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Damn You Customs!


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Complain. No one has the authority to tamper with your mail. I think it is classed as 'mail fraud'. Secondly, even if it was suspected that you are importing drugs etc, it is obvious, from the packaging, that it was packed in the factory, and not by and intermediatery. As a result, I suspect that some nosey fool oversteped their position to open one of the packages.

If you were sending something old / secondhand via the mail, there might be a case for querying a package, but you ordered a full case of sealed items - and the seal increases the products commercial resale value, which Homeland security have, by their actions, cost you, an american citizen, money. You have the right to prosocute for all costs encured to date, and all possible costs in the future.

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All mail originating from another country and entering the US is subject to search - US Customs has that authority (they don't disclose the criteria they use to decide what to open of course - and yes, they can open your personal letters as well). There are plenty of things that enter the US illegally under the disguise of legitimately factory sealed products so when you import anything from another country there at least needs to be the appearance of the threat it could be searched - maybe helps keep some of the criminals more clever.

At least they didn't open all of them.

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All mail originating from another country and entering the US is subject to search - US Customs has that authority (they don't disclose the criteria they use to decide what to open of course - and yes, they can open your personal letters as well). There are plenty of things that enter the US illegally under the disguise of legitimately factory sealed products so when you import anything from another country there at least needs to be the appearance of the threat it could be searched - maybe helps keep some of the criminals more clever.

At least they didn't open all of them.

this is 100% correct. There have been reports of how drug busts originated because customs opened innocent packages like this and found the drugs so they went ahead and had them delivered like normal(except using undercover officers as delivery people) and once they signed for the stuff, busted them.

I can't say they overstepped, but be glad they found nothing, otherwise you may never had a chance to make that post lol

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Did the outermost packaging have a properly filled in customs declaration (small CN22 or whatever the larger form is) attached? If not, you can bet your bottom buck that's why they opened it and I'd be pissed with the sender if I were you. Otherwise, well... Just plain bad luck yours was picked I suppose :(

No one has the authority to tamper with your mail.

In addition to what other people said, at the bottom of the customs form it says "The item/parcel may be opened officially" & you have to sign it so the sender is warned ahead of time. Such is life :-/

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When I flew back from the states last year they went though my checked in suitcase so i never saw them go though it (Had diapers and my bondage stuff in it) When I did a check of what I put in and what I had. They removed a battery. Left my AA's (never leave home with out them) but took out a 12v battery used in keyfob remotes... (I followed the rules that batterys should have there contacts taped up so they can't short)...

At first I just thought that maybe it rolled of the table as they inspected it, but now I think its a cover up....

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Complain. No one has the authority to tamper with your mail. I think it is classed as 'mail fraud'. Secondly, even if it was suspected that you are importing drugs etc, it is obvious, from the packaging, that it was packed in the factory, and not by and intermediatery. As a result, I suspect that some nosey fool oversteped their position to open one of the packages.

If you were sending something old / secondhand via the mail, there might be a case for querying a package, but you ordered a full case of sealed items - and the seal increases the products commercial resale value, which Homeland security have, by their actions, cost you, an american citizen, money. You have the right to prosocute for all costs encured to date, and all possible costs in the future.

It's Homeland Security. Thanks to the USA Patriot Act they can do whatever they fucking well please.

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I think you can be pretty sure that US customs had authority to search anything entering the country long before Patriot...

Yeah. But before, they had rules. Now, they can just do perty much whatever they want.

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