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Done and that's it.......

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Enough of this......No more arguing with anyone over it, just this is the way it is period.

Yes, I have been getting sicker and sicker the last few years - but no one seems to be able to satisfy me.

Either they are breaking something, making something worst, or making me feel like someone is breathing down the back of my neck 24/7 - do any of those things and I am going to reject that treatment.

Urological, and phych drugs are the worst.

The formal there drugs jut break other things and do not make the volume of urine retained any less, the latter even if they did help the problem, again broke other things in the process - and that absolutely will not do.

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  • 1 month later...

Really makes no differance - and this is not new either- any time I ever felt being watched any closer than before doing something, I quit doing it....When still in school, it was don't get involved with any activities other than what is absolutely required because to do so would have meant extra scrutney on accidemics - that would be being watched closer than a student that only bothered with accidemics so......

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I understand not taking incontinent meds but in order to funtion properly I have to take my pschy meds I dont like the side effects like high collestrol and sweats and headaches etc. The only side effect I like is incontinence or leaks that one med causes. I choose to suffer the side effects to have a normal life

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I understand not taking incontinent meds but in order to funtion properly I have to take my pschy meds I dont like the side effects like high collestrol and sweats and headaches etc. The only side effect I like is incontinence or leaks that one med causes. I choose to suffer the side effects to have a normal life

Sorry, not for me- anything is not going to function EXACTLY as it did before a the treatment (and ultimately the actual problem) it's going to get rejected because you are causing harm to something else - even if it dose help the initial issue - that is irrelevant, break or worsen anything and that treatment IS going to go away.

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As a young man I didn't like taking aspirin. As an adult older man, I don't have a choice for taking medications. Every drug that I take has a sheet for interaction and contradistinctions. What really scares the intelligence out of me is that some of the interactions are worse than the symptoms in the first place. But, since I've had strokes; I have to be on blood thinners...diabetes; diabetic medications, complications from diabeties and strokes; pain medications, shoulder surgeries; pain medications, anti-depressants and sleeping medications.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really make zero difference to me - wen I say "fix it" that is just want I mean - not permanently mask it, not trade one problem for another (TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE) - i mean FIX IT - as in just as good as before there was any issue, otherwise just leave it alone - that simple!

I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT trade one ting for another - the entire thing has to work (e.i. if I had a car that had engine trouble, and someone fixed that, but cause the radio not to work when it did before, I would have a problem with that too).

Bottom line there is no way I am going to allow anyone to do anything that is going to make anything any worst, even if it dose help something else - this is not a trade off - PERIOD.

And no I am not too happy doing nothing - BUT - it is MUCH better than causing other issues - so - I still continue to say - if you can't fix it without breaking anything else, then leave it alone - end of story.

AND DO NOT expect me to tell you too much unless I can see there is ABSOLUTELY no way that info if EVER going to be seen by anyone other than medical professionals that are currently treating something - if it would on stuff like a background check, general employment inquiries, or even available to firearms dealers or police, it IS NOT going to be mentioned at all ever.

Basically - it boils down to:

1.) DO NOT even think about breaking or worsening anything regardless of any benefit.

2.) Keep everything 100% confidential 100% of the time with an absolute 0 chance of any info leaking to anyone other than treating medical professionals - eveny under a judges order - still point black refuse to disclose anything to anybody for any purpose.

3.) ABSOLUTELY DO NOT make make feel as though anyone is watching me any closer than they were before the issue came up.

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BOY - I think this is turning in to some sort of conspiracy, attempting to get me to not have anything at all to do with anything medical (it's real close now - and just pushed even closer).

Now apparently then want to use only e-prescriptions for an anti-anxiety medication I have been using for 10 years with no problem or hassle - the reasoning is "it makes it easier to track it" - well that is EXACTLY why I no longer want IT!

Making it easier to "track" means more people can see how dose have it easily - that is ABSOLUTELY NEVER going to float with me - so so long been nice - but until I have zero hassle with it and all the privatecy

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I'm not really sure what your problem is or what you hope to accomplish by posting all this here, especially since some people have bothered to read your God-awful posts and are trying to help you, yet you clearly have your mind set on ignoring their advice and doing whatever the hell it is you're doing.

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After reading this expose of a persons problem, itseems that basic medical and also psychological help have failed! I feel the problem is a problem dealing with the structural makeup of the spine! Urine retention is almost impossible if the lower spine, the lumber region is out of allignemt, and if the neck are is problemed with cervical spondylosis, urine retention is and can be a effected! The heck with the OTC drugs! Go find a good chiropractor and let him make spinal adjust,ents and you will see a difference in your retension! I have had this problem, and a chiropractor has really helped, and chirsopractic has one great goal, cure the problem with out meds and not to mask the problems with chemical! In other words, chiropractic is natural and medical field hates it because, if is can help and cure or allieviate pain with out meds, doctors don't prescribe drugs and don't get pharmicudical kick backs! Go to the chiropractor and feel better!!!

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