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Potty Law—updated 7/7/19

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I posted several chapters of this story a couple of years ago, but I got discouraged from writing it after some rude reviews. I know that this isn’t the “typical” abdl story, and I don’t expect everyone to like it.  All I expect is for people not to be rude because this isn’t the kind of story they like.  

Some of it has been changed, as well as a couple of minor characters’ names and ages.  I’ve already spruced up/made minor changes to several existing chapters, so I’ll update fairly regularly until I hit new chapters.

Sharon came in from work one Thursday afternoon in October and left the bags in her hands by the door before going to check on her seventeen-year-old foster son.  Ryan had been sick for most of the week, and she hoped he was feeling a little better today.  She found him lying on the couch, curled up under his favorite blanket and watching TV.  “Hi, honey, how are you feeling?”

Ryan peered up at her, his blue eyes glassy under his blonde bangs.  “A little better.”

Sharon sat on the edge of the couch and held her hand to his forehead.  “You’re still a little hot. How’s your throat?”

“Still hurts.”  

Sharon leaned down and kissed his forehead.  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.  You’ll need to stay home again tomorrow, but I’ll stay home with you, okay?”  She’d stayed home with him for most of the week, but he’d seemed a little better this morning, and she’d had some things she needed to take care of from her office today, so she’d gone back to work.  Sharon took a deep breath.  “Honey, I’m not quite sure how to tell you this, but we missed out on an important piece of news this week.”

Ryan shrugged disinterestedly.  “What?”

Sharon brushed his bangs back from his face.  “A law was passed this week that makes it illegal for children under eighteen to be potty-trained.”

Ryan wrinkled his nose, but he didn’t quite understand what that had to do with him.  Surely, that applied to kids not potty-trained yet, not to him.  “So? I’m already potty-trained, and I’m almost eighteen, anyway.”

“I know, but it doesn’t matter.  You’ll have to wear diapers until your birthday.  The ‘potty-trained’ part doesn’t really matter, either, the law basically just says that anyone under 18 has to wear diapers.  We might as well go ahead and get this over with.”  Sharon got the bags she’d left beside the door and opened a package of diapers.

“Okay, well, uh, it’s only for a few months, anyway.  I’ll just use the diapers if I really have to and change myself right after.”

Sharon shook her head.  “It’s not that simple.  You can’t change your own diapers, I’ll have to change them for you.”

“What?!  Sharon, are you sure about this?” 

Sharon nodded.  “They think kids, teenagers especially, having to be so dependent upon their parents will fix behavioral issues or something.”

“Please, no,” Ryan pleaded.  He felt too sick to fight her too much on this, and he knew Sharon would never lie about it.  He’d also known this was a possibility for a while, he just never thought the law would pass.  He hadn’t read about the specifics,  because he never thought it would be an issue for him. “Wait, are you going to send me away? I know you don’t want to change my diapers.”

“Absolutely not!  But, if we don’t go along with this, then you could be taken away from me.”  

Ryan watched her with dread, but he knew there was no way out of it.  “Hold on, let me go pee really quick.”  He’d been about to go to the bathroom when he heard Sharon come in, but he’d decided to wait and talk to her first.

“No, honey, we need to go ahead and do this.  Debra could stop by at any time, especially with this new law, and we’ll need proof that we’re following it. I’m surprised she hasn’t come by already.”  

That was enough for Ryan not to struggle as Sharon gently pulled his pajama pants and boxers down.  He’d do anything to stay with Sharon.  He closed his eyes as he felt cold air hit his exposed private areas, but Sharon was quick and matter-of-fact about taping a diaper on him like it was no big deal.  She patted his leg once his pajama pants were back up.  “Okay, honey, if you need to pee-pee, just go ahead and go.”  


Sharon gave him a wry smile.  “Sorry, honey, I guess this diaper talk has me in potty-training mode.  And it just sounds nicer.”

Ryan was starting to get uncomfortable, but even with the soft padding pressed against him, he felt too much like he was going to wet his pants if he started peeing.  Sharon went to the kitchen to start dinner and give him some privacy, but he still couldn’t make himself go.  He crossed his legs to ease the pressure, and he wished he could just let it out. He didn’t want to pee, but he didn’t want to keep holding it and be uncomfortable, either.  Sharon peeked into the living room.  “Ryan, are you wet?”

“Not yet,” he mumbled, gasping as he felt a little try to come out.  He instinctively grabbed his crotch and squeezed his legs together harder, but it didn’t do much good through the thick padding. 

“Honey, please, just go ahead and pee-pee.  I don’t think you can hold it for four months.”

The intense wave of urgency temporarily disappeared, but it came back with a vengeance.  After a few involuntary spurts, a slow stream he couldn’t hold back started dribbling into his diaper.  Ryan shuddered as he felt his bladder completely give up for the first time since he was eight.  Feeling his pee pour out even as he actively clenched and tried to hold it back felt just as helpless now as it had the last time he’d held his bladder past capacity.  At least his clothes weren’t getting soaked like last time.  As a child, his bladder had been small and a little weak for his age, and he’d had occasional accidents longer than most kids, both at night and during the day.  It had gotten better as he got older, but he still had to be more mindful of using the toilet before getting in the car or between classes in case a teacher didn’t allow him to leave to use the bathroom than most kids his age. He closed his eyes as the slow stream became a gushing torrent and soaked his diaper with a low hiss.  His hand was still clutching his padded crotch, trying to hold it in, and he could feel his diaper grow warm against his hand through his pajama pants.  It was weird to lose control like this without wetting his pants.  The last time this happened, he was in the second grade.  His class was on the way back from a field trip, and he’d forgotten to use the bathroom before they got on the bus.  He was too shy to tell his teacher he had to go until it was an emergency, and the bus driver hadn’t been able to stop somewhere before he couldn’t hold it anymore and soaked his shorts.  He’d had a few close calls and dribbles into his underwear since then, but it hadn’t been a huge problem in years. 

After raising two sons and a daughter of her own, Sharon could tell exactly when he lost control.  She let him finish before going to check his diaper.  “Hmm, I don’t think you need to be changed right away.  Are you uncomfortable?”  Ryan shook his head.  The soft, warm  padding between his legs actually felt pretty good.  “All right.  If it gets uncomfortable before you wet again and you want me to go ahead and change you, just tell me.  I don’t mind.”

“Thanks, Sharon.”

After dinner, they watched TV on the couch together.  Ryan folded his arms over his stomach as the discomfort in his stomach grew.  He usually had to poop between dinner time and bedtime, and he was dreading this even more than pee.  Sharon knew what the problem was when his discomfort became apparent, so she reassuringly patted his shoulder and left the room.  The kid pooped like clockwork.  Ryan closed his eyes as he pushed warm mush into his diaper.  His bladder released a little bit of pee as he filled his diaper, and he sighed when he was finished.  His stomach felt better, but the only way to get the disgusting diaper off of him was for Sharon to change him.  He was relieved when she came back in without him having to call for her.  “You all done?”

Ryan nodded, wishing the couch would open up and swallow him whole.

“All right, I’ll go ahead and change you.  Do you need to pee-pee again first?”

“I already did,” Ryan mumbled, covering his face with his hands as he lay on the floor.  Sharon laid out a changing mat and got a clean diaper and a box of wet wipes, then quickly cleaned him up.  He winced as she maneuvered his penis with the wet wipe to make sure she hadn’t missed anything.  He sighed with relief when she finally taped his dirty diaper closed, threw it away, and washed her hands before coming back and pulling his pajama pants back up.  She tucked his blanket around his shoulders and kissed his forehead once he was back on the couch.  “Hmm, I may need to take you back to the doctor tomorrow.  If your fever isn’t a little lower in the morning, I’m making an appointment for you.”

Ryan nodded and willingly leaned into her open arms.  He loved how Sharon comforted him when he wasn’t feeling well, although it had taken a while to get to that point with her after he’d been taken away from his abusive parents.  The soft, dry padding between his legs, his warm pajamas, and Sharon’s familiar smell made him feel cozy and cared for.  Sharon absently ran her fingers through his hair as they watched TV, and it was barely 9:30 when his eyes were starting to close.

“You ready for bed?” Sharon asked, noticing Ryan’s eyes getting heavy.

“Yeah.  I slept all day, but...”

“Being sick will do that to you. Go on to bed, and I’ll bring your medicine upstairs. Try to wet your diaper so I can change you.  I’d rather you be able to keep your diaper dry until morning and not have to wake up needing to go during the night.”

Ryan nodded and headed for the stairs.  Once he was curled up in bed, he tried to pee in his diaper. His sore throat had caused him to drink a lot that day, so it wasn’t hard to let a small stream out.  Sharon came in a couple of minutes later with his medicine and a glass of water.  “Oh, good, you were able to go,” she noted as she checked his diaper.   Once he was changed and had taken his medicine, she tucked him in and felt his forehead.  “I know your medicine might upset your stomach, so come wake me up if you need to be changed during the night, or if you start feeling worse.”  She brushed his bangs back and kissed his forehead.  “Goodnight, honey.  Feel better.”

“Thanks, Sharon.”  Ryan rolled over, knowing she’d scratch his back until he fell asleep, like she always did when he was sick.

When Ryan woke up the next morning, a slightly urgent need to pee drew him out of bed.  In his drowsy state, he forgot that he was wearing a diaper and was confused to find his bathroom door locked.  His brain registered the padding between his legs then, and he remembered that he wasn’t allowed to use the toilet.  Sharon had probably locked his bathroom door as a reminder.  He wanted to go back to sleep, and he was too sleepy to care about peeing in his diaper, so he willingly released his bladder and wet himself.  The wet warmth that slowly encased his crotch felt good, and he easily went back to sleep.  

When Ryan woke up again, he was thirsty, so he got out of bed and went downstairs.  Sharon was on a conference call in the kitchen and standing at the counter with papers spread in front of her.  Ryan got a glass of juice and started for the living room, but she waved him over to her.  He was feeling better than the day before, but he still felt sick.  Sharon placed her hand under his chin and studied him before feeling his forehead.  “Want eggs for breakfast?” She asked, covering the mouthpiece of the phone with her hand.  Ryan nodded, wincing as Sharon gently squeezed his diapered crotch.  He supposed he was just going to have to get used to diaper checks.  “Oh, good, you’re already wet. I’m almost done, and I’ll bring you some breakfast and your medicine in a few minutes.”

Ryan took his juice to the living room and drank just enough to soothe his throat before stretching out on the couch.  Even though his diaper was already wet, he knew he wasn’t going to be as willing to wet it again as he’d been when he just wanted to go back to sleep earlier that morning.

 Sharon came in a few minutes later with breakfast for him, his medicine, and the thermometer.  She pressed the back of her hand to his forehead and slipped the thermometer into his mouth.  “You’re still a little feverish, but not as hot as yesterday...yep, your fever went down a little bit,” she confirmed after checking the thermometer.  “Do you feel better? I’ll still take you back to the doctor if you don’t.”

“Yeah, my throat’s still sore, but it’s better than yesterday.  It’s not bad.”

“All right...Drink a little more juice.”  Ryan looked warily at his glass and shook his head.  “Honey, don’t worry about how often you need to be changed.  Drink what you need to, I don’t want you to get dehydrated.  The faster you get used to me changing you, the easier it will be.  Speaking of which, do you want me to change you now, or wait until you wet again?  I’ll go ahead and change you if you feel gross.”

“I can wait.  It feels okay.”  

“Okay.  I have to do a few things for work, but it won’t take long.  I’ll come watch a movie with you when I’m finished. If you pee-pee again before I come back, come tell me.  You don’t need to stay in such a wet diaper for too long...Wow, I still can’t believe I’m saying sentences like that.”

Ryan rolled his eyes.  “How did this happen?  I didn’t think that stupid law had a chance to pass.”

“I heard this morning that a lobbyist for one of the big diaper companies got their hands on some study that the legislature couldn’t ignore.  Like anyone thinks those companies are worried about kids. They just wanted to find a way to expand their market.  Which they did.  Big-time.”

“This sucks.”

“I know it does.  I would hate it if I were you, too.  I know you can’t help but be embarrassed, but try not to be.  I’ll make this as easy for you as I can.”

“Thanks, Sharon.”

“You’re welcome.”  Sharon kissed his forehead.  “Call for me if you need me.”

Ryan zoned out in front of the TV for a couple of hours, and next thing he knew, Sharon was bringing him a bowl of soup for lunch.  “This is the last of the batch I made on Tuesday.  I’ll cook whatever you want tonight if you have more of an appetite.” 

“Ooh, that pasta with the chicken and mushrooms?”

“I knew you’d say that.  You got it.”  Sharon checked his diaper.  “You haven’t pee-peed again?” She asked in surprise.  She didn’t know if he had any kind of bladder issues, but she’d noticed for a while that he seemed to have to go more often and had more “have to go soon or this could be bad” moments than her own kids had as teenagers.  

Ryan grimaced as he shifted on the couch.  He’d tried not to drink too much, but his annoying sore throat had had other plans for him. His annoyingly small bladder had been making its fullness known for a while, now, and he was reaching his breaking point.  “Not yet, but, uh...”

“You have to go, huh?”  

“Yeah,” Ryan muttered through gritted teeth.  He knew he was going to start peeing before long, whether he wanted to or not, but he couldn’t make himself let go.  His bladder was pulsing painfully by now, and he squeezed his legs together and held himself, desperately trying to keep it in.  He had to go too badly to care about the fact that he was shamelessly grabbing his crotch in front of Sharon. Wetting his diaper had been one thing early that morning when he was tired and just wanted to go back to sleep, but peeing himself while he was wide awake was just as difficult as it had been the evening before.  His body wasn’t any more willing to contradict his potty-training than his mind was, and it was intent on holding his bladder until it gave out on its own.  “Sharon, I can’t do it,” Ryan whined.  “It hurts, and I know I can’t hold it much longer, but I can’t make myself go.”

Sharon gave him a sympathetic look, her heart breaking for him.  “I guess it is hard to go when you feel like you’ll wet your pants, which your body has been trained not to do for a long time now.”  Sharon placed their bowls of soup on the coffee table and pulled his hands away from his crotch.  The unexpected movement made Ryan jump, and he gasped as he felt his hold on his bladder loosen.  He gave up and relaxed as he flooded his diaper, his cheeks flushing as an audible hiss came from his crotch.  Once his stream trickled off, he pushed a little to make sure he was completely empty.  The longer he could go between diaper changes, the better.  “All right, honey, I think it’s safe to say you’re officially soaked.  Let’s get you changed.”  Ryan moved to the floor and lay down, his face flaming as Sharon placed the changing mat under him, pulled down his pajama pants, and untaped his diaper.  She pulled a basket out from under the coffee table and got a clean diaper and a pack of wet wipes.  

Ryan winced as she moved a cold wipe across his crotch.  “Why are you using those when I’m just wet?” He whined.  

“You’ve been in a wet diaper since early this morning.  This will just make you feel more fresh and help prevent a diaper rash.”

By the time Ryan was in a clean diaper and had his pajama pants back on, he did have to admit that he felt better than he would have if Sharon didn’t wipe him down.  After lunch, he was getting drowsy, and he was barely aware of Sharon tucking his blanket around his shoulders and kissing his forehead as he drifted off to sleep.

When Ryan woke up three hours later, he already had a nagging tingle in his bladder, no doubt due to Sharon making him finish his juice and then drink a little more while they were eating lunch.  It would still be a while before he had to go really badly, but he’d probably be heading to the bathroom soon if he didn’t have to wear diapers.  Sharon was siting in a chair with her computer in her lap and noticed when he started stirring.  “Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Better,” Ryan answered honestly.  His throat was a little less sore, and he didn’t feel quite as achy.  

“You do look a little better,” Sharon agreed.  She closed her laptop and crouched beside Ryan on the couch with her hand on his forehead.  “Your temperature went down a good bit, I think you’re on the mend.  Are you wet?” She asked as she moved her hand from his forehead to his diapered crotch.

“Sharon.  I haven’t peed myself while I was sleeping, especially for just a nap, since I was...uh, in years,” Ryan said, too embarrassed to admit how long he’d wet the bed as a kid.

“Oh, I guess you’re right.”  Sharon patted his shoulder.  “Finish your juice.  I’m going to start dinner.”

Once Sharon was gone, Ryan took advantage of his drowsiness and tried to release his bladder into his diaper.  His fuzzy mind and the memory of how good it had felt for the padding to slowly warm up against his crotch that morning when he didn’t wait until he couldn’t hold it anymore weakened his defenses.  The fact that he’d inevitably have to do it anyway and the desire not to let himself get so full that it hurt until he endured the panic and discomfort of losing control pushed him over the edge, and he closed his eyes as he relaxed and pushed a slow and steady stream into his diaper.  The wet warmth between his legs felt embarrassingly nice, but he might as well enjoy it.

Now that Ryan was feeling a little better and realized he’d have to go back to school next week, he had some questions.  He went into the kitchen and sat in a bar stool as Sharon prepared dinner.  “So, uh, what about school next week?  Like, what happens when I have to be changed?”  He could probably stop drinking coffee and manage to only pee once or twice at school, but there was no way he could last until Sharon came home from work on the days she went to her office.  Going to her office after school to be changed sounded embarrassing, too.

“I asked about that when I called this morning to tell them you’d be absent again. The school nurse will change students when they need it, but I thought you might want to finish school online.  I can work from home most of the time and be here to change you.  I went to the high school and filled out the forms and got the material for it while you were napping so you can start on Monday, but I can take them back if you want to keep going to school.  It’s your decision, I just didn’t think you’d be too happy about the nurse changing you.”

“Oh, my god, that would be awesome.  Thanks.”

Sharon finished up her dinner preparations and untied her apron.  “You can still see your friends whenever you want to, and they’re still welcome here any time.”

“Sharon.  Changing my diapers is bad enough.  You don’t want to have to change theirs, too.”

“Honey, I’d rather change their diapers than discourage you from seeing your friends.  It’ll be fine.”  

After dinner, Sharon and Ryan watched a movie together in the living room.  Ryan lay down in Sharon’s lap, sighing contentedly when she started running her fingers through his hair.  He felt a little old for this, but he’d missed out on the childhood love and cuddling with his abusive parents.  He’d been sick a couple of times since he started living with Sharon over two years ago, and it had been a little awkward at first, but he was now used to her nurturing gestures when he wasn’t feeling well and enjoyed it.  After a while, he grimaced as his stomach started to cramp.  It was going to take longer to get used to doing this than peeing in his diaper, no question.  Peeing at least felt good.  There was nothing enjoyable about this.  “Um, Sharon?” He asked shyly.

“Hm?....Oh.  I’ll go finish cleaning the kitchen.”  Sharon knew what the problem was, so she gave him some privacy.  

Ryan crouched in front of the couch in what Sharon called the “potty stance.”  She’d never said that in reference to him, obviously, but she had a newly-potty-trained three-year-old grandson that had an aversion to pooping in the toilet.  He’d only recently started doing that in the toilet sometimes, but he still had a tendency to go in his pants if someone didn’t have an eagle eye on him.  Ryan knew that Anne-Marie, Sharon’s daughter, and her husband had to be frustrated with the law passing.  They’d finally gotten the kid mostly potty-trained, and now had to put him back in diapers.  Like Sharon, they’d just thought the law wouldn’t pass.  Sharon had kept her grandson one Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks after he was out of diapers, and Ryan had taken him outside for a while.  He knew nothing about potty cues in children and was confused when William ventured away from him and crouched down for a couple of minutes.  He didn’t realize what had happened until William stood up and had a small wet spot at his crotch. He wasn’t wet enough for a full-blown wetting accident, and he was walking with the obvious discomfort of having a load in his pants, so Ryan figured he’d pooped in his pants and accidentally let out a little pee in the process.  He didn’t know how Sharon was going to react to a potty accident.  Ryan’s own parents had yelled and beaten him when he had accidents, of course, and he knew Sharon wouldn’t hurt the kid, but he didn’t want her to get angry with him, either.  He’d tried to sneak William into the house so he could change him without Sharon noticing, but she’d met them at the door with wet wipes, clean underwear, and pants in her hands, explaining that she’d spotted the “potty stance” from the kitchen window.  She just cleaned him up and helped him change, then gently reminded him that he was supposed to tell her or Ryan when he had to go potty.  

