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Does anyone else not like the Cutesy Stuff?


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I'm sort of with you there. I prefer my diapers and plastic panties be a single color. especially white :D I do have some print stuff and it's OK too, but I only bought one pair of floral plastic panties specifically because of the prints, With the rest of the prints it was more price or the way they were cut that made my purchase decision ;) I can see the appeal in it, it's just not "me" B)

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This would fit right in "Our Lifestyle Discussion"perfectly. I am with Bp. However as an LG there are some aspects of "cute" that go with me but they are different from baby cute. Ageplay is different from DL so a DL would not appreciate the same things we do. I DESPISE baby talk like "Hewwo, I hab on dipies" in posts since it is difficult to read. Keep that at "home". There is a real-life story about that from when I was 5. My aunt Oretta did that while we were having breadfast "Dood? [babytalk for "good"]" and it was a WTF moment for me because it was soooo back-dated and phony

In the LG world, the analog to cutesy is frilly and at certain levels, is generally considered an attribute of Sissy

I guess the limit to things is when does it get overdone to the point of being phony and silly

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I'm also AB, and I love my baby stuff to be cute. I'm wearing jammies that Mommy got me today that have monsters on them. And print cloth diapers with blue plastic panties. It just adds to the fun!

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