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So I Learned Something Today

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*First off,my space bar is only working intermittently. It's annoying for me too so forgive me if there are words concatenated.

** Second off, if any of this comes off as an attack upon your own sexual/other kinks, it's not meant to. I'm just as much a sexual deviant as the rest of you ;)

Anyway, I don't know why but I decided to try messing again tonight. I've done it twice previously, and I didn't like it whatsoever. However, I'm a firm believer in try anything twice. Because what if they first time you fluke the 1 in a million shot of getting a bad experience when the rest of the time you love it?

Anywho... I'd messed twice before,but one time I was in such a rush I basically forced it out then changed within seconds, so I elected not to count the experience as valid.

So,I'm sitting playing me some dragon age, house is empty. I got new diapers arriving tomorrow and I know I got one still from the last batch. So... what to do? I put it on,went back to the game and over a couple of hours, wet it 4 times.

I kinda needed a dump, so I decide just now was as good a time as any. So messed.Squished it a little to try that. Wasn't digging it too much, but what really got me was the smell when I sat down. (maybe that's just my rather crap diet) But it was reeking to high heaven. Then at clean-up.... Jesus the smell and the amount... I have a new found appreciation of the effect of having that reservoir of water at the bottom of the toilet now. So, tried it, didn't like it, I'll chalk it up to experience and move on.

*** Yeah, I don't really have a point to this post, simple have little to do and thought I'd share. To re-iterate, this is not meant to insult those that do mess and love it, I simply wanted to post my experience tonight.

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*First off,my space bar is only working intermittently. It's annoying for me too so forgive me if there are words concatenated.

** Second off, if any of this comes off as an attack upon your own sexual/other kinks, it's not meant to. I'm just as much a sexual deviant as the rest of you ;)

I kinda needed a dump, so I decide just now was as good a time as any. So messed.Squished it a little to try that. Wasn't digging it too much, but what really got me was the smell when I sat down. (maybe that's just my rather crap diet) But it was reeking to high heaven. Then at clean-up.... Jesus the smell and the amount... I have a new found appreciation of the effect of having that reservoir of water at the bottom of the toilet now. So, tried it, didn't like it, I'll chalk it up to experience and move on.

*** Yeah, I don't really have a point to this post, simple have little to do and thought I'd share. To re-iterate, this is not meant to insult those that do mess and love it, I simply wanted to post my experience tonight.

That's fine. You tried it, gave it a chance on a few occasions, and found you just didn't care for it. I, too, appreciate having that water in the toilet! I've learned to anticipate whether or not I'm going to have a firm poop, and if I don't "feel" it, then I use the toilet. Even if I'm diapered and want some messing, I just don't care for pooping myself under any circumstance. It has to be "right."

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For me I go through phases. I usually so not like to go poopin my diaper but I also do not like using public restrooms and strange places. I have to be careful when travelng so that I do not poop my diaper. I also get really bad diaper rashes if I poop in my diaper so I try not to get stubborn about using the nasty potty to go poop.

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I always figured diapers were for urine AND bowel movements. As long as I can remember, I have felt if I'm going to be in diapers, which I LOVE to be - been in them by CHOICE for 40 years now - I need to use them for their intended purpose. Given that I HAVE a choice, there are times when a bowel movement is just NOT going to work while I'm diapered. Other times, I have had the opportunity to revel in the feeling, the sensations and decadence I feel by being my age and filling my diaper! I usually know how long I can be in a messy diaper - I can TELL when I need to get cleaned up, if I have the choice to wear until I'm ready to change - so I'm fortunate. It certainly is not for everybody. While there ARE times when the odor is pretty intense, there are ways to knock down the intensity - chlorophyll capsules, NULLO, i.e. - and clean-up can be a hassle, it's all part of what you simply deal with if you choose to fill your pants. I've gotten used to it, and for ME, the positive outweighs the negative. To each their own...

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It looks like you allready made up your mind, but playing a game may not have been the best time killer.

When i am getting ready to mess i like to watch adult content*) movies and clips.

Over the years i managed to get something for all my different moods.

Or i just go searching for new stuff on the net (element of suprise).

So playing a game would be a turn off for me and take all the fun out of it.

Just like you had no fun.

To me and a lot of others it is all about the happy ending.

After that i just feel dirty and want to clean up.

As for the smell, that is the food from yesterday.

So the day before just stay away from eggs, garlic, wild meat and grinded meat(meatloaf, sausage).

And don't eat to much sambal or chili pepper it will burn like hell.

I just had to go with my feelings, there was no internet back in 1976 to help me or even read about it.

And being 12 meant no access to sex shops.

It took me about 8 times to get a routine that worked for me.

And after 34 years it still does the trick!

Well if i have it my way there's gonna be at least another 34 years of it.

I hope you can do somthing with this information, if not someone else might.

And if you want it there is more info, just ask.

my knowledge is free to be put to good use

*) read: porn

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