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Do You Ever?

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I'd just recovered from 'flu and then caught a headcold almost straight after. So I was really looking forward to a long weekend in Brussels to relax and recuperate, but the friend I went with was feeling poorly the day before we left and by the time we arrived in Belgium it had developed into full-blown 'flu :( complete with a debilitating fever. We spent most of the time in the hotel. :crybaby:

Are you a spender or a saver?

D :huh: lly

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just a question to ask me :P...well for the awser every month at the least and when i got enough money i go to the town and buy some new clothing (iam a skirt addict got over 30)

have you ever tried to perform magic?^^

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Nope, I can't say that I ever have. They are featured in the film 'Dick' and that is based in the 70's. So I'm guessing that they were a big thing then, and I wasn't born then.

Do you still have Easter eggs left? Or are they all eaten by now, or didn't you get any to begin with?

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1st was the absolute fear / dread of needles. Has gotten alot better over the years but still get worked up to the point of passing out, If they appear in a movie or on tv has been known for me to pass out at the sight.

Had always wanted a tattoo or two when 16/17 but parents obviously said no, took me another 5 years to pluck up the courage and have a small one on my arm :) although I passed out twice during the 40 mins. The second tattoo I had done last year on my back and took 2 sessions at 2 hours ( ouch ) and only passed out 3 times in total.

still not keen on injections but after that they never bothered me as much, and lucy ( teddy ) is normally there to hold my hand.

2nd is a little wierd, scared of the dark. I am only scared when inside any house if dark, does not bother me when outside. Its why I have my winnie the pooh batt lamp and torch by my bed, get loads of power cuts where I live.

Do you ever wish you had gone further with your education ??

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I take deep breaths, and try not to make the situation worse by striking someone. Mid-way into my "time outs" the feelings of guilt come, even if what I did was justifiable. And yes, even at 18, I still cry sometimes when I think about what I've done. >.<''

Have you ever tried to start a fight with someone who was obviously stronger than you?

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Every day I wish that I could change the past... I made a really bad decision regarding my relationship with someone, and it caused our friendship to end. I haven't had any real friends since then.

Have you ever tripped and fallen into a trash can?

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I have developed numerous online friendships with various members of DD, but unlike other socially-interactive forums, I've yet to actually meet anyone from this website in person. Nor have I tried to. Not that this is a negative thing, as I don't necessarily believe I have to actually meet a member, tete-a-tete, in order to consider them as a friend. What I've shared in here online with other members has been satisfying by itself; however, I would consider meeting other members from DD, should the opportunity avail it to me at an appropriate time.

When dispensing a carbonated soft drink from a self-serve fountain, (like at at 7-11 or Cumberland Farms), do you try to get the fountain, through finagling of the fountain, to dispense extra syrup of the soft drink you've chosen in to your glass, in order to get an stronger-than-normal drink? (I love extra-syrupy Coca-Cola from a fountain!)

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