As Ryan assumed a similar stance he’d seen with William and filled his own diaper, he realized that the kid was on to something.  It was a faster and more complete-feeling process when he was squatting.  He’d peed a little a couple of times after wetting himself after his nap, and he let out a little more as he pooped.  He’d realized that it was easier to make himself pee a little at a time before it got urgent, and it was getting easier to do it each time.  Eating a full meal after a few days of eating mostly soup, his stomach was a little upset, and it took longer than usual.  His appetite had returned with a vengeance, and he’d had three helpings of dinner.  He lowered his pajama pants and watched his diaper to make sure it didn’t start leaking. When he was finally finished, he stood up to indicate that he was done.  He couldn’t bring himself to sit down in his mushy mess, and doing so might cause him to leak. His stomach still felt a little unsettled, but he wasn’t able to go anymore at the moment.

Sharon came in a couple of minutes later and got a clean diaper and pack of wet wipes.  She realized she hadn’t checked his diaper for wetness in a few hours, so she gently squeezed the padding between his legs as he lay down on the floor.  “Oh, Ryan, you’re pretty wet.  I haven’t thought to check you.  You could’ve told me if you were uncomfortable, I would’ve changed you sooner.”

Ryan shrugged.  “It wasn’t bad.  I, uh, just went, too, so it wasn’t that wet the whole time.”  He gritted his teeth and felt his cheeks flush as Sharon untaped his diaper and wiped him down.  

“Does your stomach hurt?” Sharon asked as she cleaned him up. Some of it was obviously a little sticky, as she’d been wiping the same spot for several moments with increasing pressure, and she obviously noticed that he’d pooped a lot more than the night before.  

“Not really, I think I just ate a little too much dinner.”

“Okay.  I can give you something to settle your stomach if I need to.”

Ryan shook his head.  “I think I’m okay.”

Sharon finally got him cleaned up and taped a clean diaper on him.  “Be right back.”

Ryan stood up and tried to take his soiled diaper from her.  “I can at least throw my own diapers away.”

“Don’t worry about it, honey.  This is the easy part.”  Sharon took his diaper to the large garbage can in the garage and washed her hands before settling back on the couch with him.  

Later that night, Sharon gave Ryan his medicine and tucked him into bed.  She’d been trying to compensate for the nurturing he had missed out on as a child, and she always tucked him in and stayed with him until he fell asleep when he was sick.  She kissed his forehead and straightened his covers over his shoulders.  “I love you, honey.  If your stomach is still upset and you need to be changed during the night, please come wake me.  I don’t want you to have to stay in a messy diaper longer than you have to.”

“Mm-hmm.”  Ryan hoped that wouldn’t be a problem, but he was too sleepy to worry about it now.  It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, but he woke up a few hours later with a cramping stomach.  He stumbled out of bed and walked halfway to his bathroom before remembering he was wearing a diaper and had to use it.  There was no way he could hold it until the next morning, or even for a couple more minutes, and he was already squirting into his diaper before he had time to crouch beside his bed.  The discomfort in his stomach slowly alleviated as it emptied into his diaper, and he felt the front of his diaper grow warm as he started to pee. He realized he was going to have to wake Sharon up to change him, whether he wanted to or not.  His diaper had to be close to overflowing, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep with the mess caking against him.  He begrudgingly waddled downstairs and into Sharon’s room.  He stood over her sleeping form for a couple of minutes before he had the courage to wake her.  “Hey, Sharon,” he whispered, softly shaking her shoulder.  “Sharon!”

“Hmm?”  Sharon sat up and rubbed her eyes.  “What’s the matter? Are you feeling bad again?...Oh, I see.”  The stench hit her nose as she became more alert.  “I’m glad you woke me.  Let’s go get you changed.”  She got out of bed and rested her hand on Ryan’s back as she led him to the living room.  The load in his diaper caused him to walk a little funny.  Once he was changed, she washed her hands, got some Pepto-Bismol tablets out of the medicine cabinet, and poured a glass of juice.  Ryan had already gone back upstairs, so she went up to his room with the medicine. He was climbing into bed and about to turn his lamp off.  “Here, honey, take these really quick.”  Sharon placed the tablets in his hand and gave him the juice. Once he took the medicine, she tucked him back in and felt his forehead.  “I think your fever’s gone.  I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Thanks, Sharon.  You’re the best.”


Thanks for reading! 




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Thank you, @gta85 and @Pierry Louys, I’m glad you liked it! 

On Monday morning, Ryan got up with his alarm and lay in bed for a few minutes.  Not having to get dressed and drive to school meant he could sleep in a little bit, but not as much as he’d hoped when he first learned he’d be finishing high school at home.  Sharon had insisted upon sticking close to his normal school schedule, so she told him he needed to be downstairs by 8:00 and working by 8:30.  As was usual for first thing in the morning, Ryan’s bladder was starting to ache for release.  Having a small bladder meant sometimes having to get up during the night to pee and waking up with a bursting bladder if he didn’t go during the night. He looked out his window and saw that it was gray and raining outside, and he knew it was cold. He’d just heard the heat kick on, and he was glad he didn’t have to get out of his warm pajamas or leave the house that morning.  Comfortable in his soft, warm bed, he held his hands to his diapered crotch as he relaxed and wet his diaper.  He could feel the padding grow warm through his pajama pants, and his warm bed and freshly warm and wet diaper made him feel cozy.  After a few minutes, he knew Sharon would start calling for him to come downstairs soon, so he dragged himself out of bed.  

Sharon was sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee and a plate of fruit in front of her when Ryan got downstairs.  She was still in her nightgown, her dark hair pulled away from her face, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.  It seemed that she was enjoying not having to go to work, herself. He knew she was close to sixty and had more than enough money to retire comfortably, but she loved her job and wasn’t ready to leave yet.  Ryan was grateful for that, as lhe wouldn’t be living with her now if she had retired when she’d been eligible.  Before his parents had gotten arrested for child abuse, his dad had worked with Sharon, and Ryan had met her a few times before.  She’d had no idea that he was being abused, and when she found out Ryan was being taken from his parents, she’d gotten licensed for foster care and offered to take him.  One of his friends’ parents probably would’ve done the same thing to keep him out of the system, but he was glad he’d ended up with Sharon.  Any of his friends’ parents would’ve been fine, but Sharon just felt like “home” in a way that he didn’t think any of his friends’ families would have done.  

Ryan got a mug of coffee for himself and made a bowl of cereal.  Sharon got his medicine from the windowsill over the sink and poured a glass of juice for him.  She kissed his forehead before handing him the pill.  “Morning, honey.”

“Morning.  How much longer do I have to take this?”

“Just a couple more days.”  Sharon squeezed his shoulders and pressed her hand to the front of his diaper.  “Want me to change you?” 

Ryan shook his head.  “Nah, I’m not that wet.”

“Okay, but tell me when you pee-pee again.  I might forget to check you.”

Ryan finished breakfast, talked to Sharon for a few minutes, and sat at the kitchen table with his computer and school materials.  Sharon usually worked from home a couple of days a week, anyway, and she had an office across the hall from her bedroom.  She worked in the kitchen or living room if Ryan was home sick so she could be nearby, but she’d probably be back and forth between her office and the kitchen now that he would be home during the day.  Sure enough, Sharon sat at the counter with her computer and a few files once Ryan was at the table with his school things and another cup of coffee.  Being able to slowly drink two or three cups of coffee throughout the morning instead of downing some before school was another advantage he hadn’t thought about.  It didn’t take long for the juice and first cup of coffee to find their way to Ryan’s bladder, and he let it go as soon as he felt a slight urge.  He hated feeling like he had to pee even a little bit, so there was no point in holding it at all and being even slightly uncomfortable when he had to use his diaper, anyway.  Not having to get up every time he had to pee meant that he could pee whenever he wanted to without interruption, and he found himself looking forward to warming his diaper with fresh pee.  The padding wasn’t turning cold between wettings, but it didn’t hold that pleasurable warmth that came with a splash of new pee, either.

After a couple of hours of frequent dribbling, Ryan’s diaper had slowly grown saturated and uncomfortable.  He could normally go more than two hours without needing to pee, but that was with minimal liquids.  After three cups of coffee and a couple of glasses of juice, he would’ve had to use the toilet already if he hadn’t been in a diaper, and probably twice.  Sharon got up to go to the bathroom, having had more coffee than normal herself, which reminded her that Ryan had probably either already wet again or was going to soon.  “How’s your diaper?” She asked as she came back into the kitchen.  She gently pressed her hand between his legs before he had a chance to answer.  “You’re soaked, Ryan!  You should’ve told me you needed to be changed.”  

“It, uh, just happened.”  Ryan followed Sharon to the living room and obediently lay down on the changing mat.  This part was getting easier with each change, but he still felt awkward and tense as Sharon gently wiped him down and put a new diaper on him.  

“I’m glad you’re getting a little more comfortable with this,” Sharon commented as she secured the tabs of his diaper.  “Is it a little easier to pee-pee now?  I haven’t noticed you trying to hold it too long in a couple of days, now.”

“Yeah, I think I’m just getting used to it.”

As a senior, Ryan got out of school early, so his school day ended soon after lunchtime.  He had a good bit of make-up work from being out sick for most of the week before, so he decided to take a break after they’d eaten lunch and watch TV for a little bit before getting back to it.  His diaper was already damp, and he barely noticed when he spurted a little bit more as he got comfortable on the couch.  He squeezed his legs together, savoring the wet warmth, and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.  He stirred a little while later when he felt Sharon cover him with a blanket.  There was already a faint tingle in his crotch, so he let it out and went back to sleep.  Damn, that coffee had wreaked havoc on his bladder.  The water he drank at lunch had to go somewhere, too.  He went back to sleep and woke up a couple of hours later.  It wasn’t like him to nap during the day, especially for over two hours, unless he was sick, but maybe he was just fighting the tail end of whatever he’d had the week before.  The constant dribbling he’d done all day had kept him from having to feel an urge to pee at all, and he felt a good bit of pressure in his bladder for the first time since he’d woken up that morning.  He’d woken up during his nap a couple of times just long enough to pee a little bit, and he had no idea how many full pees his diaper was holding now.  Since he’d realized on Friday that it was easier to pee before he felt the need arise, the only times he felt a pressing need to pee was in the mornings after not peeing all night, or after a nap.  He’d napped on Saturday and Sunday, too, but he hadn’t woken up at all during them and had woken up with a fairly strong urge to pee when he got up each time.  Ryan was too eager to relieve the annoying tingle of his bladder to worry about how much he’d already peed.  He let go, and he felt warm wetness flow across his crotch and leak out his leg guards and down the legs of his pajama pants.  His eyes widened as he crammed his hand between his legs and tried to hold back, but now that he’d started, he couldn’t stop.  He was still drowsy and didn’t have the presence of mind to get off of the couch, and when the flow finally stopped, he sat up to asses the damage.  Both his pants and the couch were wet, and it felt like his diaper was hanging halfway down his legs.  “Um, Sharon?” He called sheepishly.

Sharon appeared in the entryway from the kitchen.  “Oh, good, you’re awake.”

“Yeah.  I’m, uh, wet.”  Ryan’s cheeks flamed, humiliated that he’d managed to wet his pants in a diaper.

“I’m sure you are, after all that coffee and juice.  You had a couple of glasses of water before you fell asleep, too.”  

“No, I’m, like, um, wet wet.”

“Uh-oh, did you leak?”  Sharon walked over to the couch and pulled the blanket away from Ryan.  The wet stain on his pajamas was unmistakable, and she was sure he’d wet the couch, too.  “Oh, honey, it’s okay.  It’s been a while since I changed you.  I would’ve changed you earlier if I’d known you were going to take a nap.”

Ryan shrugged.  “I didn’t know I was going to take a nap, either.”  He’d not only taken a nap, he’d slept for a little over three hours.

Sharon laid out the changing mat, and Ryan moved carefully in his sodden diaper to lie down on it.  Sharon thoroughly wiped down his crotch, butt, and the insides and backs of his thighs to make sure she got all remnants of pee before getting him in a clean diaper.  Ryan’s cheeks were still flaming from embarrassment.  “I’m so sorry, Sharon, I’ll clean it up.”

“No, honey, don’t worry about it.  I’ll just rinse your pajama pants and put them in the wash, and the couch is easily cleaned, too.  I’ll take care of it.  Things like this will probably happen for a few days until we get a feel for how often you go and how much your diapers can hold.”

“Thanks, Sharon.  I’m really sorry.”


“It’s okay.”

Later that evening, Sharon’s daughter and grandson came over for dinner.  William ran inside, looking for Sharon.  It had been over a week since Sharon had seem his since Ryan had been sick, and she happily picked him up and hugged him.  “Nana has missed you so much!”  She patted the seat of his pants and kissed Anne-Marie’s cheek when she came in behind him.  “Wow, it feels weird for him to have a padded bottom again.”

“Doesn’t it?”  Anne-Marie accepted the glass of wine Sharon offered her and took a sip.  “I do like not having to live in constant fear that he’s going to have an accident when we’re in public and not having to deal with the panicked “I hafta potty” screams that leave me with less than five minutes to figure something out before he wets his pants, but I never would’ve potty-trained him at all if I thought that stupid law might pass.  I still can’t believe it.”

“I can’t, either.”  Sharon put William down and got a glass of wine for herself.  “I’m kind of glad Ryan was sick last week when we found out.  He felt too bad to fight me too much on it, but I can understand why he’s not happy about it.”

Anne-Marie nodded.  “I can’t imagine.  William will be used to it by the time he’s a teenager. Where is Ryan, anyway?”

“He’s changing clothes.  He’s been trying to catch up on his make-up work since his ‘school day’ ended.  He did take a nap earlier, which was kind of odd.”

“Our neighbor has a teenager, and she said he’s been taking naps every day since he started  wearing diapers.  I wonder if somehow wearing a diaper makes them drowsy to the point that they need naps? That’s so weird.”

“That is weird.  Ryan’s taken a nap every day since he’s been sick, and I thought he was still just tired over the weekend, but he drank three cups of coffee this morning and still took a nap.”  Sharon stopped talking when she heard Ryan coming downstairs.

“Ryan!” William exclaimed, running over to him.

“Hey, little dude.” Ryan picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder.  “Want to go play on the porch?” He offered, feeling extremely self-conscious, knowing that Anne-Marie knew that he was wearing a diaper.  


“Okay, buddy, but make sure you tell Ryan when you feel like you have to go potty,” Anne-Marie said.

Ryan’s eyes widened, and he moved his hand to William’s bottom.  “Wait, what? He doesn’t have to—“ he was relieved when he felt padding there.

“He hadn’t been potty-trained very long before he had to go back to diapers, so I just want to make sure he stays aware of when he has to go,” Anne-Marie explained.  “I usually make him wait ten or fifteen more minutes after he tells me, unless I can tell he waited a little too late and has to go really bad.  He’s so small, so I want him to work on improving his bladder muscles, even though it doesn’t really matter now.  I’d rather him not have the bladder control of a toddler, or have to be re-potty-trained completely, when he’s eighteen and out of diapers.  I made an appointment with his pediatrician for next week to see how she thinks we should handle it, but regardless of what she says, I’ll probably keep doing something like this to keep him potty-trained.”

Sharon nodded.  “That does make sense.  Years of being able to go whenever and not have to think about it could be bad once he’s eighteen.  The law isn’t necessarily about being potty-trained, it’s mostly about just keeping kids in diapers.  It doesn’t say anything about helping them keep control of their bladders.”

Ryan took William out to the porch to play with his toys Sharon kept there and sat in the swing as William toddled around.  After a while, he started squeezing his crotch or crossing his legs every couple of minutes, and Ryan couldn’t decide whether he was distracted and only subconsciously realized he had to go or if he was too shy to tell him.  He had just turned three a couple of months ago, so either was possible.  Ryan was about to help him out a little bit and ask him when William gasped and dug both hands into his crotch.  He gave Ryan a panicked look as he pressed his legs together.  “I hafta potty, my pee-pee’s about to come out!” He whimpered.  

“Okay, just go ahead and wet your diaper.”

“But Mommy makes me wait!” William whined.  He bounced against the floor, trying not to wet his diaper, but he had already felt two long spurts come out.

“She also said you don’t have to if you wait too long to tell her and have to go really bad.  It’s okay, you can go potty now.”  

Not that it mattered, William had already lost control.  He just relaxed and stopped trying to hold it and let himself forcefully wet his diaper.  “I like that I don’t have to stop playing to go potty,” he admitted to Ryan.

“I bet you do.  It’s probably nice when you’re stuck in the car and have to go, too, and you don’t have to try to hold it until you can get to a potty,” Ryan commented, remembering being stuck in traffic with Sharon and William not long ago that had resulted in a soaked car seat.  Hell, Ryan had been worried about his own ability to make it home without wetting his pants that day.  That was the closest to an accident he’d come since he was probably ten or eleven.  Sharon had been pretty desperate by then, herself, and he was pretty sure that the only reason she’d allowed him to water the plants on the side of the house was because that meant she didn’t have to race him for the closest bathroom inside.  “Hey, bud, was your diaper already wet before you went pee-pee?”  William nodded.  “Okay, your mommy probably needs to change you. Dinner’s probably almost ready, anyway.”  Ryan helped William pick up his toys and led him inside.  

Anne-Marie picked William up and checked his diaper.  “Hmm, you just went potty, didn’t you?  Let’s go change really quick.”

Dinner with Anne-Marie wasn’t so bad.  She’d said her husband was working late, but Ryan guessed that she and Sharon were trying to ease him into being around new people in diapers and thought that having her husband there too might overwhelm him. The conversation was normal, and how she was going to handle William was talked about a couple of times, but not a word was said about Ryan’s diapers.  That he was aware of, anyway, she’d probably asked Sharon how it was going while he was outside with William.  

A couple of days later, Ryan was mostly caught up on the work he’d missed while he was out of school, but he was lost in Physics.  “Why don’t you invite Blake over after school tomorrow to help you?” Sharon suggested.  

Ryan nodded.  “I think I might do that.  He’s finishing high school at home now, too.  His dad can work from home, so he’s staying with him during the day.  Can he just spend the night tomorrow night?”

“Sure.  I might actually go to dinner with Diane tomorrow night, so you guys can order a pizza if you want.”

Blake arrived around 4:00 the next afternoon, and it was a little awkward at first, with each one knowing the other one was wearing a diaper.  They sat at the kitchen table to work, and Blake started to look a little nervous after a while.  Ryan looked up from his notebook.  “What’s wrong?”

“I’m, uh, about to have to crap.  I would’ve waited and done it at home before I came, but I didn’t feel like I’d need to go anytime soon then.  It just hit me like a ton of bricks.”

“Sharon won’t mind changing you,” Ryan said.  “I hate it, but she’s been really cool about it.  She won’t make you feel bad about it or anything.”

“I know, and I’ve got to get used to people besides my parents changing me if I ever want to go anywhere, but I’d rather the first diaper Sharon has to change for me not be a dirty one.”

“The first one she changed for me was dirty, too.”  Ryan still had a hard time believing his own diaper use was just a normal part of everyday conversation now.  At least he had some company now. “This sucks so bad.  I wanted to die the first time she changed me.”

“I know—shit.”  Blake hunched over and held his stomach.  “It’s coming out, you might not want to be around for this.”  

“Oh, right, sorry.  I don’t like for anyone to be around for that, either.” Ryan went into the living room and came back in when Blake was finished.  “I’ll go tell Sharon you need to be changed.”

Blake gave him a grateful look.  “Thanks.”

Ryan walked into Sharon’s office and found her working at her computer.  “Hey.  Um, Blake needs to be changed.” 

“All right.” Sharon took her reading glasses off and followed Ryan into the kitchen.  “Hi, Blake,” she greeted warmly.  “I’ll change you in the living room.”

“Okay.”  Blake reached for his bag, but his hand froze when he realized he’d forgotten to pack extra diapers.  “I, uh, didn’t think to bring any diapers with me,” he said apologetically.

“Oh, that’s okay.  I’m sure Ryan’s will fit you.”  Sharon led him to the living room and set out the changing mat.  Blake nervously pulled his jeans off and settled on the mat, his legs tense as Sharon untaped his diaper.  “My goodness, honey, you’re soaked.  I’m surprised you haven’t leaked.”  She winced as she noticed a painful-looking rash and gently prodded at it with her finger once she’d wiped him down.  “That rash looks terrible, how long has it been there?”

