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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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YAY! My very first story on this site! This story was made possible by an RP I've been having with my friend, IronTiger26. Enjoy!




Special Delivery

Chapter 1




    Jason sighed contentedly as he entered his dorm room. Practice, while grueling as usual, was still something he found to be enjoyable. He had already stripped off his uniform and dressed in his street clothes, but that was just long enough to get back inside and shut the door. He was quick to rip off his shirt and jeans and just collapse onto his bed in his boxers. He let out a yawn as he looked out the window, seeing the full moon starting to rise in the evening sky. 



    "Strange," he said to no one, "I didn't know that there was a full moon tonight." He let out another yawn and tiredly drifted off to sleep.



    As he fell asleep, a glowing golden portal opened A giant figure stepped through, gazing down at the sleeping football player. 



    “Aww, you’re perfect, little one.” She whispered, gently picking him up. Jason started to stir, but then drifted into a deeper sleep. He mumbled something about his roommate. The giant smiled, before gently pulling off Jason’s boxers, and letting them fall to the ground, before going back through the portal with the naked collage boy.



    Jason dreamt of his body flowing like water, and feeling itchy, but still he did not stir. As he slept, far deeper than he had ever before, Jason's ears elongated and flowed to the top of his head. His body which was well and solidly built was becoming more delicate and feminine. He started losing inches, shrinking down from nearly seven feet to an even five. His face became distinctly less human, taking on a much more rabbit appearance, with his nose becoming a small pink button in the sea of light grey fur that started to coat his face. His body continued to become more and more feminine, until he was no longer a he at all. His body also started to become coated in the soft grey downy fur, with white creamy fur covering his belly, his throat, and chin. Then, out of nowhere, a small cottontail sprang forth just above his bottom, it too a creamy white. And finally, his eyes, while closed, became a beautiful bright amethyst. Through all of this, Jason remained asleep.



    The next morning, the sun rose into what appeared to be a nursery, the walls bright pink and a playpen was in the right corner, filled to the brim with plushes and dolls. On the opposite side lay a wardrobe and a changing table, a mirror next to it. Sunlight shined into the center of the room, waking up the sole occupant of the room, who lay in a pink crib, just big enough to hold them that was across from a giant door.



    Jason yawned and stretched, not taking any notice of the squishy bulk between his legs. Jason opened his eyes, and started to look around, thinking about heading down to get a coffee... and then let out an ear-splitting high-pitched shriek.



    Shortly after, Jason’s new ears picked up several heavy thuds outside, before the door swung open, revealing a giant tigress, dressed in a soft white blouse and jeans.



“Are you okay, sweetie? Mommy heard you screaming!” She said as she entered, walking right up to the bars of the crib.



    Jason squeaked at the sight of the giant tigress, shrinking back against the bars of her crib. "Wh-what are you?!"



    The tigress crouched down a bit so her size didn’t scare Jason as much. “It’s okay, little one. My name is Helia.”



    "What ARE you?!" Jason looks around for an escape route, suddenly aware of his surroundings. "Is this a nursery?"



    “I’m a tigress, honey-bunny. And it’s not just any nursery.” She reaches in, and boops Jason’s nose. “It’s YOUR nursery, sweetie.”



    Jason recoils from the touch. "Why am I here? How did I get here?"



    “I brought you here last night. And I used a portal to bring you to your new home.” She said, matter-of-factly, as though it were the most normal thing in the world.



    "Wha... THIS CAN'T BE REAL! AND YOU CAN'T DO THAT! ...AND I'M NOT A BABY!" Jason cried out.



    She gives Jason a motherly smile. “Well of course I can, sweetie. After filling out all of the proper paperwork for the adoption, I then went and collected you.”



    "I SAID I'M NOT  BABY!!!"



    Helia smiled, standing up and going over to the dresser, pulling out a mirror, before returning to the crib and pulling down one of the sides “If you aren’t a baby...” She held the mirror in front of Jason, revealing his new form to him. “...Then who’s this little cutie pie?”



