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Rosie stood nervously in front of a strange door in a strange hallway. There was nothing outwardly strange about them. It could have been any other apartment door in any other hallway, but the reason she was here was certainly strange.

She had taken it up on a whim. A single offer, coming to her from someone she had spoken too online but had never met in person. After years visiting a... strange... community online, speaking to people without seeing them, even making art for it, she had been offered a chance to actually try living it. The person's name was Samantha, and they certainly had a lot of similar interests, but it was still frightening. She didn't really know this person, did she? How well can you know someone you've never seen before? Do online meetings and relationships count the same as in person?

On top of that, she was here to play the sub. It was a role she she was always interested it but didn't even discuss as much. Almost every discussion she had and every drawing she made had her playing dom. She knew this would be difficult, having to let someone take control of her for a change. Not only that, but the plan was meant to be a surprise. She had no idea what was in store for her, it was all Samantha's decision. That was all part of it, and they had similar interests, but it was still frightening. She closed her eye and psyched herself. She could do this. Just turn off the dominant side, and let someone else take control. At least if it turned bad she could always ask for it to start.

Holding her breath, she knocked. The door was almost immediately answered by a tall, athletically built blond haired woman. Rosie, herself almost 6 feet tall, wasn't used to having to look up at another woman. Rosie stared at the woman's arms, hoping whatever the plan was didn't involve a lot of spanking. This was definitely a woman who could make that hurt, and definitely one who would have no problem dominating over someone.

"Rosie?" the woman asked, and Rosie nodded. The woman dragged her in by the arm, closed the door and locked it. She looked Rosie over, examining her wavy brown hair and shorter, broad hipped build. She smiled and tapped her nose. "Hehe your just as cute as I expected," she smacked Rosie on the butt, making her yelp. "Perfect for what I have planned."

Rosie blushed over the treatment. It was... sudden, she thought. She tried to back up a bit, then mentally checked herself. She was here to play sub, she told herself. This was the sort of treatment she could expect. "Ummm... thanks. Are you Samantha?"

"Yes, that's right dear. Good girl!" Samantha patted her head.

"Uhhh... thanks. So what are we going to do? Are we going to just start, or talk a bit first?" Rosie was trying still play the role of submissive while making sure the boundaries were kept.

"Oh, don't worry, you'll see soon enough." Samantha began dragging her further into the apartment. Rosie's instinct was to pull away, but she let herself be lead. They passed a well stocked kitchen, a cozy living room with several couches and a television, and went down a white walled hallway into a bedroom. The bedroom was large and spacious, with a queen sized bed, bookshelves, and paintings on all walls. Once they were there, Samantha turned Rosie to face her and examined her again. She looked at Rosie's black jeans and button up shirt. "Hmmm... we will have to do something about those clothes. Far to mature, and the want-to-be rebellious look isn't good for you." Rosie gaped at her and couldn't respond. Instead, she was pushed onto the bed. "Now, wait here a moment little one. I need to get some things ready."

"Alright," Rosie said. Samantha's tone gave no room for argument, and the anticipation of what could come, along with her clear control was exciting, she was sat nervously, a pit forming in her stomach. What did Samantha have planned? Samantha left and closed the door.

After a moment she haired footsteps in the hallway. Wait, she thought, how many are there? Suddenly her nervousness turned to pure anxiety, even fear. How many people where there? She didn't know there was more then one, she hadn't agreed to that. She opened her mouth to argue, but was interrupted as the door burst open, and Samantha stood in followed by two other girls, each holding articles of clothing.

Rosie didn't have time to fully process what was happening before they had grabbed her. "Hey... what are.... no!" She said as her shirt was forcibly removed. She had agreed to be submissive, but this sudden invasion of her privacy was still shocking. She struggled, but was held tight, and felt her arms being pulled into a pair of sleeves. She barely had a chance to comprehend what was happening before she realized she was being tied into a strait jacket. Her arms were pulled behind her and secured.