Blake shrugged.  “A couple of days, I guess.  My dad doesn’t change me that much during the day, and I’ve had a weak bladder since I was a kid, so I wet a lot.  That’s actually how Ryan and I became good friends.  He wet his pants on the bus coming back from a field trip when we were in second grade, and I had wet my pants in class when my teacher told me to wait a few minutes until our lesson was over when I asked to go earlier that year.  We kind of bonded over that.”  Blake stood up and pulled his jeans back on as Sharon rolled up his soiled diaper.  “His bladder isn’t as bad as mine.  Before this diaper thing started, I had to make sure I went to the bathroom at scheduled intervals for school or days when I’m not at home to make sure I don’t get in a situation where I can’t hold it until I can get to a bathroom, but he doesn’t seem to have to do anything like that.”

“I’m sorry, I had no idea.  So, Ryan has some bladder problems, too?”

Blake covered his face with his hands.  “Crap, I thought you knew.  Ryan’s going to kill me.”

“No, he won’t.  I won’t tell him you told me.  And let me know as soon as you’re wet again, and I’ll change you.  It’ll be better for your rash if you can stay dry.”

Blake looked relieved.  “I don’t think it’s anything major.  He’s definitely better than I am.  I just know he wet the bed and had daytime accidents longer than most kids, but I think it’s gotten better as he’s gotten older.  I’ve had no such luck.”

A little while later, Sharon stopped working for the day and got ready to go out for dinner.  Ryan and Blake were still working at the table when she came into the kitchen.  “I’m meeting Diane at six, so I should be back before eight.  If you need to be changed before then, just text me, and I’ll come home.  I don’t want you sitting in a dirty diaper.”  Sharon stood beside Blake and checked his diaper.  He was still dry.  “Do you need to pee-pee before I go?  You don’t need to stay in a wet diaper for too long with your rash.”

“I mean, I could, but you just changed me,” Blake answered.  “I don’t want to use too many of Ryan’s diapers.”

“Don’t worry about it, honey.  Go ahead and wet, and I’ll change you before I go.”  Sharon went to the living room to get a diaper ready, and Blake concentrated for a few moments before he was rewarded with warm, wet padding against him.  He could usually be counted on to pee on command.  He hadn’t even felt much of a need to go, but he let out a decent-sized amount.  It was less awkward as Sharon changed him this time, and she quickly had him in a dry diaper.  Once that was taken care of, she pulled her credit card out of her purse and placed it on the counter.  “You guys can do whatever you want for dinner.  Text me if either one of you need to be changed before I get back.  I mean it.”  She had changed Ryan after his nap just a couple of hours before, but she checked him, too, just in case.  He was damp, but he could probably wait until she got home to be changed.  “You’re a little wet.  Do you want me to change you now, or do you think you’ll be okay for a couple of hours?”

Ryan knew he hadn’t let out a full bladder’s worth yet, so he shook his head.  “I’ll be fine.”

“All right.  Let me know if I need to come home.”  Sharon kisses Ryan’s cheek, grabbed her purse, and left.

Pee-pee?” Blake said in disbelief once Sharon was out the door.

Ryan shrugged.  “We’ve never really had to be specific about toilet functions before.  She said it, like, sounds nicer or something.”  They ordered a pizza, changed into sweatpants and t-shirts, and watched TV for a while, and Blake was starting to fidget.  It hurt his rash when he was wet, so he was trying to wait until Sharon got home to pee.

“Um, when did Sharon say she’d be back?” Blake asked.  

Ryan looked at his phone.  “It’s 7:15...She said before 8, but it might not be that long.  “What’s wrong?”

“I have to pee, and I have a rash.  It stings when I’m wet, and Sharon said she’d change me as soon as I go so it can clear up.  I just wanted to try to hold it until she gets home.”  He’d known that the three glasses of coke he’d had since he got there weren’t a good idea.  Caffeine always went straight to his bladder and made his need urgent more quickly than anything else.  

“I’m going to have to go soon, too, and it’s not just pee,” Ryan admitted.  

A little while later, Blake was gripping his crotch, trying to take the pressure off, and he clenched his legs together when his bladder painfully spasmed.  He’d already felt a few drops escape, and he knew from past experience that the next leak was going to be a flood he couldn’t stop.  “Crap, I’m about to pee.”

“Just go,” Ryan said, his own discomfort growing.  “It’s 7:45, Sharon’s probably on her way home.  Does your rash really hurt that bad?”

“My dad doesn’t change me that often, so I’m used to it stinging.  I just don’t want it to hurt if it doesn’t have to, and I just peed right before Sharon left.  I should be able to hold it for a couple of hours.”

“Well, having to pee that bad hurts, too,” Ryan pointed out.  

“I know, I just—“ Blake gasped and bounced up and down on the couch when he felt a slow but steady stream start, and he couldn’t stop it no matter what he did.  “Damn it, it’s coming out.”  No amount of pressing into his crotch or squeezing his bladder muscles closed could hold it in, so he uncrossed his legs and loosened his grip on his crotch.  He left his hand between his legs as the warmth of the low hiss coming from his crotch seeped through his sweatpants, but he quickly removed it when he remembered Ryan was beside him.

“Don’t worry, I do the same thing,” Ryan assured him.  “Does it, uh, feel good when you’re wet? Like especially when you’ve just peed, and it’s really warm?  I mean, aside from your rash.”

Blake nodded.  “Oh, yeah.  Since my dad makes me stay in wet diapers for so long, I try not to pee until I’m close to losing control.  It hurts, but it feels good in a way.  I don’t know what it is.”   He’d even intentionally held on so long that his bladder gave out and he involuntarily wet himself a few times.  It wasn’t anything he’d ever enjoyed before, because wetting his pants was obviously embarrassing and he’d never purposefully held it for too long before, but now that he had the safety net of a diaper, he found that he enjoyed the desperation of feeling like he couldn’t hold it much longer and eventually losing control as his bladder voided itself.  If he had to wear the stupid diapers, he could at least have a little fun with it.

“I don’t know about that, I can’t stand to feel like I have to pee.  I love how warm it feels right after I wet my diaper, though.  I’m always afraid I’m going to get hard and have...stuff in my diaper when Sharon changes me.  But having to shit myself just sucks all around.”

Blake wrinkled his nose.  “Yeah, I’m not a fan of that, either.  And I’ve had two erections since this diaper crap started.  Unintentional ones, anyway.  I’ve had to start doing that in the shower.”

“Yeah, me too...On the shower thing, anyway. Speaking of shitting myself...Um, I’ll be right back.”  Ryan had been trying to put off pooping until Sharon was home, but the pressure was too much, and he could feel it starting to poke out.  He rushed for the stairs, but he’d waited too long to get up to his room, and his body was longing to crouch down like a toddler.  It was no longer just trying to poke out, but was forcefully pushing itself out, so he detoured to Sharon’s room. He held on to her bed post, his poop steadily filling his diaper as he squatted and felt pee warm his front.

Meanwhile, Sharon came home and looked around for the boys.  She found Blake on the couch in the living room.  “Hey, where’s Ryan?”

“He went up to his room, he said he was going to have to use the bathroom soon.  I mean, in his diaper, but you know what I mean.”

“Oh, right.  I’m glad he didn’t have to go before now.  How about you, are you still dry?”  Sharon gently squeezed his crotch as she was speaking, and Blake didn’t know why she’d bothered to ask.  “Oh, how long have you been wet?”

“Not long,” Blake answered honestly.  “I think I drank a little too much coke earlier.  I couldn’t hold it anymore.”

“All right, let’s get you changed while Ryan’s upstairs.”  Sharon wiped him down and retrieved a small tube from the grocery bag she’d carried in.  “I bought some rash cream on the way home.  I didn’t think to get some when I was buying diapers and wipes last week.”  She squeezed some onto her finger and gently dabbed it against his irritated skin.   “I’ll use a wet cloth next time, I’m sorry, I forgot the wipes would hurt your rash.  Tell me when you pee-pee again.”

“It’s okay.  Thanks. I will.”  

Sharon put his diaper in the garbage and went to her room to change into her pajamas.  She wasn’t expecting to find in the potty stance beside her bed.  His eyes widened when she came in.  “Sharon! Get out,” he hissed, too embarrassed to think clearly and realize he was telling her to get out of her own room.  He’d been so focused on getting somewhere comfortable and private to poop that he hadn’t thought about her coming home.  

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.”  Sharon hurried out of her room, her cheeks flaming.  She got some pajama pants and a sweatshirt from the laundry room, changed in the half-bath off of the kitchen, and poured a glass of wine while she was waiting for Ryan to finish.  When she heard footsteps coming out of her room a few minutes later, she got the changing mat, a clean diaper and pack of wipes and led him back to her room.  “I’m sorry, Blake thought you were upstairs,” she said as he lay down.  

“I started to go upstairs, but I knew I wasn’t going to make it,” he admitted.  “I waited a little too long to get somewhere I was comfortable.  I’m sorry for doing it in your room, but I kind of panicked and didn’t know where else to go.   It was the closest place that didn’t feel out in the open.”

“That’s okay.”  Sharon cleaned him up as quickly as she could and put a clean diaper on him.  “I’m sorry if you tried to hold it for a while, you could’ve called me when you had to go.”

“It’s fine.  I think you needed a little break from teenagers and diapers.  It’s been a while since you’ve seen any of your friends.”

Sharon disposed of his diaper and washed her hands, relieved that diaper duty was probably over until bedtime.  Two teenaged messy diapers in less than four hours was a little draining, and she took her book and glass of wine to the back porch to read and unwind before bed.  The October night was cold, and she turned on the outdoor heater and settled in an overstuffed chair.  She sipped a couple of glasses of wine as she read, and she was ready to go to bed a couple of hours later.  After placing her wine glass in the dishwasher, she checked on the boys.  “I’m about to go to bed, so you guys go ahead and pee-pee one more time so I can change you for the night.”  She didn’t have to tell Blake twice.  He was already getting urgent again, and he visibly relaxed and let his pee flow into the soft padding between his legs.  Sharon noticed his expression change from a little tense to relief, so she waited a few moments before getting a couple of diapers.  “All right, Blake, I think I’ll change you first.  Come with me, I’ll change you in my room.”

Blake followed her into her room, pushing down as much as he could to make sure he was all empty.  

Sharon got a wet cloth and wiped it over his rash and crotch area before putting a little more ointment on him.  “If this doesn’t look any better in the morning, you may need to let it air out for a while.  It looks terrible.”

Blake wasn’t sure how that would work, so he just shrugged as she taped a new diaper on him and pulled his sweatpants up.  “If you need to pee-pee during the night, you can come wake me up to change you,” Sharon said, remembering his small bladder.  Not to mention the fact that he’d had a lot to drink that evening.  

“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Blake answered uncertainly.  He’d probably have to pee at least once before morning, if not before they went to bed, but he didn’t want to wake Sharon up for just a wet diaper.  A messy diaper would be a different story, but he doubted that would be a problem.

“I really don’t mind.”  Sharon lowered her voice.  “Ryan had an upset stomach a few nights ago, and he had to come wake me up to change a dirty diaper.  It’s really not a problem.  I’m sure a wet diaper doesn’t feel good on your rash.”

“It’s not bad.”  Blake made a quick exit.  Sharon called for Ryan to come, quickly changed him, and got ready for bed.  Ryan and Blake did the same about an hour later.  It was hard to remember that it was a school night and that they had to be up early the next morning.  Once they got upstairs, Blake took his bag to one of the guest rooms where he always slept when he spent the night.  As he climbed in bed, he was relieved that he didn’t feel any traces of needing to pee, but he was fairly certain he was going to wet his diaper while he was asleep.  He’d wet the bed almost every night until he was ten, and then slowed down until he was twelve or thirteen.  He still had occasional nighttime accidents, but the older he got, the less frequent they were.  Now, they usually only happened sometimes when he was sick, really tired, or, like tonight, had a lot to drink during the evening.  Accidents happened just often enough for him to constantly worry about them, but that was one good thing about having to wear diapers.  If he did wet himself without knowing it, no one else had to know.  Sharon would obviously know he was wet the next morning, but she wouldn’t have any way of knowing whether he was asleep or awake when it happened.  He’d been lucky in that he hadn’t had an accident at a friend’s house since he was ten, so none of his friends or their parents knew that he still wet the bed every now and then.  He woke up after a weird dream a couple of hours later, and there was already a nagging twinge in his bladder.  His diaper still felt dry, so he didn’t want to wet it just yet.  He wasn’t so uncomfortable that he couldn’t go back to sleep, but he knew he would pee without waking up if he didn’t pee now.  His desire to keep his rash dry as long as he could so it would go away won out, and he went back to sleep, still feeling a slight urge to pee.  




  • Like 5

This is so well-written.  I love the everyday life feel to it and the loving and caring aspect.  This is great.

  • Thanks 1

I was thinking that this law passed was really a good concept except that it should have covered the other end of the spectrum as well by including older folks, say from 60 and up?  Why not ensure that all in this age group are properly diapered as opposed to some that get there on their own?

  • Thanks 1

The next morning, Blake was confused when his alarm went off and wasn’t sure where he was, but then he remembered that he was at Ryan’s house.  He immediately felt wetness between his legs, and he panicked for a moment before his burning rash reminded him that he was wearing a diaper.  He hadn’t woken up when he peed, but he knew this was going to happen.  He never would’ve drank so much the night before if he didn’t have to be in diapers, and his bladder was already starting to fill again.  He almost started to pee, but then he decided to wait and try to hold on until he lost control.  Waking up with a nagging bladder had given him a head start, and with the help of some coffee, he would probably be desperate in an hour or so.  He’d never drank coffee until the week before, because he’d heard that it was a diuretic, and he had enough bladder issues as it was, but he’d found that it helped when the mood struck to hold his pee until his body forced him to wet himself. After lying in bed for a few minutes, he finally made himself get up.  Ryan was sitting up when he passed his room, so Blake waited at the top of the stairs so they could walk down together.  

Sharon was sipping coffee at the counter when the two drowsy teenagers walked in.  She couldn’t help but smile at their drooping, obviously wet diapers under their pajama pants.  Ryan was soaked when she checked him, and Blake wasn’t that wet, but she wanted to go ahead and change him because of his rash.  It looked worse, so she put more ointment on it and decided to let him go diaper-free for the morning.  “I didn’t think I could do that,” Blake said.  

“As long as you don’t go potty anywhere except your diaper and don’t change yourself, we’re technically not breaking any rules,” Sharon explained as she pulled his pajama pants up over his bare bottom.  “I’ll put a diaper under you in your chair, just in case, and I’ll wrap a towel around you so you don’t feel exposed.  Just make sure you tell me when you have to pee-pee so I can tape your diaper on you.”

Blake nodded.  “I guess I could do that.  It does feel good not to have anything on my rash. Even a dry diaper irritated it a little bit.”

Sharon got a towel and a clean diaper and led Blake to the kitchen.  “Ryan, Blake’s rash isn’t any better, so I’m going to let him leave his diaper open until he has to use it.  Go in the living room while I help him get settled, and I’ll be in there to change you in a minute.”  Once Ryan was gone, Sharon helped Blake get situated on top of his open diaper and tucked the towel around him to cover him up.  “All right, just don’t forget to tell me when you need to wet your diaper, okay?  I’ll work in here so I’ll be nearby.”  She got a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice for him before going to change Ryan. 

Once Ryan was in a dry diaper, he got breakfast, juice, and coffee for himself.  As much as he enjoyed the feeling of a wet diaper, a soft, dry diaper had its own brand of pleasure.  The longer he’d been in a wet diaper, the better a dry diaper always felt. He’d woken up during the night and peed, then wet again before he came downstairs, so he’d felt a little waterlogged before Sharon changed him. “Oh, sorry, did you want some coffee?  I know you never drank it before, but now it doesn’t really matter.”

“Sure.  I’ve been drinking it since last week, for that same reason.”  Blake sipped his juice and finished his cereal, then took a tentative sip of the coffee Ryan gave him.  It still didn’t taste great, but he loved the smell and the warmth of it.  They both worked for a while, and Blake started to shift in his seat as his coffee and juice kicked in.  A couple of painful urges caused him to squeeze his legs together, but they subsided after a few seconds.  When another urge hit him almost immediately after the prior one had calmed down, he knew he was going to lose it soon.  He probably still had a few minutes before the dam burst, but he wanted to make sure Sharon had time to change him before that happened.  He squeezed his penis through the towel and pressed into his crotch.  “Um, Sharon?” He spoke up.  “I’m going to wet my diaper soon.”

Sharon was surprised, as she’d assumed that he’d emptied his bladder before she changed him that morning, but she didn’t think much of it.  She knew he had bladder problems, and the coffee probably hadn’t helped.  “Okay, honey.  Wrap your towel around yourself, and I’ll put your diaper on in the living room.  Can you hold it for a minute?”

“Yeah.”  Blake carefully stood up and kept his towel wrapped around him, but standing up jarred his bladder, and he crossed his legs as a longer wave of urgency hit him.  Damn that coffee.  It passed after a few moments, but not before he felt a little bit of pee escape, and he didn’t have much time. He knew from past experience that the next time his bladder pulsated like that, it wouldn’t go away until his bladder was empty.   “Oh, god, standing up made it worse.  We have to hurry.”  Sharon ushered him into the living room, placed his diaper on the floor, and quickly centered him over it without taking the time to grab the changing mat this time.  

Blake felt his control loosen as he lay down, and his cheeks flushed when he realized his penis was dribbling urine.  He held his bladder muscles in as hard as he could, but he could still feel a slow stream slipping past his clenched muscles and into the waiting diaper below him.  He was about to lose it completely, and the exhilaration he’d become familiar with in the last week in the moments between feeling the slow stream start to trickle out and the last surge that was so powerful that his pee had to rush out of him was suppressed by the panic he’d felt in trying to hold it until he was covered up.  It was much like the panic he endured before he had to wear diapers and found himself in a situation where he was in danger of wetting his pants before he could get to the toilet. He hadn’t completely wet his pants since he was 13 and on a long car trip with his parents, but he’d had close calls and long spurts that dampened his pants while rushing to the toilet several times since then.  He’d meant to get Sharon to put his diaper on a few minutes before he needed to be changed, but he’d overestimated how much longer he could wait. 

“Sorry, Sharon, it’s coming out.  I can’t hold it.”  Sharon held the front of his diaper over his crotch just in time before he felt the final surge of release as his bladder completely gave out.  He gasped softly when he felt his pee rush out more forcefully, even though he was still trying to hold it in.  Since he was covered, he was able to enjoy the last loss of control a little bit, but it would’ve been more pleasurable without Sharon kneeling over him and holding his diaper over his penis because he couldn’t hold it long enough for her to properly tape it on him.  

Sharon could hear a flowing sound as he let go, and she noticed his expression change from tense panic to relief as he forcefully wet himself.  She quickly fastened the tabs and straightened the diaper so he wouldn’t leak.  

“You’re okay, honey, don’t try to hold it back.”

“I couldn’t hold it back now if I tried.”  Blake sighed and relaxed as he drenched his diaper and savored the rapid warmth that drenched his genitals.  It hurt to have to hold it for too long, but finally letting it go was a feeling of pleasure and relief he couldn’t put into words.

When he was finished, Sharon wiped him down and put some rash ointment on him.  “Try to tell me a little sooner next time, but that was probably the coffee’s fault.  If your body’s not used to it, it can mess with your bladder.”

“Especially if you have the bladder of a three year old,” Blake mumbled.  

“I’m sorry, honey.  That can’t be easy for you.”  Sharon put his diaper in the garbage, washed her hands, and got Blake settled in the kitchen again. 

After lunch, both boys were getting drowsy, but they didn’t know whether the other one had been taking naps.  Sharon watched from the counter, interested to see how this would play out.  They were both finished with their school days and were trying to finish getting Ryan caught up in physics, but neither could concentrate, and they both looked ready to drop their heads in their notebooks.  Neither of them wanted to bring it up, so Sharon decided to help them out a little bit.  “Blake? Have you gotten sleepy in the afternoons since you started wearing diapers?  Ryan’s been taking naps every afternoon, and you both look a little bleary-eyed.”

They both looked relieved that she had brought it up.  “Yeah,” Blake admitted.  “I thought it was just me.  I didn’t know why I suddenly got so tired after lunch, but I’ve slept for two or three hours every afternoon.”  

“I thought so.  Why don’t you guys go lie down on the couch?  You can finish helping Ryan when you wake up, and you can spend the night again if you want to.  If your dad’s not changing you much during the day, I’d rather your rash clear up a little bit before you go home.”

