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Boy's Toys In A Girl's Room?

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I do! I like video games, Legos, frisbee and yo-yos. I don't mind playing dress up once in a while, but I don't like make up to dollies or pretend house/cooking. I feel like everyone needs to stop generalizing "boys" and "girls" toys and let children play with whatever interests them.

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Odd thing is... as a child, I was a total tomboy. I had rollerblades with lightning bolts on them and matchbox cars and everything. But as an adult, and now an adult little girl, I am all about the fem. Tea sets and ballet and dollhouses, that is me ~

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There's always been that mix around toys girls played with rather than what they had bought for them and it's fine. To me it's simply I wouldn't want to be in world where there is nothing that's mainly a girl thing just for girls like dolls you dress and change.

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Why do that when you can have a Dolly with some spunk. That is right, You can have


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Did you see the 3 parts of the story?

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Well, now I know what I'm going to have nightmares about.

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You shold have seen what it looked like in '63 when it first came out. June Foray still gets requests to do it. the idea of a malevolent doll was Totally new

They actually make them now for like $500

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Rainbow Brite? Did you see page 829 of the Necronomicon?

"And in the stifling Dark of Night

Slithering, the Rainbow Brite

'a doll' you say 'so innocent'

A think which very Space has rent

to come unto us, out of aeons strange

and set afoot the Evil Change"

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Rainbow Brite? Did you see page 829 of the Necronomicon?

"And in the stifling Dark of Night

Slithering, the Rainbow Brite

'a doll' you say 'so innocent'

A think which very Space has rent

to come unto us, out of aeons strange

and set afoot the Evil Change"

I...err..Im sure that's a translation thing, errmm, something lost between the Arabic, Greek and 17th century English ...surely neither The Mad Arab or Dr. Dee was referring to Rainbow...no

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I do not know, but in the Gnostic Gosepels, specifically the Gospel accrding to (the reputed "Egyptian Apostle") Nyotep, Chapter 47: Verses 53 And his Most Excellent Disciple, Mary; whom He called "Brite Colors" 54 Did She Conspireth with Judas on that Night, saying to Judas in the Strange Tongue 55 Cthulhu F'thagan"...

And here, like so many of the Gnostic Gospels the page is torn and the rest is missing. From HOLY CRUD: HOLY FAIL repeated in THE DUH PINCHME CODE, of which Don Frown says. "We don't know what was torn away but 'Cthulhu' and 'F'thagan' appear elswehere. For instance in the corner of one of the walls at Grosslin Chapel it is inscribed in letters that written lingustic scholars conclude would be 23rd Century CE Hebrew, in the manuscripts of the Priory of Cryin and in the Secret Codeex of Opiss Maywe"... Even the "holy bloodline" the Merovingian can actually be broken into two French words "Marie Vingt" and "EN", which could stand for "Ex Nazareth" So, under Grimm's Law, the whole thing is run togoether, and the "t" is dropped, as is the first "t" in "BaTalf'ston [boston]", so that the "g" runs into the "E", we have here what may be the twentieth (vingt) generation of Mary from Nazarth". This works out to about 400 years. or the approximate time of the founding of the first Frankish dynasty; the Merovingians. We get "Clovis {modern Louis and still used as a name] Marie Vingt EN" who is known for his conversion to Christianity and forcing those he conquered to do likewise

You be the judge

Want to buy a tinfoil tiara?

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