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The first day of school is always hectic.

You have new kids that weren't pre registered, the younger kindergartners all seem to get lost you have them back at the office crying "I can't find my room!"

You have to escorted least 30 kids to their rooms, up down up down all day long!

Then you have those moms!

It is either their first kid to school or their last kids to school, they don't want to let them go!

They are crying and carrying on.

The kids look to you for help, they are embarrassed by their parents!

Sometimes but not often it's the dad's.

About maybe 10 moms to 1 dad carry on like that.

The ones I feel sorry about are the kids that are like shoved through the doors and the parents are gone before the door shuts.

We had Angelina Carter.

Mrs Carter shoved poor Angelina through the door and we heard screeching tires leaving the parking lot. 

Angelina came in and just stood there her lip was quivering,

I knew she was seconds away from crying.

I saw the tears and heard only one sob escape her chest.

This girl was petrified!

I went and got down on one knee, I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright," I asked her?

A verily perceptible shake of her head No!

"Can I help you my name is Mr. Jensen by the way." Introducing myself. 

"Are you the nurse?" Angelina asked.

"No I'm one of the secretarys here the nurses office is right over there! As I pointed to her office.

Are you sick?"

Another slight shake of her head no, almost imperceptible. 

"I got to give her somethin!" 

"Is it okay if I walk you over you look like you could use a friend!" I said.

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

I got off the floor and I took her hand and we went to the nurses office together. 

Angelina said "My mom said I had to give you these."

She pulled a full bag of Goodnites out of her backpack.

"I still wet myself all the time!

It makes mommy real mad!"

"Are you wet right now, what's your name?" The nurse asked? 

"Angelina Carter." She said. 

Well I now had a name. 

"I could use a clean diaper, I never got changed this morning from last night!" The girl said.

Angelina looked at me I knew that was my cue to let her have her privacy!

I went to the door and stood facing it another kid from the outside tried to come in, I told him

"Not right now, the nurse is with a sick kid!"

I was covering the gap in the door with my body so they couldnt see Angelina getting her diaper changed.

I felt a tug a few moments on my pant leg.

"It's okay Mr. Jenson I'm though being sick!"

Angelina had a smile on her face now. 

"Who is your teacher." I asked?

"Don't know?" Angelina said.

I got my list out and started looking for her name Carter, Carter.

"Your in Kindergarten right?"


I had a Cameron and a Castallino but no Carter.

"Did your mommy bring you here to register you yet?"

"No she brought me here and just dropped me off." Said Angelina.

"Where do you live?" I asked? 

"Way over there!" As she pointed East.

"Do you know Your telephone number?" I asked? 

She looked like she was thinking for a moment. "It's 480 somethin!"

That didn't help me much Phoenix has three area codes 602, 623, 480.

480 was for the East side of Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale, everything pretty much miles from here.

"Did you and your mommy move close to this school?"

"No we still live in Mesa!"

My stomach dropped, I think her mom had abandoned here!

Phoenix is the most populated state capital in the United States almost 2 million people live in Phoenix.

With all the surrounding areas in Maricopa County were looking at 3.1 million people!

It looked like finding that needle in a haystack to me!

Finding her parents.

"Until we find out who your teacher is, you can hang out with your friend Mr. Jensen, how does that sound?"

"Can I really?" She asked looking more animated than I had seen all morning!

"Sure, I said come on!"

I called the new principal who's answer was "What do you want me to do about it?"

My first impression was he wont last!

I called Mr. English I advised him what was going on.

"Keep me advised, if nobody comes to pick her up, okay?" He said!

"You got it!"

I had 5 kids that were lost and I and Angelina escorted them to their classrooms.

I made sure to thank her for her help.

I praised her and I could of sworn she looked like she grew two inches!

We had a kid run through the office on his way to get his lunch money from his mom I told him nicely "Stop running!"

On his way back he was running again "Mr. Jensen told you to stop running!"

This was the loudest this girl had been all day!

The kid stopped and stared at the girl that had yelled at him!

I had to smile to myself!

He walked through the office!

"Mr. Jensen I to go to go to the nurse again.

Angelina told me at about 11 am. Will you take me?"

"I would be honored to,"  as I took her hand.

As we went in she said "Mr. Jensen you can stay!"

"No I think I had better watch the door so you don't get embarrassed getting your goodnight changed.

She gave a smile and thanked me! 

The nurse asked "Can I talk to Mr. Jensen alone, Angelina?"

"I will be right out, you go sit down at our desk, okay?"

"Okay Mr. Jensen!"

The nurse said "I know you haven't looked but that poor girl has a hell of a case of diaper rash.

Whoever takes care of her has been leaving her in a wet diaper way too long!

When her parents get here have them come in and talk with me please!

Why is she not in a classroom?" 

"She hasn't been registered in this school yet!

I believe she may have been abandoned here!"

"Oh no, what makes you think that?"

"She claims to live in Mesa, her telephone number is a 480 area code."

"Did you inform our new principal?" The nurse asked?

"Yes, his reply was "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Sounds like him, we need to contact CPS and let them know!"

"Already have!" I informed her.

"That's right this isn't your first rodeo is it?"

"Nope." I said.

"Keep me informed!" She asked.

At 3 pm parents began arriving to pick up their kids at 3:15 pm I took Angelina with me, I  told her when she sees her mommy to let me know! 

At 4pm all kids were gone and we still had Angelina at 415 pm Mr. English had arrived he talked to Angelina who wouldn't leave me.

He asked her all kinds of questions.

He got the same answers as me he asked her "What's your mom's name" 

"Mommy!" That's all we knew she didn't know her mom's name.

A police report was taken and photos of her inflamed toushy, and Mr. English tried to take Angelina who had a deat grip on my leg and wasnt about to let go of me! 

Candy looked at me and just shook her head.

"We will take her if you let us Mr. English!

You know anther one has latched on to my husband!" 

"Splendid!" Said Mr. English! 

Angelina came home with us.

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We stopped off at a hospital supply store and had her fitted for better things than good nights.

Once we got home the kids all started home work.

Since Angelina hadn't started school today she didn't have any.

Candy and I we started cooking dinner, Angelina still wasn't willing to let me go, I did things like set the table.

Anything to keep her away from the hot stove.

Angelina asked "Why are we eating in here?

Dont you guys eat in the living room so you can watch TV?"

"No we eat as a family in the kitchen and we talk to each other." Candy said. 

"How come, don't you guys have cable?" Angelina asked?

"Yes we have cable, but we believe in spending time as a family, we're interested in you as our kids. Not some show!" I said.

"It's just the only time we ate at the table was Thanksgiving and Christmas!" She said.

"I understand but were a family, we eat as a family."

"Am I a part of your family too?" Angelina asked?

"For now you are!" Candy said. 

Angelina got a big Smile and asked "Where do I sit?" 

I pointed to a seat next to where I sit and said "Right here!" 

She sat down in her spot.

She knew that was her spot in the family!

After dinner the chores were done, putting dinner away washing dishes, and kids were bathed.

I asked Angelina if she wanted Candy to bathe her 

"Can you do It?"

"I could but I thought maybe you might want Candy to do It, you might feel more comfortable with a woman giving you a bath!"

I saw tears in her eyes. "I want you!"

"Okay, okay you got me!"

I got her in the tub after pulling her clothes off and the nurse was right her bum was red as a baboon.

I cleaned her washing her hair.

And her body.

I took her out and started drying her off.

She asked me something I wasn't really ready to want to answer. 

"Are you my daddy now?"

"I'm not sure I am yet, they might find a new home for you, I don't really know. Why?"

"But I want you as my daddy, I heard them say my mommy abaddoned  me!"

The word is abandoned, unfortunately yes we think she has, it just that we haven't been made your fostor parents yet, Mr. English might find another home for you!"

"But I want to be your little girl!

Your really nice to me, my mommy yells at me when I pee, you haven't yelled at me all day, and I've wet lots of times at school.

If me peeing my diapers made you mad, you would of yelled at me!"

"Just to let you know you are not the only person that wears diapers here!"

"Yeah I know that girl named Genesis saw my diapers and she told me still wears them at night because she bedwets!

She told me her brothers do as well.

I guess I'm the only one that is not out of diapers in the daytime though, she told me that as well."

I got her to her bed I put Rash Cream all over her red butt and heavily powdered her before diapering her.

I put an old nightgown that had belonged to one of our other girls we no longer had, it was only slightly long it drug on the floor.

I kissed her forehead and said "Night Princess!" She grabbed me around my neck and hugged I'm  sure as hard as she could! 

" I Love you daddy!"

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Next day we arrived early as Mr. English called us, he had forms for us to sign.

We signed our life away and we were granted the right to be Angelina's guardians.

We got her in school.

Mr. English also told us we were not able to begin to adopting her until either her mom was found or they declared her an abandoned child.

She was placed in Mrs. McDonald's class.

After school when she got out Angelina came and found me.

Mrs McDonald came and asked "Is she your daughter?"

"Yes she is for now."

"What do you mean by now?" Asked Mrs. McDonald?

"My wife and I are her foster parents, until things happen."

