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167 members have voted

  1. 1. are you a male or female?

    • male
    • female
    • other
  2. 2. are you an adult baby or diaper lover?

    • ab
    • dl
    • other (plz specify with a reply)
  3. 3. why are you an adult baby or dl

    • had a bad childhood
    • was curious and liked it
    • none of your bussiness!
    • other (if you wish you can specify

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Incontinent DL with some AB tendencies, although more and more I find the "AB" title doesn't really fit me. I'm not a baby and don't want to be. More to the point I feel like I am just emotionally childish in nature, and like to nuture that part of me as that's the part of me that allows me to relax and be myself. I'm an adult when I need to be, and a big child when I can be.

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LOL warriorindiapers, my inner child couldn't resist.

I was actually punished around 12 and put into a diaper for the night. Can you guess why? Up to this point I always felt a little emotionally ignored as a child and I think that incident acted as a trigger for me to allow my inner child a way to get some much needed attention. I don't think I had a bad childhood, just an emotionally unsatisfying one. Babies need a lot of attention you know and I obviously couldn't get enough. Funny, I'm not an AB though, just a DL with AB tendencies. All I want is a diaper now and then to keep me happy, but I do keep a pacifier and bottle in the house if I need more attention. That's my best guess today why I am the way I am. Like others here, tomorrow I might feel stronger about another reason why I am a DL.

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LOL warriorindiapers, my inner child couldn't resist.

I was actually punished around 12 and put into a diaper for the night. Can you guess why? Up to this point I always felt a little emotionally ignored as a child and I think that incident acted as a trigger for me to allow my inner child a way to get some much needed attention. I don't think I had a bad childhood, just an emotionally unsatisfying one. Babies need a lot of attention you know and I obviously couldn't get enough. Funny, I'm not an AB though, just a DL with AB tendencies. All I want is a diaper now and then to keep me happy, but I do keep a pacifier and bottle in the house if I need more attention. That's my best guess today why I am the way I am. Like others here, tomorrow I might feel stronger about another reason why I am a DL.

I have been trying to guess why i have ab/dl.Before i became inco.4yrs ago. I have always had a desire to wear diapers..I use to wet my self as a kid in fear alot. I felt safe sliping on a diaper..I did it in secret in fear i was alone.I think it had to do with my childhood.I had a (very) bad childhood..I don't mind talking about it because it feels good to let it out..Make the long story short...My father left when i was three and my mother brought in a new man who was a child molester and married him..and did not care for are safty and let him molest us till i was 8yrs old and then was threaten by family members that we would be removed from the home. If she did not divorce him..so she did and married his son .( my step-brother) he was just like his dad.. but more abusive..He would beat us and call us names his fav was to call us not by are names but by(F!@## numskull..as he would hit us over our head.. and sexualy asulted my sister on my mothers bed.And make sexual remarks about our body and say how no guy would want us because we were so fat..Us only being a size 2 at the time very small..My mother learned about this and kept him..there still married and she has a relashion ship with her 2nd husband after he got out of jail..A smart women put him behind bars when he touched her kids wish my mother would have done that for me..I hear bad storys about when i was a baby from people that knew my mother and now don't speak to her..I my self don't talk to her. I know with the my past..Could be the reason i wear and feel safe but now more for need..

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I don't really know why I am an AB. I've had a thing for Diapers as far back as I can remember, and thats a long time ago back in the late 50's early 60's.

I stoll my first diaper from my niece when I was all of 7 years old and I've been wearing diapers on and off ever since.

I have lots of Baby items in my bedroom including a high chair, baby bottles, suckies, diapers and lots and lots of Teddy Bears. I can sleep with a differnt Teddy Bear every night for a month.

Even some of my Teddy Bears are babies and wear Diapers.

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I have been trying to guess why i have ab/dl.Before i became inco.4yrs ago. I have always had a desire to wear diapers..I use to wet my self as a kid in fear alot. I felt safe sliping on a diaper..I did it in secret in fear i was alone.I think it had to do with my childhood.I had a (very) bad childhood..I don't mind talking about it because it feels good to let it out..Make the long story short...My father left when i was three and my mother brought in a new man who was a child molester and married him..and did not care for are safty and let him molest us till i was 8yrs old and then was threaten by family members that we would be removed from the home. If she did not divorce him..so she did and married his son .( my step-brother) he was just like his dad.. but more abusive..He would beat us and call us names his fav was to call us not by are names but by(F!@## numskull..as he would hit us over our head.. and sexualy asulted my sister on my mothers bed.And make sexual remarks about our body and say how no guy would want us because we were so fat..Us only being a size 2 at the time very small..My mother learned about this and kept him..there still married and she has a relashion ship with her 2nd husband after he got out of jail..A smart women put him behind bars when he touched her kids wish my mother would have done that for me..I hear bad storys about when i was a baby from people that knew my mother and now don't speak to her..I my self don't talk to her. I know with the my past..Could be the reason i wear and feel safe but now more for need..

Babykimmy25, I got a little emotional reading this and had to reply. It's absolutely disgusting what your fathers did, all of them, and I could never forgive your mother either, for allowing it to happen and letting it continue. No child should be subjected to that kind of abuse or any other abuse for that matter. They don't deserve your respect, ever, because taking advantage of the innocent is not only cruel and sadistic, but it's also a crime against humanity itself, in my opinion. Some things in life are just unforgivable. Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us. I am glad that you were able to walk away from that abusive lifestyle. I wish you continued strength that you are able to put that time in your life behind you.

