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I Want To Change My Log-in Name

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;) Really you can't, unless DD has something new he is doing. In the past people would just register with your new name and go on from there. There seems to be some issue with deleteing files or something. DD can help you more when he or another Mod see's this post and perhaps he can transfer your "account" over to the new name, if your worried about post count or something.

Other than that, there are probably several thousand "dead" member log-in's now that need to be deleted, maybe DD can shed some light on the reason again. He has explained it before, I'd just go on with your "New Life". Just tell everyone who you are again and who you were so we know. :D

p.s. How about a camio in Turtles next video!

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Send me a PM with your new name request and I'll see what the software will allow.

Please note that name changes will be a rare event as I simply don' have the time or desire to be constantly editing accounts, and allowing unrestricted changes would reduce user accountability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had the name DIAPERMAN for many years. I only recently found this site, and when I did I found that DIAPERMAN was not available, so I went with SOGGY. I am soggy most of the time in my diapers, but I found myself wanting the name I had always had everywhere else. I ended up with DPRMN1964. Couldn't make it work with the same email address tho, as the site said that one was taken by soggy. So I ended up with a new email address with msn that I will never use, just to get the name I really wanted to start with. My own fault I guess, as I should have looked harder for something similar to my original name. So if you find yourself with a name you don't want, you are stuck with it for not taking more time to do it right. Kind of like me. Time for me to dry the tears, stuff a bottle in my pie hole, and grab a tissue for the sniffles.

Laugh and the world laughs with you.


And you blow your nose!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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