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I recently talked to my girlfriend about liking to wear diapers and surprisingly it went very well! She thought it was actually a good idea to escape our normal stressful lives and not only stated that she would diaper me, but would like to try them herself! However this has been stressing me out. I ordered some ABU Cushies for myself and for her and we are planning on having a "play date" this weekend in my apartment. However im not quite sure what to do. I dont want to diaper her or her diaper me and just sit around.... could anyone help with some ideas to make our "play time" actually playful? Open to any ideas!

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You can pretty much do anything while wearing diapers that you would do while wearing anything else. Cuddle a bit. Bake cookies (can feel fun and a bit silly when just in diapers). Then watch a movie. Diapers are pretty versatile.

And make her feel special while she's in diapers - not because she's in diapers. Making it fun, comfortable and special for her now can encourage her to do it again.

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Figure out what you want out of it, and figure out what she's willing to do. If you guys just intend to be in diapers and thats it, no ab stuff, find some kind of activity to do so as to make it less awkward, even if it's just watching a movie or making food together or something, after that move to making out or something.

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Just a thought but why not try talking to her and asking her what she wants to do and is comfortable doing? I've never understood why people ask random strangers on the internet what they should do with their partner instead of just asking their partner. The responses you get online will probably reflect the likes of those people online and MAY or may not reflect the likes of your partner. On the flip side the likes of you partner will ALWAYS reflect the like of your partner.

Personally I've never asked strangers what my wife will like, I've always asked her directly. Never had a misstep or worried about her liking what we do ;)

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Start off slow, once you guys are diapered (and during the diaper process a full body massage is always nice) just do the normal couple things you would have done already.

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