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Whooooaaa.... No wonder DPF is a bummer, would like to meet some of my old DPF Friends from Years gone by, but when I was in DPF 18 was the law there. Simple calculations show he was 12 and you were 26. That's way outta parameters.

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After doing the trivial math as well, I instantly had alarm bells ringing in my head. That was not something to be admitting to in a public forum. Sounds like incriminating evidence to me.

Any contact (actual or virtual) with a minor is bad mojo in an environment such as this. That's why it is for 18+ year old people. People over 18 with the legal ability to have such discussions and interactions. I, for one and many others will agree, will never tolerate a minor in chat. I have left rooms because (reportedly) minors were present.

As a matter of fact, I hope this thread gets locked/deleted as it is not the sort of thing I want to be seen represented in a positive light!

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OK Lets do a head count! How many ppl here are Curious' friend? OK Next ? How many ppl have ever felt unwelcomed to the DD chatroom because of Curious? Make sure ya answer so cynda will know the only enemy I have on DD is her! LOL! Ty all and u all know Curious loves ya!



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Hey Snow, I was in chat when you two were reunited. I was very happy for you, but now I am a little sad and confused because of your age back then. You might have just been looking for answers, and I can't totally blame you for that, the answers didn't come to me until my late 30s. It was a long and lonely road not knowing others existed that shared my lifestyle. I try my best to help others by sharing my thoughts and opinions on this site in hopes that they don't have to go through what I did for so many years. It's a way for me to give something back to the community that has changed my life so profoundly in such a short period of time. Unfortunately, you really don't know who is on the other end of the conversation, and that has always concerned me.

If anything, I hope this post will further enlighten the community that minors do lurk and join these kinds of sites. For me, it adds validity to the +18 verified chat room that many have disagreed with, though it's still not 100% fool proof.

I wonder if you have anything to say to the community and your friend Cynda that has taken a lot of heat over this post.

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That's funny. Cynda, the advocate for no pm's and no underage chat, was pretty good friends with a 12 year old. Then she brings up her power trip when Curious entered a new chat room where cynda was a mod. And then she says that curious is "unfriendly!"

I think this is it. Cynda has finally lost any sense that she might of had left............

And yes, I am one of curious's many friends.

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Man I didn't even think about what my age was then. Most of my knowledge of her was reading the forums actually as I recognized her as a strong member of the community. She actually doesn't remember me at all. Phantom should be able to verify that she didn't remember at all who I was. It would be like Phantom being noticed years from now from someone who read these boards. Also guys, there isn't any porn on DPF, there never has been. Back in the day, the forums there were pretty clean. Sorry to put you on the spot. I finally had something to post about and made everyone upset.

I appreciate your follow up Snow. What you said is true, it was clear that Cynda did not remember you. I don't know that much about DPF, never was a member, but I don't fault Cynda in any way over this. It could happen to any of us. Moderator or not, it's next to impossible to verify someone's age on line. What if YOU become friends with someone here and years later you find out he/she was actually a minor. What can you really say or do about it?

Unfortunately, the damage has already been done. I'm disappointed with those who would take this opportunity to attack or discredit Cynda over this, someone who has always advocated against minors on these types of sites. Unless proof surfaces otherwise, I choose to give Cynda the benefit of the doubt.

As an adult, you now know how serious this issue is and I do believe you meant no harm to anyone back then. It's in the past as far as I'm concerned. Lesson Learned!

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I give Cynda no credit for anything after what happened today...

This past week, I got to hear from two users: Mommy Bear and curious, both of whom had been hurt by remarks levied against each other...allegedly BY each other. I asked them both who informed them of the remarks, and the answer was the same: Cynda.

This morning, with Cynda present, both Curious and Mommy Bear came into the room and asked Cynda why she had chosen to spread lies. Cynda not only denied it all, but started insulting them both. The resulting flamefest by other members in attendance was like no other I've ever seen: at least 12 others saw the facts laid out, saw Cynda's true colours, confronted Cynda with the hard questions, got the same insults...and let fly.

What Cynda did was completely WRONG. She lost many friends over the course of a day and the last remaining shards of respect from those she cared to lie about. WHAT is her deal????

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tbh i thought this whole cynda issue was sorted long ago, and we all agreed to just let it go, as we have more important things in life to worry about than one individual who seems to know which buttons to press in order to strike a reaction.

let it go, forget her, move on, this is coming from me, rhezz and im 18, and ur all more older and mature, just forget about her, ignore her and never speak of her again.

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Paedo alert! That woman TALKED, yes, TALKED to a 12 year old! Lock her up and throw away the frickin' key!

...which is besides the point that Snow probably didn't tell Cynda that he was 12 initially.

I'm fairly new here, and unfortunately I can't get on the chatrooms because I can't prove I'm 18, but if people are going to be arguing constantly then perhaps it's a good thing.

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