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seeking opinions on different diaper brands (thick diapers)

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I'm currently wearing an Abena Abri-Form Premium Air Plus L4. Super thick and absorbent but I dislike the cloth-like cover. Stretches out too much, which leads to a saggy diaper, and also the wetness seeps through before the diaper is anywhere near max absorbency. Got a hell of a deal on them ($14 and change for a 12-pack on amazon) but I probably wouldn't buy them at full price. Next time I'll go with the Abena Abri-Form classics as they have the plastic cover...assuming they haven't changed since I bought them last, they can't be beat in my book!

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If you like the consistency of the padding, you may like to try the Forma-Care X-plus (in Europe they are cheaper than Abena M4/L4 and have similar thickness/absorbency, but very different feeling, much less soft).

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Hi lil1,

I was going to recommend the Abena L-4 for you. I like the M-4's myself and have made one last a LONG time, fit well and they hold a TON. :thumbsup: They are one of my favorite extended wear diapers day or night. :D

Glad yo found something that works for you though. You might try a sample of the Abena (plastic backed) L-4 sometime though, just for kicks ;)

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