"Hey, I said.. MPHH...!" she was silenced as something was shoved into her mouth. She gagged at the bitter taste, and realized it was a bar of soap. Samantha was moving it back and forth as the other girls strapped her arms behind her back. Her mouth filled with creamy white foam as she shoved the bar into her mouth again and again.

"There, that will wash out any more naughty words," Samantha said. She then took the bar out. Rosie gasped, and the foam dribbled down her face. She tried to speak, but found her mouth was filled again. This time it was  a pacifier that was tied into place behind her head. It filled her mouth completely to her throat, forcing her to swallow the rest of the soap, and turning her protests into incomprehensible mumbles. "What was that?" Samantha said. "Something you don't like? Well just tell me, and I'll be sure to stop," she laughed, and Rosie glared.

Now that she was tied and silenced, the Samantha's two friends lifted Rosie's feet into the air, forcing her to her back on the couch. Rosie tried to kick and pull herself away. "MPHHH!" she shouted at a sudden, sharp pain on her backside. She looked to see Samantha standing over her with a long black paddle. She wondered what she had gotten herself into. Playing sub had seemed so exciting in theory. Even now, part of her was eager to keep going. But this much pain and control was so foreign and coming on so quickly. She was overwhelmed with emotions, and struggled not even knowing if she wanted to leave or stay.

She was spanked again. "Now now, that's enough of that," Samantha said. It was pointless anyway, Rosie found the two girl's grasp was unbreakable, and Samantha simply moved on.

The next thing Samantha grabbed was the one thing Rosie had expected from the start, but now stared at nervously. It was what she wanted for months, but by far the most embarrassing part yet.

Seeing the frightened, humiliated but excited look in Rosie's eyes, Samantha smiled. "Yes, I'm sure this is what my baby wants, isn't it? She's just been lying to us, to everyone, with her naughty big girl clothes, posing as an adult, posing as a professional, pretending to be mature... we all know it is a lie, don't we?" Rosie stared, and Samantha smiled and lifted the object into the air. It was a large, thick diaper. It was white but with a pink, flowery panel on the front, with letters proclaiming the wearer "Princess," and a design that let everyone know that the wearer wasn't a real adult, but simply an overgrown, adult baby. It didn't look like an adult diaper, but a baby's Pampers made in a larger size. More then that, it was a sign that her last shred of adulthood was gone, that even the most basic levels of control and maturity were forcibly stripped from her. It meant she couldn't even be trusted to use the toilet, and if that was true, what could she be trusted with?

Rosie cringed, helpless as Samantha powdered her and placed the thick pamper underneath her. She felt the thick padding go up between her legs and close on her, then get tapped securely on. Samantha then pulled the strap of the strait jacked underneath the diaper and attached it on either side, leaving her locked inside her humiliating, childish garment. The other two girls put pink baby booties on her feet, then stood her up. She was made to face herself in a mirror, and sulked. Even the straight jacket seemed to have been made on the similar theme, with a pink and white design consisting of flowers, babyish drawings and "Princess" written on her chest, along with a skirt of fabric around her waist that made it look like a tutu while leaving her diaper fully exposed. She thought of her own image of herself- serene, powerful, in control- and tried to compare it to the baby she saw staring at her in the mirror. This is what she wanted, she reminded herself, though part of her wondered why. She closed her eyes and told herself to just listen to what Samantha wanted, as she had agreed to.

Samantha came up to her smiling, and seemed to smile even broader when she saw the defeated look on Rosie's face. She attached a collar to her neck, then a leash, and brandished the paddle in her other hand.

"Now, come along my little princess, and be a good girl. Its time to meet some more friends."

Friends?! Rosie thought. There were MORE people!? She tried to pull away, but was forced forward by the leash, and the pacifier turned any argument into mumbles.

"Whats that? Remember, if you don't like something, just tell me!" Samantha said, then laughed.