“Thanks, Sharon, but you don’t want to have to change me for another night,” Blake said.

“I don’t mind, I promise.  Ryan, try to pee-pee while I put Blake’s diaper on him. You’ll both be more comfortable if you fall asleep with empty bladders and dry diapers.”  Sharon guided Blake to the living room, making sure he was covered up, and taped his diaper on him.  “Do you need a minute, or can you go ahead and wet it?”

“Sharon.  Holding my pee might be a problem sometimes, but it’s always a safe assumption that I can let it out at any given moment.”  

Sharon chuckled as Blake concentrated for a few moments and relaxed his posture as he started wetting, without a shred of shyness.  She could tell when he was finished and pushed down a little harder to make sure he was empty.  “Okay, I’m done.  I’m about to pass out.  You can change Ryan in here, I’ll be asleep before you can get my diaper to the garbage.”  Once he was wiped down and in a new diaper, Blake lay down on the couch in just his diaper and t-shirt.  Sharon spread a blanket over him and ruffled his hair before going to the kitchen to get Ryan.  “Did you try to pee-pee?”

“Yeah.  I was able to go a little bit.”  

Sharon squeezed Ryan’s diaper as they walked to the living room.  “Oh, honey, you should’ve told me you were so wet!  I keep forgetting to check you.”  

 Ryan didn’t know if he was more used to being changed now or was just ready to trade his sodden diaper for a dry one, but he willingly lay down on the changing mat without hesitation.  Blake was already asleep and breathing heavily, so he wasn’t worried about being changed in front of him.  He felt refreshed after Sharon wiped him down with a cold wet wipe, and the soft padding of his dry diaper teased his genitals.  Once he was on the opposite end of the sectional couch from Blake and under a blanket, he squeezed his legs together, trying to quell the aroused nerve endings between his legs.  It wasn’t so much that he was going to become completely aroused, but the soft padding was causing some stirrings.  He finally calmed down, but he wasn’t able to fall asleep, as tired as he was.  Sharon came in a few minutes later, surprised to find him still awake.  “What’s the matter?”

Ryan shrugged.  “I’m tired, but I can’t fall asleep.”

“Hmm...” Sharon got the box fan from her room and plugged it in.  All of her children had slept more easily with the white noise from the fan, and she still liked it, herself.  Once it was humming, she sat on the edge of the couch and patted the top of his thigh, right at the edge of his diaper, in a soothing rhythm.  With her other hand running through his hair, Ryan’s eyes started getting heavy almost immediately.  

“Oh, my god, that feels so good.”

“I thought it would.”  Sharon kissed his forehead and easily soothed him to sleep.  

A little while later, Sharon took a break from work and looked in on the boys.  They were both still unconscious.  They had shifted a little bit, and their blankets were no longer completely covering them.  In just their t-shirts and diapers, they looked like overgrown toddlers.  She straightened their blankets over them and went back to her work.

Blake woke up after an hour and a half with a twinging bladder, thanks to two cups of coffee that morning and juice with lunch.  He’d normally hold it for a little while longer, but he wanted to go back to sleep.  He was too uncomfortable to be able to sleep again, so he pressed his hands to the front of his diaper and let go, sighing contentedly as the pressure was relieved and warm wetness spread around his crotch.  He loved feeling his diaper get warm against his hands when he wet it, and he could feel it even better now with no pants over it.  He gently squeezed his legs together, savoring the warmth, and went back to sleep.  

Ryan usually didn’t nap much longer than two hours, but when he woke up a couple of hours later and saw that Blake was still asleep, he lay back down and decided to sleep a little longer, himself.  He barely noticed as he warmed his diaper with fresh pee, and the soothing hum of the fan had him unconscious again in no time.   When he woke up again almost an hour later, he was worried at first when he realized he was wet, but he vaguely remembered letting himself pee when he woke up earlier.  Blake was starting to sit up, too, and Ryan noticed as he paused for a few moments and then relaxed.  “Dude, you peeing?”  

Blake nodded.  “I knew drinking coffee would make me pee a lot.  I woke up a while ago and peed then, too.” He grimaced as his wet diaper pressed against his rash.  “I need to tell Sharon I’m wet.”  Ryan followed Blake into the kitchen and watched as he matter-of-factly asked Sharon to change him.  He was a little jealous that he had a hard time being so straight-forward with her.  Ryan only told her he needed to be changed when he’d pooped and she didn’t realize it, because he just couldn’t stay in a messy diaper any longer than necessary, but he never told her when he was wet enough to be uncomfortable.

Sharon cupped Ryan’s crotch with her hand as she walked by him to change Blake.  “You’re a little wet, but you’ll be okay for a while.”  She’d probably stop checking his diaper all the time if she could trust him to tell her when he was wet enough to need a change, but he just couldn’t make himself do it, as much as he’d like for her to stop squeezing his crotch all the time.

One afternoon the following week, Sharon was working in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.  Ryan had been napping for a couple of hours already, so she wasn’t surprised when he groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes as she walked through the living room to the entryway to the front door.  She also wasn’t all that surprised to find his social worker on the front step.  She’d expected a surprise visit since the diaper law had passed.  “Hi, Debra, please come in,” she greeted.  

“Hi, Sharon.”  Debra smiled when she saw Ryan peer drowsily at them from the couch.  He was only wearing a long sweatshirt and his diaper, and she could see the padding peeking out from the edge of his blanket.  “Ryan’s in diapers, I see, that’s good.”  

Sharon remembered that Ryan had fallen asleep before she had a chance to change him, so she instinctively walked over to him and softly pressed her hand between his legs.  There was no inappropriate intent behind it, she was just checking him like she would a baby or a toddler in a diaper, but she quickly pulled her hand back.  She wasn’t sure that was the best move in front of his social worker.  

“It’s okay, Sharon,” Debra assured her.  “I know you’re just seeing if he needs a change.”

“He slipped in here and fell asleep before I had a chance to change him, and he never tells me when he’s wet,” Sharon explained, “so I try to make sure he doesn’t have to sit in a soaked diaper for too long.”  She felt his diaper again, as she hadn’t gotten a good feel for how wet he was the first time.  He needed to be changed soon, but Debra’s visit probably wouldn’t last long.  Debra looked around for a few minutes, not surprised to find all of the appropriate materials for a diapered teenager finishing high school at home.  She accepted a mug of tea when Sharon offered and sat in a bar stool at the kitchen counter.  

“You weren’t on my priority list of people to check for compliance with the new law, but I wanted to talk to you in person,” Debra said.  “I know you got licensed for foster care specifically because you knew Ryan, but this new law has foster parents dropping out of the system, and it’s also causing me to have to remove kids from homes.  I have a thirteen-year-old girl and her almost-three-year-old brother whose foster parents refuse to follow the law, so I need a new placement for them.  I really don’t want to separate them, and I’d take them home myself if I had room for them.  I’m at a loss.  I have a family I could send them to, but I’m not crazy about it.  They had a bad experience with the foster home they’ve been in, and I just think you could provide a more loving environment for them than any of my other options.  I’ve been suspicious of their current placement for months, but I was never able to find anything that warranted pulling them out of the home.”

“I’ve actually been thinking about fostering more children once Ryan’s in college,” Sharon answered.  “Let me talk to Ryan about it.  Can I get back to you tomorrow?”

Debra nodded.  “Sure.  Thanks, Sharon.  I just need to have a little chat with Ryan, and then I’ll be finished here.  I won’t bring this up to him, but you know I have to go through the motions.”

“I know.  I’ll be on the back porch.  Take your time.”

Once Debra was gone, Sharon went inside to change Ryan’s diaper.  Happily dry and comfortable now, he got a snack and a glass of juice in the kitchen.  He’d heard Sharon say something like “I’ll talk to Ryan about it” when Debra was there, but he hadn’t been paying attention to them before that, so he didn’t know what they’d been talking about.  Debra hadn’t seemed any different than normal when she talked to him, so he wasn’t that nervous that something was wrong, but he still felt a little apprehensive.  He looked at Sharon expectantly, wanting to get whatever conversation they needed to have over with.  

Sharon explained the situation to him and gauged his expression for a reaction.  Ryan was relieved that there wasn’t a problem, but he was confused about why Sharon thought she had to check with him.  “Why are you asking me?”

“Because this affects you, too.  I’m not going to make such a big decision without discussing it with you first.”

Ryan shrugged.  “Whatever you want to do is fine.  You’ll have to change their diapers and stuff, not me.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind?  It’s okay if you’re not sure about it.  We can talk about it and make the decision together.”  As much as Sharon loved Ryan, she was excited about the prospect of having younger children under her roof again.  Especially a small child that was required to be in diapers, where she’d get the cuteness and cuddles of a toddler without dealing with potty-training and the constant worry and inconvenience of accidents.  The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to do it. 

Ryan nodded.  He wasn’t all that thrilled about having two other kids around, but he’d still have the freedom to go out with his friends or seek the privacy of his bedroom when he wanted to.  Sharon had done so much for him and seemed excited about it, and he had no desire to be the reason that two innocent kids were shuffled from one unloving home to another. 

“Okay,” Sharon said.  “I’m going to sleep on it and call Debra first thing tomorrow.”


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I’m glad some of you are liking this!  I made a last-minute decision to make Luke a little younger and edited the last chapter a couple of hours after I posted it, so I’m sorry for the confusion for those of you who read the last chapter before I changed it.  Luke is three months away from turning three now.

The next morning, after thinking about it and considering the pros and cons for much of the day before, Sharon still hadn’t changed her mind.  She called Debra with her decision, got Ryan situated with breakfast and a dry diaper, and left to do some shopping.  She’d take both kids shopping later so they could pick out their own things, but she had no idea what they had now, so she stocked up on some essentials.  She came home soon before lunchtime with some jeans, a few tops, pajamas, loungewear, and some toiletries for Haley, a few things for Luke, and plenty of diapers for both of them.  She already had a good bit of toys and clothes for William, so she could use some of his things until she had a feel for what Luke liked and could shop more for him later.  They’d probably be close enough to the same size.

When Ryan heard the buzzing of the outer garage door opening, he met Sharon at her car to help her carry the bags inside.  He knew her well enough to know that she had bought a shit ton of stuff and wouldn’t be able to bring everything inside in one trip.  “When are you picking them up?” He asked once they’d brought the bags inside.  

“At noon.  Would you mind coming with me?  I want to take them to lunch afterward, and they might feel more comfortable with another kid there.”

“Sure.  I’m starving.”

Sharon rolled her eyes.  “After breakfast and a snack I’m sure you’ve already had?”  Teenaged boys could go through food like nothing she’d ever seen before.

”Exactly.  It’s time to eat again.”

Thirteen-year-old Haley sat nervously in Debra’s office with Luke in her lap.  Debra had assured them that Sharon was great and would treat them very well, but she was still nervous.  She was old enough to remember her own parents, but Luke had been too young when they were killed in a car accident to remember how loving they were.  All he knew about parents was that they yelled a lot and beat him when he had accidents in his pants, which was still a common occurrence for the barely potty-trained two year old.  Luke was young enough to believe Debra that Sharon was going to be great, and he was ecstatic about having a mommy that loved him.  Haley still wasn’t so sure, and it just seemed too good to be true.  She at least had her old foster parents figured out and was able to shield herself and Luke from too much trouble, but having to learn the rules and annoyances of new foster parents sounded exhausting. 

Haley looked curiously out the window when she heard a car door slam, and she felt a little optimistic when she saw whom she hoped was Sharon.  She looked younger than she’d expected, as Debra had told her that she had three grown children of her own, and as she came inside, Haley noticed that she was stunning with her dark hair and deep blue eyes.  She looked like a genuinely kind person, not the fake kind of nice like her other foster parents had been when Debra was around.  Haley had never ratted them out to Debra during her visits, though, because she was afraid of getting placed with an even worse family.  

Luke struggled to get down from Haley’s lap and ran over to Sharon, holding his arms up for her to pick him up.  Sharon was a little surprised that he wasn’t more shy, but she leaned down and scooped him up.  “Well, hey, sweetheart!”

“Can I call you Mommy?” Luke automatically asked.

“Of course you can!  If you’re more comfortable with ‘Sharon,’ that’s okay, too, but you can call me whatever you want.”  Sharon settled Luke on her hip and gave Haley a warm smile.  “And you must be Haley.” 

The girl nodded shyly.  As nice as Sharon already seemed to be, this was just awkward.  Especially since she was a teenager wearing a diaper.  Sharon and Debra chatted for a few minutes before Debra gave her their file and followed Sharon out to her car to make sure she had a suitable car seat.  She was using the one she kept in her car for William until she had time to get a separate one for Luke.  He was turning three in January and wasn’t much younger than William, so she figured he would be close enough to William’s size to be able to use his car seat until she could get another one.  With Debra’s seal of approval, they told her goodbye and left.

The October day was sunny and mild, so Sharon drove to one of her favorite restaurants with outdoor seating.  Luke reached for her when she opened the back door and unbuckled the car seat, so she picked him up and carried him inside.  The slight crinkle of the padding under his pants reminded her that she had two extra diapers to keep an eye on, so she gently squeezed the front of his pants and found him to be dry.  “Tell me when you go potty so I can keep track of when you need to be changed, okay?”  Luke nodded and lay on her shoulder.  He was finally getting the hang of not going potty in his pants, and now he was back in diapers.  He had always gotten screamed at and hurt when he didn’t make it to the potty, so now he felt like he was going to get in trouble for going in his diaper.  Debra had tried to explain to him that it was okay and that’s what he was supposed to do now, but his toddler mind was having trouble processing that, and he’d only used his diapers when he couldn’t hold it anymore and his pee-pee came out by itself.

“What about you, Haley?  Are you dry?”

Haley nodded.  “Debra changed me right before you picked us up.”  Luke had been changed a couple of hours before that, after he screamed and held himself for what seemed like an eternity as his little bladder approached the point of overflowing.  It always broke her heart when he got caught short and wet his pants, or soiled himself, when he couldn’t hold it anymore, so she was glad that diapers brought an end to that.  He didn’t like having accidents, but his potty needs didn’t usually register until he only had a few minutes to get to a potty before he had an accident.  And sometimes the need just sneaked up on him too quickly to even try to get to the potty before he went in his pants. 

The cheap diapers child services had in stock weren’t equipped to deal with a rapidly-flowing, full-bladder accident, and Luke’s diaper had leaked and soaked his pants when he finally let go that morning.  Debra had cleaned him up and changed him, and she’d just tossed his wet pants in the trash.  They were too small for him, anyway.  Haley knew Luke was probably going to have to pee again before long, and she hoped he could wait until they got home.  Soaking his pants in a public place or in the car wouldn’t exactly be their best start with Sharon.  She had quickly learned that it was better to let out a little bit of pee at a time to avoid leaking and had tried to explain that to Luke, but he was too-freshly potty-trained to purposefully wet his diaper.  

Luke stayed in Sharon’s lap when they were led to a table outside.  He seemed like he was going to be clingy, but Sharon wasn’t complaining.  She was just happy he wasn’t afraid of her.  Debra had told her about their background, and with Haley having loving parents for most of her life and Luke not even remembering his biological parents, she thought Haley would adjust more easily and that Luke might shy away from her, but that didn’t seem to be the case.  He lay against her, occasionally sipping his juice, as they chatted and waited for their food to come.  

When they were finished eating and waiting for the check, Luke got down and climbed into Haley’s lap.  He hadn’t given much thought to his bladder, but it had filled to the point that it was impossible to ignore. The tingle that alerted him that it was time to find a potty soon was sharp and starting to hurt, and he knew from past experience that he wouldn’t be able to hold it much longer.  His new mommy seemed nice, but now that he was getting close to pottying in his pants, he was afraid.  “Hey, buddy, do you need to tinkle?” Haley whispered.  She remembered her mom saying that when she was Luke’s age, so she’d used the same term with him sometimes.  Their old foster parents had never really taught Luke how to use the potty, they’d just taken him out of diapers soon after he turned two and beaten him when he had accidents, so she’d done her best to work with him, despite having no idea what she was doing.

Luke whimpered and shifted in Haley’s lap, trying to find a position to ease the pressure.  He pressed his hands between his legs when he felt a spurt slip out.  “It’s trying to come out,” he whispered in a panic.

“I told you that you wouldn’t get wet if you’d just go potty a little bit at a time.  Let a few tinkles out, then hold it, and then let a little more out a few times while you can still hold it.”  Haley paused and let a little pee out herself.  “See, I just pottied a little bit, and my pants are still dry!”

Luke shook his head, not convinced that it was okay.  

Sharon took care of the bill and looked over at Haley and Luke.  “What’s the matter?”

Haley had been hoping this wouldn’t be an issue until they got home, but Luke clearly couldn’t wait that long.  Sharon seemed to recognize the situation before she had a chance to explain.  “Oh, Luke, do you have to go potty?”  Luke nodded miserably.  “That’s okay, honey, you’re supposed to wet your diaper.  Go ahead and pee-pee, and I’ll change you when we get home.”  It was going to be prime naptime for all three of them by then, so dry diapers would be needed all around.

“Our diapers aren’t that thick,” Haley explained.  “I’ve just been wetting mine a little at a time so it won’t leak, but Luke always got in trouble when he wet his pants, so he’s still afraid to use his diaper.  He’ll finally wet it when he can’t hold it anymore, but it’ll leak and get his pants wet.”

Sharon gave him a sympathetic look.  He didn’t look like he’d make it home, but she could try to get him back in time.  She didn’t have any of the diapers she’d bought for them with her.  “All right, let’s go.  Honey, you won’t get in trouble for going potty, I promise.  It’s okay to wet your diaper.” She held her hands out for him, but he turned back into Haley’s shoulder.  

Haley put Luke down as they walked to the car, afraid he was going to pee on her.  He hobbled beside her, holding her hand with one hand and gripping his crotch with the other.  Sharon quickly buckled him in the car seat and made sure Ryan and Haley were buckled before she drove off.  Luke’s whimpers were turning into sobs, and Sharon looked at him through the rear view mirror.  He was wiggling in his car seat, both hands buried between his legs, and she knew from her own children, and more recently from William, that he had two minutes at the most before the floodgates opened.  “Luke, buddy, please don’t try to hold it.  I don’t like to see you hurting and so sad.  I want you to go potty now.  I promise, I won’t be angry.”

Luke was concentrating too hard on not wetting his pants to process what she was saying.  He rocked back and forth in his car seat when he felt a longer trickle escape, desperately trying to hold the rest in.  “I hafta pee-pee,” he wailed, bouncing in his seat and kicking his legs. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, and Sharon just wanted to gather him in her arms and hug him and tell him everything was okay.  Her heart ached for him as he started to lose control.  “I gonna pee-pee in my pants!” Luke sobbed when he felt a slow stream force its way past his clenched bladder muscles that he couldn’t hold back and pick up speed.  His bottom was too tired to hold in his tinkles, but he squeezed his legs together, determined to try.  “It’s coming out, I can’t hold it!” The pee-pee gushing out of him couldn’t be stopped by his clenched muscles, and squeezing his legs together and grabbing himself wasn’t helping anymore.  He spread his legs as he forcefully wet his diaper and looked down at his crotch in dismay as his little bladder betrayed him again.  His diaper grew warm and expanded under his hands, where he was still holding himself, and his cries grew louder as a wet spot formed on his crotch and moved down his legs.  

Sharon reached back and patted his leg.  “It’s okay, sweetheart.  I’ll give you a bath and change you when we get home.  You’re not in trouble, I promise.”  

“I’m so sorry,” Haley spoke up.  “I really did try to get him to just wet it a little at a time, but he doesn’t understand that he won’t get in trouble for going in his pants now.”

“Don’t worry about it, honey, that’s actually my grandson William’s car seat.  He’s a few months older than Luke.  That’s not the first time it’s been pottied in.  I understand why he’s having trouble with it.  Poor little thing was concentrating on not wetting his pants too much to be able to reason with him.”

When they got home, Sharon opened the back door and started to unbuckle Luke.  He cowered away from her, leaning back against his car seat as much as he could.  Sharon placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.  “Honey, I promise I’m not mad.  Want to get cleaned up and in some dry clothes?”

Luke nodded uncertainly.  His wet pants were cold and clammy against his crotch, legs, and bottom, and the waterproof covering of the car seat had left him sitting in a little pool of toddler pee.  It was time for his nap, too, and he yawned and rubbed his eyes.  Sharon slowly gathered him in her arms and patted his back.  “I’ll give you a bath really quick, and then I’ll put you in a diaper that won’t get you all wet when you go potty, okay?  I’ve got some warm pjs for you, and I’ll rock you once you’re all clean.”  

