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How Ironic!

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So... I know most guys on here say that they would love to change a girl's dirty diaper (pee and number 2)... what about when she is on her period? I can't understand how some guys think a period is more gross than pee and number 2 LOL.....It makes no sense. At least us girls can blame heavy periods for wearing a diaper :).

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also i have to point this out.... why do you have the same avatar as bettypooh???

I appreciate your opinion that we both agree. One thing: EXCUSE ME: If you'd check the facts, I have joined this site before BettyPooh and have been a member longer than she has. I joined on August 3, 2008 and she joined more than 2 months later on October 25, 2008. I picked this avatar first, thanks. I guess she decided she wanted the same one...where's the issue? (Nothing against BettyPooh--great active member of this site-- there's nothing wrong with her having the same avatar as me.) EDIT: I recieved your private message, mommy-baby-jessy and I am glad that you saw that fact for yourself now :).

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I appreciate your opinion that we both agree. One thing: EXCUSE ME: If you'd check the facts, I have joined this site before BettyPooh and have been a member longer than she has. I joined on August 3, 2008 and she joined more than 2 months later on October 25, 2008. I picked this avatar first, thanks. I guess she decided she wanted the same one...where's the issue? (Nothing against BettyPooh--great active member of this site-- there's nothing wrong with her having the same avatar as me.) EDIT: I recieved your private message, mommy-baby-jessy and I am glad that you saw that fact for yourself now :).

Yikes, does this mean you're on your period? Seems kinda harsh!! And I find menstrual blood quite nasty, so Newp, won't change a bloody diaper, cotex, or pad. Yech

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Yikes, does this mean you're on your period? Seems kinda harsh!! And I find menstrual blood quite nasty, so Newp, won't change a bloody diaper, cotex, or pad. Yech

Lol but you want someone to change your poopy diaper? [Also: No, I wasn't being harsh. I simply replied to his rather crass question with facts.]

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I will volunteer to change a diaper during a period. The harder part to me is not only finding a girl willing to let me change or diaper her, but one that is close. Half or more of the babies I know are all east coast. Very few here on West Coast, specifically Southern California.

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Everybody pees and everybody poops. We're all conditioned to not be thoroughly grossed out by those. But some of us get extremely squeamish around blood and gore. And some of those of us who get so squeamish around blood and gore are also avid horror fans... I'm one such person. Show me the most grizzly gore scene in a horror movie and I'll find it cool. Show me a real person with a nose bleed, and I'll be outside, either heaving in the yard, or dry-heaving out there... Start talking to me in-depth about a medical procedure and I'll either tell you to shut up or change the subject... Some of us just plain lack the capacity to deal with even a strong mental image of real blood or gore, let alone the actual thing. Oddly enough, I can however stand the sight of butchered and partially eaten animal carcasses, as many a dead deer have found their way into my yard and become raw dogfood...

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Yes even my own blood freaks me out, I can have a broken bone and easily stand the pain. If I see blood it immediately triggers freak out mode. I might do, but it wouldn't be enjoyable and anyways I would much rather have my diaper changed, I am the baby after all.

I don't really get all the guys who say they want their girlfriend to also wear. I will be in dog heaven as long as I can wear them when and where I please.

I am generally not into the regression thing, but one thing that does really appeal to me is being breast feed. At least in my fantasy it seems to me like something that is a real bonding intimate experience. Like you are fully being taken care of and no need to worry about all the stresses in your life.

I just more want the feeling of being taken care of, rather then actually acting like a baby. I enjoy all my internet time, my game playing and certainly when I was 7 or so much of my life was just being a kid without taking on the worries of the world. I played tag/hide and seek/went swimming/played video games and those were the only things I had to think of at that point.

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I personally would rather be on the receiving end but I would change a girl if she wanted me to. The OP is right for some reason and I don't know why I find the monthly cycle to be more gross, most likely because as a male I don't have to deal with it. Nonetheless I would deal with it if I were with a lady that scratched my back so to speak.

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course it seems everyone is assuming a female who wears diapers would want to wear them while on her period... i know some who do.. but i know of a lot who like me find their period to be a wholly uncomfortable time of the month, and quite gross, and the thought of sitting around in their own blood.... well really just nasty....

and how is this not the same as sitting around in their own pee and poo? as i said before, babies pee and poo, they do not menstrate.. it ruins the illusion....

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awful broad of you to speak for every male on this site. Personally I dont care, its all waste. and derp guys are grossed out by it, why should we trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die?

Nice South Park quote. Always loved that one. =)

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I don't see how it's any grosser than having sex with a girl on her period, and everybody who likes sex with women has probably done that. Hell, if you have a changing mat you're less likely to produce a mess than otherwise. I remember a couple months ago my bed looked like a goddamn murder scene afterwards and I had to throw out my sheets. Sure wished I'd had some kind of changing pad then.

However, a friend of mine told me that when women live in close proximity for a while, their periods synchronize. I don't know why but this frightens the bejesus out of me.

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I never really thought about this subject. The whole period thing is something I guy rarely has on the mind. But thinking about it now, it does pose an interesting bit of discussion.

There were some good points brought up:

perhaps because babies wet and mess their diaper, but don't bleed it in... it ruins the illusion....

This is obviously true. And while the "A" will always come before the "B" in "AB", it led me to ask: "Does that week of bleeding (or however long it takes) mean that AB/DL girls would prefer to go without the diapers until it's over?

ANd then, later in the thread, I got my question addressed:

course it seems everyone is assuming a female who wears diapers would want to wear them while on her period... i know some who do.. but i know of a lot who like me find their period to be a wholly uncomfortable time of the month, and quite gross, and the thought of sitting around in their own blood.... well really just nasty....

and how is this not the same as sitting around in their own pee and poo? as i said before, babies pee and poo, they do not menstrate.. it ruins the illusion....

While wearing the AB stuff and doing the AB activities is still possible, is it possible for a female to feel little while in the cycle mode?From a male perspective which will never know the uncomfort of that time of the month, I would initially be led to believe that the AB treatment might serve as a wonderful distraction from the physical discomfort. But once again, I couldn't know if it would make a difference.

as a daddy, i have changed a full diaper while the cycle is going. its not that bad for me, but the little is thoroughly humiliated by it.

And this quote brings up a good point. While humiliation is something that a girl gets more accustomed to dealing with (as an AB), the wet or dirty diaper I would presume to be a less embarrassing experience than a menstrual one. Perhaps that's a little too much for an AB Girl. Though the sight of an AB Girl who is embarrassed because of something AB-related is precious, the whole period thing is usually something that a female likes to kept to herself. As an AB Girl, that privacy would be gone.

But again, I only speculate. I don't really know. What I do know is that as a Daddy, I haven't had any problem with it (in my experiences). And yes, if a guy wants a girl to be diapered on a 24/7 basis, that cycle time is definitely included.

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