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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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I agree with Rickibrat2, people really don't notice or care. They may notice, but won't say anything. People don't have the time to worry about others life style. If you worry about the noise wear a cloth type disposable orwear underwear over the diiaper to quiet it down. Most of all just enjoy.


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I also agree in that most adults are to preoccupied to worry about what someone may have under their clothing. And most adults wouldn't say anything about it anyway. Unless in passing to someone that you might hear. But I doubt many persons would say much of anything, unless a leak was noticeable, or something like that which would be out of the normal anyway. Also agree, not to worry and just enjoy. :thumbsup:

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I agree with these posts. Nobody really does care what you're wearing under those jeans, especially when everyone else is preoccupied with concerns of their own. But even if someone were to notice or suspect, remember, it takes one to know one. Most likely someone who notices you may themselves be very familiar with diapers. But most of all, don't worry, just do your thing and enjoy it! :D

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Well, I'm gonna toss this out: there's nothing wrong with not wanting other people to know.

Take some precautions. You don't have to wear them all around. Just keep them in your house. Take some precautions to make sure that other people don't find out. A few safeguards, and being careful about where you put things and how you dispose of them and you'll have nothing to worry about.

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Well, I'm gonna toss this out: there's nothing wrong with not wanting other people to know.

I'm gonna toss my hat in with Morv. I also conceal my diaper wearing, as people think I'm wierd enough already...

java script:emoticon(':beer:')

java script:emoticon(':whistling:')

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  • 1 year later...

i nne help some times i enjoy wear and useing diapees but then other times i am affaired that if people find out that i would be looked at weired. i am just wondering what ways i can deal with this ......
Hi there I am baby Mark, I understand there is only one person that knows I wear Diapers, and that is the person who Gave me this gift, My step Mother. She diapered me from 8- 13 years old.

If you love wearing diapers , wear them you only live once. I have been able to hide the fact that I wear diapers, but I wear them at work, to the store, and everywhere else you just need a wide varitey of diaper types. I will hope to here from you maybe share stories, and places we have been in our Diapers

Baby Mark

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I only have one suggestion, since everyone seems to have covered the obvious.

Your handle is 'diaperedcoach' --Am I correct to assume you are a coach of some kind of team? The recent media attention the abdl scene has been getting is far from desirable and certainly not positive. If your job or the rest of your life involves contact with children, or parents entrust you with supervision and/or custody of their children, you need to be EXTREMELY careful. The hiding makes you look creepy, trust me. Recent events between florida and michigan by a particular US Atty have assisted the media painting a picture of ABDLs as pedos. *shakes head* NOT something we even want to deal with. If there are any more incidents of diapered folks sexually misbehaving, our way of life WILL be threatened and you WILL be ostracised, (and rightly so) by the general public. I don't want that, and neither does anyone else. So just play it safe, brother.

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here are a few excuses i have in line in case someone finds out.

"I'm wearing because i went to a new Chinese place and don't know if i will be able to make it to a toilet if the time comes"

"I like to improve my productivity by not leaving my desk"

"I'm in a game tournament, cant leave tv for even a second"

"I have a weak bladder"

haven't had a chance to use these because honestly, i don't think anyone would really care

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I think it all depends on the situation how people will react. For the most part just do what you want and like as long as you aren't hurting anyone.

What do I mean about the situation?

If you are just out in public and you don't know anyone and you will probably never see them again, then what does it matter what they think. If they think you are weird or not. Well if they think you are weird then let them. Another question is do you think you are weird. Well, don't. Especially it you are the one that wearing the diapers. Right? What is the big deal about an adult wearing diapers. Is it because we are so trained as children because our parents just don't want to change diapers anymore or because the schools and day cares don't? And because our Parents don't want to have to pay for the diapers anymore. Those are the only real 2 reasons why they train children to not use diapers. Knowing this then why is it weird that an adult chooses to use diapers even when they don't need to use them. They are the ones changing and also paying for their own diapers. Right? There is no inherent reason that it is weird except others cannot get that there parents training them out diapers.

So if someone thinks you are weird well that is their own mental problem.

Now it is a different sorry if you are concerned about your own friends and Family. If they don't find out ok. If they do find out well they do. And then just explain the only 2 reasons why children are trained out of diapers and be happy you got over your parents training you out of diapers and that you enjoy them or maybe even ab.

When my now ex girlfriend and I were still involved. It was very uncomfortable telling her about me wearing diapers. But then after all that she was like no big deal. And wouldn't that be nice if everyone could think about it that way.

There is nobody being hurt by you wearing diapers and there isn't anything in any religion saying you shouldn't wear diapers. Again back to the only to reasons we as children are trained out of diapers. And I wasn't judging anyone by bringing up things that religion say no about. Just trying to make the only 2 reason we are trained out of diapers argument stronger.

