SallyKAT Posted May 3, 2014 Posted May 3, 2014 This is a tale set at some time in the future. There's been a change, a fundamental change in the way society is organised. No-one knows quite why this has happened, but half the population isn't complaining. The change proceeds at different paces in different places, but it is unstoppable. It is known as The Adjustment... Chapter 1 - The scene is set. Sam had caught the early bus home from work. There had been a lot of filing to do and Ms Deborah Playfair, Sam's boss, had let the team go home early as a reward for their hard work. Sam was sprawled in one of the big leather chairs in the living area, watching television, when he heard Chris drive in. "Home early, darling," said Chris as she slid her briefcase onto a side table. "Ms Playfair let us go early," Sam replied, looking up at his wife as she flicked through the mail Sam had collected from the letterbox near the drive. She put the worthwhile stuff aside, and expertly spun the junk mail unopened into the nearby rubbish bin which Sam had just emptied as part of his chores. Chris looked imposing in her jeans, boots and open-necked business shirt. Even without the Cuban heels she favoured, she was around six feet tall. Her toned body and well-cut short hair gave her the look of a young Amazon, which indeed she was. Sam felt extra small looking up at her, and stood up. In his work-issue sneakers, he gave her a good six inches in height. The girlish yellow jumpsuit all his team wore hardly helped. Chris smiled at him, and pulled him towards her with an arm over his shoulder and around his back. She kissed him on the forehead, but had turned away by the time Sam, grinning and with his eyes closed, had risen onto his toes to kiss her on the mouth. Chris was busy opening the letters addressed to her. Sam planted his heels on the ground and opened his eyes. Chris was reading her bank statement. "Sam," she began, "Do you really think it's worth you working..." They had had this out before. "It's a good job!" Sam said defensively. "It's better..." "Sammy," Chris interrupted. "I'm not saying it's not, just that with Edith leaving, it just seems practical that you could do more work here. You could still do a day or two a week in transition. A lot of boys do. You'd still see your friends." "Chris, I'm not in transition, for a start," Sam said angrily. "Sam..." said Chris with concern. "OK," said Sam defiantly. "I don't drive. I'm a bit shorter. I'm not quite as strong. Things have changed at work, but I'm still, I'm still a..." Sam was thinking of what happened at night. He knew from the look on her face, that pitying but caring look on Chris's face that she was thinking the same thing. Sam felt his face flushing and the tears about to come. And worse. "Sammy, come here," said Chris gently, her arms outstretched. "I know that things are different. I know what's happening and I, I... But I'm still a man, Chris. I know I might be adjusting a little bit but I'm still a man!" Sam was sobbing now, as Chris held him close. She stroked the top of his head, pushing the long blonde hair behind Sam's ears. "Of course you are, honey, but you must just go with things," Chris said. "You're too aware, that's what Dr Hennig said, wasn't it? That's what makes you uncomfortable. You know what she said - changes are not just happening to you, they are you. Look at Ryan next door." "I'd rather not," said Sam. Ryan and Sal were 'adjusting' perfectly, it seemed. The television broke the silence. "Keep your boy happy!" boomed a confident female voice. "Transition can be a difficult time, and it's up to every numan to give their boys the love they need, especially in those intimate areas. A dry boy is a happy boy, and DriBoi can help. Our range..." Chris picked up the remote and stabbed it at the TV. "I hate those 'numan' ads," he said, beginning to cry. Chris laughed. "It's just an ad, Sammy," she said. "And you do wear DriBois, don't you? Anyway, she's right. It is a bit difficult for you because you are so aware. You know that Ryan has been in daytime DriBois for weeks, don't you, and he's loving being at home." "I only need them at night, Chris, you know that, and Ryan's a... a..." Sam was going to say 'wanker', but it suddenly struck him how inappropriate the term was now. All boys, that is, men in transition, Sam corrected himself, were first affected 'down there'. First, the loss of libido and the capacity for erections. Then, the awful shrinking, and having to sit down to pee. At least the 'failure to achieve erection' came first. With the