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Danny Gets Adopted - Patreon Exclusive Preview


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Danny is sitting at home living a normal day when he gets news that shatters his world. All of a sudden everything he has known is forced to change and he has to adapt to a new life.

This 9,500 word Patreon Exclusive story tells the end of one chapter and the start of a new one for the nineteen-year-old baby.


This is a preview of the full story which can be found on my Patreon page. For $5 you can get early access to story updates posted once every four days. For $10 you get the early access plus exclusive stories like this one.



Danny Gets Adopted

By Elfy

Danny sat in his highchair swinging his legs below him. Danny’s dinner ended a few minutes ago and he was just waiting to be let out of his seat. Danny sucked on his pacifier and looked out towards the living room where some cartoon was still playing on the television. His damp diaper underneath him crinkled from under his shorts. He felt quite content with the world as he sat there and relaxed.

The nineteen-year-old boy was feeling a little melancholy this evening. His baby lifestyle had been going on for five years now and he had grown used to it even if he didn’t love it, he had basically given up on convincing his mother to let him grow up. At this point he didn’t think there was any point in “growing up” anyway, at least he didn’t have to worry about anything other than when his next diaper change was.

Two events had caused Danny to become more philosophical in his role as a baby. The first had happened a few months earlier when, quite out of the blue, Charlotte had revealed to Danny that she was marrying her boyfriend. The marriage had followed shortly thereafter and after Danny was given a choice about whether to attend he chose not to.

Charlotte was Danny’s only real friend. She was the only person outside of the family that ever bothered to visit the big baby and Danny had developed quite the crush on her.

Danny was happy for Charlotte, he really was, but he also felt a little heartbroken. He knew it was never likely that he would get to be Charlotte’s boyfriend but the door closing for good was like a knife in the heart. It was as if one of the last reasons Danny had to want to grow up had been taken away. Danny missed out on so many experiences and so much education since he was taken out of school at thirteen but losing Charlotte was the last thing he held on to. It was even more aggravating for Danny that he knew under different circumstances he could very well have ended up with the pretty girl.

The bad mood hadn’t been improved when Nanny announced that she was leaving Danny and his mother’s home. Nanny had been with the family for years and used the home as a base with which she could visit her many clients. She specialised in bigger babies like Danny and was always travelling around.

Nanny was leaving for her own apartment. She had saved plenty of money from staying with Danny’s family and was now looking for more space, she was happy to find a place with a spare room she could turn into a nursery.

Nanny had emotionally revealed she was going to leave and today was the day that she was finally moving out. It was why Danny was still in the highchair, his mom was helping Nanny move some things out to the hired truck. There was lots of moving back and forth as Danny sat alone in the dining room. He certainly didn’t mind a little alone time, he rarely got any these days.

Rather suddenly, the phone in the living room began ringing just as Sophie, Danny’s mom was carrying a box past it. She put the box down and hurried over to answer it.

“Hello?” Sophie said into the receiver rather breathlessly.

Danny was ten feet away and couldn’t hear what was being said but he was shocked when his mom suddenly slumped down on the couch. She looked even more surprised than Danny was.

After a few seconds it seemed Sophie had collected herself and continued talking to the person on the other end of the line. She seemed in pretty intense discussion and looked over to Danny several times. Even Nanny had stopped loading the truck when she saw what was happening in the living room.

When Sophie put the phone down it was with a slam. She Ran her hands through her hair and looked extremely stressed. She beckoned Nanny over and together they huddled in the living room.

Danny couldn’t hear what was going on but something seemed to be happening and he was starting to get frustrated that he was being kept out of the loop.

Finally, a couple of minutes later, Sophie slowly walked into the dining room and sat down in the chair next to Danny. She reached out and grabbed his hand as Nanny walked up behind her with a concerned look on her face. Danny was starting to worry about what was happening.

“Danny.” Sophie said slowly, “Your father is dead.”


Danny had never really known his father. He had walked out when Danny was very young and the divorce quickly followed. He had been very wealthy through a family fortune and the divorce settlement was what allowed Sophie to keep Danny diapered as he was.

From the day Danny’s father had left neither the young man nor his mother had seen him again. They rarely even heard from him unless it was through legal representatives. Danny had never had a birthday card, a Christmas card or anything from his missing dad.

Despite everything it was still a huge shock to hear that his father had died. Apparently he had been in a car crash at a very high speed, he had laid in a coma for two weeks before passing away. No one had thought to get in touch with the man’s old family until he had died and lawyers got involved with the fortune.

The fortune was the reason for the phone call on that fateful day. It turned out, much to the surprise of Sophie, that Danny’s father had left all of his substantial fortune to Danny and his mother. Danny’s father had never remarried or had any real family life after he walked out on Sophie so there was no one else for the money to go to.

