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Telling A Bf

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Aha. This one might be easy. Have you two been sexual? If so, he probably loves the hotness, so if you broach the subject by telling him you have a sexual kink you'd like to share, he may be all ears. If you haven't been sexual, he probably wants to so badly that any news at this point would be good news.

How long have you had this fetish? Forever? In my book (which was easy to write, because this all went good for me, so take my advice with many grains of salt), "forever" takes precidence over a couple months--or a couple years--of a relationship. So be honest, frank and loving, and if that doesn't do it, well...forever is a long time, and you only live once. I'd honestly rather be single than hide who I am (see caveat above, however).

I wans't brave when I told my wife. I was scared shitless. But, I have a couple kids, which you may not. Bf=friend, you can't spell it without it. No matter how much you care for him, you're not committed (well...legally anyway) so why would you want to share your body with someone who doesn't respect what it's programmed to do?

In Diapers,


ps, holy cow, there's no spell check on this thing! I hope I didn't flub! :)

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There is no need to be an AwkwardGirl. You must be getting serious about your bf or you wouldn't be considering telling him. Some of us guys believe there is nothing more erotic than a woman who confidently goes after what she wants. Maybe your bf does also.

May I suggest you find a copy of Alex Comfort's book...THE JOY OF SEX....and cuddle up with your bf on the couch and go over it page by page. You'll find he doesn't know everything he thinks he does and doing so may lead to a pleasurable evening.

One section of the book deals with fetishes.

That's your perfect opening to see if he has any secrets he's hiding and for you to introduce him to yours.

You might tell him you've found diapers are perfect for the heavy part of your monthly flow, and they kinda turn you on.

May you have a long, loving relationship in open honesty.

Happiness Is Wearing Cotton Diapers

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Thanks for the replies. I.....still have no idea how I could approach it with him. He found out about some of my other kinks and sort of O.oed. I dunno, its tough to say how I should bring it up to him.

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i just wanna say he's a very lucky man , dl woman are very hard to find atleast the ones that will admit it .

G.L with telling him . most men are pretty open minded if it means them getting some at the end of it all . lol


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  • 1 month later...

Are we really that hard to find?! I wear 24/7 and am grateful that even though my husband is not d/l or it doesn't particularly do anything for him he is very accepting of my choice and encourages it....lucky me ;)

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Without totally jumping thread. I have to wonder what type of people or places some surround them with. First for the guys. You must be aware of yourself. You can't go around looking like you are not in a positive, and even more so, confident of yourself. Trust me guys the woman out there pick that out first. If you are just gliding through life and hiding in the shadows of society, your not a prime pick. You guys need to put your diapers and other things on the back burner. I don't usually give tips, cause what works for me might not work for you.

But the one thing I have learned is this. Women like attention. If I am out at the local watering hole and a new woman is in there. I see guys all the time hovering around her like bees. I just ignore her. They hate that. I will guarantee if you are a decent guy they will eventually come up to you. They want to know why your not like the other guys. Guess what? Cause your not. They will see that, they want that! You are different. Your not after the one night stand! You don't want a girl that does that anyway, trust me if that is all you want you will be classified as that, and your chances of finding the woman of your dreams is greatly diminished.

Go out and find a woman, someone you have somethings in common with, and some that you don't. Pay attention to her, and her likes and dislikes. Establish a "normal" relationship and build on it!!! I get so sick of some on here that jump on threads of the ladies and post on the threads with nothing more than "I wish I had a woman like you in my life." Do you even realize how pathetic you sound? How desperate? What woman in her right mind would want you? You offer them nothing with posts like that. I was cruising through diapermates the other day and the replies to womens post on there almost made me laugh out loud, well in fact I did. 95% of them were just plain out begging and repugnant. "I just want a friend, nothing more" Please!!!! Do you really want a idiot? cause any woman that feel for that line obviously is with a 2 line reply. Tell her about yourself, things you do and don't do. Let her get to know you, but for God's sake let her talk!!! Don't override the conversation with stupid things you come up with to make small talk.

If you guys don't have any skills in the "how to meet women" category. Then I suggest you broaden your horizons. If you have a friend that happens to be a girl, sit down and ask her how to go about it. I have found gay and lesbian people have it figured out as well.

I posted a thread what a few weeks ago? I told of me finding a young lady about a month ago. I wasn't looking, I really didn't want a new relationship. I was just me. A fun, assertive at times. Intelligent (I am told), caring and just all around guy. She had no clue what lied beneath my jeans. She picked me up, not the other way around.

In less than 2 weeks I actually wanted to get rid of her, or just test her I should say. I told her I wore diapers for protection. I then followed up in the conversation that I like to be treated like a baby. While a puzzled look and a few questions followed. She didn't leave. In fact I will tell you guys that since then I have been sleeping ( Yes Sleeping) in her bed several times with nothing on but my diaper. She has bottle feed me twice. Pats and rubs my bottom to put me to sleep. Talks baby talk to me. And has of right now changed me once. All this in less than a month. And NO she has never heard of this before me.