shrinking came the loss of body hair. It was so common now that underwear for boys - the sort Chris now bought for Sam - looked like the things girls had always worn, even if some boys underpants had an extra layer 'for security'. Fully grown women, or 'numen', Sam thought miserably, were now the ones with bulges in their jeans. Sam thought of the mound under Chris' jeans, and the luxuriant pubic hair covering it, which like most women, she no longer shaved or even trimmed, not that he had the same access there which he once... "Oh, Sammy!" Chris was saying. Sam snapped out of his angry reverie. His eyes followed his wife's, to the flattish crotch of his yellow work overalls. A dark, wet patch was spreading from the bottom of the crotch seam down his legs. That hadn't happened for a week. He shouldn't have got so worked up, Sam thought. He could feel it happening now, but couldn't stop it. Sam was silent as Chris helped him change. He objected to having to wear a DriBoi so early in the evening, and Chris let him wear his usual briefs. "Your next appointment with Dr Hennig is the day after tomorrow," Chris said. "You'd better mark this wetting on your calendar." "OK," said Chris. There wasn't much more to be said on the matter. The calendar from the clinic already had x's all over it from wet nights, and a few from accidents in the car or when he didn't make the bathroom in time. Now there were two, three actually, when he didn't even know it was happening. Four if the one in the garden counted, when he told Chris he tripped over in the way to the bathroom. Still, stupid Ryan next door, Sam's old drinking and golf buddy, was in thick DriBois all day, and didn't seem to care less. No wonder he was at home all day. To be continued... 1
Nia Posted May 4, 2014 Posted May 4, 2014 Another interesting story. I agree with Tammie it's good to have another one of your stories.
SallyKAT Posted May 4, 2014 Author Posted May 4, 2014 Chapter 2 - A few steps more "Sam, please!" Sam flinched slightly as he sat on the soft chair in Dr Hennig's waiting room. A few strands of long, blonde hair fell over his face, and he brushed them aside with a reflexive action of his small hand as he stood up. Chris stood with him, and gave him a reassuring pat on the bottom as the pair made their way into the doctor's consulting room. The room was large and pleasantly bright. Reassuringly cheerful, thought Sam as Chris and Dr Hennig chatted about Sam's 'progress'. The most astounding thing about The Adjustment, thought Sam, was the confident way women, ok, numen, he said to himself - the endless promotion (in more ways than one) of women as 'numen' made the word 'woman' seem as outdated as 'miss' had been decades earlier - was the confident way numen were handling the huge changes. "So Sammy," began the doctor. "How's work?" Sam swallowed. Straight into it, he thought. "Good," he said quietly. "What are you doing at work at the moment?" asked Dr Hennig. Sam was sure that his job description was in the big sheaf of notes Dr Hennig had balanced on her knee. Sam brushed his hair aside again. "Well, we do filing, sorting out papers - collating, you know. Sometimes I make tea or do something for one of the, the, my bosses," Sam replied. He felt a twinge of his old anger. "You used to be a boss, didn't you Sam?" the doctor asked. "Ages ago," said Sam. What a boring question he thought. "11 months ago," said Dr Hennig matter of factly. "You were the state sales manager." Sam looked at his wife, who was smiling back at him. "What is your job description now, Sammy?" the doctor asked. "Erm, I'm a, I'm an office junior, doctor," Sam replied. "And to whom do you report, Sammy?" the doctor continued. Sam squirmed a little in his seat. "Ms Playfair," said Sam. Chris leant forward, putting her hand on Sam's thigh. "Now Sammy, that's not quite right, is it. You don't actually talk to Ms Playfair, do you. Who tells you what to do at work?" she said kindly. Sam looked from his wife to the doctor. They both had the same short cropped hair, tinted the same orangish colour, like a lot of numen. They were both very tall, from Sam's point of view, and both their faces had the same slightly wan look of no makeup. He was trying to be helpful and tell the truth. He wanted to be helped - that's why he was here. "Sally Atkins tells me what to do," Sam replied. "She's the, er, sales manager's, I mean Ms Playfair's PA," Sam said. "And the sales manager, Ms Playfair, used to be your PA, didn't she?" asked Dr Hennig. "Yes," said Sam. "Are you still cross about that?" asked the