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Babykimmy25, I got a little emotional reading this and had to reply. It's absolutely disgusting what your fathers did, all of them, and I could never forgive your mother either, for allowing it to happen and letting it continue. No child should be subjected to that kind of abuse or any other abuse for that matter. They don't deserve your respect, ever, because taking advantage of the innocent is not only cruel and sadistic, but it's also a crime against humanity itself, in my opinion. Some things in life are just unforgivable. Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us. I am glad that you were able to walk away from that abusive lifestyle. I wish you continued strength that you are able to put that time in your life behind you.

Thank you for your reply. I'm happy you understand why i don't speak to them. I'm so much more happy with out them..Helps me deal not having to have the reminders of my past there..I still have nightmares and flash backs, but i wake up and know i'm not there anymore and i feel very happy..I wish I could do something to keep people like them from having kids..But because i can't do that at least i can share my story..It feels good to let it out..Had to hold it in most of my life because i was scared and ashamed..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

now that i have your attention(lol) , hello friends tody i am curious so if you could answer my poll id appreciate it

it hasent even been 5 mins and already a lot of lookers but i would like votes if you could plz

I'm rather irritated that I was lied to, unless you plan on actually sending me free diapers. Nothing angers me more than being lied to!

I'll answer your question anyway.

This wasn't really a fair question. I chose "adult baby", but...

I LOVE diapers. I can't wait till I have a job and might actually be able to go back to wearing diapers 24/7.

I LOVE my pacifier. I can't sleep without it, and I have it in my mouth almost all day. I only take it out when I really need to, which is when my family won't let me take it in public (yes, I still live with my parents). If I misplace it, I'm a miserable wreck until I find or replace it.

I LOVE Floppy (Flop for short), my stuffed wolf. I can't sleep without him. I hug him when I'm watching TV, when I feel lonely or sad, and basically any other time I can. I take him anywhere that might involve me sleeping.

I love baby bottles, I think they are the best way to drink so long as you don't need to be sitting upright. Sippy cups are a nice 2nd. (one of my fav bottles and my sippy cup are missing, both with juice residue rotting them away somewhere).

What makes me not consider myself a TRUE adult baby is that I don't feel like a baby and I don't have an desire to feel like a baby. I am an adult that likes baby things. When I'm sitting in front of the TV in a diaper, sucking on my pacifier hugging Flop (my wolf), I'm still 22.

I don't like baby talk, I don't like rattles and other baby toys. I can't STAND being goochi-gooed (makes me want to kill people). I don't want things like cribs, "changing tables", and high chairs. I like good, solid adult foods. Man do I love booze (in moderation, most the time)

I do want a bib, but really it's because I'm an uncoordinated slob. I love cartoons, especially Loony Tunes (the older ones).

I love the smell of baby powder.

I DON'T want a mommy or daddy figure in my life, just a nice, adult, "normal" relationship with a girl (had one, she wanted to marry me, then she left me for her ex. I'm still a miserable shell of the happy guy I once was).

Anyway, feel free to email me your thoughts about what I am.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm rather irritated that I was lied to, unless you plan on actually sending me free diapers. Nothing angers me more than being lied to!

I'll answer your question anyway.

This wasn't really a fair question. I chose "adult baby", but...

I LOVE diapers. I can't wait till I have a job and might actually be able to go back to wearing diapers 24/7.

I LOVE my pacifier. I can't sleep without it, and I have it in my mouth almost all day. I only take it out when I really need to, which is when my family won't let me take it in public (yes, I still live with my parents). If I misplace it, I'm a miserable wreck until I find or replace it.

I LOVE Floppy (Flop for short), my stuffed wolf. I can't sleep without him. I hug him when I'm watching TV, when I feel lonely or sad, and basically any other time I can. I take him anywhere that might involve me sleeping.

I love baby bottles, I think they are the best way to drink so long as you don't need to be sitting upright. Sippy cups are a nice 2nd. (one of my fav bottles and my sippy cup are missing, both with juice residue rotting them away somewhere).

What makes me not consider myself a TRUE adult baby is that I don't feel like a baby and I don't have an desire to feel like a baby. I am an adult that likes baby things. When I'm sitting in front of the TV in a diaper, sucking on my pacifier hugging Flop (my wolf), I'm still 22.

I don't like baby talk, I don't like rattles and other baby toys. I can't STAND being goochi-gooed (makes me want to kill people). I don't want things like cribs, "changing tables", and high chairs. I like good, solid adult foods. Man do I love booze (in moderation, most the time)

I do want a bib, but really it's because I'm an uncoordinated slob. I love cartoons, especially Loony Tunes (the older ones).

I love the smell of baby powder.

I DON'T want a mommy or daddy figure in my life, just a nice, adult, "normal" relationship with a girl (had one, she wanted to marry me, then she left me for her ex. I'm still a miserable shell of the happy guy I once was).

Anyway, feel free to email me your thoughts about what I am.


if you were looking for free stuff then why did you expect to find it in the polling place?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a similar experience to that one. My father also left when I was 3 and my Mother brought home this other guy who used to beat me (broke my jaw and gave me more stitches than I care to count) also one of his freinds (a woman) sexually abused me so I guess I did'nt feel safe. I used to wear diapers so I could just stay hidden in my room and not have any kind of presence around him. I guess I feel a kind of safety when I wear them. She since left him though. Well thats my story.

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