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A Must Read Theres A Baby In My Bed


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I just finished reading "Theres a baby in my bed" by Rosalie Bent. This is a must read for all of us. While the main focus of the book is on building a parent/child relationship there are many parts that are applicable to any AB/DL etc. She covers virtually every aspect from why or what causes this behaviour, to what each partner can expect to how to grow the relationship. Its nice to have something that is not 'clinical" in its presentation. I purchased a ebook copy for under $8 at diesel books. I highly recommend it.

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Hi all. thanks for the comment on the book. I am surprised repaid, that you hadnt heard of it. It certainly created a stir when it was released.

Rosalie, I was being factious, Of course i have heard of it and you, it's only been discussed here numerous times. From way back when you posted the free draft on this site. Ksdl must not get out much, a simple search would have reveled many threads on it. :P

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