We have a adult relationship 90% of our time we are together. But she knows about me and my life. She chooses to do these things for me. I choose to do other things for her. It's how it works guys, and gals!

You can't spend your whole life trying to find the perfect AB mommie. While some have managed to stumble on them. I myself have moved over 10 ladys in my day to being a mommy. How? Heck really I don't know. Perhaps it's the way I do carry myself, perhaps it's just I attract the right kind of woman. Whatever it is it isn't impossible, and I have found it's easy. So get off your butts guys get out there and meet someone instead of hanging on this site and hoping that the girl next door is on here secretly hoping that you are a AB.

To the OP you are far enough in your relationship to just tell him, there has been some pretty good advice thus far. Just sit down, tell him you would like to discuss something important with him, take a breath. Then let it fly. IF anything negative comes out of it, then you know that isn't the person you want to be with anyway. You are you and that isn't going to change. I know it may hurt for a bit, but the pain of a relationship of hiding and needs being not fulfilled is far worse. Best of luck to you and I hope it all goes well for both of you. :)

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Are we really that hard to find?! I wear 24/7 and am grateful that even though my husband is not d/l or it doesn't particularly do anything for him he is very accepting of my choice and encourages it....lucky me ;)

Lucky him, I think most of us would say! ;)

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If you really want to do this, tell him you've had a bladder infection and have to wear protection at night (and possibly sometimes during the day). This way there is no judgement from him and you can see how he reacts seeing you in a diaper...

Good luck

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If you really want to do this, tell him you've had a bladder infection and have to wear protection at night (and possibly sometimes during the day). This way there is no judgement from him and you can see how he reacts seeing you in a diaper...

Good luck

Telling a lie is always a bad idea.

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Um I still would say that is a bad idea. If something as superficial as that is a major hang up in your relationship then I think that marriage is doomed.

Also I like big butts, so I probably would say something like your butt is perfect and they show that feature off. LOL, this would be only in my head... "Daaammmnn Girl that is one Fine Booty!"

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Um I still would say that is a bad idea. If something as superficial as that is a major hang up in your relationship then I think that marriage is doomed.

Um...Tell me that when you're married for 30 years and still madly in love with her.

Have a nice day.

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Um I still would say that is a bad idea. If something as superficial as that is a major hang up in your relationship then I think that marriage is doomed.

Also I like big butts, so I probably would say something like your butt is perfect and they show that feature off. LOL, this would be only in my head... "Daaammmnn Girl that is one Fine Booty!"

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Drop subtle hints, during certain commercials,like "Maybe I ought to try that..." while watching TV. If he makes comments like "That's just nasty", You know that he is not willing to get involved. If he responds with a possitive additude, see about moving in that direction, and see how thing progress.

I did that with my GF and all she said was "Don't expect Me to change you" while showing me her RA effected hands. To this day I have not persued the subject, as she has not brought it up.

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RA effected hands???? whats that mean.

i compleatly agree drop suttle hints. that what i did to find out how my girlfriend would react. i would say in a joking manner......in the car for instance i had to pee bad. and i was like man i should just wear a diaper it would be easyer than find a bath room. she laughed but said that was really gross. and we actully wacthed the TLC show my strange addiction about being an ab and she was weirded out. so if you drop suttle hints and see how they react you dont really have to put your self out there alll the way and risk it

everyonce in a while i will still do it to see if she opend up to it but to no avail

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Thanks for the replies. I.....still have no idea how I could approach it with him. He found out about some of my other kinks and sort of O.oed. I dunno, its tough to say how I should bring it up to him.

Wear/change into a diaper with the waistband showing (when in private with him). And if he asks what it is, take off your clothes and explain you love wearing them for fun, etc.

No point lying to him about it or hiding it, as being honest and trusting each other is what keeps a relationship together.

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RA effected hands???? whats that mean.

i compleatly agree drop suttle hints. that what i did to find out how my girlfriend would react. i would say in a joking manner......in the car for instance i had to pee bad. and i was like man i should just wear a diaper it would be easyer than find a bath room. she laughed but said that was really gross. and we actully wacthed the TLC show my strange addiction about being an ab and she was weirded out. so if you drop suttle hints and see how they react you dont really have to put your self out there alll the way and risk it

everyonce in a while i will still do it to see if she opend up to it but to no avail

Rheumatoid Arthuritus aka RA

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It will be found out about at some point in your relationship. Best to just put it out there now and find out if they are going to be accepting of it or not.

Maybe also show either the strange addictions video or found this one of Riley also interesting

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Guest aielen

I have been with my bf for 3 months at this point and I am contemplating telling him i'm a DL. I...don't know how to approach it with him. Does anyone have any pointers or tips?

If you are not comfortable at all, never tell. Never wear around him, even dressed up. I never did with my two ex bfs.

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could just do what an old friend of mine once did. she walked downstairs in just a diaper and one of her cute shirts and told her BF "this is me, either fucking accept it or leave." he stayed.

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