Rosie simply followed. The abnormal bulk of her diaper felt odd between her legs, and made her waddle. Rosie had tried the thickest adult diapers she could find, but this was still a surprise. The only thing she could think of was Snuggies waddles made with a custom design, but that still didn't seem to cut it. Perhaps Waddlers with a thickening pad, she thought. Whatever it was, it was clearly designed to be intrusive, and it worked. The strap of the straight jacket added to the feeling, making it feel thicker and stiffer and pressing it against her. The diaper crinkled loudly, and was hot and heavy, but at the same time soft and, in a way, comfortable.

Rosie was pulled into the living room, which was now full of people. They all cheered and laughed at once as she entered, blushing. Some were people she had seen before, acquaintances from work or people she had run into, but most were strangers. There even seemed to be other fetishists there- a woman in a black leather full body suit held on a leash by a man in a suit, a blond haired boy who sat whimpering on a woman's lap while wearing a diaper and dress and suckling a pacifier, a girl in a bunny outfit with ears, and others. The attention, however, was all directed at Rosie.

"Awwww she's so cute!" a stranger proclaimed.

"Yes, I agree. She was an excellent choice."

"Just look at her blush! She is sooo embarrassed haha. I wonder if she's wet already?"

"Oooo imagine her look during her first diaper change."

Samantha quieted them with a have of her hands. "Now now, we will get to that. First, we need to prepare our baby. Now, Rosie, you may be wondering what this is." Rosie nodded, humiliated and terrified. "Most of them are my friends. We've been looking for someone just like you to be our new baby girl. We already have a baby boy and others, so we needed you for a new playmate. We meet from time to time for... fun." She smiled at the word, leaving it open to whatever Rosie could think of. "The others are people you knew who were open to the idea. We like to have a few people our subs recognize on the first night. It adds to the... fun... and ensures people will know about your new lifestyle."

She continued. "Tonight, Rosie, is all about you. This is your initiation, then you'll be part of our group. Remember, if you don't like it, just say so," she laughed.

With that, Samantha grabbed the leash right by her collar and gently pulled her down. Rosie shook her head violently, making as much noise as the pacifier would allow.  This was too far, she thought. She'd agreed to play sub, and would have, but did not agree to have other people. She wanted out.

Samantha, however, ignored her pleas. She made Rosie crawl, much to the delight of the audience, and sat her on a plank in front of the wall facing outward. "This here is something that is going to help you be a good baby. In a little while, all your naughty arguing will end," she said. She threaded leash through a hoop on the blank Rosie was sitting on. Next, she felt it pulled down underneath her and between her legs, then upwards. It was attached to the wall above her, forcing her into a kneeling, head down position from which she couldn't move.

Rosie glanced around, struggling even to keep her head up, and tried to figure out what was going on. The people were smiling at her, though some of the obvious subs stared at her nervously and with pity.

Soon Samantha was in front of her, holding a pair of headphones. "Now now little one, don't worry at all," she said soothingly. "Mommy will take care of everything. Just listen to this, and everything will soon be better." With that, she placed the headphones on Rosie's head, and hit a button.

  • Like 5

I've read this story before, and it honestly stands as one of my biggest fantasies... :blush: Thank you for making a simple idea so exciting!


This is rather interesting and I would love to see where it goes from here.

14 hours ago, Sophie ♥ said:

I've read this story before, and it honestly stands as one of my biggest fantasies... :blush: Thank you for making a simple idea so exciting!

youre welcome, and thanks for commenting! Its a fun idea, isn't it?

8 hours ago, Jayme said:

This is rather interesting and I would love to see where it goes from here.

thanks! you will see it soon, the next part is already written

43 minutes ago, 1505_madmax said:

lovely start!!! waiting for more!

thank you! and it will be soon :)



Finger's snapped.  Mommy was standing in front of her. Wait... Mommy? she thought. It was Samantha. She was taking off the strait jacket. Wait... she was stripping her naked in front of all these people!? Rosie was horrified. However, when she went to stop it, nothing happened. Her arms didn't move. She wanted to, but she didn't. Soon she was naked except for her bootie and the diaper, and she didn't mind. At the same time, the pacifier was unhooked, but Rosie kept suckling.