I really didn't want to go into with Angelina right here.

'Well that is one bright girl you got there, she knows how to read and she can add already, she knows her coins, she knows a penny is one cent, a nickel Is five pennys, a dime is two nickels or 10 pennys, a quarter is 25 pennys, she knows it is 5 nickels!

But still hasn't got it down how many dimes yet, she thinks it's three. But my kids don't start to learn coins until next January.

We are just working on reading right now.

She is beyond my kids she is already at a first grade level.

Have you guys had her long?"

"We just got her yesterday."

"Whomever had her before you, worked with her."

"That was my mommy! Said Angelina. 

She used to read to me and I memorized the book then I learned the words.

That's how I learned to read!"

"I did learn there is something my kids got on her they are at least potty trained!

Said Mrs. McDonald! But she is so bright she should be able to pick up on that fairly easy!"

"We will be working on that, I said!"

After Mrs. McDonald left I got a huge hug from Angelina.

"l love you daddy!"

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Lovely update, I do know that there are some pretty deep holes out in the desert around Gold Canyon or places similar for a certain person to "Accidentally" stumble into. Not saying I would wish any harm on a person IRL but a certain child's mom could use a wake up call...

Another wonderfully written chapter in a great story about love and acceptance. Thank you for taking the time to post this gem of a story for us here Drownedinp

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Tonight Angelina had home work and Candy had to grade papers, I got left to cook dinner and set the table.

I was cooking sloppy Joe's, I heard a small voice, "Can I help?"

"Angelina don't you have homework?"

"Already done, it was to easy!" Said Angelina.

"Are you sure?" I ask trying to see if she wasn't fooling with me.

"Uhuh!" She said!

"Okay then you set the table then, like I showed you last night then!" 

"Okay!" She began setting the table.

I had to remind her "Forks on the left, spoon and knife  on the right! "

"Okay!" She had to change a few utensils around.

After the table was set she came and asked me, "When can I learn to cook?"

"Not until you're older, dear!"

"I'll be six in 11 months, will I be old enough then?"

"Probably not try me again when your 12 or 13!"

"But thats!" I saw her working it out in her head.

"Almost 7 or 8 years from now, I'll be old!

Almost your age!"

"How old do you think I am?" I asked?

"About a hunderd." She said.

"Its pronounced a hundred!  

I'm nowhere near that old!

Gee thanks! I'm only about 60 years old!

I still have over 40 years from now before I hit a hundred!

She started to look serious, "Will I still be your daughter 7 or 8 years from now?"

"I sure hope so, I want you to!" I said.

"I want to be your girl!

I want to live here, I like it here, I love you!" 

"I love you as well, I want you to be my daughter!"

"But daddy, I want to marry you!"

I had to smile, "What would Candy say, she would kill me.

Besides I'm not a Fundamentalist Mormon, this isn't Utah!"

"I know it Arizona,"  she said matter of factly!

"I cant marry you, I'm already married to Candy! 

She thought for a moment. "I'm willing to share!" She said.

"It's just I don't think Candy is willing to share!"


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  • 2 weeks later...

It was Monday and when we got back to work.

I took my desk and checked in other teachers as they arrived.

It was 8 am and I still had one teacher that hadn't arrived.

I called her phone number.

"Hello?" I heard. From sombody still groggy!

"Ms. Madson this is the school, are you ill?"

"No what time is it?"

"It's 8 am," I said. I heard her say "Holy shit!

My power went off last night!

I will be there shortly! Sorry!"

"Its okay we will get somebody to handle your class until you get here!"

I wrote in the book after I hung up "Power Outage!" In the book as to the reason she was late.

It had stormed last night, I've had my power go out before, after a storm.

I went and took her class for the first 10 minutes when she arrived. 

"Thank you, your a life saver!" She said as I let her take her class.

I returned to my desk.

I started doing my work.

Next thing I knew the Principal called me to his office.

'Mr. Jensen what happened with that girl that was abandoned here the other day?"

"She is living with us, why?" I said. 

"Does the state know?" He asked?

"Of course, my wife and I are licensed Foster Parents!"

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you taking a student into your home.

Get rid of her!" He said!


There is no rules on the books that says we cant take in students as foster children, we've checked!

We already have two that we've adopted!

That were students here."

"If I had known that I wouldn't of rehired you two!

I thought it odd that your wife was put as a teacher over one of your foster kids."

"You cant make us get rid of her, she is almost a part of our family!"

"If you don't you two might find yourselves without jobs!

Remember I am the Principal here and what I say goes!

Get rid of her!"

"I will just take it and grieve it at the school board!"

"You can do that, just to let you know, Robert Newhouse the Superintendent is my uncle!"

He said this with a smile.

"That explains how a guy like you with no skills or personality is made a Principal!" I said being a smart ass!

"What?" He said shocked.

"Who was that guy that handled her case from CPS?"

"You mean Mr. English, he is an Investigators from CPS." 

"He didnt paint me in a very good light! I've just been up talking to Uncle Steve."

"Well sir, as I remember you wanted nothing to do with this case until you got called up on the carpet!

If you continue to threaten me and my wife with our jobs, and you have Uncle Steve on your side, I have no other recourse than to hire a lawyer and sue you and the school district for wrongful termination!

What happens when your uncle is no longer the Superintendent?

With your abilities to run a school do you think that you will still have a job?"

"Are you going to get rid of her?"

"Nope!" I said!

"Then clean your desk out, your gone.

You might  as well tell your wife she is gone as well!"

"Then you and your uncle had better be ready for a huge law suit!"

"Your bluffing!" He said.


Why don't you look and see where I worked before retiring and working here. From the court system! I know lots of lawyers some even owe me favors!

Have a good day!" 

I went and started cleaning up my desk!

"Where are you going?" Asked one of my coworkers

"I've been fired because I refuse to get rid of Angelina!"

"No crap?" She said.

"No crap!" I said.

"Is he going to fire your wife as well?" She asked.

"Eventually, yes!" I said.

"We will see about that!"

With that I left.





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I got home I found the guys card in my rolodex.

I dialed the number I heard a couple of rings.

This guy was a Lawyer, I had moved a few cases higher up the docket a few more times than I should have!

He told me if I ever find myself in need of a Lawyer to call him! 

The receptionist answered the phone. "Twitchell and Associates, how may I help you,"in a very perky female voice!

"I need to talk to Richard Twitchell!"

"Is he expecting your call?" This time the voice wasn't as perky.

I said "Benson!" That was his mother's maiden name and he used it as a priority for his calls.

The perky voice was back, "Who shall I say is calling?"

"Richard Jensen!"

Perky voice: "Hold Please!"

I heard muzak play for a few seconds.

"Richard Jensen, you old son of a gun, how the hell are you?"

"Dick I've been better, I need a lawyer!" I said

"What kind of case?" He asked.

"Law Suit!" I said.

"Somebody with deep pockets, I hope!"

"School District, Principal of a school and the Superintendent is his Uncle!

Wrongful dismissal!"

I told him about Angelina how she came into our life, and how he told me to get rid of her, he fired me because I wouldn't!

"So this guy thinks he's God because his uncle is the District Superintendent?

Why do these guys make my job so damned easy, Richard?"

"Not only has he fired me but he has threatened my wife's job, she teaches school there as well!"

"When did you get married again, last I heard your first wife Brenda died!"

"About 4 years ago, she was a roommate of my youngest daughter at ASU."

"How old is your new wife?" 

"She's 29 why?"

"Your telling me that a guy that's what 60 years old is married to a 29 year old, hell they must be paying you retirees very well!

"No it's just neither of was looking but we found each other!"

"You lucky dog!

Listen give me a couple of hours, if he fires your wife we will also get the teachers union in on this!

Your sure there are no rules about being Foster Parents to kids from your school?"

"No we've checked, if not we could of been fired years ago, we have two daughters we've adopted, and we took in a couple of more since then.

Besides we live in the schools boundries they are supposed to go to this school."

"Like l said these guys are making my job so much easier!"

We hung up it was 1230 pm and in came Candy.

"What the hell happened?

I was just fired, I don't even know for what.

I was called to the principal's office and he said I was fired.

He wouldnt even let me get anything from my classroom.

Somebody had to get my purse.

All those supplies in the room were mine, they stole that as well.

Why were we fired?"

"Because I refused to get rid of Angelina!"

"That's why?

I don't want to get rid of her either!

Why would he do something like this?"

"Apparently Mr. English complained to the school board about his handling of the way Angelina wasn't by him.

His uncle is the Superintendent of the District."

The next time the phone rang I was expecting Dick, it was the Superintendent Robert Newhouse, "he apologized for any misunderstandings both of us have been reappointed back to our jobs, the principal had been fired not you, I've had problems since day one with him, I told him this was his last place if he screwed this one up he was gone.

Well he's gone not you.

All you had to do was just come talk to me.

You didn't need to hire a lawyer like Richard Twitchell!"

"Well the principal told me I was bluffing when he fired me and my wife." I said.

"Not only he called but I had about 20 other calls from parents and other teachers, I almost had a riot on my hands.

