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Canadian Federal Election


14 members have voted

  1. 1. Which party are you likely to vote for in the upcoming Canadian Federal Election?

    • The Conservative Party (Stephen Harper)
    • The Liberal Party (Michael Ignatieff)
    • The NDP (Jack Layton)
    • The Bloc Quebecois (Gilles Duceppe)
    • The Green Party (Elizabeth May)
    • Other
    • I'm not a Canadian, I just like answering polls.
    • Non-Voting Canadian. (Why not?)

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This is it, my fellow Candians, it's time to go back to the vote and decide who we want controlling our livlihood. Whether you like to admit it or not, the folks in the suits on the hill decide who gets taxed, who gets funds and who gets to develop their resources. YOU get to decide who you want making these decisions when you VOTE. That's your voice and your way to be heard, I'm looking at you my fellow young, eligible voters, get out there and make a change for once and stop letting the older generations decide whats best for us and whats best for those about to come after us.

Stephen Harper, NEEDS to go. For the good of Canada, he NEEDS to be voted out. He's proven time and time again that Democracy is nothing but an obstacle to him, and he's bypassed it when he could, thats unacceptable in a democratic society. He's prorogued parliament, hidden costs and been found in Contempt of Parliament, something no one in Canadian or Commonwealth history has done. Think about that. If you're a Newfoundlander, you definitely have no reason to vote for him, he's shown nothing but discontent towards our humble little Province and has taken from us when he can. Even when our Premier, Danny Williams was fighting for our rights he was breaking his promises and taking from us. Danny was awarded 2 Billion for our province and when Harper was done he had raked back 1.6 Billion of that. His minions running in for the Conservatives here in NL are there only to line their own pockets, and as Fabian Manning has proven before he's willing to sell us down the river to suit himself, and the others are no better than he.

So get out there and vote, my fellow Canadians, but remember, a Harper majority, given his iron fisted, democracy parrying past could lead to a dictatorship in the home of the Maple Leaf.

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You don't need to tell me to vote - I wouldn't miss it for the world. You don't need to tell me how to vote either.

I live in a very blue riding; If I didn't I might vote differently. I'm debating between Conservative (as I respect my MP and have no issues with his conduct), and Green, as I have respect for their leader, but know nothing about the local candidate.

I won't be voting NDP. I can't understand how they could come close to even fulfilling any of their promises without raising taxes considerably.

Liberal is out of the question for me. I thought Canada suffered under the rule of Chretien and I believe Iggy is completely out of touch with Canada. Since we're spreading FUD though, I'll note the fact that Iggy has one of the worst (if not the worst) attendance record in Parliament. As the leader of the opposition, if he can't be interested enough in the government to participate, I can't trust that he'd be interested enough to run the government. I truly believe he wants nothing else than Power. In that respect he's no better than Harper, but at least Harper isn't an elitist. Likewise with the NDP, I can't see how the liberals would run the country without raising taxes.

Both the NDP and Liberal parties drove us to this election. Drove us to spend half a billion dollars in money that did not need to be spent. In my observation they've done nothing but take, take, take - never willing to give.

That said, I'm leaning closer to Green. If I lived riding with more of a split vote tendency, I would likely vote Conservative.

Now, I would definitely vote (Progressive) Conservative if it was run by someone like former NB Premier Lord or Danny Williams.

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For both Canadians and non-Canadians you should check out www.shitharperdid.com

Find out how immoral our leadership is here in the Great White North.

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Really? Half a billion dollars that the NDP and Liberals spent is what made you decide to not vote for either party? Given that Harper spent over 35 billion on those damn jets you're going to worry about half a billion? What about Harpers spend spree on the Summit last summer? Is that ok? Is Harper cancelling parliament because he doesn't like the outcome and hiding costs ok? Just because your riding is typically blue is no reason just to join the Mob. That mentality is the same one that's allowed middle eastern dicators to control their countries for decades at a time, rise up, be heard! People should not fear their government, The Government should fear it's people! Don't listen to attack ads either, which is where your info on Ignatieff's attendance comes from, I like Layton, I do, but I hate attack ads, all it states is "Look at what the other guy did!" It doesn't tell me why I should vote for you, it just tells me why I shouldn't vote for him. In a multi-party system that can cast votes away to the other parties. If you watched the English debate at all you'd have seen the true colors of Harper seeping through his cue card rhetoric, he's a dictator, and a man who stomps on our democracy time and time again to serve his own needs.

That's my rant.

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I get it. You don't like Harper. Half a billion dollars is not what made me decide not to vote Liberal or NDP. I lost faith in the liberal party a long time ago. You can thank uncle Jean for that. I can't stand watching Iggy - he just spews 'elite'. In my observation, he's simply out of touch with reality. I'm not falling for the attack ads either. The fact of the matter is that Iggy was cris-crossing the country trying to build his image when he should have been in parliament. There are some people in this country who for some reason voted him in to office - with him not voting in parliament, he is basically abandoning them - they have no voice. If he can't bother to serve the people of his riding, I can't trust him to serve the people of the country.

