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To Site Mod or Admin: Reinstate Me as Subforum Mod, Please

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Two or three years ago, I wanted to change my display name but the board would not let me. it was concluded that being the Mod of RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME was preventing that. About a year ago. After an update, I could no longer use my mod status duties and privileges. I have since changed my display name to the one I wnated and it went through. Could someone reinstate me as a mod in RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME please?


I set it up after the fasion of a Yahoo Group a few years ago. On Yahoo it had a membership of 900 before Yahoo went crazy and dropped the ABDL clubs. I figured when I set this up that with then 25,000 members at DD there would be a goodly number. I got a good insight into the DD membership when I suggested that we keep a list of places that would be willing to have ABDL weekends likr Rainbow Resorts does for exotic lifestyles like the LG Girltalk To in the US. I was told that Fetlife, a BDSM site, not a dedicated ABDL site should be the one to do that. In other wrods, Let a non-ABDL site do things better than us at our own game. How does the #1 ranked ABDL site let someone eat its lunch like that? and of the 39,000 members, I do not see more than 200 active across the full spectrum of activity. Most are almost strictly in chat, story and roleplay with little or no general activity. We have blogs and galleries and they go virtually unused. and very sparse in the "Littles" area and mostly DL with stuff like wearing in public and psots about specific diapers or purely purely diaper-related activities, or things in specific geographic locations, for which there are forum, coming up in "Our Lifestyle". We used to have much more LG activity about girl subjects. I campaigned for an LG forum some 5 or 6 years ago and now it is overrun with generic things like stuffies (which apply to all and are not girl specific). In fact, we used to have a far more vaired range of discussion. It is surprising that rubber panties does not have its own subforum but that discussion is threads scattered throughout the site

We have clubs now, I was considereing creating a RRGH club but I did not know if I could configure it like the group I made. If you look at the "Gropup" page linked on my sig you see how it is organized to behave like a Yahoo Group


I would recommend making a club for it. The old private forum system is long dead


Thanks; I was thinking of doing that. Qeustion: Can threads in a club be 'pinned" to keep special topics on top? An even bigger question is would it be worth doing. The forum still needs the password, though


I bet Repaid 1 could set it back to rights. He was the one who set it up and there are still other subforums there and the password function still works

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