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How Long Did You Sleep In A Crib Growing Up?

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Well, my situation was sort of different. I have no memory of a crib or toddler bed. I have no memory of my early childhood. No memories before age 10. Long story. But while I didn't sleep in a actual crib prior to age 21 when I got my first adult size crib, I did sleep on a crib mattress for about a year. I was SURE my mom was going to freak. But she didn't. I was out riding my bike around town exploring and came by a goodwill and saw a old crib sitting on the docks. Yes, I know it was wrong to take it NOW. But anyway, I put the mattress in a shopping cart and pushed it 3 blocks home. My mom wasn't home when I brought it home. But came night time I pulled it out. She asked me why I had it and I said it looked comfortable. She shrugged her shoulders and said "whatever". So I put it on the floor and laid on it. I was 16 at the time so I was too tall to totally fit on it so my feet hung off the bottom. But I LOVED feeling the plastic covered crib mattress under me. And the way it sounded when I laid on it and the air rushes out the metal holes on the side of the mattress as it adjusted to my weight. HISSSsssss. :) Plus it was nice to have a plastic crib mattress too because I was bed wetting. It was a back up for if the diaper leaked overnight. I would only have to hide the wet sheets and not have to worry about a bed to try to dry. So then in the morning, it would go back in the closet. I was living in a motel room with my mom and brother at the time. So space was limited. But I have fond memories of sleeping on that old crib mattress. After a year or so, my mom got tired of seeing it. When I came home from school one day it was gone. So that's the only memory of sleeping in a crib while growing up. Well, crib mattress anyway....lol.

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I doubt anyone will believe me, but here goes............. I have never been potty trained. I have no sensation of needing to go and when things start, I can not stop it. As a child I was taken to many doctors. I was kept diapered and in rubber and then" plastic baby panties" as my parents called them and my 85 y/o mom still does call them that. My dad was always angry at me for this even though the doctors kept saying I could not help it.

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I doubt anyone will believe me, but here goes............. I have never been potty trained. I have no sensation of needing to go and when things start, I can not stop it. As a child I was taken to many doctors. I was kept diapered and in rubber and then" plastic baby panties" as my parents called them and my 85 y/o mom still does call them that. My dad was always angry at me for this even though the doctors kept saying I could not help it.

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