“Let me carry him, Sharon, he’s going to get you wet,” Haley offered.

“Oh, I don’t mind.  A little pee-pee never hurt anybody.”  Sharon shifted Luke to her hip and carried him inside.  He slipped his thumb into his mouth and lay on her shoulder.  She would have to try to break him of that soon, but she figured he’d had enough trauma for one day.  She carried him to her bathroom and started a bath, then spread a towel on the floor for him to stand on while she got him out of his wet clothes.  She undressed him as gently as she could, but his clothes were tight and made them difficult to get off, especially with a swollen diaper.  Once his clothes and wet diaper were off, she wiped down his crotch, thighs, and bottom with a couple of wet wipes and lifted him into the bath.  The sound of running water and the warm bath made Luke even more drowsy, and he sat still, trying to hold his eyes open as Sharon tenderly ran a soapy washcloth over him.  Seeing that he was ready to fall asleep, she quickly finished up, dried him off, and wrapped a clean towel around him. 

“All right, sweetie, let’s get a clean diaper and some pjs, and then I think it’s nap time.”  Sharon carried him to her room and got a clean diaper and a pair of William’s footie pajamas.  They were a little big on him, but they would work for now.  She still needed to wash the new clothes she’d bought for Haley and Luke.  She leaned down and kissed his forehead as she taped up his diaper and zipped him into the pajamas.  “All set.” She left him lying on her bed long enough to change her own clothes, then picked him up.  Luke rested his head on her shoulder, already starting to nod off as she walked to the living room.  Ryan was already asleep on the couch, and Haley was on the other end of the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV.  She looked drowsy, and Sharon figured she’d be dropping off for a nap before long, too. 

Sharon covered Luke with a blanket and patted his back as she rocked him.  He wrapped his little arms around her neck and snuggled into her shoulder, then subconsciously let his thumb slip into his mouth as he fell asleep.  She laid him down on the couch near Ryan’s feet, adjusted the blanket over him, then straightened Ryan’s blanket over him and checked his diaper.  He was a little wet, but he’d be okay for a while.  She’d changed him before they left to get Haley and Luke, but she liked to let him empty his bladder and have a dry diaper before he went down for a nap.

“How’s your diaper, Haley?” Sharon asked.  “Are you wet?” 

Haley nodded shyly.  “A little bit, but it’s okay for now.”

“I’ll go ahead and put you in a thicker diaper.  Do you need to pee-pee at all?”

Haley shook her head.  “I’ve been going just a little bit at a time because of these flimsy diapers, so I just went.”

Sharon got one of Haley’s diapers and a pack of wipes.  “Here, lie down on the changing pad, and I’ll change you really quick.  I’ve been changing Ryan as soon as he has a dirty diaper, and I usually wait until he wets it twice before I change him, so tell me when you need to be changed.  If you feel uncomfortable after just one wetting, I don’t mind changing you more often.”

Haley nodded, and she tensed as Sharon pulled her jeans down and untaped her diaper, but Sharon’s soft motions as she tenderly wiped her down and taped a new diaper on her made her feel loved and cared for.  She was fast and matter-of-fact about it, so Haley felt a little less embarrassed. 

Sharon looked through Haley’s bag and pulled out a pair of leggings.  “Do you want to put these on so you’ll be more comfortable?”  Hailey nodded, so Sharon helped her into them.  “Ryan’s been taking naps every afternoon since he started wearing diapers.  They seem to have caused some other kids to get sleepy in the afternoons, too.  Why don’t you try to take a nap?  You look tired.”

“I was wondering why I was so sleepy.”  Haley lay down on the couch and sighed in contentment as Sharon tucked a blanket around her shoulders and ran her hand over her hair.  

Sharon sorted through the clothes she’d bought and started a load of laundry, then cleaned up from Luke’s bath and just tossed his too-small wet clothes in the garbage.  She had taken the day off of work and was looking forward to having some time to herself, so she got her book and lounged back in the recliner in the living room.  She looked over at Haley a few minutes later and realized she still wasn’t asleep.  “Haley? Is something wrong?”

Haley shook her head.  “I’m tired, but I can’t fall asleep.”

“Want to come sit with me for a minute?  Ryan sometimes needs a little help falling asleep, and rubbing his back or something usually helps.”  Sharon opened her arms and shifted in the chair as Haley nervously walked toward her, blanket in hand.  She climbed in the chair and relaxed as Sharon draped the blanket over her and held her close to her.  “You’re safe with me, honey,” Sharon murmured as she carded her fingers through the girl’s hair.  “You’ll be okay.”  

Haley got comfortable against Sharon, visibly more relaxed, and closed her eyes.  Sharon’s soft humming and the loving way she rubbed her back and played with her hair lulled her to sleep.  Sharon sat with her and read once she was asleep.  A little while later, she closed her book, eased herself out from under Haley, stretched her out in the chair, and adjusted the blanket over her.  Haley didn’t stir.  Sharon and Ryan had cleared her office out the night before and put a twin bed that had belonged to her son when he was younger and some of his other old furniture in there for Luke.  Her office was right across the hall from her bedroom and had functioned as a bedroom when her children were too small for her to feel comfortable with them sleeping upstairs.  She’d changed it into an office when Anne-Marie was in kindergarten. 

Sharon wiped the furniture down, put clean sheets and a comforter on the bed, and vacuumed, then went upstairs to make sure Haley’s room and bathroom were in order.  She’d cleaned both the night before, so she just ran an eye over both rooms and went back downstairs to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer.  She’d let Haley do what she wanted with the things she’d bought that morning.  

Ryan woke up a little while later, but he didn’t get up just yet.  He was alarmed at first when he realized the padding between his legs was wet and was afraid he’d peed in his diaper while he was sleeping, but then he remembered that he’d been wet before his nap and had fallen asleep before Sharon had a chance to change him.  He’d been peeing the minute he felt the smallest urge so much that he rarely made much of a conscious effort to do it except when Sharon was about to change him.  He didn’t know when he’d last peed a little bit, but he did it so frequently that it couldn’t have been too long before he fell asleep.  He knew he’d been too sleepy to try when they got home, though, and the failure to wet right before his nap had caused him to wake up with a slightly aching need for release, courtesy of his small bladder.  Especially since he hadn’t woken up at least once during his nap and peed a little bit before going back to sleep like he sometimes did.  He immediately relaxed and wet himself.  The tepid, moist padding turned warm and wet from the fresh pee, and he continued lying down and enjoyed the feeling of his wet diaper.  He’d been too tired to find a pair of sweatpants when they got home, so he’d just taken his jeans off from under his blanket and gone to sleep in his sweatshirt and diaper.  Haley was asleep in the chair, so he pulled his jeans back on and went to the kitchen for something to drink.  Sharon was standing at the counter and putting dinner together, and she stopped him as he walked behind her to check his diaper.  “Oh, honey, you’re drenched.  Let’s go change.  I’m sorry I couldn’t change you before you fell asleep.”

“It’s okay.  I know Luke was miserable.”  Ryan followed Sharon to her room, his soaked diaper forcing him to waddle a bit.  Once he was changed, he got a snack and some coke and sat at the table to finish up the schoolwork he hadn’t gotten to that morning.  

When Haley woke up after sleeping for a couple of hours, she was disoriented and forgot where she was.  Luke was asleep on the couch, and she remembered that she had a new foster mother now and was at a different house.  Her stomach was starting to rumble, and she knew she was about to have to deal with what she’d dreaded the most since being in diapers.  Having her wet diapers changed was humiliating enough, but pooping herself and being cleaned up by someone else sounded awful.  Her stomach was hurting, and she knew she couldn’t avoid it forever, so she leaned against the back of the chair and pushed down to let her poop come out.  The front of her diaper warmed as her bladder voided what little had built up during her nap as well.  It didn’t feel as gross as she’d thought it would, but she still wanted to be changed.  She could hear Sharon and Ryan talking in the kitchen, so she followed their voices and shyly approached Sharon.

“Hey, sweetie, did you sleep good?”  Haley nodded.  She was thirsty, but she didn’t want to ask for something or to start digging through cabinets or anything.  Sharon seemed to read her mind and got a glass from one of the cabinets.  “Ryan always wakes up thirsty from a nap.  You can have whatever you want from the refrigerator if you’re thirsty.  Anytime you want something to eat or drink, just help yourself to whatever you can find.  I’ll take you and Luke with me next time I buy groceries so you guys can tell me what you like.”

“Okay, thanks. Um...”

Sharon got a whiff of a messy diaper and knew what the problem was.  She put her hand on Haley’s shoulder and led her to her bedroom.  “I’lll change you really quick first.”  

“I’m sorry, Sharon, this is so gross,” Haley apologized as Sharon untaped her diaper and gently cleaned her up.  

“It’s okay, honey.  Ryan still gets embarrassed, too, but it’s just a fact of life now.  I promise I don’t mind.”  While Sharon had Haley alone, she took the chance to ask her about Luke.  “How is Luke’s potty-training? If he’s anything like my sons were at his age, he was probably still wetting the bed and having accidents during the day sometimes. I’m taking you guys to the doctor to get you checked out as soon as I can make an appointment for you, and even though he’s in diapers, his pediatrician will probably need to know so she can track his development.”

“He’s mostly dry during the day, but he didn’t like to poop in the potty. He’d get in trouble if he went in his pants though, so he was getting better about doing that in the toilet.  He was still wetting his pants sometimes during the day, but not much.  He wet the bed almost every night, though.  They didn’t really potty-train him, they just put him in underwear a few months ago and yelled at him and hit him when he had accidents.”

Tears filled Sharon’s eyes as she pulled up Haley’s leggings.  “That’s terrible!  I’m so sorry.”  She taped up Haley’s dirty diaper and stood up.  “What about naps?  Do you know if he still went potty sometimes while he was napping?”  

Haley nodded.  “Every now and then.  Sometimes when I wasn’t around to remind him to go potty first, but sometimes he’d still wake up wet even if he went right before.  He should’ve been in pull-ups at night, and maybe even for naps, but our foster parents wouldn’t buy them.”

Sharon wrapped her arm around Haley’s shoulders as they walked back to the kitchen.  “I’ll never hurt you guys, and I’ll take care of you and make sure you have what you need, okay?”  

Haley nodded, unable to help herself as she dropped her head against Sharon as they walked.  “Thank you.”

Luke woke up not long after Haley, and he immediately felt wetness between his legs.  He was too drowsy to remember that he was wearing a diaper or that he didn’t have mean foster parents anymore, and he sobbed and screamed for Haley.  He hoped she could cover up his accident before one of their foster parents found out he wet the bed and hit him.  Sometimes she could, and sometimes she couldn’t. Haley was looking through the bags of stuff Sharon had bought for her, but she stopped and started to go get Luke.  “I’ll get him,” Sharon assured her.  She walked into the living room, sat beside Luke, and held him against her chest as tears streamed down his cheeks.  “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?  Did you have a bad dream?”  She gently rocked and patted his back to calm him down.

Luke remembered Sharon now, but the pieces still hadn’t come together in his sleepy mind.  He knew he felt safe with her, though, so he buried his head into her shoulder as his sobs slowly started to taper off.  “I tinkled in my pants,” he mumbled, remembering that she hadn’t gotten angry when he wet his pants before.

Sharon smiled.  Her grandmother had said ‘tinkle,’ and she hadn’t known many other people who had used that word as a term for pee.  She gently squeezed his padded crotch through his pajamas.  “Oh, you are a little wet. That’s okay, you’re supposed to tinkle in your diaper now, and see how your pjs are still dry? Do you want me to change you?  I will if it feels yucky, or I’ll wait until you potty again if it feels okay.”

Luke shook his head.  “No change, Mommy.”

“All right.  Try to remember to tell me when you go pee-pee again, okay?  If you wet your diaper too many times before I change you, it’ll leak.”  Luke shrugged, his thumb sneaking into his mouth as he lay against Sharon.  She held him close to her and rubbed his back until he became a little more alert.  “Do you want some juice?”

Luke nodded.  “I thirsty.”

“I thought you might be.”  Sharon stood up and shifted Luke to her hip.  After getting a sippy cup of juice for him, she brought some of William’s toys in and settled him on the kitchen floor so she could watch him as she finished dinner.

Later that evening, Luke’s eyes started drooping before 7:00.  Sharon hadn’t planned to try to put him to bed until 8:00, but it had been a big day, so she figured he was tired.  He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he climbed in Sharon’s lap, his hand gripping his crotch as he lay against her.  He hadn’t wet his diaper again since Sharon changed him after his nap over three hours ago, and she knew he had to be close to bursting. “I know a little boy who needs to make tinkles and go night-night,” Sharon murmured, kissing the side of his head.  “Try to go potty, and then I’ll put a dry diaper and some clean pjs on you.”

“Don’t wanna potty,” Luke whined, crossing his legs and tightening his grip on his crotch.  The already-wet padding pressed against him weakened his resolve to to hold his pee-pee in, but not enough to let it out.  He was already wet, but he still didn’t want to let his bladder go. Going pee-pee on purpose when he wasn’t in front of the potty still felt wrong, no matter what Sharon or Haley told him.

“You can stay in my lap, and you know you have to use your diaper.  It’s okay.  You can get sick if you try to hold your pee-pee too long, and I know it hurts to hold it when you have to go potty so bad.  Haley and Ryan have already gone potty in their diapers tonight,  and you’ve seen me leave to change Ryan.  It’s okay.”

Luke shook his head and whimpered when a wave of desperation surged through him.  He squeezed his legs together more tightly and wiggled in Sharon’s lap, trying not to go potty.  Without the instinctive panic at knowing he couldn’t hold his tinkles much longer, he probably could’ve understood that he couldn’t wait forever and that he wouldn’t get in trouble, but his one-tracked toddler mind was too focused on not losing control of his bladder to think logically.  Sharon gently pulled his hands away from his crotch and pried his legs apart, humming softly and rubbing his back as she rocked him.  She was trying to relax him enough to wet his diaper on his own.

“It’s gonna come out!” Luke sobbed, struggling against Sharon as he tried to hold himself, but she held both of his hands with one of hers and arranged him against her  so that he couldn’t move them back to his crotch.  He could feel his bladder slipping without the help of his hands and crossed legs.

“It’s going to come out anyway, honey, and you’ll feel better if you let it out yourself instead of waiting until you can’t hold it anymore. I know that hurts.  Please just go potty.  You know you won’t get in trouble.  I want you to go pee-pee.”

Luke’s cries grew louder as small spurts started to come out and his desperation peaked, and he shuddered when he lost it completely and felt his pee-pee rushing out and warming his diaper.  The flood was no match for his toddler bladder muscles, and his sobs dwindled to pitiful cries as he went potty in his diaper.  It still felt weird for his pants not to be getting soaked like they had for the last few months the times he lost this battle before he got to the potty and wet himself.  “I pee-peed,” he mumbled against Sharon’s shoulder, as if she hadn’t heard the flowing sound from his diaper when he started wetting or felt her lap getting warm.

“I know, buddy, it’s okay.  Good job.  Mommy wants you to go potty in your diaper.  Try to go a little more to make sure all of your tinkles are gone, and then I’ll change you.”  Once Luke was in a dry diaper and fresh pajamas, Sharon let him have a couple of sips of water before reading a couple of William’s books to him and putting him to bed.  “Do you want me to rock you to sleep or lie down with you?”


“Okay.  Remember that my room is right across the hall from yours.  If you wake up and have a yucky diaper, or you just need me, you can come wake me up.  Or just cry out, and I’ll come get you.”  Luke nodded and lay sleepily on Sharon’s shoulder.  He was a little old to be rocked to sleep, but she wanted to coddle him a little bit as he adjusted to his new surroundings.  “Night-night, darling.  Mommy loves you.”  She covered him with a blanket and patted his diapered bottom as she rocked.  Once he was deeply asleep, she tucked him into bed and made sure his night-light was on.

Sharon was ready for bed herself a couple of hours later, so she went upstairs to check on Haley.  She’d been in her room, unpacking and arranging her own things and the things Sharon had bought for her.  Sharon knocked lightly on Haley’s open door.  “I’m going to bed soon, so why don’t you try to potty really quick so I can change you?”

Haley looked confused at the infantile language in Luke’s absence, but she nodded in agreement.  Sharon tactfully looked away so Haley wouldn’t feel like she was staring at her.  “Um, I’m ready now,” she spoke up a few moments later.

Sharon got a clean diaper and a pack of wet wipes from a basket she’d placed under Haley’s bed that morning.  “You can come wake me up if you need to be changed during the night,” she said as she gently wiped the girl down.  “Or if you ever wake up and don’t feel well or otherwise need something.  Ryan’s still shy about waking me up if something’s wrong during the night, and I would hate for you to be in a soiled diaper or feel sick and not wake me up.”

“Thanks, I’ll try to remember that. I’m sure my diaper will be okay.  I don’t usually have to go during the night.”

“All right.”  Sharon pulled Haley’s pajama pants back up and kissed her cheek.  “Help yourself to whatever you want downstairs if you need anything before you go to bed.  Goodnight, honey.  Sleep well.  I love you.”  Haley was taken aback and didn’t know what to say.  It had been a long time since she’d heard that from someone besides Luke.  “I don’t expect you to say the same,” Sharon assured her.  “It’s just important to me that you know you are loved.”

Haley nodded.  “Thank you.  I—it’s been a while since I’ve heard that,” she admitted.

Sharon squeezed her shoulder and tried to keep tears from welling in her eyes.  She changed the subject.  “You’re excused from school tomorrow and Friday, so you can sleep in a little bit in the morning.  Ryan’s finishing school online, and you can do that if you want to, or you can go back to school.  It’s up to you, but try to let me know by Friday so I can get the materials for you to start school again on Monday.  I work from home now, so I’ll be here to change you.”

Haley nodded.  “I will.  Goodnight, Sharon.”

Later that night, Sharon was startled to wake up to sobs coming from across the hall.  She looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it was just after 2 A.M.  If William were there, he would’ve been sleeping with her...Oh, right, she had two new kids under her roof now.  Sharon yawned and shuffled across the hall, trying to pry her eyes open as she navigated into Luke’s room.  She sat on his bed and pulled him into her arms, rubbing his back and trying to soothe him.  “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”  She rested her chin on top of his head and gently rocked back and forth.  

Luke finally calmed down long enough to answer her.  “I went potty in my pants, and I was gonna get in trouble, and, and—I tried to hold it, but we were in the car, and—“

“Oh, baby, it was just a bad dream.”  Sharon held him a little more tightly and kissed the top of his head.  She had a feeling the dream was based upon true events.  “Mommy’s here.  You’re safe with me.  I’ll never hurt you, I promise.”

Luke hiccuped as his cries died down to sniffles.  “They wouldn’t stop and let me potty.  It hurt really bad, and I tried to keep it in, but then it wouldn’t stay in just came out.  I pee-peed in my pants and got all wet.”

“It’s okay, honey.”  Sharon softly squeezed the crotch of his footie pajamas and realized he was wet, which had probably been triggered by the dream.  “You are a little wet, so I’ll go ahead and change you.  You might make tinkles again before morning, and I don’t want a yucky diaper to wake you up too early.  Do you still have to pee-pee a little bit?”  Luke shook his head, so she laid him down on her bed, got a diaper and wipes from a basket under her bed, and quickly changed him.  She had baskets of changing supplies stashed in almost every room of the house. Luke started reaching for her to pick him up before she could get his pajamas zipped back up.  “Let me throw your diaper away and wash my hands, and I’ll be right back.”  Once that was taken care of, she gathered Luke in her arms and kissed his cheek as he lay on her shoulder.  “I’ll rock you back to sleep, and then you can sleep with Mommy for the rest of the night, okay?”  Luke nodded and nestled into the crease of her neck.  Sharon patted his back and rocked until his eyes closed and he felt heavy against her shoulder.

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When Sharon woke up the next morning, she smiled when she felt Luke spooned against her side.  She straightened the covers over him and went to the kitchen in search of coffee. She’d taken Thursday and Friday off of work to help Haley and Luke get settled, so she decided to cook breakfast since she had extra time this morning. Ryan would be downstairs soon, and Luke would probably wake up soon after that, if not before.  She had no idea how long to expect Haley to sleep, but she’d keep breakfast warm until she woke up.  

