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Parents Vs. "strangers"

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For me it's partly sexual, so I couldn't possibly imagine my parents being involved, for obvious reasons. Having said that, my mother is probably responsible for kicking off my desire for diapers/nappies by putting me back into them for bed. It was more of an emotional security blanket at the time, but later on when I became interested in girls, it developed a sexual edge, although it's never entirely been about that for me. It's the sexual edge that makes the difference I think.

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I couldn't imagine my bioparents being involved because my biomom was absent in my life and my biodad was...less than nice. However, I couldn't imagine my grandparents or aunt doing so either (even though they were/are good to me).

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Well, this is an easy question to answer. I have a good relationship with my parents, but I do not even want them to know about this. Sexual side of things aside, I know they would be unable and unwilling to participate. Not only would they probably not understand what you want, but even if they did, the current relationship dynamic would make them uncomfortable and place them in a bad spot. Keep in mind how your parents view you and you will know what I mean. Plus, regrettably, we do have to consider societal normals. If they did decide to participate, it could be incredibly dangerous. If word gets out, it is not just be a couple engaging in play no more as the parents are engaged in this play as well. It would be difficult to predict what the public would say.

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Umm - interesting, once again you guys have managed to put my in a tight spot, with no idea how to word things, but I will sure try - but I warn you, like a lot of things - it is not like most, nor is it exact opposite - I'm kind of somewhere in the middle.

I could never do a lot of the roll play stuff I do with my wife, if my mother4 were involved.

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Hum, it is a very interesting question as to why we can no longer see our biological parents as the once nurturing people they were to us.

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The "Fantasy" in that space between your ears, that's where the "DL" gets the most sheer delight! Nothing in real life is more perfect than the enjoyment of your own personal "Fantasy".

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I can't imagine my parents doing it because it feels too creepy. Maybe because it's sexual. I also would be too embarrassed to have them change me. I had a good life with them and they were there in my life but I still wouldn't want them changing me or babying me.

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I would hope that I never faced needing family to change me. I'm sure they feel the same way :whistling: But if they needed to, they would do it out of their love for me, and out of my love for them I would have that happen as the last possible resort <_< Were the situation reversed I would do it for them if needed, after all I love these people. These are the people who were willing to lose a brother/son and have a sister/daughter instead so there's nothing I would not do for them :wub: Yeah, we would be more comfortable not diapering each other and letting a stranger do it, but don't underestimate how love can overcome almost anything :D

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