"Come here little one. Crawl!" Rosie crawled toward her mommy. Why was she crawling? She could walk... but somehow she didn't want to. Crawling was for babies, and she was a baby. Of course she wanted to crawl. She also realized that now that the straight jacket was gone, she could easily take the diaper off, spit the pacifier out, and say no, but she didn't want to. She heard the laughter around her, directed at her. Strangers, people she knew, dozens of them, laughing. Why was she humiliating herself? But while part of her protested, screamed at her to stop, she couldn't make herself. She pouted, almost in tears from the humiliation, but kept crawling.

"Good baby," her mommy said. The words filled her with warmth, making her happier then she had been for a long time. She took the Rosie's hands. "Up up up!" Rosie stood up instinctively. "Do you want to speak?"

Rosie tried to say something, but the pacifier stopped her. She could spit it out, she realized, she wasn't a baby. But at the same time, she didn't want to.

Samantha smiled as if she had won an important bet. "Good baby," she said. She grabbed the pacifier and took it out. "Now, what are you?"

"I... I a baby giwl," Rosie said, as surprised at her own childish, lisping voice as she was at the answer. Why would she say that? She wanted to, she realized. She didn't want to be an adult. She blushed at the chorus of laughter.

"Good baby. Do you want to be an adult."

"Nuuu..." more laughter.

People were moving around her, pulling a dress over her head. Like the straight jacket, it was pink, childish and frilly, designed as a cross between a princess and a Lolita dress, with hearts and flowers decorating it. The skirt was short, and like before, did nothing to conceal her diaper. This time, however, she didn't mind. It was natural, she thought, how else would they check it? Wait... CHECK IT!? she thought. FOR WHAT!? But of course they would... her mind went back and forth, and she did nothing.

Rosie pulled her by the hand into a bathroom. The crowed followed them, giggling. Rosie looked around at the sink, bathtub, towels and.... something. A strange white thing, shaped like a seat. "Do you know what that is for?"

"No," Rosie said, getting the loudest laughter yet. But of course she did! It was a... she didn't want to even think the word. It was frightening to her, dangerous.

"Do you know how to use the potty?"

"Whas dat?" Rosie asked. Again, she knew she knew, but she didn't want to, and the thought was frightening.

"Good baby." The warmth and happiness again. "Now, I am going to feed you your supper. Its a bottle of baby mush and milk, and it will help you fill your pampers like a little baby. Ok?"

Rosie nodded. Something about that was wrong... was it about filling her pampers? But that was what they were for, wasn't it? Part of her screamed no, but she couldn't think of why.

She was pulled back into the living room and sat on her mommy's lap. She put the tip of a bottle in Rosie's mouth, and she suckled easily.

"Good baby. Now remember, this will make you use your pampers. There is no way the old Rosie would want that, especially in front of all these people. So, if you don't want that, stop drinking." Rosie looked at her confused and kept drinking, and they all laughed. "Yes, old Rosie was confused, because she thought she was a big girl. You're not a big girl, are you?" Rosie shook her head, though she was in near tears from it. Of course she was! She was an adult, she thought, not a baby, and this was wrong. But she kept doing it.

After feeding her the bottle, Samantha pulled Rosie closer. "Now," she said. "Is baby still hungry?"
Rosie shook her head.

"Well, we have more bottle, and people who want to feed you. Also, the more you're feed, the sooner you are going to fill your diapers. So, we are going to pass you around, and you will keep drinking  until you we are done, ok? You'll do what mommy says? You don't want to be a bad baby?"

She put emphasis on the last phrase. As soon as she heard it, Rosie was filled with the deepest guilt and anxiety she had ever felt. It came up suddenly, and left her shaking. There was something wrong, and she didn't blame her mommy, but blamed herself. She hugged her mommy. At that moment she'd do anything to avoid the feeling and make her mommy happy.