doctor. "No," said Sam. "We've talked about this, Dr Hennig!" "I know, Sammy," said the doctor. "But I just want to be sure. Is there anyone in the office who has to do what you tell them?" Sam paused. He wanted a hug from Chris. "Anyone?" "No," said Sam. He wanted to go to the bathroom. "I see," said the doctor. "Now, Sammy, I know Chris puts you in a diaper at night-time. I want to ask you about wetting your pants at work." Sam's eyes widened. "It was an accident," he began, speaking quickly. "Several accidents," corrected the doctor. "Three, I understand. Now, Sammy..." "I didn't mean to!" objected Sam. "I know, sweetie, it's alright, I'm not being critical. I'm just wondering, does anyone else at work wet themselves?" asked Dr Hennig. "I don't know, I mean I don't think so," said Sam. Dr Hennig stood up, and went to the window. She really is tall, thought Sam. She was wearing pants, like most numen. They were light grey, and tight with a long zipper down the front, like the pants Chris often wore. The material was thin and stretched over the big mound below her belly. It was a real zip, too, Sam could see, not a fake stitched zip like the one on his own yellow overalls. He wondered for a moment if somehow numen stood up to pee, like he used to. It had been a long time since he had seen Chris peeing. "Sam?" Sam blinked. "Yes, what?" he asked. "Please pay attention. I was asking you if you thought it was fair that people at work had to help you when you wet yourself in the office," the doctor said. "It was just a couple of accidents, it was because..." Sam replied. "I know Sammy, but you did need help, didn't you. Ms Playfair had to ask Sally to change you before you went home, didn't she?" the doctor continued. Sam just nodded. He wondered if this was a big deal or not. He knew some boys ended up wetting during the day, but he had just had some accidents. He was still working. He had a proper job. "And you've been wetting at home, haven't you, Sammy, during the day?" Sam turned to his wife. She looked back at him with her head to one side. "Sam," the doctor said, looking at him carefully, "are you wet now?" "No," he said, then felt terribly unsure. He had wanted to go to the bathroom a minute ago, but no longer felt the need. He took his eyes from the statuesque doctor, and looked quickly at the folds of yellow fabric at his crotch. All seemed well, yet... He moved in his seat. He couldn't have. "Stand up, Sammy," said Dr Hennig. Obediently, Sam stood up. He felt the problem against his skin before he found it with his fingers. The seat of his overalls was soaked. He turned to see the soft seat of the chair in the same condition, then looked helplessly from the doctor to Chris. Then he began to cry. Instinctively, he reached out for Chris, who held him to her side. "It's ok, that chair's washable," said Dr Hennig. "Sammy, I want you to pop into a clinic in this building. The nurse will help you," she added as the door opened and a tall nurse in white pants and top entered the room. Sam was confused at the flow of events. Chris gave him a hug and a squeeze as the nurse took him by the hand and led him out of the consulting room through a different door than the one by which they'd entered. It led to a short corridor, from which the nurse took him into a another sort of consulting room. The walls were all white, and there were posters on the walls about continence. There was even a poster describing the various sorts of DriBoi underwear that were in all the TV ads. In short order, the nurse had Sam on a padded, waist high bench covered in a disposable paper sheet. Sam was too shocked to resist as the nurse stripped off his clothing and carefully wiped him with a sweet-smelling towel, lifting his tiny penis between two fingers to wipe the vestigial scrotal sac beneath before dusting his crotch and genitalia with talc. Sam closed his eyes as she put him in a thick diaper, even thicker than the ones he wore at night. The nurse reassured him constantly as she worked, and by the time she had finished, Sam's tears had reduced to sniffles. She helped Sam off the bench. He was wearing a pale blue one piece garment with a short, puffy pants section that ended with elastic around the legs. "Uh uh," the nurse said as Sam wandered towards the door. "Not finished yet," she added as she bent to snap a stud she had missed in the crotch. Sam was in a daze. "Feet!" Said the nurse, and Sam looked dumbly at his bare feet. He lifted each foot in turn to allow the nurse to pull on each foot an elasticated disposable paper shoe, like a