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You Know What Grinds My Gears?

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Grind me a pound

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we'll make them out of rubber next year.

Rubber gears get shucked too easily. We have a vac truck, and the drive gear for the vacuum pump is rubber. If you're not careful, it'll get stripped instantly. And they cost quite a bit to replace...

"Please wait 3-5 working days for delivery".


That's when you contact the seller. I had that problem once. Turns out the seller had a power outage and didn't get the order processed. The item came in the mail the next day.

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Rubber gears get shucked too easily. We have a vac truck, and the drive gear for the vacuum pump is rubber. If you're not careful, it'll get stripped instantly. And they cost quite a bit to replace...

Besides which we do not need anything competing in the rubber market with panties and sheets

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So you're driving more stick shifts than automatics over there now?

Manual transmission is preferred by gearheads and rednecks. They also tend to be cheaper than automatics. And generally, a manual transmission is what people learn to drive with, because its easier to find an old clunker with a manual transmission for the kiddies to drive around while they've got a learner's permit, with the promise of upgrading to an automatic after they get their license. Plus, clutches exist on other things besides vehicles.

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