"Good baby," Mommy said, and the feeling was gone. "Now, time for the rest of your num nums." She pulled Rosie to the next person, a woman, and sat her down on her lap. The woman placed a bottle in her mouth, and she suckled instinctivly. she was passed around from person to person. Each one sat her on their laps, bouncing her up and down and feeding her more and more bottles. Rosie was stuffed, but she kept drinking. Her stomach began to ache, then cramp. The bouncing only made it worse, and her stomach was soon grumbling.

After a while she was being fed and bounced by a man in a suit when she heard a loud brrraapppttt noise. She looked down at her diaper. There was laughter all around her.

"Oh my god, the babies gassy!" someone shouted, and they laughed again.

"Better check her diapers, just to make sure that's all there is," the man in the suit said. He bent her over and lifted her skirt, pulled the back of her diaper. "No, all clean."

Rosie didn't know what was worse, the fact that a stranger was seeing inside her undergarments, that he was doing it to check if she had messed those same undergarments, or that the sound came again and again. She found she was powerless to stop any of it.

"Yes, but now comes the best part," Samantha said. She took Rosie by the hands then stood her up. She looked her dead in the eyes, and Rosie was trapped by her gaze. "Rosie," she said, snapping her fingers. "You're a big girl now."

Rosie looked around in panic. What had she done!? What was she wearing?! She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to run.

"Please... please stop," Rosie pleased.

"You can go if you want Rosie. Its all up to you."

She had been hypnotized, she realized. She knew hypnotism was something you had to want to work, and if she rejected it, it wouldn't have worked. But... did she want to reject it? It was all she had wanted, after all. It was what she had come for. This was what she dreamed about and talked about online, but was too afraid to do. It was humiliating, mortifying, and terrifying, but even when she wasn't hypnotized she couldn't make herself run. Maybe she had accepted it all. Or was this all some trick? Either way, she remained.
"That is what I thought. Good baby." Even when no longer thinking like a baby, the words filled her with a sudden happiness. Samantha noticed. "Like that? Thought so. Oh, and watch this. BAD BABY!" She scolded.

Instantly Rosie shrinked back at the words. She whimpered, almost sobbing, knelt and hugged Samantha's knees, inwardly pleading for her approval. How could she feel this, even as an 'adult?" Since when did she want someone else's approval? But this was submission, Rosie realized. It was an extreme version of it, and not in the way she had thought, but it was submission. She had wanted it, and she got it.

"It's ok little Rosie, you're a good baby," the feeling was gone, and Rosie sighed. "Now, Rosie," Samantha said. Rosie found she was still trapped by her voice and gaze. "Do you want to mess yourself?"


"You heard me. Do you want to fill your diapers in front of all these people?"

"NO! Oh god please no! Don't make me!" Rosie felt her stomach grumbling from being force fed dozens of bottles. She was cramping hard, and needed release. "Please let me use the toilet... please... I'll do anything. ANd please don't make me do it in front of these people."

Samantha laughed. "Silly baby. You think you can argue, don't you? But you know what? You are going to fill your diapers. You are going to do it happily and in front of allllll these people as they laugh and take pictures. You are going to lift your skirt and show off when you do it. You are going to grunt and do it loudly, parade around in your stinky pampers, then get changed as they watch."

"NO! Please! Anyhting but that. At least give me privacy... I'll do it, but just with you, ok?" She bargained.

"Yes you will, and in front of everyone. And you know why?"

Rosie shook her head.

Samantha held up her hands. "Because I'm going to snap these fingers and you will be powerless to stop it. You will helplessly fill your pampers and will do whatever your mommy says. Then I will turn you back into an adult to feel the humiliation, and back and forth whenever I want, wherever I want, forever. Got it?"

"No pl..."

Samantha snapped her fingers. "Rosie... You're a baby now."

Rosie smiled at her mommy and giggled. A sound came from her diaper, and she laughed.

"Now, is the little baby gonna fill her diapers?"

"I dunno mommy," Rosie said incredulously. How could she decide something that important?

"Yes you are, then you are going to become a big girl again so you can blush while we laugh." Rosie was puzzled by the strange sentence. A big girl? What did that mean? She was a baby. "Now, fill your diaper for mommy."

