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Changes not dependent on the diaper

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So, as I have incorporated diapers more and more into my daily routine I have begun to encounter situations I didn't get before. A lot of talk goes into judging when a diaper is full or when it is due for a change, but what about situations where you need to, for whatever reason, remove a diaper for a short period of time. If the diaper isn't full or 'ready' to be changed, do you still change into a new diaper or do you re-tape the old one back on? A few examples would be taking a shower in the morning or doing a short workout or physical activity that requires more freedom of movement. Obviously this decision will come up more frequently for people who are not dependent on diapers, but there are still a few situations where it applies to everyone.

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Personally, the only situation I can think of where a diaper would get "reused" would be if you needed to lower it for a docotor's exam or if you're not fecally incontinent and needed to use the toilet to take care of business.

The examples you gave, I don't think would qualify, in any case. People I know who use diapers 24/7, usually keep a variety diapers on hand so they can choose an appropriate one for the situation. If they need one for short term use (a couple of hours), they will use a cheap one.

One example might be in the morning when they need a change, but know they will need to change again after breakfast and showering, before leaving the house. In that case, they wouldn't want to use an Abena level 4 diaper for just a couple of hours. A Depends pull-on would be less expensive and provide adequate protection for a short time. Then they'd change into the Abena diaper before leaving the house.

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I have two "weights" of the same design. The light one is good for aobut 2 to 4 hours and the heavy is good for 4 to 6. They can be doubled, one of each, for an average of 10. This depends on what I eat or drink. I have gotten as long as 14 hours

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I'm like Christine. I have a couple of different absorbancies and like Craier said I choose the one that fits my time line. Thin for the gym so I can throw it out before a shower. Longer for work and max for overnite. Being incontinent it is some thing you learn to manage with out throwing away money.

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As stated above being inc 24/7 I have a few different options on hand. If I'm just going to be in a situation where in a few hours I'll be showering changing cloths I'll use cheap depends pull up. If it's going to be several hours out n about I use arena lvl4. I try to save money where I can by not half way using a prem diaper when 1That cost about 50cents will do just as good.

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I only use thick premium diapers for during the day. I do have times when I've worn for a hour or so and had to take it off (like when swimming or in my hot tub). If it's not very wet then I will put it back on.

In the morning I usually stay in my overnight cloth diapers until after my morning work out. I then take a shower and change into a fresh disposable for the morning.

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Yeah, I guess i'll get better at accounting for these times and diaper myself accordingly. Just like you Brian, I also use premium diapers during the day (and night for that matter) so I'll probably stick to only putting it back on if it's barely used like you do.

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