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Diapers that are NOT just for incontinence

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Wow, I gotta get me some of those... :thumbsup:

I always wear a discreet diaper on a long road or even plane trip.

My bladder is too unpredictable to not wear one.

I wish the US would lighten up about going to the bathroom.

Have you ever seen the lines to the Ladies room at a large event?

As long as I don't smell like urine or feel soaking wet, It's all good in a diaper. ;)

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Astronauts all saw wear during space walks and i believe Mercury and Gemini astronauts Too!

I don't think the MAGs came into play until the first women were on staff. If I remember correctly, they couldn't create a system that allowed women to use the restroom safely, so they sent them up with scaled-up baby diapers. The men saw how useful they were during the EVAs, Launch, and Reentry, and that's when it became standard for both sexes.

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I don't think the MAGs came into play until the first women were on staff. If I remember correctly, they couldn't create a system that allowed women to use the restroom safely, so they sent them up with scaled-up baby diapers. The men saw how useful they were during the EVAs, Launch, and Reentry, and that's when it became standard for both sexes.

At least, I think that's how it happened. Don't quote me on that.

Sorry, that's not how it happened according to NASA.

One of the early launch countdowns was supposed to be relatively short.

There were problems that delayed the launch, and the astronaut being the good military man, asked mission control for permission to urinate in the space suit.

Shortly thereafter the MAG was developed.

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Sorry, that's not how it happened according to NASA.

One of the early launch countdowns was supposed to be relatively short.

There were problems that delayed the launch, and the astronaut being the good military man, asked mission control for permission to urinate in the space suit.

Shortly thereafter the MAG was developed.

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I doubt race drivers wear diapers as it would make the car heavier, they sweat so much that they wont need to pee anyway

Everything counts when they shave off 1 gram here and there

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I had a tiny over-active bladder growing up, but I was not day urinary incontinent until I was 21. Still, because of my bladder, I fully agreed with my mom that "Just-in-Case" diapers made perfect sense. On car trips, I would try to hold it in, but if when I asked and was told the next stop would be more than a few minutes away, I would simply pee in my diaper. And I would tell Mom so she would not think I lacked control.

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Sorry, that's not how it happened according to NASA.

One of the early launch countdowns was supposed to be relatively short.

There were problems that delayed the launch, and the astronaut being the good military man, asked mission control for permission to urinate in the space suit.

Shortly thereafter the MAG was developed.

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The description of that space diaper is so prudish! :rolleyes:

It's amazing what you can observe of a culture based on their wording.

Would anybody disagree that the "garment" in that glass display is anything other than a disposable diaper?

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Eh, to be fair, I do know of at least one driver that's pissed his pants before a race. I won't speak his name, but I know him personally. He needed to go but he was already lined up on the grid. xD

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My understanding of race car drivers from what I once read, is that they sweat so much driving and it's so hot in the cars that they don't need to pee because they lose it all through sweatting.

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There are still compounds in the body that can only be removed through renal activity (urine). And don't forget about other necessities as well, such as bowel functions (though those are easier to control usually). But you're right in that they sweat it all away most of the time, come to think about it. But that doesn't cover pre-race grid lineup and whatnot. Once those drivers are in the car and strapped in, they don't get out until they're wrecked or across the line unless they're in something like a Le Mans race.

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