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story search with more than enough obstacles

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Dear members of the Technical Support,
over several weeks I searched for DD-member NorboyDL
(his first post was on page 25 of the Official "Looking for 
a Story..." Thread) a story about two twins. My search
had no success. Some time later I suddenly saw on top of page 6
of the Official "Looking for a Story..." Thread  a precise
summary of the twins story which had been searched by DD-member
Lyra on November 8, 2016. She got at once a copy of the twins 
story from DD-member Diaperingdaddy. I sent a message to
both of these DD-members, but I got no answer. In the meantime
the above mentioned copy is no longer available, you only can
enjoy the sentence "Sorry, this content is no longer available."
Now I would like to know whether the whole attachment was 
completely erased or whether there is perhaps a tiny info about
the title of the file/story. If the result is NO INFO: is it possible
to get a contact to DiaperingDaddy or Lyra without a message? 
Thank you very much for your answer!
                                              Sincerely yours


If the file is gone, its all the way gone, sorry.

We don't give out user data for the security of all. I would suggest messaging them again, which will send them a notification via email as well.


Dear Mikey,

thank you very much for your answer. Your suggestion could be successful if one has enough endurance.

As the saying goes: constant dripping hollows out the stone...(or: victory after fifty messages...)

                                                                  Have a nice afternoon!


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