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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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I can change out and into a disposable pretty easily... but getting the diaper pins into a cloth diaper is pretty tricky.

And I've put my plastic pants on backwards a couple times, too :blush:


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Yes, well for me I started having to do it by touch because my eyes were always on the door. Listening for any hint of one of my 5 brothers or a parent coming in. I was listening so intensly that I remember the songs playing on the radio and even to this day when ever I hear one it takes back! :rolleyes:
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Come to think of it, I've never tried diapering myself in the dark. I'll have to try it next time. Now, Are we supposed to reply with our own 'Can-You' questions? If so I got one.

Can you convince a family member or a friend who isn't into diapers to wear a diaper?

I've gotten both my brother and a friend to wear diapers. I didn't beg them or force them, or anything like that. In both cases they wanted to know what the deal was with me and diapers and I suggested they try it. Although they both did not dislike it, they didn't like it either. Ohh well, more diapers for me. :)


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Last night, after a lot of heavy lifting at my local pub, I woke up at 3 am totally soaked. Wasn't sure if my roomate, right across the hall, was asleep. So I had to put together a whole new nighttime diaper in the dark-- 2 Depends with the inner one slashed and wings cut off, and plastic pants. I had to do all this under the covers to keep the "crinkle" factor down-- Depends are some LOUD diapers at 3 am!



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