    Jason froze as he looked at himself. He was wearing a pink footed sleeper, with a very obvious diaper bulge. He looked at the very clearly adult female bunny staring back at him.



    "B-but... I'm a human... and a man... and I'm... STILL an adult!" Only then did Jason fully register her newly feminine voice.



    Helia giggled, reaching over and petting Jason on her head, inbetween her ears “I’m sorry, sweetie. But I’m afraid you simply aren’t any of those things anymore.”



    "B-but, I've got boobs now! ... Why am I girl and a bunny now?"



    Still gently petting her, Helia said. “Well, I’m afraid humans simply don’t exist in this world, so by bringing you here, you turn into whatever your favorite animal is. I see you liked bunnies then, hmm?”



    "They are cute, yeah, but... STOP TOUCHING ME! And take me home right now!" Jason stomped his foot, pouting when he was trying to look serious and angry.



    Helia reluctantly stopped petting Jason, and looked her in the eye. “I’m sorry sweetie, but this is your new home. It's just not possible for you to go back. Don't worry though, you'll soon start having so much fun."



    "Y-you're a monster!" Jason said, his eyes tearing up.



    Helia gave a sympathetic look, before laying the mirror to the side, crouching down on her knees, and pulling the bunny in for a hug, her chin resting on the tigress’ shoulder. “There, there sweetheart. Let it out.” She said as she began to gently rub Jason’s back.



    Jason tried to thrash and escape. But she was far easily overpowered, and could do nothing more than sob into her shoulder. "Y-you ruined my life!" She hiccuped.



    Rubbing and patting the crying bunny’s back, whose ears have drooped down. Helia looked down at Jason. “I’m sorry, honey. But there’s nothing I can do. For humans coming into our world, it's a one-way trip only.”



    "Let me go! I'm not a baby! I'm still an adult!" Jason insisted.



    She gently pulls Jason away, gazing into the former football player's ready eyes. "Would you like some breakfast, sweetie?"



    "I just wanna leave!"



    “Honey, I already told you. There's no going back, it just isn't possible for you."



    "Then let me leave this house!"



    “Sorry, honey, but I can’t do that.” She presses against the bulge under the sleeper, making a squish that was audible to both of them. She looked the bunny in the eyes again and smiled. “Unless you want to waddle around in a wet diaper all day, would you like me to change you?”



    Jessica let out an adorable squeak. "Y-you musta drugged me!"



    Helia shook her head, and said. “I would never drug a baby, especially my own little girl." She emphasized this with another playful nose boop, which Jason frantically tried to bat away. "You're a baby now, honey-bunny, and babies need their diapies just for this reason."



    "NO! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS!" Jason tries to thrash and kick.



    “Honey, calm down or you might-" All of a sudden, Jason feels a pressure in her stomach, that then quickly disappears. She shifts about, and feels her now full diaper.



    "N-no..." Jason says.



    “Oh honey...you made a mess, didn’t you...”



    Jason then immediately bursts into tears.



    Helia quickly stood up, attempting to soothe the bunny as she cried, rocking her back and forth as she held her in her arms.



    “Please calm down, sweetie. I’ll get you out of that nasty thing.” She said as she began to walk to the changing table.



    "I'm not a baby!" Jason cried, unaware of where she was being carried.



    Helia decided not to argue further on that matter. All off-world adopted babies are like this, it’s only a matter of time before she accepted it too. At least, that's what Helia told herself. She gently laid her baby bunny down. Jason tried to roll over and hop off the table, only to be caught  by Helia, who rolled the bunny back in place, holding her down as she looked into her eyes again. 



    “Sweetie, do you WANT to stay in your dirty diaper?”



    "I WANT to leave!"



    Helia sighed, unzipping the sleeper while Jason squirmed before she managed to pull it off. She continued to hold down Jason, and pulled a strap over the bunny's tummy, securing it with a buckle in the other side.



    Jason looked down in dismay at her small chest, and then at the very well used diaper with the pink trim. She tried unbuckling the strap, but her paw-hands couldn't work it, so she resorted to just kicking with her legs. Helia got to work, while the legs kicked uselessly at her. Untaping the diaper and removing it from Jason’s waist.