loose ballet slipper. Finally, the nurse combed his hair while Sam stood still, his mind swimming. "It's Sammy, isn't it?" asked the nurse as she measured out a pink liquid into a plastic cup. "Do you like raspberry?" "Raspberry?" thought Sam. "Er, yes," he said. "Good," said the nurse. "I want you to drink this, Sammy." Sam took the little cup and drank the contents. "Just sit here and wait, honey," said the nurse, ushering Sam to a small armchair in the room. "You might as well go home happy." Sam was about to say something when the nurse guided him into the chair and he sat with a soft thud. It was a very comfy chair. Sam was thinking about what he should be saying to this big nurse. He was having trouble organising his thoughts. I know, he thought. I can tell her I don't need a diaper. But then, he had wet his pants. Perhaps he should tell her that. But she would know. The doctor knew, and Chris. And Sally at work. It was funny, sitting in the comfy chair with his big, thick diaper on. He had wet himself after all. Perhaps he should tell her that. Just say, "I wet my pants." That would be the truth. "I know, honey. But you're in your nice, dry diaper now," said the nurse, smiling at him. "You'll be home soon." Sam was even more confused. He wasn't sure what he had said if he had said anything. A moment later, Chris was in the room. Chris heard himself laugh as he took her hand. He waddled after her and stood by the reception desk while Chris spoke to the tall young numan there. "Don't you look sweet," the young numan said. Chris giggled, and put his small hand over his thickly padded crotch. He hoped the receptionist hadn't noticed that his pants had studs in the crotch. That would be a giveaway that he was in a daytime diaper. To be continued... 1
SallyKAT Posted May 5, 2014 Author Posted May 5, 2014 Thank you, infant, for that slightly surreal comment. All that scrolling down a pasted chapter for 'different'. And wouldn't life be dull if we weren't all different. Especially, different in our physical ages and our secret, and not so secret, 'inner ages'. : ) 1
bigbabybilly Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 sorry did not mean to offend. hit wrong button. this ones just not my cut of tea
SallyKAT Posted May 5, 2014 Author Posted May 5, 2014 Tell me what is, and I'll try to write something that might titillate you. I have a bit of time between contracts... I don't mind being criticised, btw. (Hit me, hit me... ; ) And thanks so much, justme. You are too kind.
booboobritches Posted May 5, 2014 Posted May 5, 2014 I like the story, keep up the great writing SallyKat, thank you
SallyKAT Posted May 5, 2014 Author Posted May 5, 2014 Chapter 3 - Joy juice Sam looked around happily as Chris made another appointment for him to see Dr Hennig. He looked up as the big nurse came in and gave Chris a white bag. "His clothes, and a drink for later this evening if he wants some more," said the nurse, handing Chris a small translucent plastic bottle filled with what Sam could see must have been more of the delicious red raspberry drink. Then the nurse bent down to Sam, and gave him a fluffy yellow bundle. Sam accepted it eagerly, and was delighted to find it was a squashy rabbit with big, fluffy yellow ears. He looked at its face with its big round eyes and giggled again, waving the rabbit around. "What do you say, Sammy?" he heard his wife say. Sam remembered his manners. "Thank you!" he said, beaming up at the nurse. "That's for being good, Sammy," the nurse replied with a smile. Sam and Chris left the building hand in hand. Sam couldn't remember feeling happier. Not just about having the rabbit, which he had already in his mind he had named Fluffy, but about holding Chris' hand, and about being in such special clothes. As the pair walked down the steps outside the building to street level Sam was very aware that he was thickly diapered. He had almost to walk sideways down the steps because of the thickness at his groin. As they reached the level pavement, he looked around at the people on the street. There were tall numen, some with boys like him, but no-one else he could see in the same special clothes. Far from feeling embarrassed about the bulk around his thighs, Sam was proud of it. Dr Hennig had suggested a visit to Sam's work on the way home. When Chris told him, Sam was full of excitement at showing off his new clothing to his workmates. (Interrupted by events in the real world...) 2
pins Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Sally I like the story .But you've written better . thank you .