Apparently you 2 are really well liked, a lady called that you helped her son a few years ago, then others we almost lost half of our enrollment, parents threatening to send their kids to Charter Schools if you two were fired.

I would be an idiot to get rid of you two!"

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Next morning we walked into the school with our kids including Angelina!

People started clapping.

There was a sign that said "Ding ding the witch is dead!"

It was a picture of our ex principal in a witches hat.

I guess everybody was just as glad to see him go!

We took down the frivolity and started doing our jobs.

About 10 minutes later a lady walked in she was like maybe 4 foot 10 and maybe 98 pounds.

I asked her "Can I help you?"

"Yes I'm Ms. Larsen the new Principal. You are?" 

"Believe it or not I'm one of your Secretaries, I'm Mr. Jensen!"

'Is that Jensen with an on or en?"

"An EN. Ma'am."

"Just like mine Larsen with an an E nice Scandanavian name!

My family is from Aalborg Denmark!"

"So is mine! I said!"My great grandma is from Copenhagen."

"So is mine!

Us Great Danes need to stick together."

She smiled and winked, I was sure it was because of her diminutive size.

For some reason she reminded me of Linda Hunt in Kindergarten Cop! Our Ms. Larsen did.

Mr. Jensen could you please show me to my new office!

She got there.

The former Principal had pretty much trashed it, files were strewn everywhere.

Trash was everywhere the desk was tipped over. 

"Looks like somebody threw a temper tantrum! 

Ms. Larsen said. Mr. Jensen could you assist me with this.... mess?"

"I would be happy to Ma'am!"

"My name is Kristine, with a K. Another good Danish name!"

"My name is Richard, not very Danish!"

"Baloney, haven't you heard of Richardson?"

By this time I had the desk tipped upright we started going through the files.

They were hard to tell what was what.

Ms. Larsen found a file "Jensen, Candice, any relation? Your daughter perhaps?"

"Actually my wife!"

"Your wife? She is beautiful looking.

How old is She?" 

"29 years old!" I said.

"29, Mr. Jensen I will have to keep an eye on you!"

Between us both we got her office back into shape.

It didn't look like somebody had a temper tantrum in there.

When I came out Mr. English was there with another man.

"How are you doing Mr. Jensen, can we talk to Angelina for a few minutes I went and got her. 

"But Daddy I'm not wet yet!"

"This isn't about that!

Mr. English wants to talk to you."

"About what?" Asked Angelina?

"You know I didn't ask, sorry!" I said.

"He isn't going to move me is he, I don't wanna go!" Said Angelina! She dug her heels in.

Refusing to move.

"Angelina, I don't think it's anything like that, please trust me, have I lied to you before?"

"No Daddy."

We got to the office. 

"It's good yo see you again Angelina." Said Mr. English.

"You arent moving me are you?"

"No, not anything like that!

Mr. Jensen is one of the best daddies I have, I feel you need him right now!"

"I love Daddy I don't want to go!"

"We're here for something else. Angelina this is Detective Harris. He has a few questions for you." 

"Angelina could you look at these pictures and tell me if you recognize anybody?"

She started looking at the pictures. 

"That's my mommy right there!"

She was pointing at a picture.

Mr. English looked at the detective. 

"Thank you, Mr. Jensen you can return her to class now." 

As I returned Angelina to her class I  said "See I told you he wasn't taking you away."

"Why did they show me a picture of mommy?"

"Probably because they are still looking for her and wanted to know they had the right one!"

I dropped her off at her her class. "By Daddy, love you!"

"I love you as well Princess!"

By the time I got back to the office the detective was gone.

Mr. English was there still "What was that all about?" I asked?

"I think it's best you don't know, yet.

This might mean that Angelina could be yours sooner!" Said Mr. English.


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Next thing there were more cops there than you could shake a stick at.

The Detective was there.

He asked me "Do you know where your ex principal is?"

"I dont really care, as long as he isn't here, why?" I asked. 

"Mr. Jensen did you find it strange that a Principal could care less that a little girl was left at your door steps."

"Sir he wasn't no great shakes as a principal before that went down. He did everything but call my wife a racist  because one of our foster kids were placed in her class.

This district has a policy that states that can't happen.

Our foster kid is Hispanic.

He really thought that she didnt want him because he was Hispanic.

Heck more than half her class is Hispanic!

He fired me because we took Angelina in as our foster child, my wife as well!"

"On what grounds?" Asked the Detective?

"No grounds other than he thought he was god!

I hired a lawyer and was going to name him, his uncle the District Superintendent and the district for wrongful dismissal!"

"I see your still here!"

"Yes his Uncle called me and my wife back here for today and he was fired.

Not us! Today we have a new Principal!

She seems a ton better than the last one, of course the bar isn't that high!"

"Did you ever think that maybe he knew more than he let on, did he ever come out of his office when your daughter Angelina was here in the office?

Did you ever wonder why this school was chosen to drop Angelina off at?

There has to be what at least a couple of hundred Elementary Schools here in Maricopa county.

There are a lot closer to Mesa.

Why this one?"

"You know I dont think he ever met Angelina, of course we got used to seeing him in his office all the time.

Him not coming out.

I don't know why this school?

You aren't saying you think he knew Angelina and her mom?"

Well lets put it this way, he is now missing, he never went home. Believe me we were waiting for him.

Him and Angelina's mother are pretty much wanted felons now. 

Ms. Larsen came and said "Mr. Jenson you didnt remove your file from my room did you?"

"No ma'am I wouldn't do that."

"For some reason I can't locate your file." She said.

"Where do you live?"

I started giving her my new address.

Then I realized I havent given them our new adress.

I told them our old one and our new one.

Because Candy had given our new one for her file!

They are like on the same block.

Lt. Harris went outside and made a call  on his phone, then he came back in. And just sat there without saying much.

His phone rang "Lt. Harris. Great!" He had a huge smile.

"I guess were done here.

I will be our of your hair now.

We will return your file when were done with it"

"Who had it?" Asked Ms. Larsen.

"The former Principal Ma'am.

You were right they went to the wrong house.

They went to your old house.

They were surprised when they showed up to an empty home.

Except my guys were there waiting for them.

You just saved a lot of people."

"How? I asked?

You see they were going to bomb the Governers meeting with the President. 

They were going to kill the President and the Governer, plus all those in the crowd.

Were talking thousands of people.

They, Angelina's mom and your Ex principal were the main players.

Angelina's mom bought enough fertilizer to fertilize a whole farm! That's why we asked Angelina to identify her mom.

They thought that they were going to take Angelina back.

Your firing would ensure that you were home with her.

See I told you why he never came out of his office, Angelina knew him as her moms boyfriend!

This school so he could keep an eye on what happened to Angelina. Luckily it was you, who ever had her would be dead!




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We had been duped, I actually thought our ex-Principal was an uncaring asshole!

A poor excuse of an administrator.

Now to me he has became a genius.

He definately played it smart and us as well.

The biggest mistake was taking the wrong file, if he would of taken Candy's he would of found the right address. 

The best news was that Angelina's mother was about ready to spend thd next 40 years as a guest of the United States Taxpayers, both of them were.

Not to much call for an Elementary Principal in Federal Prison!

Angelina would be 45 when her mom gets out.

Her mother isn't talking about any other family members.

She is claiming to be the last of the line in her family.

So far it seem she is telling the truth!

Angelina hasn't been told about her mom yet.

We are waiting until she gets a bit older.

She wants to be a part of our family, if they don't find any other family she will be ours. 

Ms. Larsen  she kept her promise she was keeping an eye on me.

She told me until she gets my file back, I'm on her radar.

She didn't say it menacingly just until she has my fingerprint card and my last few yearly appraisals. 

She had to ask me what was going on.

With just the little bit that had been shared with me, I related to her.

I loved what she told me!

I was told that life around me won't be boring!

The way she said it I'm sure she is looking forward to my next adventures!

Mr. English checked in from time to time on Angelina. It took a while but we got her out of her daytime diapers.

She hated little girls panties "They don't feel right, they arent thick enough, my bum feels cold." Were her chief complaints about them.

She loved the fact that she still wet her bed so she got them at night.

I don't think she will ever stop wetting her bed so she can wear her diapers.

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I got called into the Principals Office one day.

Ms. Larsen had a smile on her face.

She looked at Me and said,  "Usually it's the kids that have to come see me, and they look guilty just like you do!"

That brought a smile to my face.

"Doesn't matter I'm not a kid but we still hate being called to the bosses office, last time I was called here I got fired!"

"I guarantee I'm not going to fire you, I'm just letting you know the police have returned your file, they took a copy of it.

The question is do you want your real address put in here or not?" 

"Yes, my file needs my real address!"

"Also I want to ask you how?"

"How what?" I asked?" 

"You have at least 3 kids, 2 you have adopted from this school.

1 your adopting I assume in Angelina!"

"The jury is still out on Angelina, Mr. English is still trying to find family for her!" 

"What happens if he does?" Asked Ms. Larsen?

"Angelina will go to them, unless they don't want her!

Then we will be able to adopt her!

That's what we're hoping for!"

