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Beards, Cigarettes and Alcohol...

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I've had a full beard since 1971 when I left the Army. I look pretty weird in diapers, but also cross-dressed (and in diapers). Not only is there the beard, but I've got no hair on top of my head - one the sides though. Completely bald would be more appropriate for baby. I've never really smoked and don't drink as much as I used to so that isn't relevant. As to the idea of looking weird, I'm the only one that sees me and if I look into a mirror I don't focus on my face anyway.

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I pretty much became a Bic head recently and well, I feel even more baby like. I Only had some Z Quill last night but thats about it for me. Haven't had a craving for some Yukon or Vodka since I have been wearing diapers. Only craving I have right now is For Pedialite and a lot of these

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I smoked for seventeen years, during most of which I was in diapers. There was never any disconnect for me, since I was more on the DL end of things then, and didn't really indulge my adult little girl side until after I quit. (Smoke-free for four years and counting.)

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