I also think it is easier for people to accept someone wearing diapers if they have a medical reason for wearing diapers. Like I had trouble with my bladder muscles at the time. So it was simple for her to accept me wearing diapers.

But people shouldn't have trouble understanding just there is no reason for thinking it is weird. Except that people are trained from childhood that it is weird for people that aren't babies to wear diapers. It is deep rooted.


P.S., I hope I made sense.

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Well, I'm gonna toss this out: there's nothing wrong with not wanting other people to know.

Take some precautions. You don't have to wear them all around. Just keep them in your house. Take some precautions to make sure that other people don't find out. A few safeguards, and being careful about where you put things and how you dispose of them and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Morv is right no one needs to know anything and what people dont know wont hurt them. Youdont go out and announce " I'm wearing normal underware" do you. Keep it to your self and the rest of us wont know a thing.

Good luck!!!

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i nne help some times i enjoy wear and useing diapees but then other times i am affaired that if people find out that i would be looked at weired. i am just wondering what ways i can deal with this ......

I only wear ar night never out in front of people. No one knows i wear and i am to scared to let anyone know.

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i nne help some times i enjoy wear and useing diapees but then other times i am affaired that if people find out that i would be looked at weired. i am just wondering what ways i can deal with this ......

Trust me, most people have enough of their own problems to worry about without worrying about yours. Besides, you can always get some really discreet ones to wear. I went to a new (at least to me) medical supply store there and the actually really hot girl working there gave me a sample of some Tenas for free, not sure exactly which kind they are, but they are super discreet. Nice and thick, I wear them underneath just boxers at home and nobody knows the difference. Granted, ive been in and out of diapers my whole life so my parents dont really care, but my friends dont even notice I have one on.

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  • 1 month later...

I only wear ar night never out in front of people. No one knows i wear and i am to scared to let anyone know.

Im pretty much the same thing as you... Im really affraid to tell anyone I closelly know, eventho Id like to somehow, but I scared... whatd their reaction be??? I really dunno, but they are always so nice to me... I would tell them almost anything that happens in m life. :mellow:

Like My Parents, for instance... how should I tell them??? They are the ones I trust the most, but I am not sure if I can trust them this far enough... :(

Thanks for any advise

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didnt say if he was married or seeing someone. But im with another poster if I was working around childern I would be very carefull. people allways jump to conclussions and the one they jump to is allways ,most times, the worst one.

A good thing to do is see a urologist, tell him your having problems, see what he says, most guys dont take their wife/GF into the exam room at the urolgist office. So you would be the only one that knows your diagnosis. If you are an older guy, you should be checked for prostate problems anyway, who knows you might have an enlarged prostate and over active bladder. That way at least you will have something to fall back on in case someone does find out. Then it won't be no big deal, or at least a smaller deal, if someones knows you wear protection. Alot of people wear protection for medical reasons thats why they make adult diapers. Who knows you wife/GF might even like you better wearing diapers.

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i nne help some times i enjoy wear and useing diapees but then other times i am affaired that if people find out that i would be looked at weired. i am just wondering what ways i can deal with this ......

For me I think wearing enjoying them discreetly nothing wrong with it unless your trying to flaunt. Trying to make something obvious so someone or others could see it if your not afraid would probably make them think something like OMG or give you a weird look, smile, or laugh, or even shocked/staring. Wearing them if someone found out in public most likely they wouldn't care if you don't know them or if you bought it from a store or just out walking or shopping and just acted out normal like u don't wear diapers. Most people don't care. If Your buying from a store that sells adult diapers go in early morning or late evening maybe a Sunday. If someone sees you they won't care if not known to them. No one just looks at someone when purashasing something. Unless it's your ex. stalking U and your buying diapers. The only way someway someone looks at U is when act like your going to steal them or act like your going to steal something. And if your people find out just explain devise something smart convincing. If they don't believe you...tuff. Your're old enough to do whatever you want and they find out U like diapers? big deal! They may laugh for a bit or undermine you. Don't worry about it. Diapers should not have to get nobody down. It's no one's business at your age if someone around your age finds out. Kids always make fun of other kids at elementary level. Your at an college level. Just don't worry if discovered. We only live once and when we are old we won't be thinking about stuff like that as were about to be back in diapers. I really don't care if someone bustes me! I been busted a few times by friends and family & MOM. I justed acted like I don't care. I told my mom when I was younger I peed my bed and needed diapers when I got busted by her wearing my little brother's diapers. Well I lied to her. I got to wear diapers again. She just let me/believed me and let me wear pampers again. She even bought them when I was at the store with her and at night when evening or darknest came she came over and told me to take my pants off and shorts underwear & lay down. She diapered me there and told me it was bed time and I didn't need help but she always grabbed my wrisk and led me even though I didn't need that or needed help, she just led me to my room and felt really bad I cried for some reason cause I was still trying to finish my TV show watching. Well I went to sleep crying.

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