    Jason squealed a the cold wipes being used, and her nose started to tickle from the smell of the baby powder. She looked down in horror once, to confirm that she was indeed now a girl, just in time for the fresh diaper to be carefully taped on.



    Securing the new diaper on, this one pink like the walls of the nursery, Helia unstrapped the bunny, before picking her up and holding her under her arms in front of her. “That wasn’t so bad, was it Jessica?”



    "That was humiliating! I was just changed like a baby and... wait, what did you call me?"



    Helia smiled, looking the shocked, nearly naked bunny in the eyes. “Jessica. It’s your new name, honey.”






    “As adorable as it would be to see you run around in just a diaper, honey-bunny, I need to let you have at least one thing covering you besides that.” She carried the thrashing bunny over to the wardrobe, and “Jessica” froze at the sight of what was inside.



    "What's with all the pink girly dresses?" Jessica asked in a suddenly nervous voice.



    "I guess I may have gone a little bit overboard. We just got so excited when we learned we were going to be getting a little girl."



    "I don't care what I look like! I'm a guy! And I'm not wearing any damn girly clothes or any baby clothes!" Jessica said, crossing her arms.



    Helia sighed, before reaching in and pulling out a simple pink shirt, the words Mommy’s Little Princess across it. “I’m sorry, Jessie. But I’m afraid this is the only thing not as ‘girly’ as the others in your size.”



    Jessica growled. "Just give me that, some pants, and then I'm out of here."



    Helia froze. “...oh. That’s what I forgot to grab at the store...”



    "I am so done with this whole damn place!" Jessica said as she reached for the shirt.



    Helia simply held out the shirt, letting the bunny take it. Jessica struggled to get it on, while simultaneously trying to escape the tigress' grasp. Helia put Jessica on the floor, making sure to keep an eye on her. Jessica struggles some more, thanks to her ears, before finally popping her head through the hole. She frowned as the shirt stopped just short of the waistband of her diaper. She then started to march towards the nursery door.



    Helia walked ahead of Jessica, opening the door and walking out, leaving it open for the bunny to follow her. Jessica threw a frown the tigress' way, and looked around out in the hall. She spotted what looked like the front door, and continued walking towards it, amazed at how much bigger everything was.



    Helia noticed Jessica, and called out. “You can go exploring the backyard in a little while, honey-bunny. Let's see about getting some food into your tummy first."



    Jessica growled and stamped her foot, before turning around. Helia simply waited for the toddler-sized adult to catch up, and led her to the living room, which was also connected to the kitchen. Jessica started to walk past, heading for the door. Jessica got to the door, and found that the knob was out of her reach. So she jumped up to grab at it.



    Helia turned and saw her just as she grabbed it “Jessica? Are you trying to go outside?”



    "Uh, duh! I said I'm outta here! AND MY NAME'S JASON!" Jessica said, turning the knob.



    “Oh, no you’re not, young lady!” She started walking over, right as the door cracked open ever so slightly.



    Jessica hopped down and was about to bolt outside. Right as Jessica started to run, Helia managed to grab the back of her diaper, stopping the bunny right as she got outside, letting her at least see what lay beyond the front door. Jessica leaned forward as the back of her diaper was pulled on, holding her in place. Outside she could see many of these anthro giants, and most had children and babies with them. Many of the babies, upon closer inspection, looked like there were in the same boat as herself, with varying degrees of enthusiasm. With a tug, Jessica fell back into a strong pair of arms that scooped her up.



    Helia marched back inside, firmly shutting the door and applying the bolt lock, which if she was on the ground, was just out of Jessica’s reach. The tigress held the bunny up and looked her in the eyes. “I really don’t want to as it’s your first day here, but if you try to run away again, you’re getting a spanking, young lady.”



    "You can't do this to me!"



    “I’m sorry, but you're just too young to go running around outside unsupervised.”



    "I'M NOT A BABY! I'M IN COLLEGE!" Jessica tries to punch her, to no avail.