Ryan stumbled in at the last allowable minute before Sharon went to drag him out of bed, just like he always did.  “Morning,” he mumbled as he headed straight for the coffee pot.  He barely flinched when he felt Sharon’s hand between his legs, checking his diaper.  He was getting more accustomed to it every day.  

“You’re not too wet, but do you want me to change you before you start with school?”  Sharon asked. 

Ryan shook his head.  He’d just peed right before he came downstairs, and he was still enjoying the wet warmth of his morning leak.  Sharon was scooping bacon from the skillet to a paper towel, and she rolled her eyes when he grabbed two pieces and inhaled them.  She heard Luke calling for Haley then, so she hurried to her room and sat on her bed.  “Morning, sweetheart.  Your sister’s still asleep, but breakfast is almost ready, and we can read or watch cartoons for a little bit after you eat.”  Luke nodded and slowly crawled into her lap.  “Are you wet?”  Sharon asked as she checked his diaper.  She was pretty sure he was still dry, but she wanted to make sure he stayed aware of whether he was wet or dry.  She also wanted to emphasize the fact that she expected him to wet his diaper and that it was okay.  Luke thought for a moment and shook his head. “Do you feel like you need to tinkle?”  He shook his head again, but the suggestion made him realize that he was going to have to go soon, and he absently gave his crotch a squeeze.  “Are you sure?”  Sharon asked, raising her eyebrows.  

“Don’t hafta go bad,” Luke mumbled.

“Okay, but remember that you’re supposed to go potty in your diaper now.  You won’t get in trouble, and you know you’ll have to use your diaper no matter how long you hold it.”  Sharon did like that he wasn’t going potty right when he started to feel uncomfortable, as she wanted his bladder to continue to strengthen as he grew, but she didn’t want him to hold it to the point that it hurt, either.  “Hold your pee-pee in as long as you would have when you were wearing undies.  When you normally would’ve gone to the potty, just go in your diaper.  You don’t need to pee-pee right when you feel it, but don’t hold it so long that it hurts, either, okay?”  She picked him up and walked toward the kitchen.

Luke nodded, seeming to understand.  He didn’t like being back in diapers, but he remembered waking up with a wet diaper the night before and how his new mommy had been so nice and changed him and let him sleep with her.  One good thing about diapers was that he didn’t have to worry about waking up wet in the middle of the night because he didn’t wake up when he needed to pee-pee, which would’ve happened last night if he’d been wearing his big-boy pants.  Nighttime accidents had been a lot more frequent than daytime accidents, but he also liked knowing that he didn’t have to stop what he was doing to go potty or have to worry about being out and not being able to find a bathroom in time before he had to poop or tinkle in his pants.  It had been a few hours since Sharon had changed him the night before, and his little bladder was already moving from uncomfortable to pulsating painfully.  He squirmed against Sharon’s hip and squeezed his legs against her.  “I ‘bout to potty,” he mumbled shyly.  He would’ve been able to hold it for a few more minutes if he had to, but Sharon had just said not to hold it anymore if it hurt.

Sharon had recognized the “gotta potty soon” movements, but she could tell that he still would’ve had a little time before the dam burst.  She was relieved that he had understood her and hopefully was getting used to wetting his diaper.  “Go ahead and pee-pee, honey.  You know it’s okay.”

Luke purposefully started to let his pee out, but the willful motion when he wasn’t at the potty felt wrong.  He instinctively tried to clench his bladder and stop, but he had to go badly enough that he wasn’t able to stop once he started going.  He knew all about that.  He’d sometimes tried to let out a little bit of tinkle when he was close to wetting his pants before and was either on his way to the potty or having to wait because his other foster parents wouldn’t take him when they were out, thinking that would make it easier to hold the rest, but it never worked.  He always lost control and completely wet his pants when he tried that.  He lay on Sharon’s shoulder as his tinkle warmed his diaper, and she patted his bottom when she could tell he was finished.  “Tell me when you potty again, and I’ll change you.”  She got him a sippy cup of juice and made a plate for him.  She wasn’t sure what he would eat, so she gave him a little bit of everything.  He seemed to like the fruit, so she gave him some more when he’d cleared the rest of his plate.  Ryan was finishing his second plate, and Haley wandered in as he was putting his plate in the dishwasher.

Sharon got a glass and a plate out for Haley.  “Morning, honey.  You’re up early.”

Haley nodded.  “I didn’t want Luke to keep you from being able to work, so I went ahead and got up.”

Sharon patted her shoulder.  “I’m off today, so you didn’t have to worry about that.  He would’ve been fine, anyway, and he’s not your responsibility anymore.  I’m taking care of both of you now.”  

“I know.  I keep forgetting.  I always had to watch him with our other foster parents.”  Haley got some juice out of the refrigerator and fixed her plate.  “This looks great, Sharon.  Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.  I’ll take you guys to the grocery store with me next time I go so you can tell me what cereal or other breakfast food and snacks you like.  I had some extra time this morning, so I decided to cook.”  Sharon discreetly checked Haley’s diaper, surprised that she was still dry.  Ryan was always wet when he came downstairs in the morning, and he often had already wet twice since the night before.  She still wasn’t sure what his specific bladder limitations were, but comparing his wetting habits to Haley’s would probably help her get a better idea of how often he wet compared to other teenagers, even though Haley was younger.

“I don’t usually have to go for a while after I wake up,” Haley whispered.  “I always made myself go before school, but on weekends I was usually up for a couple of hours before I needed to go.  I always had to get up with Luke so I could watch him, so I didn’t get to sleep in much.”  She sat at the table and ate as Ryan pulled out his school things and started working.  

Later that morning, Haley was watching TV on the couch when Luke abandoned his toys and climbed in her lap.  “My tummy hurts,” he whined.

Crap.  “It does?”  Haley asked nervously.  She doubted that Sharon would get angry if they were sick, unlike their other foster parents, but she would hate for Luke to get sick and be more work for her so soon after she took them in.  “Do you have to go potty?”  Luke shook his head uncertainly.  He would need to pee-pee soon, but that could wait a little bit.  With poop being easier to hold than pee-pee unless his stomach was upset and he had the splattering kind of poop, he could sometimes hold it for two or three days at a time.  He didn’t even like pooping in the potty, and he certainly didn’t want to do it in a diaper.  His tummy had sent him poop signals a few times in the last couple of days, but his bottom had been able to hold it in until the urge went away, so he’d ignored it.  He would’ve done the same thing with his pee-pee if he could, but it wasn’t as easy to hold in as poop.

“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked, walking through the living room.  

“He said his stomach hurts,” Haley said, giving Luke a nervous look.

“I’ll get Sharon.  I think she’s doing laundry.”

“Wait,” Haley pleaded.

It wasn’t so long ago that Ryan was sick with Sharon for the first time and afraid to tell her, so he knew why Haley was apprehensive.  “It’s okay. She won’t mind.  I accidentally threw up on her one time, and she freaking laughed. She’ll know what to do.”  

Haley giggled.  “How did that happen?”

“We were eating dinner one night—well, Sharon was eating dinner, and I was pretending to eat.  I was coming down with a stomach virus, and I knew I was about to get sick.  Sharon had asked me if I felt okay a couple of times, but I was too nervous to tell her I felt sick.  I started gagging and ran for the bathroom, but Sharon knew what was happening, and she got up and tried to pull me toward the sink because it was closer.  I couldn’t hold it back anymore and threw up on her.  I was humiliated and terrified that she was going to be mad, but she just laughed and grabbed the trash can so I could finish.” Ryan paused, remembering how she’d patted his back and wiped his face with a cool cloth, still in her vomit-soiled clothes.  “She took care of me and got me comfortable on the couch before she even thought about changing clothes.  She wouldn’t even let me clean the floor.”

“So, she really doesn’t mind if you get sick?” Haley asked.

Ryan shook his head.  “If anything, she kind of likes it.  Not that she wants any of us to feel bad or anything, but she seems to enjoy taking care of me.  She’ll like taking care of you guys, too.  I’ll go find her.”  Ryan walked around downstairs until he found Sharon in the laundry room.  “Hey, Luke just told Haley that his stomach hurts.”

“Aw, poor little thing.”  Sharon went into the living room as Ryan went back to the kitchen and gently lifted Luke into her arms.  “Hey, buddy, what’s the matter?  Ryan said you didn’t feel good.”  

“My tummy,” Luke mumbled.  

Sharon looked him over and felt his forehead.  “You don’t look flushed, and I don’t feel any fever,” she murmured.  When her own kids were this age and complained of a tummy ache, she’d always immediately ushered them to the bathroom, so she repeated Haley’s question.  “Do you need to potty?”  Luke shrugged and lay on her shoulder. “Did you have a dirty diaper yesterday before I picked you guys up?”

“He didn’t,” Haley spoke up.  “I wasn’t home much the day before, so I don’t know if he pooped then, either.”  She looked at Luke.  “Remember the last day you wore your big-boy undies?  Did you poop in the potty at all?” She knew he hadn’t gone in his pants, because she would’ve been given the dirty underwear to clean.  Luke shook his head.

“He’s probably a little constipated,” Sharon said.

“He’s bad about holding his poop,” Haley agreed.  “I’ve never thought about him getting constipated, and it’s probably happened before.  I just liked it when I got to skip a day or two of wiping him afterward.”

“I’ll give him something that’ll help.  I kept my grandson for a long weekend not long ago, and the same thing happened to him.”  Sharon kissed the side of his head and handed him back to Haley.  “Let me get him some juice, and then I’ll take him.”  Sharon went to the kitchen and poured half of a sippy cup of juice before adding a few drops of prune juice and taking it to Luke.  She sat in the recliner with him and offered him the cup.  Luke eyed it suspiciously, but he was thirsty, so he drank it and gave his empty cup back to Sharon.  

“Haley, have you had a chance to try on the clothes I got for you?” Sharon asked.  “I bought your jeans a size up from what Debra told me to leave room for your diaper.  You can give what you don’t like back to me.”  Ryan was between sizes, and most of his jeans were a little too big, anyway, so that hadn’t been a problem for him.

Haley nodded.  “They fit a lot better than my jeans would have.  And I liked all of the clothes, especially those long tops to cover my diaper bulge.  Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.  I’ll take you guys shopping after your naps this afternoon so you can pick out your own clothes and things for your room.”  Sharon got her iPad from the coffee table and handed it to Haley.  “You can look online to get an idea of what you want.  If you get bored later, you can look for some books on Amazon if you want to. This has the Kindle app, and they’ll go straight to it.”  She picked up the remote and showed Haley how to get to Netflix and Hulu.  “You can watch whatever you want.”  

“Thanks.”  Haley found a movie on Netflix she knew Luke would like and opened the internet browser on Sharon’s iPad.  Her juice from breakfast was catching up with her, and she let out a low sigh as she wet her diaper.  The nice, thick diapers Sharon had for her were much better than the ones Debra had, and she found herself enjoying the feeling of the soft padding getting warm and wet against her.  She shivered slightly at the pleasant sensation.  Her freshly-warm diaper and soft pajama pants made her feel cozy and relaxed.

Luke’s tummy still hurt, so he lay against his mommy as she rocked him and watched the movie Haley had put on TV.  The urge to pee-pee was stronger after several minutes, and he crossed his legs for a few moments before deciding to let it out.  Sharon was about to encourage him to go potty when she heard a trickle from his diaper and felt his crotch grow warm in her lap.  Luke was finally starting to understand that he wouldn’t get in trouble for going potty in his diaper and that trying to hold it didn’t do any good.  He still didn’t like it, but it was getting easier for him to let his tinkles go.

“Good job, sweetheart,” Sharon murmured as she checked his diaper.  “Let’s get you changed.”  She got the changing mat out and gently wiped him down and put a new diaper on him.  “All done,” she announced as she zipped his pajamas back up.  “Haley, are you wet now?”

Haley nodded.  “I just went, but I don’t need to be changed.”

Sharon squeezed the front of her diaper.  It felt like she’d wet it more than Ryan had the first time he used his diaper, which was a full-bladder pee that he couldn’t hold anymore.  His bladder capacity clearly wasn’t even that of a younger teenager.  It didn’t really matter now, but she wondered if she’d need to take him to the doctor before he was out of diapers again.  She hated the thought of him having a bladder problem, and she didn’t know if anything could be done about it, but she would try.  Speaking of which, she better check his diaper.  He’d probably had two or three cups of coffee on top of the juice he’d had with breakfast, and she hadn’t changed him yet that morning.  He was probably soaked by now.

Sharon sat Luke in the chair and ruffled his hair.  “I’ll be right back.”  Ryan was at the table with his school things, and she walked over to him and pressed her hand to his padded crotch.  True to her prediction, he was soggy.  “Come to my room, honey, you need to be changed.  You need to tell me when you’re this wet if I haven’t noticed yet, you don’t need to sit in such a wet diaper for too long.”  Ryan followed Sharon to her room, realizing she was right. His saturated diaper was swollen to the point that he was forced to waddle.  He’d been peeing at the slightest urges, so he’d gone several times.  He hadn’t realized how swollen his diaper was while he was sitting down.  He cringed as Sharon wiped his penis, testicles, and butt with a cold wet wipe, but it was getting less awkward for her to change him.  He hated that she insisted upon wiping him for just pee, but he did feel refreshed after having a wet diaper pressing against him for a few hours.  By the time Sharon changed him, the wetness had usually spread to the back of his diaper, so such a thorough wipedown was necessary.  

Later that afternoon, Luke woke up from his nap, dry this time.  He sat up and looked around. Haley was watching TV on the couch beside him, and Sharon was reading in the chair.  He climbed off of the couch and toddled over to her.  “Well, hey, sleepyhead!” Sharon pulled Luke into her lap and checked his diaper.  She had made him potty before his nap and put him in a fresh diaper, and he was still dry.  

“I didn’t tinkle in my nap,” Luke announced proudly.  Despite being in a diaper, he preferred to pee-pee in it by choice, and he didn’t want to unknowingly wet himself without waking up first.

“That’s such a big boy!  We’re going shopping, so go ahead and try to potty so I can put you in a clean diaper.”  She’d encouraged Haley and Ryan to do the same when they woke up, so they were probably ready to be changed by now.  Ryan had opted to sit out the shopping trip, but Sharon still needed to make sure he was dry and had an empty bladder before she left since she would be gone for a while.  

“Call me if you need me to come home,” Sharon reminded Ryan before they left.  He’d probably be fine for both wetting and poop, but she didn’t want him to leak or sit in a soiled diaper.  “If you wet your diaper twice before we get back, text me so I’ll know to come home soon.  We’ll just pick up a couple of pizzas on the way home for dinner.”  She got a sippy cup of water for Luke, grabbed her purse, and led them out the door.

By dinner time, Haley and Luke both had more new clothes and things for their bedrooms, and Haley had picked out some new school supplies.  That had reminded Sharon that she needed to get Luke enrolled in a daycare program, but she wanted to give him a couple of weeks to adjust first.  On the way home, Luke started fidgeting in his car seat.  He knew he was supposed to use his diaper, but being in the car was different than being at home. Home felt safer, for some reason.  Having to pee-pee this badly when he was in the car had never ended well before, and letting his tinkles out on purpose in the car felt wrong to his toddler brain. It reminded him too much of times before when he’d accidentally pee-peed in his car seat because his other foster parents wouldn’t stop somewhere and let him go potty. He regretted drinking his entire sippy cup of water now.  “Mommy,” he whined, doubling over when he felt a few trickles of pee-pee slip out.  

Sharon glanced at him in the rearview mirror.  His legs were squeezed together, and both hands were buried between his legs.  “Sweetie, you know it’s okay to go potty, just like at home.  Your pants and car seat won’t get wet this time.”

The reaffirmation helped, and Luke spread his legs and looked down as he heard a flowing sound and felt his diaper grew warm and wet.  He sighed in relief as he stopped trying to hold it and let his pee-pee come out.  “I wet, Mommy.”

“Good job, buddy.  How’s your tummy feeling?”  The prune juice would be kicking in soon, and Sharon hoped they made it home first.

Luke shrugged.  “I don’t gotta poop.”

“What about you, Haley?” Sharon asked.  Haley had been shifting in her seat and had grimaced a few times since they got in the car, and she looked like she was trying not to fill her diaper.

“I have to go,” Haley shyly admitted.  “I just don’t want the car to smell.  I’m trying to wait until we get home.”  She’d had to go for about an hour now, and it was getting worse the closer they got to home.

“It’s okay if you need to go.  I really don’t mind, and I know it’s uncomfortable to try to hold it,” Sharon assured her.

If Haley had been wearing underwear, she probably would’ve had to ask Sharon to stop somewhere so she could go.  She’d felt some try to escape a couple of times, but she was still holding on.  Just barely.  “Nooo,” Haley whimpered as another urge hit her, and she couldn’t hold it this time.  Warm mush pushed its way into her diaper, and she gave up the fight and unclenched.  “I’m sorry, Sharon, it’s coming out.  I can’t hold it.”

Sharon patted her arm.  “Don’t worry about it, honey.  We’re almost home, and I’ll change you as soon as we get there.”  

Haley’s face flamed as an unpleasant odor seeped through the car.  She leaned forward and pushed more out and felt a warm spurt hit the front of her diaper.  She hadn’t really had to pee, but the force of pooping had managed to make a little bit come out.  “Haley went poopy!” Luke announced from the backseat.  

When they got home, Sharon placed the pizza on the counter and got out plates and glasses.  “Go to my room,” she whispered to Haley.  “I’ll be right there.”  After checking Ryan’s diaper and getting Luke situated at the table with pizza and juice, she went to change Haley.  

“This is so embarrassing,” Haley moaned as Sharon untaped her soiled diaper.  

“I know.  I’m really sorry you guys have to go through this, but you’ll get used to it.”  Sharon gently worked a couple of wet wipes across Haley’s stained skin until she was clean, then fastened a clean diaper on her.  “All done.  Let’s go eat.”

After dinner, Sharon was cleaning the kitchen when she felt little arms wrap around her leg and heard a whimper.  She dried her hands on a dish towel and patted the top of Luke’s head.  “What is it?”

“My tummy,” Luke mumbled.

“Do you need to potty?”

Luke nodded.  “Don’t wanna poop,” he whined.

“I know, baby, it’s okay.  I’ve been changing Ryan’s and Haley’s poopy diapers, too.”  Sharon took his pants off and sat down with Luke between her legs. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him back to rest against her.  “You might poop too much for your diaper to hold, and I don’t want it to get on your pants.  Don’t try to hold it, you need to let your poopies out so your tummy won’t hurt.”  

“It’s yucky,” Luke complained as his stomach contracted and audibly forced warm, mostly liquid mess out of him.  He turned on his side and rested his head on Sharon’s thigh, with his knees drawn to his chest.  

Sharon moved her other leg away from Luke’s bottom and rubbed his back as he went potty.  “I know, honey, but it’ll be over soon, and your tummy will feel a lot better.”  He was still going a few minutes later, and Sharon cringed when it started seeping out the sides of his diaper.  The kitchen was one of the few rooms of the house that wasn’t stocked with changing supplies, but she didn’t want to risk tracking poop through the living room, so she called for Ryan to bring her a diaper and wipes when Luke finished with a loud squirt.  “I thought you guys were going over to Drew’s tonight,” She commented.

Ryan nodded.  “But I’m waiting until I...Well, you know.  I don’t want anyone else changing me if I can help it.”  

If Ryan were any younger, Sharon would encourage him to just get used to it, but he only had a few months before he turned eighteen, so it was doable.  She carefully untaped Luke’s diaper and cleaned him up.  She thought about going ahead and giving him a bath, but she wasn’t sure if the prune juice had finished affecting him, so she decided to wait until bedtime.  With the dirty diaper and resulting mess cleaned up, Sharon washed her hands and gathered Luke in her arms.  “Is your tummy better now?”   Luke nodded.  “All right.  Can you go back to your toys for a few minutes while Mommy finishes cleaning up?”  Luke nodded again and scampered off.  

Ryan wandered into the kitchen a little while later and gave Sharon a sheepish look.  “I’m, uh, ready to go to Drew’s.”  The distinct odor coming from his diaper told her that he was messy, and this was one of the few times he’d outright told her he needed to be changed without her just knowing and initiating it herself.  He still hadn’t told her for pee at all, but sometimes it was too long before she knew he had a dirty diaper, so he’d had to find her and tell her.