Rosie grunted. There was a noise like before, but louder. She felt a warm pile of mush come into her diapers and coat her. All around her were gasps of laughter and mocking ewws. She crinkled her face. "Is icky mommy!" she said.

What had she done? Why was she still talking like that? She tried to stop herself, but couldn't.

"I bet it is baby."

"An is tinky!"

Mommy laughed and plugged her nose. "Yes, very stinky. Now, undo your onesie and show everyone."

Rosie instinctively obeyed. There was more laughter and comments she could barely make out over the collective noise.

"Good baby. Now shake it around!"

Rosie stuck her bottom out further and wiggled it, feeling the mesh slosh over her, and hearing more ewws and gasps for breath. A window was opened, a fact which barely registered in her mind.

"Dance for me baby."

Rosie, still wanting to make her mommy happy, did her best to imitate a ballet routine. She had never done one before, and the thickness of the diaper made every movement awkward and difficult, but she twirled around and kicked her legs as much as she could. This seemed to be enough, as the audience laughed and clapped their approval.

"Now, come here." Rosie followed helplessly as her mommy, who once again pulled her onto her lap and bounced her. This time, however, the messy diaper made it much worse.

The feeling was horrible, it itche horribly, and the smell and laughter was worse. When Mommy was done, she passed Rosie to the next person, who continued to bounce her. Like before, Rosie was passed from lap to lap and bounced like a baby, squirming, squinting, and crinkling her nose the entire time. She endured the laughter, the humiliating pats and comments, and outwardly acted as if she loved it.

Finally Samantha picked her up again and snapped her fingers. "Rosie, you're a big girl now. Wasn't that fun?"

Rosie felt tears in her eyes. "No, please, just... just change me, please. I want out of this diaper." She was broken, she realized. All the pride and strength she had coming into this was gone. She wasn't even certain at first if she would submit, but there she was, standing, spanked, in a onesie and messy pampers, and willing to do anything for a change.

"Oh, I will. How would you like to be changed here in front of everyone?"

Rosie almost outright cried. "No..." she whispered.

"Here's whats going to happen. I'm going to bring back baby Rosie, and she is going to happily lay down on a changing mat in the hallway as we tie her down. Then I'm going to bring big girl Rosie back, and she will very un-happily get her diaper changed in front of everyone. Got it?"

Rosie couldn't even speak as the fingers were once again snapped, and baby her was lead into the hallway. Her onesie was lifted up, and she lay down, smiling, laughing, willing.

Mommy held up a pair of cuffs. "Put your hands in here baby girl!"

Rosie obeyed.

"Good baby! Now put your feet in here! That way we can bring back big girl Rosie and she won't be able to stop us from changing her riiiiii-ight here, no matter how much she wants to."

The words rolled around in her mind. She knew what was going to happen. This was all a set up to humiliate her and make her do something she wouldn't otherwise. As soon as Mommy snapped her fingers, she knew she wouldn't like this anymore. However, at the time, all she wanted was to please her mommy, so she obeyed. Soon she was then tied with her arms stretched out on the floor and her feet in the air. She giggled at the funny position.

SNAP. "Rosie, you're a big girl now."

Rosie struggled, sobbed, and squirmed. A pacifier was pushed into her mouth and she suckled. She could call for help, she realized. This was an apartment building, someone would come. But then... what would they see? A bunch of fetishists, with her in a diaper she clearly messed herself? She cringed at the thought. Then, if the called the police, there may be an investigation, reporters... she pictured herself on the news, having an image of herself in a messy diaper paired with a full explanation of what she had come from being shown all over town. She everyone from family to total strangers knowing her as the diaper girl who got tricked.... she couldn't do it.

Also... did she really want to? The hypnosis couldn't make her do anything she didn't want, just bring out things she didn't admit she wanted. This was, in a way, her dream, if rougher and more rushed then she expected. She suckled her pacifier for comfort, willingly this time, closed her eyes, and tried to think of something other then the laughter.

