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Am I Bi Or Gay Or Not?


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Hi there i am new to the site, I am a 24yrs old Male DL and bit of an AB,

I have classified myselfe as Bi for years but only ever been with Girls, and not told many of them about my diapers.

I have sexual feelings about guys like i do about girls but dont like the idea of being in a relationship with guys , this is why i thought i was bi not gay, but recently i got drunk and kissed a guy nothing more but it felt really great. Tipical of me i was so drunk i lost his number, and havent been able to find him again, i am very nervous about meeting guys and girls.

just wondering if anyone from the UK or Spain want to chat and maybe in future meet up??

and anyone with any advice for approaching guys or girls and telling them about my DL life??

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Hi there i am new to the site, I am a 24yrs old Male DL and bit of an AB,

I have classified myselfe as Bi for years but only ever been with Girls, and not told many of them about my diapers.

I have sexual feelings about guys like i do about girls but dont like the idea of being in a relationship with guys , this is why i thought i was bi not gay, but recently i got drunk and kissed a guy nothing more but it felt really great. Tipical of me i was so drunk i lost his number, and havent been able to find him again, i am very nervous about meeting guys and girls.

just wondering if anyone from the UK or Spain want to chat and maybe in future meet up??

and anyone with any advice for approaching guys or girls and telling them about my DL life??

It would seem to me that you're bi-sexual if you are sexually turned on by both girls and guys.

Being sexually turned on by a guy but not wanting to be in a relationship with one is ok. My Daddy is bi-sexual, has been with a woman before, but feels about women the way you feel about men, doesn't want a relationship with one.

You could go your whole life and never sleep with a guy if you're not comfortable with it and that's ok too. keep the man-sex in your fantasies and don't worry about it. IF you do have sex with a guy, don't be a fool... wrap you're tool :D Life's too short to make it shorter by being dumb ;) but of course you should be wearing condoms with girls too lol. But now I'm off point.

Don't worry about what you may or may not be, because after all, they're just labels. Just be who you are and be comfortable with it.

Hope this helped.


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Im turned on by an object with this fetish, which means anyone in a diaper, poopy pants etc wether they are male/female/TV whatever ill get turned on.


In day to day life, im not sexually attracted to men at all, where as im attracted to women.

I dont consider myself 100% straight by any means, and i prefer not to put a label on myself, saying BI almost insinuates that im 50/50 attracted to both sexes when infact this isnt true at all.

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dude, i know what you mean man, to me i look at females as the caring ones, there to provide a bond only females can,IMO men really cant just provide the feeling to me, but when it comes to sex and sex only i am equally attracted to men as i am women.

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I am definately Bi and have been with both but i do find relationships with women to be more caring and intimate. I'm not saying that couldn't be the case between 2 men I just haven't seen it in my experience. As for you I think at this point your Bi-curious and untill you find out for sure you will never know also as Lilme said don't be a fool wrap your tool always be safe. Good luck to you i'm sure you will figure it out and don't care what anybody thinks or says its your life not theirs. Enjoy

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Guest waslost1234abc

you probably arent comfortable being in a relationship with another guy because your whole life society has taught you that same sex relationships are wrong. so your mind cant see a relationship with another guy as being normal....but your sexual feelings say something totally opposite.....many people who are in the questioning of their sexuality phase experience this. i did....im now an out and proud gay male. im 28 years old and it was in my freshman year in highschool that i started wondering if i might be gay or at least bi sexual. it took me till about a year and a half ago to come to full terms with my self and come out of the proverbial closet. i have always had the desire of companionship with women but the sexual desires have never been there....back in the day i mistook the desires i had as honest straight love and because of what i was taught growing up it took all these years to realize i just wanted to be friends and accept that i was gay...not bi and not straight...and yeah i had to get over the whole idea that the only path to a idealic norman rockwell family was through a straight relationship. something else i had to get over was a common stereotype....women need guys while guys dont need any body.....what i mean by this is the idea that in a relationship....a healthy relationship....its 50/50.....balanced....guys seem to be taught that women need them while guys need nothing but sex and casual reminders that they are manly men....so when many imagine being with another guy they question them selfs....will i be needed in a gay relationship....and then there is the quintessential sterotype that being a gay man means being effeminate or that being gay or being in a gay relationship means being girly or giving up guy things.....and this is often times very false....

what you have my friend is something that cant be solved unless you let go of the fear and experiment a little.....i my self identified for all of about 2 weeks as a bisexual until i had my first sexual experience with another guy....i was sure i was gay the second we started going at it and im still sure to this day...

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So what does it matter, really? You don't need names or labels to be who you are B) If you want to experiment with something that hurts no one, then do so. It's better to know than to live with regrets ;) It doesn't matter who you're with so long as you both are happy!

