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I just finished watching Sex and the City on DVD a couple of days ago, so I'm still kinda thinking about that. But I did just start watching my Gilmore Girls DVD's yesterday, so I will probably be obsessed with that show soon. Although I did just remember that I downloaded My So-Called Life ages ago so I have watched a few episodes of that today and last night. And because the people that made that also made Once and Again, I have been thinking about that show too. Except whenever I watch it on DVD I'm always dissapointed by the end because they haven't released the third season of it yet. Oh and I'm still completely obsessed with Friends, although I haven't watched it on DVD in a while. And as for programmes that I'm watching on TV, the only ones I really watch are Ugly Betty and Shipwrecked.

How many doors are there in your house?

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definitely silver. i like the way it looks and feels, especially when it's un-polished. all my jewelry is silver (with the exception of 1 pewter item) and i wouldn't have it any other way. if someone gave me a platinum chain i would sell it and buy silver to wear. i have a few more reasons but it has a lot to do with the mythology surrounding it.

I've never really liked gold, i don't know why.

chicken or turkey? and why?

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Nether when i can, i don't like meat that much. But i would go for chicken ....

Whats your bank account number and nip? What's your girlfriends panty size? Where do you keep your spare keys to enter your house? Where do you live? What's your address and social insurance number?

^ if you answer these question slap yourself. Its just a joke lol

> Real question: What genre of music do you listen to?

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Easy! My bank account always shows up as XXXX XXXX XXXX 1337, and my bank said not to tell my P.I.N. to anyone, sorry! I have no girlfriend, next question, please. Spare keys? In my pants pocket, feel free to search. :P Where do I live? Oh, that's 1337 Spalding Street, Manassas, Virginia 20111. (Had some hilarious prank calls with this address, kept myself and my old friends laughing all night!) To be perfectly honest, I don't know my social security number!

Can I slap myself later please? I'm busy typing now.

Usually I listen to "emo" music *is not emo x.X*, or J-Pop/C-Pop.

If you could get away with it, who would you bitch-slap at your office/job?

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My boss, i few times at least, and thats not with my hand its with a 2x4 .... x3

Do you have an adiction? Other then diapers i guess lol.

@WiiBaby: Wow, you listen to j-pop! Whats your fav band/artist? Personnally i listen to some gackt, hyde, Dir En Grey(more heavy metal that one), and a bunch more :3.

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@Necros: I usually just listen to what's in the collection my friend sent me awhile back, most of the tracks are untitled. Or I'll listen to a online radio station that plays it. The only artist I can remember is Jay Chou (C-Pop,) because I have a few of his CDs that I bought in Shanghai. I'm open to any recomendations, though! ^_^

Nope, nothing right now. Used to be addicted to MMORPG's and FPS's, though.

Do you live by yourself, or do you still live at home?

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I have two houses at the minute. One at uni with two friends. Except I don't really see either of them that often. And I have been here on my own most of the past few days. One housemate was here for a little bit, but I didn't her. And then I have my other house. At home. And I will be going back there in June after uni. And my mum and my brother live there. And my mum's boyfriend has just moved in as well.

What is the longest you have gone without speaking outloud?

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Yep, I often find 20p 5p and 1p coins because I tend to watch my footing with all the cobblestones and uneven pavements. I've a nasty habit of tripping over otherwise. Not long before christmas I found £25 in the gutter in town, rolled up like a fat cigar. I did wait around for an hour to see if anyone was retracing their footsteps and obviously looking for something, but to no avail and there was no point in handing it in to the police. I still feel guilty about it and hope it belonged to someone who could afford to lose it :(

Have you ever been ejected (chucked out ;) ) of anywhere by security staff?

D :huh: lly

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Guest Diaper4Boys

Nope. I've always been a good boy. (but I do have a dark-side when people aren't watching)

Have you ever been to a diaper party of some sort? (I really wanted to attend one, but I can't seem to find any near where I live)

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Nope, but i would love to attend one!

Have you ever fist fought just for the fun of it?

@Dolly: Hehe funny thing about that. I got kicked out of a cinema for punching the manager when he started laughing at me for reason i will not specify .... i wasn't too proud of it because it was a lady and a fairly old one at that~ (I was young, and i wasn't thinking ... don't lecture me T_T)

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(NO.gif Norty Necros! But you told me not to lecture you, so I'll set aside my no-spanking stance just for you thspank2.gif )

Only in my dreams and I must say, it's one of my favourite recurring dreams because I always get to fly in it and it's an incredibly liberating feeling.

Have you had any snow yet this winter where you live?

D :) lly

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:D yes when i was 15 at christmass i got lost in a huge mall called bluewater it took me 3 hours to find where the car was and where my parents where!

have you ever used your nappy as a convinient pad to put your hot plate of food on to stop it burning your lap or hands?

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Yes, cuz a few years back I wondered what it was like to wear cloth diapers. I hated them after a week cuz I had to keep washin them. I now use them as hot pot holders and kitchen towels :)

Have you ever just allowed your diaper to leak because you were too lazy to change ... or get excited at the thought of leaking even if you are alone in the house?

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yes to both prety much the only time my nappy leaks is because i cant be bothred to change it! (or posibly dont want to)

i always try not to leak tho because if i do i know ill need to wash my clothes and mabey some part of my furnature as well...

have you ever deliberatly drunk loads of water (or juice or something) so that you can get your nappy REALY wet nice and quickly?

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