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And... The World Cup Has Started!

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And the opening match is ended. The match between South Africa and Mexico ended with 1-1! Get your popcorn, pizza, and mountain dew ready, and hear this song while you're waiting for the next match!

FIFA World Cup Africa Theme Song!

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Lets go Netherlands, orange rush baby!!!!!!

oh and go USA....at least beat England.

Sniff, Sniff... Why Netherlands? :crybaby:

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And the opening match is ended. The match between South Africa and Mexico ended with 1-1! Get your popcorn, pizza, and mountain dew ready, and hear this song while you're waiting for the next match!

FIFA World Cup Africa Theme Song!

love this song! its catchy.

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And the opening match is ended. The match between South Africa and Mexico ended with 1-1! Get your popcorn, pizza, and mountain dew ready, and hear this song while you're waiting for the next match!

FIFA World Cup Africa Theme Song!

No sport should end in TIE. That is so lame. I thought they had what they called golden goal to break a tie.


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I couldn't care less about the event. I can't stand football.

Give me something faster.

But, despite that, I will be waving French flags!


Go France.

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in the group stages a draw means each team will get 1 point in their standing.. a win gets you 3 points, top two teams advance..

i was very impressed with south africa...

but oh my god was the france uruaguay match boring or what!!!!!

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so if people aren't football fans then why in the world even bother reading this thread as you know right off the bat its going to be about... football...

my lord people... stop ruining our fun by posting how much you can't stand the sport and go post in the what annoys you thread about it instead.

SOOOOOOOO england v . usa in on at 11 30 am pst...... personally i'm rooting for england..... although i do feel the usa has a stranger team now than in the recent past as many of the players have had a more experience in european leagues.

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I was a little shocked at how quick the USA defences were passed for the opening goal. 3 minutes in by Gerrard!! Meanwhile we got smashed 4-0 by Germany... We seriously need to re-assess the gameplan now. Go Aussie!!!

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so if people aren't football fans then why in the world even bother reading this thread as you know right off the bat its going to be about... football...

my lord people... stop ruining our fun by posting how much you can't stand the sport and go post in the what annoys you thread about it instead.

First of all, it's not "football". It's soccer.

And secondly, where's the fun in everyone agreeing on something? I was hoping that someone would try and defend the sport, or sports in general, so that we might have some discussion of the subject.

By all means, don't let me ruin your fun. I just can't see why people're so obsessed about sports...

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i'm not obsessed about sports.. just one... football.... in american it is called soccer, but as i dont' support the usa team, or any teams in the usa who play soccer.. no needt o call it that....

when i am discussing other countries teams or teams in leagues in other countries i refer to it as football, for example the name of the club i support is Chelsea football club, its not chelsea soccer club, so it doesn't make sense to call it soccer, when the name has football in it..

and in world cup news... blasted having to go back to work i missed portugal v. ivory coast and brazil v. north korea!!!!

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Hmm, I don't think most Yanks understand just how big the game is. Finally a sport where USA cannot say they are world champions. Soccer, football or however you refer the game is a phenomenal and exciting sport to watch, skills abound and it's constant, not start and stop fifty times a game. You can't really argue with a viewing audience of a billion or more people. Keep me posted Sarah I can't catch games in my time zone!! Pfft :( I value sleep and my job :P

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ummm the usa got screwed out of a win? lol i mean slovenia, not a very strong team, got two goals, and really did almost win today... basically while the usa has a stronger team then competitions past... they still sorta suck...

althoug i will say, it has been a CRAZY first week , with upsets all over the place!!!!

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no more world cup for me lost tv 5 mins into the englands game last night

i called the tv people might get fixed by monday 5 pm

usa where very unlucky last night the ref did not have a clue in what he was doing

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ummm the usa got screwed out of a win? lol i mean slovenia, not a very strong team, got two goals, and really did almost win today... basically while the usa has a stronger team then competitions past... they still sorta suck...

althoug i will say, it has been a CRAZY first week , with upsets all over the place!!!!

Did you not see the third goal that was disallowed by the referee? After the game even the people of the host nation said they had third rate referees. USA was screwed out of win by that referee. It does not matter how poorly the USA played in the first half. They came out in the second half and played a very good game. Watch the video of that bad call and tell me where was the foul. The only foul I saw was the Slovenia player holding on to one of the USA player. That is the only one I could see and the announcers of the game could see.

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Lets go Netherlands, orange rush baby!!!!!!

oh and go USA....at least beat England.

The US tied England and both the US and England tied their next match. Both need to win to go to the next round.

First of all, it's not "football". It's soccer.

And secondly, where's the fun in everyone agreeing on something? I was hoping that someone would try and defend the sport, or sports in general, so that we might have some discussion of the subject.

By all means, don't let me ruin your fun. I just can't see why people're so obsessed about sports...

The US is the minority when using the word: soccer. Most of the world calls it football.

Football (soccer) is different in other parts of the world. It is a BIG deal to lots of people. It is even a religion! There was a comercial for a football church during a FIFA 2010 game.

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Wellllllll..... If you want to be technical about it, it's Association Football, as coined by the [English] Football Association waaaaaaay back when at the time when the rules were laid down ;)

Soccer is OK-ish in that most people will know what you mean but it's not the correct name. After all, last time I checked, we were all enjoying the FIFA World Cup not the FIS World Cup :P

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The US tied England and both the US and England tied their next match. Both need to win to go to the next round.

The US is the minority when using the word: soccer. Most of the world calls it football.

Football (soccer) is different in other parts of the world. It is a BIG deal to lots of people. It is even a religion! There was a comercial for a football church during a FIFA 2010 game.

Actually US would advance because they have scored more goals compared to England during this round of play. Goals scored during this round would be the tie breaker.

So far the US has 3 goals to England's 1.

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