I like Jack, but I don't like the NDP. Too social for me. If they were balanced, perhaps, but they're not. Businesses and individuals alike would suffocate under the layer of taxes Jack would have to impose on them in order to pay for the promises he's made. I think he'd make a good opposition leader - throw some far left into the far right faces.

I like May. I think they are probably one of the most forward-thinking parties out there. I would have liked to hear her in the debate, but unfortunately she was not allowed. I work in an industry that would benefit greatly from a Green government, so I have no fear of job loss.

And Harper - He's f'd up, sure. I'm happy to see a government that is actually putting money into our military, rather than clawing it back. Our military was suffering under Liberal rule, and was in shambles. We were sending people in to places on equipment that was unsuitable for the environment.

Just because your riding is typically blue is no reason just to join the Mob.

If you read my original message, I said quite the opposite. I'm leaning towards Green. They're not going to win, but they could use the votes. In an ideal world, Canada would be under proportional representation, and they'd have seats. That being said, I see no reason not to vote Conservative in my riding (other than Harper), as my local MP has earned my trust.

In the end, you tell me not to believe the attack ad's. Your whole message sounds like one against Harper. You've not shown be any benefits of the others.

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I'm against Harper, yes, and my words attack his government, I admit, but I'm not running for candidacy, I'm aggresively fighting to save my Province, Newfoundland and Labrador, YOUR Maritime neighbors from the tyranny and poverty a Harper Majority would bring. Newfoundland, despite what the ignorant masses in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec think, have actually become economically viable, we're one of the few provinces with a surplus, and our oil wells are the reason. Before Danny Williams came along we were losing money on our own oil to Ottawa and Danny fought to right that wrong, and he did. Two billion was to be awarded to our province and Paul Martin signed on the deal, the Atlantic Accord. Along the way, one of our own, John Efford tried to convince Danny, for Effords own benefit, to settle for less, he refused. Then Harper came along, with his lap dog Fabian Manning, and Harper decided to break Martin's promise and not give us what was rightfully owed to us, and act of persecution against a Province he didn't like. Danny fought valiantly, while Manning applauded Harper for breaking his promise. We won again, the two billion was ours again, but by the time it was all said and done we lost 1.6 back to Harper in his claw backs. He's robbed us of what is rightfully ours, and he doesn't care because all he see's are seven seats, not 500,000+ people. If you think he see's New Brunswick and differently you're kidding yourself. Yeah sure, throw away 29 or 30 Billion on Jets, but at least have the balls to tell us, he was going to hide his costs until the NDP and the Liberals spoke up and called foul. The man was found in CONTEMPT over those jets, so yeah, big win for the army there, enjoy your ill gotten gains. OH WAIT, No, the Armed Forces can't enjoy that because Harper froze their f-ing wages. Even if Ignatieff did have poor attendance, he didn't have the audacity to prorogue government when he wasn't getting his own way, no, that's Harper's doing, MULTIPLE TIMES. The only thing in this for Harper is his own weatlh and ensuring his own Oil Baron buddies in Alberta get to enjoy their wealth too.

I live in a very blue riding; If I didn't I might vote differently. I'm debating between Conservative (as I respect my MP and have no issues with his conduct), and Green, as I have respect for their leader, but know nothing about the local candidate.

That's your quote, Green or Conservative.

Explain to me how Harper doesn't sound like an Elitist? He cuts funding to First Nations and Womens groups, he continually tried to cut off Newfoundland at the knee caps every time we showed prosperity, (and only thanks to Williams dedication to the battle with Ottawa did we acheive that) and levies tax breaks to the rich corporations. That's an elitist by definition, someone who rules by weilding power with the Elite of Society.

A Vote for the Conservatives is a vote AGAINST Democracy!

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Newfoundland, despite what the ignorant masses in Ontario, Alberta and Quebec think, have actually become economically viable, we're one of the few provinces with a surplus, and our oil wells are the reason....

...We won again, the two billion was ours again, but by the time it was all said and done we lost 1.6 back to Harper in his claw backs. He's robbed us of what is rightfully ours, and he doesn't care because all he see's are seven seats, not 500,000+ people.

I know. I've been there - I envy your roads and your people. I'm much appreciative of how Danny spoke up for NBers rights when our own Liberal government tried to sell the provincial soul to Quebec (in the form of NB Power). He's a good leader- we all would be lucky to benefit from someone like him.