"Mr. Jensen, do you think, Mr. English could find a child for me.

Unfortunately everybody kind of overlooks me at 4 foot 10 inches I don't  really have any men beating down my doors to marry me.

I've thought about adoption but I don't want a baby.

I'm too old to be taking care of an infant.

An older child would fit the bill for me!"

"I'm sure he does!

There are loads and loads of kids in foster care that need permanent families.

I'm sure if you pass the background test, he has someone really special just for you! 

"That is what I was hoping for!" She smiled.

I called Mr. English and told him that I needed to talk to him about another possible adoption.

"I will be right there!" He said.

Within 35 minutes Mr. English walked through the doors of the school "Sorry it took me so long!

What are you looking for? Boy? Girl? Younger? Older? What?" 

"Unfortunately it isn't me this time. Mr. English, this is my Principal Ms. Larsen.

She wants to adopt."


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Mr. English and Miss Larson I knew now came out of her office were laughing like old friends.

"Mr. Jensen, Miss Larson. Said! 

I didn't now you knew this guy, seems I know him as well  from Junior High School. In those days I was about  4 foot 3, one day this guy came running around a corner I hit him about belly button level he was looking up here, problem was I was down here.

I tensed up knowing I was about  to be ran over.

He skipped around me.

He apologized.

Next day, and the next day.

It almost happened again! By the 4th day he had stopped and waited until I was around the corner.

He walked me to lunch.

I always thought he was a gentleman!

Soon after my family moved, it would of never worked out he was about six foot in those days!"

"Believe it or not I had a crush on her!"

Always wondered what happened to her. Now I know!" Said Mr. English.

"I will see you tonight Ben!"

"See you tonight Kristine! Said Mr. English.

He left.

"Got my education and home study tonight! Mr. English may I see you in my office again please?"

"What's wrong?"l

"The girl he had for me is named Kacee.

11 years old!

Cute as a button.

But she still wets her bed.

I was slightly apprehensive about that he told me to talk to you! He said something Angelina being a bedwetter?"

"Well when we first got her she was still in daytime diapers goodnights, pullups for older kids!"

"Yes Mr. Jensen I do know what Goodnights are!"

"Okay we spent a few days but we got her toilet trained in the daytime.

Nighttime now that's an entirely different animal all together! 

Angelina isn't our only child with wetting problems.

We got two boys they were only foster kids at first not adoptable.

Then their mom was killed their grandfather died.

Their uncle was murdered in a Mexican prison.

Now were their parents for real we have adopted them.

This was after we lost a daughter to mental illness.

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"Maria was older when we got her her mom pimped her out at 7 years old.

The guy was to big for her her bladder was tore loose and it got a hole in it she dropped Maria off at the hospital and skipped town.

Best thing she ever did for her according to Maria.

Maria was very beautiful.

Unfortunately for her the rapes continued there are a few foster dad like me that are in prison because they raped her.

There were also foster brothers and even a foster sister that raped her. 

When she go to us she thought thats all foster fathers did.

She loved living with us.

She started feeling like a normal teen.

She even had a boyfriend!

We were in the process of adopting her and a kid decided to rape her.

That was the straw that broke the camels back.

She is bi-polar her high cycle anybody gets close gets bit by her."

"Did you ever finish the adoption process of her?" Ms. Larson asked?

"Unfortunately no.

The cost of her treatment center would of bankrupted us.

Were the closest thing to a family she has had.

Candy and I went and visited her, she snuck up and kissed my hand. She was there for a moment and gone the next!

It about killed us were debating to go visit her again."

"Sorry for your loss.

My mother got Alzhiemers.

She got so I had to change her diapers.

Just like she had when I was a younger! 

It was hard to see this once brilliant woman.

Wetting and messing herself like a 2 year old! I do understand!"

Before that we had at least 3 girls that were returned to their parents 2 little black girls their father kidnapped them and convinced them and everybody else their mother was dead.

When their mother came for them, one of them passed out thinking she had seen a ghost!

Both of them were bedwetters.

Prior to that we had a little girl who thought her mother had just abandoned them.

We got the girl.

Her dad after their mother was gone promoted her to mommy, including as a sexual partner!

Even though she wet her bed."

"What the hell is wrong with these guys?

Don't they stop and think, hey this is illegal, if not illegal, it's immoral?" Asked Kristine?

"I never saw a man get away with anything of this nature in my 30 years a court clerk.

They all went to prison for several years.

Several were killed in prison by their fellow inmates.

Her father was killed in jail. 

The worse part was not only was her father having sex with her, he lent her out to his buddies.

Mom had not ran off she fled for her life she got her two kids back. Before that we have a little black girl Bryanne we adopted!

Her parents were pretty abusive because she wet her bed.

You know Clarissa and Genesis they were girls we met here, we've adopted them Clairissa was being molested by her step brother.

She started wetting her bed and her mom began beating the hell out of her.

Since she is away from the abuse no more wet beds.

Genesis her mom beat her for the same reason but she still wets her bed.

Prior to that Candy had a sister that was a bedwetter. My youngest daughter was a bedwetter until age 12. Her and Candy were roommates at ASU. 

Bedwetting isn't a problem unless you let it be." I said.

"Mr. Jenson I know it's not a problem, being so small, I have a very small bladder myself I have grown up as a bedwetter.

Even at my age I still have an occasional problem.

It's just with me raising a daughter, how do I encourage her to stop when I can't even stop myself?"


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"Very good question, if you have am answer let me know.

A few years ago I took a tumble down the court steps and tore up my knee.

I was bed ridden it got so that my wife started diapering me and lets just say when my knee got better my urinary continence suffered.

I have one daughter drier than me now even like most of them I wet as well!"

What about your sweet wife what does she think about it?" 

Candy was sexually molested by her dad when she was a pre teen, teen, and young adult.

Let's also just say it took a toll on her as it has several of my kids.

That have been sexually abused.

Like we said we weren't looking but found each other!!"

"Understood Mr. Jensen!

As a kid I was a nightly bedwetter until I was 17.

Then it tapered off until I'm still about twice a week to once a month. It's strange to be talking about my lack of nighttime toilet training to you Mr. Jensen.

Other than my father and mother and my siblings your my first non family member that knows  about my bedwetting!"

Your the same. My youngest daughter Mellissa, Candy's roommate in college, when she went through her divorce she moved back home and the stress got so bad that she started wetting her bed again.

Candy moved in with Melissa when her mom died.

Like I said we werent looking, next thing she asked me out with Mellisa, we kind of hit it off.

She had daddy issues I became a better dad than her own.

Next thing I knew we were dating.

We talked marrage and I did point out I was older than her father.

She didnt care and we loved each other and next thing she is pregnant with my child. Russell!

I married her and most people wonder how we can be happy I'm  almost 61 and she is getting closer to 30! But were happy and I do love her!"

"I know you do Mr. Jensen, and I know she loves you I've seen the looks she gives you as well!"

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"Knowing I am not the only adult bedwetter out there.

I guess I don't have to be perfect like the commercials says. Said Ms. Larsen.

I will tell Benjamin, Mr. English after my home study tonigh, I will take Kacee.

I actually am looking foreward to motherhood Mr. Jensen!"

"Good for you, Candy asked me once if I was trying to save the whole world, I told her no, just our little corner of it! 

We brought you in now you have to bring others.

It's the ripple effect starts with a small stone on a clear lake it just keeps spreading from there more rings bigger rings that eminate from just one little stone."

"Very poeticly put, Mr. Jensen. "

Next day Ms. Larsen showed up with a girl.

"Morning Mr. Jensen this is Kacee Stuart!

Say Hello Kacee.!"

"Hello Mr. Jensen. I'm, I'm Kacee.

"Good to meet you Kacee!"

"Mr. Jensen, my foster mother tells me you have other kids that you've taken in?" 

About that time Angelina came and said "Teacher isn't here yet." 

"Yes Kacee and this is one, Angelina say hello to Kacee!"

"Hello Kacee!" said Angelina.

"Hello Angelina!

Said Kacee are you in Kindergarten?"

"Yes I am, said Angelina, how did you know?"

"I heard my mom take a call and the lady said she wouldn't be in today.

She said she is a Kindergarten teacher!"

"There is a problem, there are no more substitutes, Mr Jensen, do you think you could take the class today?" Said Ms. Larsen? 

"Whatever you want me to do I'm willing to do it!

Come on Angelina we don't want to be late for class!"

We went to her class I got to be a teacher for a day.

According to her lesson plan I tought what was on the schedule.

Not rocket science.

I had a good day with the class.

One girl came and said "Mr. Jensen I peed myself." She had a jumper on with tights the tights were wet and yellowed I had Angelina go help her and she dressed in clothes in her bag.

Her wet clothes were put in a plastic shopping bag tied off and put it in her bag.

I had to admit I had a hell of a lot of fun playing teacher.

I saw Ms. Larsen outside my door.

I got a wave from her to come here.

When I got there.

She looked concerned.

"Mr. Jensen. I just got disturbing news, it seems Mrs. McDonald was playng hooky from class today she was on her way to Tucson.