Sharon led Ryan to her room and gathered the supplies as he got the changing mat and lay down.  She pushed his knees toward his chest, like she would a baby, and thoroughly wiped him down, careful not to miss any creases.  When he was clean, she put a fresh diaper on him and pulled his jeans back up.  “Be careful, and be home by midnight.”

“I know, I know.”  Ryan got his keys and left.  Sharon was just glad to see him get out of the house.  That hadn’t happened much since the diaper thing started.  

A couple of hours later, Luke had another poopy diaper, but not nearly as bad as the first one.  Sharon had kept him up later than usual in case he pooped again.  She cleaned him up and gave him a bath.  Once he was in a clean diaper and pajamas, she sat down with him to rock him to sleep.  “You might poop some more during the night, so come wake me up if you have a yucky diaper, okay?”  Luke nodded and lay on her shoulder, already drifting off.

At 11:30 that night, Sharon was sitting on the couch, trying to hold her eyes open until Ryan got home.  She fell into a light sleep, but she jerked awake when she heard the outside garage door open a few minutes after midnight.  Ryan came in from the kitchen a minute later.  Sharon sat up, rubbing her eyes.  “Hi, honey.  Did you guys have fun?”  Ryan nodded and wordlessly lay down on the floor so Sharon could change him and go to bed.   “Do you need to—“

Ryan shook his head.  “I, uh, went right before I came inside.”

Sharon untaped his diaper and tenderly ran a wet wipe over him.  “My goodness, you were pretty wet.”  She taped a dry diaper on him and gave his padded crotch an affectionate pat before kissing his forehead.  “Goodnight, honey.  I love you.”

“Love you, Sharon.”  

Luke woke up later that night with his tummy rumbling again.  His diaper already felt wet, so he knew he’d gone pee-pee while he was asleep.  Even though he was in diapers, he didn’t like to wake up already wet.  He felt like a baby for not waking up when he had to go potty.  Trying to hold his poop was useless as it squirted out of him, but he still didn’t like doing that in his diaper.  When he felt like all of his poopies were gone, he got out of bed and toddled across the hall to Sharon’s room.  “Mommy,” he whispered.  “Mommy!”

Sharon jerked awake and sat up.  “What’s the matter?”  She knew the answer as soon as she lifted him into her bed.  She was starting to worry that she’d given him a little too much prune juice.  

“I went potty,” Luke murmured.

“That’s okay.  Let’s get you changed, and then you can sleep with Mommy, okay?”  Sharon laid Luke on the floor and gently cleaned him up before tucking him into her bed.  “Let me throw out your diaper and wash my hands, and I’ll be right back.”  He was almost asleep when she came back to bed, so she climbed in beside him and pulled him into her side to help him fall asleep.  




  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

I remember the story. I have memories that seem like they went beyond what we currently have here. I don’t remember there being any rude or negative comments either. I don’t really pay much attention to the comments but if things started getting nasty I would have noticed. I honestly can’t think of anything really negative about this story. It could maybe use a little bit more proofreading because I do notice the occasional mistake. I like the story and definitely want to read more. 

  • 1 month later...

The following week, Haley and Luke were both more settled and comfortable in their new home.  Luke still had trouble using his diaper sometimes, especially when they weren’t at home, but he was getting better.  Sharon looked up from her coffee one morning when Luke toddled into the kitchen, all smiles.  She lifted him into her arms and kissed his forehead, surreptitiously checking his diaper as he lay on her shoulder.  He didn’t seem to be wet, so she figured that was why his face was lit up.  “You’re dry, honey, you’re such a big boy!” Going all night without wetting his diaper meant he would probably have to go soon, though.  “Do you need to go potty?”  Luke shook his head absently, but his unconscious squirm against her hip told Sharon otherwise.  She sat him in his booster seat.  “I’ll get some juice and oatmeal for you.  You haven’t wet your diaper since last night, so I’m sure you need to go by now.  Try to potty while I get your breakfast, okay?”  


Waking up dry had made Luke feel like a big boy, but it had also put him in a mood that made him not want to wet his diaper.  He fidgeted in his booster seat, but a night’s worth of pee-pee was going to force its way out soon.  He was thirsty, and he gratefully reached for his sippy cup when Sharon put it on the table in front of him.  The connection between drinking and pee-pee hadn’t quite occurred to him yet at his young age.  


Sharon made some oatmeal and placed a bowl in front of Luke.  She could tell by the way he was fidgeting and crossing and uncrossing his legs that he was trying not to wet himself.  “Honey, go ahead and tinkle.  You know I don’t want you to hold it for too long.  I’m sure you’ll need to poop soon, too, so just go ahead and get them both over with.”  After Luke’s constipation from the week before, and the resulting prune juice-induced poop, had cleared up, he’d gotten a little better at pooping in his diaper.  He still didn’t like it, but he didn’t like for his stomach to hurt like it did when he held his poop for too long, either.  He was finally starting to establish a somewhat predictable poop schedule, and he usually went sometime in the morning.  


“Don’t wanna pee-pee in my pants,” Luke mumbled.


Sharon brushed his hair back from his face.  “I know, baby, but you could get sick if you try to hold it for too long.  You know you won’t get in trouble when you use your diaper.”  Haley came downstairs, then, and Sharon busied herself with helping her get breakfast and juice for herself. 


By the time Ryan came downstairs, Luke was starting to look panicked, and he was too busy holding himself and squeezing his legs together to eat breakfast.  “Luke, you still haven’t pee-peed?’  Sharon walked over to him, tenderly pulled his hands away from his crotch, and pried his legs apart.  “I’ll give you an m&m if you go potty now.”  She’d had to bribe him several times when he got like this, especially for poop.  The last time she’d had to bribe a child with m&ms, it had been so they wouldn’t go in their pants, and this just seemed backwards. That seemed to do the trick, and Luke’s expression immediately relaxed as he wet his diaper.  “Good boy,” Sharon murmured as she delivered the promised m&m.  “I’m taking you to the doctor in a little bit, so I’ll change you when I get you dressed.”


”Hey, Sharon, I think it’s only fair if Haley and I get m&ms when we use our diapers, too,” Ryan spoke up.  


Haley giggled, and Sharon rolled her eyes good-naturedly.  “Don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind to try to get you to tell me when you need to be changed for once, young man.”


Sharon took Luke to the pediatrician for a check-up later that morning.  He sat in her lap, nervously clutching her hands, as they waited for the doctor to come in.  When Dr. Baker came in, Luke turned around and buried his face into Sharon’s chest.  “Honey, Dr. Baker is really nice,” Sharon assured him.  “She just needs to make sure you’re okay.  Mommy’s right here, and I won’t let anyone hurt you, okay?”  She pried Luke away from her and turned him around.  He relaxed as Dr. Baker spoke kindly to him and asked him a few questions.  He continued to squeeze Sharon’s hands as the doctor gently examined him, but he was giggling at her jokes before it was over.  


“All right, Mrs. Levine, everything looks pretty good so far, given Luke’s background.  I do recommend some vitamins, but he seems reasonably healthy.  Even though he’s in diapers, I would like to keep track of his potty-training so you can help him stay that way.  Do you know how he was doing with it before the diaper law came into effect?”


Sharon nodded.  “Kind of.  From what his older sister told me, he seemed to be getting there.  He was still having accidents sometimes during the day and often wet the bed at night, but he seems to have decent control.  He just sometimes waited a little too long to go, or wasn’t at home and couldn’t get to a bathroom in time, but Haley did say that it still seemed to sneak up on him and he would sometimes start wetting his pants before he got much warning that he needed to go.”


Dr. Baker nodded.  “That sounds about average for his age.  It’s certainly nothing to worry about yet.  Try to keep track of how often he wakes up wet so you’ll know whether he’s improving on the bedwetting front.  One thing I’ve suggested to parents is to use cloth diapers and to have young children tell you when they have to potty, then have them wait about ten or fifteen minutes a few times a week to help them strengthen their bladder muscles.  Or less if they’d just started potty training, of course.  That way, they stay in the habit of paying attention to their body’s signals and still have to be responsible for not going potty until it’s okay to do so.  Cloth diapers are more uncomfortable when they’re wet and feel a little bit more like underwear, so they’ll encourage them to hold it and not wet them until they’re uncomfortable and would otherwise go to the toilet. You wouldn’t need to have him wait every time he says he has to go, especially at home where he would always have a nearby bathroom, but reinforcing his potty habits and occasionally not allowing him to use his diaper right away will help his bladder grow properly.”


“My daughter is doing something similar with my three-year-old grandson, and I was thinking about starting that with Luke, too.  I think I’ll wait a little bit until he’s more comfortable with diapers, though,” Sharon replied.  “He still sometimes feels like he’s doing something wrong when he goes potty in them, and if he did wait too long to tell me and couldn’t hold it until I told him he could go, I think it would be more harmful for him.  He got constipated last week because he was holding his poop, and he still has days where he holds his pee-pee until he can’t anymore because he doesn’t want to wet his diaper.”


“Hmm...” Dr. Baker patted Luke on the shoulder.  “All little boys and girls have to go potty in their diapers now.  You’re not doing anything wrong.” 


“I know,” Luke mumbled.


“It’s just hard to actually do it, huh?” Dr. Baker asked understandingly.  Luke nodded.  “But, if you hold your pee-pee too long, you could get sick, and remember how your tummy hurt when you held your poop too much?  If it helps, you can go to the bathroom and sit on the potty with your diaper still on when you have to go.  It’ll feel like you did good and made it to the potty in time not to have an accident, and you’ll just use your diaper instead of the potty.”  Dr. Baker turned back to Sharon.  “I’ve also recommended that parents have their younger kids act like they did when they were wearing underwear and go to the bathroom when they normally would.  Normally, every now and then there would be a situation where there’s not a toilet immediately available when they tell you they need to go, like in the car or when you’re out, so that’s where sometimes having them hold it for a little bit after saying they need to potty comes in.  Call it an accident or refer to it as wetting or pooping in his pants or whatever you would do if he were in underwear and went in his pants.  It’s a little bit of work, but it’ll be worth it for both of you when he’s eighteen and has the appropriate bladder strength and toilet habits.”


Sharon nodded.  “I didn’t even think about that.  I have been worried about how his bladder would grow as he gets older, but that makes sense.”


“His little bladder is still developing, and it won’t develop as efficiently if he can just pee-pee at any time without a reason to have to hold it. Kids tend to hold it until they’re uncomfortable, and sometimes until they have an accident, when they’re playing or watching TV, so having to stop what he’s doing to go to the potty instead of being able to use his diaper while he’s distracted will be incentive for him to hold it longer than he might otherwise,” Dr. Baker continued.  “Praise him when he makes it to the potty, and react how you normally would have if he’d gone potty in his underwear when he gets caught short.  I know you wouldn’t get angry, but saying something along the lines of ‘uh-oh, you went potty in your pants’ or ‘try to make it to the potty next time’ will emphasize that he needs to still pay attention to his body and develop good potty habits.”


Luke didn’t like the sound of any of this.  One good thing about wearing diapers had been that he could play and not have to worry about whether he had to go potty.  Or stop what he was doing to go.  He usually noticed, but before he had to wear diapers again, it sometimes sneaked up on him and he either started wetting his pants before he realized he had to pee-pee or didn’t notice until it was trying to come out.  When that happened, he had to run to the potty, and he usually couldn’t hold it long enough and pee-peed in his pants before he got there. It didn’t help anything that he’d needed to go potty since they got to the doctor’s office.  The new surroundings had distracted him for a little bit, but now it was starting to hurt.  He shifted in Sharon’s lap and crossed his legs.  He wanted to hold himself to ease the pressure, but Mommy and the doctor would both know immediately that he had to potty if he grabbed his crotch.  


Sharon noticed his tell-tale squirming, but she’d just changed him before they left the house.  He shouldn’t have to go again...Wait.  She hadn’t reminded him to empty his bladder before she changed him like she usually did, and he’d had a good bit of juice.  “Sweetheart, do you need to pee-pee?”  Luke didn’t answer her, but she knew he did.  “I forgot to remind you to go potty when I changed you before we left, didn’t I?”  Understanding that he was uncomfortable in the unfamiliar environment, Sharon turned him to face her chest and held him a little closer to her.  “It’s all right,” she murmured, patting his bottom in a soothing rhythm.  “Go ahead and tinkle so you’ll feel better.”  


Luke knew he couldn’t hold it much longer, so he relaxed and wet his diaper.  He still half-expected his pants to get wet, but the wet warmth was contained to the thick padding between his legs.  “Good job, buddy,” Sharon praised when she felt his crotch grow warm against her lap.


“That actually brings up another point,” Dr. Baker said.  “It sounds like you were usually already doing this for the most part, but have him go potty and put him in a clean diaper before you leave the house or put him down for a nap or bedtime, like you would if he were wearing underwear.  You wouldn’t want him to have to relearn those habits as an adult after fifteen years in diapers.  Does he still wet during naptime?”


Sharon nodded.  “I sometimes forget, and I was doing that more out of convenience for myself, but I’ll try to remember every time.  And he’s had a couple of naptime accidents, but it doesn’t seem to happen too often.”


“You also need to ease him into being the one responsible for remembering to potty before he leaves the house or goes to sleep,” Dr. Baker added.  “I’m guessing he will sometimes be with other adults when you’re not around to remind him, and he needs to learn to remember that himself, just like he would in underwear.  If he doesn’t initiate it, prompt him by asking what he’s supposed to do before leaving the house or going to sleep.  At this age, you probably would still remind him to go potty or ask if he needs to go every once in a while if he were in underwear to avoid a mess later, so it’s okay to do that for a little while longer, but with the safety net of a diaper, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to avoid reminding him.  However you want to handle it is fine.  Just treat him like he’s wearing underwear as much as you can.”  They talked for a while longer before Sharon thanked her and left.  


Meanwhile, Haley was trying to get through her schoolwork, but the increasing pressure on her bladder was beginning to keep her from concentrating.  When she got to the point where she’d normally wet her diaper, it was almost 11:00, and Sharon had said she’d be home by lunchtime.  She’d normally go ahead and wet, but her diaper area had been itchy since she woke up, and she was pretty sure she had a rash.  She knew that wet padding would make it hurt more.  She could probably hold on until Sharon got home, so she put off peeing for now.  


After a while, Haley had to pee worse than she remembered having to go in a long time.  Ryan had his headphones in and was fixated on his computer screen, so she unplugged her computer and moved her things to the living room.  It still wasn’t an emergency, but she was starting to have to consciously clench her bladder muscles to stay dry.  Sharon had been running late for Luke’s appointment and was in a hurry when she left, but Ryan had been soaked, so she changed him before she left.  She’d asked Haley if she was still dry, and Haley had said she was fine, not wanting to delay Sharon anymore than she already was.  Her growing discomfort was causing her to regret that decision.  She wasn’t close to losing control, but it was painful and uncomfortable.  She thought back to the last time she’d been this desperate to pee.  She hadn’t had a full-bladder accident since she was four, and she hadn’t been even close to wetting herself since she was in first grade, when she had a teacher with strict bathroom breaks.  Students were still allowed to go at non-break times, but they had to miss a few minutes of recess if they had to go to the bathroom otherwise, so Haley remembered a couple of times of holding on until the last second before she had to choose between missing part of recess or wetting her pants in the middle of class.  The painful urge came and went, so she was able to keep working, although she stopped every few minutes to shift her position or hold herself until a painful wave of urgency passed.  The longer she waited, the more sure she was that Sharon would be home any minute, so she kept trying to wait.  


As Haley’s bladder filled with each passing minute, the painful urges to let go were longer and more frequent.  Shed come close to letting some dribble out a couple of times, but she’d been able to keep it from coming out.  Logically, she knew Sharon had to be walking in the door any second, so she could wet her diaper and not have to hurt for too long, but she’d gotten so desperate that her childhood don’t wet your pants instincts had kicked in.  Her mind was too preoccupied with trying to hold it and keeping an ear out for Ryan to leave the kitchen for her to even remember why she was trying to hold it in the first place.  She was also a little curious just to see how long she could hold on.  She hadn’t been so close to unintentionally emptying her bladder in so long, and part of her wanted to feel the childish loss of control.  She was pretty sure she’d reached the stage where if she tried to let a little bit out, she wouldn’t be able to hold the rest and it would all come out, but she wanted to wait until her bladder gave up without any help from her.  Schoolwork wasn’t possible at this point, so Haley turned on the TV to distract her mind from her aching bladder.  She pulled her leg up and balanced herself with her heel pressed into her crotch, which took a tiny bit of pressure off.  She was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to walk without wetting herself at this point. After a few minutes, she felt like her bladder was pulsing against her heel.  Nothing was coming out yet, but she remembered how she’d felt her bladder involuntarily contract without letting any pee out a few times just moments before she finally soaked herself the last time she wet her pants as a small child.  Hafta potty hafta potty hafta potty, don’t come out, don’t come out, don’t come out was on repeat in her head, just like when she was four and her mom was trying to find a bathroom for her at the zoo.  She didn’t have many accidents as a child unless her parents had taken her somewhere and couldn’t find a bathroom in time when she had to go, so she clearly remembered the few times she’d had accidents.  


Haley gasped when she felt a small trickle escape.  The pressure lessened a little bit after that, but she knew that wouldn’t last for long.  She curled into a ball on the couch and jammed her hands into her crotch when the pulsing started again.  After a few more spurts escaped, she felt a slow stream start that she couldn’t hold back, as much as she was trying to.  She quietly whimpered as the padding between her legs slowly grew damp and warm.  She clenched as hard as she could and pressed her hands between her legs, but she could feel her bladder muscles weaken and give in to the flood.  Peeing involuntarily was such an odd feeling, it was no wonder she remembered almost exactly how it felt years after the last time it happened.  Her bladder muscles felt like they were being forced apart even as she still tried to squeeze them closed as tightly as she could, and the slow stream started to pick up speed.  Haley shuddered when she felt a final release and her pee rushed past the muscles she was still trying her best to hold in.  She finally gave up and sighed as the padding between her legs rapidly continued to grow warm and wet.  Tears filled her eyes as the warm wetness spread in her diaper, even though she wasn’t really upset.  She supposed it was her natural reaction to the feeling of losing control of her bladder. Dressed in leggings and a sweatshirt with her chestnut-colored curly hair in a ponytail and no makeup, she probably looked like an overgrown toddler accidentally going potty in her pants.  By the time she finished, she felt like she was sitting in a small pool of pee and was afraid she’d leak.  She usually peed slowly enough for her diaper to absorb her wetting as she went, but her diaper seemed to be struggling with the flooding it had just gotten.  In a slight panic, she stood up and checked the back of her leggings, but she was still dry.  


Haley heard Sharon and Luke coming into the kitchen a few minutes later.  She slowly walked toward the kitchen, her swollen diaper forcing her to waddle a little, and she was relieved when Sharon met her at the entryway and gently squeezed her diaper.  “Goodness, honey, you’re soaked,” she said in a low voice.   She tilted her head when she noticed that Haley looked teary-eyed.  “What’s the matter?” 


Haley furiously wiped her eyes, forgetting that she’d teared up a little when she wet herself.  “Oh, nothing.  I just, um, think I have a rash, so I tried not to wet my diaper until you got back.  I couldn’t hold it, and I think I just teared up a little when it started coming out.  That hasn’t happened since I was four.”


Sharon felt Haley’s diaper again.  It still felt warm, even through her leggings, like she’d just wet it.  “How long ago did you pee-pee?”


Haley shrugged.  “A few minutes ago, maybe?”


“After not going all night or this morning?  Honey, I’m so sorry.  You could’ve pottied and let me change you before we left, I didn’t know you had a rash.”


“It’s fine.”  Haley followed Sharon to her room, eager to get out of her wet diaper.  She was starting to sting.  


Sharon got a wet cloth from the bathroom and a fresh diaper while Haley lay down.  She used the cloth to wipe her down so it wouldn’t irritate her rash.  “You do have a bit of a rash,” Sharon noted as she cleaned her up and taped a dry diaper on her.  “Tell me as soon as you go potty again, and I’ll go ahead and change you.”


Haley nodded.  “Thanks.”  She still wasn’t sure why Sharon talked like that when Luke wasn’t around, but she didn’t ask any questions.  


