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Or just start wearing heavier protection together with a stuffer in it.

After I switched from Tena Maxi to Molicare super Plus with an abena maxi booster I don't focus on my wettings any longer, usually when I feel my diaper starts to feel wet on my buttocs I go check to see how long time I have before I have to change.

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My favorite reinforcement is simple and works especially well at bedtime. Wet your diaper as soon as you can, thus with already being wet there's no way you can stay dry nor can there any reason to try to do that ;) For some odd reason as soon as I change I have to pee, even if I just drained everything a few minutes before, yet this never happens when I'm airing out. My subconscious seems to be 'keeping me honest' by making sure I'm not going against what is right for me :P Generally you should think of how to remove any options you might have to avoid wearing and using your diapers and find some way of rewarding yourself for doing the right thing. Give yourself no other choice and you'll go with the only choice you have left. Think of it not as being limited, but as making sure that you are doing the right thing- a positive and never a negative.Make the experience as comfy as you can so you'll enjoy it better and in time it will become your 'new normal' which is what you want. And anytime you notice yourself going back to old habits pee immediately to remind yourself of where you're wanting to go B)

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My favorite reinforcement is simple and works especially well at bedtime. Wet your diaper as soon as you can, thus with already being wet there's no way you can stay dry nor can there any reason to try to do that ;) For some odd reason as soon as I change I have to pee, even if I just drained everything a few minutes before, yet this never happens when I'm airing out. My subconscious seems to be 'keeping me honest' by making sure I'm not going against what is right for me :P Generally you should think of how to remove any options you might have to avoid wearing and using your diapers and find some way of rewarding yourself for doing the right thing. Give yourself no other choice and you'll go with the only choice you have left. Think of it not as being limited, but as making sure that you are doing the right thing- a positive and never a negative.Make the experience as comfy as you can so you'll enjoy it better and in time it will become your 'new normal' which is what you want. And anytime you notice yourself going back to old habits pee immediately to remind yourself of where you're wanting to go B)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have replaced all of my underwear by onesies, mesh pants (Which does a better job in supporting the diaper) and genuine compression pants built for diapers.

So basically all of my "new" underwear are designed to be used with diapers.

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In a way, though, we ARE robots. The problem is that we're such complex machines that we don't fully understand how everything works. If we had a manual of exactly how everything works and why, it wouldn't be hard to install a bedwetting button. :P

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I have a way to pee in my sleep, but its neither healthy or very effective

Drink lots of water before bed, go to bed with a slight urge to pee and take a sleeping pill (probably work without the urge, I just haven't repeated it yet)

as soon as the pill wears off, mostly 4 hours or less in my case I wake up and have to pee again on my own, but just as a note, I rarely sleep more than 4 hours no matter how tired I am, but usually its no problem falling asleep again and sleeping another 4 hours..

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As BettyPooh mentioned regarding subconscious versus conscious awareness of the need to pee, I believe it's all about training the conscious mind, that it's ok to go whereever you are and whatever you are wearing - even that one is hard for all I think. Because that's where the un-potty training fights years of holding. Only once you have broken through the wall and your conscious mind is trained to let go anywhere regardless of what you are wearing (diaper or no diaper). Only when that state has been conquered and you are able to wet yourself without any effort, only then will the subconscious mind come into a state where it no longer responds to the signals from your bladder, and

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You know, it might be helpful to some if they were to arrange matters so they can safely wet their clothes and be comfortable about it for a week or so. It might help break through the sense that leaks or wet clothes are scary. Just a thought.

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I've been a deliberate pants-wetter long before diapers even occurred to me (and was even caught a couple times) and even a sometimes deliberate bed-wetter before then, too.

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I have to admit I'm frustrated. Even though I already have stress incontinence, it's rare that I wet in my sleep. What happens more often is that I will wake up, shift my position or sit up,

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My past issues could lead to wet pants which I hated :bash: not so much for me but for everyone else's reactions. But now around home unless therer's someone who can see me I don't care if I leak :P It still bothers me elsewhere though. It hasn't been a 'roadblock' for me since I've learned what I can expect from my diapers and to trust them. They haven't disappointed me yet save for one bad bag of Silhouettes and of course the cheapo store brands :(

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My past issues could lead to wet pants which I hated :bash: not so much for me but for everyone else's reactions. But now around home unless therer's someone who can see me I don't care if I leak :P It still bothers me elsewhere though. It hasn't been a 'roadblock' for me since I've learned what I can expect from my diapers and to trust them. They haven't disappointed me yet save for one bad bag of Silhouettes and of course the cheapo store brands :(

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