    Helia furrowed her brow, before putting the bunny in one hand, and giving Jessica a light spank, which giving her size still hurt a fair amount. Jessica yelped, and then looked up at the tigress in shock.



    “Do I need to give you more, or is that enough to get you to behave, Jessie?”



    Jessica whimpered, feeling completely powerless, and recoils a little before meekly nodding.



    Helia smiled, before putting the bunny into a cradling position, rocking her back and forth. “Mommy’s sorry if she hurt or scared you, Jessie. How about this, if you promise to behave, I’ll find you a playmate who was just like you once. Okay? That should go a long way to helping you to adjust.”



    "P-please, just let me go." Jessica whimpered.



    Helia gave the bunny a look, noticing her hand was slowly finding its way to her mouth “I’m sorry, honey-bunny, but the answer is no. Now please try to relax. I promise that we're going to make sure you have a wonderful and happy life here."



    Jessica's paw was in her mouth, and she started to chew on it, unaware of even doing so. "B-but, I'm nowt a baybee," she said around her paw. Helia continued to rock Jessica back and forth.



    Helia held the bunny closer, still rocking her back and forth “I know this is a shock to you, Jessie. But this has been done for years. There are a lot of other babies like you.”



    "I sayd Iwm nowt a baybee!"



    “And I said you’re not the only one here, Jessie. For a bunny, you’re not a very good listener, sweetie.”



    "Nethew awe yoo!"



    Helia rolled her eyes, shaking her head at the response. “Well, Jessie. You’re in diapers, you’re the size of a toddler, you needed a change earlier because you messed yourself, you’re being extremely fussy, and you’re sucking your thumb right now. Are you still sure you aren’t a baby? Because you’re a really good actor if you aren’t.”



    Jessica paused and looked down at her paw, pulling it out and blushing as she wiped it on her shirt. "I don't know what that was about, but there's lots of adults who are incontinent, that doesn't make them babies! And my size shouldn't matter either!"



    Helia sighed “Just because you’re an adult there, doesn’t mean your one over here, Jessie.”



    "That's insane!" Jessica argued, before her stomach let out a rumble.



    Helia smiled “You hungry, Jessie?” Clearly changing the subject.



    "N-no," Jessica lied, just before her stomach let out another growl.



    Helia laughed, before standing up. “Mama’s hungry too. Let’s get something to eat.”



    Jessica grumbles as she was carried, and then frowned when she saw the bright pink high chair with the word "Princess" blazoned on the back. "Please tell me I don't have to sit in that thing."



    "Well of course, honey-bunny. It'll keep you nice and safe."



    Jessica grumbled some more as she was set down into it and buckled in with the five point harness. Then the white tray was locked into place.



    Petting her again, Helia said “Normally, you’d need to eat baby food. But since this is your first day, I’ll let you choose what you get to eat. Cut up, of course. What do you want, sweetie?”



    Jessica made a gross face at the sound of babyfood, and then thought it over. She let out a sigh. "Can I have some pizza?"



    "Of course, my precious little princess." Helia said.



    Helia pulled out her phone and dialed up a local pizza restaurant and placed an order for a pepperoni and olive pizza. 



    “While we wait, would you like to talk a bit, sweetie? Get to know each other?”



    "Fine, am I essentially your prisoner here for the rest of my life?"



    “Only until you’re a fully grown woman, honey. But you’re not a prisoner, you’re my adopted baby.”



    "So wait, being a short adult with boobs doesn't count?"



    “No, I’m afraid that’s just how your body looks when you come through. You're body went through a lot of changes, but it couldn't quite get all of them done at once. So while you changed gender and species, it's going to take a little bit for your body to catch up to your new age. Basically, you're going to be going through reverse puberty, Jessie.”



    "So I'm getting younger?!" Jessica said in disbelief.



    “That’s the simple way of saying it, yes.”



    "This is crazy!"



    “Around here, Jessie, it’s normal. Like I said, we have a lot of other babies around here like you.”



    "I don't care what you say, I'm not a baby!" Jessica's diaper crinkles as she adjusts herself in her high chair.