The next afternoon, Sharon had a similar talk with Haley and the doctor she’d chosen for her as she’d had with Luke’s pediatrician the day before.  Sharon wouldn’t have to monitor Haley as closely as Luke, she would just need to check her often enough to make sure she was holding her bladder for similar intervals as a young teenager in underwear would and make sure she wasn’t wetting too often unless she was drinking more than usual or there was some other explanation for more frequent wetting.  Ryan was going to be in diapers for such a short time that Sharon wasn’t worried about him and hadn’t even spoken to his doctor about him, and with his slight bladder issues, it would be hard for her to know if he were wetting too often, anyway.  Even in underwear, he never would’ve been able to hold his bladder as long as Haley or most other teenagers.  He probably couldn’t keep his diaper dry for longer than three hours or so during the day if he tried.


That night, Sharon put Luke to bed and sat on the back porch with a blanket and a glass of wine, processing all of the information she’d received in the last couple of days.  Luke was still reluctant about using his diapers at all sometimes, so she didn’t want to put too much pressure on him, but she also didn’t want him to become complacent and stop paying attention to his needs.  He was starting a two-year-old preschool program after Christmas, and the school she’d spoken with earlier that day had told her that they were employing similar methods as Luke’s pediatrician had told her about to help kids maintain proper bladder development.  It was almost November now, and the school would be enough of a change for Luke, so she wanted him to be used to having to make it to the potty before he used his diaper and going to time-out for a few minutes when he didn’t make it by then. She finally decided to ease him into it by having him tell her before he wet his diaper and sometimes asking him to wait a few minutes, depending upon how desperate he seemed to be, before he went, and then let that evolve into him having to get to the toilet first. She didn’t like the time-out part, but she needed to be consistent with the preschool’s methods, and she knew Luke needed some kind of incentive for going along with the potty rules, since he wouldn’t have the natural consequences of wet pants anymore when he had an accident.  Dr. Baker was right, it was going to be a lot of work, but she was willing to do it.

  • Like 1

This was a good new addition. I really am enjoying the backwards potty training concept. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to potty train a toddler and still convince them to use a diaper. I am looking forward to reading more. 

  • 2 weeks later...

The Saturday before Thanksgiving, Haley woke up earlier than she would’ve liked when Luke came in and bounced on her bed.  “I’m sleeping,” she mumbled, pushing him away from her.  “What are you doing up here?”


Luke lay beside her and gave her one of his sweetest looks.  “I missed you.”


“Awww...” Haley’s nose wrinkled when she pulled him closer and realized why he’d really come upstairs.  He’d gotten a lot better with wetting his diapers, but he still had days where he was shy about telling Sharon he’d pooped.  Today was clearly one of those days.  ‘I missed you’ had been code for ‘I pooped and want you to tell Mommy for me.’  “Ew, Luke, you have a poopy.  Go tell Mommy so she can change you.”




Haley sighed.  She was in an ill mood, and her stomach was hurting a little bit.  “You can stay up here for a few minutes, but you have to be still and quiet.  I’m going back to sleep.”  She’d just rolled over when Sharon walked in.


“Luke! I told you not to wake your sister up,” Sharon chided as she lifted him from the bed.  Like Haley, the smell hit her immediately.  “Oh, honey, why didn’t you tell me you went potty?  Sitting in that yucky diaper can’t be fun.”  Sharon rubbed Haley’s back and checked her diaper out of habit, but it was dry, as usual in the morning.  “Go back to sleep, honey.  All right, Luke, let’s go change that messy bottom.”


Haley nodded.  “Um, I think I might, uh, need to be changed soon.  My stomach kind of hurts.”


“It does?” Sharon sat on Haley’s bed and looked her over with concern in her eyes.  She held the back of her hand to Haley’s forehead and felt her cheeks, then kissed her forehead when she didn’t feel any fever.  “You don’t feel warm.  Where does it hurt? Do you feel okay otherwise?”


Haley was loving the concerned attention she was getting from Sharon, but she hadn’t meant to worry her.  “I’m okay.  Probably just something I ate.”  


Sharon nodded in understanding.  “I’ll come check on you in a little bit.  If I don’t come soon after you need to be changed, just call down the stairs for me.”  


“Thanks, Sharon.”  Haley was more than happy to go back to sleep.  When she woke up again a couple of hours later, her stomach was cramping, and she had a slight tingle in her bladder.  Peeing could’ve waited a while, but her bowels definitely couldn’t, so she curled up under her covers and let a steady, warm stream into the soft padding between her legs.  She always slept later on weekends, so unlike school mornings, she usually wet her diaper within an hour or so of waking up.  She didn’t have a predictable poop schedule, but it was odd for her to go so early in the day.  Even before she started messing her diaper, she could tell it was going to be explosive.  


Haley grimaced as runny, warm poop squirted into her diaper.  After a few minutes, she moved to her bathroom, took off her pajama pants,  and crouched beside the toilet, afraid that her diaper wouldn’t hold it all.  Tile would definitely be easier to clean than her bed if she leaked.  She hoped Sharon came upstairs soon, as she didn’t want to move in case she leaked, and she didn’t want to risk meeting Ryan in the hall with such a disgusting diaper.  


Sharon peeked into Haley’s bathroom with a clean diaper and wipes in her hand soon after she was finished.  “Oh, there you are.  You okay?”


Haley nodded.  “I just moved in here in case my diaper leaked.  I, uh...It’s gross, I’m really sorry.”


“Oh, sweetie, worry about it.”  Sharon got a towel from a cabinet for Haley to rest her head on while she changed her.  “I’ll just change you in here in case it gets messy.  Do you feel better?”  Haley nodded.  “Good.  You can tell me if you start feeling bad at all.”  Sharon carefully untaped Haley’s loaded diaper and cleaned her up a little bit before balling up her diaper and putting it in a small trash bag to take to the garbage.  It took a little longer than usual to finish cleaning her up, but she was finally able to tape a fresh diaper on her.  “All done.  You woke up just in time, breakfast is ready.”


When they got downstairs, Haley saw that Anne-Marie and William had arrived at some point.  Sharon and Anne-Marie were both sipping mimosas, and William and Luke were playing in the living room.  She guessed that Ryan was still asleep. 


“Hi, Haley,” Anne-Marie greeted warmly.


Haley had met her a couple of times, but she was still shy around her.  She timidly returned the greeting and got a glass of juice for herself.  Sharon and Anne-Marie resumed their conversation of what Luke’s and William’s pediatricians had said about helping the boys keep their potty training.  “Speaking of which, I haven’t changed William since he got up this morning.  He was up soon after 7:00, and he’s had a lot of orange juice.  He’s either wet or holding back a flood...William, come here!” Anne-Marie called into the living room.  They could all tell from William’s slow gait and guilty expression that her instinct was correct.  She knelt in front of him and checked his diaper.  She’d taken his doctor’s advice and switched to cloth, although she kept him in disposables at night and when they left the house for more than a couple of hours. Anne-Marie raised an eyebrow at him.  “You’re wet, William.  Why did you pee-pee in your pants?”


William shrugged.  “I was playing.”


“You know you’re supposed to tell Mommy first and go to the bathroom before you go potty.  I’m not even going to make you wait to pee-pee after you tell me you need to go at all while we’re here, but I told you that you had to get to the potty before you went in your pants, just like at home and at preschool.  You know what that means,” she warned, picking him up.


“No, no time out!” He whined.


Yes, time out.  Go sit on Nana’s bed for five minutes, and then I’ll come change you when your time-out is over.”


Luke toddled in and held his arms up for Sharon to hold him.  “I thirsty.”


“Okay, sweetie.”  Sharon picked him up and got a sippy cup of water for him.  “Breakfast is ready.  When William gets out of time-out, you guys can go wake up Ryan for me.”  


Ryan woke up a few minutes after 10:00 and looked out the window.  It was supposed to rain all day on Saturday and Sunday, and then snow on Monday.  He tightened his covers around himself, enjoying their warmth on the cold morning.  As he became more alert, he became more aware of his aching bladder.  He’d woken up once during the night and wet his diaper, and now he had to go again.  Since it was Saturday and he was able to sleep later than normal,  he was pretty desperate.  Not to mention that he’d been thirsty when he woke up to pee the first time and had gulped down a couple of glasses of water before going back to sleep.  The urge to pee had probably been what had woken him up.  After weeks of peeing small amounts at frequent intervals, the only times he experienced the sensation of a full bladder now was when he woke up in the morning or after a nap.  The already-wet padding against his crotch seemed to tease his bladder, and he felt his penis pulsate as a small spurt escaped by itself.  He barely contracted his bladder muscles, trying to let out a slow stream, but he felt his partly-clenched muscles give out completely and flood his diaper the second he let just a little bit out.  He didn’t like how his diaper felt after a rapid, full-bladder wetting.  It always took a couple of minutes to soak it in and feel comfortable against him instead of uncomfortably wet.  He was about to get out of bed when he heard little feet scamper into his room.  “Hi, guys,” he mumbled when Luke and William jumped onto his bed.


“Nana said to wake you up,” William announced.


“She did, did she?”  Ryan grabbed a toddler in each arm and threw them over his shoulders.


“Did you go potty in your diaper?” William asked.  He’d been constantly asking about the state of Ryan’s diaper when he saw him since he found out that a big kid was in diapers, too.


“Yeah.  Nana’s going to have to change me when we get downstairs.  I’ve pee-peed a lot.”


Sharon noticed Ryan’s sagging diaper right away as he entered the kitchen.  “Honey, you’re soaked,” she whispered before her hand was even on his crotch.  


“Yeah, I got thirsty last night, so I got up and drank a couple of glasses of water,” he said sheepishly.  


Sharon pried William and Luke off of him and placed them on the floor.  “Let’s go get you changed.”


“Can’t I get some coffee first?” Ryan protested.  


“Ryan, you’re drenched.  Just let me change you really quickly, I don’t want you to get a rash.” Sharon wrapped an arm around him as they walked to her room.  Ryan winced as she brushed a cold wet wipe over his penis and testicles.  “That’ll wake you up in the morning, won’t it?” Once his sodden diaper was rolled up and taped closed, she pulled his pajama pants up.  “Let’s go eat.”


Luke was a little shy with Anne-Marie there, even though he’d seen her a couple of times, and he sat in Sharon’s lap as they ate breakfast.  “Mommy? Why William go to time-out because he pee-peed?”


“He’s still supposed to tell his mommy before he goes potty,” Sharon answered.  “Remember what Dr. Baker said? You guys will be wearing diapers for so long, and you don’t want to be as old as Ryan and have to learn to use the potty again.”


“Do I have to do that?” Luke asked.


“Not right now, but probably after Thanksgiving.  I’ll start asking you to tell me when you have to potty and to go in the bathroom before you use your diaper,” Sharon explained.  “That will help you stay potty-trained, even though you have to use your diaper.  We may start practicing that a couple of times a day before I get you to do that all the time...While William’s here, do you want to do like he is and tell me you have to use the potty before you go in your diaper?”


Luke shrugged.  It sounded like something that would make Sharon happy, so he slowly nodded his head.  He didn't really like the idea, but he wanted to please Sharon.  One good thing about diapers was that he didn’t have to worry about not making it to the potty anymore, but it sounded like he was going to have to start worrying about that again. He’d been dreading this since his pediatrician appointment.


“I won’t be angry with you if you have an accident,” Sharon assured him.  “And we won’t do it all the time at first.  You can just practice every now and then for a few days. It’ll help you stay potty-trained for when you’re a grownup and don’t have to wear diapers anymore.  Next time you need to pee-pee, come tell me, and let’s try to get to the bathroom before you wet your pants, okay?”  Luke nodded uncertainly.  Sharon checked his diaper, and he was still dry.  It had been a couple of hours since she changed him, so he’d probably have to go soon.  


After breakfast, Luke struggled to get out of Sharon’s lap to go play with William.  “Don’t forget to come tell me when you have to pee-pee,” Sharon reminded him before patting his bottom as he ran off. 

With Anne-Marie, Ryan, and Haley pitching in, the kitchen was cleaned pretty quickly.  After refilling their mimosas, Sharon and Anne-Marie sat in the living room to watch the boys, and Ryan and Haley followed them and lounged in chairs.  The wind was whipping loudly outside as the rain continued to fall, and Sharon turned on the gas logs and passed around blankets.  Ryan groaned when Anne-Marie found a Hallmark Christmas movie on TV.  “Oh, come on, you guys,” he whined.


“Sorry, honey, but I think you’re outnumbered,” Sharon said.  She eyed Luke, who had started fidgeting as he played with William.  He’d had two cups of juice and most of a cup of water that morning, and she was surprised he hadn’t already wet himself.  He still seemed focused on their toys, and she couldn’t tell if he realized he better tell her soon if he wanted to make it to the potty yet or not.  She wanted to just remind him, but he was old enough to tell her in time, and she wanted to start getting him back in the habit of paying attention without being prodded and going to the potty before he went in his diaper.  


It didn’t take long for Luke to jump up and cram his hand between his legs.  He looked at Sharon in a panic.  “Mommy, I hafta pee-pee!”


Sharon grabbed the hand that wasn’t squeezing his crotch and gently pulled him toward the half-bathroom between the living room and the kitchen.  “Hold on, buddy, we’re almost there,” she encouraged him.  


“Hurry, it’s gonna come out!” Luke sobbed, squeezing himself as he hobbled behind Sharon.  Small spurts were slipping out, but he was able to stop them for a couple of seconds before the next one came.


They were almost to the bathroom door when Sharon felt Luke freeze and let go of her hand.  She looked down and saw that he was doubled over, both hands pressed into his crotch and crossing his legs as tightly as he could.  “Uh-oh,” he gasped.  The most recent spurt was too intense for him to stop it, and he was doing his best to hold in the slow but steady tinkle that was coming out.  He knew from past experience that the slow stream was going to turn into a rushing torrent before they could get to the bathroom.  He clenched his bladder muscles as hard as he could, but he felt his pee-pee slipping past his control.  “Mommy! I’m pee-peeing, it won’t stay in!”  He ran in place and squeezed himself even harder, trying to keep it from coming out, and he shuddered when he felt his bladder give out completely and quickly push his pee-pee into his diaper.  “I can’t hold it, it’s coming out!”


Sharon knelt in front of him and pulled him into her arms.  She could hear his pee-pee flowing rapidly into his diaper as his legs went limp from the effort of trying to hold it in.  “Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay.  We were just practicing.  Just try to tell Mommy you need to go pee-pee a little sooner next time, okay?”


Luke nodded and sniffled into her shoulder.  He lay against her and let her hold him until he finished wetting his diaper.  “I done, Mommy,” he mumbled.  


“Okay, buddy.  I’ll go ahead and change you so you can remember to try to stay dry until we get to the potty next time.”  Sharon carried Luke back into the living room and laid him down to change him.  


“Mom, I have a case of cloth diapers for William in the car.  You can borrow a few for Luke if you want to,” Anne-Marie offered. “William treated them more like underwear than disposables and was better about telling me when he had to potty in time after I switched to cloth.  They’re not as comfortable as disposables when they’re wet, and I change him as soon as he goes potty when he tells me he has to go and gets to the bathroom in time.  If he waits too long to tell me and can’t hold it, then he has to wait until his time-out is over to be changed, and he doesn’t like to sit in a wet cloth diaper.”


Sharon nodded.  “Yes, I think I’ll try that.”  She tenderly wiped Luke with a wet wipe and soon had him in a cloth diaper.  He didn’t like it very much.  It was soft, but it felt like his pants would get wet when he pee-peed.  He gave Sharon a nervous look.  “Your clothes will stay dry when you go potty,” Sharon assured him.  “But, it won’t feel too good, and I’m not going to change you right away if you don’t tell me in time to get to the bathroom first.  I’ll change you as soon as you tinkle if you tell me in time to make it to the potty.”  She gave him a sippy cup of watered-down juice, hoping he’d fill up again before his nap.


Luke nodded.  He was able to move around a little more easily in this diaper, but he didn’t feel as protected.  He sipped his juice and went back to playing with William.  


After lunch, there were four pairs of droopy eyes.  Luke climbed in Sharon’s lap and lay against her, ready to fall asleep.  “Come on, buddy, let’s go potty really quick, and then I’ll rock you, okay?  Do you need to pee-pee?”


Luke shrugged.  “A little.”  


“All right.  Don’t tinkle until we get to the potty.”  Sharon checked his diaper to make sure he was still dry as she carried him to the bathroom, and Anne-Marie followed her with William.


Sharon pulled Luke’s jeans off once they got there and made a show of checking his diaper.  “Good job, honey, you made it to the potty!”  She praised him, hoping it would encourage him to take the “still act like you have to be in the bathroom to go potty” idea seriously.  Luke smiled and lay against her shoulder.  


“I still dry, too, Nana!” William announced, not to be outdone.


“That’s great, sweetheart!”  Sharon started to place Luke on the floor, but he squeezed his legs around her waist.  “Okay, honey, I’ll hold you.  Go ahead and pee-pee so I can change you.”  Luke concentrated for a few moments and let a small stream into his diaper.  He probably would’ve been able to go a little more if Sharon weren’t holding him, but he was tired and wanted to stay in her arms.  He shifted uncomfortably as his diaper grew wet against him.  


“Mommy, I wet,” Luke whined.


Sharon patted his back.  “All right, let’s get you changed.”  


“Do you want another cloth diaper?” Anne-Marie asked.


Sharon shook her head.  “He’s wet his diaper during his nap a few times, so I don’t want him to be uncomfortable and wake up too soon if he has an accident.”  She changed him on the living room floor and sat in the rocking chair with him.  Ryan and Haley were sprawled out on the couch, both looking ready to fall asleep.  “Let me get him to sleep, and then I’ll change you guys, okay?”  By now, they both knew that meant to empty their bladders, so she didn’t remind them to do so before naps or bedtime anymore.  


“I want Nana to rock me,” William whined as Anne-Marie finished changing him.  She was going to lie down with him in Luke’s bed until he fell asleep, but he didn’t like seeing Sharon rocking another child.


Sharon looked down at Luke, who was already falling asleep in her arms.  “Let me rock Luke for just a few more minutes and get Haley and Ryan changed.  They’re all about to fall asleep.”  William was, too, and she figured he’d be asleep before she got the teenagers into dry diapers.  She knew Anne-Marie had stopped rocking William for naps months ago, but Sharon still rocked him when she was with him during the day, just because she was savoring every last bit of his toddlerhood. It wouldn’t be long before he was too big to want her to rock him.  


Haley hadn’t peed since she’d woken up that morning, and her bladder was starting to ache. It wasn’t urgent, but it was starting to get uncomfortable.  It didn’t take much effort to release her bladder and let her diaper heat up with fresh pee.  Ryan, on the other hand, had been dribbling a little bit at a time all morning.  He was able to let out a tiny stream, but it wasn’t much.  Given the coffee he drank that morning, he probably would’ve had a full bladder by lunchtime, so his diaper was probably holding a little more than one full pee.


By the time Sharon laid Luke on the couch between Ryan and Haley, William was unconscious in Anne-Marie’s lap.  Ryan was closer to being asleep than Haley, so Sharon tackled him first.  “All right, Ryan, let’s go get you changed.”


“I can put William down and change Haley while you’re doing that if she doesn’t mind,” Anne-Marie spoke up.  She knew Ryan would never agree to that, and changing him would be weird for her, too, so she’d never offered to help with him.


Haley shrugged.  “Other people will probably have to change me sometimes.  I might as well get used to it.”  She lay on the floor and waited as Anne-Marie put William down in Luke’s room and got a dry diaper and wipes.  She’d gotten comfortable with Sharon changing her, but she felt tense as Anne-Marie removed her soaked diaper and brushed across her crotch, bottom, and the top of her thighs with a wet wipe.  Like Sharon, Anne-Marie was quick and matter-of-fact about it.  Once her pajama pants were back on, Haley collapsed onto the couch. 


Sharon was coming back in with Ryan’s rolled-up wet diaper in her hand as Haley curled up on the couch.  “Ryan just climbed in my bed, he was so tired.  Having a late breakfast and a late lunch obviously wasn’t the best idea.”  After disposing of Ryan’s diaper and washing her hands, she got a blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over Haley, tucking it snugly around her shoulders.  As Haley’s eyes started to close, Sharon ran her hand through her hair and kissed her forehead.  “Sleep well, sweetheart.” 

  • Like 2

A very sweet new chapter. I am still having a hard time adjusting to a toddler being potty trained but still expected to use their diapers. What a mixed signal you are sending the child. How could you ever begin to punish a child for using the diapers when you require them to use them. I get the story line with they need to be using diapers and the thought process of trying to keep them potty trained. Still I have an issue with punishment for doing what you demand of them. I am looking forward to reading more. 

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