She pulled out in front of a huge semi.

She didn't make it.

The district doesn't have any other Kindergarten teachers.

Unfortunately your it for The next few weeks!"

"Ma'am just to let you know I don't have a teaching certificate, heck I dont even have a college degree!"

"How much shooling do you have towards your degree, Mr. Jensen?"

"About none?" I said.

"None, but your so smart I just assumed you had a college degree!"

"My family never had the money to send me to college, if I had I like to think I would of got my law degree. 

"Be as that may be for now your going to be  an interim Kindergarten teacher, Mr. Jensen."

I started looking at the teachers lesson  plan it was good for about another week and a half, after  that I was screwed!

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I started reading up on everything I could find about the syllabus we taught the lesson plan followed the syllabus.

It went as fast or as slow as your kids learned.

Everything was hand outs no books other than if a kid could read.

There were scheduled Library times I didnt want to look like an idiot I had papers to grade.

I got those grades.

I came to one and it was blank checking I had one for every kid except one Kelli Taylor.

The girl that had wet herself yesterday!

Wonder why she wasnt doing her work.

Looking at past scores everything was (verbal responses. No homework).

Wonder why I will talk to her and find out. 

Next day at school I said Hello to the class.

Mrs McDonald wont be returning.

I will be your teacher for the next while.

I am Mr. Jensen.

One boy asked, "Are you Mrs. Jensen's daddy? My sister has her.

"No, I looked at the seating chart, Bernard I'm not her daddy, I'm her husband, were married."

"To each other?" The same boy asked.

"Yes to each other."

"But your old, Mrs. Jensen  aint!" The boy stated!

"Yes but we fell in love and we still got married, despite our age differences.

The word isn't aint, its isn't!"

"Isn't what," asked the boy?"

"The word aint, isn't a word and it isn't supposed to be used!"

"But you just said the word Ain't! If it isnt a word why did you say it was a word?"

"Please! I said as I felt a headache coming on from trying to use logic on a 5 year old!

Just dont say Ain't say isn't, instead!" 

The boy then said "But your old and Mrs. Jensen isn't instead!"

Could I get away with slapping this kid up the side of his head to beat some sense into him before my head explodes. 

Another girl said "its because she's dead, huh!"

It was Kelli, do I lie to her or what.

"It was on the news yesterday she was in a wreck going towards Tucson!"

"Uhm yes that is what happened Kelli!

I walked towards her and she looked petrified of me.

I looked and urine it lwas running on the floor.

Kelli are you alright?

She shook her head no!

What's the matter?"

The ain't boy spoke up, "She is scared of you, her daddy beats her because she is so stupid!"

"Why would he do that?

I've never met a stupid kid!

Except maybe one or two!" As I stared at Bernard. 

"She is my neighbor.

He beat her because he tried to teach her to read he got so mad because she couldn't learn.

He said it was because she was so stupid.

He beat her really bad with his belt.

He tried and tried but she was so stupid he beat her and beat her for being so stupid!"

"Does her daddy still live with her?"

"Yep and he beats her every day with the belt everyday she comes home in different  clothes because she still pisses herself and her bed!"

Other kids started laughing.

Kellie just hung her head. Crying.

I got down on one knee, I waved Angelina over. 

"Kellie, my name is Mr. Jensen I promise I wont hurt you.

She looked up and looked at me.

This is my daughter Angelina.

I'm going to have her take you to the office.

You need to tell Ms. Larsen what your daddy did to you okay!

Her head was shaking no! She looked scared!

"He told me if I tell when he gets me back he will kill me, I dont want him to kill me!"

"Believe me I dont want him killing you either, but I dont want to see you getting hurt everyday.

Can I tell you a secret.

I whispered in her ear, "Angelina wets her bed to, ask her if I've ever hurt her."

When they got in the hallway Your daddy said you still wet your bed.

Is that true?" Kelli asked

"Yeah!" She said quietly.

Angelina said. "Has your daddy ever hurt you because you wet your bed?" Kelli asked?


My real mommy used to get mad at me for it, but never new mommy and daddy!" Said Angelina.

"Real mommy? New daddy mommy?" Kelli asked

"I'm the Jensen's foster daughter, they are adopting me." Said Angelina. 

"What's adopting?" Asked Kelli

"That means I belong to my mommy, but she wasnt a good mommy so they are giving me to the Jensen's! I'm going to be their daughter for real!" Said Angelina.

"Do you think Mr. Jenson would want me?" Asked Kelli?

"I'm sure he would, but it's up to a guy named Mr. Engllish."

"Do you think this Mr. English guy will let me move in with Mr. Jenson, I dont want to get hurt because I still wet my bed."

By this time they were at the office .

"We need to talk to Ms. Larsen." Said Angelina.

"About what?" Asked the secretary.

"Kelli's daddy is hurting her really bad!"

She dialed a phone and said "I have two girls here and I think you need to talk to them!"

Ms. Larsen came out of her office Kellie, Angelina what's the matter?" 

"My daddy is hurting me because I'm stupid!" Said Kellie.

They went into her office.

The door was closed.

A few minutes later the cops and Mr. English showed up and the nurse and the cops checked out Kellie. 

Head to toe. 

Her bottom was all welts it was lucky she could sit down at her desk. Another secretary was sent to Mr.Jensen class and Mr. Jensen brought Bernard up with him.

Bernard was asked by the police as to what happened he related what he had seen.

They had to convince him first that they werent there to arrest him!

Mr. English talked with Mr. Jensen got his side of the story. "This girl is terrified of men!"

"That's strange, she wants you to be her new daddy, she said Angelina convinced her your a nice guy!"

If we take her were full up again no room for any others!"

"Yes there is!

I've found a home for the two boys,  I have a hispanic family wanting them, we've been trying to find family and we found family, the mother's, mother's, granddad  had another son he emigrated to the states in the 1960's been here all along.

But you know the drill, they are family."

"Yeah I know the drill!" I said, it still doesnt make it any easier!

We took Kelli home with us we helped the boys pack their clothes and they were taken to Tucson.

Where  their great uncle lived. 

It took a few hours but Kelli started to really warm up to me.

Before I knew it I was being attacked by 2, 5 year olds!

I always won I tickled them and there were squeals of laughter.

I had to be careful with Kelli if I tickled her to much she would wet herself..

she wouldn't stop playing she knew I wasnt going to get mad at a little pee.

Also in school we discovered something else.

Kelli was dyslexic!

No wonder she had problems with her homework.

Once she got the help she needed she was giving Angelina a run for her money and that was saying something!



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We always expected Mr. English to come take Kelli, he didnt. 

Kelli was getting so she was only wetting herself every other day then twice a week then only once a week then every other week, twice a month.

Soon towards the end of March her last accident had been in January.

We stopped putting extra clothes in her backpack

 I praised her for doing so good at not having accidents any more.

She was still like most of our other kids she was still wet at night.

She asked me, "Can I change my name to Jensen?"

"Do you want to?"

"Uhuh!" If I go back my daddy will kill me!"

We hadn't heard anything as of late since we brought Kelli into our home!

Usually Mr. English was more communicative.

We had a free room he hadn't even tried to fill it yet.

I called his number and a lady answered .

"Arizona Departmrnt of Child Protective Services Greta Scott speaking. How may I help you?"

"I was looking for Benjamin English."

"Mr. English is unavailable at the moment, may I help you?"

"I guess I  am one of his foster parents, my name is Jensen, Richard Jensen."

Oh Mr. Jensen how are you doing have you filed for adoption of I heard some paper shuffle. Kelli yet?"

"No that's why I'm calling we haven't heard anything yet, we dont even know if she is available for adoption?"

You havent been contacted about her.

When was the last time you saw your case manager?"

"I didnt even know we had one, we always dealt with Mr. English!"

"Mr English unfortunately had a cancer scare.

He is expected back within the next few weeks.

Have you even met Jazmine?"

"Who is Jazmine?" I asked?

"Jazmine is your Case Manager according to her reports there has been no change with Kellie.

She is still afraid of men, she still has a diurnal problem at school."

"That's not true!

She hasn't had a problem with daytime wetting in months, she wants to be my daughter.

That's why I called to see the status of  Kelli we havent heard even if ties had been severed from her family."

"According to reports it's been you and your wife that have not been wanting to adopt her.

Her ties were severed months ago!"

"Looks like you need to have a talk with this Jazmine.

We"ve never met her.

We didnt know about Mr. English he is a friend.

Not only the way we get our kids."

"Are you willing to take more kids? According to reports you were unwilling?" 

"Ma'am were always willing to take in kids!

May I ask the last time we were visited by this Jazmine?"

"Let's see, three weeks ago.

Ma'am my wife and I were in Tucson for the educators conference.

We took the kids.

So unless she followed us to Tucson?"

"I'm beginning to believe she is in a lot of trouble!. Thank you Mr. Jenson.

Can I ask you to file as quick as possible to adopt Kelli I want to see what her next report says!

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We filed for adoption!

We had a court date set.

Kelli was one of the happiest girls in the world!"

We were contacted by Mr. English.

He came and visited us.