    “Do you really want to keep arguing, or would you like to know about the others, honey?”



    "... Fine... we can have an adult to adult conversation," Jessica said, her stomach growling once more, just before she found a pink bib with a yellow duckie on it gently tied around her neck.



    “You might have seen some of them earlier, in fact. Did you see a little red panda girl out there?”



    "Uh... I think so, and I don't need a bib!"



    “It’s just for if you do, sweetie. And her name is Betty, if you were wondering. I could introduce the two of you sometime.”



    "I don't know why, but alright I guess. And just for if I do what?"



    “Oh, you two will get along great! And it's just in case. Well, and because your new daddy picked them out himself, and hes going to be so excited to see you wearing them.” Helia said, taking a quick picture of Jessica in her high chair.



    "Oh crap, there's another crazy giant in this house?"



    “He’s not crazy. And yes, he's your new daddy, sweetie. He helped me decorate your nursery.”



    "So yeah, another crazy giant wanting to treat me like a baby," Jessica winced some more from her apparent hunger pangs. 



    The pizza arrived shortly afterwards, and all too soon, Jessica was staring at a pizza larger than any she had ever seen before. A few moments later, Helia laid out giant slices of pizza, setting it in the center of the table.



    “Would you like me to cut it up some, sweetie?”



    "Each slice is as big as my head... so fine I guess...."



    Helia hummed to herself as she cut it up, eventually cutting two of the slices into plenty of tiny pieces, before putting them on a plate and putting it on the white tray.



    “It’s hot, Jessie. Would you like some milk with it?”



    "I'm not a baby! I don't need milk!" Jessica firmly said, crossing her arms. "I'll take a soda, thank you very much!" She then picked up one of the slices with her new hand-paw and blew on it, before trying to eat it. Since she was working with an unfamiliar hand-paw, and since her mouth was shaped differently, she got quite a bit of sauce on her lips and chin.



    Helia smiled, watching Jessie prove she did, in fact, need a bib. “Again, as this is your first day, it’s your choice. What’s your favorite?”



    "Got any cream soda?" Jessica said, taking another piece and smearing some more sauce on her cheeks and chin, some dribbling down onto her bib, unbeknownst to her.



    Helia went over to the fridge and opened it, looking inside. “Let’s see...is this it?” She pulled out a can that looked like one from back home, the design very familiar to the former human.



    "Uh... y-yeah... that's huge!"



    Helia placed the can on the table next to the high chair, Jessie continuing to marvel at its size. She went over to the cupboard and opened it, looking around inside. “...Oh, dear.”



    "What?" Jessica said around her most recent bite, dribbling some more sauce down her chin onto her bib.



    Helia pulled out a small glass cup, which was still gigantic compared to the bunny. “This is the smallest cup we have, Jessie.”



    "Ah geeze, that's huge!"



    Helia put it back, continuing to look, before she glanced at Jessie. “...I did find one just your size, but I don’t think you’re going to like it, sweetie.” She said, before she pulled out a baby bottle.



    "You're right, I don't!" Jessica said, crossing her arms and frowning, making an adorable pouty face, especially considering how messy said face is. Helia couldn't help but snap another quick picture, which just made Jessica pout even more.



    “I’m sorry, honey. But this is all we have. I can leave the rubber nipple off if you want, but you might spill it.”



    "Whatever, just so long as it's not a baba.... BOTTLE!" Jessica said, clapping a paw over her mouth.



    Helia caught that, and simply smiled. “How about this, sweetie. I’ll have you drink out of your baba this one time, and if you don’t like it, I’ll buy a few plastic cups for your size, okay?"



    "... Fine... but don't expect me to enjoy drinking from my baba-- BOTTLE! From a bottle, I meant to say!" Jessica corrected herself, wondering what was wrong with her.



    Helia smiled, before taking off the tray and unbuckling the bunny, before lifting Jessie up and cradling her once more.



    "Wait, what're you doing?"



    She poured the soda into the bottle, filling it up, before putting the rubber nipple on it, then holding it in front of the bunny’s mouth, which was covered in pizza sauce. “Drink up, sweetie pie.”



