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Who Nicked Our Knickers!?

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Why have the knickers/nappies/pull-ups, or whatever they represented, disappeared from the little boxes to the left of the forums on the Board Index? Have they been permanently replaced with IPB (boring imo)?

Apol's if this sounds trivial to some but I'm sure I'm not the only one who misses them. Can we have them back please?

D :huh: lly

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Nope Dolly I noticed the changes too, kind of miss them too. Did you notice that the Invision logo on top of the boards looks alittle like a diaper Logo though?

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Nope Dolly I noticed the changes too, kind of miss them too. Did you notice that the Invision logo on top of the boards looks alittle like a diaper Logo though?

:blush: I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking the logo looks a bit like a nappy - beginning to wonder if I was developing a one-track mind.

So, if we can't have the original back, I think the logo would look better in the boxes than IPB.

D :) lly

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