Unfortunately, there was a catch.

Even in death it seemed that the missing father was determined to be an asshole. He had been incredibly bitter about the closeness that Danny had with Sophie and there was a stipulation on the fortune passing over that was horrifying for both the mother and her adult baby.

“We have to what!?” Danny exclaimed when Sophie told him of the stipulation.

“We have to… Separate.” Sophie said sadly, “His stipulation was that if we are to inherit the money we cannot live together. His final insult to both of us I guess. He doesn’t want either of us to be happy.”

Danny blinked from his highchair in shock. He had no idea what to say, in all of his plans and fantasies about ending the baby treatment and exploring the world this had never even crossed his young mind. How could it? The situation was completely out of left field.

The three people sat around the table in silence as they all tried to digest the news. None of them quite knew what to say or suggest.

“I’ll have to turn down the money.” Sophie eventually broke the silence.

“Let’s not be hasty.” Nanny replied quickly. She had her hand up to her chin and looked like she was deep in thought.

“My son means more to me than money.” Sophie said defiantly.

“Of course.” Nanny replied quickly, “I’d never doubt that. You are a wonderful mother. We should think if there is an opportunity here rather than a choice. It might be good for Danny to get some new surroundings.”

Sophie privately agreed with Nanny even if she had never expressed it out loud. Danny couldn’t live with her forever, one day he would need to strike out on his own one way or another. The problem had always been that no one would want to take on the responsibility of an adult baby.

“Could he stay with you?” Sophie asked, “You’ll be nearby and I could visit often.”

“I don’t think so.” Nanny said sadly, “I’m going to be in a small place and I’ll need the extra room for clients. I’ll be so busy that there’ll be no one to look after Danny a lot of the time.”

Danny sat in silence as his future was discussed between the two women. They didn’t ask his opinion and he didn’t think to give one. He was just a baby and this was very much an adult conversation. The idea of leaving his mother both thrilled and scared him though, maybe it would finally spell the end of this interminable baby lifestyle.

“Is there anyone else that could take him?” Nanny asked, “Family or friends?”

“Nope.” Sophie replied immediately, “Most of my family don’t get what we are doing here at all and even those that do get it, they wouldn’t want to be a full time carer.”

The table lapsed into silence again. Danny wished that he could’ve made some positive contribution to the conversation but all he could do was feel his diaper suddenly burst with warmth as he wet himself. He blushed when he saw Nanny looking at him, she gave a little shake of the head and a small snort of a laugh.

“Well he can’t be trusted to go out on his own.” Nanny said, “He isn’t ready to grow up and even if he was he wouldn’t be able to do it in time. He needs taking care of.”

Danny scowled at the woman and wanted to argue against the harsh assessment of his life but it was hard to find a flaw in her argument. After five years of constant baby treatment he was basically incontinent and incapable of looking after himself. He didn’t know how to do a lot of basic things that teenagers pick up as they grow. He didn’t even have an education past the age of thirteen.

Maybe it was fate that caused what happened next or maybe it was just an extreme coincidence. The front door to the house was still open but someone knocked on it as they walked in.

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On 27/02/2018 at 7:34 AM, lilboychamp said:

Great story! I really enjoy how you jump right into the action here with him already regressed, it's refreshing and engaging!

I agree. well done Elfy.. you are very talented. 

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  • 10 months later...
On 1/30/2019 at 11:54 AM, Elfy said:

I decided to delete any and all stories that had an underage protagonist.

Fair enough, although Danny here seems to be 19? I'm guessing there were parts of the story where he was younger? 

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I understand the point of not being associated with any stories involving minors but it is done all the time on sites like this. As long as the actions within the story remain acceptable, I personally don’t see any problem with having an underage character. As for this story, I am positive I have read this in the past somewhere. I can’t recall where or when but I know I have read it. I don’t recall anything inappropriate and would enjoy reading it again. 

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29 minutes ago, CDfm said:

I understand the point of not being associated with any stories involving minors but it is done all the time on sites like this. As long as the actions within the story remain acceptable, I personally don’t see any problem with having an underage character. As for this story, I am positive I have read this in the past somewhere. I can’t recall where or when but I know I have read it. I don’t recall anything inappropriate and would enjoy reading it again. 

I agree with you and your opinions on underage characters. It's just something I wasn't ever particularly comfortable writing about and I wanted to focus on more adult oriented things. If people want to write about underage characters they are free to do so (as long as it is within the limits of the rules) and I have no negative opinions towards them and those that choose to write those characters.

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I feel awkward reading a story where a diaper wearing character is less than 16 in a non sexual storyline.  I always stop reading immediately when the character is 12 years old or below. I am sure I am not alone here.

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