Twice in my life my heart went all aflutter over a guy :wub: Sadly the reverse wasn't true so I had to deal with that :crybaby: I was surprised with a kiss at a GLBT bar once- it would have been fun, but I saw that he kissed me just to make his partner jealous, who was standing there watching the whole thing :angry2: That was a huge turn-off for me- I don't like mind games in relationships :bash: Had he been alone, well who knows where it might have went? I loved the spontaneity of it and he looked pretty good :blush: Being TG opens a whole different set of feelings to things like this. I haven't gone any further with a guy but if the right one came along I wouldn't say no :) I'm not looking for sex- I'm looking for a soul-mate :D Maybe someday I'll get lucky.


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I have sexual feelings about guys like i do about girls but dont like the idea of being in a relationship with guys , this is why i thought i was bi not gay, but recently i got drunk and kissed a guy nothing more but it felt really great. Tipical of me i was so drunk i lost his number, and havent been able to find him again, i am very nervous about meeting guys and girls.

I'm bi but I'm the other way round to you. Women look great and I find them really sexy; and yes, I do think they're more naturally nurturing than a lot of men. But there's a big downside to that because the more nurturing a woman is the less she seems to have a sense of humour; what you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts, and I really can't stand being told how to feel by anyone so I tend to stay away from the very typically feminine/maternal girls.

I also find women are unbelievably complicated in relationships, and most of all I really, really cannot stand the bitchiness that seems to be part and parcel of the average straight girl's life; I hate the way women undermine each other all the time. So I pretty much can't stomach the idea of having a woman as a partner, and I kind of ended up gay by default as a result. I'm lucky because my partner (like me) is a trans guy and he learnt a lot about life from his mum; he can look after me when I need it and he loves to do it, but he's still a guy so he manages to do it without being controlling.

Guess I should be looking for a daddy not a mommy then XD

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  • 3 months later...

Hi there i am new to the site, I am a 24yrs old Male DL and bit of an AB,

I have classified myselfe as Bi for years but only ever been with Girls, and not told many of them about my diapers.

I have sexual feelings about guys like i do about girls but dont like the idea of being in a relationship with guys , this is why i thought i was bi not gay, but recently i got drunk and kissed a guy nothing more but it felt really great. Tipical of me i was so drunk i lost his number, and havent been able to find him again, i am very nervous about meeting guys and girls.

just wondering if anyone from the UK or Spain want to chat and maybe in future meet up??

and anyone with any advice for approaching guys or girls and telling them about my DL life??

Hi. I was in the same boat as you for a while before I found my hubby. The one thing you need to tell yourself is to just go with whatever life throws at you. If you meet a fantastic girl and you are really into her, go that direction. if you meet a fantastic guy, don't lose his number. Don't stress out about it at all since it will all come out in the wash later on for you.

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Labels. Labels are restrictive, as is religion, in general.

Why the connection?

I'm straight, with bi tendencies. Okay, saying that, if I turn to religion, it's an "abomination" to be attracted to males in any way. Um, where do you think the term "sodomy" comes from - Biblical towns of Sodom and Gomorrha - and, OMG, I'm going to hell for not being totally satisfied with "missionary position sex with a bio female". I've also been told if I consider myself bi, I'm gay.

Well, it's females that turn me on. And, females in diapers turn me on even more. I like the way diapers look on some guys - I mean, some of them have the right look, the right bulk and wear them well - but, the idea of kissing another male doesn't do a thing for me. That said, I would like to experience some male-to-male interaction, and could diaper another guy without a second thought. I'm a guy, I know what I like, and would like to experiment. However, after that experiment, I might want more or I might have my "itch scratched", and that might be it. My wife calls me a pure hedonist, so maybe that's it. And, to be honest, I'm not really interested in any other females other than my wife.

So, what does that make me?

I don't care. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I'm comfortable with and like who I am and how I am. And, I think that's the bottom line we all have to come to.

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There is one label that we usually leave out. That is ASEXUAL, not interested in a sexual relationship. I want friends first. A sexual relationship can only happen later. Casual sex is too dangerous. Finally, I am not real keen on any of the labels.

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Labels. Labels are restrictive, as is religion, in general.

Why the connection?

I'm straight, with bi tendencies. Okay, saying that, if I turn to religion, it's an "abomination" to be attracted to males in any way. Um, where do you think the term "sodomy" comes from - Biblical towns of Sodom and Gomorrha - and, OMG, I'm going to hell for not being totally satisfied with "missionary position sex with a bio female". I've also been told if I consider myself bi, I'm gay.

Well, it's females that turn me on. And, females in diapers turn me on even more. I like the way diapers look on some guys - I mean, some of them have the right look, the right bulk and wear them well - but, the idea of kissing another male doesn't do a thing for me. That said, I would like to experience some male-to-male interaction, and could diaper another guy without a second thought. I'm a guy, I know what I like, and would like to experiment. However, after that experiment, I might want more or I might have my "itch scratched", and that might be it. My wife calls me a pure hedonist, so maybe that's it. And, to be honest, I'm not really interested in any other females other than my wife.

So, what does that make me?

I don't care. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I'm comfortable with and like who I am and how I am. And, I think that's the bottom line we all have to come to.

I Love the fact that you are happy with the way you feel, since starting this thread i have learnt alot, mostly about myself and hope soon i will truly be happy with the way i feel. Thanks for the interesting comments.

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