    Jessica opened her mouth to object. Helia smiled, and pushed the nipple into her mouth, which caused Jessie to suckle a bit on accident, making Jessica want to struggle, but a suckle reflex kicked in, and she was unable to. She kept suckling it, growing more and more relaxed, until she entered a trance-like state, curling up, letting her head rest on Helia's chest, the sound of her heartbeat further soothing her.



    Helia smiled, cooing at the adorable sight of her baby suckling away on her bottle, looking as innocent as an actual infant as she was rocked in her mommy’s arms. Eventually the bottle ran dry, and she kept on suckling the now empty bottle. Helia wanted to let the bunny keep sucking on her bottle, but she knew it had to end. She reluctantly pulled the bottle out of Jessica’s mouth, smiling at seeing that she continued to make a suckling motion even with it gone.



    Jessica's thumb replaced the bottle, before she started to whine and clutch her tummy. Helia cooed at her, before putting the bunny over her shoulder, and gently patted her back. Jessica started to come out of the trance, still whining about the stomach ache.



    "I'm not a baby, I don't need to be bur--BEEEEEEEEEELCH" it was a very loud burp, that included a small bit of spit-up, that Jessica took no notice of at all.



    Helia smiled, before returning the bunny to her previous position. “There you go, Jessie. Does that feel better?”



    "...Yes" Jessica said, reluctantly, unable to meet Helia's eyes.



    Jessica blushed as she was held, and cuddled, completely oblivious to her diaper growing warmer as she wet herself. Helia smiled, feeling the diaper getting warm. “Would you like to take a warm bath, honey?”



    "I can wash myself."



    “Okay, but just in case.” She went over to the sink, putting a plug in it before turning the water on, making sure it was warm while it went down the second drain.



    "Oh come on!" Jessica whined, realizing that she was going to be washed in the sink like a baby. "I'm not a baby!" Helia just smiled and hummed as she let the warm water start to fill up the sink, already a bottle of baby shampoo nearby.

  • Like 7
3 hours ago, Shygoodgirl said:

Can't wait to see where this goes. I really enjoyed the first chapter

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1 hour ago, SallyKAT said:

Great first effort, Panther Cub. Keep going!




Thank you both very much!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi!so here i'm once more time n' another year, very time was gone since you posted this amazing story ,and' i have to say this story is very lovely!! please update this story!!! (sorry about bad inglesh

  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/20/2020 at 11:04 PM, UwUuser said:

Hi!so here i'm once more time n' another year, very time was gone since you posted this amazing story ,and' i have to say this story is very lovely!! please update this story!!! (sorry about bad inglesh

No problem! And O.O OH WOW! I had no idea I had let so much time slip by! I'll be sure to be quick about updating this!


Oooo. Thank you thank you thank you. Can’t wait to read more. 

4 hours ago, dmavn said:

Oooo. Thank you thank you thank you. Can’t wait to read more. 

More will be coming soon!

  • 4 years later...

This is the best Baby fur story, I always wonder how this story will go, years pass and I hope one day you will continue this story

  • Like 1

One question that comes to my mind is how long are you a baby for once in that world?

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, PravidaUser said:

This is the best Baby fur story, I always wonder how this story will go, years pass and I hope one day you will continue this story

Why thank you! But really, this was meant to be more of a one-off. If it's any consolation, I have plenty more babyfur stories to look through.

16 hours ago, Sephy said:

One question that comes to my mind is how long are you a baby for once in that world?

About 30 years or so... some are late bloomers though and can take a total of fifty years to potty train.

1 hour ago, Panther Cub said:

Why thank you! But really, this was meant to be more of a one-off. If it's any consolation, I have plenty more babyfur stories to look through.

About 30 years or so... some are late bloomers though and can take a total of fifty years to potty train.

Shame, you said more will be coming. But it's still cute, short and uncomplete as it is. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Kaiko-chan said:

Shame, you said more will be coming. But it's still cute, short and uncomplete as it is. 

Huh, I forgot about that...

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