She felt her diaper get opened. Wipes from hands all around her cleaned up the mess. The baby wipes were cool, and made her shudder. Soon she was powdered again, the smell of talcum replacing the smell of her used padding. Another diaper was put between her leg and tapped on, this time followed by thick plastic pants. She was untied, and stood up.

"Now," Samantha said, raising her fingers. "Do I need to do this again, or will you be good?"

Rosie pouted. "I'll be good."

"Good. Turn around, apologize for your stinky pampers, and thank them for changing you."

Rosie blushed and pleaded with her eyes, but obeyed. "Hello everyone. Ummm... I'm sorry for being so stinky... Thank you for changing my diapers."

The all laughed and clapped.

"Good baby. It's been a long day for you, so its time for bed." Rosie nodded, accepting that the early bedtime was now part of her life. "Lets get you in your pjs."

Rosie didn't resist as she was stripped and put into a footed Disney Princess sleeper and had another pacifier put in her mouth. She didn't want to risk resisting, and having strangers dress her as a baby was far from the worse thing that had happened. She looked down at the footed pjs. She always had liked Disney.

Samantha saw her looking at it. She cupped Rosie's face soothingly. "Yes, I thought you'd like that. This isn't all going to be bad sweetheart. It is, after all, what you wanted. If, in the morning, you really want to go and not come back, you can. But I don't think you will, do you?"

Rosie just stared at her.

Samantha smiled. "Good baby. Now, go kiss everyone goodnight."

Rosie looked at her, but saw no signs of joking. Reluctantly, and much to the amusement of all around, she went to the first man she saw. She kissed his cheek. "Goodnight," she said. He laughed and patted her diaper. She went to the next person, repeated the routine until she had done a complete loop of the room, getting her padded bum patted and rubbed the entire time.

When Rosie was done, Samantha took her hand and lead her down the hallway. Samantha then led her into a separate room. It was dark inside, but Rosie could make out piles of toys, a changing table, and a large, wooden crib. There was a smiling cloud and a rainbow painted on the wall, and a mobile hanging from the roof. It was a nursery, Rosie knew. Samantha lead her toward the crib. Rosie followed without the hypnosis, without the leash, without a threat of spanking. All willingness to argue was gone. She crawled into the crib. Samantha closed the top of it, turning it into a cage. Suprised, Rosie pushed at the top.

"Hey! If you break that, I break you!" Rosie stopped. "You may recognize this as something like your own scenarios, back when you thought you were a dom. Someone in the crowed tipped me off about it, and I couldn't help but play it. We can't have little ones crawling around all night, can we?"

"But what if I have to... oh..." Rosie looked down at her diaper, blushing at having answered her own question so obviously.

"But I wouldn't have you be lonely..." She threw a brown teddy bear inside the crib. Rosie, genuinely shaking and not wanting to be alone, picked up. She hugged it, and felt something hard inside. It was a recorder, she realized. "Now, be a good baby girl! Ill be listening."

Rosie lay down.  She really would be a good girl for her mommy, she knew. She'd do whatever she wanted from then on.  She slowly fell asleep.

  • Like 3
On 10/23/2019 at 11:13 AM, 1505_madmax said:


thanks! and you're beautiful!

8 hours ago, Little Giammy said:

I like this story very much. when the continue?

sorry, it was a one shot written for a contest

7 hours ago, littleTomás said:

Well done. Now I’d say that was one hell of a play party.

definitly! would have loved to attend


:( why so sad?

On 10/27/2019 at 3:56 AM, 1505_madmax said:

Are you gonna continue this?

Probably not, sorry. Its an older story I was just reposting


Aww!! i really loved this story line! hopefully we will get to see something along similar lines from you :) have you written other stories?

21 hours ago, 1505_madmax said:

Aww!! i really loved this story line! hopefully we will get to see something along similar lines from you :) have you written other stories?

Oh I have a ton lol :P There are a lot more stories on this site, and more on others. If you tell me what you like I can recomment some of mine.

I'm glad you like it! Thanks :)

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