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Wearing Diapers At Home...With A Roommate

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Well, that's it! I wear diapers at home, mostly at night when everyone is sleeping :P. Happens that i have a room mate, and i always get stressed to go to sleep in my diaper because i«m afraid that he notices it in the morning.

I went to the coffe 2 nights ago in my diaper, and nobody noticed it! any "tactics" for avoiding getting noticed?

Hugs and kisses =)

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I'm already well established as a weirdo that locks his bedroom door at night. Been doing it since I was little. So for me I already have that going for me. The thing that sucks though, as if I am wearing a diaper, I'm stuck in my room. Way too paranoid to head out.

Not sure what your situation is. I'm moving into my own place soon. I've recently realized how much money I make. I'm still stuck in the mindset of making minimum wage like 10 years ago.

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You know, if you're going to have a roommate, it seems you would want freedom of movement in your own domicile. You can either be a "shrinking violet" and live in fear of "discovery", or admit you "plumbing" has leakage, and whenever - day, night, both - you tend to wear absorbent underwear to stanch the flow and stay sanitary. That's ALL a roommate has to know. Thus, if you're out padding around in just diapers, while it may take some getting used to for the roommate, so be it. It's a shared situation - say HE wanted to dress up in women's clothes! - and roommates have to understand and accept each other's quirks, or don't be roommates.

Relax. Probe. Challenge. Be YOU. See where it goes. You may be pleasantly surprised where it might leave you - like total freedom to be you, with no restraints, in your own home, IN FRONT OF anybody else that's there!

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I don't know if this helped our not, I always wore boxer/briefs over my diaper when I had roommates. I felt like it kept the bulk and noise down but I think maybe it just made me more confident, anyway never got caught and spent I lot of time the the common areas of the apartment.

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Tell them you wear diapers, for any reasion. then sit around the house in your diapers. who knows, they could eventually become interested.

personally, i believe in honesty. i wear them because i want to. plain and simple. if they ask why, then tell them more, untill they start to get to personal. gauge their interest, if they seem to be genuinly interested, tell them to try it out. wort that could happen is they think you are a creep and you keep it to yourself, and dont bring it up. means you dont have hide it and they wont be shocked or bothered if they hear the crinkle or the babypowder.

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You could always try being a considerate room/housemate and not exposing somebody who would be happier not knowing to your fetish.

Just an idea...

I agree with with Leilin. It's nothing to be ashamed of but it's also not for everyone and it's not something you should force on anyone else. That's not exactly considerate.

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Telling them before they accadentally find out and think the wrong thoughts is not forceing anything on them, it is informing them of something you do so there is no suprise. my last roomate played violin, and is something i thought was annoying. if he hadnt told me, i would have been supprised and a little upset when he went to practice, instead of being able to plan ahead and leave if i didnt like it.

you dont force people into it just because you tell them you do it. at most, you open their eyes to something they didnt know existed. this is rarely a bad thing. and if they are interested, tell them to try it. but only if they are genuinly interested. now they know, no suprises, and they worst outcome is you hide it because they dont like it, and thats what you would be doing if they didnt know anyway.

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I have a roommate, and I am fortunate that he spends most of his time in his own room, coming out every now and again to use the kitchen. I don't wear all day, but some days I will get up in a wet diaper and not want to change until the afternoon. I work from home so I just get dressed, and sit down at the desk and get to work. I choose when to move about so that the crinkle isn't noticed either. I sleep in just a diaper often, and because my cat sleeps on the bed with me, I need to leave the door open just a few inches so she can come and go. Other wise I would wake up at 3am to her scratching the door to get in or out. I've never felt vulnerable to leave the door open a bit, I just close it when I am changing. It's not like if he were to walk in unannounced and find me in a diaper that somehow my strange obsession cancels out the fact that he invaded my privacy. If it became a problem, I would kick him out (I can, I'm the primary leaseholder,) and find a new roommate.

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I wore a diaper in front of a housemate, in uni accommodation, once. He came home early from a lecture and I was playing Xbox in a wet nappy, I was wearing baggy clothing, Jogging bottoms and a t-shirt, and moved when the video game made noises so the crinkling wasn't noticed. He didn't notice at all and I eventually went up stairs and got changed, deciding not to wear them downstairs anymore.

I have to admit I almost pooped myself when the front door opened. I think I managed to play it cool though ^.^ I hope this helps, its the only experience with wearing diapers in front of people.

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if your room mate will be living with you for a while, it might be best just to tell them and say you wear them for medical reasons

even though that might or might not be true.

I would save you embarassment if they were to accidnetly find out on their own.

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I just came out and told my mate, I walk a little slow around others but at this point I could care less, if they had a problem, they would say something...As for your roomate, if you just tell him, chances are he'll understand. Ive told my friends and they could care less as long as Im not messy around them...

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