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OK, after hearing so many good things about PUL pants, I thought I would try a pair. Thanks to Amazon, they took little time to get here and the package was discrete. I just have one problem- what side is out? These are the ones made by Gary, and they do have a tag, but in their packaging the tag was facing out.

"Inquiring minds want to know"

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With PUL, the coated side goes inward with the cloth side out ;) I've only tried the Salk 'Sani-Pant' in PUL and I was highly disappointed with the leak resistance and the lack of durability :( Other brands do seem to be better based on what some say B) I have no real use for them, preferring plastic or rubber panties myself :D I have never found diaper 'crinkle' to be a problem- nobody seems to hear it but me, even with the plastic Depends which are supposed to be loud. Once warmed by body heat most plastic panties are quiet enough to get by with. I mention that only because most who wear PUL do it because it is quieter.


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As with PEVA, and "waterproof" nylon, this seems like another attempt to re-invent the wheel. Most brands of PUL panties that I have seen were not made for diapers, only pads or thin liners. I really do not know of any that have sufficient room for a good-sized diaper and I find them to be alien and not true to life sort of like a movie of Columbus crossing the ocean with two Light and one Heavy, Cruisers and saying to los Indios "I hate to bother you. Say, that's a nice island you have here. I bet an island like this costs a small fortune..."

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Arizona Care P.U. pants are very comfortable, hardly know they are being worn, they are so breathable.

As with most things, there is a downside, that elastics are spongelike and wick if your nappy gets too wet.

If you want a nappy and plastic pants for confidence or just-in-case, they are ideal.

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