I'm not fully aware of the situation, so I can't say the reason for the claw-back, but I can make an educated guess. Every "have" province pays into a pool, which is returned to the "have not" provinces in the form of transfer payments. It's the federal government's way of equalizing every province so we all have similar social services and such. Newfoundland and Labrador (prior to their newly found prosperity) were very much the recipients of these payments, as were the rest of the Atlantic provinces. Quebec, despite the fact that they have seemingly unlimited resources (their own, and the Labrador ones their raping in the form of Hydroelectric power) seem to reap these benefits more than any other province. Alberta and Ontario are traditionally the 'have' provinces paying into this pool, but I am no expert.

OH WAIT, No, the Armed Forces can't enjoy that because Harper froze their f-ing wages.

I can't find a source for this other than a thing I saw on Facebook. That particular thing originated in the US and someone altered it to seem Canadian. According to Snopes, it's not true.

Even if Ignatieff did have poor attendance, he didn't have the audacity to prorogue government when he wasn't getting his own way, no, that's Harper's doing, MULTIPLE TIMES.

I would rather Parliament take a break than shut the doors completely and go to an election. It certainly cost a hell of a lot less. It is also Constitutional.

That's your quote, Green or Conservative.

Yup, it was. I will paraphrase, so it's more clear. I will likely vote Green. If I lived somewhere else where the vote could be close, I would rather thrown a potentially deciding vote towards to conservatives than towards the party that is going to rape me with taxes or the party that nearly ran our country in to the ground in the past.

Explain to me how Harper doesn't sound like an Elitist? He cuts funding to First Nations and Womens groups, he continually tried to cut off Newfoundland at the knee caps every time we showed prosperity, (and only thanks to Williams dedication to the battle with Ottawa did we acheive that) and levies tax breaks to the rich corporations. That's an elitist by definition, someone who rules by weilding power with the Elite of Society.

Why do special interest groups always seem to think they deserve government cash all the time? I've had the opportunity to work in sales in the past; I've sold some of these organisations product that they did not need simply because they needed to spend the money from their budget, as if they didn't spend it that year, they wouldn't get it the next year. (This is how most government departments work, and it disgusts me - It's called 'march madness' - I didn't know it happened in NFP special interest groups that receive government money until I witnessed it with my own eyes.)

I support tax breaks to 'rich corporations'. I would rather see a job stay in this country because the company can afford to do business here, than for it to leave and go overseas. Tim Hortons even moved their corporate head office back to Canada, based mainly on tax savings. That's over $2.5 billion in revenue, back on our soil. 20% tax on (whatever their profit of $2.5 billion) is better than 0% of nothing, isn't it?

I can tell we're not going to agree on politics, but I will leave you with this; I may not agree with you, but I respect your opinion and and I respect your tenacity in fighting for your point of view.

In the world of politics, there is no 'wrong' vote, other than perhaps the one not cast. I don't care who you vote for, just vote.

Last, but not least; I think the face of Canadian politics would change a lot if we adopted something like the American style where you vote for the leader and your representative. Jack or Liz would look good trying to wrangle the rest of those hoons in parliament. Even better, though, would be proportional representation.

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Again with the cost of an Election. That tired, dead horse gets beaten once more. Harper wasted more on The Summit than will be spent for this election. I for one, despite what Harper said the Canadian people wanted, jumped at the thought of an Election. A chance to push out the dictator, hell yeah I want that.

It's hardly a parliamentry break when he continually pulls the prorogation crap, Harper prorogued every time the opposition did it's job and opposed him. You know, as well as I do, that's evasion of democracy. Think of it this way, if you were watching a Boxing match and every time one fighter was about to knock his opponent out the other fighter's corner called time out, wouldn't that seem unfair to you?

As for tax cuts to the big guys on the basis of creating jobs. I've been to Windsor, Ontario, where the big guys got tax breaks. You know what they did with those tax breaks? Thanks to Brian Mulrooney (A Blue Priminister, but a different Blue, albeit.) and his free trade agreements they took their car plants to Mexico. Check out that dying city where the rich are still rich and no one else can find a damn job, but thanks for giving those big corporations those tax breaks.

All anyone can really say about the Orange and Red sides is "Higher Taxes, OH NO!" But that's the only reason I'm hearing to vote against them, that and Ignatieff keeps getting portrayed as generally inept. (I'd rather an inept leader than an iron-fisted dictator) But Harper promised once upon a time he wouldn't raise taxes and shortly after getting elected broke that promise. Every campaign rides of the platform of lowering taxes or at least keeping them at their current level, so I don't buy any of Harpers attack ad "High Taxes" crap he keeps flinging around.

I do agree with you though, I would like to see an American style platform like the one you mentioned. I also agree that we won't be seeing eye to eye politically, maybe, with a change of leadership we might, but I will NEVER cast a vote for a man who shows predjudice towards my home province, that's Harper. Harper wins, Canada loses...Unless you're a filthy rich Albertan or a fighter pilot. (I'll take the loss on the army quote, I sourced it afterwards and wound up on the same dead end as you.)

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