema equipment out of a 2 liter soda bottle and some plastic hose back in 06.

I would not stop doing them for any amount of money, I was prone to constipation my whole life if I knew more about enemas back in the day when I was young I would have started then.


I have had constipation in some form all my life, I started having much worse problems, like going to the hospital for not pooping for a week after I started on my morphine etc, for chronic pain, I have used 2-3 qt, Emma every night for a lot of years,, since at least 2013. And I also Can't stop doing them. I just use soap and water and I went from one bag, to 2 bags a night several years ago. It takes me about 2 hours a night,, But if I skip a day I am going to be plugged up and really bad shape in a day. My Dr said a few years ago that after you do them for too long that your bowels don't have the muscle etc, I am not sure all the medical stuff he said. But its a lifetime thing for me here on out.  I have tried the soda bottles way back also, I now use the silicone bag on amazon and use the clear hose from a hardware store its about $6, and I can replace it several times a year cheaper, and I can see if there's any soap or mold inside the hose. The silicone hose is not clear so you can't see the mold. I get the yellow valves cheap  on eBay made for enemas. we learn from trial and error.

Also I have very bad hemorrhoids and had several surgeries and don't want to do any more, of them. Although it may be a necessity in a few more years. ☹️


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  • 5 weeks later...
6 hours ago, AmberStarfield said:

I prefer my diaper poops to be more solid, so not really into enemas. However I will use them whenever medication causes constipation. Normally I just use warm water.

Same far as my poop.  Although mine tends to be more on soft side.  I've done enemas with my own pee before.  

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14 minutes ago, Stringfellow8504 said:

Same far as my poop.  Although mine tends to be more on soft side.  I've done enemas with my own pee before.  

Yea, I have peepeed in my butt too. It makes for a good enema and I don’t feel like diaper capacity gets wasted on water.

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