He used to have grey hair with a grey beard!

He had Chemo and he was hairless.

He used to be a powerfully built man.

He had lost a lot of weight.

He was almost skinny.

Why are you looking at me like I'm dead? He laughed, not yet!

The news of my death has been grossly exaggerated!

I'm actually doing better I'm in remission.

I just don't feel much like eating, let me tell you that's definately different for me, I usually haven't met a meal I didn't eat! He laughed.

Everybody asks me why I don't just smoke pot?

Working for a state agency they can do a random drug test on me any time they want!

I'm not going to fail a drug test just because I'm hungry!

I saw the reports that Jasmine filed on you.

It didn't sound nothing like you.

By the way her boss Greta is personally bringing her here today.

Just tell the truth.

Greta told me you got Kelli to not have daytime accidents anymore good job!"

I said I don't know if it was us, it could be her bladder matured, or she got away from a dad that had threatened to kill her."

"Either way you guys have been a huge influence on her.

The reason I'm here is when we run our Prospective Parents Class I want you and you wife to talk about your successes, and your disappointments Maria comes to mind.

You won't be the only ones I have the parents of Chris Mitchell.

A family called the Evans they have like 13 kids.

Plus you guys have also had several others adopt because of you, were talking like almost 50 kids from your conbined families and friends that is pretty substantial amount!

That's like 7% of our kids! If I could find about 10 more like your combined families we wouldn't have much of a problem with foster kids in the system, of course unfortunately the number grows day by day.

If we could teach all our parents to properly take care of their kids, I would be out of a job.

That would be a glorious day indeed!

With that I know you have an open room I have a kid right up your alley!

Christopher lived with his grandmother.

Now grandmother taught Chritopher to please her sexually.

He's now 10 but he's been doing this since age 5.

He is a life long bedwetter.

He is damaged.

I hope you can straighten him out.

Do you accept the challenge.

He isn't adoptable yet but it looks like grandma will be going to prison soon.

He will need a family.

His mother abandoned him at grandma's  house, she is an unfit mother for abandonment and putting her child in danger by giving him to her mom, she had a brother that her mom treated the same way.

He committed suicide at 19 years old, she knew what her mom was like, and still left him there.

She won't be getting him back anytime soon."

"Mr. English have we ever told you no?" I asked?

"No never!" He smiled.

The doorbell rang and there were two woman there 

"I'm Greta Scott, and and you know Jazmine Swenson.

Jazmine, you know Mr. Jensen!" The girls jaw dropped, she looked like the proverbial Deer caught in the headlights. I had them come in. We sat in the living room, Greta pulled out reports.

She began to read the reports. Kelli still has a day time wetting problem? "

"No ma'am that's incorrect she hasn't had a problem with daytime wettings in months!"

I said. I could see Jasmine sink in her chair. 

"Huh? I wonder why the report said that.

But you guys dont want to adopt Kelli, should we remove her is she difficult or what?" 

"No ma'am that's incorrect we filed to adopt Kelli weeks ago, we love her and she loves us!" I said.

"Hmmm reports say that you haven't filed, also says that Kelli still has a problem with men?"

"Kelli come here please!.

She came in to the living room, I looked Mr. English had a huge grin on his face.

I almost began laughing myself.

I was able to keep a straight face.

Kelli are you still scared of me like you was when I first became your teacher?"

"No daddy, why should I?

I love you!

Hi Mr. English.

Why did you shave your hair off, I liked your beard!"

"I didn't shave, I got really sick and the medicine they gave me made all my hair fall out!"

"Sorry you got sick.

Hope you get better!" She said.

Greta went on "I don't understand this was dated on the 15th of last month?"

"The 15th of last month, wait we were in Tucson for a an educators conference.

We were not even home!"

"Do you know anything about this Jazmine?" Asked Greta. 

"Umm, umm!"

"Jazmine, filing false reports is a dismissable offence. Mr. English said, I gave  you  the Jensen's before I went out, they were one of my best families.

They have probably taken in more kids than you have placed.

Most have been adopted by Mr. And Mrs. Jensen, all but one has been returned to their families better than when they received them! 

The one that wasn't they still care for the girl deeply!

It hurts them that they weren't able to adopt her!"

"What happened to her?" Jazmine asked?

I said "Maria came to us she was 16, her mom pimped her out at age 7. 

The guy that had sex with her tore her bladder loose.

She wore diapers all the time.

Maria had gone from foster home to foster home she had been raped by several foster dad's, brothers and even a sister!

Maria was beautiful but considered her beauty a curse because of the sexual abuse she received because of it.

She came to us, she expected me to be just like the others, I didn't blame her, she was shocked when nothing happened, she learned to trust me.

She had a boyfriend he had  been in a bicycle accident he was just as incontinent as she was.

She was healing.

Some kid decided that he wanted her, he raped her.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

She became mentally ill they put her in a Psychiatric Hospital.

If anybody comes near her she attacks them.

We visited her one time, that's all I could handle.

To keep her from attacking they drug the hell out of her.

She came to me grabbed my hand, I thought I was about ready to get bit, she kissed my hand.

As soon as it was over the drugs kicked in and she was gone.

I still love her as a daughter but I can't stand to see her like that again. I feel a bit of me die just seeing her like that.

Jasmine was crying.

As was Greta.

"I'm so sorry, I judged you, I thought that you took in little girls because you were no better than most of Maria's placements!"

"That's where your wrong, Mr. Jensen here worked with the courts system, he has seen what happens to child molesters, besides Mrs. Jensen was sexually abused by her father. I'm sure if she caught Mr, Jensen doing anything like that she would murder him!

We place these broken girls in this house they have an uncanny way of helping them heal.

Most of the kids that I've placed here and then found family they don't want to leave.

If you've never met the Jensen's Mr. Jensen is older hes in his early 60's his wife is in her late 20's but together they heal kids.

They love them, not like they have been loved before, where love meant sex.

Maria kissed his hand, not bite it she felt safe around this man.

What do you think she would of done if another one of those fathers that had molested her were put in with her?

Knowing Maria they wouldnt of came out of there with nothing below the elbow! 

Jazmine I'm not going to fire you but I want you to get to know the Jensen's for real.

Every kid they have got or adopted were once broken, or beaten from sexual assault or physical abuse.

They took them in and they have made a family.

I wish we had dozen more homes like this.

We wouldn't have so many kids that end up like Maria.

We all know she is just the tip of the iceberg.

There are thousands  like her!" Said Mr. England .

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Jasmine never missed another appointment with us!

She was just excited to see the change in kids like Christopher.

The first time she met him he grabbed her crotch and copped a feel.

The next time she visited he went to do it again.

Mrs. Jensen went "Ahem is that the way a gentleman acts?" 

"No." She could tell that he still wanted to do it but he knew better.

"Thank you!" Mrs. Jensen said.

Next time Mrs. Jensen said "Say hello to Miss Jazmine!"

"Hello Miss Jasmine." He was still looking at her like a piece of meat.

Next month "Hello Miss Jazmine."

She didn't feel like the main course at a barbecue this time. 

Next time it was "Hello Miss Swenson.

He walked away.

She had news, somebody wanted to adopt Christopher.

They had seen a picture and he was almost like a twin to their son.

They did have different birthdays.

Christopher was about 2 months older than their son. 

She took Christopher and he was in a new family. 

The adoption of Kelli was going through the judge said "You guys again?

He asked again with a smile "Good to see you with another child. 

Mr.English appeared once again he didn't look as bad as the last time. He was filling out some, he had some fuzz but nothing what you would call hair on his head and face.

He had another girl for them. 

"What's wrong with her? Richard asked?"

Absolutely nothing! Oh she is like your family she wets her bed.

But far as being abused, or anything.

She needs a family.

Her parents are dead.

She has family in England but they aren't very rich and it's going to take some time to get the money together to come get her.

I guess there is one problem with Her She misses her family. She is lonely!"

Her name is Monica Stevens, she is 9 years old. 

Of course we took her she wasnt going to be ours I kind of knew Christopher wasn't either.

I thought we were going to fail with him. 

Monica was great she fit in she was glad to have sisters brothers and parents.

She enjoyed our family when Mr. English came again she talked with him in private.

He looked concerned.

I was afraid that maybe she had said I had done something to her, like molested her or something!

"No no, that's not it, Monica has informed me that if her family comes from England, she isn't going back with them she wants to stay here with you guys.

She will run away and swim back here if needed.

I haven't heard much from her English family as of late.

I should give them a call and find out how much progress they've had in getting here. 

Mr. English called me a while later.

"Well I didn't expect this but the English family has decided to back out.

When I Called them they had been out drinking at the pub!

They were inebriated.

I told them that when they get Monica, they will have to curb their drinking a bit.

They were not willing to do that, they prided themselves on how much they like to drink.

If she curbs their lifestyle, they don't want her.

I asked if I send the paperwork will they sign it. They agreed."

"She might not have to move to England after all?" I asked?

"Looks that way, will you guys want to take her in?" 

"Well, we want to keep her for now. I have to talk it over with the wife first this will mean no more kids, were at capacity."