SallyKAT Posted May 6, 2014 Author Posted May 6, 2014 I have to agree with you, pins. I've re-read it a couple of times and I have to say I sit there thinking WTF? I've had this dystopic (or utopian) future idea in my head for a while. It may need to stay there a bit longer. I'm trying to get away from the slowly regressed husband theme which is so dear to my heart, but perhaps this Is not the road to go down. Still, I'll finish it off. Perhaps Sammy could acquire the rights to the doctor's raspberry drink and become the first toddler mogul. Or not. I do like the idea of Amazon women though, being all of 5 feet 1 inch tall myself, but I'm not keen on the Valkyrie, torso-crushing type of Amazon. And if women simply become men, what's the point in that? You'd have to invent more women to put them in their place. There's an idea. A sort of Twilight Zone nightmare world for men in which they become controlled at last by the ladies, who tell them to pick up their socks and not dribble into their undies etc, but the 'new men' having infantilised the old men, start leaving their socks around etc and discover, gasp, a new breed of strong little girls who ultimately... Hmm. You won't be reading that one. I'll continue looking for a suitably infantile future for little Sammy.
syphon Posted May 6, 2014 Posted May 6, 2014 Keep the regressed husband type Sally thats where youre the best if you did a story resembling the Sucker and the Sly, a parallel from princess pottypants Diaper dimension where giant womn slowly regress a man it would be really nice
SallyKAT Posted May 6, 2014 Author Posted May 6, 2014 I'll look that one up. I like princesspp's writing. Re fantasy worlds - while most of the stories here could be said to be fantasies, they are at least set in a world like ours. I think that setting up a very different world is not as easy as it looks. It has to be very complete - like Tolkein's world or J K Rowling's, or very believable, if in a short work. I obviously haven't achieved the Tolkein type, but I haven't managed the other type either. I'll wrap Sammy up one way or another, and go back to what I like doing - making big grown men wet their pants!
diapertime42 Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Crap.... I was actually starting to like this story!
SallyKAT Posted May 7, 2014 Author Posted May 7, 2014 Well, one fan's enough to keep me going... And bigbabybilly, there are many ways to make a big guy wet his pants. Don't think it can't be done!
diaperpt Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 SallyKat, don't listen to all this. Not every work is one's best. There's nothing wrong with this writing, whether its your best or not.
Geist Posted May 7, 2014 Posted May 7, 2014 Chapter 2 - A few steps more Sam was even more confused. He wasn't sure what he had said if he had said anything. A moment later, Chris was in the room. Chris heard himself laugh as he took her hand. He waddled after her and stood by the reception desk while Chris spoke to the tall young numan there. "Don't you look sweet," the young numan said. Chris giggled, and put his small hand over his thickly padded crotch. He hoped the receptionist hadn't noticed that his pants had studs in the crotch. That would be a giveaway that he was in a daytime diaper. To be continued...
abjoshie Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 Keep going, I like these kind of stories!! Go, go go!!! Two thumbs up from me!!
mblues Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 Sally, I love the story, as I do all of yours. Thank you so much for writing. It is always a pleasure to read your creations.
Bigboy85 Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 Just stop it!!!!!!! I wana go live with Sally if u guys are getting divorced! Crickets......"not funny?"
Gawain Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Some people just can't avoid sharing their opinion when it's the last thing people want to hear, huh? I'm not trying to offend you, bigbabybilly, but you're coming across as bigoted and ignorant, and so far it hasn't been a lot of fun for anyone.
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