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What Age Did You Know You Liked Diapers

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I would have to say I liked diapers while still not potty trained, from what I have been told I fought to stay in diapers for as long as I could.

Mom told me more than once I was still wearing diapers up to the day I started kindergartan, guess the idea of wearing a diaper to school and having the other kids find out I still wore diaper was enough to make me not want to wear them.

But this did not destroy my desire to wear a diaper and I kept wearing them as long as there was diapers in the house.

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Guest diaperboykcmo

I was in diapers till I was 6. Bad mom and dad, physically and mentally abused!

When dad got custody of me, he had a hot wife, when they had their baby, I got lost in the shuffle not much attention ect. One day Everyone was gone, I got one of my sisters diapers and bottles and my new baby life was born, I was 12, hit puberty in my diaper LOL..

One day returning from school my step mom confronted me about my diapers, she was cleaning my room and she found my stuff, my dad's bipolar a real asshole.. She asked me why I had this stuff, I didn't know, I was 12.. Why couldn't she just have put me in diapers, fed me a bottle of baby formula, and baby food. She could've shamed me out of diapers. Instead had to wait for dear daddy to get home, so he could yell at me, then take me to my grandmas in front of the whole family and belittle me and embarass me.

It happened again, and they took me to a shrink, so I stopped.. It happened a 3rd time, this time my dad threatned to kill me. I got smart, I would buy my diapers pampers in the orange box, think they were ultra slim pampers.. We lived a block or 2 from my grandmas, so I'd walk to her house, well I found this house it had a shed. I'd hide the diapers in there, then on my way to grandmas, I'd stop by there put my diaper on, lay there and do what we do.

I got lucky and found me a gf/mommy for 5 years, but bipolar destroyed all that. Sorry a little long, but I couldn't stop.. LOL

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Well, I did like diapers as a child...

But it wasn't until 14 that I rediscovered them.

By 16 I was wearing all the time and having wildly-sexual ageplay fantasies online with other people... ugh, I wish I could go back and spend that time being normal. Well, except the diaper part :)

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I can remember my love for nappies started at about 8-9, I used to roll up towels and waddle about in them. I havd no idea why I did this until I hit my teens when I started up again. This time I made nappies from anything from the duvet up between my legs, to towels and all sorts. I was in my 20s before I starting using them for what they were meant for. Now I wear for fun only but its part humiliation and part sexy for me. I just love bulk between my legs and they way it rubs me.

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I think I have always loved diapers. My first memory is when I got up from watching cartoons and went into my bedroom which I then shared with my little brother. I put on one of his diapers on (which barely fit at all), and went back to watch cartoons. I remember my mom then say "if you're wearing a diaper again go and take it off".

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Like DavidMW upthread, I didn't discover diapers until twelve years ago when I was 46, as well. I'd always had "a thing" for wetting my pants and would do so at the beach or when working in my gardens. When I was dissolving my father's home (after he'd passed away), I found his stash of Depends in the back of his closet. I never knew that one of the consequences of prostate surgery (removal) was incontinence and Dad kept his situation a tightly-guarded secret. Anyway, I took them home and tried them out and have come to enjoy wearing the occasional diaper over the years since. Thanks to web sites like this, I learned about better diapers than crappy Depends and found out that there are quite a lot of folks who wear for fun. The problem with diaper wearing is that it is addictive and I find that I have to resist wearing them any more frequently than I do. I do enjoy wetting in them!

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Yea, I am one of the few who just started liking diapers. At first ( almost four years ago those thoughts about diapers got to me). I want to say it was dreams about wearing diapers got me started.

Its not until I found this website that I thought about taking on the incontinence diaper training as just another way to relieve stress because I also sleep with a stuffed animal I sometimes talk to.

I know she is not real but it helps. I fall asleep too quick and because I don't like the idea of bringing her with me to work even though it would be fine. I work at a sheltered workshop where people have disabilities not only incontinence but mental.

My disability is minor but stress for me is hard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was about ten years ago when I was 13 1/2 that I learned I liked diapers. I have a strong suspicion my diaper fetish developed as a result of bedwetting. I have ADHD and OCD, so I am a bit more sensitive and emotional to certain things, which also probably had a great deal to do with my fetish. But anyway, as a kid, my mom made me wear GoodNites and panties to bed. Eventually, I stopped bedwetting, and the panties and diapers were long forgotten. But in early 2003, I started to think about how soft, comfortable, and arousing diapers were. I fantasized about them more and more until I learned that my mom still kept my old GoodNites in the bathroom cabinet! I tried them on, and while they weren't as exciting as I thought, I still liked trying them on anyway. Eventually, I did start to find that diapers had the potential to be as exciting as I thought - but that didn't happen for another four years or so.

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At around 11 I started to enjoy pooping in my pants. Soon I was using towels and rags as make shift diapers to enjoy my fun. When I was in my forties I got the internet and discovered I wasn't the only person in the world who enjoyed wetting and messing. At that time I also discovered adult diapers. Wow, that was great.

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Been into them my whole life on and off. Now more so than before.

Started when I was about 4, I pooped my pants by accident and was put in nappies for a week or so. I then found the stash and slowly got through them. Then at around 8ish I used blankets tied around me as nappies but this wasnt ideal. Then in my early teens I used the bin/garbage bag tricks to make some. Then at 16 I used my best design yet, an old pillow case held on with a belt.

Nowadays I buy tena on very rare occasions.

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I was 6 when I started wetting the bed after we moved. My mom started putting me in diapers at bed time and I remember waking up wet and loving the feeling. l always use to have both kinds of accidents once in a while in my pants and liking it also, this still goes on today. When I started drinking at 21 with my girlfriend I would be so drunk I wet the bed and she did too once, we started wearing diapers to prevent destroying the bed.

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When I was still young, about four or so, there were still diapers in my closet at home. My parents just didn't throw them away. I kept taking one and wearing it for a few hours, wetting it, and then hiding it in the trash. Each time, I promised myself that I wouldn't do it again. This continued until they were all gone. After my great aunt passed (12 years old), my dad took me along while he was going through paperwork. While there, I discovered a half gone bag of Depends. When my dad wasn't looking, I sneaked one into the bathroom and put it on. He almost caught me, so I simply stopped right there. Then, when I was 24, I had a travelling job that had me driving all over the eastern seaboard. Out of curiosity, I picked up a bag of adult diapers and put one on for a 7 hour drive. That started it again. A month later, I had so much enjoyment from wearing them, I told my wife. She was taken back a bit, but ultimately, she seemed to be ok with it.

It took me a few times to realize how into diapers I really was.

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