"Yeah I know I will hate to lose you guys.

You will be missed, anyway

I will be retiring soon anyway.

I'm getting at that age.

After this cancer scare I had, it made me realize I'm not immortal, I could die tomorrow.

Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, "Once were born we begin to die!" I understand what he means now.

I talked with Candy. We decided yes we also asked our kids what they thought about it they all liked Monica.

They wanted her as a sister.

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I was still teaching Kindergarten.

In my Classrom they made an announcement that we were under a lockdown.

I went and locked my door protocol for a lockdown.

I heard somebody check my door!

Finding it locked moved on, I thought it must be the Custodian.

I heard shouting and then some shooting in another room and one of my kids, a boy wanted to see what happened.

He almost opened the door.

"Deseaun sit down please!" We were under lockdown through the window outside we could see police officers running around.

They were armed with pistols and shotguns, rifles and were wearing helmets everything. 

At about noon we were told to stay in our rooms, that meals would be delivered. When lunch came I was also relieved and was taken to the nurses office.

There was Angelina, and Kelli! They were in Mrs. Birds class.

"Daddy it was awful!"

"What was," I asked?

"The man!" Angelina said.

"What man?" I asked, I had no clue as to what they were talking about.

The Nurse said. "That's right you've been on lock down. 

There was a man came on campus today with a rifle.

We went to lock down.

The man made his way to Mrs. Bird's class he was her soon to be ex husband.

She hadn't followed protocol and locked her door.

He went in and shot her, then the police arrived shot him. Unfortunately these two wet themselves!

Since they quit having accidents we don't have anything to dress them in, we had extra clothes but with the weak bladders we've had today there is nothing left."

Miss Larsen arrived and said, "We can't leave yet, and since there is not a substitute were moving your class into the Gym, with Miss Francis class there is going to be three classes. With two teachers. Don't worry you will have police protection.

Since its an open area.

The police are bringing in clothes for the kids that have been affected by this like your two here.

This has been a success as a lock down.

Mrs Bird is in surgery.

Mr. Bird was killed by the police.

Unfortunately the only door left unlocked was the one he wanted in the first place.

We're going to have counselors here tomorrow to talk to the kids and staff affected by this tragedy.

You know how you're not supposed to be teaching your own kids Mr. Jensen?

That rule is out the window for today.

I'm sure these two need their big strong Daddy!

Don't you girls?"

You three return to your class Mr. Jensen. We're bringing Miss Francis up next to inform her of the plan. Not a word to the kids about this!

I was escorted back to my class.

I walked through with my two girls I had them sit in the last chairs I had. 

"What happened Mr. Jensen?"

"Were those real gunshots we heard?"

"Is everything alright?"

I was hit with about a hundred different questions. 

"Nothings happened one teacher got really sick is all.

We're moving the kindergarten classes to the gym.

We're not going to have lessons were going to be playing kickball, how does that sound?"

"Yeah, I love playing kickball! Was heard.

I called and cleared it through Miss Larsen she thought it was a wonderful idea.

It got the kids minds off the fact they were locked down.

Ms. Larsen came and watched she had a smile on her face watching the kids laugh, even our cops were enjoying themselves watching us.

Yeah it was noisy!

But the kids were forgetting trouble had came to their school.

We got released from school about an hour early we already had parents lined up to get their kids.

You could tell the parents had been crying.

Most the kids were all excited the kindergartners were all about getting to play kickball all afternoon.

One little black girl gave me a hug around my legs. She said "Thank you!"

As teachers we were brought in for a staff meeting.

We leaned that Mrs. Bird didn't make it out of surgery she had succumbed to her injuries.

"This had been a bad day for our school, but there were positives.

The lockdown was very successful.

The only door not locked unfortunately was the one the gunman wanted. 

I seen kids resiliency, Mr. Jensen had the kids in playing kickball even those that were in Mrs. Birds class had soon forgot the terrible tragedy they had witnessed.

Excellent Job Mr. Jensen.

One other problem I seen. Unfortunately our kindergarten kids don't have the best of bladder control."

One teacher joked "Heck some of our 4th graders as well!" 

"Be that as it may Mr. Peters!

We ran out of clothes for some of our kids.

I think there was one girl that didn't wet herself in Mrs. Birds class all the rest did.

That's 28 that did.

1 that didn't and she had one kid out ill. 

We only had enough clothes for 25 there were a couple that had to wear the same wet clothes.

We need more clothes for the kids.

Other than we lost a coworker, and the children's accidents, it was a pretty positive day."

We got to come home early ourselves.

Our two Angelina and Kelli all they talked about was playing kickball not about seeing their teacher shot.

They did ask how Mrs. Bird was I said she didn't make it sorry.

Was she dead in the classroom? Asked Angelina?

No dear she died when they operated on her at the hospital. 

I thought she was dead in the classroom, after she was shot. But then I saw her moving after the police shot the bad guy. Said Kelli.

That was it the extent of the discussion of death.

We made national news and then the talk of disarming citizen's again.

Ms. Larsen said "The kids were coping well, they played games like kickball, for them it was Theraputic!" 

It was brought out that this was just a case of domestic violence.

No kids were harmed by the assailant.

He was after his wife that had him served papers of divorce.

On the news Mr. Jensen was seen walking kids to their parents.

One little girl gave him a hug around his legs.

She wasn't even one of his kids.

He thinks she was in Miss Francis's class. 

Next day they had all kindergartners in a multipurpose room his class had grown by 15 overnight.

There was a flood of resumes sent.

These were from people that were looking for a job as a kindergarten teacher.

Most had their teaching certificates.

About half were from Arizona and about a third were from the Phoenix area.

This school year was almost over in about 4 months.

Ms. Larsen called me to her office.

I still felt like a kid in trouble!

"Mr. Jensen, do you still want to be a teacher until the end of the year, or do you want to go back to your secretarial job?"

I had to admit I enjoyed teaching now.

"I want to finish out my year as a teacher and im going to be going to night school and spend my summers in college to become a teacher!"

Ms. Larsen smiled.

"Teaching get into your system like a bug doesn't it Mr. Jensen!" 

"That it does Ms. Larsen!"

"As long as your going to be going to school looks like I need to find only one teacher for kindergarten, don't I Mr. Jensen."

I enrolled at what first was the former Arizona Teachers College.

You probably know it better now as ASU.

I was a 60 year old Freshmen.

I will be able to retire about the time I get my teaching certificate!

Teaching was something I enjoyed!

Maybe I will work into my 70's I max out on my social security at age 72, maybe I will stay around for a while. 

First day the teacher asked us why we were here.

On my turn. I said "I retired at my first job about two years ago, I was a court clerk. Lately I was working as an Elementary School Secretary. We had a teacher get killed in a motor vehicle accident, there was a shortage of Kindergarten teachers.

I got put in as a kindergarten teacher. 

At first I hated it.

Now it's grown on me I want to be a teacher.

I'm only temperary now, I want my certificate I want to teach Kindergarten.

I have to go back to school and get my degree"

Most of the kids said "They were here to get their degree."

One guy said "To party!"

One girl said "My parents promised me a car and a home upon graduation."  

The teacher told us "What we put into our education will also what we get out of it, you Mr. Avery, as going to get a hangover!"

This was said to the guy that was here to party!

"Miss Snodgrass your going to get your car and a house, then what?"

"Mr. Jensen you will be the Kindergarten teacher you want to be.

I did that because yes you want your degree.

But what are you going to do with that degree after you earn it?

Mr. Jensen I can tell you love teaching.

We're your parents teachers?"

"No ma'am my parents were farmers."

There were a few snickers from some of the kids. 

"Why is that so funny?

Without farmers what are you going to eat?"

"Duh, said Miss Snodgrass, I get my food from the store, not the farm!" There were a few snickers including me!

"Miss Snodgrass where do you suppose the store gets their food from?" 

"The Wharehouse, Duh!" She said.

The teacher smiled, "Where do you think the Wharehouses get their supplies?"

"The girl said "from the manufacturers and places like that!"

"That's right places like that! Farms are places like that, they can be called the manufactures of your food.

That chicken nugget you ate for lunch was some farmers chicken last month."

"I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat meat!" Said Miss Snograss very snootily!

"Still how did you get those carrots, and lettuce that you got from the store, where did they come from? I'm willing to bet you they came from a farm.

You laugh about farmers and ranchers truth be told you and I would starve to death without farmers.

Year after year were losing our agricultural areas.

I grew up out west of here there used to be cottonfields as far as the eye could see out there tons and tons of cotton.

Now I go out there I can't see much to many houses block my view. I can't even see the Estrella Mountain's anymore because of the houses. What happened to the cotton we used to grow?

We have to now buy it from Mexico where they still grow it. Next time you meet a farmer thank him for your supper tonight without him you would go hungry!"

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I was doing good I really liked the teacher she had like me lived through much of the history we were learning about.

She enjoyed my comments I made when we were talking about the Vietnam war.

One guy was being a smartass "Why didn't you go fight in it then?" 

I told him "I had expected to.

My cousin had been drafted.

He was four years older than l was.

I was a Sophmore in 1974 when we got pulled out of Vietnam.

My cousin was Over there about 6 month.

He was pissed that you would be walking along and then get shot at.

From an area that you couldn't shoot back at because it was a DMZ."

"What was a DMZ?" He asked? 

"A De Militarized Zone. It wasn't supposed to have military in it"

"But somebody was shooting at them wasn't they?" The guy asked?

"Yeah, supposedly Civilians!

You weren't allowed to kill civilians.

The problem was they weren't in a uniform they could say, hey they shot at us and we were in the DMZ were civilians! 

They aren't supposed to be shooting into the DMZ!

Now everybody in that unit was in trouble, talk of sending them to Fort Levenworth in Kansas because they fought back.

The problem was you didn't know who the enemy was, they weren't in uniforms like us Americans.

They looked like rice farmers.

But they killed as many Americans as they could.

My cousin said it's like trying to fight Muhammad Ali with your hands tied behind your back.

Your going to get your ass kicked!.

He claims if they had just let us fight the way we were trained to fight we could of kicked butt and taken names!"

"But weren't woman and children killed in the war?"

"Yes they were if somebody is shooting at you are you going to say dont shoot back, these are just kids and women shooting at us.

Or are you going to try and save your butt and take out the threat whether it is a woman or child shooting at you.

You ever see American Sniper?"

"Yeah I seen it why?" The guy said.

The place where the mom has a bomb, and he shoots mom, then the kid picks up the bomb and starts walking towards the troops he shoots the kid, the kid was a terrorist as well.

Looked like a civilian. It was about a 10 year old boy.

Oh don't shoot the kid.

As we lose 20 service members, but he was just a civilian kid.

He wasn't a threat!

But that bomb sure was and he had it. 

The bell rang and class was over.

The guy came and asked if I really would have gone to Vietnam?

"Like I said I was expecting to go, I was 16 I was waiting until I turned 18 to register for the draft.

Another cousin of mine registered he graduated in 1975. They were out of Nam by then.

Then I had another cousin that registered he was born in 1957.

I was about a year and 3 months younger.

They did away with the draft.

For a couple of years, if you was born in 1958, or 1959 you didn't have to register.

1960 on they did.

Now I don't think they would want an old fart like me on anyone's battlefield!

But if the need arises I'm ready."

"No way im going, I just don't want to go.

There isn't anyway I'm going!" He said .

I laughed!

We had lost Mr. Avery (Mister I'm here to party)!

He was arrested fot public intoxication and lewd behavior.

He got drunk and needed to pee.

Just whipped it out and was arrested by campus police.

Miss I'm here because mommy and daddy promised me a puppy, in her case a nice car and house.

She found college in her words "Stupid" she was gone which I guess makes her Stupid! She couldn't hack it. 

I was finding school fun and interesting.

I was doing well, I wasn't stupid in high school I just didn't work as hard as I could.

I still graduated with a B- average.

College was harder and I loved the studying.

I rose to the challenge I didn't find it Stupid!


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Back at teaching kindergarten I was having fun. There was a girl named Margie. 

She was new to my class just moving into our school boundries.

She looked so familiar I swear I knew the girl.

She looked so familiar!

She was smart.

She did her work.

I tried to get to know her.

She didn't say much, she was kind of shy. 

I had a meeting with her parents in a week.

I would find out in about a week what was Margie's problem was.

That week, lasted one day Margie was playing and as she ran she fell and she put her arms out to stop herself.

Her shoulder came out of place.

I took her to the nurse.

I went to check on my class then back to Margie.

As I walked in the nurse was changing her diaper.

It was obviusly wet I went out after seeing more than I wanted.

I went and checked on my class there was Timmy, other kids were daring him to eat a bug, Timmy was the kid that never turned down a dare he almost had it in his mouth.

"Timmy you still hungry?" I asked as he dropped the bug and it scurried away.

I may have just saved two lives.

Timmy and the bugs!

A lady was in the office I knew at once as Margie's mother.

I also knew her as a friend that Melissa knew when she was just a bit older than Margie.

Her name was Jennifer... Roberts!. It came to me.

"Jennifer is that you?"

She looked at me shocked. "Who are you?"

"I'm Mellisa's father!"

"Melissa, who?" 

"Mellisa Jensen! I said, you used to play with her when you were kids!"

"I'm sorry I don't know a Melissa Jensen.

My name is Maria O'Brien!

I'm from California, I've never lived in this area until now."

I didn't believe her she wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"My mistake! Sorry!

I know your Margie's mother you look just like her."

"I am Margie's mother.

You are correct about that."

"She is in here!" As I took her to the nurses office.

She signed out Margie. Margie said "Goodbye Mr. Jensen!"

Next day there was no Margie or the next or the next.

I took Margie her home work.

The address that they gave was an empty house.

As I looked in seeing no furniture.

A man walked up and asked me, "What I was doing here?" 

"Well, I said, I guess I got the wrong house, I'm looking for a little girl that her parents put this address down.

I was her teacher and I was just bringing her homework to her.

I didn't mean to trespass!"

"They no longer live here! Just forget you knew them, they were never here!"

I started putting two and two together.

He was a Marshall, if not Marshall he was a cop.

They were in protection.

I had blown their cover.

"Sorry for putting you to so much trouble!" I said.

The guy looked at me funny. Did he know who I was? The guy asked himself

I walked away.

About two years later in New York, I happened to be watching the news some big mafia boss was sent to prison. His accountant had turned him in.

The accountants wife and daughter looked like Maria and Margie. 

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We went and visited Maria again.

I began to wonder why, she didn't know we were even here.

Besides I got really depressed seeing her like that.

We went to the Hospital where they were housing her.

We checked in and said "Were her here to see Maria.

The lady asked us if "Are you on her visitation list?

There you are adoptive parents!"

We were escorted to a room we sat in chairs they went to get Maria. 

The room was plexiglass they were escorting Maria up.

She still looked confused. At least she was brought up by the nurse. She was walking and not being pushed in the little wheelchair thing they had her in last time.

They let her in the room with us. 

She saw who was here to to visit her, the smile on her face as her whole face lit up.

She ran to us and hugged us both.

"I'm so glad to see you two!" She said!

Candy and I looked at each other we were both shocked!

"What happened, last time we were here they had you tied down in a chair.

They said you were dangerous?"

"I was, I was lashing out at others.

I had a dream that you came and visited me.

Did I kiss your hand?"

"Yes you did, I was expecting to get bit, but you kissed my hand instead."

"Ugh! At that time they had me so drugged.

I didn't know if I was dreaming, or if it was real.

They got me on a new medication.

It makes me less violent, so they don't have to drug me up like that anymore!

I really love you two! It's so good to be visited.

By you.

You got anymore kids since I've been gone?"

"Yeah three, said Candy. All compliments of Mr. English!

A little girl she had the foulest mouth you ever heard!

Of course thats what she had learned from her parents.

They swore and yelled at her that's all she knew!"

"Then we had a girl dropped off at school for kindergarten by her mom.

They lived in Mesa!"

"She is probably better off with you two!

I knew I was!"

Then one of our kindergarten teachers was killed.

I was put in as interim Kindergarten teacher we had a girl that was wet more than dry.

Her father beat her for not staying dry.

Were in the adoption process with her the girl Angelina is ours.

Were in the year waiting with Kelli."

"I sure wished things worked out better for me.

I would of loved to have been your daughter!"

"Maria we already consider you our daughter.

Were the closest thing to a real family that you have, they only let us in to see you because they think were your adopted parents!"

"I consider you two my parents as well.

If they ever release me from here, could I move back in with you two?"

"We would love that!" Said Candy!


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First we re got to take Maria out for like lunch.

It was difficicult to take her back to that place.

She and I was crying.

It just wasnt long enough, it was like they dangled the carrot in front of you. 

Just as you were about ready to take it they removed it.

Next week we had her for daylight hours  we got her 8 am on Saturday and then had to have her back by 8pm.

We enjoyed the time together!

The next week we got her 8 am Saturday and had to take her back Sunday at 8PM.

That Saturday was a special day for Maria it was also her 18th Birhday! By all rights she was an adult.

She still had to do what the Hospital said or they would rescind her visits.

We got her back in plenty of time.

The place was locked down.

Appearently the guard at the shack was needed inside the facility.

We waited and waited.

Finally he returned and was surprised that we had waited.

Seems they had a patient walk away they had to go look for him it was 9pm we took Maria to her place.

They wanted to know why she was an hour late.

We explained that we waited at the front gate for over an hour and there was no guard at the gate.

They verified it on camera to see if we were lying. 

The best things about cameras they don't lie unless somebody tampers with them!

They were nice to Maria and us after they got the conformation we were telling the truth!

Next week we got to keep her through the three day weekend.

By the end of the week they signed Maria over to us we had jumped through their hoops. 

It was nice to have Maria back home where she belonged.

She was considered disabled.

She got SSI.

She got her insurance through Medicare!

She was glad that the little jerk that had raped her was now dead, he killed himself in prison. 

There was a ring at the front door and even I was surprised to see who it was.

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